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balance103 minutes ago
microbes may also be deadly1) People of America, people of freedom, do you not understand what will take place on this very soil, in this very place if the hordes of the fallen ones are allowed to override the forcefields of light throughout the world? I say you must not rest day or night! You must not lay your body, no matter how weary, to rest at night without breathing your prayers to me and to Kuan Yin for the rescue of that island (Taiwan). We are not content to rescue souls! We are not content to have them taken out by air! We are not content unless we have the land. For the land is the Moth... read more
The National Interest27 minutes ago
The Self-Propelled Howitzer Is Ready to Roll*Kris Osborn* *Army, Americas* This new howitzer has an electric drive and digital backbone, which supports a new generation of artillery that greatly enhances targeting, precision and blast effects. The Army’s new M109A7 self-propelled howitzer artillery vehicle will enter operational service next year. The M109A7 variant is an upgraded vehicle that was engineered to fire precision rounds that can destroy enemy trucks, combat vehicles and force concentrations at long ranges. It has been under development for many years. The upgraded weapon has a digital backbone, a six-hundr... read more
The National Interest27 minutes ago
Speed Is the Name of the Game in Next-Generation Warfare*Kris Osborn* *Next-Generation Warfare, * The speed at which information is gathered, processed, analyzed, and transmitted from sensor nodes to shooters or weapons will likely determine victory in war. Wars in the future may not look like a mechanized force-on-force armored engagement across a linear battlefield. Instead, they may involve dispersed, multi-domain platforms moving at must faster speeds than previously imagined. Weapons, explosives, guns, and bombs will be extremely important, particularly when it comes to range and precision targeting. But their effectiveness ... read more
The National Interest27 minutes ago
Department of Defense Considers Bolstering Ukrainian Air Defenses*Caleb Larson* *Russia-Ukraine Crisis, Ukraine* While the Ukrainian military is in better shape than in 2014, it still lacks high-end air defenses to engage modern fighters and bombers. A small team from the United States Department of Defense recently returned after evaluating Ukrainian air defenses. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs John Kirby confirmed on Monday that the team had traveled to Ukraine. The team also discussed air defense needs with Ukrainian officials on the trip. Air Force Magazine reported on Dec. 3 that the team was on the ground in Ukraine a... read more
The National Interest27 minutes ago
Can U.S. Navy Submarines Benefit from the Drones Revolution?*Peter Suciu* *Drones, United States* A submarine-deployed UAV would thus act essentially as a "flying periscope" and could dramatically extend the crew's organic sensor range, and provide target-quality sensor data back to the crew. *Here's What You Need to Remember*: While heavy equipment and larger cargo will still use traditional methods, a vast majority of the goods weigh less than 22.7 kilograms and this is where drones could complement other delivery efforts. Traveling under the water provides concealment for submarines, but it also seriously limits the ability of the cre... read more
The National Interest27 minutes ago
Is the Raptor Going Extinct?*Peter Suciu* *Fighter Jets, The United States* Clearly, the F-22 will "eventually" retire, but it is likely it would be sooner than later. The Raptor's likely successor will be the NGAD. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *By about the 2030 timeframe, you’re talking about a 40-year-old platform [in the F-22], and it's just not going to be the right tool for the job, especially when we’re talking about defending our friends like Taiwan and Japan and the Philippines against a Chinese threat that grows and grows The United States originally planned to buy a total of 750 twin-engine... read more
War News Updates32 minutes ago
Picture Of The DayProject 636.3 Varshavyanka submarines Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Volkhov from the Pacific Fleet squadron and the Marshal Krylov ship arrive at the pier in Vladivostok, November 30. The sailors completed the inter-fleet passage from the Baltic Fleet to the Pacific, crossing the Atlantic and Indian oceans, as well as the Baltic, North, Mediterranean, Red, Arabian, South China and Japan seas. In Vladivostok, they will replenish stocks and scheduled maintenance of ships. © Yuri Smityuk/TASS read more
balance1039 minutes ago
beware in the last days of germ warfare1) Mankind are not fully aware of the fact that thought is the creator of those disease germs called by the scientists “germs,” which are in themselves but the misqualified energy which mankind have released in a microscopic pattern which—because of its virulence and because of its malice which was actually implanted into it by human thought—yet enters into the human bloodstream. And there arises therein a tremendous battle between it and the internal nature of perfection which was implanted by God as a protection to every lifestream within the physical body. And in this warfa... read more
The Last Refuge41 minutes ago
December 22nd – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 337In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post December 22nd – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 337 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Small Dead Animals46 minutes ago
Steve Bannon Torches Jim CramerFrom Telegram’s “Official War Room channel”: “Oh the irony of this triple-vaxxed clown coming down with Covid, after seriously suggesting just a week ago that the unvaxxed should be put in FEMA camps controlled by our military… Don’t take any financial advice from this ‘genius’…” Related: ‘I have Covid,’ Jim Cramer says. He says he’s… Continue reading → read more
The Last Refuge47 minutes ago
Wednesday December 22nd – Open ThreadOur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Wednesday December 22nd – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Food Safety News57 minutes ago
How can we better ensure the safety of the food supply in 2022?– CONTRIBUTED Opinion – Recent published data has demonstrated there was a reduction in foodborne illness cases in 2020, but can we admit that the beginning of this decade was not much better than the previous two decades when it comes to food safety and foodborne illness prevention? Reflecting on the federal government’s Healthy People... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News58 minutes ago
German study reveals fondue as possible source of winter Campylobacter peakEating meat fondues and raclette grill meals contributes to the annual seasonal peak of Campylobacter cases in Germany, according to a study. During such meals, raw meat is typically handled directly at the table and touched with bare hands and chicken meat, which can be contaminated with Campylobacter. Germany recorded 46,500 cases in 2020 with the... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 hour ago
Tips to identify food poisoning and steps to take if it is suspectedDuring the holiday season one gift no one wants is food poisoning. Unfortunately that item on the non-wish list makes an appearance all too often after holiday meals. While foodborne illnesses require specific testing to be diagnosed, a list of symptoms common to most of them gives sick people a good idea whether they might... Continue Reading read more
Small Dead Animals1 hour ago
December 22, 2021: Reader TipsThe stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, And the smoke, it encircled his head like a wreath; He had a broad face and a little round belly That shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly. In the spirit of Henry Livingston’s famous poem, this evening we learn how… Continue reading → read more
War News Updates1 hour ago
Cubans Facing Runaway Inflation Of Over 70%Cuba will have an inflation rate of over 70% by the end of 2021 *DW:* *Cuba records runaway inflation of over 70%* *The island country’s economy has suffered due to reduced tourism and US sanctions. * Cuba ended it's dual-currency system earlier this year, also contributing to price fluctuations. Cuba will have an inflation rate of over 70% by the end of 2021, Economy Minister Alejandro Gil said on Tuesday. Cuba's economy shrank 10.9% in 2020 as the coronavirus pandemic devastated the country's tourism sector. This was further aggravated by new sanctions imposed by the Uni... read more
Latest News - ADVANCE2 hours ago
Drew Pavlou’s new political party is standing up to the Chinese Communist PartyTwenty-two-year-old *Drew Pavlou* is doing something that has never been done in Australian politics. read more
Small Dead Animals2 hours ago
Hockey Night in Covid-landIts amazing what kind of carnage one unvaccinated player can cause. National Post- NHL and NHLPA to pull out of Beijing Olympics due to COVID surge: The NHL has postponed 50 games because of COVID outbreaks on teams and has paused its season through Christmas read more
PopularResistance.Org10 hours ago
The Year In InequalityA year ago we had such high hopes. We expected the Covid vaccine rollout to bring a swift end to the pandemic, opening a window for pushing bold solutions to the long-standing economic, racial, and gender divides that had grown even wider under Covid. Where are we as 2021 comes to a close? These 10 charts highlight major inequality developments of the year, covering some steps back and some important steps forward. The combined wealth of the 745 U.S. billionaires surpassed $5 trillion in 2021, up 70 percent since the beginning of the pandemic, according to Institute for Policy St... read more
Real Climate Science1 hour ago
Christmas Message From The BidensEighty years ago the German National Socialists said Jews spread disease and need to be quarantined. Joe Biden says uninjected spread disease and need to be quarantined. read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
U.S. Reports Omicron Death As Biden Announces Plans to Deal with New Variant*Stephen Silver* *Omicron, * Biden urged those who remain unvaccinated to get vaccinated, due to “patriotic duty.” On Tuesday, the day after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that Omicron is now the primary variant in the United States, the first death from the new variant was reported in the United States. According to the Harris County Public Health Department (HCPH), the deceased is a man in the fifty- to sixty-year-old age range, who “was unvaccinated and had been infected with COVID-19 previously.” The man who died also had “underlying health ... read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
Is a Fourth Stimulus Check Dead? Almost Certainly*Stephen Silver* *Stimulus, * Could the Omicron variant lead to additional checks? The Biden Administration hasn’t included that in its plans for dealing with Omicron—and without the administration’s full support, such a massive legislative lift just isn’t at all possible. All indications say a fourth stimulus check is dead. Omicron variant notwithstanding, it was probably dead anyway, but now it truly is. The American Rescue Plan Act was passed in March, and it mandated a one-time round of $1,400 stimulus checks for most Americans. Soon after, some began calling for additional ... read more
War News Updates2 hours ago
Bill Gates: Omicron Is Spreading Faster Than Any Virus In HistoryOmicron is spreading faster than any virus in history. It will soon be in every country in the world. — Bill Gates (@BillGates) December 21, 2021 *Zero Hedge*: *Bill Gates: Omicron Will Be The "Worst Surge We Have Seen So Far"* Following this morning's rant from the COVID-positive (and triple-vaxxed) Jim Cramer, and Tuesday afternoon's public address from President Joe Biden begging unvaccinated Americans to please just go and get their jabs already, Microsoft billionaire (and self-appointed unofficial global vaccination czar) Bill Gates has just issued a few tweets changing his ... read more
The National Interest2 hours ago
A Good Sign for the World?: Omicron Cases Are Sinking in South Africa*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Omicron, * South Africa’s current experience with the variant might be shaped by the nation’s “horrendous” pandemic-driven death toll and increased immunity among the population. As the unrelenting march across the world continues for the new and highly mutated Omicron coronavirus variant, the country where the strain was first detected about a month ago—South Africa—is somewhat surprisingly already witnessing a falling number of cases. New data from the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) is showing that just over eight thousand five hundred ... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 22 hours ago
"Bank Meltdown, More Banks Are Closing; Stop Trusting Banks; Taxpayers To Pay Delinquent Home Owners"Jeremiah Babe, PM 12/21/21: *"Bank Meltdown, More Banks Are Closing; Stop Trusting Banks; * *Taxpayers To Pay Delinquent Home Owners"* read more
Need To Know2 hours ago
White House Tells Unvaxxed Americans: ‘You’re Looking at a Winter of Severe Illness and Death’Biden and his White House are telling unvaccinated Americans to prepare to die. Biden's Covid response official Jeff Zients said, "For the unvaccinated, you're looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm. read more
Next Grand Minimum Profit2 hours ago
Top Information Of Accounting Consultant NextYou already know that you’re going to have to spend money to generate profits. Nevertheless, it’s good to resolve how much cash you are going to spend. Some people like to purchase low cost $10 domains after which promote them for $20. That is only a small profit, however these individuals sell lots of of these on a month-to-month foundation. It is a lower danger, but more time consuming as you need to buy and sell each particular person area. The recently deceased labour Government had decreed that by 2012 everybody employed by an organization, even when they are the … read more
The National Interest2 hours ago
Survivability vs. Lethality: How the Army Envisions Future Warfare*Kris Osborn* *Army, Americas* The upgraded Abrams variants are capable of countering America’s great-power adversaries for years to come, which means the Army can take its time deciding what its future tank will look like. The upgrades to the Abrams tank and the technological sophistication of the new Abrams variants are providing the Army with a larger window in which to analyze the question of whether there will be an Optionally Manned Tank. These upgraded Abrams variants are capable of countering America’s great-power adversaries for years to come, which means the Army can... read more
The National Interest2 hours ago
The UK Has Designed a Liquid Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft*Trevor Filseth* *United Kingdom, Europe* The search for alternatives to gas-powered aircraft has resulted in several concepts, including battery-powered aircraft and those with hydrogen fuel. The Aerospace Technology Institute, a British government-funded research organization, has finalized its design for a hydrogen-powered plane that could theoretically travel halfway around the world without needing to refuel. The “FlyZero,” as it has been dubbed, would be mostly identical to existing passenger planes, boasting 279 seats and operating within existing airlines. However, the ... read more
The National Interest2 hours ago
How the Soviet Union Planned to Catch the SR-71 Blackbird*Stephen Silver* *SR-71 Blackbird, * The SR-71, best known as the Blackbird, is one of the most legendary U.S. military planes. But what was it like to be one of the people trying to shoot down this super-fast spy plane? *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The SR-71, best known as the Blackbird, is one of the most legendary U.S. military planes. It flew faster than any other plane, including over the Soviet Union on espionage and reconnaissance missions. The Blackbird was never shot down at any point in its more than thirty-year life, even though more than 4,000 missiles were fi... read more
Need To Know2 hours ago
CA Bay Area: Six Black Men Charged with Hate Crimes for Targeting Asian Women for RobberySix black men were charged with hate crimes in San Jose after they were arrested in connection with 170 robberies and attempted robberies, targeting over 100 Asian women. read more
Real Climate Science2 hours ago
Christmas Message From The BidensHere in Wyoming we are the least injected state and cases are rapidly declining towards zero. Wyoming COVID – Coronavirus Statistics – Worldometer But the press isn’t reporting this, instead they want people to believe that uninjected are 4X as … Continue reading → read more
The Duran3 hours ago
How Red Are the EU’s ‘Greens’?
Eric Zuesse Blood-red. But that’s a banned fact. (It will be documented in what follows.) Here are the announced values (the “Guiding Principles”) of the European Green Party: “Environmental Responsibility” “Freedom through Self-Determination” “Extending Justice” “Diversity, an Indispensable Condition” “Non-Violence” “To sum it up, Sustainable Development” This “Charter of the European Greens” fills-in those blanks […] read more
Turcopolier4 hours ago
Despite Being Vaccinated, Blue States Hitting Highest Daily Covid Infection Ever
Joe Biden’s speech today regarding the Covid “crisis” was akin to the Captain of the sinking Titanic giving an upbeat speech to passengers and crew as the mighty ship broke apart and sank. Demented Joe’s insistence on getting jabbed is … Continue reading → read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
Anti-Eviction Demo Turns VIOLENT as Palestinians Clash with Israeli Forces“In 2001, Dr. Ariella Oppenheim, of Hebrew University, a biologist, published the first extensive study of DNA and the origin of the Jews. Her research found that virtually all the Jews came from Khazar blood. Not only that but Oppenheim discovered that the Palestinians—the very people whom the Jews had been persecuting and ejecting from … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
Stunning COVID Data From Denmark (But Not For The Reason You’ve Been Told) — More Than 76% of Non-Omicron Covid Infections in Denmark Are in Vaccinated People, Along with about 90% of Omicron InfectionsStunning COVID Data From Denmark (But Not For The Reason You’ve Been Told) by Alex Berenson via ‘Unreported Truths’ substack, via https://www.zerohedge.com/ The Danes are now publishing extremely detailed daily data about Covid cases and hospitalizations – not just about Omicron, but all Covid variants. – And, in news that will surprise precisely no one … read more
Children's Health Defense4 hours ago
A Year-End Message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
There is great hope for the New Year. With your help, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) can take on the forces that want to steal our medical freedom. The next year will be critical to save our democracy and way of life. At CHD, we strive every day to help you discern the truth from the […] The post A Year-End Message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
null6 hours ago
The Middle of the Road to HellWe are accustomed to thinking of great evil as instantly recognisable. From Nuremberg rallies to the squalor of the Gulag, great evil is something obvious and unmissable. Or so we think. Unfortunately, we have developed such a cartoonish idea of what evil, villains, and devils look like, that as a people we are entirely unprepared for the entrance of evil dressed in a very different cloak. As C.S. Lewis warned us decades ago in his Preface to the Screwtape Letters: “The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid ‘dens of crime’ that Dickens loved to paint. It is […] read more
War News Updates3 hours ago
Coughing Through His Covid Speech, President Biden Says Vaccinated Americans Can Celebrate Christmas Safely*Daily Mail:* *Biden says vaccinated Americans CAN celebrate Christmas safely, denies he has FAILED on home testing, praises Trump for getting his booster and blames unvaccinated for Omicron surge: Coughs his way through COVID speech* * President Joe Biden told vaccinated Americans they can enjoy Christmas safely and insisted we are not going back to March 2020 * He also toned down his attacks on the unvaccinated * But he told them: 'You have an obligation to yourselves, to your family and quite frankly, I know I’ll get criticized for this, to your country' to get their sho... read more
New Mandala3 hours ago
Pertanyakan niat: pemerintah Indonesia tak berkomitmen hapuskan kekerasan seksualDengan dihilangkannya kata ‘penghapusan’ dari RUU kekerasan seksual, bangsa tidak lagi berusaha untuk menghentikan kekerasan seksual... The post Pertanyakan niat: pemerintah Indonesia tak berkomitmen hapuskan kekerasan seksual appeared first on New Mandala. read more
The Last Refuge3 hours ago
Anthony Fauci Says Unvaxxed Relatives Not Worthy Enough to Attend Family Christmas GatheringsDr. Anthony Fauci is a thin-skinned, unstable ideologue with visions of grandiosity. He has wreaked havoc on our nation and permeated a major crisis on the global stage with his poor advice on COVID-19. He personifies a mentally and emotionally stable people in his worldview. Fauci is representative of a group of psychologically unstable people […] The post Anthony Fauci Says Unvaxxed Relatives Not Worthy Enough to Attend Family Christmas Gatherings appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Not PC3 hours ago
The concept of 'force' is widely misused and misunderstood today....*"The concept of 'force' ... is widely misused today.... "Physical force is coercion exercised by physical agency, such as, among many other examples, by punching a man in the face, incarcerating him, shooting him, or seizing his property [it is is physical contact with the person or property of another without his consent and/or the threat of such contact].... "There is only one way to attempt to force a man s mind: by directing the force to his body (or property).... A volitional being, left unmolested, is free to initiate a cognitive process. He can struggle to untangle... read more
Small Dead Animals4 hours ago
Honey, I Finished The SolsticeOne year of seasonal transformations on Earth. h/t KP read more
War News Updates4 hours ago
Putin Says Russia Simply Has "Nowhere To Retreat" If US Weapons Appear In Ukraine*TASS:* *Russia simply has "nowhere to retreat" if US weapons appear in Ukraine — Putin* *The Russian president also stressed that the deployment of the US' weapons in Ukraine may push Kiev to attack Crimea * MOSCOW, December 21. /TASS/. The United States and its allies need to understand that Russia simply "has nowhere to retreat" if its weapons appear in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday at an expanded meeting of the Defense Ministry board. "They [the US] simply do what they want. But what they are doing on the territory of Ukraine now, or trying to ... read more
Accidental Deliberations4 hours ago
Tuesday Night Cat BloggingLeveled-up cats. read more
Caitlin Johnstone4 hours ago
Maturity Is Realizing That Propaganda Isn’t Something That Only Happens To Other People
Listen to a reading of this article: ❖ I’ve been doing a lot of commentary on the western propaganda campaign against China lately, so my online notifications have been full of brainwashed human livestock regurgitating all the lines they’ve been programmed to bleat about that […] read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
Facebook Pulls Plug On Now The End Begins Page In Operation Since 2010 For Telling You The Truth About The COVID Vaccine And Digital Passport
Facebook Pulls Plug On Now The End Begins Page In Operation Since 2010 For Telling You The Truth About The COVID Vaccine And Digital Passport by Geoffrey Grider, https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/ So after over a decade on Facebook, and our unceremonious removal from their fascist platform, the fight continues unabated, and we invite you to join us. Come … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
Satanic Temple to Install ‘Baby Baphomet’ Statue Among Illinois Capitol Holiday Display on Monday During Christmas Week
Satanic Temple to Install ‘Baby Baphomet’ Statue Among Illinois Capitol Holiday Display on Monday During Christmas Week by Cassandra Fairbanks, https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/ The Satanic Temple is installing a “Baby Baphomet” statue among the Illinois Capitol Rotunda holiday display. The statue will be installed on December 20th at 1 pm. – The Satanic Temple recently made headlines for seeking … read more
Small Dead Animals4 hours ago
“Mayor Lori Lightfoot” Is Not The Name Of A DC Comics CharacterChicago Mayor Lightfoot Begs Biden for Help After Turning Down Trump Offer for Assistance read more
Small Dead Animals4 hours ago
Babylon Bee Interview With Elon MuskNow live. read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch4 hours ago
The health benefits of Tahini plus 24 Healthy Recipes (That Aren’t All Hummus!)What Is Tahini? From healthwholeness.com Tahini is an oily Middle Eastern paste made from ground sesame seeds. You can get light or dark tahini – the light one is made out of white sesame seeds, creating a light golden paste and the dark one is made from black sesame seeds and has a much more … Continue reading The health benefits of Tahini plus 24 Healthy Recipes (That Aren’t All Hummus!) → read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch4 hours ago
Gardening tasks for December (Wally Richards)December, the first month of Summer and at this time our thoughts are more on Christmas rather than the garden. If we neglect the garden completely this month then much of our previous efforts will have been wasted. Spend a few hours making the garden Xmas ready, so you can relax over the festive season. … Continue reading Gardening tasks for December (Wally Richards) → read more
The Rio Times5 hours ago
Covid-19: Updated VAERS data of reported adverse events and deaths after vaccines in the U.S. (December 10)RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – VAERS data released December 17 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) included a total of 965,843 adverse event reports in all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 20,244 deaths and 155,506 serious injuries between December 14, 2020, and December 10, 2021. The Centers for Disease Control and […] The post Covid-19: Updated VAERS data of reported adverse events and deaths after vaccines in the U.S. (December 10) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Snopes.com5 hours ago
Are Biden and Dems Planning to ‘Spy’ on Bank and Cash App Accounts?Social media posts mischaracterized how the American Rescue Plan will affect users of cash apps like Venmo. read more
Komando.com6 hours ago
If you own one of these external drives, here’s why you should update it ASAPSome NAS drives won't be compatible with the latest firmware and security updates. read more
Medical Kidnap6 hours ago
Bloom Where You’re Planted: Prepping to Survive Where You Are RIGHT NOW
Have you ever heard anyone utter some variation of one of these comments? “I’m going to start prepping as soon as I can move.” “I can’t prepare because I live in a tiny apartment.” “Well, once we are able to get moved to our farm in two years I’ll start prepping hardcore.” “I’m saving the money for moving instead of using it for preps.” “There’s no point in prepping here because if the SHTF I’ll be dead.” Maybe you didn’t overhear someone else saying it. Maybe you said it yourself. One of the most common excuses that people use for prepper procrastination is the unsuitability of ... read more
Need To Know6 hours ago
Red Pill Expo 2021: How the World Really Works and Celebrating G. Edward Griffin’s 90th BirthdayMr. Griffin and his host of experts explained how many of today's problems can be overcome, which is the goal of his Red Pill University. Mr. Griffin said that historical power struggle has always been and remains the individual vs. collectivism. read more
The Rio Times6 hours ago
Colombia welcomes Christmas with inflation and commodity shortagesRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Colombians are preparing for the Christmas and New Year holidays with an economy in full recovery after the pandemic crisis, while the local market is facing sharp increases in the prices of essential products such as meat, chicken, milk, and eggs. The global inflation phenomenon is also hitting The post Colombia welcomes Christmas with inflation and commodity shortages appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
Biden Should Add Development to the Next Summit for Democracy and Convene a Development SummitWASHINGTON, Dec 21 (IPS) - U.S. President Biden just hosted The Summit for Democracy to demonstrate the advantages of democracy in the global competition with authoritarian regimes. The U.S. can succeed in this competition by demonstrating to the people of developing countries (i.e., the vast majority of the world’s population) how coupling democracy and development is the best course to improve their lives. Read the full story, “Biden Should Add Development to the Next Summit for Democracy and Convene a Development Summit”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
Libya: Tensions as armed groups mobilize in TripoliThe UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) on Tuesday expressed concern over the unfolding security situation in the capital, Tripoli, where forces affiliated with different armed groups have been deploying. Read the full story, “Libya: Tensions as armed groups mobilize in Tripoli”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
Middle East: Positive steps needed to restore calmThe deteriorating security situation in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, took centre stage at the Security Council on Tuesday as the UN Special Coordinator for the peace process in the region, expressed his “continued concern” over recent developments. Read the full story, “Middle East: Positive steps needed to restore calm”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
Guterres in Lebanon: Fair elections in 2022, an ‘essential opportunity’ for voices to be heardHaving heard and seen for himself the suffering of Lebanon’s people, the UN chief told political leaders there on Tuesday that they “do not have the right to be divided”, leaving the nation paralysed, amidst multiple crises. Read the full story, “Guterres in Lebanon: Fair elections in 2022, an ‘essential opportunity’ for voices to be heard”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
The UN belongs to young people, deputy chief tells young Costa Rican activistsThe United Nations “belongs” to the younger generation, and countries must ensure they participate in decisions on environmental protection and climate action, Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed said during her visit to Costa Rica this week. Read the full story, “The UN belongs to young people, deputy chief tells young Costa Rican activists”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
Thousands head home voluntarily from Zambia to DR CongoNearly 5,000 refugees who fled violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) four years ago, are opting to head home voluntarily from Zambia over the coming months, with the first 100 people setting out on Tuesday. Read the full story, “Thousands head home voluntarily from Zambia to DR Congo”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
Sudan protests: Security forces in spotlight over sexual violence allegationsIn Sudan, reports of serious sexual violence and the use of live ammunition against protesters at the weekend must be investigated immediately, the UN rights office, OHCHR, said on Tuesday. Read the full story, “Sudan protests: Security forces in spotlight over sexual violence allegations”, on globalissues.org → read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
Neocons, Israel Demand Military Action against Iran as JCPOA Talks Falter in Vienna“Iran doesn’t frighten me and I don’t think it should frighten the American people. They don’t have a bomb. They haven’t made a decision to build one. They don’t have the means to deliver one. And the Israelis have 300 atomic bombs! I mean who presents the existential threat to whom?” – Pat Buchanan (7:58 … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
Ben Garrison Exposes The Elephant In The Room: Covid Vax Don’t Work!!Ben Garrison Exposes The Elephant In The Room by Ben Garrison via GrrrGraphics.com, via https://www.zerohedge.com/ IGNORING THE OBVIOUS In America we are all entitled to an opinion. – The First Amendment guarantees our free speech. Unfortunately, many are now censored for having an opinion that does not align with the ‘official’ one pushed by the … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
Video: German Health Minister Calls For Immediate Forced Vaccination Of Entire Population
Lauterbach added: "Omicron will not be the last variant and we need to develop 'polyvariant' vaccines" which can take years. — Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) December 19, 2021 Video: German Health Minister Calls For Immediate Forced Vaccination Of Entire Population by Steve Watson, https://summit.news/ Vows to push mandatory vaccinations “by all means” German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
George Gammon: Can A Recession/Market Crash In 2022 Be Avoided At This Point?Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
US Mercenaries Preparing Chemical ‘Provocation’ In Eastern Ukraine: Russian Defense ChiefUS Mercenaries Preparing Chemical ‘Provocation’ In Eastern Ukraine: Russian Defense Chief by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ Russia’s defense chief is being widely cited as saying on Tuesday that American private military firms have positioned contractors in the war-town Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine where they are preparing a “provocation using unknown chemical components.” – The allegation … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
Why Are All These Soccer Players Collapsing Suddenly?Decoy Voice Soccer players around the world seem to be suffering from mysterious heart and breathing issues, causing them to collapse during games. Barcelona’s Sergio Aguero has retired at 33, Napoli’s Piotr Zielinski collapses at 27, Manchester United’s Victor Lindelof now needs a heart monitor, and many more. So I wanted to look deeper. Is … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
Israel is Prepared to Confront Iran With or Without the USend read more
Socio-Economics History Blog5 hours ago
Court Documents Show FB Let Its ‘Fact-Checkers’ Regulate Content Based on Their ‘Opinions’RT ‘Meta’ goes META-reliable: it’s been revealed in the course of a legal battle with a journalist who sued the tech giant for defamation that Facebook’s much-praised ‘fact-checks’ are based merely on the OPINION of those conducting them. The question then arises: would you trust a platform that substitutes opinions for facts? end read more
Socio-Economics History Blog5 hours ago
Japanese Government Tells Citizens: “Don’t Discriminate Against the Unvaccinated”
Japanese Government Tells Citizens: “Don’t Discriminate Against the Unvaccinated” by Paul Joseph Watson, https://summit.news/ “Do not force anyone” to get the jab. Despite numerous major countries making COVID-19 vaccines mandatory, the Japanese government has told its citizens “do not discriminate against those who have not been vaccinated.” – Germany is set to follow Austria by … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog5 hours ago
Robert Kiyosaki: Financial Tragedy Is Coming, Proof Is Euro/Dollar System CollapsingStansberry Research The real yield curve is the EUR/USD curve and it’s signaling the worst crash of them all, says best-selling author of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” Robert Kiyosaki. When examining the most recent U.S. data, Kiyosaki says we are, “already in technical depression,” based on inflation versus growth. “I’m not buying gold because I … read more
Gangsters Out Blog3 hours ago
New Email Address for Gangsters outIn case anyone missed it, I have a new email address now. It's dennis_watson100@protonmail.com My hotmail simply stopped working. I can send email but I can't receive email from that account. It's just as well. Bill Gates is a freak. Microsoft News Network is ridiculous. read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
End ‘appalling’ Belarus-Poland border crisis, UN rights office urgesBelarus and Poland must resolve the migrant and refugee crisis at their mutual border, the UN human rights office, OHCHR, said on Tuesday, describing the on-going situation as “appalling”. Read the full story, “End ‘appalling’ Belarus-Poland border crisis, UN rights office urges”, on globalissues.org → read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
Is the Sig Sauer MCX Virtus Patrol Better Than an AR-15?*Richard Douglas* *Guns, * It’s sleek, modular, soft shooting, basically anything you would really want out of an AR-15. I refer to my go-to AR-15 as a Honda Civic. The Sig Sauer MCX Virtus Patrol (chambered in 5.56) is more like a Lexus. It’s somewhat of a luxury rifle, something you get when you can afford it rather than something you buy when you need it. It feels good to shoot. It’s accurate. It’s sleek, modular, soft shooting, basically anything you would really want out of an AR-15. But the trick is that this rifle is more like an AK platform on the inside. Yeah, I ended u... read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
Landing Helicopter Assault (LHA) Ships Promise New Capability for the U.S. Marines*Peter Suciu* *Amphibious Assault Ships, * The USS America operates with at least five Marine F-35B Lightning II fighters as well as MV-22Bs tilt-rotors and CH-53 helicopters as part of a typical Maine air combat element. But it can be reconfigured as needed. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *During the Cold War, the British Royal Navy was the first to transform a small carrier, the *HMS Ocean* (R68), into an assault ship. The *Colossus*-class carrier saw service during the Suez Crisis when it was used in the first-ever large-scale helicopter-borne assault. The United States ... read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
Is the Sig Sauer MCX Rattler the Best .300 Blackout Pistol?*Richard Douglas* *Guns, * I won’t say it’s a straight-up go and buy this right now, but I’m pretty sure you won’t be disappointed if you pull the trigger on this one. Sig Sauer has done it once again. The Sig Sauer MCX Rattler, chambered in 300 Blackout, is a fantastic platform with a price tag that made me cry on the inside. It’s a firearm that wins huge on style points but is held back by one issue for me. It’s certainly worth buying, but a disclaimer should be attached to it. Let me preface this by saying that I don’t go for pre-built rifles or AR pistols too much these days... read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
What Will Happen With NFL Sunday Ticket in 2022?*Stephen Silver* *NFL Sunday Ticket, * There could be a “dark horse” candidate for the package. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell gave an interview this week in which he discussed the league’s plans to sell off parts of its TV properties, including NFL Network and the NFL RedZone channel. Also included in that discussion? The fate of NFL Sunday Ticket. The out-of-market game package has been exclusive to DirecTV since it was established in 1994, but that contract reportedly expires after the 2022 season. Goodell has said that he would like a streaming partner to take over the packa... read more
War News Updates4 hours ago
Citing A Russian Threat, U.S. Issues Advisory Warning Against Travel To UkraineTravel advisory from @StateDept for #Ukraine updated to include information advising US citizens to reconsider travel due to increased threats from #Russia. https://t.co/5EGb6VNPBu — Steve Herman (@W7VOA) December 20, 2021 *US News and World Report/AP: **US Advises Against Travel to Ukraine, Citing Russia Threat* The State Department is advising American citizens not to travel to Ukraine, citing “increased threats” from Russia amid its military buildup along the country's border. WASHINGTON (AP) — The State Department advised Americans on Monday to avoid travel to Ukraine becau... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 24 hours ago
Gerald Celente, "Trends Journal," "Happy New Year!"*Full screen recommended.* *Strong language alert!* Gerald Celente, "Trends Journal", 12/21/21: *"Happy New Year!"* "The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times." - https://trendsresearch.com/ read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 24 hours ago
"The Great Supply Chain Collapse – Jim Rickards"*Full screen recommended.* *"The Great Supply Chain Collapse – Jim Rickards"* by Epic Economist "Global supply chains are facing a very chaotic crisis that only seems to get worse. While some bottlenecks ease others are just starting. With each passing day, new shortages emerge around the world due to delivery delays, shipping disruptions, and a record congestion of cargo ships at ports. The network of world trade is also being plagued by container backlogs, labor shortages, geopolitical tensions, energy shortages, travel restrictions, and lockdowns. The combination of these factor... read more
The Last Refuge4 hours ago
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Announces Omicron Prevention 10 Minute Policy, After Ten Minutes Must Show Proof of Vaccination IDComrade citizens, Chicago Mayor Beetlejuice announced today that anyone entering a gym, bar, restaurant or fitness or entertainment venue must show proof of vaccination if they are going to be located in the facility for longer than ten minutes. Apparently, after 9 minutes and 59 seconds the Omicron variant will swoop in an get you. […] The post Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Announces Omicron Prevention 10 Minute Policy, After Ten Minutes Must Show Proof of Vaccination ID appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 25 hours ago
"Exactly Which Dystopian Novel Are We Living In?"*"Exactly Which Dystopian Novel Are We Living In?"* by Tyler Durden "There’s a debate going on among the disaffected/terrified over which dystopian novel we’re now living in. As John Rubino remarks, some point to social media addiction and designer drugs to suggest "Brave New World." Others see mass surveillance and pandemic lockdowns as putting us squarely in "1984". Still others cite online censorship and cancel culture as favoring "Fahrenheit 451". Each of these opinions seems valid, which is confusing. A prisoner should know the shape of their cell. So it’s a relief to find out... read more
Collecting My Thoughts5 hours ago
Covid hospitalizations and deaths in Ohio since January 1On the local news tonight I saw that 2,652 fully vaccinated people in Ohio had been hospitalized, and 646 had died, since Jan. 1, 2021. On the other hand, among the non-vaccinated 44,406 had been hospitalized and 13,326 had died since Jan. 1, 2021. Biden was handed the vaccine, and his people had the benefit of incredible research all before taking office. His administration has struggled with bureaucracy, mixed messages, and scary bullying of the unvaccinated. They obviously were caught off guard by Omicron variant. His CDC ignores natural immunity, and other already approved drugs... read more
Real Climate Science5 hours ago
The Safe Climate Of 1898The Washington Post says the same weather we have always had proves “climate change.” read more
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