Sunday, December 05, 2021

5 December - Blogs I'm Following - 3 of 5

 10 pm MST

The Last Refuge11 hours ago
Bob Dole 1923 – 2021
Bob Dole, a decorated World War II veteran who overcame near fatal wounds to become a respected U.S. Senator from Kansas, died on Sunday. He was 98. “It is with heavy hearts we announce that Senator Robert Joseph Dole died early this morning in his sleep. At his death, at age 98, he had served […] The post Bob Dole 1923 – 2021 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Snopes.com11 hours ago
Senate Leader, Presidential Candidate Bob Dole Dies at 98
Bob Dole, who overcame disabling war wounds to become a sharp-tongued Senate leader from Kansas, a Republican presidential candidate and then a symbol and celebrant of his dwindling generation of World War II veterans, has died. read more
The U.S. Military Is Preparing To Fly Drones Even If the GPS Goes Dark
*Kris Osborn* *Drones, * It's an important move given recent advancements in anti-drone technology. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Relying upon new applications of autonomy, DARC-infused drones can sustain mission consistency in the absence of GPS or real-time command and control. Imagine several dispersed, yet interconnected medium altitude surveillance drones discover a massive, fast approaching enemy armored force on the other side of a mountain range, advancing quickly to attack. What if before the drones could send real-time video to command and control centers, commun... read more
Why the U.S. Army Believes Artillery Still Rules the Battlefield
*Dan Goure* *Artillery, United States* When it comes to indirect-fire systems, the U.S. military is outnumbered and outranged by its great-power competitors, most notably Russia. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Winning the next firefight in a high-intensity conflict will require indirect-fire systems with additional range, greater precision, and enhanced maneuverability. Artillery is reclaiming its place as the King of Battle. Recent conflicts in Ukraine and the Caucasus have demonstrated that long-range precision-fire systems, both artillery and rockets, are especially deadly ... read more
50 Years Ago, a Single Submarine Changed the Course of the 1971 Indo-Pakistan War
*Adam Leong Kok Wey* *Submarines, South Asia* This lone submarine action fifty years ago bears testimony that even a single submarine, if used shrewdly, may still be able to produce significant strategic effects well above its tonnage. During World War II, submarines were widely used and caused devastating damage among the belligerents. However, it would take twenty-six years after World War II ended before another submarine made a kill (and since then only two boats had sunk enemy ships; the other being nuclear-powered HMS *Conqueror* which sank ARA *General Belgrano* during the... read more
Covert Geopolitics11 hours ago
‘The country that bombed you is your friend. The one that built your new railway is your enemy’
This is the Western media’s bizarre messaging to the people of Laos, a nation that was carpet bombed by America, and which is now being vilified for accepting a new $9 billion railway line paid for by China. Thursday was National Day in Laos, a celebration marking 46 years since the landlocked Southeast Asian nation … Continue reading ‘The country that bombed you is your friend. The one that built your new railway is your enemy’ → read more
Gregory Mannarino, "Markets, A Look Ahead: Keep Your Eyes On The FED Balance Sheet"
Gregory Mannarino, AM 12/5/21: *"Markets, A Look Ahead: * *Keep Your Eyes On The FED Balance Sheet"* - read more
Small Dead Animals11 hours ago
Hawaii travel policies: Not based on science, not based on data
I just spoke with a friend in the SF Bay Area. She told me that she’s going to Hawaii in a week. She added that because she’s vaccinated, she doesn’t need to get a Covid test or to quarantine. I found this hard to believe but confirmed it here and here. How does this make… Continue reading → read more
At least 13 killed, 57 injured after massive eruption at Semeru volcano, Indonesia
At least 13 people have been killed and 57 others injured after powerful eruption of Semeru volcano in the Indonesian province of East Java on Saturday, December 4, 2021. Unfortunately, the death toll is expected to rise. Saturday's eruption produced deadly...... Read more » read more
Sunday Morning Links
This and that for your Sunday reading. - Bruce Arthur examines what the spread of the Omicron COVID variant figures to mean for Ontario. Rachel Emmanuel reports on the National Advisory Committee on Immunization's recommendation that all Canadian adults receive COVID booster shots. Alex Putterman examines how the need is exacerbated by the Omicron variant, while Josh Marshall points out that the gap in effect between vaccination and prior infection is only growing. And Anita Sreedhar and Anand Gopal write about the breakdown in social awareness which is resulting in large groups i... read more
Snopes.com12 hours ago
Archaeologists Discover ‘Lost’ Sun Temple in Egypt
The temple was buried under another one uncovered in the 19th century. read more
Small Dead Animals12 hours ago
Drinking The Bleach
If you are a Democrat, you probably never heard the full debunk of the #DrinkingBleachHoax. Look into it and you will find it is like a Rosetta Stone that lets you see the other hoaxes, such as the #FinePeopleHoax the #RussianCollusionHoax and more. read more
The Duran12 hours ago
New Twitter CEO calls for ban on memes, photos and videos
New Twitter CEO calls for ban on memes, photos and videos ***News Topic 651*** New Twitter CEO’s First Decision: Ban Mean Memes New Twitter CEO’s First Decision: Ban Mean Memes One day after brand new Twitter CEO Parag ‘ Not Bound by the First Amendment” Agrawal took the helm, the company announced that it will […] read more
The Duran13 hours ago
Let’s make a deal. Putin gives NATO way out of Ukraine mess
Let’s make a deal. Putin gives NATO way out of Ukraine mess The Duran: Episode 1158 Putin calls on NATO to do a deal Putin calls on NATO to do a deal Russian President Vladimir Putin has said he will request talks with NATO to ensure that the US-led military bloc does not creep closer […] read more
The Duran13 hours ago
Iran and Taliban forces clash, as Afghanistan slides into disarray
Iran and Taliban forces clash, as Afghanistan slides into disarray The Duran: Episode 1157 Iran and Taliban forces clash in border area Iran and Taliban forces clash in border area Iranian media say Taliban forces opened fire on Iranian farmers, thinking they violated the border. read more
War News Updates12 hours ago
Lavrov, Blinken Reportedly Had 'Testy Exchange Over Ukraine'
© REUTERS / POOL *Sputnik:* *Lavrov, Blinken Reportedly Had 'Testy Exchange Over Ukraine' at OSCE Gathering* Over the past few weeks, Washington has repeatedly voiced concern about Moscow allegedly laying the groundwork for a potential invasion of Ukraine with a buildup of Russian forces on the nation's border with its immediate neighbour. The Kremlin has repeatedly rejected the allegations. There was "a testy exchange over Ukraine" between US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at an Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europ... read more
Is the BBC biased?12 hours ago
Mr Marr's Antepenultimate Sunday Morning Sermon
There aren't many shopping days left till Andrew Marr Day, so I hope you're ready for 19th December, the date of Andrew Marr's final Sunday show on BBC One. Order your supply of tissues now! And if you just can't bear the thought of no more Andrew Marr on a Sunday morning, here's today's sermon to savour and return to and linger over as the nights draw in and we are all left feeling bereft when we wake up on a Sunday morning only to find that Mr Marr has mounted his reindeers and sleigh and flown off to the Left Pole at the *New Statesman - *and LBC and Classic FM. Now I know t... read more
Balkinization12 hours ago
Dobbs--and Griswold, Lawrence and Obergefell
At the oral argument in *Dobbs*, Mississippi's SG was asked whether overturning *Roe* and *Casey* would similarly call into question and invite new challenges to the Court's decisions in *Griswold, Lawrence*, and *Obergefell*. The state SG's response was, in essence, that those three cases are different in that they draw clear and workable lines in a way that *Roe* and *Casey* do not. That's not a very good answer. (Indeed, many of the state SG's answers throughout the argument didn't strike me as very strong. Part of the problem was that the justices didn't give him a chance even... read more
Is the BBC biased?12 hours ago
Introducing the BBC's Harry Farley - an update
Harry Farley, 'senior journalist at BBC News' and the BBC chap in the eye of the storm over the BBC's Oxford Street antisemitism coverage, has 'protected his tweets'. Whether that's because of 'feedback' over his reporting or because we reviewed his tweets a few days ago - such as the one where he heard a Nigel Farage programme on LBC and found it ''absolutely extraordinary. No pretence. He’s given hours of airtime to openly whip up hatred'' [I bet he's not a GB News fan] - and found them somewhat wanting on the impartiality front I simply cannot say. Probably the former, but you... read more
These days, there's a consistent message in the opinion section of *The New York Times*: that the typical *Times* reader is a terrible person. The headlines don't always give the bias away. Here's a piece by Liza Featherstone headlined "Josh Hawley and the Republican Obsession With Manliness." Even though Featherstone says she's a liberal, her argument is that Hawley really might be on to something: ... Mr. Hawley ... is tapping into something real — a widespread, politically potent anxiety about young men that is already helping the right. ... He is right about some things. Dei... read more
Snopes.com13 hours ago
Are Goat and Sheep Feces Drinks Being Sold in China?
The idiom "pooh-pooh" is used to dismiss arguments, opinions, or rumors that are not worthy of consideration. read more
Lasers May Be the Perfect Way For the U.S. Navy To Destroy Mines
*Kris Osborn* *Naval Mines, * Welcome to the 21st century. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The system consists of a Load Handling System (LHS) and destructor, or warhead. The Navy is looking at ways to improve its now operational airborne laser system designed to track enemy mines from low-flying helicopters and expand the surface area from which mine detection takes place -- and no longer rely purely upon more narrowly configured mechanized or towed mine detection systems. The system, called Airborne Laser Mine Detection System (ALMDS) enables shallow-water warships such ... read more
From Jenna Orkin Russia planning massive military offensive against Ukraine involving 175,000 troops, U.S. intelligence warnsMore states consider laws to punish parents if children fire unsecured guns China Set to Create New State-Owned Rare-Earths Giant California water districts to get 0% of requested supplies in unprecedented decision - Stash of money found in bathroom wall at Joel Osteen’s megachurch A Trump-loving former KKK leader who was jailed for beating a Black man is running for office as a Republican in Georgia, report saysA corporate Christmas party turned i... read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Covid-19: The ivermectin story
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – What is newsworthy about ivermectin? A simple Google search of most drugs describes the uses and side effects of the searched medication. However, a similar search for ivermectin provides headlines for why it should not be taken for Covid-19 and how dangerous it is. The Guardian describes ivermectin as a horse […] The post Covid-19: The ivermectin story appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
SWAT Team Blows Up Innocent Woman’s Home, Tell Her that She Has to Pay the $50,000 Bill
[image: home]A SWAT team destroyed an innocent woman's home while she was out of town and then told her that she was liable for the damages. read more
Bunker-Buster: The Air Force’s B61 Mod 12 Missile Is Literally Earth Shattering
*Kris Osborn* *B61 Nuclear Weapons, * Bunker-buster or earth-penetrating nuclear weapons can both reach otherwise inaccessible targets and increase precision by virtue of limiting the blast radius within a more confined area underground. This is no exception. Low-yield nuclear attack, earth-penetrating strikes, above surface detonation, and bunker-buster explosions are all now woven into a single nuclear bomb for the U.S. Air Force. Meet the new B61-12 weapon. The B61-12 is a modified nuclear weapon that builds upon and integrates more than fifty years of technology and developm... read more
Why Japan Could Be America's Most Important Ally
*Dan Goure* *U.S.-Japan Alliance, Japan* In essence, Japan needs to be able to deflect and degrade any initial Chinese or North Korean attack, providing time for the U.S. and other allies to respond militarily. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *It is impossible to overestimate the importance of Japan as a U.S. ally. Japan plays a unique role in the security of the Indo-Pacific region due to its location, economic power and close ties to the United States. The balance of powers in the Western Pacific is changing rapidly. China is seeking to build a “great power” military that c... read more
Biden Infrastructure Bill Includes Passive Monitoring Vehicle “Kill Switch” Mandates For Automakers
Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden As if the Biden administration wasn’t doing enough to infringe on your civil liberties with lockdowns and vaccine mandates,... The post Biden Infrastructure Bill Includes Passive Monitoring Vehicle “Kill Switch” Mandates For Automakers appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
21st Century Wire14 hours ago
*H-Rez & Jimmy Levy* | More artists are coming awake to the authoritarianism threatening basic freedoms. read more
Warm Weather Prompts Typical Fraud From Journalists
Alaska is likely having their coldest coldest autumn on record and Hawaii is having blizzard warnings. Record-shattering cold has gripped Alaska and refuses to let go Arctic sea ice volume is above the 2004-2013 avaerage. FullSize_CICE_combine_thick_SM_EN_20211204.png (1337×1113) Early Arctic sea … Continue reading → read more
Turcopolier14 hours ago
Russia is planning an offensive in the Donbas? I doubt it.
“The new intelligence finding estimates that the Russians are planning to deploy an estimated 175,000 troops and almost half of them are already deployed along various points near Ukraine’s border, according to a Biden administration official who spoke on the … Continue reading → read more
Small Dead Animals15 hours ago
Genderbread Person
I’m sure Dear Leader Justin The Magnificent, will be bringing these programs from across the pond for his Turtle Island civil servants. That is if he can get them back to work. read more
Small Dead Animals15 hours ago
Social Disease
h/t Colonialista – “Oh, they’re gonna hate their new rules” Twitter acknowledged on Friday that a new policy it unveiled this week to protect users from harassment is being abused by malicious actors — days after journalists, left-wing activists and self-described “sedition hunters” reported their accounts had been locked for sharing publicly available images of… Continue reading → read more
Hypersonic Weapons Take Center Stage Against Russia and China
*Dan Goure* *Hypersonic Weapons, United States* Hypersonic weapons fly at least five times the speed of sound but retain the capability to maneuver in the atmosphere. *Here's what you need to remember: *Between the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), there are no fewer than six major conventional hypersonic weapons programs in research and development. Winning the race to deploy hypersonic weapons will be one of the most important achievements in U.S. national security of the 21st Century. This is why the former Undersecretary of Def... read more
Here's What the U.S. Military's China Task Force Should Focus On
*Kris Osborn* *China Task Force, Asia* Given this, for many years now, China has been engaging in what the Pentagon calls “land reclamation,” a term that could be described as phony island-building. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *While the conflicts about the South China Sea have been underway for decades, there has in recent years been a massive uptick in both Chinese and U.S. operations in the region, to include training exercises, war preparation drills and maritime patrols. The Pentagon’s newly established China Task Force is now formally underway, a move that introduce... read more
This is the U.S. Navy’s Edge: Unmanned Aerial Refueling at Sea
*Caleb Larson* *MQ-25 Stingray, Americas* The Navy is charging ahead with the development of MQ-25 Stingrays and hopes for initial operational capability by 2025. The U.S. Navy and Boeing are putting the MQ-25 Stingray through its paces. The military service and defense contractor simulated aircraft carrier deck handling at a Navy facility in Norfolk, Virginia, last week. The Stingray fired up its engine and taxied, run by controllers on the simulated deck during the testing. The highly anticipated platform will bring an important new capability to the United States Navy, prim... read more
War News Updates14 hours ago
Arab Media Reporting Explosions Heard Inside US Base In Syria
A Coalition convoy of US led international coalition against ISIS stops to test fire their M2 machine guns and MK19 grenade launcher in the Middle Euphrates River Valley in the Deir Ezzor province, Syria, November 22, 2018 (photo credit: COURTESY MATTHEW CRANE/US ARMY/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS) *Jerusalem Post*: *Rockets target American base in eastern Syria - report* Arabic media reported that a number of rockets fell near a US base in eastern Syria, although the report is unconfirmed. An American base in the Deir Ezzor area of eastern Syria was targeted by a number of rockets on Sa... read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
The left gaslights the price of gas
Ed Morrissey: Give Philip Bump credit for exposing the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s ridiculously incompetent propaganda attempt here. But let’s face it … anyone dumb enough to be fooled by this graph should have their assets handled by a receiver, and possibly shouldn’t be driving in the first place. The rest of us learned to check the Y-axis and X-axis first: Presumably, the DCCC wants everyone to recognize the impact of Joe Biden’s release of 50 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. And that impact was a decline in average gas prices of, um … a... read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
Supreme Court liberals botch defense of Roe
Patricia McCarthy: ... While hardly alone in her knee-jerk attachment to the faux constitutionality of *Roe*, neither she nor the other liberals on the Court can address any relevant text in the Constitution that supports that 1973 decision. That would be because there isn't any. All that clever stuff about emanations and penumbras was wholly without a constitutional basis. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito are running intellectual rings around the "it was written by old white men" anti-constitutionalists. Much of what has been said by the liberal justices and the p... read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
Another bogus 'white supremist' slur from the left
*Mike Miller:* *Joy Reid Makes Ridiculous Claim That Gun Laws Are Based on White Supremacy* This was evidently in response to Rittenhouse being acquitted after defending himself from attacks by white criminals. She ignores the lack of prosecution of BLM and Antifa crimes during riots as well as the revolving door justice that exist in blue cities. read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
Democrats want to use illegals to reduce wages
*Breitbart:* *Democrats: Let’s Curb Inflation by Using Migrants to Cut American Wages* This is more evidence that Democrats are at war with working citizens. read more
Cairns News14 hours ago
Labor’s vaccine mandate fast unraveling across North Queensland
by staff writers The war against the Queensland Labor Party’s vaccine mandate for business moved up another notch yesterday with 400 Mareeba Shire residents making a determined stand against the Health Department direction due to take effect on December 17. A range of speakers told the crowd of mums and dads, young and old at […] read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
Russia set to take advantage of Biden weakness
Newsmax: Former Amb. Richard Grenell told Newsmax on Saturday that "the Russians are smelling weakness" in the Biden administration, as U.S. intelligence indicates Russia is amassing 175,000 troops for an offensive against Ukraine, The Washington Post reported Friday. "The Obama-Biden administration watched as Russia grabbed Crimea and rewrote the borders of Europe," Grenell told "The Count." "And now what we have is the Biden-Harris administration sending the same weak signals and Russia rising up. And so, the common denominator there is Joe Biden." Secretary of State Antony Bl... read more
Parents of 9/11 Victims Put Up Billboard Next to NY Times, Accusing Them of ‘Lying About 9/11’
[image: 9/11]Parents who lost both of their children on 9/11 have erected a billboard across the street from the NY Times, accusing the news company of lying. read more
War News Updates14 hours ago
US, EU Condemn Taliban Over Summary Killings In Afghanistan
Taliban fighters patrol in Kabul, Afghanistan, August 19, 2021. © 2021 AP Photo/Rahmat Gul, File *Human Rights Watch:* *Afghanistan: Taliban Kill, ‘Disappear’ Ex-Officials* Raids Target Former Police, Intelligence Officers (New York) – Taliban forces in Afghanistan have summarily executed or forcibly disappeared more than 100 former police and intelligence officers in just four provinces since taking over the country on August 15, 2021, despite a proclaimed amnesty, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The 25-page report,* “‘No Forgiveness for People Like You,’ ... read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
Democrats led the way in criticizing Covid response
Instapundit: GREAT MOMENTS IN CHUTZPAH AND/OR AMNESIA: Democrats livid over GOP’s COVID-19 attacks on Biden. Democrats are up in arms this month over GOP charges that President Biden is to blame for the prolonged COVID-19 crisis. They argue that Republicans, from former President Trump to his most vocal allies in Congress and in state capitals, bear plenty of responsibility for public resistance to masks and vaccines, noting the opposition to those leading mitigation efforts comes overwhelmingly from the right. The criticism of masks and vaccines has sabotaged Biden’s efforts to... read more
New Orleans Has A Trash Problem
Dealing with tons of trash isn't out of the ordinary for the City of New Orleans. By the end of Carnival season, city clean-up crews and paid volunteers collect about 900 tons of garbage on average each year. Onlookers have called the efforts "mesmerizing" to watch. More than a century of Mardi Gras celebrations have refined the city's approach to bulk garbage collection down to a science. A "parade" of sanitation workers, tractors, trucks, and street sweepers mobilize to collect the trash and clean the city after Fat Tuesday. The post New Orleans Has A Trash Problem appeared firs... read more
What Can Organizers At Amazon Learn From Walmart? Part 2
“Amazon is the epoch-defining corporation of the moment in a way that Walmart was two decades ago,” said Howard W, an Amazon warehouse worker and organizer with Amazonians United, a grassroots movement of Amazon workers building shop-floor power. What can organizers at Amazon learn from the Walmart campaigns in the 2000s? And what can these two efforts teach us about organizing at scale? Unions haven’t successfully organized an employer with more than 10,000 workers in decades, so getting to scale is one of the most pressing challenges for the social justice movements. The post Wh... read more

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