Saturday, December 11, 2021

11 December - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 5

 10 pm MST

PrairiePundit16 hours ago
Wisconsin reviews finds unlawful votes and operations
Margot Cleveland: ... 1. Unlawful Votes Exceeded Biden’s Margin of Victory Tens of thousands of Wisconsin votes cast in the 2020 election did not comply with state law, especially regarding ballot drop boxes and “indefinite confinement.” As a recent audit by the state’s Legislative Audit Bureau showed, absentee ballot dropboxes were used prevalently at the behest of the Wisconsin Elections Commission in violation of state law. These dropboxes were connected to an extra 20,000 votes for now-President Joe Biden, with no noteworthy effect for then-President Donald Trump. Addition... read more
Small Dead Animals16 hours ago
O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas
Hear my prayer; Shoplifters casually walk into Walgreens stores in San Francisco filling garbage bags full of merchandise. They’ve spat on, bitten, assaulted, and thrown bottles of urine at employees. The flashmob-style “smash and grab” robberies that originated here — in places like Union Square in San Francisco and the shopping plaza in affluent Walnut… Continue reading → read more
Halifax Examiner16 hours ago
Weekend File
Welcome to Weekend File, where you’ll find links to all the articles you might have missed last week. Jump to sections in this article: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday, December 5 1. Systemic racism and the Desmond murder-suicide The inquiry looking into the 2017 murder-suicide of the Desmond family has been examining […] read more
Small Dead Animals17 hours ago
90th Anniversary of the Statute of Westminster
90 years ago today the Statute of Westminster was passed: Statute of Westminster gives legal status to the independence of Australia, Canada, Irish Free State, Newfoundland, New Zealand and South Africa. The Statute of Westminster, passed by the UK parliament in 1931, gave legal recognition to the de facto independence of the dominions. The parliaments… Continue reading → read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Stossel gets Facebook to admit 'fact-checks' are just opinions
Epoch Times reports that Facebook lawyers say that a so-called fact-check Stossel said defamed him was just an opinion. The problem with Facebook "fact-checks" is that they appear like a voice of God implying that someone else's opinions are false or misleading or "lack context." The reality is that the opinions of the "fact-checkers" are no more valid than those of real experts who in the case of Stossel made a point about California forest fires. The "fact-checker" opinions tend to be those of the left-wing who disagree with conservative positions. See, also: *Stunning: Fac... read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
The anti-Semitic 'diversity' officers
*Washington Fre Beacon:* *Overwhelming Number of Diversity Officers at US Colleges Hold Anti-Israel Views, Study Says* *Findings come as anti-Semitic attacks on students have skyrocketed in recent years* It is not surprising that "diversity" officers are racist. Their whole gig is selecting people based on race and not merit. The DOJ should open a civil rights investigation of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion scam. Colleges are wasting huge amounts of money on this scam and the DEI crew sometimes has more people in it than there are teachers. Merit should be the main ... read more
Five Errors Killed Napoleon's Chances of Victory at Waterloo
*Akhilesh Pillalamarri* *Napoleon, Europe* Historian Andrew Roberts argues in his book Napoleon: A Life that Waterloo was a battle that Napoleon could have easily won—the younger Napoleon at least. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *One he commenced his invasion of Russia with the 600,000-men strong Grande Armée, Napoleon failed to achieve the conditions required for a typical Napoleonic victory—utilizing his tactical genius to defeat his enemies in a pitched battle. June 18, 2015 marked the bicentenary of Napoleon Bonaparte’s great defeat at Waterloo, the battle in today’s Bel... read more
Could Russia and China Team Up to Build Nuclear-Powered Icebreakers?
*David Axe* *Icebreakers, arctic* China might just want a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Working on an icebreaker with Russia could benefit China as its eyes a possible fourth carrier that could feature nuclear power. China could partner with Russia in order to develop nuclear-powered icebreakers. While the vessels would be useful in their own right, the main benefit could be to help Beijing refine reactor technology for use in a future nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, *according to* the Hong Kong *South China Morning Post*. The Chinese ... read more
The Aircraft Carrier Won't be the Dominant Navy Vessel Forever
*WarIsBoring* *Aircraft Carriers, Americas* That the Navy is concentrating larger percentages of its total force structure on large, high signature and increasingly vulnerable ships endangers America’s future. Fortunately, there’s better options to the status quo if the Navy moves now. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The aircraft carrier will not be the relevant weapon in the second half of the century. “History,” it has been written, “does not repeat itself, but it rhymes.” Today it’s rhyming with Gen. Billy Mitchell. In the 1920s, Mitchell challenged conventional thinking by a... read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
Biden policies driving up the cost of gas
Dailywire: ... “OPEC is supposed to add 400,000 barrels a day a month. They’re struggling to do that right now,” Eberhart explained. “And on top of that, we’ve got an inflationary economic environment, so I think oil is headed higher.” Eberhart added, however, that Biden’s “policies are pushing gas pricing up.” He said that the administration “doesn’t care for the price for energy that consumers are paying,” and pointed to the revoking of the Keystone pipeline permit and other restrictions on drilling. “I think what [Biden] is showing is he cares more about hurting oil compani... read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
Biden waste more US money on solar energy
*Washington Free Beacon:* *Biden Megadonor Scores $500 Million Federal Loan for Solar Company* *Politically connected First Solar also secured $3 billion in loan guarantees from Obama administration* Biden is investing in a solar company to be built in India. It makes about as much sense as Obama's investment in Solyndra. That was another waste of public money on a solar energy project that failed. Even if this one doesn't fail it will still just be solar energy which is unreliable and vulnerable to extreme weather events. read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
The media wanted Smollett's story to be true
*Greg Gutfeld:* *This is why the media fell for Jussie Smollett's hoax* *It's not a hoax if it reflects your own fantasies* ... Ah, it's not their fault - it's just a natural reaction. Yeah, it's a natural reaction if you wanted it to be true. Because you invested so much in the notion that America is full of white male racists. But this is their M.O. – turn the news faucet on, then, magically, turn it off. Because the media is hoping the same people who easily bought the Smollett hoax when they championed it – won't find it now that their own feverish fantasies turned out to ... read more
Jump in Autism Prevalence A Mere Blip to Autism Society of America
Slight increase. 1 in 54 to 1 in 1 in 44 children is not a slight increase. We have ELEVEN cases of Omicron Covid in Connecticut and the state's hair is on fire. Everything is a matter of perspective -... Related Stories - Report Thy Neighbor - Autism One Co-Founder Ed Arranga Dies - Mayor de Blasio Imposes Grinch-like Vaccine Mandates in New York City read more
PrairiePundit17 hours ago
Democrat spending spree doesn't add up
Washington Examiner: Democrats are facing major speed bumps in passing their social spending legislation after inflation clocked in higher than expected and the Congressional Budget Office found that their plans could add trillions to the deficit over the next decade. The Bureau of Labor Statistics said on Friday that consumer prices increased 6.8% for the year ending November , the highest in nearly four decades. The new numbers threaten support for President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better legislation because centrist Democrats such as Sen. Joe Manchin have expressed concerns th... read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
Book Review: Demystifying the Idea of Consciousness
In “Feeling & Knowing: Making Minds Conscious,” neuroscientist Antonio Damasio explores the mystery of consciousness. read more
Komando.com17 hours ago
How to know if someone actually read your text
It’s nice to know if your text message went through and the person read it. Here's how. read more
The Duran17 hours ago
Arrest of Surveillance Officers Shows Denmark Is US’s Lead Eye Into Spying on Other European Allies
Arrest of Surveillance Officers Shows Denmark Is US’s Lead Eye Into Spying on Other European Allies © Photo: Flickr/7th Army Training Command Danish military intelligence has been systematically spying upon its own citizens for United States economic profit and political interests. Two former or current secret surveillance officers for Denmark’s Military Intelligence Service (Forsvars Efterretningstjeneste […] read more
Komando.com18 hours ago
You might be breaking the law online and not even know it
Have you noticed in movies people hardly ever sing “Happy Birthday? ” The reason is that the song is copyrighted. You shouldn’t post your family singing it on YouTube or Facebook, either. ) ” read more
Komando.com18 hours ago
6 crafty ways thieves will steal your car and parts
Car thefts are rampant across the country. Some criminals are even using cheap Bluetooth trackers to follow your car around. Here's how to protect yourself. read more
CFACT18 hours ago
Coal is the fuel greens cannot kill
Worldwide, efforts to shutter coal mines are yielding cartoonish results. The post Coal is the fuel greens cannot kill appeared first on CFACT. read more
Komando.com19 hours ago
Quick tip to keep your Epson EcoTank in tip-top shape
Have you ever wondered, "How do I make my printer last?" It all comes down to keeping it in good condition. Follow these steps to maintain your printer. read more
Komando.com19 hours ago
10 Roku tips and tricks you wish you knew before now
10 Roku pro tips to get the most out of your streaming device. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
The Brazilian Livestreams Guide for Saturday, December 11, 2021
[image: The Rio Times, Nightlife Guide, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nightlife, Bars, Clubs] LIVESTREAM: Paulinho Moska (online) – This Saturday, Sesc Ao Vivo will present the singer and composer Paulinho Moska. He will present the songs of his 2018 album, "Beleza e Medo", at 9 PM. Paulinho Moska – live on Sesc São Paulo's Youtube channel. Check the event for further details. To . . . To read […] The post The Brazilian Livestreams Guide for Saturday, December 11, 2021 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Can We Use a Nuke to Fight a Hurricane?
*War Is Boring* *Nuclear Weapons, * America has the most powerful weapon on Earth at its disposal. Why not use it on Mother Nature? Why not nuke a hurricane? *Here's What You Need to Know*: It’s generally agreed that fighting Mother Nature with nuclear bombs is a bad idea. There are few natural forces that kill so many and cost so much as the hurricane. Hurricane Katrina killed more than 1,500 people and Hurricane Sandy flooded lower Manhattan. Neither New Orleans nor New York City has completely recovered. We can’t stop them. The best thing we can do is run away or, failing th... read more
What's Causing U.S. Submarines To Lose Their Stealth Coatings?
*David Axe* *Virginia-class Submarines, * The issue is going all the way to federal court. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *It was apparent more than a decade ago that the *Virginia*’s coatings were peeling off during operations. Aformer employee of Huntington Ingalls Industries, the Virginia-based shipbuilder that helps to construct all of the U.S. Navy’s submarines, has sued the company in federal court, claiming that the firm lied about problems with the external coating on *Virginia*-class attack subs. Ari Lawrence, a former HII engineer, claimed he was fired for raising... read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
How ‘Big Oil’ Works the System and Keeps Winning
Oil and gas interests have refined their techniques to stay a step ahead over decades. Don’t look for those plans to stop anytime soon. read more
PrairiePundit17 hours ago
Omar attempts to bomb Boebert's committee assignments
David Harsanyi: Rep. Ilhan Omar is demanding that Congress censure a colleague over offensive remarks. This is a real demand happening right now, and reporters write about her demands without peppering their prose with incredulous exclamation marks. House progressives, in fact, are reportedly planning to introduce a resolution that would strip Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert of committee assignments over her stupid and bigoted joke about Omar. ... You may recall a few years back when the Democratic Party backed out of censuring Omar for her numerous repulsive comments because of ... read more
Report Thy Neighbor
Thy hypocrisy of what I am about to share stinks as much as a bucket of puke left in the sun. Oh how Mommies love to tell their kids "Don't be a bully!" And schools push anti-bullying campaigns so hard... Related Stories - Autism One Co-Founder Ed Arranga Dies - Mayor de Blasio Imposes Grinch-like Vaccine Mandates in New York City - 12 Years A Counting read more
PrairiePundit18 hours ago
Texas heartbeat law keeps on beating
* Streiff:* *Supreme Court Humiliates Biden, Refuses to Stop Texas Heartbeat Law, and Gorsuch and the Wise Latina Have a Public Spat* ... The enforcement mechanism is a critical part of the bill because that prevented Texas from being sued and an injunction obtained. Because the enforcement mechanism is civil and not criminal until someone filed a lawsuit, the abortion industry doesn’t have a clear target. In the meantime, abortion ground to a halt in Texas because the “little Eichmann’s” of the abortion industry didn’t want to risk their homes and life savings defending agains... read more
PrairiePundit18 hours ago
The least lethal variant so far
*Epoch Times:* *WHO: No Deaths Reported as a Result of Omicron Variant to Date* So far, the reported cases are mild flu-like symptoms. It will be interesting to see if those who come down with it get the anti-bodies that could protect them from the harsher symptoms of other variants. read more
Is the BBC biased?18 hours ago
“Dancers who accused a leading choreographer of transphobia have claimed she has jeopardised their safety by publicising her resignation”, begins a BBC News website report today by the BBC's new culture editor Katie Razzall. [Some might call that 'victim-shaming']. It's another 'trans war' story where a woman, Rosie Kay, felt she had to leave the dance company she founded because of hostility from trans activists. Katie Razzall writes, “However, in an open letter *seen by the BBC*, the dancers claim that, by going public, Kay has caused "potential detriment to our careers".” ... read more
No Joke: The U.S. Navy Should Use Old Carriers For Target Practice
*David Axe* *Aircraft Carriers, * It's a clever way to replicate realistic conditions. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *As a test ship, *Nimitz *could help the Navy to experiment with new systems that could allow the rest of the flattops to adapt during wartime The U.S. Navy should convert USS *Nimitz*, the fleet’s oldest nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, into a test ship once the flattop decommissions in the mid-2020s. That’s the recommendation of Navy lieutenant Douglas Cantwell, who served aboard the 1,092-feet-long carrier. His advice has precedent. The Navy recently fo... read more
How Ruger's LCP II Improves on the Original Handgun
*Gun News Daily* *Ruger, United States* The LCP II is still a .380 pocket pistol and as a result is still snappy. It’s not a range gun, and should not be treated as such. *Key Point:* There are two primary uses for the LCP II: concealed carry and/or as a back-up pistol. The .380 ACP semi-automatic pistol is one of the most popular categories of concealed carry weapons in the United States and has been for years. It’s easy to see why: .380 pistols are typically small enough to carry in the pocket, they are unquestionably smaller and lighter than competing 9mm single stack autos o... read more
Turkey Wants New Stealth Fighters Even If That Means They're Russian
*David Axe* *Turkish Air Force, * Erdogan isn't spending time trying to get back into the F-35 program. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *All things considered, the Su-35 appears most likely to be Turkey’s next fighter. The United States in July 2019 kicked Turkey out of the multi-national effort to develop and build F-35 stealth fighters. The Turkish government had insisted on buying Russian-made air-defense systems that U.S. officials claimed could gather sensitive data on the F-35, data that could make its way to Russia. Ankara had planned to buy as many as 100 F-35s to eq... read more
The Navy SEAL's Bigger, Deadlier Grenade Launcher
*WarIsBoring, Joseph Trevithick* *Grenade Launchers, Americas* After four decades, the SEALs finally have their big grenade launcher. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The M-32A1 is an innovative and deadly grenade launcher. Since their formation in the 1960s, the Navy’s SEALs have been on a quest for more firepower. The elite commandos have been especially interested in bigger grenade launchers. The sailing branch formed the Sea, Air and Land Teams in 1962. These “unconventional warfare” units—what we call Special Operations Forces today—quickly became known for their vast arsena... read more
bilaterals.org18 hours ago
Hope for Kenya–US trade deal as ministers hold talks
11-Dec-2021 Kenya and the US have revisited discussions on trade policies, giving hope to the stalled Free Trade Agreement (FTA) that started more than a year ago. read more
Consider how this reflects in the current levels of gun violence. Somewhere in Scotland. Never trust Crenshaw. This traitor is a graduate of Klaus Schwab's School of Young Leaders which is also tied in with Rothschild shekels and Kissinger influence. My instinct was bang on again. I knew there was something nasty about him with his very scripted playbook. Republican families trolling Democrats ~ with great success.: How can anyone speak such drivel? In Montreal: Trust Canada to run with this madness. Yes, things are getting pre... read more
Promoting sustainability and the UN at Dubai Expo: A UN Resident Coordinator blog
Around two months into a six-month residency at Dubai Expo, the UN Hub has already attracted a large number of visitors, including several delegations from UN Member States. Dena Assaf, the UN Resident Coordinator for the UAE, and Deputy Commissioner-General of the UN at Expo, says that the event is a unique opportunity to highlight the aims and messages of the Organization. Read the full story, “Promoting sustainability and the UN at Dubai Expo: A UN Resident Coordinator blog”, on → read more
Mountain Day: ‘Peak ambition must be to keep our summits clean’, declares veteran climber
“The mountain for me is like the ocean, a space of liberty where you go where you want. We must respect these beautiful and magical places.” Read the full story, “Mountain Day: ‘Peak ambition must be to keep our summits clean’, declares veteran climber”, on → read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Brazil Central Bank’s former director: “In 2022 we will have substantially lower inflation”
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On Friday, December 10, former Central Bank director José Júlio Senna discussed November's IPCA (Extended Consumer Price Index) and compared it to inflation in other countries. According to the former director, inflation can "substantially" decrease next year. The IPCA, an index that measures the country's official inflation, stood at 0.95% […] The post Brazil Central Bank’s former director: “In 2022 we will have substantially lower inflation” appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Red Ice News19 hours ago
These Jewish Women Are Very Concerned About Traditional (White) Mothers
[image: These Jewish Women Are Very Concerned About Traditional (White) Mothers] Why is it always like this? Video is also on BitChute | Odysee | VK | Rumble | GabTV | Float | BrandNewtube | Telegram | RedIceMembers Sign up for a membership at Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1900 programs, including radio shows, videos, TV segments & our exclusive show Weekend Warrior. You get access to exclusive videos + all new videos are made available to members first. Subscribe to us on BitChute: bitchute.... read more
Red Ice News19 hours ago
Biden's Totally Impartial FCC Nominee, Joe Has "The Most Diverse Cabinet In History"
[image: Biden's Totally Impartial FCC Nominee, Joe Has "The Most Diverse Cabinet In History"] Gigi Sohn, nominee for FCC, adds to an already extremely 'diverse' administration. Video is also on BitChute | Odysee | VK | Rumble | GabTV | Float | BrandNewtube | Telegram | RedIceMembers Sign up for a membership at Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1900 programs, including radio shows, videos, TV segments & our exclusive show Weekend Warrior. You get access to exclusive videos + all new videos are mad... read more
Virtual Mirage20 hours ago
I’ll be in the air all day today, and with time zones and other things going on, today is a long day. However, I will share a few thoughts. I’ve heard a lot about how the mainstream media thought that Creepy, old, corrupt, demented, Brandon would have struck terror into Putin’s heart, leading to […] The post Saturday appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Russia and Brazil discuss military-technical cooperation
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - "Russia's Deputy Defense Minister Colonel General Alexandr Fomin met in Moscow with the Brazilian President's Special Secretary for Strategic Affairs Flávio Augusto Viana Rocha," the statement said. During the meeting, current issues of military and military-technical cooperation between Russia and Brazil were discussed and steps for its development were outlined. […] The post Russia and Brazil discuss military-technical cooperation appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Brazil: Cruise ship tourism resumed in Bahia
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The arrival of the MSC Seaside cruise ship, the largest of the Brazilian season, which departed from Ilha Grande (RJ) and docked at the Passenger Terminal of the Bahian capital Salvador on Tuesday, December 7, with 4,265 passengers on board, marked the resumption. An estimated 63 cruise ships are expected […] The post Brazil: Cruise ship tourism resumed in Bahia appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Is the BBC biased?20 hours ago
Lord Grade criticises the BBC
The BBC is still keeping its mouth shut firmer than a member of the clam mafia but the pressure on the corporation over the Oxford Street antisemitic bus incident continues to grow. Now former BBC chairman Lord [Michael] Grade has joined the chorus of criticism, saying: Given the available evidence, or rather lack of it, it is worrying that the BBC has so far defended its report that there were ‘clearly’ anti-Muslim shouts from the bus, while the antisemitic gestures were only ‘alleged’. They need to provide the evidence to support their defence or rethink and issue an urgent corr... read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Brazil defers reopening its land borders with Argentina by one week 
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Brazilian government will defer for one week the implementation of health regulations for travelers entering the country. The reason was the cyber-attack on websites, apps and systems of the Ministry of Health Friday (10). The Ministry of Health's website and the ConnectSUS webpage and app, which provides the National […] The post Brazil defers reopening its land borders with Argentina by one week appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
naked capitalism20 hours ago
Daily E-Mail Switchover This Weekend
If you subscribe to our e-mail service, please be patient. You may get two daily e-mails for a few days while we road test our transition. read more
Is the BBC biased?20 hours ago
On Newswatch
Someone copied Samira Ahmed into a tweet this morning which encapsulates what many of us have said here over the years about the BBC's *Newswatch*: Every week Samira Ahmed beautifully presents a whole host of individual public criticisms of BBC news programmes and, every week, the same paternalistic responses of self-justification from the BBC heads of news. Their arrogance is astounding. This week's self-justifying BBC editor was Paul Royall, Paul Royall, editor of BBC News at Six and Ten. He even used the hallowed formulation of BBC editors on the programme. not once but twice. H... read more
Why Israel Still Really Loves the Aging F-15 Eagle
*Kyle Mizokami* *F-15, Middle East* That’s a ringing endorsement for a warplane first flown in the early 1970s. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The IAF’s adoption of the F-35I “Adir” fighter did not dampen the country’s enthusiasm for the F-15. One of the fighter jets most associated with Israel is the F-15 Eagle. The first F-15 touched down in Israel in 1976 and the jet has served continuously—and without defeat—since. In 1998, the Israeli Air Force introduced a new version of the jet, one designed for air-to-air and air-to-ground combat. The Ra’am (Thunder) serves as the long-r... read more
The Famed Mosin Rifle Haunts the Russian Army
*Kyle Mizokami* *Rifles, Eurasia* Recently, the Mosin was spotted in the hands of separatist forces in the Donbass region of Ukraine. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Well into the twenty-first century, the Mosin soldiers on. One of the most widely used weapons of the twentieth century was the predecessor to the legendary AK-47 rifle. Developed at the end of the nineteenth century for the Czar’s armies, the Mosin Nagant infantry rifle ended up becoming the standard issue weapon of the new Soviet Union. An unassuming but accurate and reliable weapon, the “Mosin” served well into ... read more

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