10:56pm MST
is one of the most destructive invasive plants in the western United
States. It's replaced many native grasses and herbs over millions of
acres of the United States and Canada, in many places completely
dominating the vegetative landscape. That's a problem because cheatgrass
dies back much sooner than most ...
The U.S. Army Is Building A Better Bullet

Sensors crammed into the tip of the grenade trigger the round's detonation
once it passes over a wall or other obstacle. U.S. Army
*Mark Thompson, Time:* *U.S. Army Aims to Build a Better Bullet*
*WNU Editor: *This would have made a difference during the height of the
Iraq and Afghan wars.
Musical Interlude: Medwyn Goodall, “Eyes of Heaven”
Medwyn Goodall, “Eyes of Heaven”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yC0-RJ3P1G0
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The spiral arms of bright galaxy M106 sprawl through this remarkable
multiframe portrait, composed of data from ground- and space-based
telescopes. Also known as NGC 4258, M106 can be found toward the northern
constellation Canes Venatici. The well-measured distance to M106 is 23.5
million light-years, making this cosmic scene about 80,000 light-years
*Click image for larger size.*
Typical in grand spiral galaxies, dark dust lanes, youthful blue star
clusters, and pinkish star forming regions trace spiral arms that converge
on the bright nucleus of older yellowish stars. Bu... more »
"The Life You Have Left..."
“The life you have left is a gift. Cherish it.
Enjoy it now, to the fullest. Do what matters, now.”
~ Leo Babauta
Chet Raymo, “Why Cranes Fly”
*“Why Cranes Fly”*
by Chet Raymo
"There were a few Comments here recently about herons, from right around
the world. What is the power of this bird to touch our minds and hearts?
The naturalist Aldo Leopold was intimately familiar with the cranes of
Wisconsin, cousins of our New England great blue heron, the Irish gray
heron, and Adam2's aosagi from Japan, and wondered about their ability to
move us so deeply. In A Sand County Almanac he watches as a crane "springs
his ungainly hulk into the air and flails the morning sun with mighty
wings." Our ability to perceive beauty in nature... more »
"An Exquisite Balance..."
“It seems to me what is called for is an exquisite balance between two
conflicting needs: the most skeptical scrutiny of all hypotheses that are
served up to us and at the same time a great openness to new ideas… If you
are only skeptical, then no new ideas make it through to you… On the other
hand, if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of
skeptical sense in you, then you cannot distinguish the useful ideas from
the worthless ones.”
- Carl Sagan
Unless, of course, your ideas come pre-packaged and are digested without
In which case, the expec... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Argyle, Minnesota, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
For Most American Musicians Adequate Healthcare Is Still A Million Miles Away
*"What does it say about the richest country on earth that its citizens
must depend upon raffles and spaghetti dinners to pay the medical bills-- a
situation that exists in no other civilized country? What does it say about
members of Congress and presidents, Democrats and Republicans all, who are
content with a health care system that ignores the needs of tens of
millions of Americans while it makes multimillionaires out of those who
profit from disease and death?"* --from *Critical Condition* by Donald
Bartlett and James Steele
Later this month Alan Grayson, central Florida's c... more »
Arctic News: State Of Extreme Emergency
Arctic News: State Of Extreme Emergency: PRESIDENT OBAMA MUST DECLARE A
H... more »
Protesters Disrupt Ceremony For 100-Year Old Navy Vet
*Lisa Suhay, Christian Science Monitor:* *Protesters disrupt ceremony for
100-year old Navy vet. Is 'uncivil' disobedience rising?*
*WNU Editor: *I am all for free speech and protest .... but this is a step
too far. And no .... this type of "uncivil" disobedience is not effective.
The Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation
*James Borges - *Simple postures that activate the body’s nervous system on
the etheric level, stimulate the glands and restore optimal health.
The post The Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation appeared first on Waking
“Our souls are hungry for meaning, for the sense that we have figured out
how to live so that our lives matter, so that the world will be at least a
little bit different for our having passed through it. What frustrates us
and robs our lives of joy is this absence of meaning. Does our being alive
- Harold S. Kushner
“All of us have been dying, hour by hour, since the moment we were born.
Realizing this, let all things be placed in their proper perspective.
Remember, it is always later than you think.”
- Og Mandino
“Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid that it will... more »
The Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke, "And Yet..."
"And yet, though we strain
against the deadening grip
of daily necessity,
I sense there is this mystery:
All life is being lived.
Who is living it then?
Is it the things themselves,
or something waiting inside them,
like an unplayed melody in a flute?
Is it the winds blowing over the waters?
Is it the branches that signal to each other?
Is it flowers interweaving their fragrances
or streets, as they wind through time?"
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
"The Road to New Beginnings: Completion"
*"The Road to New Beginnings: Completion"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Just as new beginnings are important, so is honoring the experience of
closure. Life is a collage of beginnings and endings that run together like
still-wet paint. Yet before we can begin any new phase in life, we must
sometimes first achieve closure to the current stage we are in. That’s
because many of life’s experiences call for closure. Often, we cannot see
the significance of an event or importance of a lesson until we have
reached closure. Or, we may have completed a certain phase in life or path
of le... more »
Another Sex Scandal For Former U.S. President Clinton?

Latest ladies: Clinton was pictured posing for a photo with Barbie Girl
(left) and Ava Adora (right), two known prostitutes who work at the Bunny
Brothel in Nevada
*Daily Mail: *Bill Clinton identified in lawsuit against his former friend
and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein who had 'regular' orgies at his Caribbean
compound that the former president visited multiple times
*WNU Editor:* As I had mentioned in a previous comments thread .... this is
actually an old story that is now being litigated in a civil court .... but
it is making the news right now for one simple reason (and this is ... more »
European News Round up ( December 30 , 2014 ) - Greece Election anxiety , Ukraine situation , Russia and ruble in focus , Ebola in Scotland , ISIS , War on Terror impacts and Islamization fears ( Germany / France / Turkey / Sweden ) ..... And much more !
Catharsis Ours - 3 hours ago

1/1/15 Updates !
*Paul Mason* @paulmasonnews · 22h
22 hours ago
On Greece @AmbroseEP is frighteningly right, as always: http://fw.to/CFyWk8T
stagnation looms but EU wants to impose extra stagnation...
*The Telegraph*
[image: View this content on Telegraph's website]
Greek expulsion from the euro would demolish EMU's contagion firewall...
By *The Telegraph* @Telegraph
Should EMU leaders choose to cut off liquidity support for the Greek
banking system they might find that their contagion defences are a fiction
View on web
Open Europe retweeted
*Mats Persson* @matsJpersson · Dec... more »
U.S. Drone Fleet at ‘Breaking Point’

Drone operators fly an MQ-9 Reaper training mission from a ground control
station at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, in this U.S. Air Force
handout photo taken October 3, 2012. Credit: Reuters/Airman 1st Class
Michael Shoemaker/USAF/Handout
*Dave Majumdar, Daily Beast:* *Exclusive: U.S. Drone Fleet at ‘Breaking
Point,’ Air Force Says*
*WNU Editor: *The first sentence of this report sums it up ....
.... *Too many missions and too few pilots are threatening the ‘readiness
and combat capability’ of America’s unmanned Air Force, according to an
internal memo.*
and the last sent... more »
Is there anything besides crackpot ineptitude that can save us from a two-year nationwide Reign of Far-Right-Wing Terror?

*This is a *Washington Post* map from November 5 of the partisan breakdown
of state-legislature control following the 2014 election. [Click on it to
*by Ken*
When I went to retrieve a washingtonpost.com piece that had sent chills
through me over the weekend, I wasn't surprised to find that Greg Sargent
had taken note of it too. He begins a "Plum Line" post today, "Shellacked
on the state level, Democrats chart a way out of the wilderness":
Reid Wilson had a great piece over the weekend reporting that Republicans,
having expanded their control on the level of the states,... more »
ISA Blogging Update: Committee Reports Recommendations
Last winter, the ISA executive committee proposed new rules for editors of
ISA journals that would restrict their blogging. This led to a pretty
hostile reaction. At the ISA meeting, the proposal was sent to committee.
The committee has circulated its report and recommendations. What do they
recommend? Basically, the recommendations: suggest some language that
Continue reading
Hijacking of Skepticism to Subvert Critical Thinking

*Video -* Why alternative theories so often no tolerated and often
The post Hijacking of Skepticism to Subvert Critical Thinking appeared
first on Waking Times.
Fat Cat News - the Puppet Show: Our news anchors meet Sir Felix Gross
100 Chief Executives
are paid an average £4.72 million, equivalent to hourly pay of nearly
£1,200. That means that before the first week of January is over, top
bosses will have made more money than the average UK worker earns in an
entire year. Yet the evidence shows that there is no link between their
high levels of pay and their performance.
Our brave news anchors give Sir Felix
How Cheap Oil Hurts Russia And OPEC

(Click on Image to Enlarge)
*Mike Corones, Reuters: **Shale industry hedges, OPEC fiddles and Russia
*WNU Editor:* I am not going to shed any tears for OPEC or Russia.
*Thursday wind chill to drop into teens in New Orleans and Baton Rouge,
single digits on north shore ~Mark Schleifstein*
Top 10 Fun (and Crazy) Videos Of 2014
*RT:* *2014 as we saw it: Top 10 fun (and crazy) videos of the year*
*WNU Editor*: My favorite video is the one above. Mind you ... two of the
23 young men and women did want to look.
A frolicsome February
To give me a gentle start into 2015 blogging – and to help those of you
currently enjoying computer and internet access to catch up with things
you might have missed here last year – I’m going to post some of the best
posts from each month of last year.
So, today, these were NOT PC’s top few still relevant, or still pointed,
posts for February *last* year…
1. *QUOTE OF THE DAY: On the gap between rich and poor*
*“The poor are not poor because the rich are rich. The two
conditions are generally unrelated.” * - Robert Samuelson, from
his arti... more »
*Electric car company Tesla Motors expanding number of charging stations in
Louisiana ~Jason Saul, WWNO*
*Unemployment claims dip; oil, gas jobs hold relatively steady in Louisiana
~The Advertiser*
*Every Artist Insured ~NOLA DEFENDER*
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 5, 2015

*Bryan Early, Reuters* -- *U.S. sanctions fail two-thirds of the time. And
allies are often to blame*
*Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 5, 2015*
Russian Sanctions, China, and the Arctic -- Andreas Kuersten, The Diplomat
Isis still a threat despite coalition successes in Syria and Iraq -- Daniel
Hurst, The Guardian
Even ISIS Needs a Bank -- Adam Chandler, The Atlantic
ISIS’s Futile Quest to Go Legit -- Jamie Dettmer, Daily Beast
Is Lebanon closing its door to Syrian refugees? -- Nicholas Blanford, CSM
Foreigners fighting Islamic State in Syria: who and why? -- Bene... more »
World News Briefs -- January 5, 2015 (Evening Edition)

A ship passes a petro-industrial complex in Kawasaki near Tokyo December
18, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Thomas Peter
*Top Story:* *Oil extends crash into new year as glut fear deepens*
U.S. leads 20 more air strikes* against Islamic State*
U.S. troops training Iraqi military *at bases in Anbar, Taji*.
U.S. delays sending* 1,500 troops to Iraq: report*.
Three Saudi guards killed in suicide, gun attack *on Iraq border: ministry*.
Iraqi forces kill 26 Islamic State fighters* near oil refinery town:
Islamic State touts *$250M year-end budget surplus; ope... more »
Benefits: Too Fat to Work
Those lovely folks over at *Daily Express TV* have hit on a relatively
untapped vein of hate. Marry together your idea of the undeserving poor sponging
off the hardworking tax payer with fat people and you have the perfect
scapegoat: someone who cannot work because they are obese. Channel 5's *Benefits:
Too Fat to Work* is an exercise in demonology dressed up as concern porn,
and befitting the quality publications of the station's proprietor the
facts of the matter - such as only 12,000 people out of a population of 60m
plus are officially deemed "too fat to work" - cannot be allowe... more »
Mel Cooper talks to Professor Norman Davies, Author of "Vanished Kingdoms"
*"Vanished Kingdoms: The History of Half-Forgotten Europe" by Norman Davies
Ivor Norman Richard Davies (born 8 June 1939) is a British-Polish historian
noted for his publications on the history of Europe, Poland and the United
Kingdom. He is widely regarded as one of the preeminent historians of
Central and Eastern European history.
*Title: Mel Cooper talks to Professor Norman Davies. Source: Wildwater tv.
Date Published: November 5, 2011. Description:*
Mel Cooper interviews Professor Norman Davies about his recently published
book "Vanished Kingdoms The Hi... more »
Will Hillary's 2016 Presidential Run Get Tripped By Slick Willie's Hard On?

While Hillary Rodham-Clinton enjoys the advantage of a dynastic political
brand name it can just as easily cut both ways. In a bizarre, rapidly
developing tale of elite sexual depravity that has ensnared British royal Prince
Andrew, a former O.J. Simpson “dream team” lawyer, a pedophile
"philanthropist" and possibly even Slick Willie, the silver bullet to stop
the Clinton political machine may have been found. The bombshell fairy tale
of perversion revolves around a lawsuit against financial high-roller Jeffrey
Epstein by an at the time underaged female claiming that she was held a... more »
Here’s What Happened When A 65 Year Old Woman Took Shrooms In A Lab

*Video - *Cancer patient speaks of her first-hand experience with treating
her depression with magic mushrooms.
The post Here’s What Happened When A 65 Year Old Woman Took Shrooms In A Lab
appeared first on Waking Times.
Action across South Dakota to Protest Keystone Pipeline Jan. 6, 2015
Coalition of Grassroots Activists Take Action across South Dakota to Protest the Keystone XL Pipeline
Rapid City Protest: January 6:
Top of Main Street Square parking ramp, 7:45am MT
Sioux Falls Protest:
10th and Minnesota, 2:00pm CT
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, January 5, 2015
Sabrina King, Dakota Rural Action Organizer: (605)939-0527
Joye Braun, Cheyenne River
An Odd Question
Those who attended either of the sessions I was involved with at the ASSA
meeting know that the audience included some hecklers. During the first
session, I was the target. During the second, Larry Summers was. (At one
point, the moderator Bob Hall threatened to call security.) Here is a
Washington Post article about the hecklers.
After the first session was over, one of the hecklers came up to me and
asked, "How much money have the Koch brothers paid you?" My answer, of
course, was "not a penny."
I don't find it odd that people disagree with me. I am always open to the
possibil... more »
Jelly Belly Chris Christie Celebrates Rigged Game in Jerry Jones’ Luxury Suite

Sunday’s NFC wild card playoff at the opulent temple built to honor Dallas
Cowboys owner Jerry Jones in Arlington, Texas was chock with drama and
intrigue. Normally a matchup between anyone and the Detroit Lions doesn’t
draw a national television audience outside of Thanksgiving but the throw
down in AT&T Stadium proved to be a thriller. The scrappy Lions, despite a
typically offensively woeful performance had a 20-14 lead and were likely
driving for the clinching points when an insanely blatant defensive pass
interference call was overturned. The botched call - which was so obviou... more »
Mali Jihadists Step Up Attacks

*Long War Journal:* *Jihadists in Mali step up attacks, kill 7 soldiers*
*More News On Mali Jihadists Stepping Up Attacks*
Malian town of Nampala attacked by Islamist militants -- BBC
At least eight dead in raid on Mali army base -- AFP
Militants Stage Deadly Raid in Central Mali -- VOA
Mali Jihadists Attack Town, Army Soldiers Flee After 2 Dead -- AP
Army camp attacked in central Mali -- Al Jazeera
Six UN peacekeeping troops injured in Mali blast -- AFP
Mali: UN Mission condemns attack that wounded 8 peacekeepers -- UN News
U.S. Charges Two American Citizens For Plotting To Overthrow The Gambian Government
*Al Jazeera:* *US charges two men over Gambia coup bid*
*More News On The U.S. Charging Two American Citizens For Plotting To
Overthrow The Gambian Government*
American citizens charged after failed attempt to overthrow Gambian
dictator in violent coup -- Daily Mail/Reuters/AP
US charges over Gambia 'coup plot' against Yahya Jammeh -- BBC
U.S. charges two men in connection with failed Gambia coup -- Reuters
Americans charged in botched Gambia coup -- CNN
Two men charged in US over Gambia coup attempt -- France 24
2 Americans Charged in Failed Coup Attempt In Gambia -- ABC News
Two US... more »
Crackpot Utopia: The Year in Republican Crazy, Part 13 (and last)

*• TV for Dummies: Sarah Palin launches her own channel• Crazyspeak of the
Year nominee No. 17: Arizona schools superintendent John Huppenthal (rhymes
with Neanderthal)• The final Crazyspeak of the Year nominee -- and also the
*Yes, it's Sarah Palin TeeVee!*
*Crackpot Utopia:* *A dream world as envisioned by republicans; a
manifestation or expression of the deranged, warped alternate universe
inhabited by republicans, at least in their minds. See also: Bachmannism,
*by Noah*
*1. TV for Dummies: Sarah Palin launches her own channel*
America's biggest, m... more »
UK 'Royal Family' linked to pedophile ring as Anonymous exposes elite
Brenda Norrell
Censored News
The media in the United Kingdom is exposing the alleged involvement of
members and staff of the so-called Royal Family in an international
pedophile ring for the elite, which involved raping and murdering
Anonymous, on Twitter, began exposing the pedophiles weeks ago, in the
operation #OpDeathEaters online.
In recent years, the roles of the governments
Political debate
Sunday am. The Andrew Marr show.
Andrew Marr. (Sunday Newspapers)
*“Whether Muckingham Palace did the right thing by putting out another
statement - they certainly fed the beast......”*
“*Muck*ingham Palace?” ooh!
Alan Dershowitz.
I’m surprised no-one at the BBC has so far bothered to besmirch Dersh by
innuendo wrt his pro-Israel advocacy To date the BBC is still describing
him as ‘a former Harvard Law professor.’
Oh the grand old Duke o’ York. Yesterday someone wrote he was ruled by his
pants. (as in when they were up they were up etc etc)
Paper Review. Jane... more »
Islamic State Unveils A $2 Billion Budget With A $250m Surplus War Chest
Main sources of Islamic state funding pic.twitter.com/h12gner3DD
— Grasswire (@grasswire) August 27, 2014
*IBTimes:* *Isis news: Caliphate unveils first annual budget of $2bn with
$250m surplus war chest*
*WNU Editor*: This budget puts the Islamic State at a level that is *higher
than some other countries*.
*More News On The Islamic State's $2 Billion Budget*
Islamic State group sets out first budget, worth $2bn -- Al-Araby
Islamic State prepares $2 billion budget, opens bank -- UPI
Islamic State touts $250M year-end budget surplus; opens bank. --
Washingto... more »
Transport Econ 14: On the MRT and LRT Fare Hike

The fare hike in MRT and LRT trains in Metro Manila was implemented
yesterday. This is a long-delayed move as any government subsidy program
immediately creates an entitlement and dependency thinking in the public.
People think that they are entitled to various and endless subsidies if not
freebies from the government and are less concerned of the trade off or
sacrifices somewhere else just to finance the subsidies and freebies that
they enjoy.
And that largely suggest that the train fare subsidy is wrong, in theory
and practice.
1. If government should subsidize commuters in Metr... more »
30 postales de cumpleaños con nombres de mujeres, familiares, apodos y amigas para subirlas al Face

Mensaje de Feliz Cumpleaños para tus amigas, tu maestra, tu familia y
conocidos. Disfruta y comparte estas bonitas postales de tulipanes de
Feliz Día de Reyes para todos ustedes...
Christy Clark and the BC Liberals, Site C Dam, A Proposal Riddled With Graft ?
*Written by Grant G*
*Graft (politics), a form of political corruption*
There`s something happening here, couldn`t quite put my finger on it, until
now, the ramifications are huge, tentacles far reaching and it could also
explain the big rush to build Site C dam...Graft, a provincial British
Columbia Government that many believe is engaged in graft and kickbacks,
ala Quebec style, can you say SNC Lavalin...
If the graft and kickback claims are true?, many people know that British
Columbia loses a small fortune on run of river power projects every year,
these projects have... more »
Claims of 7,000yo inter-planetary planes shake up Indian Science Congress
Interesting. But ignore the trolls in the original post. Interstellar
ships 7000 years ago? NICE!
Sanskrit shocker! Claims of 7,000yo inter-planetary planes shake up Indian
Science Congress
Published time: January 05, 2015 14:44
Edited time: January 05, 2015 18:20
Get short URL
[image: Mahabharata manuscript illustration of the Battle of Kurukshetra
(Image from Wikipedia.org)]
Mahabharata manuscript illustration of the Battle of Kurukshetra (Image
from Wikipedia.org)
Culture, History, India, NASA, Planes, Sc... more »
U.S. - Turkey Have Agreed To Train And Equip Syrian Rebels

Convoy of peshmerga vehicles makes its way to the Turkish-Syrian border,
near the town of Kiziltepe, in the southeastern Mardin province, Turkey,
Oct. 29, 2014.
*Al Bawaba:* *US, Turkey to launch Syrian rebels' training by March, says
*WNU Editor: *Aside from this agreement, it should be noted that ties
between the U.S. and Turkey are not positive .... *U.S. Denies Turkey
Leftover Warships* (Eurasianet.org)
*More News On U.S. - Turkey Agreeing To Train And Equip Syrian Rebels
Starting March*
Turkey, U.S. to finalize Syrian rebel training this month: official --
Reuters... more »
Baby I love your Way

I seek the great sound and Peter Frampton had it decades ago. Its all in
the source material. No matter of audio outside the range of human hearing
will improve on the source material. Peter Framptom proves we had it for a
long time. My question is why do we not hear it everyday today?
NY Times: "Are Conspiracy Theories All Bad?”

The New York Times just published six short op-eds collectively entitled “Are
Conspiracy Theories All Bad?” Amazingly, they’re not ALL bad. (The
articles, not the theories.) Amidst the claptrap from figures like 9/11
cover-up criminal Cass Sunstein and airhead “social psychologist” Karen
Douglas, the Times features decent short essays by Annie Jacobsen, Timothy
Melley and Harriet Washington.
But the whole exercise begs the million dollar question: Are the best-known
“conspiracy theories” – starting with the alternative narratives of the JFK
and 9/11 coups – true? In those two case... more »
Why Oil Prices Are Dropping

(International Energy Agency)
*Brad Plumer, VOX*: Why oil prices are still dropping — in one simple chart
*WNU Editor:* A small confession .... growing up in the old Soviet Union my
worst class was economics (i.e. Marxist economics). Never bought into it
.... even as a teenager I knew that "supply and demand" is what determines
markets, and the government may try as much as it wants to influence "price
and demand" .... but in the end it is market factors that will come into
play. As to the price of oil ... the above graph does illustrate perfectly
why oil prices are dropping .... a... more »
Oil Prices Have Crashed Below $50/Barrel

Business Insider
*Reuters:* U.S. crude oil slips below $50 a barrel as glut fear deepens
*WNU Editor*: For oil producers .... what must be worrisome is that there
is no sign that this drop in oil prices will slow down.
*More News On The Collapse Of Oil Prices*
As oil breaks $50, Wall Street getting more bearish -- CNBC
US oil price falls below $50 on supply glut fears -- BBC
Oil’s Fall Continues, to Below $50 a Barrel -- NYT
U.S. Oil Prices Briefly Fall Below $50 a Barrel -- WSJ
Oil Keeps Falling -- Business Insider/Reuters
Crude oil prices dip BELOW $50 a barrel for the first time in... more »
Here Come The Freshmen

Donald Norcross (D-NJ)-- there's already a worst new Democrat in Congress
This week the 58 freshmen elected in November will be sworn in as members
of Congress. There are 43 Republicans and 15 Democrats. First the
*•* Ruben Gallego (D-AZ)
*•* Mark DeSaulnier (D-CA)
*•* Pete Aguilar (D-CA)
*•* Ted Lieu (D-CA)
*•* Norma Torres (D-CA)
*•* Gwen Graham (Blue Dog-FL)
*•* Mark Takai (D-HI)
*•* Seth Moulton (D-MA)
*•* Debbie Dingell (D-MI)
*•* Brenda Lawrence (D-MI)
*•* Brad Ashford (Blue Dog-NE)
*•* Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ)
*•* Kathleen Rice (D-NY)
*•* Brendan Boyle (D-PA)
*•* D... more »
MMS On Trial: Flash Mob Time!!!!

Time for us to bring back the FLASH MOB!!!!!!
Time for us to stand up in our warrior spirit and FIGHT for our Rights, and
to defend the rights of those in need!! Please share this video. Please
spread the word. Please take action: calls, emails. faxes, all of these
things can make a difference- can create CHANGE.
*Daniel is facing 37 years in prison for helping save lives and
defending our Health Freedom. *
After he helped tens of thousands of people all around the world, the FDA
raided his organization, seized his assets, handcuffed and forcibly removed
both he and ... more »
Record number brainwashed at Auschwitz "death camp" memorial in 2014

According to a recent report published by *The Algemeiner*, a Jewish online
news website, just over 1.5 million people visited the Auschwitz-Birkenau
"death camp" over the course of 2014, with roughly 70% of the visitors
under the age of 18. The "Holocaust" industry has made it a priority to
specifically target vulnerable and extremely naive youngsters with their
insidious propaganda and public relations ploy.
The *highest number of visitors ever recorded* bore witness to the European
Holocaust at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in Poland, the Museum and
Memorial Center reported F... more »
Widening Differences Between Russia And The U.S. Threatens To End An Era Of Arms Control And Start A New Nuclear Arms Race

The RT-2PM Topol ballistic missile (RIA Novosti/Alexandr Kryazhev)
*Julian Borger, The Guardian*:* US and Russia in danger of returning to era
of nuclear rivalry*
*WNU Editor*: We are still far from a new nuclear arms race .... but the
trends are ominous.
The 114th Congress is Now in Session

This is what you get when you don't vote, you lazy assholes.
An Analysis On The 'How And' Why Former Ukrainian President Yanukovych Fled The Country During The Height Of This Year's Protests

Riot police set up water cannons to shoot at protesters in Kiev last
February. But shortly after, a mass defection of the president’s allies
quickly led to his downfall. Credit Sergey Ponomarev for The New York Times
*Andrew Higgins and Andrew E. Kramer, New York Times: Ukraine Leader Was
Defeated Even Before He Was Ousted*
*WNU Editor*: This is a must read investigation by The New York Times into
the final hours of Mr. Yanukovych’s rule ....
*.... based on interviews with prominent players, including former
commanders of the Berkut riot police and other security units, telephone ... more »
Ukraine Crisis News Updates -- January 5, 2015
*Kyiv Post:* *More shelling in eastern Ukraine as new round of peace talks
begins in Berlin*
*WNU Editor*: European governments are already pouring "cold water" on the
next round of "Ukraine peace talks" .... *Germany and France cast doubt on
Jan. 15 Ukraine summit (Reuters)* ... and that is the problem .... everyone
wants an agreement .... with the exception of the Ukraine government and
the rebels in the east. On a side note .... I have no evidence but my gut
is telling me that Ukraine is preparing for a new military offensive when
weather permits .... *Combat potential of Ukrai... more »
Great Fantastic Individuals not goverend by laws

That what you see today week one of 2015. The oil barons those smart men
who where born on top of and inherited land borner by oil.
What happened late 2014 and continuts in to today is that they just could
not leave any money on the table like bad Capitan Kirk. They were so rich
they just broke all the money rules and in a single stroke of relivity went
totally beserk. To a normal man or woeman lowering the price of their wares
by such an amount would be reason for the family to have them committed.
Yet the oil barons those smartest oily men in the room beam from TV. I do
not hav... more »
What's Inside Your Bath Toys?

This last Christmas, my mom was looking for ideas for my 8 month-old for
Christmas. When she suggested bath toys, I told her that I would let her
play with the toys outside of the tub, but that we don't do most tub toys.
My mom thought my ban on rubber duckies was pretty mean until I showed her
these photos.
Both of my girls love the water and beg to take baths, so we had a large
assortment of tub toys at one point. I mean who doesn't love their kids
have every opportunity to soak the floor with every bath, right? Aside,
from completely drenching my bathroom every time someone w... more »
Harper's Record: He's Running on It
On the weekend I participated in a tweet-em-up with the tag #HarpersRecord.
Check it out here.
Here is the blog post I (mostly) don't have to write now.
It was remarkable, as that blogger said, for its range of tweeters, subject
matter, links, and photos.
And I too was struck by the nearly total absence of anyone trying to defend
Harper's record. I also wondered if it was because it happened on the
weekend while paid CPC and PMO trolls were not on the clock.
Here's a bit of background to it.
I asked who started it and when. It was Norlaine Thomas, who said she'd
heard that Harpe... more »
*Is Antarctica melting?*
*The article below says it is but is surprisingly reticent about
attributing it to global warming. Why? I think it's because the writer
knows what is actually going on. There has indeed been some melting in
Western Antarctica -- exactly where subsurface vulcanism is now known to be
occurring. You would melt too if you had a volcano under you! There is
extensive vulcanism around both the North and South poles. They appear to
be earth's most active volcanic regions in fact. The Gakkel ridge in the
Arctic is particularly active. The icecaps normally hid... more »

The real crisis in NYS education is equity.
[image: Education-Is-A-Right]
I recently had a conversation with a few friends about why I disliked both
TFA and Common Core. They had seen my interview on Al Jazeera America
regarding TFA and had read some my posts reading Common Core.
I gave them the elevator speech about how TFA has done more harm than good
to students and schools across the nation, then I explained how there is a
difference between quality syllabi and standards created by teachers and
curriculum developers who work directly with kids and the CCSS created by
college pro... more »
France Is Pushing To End Sanctions Against Russia

French President Francois Hollande walks past the Republican Guard as he
arrives at the Elysee Palace in Paris to attend the first weekly cabinet
meeting of the year January 5, 2015. Credit: Reuters/Philippe Wojazer
*Daily Mail:* *Francois Hollande suggests sanctions on Russia should be
lifted and says Putin 'does not want to annex eastern Ukraine – he has told
me that'*
*WNU Editor:* France is not only facing billions in penalties for refusing
to send to Russia two Mistral warships .... but it's agricultural sector
has also been severely hit by sanctions. French President Francoi... more »
World News Briefs -- January 5, 2015
*Top Story:* U.S. leads 20 more air strikes against Islamic State -- Reuters
Three Saudi guards killed in suicide, gun attack *on Iraq border: ministry*.
Iraqi forces kill 26 Islamic State fighters* near oil refinery town:
Islamic State touts *$250M year-end budget surplus; opens bank*. ISIS puts
payments to the poor and disabled *in $2 billion budget*.
Lebanon limits entry *of Syrians fleeing war*. Syrians worried over*
Lebanon's new visa rules*.
Turkey, U.S. to finalize *Syrian rebel training this month: official*.
Blast hits Houthi rebel base* in Yemen... more »
THE PROBLEM IS US: Posers of the New York Times!
*MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 2014Part 1—Creating a new situation:* We hated the
featured editorial in today’s New York Times.
In part, we hated it because we watched Tavis Smiley pretend to talk about
public schools on yesterday’s In Depth program (on C-Span). To watch the
full program, click here.
In part, we hated it because we’ve come to loathe the types of
pseudo-liberal elites who put such piddle in print.
We’ve been writing this site for almost seventeen years now. In recent
years, we’ve come to feel that our struggling culture just isn’t going to
make it.
In part, that’s due to th... more »
Zero gravity day: millions Facebook users were getting ready
Some people must have been weightless yesterday, celebrating the Zero
Gravity Day.
On December 15th, 2014, DailyBuzzLive.com – a fake news website – posted
the following story that first appeared in 1974:
Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes
Causing Partial Weightlessness
The story starts with a tweet from NASA where British astronomer Patrick
Moore is credited with figuring out that for five minutes on January 4th,
Earth's gravity will drop to less than 10% of its value due to some
alignment of Pluto and Jupiter or something like that. (The astr... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 5, 2015

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
*Top Story:* This Chart Shows The Staggering Hourly Cost Of Operating US
Military Aircraft (Business Insider)
*Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 5, 2015*
US weighs armor, anti-sniper upgrades for Iraq’s army tanks -- Stars and
Iraq asks Australian PM for more military aid -- Al Arabiya
No transfer of US frigates to Turkey due to political concerns -- Today's
Iran Shows Off Deceptive Missile Drone, Home-made Torpedo And Coast-To-Sea
Cruise Missiles -- IBTimes
Iran Reveals World’s First Missile-Escaping ‘Suicide’... more »
CNN and the Plane Crash
Jayzuzz Fookin' Kee-rice-tah!
So, I go the gym. I go to the change room. The big screen TV is playing CNN
and they're talking about that plane from somewhere in East Asia that went
down in the ocean somewhere. I shave and then get into my work-out clothes
and head out to the gym floor, ... probably around ten minutes, and when I
leave, they're STILL talking about the goddamned plane crash!!
My condolences to anyone who lost a loved one in that disaster.
But this has nothing to do with most anybody else on the planet. What are
we going to get out of this extended coverage? Are they... more »
Arab League To Hold Emergency Talks On The Crisis In Libya. Greek Oil Tanker Bombed In Libyan Port

*BBC*: *Greek oil tanker bombed in Libyan port of Derna*
*WNU Editor*: This bombing of an oil tanker is a message to everyone that
no one will be permitted to buy oil that has not been approved by the
internationally recognized government of Libya. As to the Arab Leagues
involvement in the Libyan crisis .... it is too little and too late ....
and the UN is proving itself (again) to be useless .... *UN postpones Libya
peace talks again*. On a side note .... France has made it clear that they
are not going to intervene .... *France will not intervene in Libya.*
*More News On The Cri... more »

As you know I spell terribly and some might think I did not think enough
about this message to get the subject under spell control. I on the
underhand believe if you know what I mean its not important.
I expect you have no time for immerse video games. As a armature expert on
everything I suggest you consider the impact on the UTES these games are
These games are formatting our UTES. Period no stop. Its a huge issue
bigger than movies. I am a gamer I have played ever thing. Every word you
read Allen reprogrammes your brain a few Terra bites at a time. Everything
you watc... more »
Inside The Moqtada Al-Sadr – Qais Khazali Split Within Iraq’s Sadr Trend Interview With Al Rai's Elijah Magnier

Elijah Magnier is Al Rai’s chief international correspondent. In the early
years of the U.S. occupation he spent time with the Sadr movement and
gained some important insight into the inner workings of the Trend,
including the relationship between Moqtada al-Sadr and Qais Khazali who was
one of Sadr’s top lieutenants until the two broke. Here is an interview
with Magnier about what happened between the two that led to the formation
of Asaib Ahl Al-Haq, the League of the Righteous. Magnier can be followed
on Twitter @EjmAlrai
Qais Khazali (*left*) and Moqtada al-Sadr (*right*) (*... more »
Afghan President Ghani: U.S. Withdrawal Timetable Should Be 'Re-Examined'

Afghanistan's President Ashraf Ghani speaks during a event in Kabul January
1, 2015. REUTERS/Omar Sobhani
*Reuters:* *Afghan president says U.S. might want to 're-examine' pullout
*WNU Editor*: He is probably going to get his wish.
*More News On Afghan President Ghani Remarks That The U.S. Withdrawal
Timetable Should Be 'Re-Examined'*
Afghan president says U.S. withdrawal timetable should be 're-examined' --
Afghan President: Obama should 're-examine' troop withdrawal for 2016 -- CNN
Afghanistan president suggests US 're-examine' troop withdrawal timetable --
FOX New... more »
Awake and Loving Is No Contradiction
*Soren Dreier* - The collective love vibe is picking up tremendous speed
and the frequency is high. That’s really something. That’s really
The post Awake and Loving Is No Contradiction appeared first on Waking Times
Our true wealth is our children

Believe me now and i will tell you later
that's what arranged marriage is all about
two set of genes joined as one
with a hope for success
and a fear of Frankenstein
Immortality now
is children
when you can have
that last sleep
without dreaming
your DNA will continue
to make your parents proud
The future is going to fuck up
this carefully controlled exercise
big time
You think a human heart is valuable
how about a great pair of jeans?
I do not know what to think
although this is an issue
that both Adam Smith
and Colonel Klink
would agree
Its going to change human history
in a way not... more »
Islamic State Launches Attack Against Saudi Arabian Border Post

*Reuters**:* *Three Saudi guards killed in suicide, gun attack on Iraq
border: ministry*
*WNU Editor: *There is a lot of fighting *in Iraq near the Saudi border*
.... but bid these Islamic State militants know who they were attacking
.... probably. Is it a sign that the war is now spreading to Saudi Arabia
.... definitely.
*More News On Today's Saudi Arabian Border Attack By Islamic State
Saudi general "killed in attack on border with Isil-held Iraq" -- The
Suicide bomber kills two Saudi guards on Iraq border -- Global Post/AFP
Saudi guards killed in suicide ... more »
Bill Cosby is an Animal

Just like you and me
he lusts after the opposite sex
and maybe he felt he had
reached a position where
he could get it
white or powerful
like a Sultan or a King
Harem we got no harem
nothing to see here more
Bill Cosby may or not be
one of the worst sexual predators
in Entertainment history.
I am not giving him much doubt.
But in the real world its total hypocrisy.
What if Bill wanted a little tail
but did not have state troopers
in tow
to troll a hundred through
a parking lot?
Wake up people we have Kings in this world
with a hundred wives
most married at 12 or 13.
Yeah lets c... more »
Losing Its Soul

It's truly demoralizing to discover that a significant number of Canadians
continue to believe in Stephen Harper. Michael Harris writes:
And now we have an even bigger problem, according to an astonishing story
in the *Ottawa Citizen* by Kathryn May. Nearly one-in-five Canadians
believes that the prime minister could be justified in closing down
Parliament in difficult times. A further 17 per cent believe that
dissolving the Supreme Court would be okeydoke in the right circumstances.
The question was asked and answered without providing any details about
what sorts of crises woul... more »
“The Coming War on Pensions: Sacrificed to Wall Street's Gluttony”
*“The Coming War on Pensions: *
*Sacrificed to Wall Street's Gluttony”*
by Michael Hudson
“On the Senate’s last day in session in December, it approved the
government’s $1.1 trillion budget for coming fiscal year. Few people
realize how radical the new U.S. budget law was. Budget laws are supposed
to decide simply what to fund and what to cut. A budget is not supposed to
make new law, or to rewrite the law. But that is what happened, and it was
Wall Street’s representatives in Congress – the Democratic leadership as
well as Republicans – took the opportunity to create an a... more »
The cost of development

Wealthy nations depend on poor countries to produce
cheap goods, in factories that enjoy tax-free status
in the countries where they operate. What actually works to "develop" a
country? I think about that a lot in this work in Central America, but the
answers remain elusive.
Let's start with the most obvious issue: Who defines "development"? Do
the people who live in poor countries understand what we mean by it, and
that the price to be paid for it is essentially a total overhaul of their
At its essence, development is about an improved economy, both for the
c... more »
Would You Oppose Boehner And McConnell On Unfair Trade Policies? How About Obama?

Obama, Boehner and McConnell and actually eager to work together to pass
something-- the Big Business/Wall Street free trade agreement progressives
are opposing. The TPP, the Trans-Pacific Trade agreement will come up early
this year-- as soon as Boehner feels sure he's lines up enough votes
between Republicans who hate working families and conservative Democrats
who are just Republicans anyway. The Congressional Progressive Caucus is
leading the fight against "fast track authority" in the House and Sherrod
Brown, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are rallying Democrats in the
... more »
Duty and Desire
*Ida Lawrence* - Many of us have gone through an experience where duty
seems to conflict with the desire of our heart to fulfill our lives. These
conflicts are our crossroads...
The post Duty and Desire appeared first on Waking Times.
Could This Be The Biggest Sex Scandal In A Generation?
*Daily Mail:* The first full account of the masseuse at the center of the
explosive Prince Andrew 'sex slave' drama... but is she telling the truth?
*WNU Editor:* As sex scandals go .... this could be THE BIG ONE involving
many former and current members of the establishment. What I find
fascinating about this story is not the story itself, but how the media is
covering it. To put it bluntly .... everyone in the media is covering it
.... ignoring more important stories like wars, failing economies, and
international tensions. And the "funny part" of this story is that we do
not ev... more »
The Future of Science Advice in Europe
My latest Bridges column is out, and it discusses the future of science
advice in Europe following the termination of the office of chief
scientific advisor to the European Commission. Here is an excerpt:
In short, the CSA under President Barosso was largely powerless and
disconnected. This state of affairs was not the fault of Glover, who took
on the CSA role with energy and enthusiasm. The uncomfortable reality is
that establishment of the CSA office was a symbolic gesture towards
scientific advice, rather than representing any substantive commitment to
improving science advice i... more »
The Fraud of AGW vs the Real Threat to Humanity- Endocrine Disruptors
*I am hoping that some, most or all of my regular readers have taken the
time to watch, listen to Jan's interview with Curtis Duncan- The Chemical
Manipulation of Humanity*
The Chemical Manipulation of Humanity. Through *Endocrine Disrupting toxic
pollutants, *chemicals. Is this mainstream? Is there an equivalent of the
authoratative (not) IPCC addressing this issue? The answer to both of
those questions is NO. Information on* Endocrine Disruptors* comes through
the media in dribs and drabs- But there is no constant drum beat on this
topic. Not like the loud persistent thumping a... more »
Mental Visualization and Focus are Key to Muscle Strength
*Tammy McKenzie* - Contrary to the gym mythology, true strength training is
not about your muscles but about your mind...
The post Mental Visualization and Focus are Key to Muscle Strength appeared
first on Waking Times.
The Whiskey That The U.S. Military Prefers

*Tampa Tribune:* *For special military occasions, whiskey better by the
*WNU Editor*: Sorry jack .... but when it comes to whiskey/scotch I am a
Johnny Walker Blue drinker (when I can afford it).
Depression: It’s Not Your Serotonin
*Dr. Kelly Brogan* - Millions believe depression is caused by 'serotonin
deficiency,' but where is the science in support of this theory?
The post Depression: It’s Not Your Serotonin appeared first on Waking Times.
*Teacher Shows Kids Carpentry Tools, Gets Suspended on “Weapons” Charge*
This is what truly perplexes me: Why do seemingly so many school
administrators adamantly refuse to think like normal, rational human beings?
The other day I visited the Sudbury Valley School in Framingham, Mass.,
and saw such a completely opposite world — a heart-soaring place where kids
are trusted not only with tools but with their own educations — so now it’s
doubly hard to read about cases like the one below.
A veteran teacher at a Chicago elementary school has lost his bid to
reverse a four-day sus... more »
Bitcoin Alert ( January 5 , 2015 ) Bitstamp temporarily suspended services due to " hot wallet " situation , deposits and withdrawals stopped for now.

Updates ....
*CryptoCoinsNews* @CryptoCoinsNews · 2h2 hours ago
Bitcoin Exchange Bitstamp Confirms Loss of ~18,886 BTC (~$5 million USD)
from Hot Wallet https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/bitcoin-exchange
*CryptoCoinsNews* @CryptoCoinsNews · 5h5 hours ago
Did a Bitcoin Exchange Just Lose 12% of Its Bitcoins? Possible Bitstamp
Hack Address Contains 18,866 Stolen BTC https://www.
BitScan and 8 others follow
*TechCrunch* @TechCrunch 42m
42 minutes ago
The ye... more »
“Mad As Hell!”
Peter Finch as "Howard Beale", "Network," “Mad As Hell!”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WINDtlPXmmE
Made in 1976, even more relevant today...
Guns n' F-35s and the CF-104 II
has great post on the F-35A's gun problems. 2019 and they think it
might finally be OK to shoot the thing! The other F-35s are gunless and
require and externally mounted gunpod, and in all cases carry ammunition
quantities far below any current fighter standard - some more on that
in a sec. But first, some points to consider.
First, people have been bolting guns to planes for 100 years now,
Tax Revolt: An Idea Anti-harper Canadians Could Have Gotten Behind?
In a recent comment at someone else's blog, it occurred to me that those
democratically-minded Canadians who are sickened by the idea of having a
government led by a guy who has contempt for Parliament (you know, the
place that writes our laws), and who openly supports lying to Parliament
and cheating to win elections (and who cheated to win his last election,
might deal with their sickness by refusing to pay their taxes.
If it got widespread enough, even merchants would have to deal with the
masses of people refusing to pay the HST (especially in Ontario where those
asshole Liberal... more »
From Free Energy to Aliens to God to the Joy of Death
* A very worthwhile listen, and then to consider, imo*
Uploaded by vexstar
George Van Tassel in 1956 @ Yucaipa, CA Rotary Club
Transpicuous News: Euro Crash and the Eurasian Economic Union grows.... quickly
As Transpicuous News went on the air last night on TONE and CCN, the news
was already coming in that the Euro zone was in bigger trouble than was
"forecast" by the talking heads in the Main Stream Media. I have posted a
couple of articles below that are well worth noting for those interested in
the financial ramifications of Russia's current bid to build concrete
foundations of the Eurasian Economic Union, including enticing European
Union countries to jump on board the Russian fast track.
..... more »
Messages From Higher Self - Love Is Light
"I'm sure my petrol cap was on this side"
One lady driver has a problem with parking with her filler cap on the right
side at the petrol pump. Spacial awareness issue?
By the way did you know that on most fuel indicators there's a little arrow
pointing to the side that the filler cap is on? Very useful when driving a
hire car.
Bookshop Beacons Across The UK?

Forrester Research claim consumers are using tablets in their living rooms
(67%), bedrooms (60%) and even their kitchens (42%), but smartphones are
used more on the go, including in the car (68%) and of course, in retail
stores (68%). This presents smartphones with a real opportunities to use
new beacon technology to give consumers access to a mass of information,
such as prices and locations whilst they are in the street, store and on
the move.
Imagine walking down your High Street and you receive a message telling you
the butcher you are about to pass has a special 3 for 2 joint... more »
Transpicuous News Jan 4th, 2015: "Look Over There!!"
Welcome to this weeks Transpicuous News Show on January 4th, 2015.
During the frolicsome funness and festivities, many things were slipped
into the main stream media news that needed a spot light. Distraction has
been the order of the past two weeks, with one event after another to keep
the masses looking at something shiny while the Cabal played games in the
shadows. From air planes disappearing to ships crashing to runaway cargo
clunkers full of refugees and migrants almost careening into Italy.....
meanwhile b... more »
Publisher of Islamic book may spend up to 10 years in prison
*Police expert on extremism confirms that the book promotes a kind of
fascism which is outlawed*
Six or seven weeks ago, I was defending our Czech (and similar German) laws
that outlaw the promotion of ideologies and movements whose goal is to
suppress some basic individual human rights and freedoms, usually according
to criteria derived from their ethnicity or class.
The logic behind this law is that sustainable freedom and democracy needs
some defense, those spreading hatred against nations or classes share some
guilt for the future crimes, and a new Hitler might be stopped or slo... more »
Boeing, U.S. Air Force Achieve Successful First Test Flight for KC-46 Tanker Program
[image: Boeing 767-2C (KC-46)]Boeing and the U.S. Air Force successfully
completed the first flight of the KC-46 tanker test program today.
The plane, a Boeing 767-2C, took off from Paine Field, Wash., at 9:29 a.m.
(PST) and landed three hours and 32 minutes later at Boeing Field.
The aircraft will receive its military systems following certification.
Read more
IMP Aerospace Delivers First Interim Beyond Line Of Sight (IBLOS) CP-140M Aurora Aircraft to the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF)

[image: CP-140M Aurora]IMP Aerospace delivered the first of three CP-140M
Aurora fitted with an advanced Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) satellite
communications system on schedule and under budget today approximately a
month after its arrival.
Participation at the delivery ceremony included the Commander of the Royal
Canadian Air Force, Lieutenant General Yvan Blondin, as well as Director
Air Requirements, Colonel Ian Lightbody, and 14 Wing Commander Iain
The prototype CP-140M Aurora aircraft will provide an improved
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) cap... more »
Iran Shows Off Deceptive Missile Drone, Home-made Torpedo And Coast-To-Sea Cruise Missiles
Iran made world's first drone equipped with a deceptive system that enables
it to escape missiles by flying at a maximum altitude of 8,000 metres,
hiding from laser optics and evading infrared light at night.
The drone is also capable of self-disintegration, destroying its own parts
when landing in a hostile and unfamiliar territory is inevitable.
Iran's Sarallah drone can surmount technical problems during flights with
its safety system that enables it to land in a secure location in just a
matter of 40 minutes, flying at 160 kilometres per hour. Without the safety
system, the dr... more »
Elbit wins MoD contract to maintain all of the IAF's F-16 fighter jets

[image: F-16I Sufa]The Ministry of Defense awarded Elbit Systems an 11-year
contract to maintain all of the Israel Air Force’s F-16 squadrons, the
defense company announced Sunday.
According to terms of the $90 million contract, Elbit will establish a
national maintenance center that will look after all the onboard avionics
of the IAF’s F-16 A/Bs (Netz), F-16 C/Ds (Barak) and F-16Is (Sufa).
All of the planes’ systems, except the body and engine, will be maintained
under the contract, an Elbit spokeswoman said.
Read more
Zapatistas attacked enroute home from Resistance Conference
news Monday, Jan. 5, 2015
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
National Indigenous Congress delegates now enroute home from the
Zapatistas gathering have been attacked by police and paramilitary. The
trucks and buses attacked are transporting Yaqui and other leaders from
northern Mexico.
Indigenous enroute to Puebla and Mexico City were also attacked late
Sunday, Jan
4, 2015.
The Global
Navy safety boss grapples with '14 spike in aviation mishaps

[image: F/A-18 Hornet]Fresh off its safest year on record, the Navy saw its
manned aviation Class A mishaps — the most serious type of mishap — more
than triple
Manned aviation experienced only four Class A mishaps in fiscal 2013, a
rate of 0.48 mishaps per 100,000 flight hours. But there were 14 Class A
mishaps — those involving a fatality, permanent total disability or upwards
of $2 million in damage — in fiscal 2014, according to official summaries.
The head of the Naval Safety Center isn't sounding the alarm yet, noting
that "one year, a trend does not make."
Read more
China To Build More Warship Destroyers In 2015 As It Enhances Nuclear Submarine Fleet By 2020

[image: Type 094 (Jin) class SSBN]China is working to build more warship
destroyers in 2015, the Want China Times reported, citing Fujian-based
Quanzhou Evening News. A massive number of Type 052 destroyers, China will
particularly build a Type 052C ship and seven more Type 052D ships.
The Type 052C, a guided-missile destroyer, resembles the US Navy's Arleigh
Burke-class destroyer. China launched on Dec 22 the Jinan, one of six Type
052C destroyers meant to accompany the Liaoning, China's first aircraft
Apart from the Type 052C, China also has five other Type 052D destroy... more »
MoD’s warship promises face public scrutiny

[image: Type 26 class FFG (Global Combat Ship)]The Ministry of Defence
(MoD) yesterday attempted to quash reports that it has missed the deadline
to order the building of 13 warships.
Defence secretary Michael Fallon was adamant as recently as November last
year that the Type 26 Global Combat frigates would be built by BAE Systems
on the Clyde.
Fallon was forced to confirm that the boats would be built in Scotland
after Sir George Zambellas, head of the Royal Navy, told a publication in
the US that the £4bn contract could be awarded abroad rather than staying
within Britain.
Read... more »
Thailand’s Military Once Again Eyes Submarine Fleet

[image: Chang Bogo Class SSK]Thailand’s Military backed Government may look
to procure two or three submarines as part of an increased 2016 defense
budget, finally giving the country a capability it has lacked for more than
sixty years, The Bangkok Post reported Friday.
According to a source from Thailand’s defense ministry, the Royal Thai Navy
(RTN) is expected to propose the procurement of two to three submarines in
the 2016 budget, with the country’s Defense Minister Retired Gen Prawit
Wongsuwon already backing the plan in principle pending cost considerations.
The navy has been ... more »
Evidence Discovered that 'Ocean Acidification' Scare May be as Fraudulent as 'Global Warming'

I had never tackled this issue, but it was certainly outstanding and
seriously suspect simply because unusual claims were been made. I will add
it to the sea level claim and the rising global temperature conjecture that
have both been refuted by document review and by the march of time.
Once again awful science is put up to argue the case and we have this story
that even shows the same efforts to suppress dissent.
This item actually completely removes all the proposed supports for the
whole global warming conjecture linkage to rising CO2. I might add that the
Mauna Loa CO2 c... more »
The Delicious Solution To the Menacing Asian Carp
Without question, they are not going away. Better yet, they make excellent
eating. That they taste better than either catfish or tilapia is important
obviously but then still not a deal breaker had carp only matched up.
It is also an exciting fishery as well for the local fisherman. Thus
understanding that it is excellent for food is important to know.
Obviously rebranding is important.
Too bad we cannot figure out how to make zebra mussels into a food product
as well.
What is certain is that these fish will invade the Great Lakes. This will
produce a massive fishery... more »
Magnetic Clean up an Oil Spill
This may actually work in concert with other tools to allow an efficient
collection process to take place. It may also work to separate oil f*ro*m
sand which would be very welcome. as it is it certainly allows ease of
Powdered magnetite is also welcome as a nutrient in the ocean so there may
be additional value produced as well.
Other variation need to be worked on as well if this can be made to work
*Watch a magnet clean up an oil spill in seconds*
*http://knowmore.washingtonpost.com/2014/12/15/watch-a-magnet-clean-up-an-oil-spill... more »
Why Roman Concrete Has Endured

This was an open question that should have been answered a long time ago.
It has been staring us in the face for two thousand years. We use stronger
concrete, but certainly not concrete nearly as tough. Perhaps we want to
retain the option of easily knocking it down.
At least we now know just what crystals work and perhaps we can improve our
own recipes. Yes we uses recipes to make cement.
This is also a reminder just what a blessing cement has been to the
building industry. It has always been convenient and cheap and is one of
the first things secured for all buildi... more »
Nigerian Navy Takes Delivery Of New Warship 'NNS Okpanana'

[image: NNS Okpanana]The Nigerian Navy (NN) on Friday took delivery of a
new warship called “NNS Okpanana”, as part of its efforts to tackle
maritime related challenges.
Receiving the vessel in Lagos, the Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), Vice Admiral
Usman Jibrin, said the addition of the vessel would boost the navy’s war
against maritime crimes.
According to him, Okpanana was the second of the Hamilton class of cutters
to join the NN fleet between 2014 and 2014.
Read more
PLA's Type 096 submarine can carry 24 missiles
[image: Type 096 (Tang class) SSBN]China's new Type 096 Tang-class
ballistic missile submarine, thought to be in development, may become a
serious threat to the United States in the Western Pacific as it is
estimated to be able to carry 24 missiles, according to the Russian
Military Analyst based in Moscow.
The article China's Nuclear Potential published on Dec. 30 said that it
will still take decades for China to establish sufficient second-strike
However, China has taken much less time to develop its nuclear arsenal than
most Western observers had previously expected... more »
Taiwan Kicks Off Domestic Attack Sub Program

[image: Hai Lung (Zwaardvis) class SSK]After waiting on the U.S. to make
good on plans to develop a diesel electric attack submarine (SSK) for
almost 15 years, Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defence announced it was
kicking off its own domestic attack submarine construction program this
week, the agency told Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan.
Defense officials told the legislative body preparation work would begin
this year starting with a modest $315,000 start into a $94.46 million
four-year effort, beginning in earnest in 2016.
The planned result would be around four SSKs to replace the is... more »
China May Have Started Construction of Next Generation Destroyer Type 055 for the PLAN

[image: Commencement Ceremony for the Construction of 055 destroyer number
1]A picture has just emerged on the Chinese internet showing that
construction of the first Type 055 destroyer may have started. The Type 055
guided missile destroyer is the next generation destroyer designed for the
People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN or Chinese Navy).
According to Chinese sources, the picture was taken last week at the
Changxing Jiangnan shipyard (member of CSSC - China State Shipbuilding
Corporation) near Shanghai. It shows a sign with the mention "Commencement
Ceremony for the Constructio... more »
France hopeful of $6-billion Maitri missile project

[image: Akash SAM]With the Indo-French $6 billion surface-to-air missile
systems project in doldrums, France is hoping that new government's push
for "Make in India" will lead to inking of the long delayed deal.
France remains hopeful of signing the deal even though Indian armed forces
are sceptical about the missile since indigenously developed Akash is in
Titled Maitri, the project for joint development and production between
India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and France's
MBDA, was initiated in 2007 and a MoU to co-develop the surface-to-air
mis... more »
Iran Test-Fires Shalamcheh Ground-to-Air Missiles in Wargame

[image: Shalamcheh Ground-to-Air Missile]The Iranian Air Defense Force
equipped its entire launchers, stationed at the areas where a large-scale
military exercise is being held, with the indigenous ‘Shalamcheh’ missiles.
The home-grown ground-to-air missiles were mounted on the whole Air Defense
launchers across the wargame zone as part of tactical measures to boost the
air defense forces' capability to arm the launchers in the shortest time
and hit the mock enemy’s aircraft.
The “Muhammad Rasulullah” (Muhammad, the messenger of God) wargame, which
began on Thursday with the partici... more »
‘Nuke trains’ with up to 30 Yars missiles rolling out from 2018 – Russian defense source
A Russian military source outlined the capabilities of Barguzin strategic
missile train. The country may roll out five such disguised mobile launch
platforms each carrying six RS-24 Yars missiles in five years.
A ‘nuclear train’ – properly called BZhRK, short for ‘combat railway
missile complex’ in Russian – is a mobile platform for transporting and
launching strategic nuclear missiles.
Similarly to nuclear submarines, such trains are hard to wipe out in a
preemptive strike because of their mobility and ability to be disguised as
regular freight trains.
Read more
Two Years Writing for Business 360

A friend way back in 2005, Charu Chadha, produced a new monthly business
magazine in Kathmandu, Nepal in late 2012. She asked me to contribute an
article on free market, I said yes. So far I have written 20 articles for
the paper :-). Here they are and the respective magazine covers for those
months and years.
1: Nepal and the Philippines, November 26, 2012
2: Free market means free individuals, December 28, 2012
3: Fiscal Cliff and Government Irresponsibility, January 23, 2013
4: Brownouts and Power Deregulation, February 26, 2013
5: Reducing Construction and Electricity Bureaucr... more »
A jolly January
To give me a gentle start into 2015 blogging – and to help those of you
currently enjoying computer and internet access to catch up with things
you might have missed here last year – I’m going to post some of the best
posts from last year.
These were NOT PC’s top five still relevant (or still pointed) posts for
January *last* year…
1. *So how much of the "Paleo Diet" is based on an actual Paleolithic
Since I still have this conversation about this fad diet with someone at
least once a week (sigh), here’s TED Fellow Christina Warinner, an expert
on ancient ... more »
U.S. Navy'sMost Lethal Weapons of War

*Kyle Mizokami, National Interest:* The U.S. Navy’s 5 Most Lethal Weapons
of War
*WNU Editor:* No mention of the U.S. Navy's new rail gun .... but with time
it will be an essential part oh what the US Navy is capable of.
Sports Watch: "Washington Redskins are the victims of top-down organizational dysfunction" (Sally Jenkins)

*Redskins No. 2 stooge Bruce Allen, the president and GM who has presided
over four losing seasons, says he feels "awfully responsible" for the
team's dismal 4-12 season. "We're going to make sure that we hold everyone
accountable for everything that happened," he says. But himself maybe not
so much?*
*"For too long, no one has trusted the basic setup of the [Washington
Redskins] organization. So many flatterers and yes men survive while the
truth tellers get offed or ignored, and every three or four years everyone
gets fired and the club starts from scratch again. Step one for Sny... more »
Canadian Writes English Lyrics to Russian National Anthem
*Russia and Canada will be facing each other off for the gold** in the
World Junior Hockey Championship in Toronto on Monday, January 5, 2015. *
Historic battles on the hockey rink over the past four or five decades have
given our nations a healthy respect for one another's prowess in Canada's
official sport.
Canadians have learned to love the Russian National Anthem, having heard it
so many times at Hockey games. I listened to it again today when the
Russian team beat the Swedes--to advance to the final round. You can hear
it again here at the 5 minute mark of Putin's New Year... more »
Israeli Invention Will Make Military Water Tanker Convoys A Thing Of The Past
*Haaretz:** Liquid asset: The Israeli start-up that turns air into water *
*WNU Editor*: This is actually an old story .... this Israeli start-up
company has been around for a few years, and they have already generated a
lot of interest and customers .... the U.S. military included .... *This
Gadget Makes Gallons of Drinking Water Out of Air* (Time).
Fast Company has more info (and reaction) on the military applications for
this tech .... the link *is here.*
Land Reclamation in Manila Bay

I support land reclamation in Manila Bay. Remove those thick silt, mud,
sand, other solid wastes in river beds near the bay. Also the thick lahar
deposits in Bulacan rivers that contribute to frequent street flooding. I
am indifferent who should do the reclamation project, the important thing
is that someone should do it, soon.
There are two (or more?) proposed land reclamation projects in Manila Bay.
The Solar City project by the Manila Goldcoast Development Corp. in Manila
City area, and the SM project in Pasay City.
Another view of the proposed Solar City. This seems to be the ex... more »
Iran Claims To Have Foiled An Israeli Plot To Assassinate A Key Iranian Nuclear Scientist

Colonel Baqeri, an IRGC commander. Press TV
*Times of Israel:* *Iran claims it foiled Israeli hit on nuke scientist*
*WNU Editor: *Is this report from Iran true ... I do not know. But I do
know that when it comes to announcements from Iran .... always be skeptical.
*More News On Iranian Claims In Foiling An Israeli Plot To Assassinate A
Key Iranian Nuclear Scientist*
Security Commander: Attempt to Assassinate Iranian N. Scientist Foiled by
IRGC -- FARS News Agency (Iran)
IRGC thwarted Israeli terror attack on nuclear scientist: Colonel -- Press
TV (Iran)
Israeli terror attack on Ir... more »
As Venezuela's Financial Crisis Deepens, President Maduro Travels To China Seeking Help
*Financial Times*: Venezuela's Maduro off to China as crisis deepens
*WNU Editor:* I am not surprise that Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is
ignoring the IMF/World Bank, etc. .... my guess is that with U.S. sanctions
now being imposed coupled with Venezuela's hostile history of treating
international firms .... even he realizes that his "credit" with these
institutions is no longer any good. The real solution to the crisis is
devaluation .... but it looks like he is not willing to accept the costs
that would be associated with a collapsing currency and hyperinflation ...
so it... more »
Do You Believe the Rich Are the Real Poor and the Poor the Real Rich Due to Gov't Handouts? (Beyond the Foreign Policy Lies: Our Compliant Media and the Truth About American Exceptionalism) and Who's Been Watching The Hen House Anyway? (Happy Birthday, Sweetie!)
Sorry this is such a long essay, but so much has happened since the
election (and so much still on the elite's upcoming Congressional agenda!)
. . . It could take a while. Welcome to my neighborhood. (OK, I grew up
with these bodies.) Sunday, Jan 4, 2015 Chain Restaurants Are Killing Us:
Billionaire Bankers, Minimum-Wage Oilers and the Nasty Truth About
Fast-Food NationThis is what we eat,
Iraqi Tribal Leader Describes The Disaster That Happened When His Fighters Lost To The Islamic State

*Richard Spencer, The Daily Telegraph:* *Iraqi Tribal Leader Describes
Losing A Massive Fight To ISIS*
*WNU Editor:* This is brutal and eye-opening account on what happens when
the Islamic State conquers a territory. And as to U.S. hopes that it will
be able to get the tribal sheiks to cooperate in defeating the Islamic
State .... if this Telegraph's account is true .... it looks like the
tribal sheiks and their followers have already been decimated.
Closing The Books On Mikey Suits? Not A Chance

The theme in our recent coverage of the Mikey Suits Grimm case has been
that Grimm's case leaves more unanswered questions than it answers,
questions almost entirely ignored by the FBI, by Congress and by the media. Grimm's
ties to the Mafia -- and the work he's done for organized crime-- are
almost never mentioned anywhere. The FBI very much prefers it that way. So
does John Boehner. The Grimm denouement is not meant to get to the bottom
of anything, just to sweep a potentially embarrassing chapter in the
culture of corruption that is the United States Congress under the carpet.
... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, "Liquid Mind VI: Spirit"
Liquid Mind, "Liquid Mind VI: Spirit" (Full Album)
- https://www.youtube.com/
Musical Interlude: Michael Jackson, “Earth Song”
Michael Jackson, “Earth Song”
"A Look to the Heavens"
"A familiar sight to sky enthusiasts with even a small telescope, the Ring
Nebula (M57) is some 2,000 light-years away in the musical constellation
Lyra. The central ring is about one light-year across, but this remarkably
deep exposure - a collaborative effort combining data from three different
telescopes - explores the looping filaments of glowing gas extending much
farther from the nebula's central star.
*Click image for larger size.*
Of course, in this well-studied example of a planetary nebula, the glowing
material does not come from planets. Instead, the gaseous shroud repres... more »
"The Greatest Speech Ever Made"
*"The Greatest Speech Ever Made"*
"One of the most inspirational speeches in recorded history was given by a
comedian by the name of Charlie Chaplin. This is the final speech in the
film “The Great Dictator,” with a splash of modern imagery."
- http://www.youtube.com/
Natalie Zemon Davis - Holberg Prize Symposium 2010: Decentering history
Natalie Zemon Davis, CC (born November 8, 1928) is a Canadian and American
historian of the early modern period.
In 2010, Davis was awarded the Holberg International Memorial Prize, worth
4.5 million Norwegian kroner (~$700,000 US), for her narrative approach to
the field of history.
On 29 June 2012, Davis was named Companion of the Order of Canada, the
highest class within the order.
On 10 July 2013, Davis was awarded the 2012 National Humanities Medal by
President Barack Obama for "her insights into the study of history and her
exacting eloquence in bringing the ... more »
"The Beginning Of Wisdom..."
“The beginning of wisdom is found in doubting; by doubting we
come to the question, and by seeking we may come upon the truth.”
- Pierre Abelard
The Poet: Joy Harjo, "Eagle Poem"
*"Eagle Poem" *
"To pray you open your whole self
To sky, to earth, to sun, to moon
To one whole voice that is you.
And know there is more
That you can't see, can't hear
Can't know except in moments
Steadily growing, and in languages
That aren't always sound but other
Circles of motion.
Like eagle that Sunday morning
Over Salt River. Circles in blue sky
In wind, swept our hearts clean
With sacred wings.
We see you, see ourselves and know
That we must take the utmost care
And kindness in all things.
Breathe in, knowing we are made of
All this, and breathe, knowing
We are truly blessed bec... more »
Paulo Coelho, “What’s The Price?”
*“What’s The Price?”*
by Paulo Coelho
“Is the price of living a dream much higher than the price of living
without daring to dream?” asked the disciple. The master took him to a
clothes store. There, he asked him to try on a suit in exactly his size.
The disciple obeyed, and was very amazed at the quality of the clothes.
Then the master asked him to try on the same suit – but this time a size
much bigger than his own. The disciple did as he was asked. “This one is no
use. It’s too big.” “How much are these suits?” the master asked the shop
attendant. “They both cost the same price.... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Burke, Virginia, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
“The Meaning of Your Life is Other People”
*“The Meaning of Your Life is Other People”*
by Raúl Ilargi Meijer
"In his 1944 play "Huis Clos" (loosely yet officially translated as "No
Exit," or "Closed Door"), French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre said:
“L’enfer, c’est les autres.” Or: Hell is (the) other people. Which can be
very true. And Sartre makes his point in a masterful way. He describes a
group of people locked up together with no escape, and for eternity, who
have a bitter go at each other. Something we all recognize. People can be a
nuisance, and even drive one as far as suicide.
But then, the opposite is just as tru... more »
"Bad Days: Hard Learned Lessons"
*"Bad Days: Hard Learned Lessons"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"We all have bad days and within these days is usually a gem of a gift
waiting to be opened. We all have days from time to time when it feels like
the world is against us or that the chaos we are experiencing will never
end. One negative circumstance seems to lead to another. You may wonder, on
a bad day, whether anything in your life will ever go right again. But a
bad day, like any other day, can be a gift. Having a bad day can show you
that it is time to slow down, change course, or lighten up. A bad day can
help... more »
Crackpot Utopia: The Year in Republican Crazy, Part 12

*• Arizona Republican protests busload of YMCA Campers• Crazyspeak of the
Year nominees No. 15: the Impeachment Variations (group nomination)•
Crazyspeak of the Year nominee No. 16: NM Rep. Steve Pearce*
*In Part 12 we pay tribute to Arizona GOP congressional hopeful Adam
Kwasman, the genius who decided it would help his primary bid to vent media
outrage over a busful of supposedly terrified illegral-immigrant kiddie
laborers -- who turned out to be, literally, YMCA happy campers.*
*Crackpot Utopia:* *A dream world as envisioned by republicans; a
manifestation or expression of th... more »
Satire: "Unskilled Workers Report for New Jobs"
*"Unskilled Workers Report for New Jobs"*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— "Sixty-four unskilled workers will report
to new jobs in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday as part of a federal jobs
program that provides employment for people unable to find productive work
elsewhere. The new hires, who have no talents or abilities that would make
them employable in most workplaces, will be earning a first-year salary of
$174,000. For that sum, the new employees will be expected to work a
hundred and thirty-seven days a year, leaving them with two hundred and
twenty-eight days ... more »
Neal Lawson and the "Wrong Voters"
Sorry to get snoring boring about Tony Blair once more, but I have to say a
few words about the silly phrasing Neal Lawson used while penning a New
Year's message to the former Labour leader. The first rule of polemic is
not to hand your opponent a shield that can parry your blows, and that is
exactly what Neal did. By dropping in "your majority was too big" and "but
in hindsight the wrong people were voting Labour", he allowed himself to be
painted as both a *naïf* and someone not serious about electoral politics.
No wonder the remaining friends of Blair, such as John Rentoul, Dan ... more »
A short list of some of the most boring topics for Bloggers

*Yawning Baby*
As we broach the *New Year 2015*, and setting goals/agendas....here is yet
another list. It is a list of things that completely bore me. Now, I
won't say that I'm correct at being bored by some of these
issues/subjects...a few of them are very important in the overall scheme of
things. It's just that they bore me.
They bore me because: 1) Many of them are like the weather...*everybody
talks about* *it* but nobody does anything about it; 2) Some of them
provoke "*circular arguments" or "black and white thinking*" amongst those
who deal with them in any dept... more »
Iran's President Says He Wants To End His Country's Isolation

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani prepares to depart after the end of a press
conference on the sidelines of the 69th United Nations General Assembly in
New York September 26, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Adrees Latif/Files
*Voice of America:* *Iran's Rouhani Urges End to Country's Isolation*
*WNU Editor: *Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is threatening to put an
Iranian nuclear agreement to a referendum .... *Rouhani threatens to hold
Iran referendum* (Financial Times) .... something that I am sure that the
person with the real power in Iran (Ayatollah Ali Khamenei) will not like,
and will... more »
Slap Happy Phony Hack Attack

Obama sanctions
North Korea
for something
hacker experts
say they
couldn't do
That's the way
it works
around here
Washington slaps you
upside the head
and then blames
for making
its hand
hit you
Coup d'etat
in Kiev
Russia's fault
they wouldn't
On your knees
or else
you get hit
Down south
in Venezuela
you won't submit
Turn over your oil
to Wall Street
or else you
get smacked
It's the way
of the bully
used to call it
'tin horn dictator'
Yes it is true
is wearing
the black hat
We are
slap happy
phony hack attack
tin horn
showdown at sunset
Report: Russia is Sending Fresh Military Shipments And Supplies To Pro-Russian Rebels In Eastern Ukraine

*Eliot Higgins, Business Insider/Bellingcat:* *Fresh Russian Vehicles Are
Showing Up In Eastern Ukraine*
*WNU Editor: *I have been hearing and reading reports in the past two weeks
of fresh Russian military shipments to the rebels in eastern Ukraine ....
it looks like this report confirms it.
Jan. 4: Prince Edward likes girls....
Quelle surprise...I guess that's why it made page A2 of the ever-alert
Irving press. But surely this has been public knowledge for years. I knew
one of the Prince's teachers at his very expensive private school in
Ontario. He told me the Prince was of very low intelligence, and incapable
of learning beyond grade 9. He was also very openly obsessed with sex from
the age of 12 or so. - two traits that have been common in the royal
family. Even Queen Victoria had her raunchy side. But the British
taxpayers, who yearly lose more desperately needed social services, still
ante up for the... more »
Who Killed Ukraine Rebel 'Batman' Battalion Commander Bednov?

Ukraine separatist Alexander Bednov, or “Batman,” was confirmed to have
been killed on Thursday. (Image via lenta.ru/Russian social media)
*IBTimes:* *Who killed Batman? Pro-Russian separatist's death blamed on
Ukraine and other separatists*
*WNU Editor*: I doubt that Ukraine security forces were involved in this
"hit" .... they are staying in their foxholes and are rarely venturing out
of their FOBs .... my money is on this being an internal settling of
accounts. Am I surprised .... no .... dissension in the military rebel
ranks in eastern Ukraine is nothing new .... even the kill... more »
Massive Suicide Car Bomb Targeting Somali Soldiers Explodes In Mogadishu

A policeman secures the scene of a car bomb explosion near the Taleex
junction of Somalia's capital Mogadishu, January 2, 2015. (Reuters)
*Al Jazeera:* *Suicide bomber targets troop convoy in Somalia*
*WNU Editor*: Al-Shabab is sending a message that they are far from
*More News On Today's Massive Suicide Car Bomb Attack Targeting Somali
Soldiers In Mogadishu*
Car bomb targeting security forces explodes in Somali capital: police --
Somalia Suicide Bomber Attacks US-Trained Forces, Kills 4 -- Epoch Times/AP
Four killed in Mogadishu suicide car bombing -- AFP
Suici... more »
Russia Not Looking for Trouble
Lawrence Wilkerson is a retired United States Army soldier and former chief
of staff to USSecretary of State Colin Powell. Wilkerson is an adjunct
professor at the College of William & Mary where he teaches courses on US
national security. He also instructs a senior seminar in the Honors
Department at the George Washington University entitled "National Security
Decision Making."
UK Spook Force
Britain's best and brightest are now being offered an extravagant option for the start of their careers. The government's proposing that young web experts and tech graduates work at least two years as high-tech spies. RT's Anastasia Churkina got more details on the programme.Zemanta

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