Saturday, December 11, 2021

11 December - Blogs I'm Following - 3 of 5

 10 pm MST

The New Dark Age11 hours ago
Edward Bernays: Propaganda and the U.S.-Backed 1954 Guatemalan Coup
Edward Bernays may be known as the Father of Public Relations, but you would not be mistaken if you thought of him as the Father of Lies. He was a bullshit artist par excellence who pioneered countless methods of deceiving the public. read more
Mohammad Nidal Younis: 17th Palestinian youth killed by Israel in 2021
Yet another Palestinian child killed – this time by a private Israeli security guard at a checkpoint. Israeli forces then ransacked the victim's family home. read more
Turcopolier11 hours ago
“Elon Musk turns up the heat to stop SpaceX burning through cash” telegraph
“What it comes down to, is that we face a genuine risk of bankruptcy if we can’t achieve a Starship flight rate of at least once every two weeks next year.” SpaceX did not respond to a request for comment. … Continue reading → read more
Snopes.com12 hours ago
What Does ‘Shadow-Ban’ Mean?
Sometimes the reason no one seems to be reading your social media posts is that a platform has hidden them from public view. read more
Komando.com12 hours ago
5 budgeting worksheets to keep you on track in the new year
It's tough to manage money on your own. You need great math skills and you need to set up everything from scratch. Skip the work with these spreadsheets. read more
Florida Gov. DeSantis brilliantly proposes plan to fight rising seas without any ‘left-wing stuff’
Originally posted on Tallbloke's Talkshop: Miami, Florida [image credit:] A practical approach to weather-related local problems, without any overblown climate alarm propaganda. – – – FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Gov. Ron DeSantis announced a series of steps to defend Florida against rising sea levels Tuesday, even as he denounced the use of the… read more
Small Dead Animals12 hours ago
The Sound Of Settled Science
Science will be very, very angry when it hears about this: Planet 10 times the size of Jupiter discovered, when it shouldn’t even exist read more
The New Dark Age13 hours ago
Julian Assange News Links 11 December 2021
11 December 2021 — The New Dark Age Join Our Messenger Julian Journalism, Assange and Reversal in the High Court Julian Assange can be extradited to the US, court rules Aim of Assange’s prosecution is to ‘scare others’ – Rafael Correa to RT Journalism, Assange and Reversal in the High Court … Continue reading Julian Assange News Links 11 Decem... read more
Small Dead Animals13 hours ago
Life Imitates Southpark.
GB News- Hundreds of people are set to protest over the renaming of a pub in Linlithgow, Scotland, which has a controversial name. More here Its got some good reviews on Tripadviser. read more
Israel applauded the “extrajudicial execution” of Mohammad Salima
After an alleged stabbing, Israeli soldiers shot Mohammad Salima, immobilizing him. Then, in what may be considered an extrajudicial execution, they continued to shoot him from "zero distance," refusing medical care and allowing him to bleed to death. Israeli officials endorsed the action. read more
The New Dark Age13 hours ago
The Power of Natural Immunity
Data from Israel and some other countries has shown since August that infection-acquired immunity offers much stronger protection against coronavirus re-infection than vaccine-induced immunity. A new Israeli preprint study by Yair Goldberg et al. confirms this result and offers new insights. read more
Canadian COVID Hotel Detainee Fights With Healthcare Workers For Release After Days Of Forced Quarantine
Gateway Pundit – by Alicia Powe Across the northern border, Canadians are being forced into COVID quarantine hotels and effectively incarcerated by the government when... The post Canadian COVID Hotel Detainee Fights With Healthcare Workers For Release After Days Of Forced Quarantine appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Kentucky tornadoes: At least 4 touched down, up to 100 people likely killed
WLKY MAYFIELD, Ky. — Gov. Andy Beshear said dozens, maybe up to 100, were killed in western Kentucky after a long and significant tornado ripped... The post Kentucky tornadoes: At least 4 touched down, up to 100 people likely killed appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
What’s happening in Australia in 3 minutes
@TheSearch4Truth September 10th, 2021 The post What’s happening in Australia in 3 minutes appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
WATCH: Cop Shoots, Kills Unarmed Man in McDonald’s Bathroom, Then Lets Him Bleed Out on Floor
[image: McDonald's]An unarmed man was gunned down by police in a McDonald's bathroom holding only his cellphone and left to bleed out on the floor. read more
Elon Musk Challenges Zero Growth Axioms
On December 7, 2021 Elon Musk, speaking from Austin, Texas to a *Wall Street Journal* grouping of company CEOs, issued a challenge to company leaders, and to Americans generally, to join him in breaking free of the imperial thought police, the business school views of a static society, and the pessimism of those who are now promoting both left-wing and right-wing versions of bureaucratic fascism. read more
US Sets 1-Week Deadline To See If Iran Talks Advance As Israel Pushes Military Option: Report
Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden Earlier in the week Reuters revealed that top US and Israeli officials were in talks to initiate joint military training exercises that... The post US Sets 1-Week Deadline To See If Iran Talks Advance As Israel Pushes Military Option: Report appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
What’s This? Business Owner Sentenced for Employing Illegal Aliens
US Incorporated – by Allan Wall Illegal aliens are being hired to work in America because there are businesses willing to employ them. That’s common... The post What’s This? Business Owner Sentenced for Employing Illegal Aliens appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
55 Dead, More Than 100 Injured After Truck Smuggling Migrants Headed to US Crashes Into Bridge, Flips Over
Gateway Pundit – by Cristina Laila Joe Biden’s open borders policies are deadly. 55 people died and more than 100 are injured after a tractor-trailer... The post 55 Dead, More Than 100 Injured After Truck Smuggling Migrants Headed to US Crashes Into Bridge, Flips Over appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
IMF, 10 countries simulate cyberattack on global financial system
Reuters JERUSALEM, Dec 9 (Reuters) – Israel on Thursday led a 10-country simulation of a major cyberattack on the global financial system in an attempt... The post IMF, 10 countries simulate cyberattack on global financial system appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Maskless man berates ‘coward’ Tube passengers for wearing masks saying ‘you are leading us into slavery’
Daily Mail A maskless man was caught on camera berating Tube passengers for wearing face coverings and accusing them of ‘leading us into slavery’. The... The post Maskless man berates ‘coward’ Tube passengers for wearing masks saying ‘you are leading us into slavery’ appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
People In Prison Organize Collectively For Survival
On this show, we talk about how to build the relationships and analysis we need to create movements that can win. When we have talked about the rise of fascism, and how to fight it, I have often made the point that we have a lot to learn from prison organizers, who operate under the most fascistic conditions in the United States. But amid this pandemic rollercoaster of hope, disappointment and uncertainty, I feel like we also have a lot to learn from imprisoned and formerly incarcerated organizers about how to sustain ourselves and each other psychologically during hard times. So, ... read more
Is the BBC biased?11 hours ago
A gruesome tale
I was going to write about this first thing yesterday morning, but couldn't think what to say. Plus it's such a gruesome story that it's not something I particularly want to think about, but it's Saturday afternoon and I've taken a deep breath... Under the banner *BBC USED LICENCE FEE PAYERS MONEY TO LAVISH TENS OF THOUSANDS OF POUNDS ON TWO MURDERERS*, the Defund the BBC campaign has taken up the outrage of many on reading the *Daily Mail*'s story about it yesterday, tweeting: This story is so outrageous it’s almost hard to believe. Two men with previous violent convictions that ... read more
From Jenna Orkin Researchers in Japan use ostrich cells to make glowing COVID-19 detection masks House Approves Post-Trump Curbs on Presidential Power Trump White House records can be released in Jan. 6 probe pending Supreme Court review, appeals court rules Supreme Court says Texas abortion providers may proceed with challenge of six-week ban, leaves law in effect for now Starbucks workers in Buffalo vote to unionize; cafe is first company-owned store in U.S. with union The Coronavirus Attacks Fat Tissue, Scientists Find New York City Lawmakers Pass Bill Letting Some Noncitizens Vote... read more
200,000 and Counting: North Korea Has the World’s Largest ‘Special Forces’
*Kyle Mizokami* *North Korea, Asia* Should Seoul be worried? *Here's What You Need to Know*: North Korea's ability to distribute nuclear, chemical, biological, or radiological weapons could, if successful, kill thousands of civilians. One of the most vital parts of North Korea’s war machine is one that relies the most on so-called “soldier power” skills. North Korea has likely the largest special-forces organization in the world, numbering two hundred thousand men—and women—trained in unconventional warfare. Pyongyang’s commandos are trained to operate throughout the Korean Peni... read more
China's Next-Generation Strategic Bomber Could Look Like the B-2
*Kris Osborn* *H-20 Stealth Bomber, China* The Defense Department noted in its report on China that “a possible H-20 prototype depicted a flying wing airframe akin to the B-2 bomber and X-47B stealth unmanned combat aerial vehicle.” *Here's What You Need to Know:* Available renderings of the exterior of the H-20 bomber indicate that it has a stealthy configuration. In fact, it looks as though the H-20 has an embedded engine, blended wing body, absence of vertical structures, and engine air ducts woven into the frame underneath the fuselage. China’s new stealthy Xian H-20 bomber... read more
How the Heckler & Koch VP9 Fares Against Its Competition
*Gun News Daily* *Heckler & Koch, United States* The HK VP9 is a very unique offering, and we’ll cover the reasons why in this review. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The VP9 may be just another striker fired 9mm pistol. But it’s also very ergonomic and has an excellent trigger pull, If there’s anything you need to know about the company Heckler & Koch, it’s that they are pretty much synonymous with quality firearms that are in service with military, law enforcement units, and civilians all over the world. And if you know anything about Heckler & Koch, then you should have heard... read more
Heavy snow hits Austria, snow levels at almost ten-year high
Exceptional early-December snowfall was reported across the Alps this week, with parts of eastern Austria receiving the heaviest snowfall in 9 years. In Burgenland, up to 30 cm (11.8 inches) of snow fell overnight on Wednesday, and power outages are impacting...... Read more » read more
Snopes.com13 hours ago
What is the Legend of the Barghest?
"The Hound of the Baskervilles" and Harry Potter’s "Grim" may come from a common creature in the United Kingdom's folklore. read more
The Duran13 hours ago
Stolypin Killed in Kiev. Bosnian Crisis positions Great Powers for a Great War
Stolypin Killed in Kiev. Bosnian Crisis positions Great Powers for a Great War The Duran History Series. Russia and the rise of the Bolsheviks, EP. 5 read more
Mining Awareness +13 hours ago
Covid Detention in Canada – Undercover Video
Three negative Covid tests, but still interned and very unhappy about it, and about the food. He’s not committed a … Continue reading → read more
The Duran13 hours ago
The Russia – US – Ukraine mess, explained in ten minutes [Video]
Dr. Steve Turley may or may not be a reader of The Duran, but he sure has the right sources at hand for this report about the latest political theatre concerning the supposed “invasion plans” of Ukraine by its big northern neighbor, Russia. Is such a move likely? Absolutely not. In fact, Joe “the Imposter” Biden’s […] read more
The Duran13 hours ago
China Backs Russia in Stand Off with US on Ukraine, NATO. UK MSM Worries About “Three Front War”
China Backs Russia in Stand Off with US on Ukraine, NATO. UK MSM Worries About “Three Front War” News Topic 360 US, Russia clashes to continue after ‘candid, tough-toned’ Putin-Biden meeting US, Russia clashes to continue after ‘candid, tough-toned’ Putin-Biden meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting with US President Joe Biden via a […] read more
Earthquake swarm under Davidof volcano, U.S.
Due to the possibility of escalating volcanic events associated with a swarm of earthquakes in the vicinity of Davidof volcano in Alaska, the Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) has raised the Aviation Color Code and the Volcano Alert Level for Davidof volcano to...... Read more » read more
War News Updates14 hours ago
U.S. Imposes New Sanctions Against China, Myanmar And North Korea On Human Rights Day
The US Department of the Treasury added China's SenseTime to a blacklist for developing facial recognition software 'that can determine a target’s ethnicity, with a particular focus on identifying ethnic Uyghurs' [File: Leah Millis/Reuters] *Reuters: **U.S. imposes sweeping human rights sanctions on China, Myanmar and North Korea* WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The United States on Friday imposed extensive human rights-related sanctions on dozens of people and entities tied to China, Myanmar, North Korea and Bangladesh, and added Chinese artificial intelligence company SenseTime Group ... read more
Air Force Special Operators are Refocusing on the High-End Fight
*Kris Osborn* *Special Operations, United States* The Air Force Special Operations Community is experiencing a pivot away from years of counterinsurgency back towards providing support to larger joint forces. *Here's What You Need to Know*: While certain key missions such as medical evacuation or hostage rescue and recovery will likely still figure prominently when it comes to war preparations for Air Force Special Operations Forces, they may take on a new and different operational character. Air Force Special Operators have a lot of jobs. They can attack from V-22 Ospreys behi... read more
Caitlin Johnstone14 hours ago
The Assange Case Is The US Defending Its Right To Lie: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
Listen to a reading of this article: ❖ The Assange case is the most powerful government in the world defending its right to lie to you. ❖ Q: What’s the difference between how the US deals with journalists it hates and how Saudi Arabia deals […] read more
Droughts And Floods
The world’s leading experts say droughts and floods are getting worse due to global warming. Earth’s Freshwater Future: Extremes of Flood and Drought – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet 13. How does climate change affect the strength and … Continue reading → read more
Halifax Examiner14 hours ago
Strang: StFX outbreak now numbers 114 cases, but high vaccination coverage is limiting severity
Jump to sections in this article: Overview of today’s cases Vaccination Demographics Testing Potential exposure advisories Nova Scotia announced 123 new cases of COVID-19 on Friday, December 10, 2021. By Nova Scotia Health zone, the new cases break down as: • 56 Central • 60 Eastern • 6 Northern • 1 Western Most of the […] read more
Vauxhall Mokka Electric
By Paul Homewood I looked at the range of the Audi e-Tron the other day. Audi’s figures suggested 162 miles for motorway driving – unlike normal cars, EVs have lower efficiency on motorways than urban driving. However the Audi’s battery has capacity of 95 KWh, much bigger than typical mid-range cars. The Vauxhall […] read more
Modern Tokyo Times15 hours ago
Japan art and rinpa: Buddhism and high culture
Japan art and rinpa: Buddhism and high culture Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times One of the most distinctive art forms in Japan is the delightful cultural art of rinpa (rimpa). This art movement developed in Kyoto in the early Edo Period of the seventeenth century. Therefore, the two founding fathers – Hon’ami Kōetsu and […] The post Japan art and rinpa: Buddhism and high culture first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
Jeb Bush Has A New Education Master Plan For 2022
I'll give Jeb! this--when education policy failed to carry him to the White House, he didn't just turn tail and pretend that he's never met the whole thing ever before (that was Common Core he disowned). And his policy right-tilted thinky tank is still at it, currently under the name Foundation for Excellence in Education, aka Excel*in*Ed. In fact, the group has a whole new education policy playbook for 2022. And it looks very... familiar. "States are the incubators of innovation," says the tiny head of Jeb. "With a relentless focus on advancing big and bold policies, governors an... read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
Schiff called to account for pushing Russia hoax
*Breitbart:* *GOP Rep. Bishop: ‘Adam Schiff Is the Jussie Smollett of Congress’* Schiff openly embraced the discredited Steele dossier that has been exposed as a fraud. read more
War News Updates14 hours ago
Hamas Ammunition Warehouse Explodes In Southern Lebanon
*CNN:** Hamas ammunition warehouse explodes causing casualties in southern Lebanon* (CNN)A Hamas warehouse filled with ammunition at a Palestinian refugee camp in southern Lebanon exploded on Friday, causing casualties, according to Lebanon state-run NNA news. "Sounds of explosions were heard in the al-Burj al-Shamali camp for Palestinian refugees, east of Tyre, in one of the Palestinian Islamic centers inside the camp," NNA said in its report. Hamas, a militant fundamentalist Islamic organization operating in the West Bank and Gaza, has offices in certain areas of Lebanon.... read more
Despite Mass Censorship, RFK Jr.’s Book on Fauci’s Corruption is #1 Best Seller on Amazon, NY Times, Wall St. Journal
[image: RFK]With his extraordinary new book, The Real Fauci, RFK, Jr. has made it very clear that he will not allow Orwell’s 1984 totalitarian boot to stamp on his face. read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
DeSantis responds to Biden's irresponsible immigration policies
Breitbart: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Friday announced a series of actions the state plans to take against President Biden’s “reckless border policies,” barring contractors assisting ferreting illegal immigrants from doing business in Florida, requiring private companies involved in facilitating illegal immigration to “pay the state restitution for each person they are facilitating,” and cutting state ties with facilities housing illegal immigrants. ... One of the priorities is to “say to any of these contractors who are involved in ferreting people — whether it’s buses, c... read more
Manchin And the Filibuster
Greg Sargeant writes that Joe Manchin is putting democracy in danger: Manchin knows the filibuster is rendering the Senate dysfunctional. And Manchin spent many months trying to build GOP support for reasonable voting rights protections, to no avail. So Manchin knows Republicans will never, ever support anything remotely meaningful in protecting democracy. Yet he remains the public face of the idea that democracy reform must be done only in a bipartisan fashion, or not at all. Yes, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) is also a holdout, as are a few other moderates. But get Manchin, and... read more
Russia’s Tsar Bomba: The Most Powerful Nuke Ever Detonated
*Paul Richard Huard* *Nuclear Weapons, Eurasia* The bomb had an explosive force of 50 megatons, or more than 3,000 times more powerful than the Hiroshima weapon. *Here's What You Need to Know*: A Tsar Bomba warhead would completely devastate the entire Los Angeles metropolitan area. Maj. Andrei Durnovtsev, a Soviet air force pilot and commander of a Tu-95 Bear bomber, holds a dubious honor in the history of the Cold War. Durnovtsev flew the aircraft that dropped the most powerful nuclear bomb ever. It had an explosive force of 50 megatons, or more than 3,000 times more powerful ... read more
Can the Small British Navy Handle a Persian Gulf Crisis?
*David Axe* *British Royal Navy, Middle East* We've come a long way from the days when the British Royal Navy was the best in the world. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *That the Royal Navy struggles to maintain two warships in the Persian Gulf reveals just how overstretched the fleet is. The Royal Navy plans briefly to double its number of warships in the Persian Gulf following an attempted attack by Iranian forces on a British oil tanker on July 20, 2019. But the temporary increase in British warships in the region, from one to two, underscores just how few ships the Royal... read more
Here's How the Glock 22 and Glock 23 Stack Up
*Gun News Daily* *Glock 22 Gen5, United States* The Glock 23 may be slightly more practical, but there are also good reasons to choose the Glock 22. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *A gun with a longer sight radius will always be more capable of accurate shots compared to a gun with a shorter sight radius. The Glock 22 and Glock 23 are two of the most popular “plastic” handguns on the market. Both are very reliable handguns as both are manufactured by Glock, a company known for their products’ legendary reliability. Both are also chambered for the .40 S&W, a handgun caliber d... read more
Cop Fired for Savagely Beating Handcuffed Pregnant Woman on Video, Hired at New Dept.
[image: cop]Despite savagely beating a handcuffed pregnant woman, a cop has been rehired at a neighboring department who referred to her as "an asset." read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
Those responsible for foisting Biden's failed Presidency on us should be held to account
Glenn H. Reynolds: It’s time to admit it. Less than a year in, Joe Biden’s is a failed presidency. Biden knows it, the press knows it, and voters know it. And our foreign adversaries like China and Russia know it. It’s also time to look at the “cabal” of business, labor and political leaders who foisted the Biden administration on us. That won’t be hard, as they were openly bragging about their efforts less than a year ago. The failure is obvious. The administration is so desperate, it’s begging the press for better coverage. (What, they’re supposed to lie about gas and food pri... read more
War News Updates14 hours ago
Tweets Of The Day
Virus update: • South African doctors see signs omicron is milder than delta. • Navy commander fired after refusing vaccine. • New York's COVID surge is back — and its mask mandate. • Amtrak may cut service over vaccine mandate. More coverage: — The Associated Press (@AP) December 11, 2021 UK experts call for tougher restrictions 'or Omicron will kill 75,000' — Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) December 11, 2021 #UPDATE International donors agreed to release $280 million in aid to Afghanistan, the World Bank sa... read more
Retraction Watch15 hours ago
Weekend reads: Hundreds of researchers in China sanctioned; phony finance research; results of the cancer research reproducibility project
Before we present this week’s Weekend Reads, a question: Do you enjoy our weekly roundup? If so, we could really use your help. Would you consider a tax-deductible donation to support Weekend Reads, and our daily work? Thanks in advance. The week at Retraction Watch featured: Paper on canine gastrointestinal illness dogged by lack of disclosures … Continue reading Weekend reads: Hundreds of researchers in China sanctioned; phony finance research; results of the cancer research reproducibility project read more
Cairns News15 hours ago
Police flying squads coming to terrorise small business
Exclusive by Jim O’Toole, Townsville bureau The Queensland Labor Party corporation is preparing a 200 man flying squad of former police officers and existing police volunteers to terrorise private businesses across the state which are not complying with the Premier’s Covid mandate. Those making up the squads have been undergoing a three week training course […] read more
Komando.com17 hours ago
New for 2021: 8 ways travelers can save time and travel safer
Tons of people want to travel around the world in 2022. But you have to be careful thanks to the Omicron COVID-19 variant. Here's how to stay safe. read more
Organizing Notes15 hours ago
The tragic farce of the 'Summit for Democracy'
*The art of war* By Manlio Dinucci (il manifesto, Italy) On December 9-10, President Biden hosted the "Summit for Democracy" which brought together worldwide "leaders of government, civil society, and private sector." The online guest list included 111 countries. Among these guests are 28 of the 30 NATO members: Turkey and Hungary are missing but, on balance, there are Israel and Ukraine together with 26 of the 27 EU members except Hungary. The Summit was held to "provide them with a platform to defend democracy and human rights at home and abroad, to face through collective ... read more
War News Updates15 hours ago
The U.S. Navy Needs A Paint Job
People claim board of directors seats in multi-billion dollar, multi-national corporations, and feel entitled to high ranking political appointments by claiming credit for this as peak performance. Ponder that. — cdrsalamander (@cdrsalamander) December 10, 2021 I'm dead serious when I say this: Operate less. Paint more. We are not at war. When we show up in a place, we should look good. If we don't, we are defeating the purpose of presence. — David B. Larter (@DavidLarter) December 10, 2021 *WNU Editor*: No comment necessary. read more
21st Century Wire15 hours ago
Pfizer Finally Admits ‘Large Increase’ in COVID Jab Side Effects
*21WIRE* | How many other countries are engaged in this same kind of administrative fraud? read more
Small Dead Animals15 hours ago
I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords
Put your trust in technology: Équité Association has issued this year’s list of top stolen vehicles In fact, a vehicle without a theft-deterrent system didn’t hit the list until number 24: a 2006 Ford F350 SD 4WD, 90 of which were taken this year. They also break down the lists by region. More pickups are… Continue reading → read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Soros backed prosecutor supports Loudon County liberal wackos
This is one of the worst cases of prosecutorial abuse I have ever seen. It is unfortunately typical of the Soros-back prosecutors who go easy on the real criminals and attack victims. We saw a similar thing in St. Louis where a couple were defending their home from a BLM mob and they only people arrested were the people defending their home and not anyone in the mob. read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Biden's unique inflation
*Washington Examiner:* *We have worse inflation than countries with negative interest rates* It appears to be uncontrolled spending and not investment-driven inflation. read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Biden imposes unrealistic energy goals on federal government
*Just the News:* *Biden signs executive orders to make all government vehicles electric & buildings renewable powered* *A series of new executive orders aims to make the federal government carbon neutral by 2050* This gives a boost to inefficient and unreliable energy sources and vehicles with limited range. When comes to military operations it is idiotic. We are not going to be able to fly airplanes and run tanks on lithium batteries or other forms of electricity. This looks like another one of Biden's half-assed policies that ignore reality. It would be a bigger fiasco t... read more
War News Updates15 hours ago
Picture Of The Day
A still image, taken from video and released by the Russian Defence Ministry, shows two French warplanes Mirage 2000 and Rafale and a refueling aircraft tracked by a Russian Su-27 fighter jet in international air space over the Black Sea. Russian Defence Ministry/via REUTERS *WNU Editor:* The above picture is from this photo-gallery .... *Top Photos of the Day *(Reuters). read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Will FBI finally admit Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization?
Just the News: FBI Director Christopher Wray's assessment that the far-left antifa network is an ideology, not a group or an organization, is coming under fire this week after prosecutors in San Diego charged several self-described anti-fascists in connection with eight alleged assaults. Antifa is "not a group or an organization," Wray testified before the House Homeland Security Committee last year. "It's a movement or an ideology." He added that antifa was a "real thing" and that the FBI had undertaken "any number of properly predicated investigations into what we would descr... read more
musingsofanoldfart15 hours ago
A rainy Saturday of reflection
We need the rain.Yet, December rainy days tend to be gray ones, rather than ones with peeks of sunshine coming through the clouds on occasion. So, it is a good day to write Holiday cards and finish the tree decorations, … Continue reading → read more
OrientalReview.org15 hours ago
Soft Power In Politics And Diplomacy (IV)
Part I, Part II, Part III Various actors of soft power We have to keep in mind, nevertheless, that in the very practical activity, a state authority can’t possess comprehensive soft power in all possible areas as soft power is not proportionately disseminated in all areas. As a matter of […] read more
Saturday Snippet: Winston Churchill and "the Prof" during World War II
An aspect of war seldom considered is how the personalities of the leaders involved - politicians, soldiers, sailors, airmen and industrialists - contribute to victory or defeat. Many of those involved with such people don't speak about their experiences, sometimes due to a sense of loyalty to their superiors, other times because of obstacles such as Official Secrets Acts or similar legislation. One example is found in "Winston Churchill's Toyshop" by Colonel Stuart Macrae. The book is a light-hearted but intensely interesting look at how many of the secret weapons of World... read more
Violent tornado outbreak hits U.S. South and Midwest, leaving up to 100 people dead
A violent tornado outbreak took place across the U.S. South and Midwest on Friday, December 10 into Saturday, December 11, 2021, placing more than 16 million people under a tornado watch. In 24 hours to 11:10 UTC on December 11, the NWS Storm Prediction Center...... Read more » read more

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