Friday, December 10, 2021

10 December - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 5

 10:30 pm MST

PrairiePundit16 hours ago
Democrats cop hatred outweighs their concern about criminals
The Lid: Hey liberals, how is all that Cop hate going? If you live in a Democrat-infested city, chances are you are in more danger than you’ve ever been. Democrat-run cities suffer from the highest murder and violent crime rates than they have ever had. The mayor of one of the cities, Philadelphia, claims that this is just crazy! “It’s terrible to every morning get up and have to go look at the numbers and then look at the news and see the stories. It’s just crazy. It’s just crazy and this needs to stop,” Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said after his city surpassed its annual ho... read more
From Fiction to Fact: Could Russia Have Captured Iceland During the Cold War?
*WarIsBoring* *Cold War, Europe* Were the Soviet Union’s attack submarines to break out into the Atlantic and threaten NATO shipping, neutralizing Iceland and penetrating the “GIUK gap” would be of vital importance. But that doesn’t mean the Soviets really could’ve invaded Iceland … right? *Heres What You Need to Know: *Iceland was an overlooked but highly strategic location during the Cold War. Tom Clancy’s 1986 novel *Red Storm Rising* depicts a conventional war between NATO and the Warsaw Pact. It’s one of Clancy’s best books and, interesting for a story about a Third World W... read more
Nearly All U.S. Cases of Omicron so Far are Mild
*Stephen Silver* *Omicron, Americas* There have been more than forty Omicron cases reported in the United States to date. The Omicron variant of the coronavirus was first reported in the United States over a week ago, and while much remains uncertain, there are indications that the variant isn’t as deadly as other variants, although it may spread more easily. The effectiveness of vaccines, meanwhile, remains to be seen. Pfizer representatives said this week that they believe shots plus boosters will be effective against the new variant. The head of the Centers for Disease Cont... read more
Don't Count on It: The U.S. Military Probably Isn't Invading Venezuela
*David Axe* *Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela* Any military action in Venezuela would be costly and put American citizens in the country at risk. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *An invasion of Venezuela would require more forces than the invasions of Grenada and Panama did, and also could be riskier, Shannon O’Neil noted at Bloomberg. Venezuela “is twice the size of Iraq with only a slightly smaller population, and teeters on the verge of chaos. Any invasion requires preparations on a similar scale, meaning a 100,000-plus force.” The U.S. Defense Department’s regional command for S... read more
musingsofanoldfart16 hours ago
Watergate was bad, but that was not Nixon’s greatest crime (a reprise)
Thinking of the actions of the most recent former president which led to an insurrection on the Capitol Building and its occupants, which to me are seditious in nature, I am reminded that he is not the first president whose … Continue reading → read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Brazil November inflation rises 0.95%, reaches 10.74% for last 12 months
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the National Consumer Price Index (IPCA), one of the main inflation metrics in Brazil, closed up 0.95% in November. The variation is the highest for the month since 2015. In the accumulated 12 months through November, the index is up […] The post Brazil November inflation rises 0.95%, reaches 10.74% for last 12 months appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
Schiff called on his Russian conspiracy theories
*Washington Examiner:* *Schiff confronted about Russia investigation and Hunter Biden on House floor* Schiff bitterly clings to his meaningless "evidence" of Russiagate. He also ignores the Biden family's corruption business. read more
OrientalReview.org16 hours ago
Biden White House Spoofs The Kremlin
This must be a rare occasion when Russian President Vladimir Putin during his 18 years in the Kremlin came out second best in an encounter with an American president. And it had to be at the hands of President Joe Biden who has not yet completed one year in office. […] read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Brazil’s aeronautic startup DESAER has presented its new turboprop
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - During the 6th edition of Mostra BID Brasil, a trade fair held in Brasilia focused on military and defense products, São Paulo-based DESEAR (Desenvolvimento Aeronáutico ), a startup created by former Embraer employees, officially presented on Tuesday its second aircraft project, the ATL-300, a high-wing turboprop. Similar to the ATL-100, […] The post Brazil’s aeronautic startup DESAER has presented its new turboprop appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Halifax Examiner16 hours ago
Kirk Johnson recounts legal battle with Mike Sanford and Halifax Regional Police
Mike Sanford of the Halifax Regional Police was caught in a lie when he said pro boxer, North Preston’s Kirk Johnson, had no proof of car insurance in that now-infamous traffic stop on April 12, 1998 outside of a Smitty’s restaurant in Dartmouth. Johnson recently recounted the events the night of the traffic stop — […] read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Privatization of five Brazilian port authorities will attract US$ 3.5 billion in investments
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The sum of R$20 billion or a little more than US$3.5 billion is the number of investments projected during the privatization or divestiture process of the first five port authorities in Brazil. This was detailed by Diogo Piloni, National Secretary of Ports of Brazil. The senior official commented that "if […] The post Privatization of five Brazilian port authorities will attract US$ 3.5 billion in investments appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Smollett's implausible story comes a cropper
Washington Examiner Editorial: The story of Jussie Smollett and the implausible hate crime attack against him is now familiar to nearly everyone. Smollett, a little-known actor on a long-running Fox television show, claimed to have been walking down the street minding his own business at 2 a.m. in downtown Chicago when he was attacked by two white Trump supporters wearing red "Make America Great Again" hats who made reference to his race (he is black), his sexual orientation (he is gay), and the obscure television show on which he appeared. The attackers allegedly placed a noose... read more
Is the BBC biased?15 hours ago
Razia Iqbal sticks up for Joe Biden
I saw a tweet last night from journalist and broadcaster Mike Yardley: Just heard a BBC presenter slapping down the ex head of Estonian's army for noting that Putin's threats to the Ukraine had parallels to the Hitler pre WW2. Why? This situation could quite easily escalate. It's brinkmanship at the moment, but that's still a very dangerous game. That intrigued me so I hunted for the interview he was talking about and found it on Radio 4's *The World Tonight*. It was an extraordinary interview by the BBC's Razia Iqbal. It's a long time since I've heard her [because I no longer ... read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Brazil poorly ranked in technological innovation – CNI study
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil ranks 57th out of 132 countries in the Global Innovation Index, which, according to Gianna Sagazio, the innovation director of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), is a position incompatible with Brazil's economic development. "Unfortunately, we will see that Brazil is in an average position that is not compatible […] The post Brazil poorly ranked in technological innovation – CNI study appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
Inflation Continues to Soar in Latin America, Even As Central Banks Intensify Their Rate Hikes
After hiking interest rates seven times in eleven months, Brazil now faces faces the most dreaded of economic scenarios: stagflation. read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
Bloomberg, Other Publications Criticize CalPERS’ Leverage on Leverage Plan to Boost Returns While Missing Additional Types of Borrowing
CalPERS, which has lagged nearly all other public pension funds' performance, is doubling down on failure by resorting to leverage. read more
There is Now a Shortage of Christmas Trees, Experts Warn
*Peter Suciu* *Supply Chains, * Supply chain issues have caused not just the lack of gifts under the tree this year. In some cases, there may not be a tree. At the start of the global novel coronavirus pandemic, there were shortages of toilet paper, cleaning products and hand wipes, and of course frozen pizza. This year has seen the supply chain issue get worse, impacting the availability of firearms ammunition. Meanwhile, the global microprocessor chip shortage has affected the supply of everything from video game consoles to automobiles. Various industry and retail analysts ha... read more
Extratropical cyclone off the coast of Brazil brings more than 450 mm (17.7 inches) of rain to Bahia
Heavy rain associated with the front derived from the extratropical cyclone forming off the coast of southern Brazil this week caused severe floods in parts of southern Bahia, leaving 3 people dead. The cyclone emerged from an area of ​​low pressure of 1 010 hPa...... Read more » read more
Sometimes an article will bring a tear to your eye
This one did, to mine. On Dec. 2, Haley and her husband Jb Parke welcomed their newborn son John Beeson Parke (Jb), three weeks early. The Sunday before, her husband was admitted to the hospital with complications from cancer. While the couple thought they had 6 months, they found out on Wednesday that it would just be a matter of days. “With our second son’s due date 3 weeks away, my husband and I knew asking for an induction was the right thing to do. Without hesitation, the team of ICU doctors communicated with the head of high risk labor and delivery doctors. They offere... read more
MJBizDaily18 hours ago
How cannabis companies can save money on packaging
Complying with regulations while sourcing and working with cost-effective, attractive marijuana or hemp packaging requires a deft touch, which can’t be done by simply throwing money at the problem. Which can’t be done by just throwing money at the problem. How cannabis companies can save money on packaging is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
With the loss of Ed Arranga this week, I've been thinking about Ed, Teri and what Autism One meant to, and did for, our community for so many years. Autism One was much more than a conference. Sure, we learned... Related Stories - Autism One Co-Founder Ed Arranga Dies - Mayor de Blasio Imposes Grinch-like Vaccine Mandates in New York City - 12 Years A Counting read more
Canada might be open to accepting a successor to Queen Elizabeth who is not Prince Charles
Deep in the halls of Buckingham Palace, some of Queen Elizabeth’s most tenured courtiers have been contemplating Her Majesty’s succession plans — not just for the Throne of the United Kingdom, but for her fifteen Thrones around the world — The post Canada might be open to accepting a successor to Queen Elizabeth who is not Prince Charles first appeared on The Buffalo Chronicle. read more
Komando.com19 hours ago
How to store a digital copy of your vaccination card on your iPhone or Android
Want a digital copy of your COVID vaccination card on your iPhone or Android? Here's how. read more
Small Dead Animals19 hours ago
Diversity Is Our Strength
Buy some popcorn to see how this story unfolds. read more
Sea Ice Data Tampering At DMI
By Paul Homewood Electroverse have uncovered some blatant data tampering by DMI: It would appear that the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) may have taken a leaf out of NASA’s ‘data-fudging 101‘. Sometime between late-Nov and early-Dec this year, the DMI’s Arctic Sea Ice Volume chart experienced a mysterious ‘vanishing’ of ice — […] read more
Komando.com19 hours ago
5 hidden LinkedIn features you should start using
LinkedIn has a ton of well-hidden features and tricks. You can use them to your advantage. Turn LinkedIn into a helpful tool with these five tricks. read more
“nearly all Democrats”
Democrats know that climate change is an existential threat which can be controlled by the US government. The survey of 1,704 U.S. adults, which was conducted from Oct. 19 to 21, found that nearly all Democrats (78 percent) and a … Continue reading → read more
bilaterals.org18 hours ago
La Zlecaf intéresse le secteur de l'assurance africain
10-Dec-2021 Le président de l'Organisation africaine d'assurance (AIO) a annoncé l'intention de son organisation d'intégrer le secteur de l'assurance à la Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECAf). read more
bilaterals.org18 hours ago
Britain agrees digital trade deal with Singapore
10-Dec-2021 Britain said it had agreed a digital trade deal with Singapore, the first digitally-focussed trade pact signed by a European nation. read more
bilaterals.org18 hours ago
India-EU free trade talks hit slow lane over labour, environment, investment issues
10-Dec-2021 There is no clarity now over when formal negotiations on the proposed India-EU trade pact would begin. read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Brazil approves construction of 9 privately run railroad lines, trying to rebuild railway network
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Ministry of Infrastructure signed today (9) authorization for six business groups to start the construction of nine railroads in the country. The measure is part of the Pro Trilhos Program, which aims to expand the national railway network through private investments. With the signature, the companies should invest about […] The post Brazil approves construction of 9 privately run railroad lines, trying to rebuild railway network appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Surprise: Serbian Forces Once Shot Down an American Stealth Fighter
*David Axe* *F-117 Nighthawk, Serbia* The F-117 shootdown near the town of Budanovci was “an outright military victory,” according to Zoltan Dani, the colonel in command of the 250th Air Defense Missile Brigade’s 3rd Missile Battery. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The shoot-down was no secret. F-117 pilot Lt. Col. Dale Zelko ejected from his damaged jet and spent a day hiding from Serbian patrols before an Air Force HH-60G rescue helicopter flew in to retrieve him. On March 27, 1999, an S-125M missile crew from the Serbian 250th Air Defense Missile Brigade fired two missile... read more
Why Asia Can't Get Over the Russo-Japanese War
*Robert Farley* *Russo-Japanese War, Asia* The war's impact is still felt today. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Still, the setback that the Japanese dealt to the Russians in 1904-05 helped shape the contours of Asian politics for a century. The Russo-Japanese War commenced 110 years ago this February, lasting eighteen months before a US-brokered truce mercifully put it to rest. The war killed upwards of 125,000 people, and sharply limited Russian influence in Northeast Asia. Japan gained control of Korea, and gained a long-term foothold for influencing events in Manchuri... read more
The Five Most Dominant Supwerpowers in World History
*Akhilesh Pillalamarri* *Great Powers, United States* Even the greatest superpowers, no matter how dominant economically and militarily, should remember that their predecessors usually failed due to internal events. *Here's What You Need to Know:* Unlike previous great empires, the basis of Britain’s power was its navy, which it could use to strike far and wide. This allowed Britain to enforce freedom of navigation and oppose slavery and piracy, making the world a safer place. While the world has known many great empires, the list of superpowers is shorter. It is much harder for... read more
Retraction Watch18 hours ago
Paper on canine gastrointestinal illness dogged by lack of disclosures
A veterinary journal has retracted — in a big way — a 2021 paper about bowel disease in dogs by a group of authors who failed to disclose key conflicts of interest and then appear to have lied about the omission when pressed. The article, “Utility of the combined use of 3 serologic markers in … Continue reading Paper on canine gastrointestinal illness dogged by lack of disclosures read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Covid-19: Brazil’s land borders with Argentina and Uruguay will reopen December 11
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The requirements for entering the country by land will be the Covid-19 vaccination certificate and a negative RT-PCR test, according to Interministerial Ordinance 661, from December 8th. Until now, only Brazilians could enter from neighboring countries. The decision to reopen was a consequence of meetings held last week during the […] The post Covid-19: Brazil’s land borders with Argentina and Uruguay will reopen December 11 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Minimum wage to support a family in Brazil should be R$5,900 (US$1,100) -Dieese
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The minimum wage sufficient to support a family of four, with two adults and two children, in November would be R$5,969.17 (US$1,100), which corresponds to 5.42 times the national minimum wage of R$1,100, according to the Intersindical Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (Dieese). In the same period last year, […] The post Minimum wage to support a family in Brazil should be R$5,900 (US$1,100) -Dieese appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Cairns News19 hours ago
Qantas’ unlawful vaccine mandate next in the Fair Work Commission’s firing line
By Daniel Y. Teng Epoch times The major decision last week by Australia’s workplace tribunal to strike down a vaccine mandate by mining giant, BHP, has opened the door for other unions to consider challenging similar orders in their sectors. The Australian Licenced Aircraft Engineer’s Association (ALAEA) said it would consider challenging vaccine mandates handed down by national […] read more
CFACT19 hours ago
EPA proposes to hammer oil and natural gas with crazy new climate rules
Why is EPA hammering the oil and natural gas industry, which will cost all of us dearly when these costs hit consumers? The post EPA proposes to hammer oil and natural gas with crazy new climate rules appeared first on CFACT. read more
Need To Know19 hours ago
Scientific Study Concludes that 5G Wireless Radiation Exacerbated COVID-19
During the first pandemic wave in the United States, COVID-19 attributed cases and deaths were statistically higher in states and major cities with 5G infrastructure as compared with states and cities that did not yet have this technology. read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Savings Bank starts paying Brazil Aid at a minimum US$72
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Federal Savings Bank (Caixa Econômica Federal) will pay this Friday, December 10, the "Auxílio Brasil"(Brazil Aid) to beneficiaries with Social Security Number (NIS) ending in 1. A provisional measure published in an extra edition of the Federal Gazette on December 7 brought forward the payment of the new Brazil […] The post Savings Bank starts paying Brazil Aid at a minimum US$72 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Cairns News20 hours ago
Lying politicians and TGA health officials will meet their maker, sooner or later
Letter to the Editor My healthy fit 28 year son started a new job about 6 weeks ago. To keep his job he had to have the jab, which he did about 4 weeks ago. Immediately after the jab, he passed out, fell off the chair onto the floor and pissed himself. After waking up […] read more
Need To Know20 hours ago
Brazil: President Jair Bolsonaro Rejects Vaccine Passports and Travel Bans
Vaccine passports are essential to forcing the Chinese-style social credit system and and new monetary system controlled by bankers, known as central bank digital currency (CBDC), on the masses. read more
Need To Know20 hours ago
New York City Lawmakers Pass Bill Allowing Non-Citizens to Vote
The measure would allow non-citizens who have been lawful permanent residents of the city for at least 30 days, as well as those authorized to work in the US, including so-called “Dreamers,” to help select the city’s mayor, city council members, borough presidents, comptroller and public advocate. read more
Need To Know20 hours ago
Hate Crime Hoaxer Jussie Smollett Found Guilty on 5 Out of 6 Charges
A special prosecutor filed six charges against Smollett that are low-level class 4 felonies that amount to lying to police. Smollett's false claims did present a risk for a potential race riot. read more
Virtual Mirage20 hours ago
Maps and Such
The US States are divided in half by population. Coping with Global Cooling Piracy Nexus Pirates prefer chokepoints where their prey is concentrated. More or less now as then. From Jules Identify the tank Maxwell Trial The trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, the socialite who stands […] The post Maps and Such appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Need To Know20 hours ago
Mother Says Los Angeles Public School Secretly Vaccinated Her 13-Year Old Son, WITHOUT Her Consent
The school requires students ages 12 and up to be vaccinated. Attorney Jennifer Kennedy told NBC that the school doesn’t have the authority to impose a vaccination mandate for children in the State of California, let alone without parents’ consent. read more
Is the BBC biased?19 hours ago
Barely even half the story
A black American actor is found guilty of faking a white supremacist hate crime against himself. The two men he paid to stage the attack are black themselves. All manner of senior Democrats fell for the hoax, including Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Joe Biden tweeted, ''We are with you Jussie'' and Kamala Harris called it ''an attempted modern day lynching''. And Black Lives Matter [BLM] called his trial a “white supremacist charade”. It's interesting how little of the above you'll find in the BBC's account of the verdicts on Jussie Smollett this morning. In fact, the only bit of all... read more
Gangsters Out Blog19 hours ago
BC has highest overdose deaths ever under NDP Mismanagement
The results are in. Last month BC had the highest overdose rate in history proving to the world that the NPD’s model doesn’t work. The problem is that Vancovuer adapted the Four Pillars then threw away three of the crucial pillars turning harm reduction into harm promotion. Clearly the lethal injection site isn’t working because it has created more addicts and more fatal overdoses. Once again we see the problem, reaction and bad solution paradigm at work. Vancouver’s drug problem is like LA’s crime problem. It’s the result of failed liberal policies. Instead of saying hey look, th... read more
The Six Most Powerful Armies in World History
*Akhilesh Pillalamarri* *Most Powerful Armies, United States* From ancient times to modern warfare, these six armies dominated their opponents on land. *Key Point:* We judge which armies were the most powerful by their ability to win battles decisively and consistently. In an anarchical system like international relations, military power is the ultimate form of currency. A state may have all the culture, art, philosophy, and glitter and glory in the world, but it’s all for naught if the country doesn’t have a powerful military to defend itself. Mao Zedong *put it* bluntly when h... read more
Do Russia’s Up-Gunned Corvettes Rival Their American Counterparts?
*Kris Osborn* *Russian Navy, * Recent Russian live-fire exercises involving Baltic Fleet corvettes suggest the service may be pursuing its own version of what the U.S. Navy has called “distributed lethality.” The Russian Navy is much smaller and less capable than the U.S. Navy. Yet there are indications that Russia is up-gunning some of its lighter-class warships in what could be an effort to keep pace with the United States Russia’s Project 20380 Corvettes are somewhat analogous to the U.S. Navy Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) in terms of configuration, size, scope, and mission e... read more
These Five Empires Dominated World History
*Akhilesh Pillalamarri* *Empires, Great Britain* Some empires were so powerful, large, and influential over the grand sweep of history that they deserve to be called the greatest, no matter the criteria. *Key Point:* The Arab Empire was extraordinary, both because of its military successes, and because of its legacy. It is amazing that a loosely organized, tribal people on the fringes of world civilization defeated the Byzantine Empire and overthrew the Sassanid Persian Empire, both of whose populations and resource bases dwarfed the Arabian Desert. Of all the empires that arose... read more
The Air Force’s Efforts to Retire the A-10 Warthog Have Been Shot Down Again
*Mark Episkopos* *A-10 Warthog, * The service has long sought to retire the aging Warthog, which USAF officials argue would offer limited battlefield value in a pitched great-power conflict with Russia or China and is holding up funds that could go toward valuable next-generation platforms. But their entreaties have fallen on deaf ears. The Air Force is headed for yet another defeat in its long-running quest to retire the A-10 Thunderbolt II attack aircraft. The House of Representatives passed a compromise version of the fiscal year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)... read more
Ten Days To Flatten The Curve
The Israeli government apparently believes their favorite virus will magically disappear in the next ten days. Fearing Omicron, Israel Extends Travel Restrictions | CBN News read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Omicron: over 60% of Brazilian cities cancelled New Year’s Eve festivities
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - At least 64% of the country's cities canceled their public New Year's Eve celebrations to prevent crowds. The survey was conducted by the National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM). The decision is mainly due to confirmed cases of the Omicron variant of the novel coronavirus in Brazil and concerns of another […] The post Omicron: over 60% of Brazilian cities cancelled New Year’s Eve festivities appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Dances With Bears20 hours ago
By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with There has never been any possibility that Russian Army Colonel Sergei Muchkaev, commander of the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade of the 20th Guards Army, would respond to allegations by Bellingcat, their NATO sources, and Dutch state prosecutors. No possibility whatsoever. For more than five years they have been claiming that Muchkaev had […] read more
“Thomas’ death might have resulted from a medical issue.”
Former Denver Broncos WR Demaryius Thomas, 33, found dead in his home, police say read more

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