Tuesday, December 07, 2021

7 December - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 5

 11 pm MST

Covert Geopolitics16 hours ago
NATO Takes Another Beating as EU Adopts Controversial Paper Which Undermines It
A sort-of EU army is in the making, or at least on paper in Brussels. It’s radical in that it would probably not involve Germany so therefore leaving France at the helm. But who’s going to pay for it? At the end of November, a draft proposal which sketched out a plan for an EU … Continue reading NATO Takes Another Beating as EU Adopts Controversial Paper Which Undermines It → read more
Modern Tokyo Times16 hours ago
The Chinese artist Shen Quan and his stay in Edo Japan: Sublime nature
The Chinese artist Shen Quan and his stay in Edo Japan: Sublime nature Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times Shen Quan (Nanpin) visited Japan during the Edo Period (1603 to 1868). Hailing from China, Shen understood that Nagasaka was a window open to the outside world. In 1731, Shen visited Japan for two years. During […] The post The Chinese artist Shen Quan and his stay in Edo Japan: Sublime nature first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Uruguay’s summer season begins: 1,000,000 Argentineans are expected, 200,000 can be vaccinated
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - After almost two years of the pandemic, Uruguay awaits the arrival of tourists with the enthusiasm that this season will be one of reunion, of welcome, of year-end toasts, and with the emphasis on health safety. The return to a situation of free mobility is the auspice of a stage […] The post Uruguay’s summer season begins: 1,000,000 Argentineans are expected, 200,000 can be vaccinated appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Lawfare17 hours ago
Trump’s Judicial Campaign to Upend the 2020 Election: A Failure, But Not a Wipe-Out
Donald Trump speaking with supporters at a campaign rally at the Prescott Valley Event Center in Prescott Valley, Arizona. (Gage Skidmore, https://flic.kr/p/MLzT8c; https://flic.kr/p/MLzT8c, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/) Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared on FixGov. One sign of a healthy democracy is a judiciary that applies the law independently, even in cases involving powerful partisan interests. When President Donald Trump tried to enlist the courts in his campaign to overturn the results of the election, state and federal judges applied the la... read more
The New Dark Age17 hours ago
Covid and Social Engineering: The Impact of Fear and Anxiety on the Human Immune System
We live in the age of anxiety. We who see, see clearly this is a pandemic of fear. One of the central emotional responses during a pandemic is fear. Fear comprises both an emotional and physical response to stress. Functional fear helps people develop coping strategies, and the ‘right’ amount of anxiety can help us perform better and stimulate action. However, the fear created during this pandemic is completely disproportionate and irrational (2). The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemonium is associated with highly significant levels of anxiety, depression, post-traumatic s... read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
São Paulo: Avenida Paulista celebrates 130 years with cultural activities until Sunday
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In commemoration of the 130th anniversary of Paulista Avenue, starting tomorrow (8), the Paulista Cultural institutions will promote online and in-person celebrations at the seven institutions: Casa das Rosas, Fiesp Cultural Center, IMS Paulista, Itaú Cultural, Japan House São Paulo, MASP and Sesc Avenida Paulista. Check out the program that […] The post São Paulo: Avenida Paulista celebrates 130 years with cultural activities until Sunday appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Democrats persistently out of touch with voters
*Ed Morrissey:* *Politico: Dems' midterm sales pitch still that voters are too dumb to see their brilliance* They should hang on to that strategy until they get the shellacking they deserve. See, also: *House Dems: Maybe we should stop talking about Trump all the time* Maybe they noticed that Trump is more popular than they are at this point. read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Democrats should look at their own polling numbers
*Breitbart:* *Report: Democrats Strategize How to Escape Crushing Weight of Biden’s Poor Polling Numbers* I think Democrats in Congress have even lower polling numbers. Some of them claim that they have been too busy legislating to communicate, but the legislating they have been doing is one of the reasons for their own shrinking numbers. See, also: *More voters would pick Trump over Biden if election were held today: poll* read more
Plastic Words
Andrew Nikifiouk writes that we refuse to face the cascading crises in front of us: Two weeks ago, I gave a talk at the University of Victoria arguing that our morally bankrupt civilization is chasing dead ends when it comes to climate change and energy spending. I argued that by focusing on emissions, we have failed to acknowledge economic and population growth as the primary driver of those emissions along with the unrestrained consumption of natural systems that support all life. I added that people plus affluence plus technology make a deadly algorithm that is now paving ou... read more
War News Updates15 hours ago
Picture Of The Day
The forward superstructure of the sunken battleship USS Arizona burns after the attack. U.S. Navy/U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command *WNU Editor: *An incredible photo-gallery. The photo-gallery starts here .... *29 iconic images of the attack on Pearl Harbor* (Reuters). read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Palestinian terror groups coopt charities
*Washington Free Beacon:* *DOCUMENT: Here’s Why Israel Designated Six Palestinian Charities as Terror Groups* *Dossier makes case Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine operates a network of nonprofits to embezzle millions of dollars from the E.U., NGOs* They are in reality fundraising for hijacking and terrorism. read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Colorado city turns crime into a growth industry
KRDO: In 2021, theft and larceny in Pueblo is up 11%. Auto theft has almost doubled in the city, going up 46%. However, thanks to a current policy in place, some thieves can avoid jail time. In a crime report given to Pueblo City Council in November, Pueblo Police Chief Chris Noeller said, "the current policy of the Pueblo County Jail is to accept only those felony charges with the exception of DUI or domestic violence," He adds, "in the case of thefts, a person can steal up to $1,999.00 of merchandise from store or person and will not be taken to jail." He said, "the reduction... read more
Yesterday, David Perdue announced a primary challenge to Georgia governor Brian Kemp. Perdue is already making the race about "election integrity." From his campaign announcement: “Look, I like Brian. This isn’t personal; it’s simple. He’s failed all of us and cannot win in November,” Perdue said. “Instead of protecting our elections, he caved to [Stacey] Abrams and cost us two Senate seats, the Senate majority, and gave Joe Biden free reign. Think about how different it would be today if Kemp had fought Abrams first instead of Trump. Kemp caved before the election, and the country... read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
Supply chain can't deliver 100 medications to pharmacies
Just the News: More than 100 pharmaceutical drugs are facing supply chain shortages, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned. Drugs currently listed as "in shortage" by the FDA include antidepressants, antibiotics, heart medicines, cancer-fighting drugs, and pain killers. "The FDA continues to take steps to monitor the supply chain," the federal agency wrote. "The Drug Shortage Staff within the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) has asked manufacturers to evaluate their entire supply chain, including active pharmaceutical ingredients, finished dose f... read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
Democrats alienated much of their Hispanic base
*Politico:* *Democrats fall flat with ‘Latinx’ language* *“Why are we using a word that is preferred by only 2 percent, but offends as many as 40 percent of those voters we want to win?” said one pollster.* I grew up in the Lower Rio Grande Valley surrounded by Hispanics and also have Hispanic friends of Cuban and Puerto Rican ancestry. I do not recall any of them embracing the Latinx descriptor. read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
Japan's Pearl Harbor blunder
*Victor Davis Hanson:* *Misremembering Pearl Harbor* *The tactically brilliant but strategically crazy attack on Pearl Harbor unleashed incalculable furor against a once sophisticated Japanese empire, which foolishly attacked the United States at peace.* the arrogance of much of the Japanese leadership at the time led them into an attack that wiser Japanese military leaders described as waking a sleeping giant. They wound up unleashing an industrial war machine that eventually destroyed the Japanese empire and their Nazi allies. read more
musingsofanoldfart16 hours ago
To defeat bullies, punch them in the nose with facts
With the proliferation of social media, it has never been easier to lie, misinform and disinform. To autocrats like Vladimir Putin, who was trained as a KGB agent on disinformation, it is like shooting fish in a barrel. People might … Continue reading → read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
Another treatment for Covid
*Daily Mail:* *Gum laced with a plant-grown protein is found to reduce COVID-19 transmission by 95% after trapping and neutralizing the virus in the person's saliva, Penn State University scientists find* ... A team of scientists led by Penn State University infused gum with a plant-grown protein and found it 'traps' the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The protein, known as ACE2, prevents the virus from attaching to a host cell in the human body by interacting with SARS-CoV-2's receptor binding domain - this facilitates virus attachment to the receptor and fusion with cell membrane. When s... read more
Snopes.com16 hours ago
Survivors Gather to Remember Those Lost at Pearl Harbor
A few dozen survivors of Pearl Harbor are expected to gather at the site of the Japanese bombing 80 years ago to remember those killed in the attack that launched the U.S. into World War II. read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
The Russia hoax and media credibility crisis
Power Line: Why won’t the prestige press come clean on its role in the Russia hoax? Crisis management consultant sketches out the deterrents in his Wall Street Journal column “The media stonewalls on the Steele dossier.” Dezenhall frames the basic problem this way, in terms of incentives: The crisis confronting the news media post-dossier is rooted in disinformation. In the crisis business, we often do detective work to uncover the sources of disinformation leveled at our clients. The first factor in a successful disinformation campaign is an audience that desperately wants to b... read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
Inflation likely for remainder of Biden's term
Political Insider: Economists with the National Association for Business Economics (NABE) are predicting inflation will remain above 2% possibly over the next three years, just weeks after White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki claimed, “no economist” is projecting it to go higher. “The nation’s business economists have sharply raised their forecasts for inflation, predicting an extension of the price spikes that have resulted in large part from bottlenecked supply chains,” the Associated Press has reported. Fox Business adds that panelists with the NABE have upped their projecti... read more
OrientalReview.org16 hours ago
Putin: Ukraine Is to Russia What Cuba Was to America in the 1963 Cuban Missile Crisis
In an almost universally ignored speech by Putin, on December 1st (titled “Ceremony for presenting foreign ambassadors’ letters of credence”), he said, merely as an aside [and I here shall add clarifications in brackets]: By the way, the threat on our western border [he was referring mainly to Ukraine] is […] read more
Small Dead Animals17 hours ago
Dear Leader’s “Holiday” Gift To Gangs
While Justin The Magnificent clamps down on evil duck hunters and farmers, legislation will be introduced today to get rid of minimum sentences for gun crimes. Its Woke Tuesday. Australian universities just as Woke as in Canada. And free speech not allowed in British universities. read more
Nov 1951–Catastrophic Floods Hit France & Italy
By Paul Homewood It was not only England that bore the brunt of severe flooding in November 1951. Both the Rhone and Po Valleys were also severely hit: https://www.britishpathe.com/video/VLVAAW4WKUG135YYBIZC3GEALZI95-FLOODS-DROWN-LARGE-AREAS-IN-RHONE-VALLEY-HISTORIC-AVIGNON-AND/query/flood https://www.britishpathe.com/video/VLVAENC2W1197WT873SEWOT7Y51PZ-FLOODS-REACH-PEAK-THOUSANDS-ARE-RESCUED-FROM-ISOLATED-TOWNS-AS/query/flood read more
Reality and truth - when theory must give way to reality
Claire Wolfe muses on "The consequences of avoiding reality". Obviously the *specific* consequences of *specific* delusions are destructive enough. But what happens when some large and influential segment of the human race simply concludes that *any* random aspect of actual reality doesn’t count? That reality is whatever they decree it to be from moment to moment? And that becomes the everyday madhouse “truth” the rest of us must cope with. Yeah, that’s already happened. The Soviet Union operated on that principle. Whoever’s running the Biden administration seems well along th... read more
A Tale of Two Debtors: America and Haiti
“If you owe the bank a hundred thousand dollars, the bank owns you. If you owe the bank a hundred million dollars, you own the bank.” ~ the core principle of American banking. If we take the world as a giant bank, then America is the largest debtor of this bank. Total national debt of America is close to $27 trillion. With such a massive debt, America owns the world. When the American economy goes down the drain, which is likely to happen soon, the $27 trillion debt will be worthless and there will be an unprecedented global financial crisis. $22 trillion of the American debt is he... read more
Is the BBC biased?17 hours ago
Bye bye B.A.M.E.
Stop whatever you're doing! There's important breaking news this lunchtime... Yes, UK broadcasters, including the BBC, have ''welcomed the findings of the in-depth research by the Sir Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity'' [yes, really!] and ''committed'' themselves ''to avoid the B.A.M.E acronym wherever possible.'' Now as you were. read more
PrairiePundit17 hours ago
Afghans leaving country wrecked by Taliban
Fox News: Over the course of an hour on a recent night, the bus waiting in the Herat station filled with passengers. Mostly young men, they had no luggage, just the clothes on their backs, maybe a bag with some bread and water for the long road ahead of them. That road is leading them to Iran. Every day, multiple buses rumble out of Afghanistan’s western city of Herat, carrying hundreds of people to the border. There they disembark, connect with their smugglers and trek for days, sometimes crammed into pickup trucks bumping through wastelands, sometimes on foot through treach... read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Rio de Janeiro mayor asks governor to evaluate holding fireworks display on New Year’s Eve
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Eduardo Paes, met with Governor Claudio Castro on Monday (6) to discuss the cancellation of the official New Year's Eve party in the city. In his Twitter profile, Paes said he asked for a meeting between the two Scientific Committees, municipal and state, to […] The post Rio de Janeiro mayor asks governor to evaluate holding fireworks display on New Year’s Eve appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
PrairiePundit17 hours ago
Physical exercise reduce anxiety
Epoch Times: A new study from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden has found that both moderate and strenuous exercise may alleviate anxiety symptoms. Researchers believe that even when the disorder is chronic, exercise can play an essential role in helping to reduce the symptoms of anxiety. Published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, the study was based on 286 patients with anxiety. All patients were recruited from primary care services in Gothenburg in the northern part of Halland county. Half of the participants had lived with anxiety for at least 10 years, 70 percent w... read more
Mayor de Blasio Imposes Grinch-like Vaccine Mandates in New York City
Source: CBS News Yesterday, New York City lame duck Mayor Bill de Blasio imposed a Greenpass style vaccine mandate system that will go into effect on December 27th. Children as young as 5 will be barred from dining and social... Related Stories - 12 Years A Counting - Provax Advice Allowed - Lina Hjalmarsson Lyons Launches PoeticJustice.press for Non-Speakers read more
Halifax Examiner17 hours ago
Review: benefits of vaccinating children against COVID-19 far outweigh the risks
In a detailed review of current international research, experts working with Canada’s COVID-19 Immunity Task Force are assuring guardians and parents that the benefits of vaccinating young children far outweigh the risks. Published online December 1, the authors of Vaccinating Children against COVID-19: The Benefits Outweigh the Risks note this is especially important as new variants […] read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
If African Swine Fever arrives in Brazil, more than US$5.5 billion would be lost – Embrapa
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) estimated that the arrival of African Swine Fever (ASF) in Brazil would lead to economic losses of up to 5.5 billion dollars in the first year alone. Their figures indicated that currently, 23% of the pork produced in Brazil s exported, so the first […] The post If African Swine Fever arrives in Brazil, more than US$5.5 billion would be lost – Embrapa appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
MJBizDaily18 hours ago
States escalate microbusiness cannabis licenses as ‘hedge’ against MSOs
More states are offering microbusiness licenses to cannabis entrepreneurs in an effort to diversify a market that some fear could become dominated by large, deep-pocketed multistate operators. States escalate microbusiness cannabis licenses as ‘hedge’ against MSOs is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
The Duran19 hours ago
David Pidcock (1942-2021)
David Musa Pidcock, founder of the Islamic Party Of Britain, has died; he had been ill for some time. I can’t really claim to have known David Pidcock well; I spoke to him over the phone a few times but I met him only a handful of times if that. The time I remember was […] read more
Elon Musk says there are “not enough people” and that the falling birthrate could threaten human civilization | Business Insider India
Elon Musk says there are “not enough people” and that the falling birthrate could threaten human civilization | Business Insider India https://www.businessinsider.in/international/news/elon-musk-says-there-are-not-enough-people-and-that-the-falling-birthrate-could-threaten-human-civilization/articleshow/88140741.cms read more
Scientists Discover Enormous Black Hole Right Near Our Galaxy
Scientists Discover Enormous Black Hole Right Near Our Galaxy https://futurism.com/scientists-black-hole-near-galaxy read more
The Aviationist19 hours ago
80 Years Ago Today: The Japanese Secret Weapons Used at Pearl Harbor
[image: Pearl Harbor] Secret Mini-Subs, Shallow Water Torpedoes and “Stealth” Aircraft Carriers Helped the Japanese Achieve Surprise in “Secret Operation Z”. In many ways, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, was the perfect military [...] The post 80 Years Ago Today: The Japanese Secret Weapons Used at Pearl Harbor appeared first on The Aviationist. read more
Trending stories on Indian Lifestyle, Culture, Relationships, Food, Travel, Entertainment, News and New Technology News – Indiatimes.com
Trending stories on Indian Lifestyle, Culture, Relationships, Food, Travel, Entertainment, News and New Technology News – Indiatimes.com https://www.indiatimes.com/technology/science-and-future/siberian-permafrost-microbe-24000-years-542412.html read more
Half of all drinkers risk exceeding legal driving limit by underestimating how drunk they are, study suggests
Half of all drinkers risk exceeding legal driving limit by underestimating how drunk they are, study suggests https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-12-drinkers-exceeding-legal-limit-underestimating.html read more

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