Tuesday, December 07, 2021

7 December - Blogs I'm Following - 5 of 5

 11 pm MST

Cold showers are good for you – here’s the evidence.
Cold showers are good for you – here’s the evidence – Big Think https://bigthink.com/health/cold-showers/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook#Echobox=1638819511 read more
Man says he feels cured after living with #diabetes for almost 50 years.
Man says he feels cured after living with diabetes for almost 50 years | GMA https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/wellness/story/man-describes-receiving-potential-cure-type-diabetes-81576256 read more
Are mental health disorders ever purely biological?
Are mental health disorders ever purely biological? – Big Think https://bigthink.com/health/mental-health-chemical-imbalance/#Echobox=1638771636 read more
Giant Study Finds Viagra Is Linked to Almost 70% Lower Risk of Alzheimer’s
Giant Study Finds Viagra Is Linked to Almost 70% Lower Risk of Alzheimer’s https://www.sciencealert.com/giant-study-finds-viagra-is-linked-to-almost-70-lower-risk-of-alzheimer-s read more
PrairiePundit17 hours ago
Mandate free Sweden recording fewer deaths
PLC @Humble_Analysis Through mid-November, in 2021 Sweden has recorded their 2nd fewest deaths from all causes of any year in this century (only 2019 had fewer deaths). [image: Image] 11:05 AM · Dec 6, 2021·Twitter Web App 182 Retweets 35 Quote Tweets 447 Likes Florida which has also rejected mandates is having fewer Covid cases too. See, also: *Newsom’s endless COVID mandates spawned California’s looting crime wave, officials say* And: *Report Shows Nearly 300 Athletes Worldwide Collapsed or Suffered Cardiac Arrests after Taking COVID Vaccine This Year – Many Died* read more
PrairiePundit18 hours ago
Germany and Australia go totalitarian over Covid
*Lifesite News:* *Germans, Australians dragged to government ‘quarantine centers’ for COVID-19* *Quarantine centers in Germany have included prisons, and Australian authorities have resorted to isolated camps under 24-hour surveillance.* They have taken the opposite approach to Sweden which has had better results in dealing with the virus. read more
naked capitalism18 hours ago
Why An Open, Transparent, Informed Debate About Mandatory Vaccination Is All But Impossible in the EU
There's just too much murkiness for anyone, including MEPs, to reach anything like an informed decision on the issue. read more
PrairiePundit18 hours ago
Texas attracting businesses avoiding Biden mandates
*Epoch Times:* *Biden’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Driving Big Business to Relocate to Texas: Gov. Abbott* There have been 75 businesses relocated to Texas this year. Texas is one of those states that have outlawed vaccine mandates although most of the population of the state is vaccinated. I think this is just one of the attractions of Texas. The lack of a state income tax is another reason people are relocating. to the state. People can also buy nicer homes for less money than in places like California and New York. read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Clara fintech, new Mexican unicorn, starts operations in Brazil
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Mexican fintech Clara announced that it received a Series B financing round for US$70 million, reaching a valuation of US$1 billion, which places it in the unicorn classification. Clara began operations in early 2021 along with a US$3.5 million pre-seed round. Since then, the startup's growth has been meteoric. In […] The post Clara fintech, new Mexican unicorn, starts operations in Brazil appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Electroverse18 hours ago
St. Petersburg’s “Deep Freeze” Breaks 1893 Record; Sweden Busts All-Time December Low (-46.8F); Bethel, Alaska Suffered Its Coldest November in 82 Years; + Grímsvötn Volcano Alert
Professor Emeritus Ian Plimer: “The hypothesis that human activity can create global warming is extraordinary because it is contrary to validated knowledge from solar physics, astronomy, history, archeology and geology.” The post St. Petersburg’s “Deep Freeze” Breaks 1893 Record; Sweden Busts All-Time December Low (-46.8F); Bethel, Alaska Suffered Its Coldest November in 82 Years; + Grímsvötn Volcano Alert appeared first on Electroverse. read more
Retraction Watch19 hours ago
Researchers sound alarm on ‘predatory’ rankings
Hey, researchers and universities, want to be included in a new ranking scheme? No problem, just pony up some cash. Tanvir Ahmed, a nuclear engineer at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, says this year has seen a rise in news stories— for example from Bangladesh, Kashmir, and Nigeria — reporting so-called predatory rankings. These … Continue reading Researchers sound alarm on ‘predatory’ rankings read more
CFACT19 hours ago
Wind makes no meaningful contribution to the grid: The Ciccone/Lehr rule of thumb
Wind turbines do make energy more expensive, though. Part three. The post Wind makes no meaningful contribution to the grid: The Ciccone/Lehr rule of thumb appeared first on CFACT. read more
Grímsvötn volcano Aviation Color Code raised to Orange, Iceland
The Icelandic Met Office (IMO) has raised to Aviation Color Code for Grímsvötn volcano from Yellow to Orange on December 6, one day after the glacial flood from Grímsvötn reached its peak discharge. By definition, the Aviation Color Code is...... Read more » read more
Nov 1951–Exceptionally Wet, Severe Flooding, Very Mild
By Paul Homewood Last month was mostly dry and mild. Mainly uneventful until Storm Arwen brought strong gales and snow at the end of the month. Up until the last week, it was similar weather to that of November 1941: November 1951 was however a very different kettle of fish, one […] read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Brazilian government authorizes 7 gold exploration projects in protected Amazon areas
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - General Augusto Heleno, Minister of the Office of Institutional Security (GSI) of the Presidency and Executive Secretary of Brazil's National Defense Council authorized on Monday (6) seven gold exploration projects in the municipality of São Gabriel da Cachoeira, located in the northwest of the state of Amazonas on the border […] The post Brazilian government authorizes 7 gold exploration projects in protected Amazon areas appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
naked capitalism19 hours ago
The PR Industry Has Been a ‘Major’ But ‘Overlooked’ Influence in Climate Politics for Decades, Says Study
PR firms have played a key role in obstructing action on climate change over the past 30 years. read more
Operation Unthinkable Would Have Resulted in a War With the Soviets
*Peter Suciu* *World War II, Europe* Had it gone forward, however, it likely wouldn't have been as big a surprise for Stalin as the German invasion had been in 1941. Winston Churchill may be viewed as the UK's greatest prime minister, and it is questionable whether anyone else could have led the British people through the Second World War. Yet, when it came to military strategy, Churchill was out of his depth and should have stuck to the toy soldiers he collected as a child. As First Lord of the Admiralty, he devised ambitious plans that were daring in design, yet all but doomed ... read more
Komando.com20 hours ago
Tech security tip: How to remove malware from your computer
5 steps to remove dangerous malware from your phone or PC. read more
Virtual Mirage21 hours ago
Approaching this anniversary of the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor is something that we do every year. There are a lot of ways to remember infamy. USGOV saw to it that six Movietone camera crews were there on December 7 to capture all of the grizzly details for the folks back home. […] The post Infamy appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
A little clarity is welcome along with details to fill in known blanks. I ask you to read this and to understand that this small body of information is a working truth. All else can be simply offside due to secrecy involved or direct misinformation. This allows you to sort out local information as true or false or better its sustainability. Local mandates cannot last. This at least narrows the scope of what we are looking at. Notice that China, India and England are unengaged and that N korea is. The initial fight could be housecleaning ahead of a second phase aimed at the... read more
Turn Off Your Brain, Cover Your Mouth, And Roll Up Your Sleeve
“The woman was reportedly fully vaccinated against COVID-19 but had not received a booster shot.” Several omicron cases have now been detected in the U.S. : Coronavirus Updates : NPR read more
Komando.com21 hours ago
Spice up your cooking (and skip the oil) with our favorite air fryer
Meet your new favorite kitchen gadget. The air fryer is healthier than traditional fryers. It's a lot more versatile, too. Here's one you can grab for 30% off. read more
Cairns News22 hours ago
Decent Northern Territory senior cop breaks Covid wall of silence
Detective Sergeant Lee Phillips of the NT police speaks out about Covid tyranny in the Northern Territory NSW senior Coroners Court investigator asks how many children need to die before someone in authority speaks up? Stephen Kelly is a 28 year police veteran who has spent the majority of his career in the Coronial Law […] read more
Komando.com22 hours ago
Have kids in the family? This app from the FBI could help in an emergency
The FBI Child ID app lets parents store information about their kids to share with authorities if they go missing. Here's why you'll want to get it. read more
Vaers Data show 913,000 Reported Adverse effects.
Suddenly it is a million or so adverse effrects including death in the USA. Do you not think that a million folks sick would be declared a pandemic? I keep thinking this abomanation will end soon. The perps will be rounded up and we can clean up hte damage. These adverse effects are real biological damage often hiding deeper negative effects. AIDS has been mentioned along with plenty of other unexpected nasties. Yet scientists scream and are ignored. how is this going to come down. *OMICRON VARIANT SENDS VACCINE MAKERS’ STOCKS SOARING, AS VAERS DATA SHOW 913,000 REPORT... read more
A Lab of her own
Often for all serious scholarship, the worst of times becomes the best of times. All the non essentials are stripped away from your time and space and you can simply focus on your work. Three or four years of all that is a huge block of pure research time. Such a time block would be sufficient for me to extend my own work into the so called n body problem. Having the third and forth Pythagorean shows hte way forward. Yet it is a time pig with the prospect of spinning out many lines of investigation.. Yet this is how true progress is made. The scholar must become a monk for ... read more
The Supreme Court Looks Ready to Overturn Roe v. Wade
What happened almost sixty years ago, is that abortion became legal within the USA. There was no experience or even proper examples, not least because hte contraception pill had just been invented as well. We all understood that we were lookjing at a massive social experiment to replace a then traditional social dispensation that was equally problematic. We now have three generations of experience, multiple experiments and plenty of data. And no we do not owe Planned Parenthood a special monopoly to produce baby organs. There is plenty of difficulty comparable to all our orig... read more
Dances With Bears22 hours ago
By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with Source: https://twitter.com/bears_with/ For comparison with the last Putin-Biden summit meeting on June 16, 2021, here is the record of what was said and what was meant. And for the significance of the first appearance at a summit of the presidents of the chief of the Russian General Staff, General Valery Gerasimov, […] read more
Tulsi Gabbard: NO to Merck’s New COVID Pill Molnupiravir — “Drug Works by Encouraging Virus Mutation”!
Tulsi Gabbard The FDA absolutely should not approve Merck’s experimental COVID pill molnupiravir. The drug works by encouraging VIRUS MUTATIONS which could result in “escape mutations” being unleashed on the world—i.e. a new pandemic. Proponents claiming that the benefit outweighs the risk are self-serving and shortsighted. Remember, they gave similar reassurance regarding “gain of function” … read more
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Monday 06 December 2021
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […] read more
Patriot Humor – Nothing Beats The Real Thing
Nothing Beats the Real ThingKaleEye TestPay MeGet In, LoserLiving In a BubbleThe Kool-Aid KingScienceOmicronScaryNo XiToilet HumorThe Federal ReserveI Take It BackNot Even OnceA Mexican StandoffSo SleepyI’ll WaitCartoons Read more excellent articles at The Patriot Post read more
Krazy Krugman: GOP ‘Apparatchiks’ Trying ‘To Keep Pandemic Going’
By Clay Waters ~ In “How the G.O.P. Became Saboteurs, Threatening a Government Shutdown,” New York Times columnist Paul Krugman used the averted federal government shutdown to launch his usual partisan lunacy, untethered to reality. In Friday’s edition, Krugman claimed today’s GOP is even worse now than in the days of (gasp) Newt Gingrich. This […] read more
Omicron & Developing Countries - Where Threats are the Greatest
GENEVA, Dec 07 (IPS) - On 25 November, news emerged from South Africa of a new COVID-19 variant. It has since been identified as Omicron, a Greek alphabet derivation the World Health Organization (WHO) reserves for virus variants “of concern”. Read the full story, “Omicron & Developing Countries - Where Threats are the Greatest”, on globalissues.org → read more
Climate Change: Adapt for the Future, Not the Past
SYDNEY and KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 07 (IPS) - Funding for developing countries to address global warming is grossly inadequate. Very little finance is for adaptation to climate change, the urgent need of countries most adversely affected. Also, adaptation needs to be forward-looking rather than only addressing accumulated problems. Read the full story, “Climate Change: Adapt for the Future, Not the Past”, on globalissues.org → read more
Women sweep UN’s 2021 ‘Champions of the Earth’ awards
A Caribbean-based prime minister, a scientist, a group of indigenous women, and an entrepreneur were announced on Tuesday as this year’s winners of the United Nations’ Champions of the Earth awards. Read the full story, “Women sweep UN’s 2021 ‘Champions of the Earth’ awards”, on globalissues.org → read more
Why Russian Nuclear Threats Worry the U.S. Navy
*Kris Osborn* *Russian Nuclear Weapons, World* The entire idea is based upon a contradiction or paradox … deploy massively destructive weapons for the specific purpose of never using them. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *However, given that Russia and the U.S operate lower-yield tactical weapons, some have raised the question as to whether these kinds of weapons could “lower the threshold” to nuclear war and leave potential adversaries to think some kind of nuclear weapons might be a realistic option? A newly released Navy war strategy does not rule out the possibility that ... read more
Don't Ignore the Navy's Sealift Capacity in the Pacific
*Dan Goure* *Military Sealift, Pacific* If the United States is to remain a global power and deter threats abroad, it must have the ability to reliably move equipment and supplies by sea from U.S. ports to distant parts of the world. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Today, the ability of the U.S. military to reach a large-scale fight and sustain itself once deployed is dependent on a little over 100 ships: 46 Ready Reserve Force (RRF), 15 ships for surge operated by the Military sealift Command, and some 60 U.S.-flagged commercial ships that are part of the Maritime Security Progr... read more
Fiction: A U.S. Navy B-1 Bomber Hunting Chinese Warships
*Mike Barretta* *B-1B Bomber, Asia Pacific* Boeing lobbyists, Congress, and a dusted-off RAND study forced the matter. Twelve B-1B Lancers sent to the U.S. Navy. Six were based in Japan, six in Guam. Only one would make it to the fight. DF-26B ballistic missiles split the sky with their hypersonic screams. Guam Killers rained down and Andersen Air Force Base burned. Greasy, black smoke, illuminated by bright flashes of primary detonations, billowed violently into the sky. War was loud, very loud, thought Lieutenant Andrew Cohen as he strapped into the right seat of Bone Daddy, a ... read more
China Should Be Very Worried About the B-21 Raider
*Alex Hollings* *B-21 Raider, * The B-21 might prevent China from taking advantage of its anti-ship missile arsenal. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Northrop Grumman has done an excellent job of keeping secrets associated with the B-21, but some things are fairly safe to assume: this new bomber will be able to avoid detection like no bomber ever has before it, it will have global-strike capabilities, and it would likely lead the way in a high end conflict against a nation like China. The U.S. Navy is working to counter China in the Pacific, but it could be the Air Force’s ... read more
Mātauranga Māori is mythology, not science
It seems clear to me that the English-speaking countries are the most explosive sources of woke insanities in the West. That includes the U.K., U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The likes of Ireland and Malta also speak English but they're already calmer, I think. Don't get me wrong. The likes of Germany also produce kilotons of pathological things but they do so in a calmer, Bismarckian way. It is only the Anglo-Saxon world where the craze has a truly authentic and passionate grassroot support. The five countries compete to become the "ultimate leader in craziness" and in ma... read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Brazil’s Ambev changes direction, commits to eliminating carbon emissions by 2040
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Ambev on Monday, December 6, announced a plan to eliminate carbon emissions in its value chain by 2040 (scopes 1, 2 and 3). The deadline is ambitious, given that most companies have committed to 2050, the target set by the Paris Agreement. The commitment came along with a new purpose: […] The post Brazil’s Ambev changes direction, commits to eliminating carbon emissions by 2040 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Cairns News22 hours ago
Make a submission to the banking task force demanding a postal banking service
We have until 18 December to flood the Regional Banking Taskforce with submissions calling for a postal bank! It is imperative that we get the attention of the Regional Banking Taskforce, and force them to recognise that Australians want solutions, not platitudes. That’s why the Citizens Party is calling on everyone who supports the postal […] read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Brazil’s PROCON fines Meta almost US$2 million for service outage in October
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - US-based Meta, responsible for the Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp social networks, was fined US$1.9 million due to a blackout in Brazil last October 4, which left the apps inactive for approximately 6 hours, announced São Paulo's Consumer Protection and Defense agency, PROCON. The instability of social platforms affected over 91,000 […] The post Brazil’s PROCON fines Meta almost US$2 million for service outage in October appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times23 hours ago
Brazil’s Bolsonaro spites Moro: “This one can’t handle 10 seconds of debate”
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) on Monday, December 6, said that ex-Minister of Justice Sergio Moro (Podemos) tried to copy his campaign slogan "Brazil above everything, God above all." "To try to copy my 'Brazil above everything, God above all', he used 'the people above all'. This one can't handle 10 […] The post Brazil’s Bolsonaro spites Moro: “This one can’t handle 10 seconds of debate” appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times23 hours ago
Omicron mutations may provide clues to its origin
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Omicron's exceptionally large number of mutations on the gene that helps the coronavirus spread may provide clues as to how it developed, according to a computer analysis of the variant. The coexistence of mutations in the so-called S gene, which would normally inhibit the virus' ability to thrive, suggests that […] The post Omicron mutations may provide clues to its origin appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times23 hours ago
Brazil’s securities regulator to probe Petrobras after Bolsonaro’s statement
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) on Monday, December 6, opened an administrative proceeding involving Petrobras after President Jair Bolsonaro on Sunday announced that the state-owned company would lower fuel prices until the end of December. Case number 19957.010061/2021-47 concerns the supervision of news, relevant facts, and press releases, and […] The post Brazil’s securities regulator to probe Petrobras after Bolsonaro’s statement appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times23 hours ago
Following STF request, Brazil’s government cancels meeting on vaccine passport
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Brazilian government decided to cancel on short notice a meeting between government officials and the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) to discuss a potential tightening of restrictions at the country's borders due to the Omicron variant of the coronavirus. The meeting was scheduled to take place at 5:30 PM […] The post Following STF request, Brazil’s government cancels meeting on vaccine passport appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Biden Has A Responsibility To End The Undeclared Missile Crisis With Russia
This undeclared missile crisis might soon become official if tomorrow’s meeting doesn’t result in a deal between the US and Russia. The Most Important Meeting In Decades Tuesday’s virtual meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his American counterpart Joe Biden, which is their second since last June’s in-person one […] read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Brazil’s Supreme Court requests government demonstration on vaccine passport
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Federal Supreme Court (STF) Justice Luis Barroso on Monday, December 6, granted the Federal Government a 48-hour deadline to comment on a lawsuit calling for mandatory quarantine and proof of vaccination against Covid-19 for anyone entering the country. The lawsuit filed by Rede Sustentabilidade reached the Supreme Court on November […] The post Brazil’s Supreme Court requests government demonstration on vaccine passport appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Brazil’s EMBRAER gets positive news on eVTOLs; shares close up 5.6%
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Eve, an EMBRAER (EMBR3) company, and Sydney Seaplanes, yesterday, December 6, announced a partnership that will enable the deployment of electric air cab operations in the Greater Sydney area, in Australia. Through the partnership, Sydney Seaplanes has ordered 50 electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft from Eve, with deliveries […] The post Brazil’s EMBRAER gets positive news on eVTOLs; shares close up 5.6% appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
This Is CNN
When you strike at the Dwarf King, you’d best not miss: Canned CNN host Chris Cuomo has fired back at the network — accusing his boss of knowing everything about his involvement in trying to quash ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s sex scandal. read more
Divesting In Crude Oil Guarantees Shortages And Inflation
By Ronald Stein ~ Two of the fossil fuels, coal, and natural gas, are used to generate continuous uninterruptible electricity, but not crude oil, the third fossil fuel, as it is primarily used to manufacture oil derivatives that thousands of products are based upon, and the fuels for various transportation infrastructures. Crude oil gets manufactured […] read more
Jury: Kleiman didn't co-invent the Bitcoin with Wright
He only needs to pay $0.1 bn, not $25 bn I believe it is more likely than not that Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonym of the Bitcoin inventor, was a nickname used by Craig Wright, an Australian computer scientist with many degrees and the right kind of focus before 2008. If the assumptions about the early Bitcoin are right, Nakamoto also holds BTC 1.1 million ($56 billion by current price; it was 20% lower for some time days ago) of the coins from the early mining along with the same number of the forks, BSV, BCH, and others. After his resounding trial WINs in the Kleiman case today, a... read more
Is the BBC biased?20 hours ago
“The details of this story are pretty astonishing”
“The details of this story are pretty astonishing”, tweeted Jess Brammar, editor of the BBC's news channels, this morning. She was referring to a BBC News website report by James Landale, the BBC's diplomatic correspondent: *Afghanistan: Foreign Office chaotic during Kabul evacuation - whistleblower*. Reading it myself and then reading other accounts astonished me too. The headline in *The Times* shows where that paper's emphasis lies: *Work-from-home culture fuelled Kabul chaos, leaving Afghan refugees in danger, says whistleblower*. The *Daily Mail* agrees. In its account, t... read more
"The Bottom Is Far Lower Than Anyone Believes Possible"
*"The Bottom Is Far Lower Than Anyone Believes Possible"* by Charles Hugh Smith "All bubbles share common characteristics: during the euphoric expansion, participants are richly rewarded for buying every dip and for confidently embracing the belief that this time it's different. (Exactly how it's different changes from bubble to bubble, but the core mechanism is identical: for these entirely rational and "mathy" reasons, this time is truly different.) The common characteristic when bubbles pop is the eventual bottom is far lower than anyone believes possible. This confidence in the... read more
War News Updates23 hours ago
Britain's Royal Marines Vs. US Marines
A British Royal Marine briefs US Marines on Viking armored vehicles during Exercise Green Dagger in California, September 29, 2021. US Marine Corps/Lance Cpl. Shane T. Beaubien *Business Insider*: *Britain's Royal Marines were 'victorious' in a mock desert battle with US Marines. Here's how the 2 forces stack up.* * Britain's Royal Marines got some unexpected attention this fall after reports they had "defeated" US Marines in an exercise. * The details in the reports have been disputed, but they highlight the special capabilities and unique histories of both units. In October... read more
“Absolute And Unmitigated Liars”: Former DC National Guard Official Says Generals Fabricated January 6th Account
“Absolute And Unmitigated Liars”: Former DC National Guard Official Says Generals Fabricated January 6th Account by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ A former DC National Guard official has accused two senior Army officials of lying to Congress about the circumstances surrounding the January 6th Capitol riot in order to protect a top Army official who didn’t want to … read more
The Air Force Owes Its Power to One Swedish Man
*Alex Hollings* *U.S. Air Force, * The American military will always be thankful for Kelly Johnson. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Kelly’s boss at Lockheed, Hall Hibbard, once exclaimed, “The damn Swede can actually *see* air,” as he tried to understand how one man managed to play such a pivotal role in so many aircraft, and in turn, in how the Cold War unfolded. Kelly Johnson wasn’t the first man to build an airplane, nor was he the first to push the limits of what an airplane could do, but few men have played a more vital role in shaping mankind’s ascent into the skies. A... read more
UAE Wants Closer Ties With Iran
Both sides discussed bilateral relations between the two nations and potential ways to enhance these ties. (Twitter: @AnwarGargash) *Al Jazeera:* *UAE’s top security official visits Iran to develop ‘warm ties’* *Meeting comes after Saudi Arabia also held direct talks with Iran in an effort to resolve differences.* Tehran, Iran – The UAE’s top national security adviser Sheikh Tahnoon bin Zayed Al Nahyan is on a visit to Iran for high-level talks that are seen as a possible sign of thawing relations between the two countries. Sheikh Tahnoon, a brother of the country’s de fact... read more
null1 day ago
#Guzo2Healing: A Mary Can rLOVEution
I am going offline for nine months after creating this second and last segment of Guzo to Healing, I guess you can say “grand opening, The post #Guzo2Healing: A Mary Can rLOVEution appeared first on . read more
December 7th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 322
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post December 7th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 322 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Greens candidate who ran against ScoMo paid $120k for child abuse material over 10 years
One wouldn’t want to scratch beneath the surface when it comes to the internal machinations of the Greens. read more
Tuesday December 7th – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Tuesday December 7th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Australia’s supply chain at risk of collapse after closure of our only urea plant
Although it shouldn’t surprise anyone, billionaire mining magnate Andrew Forrest is making Christmas more expensive in the mad pursuit of his green dreams. read more
It’s Looking A Lot Like Frozen Winterland
The weather is following what our computer has been forecasting using historical data and correlating history to ascertain the cyclical nature of weather. The ice has now grown larger than the global warming crowd has ever predicted. This threatens Europe with a very cold winter that will further endanger food production. The entire problem with […] The post It’s Looking A Lot Like Frozen Winterland first appeared on Armstrong Economics. read more
The Main Victims Of Progressive Racism Are Blacks
* Currently, America is afflicted by a scourge of overt racism often going under the name “Critical Race Theory,” or alternatively under the even more Orwellian term “antiracism.” I call these doctrines “overt racism” because they squarely fit the definition: they accuse people of evil not on the basis of any act those people have committed or of any statement they have made, but rather solely on the basis of their skin color. * The most patent manifestations of the overt racism of Critical Race Theory and “antiracism” doctrine are found in their accusations of evil against people of... read more
New Study Finds The US Military Is Spreading Disease Around The World
A new study out of York University in Toronto, Canada finds that the US military plays a large role in the spread of diseases globally, including past and present pandemics. Clearing the FOG speaks with one of the lead authors, K J Noh, an expert analyst on the geopolitics of the Asian-Pacific region and health, about the study. Important factors in the spread of disease are Status Agreements that the US military makes with local and national governments that exempt members of the military from being required to follow public health measures and a culture of impunity within the mi... read more
Scientists Say They Caught China Successfully Changing the Weather
Scientists Say They Caught China Successfully Changing the Weather https://futurism.com/scientists-china-changing-weather read more
Scientists to Spray the Skies With ‘Reflective Particles’ to Cool Down Planet Earth.
Scientists to Spray the Skies With ‘Reflective Particles’ to Cool Down Planet Earth — Curiosmos https://curiosmos.com/scientists-to-spray-the-skies-with-reflective-particles-to-cool-down-planet-earth/ read more
Pentagon Releases Long-Awaited UFO Report: “These Things Really Exist”
Pentagon Releases Long-Awaited UFO Report: “These Things Really Exist” https://curiosmos.com/pentagon-releases-long-awaited-ufo-report-there-things-really-exist/ read more
Is the BBC biased?10 hours ago
Support for the BBC as ''a Waitrose bag for life''
Writing about this year's Reith Lectures [Professor Stuart Russell on artificial intelligence], the *Daily Telegraph*'s Andrew Orlowski raises an interesting question about why the man whose name those lectures still bears - the founder of the BBC John Reith - hasn't been 'cancelled' yet. His Nazi sympathies aren't exactly unknown: In an age when so many historical figures have been cancelled, it’s curious that the first director general of the BBC has so far escaped the mob’s attention. But today, blissfully ignorant of history, self-proclaimed “Reithians” wear their label with pr... read more
With Nuclear Talks Stalled, Israel Pushing The Biden Administration To Act Militarily Against Iran
A B-52 heavy bomber, flanked by fighter jets, flies to the Middle East in a tacit threat to Iran on November 21, 2020. (US Air Force/Facebook) *Times of Israel:* *Israel to urge US to act militarily against Iran amid stalled nuke talks — reports* *Israeli TV says Gantz, Mossad chief will also press for tougher sanctions against Tehran during their meetings in Washington this week * Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Mossad chief David Barnea will push during their meetings this week in Washington with senior Biden administration officials for the United States to carry out a mil... read more
''Questions to answer''
Writing in the *Daily Telegraph,* former Labour MP Lord [Ian] Austin tackles the BBC's behaviour over the antisemitic incident on Oxford Street and says it has ''questions to answer'': Was it attempting to draw an equivalence between a group of men intimidating children and their victims? And why did it report the abuse from thugs on the street as “alleged” but present the disputed allegation of a slur inside the bus by children as a fact? I have always defended the BBC, but can’t imagine an incident involving any other group being reported in this way. It needs to listen to people... read more
War Over Taiwan or Ukraine Would Be a Disaster
*Carl Bildt* *War, * Diplomats must be cautious to avoid stumbling into a war that could provoke a worldwide disaster. The vastness of Eurasia is becoming bracketed by belligerence. On the western front, Russia has deployed a growing number of military units to the regions near its border with Ukraine, inviting a flurry of speculation about its motives. And in the east, China’s behaviour vis-à-vis Taiwan has grown increasingly worrisome. A widely reported war-game study by a US think tank concludes that the United States would have ‘few credible options’ were China to launch a ... read more
Easy electronic authorization to harvest roadkill is coming to Wyoming
The Wyoming Legislature’s unanimous vote earlier this year on House Bill (HB) 95 means the state requirement that a game warden must first provide a tag before a resident can claim big game roadkill won’t any longer be mandated. Wyoming is stepping through regulations for a new roadkill system starting in 2022, allowing motorists to... Continue Reading read more
FDA, CDC say outbreak linked to fish ends with more than 100 people sickened
Federal officials have declared that a Salmonella Thompson outbreak is over after having sickened at least 115 people in 15 states. Seafood from Northeast Seafood Products Inc. of Denver was named as the cause of the outbreak based on investigations by the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “FDA’s... Continue Reading read more
Norway links hepatitis A outbreak to imported, frozen raspberries
An outbreak of hepatitis A in Norway has been linked to imported frozen raspberries. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) and Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet) reported 20 people had been affected but the incident was now likely over. The outbreak ran from April to October and was reported earlier this year when 10... Continue Reading read more

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