Wednesday, December 08, 2021

8 December - Blogs I'm Following - 1 of 5

 10 pm MST

The National Interest19 minutes ago
Take a Look At the Five Most Powerful Bombers Of All Time
*Robert Farley* *Bombers, * These five bombers stand above the pack. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Current air forces have, with some exceptions, effectively done away with the distinctions between fighters and bombers, instead relying on multi-role fighter-bombers for both missions. Bombers are the essence of strategic airpower. While fighters have often been important to air forces, it was the promise of the heavy bomber than won and kept independence for the United States Air Force and the Royal Air Force. At different points in time, air forces in the United States, U... read more
The National Interest19 minutes ago
China's Modernized Military Lacks One Key Ingredient: Experience
*David Axe* *People's Liberation Army, China* China's few veterans with combat experience are expected to retire in the next few years, leaving it without any firsthand experience at war. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Today the U.S. military possesses arguably more combat experience than any other armed forces, owing to the long-term American-led operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. But it's debatable whether this experience in low-intensity warfare would matter in what would probably be a high-tech war with China. The Chinese military has almost no combat experience... read more
Turcopolier1 hour ago
Russia Invading Ukraine is the New Shiny Object of the Permanent War Party
There is a remarkable amount of saber rattling in Washington, DC and the mainstream media about defending Ukraine from an “imminent” Russian invasion. This is crazy talk and is intended to divert attention from the collapsing Presidency of Joe “Dementia” … Continue reading → read more
Lost and Found: The Brits Found Their F-35 that Fell Off an Aircraft Carrier
*Caleb Larson* *F-35 Jet, Europe* With help from the United States and Italy, the Royal Navy raised a sunken warplane. A British F-35B stealth jet that plunged off the side of a Royal Navy aircraft carrier and into the sea has reportedly been found and raised to the surface. The warplane plunged into the sea off the deck of the HMS *Queen Elizabeth*, one of the British Royal Navy’s aircraft carriers, in November. A startling video surfaced after the crash. The video’s grainy images show a British F-35B jet slowly flying upward on the ski jump ramp on the HMS *Queen Elizabeth*... read more
The Forgotten Time America Almost Invaded Canada
*Robert Farley* *U.S.-Canada Relations, North America* Japan would have backed Canada. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The British Army and the Royal Navy could, possibly, have erected a credible defense of Nova Scotia, preventing the United States from completely rolling up Canada. The end of a war only rarely settles the central questions that started the conflict. Indeed, many wars do not “end” in the traditional sense; World War II, for example, stretched on for years in parts of Eastern Europe and the Asia-Pacific. Even as the guns fell silent along the Western Front i... read more
China's New Stealth Destroyer Is on the Hunt for U.S. Submarines
*Kris Osborn* *Chinese Navy, * However, it is not clear just how effective these new anti-submarine technologies would be against upgraded, high-tech, Virginia-class attack submarines equipped with new quieting technologies and stealth coating materials. China’s first quasi-stealthy new Type 055 destroyer is preparing for aggressive submarine-hunting missions near Taiwan and the South China Sea. How? By testing helicopter-dropped sonar and built-in anti-submarine technologies. Part of the exercise included cross-domain networking initiatives wherein the surface destroyer netw... read more
Why Hasn't the Incredible F-22 Won Any Wars?
*Robert Farley* *F-22 Raptor, * It might be impressive, but the F-22 is no F-35. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The F-22 has enjoyed the unusual distinction of holding an almost universally acknowledged dominance in the core air superiority mission for over a decade, and yet has not participated in a consequential way in any military conflict. The F-22 has been the world’s most formidable air superiority fighter since it first entered service in 2005. Although the Raptor has yet to kill a target in anger, aviation specialists almost unanimously agree that it can outclass a... read more
The Dougtatorship Has Gone Too Far
The Government of Ontario re-opening plan was supposed to dustbin vaccine passports in January 2022. That plan was yanked off the internet a few days before the latest Chairman Xi Scariant gave the government of Doug Ford the excuse to delay the normalization of life in Ontario indefinitely. They’re saying it out loud now: welcome… Continue reading → read more
White Supremacy, Nazism And Fascism R U.S.
Writing these words during the Thanksgiving “celebration” is sadly ironic as it illustrates the contradictions of a culture that has yet to reconcile itself with its colonial and white supremacist ideologies, past and present. Despite many criticisms, white supremacy remains not only well and strong, but is also recognized and hailed by the United States on the world stage as an acceptable and legitimate ideology. Recently, Ben Norton , journalist at the Grayzone, reported, as others have occasionally done since 2004, on the refusal of the United States to vote to approve a UN res... read more
How to Shift From 3D to 5D Consciousness.
How to Shift From 3D to 5D Consciousness – Purpose Fairy read more
Talking ‘Peace’ US Arms Saudis For Latest Attack On Yemen
Hodeidah, Yemen - Inside the ruins of a modest Yemeni home where human and animal remains were strewn together, local rescuers struggled to evacuate a pregnant mother and other potential survivors from the rubble as warplanes circled above. There, they found the body of a toddler covered in ashes beside the remains of a humble dining table. The chaotic cries of rescuers covered in blood filled the scene as they examined his remains, exposing what appeared to be an umbilical cord. Near the boy, they found his young mother covered in rubble, barely groaning in a muffled voice of pain... read more
The Power of Prayer and the Blessings of Having a Daily Spiritual Practice.
The Power of Prayer and the Blessings of Having a Daily Spiritual Practice – Purpose Fairy read more
The Truth About Almond Milk: Industry Insider’s Shocking Admission.
There’s no way to sugar coat this: industrialized, pasteurized and GMO-fed dairy products are far from ideal when it comes to health. For many of us, almond milk seems like the perfect replacement. It turns out it may not be the case, at least considering the way commercial almond milks are being made. While almond milk has gained a solid reputation as a healthy planted-based alternative, there are more than a few things you need to know about this beverage that most consumers are still not aware of because of the way the product is marketed and advertised. All of which of course ... read more
Palestine Action Acquitted In First Trial
United Kingdom - Three activists who defaced an Israeli drone engines factory in the UK were found not guilty of criminal damage on Monday. The two-day trial took place at Newcastle-under-Lyme Magistrates Court, near Stoke-on-Trent in central England. Palestine Action co-founder Huda Ammori told The Electronic Intifada that the victory showed they were on the right track. “We’re going to continue to take direct action in order to shut down and undermine Israel’s arms trade,” she said. It was reassuring to have court backing for taking action against Israeli arms makers, she added... read more
For Want Of A Dental Plan, Erie Strayer Strike Grinds On
Many people who work hard in full time jobs take a dental plan for granted. Many people who work hard in full-time jobs assume they will get more than a 25-cent-per-hour raise each year. But a group of workers at a cement plant in Erie, Pennsylvania have spent two months on strike trying to win those basic things — and their fight is far from over. About 40 workers at the Erie Strayer cement factory are members of Ironworkers Local 851. The company is family-owned, and has been unionized since the 1940s. The union contract expired on April 1. The union spent months at the negotia... read more
Wow! You Can Grow a Banana Tree at Home from a Seed (harvest bananas in just 12 months)
Would you like to grow your own bananas at home? You can actually grow one indoors, anywhere in the world as long as you provide it with the right light and enough water, believe it or not. And some varieties can produce fruit in under 12 months. It could be a unique Christmas gift that will provide fruit for the next holiday. Banana Tree is Amazing for Clean Air Not only are bananas delicious, but the plant will be useful year-round. When NASA studied houseplants for to see which have the best ability to clean the air from chemicals and pollutants, the banana tree made their list... read more
Students Rally To Support Prison Moratorium
Massachusetts - Smith College students marched through the streets of downtown Northampton backed by a chorus of honking cars as they chanted, “We don’t want a prison nation, stop mass incarceration!” on Saturday, Dec. 4. This march was in support of a moratorium on prison and jail construction within Massachusetts that was introduced in the Massachusetts state legislature. The bill was written by Families for Justice and Healing and the National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls, who, along with Massachusetts Peace Action, sponsored the walk. Smi... read more
Econlib4 hours ago
Traffic is Congested? Then Make it More Congested
When the means become the end. “It’s too easy to drive in this city,” says Los Angeles Metro CEO Phil Washington, referring to the city that is often ranked as one of the most congested in the world. Washington’s solution to declining bus ridership is to convert many of the lanes on major streets to […] The post Traffic is Congested? Then Make it More Congested appeared first on Econlib. read more
The Last Refuge2 hours ago
WHOOT, THERE IT IS – Anthony Fauci Says, “We are Prepared to Start Delivering Variant Specific Booster Vaccines”
If you have purchased your ticket to ride the Ronacoaster, Dr. Anthony Fauci now delivers the statement all ticket-holders were waiting for. Ronacoaster 2.0 is under construction. Notice how Fauci uses the word “we”, and even quantifies the term “we” by saying himself “and the pharmaceutical companies”, are prepared to start delivering variant specific vaccines […] The post WHOOT, THERE IT IS – Anthony Fauci Says, “We are Prepared to Start Delivering Variant Specific Booster Vaccines” appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Patrick Karim: Separating Peak Stupid from the Valley of Despair
Palisades Gold Radio Tom welcomes Patrick Karim back to the show for a mostly chart-less chat. To subscribe to our newsletter and get notified of new shows, please visit – Patrick and Tom discuss the manipulation of metals and the Dunning-Kruger effect. It’s important to keep an open mind even when your stock moves … read more
Army Helicopter Carrying Defence Officials Crashes In Tamil Nadu’s Coonoor, CDS Bipin Rawat On Board
India Today An Indian Army helicopter carrying senior defence officials reportedly crashed at Coonoor in Tamil Nadu’s Nilgiris district. An IAF Mi-17V5 helicopter, with CDS Gen Bipin Rawat on board, met with an accident today near Coonoor, Tamil Nadu. An Inquiry has been ordered to ascertain the cause of the accident,” tweeted the Indian Air … read more
US Attempts to Undermine S-400 Deal to Make India Obey The Americans – Lavrov — India’s Top General Dies In Tamil Nadu Plane Crash
RT Russian FM Lavrov commented on the S-400 deal during his visit to New Delhi. He noted that this cooperation is both symbolic and practical for India’s defence capability. He continued saying that US attempts to undermine the S-400 deal to make India obey the Americans, ‘to purchase their armaments, and to follow the American … read more
Biden Administration Says No Sanctions’ Concession to India Over S-400 Deal With Russia
See also: – Helicopter Crashes With India’s Defence Chief on Board: Air Force read more
Helicopter Crashes With India’s Defence Chief on Board: Air Force
Al Jazeera English A helicopter carrying India’s chief of defence Staff General Bipin Rawat has crashed in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, killing him and at least twelve other officials, according to the Indian Air Force (IAF). General Rawat was on his way from the Sulur IAF Station to the Defence Services Staff College … read more
Russia, India Abandon US Dollar in Mutual Trade Settlements
Russia, India Abandon US Dollar in Mutual Trade Settlements by Al Mayadeen, Source: Agencies, Russia and India have agreed to ditch the dollar as a means of mutual settlements, as Washington continues to impose sanctions on Moscow. – Alexander Mikheev, Director General of Russia’s state arms exporter, Rosoboronexport, announced, on Tuesday, that Russia and India … read more
‘Feudal’ Wealth Inequality Created By Central Banks Is Ruining The World | Sven Henrich
Wealthion MISSED the other videos in our interview series with Sven? WATCH PART 1 here at & WATCH PART 2 here at – Through their distortion of market prices which disproportionately benefits the rich, and their creation of inflation which disproportionally hurts the middle & poorer classes, central banks the world have created … read more
Tales of optimism - and concern - for planet Earth
*First to all of you who participate in Contrary Brin's lively and very smart comment of the oldest and best on the web... see a housekeeping comment below.* Ever since I wrote Earth, way back in 1989, I’ve long held we should emulate some of nature’s own processes and help her to ameliorate the harm we’ve done with our ignorance and adolescent greed -- including now the notion of a worldwide campaign to ‘plant a Trillion Trees.' Does it count for my predictive tally that a Trillion Trees Campaign was later proposed in 2011? Or that the World Economic Forum in Dav... read more
AK-203 Assault Rifles to be Produced in India
*Peter Suciu* *India, Asia* India has been aggressively emphasizing its “Made in India” program. Under this deal, it will receive what is considered one of the best modern assault rifles in production and build it domestically. Earlier this year the Indian Army signed a deal with the U.S.-based Sig Sauer to receive 72,400 Sig 716 G2 Patrol assault/battlefield rifles, which are intended to equip its 400+ infantry battalions. The deal, which was signed in March, was modified from an original plan to arm only the frontline troops with the latest weapon. In 2019, the Indian Army ha... read more
Liar, liar, pants on fire....
Okay. What happened today in Ottawa is something I thought was going to happen. And it's disgrace for all Canadians. Americans have been told that China is evil because a Chinese government official sexually assaulted a young woman (who was - and is - an olympic tennis player for China.) I wrote about this yesterday. The U.S. government condemned this as a sign of China's evil. In fact,this sort of thing happens all the time in large numbers in the U.S. But the American press published this story as being a demonstration of the evil of Chinese. But that's not how the American press ... read more
GREENIE WATCH3 hours ago
* Biden signs executive order to make federal government carbon neutral by 2050: Will spend billions on fleet of electric vehicles and upgrade buildings* President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed an executive order putting the United States government on a path toward being carbon neutral by 2050. The order would leverage the government's buying power to spend billions of dollars cutting carbon emissions by 65 percent by 2030, among other reforms to make the federal vehicle fleet and government-owned properties more energy efficient. 'As the single largest land owner, energy consume... read more
COVID-19 is biggest threat to child progress in UNICEF’s 75-year history
The COVID-19 pandemic is rolling back progress on key childhood challenges such as poverty, health and access to education, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said in a new report on Thursday, representing the biggest global crisis for children since the agency was founded 75 years ago. Read the full story, “COVID-19 is biggest threat to child progress in UNICEF’s 75-year history”, on → read more
Seven UN peacekeepers killed in latest Mali attack
On Wednesday morning, seven UN peacekeepers from Togo died and three others were seriously injured when their vehicle hit an improvised explosive device in the Bandiagara region in central Mali. Read the full story, “Seven UN peacekeepers killed in latest Mali attack”, on → read more
UN hails ‘strong political support’ to boost peacekeepers in the field
A meeting to boost support for UN Peacekeeping ended on Wednesday with 62 countries making new pledges, and advancing existing commitments, to help enhance the performance and impact of these operations worldwide. Read the full story, “UN hails ‘strong political support’ to boost peacekeepers in the field”, on → read more
Africa Free Trade Area, likely spur for growth and development
With productivity-boosting measures, the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement could reduce poverty and inequality while spurring sustainable and inclusive growth, according to a report launched on Wednesday by the UN trade and development body, UNCTAD. Read the full story, “Africa Free Trade Area, likely spur for growth and development”, on → read more
Unilateral sanctions particularly harmful to women, children, other vulnerable groups
Women, children and other vulnerable groups are more likely to have their human rights impacted by unilateral sanctions, an independent UN human rights expert alerted on Wednesday. Read the full story, “Unilateral sanctions particularly harmful to women, children, other vulnerable groups”, on → read more
WHO: Omicron could have ‘major impact’, but no definitive answers yet
Features of the new COVID-19 variant Omicron, including the extent to which it will spread, and the sheer number of mutations, suggest that it could have a major impact on the course of the pandemic, but it’s still too early to say for sure. Read the full story, “WHO: Omicron could have ‘major impact’, but no definitive answers yet”, on → read more
UN Emergency Response Fund provides ‘spark of hope’ for shared humanity
Fast and flexible, the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) was set up to promote swift, coordinated action in humanitarian crises, the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator told a High-level Pledging Event on Wednesday, adding: “It has more than fulfilled its mission”. Read the full story, “UN Emergency Response Fund provides ‘spark of hope’ for shared humanity”, on → read more
Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein lounge in Queen’s log cabin at Balmoral in stunning picture revealed in US sex trial
Daily Mail A picture of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein relaxing in the Queen‘s log cabin at Balmoral has been shown at her sex trafficking trial. Wearing a blue checked... The post Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein lounge in Queen’s log cabin at Balmoral in stunning picture revealed in US sex trial appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Canadian Province Trying To STARVE Unvaxxed… Allows Grocery Stores To Ban Them From Buying Food
EnVolve Grocery stores in the Canadian province of New Brunswick province have been given the power to ban shoppers who haven’t been ‘vaccinated’ against Covid-19.... The post Canadian Province Trying To STARVE Unvaxxed… Allows Grocery Stores To Ban Them From Buying Food appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Montana’s GOP governor pushing for more residents to get vaccinated; has invested nearly $800k in vaccine maker Pfizer
Vaccine News – by JD Heyes If we ever want to have some semblance of honor and integrity restored to our governing institutions, the first... The post Montana’s GOP governor pushing for more residents to get vaccinated; has invested nearly $800k in vaccine maker Pfizer appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
EU wants to abolish Nuremberg Code, reconstitute medical fascism with forced covid “vaccination”
Fascism News – by Ethan Huff It is about to be a very dark winter for Europe (and probably the rest of the world, too) now that... The post EU wants to abolish Nuremberg Code, reconstitute medical fascism with forced covid “vaccination” appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Hillary Clinton Talks About Her ‘Would Have Been’ 2016 Victory Speech With Willie Geist
The post Hillary Clinton Talks About Her ‘Would Have Been’ 2016 Victory Speech With Willie Geist appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Uber Driver Dismisses No Guns Policy, Wins Fight Against Three Attackers
Concealed Nation – by Brandon Curtis An Uber driver is happy to have gone against the company’s ‘no guns’ policy, because he might not be... The post Uber Driver Dismisses No Guns Policy, Wins Fight Against Three Attackers appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Dr. Russell Blaylock Talks About The Deadly Spike Protein In An Interview With Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Ezekiel Diet Ezekiel Diet Note: My recommendation to everyone who has taken these clot shots is buy all the insurance you can, now. I even... The post Dr. Russell Blaylock Talks About The Deadly Spike Protein In An Interview With Dr. Sherri Tenpenny appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Snopes.com3 hours ago
No, Gwen Shamblin Lara Did Not Fake Her Death
The weight loss church leader was the subject of the HBO Max documentary series, "The Way Down: God, Greed and the Cult of Gwen Shamblin." read more
Dana Milbank recently argued that negative coverage of President Biden this year -- worse coverage, according to one analysis, than the coverage of President Trump in 2020 -- is giving Trump an opening to make a comeback and undermine democracy. Ross Douthat doesn't agree with the approach to journaliam Milbank is suggesting and doesn't believe that even the recent negative coverage of Biden is comparable to the coverage of Trump: ... my sense is that Trump’s negative coverage reflected more stalwart opposition (*the president we oppose is being terrible again*) while in Biden’s ca... read more
Pension Pulse3 hours ago
Will CalPERS's Turn to Private Equity Work?
Alicia McElhaney of Institutional Investor reports that CalPERS is turning to private equity and leverage to boost returns and reduce risk but will it work?: With interest rates low enough to sometimes render bond investing all but futile, and questions as to whether the public equity markets can keep increasing at the same torrid pace seen in recent years, allocators are plagued with worry about meeting their investment targets. At its mid-November meetings, the California Public Employees’ Retirement System revealed its plan to manage these changing market dynamics. The fund ... read more
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny joins Mike Adams with latest update on covid vaccines and the fate of humanity
The post Dr. Sherri Tenpenny joins Mike Adams with latest update on covid vaccines and the fate of humanity appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
* Don’t count on university alumni to protect free speechSome donors are applying pressure — but others are fighting back* Can alumni save the American university from the illiberal progressive onslaught? A piece in the Wall Street Journal reports that the country’s alumni are increasingly organising to ‘defund’ their alma maters until they get their free speech houses in order. At Washington and Lee University, an alumni group sent over 10,000 emails to alumni calling on them to suspend donations until the university stopped disassociating itself from its namesakes George Washin... read more
The Soviet T-34 Tank Ran Hitler Over in World War II
*Paul Richard Huard* *T-34, Eurasia* "The T-34, for all its faults, is now often referred to by tank experts and historians as possibly the best tank of the war." *Here's What You Need to Know*: The T-34 in the hands of determined Soviet tankers routed the Germans at Kursk, the greatest tank battle of all time. On June 22, 1941, Nazi German launched Operation Barbarossa, a massive attack on the Soviet Union that was the largest invasion in history. More than three million German soldiers, 150 divisions and 3,000 tanks comprised three mammoth army groups that created a front more ... read more
China’s Plan: a PLAN Base in the Atlantic
*Peter Suciu* *China, Asia* China currently maintains a single overseas naval base in the nation of Djibouti, located on the “Horn of Africa” at the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, which separates the Gulf of Aden from the Red Sea. The United States is home to more than forty naval bases spread along the eastern and western coasts, while there are also overseas bases in the U.S. territories of Guam and Puerto Rico, as well as twenty-some bases around the world. These bases are critical to the global reach of the U.S. Navy but are also a crucial part of the national defense. Now, China is... read more
Canada joins US, UK & Australia in diplomatic boycott of Beijing Olympics
The National Post is reporting that "Canada will not be sending diplomats to the Beijing Olympics in early February, effectively joining a diplomatic boycott with the United States, United Kingdom and Australia denouncing China’s alleged human rights violations." Human rights matter. read more
Waking Times3 hours ago
Miscarriages and Other Tragic Side Effects of the mRNA Shots
*Dr. Mercola* - With each passing day, the list of people suffering tragic consequences from the novel gene therapies marketed as COVID “vaccines” gets longer. read more
War News Updates4 hours ago
Olaf Scholz Replaces Angela Merkel As Germany's New Chancellor
*Daily Mail: **Mutti's Maggie moment: Angela Merkel looks teary-eyed as she waves goodbye following end of her 16-year reign – just like Margaret Thatcher in 1990* * Angela Merkel's 16-year tenure as German Chancellor ended today with the election of successor Olaf Scholz * Parliament voted 395-303 to elect Scholz, SPD leader who led the party to victory in September's election * Scholz then took the oath of office before a handover ceremony with Mrs Merkel at the chancellery in Berlin * Mrs Merkel thanked Scholz and her staff, before getting into a waiting Audi and wavin... read more
Waking Times4 hours ago
You’d Better Watch Out: The Surveillance State Has a Naughty List, and You’re On It
*John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead* - This Christmas, it’s the Surveillance State that’s coming to town, and you’re already on its naughty list. read more
Sikh motorcycle club help flood victims in Fraser Valley
Global reported that the Sikh motorcycle club stepped up to help flood victims in the Fraser Valley. Those guys are awesome. They ride motorcycles and they don't sell drugs. Imagine that. read more
Waking Times4 hours ago
Explosion In New Heart Conditions Dismissed As “Post Pandemic Stress Disorder”
*Paul Jospeh Watson* - Experts in the UK say that an explosion in new heart illnesses in younger patients can be explained by a new condition called “post-pandemic stress disorder.” read more
Snopes.com4 hours ago
Meadows Sues As Jan. 6 Panel Proceeds with Contempt Case
Former Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows on Wednesday sued the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection as the chairman of the panel pledged to move forward with contempt charges. read more
The Duran4 hours ago
The Chief Outcome From the Two-Hour Biden-Putin Summit:
Eric Zuesse The two-hour December 7th Biden-Putin conversation (via video-conference) focused mainly on the conflict between Ukraine and its breakaway former Donbass region, which is in Ukraine’s far east and borders on Russia. In order to understand the conversation, some basic history that produced the current situation there needs to be stated, because this is […] read more
Medical Kidnap4 hours ago
Two Babies In Brazil Hospitalized After Getting Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine
A nurse in Sao Paolo has mistakenly vaccinated a two-month-old girl and a four-month-old boy with the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine instead of the combined diphtheria, pertussis and hepatitis vaccines. After that, the babies had a fever, vomiting and pain and were both hospitalized. The nurse who performed the vaccination has been fired and an investigation is underway. The post Two Babies In Brazil Hospitalized After Getting Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine first appeared on Medical Kidnap. read more
Snopes.com4 hours ago
Fox News Christmas Tree Burned
Police suspect a homeless person set the tree alight. read more
Komando.com5 hours ago
That random cryptocurrency you received? Here’s how to tell if it’s a scam
Watch out for this viral crypto scam. It could drain your entire digital wallet. read more
Medical Kidnap5 hours ago
American Heart Association Journal: 97.8% Adolescents and Young Adults with Myocarditis had an mRNA COVID-19 Shot
The American Heart Association's journal Circulation has published another abstract of a study with very alarming data on the effects of the COVID-19 experimental shots on heart disease in young people. This follows their study published a few weeks ago by cardiologist Steven R Gundry. The new study just published is titled: "Clinically Suspected Myocarditis Temporally Related to COVID-19 Vaccination in Adolescents and Young Adults" It looked at cases of reported myocarditis in young people with an average age of 15.8 years old, and found that cases of myocarditis occurred in 13... read more
Medical Kidnap5 hours ago
New Documentary on The PCR Test Deception is Banned on YouTube – Share this Film with Skeptics
Film producer Rai Gbrym reached out to me last week about a new documentary he had just produced that exposes the fraud of the PCR test. He had just posted it on YouTube and it already had thousands of views. I immediately downloaded the video so that I could view it when I had some time. When I went to watch it, it was already banned on YouTube, and no longer available. After viewing it now, I can see why Big Tech doesn't want you to watch this, and why Google banned it on YouTube. If one can prove that the PCR Test used to detect COVID-19 is a fraud, then the entire "pandemic" ... read more
balance103 hours ago
the Winnepeg Pathogen-4 breach of 2019 recounted by Polly St. George
Polly St. George at maybe 33:10 of this link: “…what’s being described by the Public Health Agency of Canada as a possible policy breach(—policy breach!) at Winnepeg’s level 4 lab where two scientists and their students from China had their security accesses revoked in July (2019).” Okay, so it’s a policy breach again, it’s a policy breach again. You can just steal viruses and genes and you can just ship ‘em around and have people from the People’s Liberation Army—a policy breach again. It’s not criminal, it’s not terror- rel... read more
Gerald Celente & The Judge: "We've Lost Our Freedom; New Omicron Mandates"
Gerald Celente & The Judge: * "We've Lost Our Freedom; New Omicron Mandates"* "The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times." - read more
Why the U.S. Air Force Changed Its Bomber Deployments to Guam
*David Axe* *Strategic Bombers, Guam* The abrupt end to the Continuous Bomber Rotation effort in Guam could signal a further decline in the Air Force’s ability to project long-range firepower. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Bombers aren’t necessarily going to deploy less often or in fewer numbers, the Air Force implied. Rather, they’re simply going to deploy less predictably under a new scheme the service calls “dynamic force employment.” In mid-April 2020 the Air Force abruptly ended its 16-year-old rotation of B-1, B-2, and B-52 bombers at Andersen Air Force Base in Guam.... read more
"The Biggest Fall in 60 Years"
*"The Biggest Fall in 60 Years"* by Brian Maher "The Daily Reckoning, June 27, 2019: “Given the finite ability to service debt outstanding… future economic growth, if we are to have it, will need to be based largely on gains in productivity.” CNBC, Dec. 7, 2021: “Labor productivity fell at the fastest rate in more than 60 years in the third quarter, according to a Labor Department report Tuesday.” It is true, supply chain disorders have played the devil with economic functioning. Equally true, the virus has been working its mischief. Yet economists had promised us galloping 2021 e... read more
War News Updates5 hours ago
This Is How The US Military Would Mobilize If Russia Invades Ukraine
Paratroopers with the 82nd Airborne Division execute a jump during exercise Defender-Europe 21 at Boboc Air Base, Romania, on May 10, 2021. (Jabari Clyburn/U.S. Army) *Stars and Stripes/* *How the US Military Could Mobilize If Russia Invades Ukraine* U.S. paratroopers landing in the Baltics, Army cavalry and artillerymen convoying in from Germany and an armored brigade massing its forces. Those are some of the moves U.S. European Command could make to shore up NATO's eastern flank if Russia invades Ukraine, analysts say. There also will be pressure on NATO to ac... read more
Why *That Party* Matters
Boris Johnson's premiership has lurched from crisis to crisis, and yet he's muddled through every single one. But the fall out from PartyGate grows more radioactive by the day. On Monday it was just a wee drink involving Downing Street staff, now there are claims of *four* shindigs in the environs of Downing Street - a flat party presumably hosted by Carrie Johnson, a leaving do, the aforementioned occasion for "cheese and wine", as the recently defenestrated Allegra Stratton put it, and an in-person Christmas quiz. In a move sure to damage the government *and* the standing of the ... read more
The Last Refuge5 hours ago
Recent Leftist Panic Takes Context – Democrat Pollster Finds Inflation and Checkbook Worries Twice as Concerning for Voters Than COVID
Considering the recent Democrat freakout over the ‘economic narrative‘, which included a request for corporate media to circle the wagons, their desperation is starting to make sense. Patrick Murray is a notoriously partisan pollster from Monmouth University {use searchbar}. Leftist favorite Murray puts the spin in spin-master when it comes to media polling and narrative […] The post Recent Leftist Panic Takes Context – Democrat Pollster Finds Inflation and Checkbook Worries Twice as Concerning for Voters Than COVID appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Pottersville Digest
(Sure, it's fake but Trump's only use is for comic relief, right?) ------------------------------ "They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." ------------------------------ I'm sure he just slipped and fell on it. Naked. Bum first. ------------------------------ Shorter Trump: "Yes, I committed obstruction of justice. Come and get me." ------------------------------ Ryan Zinke wants to be Montana's only congre... read more
Halifax Examiner5 hours ago
Environmental, community groups demand province stop clearcutting on Crown land until recommendations in Lahey report are implemented
Representatives from eight environmental and community groups have a clear message for the province: Stop all cutting on Crown land until the recommendations in the Lahey Report are fully implemented. That demand was issued at a news conference in a downtown Halifax hotel Wednesday afternoon. It came in anticipation of the province’s response to the […] read more
Two Babies In Brazil Hospitalized After Getting Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine
A nurse in Sao Paolo has mistakenly vaccinated a two-month-old girl and a four-month-old boy with the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine instead of the combined diphtheria, pertussis and hepatitis vaccines. After that, the babies had a fever, vomiting and pain and were both hospitalized. The nurse who performed the vaccination has been fired and an investigation is underway. The post Two Babies In Brazil Hospitalized After Getting Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine first appeared on Health Impact News. read more
Vienna Nuclear Negotiations Flounder Amid New Sanctions on Iran
*Trevor Filseth* *Iran, Middle East* The Iranian government has criticized the most recent sanctions and warned that they would not help the United States achieve its goals in the Vienna talks. As nuclear negotiations between the United States, the other P5+1 nations, and Iran enter their second week in Vienna, Austria, the Biden administration has imposed a new round of sanctions on Iranian officials, leading Tehran to warn Washington that further sanctions could not be considered a source of leverage in the talks. In the most recent round of economic sanctions, the Treasury ... read more
Can China's Type 055 Destroyers Outgun Their American Counterparts?
*Kris Osborn* *Chinese Navy, Asia* The new Chinese ships are armed with rocket-propelled torpedoes, operate sub-hunting helicopters and advanced sonar systems. China has now already built eight new Type 055 stealthy destroyers, a class of next-generation destroyers likely intended to rival the U.S. Navy’s emerging *Arleigh Burke*-class DDG 51 Flight III destroyers or even *Zumwalt*-class warships. Three of these new Type 055 destroyers are already operational. While the weapons, technologies, and stealth characteristics of these ships are likely to be of interest to Pentagon ... read more
The Rio Times5 hours ago
New measures to enter Colombia, this is all you need to know if you decide to travel
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Colombian Ministry of Health explained on Tuesday how the new measures that will be in force as from December 14 for entering the country will work, which include the requirement of a vaccination card and a negative PCR test. There will be two groups: the first are Colombians, foreigners […] The post New measures to enter Colombia, this is all you need to know if you decide to travel appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times5 hours ago
Ecuador’s National Assembly rejected the motion to impeach Guillermo Lasso for the Pandora Papers
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The plenary of the National Assembly of Ecuador decided to deny on Tuesday a motion calling for the dismissal of President Guillermo Lasso for his links to the Pandora Papers scandal. It limited itself to urge him to appear in the Chamber to answer the case. The motion, which accused […] The post Ecuador’s National Assembly rejected the motion to impeach Guillermo Lasso for the Pandora Papers appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
American Heart Association Journal: 97.8% Adolescents and Young Adults with Myocarditis had an mRNA COVID-19 Shot
The American Heart Association's journal Circulation has published another abstract of a study with very alarming data on the effects of the COVID-19 experimental shots on heart disease in young people. This follows their study published a few weeks ago by cardiologist Steven R Gundry. The new study just published is titled: "Clinically Suspected Myocarditis Temporally Related to COVID-19 Vaccination in Adolescents and Young Adults" It looked at cases of reported myocarditis in young people with an average age of 15.8 years old, and found that cases of myocarditis occurred in 13... read more

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