Friday, December 10, 2021

10 December - Blogs I'm Following - 3 of 5

 10:30 pm MST

NOW The White House Wants To Fight Kleptocracy
The Biden administration just issued the government’s first ever anti-corruption strategy. The upshot: It’s needed. It’s analytically informed. It raises the prioritization of fighting kleptocracy. The downside: It’s not all that realistic. It defines corruption so widely that it makes prioritization fanciful. And it defers most of the real work to some to-be-determined imaginary future on the other side of Republican authoritarianism. […] read more
MJBizDaily11 hours ago
South Dakota voters disapprove of gov’s cannabis approach, poll shows
A slim majority of South Dakota voters disapprove of Republican Gov. Kristi Noem's approach toward cannabis in the state, according to a recent poll. South Dakota voters disapprove of gov’s cannabis approach, poll shows is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Econlib11 hours ago
It didn’t begin with Covid
Pundits often criticize the US government for overreacting to Covid, especially the excessive mandates for masks, vaccines, etc. I share their concern. But I also wonder where some of these people have been. On a list of regulatory overreaction, these mandates don’t even make my “top 100”. For decades, overreaction to tiny safety risks has […] The post It didn’t begin with Covid appeared first on Econlib. read more
The New Dark Age11 hours ago
No to Covid Passes
10 December 2021 — Big Brother Watch URGENT: PROTEST TOMORROW Tomorrow, Saturday 11th December, we’re staging an urgent protest against Boris Johnson’s plans for mandatory Covid passports on Parliament Squareat 12pm. The time to stand up and be counted is now. TAKE ACTION NOW: 1. JOIN US! Stand up and be counted – join us tomorrow at midday on Parliament Square for … Continue reading No to Covid Passes read more
Sea Ice Data Tampering At DMI
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? Electroverse have uncovered some blatant data tampering by DMI: ? ? It would appear that the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) may have taken a leaf out of NASA’s ‘data-fudging 101‘. Sometime between late-Nov and early-Dec this year, the DMI’s Arctic Sea… read more
Caitlin Johnstone12 hours ago
As Fascism Casts Off Its Disguises
The US government has won its appeal against a lower British court’s rejection of its extradition request to prosecute Julian Assange for journalistic activity under the Espionage Act. Rather than going free, the WikiLeaks founder will continue to languish in Belmarsh Prison where he has already […] read more
Halifax Examiner13 hours ago
VirtualCareNS project to expand to Central, Eastern health zones
The province has announced an expansion of a pilot program to allow people in Nova Scotia Health’s Central and Eastern health zones to access a primary care provider online. In a media release Friday, the Department of Health and Wellness said those in the central and eastern parts of the province who are on the […] read more
MJBizDaily2 days ago
Marijuana banking access remains steady, even with demise of SAFE Banking Act
Congress stripped the SAFE Banking Act from a defense spending bill this week, decreasing the possibility of meaningful federal marijuana reform before the end of the year. Marijuana banking access remains steady, even with demise of SAFE Banking Act is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Biden Urges Collective Action as Summit for Democracy Begins
*Trevor Filseth* *Democracy, Americas* The summit comes as Biden has experienced mounting domestic challenges. More than one hundred world leaders attended the first day of President Joe Biden’s Summit for Democracy on Thursday, at which he urged them to “lock arms” to safeguard democratic freedoms and human rights. Biden described the trend of rising authoritarianism, which has led to a rollback in democratic states over the past twenty years, as the “defining challenge” of the twenty-first century. The two-day virtual event began on Thursday morning and is scheduled to end o... read more
War News Updates10 hours ago
Is America In 2021 "Unrecognizable"?
*RCP: **Brian Williams Quits TV: America In 2021 Is "Unrecognizable"* Longtime NBC News broadcaster Brian Williams issued a strange warning Thursday as he retired from his 11 p.m. MSNBC show. "The reality is though, I will wake up tomorrow in the America of the year 2021, a nation unrecognizable to those who came before us and fought to protect it, which is what you must do now," Williams said. "They’ve decided to burn it all down with us inside. That should scare you to no end as much as it scares an aging volunteer fireman." *BRIAN WILLIAMS, NBC NEWS: Well, look at the ti... read more
War News Updates10 hours ago
Ceasefire Talks Break Between Russia And Ukraine
*Reuters:* *Russia and Ukraine trade blame as ceasefire push breaks down* KYIV/MOSCOW (Reuters) - Ukraine and Russia blamed each other after a push to agree a new ceasefire in eastern Ukraine broke down late on Thursday as tensions over a Russian troop buildup near its southern neighbour persisted. Ukraine said Moscow had rejected a series of its proposals, including prisoner swaps, reopening a checkpoint and expanding a joint communications centre. Ukrainian troops have battled Russian-backed forces in its east since 2014. "Unfortunately, all initiatives of the Ukrainian sid... read more
"They Are Saying..."
"When people pile up debts they will find difficult and perhaps even impossible to repay, they are saying several things at once. They are obviously saying that they want more than they can immediately afford. They are saying, less obviously, that their present wants are so important that, to satisfy them, it is worth some future difficulty. But in making that bargain they are implying that when the future difficulty arrives, they'll figure it out. They don't always do that." - Michael Lewis, "Boomerang" read more
The Rio Times10 hours ago
Argentina’s poor image abroad as seen on Netflix
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - "Argentinian? Maradona!" In this way, many times, it has been synthesized how abroad identifies a citizen of the country. For years, the figure of Lionel Messi could have replaced the national seal printed by "el Diego", although the purpose was the same. Mate, asado, tango are other themes associated with […] The post Argentina’s poor image abroad as seen on Netflix appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
the daily howler10 hours ago
As a matter of fact, we knew Bob Dole!
*FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2021* *We met him on one occasion:* On March 19, 1999, Annie Groer and Ann Gerhart announced the passing of a pet schnauzer in the Washington Post. At the time, Groer and Gerhart wrote the Post's Reliable Source column. The name of the schnauzer in question was Leader. For fifteen years, he had belonged to Bob and Elizabeth Dole: GROER AND GERHART (3/19/99): *It looks like Leader Dole won't be going on a book tour. His memoirs will be posthumous.* But the schnauzer that Elizabeth Dole rescued from the D.C. Humane Society as a gift for hubby Bob 15 years ago ... read more
Adrienne's Corner10 hours ago
The struggle is real...
*to pare down our possessions.* Let's do something different today since it's Friday. I'm on a quest to declutter my home. I'm not a crazy hoarder, but it does seem like I have way more stuff than I need. I crave order, which is hard to have when you're forever cleaning and organizing (aka moving the deck chairs on the Titanic.) None of this will happen until you're mentally ready for the changes. Case in point: About two years ago, I tried paring down the décor in my kitchen. The tops of my cabinets were very artfully arranged with all sorts of cool stuff, much of it beautiful ... read more
The Rio Times10 hours ago
Milan, Ibiza and Patagonia: the story of the Argentine DJ who created an unexpected business in Europe
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - At the age of 13, in 1990, he left Argentina with his family to Italy and stayed for a while. After having had several businesses in Patagonia, they started "from the bottom", working in factories and hotels. Today Marcelo Burlon divides his life between Milan, Ibiza, and southern Argentina; his […] The post Milan, Ibiza and Patagonia: the story of the Argentine DJ who created an unexpected business in Europe appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
“COVID Conspiracies”
CO2 Coalition’s Newest Member Tony Heller Just Got Kicked Off Twitter for Covid Conspiracies Twitter kicked me off after I posted this Pfizer document obtained under FOIA. Apparently they believe Pfizer is part of a “COVID conspiracy.” 5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf read more
The Rio Times10 hours ago
Argentina allows entry, but Chile “closes borders”
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The protocols duly proposed by the government of the Province of Neuquén were approved, and foreigners wishing to enter Argentina will now be able to do so through the Pino Hachado and Cardenal Samoré border crossings. María Rosa Dupín, delegate of Migrations in Bariloche, indicated that these crossings were by […] The post Argentina allows entry, but Chile “closes borders” appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Ghislaine Maxwell Case is Exposing The Hidden Evil of the Talmudic Jews & Khazarian Mafia
SonOfEnos December 9th, 2021. This sociopathic pedophile cabal of Jews who follow the Babylonian Talmud are a criminal parasite that’s been feeding off humanity for... The post Ghislaine Maxwell Case is Exposing The Hidden Evil of the Talmudic Jews & Khazarian Mafia appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Joe Biden Asks Jill Biden to Switch Seats So He Doesn’t Have to Sit Next to VP Harris
Western Journal – by Grant Atkinson Throughout the past few weeks, multiple reports have alleged tension between President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.... The post Joe Biden Asks Jill Biden to Switch Seats So He Doesn’t Have to Sit Next to VP Harris appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The LAPD is being used to force vaccinate people with special needs
Correction: LA County Sheriff’s Dept. — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) December 9, 2021 The post The LAPD is being used to force vaccinate people with special needs appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Pilot Program Renewed! Paramedics and Social Workers Dispatched for Low level Behavioral Health Crises, Welfare Checks, Homelessness
Activist Post – by BN Frank Instead of “defunding” the police, some American communities are adding differently skilled employees to their emergency responder teams and it’s already... The post Pilot Program Renewed! Paramedics and Social Workers Dispatched for Low level Behavioral Health Crises, Welfare Checks, Homelessness appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Aviationist11 hours ago
This Video Provides Another Look At The F-22 Raptor Covered With A Mirror-Like Coating
[image: F-22 Raptor mirror-like coating] A clip filmed few days ago at Nellis Air Force Base during WSINT exercise shows, among all the other interesting aircraft, the mysterious “Chrome” F-22 Raptor. You probably already know it by know, but a [...] The post This Video Provides Another Look At The F-22 Raptor Covered With A Mirror-Like Coating appeared first on The Aviationist. read more
Health Chief: At Least 7 Boosters to be Fully Vaxxed
Anything Goes The post Health Chief: At Least 7 Boosters to be Fully Vaxxed appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
“Experts” Claim Vax Refusers Need to be Deradicalized or Reeducated Like Cult Members & Terrorists
Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist In 2016, after the horrifying attacks by extremists in Paris on Charlie Hebdo, the satirical magazine, on a Jewish supermarket,... The post “Experts” Claim Vax Refusers Need to be Deradicalized or Reeducated Like Cult Members & Terrorists appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Trump slams Netanyahu in new book for congratulating Biden
Israel 365 News In an interview about his upcoming book, “Trump’s Peace: The Abraham Accords and the Reshaping of the Middle East”, Israeli journalist Barak... The post Trump slams Netanyahu in new book for congratulating Biden appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Julian Assange can be extradited to US to face espionage charges, court rules
The Guardian Julian Assange can be extradited to the US, according to the high court, as it overturned a judgment earlier this year and sparked... The post Julian Assange can be extradited to US to face espionage charges, court rules appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Crimes Against Humanity
Perpetrators: Prime Minister for the United Kingdom BORIS JOHNSON, Chief Medical Officer for England and Chief Medical Adviser to the UK Government CHRISTOPHER WHITTY, (former) Secretary of State for Health and Social Care MATTHEW HANCOCK, (current) Secretary of State for … Continue reading → read more
Yet Another Classic to Get a 'corrected and re-educated' Rewrite From the Left
The book’s premise warns the dangers of revising history and rewriting books for ideological ends. Now, 72 years later, not content with trashing films with their agenda-driven toxic-white-masculinity rubbish they're on to literature, and another classic is going to get a 'corrected and re-educated' rewrite from the Left. read more
Friday Afternoon Links
Assorted content to end your week. - Alejandro Jadad studies the social murder traceable to politicians' flawed responses to COVID-19 and other known causes of sickness and death, while Tara Moriarty points out the incomplete reporting of deaths across Canada. And Solarino Ho reports on the new federal modelling showing that Canada is on the precipice of another avoidable COVID wave. - Meanwhile, Kimi Chaddah writes that the burgeoning scandal of UK Cons partying in the midst of lockdown orders reflects the broader belief in ruling-class impunity. - Jennefer Laidley and Mohy T... read more
Organizing Notes11 hours ago
Disposable populations or human interconnections?
Vandana Shiva is an Indian scholar, environmental activist, physicist, food sovereignty advocate, and anti-globalization author. Based in Delhi, Shiva has written more than 20 books. Shiva founded the Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Natural Resource Policy (RFSTN), an organization devoted to developing sustainable methods of agriculture, in 1982. She has traveled the world spreading a powerful message of oneness and interconnectedness. read more
Safia Niaz and Zakia Soman: Bonded to Change the Trajectory of Muslim Women in India
NEW DELHI, India, Dec 10 (IPS) - Discriminated in society and concerned about the discrimination of women in their homes, the two women who co-founded the Bhartiya Muslim Mahila Andolan (BMMA) started the movement to further Muslim women’s leadership and help them reclaim their rights. Read the full story, “Safia Niaz and Zakia Soman: Bonded to Change the Trajectory of Muslim Women in India”, on → read more
‘Great Mining Migration’: Power-Hungry Bitcoin Leaves China
LONDON, Dec 10 (IPS) - On 14 April this year, the price of a single Bitcoin reached a then all-time-high of around US$64,870. Just over a month later, the price of the world’s most popular digital currency had tumbled to $34,259. Read the full story, “‘Great Mining Migration’: Power-Hungry Bitcoin Leaves China”, on → read more
Climate change fuels violence and mass displacement in Cameroon
A flare-up in intercommunal fighting in northern Cameroon has forced tens of thousands of people to flee their homes and brought a halt to aid operations there, the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, said on Friday. Read the full story, “Climate change fuels violence and mass displacement in Cameroon”, on → read more
War News Updates11 hours ago
US President Biden Infuriates Eastern NATO Allies With Outreach to Russia
"The idea that the United States is going to unilaterally use force to confront Russia invading Ukraine is not in the cards right now," Biden says. Adds that U.S. involvement in Ukraine will depend on what other NATO countries are doing. — Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) December 8, 2021 *Bloomberg:* *Biden Infuriates Eastern NATO Allies With Outreach to Russia* (Bloomberg) -- East European countries have reacted critically to a U.S. proposal that a handful of North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies could meet with Russia to discuss its military build-up along Ukraine’s borders. On... read more
"Betting on an Unborn Racehorse"
*"Betting on an Unborn Racehorse"* by Bill Bonner "Tell me, friend, when did Saruman The Wise abandon reason for madness? – Gandalf, "Lord of the Rings" YOUGHAL, IRELAND – "The Federal Reserve keeps “printing” money – at the rate of about $3 billion per day – and lending it to member banks at a real (inflation-adjusted) rate of MINUS 6%. Not surprisingly, the hustlers are out in force, figuring out new ways to get their hands on it. Bloomberg reported in November: "[Solar-powered vehicle maker] Sono has racked up about 108.8 million euros ($123 million) in losses since its inceptio... read more
About the November 2020 elections in Wisconsin...
... can you say "Shenanigans"? I thought you could. This report certainly suggests that! A public hearing on Wisconsin’s voter rolls on Wednesday revealed widespread opportunity for election fraud through old voter rolls. According to the state’s Committee on Campaign and Elections, there are 119,283 “active voters” and hundreds of thousands more “inactive” voters who have been registered for over a century. This number, which totals over 500,000, leaves the door wide open for bad actors to cast invalid votes on behalf of those names who have since passed away sometime in t... read more
War News Updates11 hours ago
CIA Wants More Scientists And Mandarin Speakers
*The Olympian: **CIA wants to recruit more scientists and Mandarin speakers as U.S.-China tensions grow* U.S. intelligence agencies had already obtained a trove of Chinese data containing potential clues on the origins of the coronavirus pandemic when President Joe Biden ordered a review earlier this year. The challenge was in deciphering it. Spy agencies needed data scientists to process the intelligence, biologists to put it into context, and Mandarin Chinese speakers to help translate it. All of them needed security clearances for access to classified information. It was a ... read more
Defense Secretary Austin: Other Options Available if Iran Rejects JCPOA
*Trevor Filseth* *Iran, Middle East* The Vienna negotiations have been supported in rhetoric by both President Joe Biden and Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi, who promised to return to the deal at his August inauguration. So far, negotiations have stalled. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin warned on Thursday that the United States was considering pursuing other options in constraining Iran’s nuclear program if the ongoing negotiations in Vienna failed to produce a settlement returning Iran to compliance with the 2015 “Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action” (JCPOA) nuclear accord. A... read more
Armenian Americans Will Never Forget Bob Dole
*Stephan Pechdimaldji* *Bob Dole, United States* Dole’s support for Armenian-American issues also went beyond genocide recognition. For millions of Americans, Bob Dole was the epitome of American exceptionalism, a leader who represented and reflected the qualities that make the United States the envy of the world. He was part of the Greatest Generation who served the United States for close to eighty years with distinction and honor. From the battlefields of World War II to the halls of the U.S. Senate, Dole left an indelible mark on U.S. history that continues to reverberate to... read more
How Japanese Hypersonic Missiles Could Defend Against China
*David Axe* *Hypersonic Missiles, Japan* Japan's defense ministry is developing what it calls a “hypervelocity gliding projectile," or HVGP, for deployment on island bases starting in 2026. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Japan’s hypersonic missile is a direct response to China’s years-long campaign of maritime land-grabs and fortress-construction in the South and East China Seas. The Japanese military is considering developing a hypersonic anti-ship missile with a special warhead for penetrating the decks of Chinese aircraft carriers. Japan's defense ministry is developing... read more
Food & Water Watch12 hours ago
Cherry Hill Voters Will Decide Clean Energy Question
Council moves referendum to public ballot The post Cherry Hill Voters Will Decide Clean Energy Question appeared first on Food & Water Watch. read more
Small Dead Animals12 hours ago
Then They Came for the Creamed Cheese
BNN- That Cream Cheese Shortage You Heard About? Cyberattacks Played a Part read more
Small Dead Animals12 hours ago
Merry Christmas
Hate crimes against Christians are increasing around the world. I wonder what is causing this. Especially in Germany. read more
21st Century Wire12 hours ago
UKC News: Boris Faux Partygate, Jussie Smollett Guilty, Hillary Still Wants White House
*UK Column* | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up. read more
ClimateRealism13 hours ago
Nigeria May Need Bio-Tech Crops, but Not Because of Climate Change
A recent search of Google news for the term “climate change’ turns up a story published by the Genetic Literacy Project saying Nigeria needs to begin using biotech crops in response to climate change. In fact, evidence shows Nigeria’s crop production is booming amidst the recent modest warming, setting records repeatedly over the past 40 […] The post Nigeria May Need Bio-Tech Crops, but Not Because of Climate Change appeared first on ClimateRealism. read more
IER13 hours ago
New England Facing Possible Blackouts This Winter
The Independent System Operator of the New England power grid warned that harsh weather conditions could result in electric blackouts… The post New England Facing Possible Blackouts This Winter appeared first on IER. read more
Lawfare16 hours ago
China Again Uses Force to Bully Its Neighbors
A view on the South China Sea. (Photo by U.S. Navy) On Nov. 16, three China Coast Guard (CCG) vessels blocked and used water cannons to prevent two Philippine vessels from delivering food supplies to the Philippine marine contingent on board the BRP Sierra Madre at Second Thomas Shoal. Although this is not the first time China has illegally interfered with the resupply of the Second Thomas Shoal outpost, China’s new Maritime Police Law empowers the CCG to stop (or demolish) the construction of foreign structures or other installations on land features within China’s claimed sea ar... read more
"We are Getting Mixed Messages on the Economy - You Decide"
*Full screen recommended.* Dan, iAllegedly, AM 12/10/21: *"We are Getting Mixed Messages on the Economy - You Decide"* "If you listen to the Experts it’s either all good or all bad. We get continual conflicting stories on the health of our economy. I think that people need to realize exactly where we’re at right now." read more
How conspiracy theories in the US became more personal, more cruel and more mainstream after the Sandy Hook shootings
The Sandy Hook school shooting continues to reverberate in the US nine years later, marking a new age of misinformation. read more
Is the BBC biased?12 hours ago
Cut to spectacular visuals
He has a point: Every BBC series about the universe. — Seán Burke (@SeanBurkeShow) December 10, 2021 read more
News – TOTT News12 hours ago
Dan Andrews makes first ‘pandemic declaration’
Victoria's perpetual 'war' against the 'invisible enemy' will continue into 2022, with the Andrews government formally 'declaring' a pandemic for the first time under new powers. read more
CFACT12 hours ago
Alex Epstein explains why fossil fuels are essential for human flourishing
Watch & hear author and philosopher Alex Epstein discuss the moral case for fossil fuels and why they lead to human flourishing. The post Alex Epstein explains why fossil fuels are essential for human flourishing appeared first on CFACT. read more
MJBizDaily12 hours ago
Kentucky governor leaning toward medical marijuana legalization
Kentucky should "definitely move forward with medical marijuana," Gov. Andy Beshear said in a televised interview. Kentucky governor leaning toward medical marijuana legalization is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
These Deadly Warplanes Never Got a Chance to See the Battlefield
*WarIsBoring* *U.S. Air Force, World* These warplanes were abandoned before they ever got a chance to fight. *Here's What You Need to Know*: For every military aircraft that makes it into service, a thousand projects survive only in tattered blueprints in filing cabinets or as lonely prototypes in museums. Here, courtesy of War Is Boring’s David Axe and Hush-Kit’s Joe Coles, are 10 warplanes that might have been. *Northrop Fang:* Ed Schmued designed the North American P-51 Mustang fighter that helped the Allies win World War II. A decade later in 1952, now working for Northrop, ... read more
Never Discount the M-60 Machine Gun
*WarIsBoring* *M-60, Americas* The M-60 was — and is — a fixture in the U.S. military, serving as a squad support weapon, vehicle-mounted machine gun and as a “flex gun” mounted in the doors of helicopters such as the UH-1 Huey and the CH-47 Chinook. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Despite its problems, the M-60 is a key fixture in the U.S. Military. Perhaps no other firearm is so closely associated with the Vietnam War — or pop culture spin-offs — as the M-60 general purpose machine gun. Portrayals of the M-60 in the hands of American soldiers range from the sublime dignity exp... read more
'The Catalog of Nuclear Death': The U.S.'s Hair Raising Plan to Obliterate Russia
*WarIsBoring* *Nuclear Weapons, Eurasia* The U.S. Air Force's titled 1956 Atomic Weapons Requirement Study outlined all the targets it planned to hit if World War III broke out and how many bombers and nuclear weapons it would need to get the job done. In short, the report is a catalog of nuclear death. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The Air Force's 1956 Atomic Weapons Requirement Study detailed the U.S.'s nuclear plan to attack Russia if the need should ever arrive. In one scene from Stanley Kubrick’s iconic Cold War film Dr. Strangelove, an irate president Merkin Muffley ref... read more
Arab-Israeli Peace Is Occurring Before Our Eyes
*Ahmed Charai* *Abraham Accords, Middle East* Security and prosperity demand peace between people. The Biden administration should accordingly push for a broader effort at cultural reform with the potential to generate the popular support necessary to sustain a peace process. Sometimes the very things that suddenly seem normal tell you how much the world has changed. While Americans were traveling for Thanksgiving, Israel’s Minister of Defense Benny Gantz arrived in Rabat to sign unprecedented security and intelligence agreements between the Jewish state and the Atlantic Arab s... read more
The New Dark Age12 hours ago
Assange Plans To Appeal High Court Decision Backing Extradition To United States
Attorneys for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange plan to appeal to the Supreme Court in the United Kingdom after the country’s appeals court overturned a decision that blocked the extradition of Assange to the United States. read more
Snopes.com13 hours ago
Did Chanel Unveil Poop-Like Display on Side of Building?
Video of this faux fecal facade has been viewed millions of times. read more
Snopes.com13 hours ago
Is This Trump in High-Waisted Pants?
This isn't the first time an altered image of Trump has been circulated on social media. read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Bolivia reboots its economy in 2021
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Since the 2020 election campaign, Arce pledged the people that he would work tirelessly to rebuild the economy, tackle the pandemic and recover democracy, and along these lines he is closing his first year in office with Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth projections of over 5%, higher than the 4.4% […] The post Bolivia reboots its economy in 2021 appeared first on The Rio Times . read more
ClimateCite13 hours ago
NY Times Claims Brazil Is Turning Into Desert, As Foliage Growth Surges
Climate Realism By James Taylor – December 6, 2021 The New York Times published an article Friday titled, “A Slow-Motion Climate Disaster: The Spread of Barren Land.” The article claims global warming is causing drought in northeastern Brazil, turning the region into a desert. Objective satellite measurements of vegetation, however, show increasing vegetation in northeast Brazil and throughout Brazil as … read more
Charles Frith13 hours ago
Tyrone - Do What I Wanna Do?
Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced read more
Assange Loses, High Court Allows US Appeal; Quashes Assange’s Discharge
The High Court in London on Friday ruled in the U.S. appeal against a lower court decision not to extradite imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange by sending the case back to Magistrate’s Court with instructions to send the case to the secretary of state to decide on Assange’s extradition. The matter is now in the hands of Dominic Raab, secretary of state for justice, unless Assange’s lawyers appeal the decision to the U.K. Supreme Court, which they have said they will do. If extradited, Assange faces up to 175 years in prison on charges under the Espionage Act and one count... read more
UNREDACTED14 hours ago
2021 Documents in Review: Earliest Known CIA Plot to Assassinate Raul Castro
The National Security Security Archive is winding-up 2021 by highlighting the most important documents from our most popular postings. This week we’re looking back at the declassified Top Secret January 17, 1975, CIA memorandum, “Questionable Activities”, which was originally published in the Archive’s April 16, 2021, posting, CIA Assassination Plot Targeted Cuba’s Raul Castro. The […] read more
News – TOTT News16 hours ago
NT business leaders UNITE to take legal action against vaccine mandates
The Northern Territory's COVID-19 vaccination mandate is facing a legal challenge in the Supreme Court, with a group of businesses arguing the rules are draconian and racist. read more
Is the BBC biased?12 hours ago
Julian and John
I have mixed feelings, none of them particularly strong in any direction, about Julian Assange. He arouses very strong, partisan passions in others though. We recorded back in January what Charlie called ''a love letter'' to Mr Assange from the BBC's world affairs editor John Simpson on BBC One's *News at Ten*. And, in another case of a BBC reporter 'not' hanging up his opinions at the door, John's tweets have been similarly lacking in impartiality. This, for example, is what he tweeted on May 26, 2019: Alan Rusbridger, writing in defence of Julian Assange: 'Whenever you read ab... read more
War News Updates13 hours ago
Dozens Killed, Thousands Displaced In New Wave Of Darfur Violence
South Sudanese soldiers drive through Malakal in 2013. Clashes this year between armed groups aligned with government and opposition forces have subjected civilians to 'unimaginable violence', says Amnesty International. Reuters *The Guardian:* *Dozens die and thousands flee in West Darfur tribal fighting* *Deadly clashes erupt in three separate areas with poor medical facilities as wider Darfur region slides into violence* Tribal fighting has killed dozens of people over the past three weeks in three separate areas of Sudan’s West Darfur region and thousands of people have... read more
Shadowproof13 hours ago
Assange Plans To Appeal High Court Decision Backing Extradition To United States
In a ruling from UK High Court on Human Rights Day, a district judge's decision which blocked extradition of Julian Assange was overturned. The post Assange Plans To Appeal High Court Decision Backing Extradition To United States appeared first on Shadowproof. read more
Covert Geopolitics13 hours ago
“Independent” Internet Freedom Organization is Staffed Full of Spies
While the OTF presents itself as independent internet freedom activists, their funding, staff, history and choice of targets all point to the conclusion that they are a digital weapon being used against Washington’s enemies. The Open Technology Fund (OTF) is one of the most influential and celebrated organizations in the hacking and internet freedom communities. … Continue reading “Independent” Internet Freedom Organization is Staffed Full of Spies → read more
21st Century Wire13 hours ago
LIVE: Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium, Dec 10 2021
*Doctors for Covid Ethics* | Presentations and discussion panels covering all of the latest developments on Covid science, vaccines, and as well as legal challenges. read more
War News Updates13 hours ago
Pakistani Taliban Declares End To One Month Ceasefire
*CNN: **Pakistani Taliban declares end to ceasefire* Islamabad, PakistanTaliban militants in Pakistan declared an end to a month-long ceasefire arranged with the aid of the Afghan Taliban, accusing the government of breaching terms including a prisoner release agreement and the formation of negotiating committees. The Pakistani Taliban, or Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), are a separate movement from the Afghan Taliban and have fought for years to overthrow the government in Islamabad and rule with their own brand of Islamic Sharia law. Last month's ceasefire, which was al... read more
Covert Geopolitics13 hours ago
US Shouldn’t Be Invited to Summit for Democracy, Let Alone Be Its Host
In every one of the countries the United States has intervened in over the past decades, anti-democratic means are almost always used towards anti-democratic ends, all in the name of promoting democracy. This week, the United States is convening a virtual “Summit for Democracy,” the first of its kind in what the State Department hopes … Continue reading US Shouldn’t Be Invited to Summit for Democracy, Let Alone Be Its Host → read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ13 hours ago
Security In Iraq Dec 1-7, 2021
The winter break in Islamic State operations continued into the first week of December. For the last eleven weeks incidents by the insurgency have been in the teens or tens. On the other hand, pro-Iran groups have been picking up their operations against American targets now that the elections are over and the U.S. is supposed to withdraw its combat troops by the end of the year. These factions also carried out a bombing in Basra aimed at the security forces. There were a total of 17 security incidents reported in the media in Iraq from December 1-7. For the three previous wee... read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ13 hours ago
This Day In Iraqi History - Dec 10
1949 PM Said resigned Said he accomplished what he set out to do to curb Communists and opposition Ali Ayubi asked to become PM for 2ndtime New govt included Jamil as Justice Min from National Democratic party (Musings On Iraq review *The Chatham House Version and other Middle-Eastern Studies*) 1958 3 accused of taking part in fmr PM Gaylani coup hanged 15 police and army officers also shot 1980 Iran launched counteroffensive at Darkhovin to break siege of Abadan in south Failed but put Iraq on defensive in first year of war 1981 Report that Soviet Union resumed arms del... read more
Snopes.com13 hours ago
Court Won’t Stop Texas Abortion Ban, but OKs Clinics’ Suit
The outcome is at best only a partial victory for abortion providers. read more
The Duran13 hours ago
#FreeJulianAssange, shame on the Norwegian Nobel Committee, and how Kristian is a suspected thought criminal (video)
#FreeJulianAssange! Today the British High Court of Justice, Queen’s Bench Division decided that Britain could extradite the most important journalist in the world to the United States. Shame on the British court system, shame on Queen Elizabeth, shame on Donald Trump for not pardoning Assange when he had the chance. Without Assange, we would never […] read more
Another Biden Hockey Stick
Current US Inflation Rates: 2000-2021 | US Inflation Calculator read more
The Rio Times14 hours ago
U.S. diplomat highlights Paraguay’s fight against corruption
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - "On International Anti-Corruption Day, we recognize Paraguay's progress in this area and we urge citizens, the private sector and the press to demand greater transparency and efficiency in the fight against this scourge. United against corruption," the U.S. diplomat said on social networks. The representative took part in the International […] The post U.S. diplomat highlights Paraguay’s fight against corruption appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
“Experts” Claim Vax Refusers Need to be Deradicalized or Reeducated Like Cult Members & Terrorists
[image: deradicaliation]We need to engage them "in what is effectively the same as a deradicalization process for former terrorists, or cult members." read more
The Rio Times14 hours ago
Paraguay’s post-pandemic tourism: 2022 goals and the sector’s commitment
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - With the gradual reopening of borders and release of flights, regional agents are now looking forward to recovering the losses incurred in 2020 and 2021. The pandemic outbreak paused the growth of a sector that in 2019 registered the entry of over 1 million tourists from all over the world, […] The post Paraguay’s post-pandemic tourism: 2022 goals and the sector’s commitment appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
More about the crime wave in progressive cities
A few days ago I wrote an article titled "The crime wave as a precursor to civil war". In the light of that article, I thought this one by Leighton Woodhouse made interesting reading, particularly because the author admits he's a progressive rather than a conservative. My wife and I are scrambling to find daycare for our 16-month-old son. We’ve had a “nanny share” up until now, which means we and another couple employ a nanny for both couples’ kids and split the cost. Our nanny is wonderful, and she lives just a few blocks from us. But a few weeks ago, someone walked up her s... read more
The Aviationist14 hours ago
Draken International Acquires Soon-To-Be Retired F-16s From Netherlands And Norway
[image: Draken F-16] The 24 Vipers will join the company’s fleet of fighter jets used for the Combat Air Force/Contracted Air Support (CAF/CAS) program in the US. Draken International announced last week two contracts to acquire a fleet [...] The post Draken International Acquires Soon-To-Be Retired F-16s From Netherlands And Norway appeared first on The Aviationist. read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Uruguay will enable cross-organ donation between non-relatives
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Uruguay's waiting list of patients for organ or tissue transplants currently stands at almost 480 people. In 2018, 158 kidney, 14 heart, 5 lung and 24 liver transplants were performed, according to Uruguay's National Institute of Cell, Tissue and Organ Donation and Transplantation. Regarding kidney transplants, children have an average […] The post Uruguay will enable cross-organ donation between non-relatives appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Uruguay: 400+ cruise ship passengers isolated after tourist tests positive for Covid-19
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - An Argentine tourist began to show symptoms after departing from Buenos Aires and, upon detecting the coronavirus infection, the Uruguayan Ministry of Public Health (MSP) ordered all passengers to be isolated until confirmation of the Covid-19 variant involved. "He tested positive after entering with a negative PCR. He entered negative, […] The post Uruguay: 400+ cruise ship passengers isolated after tourist tests positive for Covid-19 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Top Climate Misinformer Says YouTube Should Ban Climate Misinformation
YouTube Is Serving Up Climate Misinformation. This Top Scientist Says Google Should Ban It read more
The Fierce Determination Of Ordinary People To Build An Extraordinary World
United States President Joe Biden has suborned 111 countries to attend his Summit for Democracy on December 9–10, ending on Human Rights Day. ‘We welcome all countries, organizations, and individuals to support the goals of the Summit’, the US State Department wrote. However, there are 82 countries that have not been invited, including two large countries that are permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (the People’s Republic of China and Russia) and two small countries from the Caribbean (Cuba and Haiti). In the name of democracy, the US government is pushing its... read more
Is the BBC biased?13 hours ago
Sour grapes
As we discussed on an earlier thread, you can do lots with dried grapes. You can turn currants into spotted dick, raisins into rum & raisin ice cream, and Sultanas into dopey far-left Labour MPs. What to do with sour grapes though? Well, the BBC has turned some into a report today about GB News hiring the mighty Eamonn Holmes. The BBC News website piece in question has a rather spiteful last eight paragraphs, especially the final four about Eamonn himself. Sticking with the food imagery, in terms of the tastes of food this BBC piece manages to combine 'sour' and 'bitter' flav... read more
War News Updates14 hours ago
Cambodian PM Orders US Weapons To Be Collected And Destroyed After Washington Imposed An Arms Embargo Over Human Rights And Ties With China
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen gestures during a news conference at the Peace Palace in Phnom Penh on Sept 21. (AFP File Photo) *AFP:* *Cambodian PM orders US weapons destroyed after arms embargo* Cambodian leader Hun Sen ordered the country's military to destroy any US weaponry or dump it in warehouses on Friday, after Washington imposed an arms embargo over human rights concerns and Phnom Penh's close ties with China. The US on Wednesday imposed an arms embargo on Cambodia, citing concerns about human rights and corruption in the southeast Asian nation as well as China's a... read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
The Democrats criminal treatment of crime is killer
John Kass: The story gripping America is violent crime. It is the most important story out there now, and nurtured by woke rogue prosecutors in big cities across the country, many of them supported by leftist billionaire George Soros and other wealthy political donors like him. From murders to mob action, to those videos of looters and smash-and-grabs in high-end retail outlets right before Christmas, from innocents, including bus drivers beaten to a pulp by street mobs, to politicians blaming the victims and the citizens avoiding the downtowns out of fear. It’s all of a piece.... read more
Major winter storm impacting Central Plains, Upper Midwest, and Great Lakes, U.S.
A major winter storm will expand across the Central Plains, Upper Midwest, and Great Lakes on Friday, December 10, and Saturday, December 11, 2021. Snowfall rates of 50 mm (2 inches) per hour are possible, producing near whiteout conditions and dangerous...... Read more » read more
Ten Problems With Biden’s Foreign Policy – And One Solution
By and large, Biden’s foreign policy already seems stuck in the militarist quagmire of the past twenty years, a far cry from his campaign promise to reinvigorate diplomacy as the primary tool of U.S. foreign policy. In this respect, Biden is following in the footsteps of Obama and Trump, who both promised fresh approaches to foreign policy but for the most part delivered more endless war. By the end of his second term, Obama did have two significant diplomatic achievements with the signing of the Iran nuclear deal and normalization of relations with Cuba. So progressive Americans ... read more
How Can They Accept Extradition To A Country That Plotted To Kill Julian?
I want to emphasize that the High Court accepted all the medical evidence and the conclusions of the magistrate that if Julian is extradited and placed under extreme conditions of isolation it will drive him to take his own life. That extradition is oppressive. Yet the High Court decided against Julian on this occasion on the basis of political assurances—non-assurances—that the US has given to the UK government. I say non-assurances. Amnesty International says non-assurances. Amnesty International has analyzed these assurances and has said that they are inherently unreliable. The... read more
Court Ruling Threatens Eviction Of Landless Workers Movement Camp
Valinhos, Brazil - The camp was created on April 14, 2018 and named after Rio de Janeiro socialist city councilwoman Marielle Franco who was murdered a month before. Since then, the residents have transformed the abandoned land into a thriving community that provides housing for the residents, a school, a community kitchen, and produces agroecological products and handicrafts. They now face eviction after a court ruling that clearly favors real estate speculation and generating profit for its investors over the social and legal right to housing and agrarian reform. On 23 November,... read more
21st Century Wire14 hours ago
UPDATE: UK Reverses Decision to Halt Assange Extradition to US
*Patrick Henningsen* | Latest court decision exposes a much deeper agenda being played by the US and UK deep state. read more
Inside The Secretive World Of Union Busting
While union membership has risen slightly since 2018 thanks to some major organizing wins, and public approval of unions is at its highest level since 1965, labor has a lot of ground to make up. Union membership plummeted from 20.1% of American wage and salary workers in 1983 to just 10.8% in 2020. One of the biggest reasons for that decline is the use of well-funded, aggressive campaigns by employers to fight off unions, conducted largely through expensive union avoidance consultants and lawyers. In 2019, it was estimated that companies spend at least $340 million per year on suc... read more
60 Years After His Death, Fanon’s Ideas Remain The Weapons Of The Oppressed
Born and raised in what is still France’s Caribbean island colony of Martinique, Fanon was exposed to and shaped by the everyday class and race relations that characterized the island in the early 20th century. Forced to join a segregated column of Black troops, he fought in World War II. Upon continuing his studies in post-war France, he came face to face with the racism that dominates the European world. In his first book, Black Skin, White Masks (1952), Fanon reflects on coming of age in a world, where, “For the black man there is only one destiny. And it is white.” At the time... read more
Turcopolier14 hours ago
“Joe Biden’s offer of Nato talks to avert Russian invasion of Ukraine is big win for Vladimir Putin. Telegraph
“From Moscow’s point of view, Nato is not a mutual defence pact dedicated to European security, but a Cold War relic animated by an anti-Russian agenda. When former Warsaw Pact members joined the potentially hostile alliance, Mr Putin accused Washington … Continue reading → read more
Waking Times15 hours ago
Dr. Peter McCullough on What a Wise and Logical Response to Covid Would Look Like
*Alex Pietrowski* - This is a must-see and must-share interview for those who are concerned about the one-size-fits-all vaccine approach being forced on the world today. read more
Report-Back From A Rail Blockade In Saint-Lambert
On Saturday, more than sixty people acting in solidarity with Wet’suwet’en land defenders blocked the CN main line in Saint-Lambert south of Montreal for over six hours. It was the longest rail blockade in Quebec since the winter of 2020, interrupting Via Rail service and immobilizing six freight trains. These notes reflect the experience of a couple participants in Saturday’s blockade. Nostalgia mixed with anticipation as we arrived at the tracks where they cross rue Saint-Georges, with banners ready to hang across the rail crossing and no police in sight. It was a bright morning... read more
Why Thousands Of Serbians Have Been Rallying Against Rio Tinto
For two weekends in a row, thousands of demonstrators across Serbia have blocked major roads and brought the country to a standstill, concerned their land, water and air risk being exploited. They're angry over what they're calling a looming ecological disaster, and accusing the government of attempting to pass laws that would allow foreign investors to seize land, and disregard environmental regulations. The most famous name among those investors is Anglo-Australian company Rio Tinto, which plans to build Europe's largest lithium mine in the Jadar Valley near the western city of ... read more
Concerning War with Russia and the Absurd "Democracy Summit"
The entire Republican Party in Washington, except for Senator Rand Paul, has gone completely insane on the issue of war and peace. Not that they weren’t there before, but this outbreak is particularly egregious. They join Democrats who currently inhabit the State Department, CIA, NSA, DIA, the Pentagon, the National Endowment for Democracy, and the rest of the intelligence establishment and supporting defense and intelligence contractors--a/k/a the Deep State, the National Security State, the M ilitary-Industrial Complex, or however you want to characterize this noxious, poisonous ... read more
Small Dead Animals15 hours ago
Partying With The Woke
The [party] organisers decided to clean house over fears of overcrowding… What followed was a message blaring through the speakers from Google Translate that looped for several minutes on end — telling white students to leave. Where the fun never starts. read more
Small Dead Animals15 hours ago
A Way Out
All we have to do is nothing. But that’s not what we’re going to do now is it? read more
Small Dead Animals16 hours ago
No New Car For You
Dear Leader’s environment minister has announced that he will mandate that electric cars must be available at every car dealership on Turtle Island. But don’t worry, with inflation the way it is, you won’t be able to afford a new vehicle anyway. And our tax dollars at work. read more
Electroverse16 hours ago
Record Snow In Austria & Turkey, “Unprecedented” Cold Wave Is Hitting Scandinavia, “Zombie Fires” & Historic Temp Disparity In Russia, + DMI Fail To Answer Key Question
Professor Martin Keeley: “Global warming is indeed a scam, perpetrated by scientists with vested interests, but in need of crash courses in geology, logic and the philosophy of science. It provides the media with a new scare story, which has been picked up by the focus groups and turned into the new religion, offering us hell if we don't all change our ways.” The post Record Snow In Austria & Turkey, “Unprecedented” Cold Wave Is Hitting Scandinavia, “Zombie Fires” & Historic Temp Disparity In Russia, + DMI Fail To Answer Key Question appeared first on Electroverse. read more
The New Dark Age8 hours ago
Julian Assange News Links 10 December 2021
10 December 2021 • 21:30 — The New Dark Age Assange ruling a dangerous precedent for journalists and British justice U.K. court permits Assange extradition to U.S. on spying charges Julian Assange on Brink of Extradition to U.S. What did Julian Assange do and what happens now he can be extradited to … Continue ... read more
The Fake Empire of Paper Currency
“The history of paper money issued by a government belongs indubitably to the Americans.” ~ John Kenneth Galbraith in *Money: Whence It Came, Where It Went*. For thousands of years, money used to be “hard” (i.e., linked to gold or silver). Till the early decades of the twentieth century most nations were using some kind of hard currency. The credit for making money “soft” (i.e., fiat), goes to America. In the 1970s, American president Nixon passed a series of orders which transformed the dollar, which had become a Global Reserve Currency in the 1940s, into a fiat currency. The fai... read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
The gender lies of the left
Derek Hunter: There is no difference between men and women, we’re told by leftist activists, none whatsoever. We’re also told by these same people that there’s nothing a man can do better than a woman, aside from writing their name in the snow… What we aren’t told is just how much better at being women men actually can be, at sports anyway. That last sentence is, of course, absurd. It’s also, if what the left is desperately trying to convince the world of were accurate, is undeniably true. We’ve all heard about the high school sprinters who were not very good as boys, but mopp... read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
Growing realization that Iran is stalling on nuke talks to work on bomb
Reuters: ... The U.S.-Israeli preparations, which have not been previously reported, underscore Western concern about difficult nuclear talks with Iran that President Joe Biden had hoped would revive a 2015 nuclear deal abandoned by his predecessor, Donald Trump. But U.S. and European officials have voiced dismay after talks last week at sweeping demands by Iran's new, hardline government, heightening suspicions in the West that Iran is playing for time while advancing its nuclear program. The U.S. official declined to offer details on the potential military exercises. "We're... read more
the daily howler14 hours ago
ACTUAL STATE OF THE RACE: Why would Lara Logan say that?
*FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2021* *Also, the way our own tribe behaves:* First thing this morning, very early, we had a very unusual experience. We were surprised by our experience. First thing today, we were thrilled by part of a news report in the New York Times. We aren't speaking metaphorically; we actually found this morning's news report thrilling. You simply *never* read things like this—but there it actually was: SHAPIRO (12/10/21): *David C. Banks began his first morning as New York City’s schools chancellor-in-waiting with a warning to the city’s educational bureaucracy:* Th... read more
From Jenna Orkin The Secret History of the U.S. Diplomatic Failure in Afghanistan ‘It Cannot Get Any Worse’: Cornell Professors Decry Energy Costs of NY Bitcoin Mining Life insurance payouts spiked in 2020 — largest rise since 1918 flu pandemic Carbon Emissions That Don't Officially Exist From "The Devil's In the Details" File The loss of future carbon uptake due to the removal of forests, even the plumes chugging out of a biomass plant’s smokestacks—these did not go on the books." Low-profile heiress who ‘played a strong role’ in financing Jan. 6 rally is thrust into spotlight How c... read more
War News Updates14 hours ago
Tweets Of The Day
Virus update: • Scientists focus on COVID's animal origins. • New UK mask rules start with Johnson under fire over parties. • South Korea hit by its worst virus surge yet. • U.S. companies rethink return-to-office plans. More coverage: — The Associated Press (@AP) December 10, 2021 Omicron coronavirus cases have surged by as much as 400% in some parts of South Africa — Sky News (@SkyNews) December 10, 2021 Pfizer's boss says FOURTH jab will be needed and sooner rather than later — Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline)... read more
In 2010, Three Submarines Sent China a Message Beijing Couldn't Ignore
*WarIsBoring* *Submarines, Asia-Pacific* In the aftermath of the Chinese missile tests, America intended to signal U.S. strength with just the right amount and kind of potential force, and submarines seemed to fit the bill. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The U.S. responded to the Chinese missile test in the South China Sea by sending three missile submarines to the Indo-Pacific. Nuclear powers rarely go to war with each other, but that doesn’t mean they don’t threaten to do so. Indeed, military posturing is an integral part of what Forrest Morgan, an analyst for the RAND Corpor... read more
Will Iran Follow Israel and Keep Its Bombs in the Basement?
*Geoffrey Aronson* *Nuclear Weapons, Middle East* While most commentary warns of—or embraces—a non-existent military option, the Israeli model may be a more realistic source for policies aimed at keeping the nuclear peace in the Middle East. As negotiations aimed at reconstituting the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) stall, it may be time to start thinking about the unthinkable: living with nuclear enrichment infrastructure in Iran. This is not the scenario the Trump administration envisioned when it repudiated the JCPOA or the option supported today by the Biden admin... read more
A Temporary Pause, But No Solution on Ukraine
*Nikolas K. Gvosdev* *Ukraine, Europe* We can be cautiously optimistic that the Putin-Biden call may have put the conflict back in the icebox, for now—but the fundamental problem remains. The video summit between Presidents Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin appears to have eased the steady decline in U.S.-Russia relations precipitated by the mobilization and deployment of Russian forces over the last several weeks in its southern and western military districts abutting the border with Ukraine. Stripping through all the verbiage of the readouts of the call, as well as the efforts by bo... read more
The Truth of Biden’s Fraudulent Democracy Summit
*Ted Galen Carpenter* *Summit of Democracy, United States* The democracy summit demonstrates that Washington’s alleged commitment to freedom and democratic values as a key feature of U.S. foreign policy is as inconsistent and hypocritical as ever. Washington’s much-ballyhooed virtual democracy summit on December 9 and 10 is already generating justifiable criticism. Centering U.S. foreign policy on democracy promotion —rhetorically, if not substantively—brings back memories of George W. Bush’s ill-fated effort. Playing the democracy card has also exacerbated already serious tensio... read more
South Africa Sees Doubling of Coronavirus Cases as Omicron Spreads
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Omicron, Africa* Due to the rise of Omicron, the United Kingdom is on track to reach one million cases by the end of the month. The number of new coronavirus cases in South Africa has more than doubled over the past week amid the quick spread of the highly mutated Omicron coronavirus variant that was first detected in the country two weeks ago. During the week of November 29 to December 5, according to the World Health Organization, South Africa’s caseload surged by 111 percent from the previous week. More than sixty thousand new cases were reported in the ... read more
Russia, China, and Nukes: What Drove the Communist Superpowers Apart
*WarIsBoring* *Nuclear Weapons, Eurasia* It’s an odd moment in the briefs, the most personal and human moment I’ve seen so far. Between baseball, nuclear China and the hippies, the 1960s must have seemed like a turbulent time to the CIA. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Relations between China and Russia went from worse … to weird. Late last year, the CIA declassified a treasure trove of information — the daily briefs it wrote for U.S. presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson from 1961 to 1969. The agency’s memos cover one of the most fascinating and frightening periods of A... read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
The short answer is Democrats
*John Sexton:* *What is driving Hispanics away from the Democratic Party?* Hispanics prospered under the Trump economy and the Democrats reversed the policies that led to their success. read more
naked capitalism14 hours ago
How To Compare Incomes Across Countries
Economists' comparisons of incomes make social democracies look bad by not attributing value to government healthcare and cheap college. read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
Democrats worry about their high gas price strategy
Thomas Lifson: The wealthy, mostly white environmental activists who donate so much to Democrats want high gasoline prices because it helps force people out of cars and encourages the purchase of electric vehicles, diminishing the Original Sin of CO2 emissions. Joe Biden started pandering to them on Day One of his presidency by canceling the Keystone XL pipeline. Predictably, as gasoline prices soared, most people got angry about seeing their budgets busted at the gasoline pump. Apparently, this came as a surprise to the taxi-, Uber-, and limousine-riding elites who command De... read more
War News Updates14 hours ago
Is President Biden And Vice President Harris On Talking Terms?
🚨 AWKWARD, SHADE WAR: Joe Biden Refuses to acknowledge Kamala as he walks right past her in US Capitol. Then Joe asks Jill to SWITCH SEATS so he won’t be close to VP. Neither make eye contact as Joe looks AT THE CEILING and Kamala looks at the floor. CRINGE. See for yourself: — Benny (@bennyjohnson) December 9, 2021 *WNU Editor*: The body language experts are having a field day on this video. read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
Vaccine related deaths spike in 2020
Vasko Kohlmeyer: ... As you may know, VAERS is an acronym for Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. This system is co-maintained by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).... ... Established in 1990, the idea behind VAERS is to capture as many adverse reactions to vaccines as possible in order to alert health experts to potential issues and problems. The graph below traces the number of deaths that have been reported to VAERS every year since its inception. As you can see, the yearly levels have held relatively st... read more
Thieving Cops Rob Innocent Woman of $100k, Send Her on Her Way, Then Brag About it On Facebook
[image: police]Police took to Facebook this week to brag about stealing $100,000 from a woman at the airport, instead of questioning it, local media ran a puff piece for them. read more
6+1 Questions about Armed Guests: Territorial Sovereignty and Foreign Military Basing
What’s the book? Sebastian Schmidt. 2020. Armed Guests: Territorial Sovereignty and Foreign Military Basing (New York, Oxford University Press). The argument? The United States maintains a massive global military footprint. Some of its overseas military bases are located in dependencies like Puerto Rico and Guam. The vast majority of base hosts are sovereign states. The […] read more
Professors’ free speech rights can clash with public universities’ interest in managing their employees as they choose
When the University of Florida barred three professors from testifying in a lawsuit over voting restrictions, it raised important questions of academic freedom and free speech. read more
Halifax Examiner15 hours ago
COVID really sucks, says person suffering from it
News 1. COVID really sucks, says person suffering from it The COVID outbreak in Antigonish now numbers 59 cases, and given that there are dozens of potential exposure sites in Antigonish, the outbreak will undoubtedly grow larger still. Yesterday, I quoted a provincial press release: There are 38 new cases being reported today, and 59 […] read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
French uncover jihadi Christmas stabbing plot
Legal Insurrection: As Christmas approaches, Europe is again in the crosshairs of Islamic terrorism. On Wednesday, French police thwarted a jihadi terror plot to stab people during the Christmas festivities. The suspects, both aged 23, were planning “to attack people during the Christmas period in shopping centers, universities or in the street,” news reports say. One of the suspects admitted planning to “kill passers-by” and “die as “martyrs,” French newspaper *Le Parisien* reported. Reuters confirmed the Islamist motivation behind the terror plot. “Islamist literature and Isla... read more
War News Updates15 hours ago
Picture Of The Day
Members of the ships company stand in the 'Procedure Alpha' position on the flight deck of the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth, as it approaches Her Majesty's Naval Base (HMNB) Portsmouth, following her seven month deployment leading Carrier Strike Group 21, in Portsmouth, Britain. REUTERS/Henry Nicholls *WNU Editor:* The above picture came from this photo-gallery ....* Top Photos of the Day *(Reuters). read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Biden's Nord Stream 2 decision opened door to Ukraine invasion
Daily Caller: President Joe Biden’s lax policy on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, choosing to remove barriers to its construction, has opened the door to a Russian invasion of Ukraine, an expert told the Daily Caller News Foundation. Opponents of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which was recently completed, argue it would make Russia less reliant on the Ukrainian gas pipeline network, potentially stripping a key deterrent to invasion, according to The Wilson Center. Nord Stream 2 would remove both a key revenue source from Ukraine and a powerful tool the nation has in defending itself ag... read more
Jussie Smollett Found Guilty in Hate Crime Hoax Trial
Breitbart A jury found disgraced actor and former “Empire” star Jussie Smollett guilty on five of six charges in a case where he is accused... The post Jussie Smollett Found Guilty in Hate Crime Hoax Trial appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
DeSantis Will Issue Emergency Order Barring State Licenses for Florida Facilities that House Illegal Alien Children from Biden Border Crisis
Breitbart – by Matthew Boyle Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis will take a major step on Friday morning to stop the influx of illegal aliens... The post DeSantis Will Issue Emergency Order Barring State Licenses for Florida Facilities that House Illegal Alien Children from Biden Border Crisis appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Planet Lockdown Part 2 — The Financial Control System
Dr. Joseph Mercola The “Planet Lockdown Part 2” interview above features finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts, founder of the Solari Report. (To get a taste... The post Planet Lockdown Part 2 — The Financial Control System appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Snopes.com16 hours ago
UK Court Allows Assange’s Extradition to US for Spying Case
Assange, 50, is currently being held at London’s high-security Belmarsh Prison. read more
Snopes.com16 hours ago
53 Dead After Truck Smuggling Migrants Crashes in Mexico
The migrants inside the cargo trailer were tossed and crushed in a pile of both the living and the dead. read more
DEA agent gets 12 years for conspiring with Colombian cartel
Yahoo News TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — A once-standout U.S. narcotics agent who used his badge to build a lavish lifestyle of expensive cars, parties on... The post DEA agent gets 12 years for conspiring with Colombian cartel appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Largest US city grants non-citizens voting rights
RT The New York City Council has approved legislation to give city residents who are not US citizens the right to vote in local elections... The post Largest US city grants non-citizens voting rights appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
BREAKING NEWS: Omicron patient has one singular sniffle
johnbcrist Dec 6, 2021 “First patient of the omicron variant was experiencing slight fatigue but then took a nap and now he’s fine.” THIS IS... The post BREAKING NEWS: Omicron patient has one singular sniffle appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
Border sheriffs seeing crime spike from influx of illegals
Washington Examiner: A Texas border sheriff who had resisted working with the state to refer illegal immigrants on state trespassing charges said rising crime in his community has forced him to take action and partner with Austin. Despite neighboring counties signing agreements to work with the state earlier this year, Maverick County Sheriff Tom Schmerber had held out on partnering with the governor’s office to refer noncitizens on state charges. “The state’s been after me for a few months,” said Schmerber. "I hesitated for about two months. What kind of pushed me to really was ... read more
We Lack The Will
David Suzuki writes that episodes of mass extinction are nothing new: The fossil record indicates five mass extinction episodes have occurred, defined by disappearance of more than 75 per cent of all species within 2.8 million years, a mere blink in evolutionary time. In the five great extinctions, 75 to 90 per cent of terrestrial and marine plants and animals vanished. Despite these enormous disruptions, life recovered in diversity and abundance, although radically different in makeup. In the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction 66 million years ago, when dinosaurs disappeared a... read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Dissatisfaction with Biden grows
*Breitbart:* *NPR Poll: Just 16 Percent of Americans Strongly Approve of Joe Biden’s Job Performance* He polls even worse with independents and people under the age of 45. read more
December 10, 1941 was a Truly Dark Day for the Allies
*Peter Suciu* *World War II, * The Allies would of course rebound following the tragic events of December 1941, but for those who lived through it, December 10 must have seemed to be one of the darkest moments of the year. Wednesdays can be a rough part of any week, but Wednesday, December 10, 1941 was arguably one of the darkest days for the Allies in the Second World War. Just days earlier, the Japanese had launched strikes against British, Dutch, and American positions throughout Southeast Asia and the Pacific. War had been declared, and if it wasn't already clear that no qui... read more
"Shopping For Deals At Family Dollar! What's Going On Here?"
*Full screen recommended.* Adventures with Danno, AM 12/10/21: *"Shopping For Deals At Family Dollar! What's Going On Here?"* "In today's vlog we are shopping at Family Dollar only to find lots of empty shelves, and very high prices! From frozen goods, to meat and dairy. Items are missing everywhere! It's getting rough out here as stores seem to be struggling with getting products." read more
UK Court Rules Julian Assange Can Be Extradited to US — The Same Country Who Plotted to Assassinate Him
[image: assange]The UK wants to extradite Julian Assange to the US, the nation where top officials had purported plans to kidnap and assassinate him. read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Trump leads 2024 Dem contenders
Red States: Is the election of a second Donald Trump administration in the cards for 2024? If the latest Harvard-Harris poll is any indication, it just might be. Producing results that will have lefties waking up in cold sweats, the poll shows that Trump leads current president Joe Biden 48 percent to 45 percent in a hypothetical rematch. It also shows that Trump’s leadership in the White House is preferred by four points. But while few really believe Biden has the capacity to run again three years from now, Trump also beats Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg by a large amount in ... read more
Power, abortion and the beltway crowd
If Roe v. Wade collapses because it is bad, made up law by SCOTUS in 1973 usurping Congress, it won't stop abortions. It simply moves the responsibility to the states. So why do Democrats become so hysterical about it? They can still kill babies.* Power*. Power shifts from DC to the state capitals. This has always been about power. End Roe v. Wade: It's Time to Defederalize Abortion Policy | Mises Wire What overturning Roe v. Wade could mean for Ohio - Axios Columbus California Planning To Skirt Federal Law, Declare Itself A Sanctuary State If Roe v. Wade Overturned - State... read more
Robert Jervis
As many of our readers have likely already heard, Robert Jervis died yesterday. The field has lost a gentle intellectual giant. Unlike many of my friends from Columbia, Bob wasn’t on my dissertation committee; I only took one course from him. But I’ll remember him as both brilliant and very generous. Indeed, back in November […] read more

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