Saturday, January 26, 2019

26 January - Blogs I'm Following - 3 of 3

10:00 pm MST


Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 17 hours ago

Review of fluoride toxicity studies

drinkingwateradvisor at The Drinking Water Advisor - 17 hours ago
Sharma D, Singh A, Verma K, Paliwal S, Sharma S, Dwivedi J. Fluoride: A review of pre-clinical and clinical studies. Environmental toxicology and pharmacology. 2017 Dec;56:297-313. doi: 10.1016/j.etap.2017.10.008. Fluoride is ubiquitous in environment and profound in bones, teeth and calcified … Continue reading →

Is China Really Building Two Stealth Bombers?

Sebastien Roblin at Test Feed Using Fields - 17 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, Asia* [image: Wikimedia Commons] Could it be true? In January 2018, two sentences in an annual report by the DIA on Chinese military power sent a minor shockwave rippling across the defense-related internet: “The PLAAF is developing new medium- and long-range stealth bombers to strike regional and global targets. Stealth technology continues to play a key role in the development of these new bombers, which probably will reach initial operational capability no sooner than 2025.” Bombers, plural*. *In a separate chart, an un-designated next-generation... more »

The Marine Corps’ New Rifle Is Super Expensive (And No One Knows Why)

Task and Purpose, Jared Keller at Test Feed Using Fields - 17 hours ago
*Task and Purpose, Jared Keller* *Security, * [image: By PRT Meymaneh - 0109, CC BY 2.0,] Have any guesses? In their race to field a more powerful automatic rifle, the Marine Corps sidestepped the normal acquisition process and approved a contract to buy them at price tag five times that of the current M4 rifle. The $150 million deal, which may have involved a government employee who recently worked at the foreign arms maker that won the bid, is now under intense scrutiny from Congress — and raises questions about the Corps'... more »

Are we all to blame?

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 17 hours ago
Meanwhile, Jon Sopel broke his silence on the 'Covington boys v the Native American' story this morning on *Today.* Here's a transcript of his John Simpson Memorial Lecture on this morning's *Today *programme: *Jon Sopel*: This time last Saturday it was all so straightforward. A video appears on Twitter. A group of teenage white boys are surrounding and jeering at a Native American who quietly, defiantly, is banging a tribal drum by the side of the Lincoln Memorial. One in particular, with a goofy grin and lips red from the cold, is standing right in his face and wearing a red Mak... more »

Beyond Parody

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 17 hours ago
Inspiration for Harriet Fans of Radio 4's podcast *Beyond Today *will doubtless have been delighted for BBC producer Harriet Noble. She finally got her way, with an edition based around Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - something, Matthew Price told us, she'd been wanting for ages. And a gushing Harriet, who follows the Democrat congressperson on Instagram, also told us: "Because I saw that AOC uses press-on manicures I decided to give myself one too". Isn't that sweet? Anyhow, here's what DB thought of the matter: Later in that edition came an interview with Jon Ossoff, another mille... more »

Running for president with a single-issue focus: Climate change

Robert at Ice Age Now - 17 hours ago
Washington governor Jay Inslee is running for president with a single-issue focus on climate change. Inslee said of climate change: “We have two existential threats right now: one is to our natural systems, and one is to our economic systems.” Inslee has served as governor of Washington state since 2012. As such, one of his ... Read moreRunning for president with a single-issue focus: Climate change The post Running for president with a single-issue focus: Climate change appeared first on Ice Age Now.

Enjoy the interglacial while it is here

Robert at Ice Age Now - 17 hours ago
“When the sun’s magnetic fields flip, increase or decrease there are changes in the magnetic field of the earth.” – Joseph Kraig _____________________ Enjoy the interglacial while it is here Joseph Kraig While there is little to argue about in this article (referring to IPCC Fatal Error-Neglecting Ocean Thermal Inertia), there is much that is not included ... Read moreEnjoy the interglacial while it is here The post Enjoy the interglacial while it is here appeared first on Ice Age Now.

Brazen! Tsipras appoints Greece's best known false flag fixer as the new army chief

Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 17 hours ago
*Alexis Tsipras has promoted a fixer who sent two Greek soldiers over the Turkish border to be captured in 2018 as the army chief of staff in a sign that Tspras and George Soros are planning false flag attacks around its borders to draw Greece into conflicts.* *The decision to promote Globalist fixer George Kampas to the highest position in the army in spite of his disastrous record was dryly noted by* ** * more »

Media Sanctioned Prejudice on Minnesota Autism Board

Age of Autism at AGE OF AUTISM - 17 hours ago
Minnesota, the land of 10,000 lakes is also the land of 1 point of view, it would seem. There is no such thing as vaccine injury, choice or conversation about safety. If you have touched the topic, you are an... more »

#Refrigerator made out if #clay does not require #energy to cool #food.

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 18 hours ago Advertisements

Could hacking the immune system cure allergies?

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 18 hours ago

Soil #Microbes And Human Health – Learn About The Natural #Antidepressant In #Soil

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 18 hours ago

Gluten-free foods found to contain more arsenic and glyphosate than wheat

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 18 hours ago

Vegetable Frittata Muffin Recipie.

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 18 hours ago

#chicken nutritional facts

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 18 hours ago

Chocolate Is A Better Cough Suppressant Than Your Cough Syrup, Study Says

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 18 hours ago

Disabling One Gene Allows You To Eat As Much As You Want Without Gaining Weight.

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 18 hours ago

Time to ditch the KFC? Eating fried chicken increases your risk of DEATH, study warns.

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 18 hours ago

Thin people should not act ‘morally superior’ – they just have lucky genes, major study finds

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 18 hours ago

'It's not something we like to do': Crocodile shot after approaching beachgoers

Rhiannon Shine at Just In - 18 hours ago
Authorities have defended the decision to shoot a 3.7-metre saltwater crocodile at a popular Broome beach, saying several attempts to remove the animal failed.

Aussie young guns and 'relentless' Pat Cummins offer hope for the future after Sri Lanka win

Dan Colasimone at Just In - 18 hours ago
Tim Paine heaps praise on his star bowler Pat Cummins after the paceman demolished Sri Lanka at the Gabba, while also pointing out the future looks bright thanks to the side's latest recruits.

Brilliant iron molecule could provide cheaper solar energy

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 18 hours ago
This work is important as it promises to nicely displace the use of rare earths. that is obviously good news. Those rare Earths are not so rare, but are particularly difficult to refine and work with generally. There has been far too much noise on them been strategic as well. Thus a much cheaper alternative has lots of room to grow. . * Brilliant iron molecule could provide cheaper solar energy * *Date: **November 30, 2018 Source: * *Lund University Summary: * *For the first time, researchers have succeeded in creating an iron molecule that can function both as a photocatalyst... more »

Why some Canadian farmers may soon tower 'head and shoulders' above their U.S. rivals in Japan

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 18 hours ago
. This is good news for Canadian agriculture as it nicely establishes a customs union between Japan, Australia and populous Vietnam as well. In particular, we can expect to see ample initiatives among Canadian farmers to supply well established Japanese market niches. We have everything the Japanese crave in spades. Beef is an obvious item of course and someone is already starting a Wagyu herd in partnership with the Japanese. Better yet is that the agreement addresses uniform regulation as that is always a probnlem. *Why some Canadian farmers may soon tower 'head and sh... more »

For decades, she was told she was ‘just anxious.’ A midair incident uncovered the truth.

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 18 hours ago
This story needs to be told. I am experienced with seizures having dealt with a ward full of such cases as a student summer employee. What this is saying is that low level problems are going undiagnosed and that these are likely the most treatable. These seizures are brought about by minor physical injury in the brain. Minor can be almost microscopic. In the cases noted here what is lacking is the actual shaking. Yet losing consciousness is pretty indicative when nothing else can explain it. I suspect that it should be the first thing to test rather than the last. Way too... more »

The Axis of Unity’s Two Pronged Attack Upon the United States

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 18 hours ago
I am recently aware that a naval task force is in position off the coast of Venezuela. This informs us that it is Chinese. This axis of unity looks good on paper and represents a serious initiative on the part of the folks from Venezuela. It is also rather conventional and long on show. The human assault on our southern border is way more problematic as it happens to be an indirect attack on Mexico. Our border will rapidly seal up and thousans of likely armed civilians or even combatants will then be loose in Mexico. The real thrust of the Chinese appears to be to shore up the... more »

Italy stand up to bully Merkel, now accused by Panos Kammenos of being behind the unlawful Macedonia name deal fix

Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 18 hours ago
*Italy's team patriot has said it will oppose a power grab by Angela Merkel over a seat in the UN Security Council.* *The Treaty of Franco-German Cooperation and Integration which Merkel signed with Emmanuel Macron in Aachen this week commits France to supporting Germany's bid for a seat on the UNSC.* *Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte noted that Merkel and Germany have usurped the seat which was envisaged as a possibility for the EU in the 1990s* *Globalist fixers Merkel and Macron are making a desperate attempt to seize control of the EU and impose a new, joint rule on smaller state... more »


Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 18 hours ago
*MERKEL'S IBERIAN ASSASINATION FEARS GRIP TSIPRAS AFTER CRIMINAL COUP OVER THE CONSTITUTION AND PEOPLE OF GREECE* *RUSHED TO PURGE ARMY CHIEFS OF STAFF JUST FOUR HOURS AFTER PASSING THE DEAL* *GEORGE SOROS AND MERKEL MAY HAVE ADVISED HIM TO ACT IMMEDIATELY AND NOT WAIT ONE MORE DAY* *Alexis Tsipras' corruption in relation to the Macedonia name deal has been so brazen from his secret backroom deal with his counterpart in Skopje Zoran Zaev to his votes for favours scam, and the way he has used police to brutally suppress protests, while rejecteing calls for a referendum, has been... more »

Australian Daily Electrical Power Generation Data – Friday 25th January 2019

TonyfromOz at PA Pundits – International - 18 hours ago
By Anton Lang ~ UPDATE: On this day, the site which I use for the data collation and also the images I use, added Rooftop Solar Power (RTS) to their main overall image for total power generation. While this is a good idea, the site itself adds the text as follows, when explaining why this […]


Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 19 hours ago
*The signature of the Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos is needed on the Macedonia name deal, but if he gives it, he risks legal action later for joining in a conspiracy to pass a law using criminal and unlawful acts.* *First off, the Macedonian president has not signed the law because it did not meet the required threshold in a referendum and so is unconstitutional. That makes the deal a priori unlawful in Greece too.* *As Time magazine noted, to get the deal through the Greek parliament, Alexis Tsipras broke all due process rules. He refused to dissolve the government when his... more »

The Covington High School Racists

C. E. Ramsey at Liz – Day By Day - 19 hours ago
People keep trying to exonerate those Covington High School students based on a little additional footage. So, since people want to introduce even more footage, I’ve compiled a small list of this school’s hateful behaviors over the last several years. Here we have Covington High School basketball players making the “White Power” sign during a basketball game. Their […]

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Holds Press Conference on Venezuela…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 19 hours ago
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo holds a press conference on the crisis in Venezuela, and introduces Elliot Abrams as the primary U.S. liaison and point-of-contact for the Venezuela Democracy Initiative. . [Transcript] SECRETARY POMPEO: Good afternoon, everyone. Today I am … Continue reading →

Russia's Robot Tank Is Terrible, But Its Military Is Adopting It Anyway

Task and Purpose, Jared Keller at Test Feed Using Fields - 19 hours ago
*Task and Purpose, Jared Keller* *Security, Europe* [image: A Russian Uran-9 unmanned armoured reconnaissance and infantry support vehicle is seen during the Victory Day parade, marking the 73rd anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany in World War Two, at Red Square in Moscow, Russia May 9, 2018. REUTERS/Maxi] Why? It's official: the Russian military has adopted the Uran-9 unmanned ground vehicle developed by weapons manufacturer Kalashnikov Concern despite a reportedly dismal performance during combat testing in Syria, Russian state media reported on Thursday. Speaking to ... more »

Israel Kamikaze Drones are Destroying Syria’s Air Defenses

Sebastien Roblin at Test Feed Using Fields - 19 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, Middle East* [image: Wikimedia Commons] What is happenning? On January 21, Iranian, Syrian and Israeli forces unleashed a hail of missiles upon each other in what is becoming yet another flare-up of violence along the Syria-Israel border. Afterwards, the Israeli Defense Force released a video depicting unidentified munitions eliminating two or three short-range air defense systems—apparently including Russia’s latest short-range system, the Pantsir-S2. In fact, the recent raids may reveal improvements to Syria’s air defense forces due to ongoing Rus... more »


Noor al Haqiqa at SNIPPITS AND SNAPPITS - 19 hours ago
Not even four weeks into 2019 and things are already at a fever pitch of insanity. The Liberals and their media have been caught in lies and threatened by major lawsuits several times to the point of some issuing insincere apologies; AOC is providing us with amused terror as we study the produce of the Harry Potter generation moving into the Communist politics of the new Democratic Party; AOC's beloved Venezuela has fallen due to political interference, the IMF already at the gates; China is making great moves to solidify itself as an international power but many participants in th... more »

Japan Moves Toward a Cashless Society

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 19 hours ago
RT America Published on Jan 22, 2019 The Japanese government has set its sights on boosting growth in the mobile payments industry, creating opportunities for cryptocurrency. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has a plan to make 40 percent of payments in the country cashless by 2025. Investigative journalist Ben Swann joins News Views Hughes to discuss the […]


mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 19 hours ago
ITM Trading Published on Jan 25, 2019 Link to slides and sources:… Trade wars continue between the US and China, the two largest global economies. In the US, they say the trade war is having an impact on China’s economy, which is certainly true, but on May 11, 2017, China’s shorter-term debt interest rates rose […]

Tactical Move, Deep State Trapped Themselves, The Power Of Military Planning

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 19 hours ago
X22Report Published on Jan 25, 2019 The Covington event had many agendas associated with it. The FBI raided Roger Stones house and CNN was on the scene, how did they know? This is all part of the plan, military planning at its finest. The arrest had nothing do with Russian collusion which shows again there is […]

Madonna at Charles Frith - 20 hours ago
Think before you act ...............— Madonna (@Madonna) January 23, 2019 Better late than never Madonna Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced

Live: Osaka wins first set against Kvitova in Australian Open final

Andrew McGarry And Luke Pentony at Just In - 20 hours ago
Naomi Osaka claims the first set in a tiebreak against Petra Kvitova in the women's Australian Open final. Follow all the action from Rod Laver Arena in our live blog.

What do Australians think about Australia Day this year?

Just In - 20 hours ago
Every year Australians debate over whether to celebrate Australia Day on January 26, so we asked our audience on Facebook Messenger for their thoughts.

Bushfire in Perth suburb of Jandabup downgraded, under control

Just In - 20 hours ago
A bushfire which had been threatening lives and homes in Perth's north on Australia Day is brought under control by dozens of firefighters, with police now investigating the suspicious cause of the blaze.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 20 hours ago
*by Noah* Looks like we now have the new Republican Party motto! It's a refreshingly honest; I'll give them that! And, I can certainly see it on a red hat for 2020. The Republican mind is really a thing to behold. It's down right inspiring. In fact, the mind of Wilbur Ross inspires me to want to tie him to a chair in an abandoned warehouse and ask him (and all Republicans) the following questions: 1. Can you please tell me what bank will give a loan to someone who isn't receiving a paycheck and is about to either starve or lose their home? 2. Are the interest costs incurred by y... more »

Chicken fried rice recalled for containing undeclared allergen

News Desk at Food Safety News - 21 hours ago
Chicago-based Harvest Food Group Inc. Friday recalled more than 47,000 pounds of not-ready-to-eat (NRTE) chicken fried rice products due to misbranding and an undeclared allergen, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). The products contain milk, a known allergen, which is not declared on the product label. The NRTE chicken... Continue Reading

Lactalis recalls more than 16,000 boxes of baby formula for Salmonella

Joe Whitworth at Food Safety News - 21 hours ago
Lactalis has recalled a brand of infant formula made at the same Spanish factory linked to a Salmonella outbreak in France. The withdrawal and recall measure concerns 16,300 boxes of Picot AR milk sold exclusively in pharmacies since Nov. 29, 2018. Four babies have been sickened by Salmonella Poona with findings pointing to Modilac branded products,... Continue Reading

The Daily Brief 2019-01-25

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 21 hours ago
This is a summary of 33 AMN articles on the following subjects: Israeli, Murdered, Palestinians, ISIS, SDF, Syria, Lebanon, Russia, Venezuela, Erdogan, Idlib Syria, Turkey, Hezbollah, Nasrallah, US, NATO, Euphrates, Iran, Press_TV, Pink_Floyd, YPG, Trump, Palmyra, Aleppo, Israel, Houthi, Saudi, Yemen, Manbij, Soviet, Hama, Raqqa, Hodeidah. We have changed our format from posting full articles […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Picture Of The Day

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 22 hours ago
Su-25SM3 jet during flight at tactical exercises in Krasnodar Territory. © Sputnik / Vitaly Timkiv *WNU Editor:* The above picture came from this photo-gallery .... *This Week in Pictures: 19 - 25 January* (Sputnik)

January 26th – 2019 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day #737

sundance at The Last Refuge - 22 hours ago
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the Donald Trump Administration and … Continue reading →

Saturday January 26th – Open Thread

sundance at The Last Refuge - 22 hours ago
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those … Continue reading →

U.K. Telegraph Issues Published Apology to First Lady Melania Trump…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 22 hours ago
Libel laws in the U.K. must be much more favorable to the victim than in the United States. The U.K. Telegraph published a retraction to a previous story written about First Lady Melania Trump that is labeled “An Apology“: (Article … Continue reading →

U.S. Government Is Considering A Plan To Keep Some Troops In A Remote U.S. Base In Southeastern Syria

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 22 hours ago
U.S. Marines with 3d Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, attached to Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force, Crisis Response-Central Command, prepare to board an MV-22 Osprey on to a site near At-Tanf Garrison, Syria, on Sept. 7, 2018. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Carlos Lopez) *Foreign Policy:* *U.S. Considering Plan to Stay in Remote Syrian Base to Counter Iran* *The Trump administration could face legal issues maintaining a small force at al-Tanf. * Despite President Donald Trump’s December pledge to withdraw all U.S. forces from Syria, the U.S. government is considering... more »

Australia Day celebrated with citizenship events, parades, billy cart races and a day at the beach

Just In - 22 hours ago
People across the country are out celebrating Australia Day, from large citizenship ceremonies in Sydney and parades through Melbourne to beers on the beach in Queensland.

Australian of the Year winners want to inspire kids to have adventures

Daniel Keane at Just In - 22 hours ago
Thai cave rescue heroes Richard Harris and Craig Challen might prefer the murky light of an underwater cave to the media spotlight, but both are keen to deliver a message to today's younger generation.

Between Roger Stone and the shutdown compromise, Donald Trump's had a rough few days

Emily Olson at Just In - 22 hours ago
It started with the Godfather and ended with a shutdown capitulation — US President Donald Trump's Friday started off bad and only got worse.

Climate Models Cover Up

Hifast at Climate Collections - 22 hours ago
Originally posted on Science Matters: Making Climate Models Look Good Clive Best dove into climate models temperature projections and discovered how the data can be manipulated to make model projections look closer to measurements than they really are. His first post was A comparison of CMIP5 Climate Models with HadCRUT4.6 January 21, 2019. Excerpts in…

Green Electricity Grid Collapses During Aussie Heatwave

Hifast at Climate Collections - 22 hours ago
Reblogged from Watts Up With That: Eric Worrall / January 25, 2019 Guest essay by Eric Worrall South Australia’s green politicians recently demolished their last coal plant. Record heat blackouts: Tens of thousands without power across South Australia and Victoria By Gemma Bath Lexie Jeuniewic Nick Pearson 2:03am Jan 25, 2019 Tens of thousands were […]

BWorld 287, Public transport mess and traffic congestion

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 22 hours ago
* This is my column in BusinessWorld last January 22, 2019. There are many factors to frequent heavy traffic congestion in Metro Manila and other big cities in the provinces. This short article will narrow it down to five factors. 1. INCONVENIENT AND SOMETIMES UNSAFE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION People who live in many villages in Quezon City, Las Piñas and other cities and going to the big commercial and business districts (CBDs) in Makati, Taguig/BGC or Mandaluyong/Ortigas, taking public transportation means multiple rides: (1) tricycle from house to main roads, (2) jeep or bus to train... more »

Stone Indictment Confirms Mueller in Witch Hunt Against Trump

Alex Newman at rss - 23 hours ago
[image: stone-indictment-confirms-mueller-in-witch-hunt-against-trump] The indictment against longtime Donald Trump confidante Roger Stone, which contained no allegations or evidence of “Russian collusion,” confirmed yet again that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is leading what President Trump has correctly described as a “witch hunt” against the administration. It seems the real goal of Mueller is to terrorize everyone associated with Trump's rise to the presidency or his efforts to drain the swamp.

France And Germany Want To Build A Tank Together

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
Rheinmetall's 130mm tank gun. Note the difference in the size of the ammunition, at left, compared to a standard 120mm round. Rheinmetall *Warzone/The Drive:* *France Tests Huge 140mm Tank Gun As It Pushes Ahead With Germany On A New Tank Design* The Germans are also working on a 130mm cannon that might be another option for the future Franco-German tank. French defense contractor Nexter has reportedly been testing a modified Leclerc main battle tank with a massive 140mm main gun as part of the development of a future Franco-German tank, known as the Main Ground Combat System, or ... more »

Ranking The World's Nuclear Arsenals

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
An underwater test-firing of a strategic submarine ballistic missile is seen in North Korea. KCNA/File Photo via Reuters *Business Insider:* *We ranked the world's nuclear arsenals — here's why China's came out on top* * Of the nine nations that control the roughly 14,200 nuclear weapons in the world, Russia's bombs could most easily end all life on earth. * But a nuclear arsenal can't just be judged on how deadly it is. * Nuclear nations must be judged on their execution of nuclear projects, their safety and responsibility in nuclear enterprises, whether or not they accomplish the... more »

Dylan Alcott makes it five Australian Open titles in a row

Just In - 23 hours ago
Dylan Alcott continues his Australian Open dominance, winning a fifth-straight title in the men's quad wheelchair singles at Melbourne Park.

Hunting pigs, catching barramundi: Nigel Scullion's post-politics plan

Neda Vanovac And Matt Garrick at Just In - 23 hours ago
The Federal Indigenous Affairs Minister says he's proud the Government has improved its relationship with Indigenous people, but says that all the challenges remain and "you're not going to close a 200-year gap in five years".

Muslims in Philippines approve new autonomous region in referendum

Just In - 23 hours ago
Muslim-majority provinces in a fiercely Catholic nation win autonomy after decades of violent fighting transitions into representative democracy.

Brisbane Heat take out WBBL title, stunning Sydney Sixers in final

Just In - 23 hours ago
A gutsy Beth Mooney guides the Brisbane Heat to a three-wicket upset of the Sydney Sixers to claim their maiden Women's Big Bash League title.

Self-Indulgent Journalistic Shrine To Close After Hemorrhaging Money

PA Pundits - International at PA Pundits – International - 23 hours ago
By Scott Whitlock ~ After 11 years of hemorrhaging money, the Baltimore Sun on Friday announced that the Newseum, a 250,000 square foot temple dedicated to journalists by journalists, will close. The Sun reported that the $500 million building will shut down at the end of 2019, finally ending the saga of a Washington D.C. […]

Covington Catholic School Boys

PA Pundits - International at PA Pundits – International - 23 hours ago
A Dry Bones Cartoon ~ Today’s cartoon features two “old guys” trying to come to some kind of understanding of life in 2019. Read more by Yaakov Kirschen at Dry Bones .

Victorians Sweat Through A Great Green Hoax

PA Pundits - International at PA Pundits – International - 23 hours ago
By Andrew Bolt ~ Lily D’Ambrosio, Victoria’s warmist Minister for Energy, in 2017 claimed Labor was helping to “deliver affordable, sustainable and renewable energy”. All three promises were broken yesterday. Affordable? Victoria actually had wholesale power prices hit $14,500 per megawatt hour – when prices used to average less than $40. Sustainable? Wind power generators […]

George Will Eviscerates Lindsey Graham Entirely Without Even Hinting He's a Cowardly Closet Case

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
Yesterday, the *Washington Post* ran a column by George Will, Why do people such as Lindsey Graham come to Congress?, which uses Graham as the exemplar of the disintegration of the Republican Party and why it needs to be put out of its misery. "Back in the day," he wrote, "small rural airports had textile windsocks, simple and empty things that indicated which way the wind was blowing. The ubiquitous Sen. Lindsey O. Graham has become a political windsock, and as such, he-- more than the sturdy, substantial elephant-- is emblematic of his party today. When in 1994, Graham, a South... more »

Roger Stone Discusses His Political Indictment With Tucker Carlson….

sundance at The Last Refuge - 1 day ago
Regardless of any opinion of Roger Stone, the reality of what took place today showed the full weaponization and intent of the Robert Mueller probe. A completely unnecessary, and profoundly aggressive, pre-dawn Bin-Laden raid with dozens of heavily armed FBI … Continue reading →

Is Europe 'Coming Apart Before Our Eyes'?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
A view of the Place de la Republique as protesters wearing yellow vests gather during a national day of protest by the "yellow vests" movement in Paris, France, December 8, 2018. REUTERS/Stephane Mahe *The Guardian:* *Europe 'coming apart before our eyes', say 30 top intellectuals* *Group of historians and writers publish manifesto warning against rise of populism.* Liberal values in Europe face a challenge “not seen since the 1930s”, leading intellectuals from 21 countries have said, as the UK lurches towards Brexit and nationalists look set to make sweeping gains in EU parliame... more »

This Was the Moment Japan's Imperial Navy Died

Warfare History Network, Christopher Miskimon at Test Feed Using Fields - 1 day ago
*Warfare History Network, Christopher Miskimon* *Security, Asia* [image: By Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives., Public Domain,] The naval combat that raged around the Philippines invasion was preceded by a game of reconnaissance, intelligence gathering, and planning. The Japanese superbattleship Musashi was steaming east along with a fleet of other battleships, cruisers, and destro... more »

The Ultimate Weapon of War No One Is Talking About

Charlie Gao at Test Feed Using Fields - 1 day ago
*Charlie Gao* *Security, * [image: By Julian Herzog, CC BY 4.0,] Given their low radar, visual, and thermal signatures, loitering munitions are very hard to track and kill. Success on a future battlefield may very well be determined by which side can use loitering munitions to the greatest effect. In August 2018, suicide attack drones grabbed headlines when used in an assassination attempt against Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro. Similar drones were used by ISIS in Iraq and Syria to attack coalition and regime forces. ... more »

Doomsday Is Only 2 Minutes Away

Daniel R. DePetris at Test Feed Using Fields - 1 day ago
*Daniel R. DePetris* *Security, * [image: By Pfc. Brian Bekkala -, Public Domain,] Human civilization can still save itself before a combination of unregulated state-to-state competition, poor leadership, miscalculation, warming temperatures, food scarcity, desires for hegemony, or any of the other frailties of the human race contribute to a global apocalypse. But it won’t occur by the forces of nature. The scientists, physicists, and nuclear experts at the esteemed and internationall... more »

Freezing cold and snow ravage northwestern Tunisia

Robert at Ice Age Now - 1 day ago
Dozens of roads closed due to snowfall. 25 Jan. 2019 — Freezing cold ravaged 24 provinces of Tunisia in the last two days with 31 roads blocked by snowfall and rains, the National Guard spokesman said on Friday. In the northwest of the country, dozens of roads were closed, said Houssem Jbabli. Heavy snowfall interrupted ... Read moreFreezing cold and snow ravage northwestern Tunisia The post Freezing cold and snow ravage northwestern Tunisia appeared first on Ice Age Now.

Heavy Snowfall in North Algeria

Robert at Ice Age Now - 1 day ago
Air Algerie suspended a number of flights due to the heavy snowfall, Radio Algerie reported. A winter storm sweeping Algeria brought snow to several areas of the country on January 24, according to local news reports. See video showing snow blanketing the northern city of El Ouricia. Thanks to Argiris Diamantis for this link The post Heavy Snowfall in North Algeria appeared first on Ice Age Now.

Record snowfall in Pakistan

Robert at Ice Age Now - 1 day ago
25 Jan 2019- Record snowfall in Gilgit-Baltistan continued on Thursday, bring daily life to a standstill. The region has been cut off from other parts of the country as Karakoram Highway and other roads have been blocked due to snowfall and landslides. Officials said that higher parts of 10 districts received more than 12 inches ... Read moreRecord snowfall in Pakistan The post Record snowfall in Pakistan appeared first on Ice Age Now.

Weather agency warns of heavy snowfall across Japan

Robert at Ice Age Now - 1 day ago
Asks people to be aware of icy roads and disruption of public transportation. 25 Jan 2019 – Heavy snowfall is expected across Japan over the weekend. This includes many regions on the Sea of Japan coast as well as some mountainous areas on the Pacific side. The Meteorological Agency said that with strong cold air masses ... Read moreWeather agency warns of heavy snowfall across Japan The post Weather agency warns of heavy snowfall across Japan appeared first on Ice Age Now.

What the Shutdown Says about US

Teodrose Fikre at The Ghion Journal - 1 day ago
I knew the shutdown was coming to a close as soon as I flipped on the news and heard stories about massive delays at airports around the country. After more than a month of paralysis, I realized that the impasse between Democrats and Trump was about to get resolved faster than you can say Wall Street. Consequently, I tweeted this morning that the government would reopen within 48 hours. Trust me, it’s not because I have… The post What the Shutdown Says about US appeared first on The Ghion Journal .

Trump Betrays MAGA Over Venezuela

Tom Luongo at 1 day ago
[image: undefined] The US backed a coup in Venezuela that has failed. And President Trump was the architect of it. This is a farce surrounding an intrigue contained within a tragedy. What has happened in Venezuela is tragic. Nicolas Maduro is a comical figure straight out of central casting for a South American leader of a junta. But it has been the US’s designs on Venezuela’s oil and gas reserves (the largest proven in the world as of 2017) that is the real story behind this week’s events. For anyone still harboring doubts as to who Trump truly is Venezuela should end them. Trump... more »

Ocasio-Cortez Leads Toward Disaster

John F. McManus at rss - 1 day ago
[image: ocasio-cortez-leads-toward-disaster] Beyond her many economic goals, the newest star of the Democratic Party wants to abolish private ownership of weapons and do away with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.

Trump announces deal ending longest-ever government shutdown

RT at The Duran - 1 day ago
The post Trump announces deal ending longest-ever government shutdown appeared first on The Duran.

Roger Stone Pleads “Not Guilty”, Vows Not To Testfiy Against President Trump

Zerohedge at The Duran - 1 day ago
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How the Hillary Clinton machine flooded the FBI with Trump-Russia dirt … until agents bit

The Hill at The Duran - 1 day ago
The post How the Hillary Clinton machine flooded the FBI with Trump-Russia dirt … until agents bit appeared first on The Duran.

France’s Protests: Why It’s Different This Time

Zerohedge at The Duran - 1 day ago
The post France’s Protests: Why It’s Different This Time appeared first on The Duran.

Saudi Arabia’s Dangerous Geopolitical Game at The Duran - 1 day ago
The post Saudi Arabia’s Dangerous Geopolitical Game appeared first on The Duran.

Trump Betrays MAGA Over Venezuela

Tom Luongo at The Duran - 1 day ago
The post Trump Betrays MAGA Over Venezuela appeared first on The Duran.

Tripwire – Chairman Adam Schiff Sends HPSCI Witness Transcripts to Robert Mueller, Does Not Release Publicly…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 1 day ago
This is a key tell and completely irreconcilable by those who work for Epoch Times news organization who continually claim that Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller are working earnestly toward the cause of justice. Last September 2018, HPSCI Republican Chairman … Continue reading →

Father of baby born to 12yo girl in Perth also a child, police believe

Just In - 1 day ago
West Australian police reveal they believe the person who fathered a baby born to a 12-year-old girl in Perth earlier this month is also a child.

Change the date or abolish it: Australia Day protesters

Just In - 1 day ago
Thousands gather around the country, marking what they see as "Invasion Day" or "Survival Day" and calling for a change to the way Australia celebrates its national holiday.

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