10:38pm MST
What do "Smelly Shelly" Silver and not-quite-humbled Russian ex-oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky have in common?
*Mikhail does Charlie. I don't know whether Shelly has.*
*by Ken*
In a manner of speaking you might say that what "Smelly Shelly" and Mikhail
the Magnificent have in common is that they both *got caught*. True enough
in its way, but that's not what I'm thinking of. You might guess then that
they've both done *Charlie Rose*. (The show, I mean, not Charlie
personally.) But I don't know whether Shelly has ever done *Charlie*.
No, I'm thinking of something a little more metaphorical. And it has to do
with rules -- rules, laws, whatever you want to call them.
You may recall that, as I ... more »
It Looks Like The U.S. Intelligence Community Has An Ally In The New Chairman Of The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee

Senator Richard Burr. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters
*Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic*: *The Wrong Senator to Oversee the CIA*
*Richard Burr now leads the intelligence committee, but he seems more
interested in protecting the agency than holding it accountable. *
*WNU Editor:* Critics of the CIA are not happy .... and they are making
their sentiments very clear. What's my take .... CIA torture reports,
public oversight and investigations on the White house drone/assassination
program, how intelligence is gathered, special ops, etc. .... this is all
going to be swept under the rug.
*Upda... more »
Some Interesting Info On The Making Of ‘Saving Private Ryan’
*We Are The Mighty:* *11 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About ‘Saving
Private Ryan’*
*WNU Editor:* One of my favorite war films .... and no .... I did not know
about these 11 facts in the making of the film. The above video "Saving
Private Ryan The True Story" is also an interesting watch.
The Science That Validates Astrology
*Alec Cope* - Astrology claims that stars and movements of the planets have
a supposed influence on events and on the lives and behavior of people...
The post The Science That Validates Astrology appeared first on Waking Times
The CIA's Top Spy In The 'National Clandestine Service' Is Stepping Down

Larry Downing, Reuters
*Shane Harris, Daily Beast*: *Exclusive: CIA’s Top Spy Steps Down*
*WNU Editor:* Utter chaos and mayhem in the Middle East. Ukraine in flames.
The growth of extremist groups in Africa. The continuing war in Afghanistan
and elsewhere. I guess he had enough, and retirement looks really good
right now.
*The secretive head of the agency’s National Clandestine Service is
retiring amid reports of infighting over a reorganization of the
intelligence service. *
*More News On The Head Of The CIA's National Clandestine Service Is
Stepping Down*
CIA’s Spying Chief Pl... more »
Letter Re ESEA Reauthorization 2013
Posted at Common Dreams and Chalkface:
*To Members of the 113th 114th Congress:*
*I write to express my concerns regarding the various versions of the new
ESEA now circulating in Washington, all of which appear to have enough in
common to be combined, perhaps, under a more fitting title–something like
The Corporate Foundation and Education Industry Welfare Act of 2013. All
of the versions that I have seen appear to embrace the principle that known
failure should never be sacrificed for untried levels of success.*
*The past four decades represent generations now of failed accountabi... more »
Deceased Filmmaker's Documentary Finally Released - Gray State: The Rise

Facebook Amanda Warren
Last week, we reported on the tragic and mysterious death of film producer
David Crowley, his wife and young daughter who were all found dead in their
Apple Valley, MN home, weeks after the incident took place. Few details
have emerged since then. The latest news pieces such as here and here leave
more questions than answers. According to the Hennepin County Medical
Examiner, all three have been officially identified and died from gunshot
wounds to the heads, weeks ago. Even though the deaths were being treated
as suspicious and the back sliding door was f... more »
Utah Bill Would Turn Off Water to NSA Data Center
By Tenth Amendment Center
A bill filed in the Utah state house yesterday would deny critical
resources - like water - to the massive NSA data center there should it
pass. House Bill 150 (HB150), introduced by Rep. Marc Roberts, would
require that the water being supplied to the NSA’s data center in Bluffdale
be shut off as soon as the city’s $3 million bond is paid off.
Support this effort at OffNow.org/Utah
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
One Charge Dropped Against Minnesota Mom Who Gave Son Cannabis Oil
A judge has dismissed one of two charges against a Minnesota woman who gave
her son cannabis oil for chronic pain. Judge Thomas Van Hon tossed out a
charge of child endangerment against Angela Brown of Madison.
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Ending the Classroom Factory Model: How Technology Will Personalize Education
By Reason TV
"With the opportunity of online learning coming on,…what we talk about is
shifting from this factory model system to a student-centered one that
personalizes for each and every child," says Michael Horn, co-founder of
the Clayton Christensen Institute and co-author of the new book *Blended:
Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools.* Horn recently sat down
with Reason magazine Managing Editor Katherine Mangu-Ward during the
National Summit on Education Reform in Washington, D.C., for a discussion
of how blended learning joins traditional classroom models with
so... more »
MMA fighter on recent arrest: Police charged me with crimes THEY committed!
By Adam Kokesh
MMA fighter Dave Herman speaks with Adam Kokesh about his recent arrest.
Ironically, Herman's being charged with the exact crimes committed by the
aggressive police. Video evidence clearly shows he was attacked by police
officers even though he displayed no resistance.
Visit AdamVsTheMan.com
Be polite when calling:
DeKalb Prosecutor's Office
Demand Dave's charges to be dropped!
Attorneys contact Madeleine Herman: madeleinemherman@gmail.com
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Ukraine situation January 23 , 2015 - Ukraine financials seem to match tide turning against Kiev in battle against Rebels inEast Regions.

Links...... Capital.ua,
Friday, 23 January 2015
- Oschadbank losses in 2014 amount to UAH 8.5 bln 18:31
- AVK suspends operations at confectionery factory in Donetsk 16:34
- Deposit Guarantee Fund introduces temporary administration at Bank
Ukoopspilka 15:58
- Former deputy foreign minister Lubkivsky appointed as Yatseniuk’s
advisor 15:11
- Electricity cut off in government controlled part of Luhansk region –
governor 14:57
- Head of Ukrainian transport inspectorate resigns 14:27
- Energy and Coal Industry Minister of Ukraine accusing DTEK of monopoly
... more »
Interdimensional Quantum Physics: Sacred Geometry
*Video - *In this video, Dr. Tracey Hess discusses Robert Lawlor's book,
Sacred Geometry.
The post Interdimensional Quantum Physics: Sacred Geometry appeared first
on Waking Times.
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, "Velvet Morning"
Liquid Mind, "Velvet Morning"
Liquid Mind ® is the name used by Los Angeles composer and producer Chuck
Wild of the best-selling Liquid Mind relaxation music albums.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xp3BuiupOrc&feature=related
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Barred spiral galaxy NGC 1365 is truly a majestic island universe some
200,000 light-years across. Located a mere 60 million light-years away
toward the chemical constellation Fornax, NGC 1365 is a dominant member of
the well-studied Fornax galaxy cluster.
*Click image for larger size.*
This impressively sharp color image shows intense star forming regions at
the ends of the bar and along the spiral arms, and details of dust lanes
cutting across the galaxy's bright core. At the core lies a supermassive
black hole. Astronomers think NGC 1365's prominent bar plays a crucial role
in ... more »
U.S. Official: U.S. Counterterrorism Operations With Yemen Are Now Suspended
*Washington Post:* *U.S. counterterrorism operations with Yemen suspended,
officials say*
*Update: *U.S. counter-terror ops 'paralyzed' in Yemen (Reuters)
*WNU Editor:* Just this afternoon White House spokesman Josh Earnest
reiterated that the *U.S.-Yemen counterterrorism partnership will continue*
even amid all of this political chaos. Now .... a few hours later .... U.S.
officials are saying that "some counter-terrorism" operations will be
suspended .... *Some counter-terrorism efforts in Yemen frozen for now -
U.S. officials* (Reuters). What's my take .... these counter terrori... more »
"Consider The Following..."
"Consider the following. We humans are social beings. We come into the
world as the result of others' actions. We survive here in dependence on
others. Whether we like it or not, there is hardly a moment of our lives
when we do not benefit from others' activities. For this reason it is
hardly surprising that most of our happiness arises in the context of our
relationships with others.
Nor is it so remarkable that our greatest joy should come when we are
motivated by concern for others. But that is not all. We find that not only
do altruistic actions bring about happiness but they a... more »
Chet Raymo, “Living In The Little World”
*“Living In The Little World” *
by Chet Raymo
"My wisdom is simple," begins Gustav Adolph Ekdahl, at the final
celebratory family gathering of Ingmar Bergman's crowning epic “Fanny and
Alexander.” I saw the movie in the early 1980s when it had its U.S. theater
release. Now I have just watched the five-hour-long original version made
for Swedish television. Whew!
But back to that speech by the gaily philandering Gustav, now the patriarch
of the Ekdahl clan and uncle to Fanny and Alexander. The family has
gathered for the double christening of Fanny and Alexander's new
half-sister a... more »
"My Pronounced Lack Of Need..."
"My passionate sense of social justice and social responsibility
has always contrasted oddly with my pronounced lack of need
for direct contact with other human beings and human communities."
- Albert Einstein
If you will, a variant... lol
"I love Mankind, it's *people* I hate."
- "Charlie Brown"
"The Limits of Our Freedom"
*"The Limits of Our Freedom"*
By Mark Harrison
"Viktor Frankl, the Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, wrote in
"Man’s Search for Meaning", ‘Between stimulus and response there is a
space, and in that space lies all our freedom.’ In the most extreme
conditions of privation imaginable, Frankl discovered that he was,
remarkably, free to choose his response to any situation. I love this quote
because it sums up the essence of my philosophy. I believe it is the
cornerstone of a happy and effective life. A real, experiential
understanding of this radical freedom is life changi... more »
"Life is without meaning. You bring the meaning to it.
The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be.
Being alive is the meaning."
- Joseph Campbell
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "Evidence"
"Where do I live?
If I had no address, as many people do not,
I could nevertheless say that I lived in the same town as the lilies of
the field,
and the still waters.
Spring, and all through the neighborhood now there are
strong men tending flowers.
Beauty without purpose is beauty without virtue.
But all beautiful things, inherently, have this function -
to excite the viewers toward sublime thought.
Glory to the world, that good teacher.
Among the swans there is none called the least,
or the greatest.
I believe in kindness. Also in mischief.
Also in singing, especi... more »
Right to silence
R. v. W.L., 2015 ONCA 37:
[18] Certain principles that govern the right of an accused to remain
silent post-arrest are in play in this appeal. Deeply embedded in our law
is the principle that an accused person has the right to remain silent at
the investigative stage of a prosecution as well as at trial: *R. v.
Chambers*, [1990] 2 S.C.R. 1293, 59 C.C.C. (3d) 321, at para. 50.
Accordingly, evidence of pre-trial silence cannot be used as positive
evidence to infer guilt: *R. v. Crawford*, [1996] 1 S.C.R. 858, 96 C.C.C.
(3d) 481, at para. 38. While a trier of fact may reject an... more »
How about some linky love?...
*you betcha!*
Proof Positive: American Sniper and the UnAmerican Sniping of it
J.R. Dunn: The President as Pest
McNorman: The Manchild Is Desperate
Keith Koffler: The Tyranny of the Experts
The Oil in Your Lamp: AGENDAS: The Primary Factor Needed to Establishing
Tonight's Movie Is Attack! (1956)
*From YouTube:* Attack, also known as Attack!, is a 1956 American war film.
It was directed by Robert Aldrich and starred Jack Palance, Eddie Albert,
Lee Marvin, William Smithers, Robert Strauss, Richard Jaeckel, Buddy Ebsen
and Peter van Eyck. The cinematographer was Joseph Biroc.
"A cynical and grim account of war", the film is set in the latter stages
of World War II and tells of a front line combat unit led by a cowardly
captain clearly out of his depth and a tougher subordinate who threatens to
do away with him. As the official trailer put it: "Not every gun is pointed
at the... more »
Ellen Brown on global bankster coup; Greg Felton on "2015: Year of the Sheeple"
*Friday 1/23 - Listen live - 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution Radio: **http://www.freedomslips.com/
- click on the "Studio B" button. To be rebroadcast Sunday 11 a.m. to 12:45
p.m. Eastern on http://NoLiesRadio.org and then archived at the usual
First hour: Ellen Brown, author of Web of Debt, may be America's leading
expert on the biggest scam in world history: The banksters' legal
counterfeiting operation in which they create money out of nothing by
lending it into existence at interest – making repayment mathematically
impossible, and reducing the entire planet to ever-... more »
Financial Turmoil alert - January 23 , 2015 -----Will 2015 be the year when Derivatives blow up Global Finance ? Some recent thoughts to ponder and a look at the global derivative picture !
*fred walton* @fredwalton216 · 2h2 hours ago
1/12/15 missive ...
Man Asked To Speak To Chinese Officials Warns Of Cascading Series Of Global
Defaults http://kingworldnews.com/man-asked-spea
k-chinese-officials-warns-disastrous-series-defaults/ …If Ing is correct ,
watch CitiB
*fred walton* @fredwalton216 · 2h2 hours ago
1/22/15 missive ....
collapse-euro-swiss-franc-issues-second-terrifying-prediction/ … This is
definitely something that you won't hear on CNBC and certainly not drifting
out of Davos.
*fred walto... more »
EPA's millions won't bring back Navajo uranium miners
miners at Kerr McGee mine in Cove on Navajo Nation
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
The US EPA announced a settlement that will bring millions to the Navajo
Nation in uranium mine cleanups. Those millions will not bring back the
Navajos who died from cancer and respiratory diseases after being sent
to their deaths by Kerr McGee -- the company that knew the radiation in
Cold War uranium
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 23, 2015
New Saudi King's big challenges: Yemen, Iran and ISIS -- Jethro Mullen, CNN
*Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 23, 2015*
Challenges on multiple fronts likely to test new Saudi king -- Adam
Schreck, AP
Revealed: How new Saudi King 'raised cash for Mujahideen', has a son who
went into space... and will need a 'shadow king because of his wandering
mind' -- Daily Mail
King Abdullah: The Middle East’s Failed Peacemaker -- Christopher Dickey,
Daily Beast
The legacy of King Abdullah: the good, the bad and the downright ugly! --
AL Bawaba
U.S. Fears Chaos as Government ... more »
MOTUS: Twilight Nocturne Lounge is open...
*join the party!*
*The bar is open...*
*MOTUS Twilight Nocturne Lounge #9: A Toast to Pundette’s Sinatra Centenary*
World News Briefs -- January 23, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*BBC:* *Saudi Arabia's new King Salman promises continuity*
New Saudi king promises to *continue predecessors' policies*. New Saudi
king to focus *economic policy on jobs as oil sags*.
New Saudi Deputy Crown Prince* marks generational shift*.
World leaders react to death* of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah*.
U.S.' Kerry, Iran foreign minister *confer on nuke talks*. Kerry, Zarif in *bilateral
meeting in Davos*.
Iran: US sanctions vote will *kill 'probability' of nuke deal*.
Yemen in turmoil as *Presidential resignation rejected*. Yemen suffers
power vacuum *after pre... more »
A few flats
There have been, like, six frost nights this winter so far, and the spring
songs of the birds and smell of the wide-awake soil are driving me nuts. So
I'm off to the potting shed to play with a flat of beets, one of Fordhook
Giant chard, and a couple of mixes -- lettuce, kale, collards, whatever is
in the salt shaker.
The shed greets me, an old friend We have worked together for twenty-one
If you're new to gardening and don't have a lot of flats and pots and such
yet, you can start with those plastic things meals come in these days. Make
your friends save theirs for you... more »
Dr. Richard Bulliet On Saudi Succession [January 2013]
"Historically, Islam was hijacked about 20 or 30 years after the Prophet
and interpreted in such a way that the ruler has absolute power and is
accountable only to God. That, of course, was a very convenient
interpretation for whoever was the ruler." - Mohamed ElBaradei, Egyptian
diplomat and the former head of the IAEA.
Richard W. Bulliet (born 1940) is a professor of history at Columbia
University who specializes in the history of Islamic society and
institutions, the history of technology, and the history of the role of
animals in human society.
*Title: "Understan... more »
Testing the effect of a high fat diet in severe type 2 diabetes - Garg and Unger metabolic ward study from 1988

It's all very well to test the metabolic effects of high-fat diets in RCTs.
There are usually beneficial results in type 2 diabetes, but compliance is
limited. The trial isn't showing what the diet does, but what effect the
advice has on people who may be more or less indifferent to it. In fact,
it's amazing these trials produce the positive results they do.
A metabolic ward study involves subjects who follow the diet because they
have nothing else to eat; all variables such as exercise are kept constant.
Because you don''t get huge numbers volunteering for these studies, and the
c... more »
National Handwriting Day

*is today.*
January 23rd has been designated National Handwriting Day by the Writing
Instrument Manufacturers Association (WIMA)
I'm very fussy about my pens and penmanship. Since spending so much time on
a computer, I've noticed a decline in my ability to think while writing by
hand. I tend to get lost in the middle of sentences, or even words, so it
messes up my penmanship. Not acceptable.
To counter the problem, I've started to type my letters in Word, print them
out, and copy by hand so I can concentrate on my penmanship.
Spelling? My spelling has become so atrocious since s... more »
These 7 Things Happen To You When You Die
*Steven Bancarz* - Chances are, if you were brought up in a religious
background you believe that there are only 2 places you can go: Heaven and
The post These 7 Things Happen To You When You Die appeared first on Waking
Dozens Of Civilians Killed In An Air Strike Outside The Syrian Capital
*Reuters:* *Syrian air strike on rebel area kills more than 40: monitor*
*WNU Editor:* A confession from this blogger. In the past .... I would have
posted this story right away listing multiple news sources for this
incident. But today .... I was debating whether to post it or not. Sighhh
.... it then hit me .... I am becoming numb from the violence and bloodshed
that is now a fact of everyday life in Syria.
*More News On Today's Air Strike That Killed Dozens Of Civilians Outside Of
Syria airforce 'kills dozens of civilians near capital' -- AL Jazeera
Syrian Airstrike K... more »
Apaches Ceremony to Protect Oak Flat Feb. 7, 2015
San Carlos Apaches protested Resolution Copper. Now, Sen. John McCain
pushed the bill through Congress to steal sacred Apache land for copper
mining, in the Defense spending bill.
If Bibi Netanyahu speaks to Congress, it should be (a) at a better time and (b) by presidential invite

*I'm not big on e-petitions, but I signed this one urging my congressman to
make a fuss about the GOP scumnuts' invitation to Bibi Netanyahu to address
a joint session of Congress.*
*"We're committed to Israel's future. Making Israel a partisan issue
weakens the US-Israel relationship and undermines vital American diplomatic
*-- J Street president Jeremy Ben-Ami,in a letter to potential petition
*by Ken*
Until proper banners can be printed up for display in both houses of
Congress, I think the leadership in each should arrange with artisic
members of their... more »
Empowering Health Updates: Jan 22
Good evening my friends.
A good friend of mine runs an alternative health discussion room that is
over flowing with information on every subject about health. From
alternative treatments for diseases and sicknesses, healthy foods and
nutritional information, the dangers of modern western Big Pharma, articles
about various legal battles to do with Health, and many many more. I've
asked my friend JJ to allow me to publish all of this invaluable
information so that it is easily accessible to those searching for answers.
So from now on, every few days I will put all of the links from... more »
Islamic State Sets Up An English Speaking Battalion To Launch Attacks Against The West

Smoke rises behind an Islamic State flag after Iraqi security forces and
Shiite fighters recaptured Saadiya in Diyala province from IS on Nov. 24,
2014. Reuters
*Daily Mail:* *ISIS sets up English-speaking battalion to plan and carry
out terror attacks in countries which use that language*
* ISIS has formed a new fighting unit with orders to attack Western targets
* The 'Anwar al-Awlaki Battalion' is composed of English-speaking fighters
* It is named after American-born cleric killed by a drone strike in 2011
* News of the battalion's creation comes from informants based in Raqqa
*... more »
Why Should We Choose Organic over GMO Foods
*Infographic - *Higher antioxidant levels, lower pesticide loads, better
farming practices all lead to a more nutritious end product and are the
main reasons why many choose organic over GMO foods.
The post Why Should We Choose Organic over GMO Foods appeared first on Waking
KEXP Radio in Seattle
Interview on KEXP radio in Seattle recorded January 18, 2015. Interviewed
by Mike McCormick.
Saudi Arabia and the Economics of Hypocrisy
Paying close attention to politics you become immune to the dollops of lick
spittle and cretinous behaviour that comes with it. Today, however, has not
only taken the biscuit but dribbled great dollops of gob over it. Remember
when the Dear Leader died and great numbers of presidents and prime
ministers queued up to praise his rancid regime? Nope, me neither. Then why
the hell is the government and the British establishment they represent flying
flags at half-mast and gibbering pious praise for the late and very much
unlamented Abdullah ibn Abdilaziz Al Saud, the self-styled King of... more »
Argentina's Government Believes Rogue Agents Were Responsible For The Death Of Prosecutor Alberto Nisman
*Reuters:* *Argentina suspects rogue agents were behind death of prosecutor*
*WNU Editor*: I have lost count on the number of conspiracy theories that
are now floating around this case .... and that is probably what the
Argentinian government wants right now .... after-all .... this is
preferable than having a new investigation and a new prosecutor with the
same zeal and commitment as Alberto Nisman.
*More News On Reports That Argentina's Government Believes Rogue Agents
Were Responsible In The Death Of Prosecutor Alberto Nisman*
Argentina: Rogue agents likely behind prosecutor’s... more »
Ukraine Rebels Reject Peace Talks. Are Prepared To Escalate The War Further
*Voice of America:* *Ukraine Rebel Leader Announces New Offensive, Rules
Out Peace Talks*
*WNU Editor:* I did not expect a return to a full scale war so quickly ....
my betting was that the fighting would escalate in springtime when the
weather got better. But the war has returned, and the ferocity of it is
claiming scores of lives throughout the region every day. What has
surprised everyone is how weak and disorganized the Ukraine Army is. This
is an army that was (and is) not prepared to fight .... especially in a
region where they have little if any public support, and where th... more »
Yemen Is In Chaos
World News Videos | ABC World News
*Reuters:* *Yemen suffers power vacuum after president, premier quit*
*WNU Editor:* Yemen is a country that has always been poor, dysfunctional,
and deeply divided. The only difference now is that the media is paying
attention .... especially on the impact that this "chaos" is having on U.S.
anti-terrorism strategies and operations.
*More News On The Crisis In Yemen*
U.S. Fears Chaos as Government of Yemen Falls -- NYT
Yemen Government in Limbo Amid Uncertainty Over President’s Resignation --
Thousands Demonstrate Across Yemen -- WSJ
Yemen's U... more »
I Mustache You To Be My Valentine Printable

Do kids love anything more than a sticky mustache? This darling and simple
Valentine is a favorite among my daughter's friends. For this Valentine,
you just need to print the printable at the bottom of this post and buy
packages of sticky mustaches. I found mine at Hobby Lobby.
When you are attaching your mustaches. Don't peel them off and stick them
on the Valentine's. Cut around the sticker and then attach the mustache on
the Valentine with double sided tape, so that the kids can still peel off
the mustache to play with later!
You can find the download of this printable here. Pl... more »
Video: Muskogee-Creek Phillip Deere 'On Being a Natural Human Being'
'Majority Can Be Wrong,' A Conversation with Phillip Deere,
Muskogee-Creek Elder
"I don't believe in majority. Majority can be mistaken."
Article by Brenda Norrell
Censored News
In this rare interview, Muskogee-Creek elder Phillip Deere describes the
return to ancestral ways and traditional spiritual ways. Deere
describes how tribal councils often result in disagreements, while
U.S. Evacuates More Of Their Embassy Personel From Yemen
*Reuters:* *U.S. pulls more staff from Yemen embassy amid deepening crisis*
*WNU Editor: *It appears that the Pentagon wants to pull out everyone ....
but the White House wants to keep the embassy operational as long as
possible .... *CNN: Pentagon Pushing for Evacuation of US Embassy in Yemen
Before Situation Worsens* (Breitbart).
*More News On The U.S. Evacuation Of Its Embassy In Yemen*
State Department Reduces US Embassy Personnel in Yemen -- ABC News/AP
US pulls more personnel from Yemen embassy -- FOX News
State Department quickly pulls staff from Yemeni embassy as U.S.-backed... more »
White House Officials: Netanyahu ‘Spat In Our Face’
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
*Times of Israel:* *Netanyahu ‘spat in our face,’ White House officials
said to say*
*PM ‘will pay price’ for spat over Congress address; Obama said to have
asked him to tone down pro-sanctions rhetoric; Wash. Post: Kerry’s
enthusiasm for defending Israel may wane*
*Previous Post:* Israeli Anger Over White House 'Mossad' Leak Continues
*WNU Editor:* Lousy relations with Israel. The Iraqi PM complaining that
the U.S. is not doing enough to battle the Islamic State. Yemen's President
and close ally to the U.S. has just gotten turfed out. U.... more »
Say it ain't so, Shelly Silver -- and see whether anybody believes you
*"For many years, New Yorkers have asked the question, how could Speaker
Silver, one of the most powerful men in all of New York, earn millions of
dollars in outside income without deeply compromising his ability to
honestly serve his constituents? Today, we provide the answer: He didn't."*
*—Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney for the Southern Districtof New York, at
yesterday's press conference*
*"At the news conference, Mr. Bharara offered a stinging assessment of a
state capital where money flows freely and deals are cut behind closed
doors -- sometimes at the expense of taxpayers,... more »
*Attorneys in Benson power struggle make first appearance in court ~Natasha
Robin, WVUE*
*Lawmaker wants Algiers, West Bank to form new parish ~Winton Yates, WWLTV*
*Coastal Master Plan could grow by $20 billion, state planners say ~Mark
*One Upon A Bayou ~Odd bits of life in New Orleans*
Kaley Cuoco's breasts - Rule 5 Friday - NSFW

I know that I have posted previously about Big Bang Theory's Penny, aka
Kaley Cuoco, but life's short so here's some more...
Both as Penny and as herself
And here's a reminder of some of those previously posted pictures...
Does the world look any better now?
What The HELL Is Going On Here? Dead Bodies In NATO (!) Uniforms Recovered From Under Debris Of Donestk Airport!
Right now, the criminal US led puppet regime in Kiev is launching a major
offensive against the so called "rebel seperatists" in the eastern
provinces of Ukraine.... This is an abomination and an attempt to obviously
brutally crush the free will of the people living in those eastern
provinces who voted last spring in a fair and legal referendum to separate
from the criminally run nation of Ukraine itself..... Thousands of
Ukrainian people have already suffered from this onslaught that is
definitely a genocide against an innocent civilian population!
For the longest time the liars in... more »
Tom Siegfried's delusions about the reality of the wave function

In recent days, I've received links to many texts that looked insultingly
and fundamentally wrong. One of these hyperlinks was contributed by Bill
Zajc. Tom Siegfried, a journalist who can be good at times, wrote
Physicists debate whether quantum math is as real as atoms
in ScienceNews.ORG. It's the second part of a series. The first part said
some basic things about Bell's theorem and except that the importance of
that paper of Bell's was overstated by an order of magnitude (and except
for the popular derogatory "weird" adjective used against quantum
mechanics), the content was mar... more »
Recycling Day

This past fall and winter, I've been devoting about as much time to
Twitter as I have to blogging, if not less. Still, I think I've produced
enough quality material over the last month to justify collecting my mental
fly specks.
Is there anyone else as disturbed as me the NFL is making a bigger deal out
of #deflategate than the Ray Rice/Adrian Peterson incidents?
— Robert Crawford (@jurassicpork59) January 23, 2015
"Oh shit, YOU'RE Ann Coulter?!" #MakeSexAwkwardIn5Words
— Robert Crawford (@jurassicpork59) January 23, 2015
Oh good. Mittens & Jeb ar... more »
Syria: The Battle for Aleppo

With Aleppo encircled, West seeks wildcard to save their terror hordes.
*January 24, 2015* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - The Syrian Arab Army is
reportedly close to completely encircling militants that have occupied the
northern city of Aleppo since they invaded it from NATO territory in 2012.
Once the encirclement is complete, analysts believe the the city will be
finally liberated, in a process similar to the retaking of Homs further
The desperation of militants facing this final phase in the Battle for
Aleppo is indicated by their Western sponsors' attempts to broker a
cease... more »
Coat that looses Keys

I just got one. Pockets seem deep enouph, but hardly adequate. Apparel by
the Egyptians.
Carefully made up

Should you take the sincerity of the spoken word for granted when you see
or hear it on the media? Some might think, cynically, that what we get is
more a matter of what the spokesperson has decided to say today.
That thought persisted when I watched the HardTalk with Zeinab Badawi and
Suha Arafat. (H/T BBCWatch. Congratulations to Hadar Sela on a very well
deserved accolade.)
You know that expression ‘rats fighting in a sack’? Something like that
popped into my head.
Zeinab and Suha. Two harpies play-fighting on the BBC.
Everyone who’s aware of Zeinab’s interviewing hi... more »
Document Dump on Rudd's Privatization Effort at University of Memphis
Since being promoted from Provost to President of the University of
Memphis, at the behest of Governor Haslam, the Hydes, and and their
plutocrat club, the corporate insider, David Rudd, has been fixated on austerity
measures and privatization of the university.
His favorite crackpot scheme of the moment involves bringing in a New York
corporation to offer minimal "broken windows" temp teacher preparation to
serve the children in Memphis who need the most experienced and
professionally prepared teachers.
This would represent an experimental step toward a charter university model.
... more »
29 Billion Dollars in a single source non compete contract for ships that are already obsolete
That's serious.
But seriously for one tenth the money'
equip the current version of the dash 8
with missiles
as a drone
cover way more territory efficiently
with less boots on the ground
Age of Oil is over
Just ask today
Saudi Arabia
They may not be human rights
but the one thing they know
is the price of oil
The Daily "Near You?"
Ft. Worth, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Carl Jung: The Holy Grail of the Unconscious"
"Carl Jung: The Holy Grail of the Unconscious"
By Sara Corbett
"This is a story about a nearly 100-year-old book, bound in red leather,
which has spent the last quarter century secreted away in a bank vault in
Switzerland. The book is big and heavy and its spine is etched with gold
letters that say “Liber Novus,” which is Latin for “New Book.” Its pages
are made from thick cream-colored parchment and filled with paintings of
otherworldly creatures and handwritten dialogues with gods and devils. If
you didn’t know the book’s vintage, you might confuse it for a lost
medieval tome. An... more »
The age of goverment is over for most nations
Goverment can not provide all solutinon like the free market promises.
So we are all now Hong Kong
Whew - meeting with YouTube stars yesterday must have really wiped out President Ribbon Cutter...
*tough day ahead.*
Only kidding. Looks like he'll be spending the day in his upstairs
"office" watching TV.
Obama Schedule || Friday, January 23, 2014
by Keith Koffler on January 22, 2015, 10:07 pm
*10:00 am ||* Receives the Presidential Daily Briefing
*4:45 pm ||* Delivers remarks at the U.S. Conference of Mayors; East Room
All times eastern
Live stream of White House briefing at noon
The Goy Guide to World History
Below are the first two videos, found over at *The Daily Stormer*, in an
ongoing series entitled, *"The Goy Guide to World History."* In the videos,
Dr. E. Michael Jones, a Catholic historian and publisher of *Culture Wars*
magazine, expounds upon his book *The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its
Impact on World History*. Although I do not entire endorse or agree with
everything Dr. Jones states, these videos are excellent and certainly worth
*Dr. E. Michael Jones on The Realist Report*
"I Write Like"
"I Write Like"
by Jake Coyle
"For anyone who has ever thought Charles Dickens was lurking inside his or
her prose, a website claims it can find your inner author. The website I
Write Like has one simple gimmick: You paste a few paragraphs that
exemplify your writing, then click "analyze" and – poof! – you get a badge
telling you that you write like Stephen King or Ernest Hemingway or Chuck
Palahniuk. The site's traffic has soared in recent days and its arrival has
lit up the blogosphere. Gawker tried a transcript from one of the leaked
Mel Gibson phone calls. The suggested author: ... more »
"Someone once told me that time is a predator that stalked us all our
But I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the
that reminds us to cherish every moment because they'll never come again.
What we leave behind is not as important as how we live it.
After all, Number One, we're only mortal."
- Jean-Luc Picard
In a Capacity for Love
*Ida Lawrence* - Spiritual lessons have been around a long time and we’re
just now beginning to understand what they mean on a far greater scale…
The post In a Capacity for Love appeared first on Waking Times.
Chaos Tugs: Where is "The Good MOTHER"?
Do you feel it? Chaos tugs at the loose strings of a civilization woven
into chaotic patterns.
The human id and the fascistic superego are responsible for the chaotic
design and missed stitches. Now the holes they created threaten the fabric
of civilization.
I can feel it. The collective insanity of the twentieth century is giving
way to death throes in the twenty-first century, as measured by Man.
We are lower than other animals on Earth because we have allowed our
insanity to bring us to the brink of human nothingness, threatening most of
the world's fauna with our collective m... more »
“Why We Die- And How To Deal With It”
*“Why We Die- And How To Deal With It”*
By Larry Schwartz
“We are born. We grow up. We get stronger. We shrink. We get weaker. We
die. That is pretty much the arc of life. In his new book "Being Mortal,"
doctor and writer Atul Gawande heartbreakingly portrays humans who tend to
pay a lot of attention to the first part of the arc, and pretend the second
part only happens to other humans. It doesn’t of course. We are profoundly
uncomfortable with "the idea of a permanent unconsciousness in which there
is neither void nor vacuum — in which there is simply nothing,” as the late
surgeon... more »
"How It Really Is, And Will Be"
Tell you more? OK! By 2026:
Any questions?
The truth be told
I have a great resume. I am a certified jerk. Thats a constant in my
equation of success. I am not a jerk in the physical sense, only
intellectual. That is becasue I refuse to belive every one iss stupid.
I wore that badge on my slevee and still I can not believe I am unemployeed.
Last Monday I go the notice
Jason Kenney
and the whole PC
had conspired against me
I was now a person
without cash
from the Federal Goverment
after 42 weeks of such largesse.
Well I had had 42 weeks to thinkaboot
what I would doo.
Now without money I have the same conclusion
I do not have a clue
So if you s... more »
How Did American Weapons End Up at Donetsk Airport?
Yes, Please explain to us how American and German made machine guns, sniper
rifles, and communications equipment ended up in the possession of the
Ukrainian army?
... and please don't try to pass off that ridiculous story by one troll
saying that the weapons were the same ones the Russians took in Georgia.
How about this: why don't they show the world the serial numbers on the
weapons and then do a search for when they were made, who bought them and
where they've been shipped to? I know that I would be very interested in
this information... I"m sure others would find it very interes... more »
An Important Question For The American People: WHY Is This Not TREASON? US Congress-critters Seek War Criminal Netanyahu's "Direction"!
I am truly appalled by the ignorance and dumbing down of the American
people these days... I had just gone over the terrible "State Of The Union"
address by that war criminal, Barry Soetoro, in my last article, and what I
saw was nothing but a pack of lies and falsehoods... The man who calls
himself "President" of the United States is truly out of touch with both
reality and common sense... I do wonder at times if he is certifiably
That was bad enough, but I do have a question for all those living in the
United States.... WHY is what you are about to read NOT an act of
... more »
U.S. General Awards Medals in Ukraine
General Ben Hodges, Chief of the US Army in Europe, awarded US army medals
to Ukrainian soldiers in Kiev's Central Military Hospital on January 22.
The General said the medal is "a symbol of the US army in Europe" and is
given "for excellence".
If anyone had any doubt that the Kiev regime is carrying water on behalf of
the Pentagon and NATO then this video should dispel those doubts. For a US
Army general to be visiting Ukrainian soldiers, and awarding medals,
indicates to me that this civil war in eastern Ukraine is indeed about
provoking conflict with Russia. There is no ques... more »
Mychal Massie tells us what he really thinks of Obama and his wife...
Visit Mychal at *The Daily Rant *
But for all of Obama’s lies told in his speech and as infuriating as his
openly declaring he would neither honor nor be constrained by the
Constitution, the single most infuriating act of shameful disregard for
America was his loathsome wife throwing excrement in the face America’s
military families.
I was angered to the point of feeling the veins bulge in my neck. As I sat
in my study not only did my anger not dissipate but it grew in intensity.
That Obama would allow his miserable, contumacious, America-hating wife to
display such blatan... more »
Jan.23: I should never read an Irving press newspaper quickly....
....no matter how dumb and boring it might appear to be.
I made that mistake on B1 of the Jan. 22 issue, "Health system lacks focus,
says Council CEO".
Well, it looked boring. But today was boring, anyway, so I thought I'd go
back, and take a look at it. The Health Council of New Brunswick is an
outfit that does "research" on health services. So I glanced at the
Apparently, they questioned people across Canada to ask whether they
thought their health was Excellent, very good, etc.
Why? Are Canadians in general experts on their own health? And, if so, why
aren't we all ... more »
‘Isolated’? The Irony Behind New Russia and Iran Defense Deal
‘Isolated’? The Irony Behind New Russia and Iran Defense Deal
January 21, 2015 By Stuart Hooper 16 Comments
*[image: 1-Stuart J Hooper]Stuart J. Hooper21st Century WireWe’ve heard for
months now that Russia is isolating itself from the international
community; with it’s support of Assad in Syria and opposition to what can
only be described as a violent coup in Ukraine. However, what we are now
coming to understand is that the term ‘international community’ describes
only part of the world – the West, ... more »
How wrong we where, how far we have come, and how much is left to be done!

I grew up completely oblivious to homosexuality. I cant really remember if
I used Cocksucker as an epitaph, certainly not before I was my mid teens
and even then did not equate it with being Gay. Now I knew about effeminate
males. Yes we made fun of the very few obviously , but nothing really mean.
We might tease them about skipping. I had a beloved music teacher who had
been my friend since I was 10 years old. He was the driving force for
decades behind the glee club at the high school. When I was in grade six
he produced Mary Poppins. I was selected to play the male kid. When I... more »
Libyan Central Bank Branch In Benghazi Seized By Islamists. They Now Have Access To $100 Billion

The central bank branch in Benghazi. The bank, which has headquarters in
Tripoli, is the nation’s last functioning institution. Credit Esam Omran
*Washington Times*: *Benghazi branch of central bank seized by Islamic
fighters; almost $100B inside*
*WNU Editor*: There are conflicting reports on who attacked the bank, who
seized the bank, and whether or not the Army has retaken the bank. In short
.... this sounds like a great Hollywood movie. I will update this story
when more information becomes available.
*More News On The Libyan Central Bank Being Seized By Isl... more »
World News Briefs -- January 23, 2015
*Then Guardian:* *Saudi Arabia’s new King Salman moves quickly to settle
future succession*
*Salman bin Abdulaziz also promises to continue the policies of his
predecessors after death of Abdullah after nearly two decades in power*
New Saudi king promises to *continue predecessors' policies*. New Saudi
king to focus *economic policy on jobs as oil sags*.
New Saudi Deputy Crown Prince* marks generational shift*.
World leaders react to death* of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah*.
Yemen in turmoil as *Presidential resignation rejected*. Yemen suffers
power vacuum *after p... more »
How We Banned Fracking in New York
*Sandra Steingraber* - It was science that stopped fracking in New York. In
2008 when our moratorium was first declared, the state of knowledge about
the risks and harms of fracking was rudimentary.
The post How We Banned Fracking in New York appeared first on Waking Times.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 23, 2015

Screenshot from youtube.com video
*RT*: ISIS sets up English-speaking brigade to target Western countries
*Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 23, 2015*
Pentagon Estimates 6,000 Jihadists Have Been Killed -- Arutz Sheva
Hagel Says Thousands of ISIS Fighters Killed By Airstrikes -- DoD Buzz
Hagel dismisses usefulness of body counts in Islamic State fight -- Stars
and Stripes
US, Iraqi Troops Prepare to Recapture Mosul City From IS Militants --
House chairman says US should consider limited ground forces in Syria --
Stars and Stripes
Iraq Asks For More Weapons... more »
Going To War In His Armchair

Stephen Harper told us that there would be no boots on the ground. It turns
out there are, and they're on the front lines. Michael Harris writes:
At some point, a Canadian soldier is going to be captured or killed in
action. The prime minister will hold a sorrowful press conference — without
taking any questions. The emotional dividend from these inevitable events
will be used by his hawkish administration to justify a more “robust”
response — i.e. more boots on the ground to protect our forces. And so on... more »
The Business of Sickness, And Why We Must Protest Until It’s Stopped
*Dr. Eldon Dahl* - Sickness is a great business, and the pharmaceutical
industry knows this very well. They would have you to believe they are in
the health business, but they are not.
The post The Business of Sickness, And Why We Must Protest Until It’s
Stopped appeared first on Waking Times.
The Six Billionaire-Engineered "Hostage Crises" of 2015 — A Handy List

[*Click to enlarge.*]
*by Gaius Publius*
In a tweaky tweet, the bipartisan right-wing organization and billionairist
propaganda machine known as "Fix The Debt" challenged President Obama to
mention seven "fiscal speed bumps" in his State of the Union address. He
didn't, of course. Not his style to tweak back about anything but his
But one person's "fiscal speed bump" is another's "hostage opportunity,"
and the bipartisan right-wing consensus has them all lined up. The graphic
version from the tweet is above. Here are six set up for 2015 in handy list
form (we'll look ... more »
“Jon Stewart Decimates Tea Party Response to Obama's State of the Union”
*“Jon Stewart Decimates Tea Party Response to Obama's State of the Union”*
By Janet Allon
“Joni Ernst gave the official Republican response to Obama's State of the
Union speech the other night, and the Iowa Tea Party favorite reminded Jon
Stewart an awful lot of Siri. Ernst robotically told a story of wearing
bread bags on her feet to school when it snowed, since she was so poor. Cue
the gag machine. Stewart had a field day making utter fun of the various
right-wing responses to Obama's feisty speech, but the award for the worst
of the worst, what Stewart calls the "Implody", went to... more »
Israeli Anger Over White House 'Mossad' Leak Continues

Barack Obama with Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office. Photo: Pete Souza.
*Arutz Sheva:* *Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies*'
*Senior Israeli says 'friends don't act like this' after Mossad Head denies
US claim that he opposed Iran sanctions in talk with senators.*
*Previous Posts*
(1) Israeli Mossad Report: New Iran Sanctions Bill In The U.S. Congress
Will End Nuclear Negotiations With Iran
(2) Is The White House Reponsible For Leaking Mossad Report That New US
Congressional Sanctions On Iran Will End Nuclear Talks
*WNU Editor: *The authors of the original report that ca... more »
Friday Nerd Blogging: Winter is Coming to #ISA2015
More information about the genesis of this panel here. Paper abstracts
here. Hope to see you February 18 in the Grand Salon 3 at the Hilton
Riverside in New Orleans at 4:00!
Europe Watch January 23 , 2015 - Euro in free-fall after ECB Qe decision ( $ 1.111 ) - parity a possibility ...... Swiss ten year at new low of -.30 as bond yields plummet generally ...... Greece and Greece Elections tidbits ...... Around the horn in Europe !

*zerohedge* @zerohedge 1m
1 minute ago
Syriza Leads In 6 Polls; Leader Tsipras Shuns Merkel, Says "Won't Honor
Commitments" http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-01-2
Syriza Leads In 6 Polls; Leader Tsipras Shuns Merkel, Says "Won't...
By *zerohedge* @zerohedge
With the leads in at least six polls (of between 4% and 10%), Syriza leader
Alexis Tsipras has come out swinging for the anti-EU vote this morning:
View on web
... more »
Global financial Report ( January 15 , 2015 ) - Focus on Asia and Europe - Switzerland abandons cap on Euro and carnage ensues ..... Day after reaction to ECJ Opinion from AFD Party of Germany , Russia and ruble news , surprise RBI rate cuts sparks India markets and weakens rupee , China banking and shadow banking in focus , Greece in focus ..... additional matters of economic interest
Catharsis Ours - 16 hours ago

Evening Tweets...
Edward Harrison retweeted
*Joseph Weisenthal* @TheStalwart · 2h2 hours ago
This 3-day chart of EURCHF is just just incredible.
[image: Embedded image permalink]
<div class="ProfileTweet-header u-cf" style="-webkit-transition: color
With Venezuela At The Brink Of Default Venezuela's Maduro Tells Citizens 'God Will Provide'
*CSM:* *Economy in tatters, Venezuela's Maduro tells citizens 'God will
provide' (+video)*
*Venezuelans have been hit hard by plummeting oil prices and high
inflation, and Maduro outlined no specific solutions in his highly
anticipated address to the nation last night.*
*WNU Editor*: The chickens of past destructive government policies are now
coming home to roost.
*More News On Venezuela*
Venezuela’s Maduro sees U.S. wielding oil as weapon to ‘destroy’ nation --
Fuel Fix
Venezuela in a bind as Nicolás Maduro faces default dilemma -- Financial
Maduro admits Venezuela econo... more »
A Look AT The The 5 Weapon Systems That The U.S. Will Deploy Against Iran In The Event Of An Armed Conflict
B-2 Spirit: $2.4 billion
The B-2 bomber was so costly that Congress cut its initial 1987 purchase
order from 132 to 21. (A 2008 crash leaves the current number at 20.) The
B-2 is hard to detect via infrared, acoustic, electromagnetic, visual or
radar signals. This stealth capability makes it able to attack enemy
targets with less fear of retaliation. In use since 1993, the B-2 has been
deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan.
*Zachary Keck, National Interest*: *5 U.S. Weapons of War Iran Should Fear*
*WNU Editor*: Of all of the weapons that are listed .... the B-2 is the
weapon system... more »
ECBs Mirage to Recovery: Last desperate gasp of "Whatever it takes"
Thursday, 22 January 2015ECBs Mirage to Recovery: Last desperate gasp of
"Whatever it takes"
Well my friends, the European Central Bank just signed it's death
certificate in the form of launching a 1.14 Trillion Euro Quantitative
Easing printing press with their last gasp of "We will do whatever it
takes" desperation.
Below are several articles that outline some of the most important aspects
of this highly questionable, barely legal, already-proven-not-to-work
move, to try and generate at least a mirage of "recovery" to shimmer in
front of the uneasy public of the European Union.... more »
Transpicuous News Report Wed Jan 21: Soon... 3 reports a week

Good morning everyone! Sorry for the delay- there were technical issues
with coding to be dealt with- but here is the recording of Wednesday Nights
Transpicuous News Report, and of course all of the links of the news
stories that I was following earlier this week.
To give you a schedule update: At this point Transpicuous News will be
broadcasting live stream on CCN and TONE every week at:
Sunday Nights at 9:00pm GMT
Wednesday Nights at 11:00 GMT
..... and we will most like begin a third weekly ... more »
"Grey State" filmmaker David Crowley and family die: highly questionable reports
The alternative media is Buzzing over the "murder suicide" of film maker
David Crowley and his wife and young daughter. Every aspect of the
"official" reports are highly questionable, even without taking into
consideration the very controversial movie that David was filming: Grey
I have not had time to watch the rough cut, and I was also sent a copy of
the final video (which I can't find right now) that I will post later on as
soon as I can find it again.
While I can't verify the content of the movie (yet), I strongly suspect
that this may be worth saving.
Filmmaker D... more »
Mozambique Orders 3 More HSI32 Interceptors from French shipyard CMN, First Trimaran launched

[image: OCEAN EAGLE 43]CMN confirms the signing of a new export contract
with Mozambique: Three more HSI32 Interceptors have just been ordered for
the Navy of Mozambique.
This is in addition to the three OCEAN EAGLE 43 trimaran patrol vessels and
three HSI32 interceptors (and several fishing vessels) that were ordered by
the African nation back in September 2013.
Meanwhile, the first trimaran patrol vessel has just been launched by the
French Shipyard.
Read more
Israeli Air Force to install new radar in F-15I fighters

[image: F-15I Ra'am]The Israeli Air Force (IAF) is reportedly planning to
install a new advanced radar system in its fleet of Boeing-built F-15I
Strike Eagle aircraft in the coming years.
Raytheon's APG-82(V)1 active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar is
likely to be the sensor that will be integrated into IAF's F-15I fighters
to enhance its capabilities, as reported by Flightglobal.
Selection of the US-built radar instead of an Israeli-designed sensor is
believed to be due to the fact that the country can acquire the APG-82(V)1
using the annual foreign military funding grant... more »
What President Johnson and Dr. King said!
*FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 2015Everybody can serve:* We’re driving to Durham
today to attend a school-wide spelling bee.
We know a third-grader who’s still in the hunt. She has a superb
disposition, and she’s third-grade champ to boot.
On Wednesday, we decided to look at President Johnson’s now-famous speech
in support of The Voting Rights Act. For its full text, click here.
Johnson wasn’t a good public speaker. That said, we were struck by an
autobiographical chunk of the speech which came right near its end:
JOHNSON (3/15/65): People cannot contribute to the nation if they are never ... more »
BBC: The Drone Operator Who Said 'No'
*RT:* *‘We didn’t even really know who we were firing at’ – former US drone
*WNU Editor:* The above video is from the BBC. Brandon Bryant .... a former
drone pilot who has been credited for helping in the killing of 1,626
people during his 4 1/2 years with the program .... speaks about the
mission that convinced him that it was time for him to stop.
Joan Peters And The Perils Of Challenging The Palestinian Narrative
This article
be required reading for journalists at the institutionally anti Israel
Here's an extract:
'The recent death of Joan Peters recalls one of the most intense and
literary controversies in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Her
1984 book From Time Immemorial set off a memorable scuffle between both
Israeli and Arab writers. But like many such controversies the ultimate
impact of the discussion did more to obscure the truth abo... more »
U.S. Navy Approves F/A-18 Super Hornet IRST System for Production

[image: F/A-18 Super Hornet]The F/A-18 Super Hornet infrared search and
track (IRST) system, developed and integrated by Boeing and Lockheed
Martin, received approval from the U.S. Navy to enter low-rate initial
The IRST system consists of Lockheed Martin’s IRST21™ sensor, the GE
Aviation FPU-13 Fuel Tank Assembly and the Meggitt Defense Industry
Environmental Control unit. The system demonstrated its production
readiness through a series of extensive assessments and reviews, including
flight tests.
“This ‘see first, strike first’ capability can be used in a variety o... more »
First Airbus A400M airlifter for Malaysia rolled out of paintshop

[image: RMAF A400M M54-01]The first Airbus A400M new generation airlifter
for the Royal Malaysian Air Force has now been painted in its new colours
at the Airbus Defence and Space facility in Seville, Spain.
In the coming days the aircraft, known as MSN22, will perform its first
ground tests and flights before delivery.
RMAF pilots, maintenance engineers and technicians are already undergoing
training at the Airbus Defence and Space International Training Centre in
Seville, Spain.
Read more
Malaysia to upgrade and arm S-61 "Nuri" fleet

[image: S-61 Nuri]Malaysia is to boost its ability to combat future
militant incursions by arming its AgustaWestland AW109s and transferring
upgraded Sikorsky S-61 “Nuri” utility helicopters to army aviation control.
Prompted by an incursion made by Sulu rebels in Sabah in 2013, Kuala Lumpur
has already outfitted three of the Royal Malaysian Air Force’s S-61s with
12.7mm door guns, to provide armed support for ground troops.
“The army plans to arm the [AW109] helicopters with [7.62mm] gatling guns”
to expand in this capability, says Dr Mohd Yazid Ahmad, director of the
mechanical an... more »
Italian army describes Mangusta upgrade wish list

[image: A129 Mangusta]The Italian army is seeking an enhancement package
for its AgustaWestland AH-129D Mangusta attack helicopter, which it hopes
will be upgraded within five to six years.
Brig Gen Antonio Bettelli, commander of army aviation for the Italian army,
told the International Military Helicopter conference in London that two
options had been considered: to "exploit the current Mangusta" or acquire a
new attack helicopter derived from the AW149.
“The risks related to the programme were considered too high and [with] the
time requirements [we] dismissed the second option,”... more »
Model of aircraft carrier in Central China raises questions

[image: Model aircraft carrier]Satellite images provided by Google Maps
indicated that China is apparently building a model aircraft carrier on
land at an unknown place in Central China, according to China's
nationalistic tabloid Global Times on Jan. 22.
The model of the aircraft carrier is 300 meters long and 80 meters wide.
Aboard its flight deck, there is a large helicopter and a carrier-based
fighter which looks to be a J-15. Models of an unknown type of surface
combat vessel can be seen right next to the aircraft carrier.
By looking at the bridge of that model warship, militar... more »
USS Rodney M. Davis to be decommissioned Friday
[image: USS Rodney M. Davis (FFG 60)]The USS Rodney M. Davis will be
decommissioned Friday in a formal ceremony at Naval Station Everett.
The 27-year-old ship is the last of three Oliver Hazard Perry-class
frigates that were based in Everett. The USS Ford was decommissioned in
2013 and the USS Ingraham was decommissioned in November.
The Davis returned to Everett for the last time Dec. 18. The ship had been
on a six-month deployment to the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Read more
Statement on Gates and Broad Foundation funded United Way Greater Los Angeles running LAUSD forums

*"Philanthropy is not progressive and never has been."— Tiffany Lethabo
King and Ewuare Osayande*
*"The United Way of LA is chief enforcer of Eli Broad’s corporate takeover
of public Ed agenda. He’s the reason why I created the term “weaponized
philanthropy” to describe how lefty-liberal groups in this city are under
his sway. There’s NO good reason on earth the ACLU or LGBT Youth groups
would support John Deasy except for the fact that they get money from UWGLA
and much of that money comes from Broad."—Cynthia Liu, PhD*
[image: United Way Greater Los Angeles is the best public re... more »
German Citizens Say No To TTIP & GMOs At "We Are Fed Up" March

‘WE ARE FED UP!’: Thousands march against TTIP, GMOs and industrial farming
in Berlin. "The EU-USA trade agreement TTIP only serves global concerns,
and will take away the means of existence from many farms here and across
the world," rally organizer Jochen Fritz told the media. A broad alliance
of more than 120 organizations, along with concerned citizens, totaling
50,000 people took to the streets for the fifth annual "We are Fed Up!"
demonstration, which this year focused on the increased importation of
American farming practices such as genetic modification, frequent
antibiot... more »
U.S. 911 Calls May Soon Be Routed Through Russian Satellites

At the command post for GLONASS management in the Titov Main Space Testing
Center in the city of Krasnoznamensk in the Moscow region (Reuters / Sergey
*Daily Mail:* *911 emergency call system could soon be routed through
RUSSIAN satellites, giving Putin's government the power to snoop and
interfere with first responders*
* Russia's own GPS system covers more ground than US satellites, so
wireless phone companies want to leverage it to help locate 911 callers
* Rep. Mike Rogers, an Alabama Republican, is furious and says the move
could give signals intelligence to an antag... more »
Free Trade 42: ASEAN Trade and Unilateral Liberalization Chall

Yesterday, I was a guest lecturer to an undergraduate class of graduating
management engineering students of Ateneo. The class is handled by my long
time friend and classmate from UP PDE, Joey Sescon.
About 20 students, nice. Joey mentioned that I just came from Nepal, so I
made a brief intro about Nepal and why a communist government in power
cannot be responsive to the rising need for economic freedom by its
My outline:
I. Trade Theory: Comparative Advantage, CPE,
Consumer Surplus
II. ASEAN Tariff and Trade
III. Trade Bureaucratism
IV. Unilateral Liberalization
V. Concl... more »
Vietnam joins Philippines in war of words against China island building
Vietnam has joined the Philippines in condemning China’s attempts to build
islands in the East Sea in what analysts say could be yet another futile
verbal effort to stop Beijing.
“Vietnam resolutely opposes China’s illegal construction projects that
jeopardize the status quo on the Truong Sa Archipelago,” Pham Thu Hang,
deputy foreign ministry spokeswoman, said at a press briefing Thursday,
using the Vietnamese name for the Spratly islands.
“We demand that China immediately stop such reclamation work and not repeat
similar wrongful actions,” she said, reiterating that Hanoi has
in... more »
In which I become a famous bike company store operator
You didn't know I was a bike company store operator? Neither did I. Lately
a couple of people contacted me about race-bicycles. It says they are based
at 185 Warehouse in Taichung and their manager is James Murray. James is a
friend of mine, and I know he doesn't work at this company, and neither do
I, although there is my picture above his name on their About page. I've
been to 185 Warehouse many times, and never seen nor heard of this
firm. I'm sure they'll correct this error about who their store manager is.
I'm pretty sure I'm not managing a bike store, although that would exp... more »
Irving Shipbuilding to lead $26 billion frigate replacement

[image: Prime Minister Stephen Harper]Days after signing a contract to
build its long-anticipated Arctic patrol ships, the Harper government has
quietly indicated it will designate Halifax-based Irving Shipbuilding as
the prime contractor on the planned replacement program for the navy's
Several defence and government sources say the word came during a
closed-door presentation Tuesday to defence contractors looking to bid on
the yet-to-be designed $26-billion Canadian Surface Combatant program.
The ability to designate which company will be the prime contractor was
contai... more »
Russia and India are negotiating construction of new frigates - CAWAT

[image: INS Teg (Project 11356)]Russia and India are negotiating
construction of three additional frigates for the Indian Navy and the lease
of a second nuclear submarine, RIA Novosti learned from a spokesperson of
the Center for Analysis of World Arms Trade (CAWAT).
“Negotiations are under way on the construction of three frigates of the
Project 11356 Admiral Grigorovich Class for the Indian Navy at the Yantar
Baltic Shipbuilding Plant.
The Government of India is also considering leasing a second Russian
nuclear submarine, after the first nuclear submarine of the Project 971
Akul... more »
Will cost of Trident’s successor sink the Navy’s surface fleet?

[image: Successor class SSBN]During your recent visit to Faslane Naval
Base, you said: “Now is not the time to start re-thinking our nuclear
deterrent or to get rid of our nuclear submarines.” Your party is pledged
to replacing the four-boat Trident nuclear submarine fleet and to give the
programme the go-ahead, if you win the May 2015 general election.
I do not propose to debate whether the UK should be replacing Trident
(perhaps another day), but to question how you intend to afford what will
undoubtedly become one of the most expensive defence equipment programmes,
You ha... more »
Transparent Sea: The Unstealthy Future Of Submarines

[image: USS Olympia]Submarines have been America’s invisible advantage
since World War II. But the oceans are getting more transparent.
New detection technologies from low-frequency sonar to flashing LEDs — plus
the big data computing power to enhance the faint signals they pick up —
are making submarines much easier to detect. The same water-penetrating
wavelengths, however, will also make it much easier for submarines to
communicate with each other.
The net result should be radically new tactics, Bryan Clark, a career
submariner and former top aide to the Chief of Naval Operations... more »
Defence Minister promises 'conservative' approach to submarines following tour of ASC

[image: Collins class SSK]Defence Minister Kevin Andrews has promised a
"conservative" approach to deciding on Australia's next generation of
submarines, following a tour of a key shipbuilding site in Adelaide.
It was Mr Andrews' first tour of the ASC facility at Osborne since
replacing former defence minister David Johnston, who said he would not
trust the firm to "build a canoe".
On a private tour of the site, Mr Andrews was shown construction of the Air
Warfare Destroyer project before inspecting the Collins Class fleet.
Read more
How Submarine Warfare Is Changing
The Los Angeles-class attack submarine USS Tucson (SSN 770) is underway
during the U.S.-South Korea joint naval and air exercise in waters off the
east coast of the Korean peninsula, July 26, 2010.(Xinhua/Reuters Photo)
*Anna Mulrine, CSM:* *The hunt for Red October gets easier. How submarine
warfare is changing*.
*Improving technology could make it easier to find submarines. That's a
threat to the US fleet – but it's also an opportunity for the Pentagon, a
new report says.*
*WNU Editor: *Technology is changing warfare on every level .... including
being able to easily detect subma... more »
Palin and American Sniper
[image: Image Credit: Youtube/TLC]
American sniper has created the usual ruckus and Sarah Palin has answered
them in her unique way.
I do not know why, but during the past fifty years i have personally
interviewed thousands of folks from all paths of life in my many varied
efforts to drum up business traffic. Having a personal close encounter
with the military, been a master cadet in high school and done basic
training mostly to get myself out West, i do understand the mindset.
I have interviewed extensively a participant in Mountbatten's gang, a
special forces type circa vie... more »
Awakening the Third Eye – Be Careful What You Wish For
[image: Pineal Gland -1]
What we need to be aware of is that this is poorly explored science. what
i mean by that is that reports are anecdotal and not well critiqued at
all. We learn about evil spirits who take advantage of the unwary. This
strongly suggests a real need for prior training and the history of all
this suggests that this is so.
So we all need to be careful.
I have come to respect the avoidance of religious leaders on this topic.
*Awakening the Third Eye – Be Careful What You Wish For*
*Gregg Prescott, In5D Guest*
*http://www.wakingtimes.com/2015/01/10/aw... more »
Minimally Conscious State' Suddenly Speaks
[image: An artist's drawing of a human mind.]
The take home is that a victim of catatonia will respond to a range of
sedatives allowing him to communicate. This is no cure but the therapeutic
value is obvious. Just been able to communicate and confirm things with
doctors is a huge leap forward.
We do not know yet, but the incentive of communication may even stimulate
resolution. One would hope so.
Additionally this shows us effective tools to rest out on other comatose
individuals. Even nothing happening tells us something.
*Minimally Conscious State' Suddenly Speaks*
... more »
From a Pile of Dirt, Hope for a Powerful New Antibiotic
What we have here is a new way to access the natural population of microbes
while eliminating the sieve of the artificial petri dish. This hugely
expands candidates and we already have an excellent prospect.
Thus real [progress with antibiotics has opened up again and with strains
not likely to be easily beaten by microbial biology. This is very good
news and certainly not soon enough.
We really do need to send those super bugs packing.
*From a Pile of Dirt, Hope for a Powerful New Antibiotic*
* JAN. 7, 2015*
*http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/08/health/... more »
Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-Up, 1/23/15”
*“Weekly News Wrap-Up, 1/23/15”*
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
"Several top stories are all coming out of the Middle East, and they all
show war is approaching. Yemen has fallen into the hands of Islamic
radicals, and there is total chaos and anarchy in the country which now has
no formal government. This is an ominous development as it borders Saudi
Arabia where staunch U.S. ally, King Abdullah, just died. A successor has
been named, and he faces a country on its Southern border overrun with
rebels that oppose America and its allies. President Obama has called Yemen
a success st... more »
China Wants Its Money Back From Ukraine Thereby Risking Default

Ukraine's president, Viktor Yanukovich, and China's president, Xi Jinping,
at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Dec. 5, 2013 (Photo/CNS)
*Global Research:* *Kiev Regime Debt: Ukraine Stiffs China for Billions It
*WNU Editor:* A poorly written article .... but the message is clear ....
China lent Ukraine billions and it wants a return on its investment/loan.
Ukraine responds that they cannot pay them now. China is not happy .... and
is now in a position to call in its loan(s) .... thereby putting the
Ukraine government into default. You cannot help but feel that the hou... more »
Satellite Images Reveal That Iran has Developed New Longer Range Missiles That May Be Able To Hit The U.S.

A satellite image shown on Israel's Channel 2 news, January 21, 2015, said
to show a new long-range Iranian missile on a launch pad outside Tehran.
(Channel 2 screenshot)
*Times Of Israel:* *Israeli TV shows ‘Iranian missile’ that ‘can reach far
beyond Europe’*
*Satellite images taken outside Tehran feature first look at long-range
missile newly developed by Iran, TV report says.*
*WNU Editor:* What I find interesting about this report is that no one ...
and I mean no one .... with the exception of the press in Israel .... is
covering this story.
*More News On Satellite Images Re... more »
Vacating a guilty plea
R v Shaw, 2015 ABCA 25:
[11] A guilty plea constitutes both a formal admission of the
elements of the offence as well as a waiver of the procedural requirements
and safeguards of a trial. A valid guilty plea promotes the values
inherent in the criminal trial process. Although a guilty plea can be
vacated by an appellate court, leave must be sought and the appellant bears
the onus on both the leave application and the ultimate appeal. A guilty
plea should only be vacated in exceptional circumstances: *R v Hoang, *2003
ABCA 251 (CanLII), 339 AR 291. Grounds for setting asid... more »
The Battle For Mosul Is Starting To Take Shape

A Kurdish Peshmerga fighter keep watch during fighting with Islamic State
militants on the outskirts of Mosul January 21, 2015. Credit: Reuters/Azad
*Wall Street Journal:* *U.S., Iraq Prepare Offensive to Retake Mosul From
Islamic State*
*WNU Editor*: This is not going to be an easy battle .... *In Mosul,
Islamic State turns captured city into fortress* (Reuters).
*More News On The U.S. And Iraq Preparing An Offensive To Retake Mosul From
The Islamic State*
U.S., Iraq preparing for assault to recapture Mosul: WSJ -- Reuters
Kurdish forces, Iraqi army launch attack in Mosu... more »
From the DWT Mailbag: We answer reader questions like "Where's Howie?"

Okay, we've got a little time and space here, so why don't we dig into the
*DWT* mailbag and answer a question or two? Okay, let's go for two. Right,
here are the questions readers are asking most often at the moment.
(1) So where the heck is Howie?
(2) Man, that other guy sucks!
(2) Technically this isn't actually a question, and so there isn't much we
can say, except that sure, the guy sucks, but what you may not know is that
he's here on scholarship, and giving him the boot would mean he'd have to
be sent back where he came from, and the cab... more »
FFWN: Remembering David Crowley
*In Memoriam: David Crowley and family*
1) Director of film, “Gray State”, suicided with his
“CIA kills people, makes it look like suicide” – Guantanamo
guard http://rt.com/usa/223139-cia-prisoners-suicide-guantanamo/
3) Minnesota bill would ban NSA activities – let’s pass “the David
Crowley Bill” in his memory
http://www.mintpressnews.com/minnesota-bill-ban-nsa-activity-called-biggest-threat-sin... more »
What Will Be The Impact On Oil Prices With The Succession Of A New King In Saudi Arabia?
*Maher Chmaytelli, Bloomberg*: *Saudi Arabia’s New King Will Likely Stick
With Current Oil Policy *
*WNU Editor: *No surprise that when news of the death of Saudi King
Abdullah was reported, oil prices jumped .... *Oil jumps after Saudi king's
death amid huge market shifts *(Reuters). The big question now is what will
be the *Kingdom's policy towards OPEC* .... maintain the status quo for
production and price .... or start to reverse Saudi policy and limit oil
production thereby increasing oil prices. My prediction is that nothing is
going to change. Because of his poor health I s... more »
Musical Interlude: Kitaro, “Matsuri”
Kitaro, “Matsuri”
- http://www.youtube.com/
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Here is one of the largest objects that anyone will ever see on the sky.
Each of these fuzzy blobs is a galaxy, together making up the Perseus
Cluster, one of the closest clusters of galaxies. The cluster is seen
through a foreground of faint stars in our own Milky Way Galaxy.
*Click image for larger size.*
Near the cluster center, roughly 250 million light-years away, is the
cluster's dominant galaxy NGC 1275, seen above as a large galaxy on the
image left. A prodigious source of x-rays and radio emission, NGC 1275
accretes matter as gas and galaxies fall into it. The Perseus Clus... more »
Saudi Arabia's New King Is Salman bin Abdulaziz

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz will take over as the new
king, but he is in poor health and his reign may not last long. (Yuya
*Reuters:* *New Saudi ruler King Salman bin Abdulaziz*
*WNU Editor:* Apparently the new ruler of Saudi Arabia is in *poor health
and suffering from dementia.* With chaos in oil markets and a raging civil
war in in Syria and Iraq, coupled with the crisis in Yemen .... is it smart
to have a new ruler who has all of these health problems? Apparently he is
.... and that is probably because the other prospective rulers in the
K... more »
Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah Has Died -- News Roundup
*Daily Mail*: *Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah dies aged 90 following battle
with pneumonia: Oil prices shoot up as 79-year-old brother inherits the
throne to continue 'cautious' reforms of kingdom*
* King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz had been in hospital since December suffering
from pneumonia
* He took power in 2005 after the death of his half-brother King Fahd and
was thought to be 91, although official accounts are unclear
* King Abdullah was admitted to the King Abdulaziz Medical City of the
National Guard in Riyadh in December to undergo medical tests
* The royal court earlier this mon... more »
"Did You Ever Wonder?"
"Did you ever wonder if the person in the puddle is real,
and you're just a reflection of him?"
~ Calvin and Hobbes
Chet Raymo, "As Time Goes By"
* "As Time Goes By"*
by Chet Raymo
"Is time something that is defined by the ticking of a cosmic clock, God's
wristwatch say? Time doesn't exist except for the current tick. The past is
irretrievably gone. The future does not yet exist. Consciousness is
awareness of a moment. Or is time a dimension like space? We move through
time as we move through space. The past is still there; we're just not
there anymore. The future exists; we'll get there. We experience time as we
experience space, say, by looking out the window of a moving train. Or is
Physicists and philosophers have... more »
"People Who Don’t Get It: Living with It"
* "People Who Don’t Get It: Living with It"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"When dealing with people who seem very unaware, remember that everyone
must find their own way to awakening. You may be someone who understands
the true nature of reality, perceiving deeply that we all emanate from the
same source, that we are all essentially one, and that we are here on earth
to love one another. To understand this is to be awakened to the true
nature of the self, and it is a blessing. Nevertheless, people who just
don’t get it are seemingly everywhere and, often, in positions of power. I... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Miles City, Montana, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Life... is not about how fast you run or even with what degree of grace.
It's about perseverance, about staying on your feet and slogging forward no
matter what."
- Dean Koontz
Constructivism and the tension within
My first post of the new year (hey, it is still January!) is a bit IR
theory geek-ish, so apologies to readers who do not follow those arcane
discussions. About two weeks ago I participated in a workshop on
constructivism at USC. Not surprisingly given the caliber of the people
around the table, the conversation
Continue reading
"An Old Farmer's Advice"
"An Old Farmer's Advice"
Author Unknown
"* Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight, and bull-strong.
* Keep skunks and bankers and lawyers at a distance.
* Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.
* A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.
* Words that soak into your ears are whispered…not yelled.
* Meanness don’t jes’ happen overnight.
* Forgive your enemies. It messes up their heads.
* Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.
* It don’t take a very big person to carry a grudge.
* You cannot unsay a cruel word.
* Every path has a few pu... more »
“Also to meet competency 1.2 your practice example must relate to demonstrating the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi”
I’m sure it will comfort you next time you find yourself in need of a nurse
l to know that, in order for your nurse to maintain their registration as
a nurse, they must first “demonstrate their competence” as a nurse to The
Council of Nurses.
A Council who *does not hesitate* *to ensure* – and this is important –
your nurse’s “continuing competence” in something they call “competency
1.2,” which it turns our is something to do with “the principles of the
Treaty of Waitangi” etc.
[image: image]
For clarity, this “competency 1.2” is one of the very first “competencies”
stressed ... more »
Culture Watch: Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

*Gilberto was just looking for a little love.*
*by Noah*
Everyone wants love, don't they? Some are lucky in love. Some are not. Love
will alter your future. Love will affect the way you look at life and the
world. Love can soothe the savage beast within. Scientists say it can even
lower your blood pressure.
These are just a few of the things love can do.
Ah, but not having love can drive a person to distraction, the despair of
loneliness, drink, and self-destruction.
Some women will buy a concert ticket and park themselves right up front of
the stage in hopes that the star of the... more »
Just a Harmless Movie?

The reactions to the pro-war 'American Sniper' film are proving that it is
serving its true purpose which is to pump up the domestic jam for all
things military.
Just like the 1968 Vietnam war promo movie Green Berets with John Wayne,
this new 'American Sniper' is serving the interests of the US war machine.
From what I've seen and read about this new movie it is not intended to
question the lies and deception by the Bush administration that initiated
'shock and awe' of Iraq in 2003. Instead it's purpose is to reenergise the
militarization of American culture - to demonize the pe... more »
Jesus is Not an American?
*The Daily Show*
Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on Facebook,Daily Show
Video Archive
“The Secrets To Handling Passive-Aggressive People”
*“The Secrets To Handling Passive-Aggressive People”*
by George Dvorsky and Levi Gadye
“Dealing with people who exhibit passive-aggressive behavior is easily one
of the most challenging aspects of our social lives. Here's what you need
to know about this annoying personality quirk and how you can handle people
who express their hostility in indirect and backhanded ways. Interacting
with passive-aggressive (PA) people is something many of us are all too
familiar with. As a behavior, it manifests in many different ways — some of
them quite backhanded and subtle — which can make it dif... more »
Saudi King Abdullah- Dead- A Wily King?
Sorry for the fuzzy post- Something very 'earth shattering' occurred! Sure
caught me by surprise. What will happen now?
Power struggles in Saudi Arabia?- The oil prices?- Supporting fanatical
jihadists in partnership with NATO? Yemen?
*Or, will the status quo remain?*
Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, the sixth king of Saudi Arabia, who has died most
likely at age 90, was a master politician who *gained a reputation as a
reformer without changing his country’s power structure *and maintained
good relations with the United States while striking an independent course
in foreign policy.*(?)*
... more »
Dooms Day Clock Moved Two Minutes Closer To Midnight. It Is Now At 3 Minutes To Midnight

Doomsday Clock is now at 3 minutes to midnight. Was at 3 minutes in
1984,1949. At 2 min. 1953: Watch: http://t.co/TsfS2THlwO
— BulletinOfTheAtomic (@BulletinAtomic) January 22, 2015
*Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists*:
*Three minutes and counting*
*More News Ob The 'Doomsday Clock' Being Moved From Five Minutes To
Midnight To Three Minutes To Midnight*
Doomsday Clock Set at 3 Minutes to Midnight -- Live Science
The Doomsday Clock is ticking again. It is now three minutes to midnight,
a.k.a the end of humanity.-- Washington Post
We Haven't Been This Close to the Apocalypse Since ... more »
For whatsoever a man sows, That shall he also reap

Raising hogs for meat and doing it in a manner that is responsible to the
welfare of the animal while it is alive,
good for the environment and fertility of the farm and produces a healthful
and delicious product for the person sitting down to a meal of pork takes a
lot of human effort and management. The word is husbandry. To do so without
the use of GMO feeds, concentrations of waste, phosphorus loading, etc is
at the very least a break even proposition when the final product brings a
price point around 2.5 times higher than what is available at the average
grocery store.
People... more »
Saudi Arabia in Focus January 22 , 2015 : King Abdullah has passed away . New King Salman ascends to Leadership... Th new King will face challenges and challenging times !

*zerohedge* @zerohedge 11s
11 seconds ago
The Saudi Succession: Its Impact On Oil, Markets And Politics http://www.
2/saudi-succesion-its-impact-oil-markets-and-politics …
[image: View this content on zerohedge's website]
The Saudi Succesion: Its Impact On Oil, Markets And Politics
By *zerohedge* @zerohedge
As reported earlier, several hours ago Saudi Arabia announced that its
91-year-old King Abdullah had passed away, in the process setting off what
may be a fascinating, and problematic, Saudi succes...
View on web
*... more »
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