Friday, January 20, 2017

20 January - Blogs I'm Following

11:20 pm MST

Trump Treasury Pick Mnuchin: Foreclosure King, Unfair Taxation, and Destroying Sears Pension (Senator Wyden Statement)

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 1 minute ago
Excerpts from Senator Wyden’s statement: “When you read about the nominee for Treasury Secretary, given all the power that position … Continue reading →

The Slow-Motion State Murder of Michael Whiteley

William N. Grigg at Pro Libertate - 37 minutes ago
*The "Black Widow of Bonneville County": Silvia Canido, seen here in Bolivia.* Facing the prospect of life in prison – and the plausible threat of execution – Idaho Falls resident Michael Whiteley had every conceivable reason to plead guilty to a charge of second-degree kidnapping, save one: He didn’t commit the crime. “I have to plead not guilty, Your Honor,” Whiteley toldBonneville County District Judge Marvin Smith just minutes after being offered a plea bargainthrough which he would have avoided prison altogether. “I had originally intended to plead the other way, but no... more »

Comrade Trump’s Inauguration Speech: The Reviews Are In!

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 hour ago
*-by Noah* Well, it’s done. Don “the Con” Trumpinsky, the blabbermouth, the one man Crime Of The Century, is President. The looting of the United States Treasury will now accelerate to something approaching the speed of light. In the Kremlin tonight, Vladimir Putin and his KGB and Russian mob cronies are laughing hysterically. The vodka is flowing like rivers and the words “Mission Accomplished” are being shouted from the rooftops all over Moscow. Has Russia won the Cold War without firing a shot? That’s the modern world for you. So much is done by computer. Hell, you barely even... more »

America: It's Going to Be a Wild Ride

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 2 hours ago
I watched Donald Trump's inaugural speech today with three other housemates and none of us were impressed. He's living in another age - I see Trump trying to hang on to the long passed time of American military supremacy and economic domination. One last gasp before the US empire crashes under the weight of its own hypocrisy and contradictions. He said a few things that were decent but one must question them as pure political rhetoric as just a quick review of his cabinet appointments (full of corporate operatives) strongly undercuts his claims that he will return the power to t... more »

Musical Interlude: 2002, "Elysian Fields" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago
2002, "Elysian Fields" -

"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago
“This shock wave plows through space at over 500,000 kilometers per hour. Moving toward to bottom of this beautifully detailed color composite, the thin, braided filaments are actually long ripples in a sheet of glowing gas seen almost edge on. Cataloged as NGC 2736, its narrow appearance suggests its popular name, the Pencil Nebula. *Click image for larger size.* About 5 light-years long and a mere 800 light-years away, the Pencil Nebula is only a small part of the Vela supernova remnant. The Vela remnant itself is around 100 light-years in diameter and is the expanding debris cloud... more »

Chet Raymo, “Holy Ignorance” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago
*“Holy Ignorance” * by Chet Raymo “At a press conference in 2002, US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld famously explained foreign policy: “There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know." The same can be said of science. The textbooks are full of known knowns. We are quite confident affirming the circulation of the blood, the distance to the Sun, the common descent of animals and plants. I sit h... more »

The Universe (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago
"Everyone's scared. Few carry on. I mean really carry on, as if it were your reason for being." "Keep calm," The Universe "Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!" -

What Every Scientist Needs to Know

Harry Dale Huffman at The Earth and Man: Setting the Stage - 2 hours ago
I have submitted the following comment to the Not Even Wrong site, to a post on "Fake Physics": *I haven't looked up any of the links above; they are not worth my time, because I know from long experience that the fakers are, just like virtually all scientists today, 1) operating within their own mental straitjacket, i.e., on their own favored beliefs, their own unquestioned dogmas, including about what is and is not "settled" science, and 2) they are trying too hard to answer what is to them the ultimate question--"ultimate" only in the sense that they think they know so much, "al... more »

“A Classic State Capitalist”: How Donald Trump Profited from Public Subsidies & Political Favors

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 3 hours ago
By “A Classic State Capitalist”: How Donald Trump Profited from Public Subsidies & Political Favors JUNE 30, 2016 Link: … Continue reading →

Trump’s Gold-Plated Son-in-Law and Other Potential Conflicts of Interest in the White House (Advisors-Cabinet): Transparency International Raises the Alarm

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 3 hours ago

It Takes Roots -- Grow the Resistance at CENSORED NEWS - 3 hours ago
International Indigenous Youth Council leads Resistance March in DC today. The Indigenous Environmental Network | PO Box 485 | Bemidji, MN 56619 | Subscribe • Preferences • Send to a Friend • Unsubscribe • Report Spam

Inaugural Ball Beauties...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 3 hours ago
*they all looked stunning.*

You Don’t Need a Leader – Lead Yourself

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 3 hours ago
*Sylvain Lamoureux* - Does a great mind born today have a chance to fulfill its intended destiny? The post You Don’t Need a Leader – Lead Yourself appeared first on Waking Times.

PRESIDENT TRUMP – Protests Fizzle, Fail to Stop Inauguration

William F. Jasper at rss - 3 hours ago
[image: president-trump-protests-fizzle-fail-to-stop-inauguration] Although protesters failed to have any effect on President Trump's inauguration Friday, organizers vow to continue their disruptions.

Untitled (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
*“Here Come the Big Spenders- * *Fiscal Bloodbath Dead Ahead”, Introduction* by Brian Maher "And so the Trump era begins... Despite all the odds… and all of hell’s angels... Donald J. Trump was crowned 45th president of the United States at noon today. We extend the new commander in chief our heartiest congratulations. All the pomp and pageantry fitting the occasion was on full display. The plumage, the trumpets... the dignitaries... the platitudes... “Jan. 20, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again,” said the president. Trump promised... more »

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe says it will bulldoze camps on flood plain on Jan. 30, 2017 at CENSORED NEWS - 4 hours ago
By Brenda Norrell Censored News Photo by Sarah Sunshine Manning The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe said it will bulldoze the camps located on the flood plain on Jan. 30. Many water protectors say that is not sufficient time to relocate to higher ground, and there is no need to abolish the camps this early in the season. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe said in a written statement: "Today,

Former South Dakota Teenage Republican Of The Year-- Is Now The State Legislator Molesting Interns

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 4 hours ago
Heading into the elections in November, the Democrats held 8 of the 35 seats in the South Dakota state Senate. On November 8, they held 6 seats (and none of the 6 had been contested by the GOP). And of the 70 members of the state House, only 10 are Democrats. Every statewide elected official is a Republican and the 3 members of South Dakota's congressional delegation are also Republicans. Trump beat Hillary 227,721 (61.5%) to 117,458 (31.7%). In 2012 Romney won the state, but Obama did far better than Clinton, having taken 144,988 votes (40%). Of the state's 66 counties, Obama wo... more »

Criminal record cannot be used to explain behaviour of accused

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 4 hours ago
R. v. Marini, 2017 ONCA 46 is an interesting example of how not to use a criminal record: [19] Essentially, the trial judge reasoned that, if the appellant were truly innocent and was in fact in the wrong place at the wrong time, his decision to remain was undermined by his "criminal past and life experiences" (*i.e.*, his criminal record). In other words, if innocent, someone with the appellant's criminal record ought to have fled the scene. [20] As acknowledged by the trial judge in his reasons, the appellant's criminal record could not be used as evidence of the ... more »

Indigenous Groups Protest Outside Trump Gala at CENSORED NEWS - 4 hours ago
Indgenous Environmental Network Photos by Jade Begay FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 20, 2017 Contact: Jade Begay, , 505-699-4791 Diane May,, 317-292-2922 Indigenous

Native Americans gather in Montana to protest slaughter of Yellowstone bison

White Wolf at White Wolf - 4 hours ago
Under an agreement between the park and the states surrounding Yellowstone - Montana, Wyoming and Idaho - hundreds of straying bison can be killed each year through slaughter and regulated hunting. The practice has inflamed bison advocates like the Buffalo Field Campaign and some members of tribes in Montana and the Pacific Northwest. In a sign of tribal dissent surrounding the issue, other members of the same tribes annually exercise treaty rights to hunt bison that migrate to Montana from Yellowstone. St. Goddard's position on bison was not formally sanctioned by the Blackfeet Na... more »

Is part of Chelsea Manning's legacy increased surveillance?

Sanjay Goel, Professor of Information Technology Management, University at Albany, State University of New York at Science + Technology – The Conversation - 5 hours ago
Via The military’s most prolific leaker of digital documents has ushered in an age of even more increased surveillance over government workers. The legacy of Chelsea Manning’s actions is under discussion in the wake of the announcement that the former Army private will be released from military prison in May. In one of his last official acts, President Obama commuted her sentence for violations of the Espionage Act and copying and disseminating classified information. The commutation reduced her sentence from 35 years to the seven years she has already served, plus... more »

Data should smash the biological myth of promiscuous males and sexually coy females

Zuleyma Tang-Martinez, Professor Emerita of Biology, University of Missouri-St. Louis at Science + Technology – The Conversation - 5 hours ago
Victorian mores influenced ideas not just about men and women but animals too. Joseph Christian Leyendecker, CC BY That males are naturally promiscuous while females are coy and choosy is a widely held belief. Even many scientists – including some biologists, psychologists and anthropologists – tout this notion when interviewed by the media about almost any aspect of male-female differences, including in human beings. In fact, certain human behaviors such as rape, marital infidelity and some forms of domestic abuse have been portrayed as adaptive traits that evolved because males ar... more »

Editor's Note

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago
Taking a break tonight. Blogging will return tomorrow morning.

President Trump Unveils Plans to Undo Much of Obama's Damage

Alex Newman at rss - 5 hours ago
[image: president-trump-unveils-plans-to-undo-much-of-obama-s-damage] After quoting the Bible in a call for national unity, acknowledging God the Creator, blasting the establishment, and vowing to put “America First” in his inaugural address, President Donald Trump is reportedly ready to unleash a torrent of executive orders and actions. At the top of the agenda, administration officials say, is reversing some of the damage inflicted by former President Barack Obama with his infamous “pen and phone.” Among the first targets are Obama's illegal “climate” schemes and his radical power... more »

Musical interlude

Greg Fingas at Accidental Deliberations - 6 hours ago
Illenium feat. Joni Fatora - Fortress (Seven Lions Roots Mix)

Mohawk Nation News 'Same Plantation Different Day' at CENSORED NEWS - 6 hours ago

Houston Texas Water Protector Locks Down at Trans Pecos Pipeline Site Near Marfa Lights Viewing Center at CENSORED NEWS - 6 hours ago
Houston Texas Water Protector Locks Down at Trans Pecos Pipeline Site Two Miles North of Marfa Lights Viewing Center By Society of Native Nations Censored News PRESIDIO COUNTY, Tex. -- This morning, water protectors halted construction at an Energy Transfer Partners work site near the Marfa lights viewing station. Approximately a dozen people chanted and held banners that read “

CIA Documents Confirm Yom Kippur War Was An Act of Agression By Israel

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 6 hours ago
* From the CIA document dump earlier this week:* Online Now! 12 Million Pages of Declassifed CIA Documents* I read all four documents Ynet is claiming demonstrate some imminent danger against Israel. * *What is actually written there leaves one with the impression that Israel desired and planned for the war- despite the US asking them, more then once, not to pre emptively strike other nations. And clearly reporting that Israel had begun to mobilize troops in advance of their desired war. * *Considering all the recent Israeli aggression against Syria present day. The invasion of Leban... more »

World News Briefs -- January 20, 2017 (Evening Edition)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 6 hours ago
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump arrives on the platform to be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States on the West front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, U.S., January 20, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Barria *Reuters:* *Trump admin targets violent Islamist groups as foreign policy priority* The Trump administration will make defeating "radical Islamic terror groups" its top foreign policy goal, according to a statement posted on the White House website moments after Donald Trump's inauguration as U.S. president. Trump, a Republican, used his inaugural address on Friday to p... more »

Donald Trump Takes Over The American Empire: Interview With Abby Martin

Kevin Gosztola at Shadowproof - 6 hours ago
Hosts Rania Khalek and Kevin Gosztola kick off a new season of the “Unauthorized Disclosure” podcast with guest Abby Martin, host of “The Empire Files.” She joins the show for the entire episode. Martin discusses how a show she anchored for RT America was mentioned in the recent intelligence report The post Donald Trump Takes Over The American Empire: Interview With Abby Martin appeared first on Shadowproof.

A documentary exposes how the BBC cheated Scotland of its independence [VIDEO]

Alex McNamara at The Canary - 6 hours ago
The documentary, London Calling, has to be seen to be believed. The film explores BBC bias, and the broadcaster’s alleged manipulation of the Scottish independence referendum in 2015. Many aspects of the referendum coverage were lesser-known in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, due to regional programming variations. The documentary lifts that veil of secrecy. And over the course of 69 minutes, the […] The post A documentary exposes how the BBC cheated Scotland of its independence [VIDEO] appeared first on The Canary.

President Trump Cites Bible in Unity Call; Touts “America First”

Alex Newman at rss - 6 hours ago
[image: president-trump-cites-bible-in-unity-call-touts-america-first] At his inauguration as the 45th President of the United States, President Donald Trump put the globalist establishment that has been selling out America for so long on notice: The American people are back in charge. Quoting the Bible and acknowledging God the Creator as the true source of America's protection, Trump did not mince words when he described the betrayal of America by the self-appointed establishment. But starting today, Trump said the “historic movement” that propelled his campaign to victory against... more »

The Socail Media Lie

Steve at GlobaLove Think Tank - 6 hours ago
How much time to you spend plunging your lover vs plinking them this are all stupid questions that make social media king stop it people I love you is it now not enough to say every morining in person do I need a HUNDREED times a day conformation fuckiing sheeple

Deep Reservations About the “Anti-Trump” Movement by Caleb Maupin

dandelionsalad at Dandelion Salad - 6 hours ago
by Caleb Maupin Guest Writer, Dandelion Salad Caleb Maupin (website) Caleb Maupin (Facebook Page) January 20, 2017 OPEN LETTER TO J20 PROTESTERS FROM CALEB MAUPIN Dear J20 Protesters, These are not emotionless times in the United States of America. Anger is running high all across the country. If you have a moment, I urge you […]

Pentagon Explains Why B-2 Bombers Were Used To Strike ISIS Targets In Libya

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 7 hours ago
As storm clouds gather in the background multiple B-2 Spirit aircraft land for aircraft recovery Aug. 24, 2016 at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam. The B-2s low-observable, or “stealth,” characteristics give it the ability to penetrate an enemy’s most sophisticated defenses and threaten its most-valued, heavily defended targets while avoiding adversary detection, tracking and engagement. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Jovan Banks) *Washington Examiner:* *Why the US sent nuclear-capable B-2s from Missouri to strike ISIS* When U.S. commanders wanted to destroy remnants of the Is... more »

Roswell - What's Next?

KRandle at A Different Perspective - 7 hours ago
The other day someone asked me, “What’s the next step for Roswell?” It was a question that I hadn’t thought about much but is one that needs to be addressed though I thought I had made a note of this in *Roswell in the 21st Century*. (Sure, some of you might be annoyed at these little promotional mentions, but hey, I don’t charge you a membership to visit here.) One of the displays in the Roswell UFO Museum. Copyright by Randle. Let’s look at it this way. If there is a first-hand witness still alive who saw anything, if he or she has not come forward and we all who have been search... more »


Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog - 7 hours ago
It was obvious that Donald Trump was going to do something provocative just after being sworn in as president, but didn't you think his provocation would be a bit less ... verbal? Here's a guy who could have whomped us with a couple dozen executive orders, all of which would have the force of law, but instead his big provocation was this: As Donald Trump was sworn in Friday, the White House website got a major makeover. One of the casualties in the reset: any mention of the need to fight climate change. The original White House page dedicated to the problem of climate change and fo... more »

Cree code talker to be remembered in award winning short movie

White Wolf at White Wolf - 7 hours ago
During the Second World War, the Allied Forces utilized Indigenous language speakers to transmit coded messages that could not be broken. The contributions of Charles “Checker” Tomkins are revealed in this insightful look into how the Cree language was used as a vital secret weapon in combat. Digging deep into the United States archives, the film depicts the true story of Tomkins’ involvement with the US Air Force and the development of the code talkers communication system as the Cree language was used as a vital secret weapon in combat. Tomkins was one of five Cree code talker... more »

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials On The Inauguration Of President Donald Trump

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 7 hours ago
U.S. President Donald Trump (L) takes the oath of office from U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts (R) with his wife Melania, and children Barron, Donald, Ivanka and Tiffany at his side during inauguration ceremonies at the Capitol in Washington, U.S., January 20, 2017 *Molly Ball, The Atlantic*: *Welcome to the Trump Presidency* He’s moved to establish his dominance of his party, of Congress, and of the media. Now, he turns to the nation. Even for some Republicans, it is still a bit unbelievable. They have it all now—all the power. They won it fair and square. Donald Trum... more »

Eugenics and Population Control to Save the Planet, Says Berkeley Professor

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 7 hours ago
*Cassius Kamarampi* - Malcolm Potts is a Malthusian figure with deep roots in the history of eugenics. The post Eugenics and Population Control to Save the Planet, Says Berkeley Professor appeared first on Waking Times.

Reaction To The Inauguration Of President Trump

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
A red carpet arrival at the White House, where Melania Trump presented the first lady with a box from Tiffany. Credit Stephen Crowley/The New York Times *NBC*: *Trump Inauguration: What the World Is Saying About New President* As Donald Trump is inaugurated as 45th president of the United States, NBC News takes a glance at what people around the planet — from world leaders to ordinary citizens — are saying about America's new leader. *Read more* .... *WNU Editor:* It seems that the biggest reaction (at least on social media) has been this .... *The Internet Is Losing It Over Miche... more »

"Will we be extremists for hate or for love? Will we be extremists for the preservation of injustice or for the extension of justice?" (MLK Jr.)

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 8 hours ago
*This week The Center has been featuring quotations from pioneering activists, writers and political leaders on social media that speak to the cause of social justice and equity. As we enter a period of uncertainty, one in which the signs of a hardening culture are already apparent, I find myself thinking of another.Writing from a Birmingham jail cell in 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., asked the following:* *Will we be extremists for hate or for love?Will we be extremists for the preservation of injusticeor for the extension of justice?* *-- from an e-mail sent out this mo... more »

National Debt Under Obama Grew by $9 Trillion — 86 Percent

Warren Mass at rss - 8 hours ago
[image: national-debt-under-obama-grew-by-9-trillion-86-percent] Data from the Treasury Department indicates that the national debt under President Barack Obama grew by about $9 trillion, or an increase of 86 percent.

Future Train Wreck: Mine or Modern Physics talk Next Thursday, Jan. 26

Doug Sweetser at Science 2.0 - Physical Sciences - 8 hours ago
If you are in Cambridge, MA on Thursday, Jan. 26, you can see me live at MIT in room 3-270 from 3 to 5pm. If you are anywhere else and have Internet access, you can see me YouTube live in the same time slot. Here is the poster I put up 53 times on the MIT campus and 4 times at Harvard: For those interested, here are the other four links to click on: Quaternion Gravity intro, Quaternion Gravity videos, iPython notebooks, read more

The Daily "Near You?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
San Bernardino, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"Huxley vs. Orwell" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
*"Huxley vs. Orwell"* by Neil Postman “What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one... Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism... Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance... Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial cult... more »

President Obama Leaves The Capital

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
President Trump and first lady Melania saw the Obamas off Friday afternoon It's tradition for the new president to watch the outgoing president fly off on Marine One after the inauguration Marine One, carrying outgoing President Barack Obama and outgoing First Lady Michelle Obama, takes off from the capitol after Donald J.Trump's inauguration as the 45th President of The United States on Jan. 20, 2017 in Washington, D.C. President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and Karen Pence wave as former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama depart dur... more »

“America's Culture of Ignorance” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
* “America's Culture of Ignorance”* By James Quinn “Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.” - Thomas Edison “Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don’t know because we don’t want to know.” – Aldous Huxley "The kabuki theater that passes for governance in Washington D.C. reveals the profound level of ignorance shrouding this Empire of Debt in its prolonged death throes. Ignorance of facts; ignorance of math; ignorance of history; ignorance of reality; and ignorance of how ign... more »

You Snuck Your Way Into My Heart- Ninja Valentine with Free Printable

Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 8 hours ago
Are you ready for Valentine's Day yet? We are still making lots of fun Valentine's Cards for you to print for your child's class. Today we bring you another fantastic candy-less option. I love when parents don't send candy, so I try not to either! This Ninja valentine is so fun to pair with a little Ninja Toy like the Bendable Ninjas we used. Kids love them and they are affordable! For this Valentine you will need: - the printable found at the end of this post - Ninja toys (we used these provided by Oriental Trading) - scissors - bakers twine - a single hole punch... more »

The Life of the Party: 7 Truths for Democrats

Robert Reich - 9 hours ago
The ongoing contest between the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders wings of the Democratic Party... more »

President Trump Gets His Presidential Twitter Account @POTUS

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago
#InaugurationDay Speech🇺🇸 — President Trump (@POTUS) January 20, 2017 *CNN*: *Twitter transfer of power: Trump gets @POTUS* Immediately after Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, he gained another prestigious title: *@POTUS.* The Obama administration handed over the Twitter handles for official accounts like *@POTUS, **@FLOTUS*,* @VP*, *@WhiteHouse* and *@PressSec* to the incoming Trump administration on Friday in the first Twitter transfer of power in U.S. history. The Twitter handles officiall... more »

ATF Elimination Act Re-introduced in the House

Bob Adelmann at rss - 9 hours ago
[image: atf-elimination-act-re-introduced-in-the-house] The ATF Elimination Act, introduced on Thursday, January 12, by Representative Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), is an attempt to do the right thing but for the wrong reasons.

Dog With Broken Leg Leads Vets Two Miles To Her Puppies

White Wolf at White Wolf - 9 hours ago
A dog with a badly broken leg incredibly led a vet two miles to an abandoned car where she had given birth to ten puppies so they could be looked after. The emaciated greyhound is believed to have been dumped by hunters and was discovered wandering around a market with a snapped front leg in Vera, southern Spain. Psychologist Lianne Powell, 49, caught the stray, who is thought to be between two and three years old, and took her to a local vet for treatment on Saturday. But after noticing the female dog was producing milk and must have given birth between five and seven days prev... more »

“The Burden of Skepticism” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
*“The Burden of Skepticism”* by Carl Sagan “What is Skepticism? It's nothing very esoteric. We encounter it every day. When we buy a used car, if we are the least bit wise we will exert some residual skeptical powers- whatever our education has left to us. You could say, "Here's an honest-looking fellow. I'll just take whatever he offers me." Or you might say, "Well, I've heard that occasionally there are small deceptions involved in the sale of a used car, perhaps inadvertent on the part of the salesperson," and then you do something. You kick the tires, you open the doors, you lo... more »

"Predictive Linguistics Interview 1/19/2017" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
Clif High Interview 1/19/2017 *"About Predictive Linguistics And Our Methods"* "Predictive Linguistics is the process of using computer software to aggregate vast amounts of written text from the internet by categories delineated by emotional content of the words and using the result to make forecasts based on the emotional 'tone' changes within the larger population. A form of 'collective sub-conscious expression' is a good way to think of it. Predictive linguistics can be used to forecast trends at many different levels, from the detail of sales to individuals, all the way up to... more »

President Obama's Last White House Tweet, And Announces A New Twitter Account And Website

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago
Yes we can. Yes we did. Thank you for being a part of the past eight years. — White House Archived (@ObamaWhiteHouse) January 20, 2017 It's been the honor of my life to serve you. You made me a better leader and a better man. — President Obama (@POTUS44) January 20, 2017 *CNN:* *Obama tweets final message from White House, announces new website* Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama tweeted the American people in his final hours as head of state promising to continue his work with them, and unveiling a new website. "It's been the honor of my life to s... more »

The Minute Trump Took Office, All Reference to ‘Climate Change’ was Deleted Off White House Website

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 10 hours ago
[image: trump]The exact minute Trump took office, drastic changes began taking place, including the immediate deletion of anything mentioning climate change.

Trump’s Inaugural Address: A Call For Holy War

Kevin Gosztola at Shadowproof - 10 hours ago
President Donald Trump used his inaugural address to call for the “civilized world” to unite “against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth.” It received one of the most enthusiastic responses from the crowd in attendance at the National Mall. The words evoked The post Trump’s Inaugural Address: A Call For Holy War appeared first on Shadowproof.

President Obama Leaves A Letter For President Trump In The Oval Office

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
U.S. President Barack Obama walks with a letter before he departs the Oval Office for the final time as sitting president, at the White House in Washington, U.S. January 20, 2017. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters *CBS:* *Obama leaves letter for Trump in Oval Office* In keeping with presidential tradition, President Obama slipped a letter into the desk in the Oval Office for President-elect Donald Trump -- on Thursday the letter that George W. Bush wrote to him was released by Bush, as well as the letter that Bill Clinton wrote to Mr. Bush, each on the last day of his presidency. In the lette... more »

Washington Protests Turn Violent After President Trump Assumes The Presidency

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
*Politico:* *Protesters, Trump supporters collide at inauguration* As Donald Trump prepared to take the oath of office on Friday, several street protests turned violent, with reports of smashed windows and vandalism as police scrambled to contain unruly pockets of demonstrators. The rain-dampened streets of the nation’s capital were jammed with supporters as pockets of dissent began swelling in size and volume — and tensions were clearly on the rise. Protesters broke windows at a bank branch in the city, and a Starbucks was vandalized, according to several Tweets. And there were r... more »

Musical Interlude: Kool & The Gang, “Celebration” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
Kool & The Gang, “Celebration” -

"How It Really Is" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
Donald Trump Inauguration Speech, 45th President Of The United States -

Hillary Clinton At President Trump's Inauguration

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
*Politico*: *Hillary: The Face of the Vanquished* *Clinton just endured one of the most painful rituals in politics.* She arrived at the East Front of the Capitol at not quite 20 minutes past 10 a.m. in a pants suit of the softest cream, smiling gamely and waving to onlookers. She ignored a reporter’s shouted question about how it felt to be there, but off camera, some among the panelists and anchors on CNN could be heard chuckling at the excruciating obviousness of the query. And just a half hour later, Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared at the top of the passageway leading to the... more »

Former President Obama's Final Speech Before Departing Washington

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
*Politico:* *Obama briefly upstages Trump with short post-inauguration speech* Just over an hour after Donald Trump’s swearing-in, former President Barack Obama briefly upstaged his successor with a speech thanking his supporters and extolling his own political accomplishments. In his first public remarks post-presidency early Friday afternoon, Obama gave a short speech at Joint Base Andrews, in which he recalled his successful campaigns for the Senate and the presidency, as well as his work in office. As Obama was talking, Trump began signing orders back in Washington, and cabl... more »

President Trump Inauguration -- Live Coverage And News Updates

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
*Reuters*: *Trump, sworn in as U.S. president, promises to put 'America First'* Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States on Friday, succeeding Barack Obama and telling a bitterly divided country he will pursue "America First" policies at home and abroad. As scattered protests erupted elsewhere in Washington, Trump raised his right hand and put his left on a Bible used by Abraham Lincoln and repeated a 35-word oath of office from the U.S. Constitution, with U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts presiding. Afterward, he stretched his arms wide and hugged his w... more »


Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog - 11 hours ago
Joe Scarborough thinks we have a new president who's a radical populist, or something like that: Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC's "Morning Joe," called President Donald Trump's inaugural address a "primal scream aimed at Washington, DC." "Donald Trump's speech was not an inaugural address," Scarborough tweeted after Trump's speech Friday. "It was a primal scream aimed at Washington, DC." He said in a subsequent tweet: "[CNN's] Jake Tapper said Donald Trump's speech was the most radical inaugural address he's ever heard. I agree. It was unlike any that preceded it." And I'll admit ... more »

Colombia: Mysterious Phenomenon in the Skies Northeast of Antioquía

Inexplicata (IHU) at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - 11 hours ago
*Source: RCN Radio (Colombia) and Planeta UFODate: 01.20.2017* *Colombia: Mysterious Phenomenon in the Skies Northeast of Antioquía* Residents of Segovia and Remedios were bewildered around 9 o'clock in the evening by a phenomenon looking like a static red fireball in the middle of the dark sky. This region of Northeastern Antioquía is rich not only in gold, but also in stories of witchcraft and sorcerers, so local residents would find nothing odd in having a "supernatural" force making itself visible. Yen Milea Bran, who took photos and made cellphone recordings like many othe... more »

A student lifts the lid on her experience of racism at Bristol University, and it’s dire

Sam Woolfe at The Canary - 11 hours ago
Three students from Bristol University have spoken to student newspaper The Tab about their experiences of racism. And one student – Kelly (not her real name) – recounted a particularly horrific incident. Racist insults and taunting Kelly said: It was on a Friday night with my friend, waiting to be let in to another friend’s place […] The post A student lifts the lid on her experience of racism at Bristol University, and it’s dire appeared first on The Canary.

Unfazed by its recent scolding, the BBC spews out more anti-Corbyn propaganda

Carlyn Harvey at The Canary - 11 hours ago
The BBC reported on a potential 15% rise in council tax for Surrey residents on 19 January. But in its News at Six programme, it also presented Jeremy Corbyn’s views on the matter in a very particular light. Recently, the BBC received a scolding for misrepresenting the Labour leader’s views. But its take on Corbyn’s […] The post Unfazed by its recent scolding, the BBC spews out more anti-Corbyn propaganda appeared first on The Canary.

Depressed as hell that President Trump is happening? You need to watch this [VIDEO]

Kerry-anne Mendoza at The Canary - 11 hours ago
With the inauguration of Donald Trump as US President, many are feeling disillusioned and depressed today. But a response video produced by commentator Myles Dyer might just be the tonic we all need. The 5 step programme Dyer lays out five simple steps that each of us can take to deal with the day, and […] The post Depressed as hell that President Trump is happening? You need to watch this [VIDEO] appeared first on The Canary.

Ever since May’s secret meeting with Murdoch, it’s been going pretty well for the media mogul

James Wright at The Canary - 11 hours ago
Ever since Theresa May’s ‘off the books’ meeting with Rupert Murdoch last September, things have been going pretty well for the media mogul. Taking time out of a busy schedule, the UK Prime Minister managed to squeeze in the meeting during a one-night trip to New York. At the time, droves of people expressed their […] The post Ever since May’s secret meeting with Murdoch, it’s been going pretty well for the media mogul appeared first on The Canary.

A Tory councillor blows the whistle on the true impacts of austerity [VIDEO]

Sophia Akram at The Canary - 11 hours ago
The Conservative-led Surrey County Council is proposing to hold a referendum on raising council tax by 15%. This is to make up for cuts to its social care budget. It says the cost of social care is impossible to meet without the proposed increases. The announcement is a warning shot on the impact of these […] The post A Tory councillor blows the whistle on the true impacts of austerity [VIDEO] appeared first on The Canary.

A London art collective is provoking strong debate about 21st century society through its work [IMAGES]

Steve Topple at The Canary - 11 hours ago
An exhibition by a group of London-based artists is currently happening in the City of London. In the Dot Dot Dot/Have Mirror Will Travel aims to challenge the way we look at out lives in the 21st century. And its potent mix of music, abstract art and spoken word portrays many home truths. Some of them […] The post A London art collective is provoking strong debate about 21st century society through its work [IMAGES] appeared first on The Canary.

Rothschild Family Wealth is Five Times that of World’s Top 8 Billionaires Combined

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 11 hours ago
*Isaac Davis* - The Rothschild family owns as much as perhaps three fourths of the world's population. The post Rothschild Family Wealth is Five Times that of World’s Top 8 Billionaires Combined appeared first on Waking Times.

Tens of Thousands of Drug Convictions to be Overturned After State Caught Falsifying Lab Tests

Justin Gardner at The Free Thought Project - 11 hours ago
[image: test]State prosecutors were fighting to keep the convictions, even though a state chemist was jailed for falsifying tens of thousands of drug tests.

This won't please the pro Islamist and thus often borderline anti Semitic BBC

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 12 hours ago Donald Trump is going to really piss off the BBC, bigly. I'm going to enjoy their pain.

This will not please the warmists at the BBC

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 12 hours ago President Donald Trump is going to really piss the BBC off, bigly!

The Hottest Yeah Evah! Really? | The Stream

Assume for a moment, as the press with triumphant glee is reporting, that 2016 was the hottest year evah! Believe the claim for the sake of argument. Swallow the idea, for at least the next minute, that the media and… Source: The Hottest Yeah Evah! Really? | The Stream

Trump Takes Office Following the Three Hottest Years in Recorded History

Gaius Publius at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago
*A chart of global surface temperature anomalies, meaning changes from a baseline, for the 2016 calendar year. Here the baseline is 1951–1980 (source: NASA). For the most part, the globe is a mask of red, and the Arctic is a sea of dark read, virtually "burning up."* *by Gaius Publius* Nature bats last, and when it comes to global warming, nature is three-for-three during 2014, 2015 and 2016. For the third year in a row, global temperature has been the warmest in recorded history. Global temperature in 2014 surpassed all previous years; 2015 temperature surpassed that, and 2016, t... more »

President Donald Trump's Inaugural Address (Video And Transcript)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*WNU Editor*: From T*he Washington Post* ....* Here is the full text of Donald Trump's address at his inauguration as the 45th president on Friday, as prepared for delivery. His remarks as delivered, with annotations and explanations, are here.* Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans, and people of the world: thank you. We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and to restore its promise for all of our people. Together, we will determine the course of America ... more »

“Rogue Scientists Race to Save Climate Data from Trump”(AKA”The Phantom Menace”)

Originally posted on Watts Up With That?: Guest post by David Middleton AT 10 AM the Saturday before inauguration day, on the sixth floor of the Van Pelt Library at the University of Pennsylvania, roughly 60 hackers, scientists, archivists, and librarians were hunched over laptops, drawing flow charts on whiteboards, and shouting opinions on computer…

Native American tribes to be allowed to gather medicinal plants in national parks

White Wolf at White Wolf - 12 hours ago
The gathering and removal of plants or plant parts for traditional purposes will now be allowed in national parks by members of federally recognized Indian tribes. “The changes to the gathering rule support continuation of unique cultural traditions of American Indians and support the mission of the National Park Service,” said National Park Service. To be eligible under the rule, the tribe must have a traditional association to lands within the national park system and the plants must be gathered only for traditional purposes. The agreements between tribes and the National Park Se... more »

Oceans Make 2015 & 2016 Climate

Originally posted on Science Matters: ? Ocean temperature measurements come from a global array of 3,500 Argo floats and other ocean sensors. Credits: Argo Program, Germany/Ifremer We are seeing lots of claims about the temperature records for 2016 and 2015 proving dangerous man made warming. At least one senator stated that in a confirmation hearing.…

New President, New World

Patrick J. Buchanan at rss - 12 hours ago
[image: new-president-new-world] The old order is passing away. Treaties and alliances dating from the Cold War are ceasing to be relevant and cannot long be sustained. Economic patriotism and ethnonationalism, personified by Trump, seem everywhere ascendant. Transnationalism is yielding to tribalism.

The Climate Change Teapot

Originally posted on Science Matters: The confirmation hearings with questions from global warming zealots reminded me of Bertrand Russell’s teapot analogy. The notion of global warming/climate change resembles closely that mythical teapot. People like Lewandowsky and Oreskes psychoanalyze unbelievers. And public hearings are conducted to uncover unseemly heresy inside political appointees. At least when religion…

BREAKING: DC Devolves into Chaos as Rioters Smash Windows and Police Move In

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 12 hours ago
[image: protests]As hundreds of black bloc protesters began breaking windows, Washington DC quickly devolved into chaos as riot police moved in.

“Trump Nominees Distance Themselves From His Climate Rhetoric”

Originally posted on Watts Up With That?: Guest post by David Middleton Trump Nominees Distance Themselves From His Climate Rhetoric By Bill Murray January 20, 2017 Rick Perry, questioned by senators Thursday vetting him as a potential energy secretary, was the fourth of Donald Trump’s Cabinet nominees to repudiate some of the president-elect’s most controversial…

First impressions....

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 12 hours ago
....courtesy of a clearly somewhat aghast Emily Maitlis during Donald Trump's inaugural speech:

“We made big mistakes:” Gastric paper pulled with unusual notice

Alison McCook at Retraction Watch - 12 hours ago
Sometimes we come across a real head-scratcher. That happened this week, when we saw a retraction notice for a 2015 paper on gastric cancer in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, which only says the authors “made big mistakes” and contains two fairly significant typos. Although there’s no sign of a retraction on PubMed, […] The post “We made big mistakes:” Gastric paper pulled with unusual notice appeared first on Retraction Watch.

“Boom, headshot!” Disputed video game paper retracted

Alison McCook at Retraction Watch - 12 hours ago
After a years-long dispute over a 2012 paper which suggested there might be some effects of first-person shooter video games on players, the journal has retracted the paper. The stated reason in the notice: Some outside researchers spotted irregularities in the data, and contacted the corresponding author’s institution, Ohio State University, in 2015. Since the original […] The post “Boom, headshot!” Disputed video game paper retracted appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Gatwick Join Renewable Con

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 13 hours ago
By Paul Homewood h/t Mark Rogers This is no more than green virtual signalling. There is only a given amount of renewable electricity available in the UK, so whether Gatwick buys it, or somebody else, is immaterial. Of course, they don’t say where they will get their power from at night […]

White House releases annual counterterrorism CIVCAS figures

Jessica Purkiss and Abigail Fielding-Smith at The Bureau of Investigative Journalism - 13 hours ago
The Obama administration says it killed one civilian and 431-441 combatants in counterterrorism strikes last year - contrasting slightly with the Bureau's estimate of four to six civilians and 358-501 combatants. The post White House releases annual counterterrorism CIVCAS figures appeared first on The Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

Happy Inauguration Sauron Day

jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 13 hours ago
"CNN takes you live now to Jake Tapper in Washington DC and the Trump inauguration. Jake, what do you see?" "Well, Wolf, Dick Cheney and Donald Trump have just arrived and the landscape has suddenly changed somewhat..."

Disturbing Video Shows Cops Shoot Unarmed Schizophrenic Man for No Reason

The Free Thought Project at The Free Thought Project - 13 hours ago
[image: unarmed]Because a mentally ill man did not walk down the stairs fast enough, aggressive police officers attacked and shot him, even though he was unarmed.

Is Obama Worst U.S. President?

Bob Adelmann at rss - 14 hours ago
[image: is-obama-worst-u-s-president] After eight years in office, what legacy is Barack Obama leaving behind?

Did you get duped by The Guardian’s ‘three-line’ Brexit farce?

John Shafthauer at The Canary - 14 hours ago
On 19 January, The Guardian reported that Jeremy Corbyn had ‘signalled’ he would impose a three-line whip on his MPs. This is when a political party strongly urges its MPs to vote in line with its leadership. And the vote in question was the parliamentary vote on the triggering of Article 50. But the problem is that […] The post Did you get duped by The Guardian’s ‘three-line’ Brexit farce? appeared first on The Canary.

A Tory MP who earns £148,000 proposes a very troubling ‘alternate’ NHS plan

Jessica Gay at The Canary - 14 hours ago
Veteran Conservative MP Edward Leigh has just announced an alternate plan for the NHS. What’s worrying is that some MPs may think it’s a good compromise. But this ‘alternate’ plan could see everyone compromising their health. Edward Leigh Leigh is a long-serving member of parliament. He has represented Gainsborough (formerly Gainsborough and Horncastle) in Lincolnshire since 1983. […] The post A Tory MP who earns £148,000 proposes a very troubling ‘alternate’ NHS plan appeared first on The Canary.

Mosul Campaign Day 95, Jan 19, 2017

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 14 hours ago
The Golden Division and army were moving inside east Mosul and without. The neighborhood of Arabiwas freed for the secondtime by the Rapid Reaction forces and the Hashd al-Watani. The 15thDivision in the north took Fadiliya and Jabir Bin Hayan. The Ninewa International Hotel was declared liberated on January 18, but there were still Islamic State fighters there until January 19 when it was said to be cleared again. The Golden Division took the Presidential Palace as well. In the southeastthe Federal Police were still going through areas looking for explosives and booby-traps. Outsi... more »

January 20, 2017 – White Hats Report #59

The White Hat Reporters at The White Hats Report - 14 hours ago
*A NEW ERA BEGINS* When going through a major transformation, one that has potential to be life changing and a pivotal point in history, one gets humbled by the very idea of the privilege to witness such a time. We have all been informed, in one way or another, about historic events that impacted the direction of our planet and the generations that followed. Pivotal events when a particular path that was chosen led to a series of events that brings us to today. We are aware some would refer to these particular paths as timelines, with the understanding that, had events occurred diff... more »

But Trump hasn't any experience!

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 14 hours ago
Trump can't be President of the United States of America, he's got no experience. That's a regularly heard comment on the BBC and elsewhere. However I don't remember leftists and the BBC making similar comments when a first term Senator from Illinois with no political achievements and absolutely no private business experience at all was elected President of the United States. Maybe that he was half black made it OK.

Middagstale hos NHO

Sunniva at SunnivaRose - 14 hours ago
Isabelle Ringnes og jeg fikk den store æren å holde årets tale under årsmiddagen til NHO. Dette er en sånn ting man ikke sier nei til, selv om man har planer om å levere doktorgradsavhandlingen sin fire dager senere... (Ja, det var det som var planen - selv om fasiten nå tilsier at det tok en uke mer enn planlagt 😉) Og jeg angrer virkelig ikke! Det var et stort kick, og veldig gøy å få jobbe sammen med Isabelle, som bare er superdyktig, og forberede oss til denne jobben. Men å skulle snakke foran ca 500 av Norges toppolitikere, kongelige, og topper i næringslivet gjorde jo at adren... more »

Ominous Bill Will Allow Cops to Shut Down Protesters ‘By Any Means Necessary’

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 14 hours ago
[image: protesters]A proposed bill would grant cops permission to use 'any means necessary' to remove protesters from roadways or public streets.

Cassandra Redux? How I Did On My 2016 #Emplaw Predictions

Donna Ballman at Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home - 14 hours ago
Every year I have done predictions for what I expected to happen in employment law and I'm usually right. After 30 years of law practice, it turns out I know stuff, despite what my teenagers say. Here's what I predicted for 2016 and how it turned out: *Political firings*: I predicted a rash of political firings for discussing politics at work, and of course this happened. But it was less about the actual politics and more about the undercurrents. This year, there were more blatant comments about women, gays, the disabled and other protected groups than I've seen in my 30 years of la... more »

Editor's Note

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
*WNU Editor*: Watching the U.S. Presidential inauguration for the next few hours. Blogging will return later in the day.

What All This Means

LL at Virtual Mirage - 15 hours ago
What if, as the progs assert, the US election should be decided by popular vote alone? California and New York would be the only states that matter, with Texas a close third, and the rest of the nation be damned. True, there would be a lot more concern about who goes into which restroom, and whether there should be 31 genders as New York asserts, or 16 that California recognizes... But what would it really mean to disenfranchise the rest of the nation from the political process? Revolution. The President and First Lady of the United StatesBeing a Constitutionalist, I understand why ... more »

Swearing (In) Day

Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 15 hours ago
Happy Inauguration Day. Or, as the wags inform us, welcome to the Worst Day in Infamy Since Pearl Harbor. Swear your hearts out at the Swearing-In as Teflon Don desecrates Honest Abe's Bible with his short nuclear-itchy fingers. That swearing is good for you has long been one of the indispensable truths of folk wisdom. And according to yet another earth-shattering study, dropping the F-bomb on a regular basis also proves that you are an honest butthead as well as a damned healthy one. Despite all the elite angst over Donald Trump's lack of respect for "norms," and his propensity ... more »

Twitter spat

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 15 hours ago
Here's an exchange you may have missed on Twitter between the BBC's World Affairs Editor and the *Daily Mail*'s Peter Oborne: *John Simpson*: Senior British diplomat: 'I feel deeply let down by Boris. The FCO used to be the best in the world. Now he’s made it absurd.’ *Peter Oborne (to John Simpson)*: 1/ Not job of BBC World Affairs Editor to recycle anonymous smears against Foreign Secretary. What's happened to BBC impartiality? 2/ If Mr Simpson wants to go into politics he should quit his job with the BBC. *John Simpson (to Peter Oborne)*: Seems to me to be a matter of public ... more »

World News Briefs -- January 20, 2017

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
*Reuters:** 'The work begins!': Trump to be sworn in as U.S. president* Donald Trump will be sworn in on Friday as the 45th president of the United States, taking power over a divided country after a savage campaign and setting the country on a new, uncertain path at home and abroad. In a ceremony likely to draw 900,000 people, including protesters, Trump and his vice president, Mike Pence, will take the oath of office at midday (1700 GMT) outside the domed U.S. Capitol, with U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts presiding. "It all begins today!" Trump wrote in a note on Twitter at abou... more »

State Bill to Mandate Children to Receive Every Vaccine — Citizens Fighting Back

Jack Burns at The Free Thought Project - 15 hours ago
[image: vaccine]The producer of Vaxxed and local health officials are fighting Senate Bill 83, which forces all parents to comply with mandated vaccines for children.

Inauguration Day Open Thread

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 15 hours ago
Something is apparently happening in Washington today and it seems as if quite a few BBC journalists are there. If anything strikes you as being biased about the BBC's coverage of the inauguration of Donald John Trump as the US's 45th president, please let us know. So out goes 'Blessed, handsome and crooked' (*Barack Hussein Obama*: *Barack* being Swahili for 'blessed', *Hussein *being Arabic for 'handsome', and *Obama* being Dholuo for 'crooked')... ....and in comes 'Ruler of the world, God-loved drummer' (*Donald John Trump*: *Donald *deriving from the Gaelic name *Domhnall* ... more »

May God bless and keep Donald J. Trump...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 15 hours ago
*today is the day.* It seems like forever since I watched Trump ride down that escalator. And yet, it also seems like the blink of an eye. Enjoy the day Continue to pray for the safety of Donald J. Trump *MAGA*


Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 15 hours ago
*From Jenna Orkin*LIVE FROM DAVOS: Henry Blodget leads a conversation about the fintech revolution *Man with an interesting background for Davos.*Matt Damon hosted a private party in Davos to discuss how he's cleaning up the world's water supply Matt Damon is trying solve the water crisis by getting people to drink more beer North Korean defectors have smuggled in thousands of USB sticks to fight the regime Scientists want to bring back a 300-pound tiger that went extinct in the '60 George H.W. Bush Now In Intensive Care, Barbara Bush Also Hospitalized Foreign Central Banks Liqu... more »


Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 16 hours ago
Donald Trump's cabinet choices make it clear that one of his administration's prime directives will be to protect and entrench the fossil fuel industry. George Monbiot writes: Trump is the president that corporate luddites have dreamed of: the man who will let them squeeze every last cent from their oil and coal reserves before they become worthless. They need him because science, technology and people’s demands for a safe and stable world have left them stranded. There is no fair fight that they can win, so their last hope lies with a government that will rig the competition. T... more »

Post #38,000: The Traveling Wilburys, “End Of The Line” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 16 hours ago
- The Traveling Wilburys, “End Of The Line” -

It's Trumpanzee Inauguration Day And God Is Crying Cold Tears

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago
Yesterday, Alan Grayson e-mailed his supporters to ask them to support John Lewis-- which you can do here, at the Resist ActBlue page. When he was in Congress, Grayson always spoke reverentially about Lewis. In his e-mail he reminded his supporters why Lewis feels Trump is an illegitimate president and why he's boycotting his Inauguration today. "I don't see this President-Elect as a legitimate president," said Lewis on *Meet The Press*. "I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected, and they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton." Before Lewis' inte... more »

Thank Randi and Lily for Their Roles in Electing Donald

Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 16 hours ago
Not surprisingly, Weingarten and Garcia have learned nothing about the effects of their dictatorial decisions in 2015 that effectively killed the political enthusiasm among teachers. Weingarten and Garcia , who refused "to endorse Bernie Sanders while grossly exaggerating Hillary’s viability and worthiness for top office, share responsibility for the Trump victory." Randi Weingarten continues to defend their undemocratic and autocratic choice of corrupt elitist, Hillary Clinton: The AFT and most of the American labor movement endorsed Hillary for President, both in the Democratic p... more »

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 20, 2017

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
*Daily Mail*: *Trump's plan to include 'tanks and missile launchers in inaugural parade was vetoed'* * Member of transition team thought about throwing a 'Red Square/North Korea-style parade', a source said Thursday * But the military refused in part because they were concerned about the image of equipment on Pennsylvania Avenue, source added * Another reason for the refusal, according to the planning insider, was that heavy tanks could destroy Washington, DC's roads * Donald Trump said in an interview published Thursday he intends to show off the country's military * The military '... more »

Leftist Jihad: Artists Performing at Trump’s Inauguration Targeted for Destruction

Selwyn Duke at rss - 16 hours ago
[image: leftist-jihad-artists-performing-at-trump-s-inauguration-targeted-for-destruction] Before Hillary Clinton lost the election, the liberal message was that we had to respect the tradition of a “peaceful transfer of power.” Since Nov. 8, however, the Left has pulled out all the stops to scuttle Donald Trump’s presidency. One of the latest examples is how artists who consider performing at the inauguration have been threatened with career destruction.

Kim Stagliano Asked in 2009: What if President's Child Had Autism

Age of Autism at AGE OF AUTISM - 16 hours ago
By Kim Stagliano In 2009, I wrote an article for Huffington Post (back when they would let autism-centric posts run) that asked, "What if the first child has autism?" My hope was that President Obama would make a difference for...

Friday Morning Links

Greg Fingas at Accidental Deliberations - 16 hours ago
Assorted content to end your week. - Liam Byrne argues that it's long past time to reevaluate an economic framework which has produced only highly concentrated wealth for a lucky few at everybody else's expense. And Graeme Wearden reports on Oxfam's call to rein in both firm-level tax avoidance, and government policy oriented toward eliminating any corporate social responsibility to contribute to public revenue. - Meanwhile, Aamir Bharmal, Jia Hu and Yassen Tcholakov assess how free trade agreements can be detrimental to social health, both by inflating the costs of medical care an... more »

"The Status Quo: Life as We Know It" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
*"The Status Quo: Life as We Know It"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "Our lives can sometimes become status quo and that is ok as long as we aren't keeping it that way on purpose. When our lives are going well, and sometimes even when they aren’t, we may find ourselves feeling very attached to the status quo of our existence- life as we know it. It is a very human tendency to resist change as though it were possible to simply decide not to do it, or have it in our lives. But change will come and the status quo will go, sooner or later, with our consent or without it. We may find a... more »

The Poet: Theodore Roethke, “In a Dark Time” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
*“In a Dark Time”* "In a dark time, the eye begins to see, I meet my shadow in the deepening shade; I hear my echo in the echoing wood- A lord of nature weeping to a tree. I live between the heron and the wren, Beasts of the hill and serpents of the den. What’s madness but nobility of soul At odds with circumstance? The day’s on fire! I know the purity of pure despair, My shadow pinned against a sweating wall. That place among the rocks- is it a cave, Or winding path? The edge is what I have. A steady storm of correspondences! A night flowing with birds, a ragged moon, ... more »


Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog - 17 hours ago
In a few hours, Donald Trump will be sworn in as president, and he's already mooching off the previous administration: Mr. Trump will be sworn in at noon Eastern time on Friday, but his team was still scrambling to fill key administration posts when he got here on Thursday, announcing last-minute plans to retain 50 essential State Department and national security officials currently working in the Obama administration to ensure “continuity of government,” according to Sean Spicer, the incoming White House press secretary.... In all, Mr. Trump has named only 29 of his 660 executive d... more »

Stonewall giving Lloyds a gong shows everything that’s wrong with the LGBTQ charity [OPINION]

Steve Topple at The Canary - 17 hours ago
On Thursday 19 January, the LGBTQ+ charity Stonewall announced the winners of its yearly “Most Inclusive Employers” awards. And topping the list was Lloyds Banking Group. But the gong shows just how detached Stonewall is from the community it claims to represent. As Lloyds has done nothing but wreak havoc on working class LGBTQ+ people […] The post Stonewall giving Lloyds a gong shows everything that’s wrong with the LGBTQ charity [OPINION] appeared first on The Canary.

A woman spends 40 days in jail for the crime of being poor

Emily Apple at The Canary - 17 hours ago
A woman spent an ‘unlawful‘ 40 days in jail for failing to pay her council tax. The magistrates in Bridgend ordered her imprisonment after she failed to pay £10 a week to cover her £4,700 worth of arrears. But Melanie Woolcock was sick and struggling to pay the rent and feed her teenage son. And […] The post A woman spends 40 days in jail for the crime of being poor appeared first on The Canary.

Bernie Sanders exposes the path America’s taking under Trump, and he’s spot on [VIDEO]

Ed Sykes at The Canary - 17 hours ago
US Senator Bernie Sanders just put his finger on exactly what direction America is set to move under President Donald Trump. While questioning one of Trump’s cabinet picks at a confirmation hearing on 17 January, the democratic socialist who could well have beaten the billionaire real estate mogul in 2016’s presidential election, said: There is a […] The post Bernie Sanders exposes the path America’s taking under Trump, and he’s spot on [VIDEO] appeared first on The Canary.

£50bn mines could be Europe’s sole source of lithium per Daily Mail Online

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 17 hours ago
The Mail report that: 'Cornwall looks set for a £50billion mining revolution after plans were revealed to make Poldark country Europe's sole producer of lithium. Lithium - known as 'white petroleum' - is used in the rapidly growing market for electric cars and rechargeable batteries in everything from mobile phones to cordless vacuums. Most lithium is produced in South America, Australia and China but there are vast quantities locked inside its large granite stores up to 1,000 metres bel... more »

(Free Media Dead? Assault on the Commons)  Promoting Democratic Farce & Don't Even Mention the Israelis  (Playing Russian Tigers)  Davos Chitchat  (Deep State Parthian Shot?)  What We Have Allowed Our World to Become  (Cross-Checked Elections Forever?)

Talk about an intel report . . . ! Will it crank up . . . Or calm down somewhat under Trump? Bets are on the table. Real Purpose of Intel Report on Russian Hacking with Abby Martin and Ben NortonJanuary 15, 2017On this week’s episode of On Contact, Chris Hedges is joined by journalists Abby Martin, host of the "Empire Files," and Ben Norton to discuss the declassified U.S.

"You Can Avoid Reality..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
“You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.” - Ayn Rand

"Dear Hillary, How Can We Miss You When You Won't Go Away?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
*"Dear Hillary, How Can We Miss You When You Won't Go Away?"* by JWMJR "We can all recall the long list of celebrities, both real and self-imagined, that had declared first that Trump would never be elected, and if by some unimaginable event he was, they would promptly pack their bags and move to Canada or Spain or wherever their deluded minds thought would welcome them with open arms. Then of course the unimaginable did happen. The voters had finally gotten fed up with all the establishment lies, deceits and obfuscations and with your Hollywood sycophants telling them what to do a... more »

U.S. Releases More Osama Bin Laden Documents

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 18 hours ago
President Obama released a new batch of documents obtained in the 2011 raid on Osama bin Laden's (left, in 2001) compound on Thursday *Daily Mail:** Bin Laden thought ISIS were too 'brutal and violent' and he feared Iran had put tracking chips in his sons, newly-released documents show* * Obama released his final batch of documents on September 11 mastermind * All of the documents were recovered after the 2011 raid where he was shot dead * They deal with concern for his children who were being looked after by relatives * He also discusses problems with his health and how he passed ... more »

Russian Prime Minister Medvedev: 'The Obama Administration Has Destroyed Relations Between The U.S. And Russia'

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 19 hours ago
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev © Ekaterina Shtukina / Reuters *RT*: *Degrading relations with Russia is Obama administration’s #1 foreign policy blunder - Medvedev* The breakdown of relations with Russia is a key foreign policy blunder committed by the Obama administration and it will go down in history as such, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has said. In fact “US-Russia relations completely fell apart by the end of the second term of the Obama administration,” Medvedev said in a Facebook post. The administration of Barack Obama has proven to be “short-sighted on su... more »

Success Is Not Final, Failure Not Fatal.....The Wisdom Of Winston Churchill

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 19 hours ago
*Source of this poster:*

Dachel Wake Up: Senators Reject Trump's Vaccine Panel

Age of Autism at AGE OF AUTISM - 19 hours ago
January 18, 2017, Senators on key panel reject Trump's skepticism about vaccine Most members of a key Senate committee are rejecting President-elect Donald Trump’s skepticism about the safety of vaccines, which suggests Trump could face significant backlash in Congress...

Moving Day At The White House (Updated)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 20 hours ago
Earlier trucks were also spotted outside the front of the White House as the Obamas prepare to move out *Washington Post*: *The 5 craziest hours in the White House* While almost all eyes are on the Capitol, the most action occurs during the frantic residence changeover two miles away The most frenzied American ritual you’ve never seen is called the “transfer of families,” a five-hour tsunami of activity that transforms President Obama’s home into President Trump’s. “I call it organized chaos,” said Gary Walters, who choreographed several transfers of families in his 21 years as t... more »

QM is self-evidently free of causality paradoxes

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 20 hours ago
Someone sent me a 2012 preprint by Aharonov and 3 co-authors that claims that one may prove some acausal influence – future decisions affect past outcomes – with the help of the problematic "weak measurement" concept. This is such a self-evident piece of rubbish that I am amazed how any physics PhD may ever fail to see it. In the v5 arXiv version of the paper, the paradox is described as an experiment in bullets on page 12-of-15. In the morning, they measure some spins weakly, in the evening, they do so strongly, and some alleged agreement between the two types of measurements is sa... more »

so, I looked, and there's nothing there...

Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 20 hours ago
is this what it means, "Achieving Nirvana?" If it is, I not sure if I like it. I'm not even sure if Nirvana is supposed to be liked, only *achieved*. Like some great big cosmic joke upon the awakening self, by the deadened self. Maybe we're deadened creatures (by design) because the truth of the UTTER VOID is *too demanding* for most of us to grasp or cope with. Not only space is empty, but self is also. Now, I realise that this is a (bit of a) misnomer, this emptiness of space. Space is full... of electricity. That's why the stars shine. And is the emptiness of Man's Multidimen... more »

Is CNN 'Inciting Violence' Against President-Elect Trump?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 21 hours ago
Fury: Viewers accused CNN of treason and inciting violence after the station reported that if Trump is killed at the inauguration, an Obama-picked successor would become president *Daily Mail:* *Outrage at 'traitorous' CNN for 'inciting violence' with report that OBAMA cabinet member will be president if Trump and Pence are killed at the inauguration* * CNN speculated about what would happen if Trump was killed in inauguration * It reported that an Obama-selected secretary would be sworn in as president * They also showed scenes from a new TV show that depicts a Capitol bombing * Fu... more »

Et si l’enfance devenait rare ? (IEET) at Ethical Technology - 21 hours ago
Les perspectives démographiques envisagées par les transhumanistes n’impliquent pas seulement un allongement radical de la durée de vie en bonne santé mais aussi une diminution de la part des plus jeunes dans la population. Quelles conséquences pourraient avoir une raréfaction de l’enfance ? Published on 20 November 2016 on Technoprog

Muted Response From Health Lobby as Affordable Care Act Faces Repeal

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
Most of this will be preliminary steps needed to push through a reformed package. As of this writing i am also hearing a universal package is coming down to replace what is now in pace. Obviously the strategy to to ram a workable system through that works well enough and likely is similar to what is used elsewhere. This prevents months of excessive negotiation with Congress and the Senate and much interference from lobbyists which only produced a turkey in the form of Obamacare. It smells like this will be done almost in days rather than weeks which will shock everyone. *Mu... more »

What did Big Data find when it analyzed 150 years of British history?

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
I have always respected mega data approaches for their ability to determine accurate time frames from which to conduct analysis and to uncover not so obvious aspects that could be easily overlooked. This work has the advantage of been about as good as it gets for the last two centuries.I would like to see the same done for American newspapers in order to uncover fashions of fake news stories as well. The nineteenth century was terrible. *What did Big Data find when it analyzed 150 years of British history?** January 9, 2017 * * more »

Leaked Document Reveals Internet Trolls Are Government Agents

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
Oh good. i had long since suspected or better known as much anyway but this serves to confirm it. These chaps are taking down a salary in order to suppress free speech in any way they can. Of course there are also some volunteers out there usually in obscure corners. They matter little. Yet the tactics are the same and that is to hassle and deny an informed opinion maker until he goes away. I saw quite a bit of that around the climate change debate and this talks about the vaccine debate. Do note that the vaccine debate is not going away either. The bad news is real and blow... more »

Why Fruits and Vegetables Have Become Less Nutritious

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
It is apparent that industrial farming has made nutrient uptake severely limited and GMO's have actually worsened the situation. What this article intimates is that we need to bite the bullit and start developing a premium system that identuify nutrient optimized as against deficient regimes. The next generation of farming will see industrial organic farming methods optimized along with soil enhancement and even creation using bio-char. so in the long term this is all a solved problem. In the short term we need to eat a wide variety of plant foods to get best results.. . *Wh... more »

The CIA And Psychic Uri Geller

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 22 hours ago
*Daily Mail:* *The real-life X-Files: How CIA recruited Uri Geller to test his psychic abilities and were STUNNED when he was able to match random drawings by an agent sealed in another room* * The CIA released about 13million declassified documents online yesterday and among them it was revealed that Uri Geller went to Stanford for tests in 1973 * Scientists took random words out of a dictionary and drew a related sketch - Geller was in a sealed room and tasked with trying to describe the drawing by the CIA on the other side of a wall * CIA experts said Geller had convincingly de... more »

A New US Relationship with China

LL at Virtual Mirage - 22 hours ago
The people who pull the levers and push the buttons on politics and policy in the People's Republic of China have been satisfied with the relationship that they had with the Obama Administration. Essentially Barack walked away from the store, left the door unlocked and allowed the looters to do as they would. *January 20, 2017 marks a new starting point and a test of wills and strength between an emerging Sino-centric world order and a re-energized US-centric world order.* Things in Washington DC have changed. President Trump invited Taiwan to send a delegation to his inauguration... more »

Melbourne car deaths: Three killed as driver strikes pedestrians per BBC News

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 22 hours ago
This BBC report is interesting for several reasons, firstly for the headline blaming the driver not the vehicle as they did in Nice and Berlin. Secondly for the explanation of the police's view that immediately follows the initial description of the incident: 'Three people, including a young child, have died after a car deliberately hit pedestrians in central Melbourne, police say. At least 29 people were injured, among them a baby who is in a critical condition after the car hit a pram. Police say they rammed the car, shot the d... more »

Roy Spencer On Satellite v Surface Data

Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? ? ? With the continuing divergence of surface and satellite temperature records, it is worth revisiting what Roy Spencer had to say on the issue in 2014: ? Much is being made of the “global” surface thermometer data, which three-quarters…

New paper asks: Has recent sea ice loss caused polar bear populations to crash?

Originally posted on polarbearscience: A paper published today finds that predictions of polar bear population crashes due to summer sea ice loss are based on a scientifically unfounded assumption. [The graphic above was created by me from the title page and two figures from the paper] Specifically, this paper of mine addresses the basic premise…

@NOAA data demonstrates that 2016 was not the ‘hottest year ever’ in the USA

Originally posted on Watts Up With That?: Today, there’s all sorts of caterwauling over the NYT headline by Justin Gillis that made it above the fold in all caps, no less: FOR THIRD YEAR, THE EARTH IN 2016 HIT RECORD HEAT. I’m truly surprised they didn’t add an exclamation point too. (h/t to Ken Caldiera…

Because of the GISS and NOAA Press Conference about 2016 Global Surface Temperatures…

Originally posted on Bob Tisdale - Climate Observations: …A Reminder of How Horribly Climate Models Simulate the Surface Temperatures of Earth’s Oceans. This post serves as the annual model-data comparison for sea surface temperatures. INTRODUCTION Oceans cover about 70% of the surface of the Earth, yet climate models are far from properly simulating the surface…

Berkeley Earth – ‘record temperature in 2016 appears to come from a strong El Nino’

Originally posted on Watts Up With That?: 2016: The Warmest Year on Record, with a Dip in the Second Half of the Year 2016 was the warmest year since humans began keeping records, by a wide margin. Global average temperatures were extremely hot in the first few months of the year, pushed up by a…

Rethinking the Social Cost of Carbon

Originally posted on Climate Etc.: by Judith Curry The Social Cost of Carbon is emerging as a major source of contention in the Trump Administration. Andy Revkin has an article summarizing the issue: Will Trump’s climate team accept any social cost of carbon? Excerpts: But there’s probably no more consequential and contentious a target for…

The Planets have control of Solar variability

The Planets have control of Solar variability Posted by Harald Yndestad Sat, September 24, 2016 14:04:35 The planet Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune affects irradiation variability from the sun Published: 20.aug. 2016 New Astronomy By Harald Yndestad a), og Jan-Erik Solheim b) a) Norwegian University of Science and Technology Aalesund, Aalesund 6025, Norway b) Department […]

Beyond Physics: Advanced Biology and Climate Change

Originally posted on Climate Etc.: by Clive Hambler Reflections on the stabilization of Earth’s climate by life. People frequently believe the claim that basic physics, established in the 19th Century, is sufficient to predict that Earth will warm in response to increasing CO2. However, I argue here that negative feedbacks due to life (‘Gaia’) may…

Venice icy cold. First time in history. The photos that are making the rounds of the world.

Translated and shared from here. In the last week, Italy was invaded by cold and snow, even in the south occurred heavy snowfall. But this beginning in 2017 will be best remembered for an event that has no precedent in history. The lagoon and the canals of Venice are completely frozen, the water became ice […]

The Ocean Climate Spin Zone

Originally posted on Science Matters: This image shows the five major ocean gyres. It shows that gyres rotate in a clockwise direction in the Northern hemisphere and a counter-clockwise direction in the Southern hemisphere. The black square shows the approximate location of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and the red circle shows the position of…

18 answers from a (man-made warming) climate sceptic

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 23 hours ago
SourceRichard Willmsen has written a piece: 18 questions for climate deniers which starts: 1. Do you accept the science of how babies are created? 2. Do you accept the science of how ice is formed? 3. Do you accept the science of how the earth goes in circles? 4. Do you accept the science of where eggs come from? 5. Do you accept the science of how water is heated? And his *trite questioning includes* what he probably thinks is his stinger: Do you accept the science of how greenhouses work? And an even stranger one, considering the position he is coming from: Do y... more »

Could your car be your best friend? (IEET) at Ethical Technology - 23 hours ago
At CES 2017, Toyota announced its AI research teams are working on a new user interface for the smart cars of the future. It’s called Yui and it could become your navigator, your protector and even your road trip buddy.

It Cost The U.S. $8.8 Million To Send 2 B-2 Stealth Bombers Halfway Around The World To Kill 80 ISIS Fighters In Libya

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
US B-2 bombers (like the one seen in the above stock image) carried out air strikes against Islamic State camps outside of Sirte, Libya, on Wednesday night, killing dozens of militants, according to defense officials *Daily Mail*: *Obama spent $8.8MILLION sending B2 stealth bombers halfway around the world to kill 80 ISIS fighters in last military order as president* * Pentagon officials say B-2 bombers carried out air strikes against ISIS camps * The attacks were focused on camps outside of Sirte, Libya, on Wednesday night * It has been reported it cost nearly $8.8 million to fly... more »

Tweet For Today

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
Senegal troops move into Gambia as new president sworn in — AFP news agency (@AFP) January 19, 2017

Posthuman Perspectives by IEET Fellow Prof. Dr. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner (IEET) at Ethical Technology - 23 hours ago
IEET Fellow Prof. Dr. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner gave a talk on Posthuman Perspectives in Bratislava in December in 2016. The spoken presentation is longer than the written text, as it also provides a brief historical insight into the movements of the posthuman debates. Both provide a summary of many of his positions, and how they relate to various posthuman issues.

Soon To Be President Trump And Lincoln

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
*(Click on Image to Enlarge) * President-elect Donald Trump salutes the statue of Abraham Lincoln as he and his wife Melania take part in a Make America Great Again welcome concert in Washington. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst *WNU Editor:* The photo gallery* begins here*.

Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 1/20/2017" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
* "Weekly News Wrap-Up 1/20/2017"* By Greg Hunter’s "250,000 protesters, many of them paid and bussed in, are going to Washington D.C. to try to disrupt or stop Donald Trump from being sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. The police and military are ready for them as tens of thousands of armed officers and soldiers are on hand to make sure the inauguration goes ahead as planned. Outgoing Vice-President Joe Biden was in Davos, Switzerland, at the World Economic Forum and sounded the alarm about the populist movement sweeping the globe. Biden warned t... more »

Picture Of The Day (The Last Day At The White House)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

Here Are Official White House Photographer Pete Souza's Favorite 55 Photos

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
© Official White House Photo by Pete Souza *Twisted Sifter:* *The White House’s Pete Souza Has Shot Nearly 2M Photos of Obama, Here are 55 of His Favorites* For the last 8 years, Pete Souza has been the Official White House Photographer. Over the course of President Obama’s two terms, Souza estimates he will have taken nearly 2 million photographs. You can find over 6,600 on the White House’s official Flickr account. Souza has captured some incredibly powerful, heartfelt and poignant moments of the President over the last 8 years and a gallery of 16 photos has recently gone viral,... more »

"Neuroscience Says Listening to This Song Reduces Anxiety by Up to 65 Percent" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"Neuroscience Says Listening to This Song Reduces Anxiety by Up to 65 Percent"* By Melanie Curtin "Everyone knows they need to manage their stress. When things get difficult at work, school, or in your personal life, you can use as many tips, tricks, and techniques as you can get to calm your nerves. So here's a science-backed one: make a playlist of the 10 songs found to be the most relaxing on earth. Sound therapies have long been popular as a way of relaxing and restoring one's health. For centuries, indigenous cultures have used music to enhance well-being and improve health c... more »

What Color Will Señor Trumpanzee Be Mañana?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
We love the Dublin-based European betting house Paddy Power. Even though I'm not a betting man myself, they always offer fascinating opportunities to bet on current events. In a press release today, "Deep Saffron Is The New Black-- Paddy Power Open Betting On Inauguration Specials-- Including Trump's Skin Colour," they're calling attention to the odds they're offering on several important aspects of tomorrow's biggest day for fascism since Germany expanded employment by 1- preventing Jews from working, which opened up thousands of jobs for members of the master race and 2- banning ... more »

Musical Interlude: Amethystium, “Tinuviel” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Amethystium, “Tinuviel” -

"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“This colorful skyscape features the dusty, reddish glow of Sharpless catalog emission region Sh2-155, the Cave Nebula. About 2,400 light-years away, the scene lies along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy toward the royal northern constellation of Cepheus. *Click image for larger size.* Astronomical explorations of the region reveal that it has formed at the boundary of the massive Cepheus B molecular cloud and the hot, young, blue stars of the Cepheus OB 3 association. The bright rim of ionized hydrogen gas is energized by the radiation from the hot stars, dominated by the bright... more »

Chet Raymo, “What Makes The Desert So Beautiful Is That Somewhere It Hides A Well...” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“What Makes The Desert So Beautiful Is That Somewhere It Hides A Well...”* by Chet Raymo "Good morning," said the little prince. "Good morning," said the merchant. This was a merchant who sold pills that had been invented to quench thirst. You need only swallow one pill a week, and you would feel no need of anything to drink. "Why are you selling those?" asked the little prince. "Because they save a tremendous amount of time," said the merchant. "Computations have been made by experts. With these pills, you save fifty-three minutes in every week." "And what do I do with those fifty... more »

Fukushima Daiichi: (Nitrogen?) Device Screenshots

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 1 day ago
I'm assuming this very large device is what injects nitrogen into the reactors to prevent the buildup of explosive gasses. I've seen the device many times before and it usually is placed in service when atmospheric emissions start to thicken, as illustrated by this screenshot from earlier today: Jan 20 00:33 It is huge, as illustrated here when the crane pulls it out of the building and drops it in the foreground of the building (reactor1) where it had been embedded:

"Don't Wonder..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"Don't wonder why people go crazy. Wonder why they don't. In the face of what we can lose in a day, in an instant, wonder what the hell it is that makes us hold it together." - "Grey's Anatomy"

"Who Is Delusional? The Answer Is: We All Are" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"Who Is Delusional? The Answer Is: We All Are"* by Noel Hunter "Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you" - Carl Jung "Within the mental health profession, clinicians and researchers who value a system of categorical illnesses and individual defects too often proclaim that the major feature delineating "real psychosis" from other "disorders" is the presence of delusions. Two articles in the New York Times exemplified for me how skewed this assertion is. It also led to a greater awareness, more specifically, of how problematic it is to view so-called delusions as meaningles... more »

The Daily "Near You?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"You Are Not Crazy: Taking a Time Out" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"You Are Not Crazy: Taking a Time Out"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "Sometimes as adults, we just need a time out to refocus and gather ourselves before starting out again. Most of us feel a little crazy from time to time. Periods of high stress can make us feel like we’re losing it, as can being surrounded by people whose values are very different from our own. Losing a significant relationship and moving into a new life situation are other events that can cause us to feel off kilter. Circumstances like these recur in our lives, and they naturally affect our mental stability. ... more »

The Poet: Eugene O'Neill, "Free" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
* "Free"* "Weary am I of the tumult, sick of the staring crowd, Pining for wild sea places where the soul may think aloud. Fled is the glamour of cities, dead as the ghost of a dream, While I pine anew for the tint of blue on the breast of the old Gulf Stream. I have had my dance with Folly, nor do I shirk the blame; I have sipped the so-called Wine of Life and paid the price of shame; But I know that I shall find surcease, the rest my spirit craves, Where the rainbows play in the flying spray, 'Mid the keen salt kiss of the waves. Then it's ho! for the plunging deck of a bark, the hoar... more »

On His First Day In Office President Trump Will Visit CIA Headquarters

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Bloomberg:* *Trump Will Visit Headquarters of CIA He Criticized Over Leaks* * President-elect accused U.S. spies of releasing damaging file * Visit is timed for swearing in of his nominee to lead agency President-elect Donald Trump will visit CIA headquarters in Virginia on Saturday on his first full day in office, traveling to the nerve center of a U.S. spy apparatus he criticized over intelligence reports Russia worked to assist his election, said a person familiar with the plans. Trump’s visit is timed for the expected swearing-in of his nominee for Central Intelligence Agency ... more »

Clinton Democrats In No Position To Call Themselves ‘The Resistance’

Roqayah Chamseddine at Shadowproof - 1 day ago
While Democrats marinated in the unverifiable news of President-elect Donald Trump’s “golden shower” dossier, Senators Amy Klobuchar and Bernie Sanders put forward an amendment, which called for the establishment of a “deficit-neutral reserve fund” to “lower prescription drug prices for Americans by importing drugs from Canada,” was rejected, 52 to The post Clinton Democrats In No Position To Call Themselves ‘The Resistance’ appeared first on Shadowproof.

Rural America matters to all Americans

Jennifer Zwagerman, Associate Director of the Agricultural Law Center; Director of Career Development, Drake University at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 1 day ago
President-elect Donald Trump has nominated former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue to lead the Department of Agriculture. Many Americans may feel like this particular Cabinet nomination doesn’t impact their everyday lives, but that is a misconception. USDA is responsible for areas beyond agriculture, including food, nutrition and rural development. Rural America is important to all Americans because it is a primary source for inexpensive and safe food, affordable energy, clean drinking water and accessible outdoor recreation. Almost three-quarters of the United States is considered rur... more »

Are third-party candidates spoilers? What voting data reveal

Judd Thornton, Assistant professor of Political Science, Georgia State University at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 1 day ago
Green Party candidate Jill Stein does not see herself as a spoiler in the 2016 presidential race. Her voters, Stein claims, would not have come to the polls had she not been in the race. But what if Stein were wrong and she didn’t bring new voters to the polls? The number of votes Stein got in Michigan and Wisconsin exceeded the gap between Clinton and Trump in those states. If you assume that Stein voters were more liberal than conservative and therefore more likely to support Clinton than Trump, Stein could have been a spoiler in those two states. Of course, winning Michigan ... more »

One way Trump is different from European nationalists

Brian Porter-Szücs, Professor of History, University of Michigan at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 1 day ago
When comparing Europe and America, we frequently overlook differences that hide inside similarities. There is no doubt that President-elect Donald Trump is surfing the same wave as European authoritarian nationalists like Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Hungary’s Viktor Orbán, France’s Marine Le Pen, Turkey’s Recep Erdoğan, Austria’s Norbert Hofer or Poland’s Jarosław Kaczyński. The parallels are many. Yet, during this apparent moment of political convergence, the U.S. is diverging from Europe in one fundamental aspect. While Trump might resemble these European nationalists, he has tie... more »

An Honest Analysis On Why The U.S. Democrats Are Going To Be In The 'Wilderness' For A Long Time

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* *Edward-Isaac Dovere, Politico*: *Democrats in the Wilderness* *Inside a decimated party’s not-so-certain revival strategy.* Standing with some 30,000 people in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia the night before the election watching Hillary Clinton speak, exhausted aides were already worrying about what would come next. They expected her to win, of course, but they knew President Clinton was going to get thrashed in the 2018 midterms—the races were tilted in Republicans’ favor, and that’s when they thought the backlash would really hit. Many ... more »

Former Newspaper Editor Who Exposed CIA Found Dead

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago Dr Udo Ulfkotte, the former German newspaper editor whose bestselling book exposed how the CIA controls German media, has been found dead. He was 56. Ulfkotte was an editor at Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, one of the largest newspapers in Germany, when he published Bought Journalists, the bestselling book that cost him his job and perhaps his life. German media, who were banned from reporting on his work in recent years, are reporting he died of “heart failure”. Acknowledging that his life was under threat, Ulfkotte explained that he was in a better position t... more »

Veterans Opposing Trump Nominee Tillerson Try to Meet with Senator McCain; McCain Staffers have them Arrested; #VetsRejectRex

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 1 day ago
Senator McCain claims he wants to impose stronger sanctions against Russia. And, yet, he is apparently still sitting on the … Continue reading →

New column day

Greg Fingas at Accidental Deliberations - 1 day ago
Here, on the options available to the Wall government in responding to a budget deficit other than to renew its attacks on Saskatchewan's public servants - and why we shouldn't trust a premier whose answer to the failure of his anti-worker economics is to amplify the pain. For further reading... - In case we need a reminder of the Saskatchewan Party's systematic austerity no matter how much money is flowing into provincial coffers, here are just a few of the examples from 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016. - Kent Peterson nicely sums up what Brad Wall's position seems to be on his own fisca... more »

If Planet Nine Is Out There, It Tilts Our Solar System

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 1 day ago
Looking at this simulation, i do suspect we are looking at a brown star even. At least we are now developing an orbit to monitor. Do look at the video. It is noteworthy that the perpendicular orbits are also predicted and are also filled. We really need to get remote telescopes up into space and placed on long baseline able to develop a large block of local space for objects. The Lagrange points work for this. The baselines themselves could act as a gravity sensing system able to pick up far objects. Then we really do need to do the same thing for Jupiter. All challenging. ... more »

Ayn Rand’s Letters to John Hospers

Anoop Verma at For The New Intellectual - 1 day ago
Ayn Rand’s thoughtful and detailed letters to John Hospers, published in *Letters of Ayn Rand*, are a source of information on her views on a wide range of philosophical issues. Only the letters written by Rand are included in the book. From Hospers there is a half-page comment in which he indicates his displeasure at his side of the correspondence not being included. He says: “The reader who read what Ayn wrote to me, and not what I wrote to her, would gather that I was a bloody fool.” Perhaps he is right because Rand’s letters often create the impression that she is finding it to... more »

Mexican Drug Lord Known Joaquín Guzmán Extradited To The U.S.

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*New York Times*: *El Chapo, Mexican Drug Kingpin, Extradited to the U.S.* MEXICO CITY — Joaquín Guzmán Loera, the notorious drug lord known as El Chapo, who twice slipped out of high-security Mexican prisons and into criminal legend, was being extradited to the United States on Thursday night, officials said, drawing to a close a decades-long effort to successfully prosecute the head of one of the world’s largest narcotics organizations. A federal court in Mexico denied an appeal by Mr. Guzmán’s lawyers to block the extradition, clearing the way for his transfer to the American ... more »

Thursday Evening Links

Greg Fingas at Accidental Deliberations - 1 day ago
This and that for your Thursday reading. - Peter Goodman observes that any meaningful action to build a more equal economy needs to involve bolstering wages and workers' rights - meaning that the elites-only musings in Davos miss the point entirely: Davos is — at least rhetorically — consumed with worries about the shortcomings of globalization. About the deepening anxieties of the middle class in many developed economies. About the threat of trade protectionism and its attendant hit to economic growth. About the fear that robots are on the verge of sowing mass unemployment. It is ... more »

Can Anything Prevent The Trump Take-Over Tomorrow?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
*This is what Trump has done to the Lincoln Memorial (the jumbo-tron is not photoshopped)* Tomorrow, America will see the inauguration of a deranged and narcissistic fascist with shady ties to brutal Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. According to a CBS poll released Wednesday, Trump's approval rating is just 32%. In contrast, other recent presidents of both parties have had sky-high transition approval ratings. George H.W. Bush's was 82%, Bill Clinton's was 81%, Obama's was 80% and even George W. Bush's, which wasn't nearly as high (72%), was still way over double Trump's. And yet...... more »


DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

After War on Whistleblowers, Obama Commutes Manning's Sentence

Alex Newman at rss - 1 day ago
[image: after-waging-war-on-whistleblowers-obama-pardons-manning] After eight years of waging relentless war against whistleblowers and transparency at home and abroad, President Obama is suddenly being portrayed as a merciful defender of those who blow the whistle. On January 17, Obama commuted the sentence of Bradley Manning, a former U.S. Army intelligence analyst and self-styled “transgender” now going by the name Chelsea, who pleaded guilty under the Espionage Act of leaking hundreds of thousands of U.S. diplomatic and military cables to pro-transparency site WikiLeaks. Reactio... more »

President Obama's Final Call As President Went To German Chancellor Merkel

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Obama and Merkel have often phoned over the years *DW:* *Merkel receives Obama's final call to a foreign leader* Outgoing US President Barack Obama has phoned the German chancellor to thank her for her steady leadership. He said it was "fitting" that his final call to a foreign leader should be to her. US President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama held a phone call with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her husband, Joachim Sauer, on Thursday to thank them for their friendship and support during Obama's eight years in office, the White House said. It was the final call... more »

Live Feed: The DeploraBall in DC...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 day ago
*16 Hours!*

Spectacular Fireworks Show Follows Donald Trump Speech At The Lincoln Memorial...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 day ago
this is what a president sounds like!

"How It Really Is" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago

Anomaly! Book Of The Week At Times Higher Education

Tommaso Dorigo at Science 2.0 blogs - 1 day ago
I am pleased to report that the book I wrote on the CDF experiment and on collider physics at the Tevatron, "Anomaly!", has been declared this week's "book of the week" by the Times Higher Education site. There, you will be able to read Tara Shears' very nice review of my book, along with some additional considerations and biographical notes on yours truly by Karen Shook. read more

Man spends last day alive at a Jobcentre being told he’s ‘fit to work’. He dies on the way home

James Wright at The Canary - 1 day ago
A man collapsed and died in the street on the way home from the Jobcentre on 12 December. He had been declared ‘fit for work’. Lawrence Bond suffered a fatal heart attack shortly after leaving the Kentish town Jobcentre, reports The Camden New Journal. The 56-year-old had longstanding health problems such as difficulty with mobility […] The post Man spends last day alive at a Jobcentre being told he’s ‘fit to work’. He dies on the way home appeared first on The Canary.

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