Friday, December 10, 2021

10 December - Blogs I'm Following - 5 of 5

 10:30 pm MST

IMF, 10 Countries Simulate Cyberattack on Global Financial System — Crisis Response Include: Coordinated Bank Holiday, Debt Repayment Grace Periods, SWAP/REPO Agreements And Coordinated Delinking from Major Currencies
Planned take down of the Global Financial System, Currencies Collapse … to usher in the Luciferian Mark of The Beast Financial System ie. usher in the Great Reset (which means usher in the Great King Satan. “Re” means King in Italian, Set is another name for Satan)!! – IMF, 10 Countries Simulate Cyberattack on Global … read more
Eating organic helps kids score higher on cognitive tests, according to study
(NaturalHealth365) Have you ever noticed that you have more energy when you eat nutrient-rich, organic food and have a better overall feeling of wellness than when you eat fast food? There’s a reason for that, and researchers are linking an organic diet to improved cognition and higher academic performance in children. The study, published in … Continue reading Eating organic helps kids score higher on cognitive tests, according to study → read more
What Does Build Back Better Mean? Global Financial Collapse, Currency Collapse, Great Reset, Mark of The Beast, Digital Currency –> Luciferian New World Order
The Prophecy Club Terry Sacka, owner of Cornerstone Asset Metals, joins us today to talk about how in Sweden they already have chips implanted into humans, to have their vaccine records “on hand” so to speak. He also shares where the campaign slogan “Build Back Better” actually comes from. A truly inspiring interview, and Terry … read more
The Duran21 hours ago
As Biden Seeks to Defuse Ukraine Tensions Russia’s Top General Warns Ukraine against Donbass Attack
As Biden Seeks to Defuse Ukraine Tensions Russia’s Top General Warns Ukraine against Donbass Attack News Topic 359 Moscow to thwart any provocations by Kiev in Donbass, Russian military chief warns Moscow to thwart any provocations by Kiev in Donbass, Russian military chief warns MOSCOW, December 9. /TASS/. The standoff in eastern Ukraine is escalating […] read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Brazil’s Prosecutor General advises STF of 25 preliminary investigations opened into Bolsonaro in one year
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Federal Prosecutor General Augusto Aras told the STF on Thursday, December 9, that he has opened 25 preliminary investigations into President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) over the past 12 months. The opinion was forwarded in a request by opposition deputies to investigate Bolsonaro's conduct in his July 29 live stream, in […] The post Brazil’s Prosecutor General advises STF of 25 preliminary investigations opened into Bolsonaro in one year appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Covid-19: Three Brazilian international airports will offer Covid-19 vaccination posts
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Ministry of Health on Thursday, December 9, announced that the airports of Brasilia (BSB), Guarulhos (GRU) in São Paulo, and Galeão (GIG), in Rio de Janeiro, will have vaccination posts for Covid-19. Services will start operating next Monday, December 13. The announcement came on the same day that new […] The post Covid-19: Three Brazilian international airports will offer Covid-19 vaccination posts appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Brazil: Economy asks for additional US$18 billion in 2022 and plans US$74 in Brazil Aid
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Ministry of Economy on Thursday, December 9, sent an official letter to Congress requesting the inclusion of an additional R$100 (US$18) billion in spending in the 2022 Budget bill. In the same document, the Ministry set R$415 (US$74) as the average benefit of "Auxílio Brasil" (Brazil Aid) to be […] The post Brazil: Economy asks for additional US$18 billion in 2022 and plans US$74 in Brazil Aid appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Survey: 70% of Brazilians say the economy is bad or terrible
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A survey conducted by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) shows that 7 out of 10 Brazilians consider Brazil's current economic situation bad or terrible. For 80% of respondents, this is one of the worst economic crises the country has ever faced. The CNI survey, conducted by the FSB Institute, […] The post Survey: 70% of Brazilians say the economy is bad or terrible appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
How Vitamin-Enriched Foods can be the Gateway to Better Long-Term Nutrition
WASHINGTON DC, Dec 10 (IPS) - When one in five pre-school children is stunted due to chronic undernutrition, it is clear that global diets urgently need to improve and diversify to include more nutrient-rich fruits, vegetables and animal-source foods. Read the full story, “How Vitamin-Enriched Foods can be the Gateway to Better Long-Term Nutrition”, on → read more
Q&A: Femicides, Domestic Violence and Online Violence Have Been Exacerbated
LIMA, Dec 10 (IPS) - "The level of injustice in the world cannot go on like this…I am not pessimistic about the future," said Gladys Acosta, president of the CEDAW Committee, in an interview with IPS in the Peruvian capital. Read the full story, “Q&A: Femicides, Domestic Violence and Online Violence Have Been Exacerbated”, on → read more
Slow-slip event in progress under the Kāpiti-Horowhenua area, New Zealand
A slow-slip event began under the Kāpiti-Horowhenua area, New Zealand in mid-September 2021, and is expected to continue for several more months. The part of the subducting Pacific Plate 30 - 50 km (18 - 31 miles) beneath Kāpiti has started moving slowly again...... Read more » read more
Komando.com21 hours ago
Amazon’s new Together service is a smart way to keep track of your elderly loved ones
Worried about elderly loved ones? Amazon's Alexa can now check in on them and help with daily tasks. read more
Slash your cancer risk with two POTENT spices
(NaturalHealth365) Within the past few years, scientists at the forefront of cancer research have increasingly given voice to a once radical-sounding concept: cancer – second only to heart disease as a cause of death for Americans – is largely preventable, with diet playing an important role. In a prominent article published in 2008 in the … Continue reading Slash your cancer risk with two POTENT spices → read more
The Weekly Volcanic Activity Report: December 1 - 7, 2021
New activity/unrest was reported for 4 volcanoes from December 1 to 7, 2021. During the same period, ongoing activity was reported for 15 volcanoes. New activity/unrest: Ambae, Vanuatu | Nyiragongo, DR Congo | Sangay, Ecuador | Semeru, Eastern Java (Indonesia)....... Read more » read more
We Know That U.S. Navy Attack Submarines Could Sink British Carriers
*David Axe* *U.S. Navy Submarines, * Practice makes perfect. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Stealth is the secret weapon for U.S. Navy attack submarines. A photo depicting an American nuclear-powered submarine poking its periscope above the waves—within shooting distance of a British aircraft carrier during a war game—is a useful reminder of one of the most important truths of naval warfare. For every sailor who’s not in a submarine, submarines are real scary. Stealthy and heavily-armed, subs are by far the most powerful naval vessels in the world for full-scale warfare—a... read more
Komando.com21 hours ago
Check your fridge! These pork products might be contaminated with listeria
Pork products recalled for potential listeria contamination. Check this list to see if you have any in your fridge. read more
A World Safe From Firestorms is a World Safe from Nuclear Winter
The key takehome is that a firestorm is generally impossible using nuclear weapons to ignite fuel. There is no longer enough fuel and short of bringling vast amounts of incendaries as in WW II, it cannot happen. Thus the MEME of nuclear winter is a non starter. Radiation fallout remains a problem, yet even there we have transition to much cleaner bombs. After all we do want to occupy the tragets at some point. Recall Hiroshima and Nagasaki are thriving cities. Nowhere does modernity assemble the necessary fuel density. It did, but no more. Now we plunk 10,000 folks down in... read more
Xinjiang: On technology and crimes against humanity
Read this and scream. This NAZISM 2. Wonderfully no one is allowed to die. None of that gas chamber stuff. The workers might feel bad. We are at WAR now with this and all forms of hierarchial systems must be disapated and brought under the Rule of Twelve. There is a way forward but it has been harsh to watch. *Xinjiang: On technology and crimes against humanity* *Society & CultureThe camp system in Xinjiang — the largest internment of a religious minority since World War II — is the first to employ a comprehensive digital surveillance system across an entire population... read more
Did Bronze Age Levant Tin come from Cornwall?
I have been now posting on the great Atlantic circle route for years and filling in details as they come up. Understand that the copper fleet sailed from Bimini after assembly to the latitude of Lewis and then entered the Irish Sea. They picked up some copper but acquired tin in the Bristol Channel from adjacent Cornwall. Fully loaded they proceeded South to a port near Gibraulter. The metal then was likely offloaded for ships running into the Levant and Egypt in particular. The ships themselves in season then sailed westward for Bimini. It was that easy folks. Two latitu... read more
Ah yes, the curious mr Epstein. Right up there with Mr Bernie Madoff as an obvious fraud in hte financial world which sometimes is too easy on live and let live mentality. Understand that nothing is more connected than the money business. Anbd it is easy to get the resume of a purported insider by simply dropping down to a local watering hole and asking. If that does not produce a trading resume, he does not exist. I used to play folks. Madoffs perfect result record was impossible and no traders gossiped. Really? Same drill with Epstein. It was merely a convenient cover st... read more
Need To Know21 hours ago
Why Do People Willingly Sacrifice Their Freedom? Awaken from ‘Mass Formation’ Deep Hypnosis
There are four conditions, including isolation and anxiety, that cause the masses to crave a remedy, priming them for hypnosis and obedience. Dr. Desmet says that 30% of the people are now deeply hypnotized, 40% are not yet hypnotized but are following the herd, and the remaining 30% are opposed to tyranny. read more
* NYC is Doubling Down on Strict Vaccine Mandate Measures to Go After Private and Religious Schools* It wasn't enough for New York City to require all of its public school teachers and staff to get vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus. Now, the city is requiring teachers and staff at private schools, as well as religiously-affiliated Catholic schools and yeshivas to get vaccinated, as Emma G. Fitzsimmons reported on Thursday for The New York Times. Fitzsimmons noted it is "believed to be the largest effort in the nation to force religious schools to adhere to a vaccine mandate.... read more
Cairns News21 hours ago
Dr Tenpenny warns parents to prepare for thousands of deaths of young children after Pfizer shot
“Maybe people will start to wake up when there’s millions of dead six and seven-year-olds. When it affects them personally. It’s their own children, and we’re coming up on Christmas. Now suddenly, we’ve got millions without even 1000s or 10s of 1000s, or hundreds of 1000s of dead first graders, and second graders, and seventh […] read more
GREENIE WATCH21 hours ago
* Hydrocarbon based fuels are here to stay* Alberta’s future is threatened by a national campaign to dramatically reduce the production of hydrocarbons. The political and media elite repeatedly assure everyone that such fuels can be replaced by new “green” energy sources such as wind and solar power. People currently employed in the oil and gas industry will supposedly transition into green energy production and life will continue on as before, except with fewer greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Indeed, Justin Trudeau’s federal government has committed to transitioning Canada’s econ... read more
Need To Know21 hours ago
Crikey! Australian Senator Forced into a Covid Quarantine Camp Despite Negative Covid Tests
Alex Antic, a senator in the sate of South Australia who has been very critical of severe Covid policies, was detained in a Covid quarantine internment camp/ medi-hotel despite producing multiple negative tests. read more
Cairns News22 hours ago
Dr. Matt Shelton exposes the dismantling of long standing ethical structures in New Zealand under COVID-19 regime
He said: “The European journal of epidemiology has just proved that vaccination rates are unrelated to COVID case numbers.” “Waterford, In Ireland, has just announced the highest case numbers in the country in the face of a staggering 99.7% vaccination rate. No doubt the other 0.3% will be to blame… My vaccine won’t work until […] read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Brazil: Oganizations call for impeachment of Economy Minister for actions during pandemic
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A group comprising over 200 civil society entities on Thursday, December 9, filed a motion to impeach Minister of Economy Paulo Guedes at the Chamber of Deputies for dereliction of duty during the Covid-19 pandemic. Among the main reasons cited by the Rights Are Worth More Coalition, Dhesca Brazil Platform […] The post Brazil: Oganizations call for impeachment of Economy Minister for actions during pandemic appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Charles Frith23 hours ago
Silicone Rich Mineral Water & Alzheimers
Before we commence, I thought I'd point out this blogs header image about Hillary Clinton has been changed. Although it's still not widely known that her (Wiki)leaked emails indicated a... Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Brazil’s Health Ministry website hacked overnight and is offline
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Ministry of Health's website ( suffered a hacker attack at dawn this Friday, December 10, and went offline. According to the message posted at the address, "internal data systems were copied and deleted." All of the Ministry's portals, such as "Conecte SUS" and "Covid Portal" were also affected and […] The post Brazil’s Health Ministry website hacked overnight and is offline appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 12/10/21"
*"Weekly News Wrap-Up 12/10/21"* by Greg Hunter’s "I cannot believe people are this stupid. The vax injections have clearly failed to stop CV19 or stop the spread of CV19, and yet people are lining up to get more of what does not work. Granted, the continuing MSM propaganda blitz is very powerful and convincing. Still, people already double vaxed can’t wait to get a so-called booster because they are no longer “fully vaccinated,” according to the CDC. Now, the CEO of Pfizer is telling them the third shot will not work because he is already saying, “I Think We Will N... read more
Why Is Russia So Mad About the THAAD System?
*David Axe* *THAAD, Europe* U.S. missile defenses for decades have been controversial in Russia. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *NATO stressed that neither Aegis Ashore nor THAAD poses a danger to Russia. A key NATO missile-defense site in Romania on Aug. 9, 2019 completed a three-month upgrade process that had forced operators to take the system offline. To fill the resulting gap in coverage, the U.S. Army in May 2019 deployed to Romania one of its seven Terminal High-Altitude Area-Defense missile-interceptor batteries. The THAAD deployment was controversial. The THAAD sy... read more
IRS Advises to Get Head Start on Taxes for CTC, Stimulus Checks
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Stimulus Checks, Americas* Fewer Americans were deemed eligible for these particular checks compared to the first two rounds. The 2021 federal tax filing deadline is still a few months away, but the Internal Revenue Service is already pushing taxpayers to get a head start on preparing their respective returns. The tax agency also noted that the returns for this year could potentially be more complex because of the stimulus check approved last March via the American Rescue Plan and the ongoing child tax credit payments, which give a $250 or a $300 payment p... read more
Upgrades to Japan's Type 12 Missiles Will Help it Fly Higher and Farther
*Sebastien Roblin* *Type 12 Kai, Japan* The Type 12 missile currently deploys on trucks, but could soon be fitted to aircraft and sent to reinforce Japanese islands in the Ryukyus. The Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) are purportedly only concerned with the defense of Japanese soil, and have no offensive role. As an island nation, the JSDF is heavily oriented around maritime defense and naval power to defend against invasions from sea. However, improved sensors, propulsion systems, and communications allow land-based anti-ship missiles to threaten targets hundreds of miles away ... read more
manufacturing firm Next – A Summary
[image: manufacturing Next]Why? Because, after they promote their very own model, they enhance customer loyalty to their very own merchandise and their very own enterprise – not a world firm that sells its skincare, haircare and cosmetics formulations in tons of, if not thousands, of different salons, pharmacies, shops, etc. Whenever you plan to renovate a kitchen or bathroom, it’s completely important that you get the perfect of the perfect when it comes to contractors. Poor workmanship can lead to poor design, high costs and general dissatisfaction. It’s best to rent a contracto... read more
The Duran23 hours ago
Focus Ukraine and the US. How about bombing Russia. With nuclear weapons.
By Andrei Martyanov I recorded my video this morning in response to Senator Wicker’s “proposal” to bomb Russia with nukes. So, what can I say–there is a mental breakdown in D.C. and while this was going on for a while (and now reached grotesque forms) I, as always, want to point out how illiterate militarily […] read more
The Duran23 hours ago
Tucker And Tulsi Slam The Warmongers
How would you like another war in Europe, better still, a nuclear war? If you think anyone who answers in the affirmative must be insane, so does the bravest man on television. And so does the best Democrat President America never had. Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard have both individually blasted the latest insane rhetoric […] read more
The Duran23 hours ago
RACE AND CRIME — Not So Simple, Simon
The historian Simon Webb is a popular YouTuber who is almost always right on the money. True, he does have his blind spots, like the true nature of Zionism, but especially on contemporary issues if there is a media narrative and a Simon narrative, the latter is always correct. But not this time. On December […] read more
The Duran23 hours ago
Who Would Benefit From “Omicron”
In November 2021 world faced a new wave of Covid-19. The talk is about Omicron, which was identified by South African scientists. Besides South Africa, the virus was found in Hongkong and Botswana. Later news about Omicron appeared in Israel, Belgium, and Germany. read more
December 10th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 325
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post December 10th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 325 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Friday December 10th – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Friday December 10th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Thursday 09 December 2021
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […] read more
Laboratory accreditation required by FSMA finally becoming a reality
A decade after the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was signed into law, the FDA’s final rule on Laboratory Accreditation for Analyses of Foods (LAAF) for a laboratory accreditation program for the testing of food in certain circumstances is becoming a reality. Under the LAAF program, the Food and Drug Administration will recognize accreditation bodies (ABs)... Continue Reading read more
EU sees large drop in food illnesses in 2020 partly because of COVID-19
A decline in foodborne infections ranged from 7 percent to 53 percent in 2020 in Europe largely because of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) report also saw Yersinia retake third place from E. coli for the number of... Continue Reading read more
The Rise Of Climate Terrorism
From the team at CFACT ~ By Robert Hefner: As I wrote in We Need Leaders Who Prioritize People Over Molecules, climate alarmists “seem to have portrayed the problem [of climate change] in such an extremist way that they have convinced a growing army of climate warriors that terrorism is justified.” Consider that Tracy Stone-Manning, Biden’s […] read more
Researchers use survey to evaluate food safety challenges of blueberry harvesting
Researchers led by Jinru Chen, Ph.D., with the University of Georgia, are using an anonymous survey to better understand the current cleaning and sanitation methods used on blueberry harvest containers and machine harvesters. Based on the survey results and with the help of a blueberry industry advisory board, the researchers hope to identify cleaning and... Continue Reading read more
E. coli outbreak involving thousands in Japan traced to red seaweed
E. coli was behind a large-scale food poisoning outbreak that involved about 3,000 school students and staff in Japan this past year, according to a study. The investigation found the 2020 outbreak was caused by red seaweed used in a salad contaminated with E. coli O7:H4. The seaweed had been imported in 2017. E. coli O7:H4 carrying... Continue Reading read more
A Different Perspective On Global Warming
By Katie Tubb ~ We have grown accustomed to climate change being talked about in a certain way. Usually, it involves words and phrases like “dangerous,” “catastrophe,” “red zone,” and “one minute to midnight.” Equally dramatic are the policies proposed by many in Washington, D.C., to force a transition away from conventional energy to more […] read more
December 10, 2021: Reader Tips
Guest submission from SDA regular Denise: Are religious dietary restrictions hampering your hosting of dinner parties this holiday season? Maybe “multiculinarism” isn’t our strength. For a solution-in-song, our resident musician, James Frazer, presents Holy Cow. With its uptempo beat, you may want to sing along. Your most interesting tips of the recent past are much… Continue reading → read more
Skowronek Season
xkcd Ah, it's Skowronek Season already! Coming unusually early this term, when pundits gather to ask themselves what kind of relationship the current presidency is going to have with the longer-term current "regime", or complex of ideologies and interests out of which politics of a whole period are made, according to the framework put together by political scientist Stephen Skowronek in the 1990s: will it be a presidency of *reconstruction*, effectively opening a new regime, like those of Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan? Or of *articulation*,... read more
balance1023 hours ago
the corruption is rampant and rife.
1) Gracious Readers Dedicated to Love’s Service the World Around- In many an Oriental rice paddy there stand blessed ones with feet bared and immersed in chilly waters as they endeavor to render their service which enables at least some of the teeming millions of lifestreams there to have their daily (and so much needed!) bowl of rice. These who do so serve enjoy to the full the warmth and comfort of the Sun upon their bodies, all the while enduring the discomfort of chilly waters which numb their lower limbs as they work. Now as the light and warmth of the Sun comfort the... read more
OrientalReview.org23 hours ago
China: The “Yellow Peril”, Really?
President Biden is replaying the "yellow peril": China would steal our patents, foster corruption and destroy the environment before imposing its totalitarian regime by force. Fortunately, the United States and NATO would protect democracies and peace. But then how to explain the alliance between Beijing and Moscow, which should feel the same fear? It would simply be the "alliance of dictatorships". For anyone who lived through the Cold War, this narrative rings hollow. read more
naked capitalism23 hours ago
Health Experts Worry CDC’s Covid Vaccination Rates Appear Inflated
Quelle suprise! The CDC's vaccination figures are pumped up! read more
Israel Wasn't Born a Military Superpower: These 5 Deadly Systems Helped
*Robert Farley* *Israeli Military, Middle East* Here are Israel's five most legendary weapons. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The inability of Israel to develop long-term, stable, positive relationships with its immediate neighbors, regional powers, and the subject populations of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip means that Jerusalem continues to feel insecure, its dominance on land, air, and sea notwithstanding. Since 1948, the state of Israel has fielded a frighteningly effective military machine. Built on a foundation of pre-independence militias, supplied with cast-off W... read more
These Five Treaties Helped Shape the Modern World
*Akhilesh Pillalamarri* *Treaties, Europe* While some later historians have criticized the Congress of Vienna as being “reactionary,” it prevented the outbreak of a major European war for a hundred years. *Key Point:* The manner in which the Treaty of Versailles was handled stood in stark contrast with the inclusive way in which post-Napoleonic Europe was organized—terms were dictated, not negotiated. Wherever there are states, there are treaties. Since ancient times, treaties have been a crucial tool of statecraft and diplomacy. As treaties are agreements between various states... read more
NATO Take Note: The Russian Navy is Practicing Missile Strikes in the Baltic Sea
*Mark Episkopos* *Russian Navy, * In the years following the 2014 Euromaidan crisis, the Baltic region has seen a sharp spike in military tensions between Russian and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces. One of Russia’s latest warships is holding large-scale live-fire drills in the Baltic Sea amid mounting regional tensions with NATO. “As part of the planned deployment to the sea, the crew of the corvette *Stoiky *successfully accomplished the task of delivering a missile strike against a naval target that simulated a mock enemy’s combat ship,” read a statement issu... read more
Dutton sees the military challenge ahead of us
While Labor and the Greens concentrate on net zero emissions and taxpayer funded gender reassignment surgery, Defence Minister Peter Dutton is working with our Indo-Pacific neighbours to push back against the rise of communist China. read more
Pentagon Says Boosting Taiwan's Defenses An 'Urgent Task'
FILE PHOTO: A soldier lies with a rifle by a beach during an annual anti-invasion drill in Tainan, Taiwan, September 14, 2021. © Reuters / Ann Wan *Reuters: **U.S. Defense Official Says Boosting Taiwan's Defenses an 'Urgent Task'* WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bolstering Taiwan's defenses is an urgent task and essential to deterring the threat of invasion by China, the Pentagon's top official for Asia said on Wednesday, adding that U.S. partners were stepping up their military presence in the region. Tensions between Taiwan and China have escalated in recent months as Beijing raise... read more
China is Dropping Bombs and Laying Mines in the Taiwan Strait
*Kris Osborn* *Chinese Air Force, Asia Pacific* These exercises are a clear effort to show force and attempt to deter the United States and its Western allies from intervening to protect Taiwan. Chinese bombers are dropping bombs, conducting live-fire exercises, and laying mines over areas of the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait in a clear effort to show force and attempt to deter the United States and its Western allies from intervening to protect Taiwan. The latest Chinese bomber, the H-6J, practiced bomb-dropping and sea mine-laying operations in a series of coordinated liv... read more
Iran Could Be Next: How Israel Took Out Saddam's Nuclear Program
*Robert Farley* *Israeli Air Force, Middle East* Israel has already shown that it's willing to take matters into its own hands. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Iraq responded to the attack not by abandoning its efforts, but rather by redoubling them. What if Israel had not struck Iraq’s Osirak reactor in 1981? Or what if the attack, which was technically quite difficult, had failed? The attack, which was deeply controversial at the time, shifted the course of Iraq’s nuclear-weapons program. It also set a lasting precedent for how Israel, and potentially other nuclear states,... read more
Are China’s Naval Drones Any Match for the U.S. Navy’s “Ghost Fleet?”
*Kris Osborn* *Drones, * China says it's had a breakthrough. But it seems unlikely that China is well-positioned to match the advanced stages of collaborative autonomous functions now operational with the U.S. Navy. Given the scope of the U.S. Navy's progress with autonomous surface warfare and its fast-expanding fleet of drone warships, it comes as no surprise to learn that the large and closely followed Chinese Navy is reporting success with the same thing. The Chinese Communist Party-backed *Global Times* newspaper has reported that a new Chinese unmanned high-speed vessel... read more
Great Power Competition Has the U.S. Navy Getting Back to Basics
*David Axe* *U.S. Navy, * The U.S. Navy is getting ready to transport soldiers and cargo around the world. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment has warned that the U.S. sealift force is too small. A convoy of five American cargo ships made a simulated run through hostile waters in September 2019 during a sprawling, short-notice test of the U.S. fleet’s ability to ship people and cargo during a major war. The simulated, World War II-style convoy underscored the importance of sealift to U.S. war plans, as well as the shortage of nav... read more
Australian Human Rights Commission admits solar panels made by slaves
For the first time in years, the Australian Human Rights Commission is actually standing up for human rights. read more
The Poet: J.R.R. Tolkien, "I Sit And Think"
*"I Sit And Think"* “I sit beside the fire and think Of all that I have seen, Of meadow flowers and butterflies In summers that have been. Of yellow leaves and gossamer In autumns that there were, With morning mist and silver sun And wind upon my hair. I sit beside the fire and think Of how the world will be When winter comes without a spring That I shall never see. For still there are so many things That I have never seen, In every wood, in every spring, There is a different green. I sit beside the fire and think Of people long ago, And people that will see a world That I shall never k... read more
Elon Musk Two Word Response to Congress About Biden’s Build Back Better Spending Bill: “Delete It”
Tesla CEO Elon Musk was seemingly channeling his inner Galt during a video interview with Joanna Stern of the Wall Street Journal at the CEO Council Summit. Apparently Mr. Musk can see what’s on the other side of this spending horizon and doesn’t want to experience it. WATCH: . The Full Interview is below: . […] The post Elon Musk Two Word Response to Congress About Biden’s Build Back Better Spending Bill: “Delete It” appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Foreboding – U.S. Productivity Declined 5.2 Percent in Third Quarter, Largest Quarterly Drop in 61 Years
U.S. nonfarm productivity is a measure of economic activity within the engine of the U.S. economy. The U.S. productivity rate is a measure of how much value is produced by the economy through demand for the products and services, and the labor associated with the creation of those products and services. I have often used […] The post Foreboding – U.S. Productivity Declined 5.2 Percent in Third Quarter, Largest Quarterly Drop in 61 Years appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Desperate Melbourne woman sets herself on fire to protest “Vaccine Mandates” but media stays silent
Incidents like this show that the New World Order Covid-Tyranny by the Australian government has driven its citizens to a state where they feel they have nothing left to lose. This poor Melbourne woman doused herself from petrol cans in her car before setting herself on fire. She was holding a sign which read: “No […] read more
Why Modern Movies Suck
Don’t get me started on the new James Bond movie. More read more
U.S. House Passes $768bn National Defense Bill
*Daily Mail:* *House passes $768bn National Defense bill to tackle Russia and China: Authorizes new fighter jets, warships and submarines* * The House voted on Tuesday night to approve a nearly $700 billion spending bill - the annual National Defense Authorization Act * The bill, which has always received wide bipartisan support, was easily passed and will now move to the Senate * This year's plan sees an increase in spending on measures aimed to counter threats posed by Russia, in Ukraine, and China, in Taiwan * The bill also allocates significant sums for the purchase of new... read more
Musical Interlude: "O Holy Night, Looped Album Instrumental Christmas Music"
*Full screen recommended.* *"O Holy Night, Looped Album Instrumental Christmas Music"* by Nhạc Thư Giãn *A comment:* I stumbled upon this video by accident, and want to share it with you. Yes, it's a little early, but this is so incredibly beautiful it made me cry, thinking what could have been, should have been... - CP read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Source of Ivermectin for humans . For Ziverdo Kit (Zinc, IVM, DOXy) read more
The usual suspects star in annual Tax Office data-dump paying donut on their billions
The latest Tax Office transparency report shows the oil and gas juggernauts are, again, Australia’s biggest tax grifters. Callum Foote and Michael West report on the good and the bad in multinational tax-dodging land. read more
NASA’s newest X-ray telescope rockets into orbit
NASA’s newest X-ray telescope rockets into orbit read more
Over 36 Intelligent Alien Civilizations Likely Exist in Our Galaxy Alone.
Over 36 Intelligent Alien Civilizations Likely Exist in Our Galaxy Alone — Curiosmos read more
Ten trends to watch in the coming year.
Ten trends to watch in the coming year | The Economist read more
Russian Federation warns Ukraine not to threaten Donbas: NATO military weapons
Russian Federation warns Ukraine not to threaten Donbas: NATO military weapons Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The Russian Federation is increasingly alarmed by the actions of Ukraine in the volatile eastern part of this country. Russians are heavily concentrated in eastern regions compared with other parts of Ukraine. Hence […] The post Russian Federation warns Ukraine not to threaten Donbas: NATO military weapons first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
TV Show Mysteriously Deletes Poll After Vast Majority Oppose Mandatory Vaccination
Hi @GMB – why did you delete this poll? — Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) December 7, 2021 TV Show Mysteriously Deletes Poll After Vast Majority Oppose Mandatory Vaccination by Paul Joseph Watson, Gee, I wonder why? A major morning television show in the UK deleted a Twitter poll asking if vaccines should be … read more
Largest Open Air Prison / Concentration Camp in the World: Israel Completes Gaza Border Fence Which Includes Underground Barrier with Sensors | World News
WION In a bid to counter threats from their mass militancy, Israel has completed a barrier along the Gaza border, Israel describes it as an iron wall. end read more
Disturbing Prediction: Christians to be Banned from Jobs, Bank Accounts, Money, Plane Travel
Disturbing Prediction: Christians to be Banned from Jobs, Bank Accounts, Money, Plane Travel by Joe Kovacs, ‘We need to stop sitting around moping and being stepped on by the Enemy’ The head of a free-speech social-media site is making a dire prediction for Christians, saying in coming days believers in Jesus won’t be able … read more
The United Nations Unveils ‘The Guardian of International Peace And Security’ Statue That Looks Just Like Something From Revelation
The United Nations Unveils ‘The Guardian of International Peace And Security’ Statue That Looks Just Like Something From Revelation by Geoffrey Grider, The United Nations was founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries ‘committed to maintaining international peace and security’, in October 6 months after the end of WWII. The nation … read more
New Zealand Prime Minister: “There’s Not Going to be an End Point to this Vaccination Program”
NEW – "There’s not going to be an endpoint to this vaccination program…," says New Zealand PM Jacinda — (@disclosetv) December 7, 2021 New Zealand Prime Minister: “There’s Not Going to be an End Point to this Vaccination Program” by Paul Joseph Watson, Says she won’t “ever be satisfied” until everyone gets … read more

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