Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)
Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)! If this is your first visit,
please click HERE for information and a complete list of all the challenges
we've taken on so far.
There's a lot of great information in this post and I encourage you to read
through it ... however, if you don't have the time right now, you might
find the following quick links helpful:
- The #CTWW Gang
- The Honor Society
- My Final Thoughts on Our Last Challenge
- This Week's Challenge
We continued our paper theme last week and asked that no more than 6
squares of toilet paper be used at one t... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Circle the Wagons"
Posted on April 30, 2013
Mohawk Nation News
MNN. Apr 30, 2013. Federal Court of Canada was
asked: Does Canada have a constitution? Are Sections 109 and 132 still
part of the British North America Act 1867? If so, our rights to our
lands, resources, funds and our sovereignty supersede that of Canada.
A Couple of Comments
Thought I'd paste my two New York Times comments in this space tonight,
since the subject matter is interrelated. I was so busy writing my rich
people post this morning that I missed Obama's presser, and didn't catch a
replay of the sadness until later in the day. This guy is not only a lame
duck, he's damn near a dead duck. All flapping wings, whiney quacks and
absolutely no soaring flight to the oratorical heights. It apparently
marked his 100th day in office. So, does that make him the ill-fated *Barry
of the Hundred Days*, starring Daniel Day-Lewis? Is there actually any
differe... more »
Arms transfers to Africa: Hold the phone!….China is the good guy?
This week’s topic for both my grad and undergrad human rights courses is
“foreign policy and human rights promotion.” On the list of
readings-not-on-last-year’s-syllabus is this little gem: “Enter the Dragon!
An Empirical Analysis of Chinese versus US Arms Transfers to Autocrats and
Violators of Human Rights, 1989-2006” by Indra de Soysa and Paul Midford.
Continue reading
high stakes testing moratorium? @slekar says not enough!
Sorry, but Randi Weingarten’s call for a “moratorium on the consequences of
high stakes testing with the Common Core standards” is worthless! We don’t
need a moratorium on “consequences” associated with the Common Core. We
need the abolition of all high-stakes testing and dissolution of the Common
Core. Anything else is a capitulation to the [...]
While Harper's Conservatives chase after single Mom's on EI ... they let affluent Canadians accumlate over $29 Billion in unpaid income tax ...

*"But the leader of the Official Opposition didn’t have time to dwell on
the inconsistency of billions potentially being spent on something other
than that for which authority was granted. He was off on the next damning
chapter of the report — “turning a blind eye to $29-billion hidden in tax
havens” — followed in turn by another that criticized the Aboriginal
Affairs department for failing to co-operate with the Truth and
Reconciliation Commission to create a historical record of Indian
residential schools."*
*John Ivison*
Alan Waldman : Brit Crime Series ‘Cracker’ is a Gripping, Off-Beat Winner
film and TV
treasures you may have missed:
Former comedy star Robbie Coltrane is outstanding as an obese,
alcoholic, degenerate gambler and psychologist who profiles sicko
criminals for the Manchester Police.
By Alan Waldman / The Rag Blog / April 30, 2013
[In his weekly column, Alan Waldman reviews some of his favorite films
and TV series that readers may have missed, including TV
“Aw, You're Just Figuring It Out, Are You? (WSJ)”
*“Aw, You're Just Figuring It Out, Are You? (WSJ)”*
by Karl Denninger
“One of the more-amusing aspects in observing and commenting on whatever
goes on in a given day, whether it be in the political or business arena,
is how many editors and writers ignore the obvious for weeks, months, years
or even decades and then drop a "quip" that sounds pithy but in fact
illustrates the vapidity of their mental prowess.
This is one of those times: One of the enduring—by now even
touching—assumptions of people who advocate for ideas like gun control is
that if the government waves its ha... more »
National Poetry Month 2013: Gods and Marble
April is National Poetry Month. As usual, I'm posting late and wanted to recommend the wonderful Favorite Poem Project.
This year, I thought I'd look at two poems involving the Greek god Apollo. The first one is better known:
Archaic Torso of Apollo
By Rainer Maria Rilke
(Translated by Stephen Mitchell)
We cannot know his legendary head
with eyes like ripening fruit. And yet his torso
Lamar W. Hankins : 'Dirty Wars' and Bush-Obama Foreign Policy
writer Farea al-Muslimi testified before the Senate Judiciary
Committee. Screen grab from Democracy Now!.
Dirty Wars:
The terror of Bush-Obama era foreign policy
While some Bush policies may have been changed, the Obama administration
has found new ways to accomplish the same purposes using Bush’s and
Cheney’s tactics in slightly different ways.
By Lamar W. Hankins / The Rag Blog /
If Gay Marriage Were Legal In 1998, Maybe Paul Crouch Would Still Be Preaching

Pastor Paul and his lover Enoch
Oh... he still is... at least on TV. Crouch, the founder of Trinity
Broadcasting Network empire, the country's largest "Christian" television
network, is 79 and pretty senile-- though not when it comes to sharp
business dealings and milking the cash cow TBN has become. His baby, the
international network, is bigger than CBS, bigger than Fox and bigger than
NBC. The Crouch family has been using it as a personal piggy bank for
years-- which has very serious-- and very unexplored-- tax implications. In
2010, *Forbes* reported that Crouch was paid just ove... more »
Replacing Nuclear Weapons
This is a guest post by Jarrod Hayes. He is Assistant Professor in the Sam
Nunn School of International Affairs. He received his PhD in Politics and
International Relations from the University of Southern California in
2009. His research broadly focuses on the social construction of foreign
and security policy. They are complex weapons. They are expensive.
Continue reading
NDItech: In Bed with CISPA Sponsors, Seeks Hacktivists to Spread Corporate Fascism Worldwide

Seeking to co-opt the tech community, NDItech opens doors and taxpayers'
pocketbooks to lure in talent.
*Image: A visual representation of the corporate-financier interests
represented on the National Endowment for Democracy's (NED) board of
directors. NDItech falls under the umbrella of NED. While NED and NDItech
pose as fighting for "democracy," their corporate-financier interests lie
poorly disguised just beneath the surface. Surely Goldman Sachs, Exxon, and
the SOPA-sponsoring US Chamber of Commerce don't care about democracy or
freedom - on the Internet or elsewhere. *
... more »
“Off to See the Wizard”
*“Off to See the Wizard”*
by Byron King
“Author Lyman Frank Baum wrote the original book, “The Wonderful Wizard of
Oz”. The book, published in 1900, was whimsical. But among other things, it
poked fun and caricatured the gold and silver debate in the U.S. in the
1890s. More broadly, Wizard was an allegory about life and political
populism in the U.S. in the 1890s. Author Baum had a keen eye for the
gold-silver debate because he knew something about the subject. Baum was
wealthy, and heir to serious family money that came from the 19th-century
oil fields of Pennsylvania. So he ... more »
The Economy: "On the Value of Information"
*"On the Value of Information"*
by David Galland
“It has become tradition at La Estancia de Cafayate for Casey Research to
host an intimate conference in conjunction with the Harvest Celebration. In
the most recent of the series, Bill Bonner, co-founder of The Daily
Reckoning, kicked the program off with a thought-provoking discussion about
the nature of information. With a nod to Nietzsche, Bill dissected the
nature of information into two categories.
The first sort is that which is derived from direct observation. For an
example, Bill pointed to the tangible information th... more »
Blessings on a pagan holiday

A blessed Beltane to all. May the fire bring the sun and your fields, real
and virtual, be fertile and the Faeries be kind.
A Principal Retires on Principle
A colleague of mine shared this letter from her child’s beloved principal
here in Western New York. Kathleen Knauth’s “early retirement” is another
example of how the current education reforms are driving dedicated,
child-centered leaders out of our public schools. With Mrs. Kanuth’s
permission, I would like to share the letter to the parents at [...]
Mixed Messages?
Reblogged from An Antique Teacher: Today, my inbox had two very interesting
bits of information. 1. Commissioner King's "News and Notes" showed up
telling me: "As you know, the Common Core will not just arrive in the mail
in a shiny, new box. (The truth is, the CCSS show up at schools in brown
cardboard [...]
The Harper Broadcasting Corporation . . .
IS MOVING IN ON THE CBC. According to Lauren Strapagiel at
with an article, "If Harper ran CBC programming", there is "newly tabled
legislation that would give Prime Minister Stephen Harper a tighter
grip on Canada’s national broadcaster".
Go read the article, and keep Stevie from turning the CBC into the HBC.
Happy Birthday Duke Ellington
My apologies, I forgot to pay tribute to the great Duke Ellington on his
birthday this week, April 29. He would have been 114.
Ellington always said his instrument was his band. Here he is in a rare
performance video, playing beautiful solo piano on a tribute to his
co-writer and arranger Billy Strayhorn.
Here’s a trio take on his signature tune:
What looks to be his 1948 band (with Ben Webster back in the sax chair)
playing a classic Ellington medley:
And, proving his music can’t die, here’s the Harlem Jubilee Singers singing
one of the showstoppers from his *Second Sacred Conce... more »
Bob Feldman : More African-Americans Enter Texas Politics, Prisons, 1974-1995
Hoe squad from Texas' Clemens Unit in early 1970s. Photo from Texas Prison Museum.
The hidden history of Texas
Part 14: 1974-1995/1 -- More African-Americans in politics, prison
By Bob Feldman / The Rag Blog / April 30, 2013
[This is the third section of Part 13 of Bob Feldman's Rag Blog series on the hidden history of Texas.]
Between 1970 and 1990 the number of African-Americans who lived
A Real Food Manifesto

*The moment we restore food’s proper value, we begin to see where it
belongs—not at the periphery of society, but at its heart. For example,
“cheap food”—the apparent triumph of modern agribusiness—is an oxymoron, an
illusion created by externalizing food’s true costs. Once you factor in all
the fossil fuel consumption, rainforest destruction, soil erosion,
pollution, water depletion, carbon emissions, loss of biodiversity, rural
depopulation, animal suffering and obesity that result from cheap food, it
doesn’t look quite so cheap. In fact, we pay a very high price.*
picture cour... more »
An Offer of Service....with Love

*An Offer of Service...with Love*
By Brian Kelly
April 29, 2013
(The very first article I put out is what inspired this post) ~BK
When I decided to follow my heart and leave my 9-5 job in late February, I
took into consideration there was an outside chance I would need to raise
some funds before the new system launches and cash shortages become a thing
of the past. (Based on yesterday's post, it appears that may be happening
sooner than later).
I know, without a doubt in my mind, I need to stay committed to this work.
So, I carefully scanned my options and came up with a plan wh... more »
Photos: Occupation of Alcatraz Exhibit opens on the Rock!
'We are still here!'
Photos and video by Tony Gonzales, AIM West
Censored News
Photo 1: Eloy Martinez, veteran of the occupation of Alcatraz Island November
1969 until June 1971, speaking Sunday, April 28, 2013, on the occasion
of the National Park Service providing a secure site on the Rock to exhibit artifacts
during the occupation and that we are still here! And here to stay!
San Francisco: Indigenous Arts Coalition Tonantzin Jams
509 Ellis Street, San FranciscoTraditional and contemporary indigenous
art, activists and rockers:
Speakers:Wichapiluta Candelaria (Ohlone)Anthony Sul (Ohlone)Douglas
Duncan (Pomo)Clayton Duncan (Pomo)L. Frank Manriquez
(Tongva-Acjachemen)POBREs/Po' Poets Project - Poets in Poverty Using the
word, to heal,
Elsewhere: ACA, Cruz, Post-Policy
Today I have a post over at PP about the ACA, implementation, and public
Yesterday at PP I had a fun one about "How to be Ted Cruz." Alas, it sort
of got lost because Jennifer Rubin posted her Ted Cruz slam at almost
exactly the same time.
At Plum Line yesterday, I wrote about post-policy Republicans and the debt
Oh, and at Salon over the weekend, another one about term limits, focused a
little more on why it keeps coming back.
And I'm just going to add: I've been enjoying the last two months of
Watergate blogging, but I'm really, really, ready for things to calm d... more »
Pro-life Activist Lila Rose from Live Action on Bill O'Reilly...
*good for her.*
Let's save whales and kill our little human babies. That makes sense...
The next Elizabeth Warren
I've never heard of her before today, but it sure looks like Susan Crawford
is to telecom reform as Elizabeth Warren is to banksters. She was briefly
part of the Obama administration but quit out of disgust with the Beltway
kabuki. She's now taking on the telecom industry as a private citizen.
The telecoms loathe and fear her, with good reason. She's armed with
dangerous facts. Like this:
Last year, Americans paid Comcast a monthly average of $153 for television,
telephone, and Internet. According to a New America Foundation study,
Parisians paid as little as $34.47 a month for th... more »
Hardly working

There are millions of Americans who have been out of work for so long they
stopped even looking for a job. There are millions more who are barely
employed in jobs that don't pay a living wage. I've heard that there are
fast food joints that now require a bachelor's degree to apply for a
position as an assistant manager. Against that backdrop, this was the scene
at a Joint Economic Committee in the Senate hearing on long term
The hearing started with only one out of 20 members of the committee in
attendance. Eventually three others managed to show up. Shortly thereaf... more »
Yes, it’s May Day. Remember the fallen.

*“When, at the age of twelve, at the time of the Russian revolution, I
first heard the
Communist principle that Man must exist for the sake of the State, I
perceived that
this was the essential issue, that this principle was evil, and that it
could lead to
nothing but evil, regardless of any methods, details, decrees, policies,
and pious platitudes. This was the reason for my opposition to Communism
and it is my reason now. I am still a little astonished, at times, that too
many [adults]
do not understand the nature of the fight against Communism as clearly as I... more »
Native Youth Filmmaking Workshop! Outta Your Backpack Media
Outta Your Backpack Media
Greetings, OYBM will be hosting a Free Filmmaking Workshop at our Media Center located at 1700 N. 2nd St. East Flagstaff, AZ.
Come and join us to learn hands on script writing, camera operating, video editing, and media justice!
workshop is FREE & open to Indigenous
Recent Buzz
Is it only Tuesday? It seems like a full week already. Here is a quick
round-up of a few items of my week thus far:
- At the Guardian's Political Science blog James Wilsdon
and I have a piece up responding to George Monbiot's over-the-top
attackon newly appointed UK Chief Scientific Adviser Mark Walport. The
conversation continues in the comments and on Twitter.
- At the Lowy Interpreter I provide a rejoinder to the last few
defenders of the EU ETS. I suspect that its defenders will long
the program itself. My post is a response to a respon... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Shadow Government'
Posted on April 29, 2013
MNN. Apr. 29, 2013. The conquest of our resources by
a few who impose misery, oppression and indignity is ending. The
“Council of Chief Executives” CCCE describes itself
as a “not-for-profit, non-partisan organization” of CEOs of Canada’s
largest corporations. They are the shadow government devoted to theft
and genocide! It
Parents and Students Have the Power – Now Use It!
From the Atlantic Journal Constitution. How to end overtesting in schools:
Tell kids to answer only half of the questions
Filed under: CHALK FACE: General News & Commentary
Ted Cruz vs Chris Van Hollen-- How To Win Friends And Influence People

Ted Cruz wants to make a name for himself as the Senate's biggest douche bag.
Fellow Texans Louie Gohmert and Steve Stockman could give him a run for his
money in the House, but in the Senate... Cruz is as bad as it gets. I
suspect other Republican congressmen don't like being publicly referred to
as squishes by this loudmouthed Texas pissant. And outside of Texas, it's
not a good idea calling the grieving and sincere parents of the murdered
Newtown victims political props.
In his short time at the Capitol, Senator Ted Cruz, a freshman Republican
from Texas, has shown little rega... more »
Some Say, When the Wind is Blowing Right, It Still Does
1,900-million years ago, Ontario smelled like rotten eggs. Some say, if
the wind is blowing just right... more »

I was honored to be involved in the weekend drone conference and protest in
Syracuse, New York organized by the Upstate Coalition to Ground the Drones
and End the Wars. I've just returned home after spending Sunday night in
jail (with maybe one hour of sleep) and the long eight-hour drive back to
Maine. So my mind is slipping a few gears, my wrists still hurt after
about 11 hours of wearing handcuffs, but my heart and soul feel strong from
the experience.
The drone conference began on Friday evening at a local community center in
the Syracuse black community. More than 200 fol... more »
So Called 'Fiscal Conservative' Gov't Won't (or) Can't Explain Where Missing $3.1 Billion Tax Dollars Are!

[image: Progressive Bloggers]
*"Federal departments and agencies spent about $3.1-billion less on public
safety and anti-terrorism activities than they were allocated, and no there
was no explanation for the gap. In a report released Tuesday, Michael
Ferguson revealed that the Harper government has been unable to explain why
so much money set aside in recent years for the anti-terrorism initiative
has simply gone missing. Furthermore, he found the government did not have
a clear handle on whether it had met the strategy’s objectives of keeping
terrorists out of Canada, and deterr... more »
Look at the HEAT coming from Fukushima Daiichi
The heat is both REAL and METAPHORIC.
The real heat can be viewed in this video clip. See it in full screen if
possible. I started at about 1:20
(hat tip: Elibi at Enenews posted the link from Enenews)
Majia here: Recent observations of radioactive heat at Daiichi I've made
include steam erupting from the ground, steam emissions directly above unit
3, the common spent fuel pool, and steam above the dry cask storage area.
The rising heat has also been documented in spiking radiation levels in
Fukushima ... more »
West's WMD Lies Fray as Syrian Army Overruns Terrorist Proxies

Absurd "chemical weapons" claims begin to fall apart amidst NATO's
desperate bid to save its collapsing terror front in Syria.
*Image: Chemical weapons were used extensively during the 8 year Iran-Iraq
War during the 1980's. Despite vast quantities of chemical agents being
used, both mustard and nerve gas, these "weapons of mass destruction" would
only constitute 2-3% of all of the war's casualties. Not only has the West
lied about Syria using chemical weapons, but they have once again lied to
the world about the threat posed by such weapons in the first place. *
.... * *
*May 1, ... more »
Anne Lewis : Corporate Crime Scene in West, Texas
on the makeup. Television reporter on the scene at the fertilizer plant
explosion in West Texas, Thursday, April 18, 2013. Photo by Patrick
Bresnan / The Rag Blog.
Getting the picture:
Corporate crime scene in West, Texas
How do we avoid the news story framework that gives us nothing but
heroes and victims when tragedy strikes? How can those narratives, as
seductive as they may be,
Lightning Round--Flake Popularity Craters, Reaction to Jason Collins, Obamacare is Still a Thing, Tebow Released, Blogs Are Dead
*TPM: *Several of the Senators who voted against the bill to reform
background checks for gun purchases have registered sharp drop offs in
support in polling done since the vote. Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona is
doing particularly poorly, hitting 32 percent according to PPP.* *Josh
Marshall attributes his poor numbers at least in part to his late decision
to vote against the bill, which alienated both sides of the debate. **
**DKos: *Most of the reaction to NBA player Jason Collins's announcement
that he is gay has been positive. The next three items are examples of the
opposite of... more »
Bill Goes for the Anti-Marketing Dollar
Bill Hicks planted seeds.
Official story unraveling for Boston marathon bombing; clear evidence points to bomb squad’s prior knowledge by Mike Adams
(NaturalNews) It’s now becoming clear that members of the Boston bomb squad
had *advance notice* of the horrific bombing that took place at the
marathon today. As an eyewitness reports, once the bombs went off,
officials began announcing, “this is just a drill!” This logically means
they were all informed of the “bomb drill” beforehand. Otherwise, why would
they respond with, “this is just a drill” ?
According to, a University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach
said there were bomb-sniffing dogs at both the start and finish lines, long
before any explosions went off. He ... more »
Joel Klein’s latest pitch, featuring Charlie Rose!
*TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 2013*
*This time, he’s peddling MOOCs:* We always let the analysts shower after
they watch Joel Klein.
The former head of New York City’s schools now works for Rupert Murdoch.
Last week, he appeared with Charlie Rose, selling on-line education.
We’re not opposed to on-line education—to on-line college classes, for
instance. We *are* opposed to people who make grandiose claims like this:
KLEIN (4/25/13): I mean, you can get the greatest, take the ten best
professors in the world— *You know, take what Michael Sandel does on
justice. If you have sat in on his clas... more »
Nuclear time bombs

The problems at Fukushima keep getting worse:
Two years after a triple meltdown that grew into the world’s second worst
nuclear disaster, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is faced with a
new crisis: a flood of highly radioactive wastewater that workers are
struggling to contain.
Groundwater is pouring into the plant’s ravaged reactor buildings at a rate
of almost 75 gallons a minute. It becomes highly contaminated there, before
being pumped out to keep from swamping a critical cooling system. A small
army of workers has struggled to contain the continuous flow of radioac... more »
Johnny Hates Jazz: The Comeback
This is weird. I doubt there have been many people who, over the last 20 or
so years have thought "you know who I really miss from my yuppie bar days?
Johnny Hates Jazz". And yet, remarkably, they're back with a new single,
video and album. I don't know, maybe it's just me - I think this is a very
weird comeback. Not because the song is particularly bad or far out, it's
not like they drop a few wub-wubs or anything. It's inoffensively pleasing
Radio 2 fodder for the shoulder pads and hairspray generation. But the
question I ask myself is is there any need for a new Johnny Hates Jazz ... more »
Oy, Fournier
Ron Fournier:
A president is in trouble when he’s forced to defend his relevancy, as Bill
Clinton did 18 years ago, or to quote Mark Twain, as Barack Obama did
today. “Rumors of my demise,” he said at a news conference, “may be a
little exaggerated at this point.”
Not wrong – just “exaggerated.” Not forever – just “at this point.”
Parsing aside, Obama channeled Clinton’s April 18, 1995 news conference by
projecting a sense of helplessness – or even haplessness – against forces
seemingly out of a president’s control...
“So my question to you,” ABC reporter Jonathan Karl asked Obama,... more »
A Voice from Guantanamo

When we think of the men held captive by the Americans at Guantanamo we
probably conjure up images of men in orange jump suits with long beards but
that's about it. Although most of them have been held for years, the
public hasn't heard their voices or learned much of their treatment in
** is changing all that by publishing a 3-part memoir from a
466-page manuscript handwritten by prisoner Mohamedou Ould Slahi. In his
years of captivity the captive has taught himself English. He's still
there even though nobody, not the authorities in his homeland of
Maurit... more »
Colorado Observer and Sunana Batra (@cold666pack) Censor Comments supportive of Teacher Brian White
Do you remember Brian White? You know…the teacher from Colorado that
decided to fight back against corporate education reform. The teacher who
spoke these words at his local school board meeting: Good evening. My name
is Brian White. I’m a parent of two young children currently enrolled in
Douglas County schools, a taxpayer, involved community [...]
“Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were.”
[image: Marcel Proust]
― Marcel Proust
See the full news article *here*
Also a bit of coverage in the Portland Press Herald of my arrest (thanks to
Maine friend and fellow activist Lisa Savage for alerting media here in the
state.) See it *here*
Beyoncé Mrs Carter Show: the pictures she doesn't want you to see - Telegraph
On Receiving the Ella Baker/Septima Clark Human Rights Award

*Cualli Yohualli Nehua no toca Roberto Dr Cintli Rodriguez *
Tlazocamati huel miac – thank you to members of the Ella Baker/Septima
Clark Human Rights Award Committee, American Educational Research
Association, Division B, for 2013.
I first want to acknowledge the Ohlone peoples – the peoples Indigenous to
these lands. And I want to pass on a teaching I received: everyone of us,
we are all Indigenous… to somewhere. That should create the consciousness
within us to help us understand that we are all stewards of this earth,
responsible for the health of Pachamama.
Secondly, I wo... more »
From Gangjeong village on Jeju Island, South Korea
The Realist Report with John Friend

On this edition of *The Realist Report*, we'll be joined by Andre from **. Andre and I will be discussing a wide variety of
subjects, including some of his recent articles. We will also be addressing
potential political, social, and economic solutions facing our nation and
race from a variety of perspectives. Scott Roberts from ** will likely make an appearance as well. Stay tuned
for what will surely be a lively and interesting conversation!
You can download the entire program *here*, or subscribe to the American
Nationalist Network via iTune... more »
Bagram airfield crash 29 apr 2013 - YouTube
The weirdest planet crash ever? Seriously scary.
The Benefits (and Costs) of School Reform in Three Cities Part I
The contemporary school “reform” movement has been amazingly brazen in
proclaiming their supposed successes in increasing student performance. A
study by Elaine Weiss and Don Long of the Broader Bolder Approach shows,
however, that those achievements evaporate upon close examination.
“Market-Oriented Education Reforms’ Rhetoric Trumps Reality” documents the
minimal gains and the significant damage done [...]
A Moment to Ponder Time

If you want to beat your intellect to a pulp, ponder time. What is it?
Does it exist? Is it really what we perceive it to be or is it something
else or many other things?
The fact is nobody can prove that time actually exists. I heard that first
from the commander of the U.S. Naval Observatory who oversaw the operation
of the world's timepiece, the atomic clock.
Back in the fourth century, St. Augustine wrestled with the question of
time. Here's how he summed it up. "*What then is time? If no one asks me,
I know what it is. If I wish to explain it to him who asks, I do not kn... more »
Is the Truth Out There?
This is a fun video about ETs from Al Jazeera
I'm an agnostic on ETs myself.
I think that in some respects the ET debate is a distraction.
Too often ETs are depicted as race-destroying villains or saviors.
In truth, *we *are the ones that inhabit those roles.
Humanity needs to look to itself for salvation from the problems it has
Consider our circumstances from the ETs perspective:
Would you want to save an alien race that is aggressively plundering and
destroying its own home ecosystem?
Would yo... more »
The Benefits (and Costs) of School “Reform” in Three Cities Part One
The contemporary school “reform” movement has been amazingly brazen in
proclaiming their supposed successes in increasing student performance. A
study by Elaine Weiss and Don Long of the Broader Bolder Approach shows,
however, that those achievements evaporate upon close examination.
“Market-Oriented Education Reforms’ Rhetoric Trumps Reality” documents the
minimal gains and the significant damage done [...]
The long winding route to a waiting ambulance >50 yards away when it could be as near as 5 yards.

Why choose the long and winding route to an ambulance > 50 yards away when
a direct (green arrow) path to a waiting ambulance could be less than 5
yards in <1/2 minute? That must be the question to ask.
In a real emergency situation, there would be no opportunity for the
cameramen to catch a glimpse of the STAR ICONIC VICTIM with the severed
blown legs, especially if the severed legs were covered with blankets on a
What! All that trouble and no photo-shots to display the severed legs to
billions of people around the world. NO WAY, Jose'. We need those "shocking
shots... more »
Ron George (MD-ALEC) Just Say NO to ALEC! on June 5th
Committee to Elect Ron George Special Campaign Announcement Scheduled
Annapolis, MD - 4/30/2013
By Committee To Elect Ron George, Anthony Pelura, Treasurer
Maryland State Delegate, Ron George (R-Annapolis) will be announcing his
plans for the upcoming 2014 elections at a special event, Wednesday, June
5th 2013 at 6pm at the Sheraton Hotel in Annapolis, Maryland.
*He serves on the American Legislative Exchange Council’s Tax and Fiscal
Policy Task Force. *
*PLEASE make sure that this person is NOT elected!!!!!*
*Would be nice if there were some anti-ALEC protestors at this
anno... more »
The Benefits (and Costs) of School “Reform” in Three Cities Part I
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font-family:”Calibri”,”sans-serif”; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri;
mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri;
m... more »
ACTION: Need Your Help with Big Eddie
*Need your help.*
I have written to Big Eddie multiple times – including sending hard copies
of reports on the American Legislative Exchange Council to his office in
*To NO avail.*
Big Eddie NEVER talks about ALEC and when a guest does – he doesn’t
acknowledge the reference to ALEC – cause IMHO – he doesn’t know what ALEC
is and he is not taking the time to educate himself..
Big Eddie claims to speak for the people.
How can you do that if you aren’t aware of or talk about ALEC?
Please help me with an email campaign to Big Eddie.
Email Address:
If yo... more »
The Future of English

The future of English has long been speculated about, and science
and fantasy novels and films offer multiple notions about what it might
look and sound like hundreds of years from now. Bladerunner (1982)
offered us "Cityspeak," described in Harrison Ford's voiceover as "
talk, a mishmash of Japanese, Spanish, German, what have you." And, as
shown in the original screenplay, it was exactly that, including words
Hungarian, Japanese, German, French, and Korean (thought notably
*not*Spanish). However, while it's true that on a drive through LA one
can pass
... more »
USW - Depicts the Nastiness of ALEC

From the webpages of
The United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied
Industrial and Service Workers International Union
This webpage is a pretty good introduction to ALEC
RAPID RESPONSE NEWS | April 02, 2013
*Who the Heck is ALEC?*
Article Brief
As we continue to deal with a barrage of state focused legislative battles,
it is imperative that we understand exactly who is behind them. The answer?
The American Legislative Exchange Council, or better known as ALEC.
But this comprehensive graphic from their webpage is really good.
I would like to call it –... more »
C'mon, Take (More) Questions, Barack Obama
Barack Obama holds relatively few press conferences -- and must answer
fewer questions when he does than any other president.
At today's press conference he called on six reporters. Granted, some of
the questions were two entirely separate parts, but at best it was maybe
eight or nine questions.
Here's a press conference from Ronald Reagan in which, if I'm counting
correctly, he took 23 questions, although here's a later one in which he
took just 9. Counting question is sometimes pretty tricky; here's one with
George H.W. Bush, after the tax reversal, with over a dozen separate
que... more »
Can an assessment officer conduct an assessment where there is an underlying dispute between the solicitor and the client about the nature and validity of the retainer agreement?
Cookish v. Paul Lee Associates Professional Corporation 2013 ONCA 278 holds:
[16] Ms. Pagliaroli submits on behalf of the appellant that an
assessment officer does not have the authority in any circumstances to deal
with disputes concerning the retainer, other than disputes regarding
quantum alone. In my view, while that is true where an order is obtained on
requisition under s. 3(1), it is not accurate to say that such authority
may never be given to an assessment officer. However, the preferable
procedure is for a judge to determine these issues. Once they have been
reso... more »
Bill Good And CKNW, What Is Wrong With Them?

What is wrong with Bill Good, what is wrong with CKNW, will they ever
present honest talk radio, honest unbiased commentary, let me be clear, I
certainly didn`t expect Bill Good to jump on the Adrian Dix bandwagon but..
But how can you bring on air Gordon Wilson to give what Bill Good called a
honest assessment of last night`s television debate.
Gordon Wilson is not only a self serving pundit, he is extremely bias, he
has been bashing Adrian Dix on Twitter, bashing Farnsworth, Horgan, Jenny
Kwan and every other BC NDP...
How can you Bill Good bring on Gordon Wilson for an opinion ... more »
Well, Of Course Rich Kids Are Smarter Than Poor Kids

My pal Roland teaches in an inner city elementary school in one of the
toughest neighborhoods in L.A. Everyday he comes home exhausted and
frustrated and drained. "Maybelline was suspended again," he seems to tell
me more often than I ask him if he wants to eat at Ink or M.A.K.E.
Maybelline is 8. I remember when he first told me about her at the
beginning of the semester. He said he thought she might be a genius,
definietly the smartest child in his class. He seemed excited to play a
role in helping her reach her potential. Now he's relieved when she doesn't
terrorize his other st... more »

*Ruslan Tsarnaev, uncle of the 'Boston Bombers'*
According to researcher Daniel Hopsicker, *'Uncle Ruslan' aided terrorists
from a CIA official's home.*
In 1995 Ruslan Tsarnaev set up a company called the "*Congress of Chechen
International Organizations*."
This company sent aid to 'Islamic terrorists' in Chechnya in Russia.
Ruslan was listed as the company's resident agent.
The company's address was 11114 Whisperwood Ln in Rockville MD.
This is the home of Graham Fuller, the one-time Vice-Chairman of the
National Intelligence Council at the CIA under President Reagan.
*Graham... more »
Herschel retires
*...and other events and anniversaries...*
The Herschel Space Observatory lost its ability to see after four years: Science
World Report, Google News, Herschel on TRF.
The life expectancy, 4 years, is pretty short, isn't it? What was the
reason why Herschel had to end its mission? Well, it ran out of the liquid
helium coolant. Such things are finite. Incidentally, I think that the
general claims that we're running out of helium on Earth are heavily
The telescope was the largest space telescope sent by humans. It was named
after Sir William Herschel who discovered t... more »
Breaking: Obama- No Rush to Judgement on Chemical Weapons/Syria
headline changed to some spin about Gitmo..Original url above
**Obama: No Rush to Judgement...*
*Obama said he needs more time to decide whether the Syrian government
used chemical weapons in such a way that would violate a “red line” he
set as a trigger for escalating U.S. intervention in the violent
in that country.*
**“What we now have is evidence that chemical weapons have been used
of Syria,” h... more »
10 Tips to Make Sure Your Activist Group Isn't Set Up by the Feds
Jason Charles
The FBI and federal government have been caught red-handed setting up groups
, staging terrorists attacks,staging drills, creating patsies, and infiltrating
activist groups. Here are 10 good tips to avoid the embarrassment of your
group ending up in the headlines as another excuse to further the police
state agenda. No matter if you are a 9/11 group, anti-GMO, anti-war,
Christian, Muslim or whatever the cause may be. If you run a group these
tips are for you.
*#1 Make everybody introduce themselves each meeting*
When meeting as an activist group always have new peopl... more »
Disturbing report indicates Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s requests for a lawyer were ignored
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Madison Ruppert
A recent report reveals a disturbing fact about the treatment of Boston
bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev: his multiple requests for a lawyer
during his interrogation were ignored.
While reports indicating that Tsarnaev’s Miranda rights were being withheld were
disturbing enough, this new aspect pointed out today by Glenn Greenwald is
far worse.
Apparently, Tsarnaev was Mirandized only because a federal magistrate decided
to hold an in-hospital hearing for the suspect during which he was advised
of his right to remain silent and appointed a lawyer... more »
Texas Prepares to Survive Global Economic Collapse
*YouTube - RT*
A restoration and self-sufficiency project. RT travels to the Republic of
Texas and meets Texans who are proud of their heritage, embrace
self-reliance and are ready to live by what they preach, even if it strays
from the norms of mainstream American society.
Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter:
Delivered by FeedBurner Be the Change! Share this using the tools below.
Sharing on Reddit and Newsvine will help the most.
Take your savings acounts out of the "too big to fail banks" before they confiscate them. It's perfectly legal ...and inevitable, given the precarious conditions of the big banks due to their derivative speculations and the fact that futher taxpayer bailouts are now against the law. It's called a "bail-in." The FDIC can't save you, it's already broke. And don't let your stock broker keep your cash in money market funds, because these are mostly run by TBTF banks.

Bail-out Is Out, Bail-in Is In: Time for Some Publicly-Owned Banks
Posted on April 29, 2013 by Ellen Brown
“[W]ith Cyprus . . . the game itself changed. By raiding the depositors’
accounts, a major central bank has gone where they would not previously
have dared. The Rubicon has been crossed.”
—Eric Sprott, Shree Kargutkar, “Caveat Depositor”
The crossing of the Rubicon into the confiscation of depositor funds was
not a one-off emergency measure limited to Cyprus. Similar “bail-in”
policies are now appearing in multiple countries. (See my ear... more »
Stop Imperialism – Episode 64
*Lots of good info, if you have the time to listen entirely. If not it is
possible to pick that which interests you for listening.**1. United States
* [image: us]
Boston bombing suspect cites U.S. wars as motivation, officials say
Martial law in Boston: American democracy in shambles
Canadian government unveils “terror plot” as it adopts draconian new law
New report on torture, extraordinary rendition
The money helping CISPA through Congress
CISPA’s immunity provision would allow corporate hacking
Segment Start: 00 h 11 min 08 secSegment End: 00 h 48 min 22 sec*2. Syria
* [image: syria_80... more »
Korean Toddler gets new Trachea at OSF-CHOI...OSF's Haitian Patients Refused Care
Toddler youngest in world to get lab-made windpipe in Peoria operation via @sharethis
— John A. Carroll (@haitianhearts) April 30, 2013
Talking with GOD

If the only thing that comes forth from these episodes of lucid at death
experiences, happens be be a simple willingness to go through death's door
in expectation of bliss, than much has been gained. We do see also that all
those so affected returned completely settled in themselves, often for the
first time in their lives.
I will go further. The near death experience is extremely good for the
individual. That is an objective reality beyond denial.
What this describes is an actual communion with GOD and an instruction to
share the experience. I am seeing this instruction ... more »
Resuscitation Medicine

A lot of what we know about death is changing drastically. It is also
becoming clearer. I also think that CPR is additionally important in that
it keeps disturbing the oxygen rich blood and postpones real cell death.
That is not suggested here. It is noteworthy that the brain goes almost
immediately into a dormant state and stays there until it is safe to come
What we do learn here is that if death is merely postponed, the
consciousness will recall activity even without the direct use of sight and
experience a common connection with an apparent entity that welcome... more »
Fertility Needs in High-Yielding Corn Production

The fertility needs of modern corn culture will not be resolved until we
master the biochar protocol which allows sequestering of all nutrients on a
continuing basis from either chemical treatment or natural decay based
In the meantime, corn happens to be our most hungry crop. Thus fertility
is a challenge at best.
We need to perhaps find a way to engineer corn to somehow be a better
citizen as we are completely set up to work with it in particular.
*Fertility needs in high-yielding corn production*
by Staff Writers*
Urbana IL (SPX) Apr 22, 2013*
... more »
Large Earthquakes can Trigger Another Far Away

I am sorry chaps, but if rock is cracking and breaking, then it is pretty
obvious that stress is moving through the system and not obviously settling
down however gentle it might appear. Put another way, when a real collapse
takes place, you have lost control of your assumptions and must wait until
it truly settles down before you begin testing your ideas again. Of course,
no one wants to do this.
This also naturally implies that stress release in one locale sets up
stress elsewhere especially in a quake environment. For that reason, we
observe long faults taking turns r... more »
Electric Cars Will Be Great

A number of things are somewhat overstated in this story, but that is not
particularly relevant. What is relevant is that we still do not have a
meaningful deliverable as far as the battery is concerned. We do have
several ways to get there now that are completely creditable but are still
grinding through the design realization stage. This always takes time even
when you know that you will touchdown.
What we have instead is a body of rapidly improving technology that is
simply waiting for the battery deliverable. Everyone knows now that we are
going to get there.
Also... more »
Never a dull moment
Almost May! Frost this morning, expecting 80s later in the week.
View from kitchen window. Fence has been set back up to regulate doggy's
bathroom activities (it's usually there in winter for when the poultry are
cleaning up the garden). Also at upper left, extension of poultry moat has
returned. Now the ducks and chickens get a ringside seat as things grow --
and get to help interrupt even more slugs migrating toward the goodies.
In middle ground, center, Lacinato kale going to seed. Foreground,
potatoes, knocked back by a freeze but recovering. Upper right, compost
drum and the... more »
Crazy Huge Mother's Day Giveaway!

Today I am thinking about my Mother. Every year I spend hours trying to
come up with the perfect gift for my mom. To try and show just a little bit
about what she means to me. I have come to the conclusion that even with a
million dollars I wouldn't be able to show my mom half of what she means to
My mom went without year after year, so my siblings and I could play
sports, take music and dance lessons and just have money to see summer
movies and go to the pool. My mom is the most selfless person I know, she
serves everyone around her and blesses everyone that meets her. She i... more »
CCA Private Prison Stealing Tax $$ - Not Once, But Twice
Fool me once - shame on you
Fool me twice - Shame on Me
CCA - Stealing US taxdollars - not once - but TWICE
Shame on US.
*From Alternet*
*The Corrections Corporation of America's Latest Shady Business?Tax Evasion*
To save millions in money they would have to pay to taxes, the CCA is now
claiming to be a "Real Estate Investment Trust."
April 26, 2013 |
Earlier this year, the Corrections Corporation of America offered to take
over state-run prisons, provided that they remain 90% stocked full of
inmates ready for cheap labor. Now, the CCA -- which runs 44 private
prisons and deten... more »
Obama is having some sort of news conference...
*allow me to sum it up for you.*
Ahhhhhh, I, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, er, er, bbbbbbbbbbb, I,
I, I, ah, ah, ah, annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, I, um, ah, ah,
ah , ah. Ahhhhhh, um, um, I. um, um, um, um, um, um, I, um, um, er, er,
bbbbbbbbbbb, ah, ah, ah, *annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd*, *thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat,* um,
ah, ah, ah , ah. Ahhhhhhhh, ah, ah I...
Oh, yes - he took time at the end to praise Jason Collins for having weird
sex and the progress we peons have made in our acceptance of the
aforementioned weird sex.
And we as Americans should be proud!!
We judge ... more »
You're Not the Chamber of Commerce, You're the Government.

Canada's business community has the understandable view that the Harper
government is the handmaiden of commerce. And so, when the conservative
government was caught out over abuses of the temporary guest worker
programme and had to enact modest reforms, that set the business types to howling
in indignation.
Doesn't this government understand that filling jobs with cheap foreign
labour pads the bottom line? The Chamber of Commerce (corporate sector)
had a warning for the Chamber of Commerce (Harper sector) and the Canadian
public - stand up to us and these businesses will leave... more »
New Israeli Math and the Return of the Holocaust Analogy:Steinitz: Iran "Equal to 30 Nuclear North Koreas."
Steinitz and Benjamin Netanyahu at a press conference in 2011
( Jack Guez / AFP / Getty Images)
At the second annual Jerusalem Post Conference, held in New York City on
Sunday April 28, a number of former and current Israeli officials
offered new estimates about Iran's nuclear progress, issued threats of
war and pretended Israel is more powerful and militarily capable than it
really is
Climate Change News Round-Up

European Union nations have been warned to renew climate change adaptation
programmes. The European Environment Agency has released a report that
concludes cities around Europe may have to install flood barriers similar
to those that protect London.
Even Europe's vineyards may have to switch the types of grapes cultivated
or move entirely. EEA studies have found climate change impacts in all
regions of Europe with rainfall diminishing in the south and increasing in
the north and extreme fluctuations in temperatures.
In Washington, Congressional Democrats are focusing on the way... more »

Oleg Tsarnaev (also translated as Tsarev) former Russian spy.
Misha Pozhininsky, former Russian soldier.
Tamerlan's mentor is Misha.
*Tamerlan Tsarnaev (also translated as Tsarev) in Lowell, Massachusetts.*
According to Before It's News , the 'Boston Bombers' have connections to
the Lowell, Massachusetts Police Department.
*Connecting Boston Bombers To Lowell, MA Police Dept.*
Jeff Bauman, 'the man with his legs blown off in the Boston explosion', has
connections to Joe Mac.
Reportedly Joe Mac was with Jeff Bauman at the finish line just 7-8 minutes
before the first explosio... more »
Spray Painted Doily Canvas

The other day I was out an about scouring thrift stores for some
interesting pieces of art to decorate an upcoming event. I came home empty
handed and frustrated. Thrifting is like that. Sometimes I hit jackpot and
other times I waste a whole day. The deadline was approaching and I needed
to pull something together quickly and so I did what I usually do when I
need a project fast, pulled out the spray paint. . I began playing around
with spray paint, canvases and random objects. I ended up with some funny
looking canvases to paint over later and a few that I loved. This was one
o... more »
Extending our themes for the coming year!
*TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 2013*
*Your chance to impoverish yourself:* Last week, we cited two themes we
would continue to pursue in the coming year. As our fourth non-annual
fund-raising drive continues, we thought we would mention one or two more.
As we mentioned last week, we plan to continue examining the development of
the new liberal news organs, such as MSNBC. After all those years of
liberal silence, this continues to be the most interesting development in
American political media.
We also plan to keep exploring basic themes involving the public schools.
We liberals quit on this t... more »
Consumed by Advocacy in the Marketplace of Mendacity
Big Daddy and Brick confront the power of mendacity in a key scene from
Tennessee Williams’s Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, swept into popular culture by
the 1958 film starring Elizabeth Taylor (Maggie), Paul Newman (Brick), and
Burl Ives (Big Daddy). In the play, Big Daddy replies to Brick’s question,
“Have you ever heard [...]
Canada as Seen from Sri Lanka: It Ain't Pretty
Those not on Twitter may have missed this absolutely fabulous thrashing of
John Baird and Stephen Harper by Dr Kamal Wickremasinghe writing in the
Daily News, 'Sri Lanka's National Newspaper since 1918'.
Titled 'Harper and Baird should clean their own backyard before coming to
CHOGM', it will warm the cockles of your heart while demonstrating how
bloody low Canada has sunk in the world's opinion.
You should read the whole thing, but I'll excerpt some good bits.
The Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his Foreign Minister John
Baird are leading the charge against Sri Lanka as... more »
David Brooks, describing Paul Krugman!
*TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 2013*
*One phrase gives the Brookster away:* In this morning’s New York Times,
David Brooks writes as interesting if limited column about two kinds of
policy writers.
One type of writer is “engaged;” the other type is “detached.” As he
started, Brooks offered a description of writers he calls “engaged:”
BROOKS (4/30/13): *Engaged or Detached?*
Let’s say you are a young person beginning to write about politics and
policy. You probably have some idea of what you believe, but have you
thought about how you believe it? That is to say, *have you thought about
where ... more »
What Do Those One Percenters Want, Anyway?
It is a truth universally acknowledged that rich people have an outsized
influence on politics. The wealthiest Americans and corporate persons just
financed a two billion dollar presidential campaign, after all. That their
weighted votes have borne fruit is most recently evidenced by the
Congressional stampede to liberate the plutocrats who were mistakenly and
outrageously caught up in the sequestration dragnet with meal-deprived old
people and evicted preschoolers and ousted chemo patients.
On Friday, our legislators restored FAA funding to air traffic control
towers. By Monday, f... more »
Friedrich Hölderlin - To the Sun-God
*Friedrich Hölderlin - Love*.
*Friedrich Hölderlin - The Gods*.
*Friedrich Hölderlin - The Time of Socrates*.
Source: *Selected Poems of Friedrich Hölderlin. Translated by Maxine
Chernoff and Paul Hoover.* 2008. Omnidawn Publishing: Richmond, California.
Pg. 71.
*Friedrich Hölderlin - To the Sun-God*
Where are you? Drunk, my soul grows dim
From all your delight; for only now
I watched how, exhausted by his travels,
The enchanting young god
Bathed his hair in golden clouds,
And now my eyes fill with the sight of him;
Th... more »
PROFESSORIATE FAILS US AGAIN: No one checked Reinhart and Rogoff’s work!
*TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 2013*
*Part 2—The tale of the graduate student:* We can think of two obvious
questions about the latest giant bungle by the nation’s high-ranking
Here’s the first question, and others have asked it: How did Carmen
Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff manage to bungle so badly?
People do make mistakes, of course, especially Harvard professors. But some
of the errors by Reinhart and Rogoff do seem just a bit strange.
If you’re averaging data from twenty countries, how do you manage to leave
out five countries? (Answer: You make an Excel coding error.) Once yo... more »
ACTION: PA - Support Clean Energy
*Stop ALEC by passing groundbreaking clean energy standards in Pennsylvania*
* *
*To: The Pennsylvania General Assembly*
Stop ALEC by passing groundbreaking clean energy standards in Pennsylvania
We call on Pennsylvania’s legislature to move to pass a Renewable Energy
Standard of 100% of the state’s electric supply to come from clean sources
by 2021.
Why is this important?
In the face of catastrophic climate change, we need solutions which speed
our shift to clean, renewable energy sources. Unfortunately, most states
have moved only incrementally towards increasing the amount of el... more »
Maher (SD-ALEC) - ALEC Corporations "You Learn from Them"
Oh my. more ALEC friendly crap in the papers today.
This time in New Mexico - a reporter that is jumping forward to defend
South Dakota's decision to force ALL legislators to belong to ALEC.
*Group membership fees divide SD lawmakers*
PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — South Dakota Democrats and Republicans are at odds over
using taxpayer money to pay for state lawmakers' memberships in an
organization that describes itself as a nonpartisan think tank dedicated to
free markets and limited government.
ALEC can describe itself as anything it wants – that does not mean what
they are telling the pu... more »
Economic Wisdom
Just want to point out something quickly. This Glob n' Mall article about
PBO's Page vs. Dimbulb-Jimbo Flaherty's jobs forecasts says the following:
The PBO does not comment on whether the finance minister’s approach is
appropriately balanced. Governments and citizens around the world are
debating whether an economy is better served by boosting market confidence
with a quick return to balanced books or a stronger focus on spending and
employment will pay off in terms of stronger government revenue.
That's kinda weak sauce don't you think? Reading it you wouldn't think that
30 years... more »
Stevenson-Wolfers on Reinhart-Rogoff

They write:
In the end, all the corrections advocated by the critics shift the average
GDP growth for very-high-debt nations to 2.2 percent, from a negative 0.1
percent in Reinhart and Rogoff’s original work. The finding remains that
economic growth is lower in very-high-debt countries (see chart). It has
been disappointing to watch those on the left seize on the embarrassing
Excel errors but ignore this bigger picture.
Click on graphic to enlarge.
Koch Stink Tank Concludes: Rich = Happy
*Research Confirms You Can’t Be Too Rich*
By Brenda Cronin
The Duchess of Windsor, who quipped, “You can never be too rich or too
thin,” appears to have had it at least half right. New research by
University of Michigan economists Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers found
that for rich and poor alike, as income climbs, so does one’s sense of
Their findings, to be published in the May 2013 American Economic Review,
Papers and Proceedings, counter the idea that once certain basic needs are
met, a rising income doesn’t translate into commensurate surges in
... more »
Colbert's Sister-- Next Tuesday
I'm rooting for Colbert's sister-- and not just because she's Colbert's
sister. And not just because Mark Sanford is likely to be one of the worst
members of Congress-- far worse, in fact, than he was when he was in
Congress the first time. Colbert's sister, thoroughly embraced as she is by
the DCCC, doesn't need any help from Blue America and there's nothing to
make me think she would qualify for a Blue America endorsement any way-- the
way these guys have-- but... I'm still rooting for her because there's a
lot of room between someone as good as Alan Grayson, Keith Ellison and
... more »
Arab Leagues makes 'concessions' on Palestinian land to Israel's benefit
Looks to me as if the traitorous nations doing the deals are largely the
US/Israel subordinates in the GCC.
Israel is the big winner and the Palestinians are getting railroaded..* :To
rush or push (something) through quickly in order to prevent careful
consideration and possible criticism or obstruction*
*Arab states appeared to soften their 2002 peace plan on Monday when a top
Qatari official said Israel and the Palestinians could trade land rather
than conform exactly to their 1967 borders.*
John Kerry: Making deals to
appease Israel
... more »
Read Stuff, You Should
Happy Birthday to Kirsten Dunst, 31.
No shortage of good stuff:
1. Marc Ambinder notes that we've learned a bit more about the hunt for bin
Laden, and it points again to a key point: "Based on what we know SO FAR,
torture did not PRODUCE the intelligence leads that led to bin Laden's
killing." Of course, the case for and against torture does not turn on this
-- but it's still worth knowing which way the evidence points.
2. Elizabeth Drew on "arm-twisting."
3. The president's position on political science -- and the likely effects,
from Seth Masket.
4. Ed Kilgore has a good point ... more »
ALEC Charter School Policies - High Fraud Risk
FRAUD = Stealing
Charter School Fraud = STEALING TAX DOLLARS for corporate profit.
Corporate profit - the middle name of the American Legislative Exchange
Council. ALEC even wrote a whole report on "Designing School Choice", that
they distributed to EVERY ALEC member.
*When was the last time you saw a news article about a "real" public school
official engaged in fraud? (As a for-profit corporatist stealing tax
BUT - when you put taxpayer dollars in the hands of for-profit companies -
you are asking for trouble.
For profit companies don't give a damn about taxpay... more »
Not Here. Not Now

The Parliamentary Budget Office has released its report on last month's
Federal Budget. Kevin Page should be proud of the work his office has done.
As was the case with its reports on the War in Afghanistan and the the
purchase of the F35 fighter jets, the report excoriates the government's
The federal government's most recent "jobs and growth" budget will wind up
costing Canada both jobs and economic growth over the next few years, the
Parliamentary Budget Officer says in a new report.
The PBO's latest estimates on the impact of the 2013 budget handed down in
March sho... more »
New self-defence provisions apply to cases from before amendments
*R. v. Parker*, 2013 ONCJ 195 deals with recent amendments to the law of
self-defence in Canada. It asks does the new law apply to assist an accused
where the crime alleged took place before the change in the law? The Court
holds the new law (and the earlier law also) applies:
[5] With respect, I have reservations about this outcome. Parliament has
declared, through the passage of section 34, what level of force
contemporary Canadian society now considers justifiable. A justification,
such as self-defence, "challenges the wrongfulness of an action which
technically constitutes a cr... more »
The Blizzard is Over

The blizzard is over, at least for Repulse Bay. It will linger on in
Rankin Inlet for the rest of today.
It was a real storm -- a typical spring blizzard north of the Arctic
About 5:00 pm I had to travel from the green building you see on the left
of the photograph to my hotel -- a distance of perhaps 300 yards. But I
was carrying a command box of documents and as soon as I was out the door I
realized I could not see more than a few feet in any direction -- indeed,
my hands were hard to see. The wind was a great howling and disorientation
easy. The Community Centre ... more »
Okla. Teamsters mobilizing to stop ALEC takeover

Friday, April 26, 2013
Okla. Teamsters mobilizing to stop ALEC's corporate takeover of state
Our brothers and sisters at Local 886 in Oklahoma City are mobilizing
hundreds of Teamsters to march FOR the middle class and AGAINST ALEC in
early May.
ALEC, the billionaire-backed escort service for corporations and state
lawmakers, will hold its annual meeting on May 2-3 in the Oklahoma state
capitol. Behind closed doors they will plan ways to eradicate the middle
class by weakening workers' rights, eliminating consumer and environmental
protections, empowering corporations and ... more »
thank you, jason collins!
It has finally happened. A professional male athlete in one of the big US
team sports has come out as gay. Someone had to be first, and that person
is Jason Collins of the NBA. Thank you, Mr. Collins, for your courage and
your honesty!
From the Sports Illustrated cover story:
I'm a 34-year-old NBA center. I'm black. And I'm gay.
I didn't set out to be the first openly gay athlete playing in a major
American team sport. But since I am, I'm happy to start the conversation. I
wish I wasn't the kid in the classroom raising his hand and saying, "I'm
different." If I had my way, someone ... more »
war resister and peace activist kim rivera sentenced to 14 months in military prison
From the War Resisters Support Campaign:
Iraq War Resister Kimberly Rivera sentenced to 14 months in military prison
after deportation by Harper government
On Monday afternoon, during a court-martial hearing at Fort Carson,
Colorado, Kimberly Rivera was sentenced to 14 months in military prison and
a dishonourable discharge after publicly expressing her conscientious
objection to the Iraq War while in Canada.
A pre-trial agreement capped the sentence at 10 months of confinement and a
bad conduct discharge.
Kimberly Rivera with her husband MarioPrivate First Class Kimberly Rivera
d... more »
kimberly rivera to be sentenced today
We expect Kimberly Rivera to be sentenced today. War resister, prisoner of
conscience, peace activist, artist, mother, friend, Kim Rivera is in the
hearts of all who know her, all her supporters who stand by her in this
time of need.
Kim is being punished for choosing peace over war, light over darkness,
love over hate.
She is being punished by the US military, but that punishment was made
possible by Stephen Harper, Jason Kenney, and their so-called majority
Shame on them. Shame, shame, shame.
Ed Miliband finally admits Labour WOULD borrow billions more | Mail Online
No great surprise but at least Ed Miliband has lined up alongside Ed Balls
on favouring more borrowing in the attempt to boost economy
More here
Labour governments always end up borrowing to pay for the expansions of
state and benefits, any future Labour government would be no different.
Ret. Army Intel Officer: FBI Lied When Publicizing They Didn't Know ...

hero or part of the gang? You will lose money if you follow the MSM.
Details to follow.
those who doubt the accuracy of telling time using the sun's
azimuth and
the shadow angle of a vertical object.......this is one of the ... more »

New Orleans area is one of the nation's biggest boomtowns*
~The area is growing as it rebuilds from Hurricanes Katrina and
Rita.Tourism is booming, and the New Orleans area gained more residents
than any
other in the U.S. from 2007 to 2011. The population rose to 1.2 million
2012, and there’s plenty of job growth in heavy construction and even
television and motion picture industry, according to New Orleans
demographer Allison Plyer. The unemployment rate, at 5.9 percent, is
the national average. One worry: Governor Bobby Jindal’s tax plan could
change the sta... more »
If Gideon Levy wills it, it is a nightmare | Lyn Julius | Ops & Blogs | The Times of Israel
And Jesus' Eyes and Ears Bled Like the Stigmata
We'll never know from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John if Jesus prized
intelligence in others or if it meant anything to him at all. My guess is
that he may have appreciated it in others but still not disparage the
feeble-minded just being feeble-minded. God knows we cannot all be Albert
Einstein or, if you're too feeble-minded to understand even the rudiments
of his Theory of Relativity and would prefer *The Coneheads* to trying to
understand the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle or Schrödinger's cat, Dan
Yet I think even the famous patience of the son o' God would've... more »
(Most) Everything IS Rigged!
Hat Tip: Thanks Craig
Majia here: Remember when US Attorney General Eric Holder announced that
the big banks were simply too big to prosecute:
Lennard, A. (2013 Mar 7) Holder: Banks too big to prosecute The A.G.'s
comment to the Senate Judiciary Committee points to structural problem with
big banks. Salon,
Majia here: Now Taibbi announces that EVERYTHING IS RIGGED and the banks
are too big to prosecute:
Matt Taibbi (2013, April 25) Everything Is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing
Scandal Ever
The Illuminati were a... more »
Adrian Dix`s Proposed Ten Million Dollar Judicial Inquiry Into The BC Rail Scandal
* *
*Adrian Dix`s Proposed Ten Million Dollar Judicial Inquiry Into The BC Rail
*Written by Robin Mathews *
* **
** *
The B.C. election draws near..*..*
The Mainstream Press and Media are hard at work ... campaigning for the
re-election of the Christy Clark neo-Liberals. Refusing throughout the four
years of the (BC Rail Scandal) Basi, Virk, and Basi case to report the most
important revelations (and covering up where possib... more »
Proof, at last: The more money we earn, the happier we are | City A.M. - NO shit Sherlock
'Happiness and life satisfaction are almost perfectly correlated with
income. The results are one of those truly rare things in empirical
economics: unambiguous, hugely powerful and awe-inspiring, with vast
political and cultural implications.'
A Shepard Ambellas and Jason Bermas Film - Unbound Productions Presents - Shade the Motion Picture
SHADE (the motion picture) from Shepard Ambellas & Jason Bermas is a
glimpse into the Globalist's Domain.
*For hundreds of years an elite group of oligarchs have ruled the land,
fueled by a legacy of sex, money, power and greed. In the last 60 years
their power has become more consolidated as they have become more
organized. Their own documents and white papers show the diabolic plans
they have in store for the population.*
"Nothing in your world works the way you think it does." UNQUOTE.
SHADE the Motion Picture Trailer 3 (Official Version) from Unbound
Productions on Vimeo.
K... more »

*Tamerlan Tsarnaev's CIA friends. *Страница 207 - KavkazChat
*Tamerlan. alleged Boston Bomber.*
In Dagestan, the Russian military has killed *Shakrudin Askhabov* a member
of the CIA-linked 'Abu Dujan' jihad group.
Reportedly, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the CIA-linked 'Boston Bomber', has met
Shakrudin Askhabov.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev met with *Shakrudin Askhabov* during his visit to Russia
**Boston Bombings* (Before It's News)
According to Russian intelligence, *Shakrudin Askhabov* recruited people to
help the CIA to destabilise Russia.
*William Plotnikov *
Reportedly Tamerlan Tsarnaev w... more »
April 29, 1973
The newspapers are demanding resignations; Haldeman, when he reads them,
realizes that the fight for leaves is probably over. And in fact, Nixon
calls from Camp David to summon him and Ehrlichman for early afternoon
meetings, with Ziegler calling back to let Haldeman know that the decision
has been made: both of them would resign, and Dean would be fired. On top
of that, Nixon is having Attorney General Kleindienst resign, and replacing
him with Secretary of Defense Elliot Richardson.
Meanwhile, Nixon is busy that morning. Kissinger calls him, and Nixon moves
the subject to the "Ki... more »
Neocons and conservatives throughout the West have made much of the numbers
of dead in the Syrian civil war as they tell us loudly and often that
figures are rising rapidly as a result of al-Assad’s brutal war against his
own people; some 70,000 dead after two years of fighting is about the
latest number being quoted with more than three-quarters of that number
having been killed in the last year alone as the war escalated. That’s more
than 50,000 killed in one year alone. These are terrible numbers indeed.
One can only imagine how many died in the even more vicious conflict that
wa... more »
Your moment of Zen

"The Mittens" in Monument Valley, AZ.
NRA Shills In The Senate In Trouble-- At Least On Paper

Mark Begich will probably only win reelection if Alaska Republicans
nominate Joe MillerThe Republican case for why the unpopular vote against
background checks-- basically no one agrees with their position except
hard-core Republican primary voters-- won't hurt them in 2014 is twofold:
the House didn't vote on it at all, and in the Senate the GOP has only two
vulnerable incumbents (the two closet cases, Lindsey Graham in South
Carolina and Miss McConnell in Kentucky) and taking the NRA position won't
hurt either of them in those states. So, yes, senators who voted no on
Manchin-Too... more »
IRONY: The official champagne of #AERA13 #highered
I don’t always drink champagne. But when I do, it’s after a discussion of
poverty in education. IRONY. Filed under: CHALK FACE: General News &
Commentary Tagged: aera 2013, education, poverty, research
Adrian Dix Wins Debate, Christy Clark Snickers(Updated 9:00 p.m.)
Adrian Dix was the clear winner tonight, Christy Clark did too much
giggling at inappropriate times..
*UPDATED 9:00 p.m.....*According to Kyle Braid of Ipsos Reid.. ..At 9:00
p.m...He conducted a quick post election debate poll, and according to
Ipsos Reid,...The question was, Who won the debate?...The winner was...
Adrian Dix..35%....Christy Clark..30%
A second question, Who has the best policies...the winner was..
Adrian Dix..37%...Christy Clark..24%
Forget Alise Mills, all spin, no substance..Forget Baldrey, he was having
hair issues.....
This pundit called it sec... more »