Sunday, December 05, 2021

5 December - Blogs I'm Following - 1 of 5

 10 pm MST

Why Do the Iranian Authorities Keep Arresting Christians?
Iran's highest court recently ruled that belonging to a house church does not make Christians 'enemies of the state'. In what could become a landmark judgment, the country's Supreme Court ruled that nine Christian converts serving five-year prison sentences for going to house-churches should not have been charged with 'acting against national secur read more
Gangsters Out Blog22 minutes ago
OPP Interview of Surrey Six IHITit investigator
An interesting document recently came across my desk. It's Derek Brassington's interview with the OPP who were conducting an investigation into his misconduct during the Surrey Six Investigation. It's freaking 147 pages long. I'm going through it blacking out names before I post it but I hesitate to do so until Jammie Bacon's appeal is heard. Let's face it, Derek Brassington and Jamie Bacon are both POS. I don't give a f*ck about Derek's grade three dream to become a police officer. He was a married man having threesomes with witnesses. Oh but he fell in love with the witness. Oh ... read more
War News Updates29 minutes ago
Can France And Saudi Arabia Resolve Lebanon's Political And Economic Crisis?
*France 24:** Macron announces Saudi-French initiative to solve diplomatic crisis with Lebanon* France and Saudi Arabia agreed on Saturday to do more to help the Lebanese population, work to solving a diplomatic row between Beirut and the Gulf states and jointly push to get the government there running. Lebanese Information Minister George Kordahi resigned on Friday to help end a diplomatic spat with Saudi Arabia over comments he had made in October criticising Saudi Arabia's role in the war in Yemen, which had prompted Riyadh to ban Lebanese imports. French President Emma... read more
The National Interest41 minutes ago
The Speed Of a Fighter Jet Is Just As Important As Its Stealth
*Alex Hollings* *Stealth Fighters, * Stealth isn't the only thing that matters. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *In order to provide *real* airpower where it’s needed, the United States doesn’t need a fleet of slow and stealthy F-35s standing by on airstrips across friendly African nations–it needs *fast* air platforms with great fuel range and loitering capabilities that can reach operators in need, provide air support as necessary, and still make it back to an airstrip. As the United States reenters the realm of great power competition, America needs to maintain its techno... read more
Why Did China Recently Conduct a Flyover of Taiwan?
*Kris Osborn* *China-Taiwan Relations, Asia-Pacific* Its aggressive behavior is indicative of its interest in showing that Taiwan is vulnerable to a major air attack. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *Could Taiwan counter Chinese fighter jets with SAMS? It’s possible. That successful feat may come down to a question of size, numbers and territory. Would an effective SAMS allow Taiwan to counter a large Chinese air campaign? That may be unclear. China recently conducted a flyover over Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). The flyover consisted of J-16 twinjet airplan... read more
The YF-12: A SR-71 Blackbird With Missiles
*Alex Hollings* *YF-12, * It's a Blackbird on steroids. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The last remaining YF-12 saw continued use, however, in joint supersonic cruise testing between NASA and the U.S. Air Force, until it was ultimately retired to the National Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in November of 1979. The SR-71 Blackbird may be among the most iconic airframes of the Cold War, but this incredibly fast design wasn’t always intended to serve only as a high-flying set of eyes. In fact, a variant of the SR-71’s predecessor pro... read more
bilaterals.org1 hour ago
Africa: a false start for Africa's free trade deal?
05-Dec-2021 To sustain momentum after the AfCFTA's January launch, traders must be kept in the loop about why implementation is slow. read more
Mali massacre of bus passengers by Islamists and UN compound hit
Mali massacre of bus passengers by Islamists and UN compound hit Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The Sahel is blighted by several brutal Sunni Islamist terrorist organizations that think nothing about burning people alive on buses, torturing, and doing other brutal deeds. Hence, the latest massacre by Islamists against innocent bus […] The post Mali massacre of bus passengers by Islamists and UN compound hit first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
U.S. Defense Secretary Says Chinese Military Flights Near Taiwan Look Like 'Rehearsals'
U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin visits Georgia. © Reuters/IRAKLI GEDENIDZE *Reuters: *Chinese military flights near Taiwan look like 'rehearsals'- Pentagon chief WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Saturday said Chinese military flights near Taiwan look like "rehearsals" though he did not indicate that he expected Beijing actually to carry out such operations. Cross-strait tensions have been rising in recent months, with Taiwan complaining for a year or more of repeated missions by China's air force near the self-ruled island that Beijing cla... read more
New U.S. Army Optic Technology Is A Game Changer
Army Master Sgt. Lashon Wilson poses for a photo with the ENVG-III and FWS-I during a media demo at Fort Belvoir, Virginia on July 27.Task & Purpose photo by James Clark *Task & Purpose: **I’m Pretty Sure The Army’s New Night-Vision Technology Is Black Magic* *Inside a dark shooting range at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, Army Master Sgt. Lashon Wilson stands behind a barrier, kitted out... * Inside a dark shooting range at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, Army Master Sgt. Lashon Wilson stands behind a barrier, kitted out with body armor and an M4. In front of the M4’s optics is an advanced... read more
Seymour: The bowl to First Peak
Today I went snowshoeing on Seymour again. Only I used crampons. It was steep and icy so snowshoes would have been useless. Two weekends ago the snow was awesome. Last weekend we had that pineapple express come up and the mountains got hammered with rain. Then the temperature dropped again and they got some fresh snow last night. That's life on the west coast. We take what we get. In the interier the snow is much more consistent. I made it to Brockton Point and as I looked through the gateway to the trail up I noticed First Peak was completely fogged in. I was going to turn back bu... read more
Need To Know2 hours ago
New Brunswick, Canada Allows Grocery Stores to Ban Unvaccinated People
The government of New Brunswick announced its Covid-19 'Winter Action Plan' that gives all businesses, including grocery stores, the option of requiring proof of vaccination from all patrons. The plan fails to instruct on how unvaccinated people may acquire food if they are denied entry into markets. read more
The Last Refuge2 hours ago
Mandates Have Consequences – Leesburg Virginia Finds Out The Police Were Not Bluffing, Now Facing a Shortage of Officers
The city council of Leesburg, Virginia, voted to insist upon a vaccine mandate for police officers. Now they discover the consequences… Posted in Big Stupid Government, Coronavirus, media bias, Police action, Professional Idiots, propaganda, Typical Prog Behavior, Uncategorized, Vaccine Mandate The post Mandates Have Consequences – Leesburg Virginia Finds Out The Police Were Not Bluffing, Now Facing a Shortage of Officers appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Dealing with bugs and pests in the garden
This is the time of the year some of a gardener’s bug enemies get out and cause damage. I have had my first phone call this week in regards to grass grub beetles eating the foliage of plants. The beetles are nocturnal, they will come out at dusk to mate and feed, lay eggs during … Continue reading Dealing with bugs and pests in the garden → read more
PB Tech will become a Vaccinated Business from Monday 6th December (NZ)
Where to spend your dollars? This is from the Health Forum NZ. PB Tech announces in-store sales are for the vaxxed only. Not a legal requirement, however this store has opted to exclude the unvaxxed who are only able, if they wish to shop there, to purchase via click and collect. No thanks PB Tech. … Continue reading PB Tech will become a Vaccinated Business from Monday 6th December (NZ) → read more
Who’s On First: Jason Kenney’s Response to the 4th Wave
Abbott and Costello’s comedy routine “Who’s on First” was performed in the late 1940s. It’s based on a skit Abbott heard in an episode of a radio comedy show called “It Pays to be Ignorant.” Premier Kenney performed his own … Continue reading → read more
Germany Becomes Canada
Whether its Canada, the United States, Germany, or other Western countries, the elites are pushing for the same policies. And the citizens have no say about these plans or are brainwashed by the corrupt media. Germany under its new socialist leadership is adopting policies that are already in place here or are in the works. read more
Save Sinjajevina Fighting To Stop Military Training On Pastoral Land
Given this position of the Ministry and the Government of Montenegro, and in anticipation of the abolition of the decision on the military range in Sinjajevina made in September 2019, Save Sinjajevina insists that the installation of a military training ground in this area would violate an international UNESCO protected area. This is even more striking taking into account that it was inaugurated without any environmental impact assessment, nor a social impact assessment. While the environmental values of the Biosphere Reserve are in great part assured by the continued traditional ... read more
‘Summit For Democracy’ – The Apex Of Hypocrisy
President Biden’s December 9-10 “Summit for Democracy” has already stirred up a storm. The White House says the summit will have “three principal themes: defending against authoritarianism, fighting corruption, and promoting respect for human rights” – clearly targeting Washington’s chosen “autocratic states,” China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua. The government of Taiwan is among the 100-plus invitees, prompting suspicions that a key goal is de facto recognition of the island as a sovereign state. This continues the systematic gutting of the 1972 Shanghai Communiqu... read more
War News Updates2 hours ago
U.S. Space Force General Says China Will Be The Leading Superpower In Space By The End Of The Decade
*FOX News:* *China’s space operation poses an ‘incredible threat,’ US must adapt, Space Force general says* *China's space capabilities are moving at an 'aggressive' pace, Space Force general says* China’s space operation is outpacing the U.S. two to one, posing an "incredible threat" that may make the nation the leading superpower in space by the end of the decade if the U.S. doesn’t adapt its approach, the vice chief of the U.S. Space Force warned on Sunday. Gen. David Thompson appeared on "Fox News Sunday," telling anchor Chris Wallace that while the U.S. is "still the ... read more
Video: Paris Police Check Proof of Vaccination While Diners Eat
The Nazis are back in Paris — Benny (@bennyjohnson) December 2, 2021 Video: Paris Police Check Proof of Vaccination While Diners Eat by Paul Joseph Watson, High visibility patrols appear to be back. A video out of Paris shows uniformed police officers inside a restaurant checking diners’ vaccine passports in the middle of … read more
Dr. Elizabeth Eads: Vax Causes Variants, Hospitals Murder CV19 Patients?
Dr. Elizabeth Eads: Vax Causes Variants, Hospitals Murder CV19 Patients? by Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) Dr. Elizabeth Eads is back to update us from the front lines of medicine. Dr. Eads is treating patients who have been injected with the experimental CV19 so-called “vaccines.” Dr. Eads is witnessing the horror stories of treating the … read more
Child Deaths in The UK Surge After COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout?
Child Deaths in The UK Surge After COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout? by Arsenio Toledo, In the weeks following the rollout of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines for children between the ages of 12 and 15 in the United Kingdom, the number of recorded deaths due to the disease among children in the same age group … read more
Lynette Zang: Gold Up 5,500% In Looming Reset
As Good As Gold Australia In this intriguing interview, Brian and Darryl Panes from As Good As Gold Australia chat with Chief Marketing Analyst at ITM Trading, Lynette Zang. The world is swimming in debt and the FED is powerless at this point to reverse a failing economy. It is indeed, out of bullets! Over … read more
Spanish Investigation Finds Vaccine Passports Have No Impact on Infection Rates
Spanish Investigation Finds Vaccine Passports Have No Impact on Infection Rates by Paul Joseph Watson, And also send wrong message that vaccinated can’t spread the virus. An investigation by experts in Spain has concluded that vaccine passports have no significant impact on reducing COVID-19 infection rates. – Details of the study, carried out by … read more
Germans, Australians Dragged to Government ‘Quarantine Centers’ for COVID-19
This is what the Illuminist world power is preparing for all those who refuse the coming Mark of The Beast vaccine. – Germans, Australians Dragged to Government ‘Quarantine Centers’ for COVID-19 by Raymond Wolfe, Quarantine centers in Germany have included prisons, and Australian authorities have resorted to isolated camps under 24-hour surveillance. – (LifeSiteNews) … read more
Top CEOs Selling Stocks En Masse | Robert Kientz
Liberty and Finance Top CEOs are selling billions worth of stocks. What does this mean for the stock market? It could mean a crash is ahead. Financial analyst Robert Kientz says according to certain metrics, the stock market is at one of the highest valuations in history. – 0:00 Intro 1:00 Top CEOs selling stocks … read more
Israel Threatens Attack On Iran If Vienna Nuclear Talks Don’t Go Its Way
Israel Threatens Attack On Iran If Vienna Nuclear Talks Don’t Go Its Way by Tyler Durden, Israel is continuing to threaten Iran with military attack as the latter re-engages world powers in Vienna in hopes of restoring to the 2015 JCPOA nuclear deal. As we detailed earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett phoned Secretary … read more
World Health Organization Says “No Evidence” Booster Jabs Would Offer “Greater Protection” to the Healthy
World Health Organization Says “No Evidence” Booster Jabs Would Offer “Greater Protection” to the Healthy by Paul Joseph Watson, Challenges UK decision to offer 3rd jab to entire population. The World Health Organization has questioned the UK government’s decision to roll out hundreds of millions of booster jabs to its population, asserting there is … read more
U.S. Govt Funds Violent Opposition Movements in SE Asia to Encircle China
CGTN In the name of democracy, U.S. government-funded organizations have been backing opposition movements to bring instability to different regions around the world. Bangkok-based geopolitical analyst and former U.S. Marine Brian Berletic has researched the common thread among all opposition movements from violent mobs in Southeast Asia, China’s Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) and … read more
You Will See This Supernova Explosion In The Sky!
Voyager You Will See This Supernova Explosion In The Sky! Astronomers have predicted that next year a binary star system will come together, merge, and then explode. If and when this happens, it will be a momentous moment when observers are able to watch a stellar merger and explosion for literally the first time in … read more
Paul Kingsnorth: Why I Changed Sides in The Vaccine Wars
UnHerd Freddie Sayers speaks to Paul Kingsnorth. Paul Kingsnorth sees the vaccine wars as symptomatic of a bigger division between two fundamentally different world views: he calls them “thesis” and “antithesis.” When it comes to Covid, “thesis” is the establishment viewpoint: that lockdowns are needed to contain the virus, masks work, vaccines are safe, and … read more
null9 hours ago
Oppose This Evil, or All That Was Once Great and Good in This World Will be Gone
Without any shadow of doubt, we have entered one of the darkest periods in history. Just last week, following the example of other Governments, Frau Merkel announced the segregation of 12 million Untermenshcen, describing it as an “act of national solidarity”. Remarkable for many reasons, not least of which the language being eerily reminiscent of the Tag der Nationalen Solidarität (Day of National Solidarity), which was instituted by Frau Merkel’s most infamous predecessor back in 1934. Meanwhile in Australia, along with the internment camps they have built there, the authorities in... read more
War News Updates2 hours ago
Does The Kremlin Want A Cold Or Hot War Over Ukraine?
Russian President Vladimir Putin © Mikhail Klimentyev © AFP *Politico*:* Putin’s choice: Hot war or a deeply frozen conflict* Rather than igniting new hostilities in Ukraine, the Russian president may see advantage in a never-ending standoff. Top United States officials say they are worried Russia is aiming to heat things up in Ukraine, with troops positioned along the border for a potentially imminent invasion. However, Russian President Vladimir Putin may have precisely the opposite in mind: deepening the freeze of the conflict in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region as his best,... read more
The Only Thing More Formidable Than the F-35 Is a Nuclear-Armed F-35
*Kris Osborn* *F-35A, * The F-35 is one step closer to carrying nuclear bombs. What’s next? The Pentagon, Department of Energy (DOE), and Air Force have taken a substantial step toward arming the now operational Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II stealth fighter with an upgraded, highly-capable nuclear bomb. While formal nuclear certification of the new B61-Mod 12 make take a little time as it comes in operational and design phases, the DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration is announcing that its first production unit of the B61-12 Life Extension Program has been succes... read more
The Five-Domains Update
*Hillary Mansour, Khwezi Nkwanyana, Matthew Page, Jackson Schultz* *Australia, Pacific* The Royal Australian Air Force officially retired its fleet of F/A-18A and F/A-18B ‘Classic Hornet’ fighter jets after more than 30 years of service. German frigate FGS *Bayern* joined Japan’s annual large-scale joint exercise alongside vessels from the Australian, Canadian and US navies, marking Germany’s first exercise in the Indo-Pacific in two decades. During Australia’s last maritime wargames with the US, Japan, Canada and New Zealand in August, Chinese surveillance ship *Yuhengxing* trans... read more
Why Is Boeing Done Making 747 Airliners?
*Trevor Filseth* *Aircraft, Americas* Boeing has announced that it will cease manufacturing 747 airliners in 2022. The Boeing 747 is the quintessential “jumbo jet.” It was Boeing’s first aircraft to feature two aisles instead of one and is one of the first modern jets to feature an extra upper deck. In an era previously marked by civilian twinjets—and occasionally trijets—the airliner was one of the earliest quadjets, featuring two engines on either wing—a virtual necessity considering the weight of the cabin between them. The first 747 left Boeing’s enormous Washington factory ... read more
China’s Leaders Now Favor a Far More Forceful Position on Taiwan
*Kris Osborn* *China-Taiwan Relations, Asia-Pacific* In recent decades, the Chinese communist party’s actions in Hong Kong have indicated that Beijing is unlikely to permit any kind of “two-systems” of Taiwanese autonomy under Chinese leadership. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *Although some elements of quasi-Hong Kong society autonomy might arguably still exist, China’s repressive political forces have essentially eradicated most of it. This indicates that there are limited prospects for a more tranquil or harmonious or collaborative “one-country, two-systems” approach in Ta... read more
Coquitlam shooting
CTV is reporting that "A man was taken to hospital after a shooting in Coquitlam's Westwood Plateau neighbourhood Saturday evening. Police say his nine-year-old son was in the car with him when the shooting occurred, but was unharmed." AYFKM? That is really f*cked up. Have a little self-respect guys. Leave the kids out of this. Especially at Christmas! read more
War News Updates3 hours ago
In A Phone Call With Erdogan, Putin Denounces Ukraine's Use Of Turkish Drones
FILE PHOTO: Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) meets with his Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan in Sochi, Russia, May 3, 2017. REUTERS/Alexander Zemlianichenko/Pool *Reuters:* *Ukraine Uses Turkish Drones in Donbass Conflict Zone, Putin Tells Erdogan* MOSCOW (Reuters) - Ukraine is using Turkish-made drones in the conflict zone in the Donbass region, sticking to "destructive" behaviour, Russian President Vladimir Putin told his Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan on Friday, the Kremlin said. Relations between Russia and Ukraine are in the spotlight as Kyiv says Russia amass... read more
Organizing Notes3 hours ago
Sounds like a war....
Truth being told here.... read more
How the Royal Australian Navy Can Get Eight Nuclear Submarines by 2038
*Bradley Perrett* *Nuclear Submarines, Australia* Let’s plan for a rapid import program for submarines of the US Virginia class. First, ditch the notion of building in Adelaide. Construction in Australia is the single factor that cripples Australia’s plan to acquire at least eight nuclear-powered submarines. It’s the sole reason why delivery of the first boat to the Royal Australian Navy probably can’t occur until around 2040, making the program laughably—or tragically—irrelevant to our increasingly urgent regional security problem. To build in Adelaide, as the government says ... read more
The Cheap Cessna Plane Terrorized ISIS from Above
*Alex Hollings* *ISIS, Middle East* It's not just a civilian plane. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *In fact, the Cessna 172’s younger sister, the Hellfire missile packing Cessna AC-208, has been terrorizing the skies over the Middle East for years thanks to a conversion handled by Orbital ATK, a subsidiary of Northrop Grumman. The U.S. military leads the world in stealth aviation technology, but not every fight requires a fast-moving, radar defeating fighter; sometimes all it takes to win a fight is a good old-fashioned Cessna strapped to the nines with Hellfire missiles. ... read more
In That Final Moment
Listen to a reading of “In That Final Moment”: ❖ When the nukes start flying, when we see the mushroom cloud growing on the horizon, when reality comes crashing down in the most overt way possible, when the realization slowly dawns that this really is […] read more
The Last Refuge4 hours ago
Sunday Talks, Dr. Ben Carson Discusses The Omicron Variant Madness
Former HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson appears on Fox News Sunday with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the latest and greatest madness from the Omicron variant talking points. Dr. Carson accurately notes the medical community has conceded its mission to political bureaucrats within the healthcare system. The approach toward SARS-CoV-2, writ large, has become a weird […] The post Sunday Talks, Dr. Ben Carson Discusses The Omicron Variant Madness appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Balkinization4 hours ago
Neil Gorsuch's terrifying paragraph
I am terrified by a paragraph that Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote a few weeks ago. You should be, too. He and two other justices think that the Constitution forbids states from imposing, on religious dissenters, the kind of vaccination requirements that freed the United States from diphtheria, measles, and polio. If these judges have their way, those diseases are coming back. I explain in a new column at The Hill, here. This column is something of a formal experiment, in which I try to offer to the nonspecialist reader the kind of thing I do in the classroom, examinin... read more
Medical Kidnap5 hours ago
666 Cases of Heart Disease in 12 to 17-Year-Olds After COVID Shots – Less than 2 Cases Per Year Following All Vaccines for Past 30+ Years
The COVID-19 shots cause heart disease, mainly myocarditis and pericarditis, which is destroying the health of our young people. This is a fact that is no longer in dispute, as even the CDC admits this, as their most recent report states: "As of November 24, 2021, VAERS has received 1,949 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis among people ages 30 and younger who received COVID-19 vaccine. Most cases have been reported after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), particularly in male adolescents and young adults." The only debatable points are, 1, whether or not ... read more
Food Safety News6 hours ago
Listeria monocytogenes contamination fears spark recall
Alexander & Hornung, a St. Clair Shores, Michigan establishment and business unit of Perdue Premium Meat Company, Inc., is recalling approximately 234,391 pounds of fully cooked ham and pepperoni products that may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes, says USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). The products were produced on various dates. The products subject... Continue Reading read more
666 Cases of Heart Disease in 12 to 17-Year-Olds After COVID Shots – Less than 2 Cases Per Year Following All Vaccines for Past 30+ Years
The COVID-19 shots cause heart disease, mainly myocarditis and pericarditis, which is destroying the health of our young people. This is a fact that is no longer in dispute, as even the CDC admits this, as their most recent report states: "As of November 24, 2021, VAERS has received 1,949 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis among people ages 30 and younger who received COVID-19 vaccine. Most cases have been reported after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), particularly in male adolescents and young adults." The only debatable points are, 1, whether or not ... read more
Halifax Examiner14 hours ago
Systemic racism and the Desmond murder-suicide
In the early evening hours of January 3, 2017, in remote Upper Big Tracadie, Nova Scotia, Lionel Desmond murdered his wife, Shanna, his daughter, Aaliyah, and his mother, Brenda, then turned the gun on himself. In the wake of such a horrific murder-suicide, two dueling narratives quickly emerged to try to explain the inexplicable. The […] read more
balance104 hours ago
the so far unofficial case of Dr. Andreas Noack
Dr. Andreas Noack of Bavaria Official news in Germany and the world apparently has been blacked out. nothing at Reuters search, but yahoo search has unofficial info even in depth. -r. His wife says (translated): Tuesday, Nov. 23, (2021) 10 A.M., the video about Graphene Hydroxide was published. The video hit like a bomb. At the same time, Andreas had a Zoom call with someone (sorry, I didn’t recognize the name). I operated the camera and followed the chats. The interview took about two hours. After this we had some exchanges and told each other how much we loved each... read more
"The Stock Market Bubble Has Finally Burst: The December Crash Cannot Be Stopped Anymore!"
*Full screen recommended.* *"The Stock Market Bubble Has Finally Burst: * *The December Crash Cannot Be Stopped Anymore!"* by Epic Economist "Wall Street's leading stocks are taking a major beating in recent days, with some trader favorites collapsing up to 50 percent over the past few weeks. The bubble has reached its peak, and it seems that it's all downhill from here. The market's highest flying stocks, such as Tesla and Facebook, have experienced the worst downfall since last year's market sell-off. Netflix and Nvidia also sharply dropped, resulting in hundreds of billions in lo... read more
Does the Navy Need a Next-Generation Large Surface Combatant?
*Dan Goure* *U.S. Navy, United States* Does it make sense to invest scarce resources in a relatively small number of large surface targets? *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The Navy wants a bigger ship so it can hold bigger stuff. There is a call for new vertical launch systems that could accommodate unspecified longer and larger missiles. The LSC is said to need increased space, weight, power and cooling in order to support futuristic high-demand electric weapons, sensors and computing systems. The U.S. Navy wants to acquire a new large surface combatant (LSC). The question ... read more
Need To Know5 hours ago
California Crime Wave: Security Guard Killed, Beverly Hills Socialite Murdered and $5 Million in Marijuana Products Stolen
California's recent crime wave is the fruit of a lack consequences for criminals due to criminal justice reform and no-cash bail that has now resulted in the shooting death of a security guard, numerous 'smash and grab' robberies of high end retail stores and other negative outcomes. read more
Is China Converting This Anti-Ship Missile into a Low-Yield Nuclear Weapon?
*Kris Osborn* *DF-26, Asia-Pacific* “The DF-26 is the PRC’s first nuclear-capable missile system that can conduct precision strikes, and therefore, is the most likely weapon system to field a lower-yield warhead in the nearterm.” *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *“PRC concerns began to emerge that the United States would use low-yield weapons against a Taiwan invasion fleet, with related commentary in official media calling for proportionate response capabilities,” the report states. “PRC strategists have highlighted the need for lower-yield nuclear weapons in order to increase... read more
Contesting Key Chokepoints Is the Key to Pacific Conflict
*Drake Long* *Maritime Security, Indo-Pacific* Rather than being the target of a blockade, it is increasingly likely that China will be able to blockade and isolate U.S. allies in a future conflict. In one part of the Southeast Asian epic *Sejarah Melayu, *the 15th century Malacca Sultanate receives a lavish gift from the distant emperor of China, then ruled by the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Emperor sent to Malacca a ship filled with precious golden needles, one from each of his subjects, that represented not only China’s vast wealth but also the immense manpower the Emperor held at ... read more
China Could Easily Launch a Nuclear Attack in Response to a Conventional Strike
*Kris Osborn* *Chinese Nuclear Weapons, Asia-Pacific* Dual-use weapons that are both conventional and nuclear-capable have sparked an ongoing and serious debate within the United States. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *A conventional strike could easily be misinterpreted as a nuclear attack and prompt a catastrophic nuclear weapons engagement. In a worst-case scenario, a large-scale nuclear counterattack could be launched before it is clear that an approaching threat is unworthy of a nuclear response. China could authorize the use of nuclear weapons as a counterstrike before ... read more
Could All Those 'UFOs' Really Just Be American Stealth Fighters?
*Alex Hollings* *UFOs, * The real reason for all the "UFO" sightings might not be that exciting. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Could lasers have been used to fake UAP sightings? It seems feasible, but for now, the military’s focus seems set squarely on defensive applications for the patent. This new Navy tech aims to use lasers to fool air defense systems and missiles into thinking they see multiple aircraft or even a UAP for that matter–but the plan wasn’t to trick the world into thinking they were being visited by aliens. America uses stealth technology not just to avoid... read more
bilaterals.org5 hours ago
Huge potential to boost Arab-Africa trade
05-Dec-2021 Arab-African trade has enormous potential but is held back by a number of bottlenecks. The Second Arab-Africa Trade Forum in Cairo revealed new ways to take trade forward. read more
bilaterals.org5 hours ago
Trade imbalance remain key concern at Africa-China forum
05-Dec-2021 The exports and imports mismatch has been highlighted as a key concern as Africa continues to deepen trade with China. read more
Not PC5 hours ago
The 'upper-income trap'
*"I'm legitimately wondering if, in future decades, we'll be writing about an 'upper-income trap,' wherein wealthy economies stop growing due to increased red tape, cost disease, social unrest from a highly-educated populace, rent seeking, and anti-industrial sentiment. "Because let's be clear: societies can become a lot more affluent than the US is now, and growth doesn't HAVE to decline after a country is industrialised. But for some reason we act as if stagnation is inevitable. "The US and all other wealthy economies have massive growth potential that is unrealised due ... read more

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