Saturday, December 11, 2021

11 December - Blogs I'm Following - 5 of 5

 10 pm MST

Study Suggests Sun Is Likely An Unaccounted Source Of The Earth’s Water
This also explains nitrogen as well. This would be really handy and we can hope to find both everywhere else nearby. Are condrites also produced as part of fusion processes?. This is presently tentative, but should succumb to analysis. The point is that fusion produces the full range of elements and the lighter portion can be thrown into space and driven outward. *Study Suggests Sun Is Likely An Unaccounted Source Of The Earth’s Water* *11/30/2021 10:00:00 AM* *Curtin University researcher... read more
Dinosaur Trove In Italy Rewrites The History, Geography, And Evolution Of The Ancient Mediterranean Area
At least this helps get rid of sketchier ideas regarding geological history. It is all European and leave it at that. Lack of evidence is not an indication of much except a lack of evidence. The obverse is locating a mine. Those appear any place and that should be a Warning. It appears dinosaurs were mostly everywhere and may well have been robu'st swimers. Recall the back of a dinosaur in water looks like a crocodile. *Dinosaur Trove In Italy Rewrites The History, Geography, And Evolution Of The Ancient Mediterranean Area* ... read more
Volcanic Fertilization Of The Oceans Drove Severe Mass Extinction
I do find the proposed chemical pathways unconvincing but recall our problem with dead zones all blamed on excess nitrogen. Could this be caused by excess phosphorus? Volcanic ash does fertilize oceans but hte mechanism we assume to be obvious may well be far more subtle. As athmosphere chronically saturated with volcanic gases is nastly and possibly dangerous. It is usually not sustained ever. Was it ever truly sustained? Often as not, continuity in the geological record can be point sources separated by five centuries. *Volcanic Fertilization Of The Oceans Drove Severe Mass... read more
High Copper Technology Used in Ancient America
We have known for over a century just how large the copper mining industry was in Lake Superior It is completely insulting that academe has chosen to utterly ignore this fact. It easily supplied the whole global Bronze Age with native copper not demanding difficult smelting with reagents. It is the only place on Earth that has so much. Again for a thousand years this copper made its way to the Irish sea and there they picked up tin. It was the currency of the Atlantean trade empire that emerged globally until smashed in 1159 BC. Yet Academe keeps ignoring this when it is our ... read more
Komando.com21 hours ago
Pets deserve holiday gifts, too! 13 picks for the pooch or cat in your life
Even if you don't have a pet of your own, show your friends and family that you care about everyone in their household. read more
The Duran21 hours ago
HATE CRIMES HOAXES — An American Tradition
The conviction Thursday of Jussie Smollett on five of six counts of faking a “hate crime” on himself was a long time coming, but sadly it was nothing new. Before discussing this case further and the reasons this shameless liar deserves serious prison time, let us look back on some equally serious and far more […] read more
The Duran21 hours ago
The Disastrous Liberation of the Philippines
The United States Navy had defeated the Japanese in major naval battles by the summer of 1944. American submarines frequently sank Japanese merchant ships and crippled Japan’s ability to continue fighting. In August 1944, Japan’s Premier Tojo and his entire cabinet was forced to resign in disgrace. US Navy Admiral Chester Nimitz proposed an invasion […] read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Brazil’s 25 most valuable brands in 2021 – Interbrand
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Interbrand consultancy on Friday, December 10, released its annual ranking of the 25 most valuable brands in Brazil. First placed was Itaú bank (ITUB4), with a brand value of R$40.5 (US$7.2) billion, followed by Bradesco (BBDC4), whose brand is worth R$27.5 billion, and Ambev group's Skol (ABEV3), worth R$18.8 billion. […] The post Brazil’s 25 most valuable brands in 2021 – Interbrand appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Christmas shopping and dinner: What increased (and decreased) in price in Brazil
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - High inflation is still a challenge for the budget of many Brazilian households. According to data released December 10, by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), official inflation has reached 10.74% in the past 12 months. The main villain is gasoline, which accumulates a rise of over 50% […] The post Christmas shopping and dinner: What increased (and decreased) in price in Brazil appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Havel as the ideologue of
Willie sent me these thoughts The Power of the Powerlessthat Andrew Torba, the CEO of (an independent alternative of Twitter's) wrote two weeks ago when he read Czech dissident and expresident Václav Havel's long 1978 essay (CZ: Moc bezmocných). Havel described the state of the post-1968-occupation Czechoslovak society that was based on lies and obedience. Almost all the citizens publicly expressed opinions that none of them actually believed; Havel's chosen example is a clerk in a shop with vegetables who repeatedly places the banner "Workers of All Countries, Unite" in the... read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Covid-19: São Paulo appeals to Supreme Court seeking vaccine passport requirement at airports
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The São Paulo government filed a petition in the Federal Supreme Court (STF) on Friday, December 10, to demand that a vaccine passport be required for foreigners entering Brazil through the state. The Brazilian health regulatory agency (ANVISA) recommended the measure nationally, but President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and Minister of […] The post Covid-19: São Paulo appeals to Supreme Court seeking vaccine passport requirement at airports appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Cybercrime in Brazil’s Health Ministry: everyone’s data was compromised, says expert
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On Friday, December 10, Brazilian Association for Cybersecurity chairman Hiago Kim discussed the hacker attack against the Ministry of Health's system. Among the consequences, the specialist cited the compromising of all accessed citizens' data. Kim said that data from millions of Brazilians can be used for scams, most of which […] The post Cybercrime in Brazil’s Health Ministry: everyone’s data was compromised, says expert appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Great Awokening: Can They Be Trusted?
*Update: Text a good deal more edited than it was when first posted. * In the Forest of Illusion. My tentative answer (and I very much look forward to reading this piece by @nytdavidbrooks): 1. Conservatism isn't what it once was. 2. Conservatism was never quite what we thought it was. — Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) December 8, 2021 Yes he does. Basically calls US conservatism a moral crime. — Nathan Newman 🧭 (@nathansnewman) December 9, 2021 Newman, the sociologist and labor-left Substacker who's been influencing my own thinking an awful lot lately, pos... read more
The Ultimate Insurance Policy: Israel’s Nuclear-Armed Attack Submarine
*Kyle Mizokami* *Submarines, Middle East* The most survivable arm of the nuclear triad is typically the sea-based one, consisting of nuclear-armed submarines. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Israel is building a nuclear deterrent with an eye towards Iran. Israel’s submarine corps is a tiny force with a big open secret: in all likelihood, it is armed with nuclear weapons. The five Dolphin-class submarines represent an ace in the hole for Israel, the ultimate guarantor of the country’s security, ensuring that if attacked with nukes, the tiny nation can strike back in kind. Israel... read more
New Models of Russia's 50-year Old Heavy Machine Gun Fielded in Tajikistan
*Peter Suciu* *Heavy Machine Guns, Russia* The 12.7x108mm NSV "Utes" heavy machine gun has seen use in more than a dozen conflicts around the world, including current conflicts in Syria and Yemen. The United States military has employed the venerable M2 .50-caliber machine gun for nearly ninety years. That weapon is essentially a supersized version of the M1919 .30-caliber Browning machine gun, which was developed by the prolific firearms designer John Moses Browning. Only a few nations have developed similar high-caliber machine guns, and among those is Russia's NSV "Utes," a m... read more
Shootout: Is the .38 Special vs. 9 Millimeter the Better Pistol?
*Gun News Daily* *Firearms, United States* Both the .38 Special and the 9mm enjoy popularity among civilians and are widely available in any country where civilians can buy firearms. *Here's What You Need to Know*: It’s a no-brainer that as far as ballistics, the 9mm is superior. But if we all look deeper and think outside of the box, besides the numbers on ballistics charts accessible everywhere online, there’s more to this caliber comparison than most people would care to talk on, much less think about. Truth be told I tend to shy away from comparing any revolver cartridge to ... read more
bilaterals.org21 hours ago
AIO seeks insurance sector's integration into AfCFTA
11-Dec-2021 The President of African Insurance Organization, Mr Tope Smart, has said the organisation is examining how the insurance sector can best integrate into the African Continental Free Trade Area. read more
COVID-19 A Pandemic Of Fear “Manufactured” By Authorities: Yale Epidemiologist
COVID-19 A Pandemic Of Fear “Manufactured” By Authorities: Yale Epidemiologist by Isabel van Bruegn via Jan Jekielek via The Epoch Times, The COVID-19 pandemic has been one of fear, manufactured by individuals who were in the nominal positions of authority as the virus began to spread across the globe last year, according to Yale epidemiologist Dr. … read more
Jerusalem Post Reports CDC Forced To Admit That Nearly 80% Of All New Omicron Variant COVID Cases Are Affecting The ‘Fully Vaccinated’
Jerusalem Post Reports CDC Forced To Admit That Nearly 80% Of All New Omicron Variant COVID Cases Are Affecting The ‘Fully Vaccinated’ by Geoffrey Grider, The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that of the 43 cases attributed to the Omicron variant, 34 people had been fully vaccinated. Fourteen of them had … read more
Gangsters Out Blog22 hours ago
Coquihalla repairs under way
Looks like the NDP are going a good job getting the Coquihalla up and running again. Paula Cousins, the Regional Executive Director of the ministry of transportation and infrastructure said "This is the response phase so the priority right now is just to get the economy and the trucks moving again." Wow. Someone with a brain. Let's hear more from her. Transportation minister Rob Fleming said "This is important for the country as well because this is our main transportation route that makes sure goods get to the country." (Coming from the port.) Exactly. A good economy means more t... read more
OrientalReview.org22 hours ago
Journalism, Assange And Reversal In The High Court
British justice is advertised by its proponents as upright, historically different to the savages upon which it sought to civilise, and apparently fair. Such outrages as the unjust convictions of the Guilford Four and Maguire Seven, both having served time in prison for terrorist offences they did not commit, are […] read more
Improve your overall health with B vitamins
Learn more about B vitamins and other vitamins and minerals that are essential for optimal health at Every dollar you spend at the Health Ranger Store goes toward helping us achieveimportant science and content goals for humanity: For more updates, visit: PHOTO: Screenshot read more
Virus Protection (free resource from the Medical Medium)
We are up against all kinds of viruses on this planet. No matter what virus you want protection from, or which virus might be the hot topic in the media at any given time, all of the Medical Medium healing information can help protect you and your loved ones. DOWNLOAD HERE read more
Quick Answers To manufacturing Next In Step by Step Aspect
[image: business idea Next]2. Trusting a loan officer who gives you nothing extra then a handshake and their word. All the things agreed upon ought to be done so in writing. Somebody’s word is nugatory with regards to loan contracts. If a low rate of interest is being assured it need to be in writing. 2. Toy Business Association Price efficient and efficient in comparison with different The precise nature of performance just isn’t so vital. You will need assist from an experienced engineer, and the factory or protoshop would be the best way to go *Terra Global However you could be... read more
Saturday Music Special – Rio – Vale Mike Nesmith
By Anton Lang ~ This is a sad day in the history of modern music, as we mark the passing of Mike Nesmith. This video clip is of his classic song Rio, the first music video. Link to video clip at You Tube This video was posted to You Tube by Michael Nesmith’s Videoranch It […] read more
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Friday 10 December 2021
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […] read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
December 11th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 326
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post December 11th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 326 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
Saturday December 11th – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Saturday December 11th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
EPA Proposes To Hammer Oil And Natural Gas With Crazy New Climate Rules
By David Wojick, Ph.D. ~ EPA has posted a massive proposed rule making targeting the oil and natural gas industry, calling it a “climate review”. The full title is “Standards of Performance for New, Reconstructed, and Modified Sources and Emissions Guidelines for Existing Sources: Oil and Natural Gas Sector Climate Review” The URL for commenting […] read more
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Outlines Legislation Targeting Private Sector Contractors Who Facilitate Unlawful Immigration and Joe Biden’s Human Trafficking Operations
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is proposing an interesting legislative approach to curb the White House illegal immigration process. In essence, what the Florida legislature will be enacting are laws that restrict any private company from doing business in Florida if they are participating in the federal programs to distribute illegal aliens. If a federal contractor […] The post Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Outlines Legislation Targeting Private Sector Contractors Who Facilitate Unlawful Immigration and Joe Biden’s Human Trafficking Operations appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Scientists Take A Stand Against ‘Woke Math’
By Jarrett Stepman ~ Saying two plus two equals four may now be problematic. One of the key aspects of the left-wing cultural revolution that’s taken over America’s most powerful institutions is how it injects its politics and ideology into literally everything. That includes science, and now math. Many states and school districts are embracing […] read more
Balkinization8 hours ago
The Silent Failure of Appropriations
Four issues have dominated Congress’s fiscal agenda this fall. The (minimally) bipartisan infrastructure billbecame law on November 15. The Build Back Better environmental and human services bill is still subject to intense wrangling. Appropriations for the fiscal year than began on October 1 remain in limbo. And Congress has just agreed to a complex procedure for raising the debt limit to prevent a default. The procedural and political context of each of these is complex. This post seeks to cut through some of the resulting confusion concerning appropriations. Separat... read more
Older Americans Leaving Workforce Due to Coronavirus but Not Claiming Social Security
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Coronavirus, Pandemic* The groups that were the most impacted in the eye-opening findings included women, Asian-Americans, those without college degrees, and workers without telecommuting options. A new study conducted by Boston College’s Center for Retirement Research has revealed that the likelihood of Americans aged fifty-five and higher leaving the workforce over the course of a year climbed by 50 percent—a 7.6 percent jump from before the start of the nearly two-year-long coronavirus pandemic. The groups that were the most impacted in the eye-opening... read more
Lasers and Beyond: How to Shield Modern Aircraft Carriers
*Kris Osborn* *Aircraft Carriers, United States* Carriers are expected to operate effectively in high-risk combat environments where they will most likely be confronted with many incoming attacks. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Carrier defenses, fast-becoming armed with new technologies such as laser-interceptors, longer-range, more precise missiles and multi-frequency jamming systems are growing in complexity and effectiveness, with the primary aim of avoiding and stopping increasingly sophisticated attacks. “Avoiding enemy attack” is important in any war, including at sea whe... read more
What Keeps America’s M16 Rifle Shooting Strong After 50 Years?
*Kyle Mizokami* *M16, Americas* One word: upgrades. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The M16 series of weapons has been in continuous use by the U.S. Military for more than fifty years. In the early 1980s, the U.S. Army and Marine Corps decided the M16A1 assault rifle needed an upgrade. The result was an improved version, the M16A2, and later the M16A3, M16A4, and the shorter, compact M4A1 carbine. The story of the M16 post-Vietnam is the story of how a mature, successful weapon design can be adapted to suit a variety of needs and missions. The U.S. Military adopted the M16 assau... read more
Can Russia’s Su-57 Take Down America’s F-22 Raptor?
*Kyle Mizokami* *Stealth Fighters, World* Probably not, if the Raptor can keep its distance. *Here's What You Need to Know*: If these two ever meet, it will be a battle for the ages. Russia’s official designation of the PAK-FA/T-50 jet as the Sukhoi Su-57 is just another reminder that the field of fifth generation fighters is about to get more crowded. The United States, China, Russia, Japan and Korea are all working on their own fifth generation designs, but so far only three planes, the F-22 Raptor, F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and the Chinese J-20 are operational. Increased tens... read more
balance1023 hours ago
meet Luis Tellez, link in a big chain
Luis Tellez Camillo Mourino Nov. 4, 20 08 Mexico City air crash. Radar map shows 2 helicopters, A1505 and A1507, between but at lower elevation than the 2 planes involved; ahead in landing was a commercial airliner and behind was Learjet carrying Camillo Mourino. Wave turbulence from airliner and close distance of Learjet to it was ruled the cause. No investigation of the 2 helicopters. Supposedly they were based at or flew on to Toluca airport, which was known to have been controlled by a drug... read more
Small Dead Animals23 hours ago
Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors
Drew Holden – Remember “an attempted modern day lunching”? I do. read more
Noodle link investigated as children die in South Africa
Officials in South Africa are looking into the deaths of up to five children to see if they are linked to eating instant noodles. The Department of Health is investigating the possible food poisoning in Mpumalanga, Eastern Cape and Gauteng provinces. The agency met with environmental health practitioners from the three affected provinces and municipalities... Continue Reading read more
December 11, 2021: Reader Tips
10 miles west of downtown Amarillo, Texas is a quirky art display called the Cadillac Ranch. Here’s a video/photo compilation I made from a visit there in late March. Your tips whirling around recent events would be much appreciated! read more
US Sets 1-Week Deadline To See If Iran Talks Advance
Channel 13 in #Israel reports the US is giving #Iran one final week to see where the negotiations go, and the US has agreed to hold joint training sessions with the IDF for strikes against #Iran nuclear facilities. If true, it's the closest to a deadline I've seen to date. — Jason Brodsky (@JasonMBrodsky) December 10, 2021 *Zero Hedge:* *US Sets 1-Week Deadline To See If Iran Talks Advance As Israel Pushes Military Option: Report* Earlier in the week Reuters revealed that top US and Israeli officials were in talks to initiate joint military training exerci... read more
Pentagon Considering Mandating COVID-19 Booster For All Troops
A service member from the 109th Airlift Wing prepares to adminster a COVID-19 vaccine on March 10. (Master Sgt. Christine Wood/Air Force) *Newsweek: **Pentagon Looking at Booster Mandate for Military, Over 96 Percent Have At Least 1 Shot* The Pentagon is looking to mandate booster shots for military personnel. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said Friday that they are in "active talks" to enact a mandate that would require members of the U.S. military branches to get vaccine booster shots against COVID-19. He also said that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and himself want civil... read more
The Greek Navy's New Frigates Will Bolster NATO in the Mediterranean
*Kris Osborn* *Greek Navy, Mediterranean* The new Greek frigate is also specifically engineered to support and operate within a NATO force by virtue of its embedded electronics, data link connectivity, command and control systems, and computing. *Here's What You Need Know:* The Hellenic Frigate is armed with eleven VLS cells and a deck-launched, long-range, over-the-horizon Naval Strike Missile as well as 57mm guns and ship-defense weapons such as the Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile Block II and Rolling Airframe Missile. Lockheed Martin is building a special warship for the Greek mil... read more
Upgraded and Ready to Rock: How the Gen 5 Glock Has Changed
*Gun News Daily* *Glock, United States* It’s safe to say that the Generation 5 is a new gun of its own with thirty-five upgrades of its own. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *One feature worth of note is the dual recoil spring system. Glock originally featured this on the Glock Generation 4 for improved performance, and they have chosen to keep it on the Gen 5 as well. You may have though that the Glock Generation 4 represented the pinnacle of everything that Glock could do, but the Generation 5 that was released last year shows that Glock still has many tricks left up their s... read more
Not So Stealthy: Russia's S-400 Can Detect an F-15EX From 200 Miles Away
*David Axe* *F-15EX, * Russia can't take the F-15EX's stealth too seriously. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The Defense Department compelled the Air Force to request eight F-15EXs as part of the flying branch's 2020 budget request. The eight planes would cost $1.2 billion. The debate continues over the Pentagon’s proposal to buy new F-15EX Eagle fighters from Boeing to complement Lockheed Martin-made F-35 stealth fighters. As lawmakers weigh the military’s request, *Air Force *magazine *has published* an infographic comparing the two fighters. Both fighters cost roughly $... read more
China's Navy is Building Out Its Expeditionary Warfare Capability
*Kris Osborn* *Expeditionary Warfare, China* China’s ambition to become a dominant global power has prompted the communist country to reach beyond the region where it has exerted its authority for centuries. *Here's What You Need to Know: *Several new technologies fielded by the People's Liberation Army and Marine Corps are designed to operate outside of China's borders and project power overseas. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and Marine Corps are taking aggressive measures to conduct next-level expeditionary warfare and project power beyond the Pacific theater, according ... read more
Komando.com1 day ago
How to make sure you don’t accidentally call 911
Have you ever dialed emergency services by accident? Here's how to stop that from happening without compromising your safety. read more
null1 day ago
Through the Grace of Mariam, the Kindness of Elizabeth and the Baptism of Yohannes, Ethiopia (Humanity) Will Win #WarNoMore
Today was supposed to be the day that I was going to declare war on my fellow Ethiopians. Deeply wounded by a family dispute and The post Through the Grace of Mariam, the Kindness of Elizabeth and the Baptism of Yohannes, Ethiopia (Humanity) Will Win #WarNoMore appeared first on . read more

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