Sunday, December 05, 2021

5 December - Blogs I'm Following - 2 of 5

 10 pm MST

PrairiePundit6 hours ago
Texas law enforcement captures 165,000 illegals
Washington Examiner: Texas law enforcement and soldiers sent to the border under a state initiative that began in March have encountered more than 165,000 people presumed to have illegally crossed the U.S.-Mexico border or are themselves smuggling people, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety. Lt. Chris Olivarez, spokesman for the Texas DPS’s South Region, said during a press conference Thursday that his agency's troopers, along with National Guard soldiers, and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department have apprehended and referred 165,000 people to relevant law enfor... read more
PrairiePundit6 hours ago
CRT and Commie propaganda
*Epoch Times:* *Critical Race Theory Serves to Usher in Communist Agenda in America, Says Philosophy Professor* The left has been engaged in semantic arguments to dodge the unpopularity of their CRT push. The latest is to call it DEI--Diversity, Equity, and Incusling. It is the same racist nonsense. One of the ways you can see the hypocrisy is that their sports teams never use DEI to select players. read more
Need To Know6 hours ago
Parents Charged with Involuntary Manslaughter After Son Allegedly Murdered 4 High School Students
A 15-year old boy is accused of shooting and killing four students at his high school. His parents, who are accused of making the handgun easily accessible to him, are being charged with involuntary manslaughter, concerning critics about Second Amendment implications. read more
null6 hours ago
Send Me: the Guzo to Healing Starts with I
Where yesterday I turned to fire due to a grieving heart, after attending church this morning and talking with two elders and the head priest The post Send Me: the Guzo to Healing Starts with I appeared first on . read more
The Last Refuge6 hours ago
Oregon Health Officials Propose Making Indoor Masks Permanent
In the state of Oregon, the rules governing a declaration of a “public health emergency” expire after 180 days, and the rules and regulations contained inside the declaration cannot be extended by fiat, they require legislative approval. One of the components of their current regulatory requirements is indoor mask wearing for the public. To avoid […] The post Oregon Health Officials Propose Making Indoor Masks Permanent appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Belgium Boosters
Belgium and the Netherlands have a lot in common. But there is one interesting difference Belgium started giving booster shots awhile ago. It is nice to see how well they’ve both managed to flatten the curve. But you know maybe they just need one more… read more
Komando.com7 hours ago
Review: RadRover 6 Plus electric bike takes your adventures to the next level
Ben reviews an e-bike that resembles a typical bicycle — with fat tires that look like they belong on a motorcycle. read more
Kenny Leu – A Shot Through the Wall, or Through the Brain?
By Rei Tanostuka, 5 December 2021. “The reason why we suffer from… Continue reading “Kenny Leu – A Shot Through the Wall, or Through the Brain?”… read more
PrairiePundit5 hours ago
Biden blamed Trump for Covid deaths now he has more
Red States: ... When President Donald Trump was in office, Joe Biden took every effort to blame all the COVID deaths on him. But now that Biden is in office and there have been more deaths under Biden than there were under Trump, even with vaccines and treatments, Biden and the media are strangely silent about those numbers. Biden is, of course, not taking any responsibility for those numbers. But White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked by Fox’s Peter Doocy about Biden’s prior comments on the subject attacking President Trump, when there were 220,000 COVID deaths, that ... read more
PrairiePundit6 hours ago
Labeling parents rebellion as terror backfires on School Board Association
PJ Media: The fallout from the letter sent by the president of the National School Board Association to President Biden, asking the Justice Department to investigate parents who threaten school board members, is still swirling more than two months after the letter became public. Over half of state school board organizations have either protested the letter or withdrawn their support from the national organization. According to NRO, “27 state school-board groups have openly dissented from the NSBA’s letter and 17 of those have discontinued membership with the headquarters.” Incre... read more
Pottersville Digest
------------------------------ I thought these weekend brown shirts matching on the Capitol now would at least have the common courtesy to wait until January 6th. Silly me. ------------------------------ "A law enforcement official told CNN the parents withdrew $4,000 from an ATM in Rochester Hills, Michigan, on Friday. Rochester Hills is about 10 to 15 miles from Oxford. Law enforcement had been able to track the couple's whereabouts by cell phone pings but can no longer do so as the couple's cell phones are turned off..." Well, they got my vote for Parents of the Yea... read more
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Most star clusters are singularly impressive. Open clusters NGC 869 and NGC 884, however, could be considered doubly impressive. Also known as "h and chi Persei", this unusual double cluster, shown above, is bright enough to be seen from a dark location without even binoculars. Although their discovery surely predates recorded history, the Greek astronomer Hipparchus notably cataloged the double cluster. The clusters are over 7,000 light years distant toward the constellation of Perseus, but are separated by only hundreds of light years. In addition to being physically close togeth... read more
”Never explain. Never apologize. Have it done and let them howl.” - Winston Churchill read more
Chet Raymo, “In Wildness Is The Preservation Of The World?”
*“In Wildness Is The Preservation Of The World?”* by Chet Raymo “In earlier times, when I was still teaching, it was my habit to occasionally take a wildflower, or piece of rotten bark, or pinch of oil into a biology lab where I had access to a high-quality dissecting microscope. I'd put my sample on the stage of the scope and go exploring. A hawkweed blossom, say, became the concise equivalent of a tropical jungle, teeming with wildlife. We bemoan the loss of wilderness, and rightly so I suppose. But there are vast tracks of wilderness that we do not despoil, on a scale too small ... read more
On Contact: The New Global Order
Chris Hedges discusses the decline of the American empire and the new global order with Professor Alfred McCoy, who holds the Harrington Chair in History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. McCoy looks at past empires and how they disintegrated in his book ‘To Govern the Globe’. The familiar patterns of decline allow him to speculate about what lies ahead as the global dominance of the United States crumbles under the weight of disastrous military adventurism, the collapse of public institutions, a rapacious and greedy oligarchic elite, and inept political and military leaders... read more
Pearl Harbor: Don’t Drink The Water Or Believe The Myths
The U.S. government planned, prepared for, and provoked a war with Japan for years, and was in many ways at war already, waiting for Japan to fire the first shot, when Japan attacked the Philippines and Pearl Harbor. What gets lost in the questions of exactly who knew what when in the days before those attacks, and what combination of incompetence and cynicism allowed them to happen, is the fact that major steps had indisputably been taken toward war but none had been taken toward peace. The post Pearl Harbor: Don’t Drink The Water Or Believe The Myths appeared first on PopularRes... read more
Belated Notes on the Old Bexley Votes
Unlike some on the left, I thought Labour's performance in the aforementioned by-election (following the death of James Brokenshire) was a fairly decent performance. A 10-point swing in a no-hoper seat, the virtual disappearance of the Liberal Democrat vote (but, interestingly, not the Greens), the highest proportion of the vote since 2001, and the first time in a parliamentary by-election Labour has advanced under Keir Starmer. The leader and his office will be happy with that one, and judging by the ostentatious backslapping the Tories gave themselves throughout Friday they're re... read more
The SR-71 Blackbird Almost Never Took Off, and This Is How
*Stephen Silver* *U.S. Military, United States* Gen. Curtis LeMay played a prominent role. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Requests for new bomber aircraft were canceled after realizing that the Soviet Union couldn't develop superbombers, and this led to the development of the SR-71. The SR-71 Blackbird is one of the most famous planes ever used by the U.S. military. It is believed to be the fastest plane ever flown. Also, it was never shot down in combat. A new report looks at how the Blackbird almost didn’t get to that prominent place in aviation history. According to Av... read more
Has Israel Become a Top Chinese Ally?
*John Mac Ghlionn* *Israel, Middle East* Israel's growing relationship with China may strain U.S.-Israeli ties. For six decades and counting, the United States and Israel have enjoyed a close friendship. In 1948, the United States was the first country to recognize the new State of Israel; in 2017, it was the first country to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. According to the U.S. Department of State, “Israel has no greater friend than the United States.” Both countries are united by a “shared commitment to democracy, economic prosperity, and regional security.” The ... read more
Those Are Some Nice Satellites You’ve Got There
Be a shame if something happened to them. Russia issues threat to blow up gps satellites read more
How China Is Taking On Billionaires And Big Tech To Combat Inequality
China is imposing harsh regulations on private education, big tech, and billionaires. The new Cold Warriors in the U.S. government and media call these moves authoritarian, leftward tyranny, and bad for business. But Chinese president Xi Jinping calls it part of a “common prosperity” agenda to create a more equitable society on the road to building socialism. To help understand the Chinese point of view, Rania Khalek was joined by Tings Chak, a writer and researcher with Dongsheng News and the Tricontinental Institute. The post How China Is Taking On Billionaires And Big Tech To C... read more
Econlib8 hours ago
More Populist Deregulation
Co-blogger Bryan Caplan had an excellent post on December 1 in which he argued that there is some low-hanging for regulations that could be eliminated. It’s low-hanging in the sense that a strong can be made for deregulation and that the case could be popular. That doesn’t mean that the deregulatory changes are popular now; […] The post More Populist Deregulation appeared first on Econlib. read more
Does the Data Really Matter to the Usual Suspects?
Leftists and their allies in the media, academia, and politics constantly espouse that they “follow the data & science” and thus, anyone who disagrees with them does not. We’ll soon see if they walk their talk: The question is this: If the vaccines work, what’s going on? Remind them: We are almost a year into mass… Continue reading → read more
Passport to Nowhere
Masks, vaccines, passport system to keep the dirty unvaxxed out and… CTV- 42 people test positive for COVID-19 following birthday party at Kingsville restaurant According to the article the problem is that there’s still too many vaccine virgins causing problems in places they’re not allowed to go. Related– h/t Mecheng read more
Econlib10 hours ago
Kowtowing to the CCP
There has been recent criticism of US business leaders who give in to pressure from the Chinese government. JP Morgan’s CEO recently apologized for making an innocuous joke about the Chinese Communist Party. Here’s another example of a controversial statement: The billionaire investor Ray Dalio likened China’s move to banish private citizens from the public […] The post Kowtowing to the CCP appeared first on Econlib. read more
Why Unionizing Efforts Terrify Amazon
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has just ruled that a historic union vote held earlier this year among Amazon warehouse workers in Bessemer, Alabama, by the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) was not valid. The highly publicized vote, which took place over several weeks in February and March 2021, resulted in a resounding defeat for the union, with more than 70 percent of those voting choosing against union membership. Stuart Appelbaum, president of RWDSU, accused Amazon of engaging in “efforts to gaslight its own employees,” and filed a petition in Apr... read more
Bob Dole, Longtime Republican Politician, Passes Away at 98
On December 5, Bob Dole, a former U.S. Senator and Republican presidential candidate who fought in World War II, died at the age... read more
Laser Weapons are the Future of the U.S. Navy
*Stephen Silver* *U.S. Military, Global* [image:] Along with robots and artificial intelligence, lasers are seen as part of how the military will fight wars in the 2040s, using what are now considered futuristic weapons. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *This isn’t the first time lasers have been used for military purposes. China is known to use mounted laser dazzlers, while the Army has also tested anti-drone and missile lasers. The U.S. Navy is set to begin land-based testing of ... read more
The Daily "Near You?"
White House, Tennessee, USA. Thanks for stopping by! read more
"I Can't Convince Myself..."
“I can’t convince myself that it does much good to try to challenge the everyday political delusions and dementias of Americans at large. Their contained and confined mentalities by far prefer the petty and parochial prisons of the kind of sense they have been trained and rewarded for making out of their lives (and are punished for deviating from them). What it costs them ultimately to be such slaves and infants and ideological zombies is a thought too monstrous and rending and spiky for them even to want to glance at.” - Kenneth Smith “If you want to tell people the truth, make t... read more
CENSORED NEWS8 hours ago
Mohawk Nation News 'Canada Genocided Itself'
Posted on December 4, 2021CANADA GENOCIDED ITSELF Audio Mohawk Nation NewsPlease post & distribute.HOW SECTIONS 35 AND 52 OF THE CONSTITUTION ACT OF CANADA 1982 WIPED OUT THE COLONY OF CANADA Listen to audio at MNN: MNN. Dec. 4, 2021. The supreme original laws of turtle island are the kaianerekowa, great peace, and other read more
The Poet: Rod McKuen “A Cat Named Sloopy”
*Full screen recommended.* *“A Cat Named Sloopy”* “For awhile the only earth that Sloopy knew was in her sandbox. Two rooms were her domain. Every night she’d sit in the window among the avocado plants waiting for me to come home, my arms full of canned liver and love. We’d talk into the night then, contented, but missing something. She the earth she never knew, me the hills I ran while growing bent. Sloopy should have been a cowboy’s cat, with prairies to run, not linoleum, and real-live catnip mice, no one to depend on but herself. I never told her, but in my mind I was a mi... read more
How dual loyalties created an ethics problem for Chris Cuomo and CNN
A journalist’s role is to serve the public interest. But CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, by helping his brother, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo during a scandal, put personal interests above the public’s. read more
“10 Things You Should Know About Life’s Most Important Questions”
*“10 Things You Should Know About * *Life’s Most Important Questions”* by Marc Chernoff “It’s a harsh fact that every one of us is ignorant in some way. Although we tend to pretend otherwise, it’s impossible to know it all. Ignorance is our biggest collective secret. And it’s one of the scariest and most damaging realities of life, because those of us who are most ignorant – and thus most likely to spread ignorance – are also the ones who often don’t know it. Here’s a quick test: If you have never changed your mind about one of your learned beliefs, if you have never questioned the... read more
The Last Refuge8 hours ago
Sunday Talks, NBC Proclaims Omicron Has Merged With Common Cold Virus to Create New Mutant Super Spreader Variant, Requiring New Super Duper Booster
Once the political operatives fully unleash the healthcare and media narrative engineers to push the maximum level fear-porn needed to support the larger objectives, you end up in this bizarro world and buck-tooth carrot-eating parents are now having rabbit faced babies with ten inch ears. Yup, the jaw-agape headlines start to become a parody of […] The post Sunday Talks, NBC Proclaims Omicron Has Merged With Common Cold Virus to Create New Mutant Super Spreader Variant, Requiring New Super Duper Booster appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ8 hours ago
This Day In Iraqi History - Dec 5
1940 US Amb to Iraq sent note to PM Gaylani saying he was worried about direction of Iraq- UK relations because of Gaylani’s overtures to the Axis (Musings On Iraq review *Persian Gulf Command, A History of the Second World War In Iran and Iraq*) (Musings On Iraq review *Rashid Ali al-Gailani, The National Movement in Iraq 1939-1941*) (Musings On Iraq review *Iraq And Syria 1941, The Politics and Strategy of the Second World War*) 1985 Lebanon’s Al Safr paper published petition saying 500 Iraqi writer and intellectuals had been interrogated and tortured to conform to gov... read more
Congress Spends $1.6 Billion to Subsidize Cartels’ Labor Smuggling in U.S.
Breitbart – by Neil Munro Congress has voted to spend $1.6 billion to help cartels deliver children and job-seeking youths to cities and towns around... The post Congress Spends $1.6 Billion to Subsidize Cartels’ Labor Smuggling in U.S. appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
FEDS ON PARADE: Dozens of Uhaul Trucks Picked Up Mysterious Patriot Protesters after Creepy March in DC — Another Democrat Stunt?
Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft As Patty McMurray reported earlier at The Gateway Pundit— On Saturday, a group of masked men, who no one has ever heard... The post FEDS ON PARADE: Dozens of Uhaul Trucks Picked Up Mysterious Patriot Protesters after Creepy March in DC — Another Democrat Stunt? appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Over 100,000 psychiatric disorders like hallucination & suicide reported after COVID vaccination
Great Game India Hallucinations, anxiety, sleep disorders, psychosis, and suicide are some of the several psychiatric disorders following COVID shots that were reported in more than... The post Over 100,000 psychiatric disorders like hallucination & suicide reported after COVID vaccination appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Houston police say cash and checks found by plumber in wall of Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church ARE connected to 2014 heist when $600,000 went missing
Daily Mail Authorities in Houston confirmed Friday that a series of checks and cash found by a plumber in the wall of megachurch pastor Joel... The post Houston police say cash and checks found by plumber in wall of Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church ARE connected to 2014 heist when $600,000 went missing appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
DENIED: Sixth Circuit Refuses OSHA’s Request To Transfer Vaccine Mandate Lawsuit To D.C.
National File – by Tom Pappert The Sixth Circuit Court has denied the federal government’s motions to transfer the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) vaccine... The post DENIED: Sixth Circuit Refuses OSHA’s Request To Transfer Vaccine Mandate Lawsuit To D.C. appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
“Vaccine” Definition Changed
“There is no vaccine to protect you against human coronaviruses and there are no specific treatments for illnesses caused by human coronaviruses. Most people with common human coronavirus illness will recover on their own” Common Human Coronaviruses | CDC The … Continue reading → read more
Mining Awareness +11 hours ago
Hidden Camera Footage of Covid Detention Quarantine Camp, Howard Springs, N.T., Australia
Notice that she points out that she is Covid negative. “HOWARD SPRINGS N.T. AUSTRALIA – HIDDEN CAMERA FOOTAGE OF COVID … Continue reading → read more
"You Can’t Stop a Tidal Wave So You Might As Well Try" (Excerpt)
*"You Can’t Stop a Tidal Wave So You Might As Well Try"* by Doug “Uncola” Lynn *(Excerpt)* "The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior ‘righteous indignation’ – this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats." – Aldous Huxley "This entire pandemic scheme has been designed as a divide and conquer undertaking… We are in the midst of this struggle for the future of our ... read more
Project Iceworm: America's Ice Under Greenland
*Alex Hollings* *Nuclear Weapons, arctic* In many cases, the shortest distance between American and Russian weapons systems and targets is North — over the Arctic Circle. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Beneath the arched steel roof and layer of ice and snow, the U.S. Army had created what were effectively *tunnels*, which could then be used to construct work spaces, housing, and even areas for recreational activities — aside from the intended *six hundred nuclear missiles* and all accompanying equipment called for by the clandestine Project Iceworm. In pursuit of nuclear de... read more
"It's The Way..."
"It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it." - Lena Horn read more
POW! The Ten Best Concealed Carry .45 ACP Pistols on the Market
*Gun News Daily* *Pistols, World* When it comes to pure stopping power, few pistol rounds beat the 45 ACP. When it comes to pure stopping power, few pistol rounds beat the 45 ACP, which can also be used for concealed carry pistols. Many people want pistols chambered in .45 ACP for self-defense and everyday carry, so here we are going to tell you about some of the best concealed carry 45 ACP pistols on the market. *Beretta Px4 Storm* Beretta is one of the most prolific firearms manufacturers in the world and is known to make some incredible pistols like the Beretta 92 FS a varian... read more
Can a New NATO Special Operations Facility Deter Russia in the Baltics?
*Stavros Atlamazoglou* *NATO, Europe* The facility opened in 2020. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Forward-based troops in the Baltics offer a significant deterrent to any Crimea-style aggression on the part of Russia. In November 2020, US Special Command-Europe (SOCEUR) and NATO launched a new special operations facility in the Baltics. The special operations facility includes two helipads, ammunition storage, and a vehicle servicing facility. The main purpose of the new facility is to act as a forward-staged base that would enable the transportation of special operations force... read more
Biden’s Flawed Executive Order Kills Economic Competition
*Alden Abbott* *Joe Biden Economy, * If the administration really wants to strengthen competition in the American economy, it should scrap the July order and issue a new one. The Biden administration has provided no shortage of economic policies to take stock of in 2021, including one that’s easy to overlook. On July 9, the president issued an executive order directing officials to promote “an open and competitive economy”—a laudable goal. Unfortunately, the order perversely undermines this goal by proposing more intense federal regulation of large swaths of the American economy,... read more
Is Orbanism Reaching an Inflection Point?
*Sumantra Maitra* *Hungary, Europe* Can Viktor Orban manage the balance between an increasingly imperial European Union and a nationalist and culturally cohesive Hungary? “We will not give up the right to defend our borders, to stop migrants ... we insist that marriage in Hungary is between a man and a woman, a father is a man and a mother is a woman ... and they should leave our children alone,” Viktor Orban told his cheering party during a boisterous campaign season, quietly adding almost as an afterthought that Hungary is not seeking to leave the European Union, but to reform ... read more
Minimum Deterrent No More: Where China’s Nuclear Buildup Is Headed
*Peter Huessy* *Nuclear Weapons, Asia* For the past year, senior U.S. military officials have been quietly warning U.S. policymakers that China’s buildup of nuclear weapons is a serious threat to the United States. Nuclear issues are very much in the news now. For the past year, senior U.S. military officials have been quietly warning U.S. policymakers that China’s buildup of nuclear weapons is a serious threat to the United States. Then late this summer, satellite pictures of multiple missile fields with hundreds of Chinese missile silos—completed or under construction—were pub... read more
Xi Jinping Won’t Let His Communist Cadres Forget Soviet Humiliation
*Christopher Vassallo* *China, Asia* After the Sixth Plenum, Xi Jinping’s “Historical Resolution” makes it clear that he views the telling of Chinese Communist Party history as a tool of regime survival—to succeed where Moscow failed. When Xi Jinping became China’s president in 2012, he feared the party he led was neglecting history. The situation was so dire that it could spell the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) ruin. Within the first months of Xi’s tenure, he was warning in public speeches of the dangers of “historical nihilism”—party-speak for the neglect of history. “Histor... read more
How Woodrow Wilson Failed to End the Great War
*Sean Durns* *World War I, Europe* Wilson’s failure, Zelikow argues, “was the most consequential diplomatic failure in the history of the United States.” Philip Zelikow, *The Road Less Traveled: The Secret Battle to End the Great War, 1916-1917*. (New York, NY: PublicAffairs, 2021), 352 pp., $18.99. “War,” French politician Georges Clemenceau famously observed, “is too important to be left to the generals.” And as Philip Zelikow’s new book makes clear, peace might be too important to leave to certain politicians—and their friends. Zelikow, a University of Virginia professor with... read more
Do Americans Support Foreign Aid If It Curbs Illegal Immigration?
*Timothy S. Rich, Madelynn Einhorn, Erika Puhakka* *Immigration, United States* There is some evidence that foreign aid targeted to reduce immigration inflows can be effective. But the American public may not support the Biden administration's aid package to Central American countries. Politicians have attempted to combat undocumented immigration for decades. In 2019, undocumented immigrants in the United States totaled over 10 million people, a decline of about 12 percent from 2010. While the Trump administration advocated for a harsh response to undocumented immigration, the Bi... read more
The U.S. Army's No. 1 Modernization Priority: Long-Range Precision Fires
*Dan Goure* *Long-Range Precision Weapons, United States* In addition to long-range, more accurate weapons, the U.S. military needs a revolution in long-range surveillance and targeting. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Long-Range Precision Fire Cross-Functional Team efforts are at the leading edge of the next revolution in U.S. military capabilities, in which all-source, multi-domain information will allow the full array of fires systems and airpower to be brought to bear against an adversary’s military and strategic targets, rapidly and decisively. Long Range Precision Fire... read more
Cairns News10 hours ago
Fascinating interview with retired SAS officer Ricardo Bosi Beware language warning but a good interview by Dave Oneegs with today’s situation briefing. read more
In Memoriam: Dr. Robert Farris Thompson, Pioneering African and Afro-Atlantic Art Historian
On November 29, Dr. Robert Farris Thompson, professor emeritus of African American studies and former Colonel John Trumbull Professor... read more
William & Mary Scholarship Honors General Colin Powell
At William & Mary, a public research university in Virginia, a new scholarship has been created in honor of the late General Colin... read more
Snopes.com10 hours ago
CNN Fires Chris Cuomo for Helping Brother Deal with Scandal
The network had suspended its prime-time host days earlier to investigate his conduct. read more
Snopes.com11 hours ago
Has the Mystery of the ‘Lost Colony’ of Roanoke Been Solved?
The fate of the colony is one of the biggest unsolved mysteries in the history of the United States. read more
Virtual Mirage11 hours ago
Nigerian AFV Identify the tank It’s not impossible to identify this particular tank, but it should pose a significant challenge. Are you able to identify THIS tank? Yes, it was a regular production tank in its era. Yes, of course… Things in America are not getting worse. They are, however, […] The post Randomness appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Lawfare14 hours ago
The Historian’s Approach to Understanding Terrorism
Osama bin Laden sits in front of a bookshelf while recording a video message. Photo credit: U.S. Attorneys Office Southern District of New York Editor’s Note: *Too often the United States and its allies find themselves in a **counterterrorism policy version** of the movie **“Groundhog Day,” repeating their past mistakes without end. There are many reasons for these failures, but one is the reluctance of historians to weigh in on contemporary policy debates. Richard English, of Queen’s University, argues that this is a mistake and details the many roles that historians can, and sho... read more
Who can reply? We can
It begins as a Twitter trail, but goes much further... Mike Wendling, 'Editor of BBC Trending and the BBC News team investigating disinformation', took to Twitter this morning to promote a perfectly-balanced-sounding BBC News website piece headlined *Mandatory vaccinations: Three reasons for and against*. That's one heck of an impartial-sounding title. A chap called Robin Lee, 'writer and journalist - based in London', duly replied, ''This article is a disgrace''. To which Mike [after first popping on his *Who can reply? People Mike Wendling follows or mentioned can reply* messag... read more
Small Dead Animals10 hours ago
Things That Won’t Change The Weather
The Telegraph- Owners of listed homes face £50,000 heat pump eco penalty read more
Gangsters Out Blog10 hours ago
CNN Fact Checks Joe Biden
We all know that of all the mainstream media outlets, CNN is the most ridiculous. I see Canadian men in Surrey wear T-Shirts that say CNN: Fake News Network. Yet what I find both ironic and suspicious is the fact that they have turned on their puppet king Joe Biden and I attribute it to the US withdrawal in Afghanistan. They're not fact checking him on the pharma fraud. The article is of no relevance whatsoever other than the fact that they have turned on him. Tulsi Gabbard, the vocal opponent to the Democrats war machine was surprisingly opposed to the US withdrawal in Afghanista... read more
NPR – “Misinformation Is To Blame”
NPR says Trump voters are misinformed about vaccines and die at 3X the rate of Biden voters as a result. Pro-Trump counties now have far higher COVID death rates : Shots – Health News : NPR The actual discrepancy is … Continue reading → read more
Disruptive Power Of Mass Insanity
“Few if any teams in the NFL were hit as hard by the Coronavirus as the New England Patriots last year. While they luckily did not have any serious cases within their organization, their team still was impacted quite a … Continue reading → read more

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