11:20 pm MDT
Need To Know16 hours ago
Tucker Carlson Interview with mRNA Vaccine Inventor who Warns Against COVID Vaccines for ChildrenDr. Robert Malone, an inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, said that people should not be forced to take the experimental COVID vaccine because there is not enough data to prove its safety. Dr. Malone strenuously objected to the lack of rigorous data collection making it impossible to do a proper risk benefit analysis. read more
Need To Know16 hours ago
Exclusive: Teen Who Had Heart Attack After Pfizer Vaccine: ‘I’d Rather Have COVID’Isaiah Harris' heart started hurting “very very bad" within 48 hours of his second dose of Pfizer. He had a heart attack and one of his lungs filled up with fluid in the hospital. Isaiah said, “I am not anti-vaccine, but I do not think anyone should get this vaccine. read more
Need To Know16 hours ago
CDC Safety Group Says COVID Vaccine Likeley Linked to Rare Heart Inflammation in Young PeopleCDC data indicates that there have been more than 1,200 cases of a myocarditis or pericarditis following vaccination with mRNA shots from Moderna and Pfizer, with the majority cases occurring after the second dose. Males under 30 make up the bulk of the cases. read more
Small Dead Animals16 hours ago
Temporarily UnexpectedVia Instapundit; If you think this is mostly a bit of local bother that will smooth itself out as the dislocations of a reawakening global economy ease off, you might be in for a shock. The factors that have driven Asia-Europe container rates to record levels of more than US$10,000 (RM41,500) per 40-foot box aren’t… Continue reading → read more
From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog17 hours ago
UntitledFrom Jenna Orkin DeSantis signs bill requiring Florida students, professors to register political views with stateUniversities may lose funding if staff and students' beliefs do not satisfy Florida's GOP-run legislature Court Suspends Giuliani’s Law License, Citing Trump Election Lies Is Lockheed Martin Shadowing You? Gun sales rise among Black people as they look for firearm training and education Child Suicides Drive Colorado Hospital to Declare State of Emergency School Violated Student's Free Speech Right China requested deletion of early coronavirus data that could help explain p... read more
naked capitalism15 hours ago
The Climate Emergency Calls for a New Approach to Mental HealthDisasters and disruptions brought on by climate change could produce collective mental health traumas at scales never before seen. read more
Balkinization15 hours ago
Originalism, Methodology, and the Reconstruction AmendmentsFor the Symposium on Kurt Lash, The Reconstruction Amendments: The Essential Documents (University of Chicago Press, 2021)(2 vols.). Jennifer L. Mascott Professor Kurt Lash’s compilation of documents surrounding the ratification of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments is an indispensable outgrowth of his scholarship on the Reconstruction Amendments spanning well over a decade. *See, e.g.*, here, here, and here. The content of individual rights secured against the States by those amendments and their relationship to the Bill of Rights continues to be hotly contes... read more
IER15 hours ago
Gas Tax Increases Remain Off-Limits“Biden objects to raising gas tax to pay for infrastructure,” a June 18 AP headline read. The White House, the… The post Gas Tax Increases Remain Off-Limits appeared first on IER. read more
Children's Health Defense15 hours ago
Study: Fewer Cases of Autism, Allergies in Unvaccinated ChildrenA study published this month in the Journal of Translational Science found children who were fully or partially vaccinated were diagnosed with autism, severe allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, asthma, recurring ear infections and ADD/ADHD more often than children who were completely unvaccinated. The post Study: Fewer Cases of Autism, Allergies in Unvaccinated Children appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Snopes.com16 hours ago
NYC Pride Ban on Uniformed Police Reflects a Deeper TensionThe ban will be in effect next year until at least 2025, the organizers said. read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
“Yellow Line” toll road in Rio de Janeiro no longer requires cash paymentsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Forgot to draw cash to pay the toll? You no longer need to have cash in hand to pay the toll. The Yellow Line, one of the main expressways in Rio, will now accept toll payments with debit and credit cards, cell phones, wristbands, watches, or any device that has […] The post “Yellow Line” toll road in Rio de Janeiro no longer requires cash payments appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Politics + Society – The Conversation16 hours ago
Free-speech ruling won't help declining civil discourse
A Supreme Court ruling about a student's free-speech rights won't stem the torrent of crude, disrespectful speech in American society. read more
Politics + Society – The Conversation16 hours ago
What today's GOP demonstrates about the dangers of partisan conformity
To be politically successful, coalitions need to be unified. But that pressure to unify can spell trouble for groups – as today's GOP demonstrates. read more
OrientalReview.org16 hours ago
Stalin’s Soviet Union Defeated Germany – We Should Not ForgetHistoric events are facts that should not be manipulated according to the latest political fashions. Being angry at Moscow for mucking about in Ukraine does not in any way lessen the glory, admiration and thanks owed to the Russian people for their heroism during World War II. Americans and Canadians […] read more
The Free Thought Project16 hours ago
New Research Shows Coronavirus Lockdowns Cost More Lives Than They Saved[image: lockdowns]A new study shows an increase in excess mortality that is statistically significant in the immediate weeks following government imposed lockdowns. read more
Halifax Examiner16 hours ago
The New Brunswick border plan still doesn’t make much senseNews 1. COVID-19 Yesterday, five new cases of COVID-19 were announced in Nova Scotia, all in the Halifax area. Later in the day, a case connected to St. Joseph’s-Alexander McKay Elementary in Halifax was identified, and then two additional cases connected to Joseph Howe Elementary in Halifax were announced; this follows a previous case at that […] read more
Snopes.com16 hours ago
Chauvin Could Face Decades-Long Sentence in Floyd’s DeathChauvin, 45, faces decades in prison, with several legal experts predicting a sentence of 20 to 25 years. read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Brazil mid-June inflation rises above 8% for first time in nearly five yearsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazilian consumer inflation rose above 8% in the month to mid-June for the first time in almost five years, figures showed on Friday, driven by strong rises in gasoline and electricity prices. The IPCA-15 annual price index rose to 8.1% from 7.3% a month earlier, statistics agency IBGE said, another […] The post Brazil mid-June inflation rises above 8% for first time in nearly five years appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Indigenous protesters against change in demarcation law block São Paulo highwayRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A protest of indigenous leaders completely blocked the lanes of the Rodovia dos Bandeirantes expressway heading towards the capital city, at kilometer 21 on Friday morning, reports the portal "G1". According to the report, the protesters are against the approval of Bill 490 of 2007, which provides for changes in […] The post Indigenous protesters against change in demarcation law block São Paulo highway appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Snopes.com16 hours ago
Toll in Florida Collapse Rises to 4; Dozens Remain MissingFire Rescue personnel and others worked through the night in hopes of finding survivors. read more
Mining Awareness +17 hours ago
Obama Admin Started Biosafety Lab (BSL-3) Project for Ethiopia; Ft. Detrick Lab Tech Shooter probably Ethiopian; WHO Chief Ethiopian; Carter Center Election Monitor Dead & Conflict Continues in Ethiopia
The biological research lab project was started under the previous Ethiopian regime, in January 2016. However, its final approval, under … Continue reading → read more
musingsofanoldfart17 hours ago
When you fly too close to the sun, you will get burnedMany people who have known the former president have failed to heed this important caution. When you fly too close to the sun, you will get burned. Working with a person who is well known and well documented as highly … Continue reading → read more
Caitlin Johnstone17 hours ago
Into The UnprecedentedListen to “Into The Unprecedented”: “Look at her, just staring at her phone like a zombie,” the middle-aged woman said in a loud stage whisper which was clearly intended to be heard. “She’s sitting in an art museum, right in front of a genuine Monet, […] read more
21st Century Wire17 hours ago
‘Insurrection, Sedition?’ – The Media and January 6th
*CrossTalk* | Host Peter Lavelle talks with Patrick Henningsen, Dave Lindorff, and Steve Gruber. read more
Halifax Examiner17 hours ago
Halifax vehicle booting bylaw would cap removal fees at $60New rules regulating the vehicle booting industry, introducing a cap on fees and a time limit on removal, are headed to regional council. A new bylaw, the Vehicle Immobilization By-law, came to a virtual meeting of council’s Transportation Standing Committee on Thursday. Parking manager Victoria Horne outlined the new rules for councillors, explaining that they’re […] read more
Welcome Back to Pottersville3 hours ago
Interview with Sherry Knowlton
“*Alexa Williams is a successful lawyer, volunteers weekly at a women’s clinic, and has a sexy weekend boyfriend—not to mention an endearing best friend in her giant English mastiff, Scout. But one autumn day, when Scout takes off into the Pennsylvania woods, Alexa discovers a nightmare she’d never imagined. From that fateful day, Alexa becomes entangled in a murder mystery—one that she tries to unravel by linking it to experiences and symbols in her own life.*” - *Dead of Autumn*. So begins the synopsis for the first entry in the “Dead” series by June’s Author of the Month, Sherr... read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
India Lost a War to China In Less Than a Month*Robert Farley* *China, Asia* In less than a month, China dealt India a devastating defeat. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The Chinese-Indian War still has implications for how each country views the other today. In 1962, the world’s two most populous countries went to war against one another in a pair of remote, mountainous border regions. In less than a month, China dealt India a devastating defeat, driving Indian forces back on all fronts. Along with breaking hopes of political solidarity in the developing world, the war helped structure the politics of East and Southeast As... read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
‘Plus-Up’ Payments: Why the IRS Is Sending Out More Stimulus Checks*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Stimulus, * One of the more talked about cash windfall is from the so-called “plus-up” or supplemental checks, of which more than one million were issued as part of the latest eleventh batch of stimulus checks. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Beginning July 15, know that recurring monthly payments will start for nearly forty million American families. These direct cash payments are from the expanded child tax credits, which allow eligible parents to collect as much as $3,600 per year for a child under the age of 6 and up to $3,000 for children between ages... read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
Submarines Could Be A Gamechanger for Taiwan*James Holmes* *Security, Asia* Not only would ROCN efforts advance Taiwan’s strategic fortunes, they would advance allied strategy as a whole. In turn they would generate a powerful incentive for allies such as the U.S. Navy and Japan Self-Defense Forces to bear a hand in Taiwan’s defense. *Here's What You Need to Remember:* Corralling Chinese quarry within the island chain would help Taipei safeguard the island’s east coast. And it would let the Taiwanese armed forces shore up the central segment of the “Great Wall in reverse” the U.S. armed forces seem intent on erecting along... read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
Meet the YF-12 Interceptor: A SR-71 Blackbird That Fights to Win*Alex Hollings* *YF-12, * The biggest changes the YF-12 saw when compared to its A-12 sibling were at the front of the aircraft, where a second cockpit was added for a fire control officer tasked with managing the interceptor’s air-to-air arsenal. The SR-71 Blackbird may be among the most iconic airframes of the Cold War, but this incredibly fast design wasn’t always intended to serve only as a high-flying set of eyes. In fact, a variant of the SR-71’s predecessor program, the faster and higher flying A-12, actually had a fighter-interceptor sibling in the form of the YF-12, and ... read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
Building the Future: How China and Russia Promote AI Development*Zakirov Bekzod* *Artificial Intelligence, Eurasia* China aims to maintain its party power by promoting an AI-powered competitive economy, while Russia wishes to develop its AI capacity to further harness its military might that will help to keep its competitive advantage vis-à-vis the West. The rapid changes in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have set the stage for a global digital race, unleashing a flurry of AI nationalism for governments to rein in new technologies. Among them are two global contenders, China and Russia, which formulated AI policy and mobilized mas... read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
$3,600 'Stimulus Check' Update: The IRS Will Now Help You Claim It*Rachel Bucchino* *Child Tax Credit, * Biden’s rescue package spiked the credit to $3,000 and allowed parents with children under the age of 6 to qualify for $3,600. The measure also permits parents of children at the age of 17 to be eligible for the credit. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *“At Treasury, our goal is to make sure that every American can get the relief funding they need as simply as possible,” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a statement. “We know working families can’t put off paying for doctor’s visits or grocery bills, and this new tool will help more ... read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
World War II: How Deadly Were America's Battleships in the War on Imperial Japan?*Robert Farley* *Battleships, Asia* With the naval war well in hand, the U.S. Navy had plenty of battleships and little use for them. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The Navy had little long-term strategic role for its battlefleet. In mid-1945 the U.S. Navy (USN) had an unusual, and unexpected, problem. With the naval war well in hand, the USN had plenty of battleships and little use for them. Had the United States eventually invaded Japan, these battleships would have offered gunfire support to amphibious assaults and to coastal movements, as they had since the beginning of th... read more
Northern Reflections16 hours ago
The Law Is Catching Up With Rudy
Yesterday, Rudy Giuliani's license to practice law in New York was suspended. Ruth Marcus writes: Attorneys are supposed to — they are ethically bound to — zealously represent their clients, however unpopular. As a general matter, we should salute this zealousness, not punish it, for fear of chilling representation of those who need it most. The quintessential example of this principle is John Adams, who as a young lawyer famously defended British soldiers accused in the Boston Massacre. But advocacy has its limits, and Rudy Giuliani, it is safe to say, is no John Adams. One man ... read more
Kangaroo Court of Australia16 hours ago
Christian Porter files an appeal on the same day that Katharine Thornton’s 31-page dossier is made publicThe 31-page dossier outlining Katharine Thornton’s alleged rape by Christian Porter, as per below, was made public on Thursday (24/6/21) and on the same day Christian Porter filed an appeal in the […] read more
Global Issues News Headlines17 hours ago
Weaponizing Science in Global Food PolicySANTA CRUZ, California, Jun 25 (IPS) - In July, the United Nations will convene “Science Days”, a high-profile event in preparation for the UN Food Systems Summit later this year. Over the course of two days, the world will be treated to a parade of Zoom sessions aimed at “highlighting the centrality of science, technology and innovation for food systems transformation.” Read the full story, “Weaponizing Science in Global Food Policy”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines17 hours ago
The Creation of a Palestinian State Is InescapableNEW YORK, Jun 25 (IPS) - Every Israeli will sooner than later realize that the creation of a Palestinian state is the only way by which Israel can protect its democracy, independence, national security and national Jewish identity. Denying Palestinian statehood defies Israel’s existence as we know it. Read the full story, “The Creation of a Palestinian State Is Inescapable”, on globalissues.org → read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Chile closes its borders until July 14, extends pandemic state of emergency until September 30RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Chile announced the closure of borders until July 14 and will extend for 90 more days, until September 30, the constitutional state of emergency due to public calamity currently in force in the country as a restrictive framework to combat the pandemic, which has already left 1.52 million infected and […] The post Chile closes its borders until July 14, extends pandemic state of emergency until September 30 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
21st Century Wire17 hours ago
Webinar: ‘Tools of Destabilisation: Mainstream Media Propaganda’
*IRTVU* | Exploring the use of propaganda as a Western tool of destabilisation of countries targeted for regime change. read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Lula da Silva leads Brazil 2022 election poll, with 49% vs. 23% Bolsonaro – IpecRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva from the left-wing Workers' Party (PT) leads the 2022 presidential race with 49% of voting intentions in the first Ipec poll, 26 percentage points ahead of right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro (no party affiliation), who has 23%. Lula has 11 percentage points more than […] The post Lula da Silva leads Brazil 2022 election poll, with 49% vs. 23% Bolsonaro – Ipec appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
21st Century Wire17 hours ago
How Governments Are Ignoring Natural COVID Immunity
*21WIRE + Medpage Today* | Governments and Big Pharma hate the antigen test because it puts more power back into the hands of the individual, and not to the oppressive government 'public health' machine and its pharmaceutical industrial complex. read more
Viable Opposition17 hours ago
Who Funds the World Economic Forum?
Since the beginning of the global pandemic, the World Economic Forum has taken on a new life, appearing as the non-governmental group that will solve all of the world's problems. In this posting, I want to explore how the WEF is funded and its key partners who provide the funding necessary to keep Klaus Schwab's vision for the world alive. Let's start by looking at some background about the World Economic Forum and its goals to help us put the importance of its funding partners into context. This organization, founded in 1971 by Klaus Schwab (then known as the much less gran... read more
Bayou Renaissance Man18 hours ago
"The ship that broke global trade"That's part of the headline of a long in-depth report at Bloomberg about the Ever Given, the ship that got stuck in the Suez Canal a few months ago and caused a major disruption to already-disrupted global trade. Transiting the Suez Canal is sometimes nerve-racking. The channel saves a three-week detour around Africa, but it’s narrow, about 200 meters (656 feet) wide in parts, and just 24 meters deep. Modern ships, by contrast, are massive and getting bigger. The Ever Given is 400 meters from bow to stern and nearly 60 meters across—most of the width of a Manhattan city block,... read more
Collecting My Thoughts18 hours ago
Clay Travis and Buck Sexton show--in Rush's time slotI had my first opportunity to listen to https://clayandbuck.com/ show the last 2 days. On 610 am in Columbus they are in the Rush Limbaugh time slot--noon to 3 p.m. I'd never heard of Clay, but have followed Buck off and on since he was a regular on the Glenn Beck show years ago. Good topics--not news of course, but clearly stated to be their opinion. At CNN and MSNBC you get opinion shows, "hate America shows," "excuse the Bidens all their crimes shows" which are called news. Bad idea. But I am a tad concerned about Buck's speech in this format. I don't know if he's speaking faste... read more
Cairns News18 hours ago
Help a true patriot fighting Victoria’s criminal regime of COVID fascismBy TONY MOBILIFONITISSUPPORTERS of Melbourne man Nick Patterson, who was ambushed by Victoria Police after Patterson gave them a law lesson, have launched a legal costs fundraiser for him. As reported by Cairns News earlier this month, Nick and several friends from the John 8 Christian action group were ambushed by police after deciding to […] read more
Gangsters Out Blog11 hours ago
Fake News follows Fake Elections
All fingers point to Dominion voting. Election fraud is a serious concern for everyone. Electronic voting and mail in ballots bring huge concerns for fair and honest elections. George Bush was accused of using election fraud in Florida during the 2000 Presidential election. Clint Curtis testified before a Congressional hearing that "while working for Yang Enterprises in Florida, Rep. Tom Feeney (R-FL) asked him to write a program that would covertly flip the vote 51-49 to whoever you wanted…to win.” After her defeat in the 2016 election, Hilary Clinton never shut up about allega... read more
The National Interest17 hours ago
Want the Child Tax Credit? Joe Biden and the IRS Have Plans for You*Ethen Kim Lieser* *U.S. Economy, * What likely has been on the minds of many of these eligible parents is that they are wondering if they must repay the money—a $250 or a $300 payment per child each month through the end of the year—to the IRS come tax time next year. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Keep in mind that the government is directed under Biden’s stimulus bill to issue advance payments of the credit in periodic installments. Since these checks are largely based off the agency’s estimates on available data—such as income, marital status, and number and age of qual... read more
The National Interest17 hours ago
Run to the Bank Right Now: More Stimulus Checks Are Coming Soon*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Stimulus, * In all, the agency has made more than eight million such payments so far this year, and they will continue to roll out on a weekly basis throughout the summer. For the past three months, there have been little time for breaks for the Internal Revenue Service and the Treasury Department, as they are still busy issuing millions of $1,400 coronavirus stimulus checks that were approved under President Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan. Know that the last tranche that was noted by the IRS, released on June 9, included more than 2.3 million payments, wh... read more
The National Interest17 hours ago
Meet the General Belgrano: The Only Ship Ever Sunk by a Nuclear Submarine*Robert Farley* *Submarines, World* Two British torpedoes took the Argentine ship down. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The sinking of the *General Belgrano* remains controversial to this day. Only one ship has ever been sunk in anger by a nuclear submarine. Designed to fight the Japanese, USS *Phoenix* survived Pearl Harbor and fought in battles across the Pacific. Forty-one years after the Japanese attack, she would fall victim to HMS *Conqueror* off the Falklands Islands. The USS *Phoenix* was the fifth of the Brooklyn class—a group of light cruisers designed to comply with t... read more
The National Interest17 hours ago
Starting July 15, Children are Bringing ‘Biden Bucks’ to Their Families*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Taxes, Americas* Starting on July 15, nearly forty million American families, including nearly 90 percent of all children in the country, will be on the receiving end of monthly checks that will be sent out till the end of 2021. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Eligible parents can net as much as $3,600 per year for a child under the age of six and up to $3,000 for children between ages six and seventeen—meaning that a $250 or a $300 direct cash payment for each child will head into bank accounts on a monthly basis. The Internal Revenue Service has lau... read more
The National Interest17 hours ago
Flying Coffin: Britain's Hawker Typhoon Was Complete Rubbish*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* Rushed development and desperate implementation. *Key Point: *Frantic to counter the growing aerial ascendency of the new German Focke-Wulf Fw 190 fighter, British Fighter Command rushed 150 Hawker Typhoons in to service during the summer of 1941, with devastating results for the still teething aircraft. In 1934 the British War office accepted a new aircraft design eventually designated the Hawker Hurricane Mark 1. It was England’s first monoplane single seat fighter and was armed with eight .303 caliber machine guns, and flew in exces... read more
The National Interest17 hours ago
World War II: What if France Had Refused To Surrender to Nazi Germany?*Robert Farley* *World War II, Europe* Paris might have fallen, but the French military and political leadership could have kept fighting. *Here's What You Need to Know*: France had an opportunity to throw a serious wrench in Hitler's plans. France surrendered to the Nazis in 1940 for complex reasons. The proximate cause, of course, was the success of the German invasion, which left metropolitan France at the mercy of Nazi armies. But the German victory opened profound rifts in French society. Instead of fleeing the country and keeping up the fight, as the Dutch government and a... read more
Econlib17 hours ago
The Case for Boarding Houses
Washington’s new bill will “increase housing unit inventory by removing arbitrary limits on housing options.” In plain English, what that means is that groups of people who aren’t family will be allowed to live together. Washington is one of many states with old laws on the books prohibiting such living arrangements — a vestige […] The post The Case for Boarding Houses appeared first on Econlib. read more
Halifax Examiner18 hours ago
Supreme Court of Canada to hear developer’s Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes expropriation caseThe Supreme Court of Canada has agreed to hear a developer’s appeal of a ruling from Nova Scotia’s highest court that found no merit in its claims that Halifax was effectively expropriating its land. As the Halifax Examiner reported in January, the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal ruled in a written decision that Halifax Regional Municipality […] read more
Retraction Watch18 hours ago
Meta: An expression of concern quotes Retraction WatchSometimes, we become part of the story: A play in several acts. On Jan. 27, 2021, the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) issued a report about the work of Ye Zhang, a materials scientist on the faculty. The Institute, as we reported February 2, found that Zhang had committed plagiarism and had fabricated … Continue reading Meta: An expression of concern quotes Retraction Watch read more
naked capitalism18 hours ago
Links 6/25/2021naked capitalism18 hours ago
In Praise of the Hospital for Special SurgeryAs strange as it may sound, I had a good time at the Hospital for Special Surgery. read more
Andrew Neil Interviews XR’s Roger HallamBy Paul Homewood h/t stewgreen Andrew Neil puts the XR founder Roger Hallam through his paces: The interview is mainly notable for Hallam’s very open admission about what his policies would mean for the UK economy. Unfortunately, Andrew Neil only makes a brief mention about emissions in China and the […] read more
MJBizDaily18 hours ago
Upheaval often follows after legacy marijuana companies go publicAfter the famed Oakland-based marijuana dispensary Harborside went public in 2019, long-term employees noticed a change within the company: a cultural shift from the activist roots of Harborside’s founders to a more buttoned-down corporate atmosphere. They didn’t like it. “It changed, and a lot of us left because it was no longer the same culture,” […] Upheaval often follows after legacy marijuana companies go public is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Komando.com18 hours ago
How to make calls with terrible cell reception
Change this one phone setting so you can make calls even with terrible cell service. read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
Need to Pay Back Rent? California May Have a Stimulus Check For You*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Housing, * Under President Joe Biden’s massive American Rescue Plan, the state of California was on the receiving end of more than $27 billion, in addition to a combined $4.7 billion in funds disbursed specifically for rental assistance. California Gov. Gavin Newsom is pressing the state legislature to approve his plan to use $5.2 billion in federal coronavirus relief money to pay all unpaid rent owed by low-income individuals. Under President Joe Biden’s massive American Rescue Plan, the state of California was on the receiving end of more than $27 billion, ... read more
Komando.com19 hours ago
Is someone watching? 7 signs your phone or computer is infected with a virus or keylogger
No matter what kind of device you're using, a hacker with enough gumption and know-how can break in. Your best defense is knowing what to expect. Here are some surefire ways to know if your system has been hacked, and what you can do to fix or prevent it. read more
Next Grand Minimum Profit20 hours ago
Detailed Notes on Accounting Consultant Next In Detail by detail OrderObserve other businesses By observing different companies in your space, you would provide you with one other enterprise that could assist them flourish. Some strategies are lending trees, enterprise e book type change, membership usage, building companies by leveraging federal contracts, and concentrating on the rural market. Flyer printing is a positive idea of commercial for the native small business promoting method, which is extremely cost friendly and you may spread the news in a variety of viewers. Usually such commercial campaigns are undertaken for gift affords to custome... read more
Komando.com20 hours ago
You need to update the Google app right now – Here’s why
How to fix the recent crashing issue for the Google app. read more
Komando.com21 hours ago
Windows 11 will launch as a free upgrade (if you qualify)
Windows 11 will soon be released as a free upgrade. Do you qualify to get it? read more
Global Issues News Headlines19 hours ago
Southeast Asia and Food Price Inflation: Double WhammyJun 24 (IPS) - In 2020, Southeast Asian countries were already facing varied challenges that affected the region’s food supplies and prices. The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic later in the year exacerbated the region’s food insecurity and poverty. Southeast Asian countries need to take a hard look at food security, even as the double challenges — climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic — continue to fester. Read the full story, “Southeast Asia and Food Price Inflation: Double Whammy”, on globalissues.org → read more
The National Interest19 hours ago
Why South Africa Built—and Then Gave up—Its Own Nuclear Bomb*Robert Farley* *Nuclear Weapons, Africa* The fascinating story might hold lessons for the future of nuclear weapons development on the Korean Peninsula and elsewhere. *Here's What You Need to Know*: South Africa is the only country to develop, then renounce, nuclear weapons. Why did South Africa decide to build nukes, how did it build them and why did it decide to give them up? The answers are largely idiosyncratic, although they may hold some lessons for the future of nuclear weapons development on the Korean Peninsula and elsewhere. *Origins of Program* South Africa sought n... read more
The National Interest19 hours ago
Pride of the Royal Navy: Meet the Battleship HMS Vanguard*Robert Farley* *Battleships, Europe* It was the final, and largest, battleship ever built by the Royal Navy. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Before carriers reigned supreme, battleships were all the rage. In an effort to take advantage of the superiority of the Royal Navy in World War I, First Sea Lord John “Jackie” Fisher developed a scheme to land British troops in Pomerania, thus directly threatening Berlin and forcing the Germans to withdraw troops from the Western Front. To this end, Fisher authorized the design of a group of shallow-draft “large light cruisers” that would... read more
Power Prices RocketingBy Paul Homewood https://www.catalyst-commercial.co.uk/works/june-2021-energy-market-brief/ It’s rather been under the radar and seems to have attracted little attention in the media, but this year we have seen a massive rise in wholesale power prices, which currently stand 70% higher than a year ago. In part this simply reflects a recovery from pandemic lows, […] read more
AGE OF AUTISM19 hours ago
Free Everyone NowBritney Spears’ plight has been in the news. It is terrible when people claim to know what is best for you, and can impose draconian restrictions on your job, right to travel, and even forcing medical procedures upon you. The... read more
The Watchers » Latest articles20 hours ago
Violent lava fountains at Etna, ash rises up to 10 km (32 800 feet) a.s.l., ItalyIncreased activity continues at Etna volcano, Italy, with numerous violent paroxysmal eruptive episodes and ash rising up to 10 km (32 800 feet) above sea level. Over the past couple of days, the Aviation Color Code was mostly Red. Strombolian activity at the...... Read more » read more
Virtual Mirage20 hours ago
Friday FolliesThe concept of limited government doesn’t do much to advance the agendas of the tech oligarchs or the progs who want to establish a totalitarian state. But they can’t do much with a fully armed population. It vexes them. China and the Defense Biz (Defense News) Malaysia wants to buy inexpensive trainers […] The post Friday Follies appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Mexican Yalo startup partners with WhatsApp to boost chat salesRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Mexican company received a US$50 million investment in May in a round led by Brazilian Eduardo Saverin, co-founder of Facebook. Mexican chat sales startup Yalo continues to team up with big techs in order to grow. Founded in 2016 by entrepreneur Javier Mata, the company was the first in […] The post Mexican Yalo startup partners with WhatsApp to boost chat sales appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
CFACT20 hours ago
Africa’s energy future: Cape Town versus DubaiA major skirmish in Africa’s fight for energy freedom The post Africa’s energy future: Cape Town versus Dubai appeared first on CFACT. read more
naked capitalism20 hours ago
Australian Funds Take Aim at Private Equity by Moving to Do Deals in HouseMore challenges to private equity firms, now from super sized Australian "super" funds who are bringing PE in house. read more
Electroverse20 hours ago
A Novel Look at Global Hurricane Data Reveals No TrendData analyst Zoe Phin examines the global hurricane data on "hours spent at certain wind speeds"--a far superior way to determine the overall trend. The post A Novel Look at Global Hurricane Data Reveals No Trend appeared first on Electroverse. read more
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