Tuesday, January 15, 2019

15 January - Blogs I'm Following - 1 of 3

10:00 pm MST

Guatemala in crisis after president bans corruption investigation into his government

Rachel E. Bowen, Associate Professor of Political Science, The Ohio State University at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 21 minutes ago
Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales is defying a constitutional court order to release a UN-backed prosecutor his government arrested and allow his corruption investigation to continue.

Iraq War Crowd Now Pushing Iran War on TV

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 22 minutes ago
RT America Published on Jan 15, 2019 Rick Sanchez explains how the very same liars who manipulated the United States into invading Iraq are plotting a US invasion of Iran. Colonel Larry Wilkerson warns the public that the current US strategy against Iran seems to be a revival of the US early 2000s regime change tactics. […]

Washington in Panic Mode as Trump Reportedly Mulled Withdrawal From NATO

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 22 minutes ago
Trump is systematically dismantling Globalist institutions. NATO is one of them. A very important cog in the western Illuminati’s world control. Trump is dicing with fire, he may be JFKed. – Washington in Panic Mode as Trump Reportedly Mulled Withdrawal From NATO by https://sputniknews.com/ Since taking office in 2017, Donald Trump has on a multitude of […]

Israel Says It Has Bombed Hundreds of Iranian Targets in Syria Since 2017

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 22 minutes ago
PressTV Published on Jan 13, 2019 Israel has admitted that it carried out thousands of airstrikes inside Syria over the past two years, without claiming responsibility. The outgoing Israeli army chief has told the New York Times that near-daily attacks were conducted in Syria. Gadi Eisenkot claims that most of the targets hit by Israel belonged […]

‘Consider the Danger’: US Ambassador Threatens to Sanction German Nord Stream 2 Companies

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 22 minutes ago
RT Published on Jan 14, 2019 A US ambassador has reportedly threatened to punish German contributors involved in the multinational Nord Stream 2 pipeline project, and has tried to fan the ‘Russia scare’ to make his point. READ MORE: https://on.rt.com/9m7s end

Western Media Blackout! Paris Week 9 Revealed

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 22 minutes ago
WeAreChange Premiered Jan 14, 2019 In this video, we give you the latest breaking news on what happened in Paris over the weekend as week 9 of the protests continued. There seems to be a complete blackout on the subject in mainstream western media, so we give you what happened directly from the ground! end

“Financial Nuclear Warheads”: The Yellow Vests Get It Right

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 22 minutes ago
For argument sake, let’s say 200,000 yellow vest protesters decide to withdraw $10,000 each out of their bank accounts. It amounts to $2Billion. This is not enough to collapse the banking system. The only way is to cause a real panic and cause millions of sheeple to do a bank run. Since, the Yellow Vests […]

Afghan Taliban Threaten To Pull Out Of Peace Talks (Again)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 30 minutes ago
A member of the Taliban holds a flag in Kabul, Afghanistan June 16, 2018. The writing on the flag reads: 'There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah'. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail/File Photo *Reuters:* *Taliban threatens to pull out of peace talks with U.S.* KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban on Tuesday threatened to stall peace talks with the United States if they deflect from the issue of foreign force withdrawal from Afghanistan, a key demand of the hardline Islamic militants to end the 17-year war. In a statement, the Taliban said America must pursue the peace talks w... more »

Climate change and poor management among factors behind death of a million fish in NSW

Nick Kilvert at Just In - 38 minutes ago
The sight of more than a million fish floating belly up on the Darling River at Menindee has thrown doubt over the management of the Murray-Darling Basin. Here's what we know about the mass deaths, and what experts say could be to blame.

Ashleigh Barty's mental strength can make her a future Australian Open champion

Luke Pentony at Just In - 38 minutes ago
Pressure and expectation are not a concern for Ashleigh Barty, whose steely focus sees her through to the third round and could one day pave the way for a successful Australian Open campaign.

Australian seafarers left high and dry by iron ore shipping move

Gavin Coote And Kelly Fuller at Just In - 38 minutes ago
The employment of 70 Australian seafarers remains in limbo after BHP and Bluescope announced plans to end the use of their last two locally-run iron ore freighters.

The stakes have never been higher for Britain in peacetime

Just In - 38 minutes ago
British politicians have entirely lost their long-deserved reputation for pragmatism and compromise, and they're dragging the country down with them, writes Marc Stears.

Scientists planning even bigger Large Hadron Collider to unlock secrets of the universe

Just In - 38 minutes ago
Scientists behind the world's largest atom smasher lay out a nearly $40 billion vision to build a 100-kilometre "Future Circular Collider" under the Swiss-French border.

Man accused of killing British backpacker Grace Millane in NZ to fight murder charge

Just In - 38 minutes ago
A 27-year-old man pleads not guilty to the murder of British backpacker Grace Millane, whose body was found in bush on the outskirts of Auckland a week after she went missing in the city's centre on December 1.

Man struck by truck on busy Adelaide road

Just In - 38 minutes ago
Police reopen roads in Mansfield Park after a truck hit a man this morning at a busy intersection.

China hits back after Trudeau condemns Canadian's death sentence

Just In - 38 minutes ago
China denounces Canada for "irresponsible" remarks after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accuses it of "arbitrarily" sentencing a Canadian man to death for drug smuggling, aggravating already icy relations.

'Catastrophic systemic failure' blamed for soldier's death in live-fire exercise

Jacqueline Breen at Just In - 38 minutes ago
A coroner finds that the death of a Victorian soldier in a live-fire exercise south of Darwin was partly the result of a "long-held mindset" against rehearsals for dynamic combat settings.

Is Bolton Steering Trump Into War With Iran?

Patrick J. Buchanan at rss - 1 hour ago
[image: is-bolton-steering-trump-into-war-with-iran] "Stop the ENDLESS WARS!" implored President Donald Trump in a Sunday night tweet. Well, if he is serious, Trump had best keep an eye on his national security adviser, for a U.S. war on Iran would be a dream come true for John Bolton.

A Noble Experiment: Journalism for the Marginalized Majority

Teodrose Fikre at The Ghion Journal - 1 hour ago
Two years ago, the Ghion Journal was launched with little more than hope and a deep desire to give voice to voiceless people. To say that we started our endeavor on a shoestring budget would be a vast overstatement. After going through a rough patch of hardship, the Ghion Journal was birthed while I was living in a mission in Northern Colorado. At the encouragement of Ghion Journal’s co-founder, I decided to take my observations… The post A Noble Experiment: Journalism for the Marginalized Majority appeared first on The Ghion Journal.

New Analysis Sheds Light on EPA’s Deception on Genotoxic Glyphosate

Sustainable Pulse at Sustainable Pulse - 1 hour ago
New analysis published Tuesday shows that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) relied on secret industry studies, which found ‘no effect’ from glyphosate, rather than published studies, which mostly found the chemical was genotoxic, GMWatch reported. Source: GMWatch Many people around the world still struggle to understand how and why the US EPA and the European Food Safety […] The post New Analysis Sheds Light on EPA’s Deception on Genotoxic Glyphosate appeared first on Sustainable Pulse.

know that the development of thy individual self-mastery is not a private affair

Bob Dinn at balance10 - 1 hour ago
* In* the name Elohim I AM come, the visitor of the all-seeing Eye of God. You know me as Cyclopea, fulfilling the office of the Great Silent Watcher, embodying the all-knowing, all-consuming Presence whereby in the Eye of God you are held in the immaculate victory of your own Cosmic Christ Person, the beloved and most holy Christ Self. This Christ Self, you must well acknowledge, is a cosmic being and connected by the mighty threefold flame with all ascended beings who have attained to the point of the inner and outer realization of a Cosmic Christ consciousness. So will you be... more »

Pentagon: China Is Modernizing Its Military To Fight Regional Conflicts Over Places Like Taiwan

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 hour ago
YouTube *CNN:* *US report says rapidly modernizing Chinese military has set sights on Taiwan* (CNN)Over the last few years China has made a series of ambitious military reforms and acquired new technology as it aims to improve its ability to fight regional conflicts over places like Taiwan, according to a new report from the US Defense Intelligence Agency. "Beijing's longstanding interest to eventually compel Taiwan's reunification with the mainland and deter any attempt by Taiwan to declare independence has served as the primary driver for China's military modernization," said t... more »

Big Pharma’s Worst Nightmare, Survey Finds Most Medical Pot Users Quitting Prescription Drug Use

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 1 hour ago
*Matt Agorist* - Another survey has been published showing the ability of marijuana to curb the use of dangerous prescription drugs.

An awful, awful day.

Graeme Decarie at The Decarie Report - 1 hour ago
As American intervention in Venezuela comes closer, the western news media have generally - - lied. The U.S. is not intervening to save democracy. The U.S. doesn't give a damn about democracy It long ago destroyed democracy in Guatemala. It did a number on Chile. One of its best friends is the world's most undemocratic country - Saudi Arabia. But none of this is coming up in our commercial news media. No. Venezuela is evil. Venezuela is incompetent. To get honest and informed news, it's necessary to go to sites like the following. NACLA is an organization of scholars who focus on L... more »

Byron York: FBI interview makes big news — so why is it still secret?

Washington Examiner at The Duran - 1 hour ago
The post Byron York: FBI interview makes big news — so why is it still secret? appeared first on The Duran.

The US Mainstream Media Prefer Confrontation to Cooperation

Strategic Culture Foundation at The Duran - 1 hour ago
The post The US Mainstream Media Prefer Confrontation to Cooperation appeared first on The Duran.

Putin Asks And Trump Delivers – Here Is A List Of All The Good Things Trump Did For Russia

Moon of Alabama at The Duran - 1 hour ago
The post Putin Asks And Trump Delivers – Here Is A List Of All The Good Things Trump Did For Russia appeared first on The Duran.

Is Bolton Steering Trump into War with Iran?

Patrick J. Buchanan at The Duran - 1 hour ago
The post Is Bolton Steering Trump into War with Iran? appeared first on The Duran.

Mainstream Media Is Now Killing People Directly

Caitlin Johnstone at Caitlin Johnstone - 1 hour ago
A new, updated data set is now available on a psychological phenomenon that has been labeled “Trump Anxiety Disorder” or “Trump Hypersensitive Unexplained Disorder,” and it says that the phenomenon only got worse in 2018. The disorder is described as a specific type of anxiety in which symptoms […]

Comparison of the First Fleet Sydney Temperature Records with Modern Data, 1788 to 2018

Viv at The Carbon Sense Coalition - 2 hours ago
By Dr G M Derrick Executive Summary Notwithstanding a data gap from 1791 to 1859, there appears to have been little or no change in the trends of monthly maximum and minimum temperatures for a period of 230 years, from 1788 to 2018, based on comparisons of two data sets—one recorded by First Fleet officer […]

Criminal Trespass From Utility Companies Electronic Meters

Activist Post at Activist Post - 2 hours ago
By Catherine J. Frompovich Jerry Day, of EMF Help Center.com, produced a new solidly-legal 2019 information video below updating information utility users need to know,... more »

CT Senator Wants Proof That 5G Is Safe Before Installing It, Whereas CT Governor Can’t Wait To Radiate The State With It

Activist Post at Activist Post - 2 hours ago
By B.N. Frank CT Senator Richard Blumenthal wants proof that 5G technology is safe before more is installed, whereas CT Governor Lamont can’t wait to... more »

Transcript Leak #3 – Bruce Ohr Congressional Testimony is Vulgar is its Pretense and Narrative Absurdity…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 2 hours ago
Well, here we are again; another leaked transcript, this time from DOJ Official Bruce Ohr. And as with the prior two transcript leaks, we don’t get the raw information. So let me first, necessarily reassert our CTH position on these … Continue reading →

Suicide claims one life a week in the Northern Territory

Just In - 2 hours ago
Children are killed by suicide in the Territory at more than three times the rate of any other Australian jurisdiction.

'Among the most ridiculous proposals I have heard': Could Trump nominate Ivanka for the World Bank?

Just In - 2 hours ago
There is speculation that the President's daughter is among the names thrown into the mix to replace Jim Yong Kim.. But to score the role she'd need at least 50 per cent of the Bank's leadership's support, writes Mike Callaghan.

End of egg oiling has seagulls scrambling to navigate death trap road

Georgie Burgess at Just In - 2 hours ago
Motorists report an increase in bird carcasses on a busy Tasmanian highway after officials stop oiling seagull eggs to prevent chicks hatching nearby.

Suicide claims one life a week in the Northern Territory

Just In - 2 hours ago
Children are killed by suicide in the Territory at more than three times the rate of any other Australian jurisdiction.

Search for Tasmanian bushwalker missing in remote wilderness called off

Damian McIntyre at Just In - 2 hours ago
After weeks of extensive searching by teams on foot and aircraft in the air, the effort to find 76-year-old bushwalker James Hugh McLean in Tasmania's far south-west is called off.

Anonymous, Pirates and Activists Challenge Articles 11, 12a, 13 With Stop ACTA 2 Protests January 19th Across Europe

Aaron at Activist Post - 2 hours ago
By Aaron Kesel The European Union is attempting to censor the Internet with several new initiatives called Article 11, 12a, and 13 while numerous other... more »

New IDF chief pledges to make military ‘deadly and efficient’

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 2 hours ago
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appointed Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi as the new military chief of staff Tuesday, according to a report by Haaretz. Kochavi replaced Gadi Eisenkot, who recently made headlines by admitting that Tel Aviv had supplied weapons to terrorists in Syria. “I take this job upon myself in sacred reverence; I take it as an honour,” Kochavi said during the ceremony, attended both […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Did Acid or Electricity Cause This Man to Vaporize?

Alex Kasprak at Snopes.com - 2 hours ago
The origins of this video show a disappearing man are uncertain, but the explanations provided for it are scientifically unworkable.

Has the FDA Halted Food Inspections Because of the Government Shutdown?

Bethania Palma at Snopes.com - 2 hours ago
Some inspectors have returned to resume their duties, but it's unclear for how long.

Did Clemson’s Quarterback Say Their White House Meal Was ‘The Best We Ever Had’?

Arturo Garcia at Snopes.com - 2 hours ago
A graphic posted on Twitter used Trevor Lawrence's image to lash out at critics of his team's meeting with President Donald Trump.

Was Wall Street Originally the Site of a ‘Border Wall’ Meant to Protect New Amsterdam?

David Emery at Snopes.com - 2 hours ago
Social media memes compared a defensive wall built along the northern border of New Amsterdam during the 17th century to President Donald Trump's border wall.

How to Start Thinking With the Heart

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 2 hours ago
*Johanna Bassols* - What lessons will you learn if you follow your heart?

Top 19 Tips to Reduce Your EMF Exposure and Protect Yourself from 5G

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 2 hours ago
*Dr. Mercola* - Excessive exposures to cellphones and Wi-Fi networks have been linked to chronic diseases

Student Debt Crisis Worsens: Florida Board Of Health Suspends Licenses Over Defaults

Activist Post at Activist Post - 3 hours ago
By Mac Slavo The Florida Board of Health has suspended thousands of healthcare licenses over defaults on student loans many used to earn their licenses.... more »

These New Numbers Are Telling Us That The Global Economic Slowdown Is Far More Advanced Than We Thought

Activist Post at Activist Post - 3 hours ago
By Michael Snyder We continue to get more confirmation that the global economy is slowing down substantially. On Monday, it was China’s turn to surprise... more »

Pentagon: Some Chinese Military Tech Surpasses U.S.

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago
This photo taken on October 24, 2018, shows Thai sailors visiting Chinese guided missile destroyer Guangzhou during the ASEAN-China Maritime Exercise at a military port in Zhanjiang, in China’s southern Guangdong province. China is on the cusp of fielding some of the world’s most advanced weapons systems — and in some cases already has surpassed its rivals, a Pentagon assessment released Tuesday found. AFP *SCMP/AFP:* *Some Chinese military tech surpasses US, Pentagon admits, citing hypersonic weapons* * The US Defence Intelligence Agency says Chinese rules forcing foreign busines... more »

Device “Ownership” Is a Civil Liberties Issue

Activist Post at Activist Post - 3 hours ago
By Kit Walsh We’re taking part in Copyright Week, a series of actions and discussions supporting key principles that should guide copyright policy. Every day... more »

Police Seized My Clients’ Children Because They Homeschooled. Last Week a Court Ruled It Was OK

Activist Post at Activist Post - 3 hours ago
By Robert Clarke The Wunderlich family wanted to do what thousands of families in America do with no questions asked: educate their children at home.... more »

WATCH: U.S. Plans to Establish a Unified Arab Front Against Iran

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 3 hours ago
For the record: I do not trust Pompeo. Some say that he is an elder of a Christian church and a Bible believing Christian. Even if it is true, I still do not trust him. Statements he made appears to foment war and betrays Trump. I do not trust anyone who is CIA director and […]

Response to US Global Bullying: Iran, India Ditch Dollar to Continue Trading Oil Despite Sanctions

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 3 hours ago
Response to US Global Bullying: Iran, India Ditch Dollar to Continue Trading Oil Despite Sanctions by Darius Shahtahmasebi, https://www.rt.com/ In an effort to circumvent US-imposed sanctions, India and Iran have reportedly ditched the US dollar and are trading oil in rupees. The reason becomes clear after considering the dynamics at play in the region. – […]

As FBI Ramped Up “Witch Hunt” When Trump Fired Comey, Strzok Admitted Collusion Investigation A Joke — ZERO Evidence of Russia Collusion

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 3 hours ago
Sheeple: naive, gullible, easily deceived, useful idiots complicit in their own destruction and the destruction of others. People with an amazing ability to accept any amount of BULLSHIT. – As FBI Ramped Up “Witch Hunt” When Trump Fired Comey, Strzok Admitted Collusion Investigation A Joke by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ A Friday report in the New York Times revealing that […]

Mainstream Media Afraid of Yellow Vests

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 3 hours ago
RT America Published on Jan 14, 2019 Manila speaks with Investigative Journalist Ben Swann on the US mainstream media’s coverage of the Yellow Vest protests. They also discuss why they have been so under reported and the importance of an informed public. #RTAmerica #InQuestionRT #QuestionMore end

Deep State Panics Over NY Times Confirming Active FBI Coup Against Trump

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 3 hours ago
Resistance News Published on Jan 12, 2019 Alex Jones breaks down how the New York Times confirmed that the Deep State-led FBI launched an additional “investigation” i.e. coup against President Trump after he fired embattled former FBI Director James Comey, despite the fact there is still no evidence that the president had connections with Russian officials. […]

Terror Attack In Nairobi -- News Roundup

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago
*Daily Mail: **Briton and American are among 15 killed in Islamist attack on Kenyan hotel as CCTV shows terrorist gunmen shooting up compound where wounded victims still beg for rescue* * Strike at 14 Riverside Drive complex began around 3pm local time when four gunman arrived at the entrance * Attackers threw grenades at cars outside a bank before one of the gunmen blew himself up in the hotel lobby * Other three began shooting guests - some of whom hid under tables or fled through windows onto ladders * Witness Charles Njenga said victims' bodies looked like 'minced meat all ov... more »

Morality + NeverTrump [Some Links]

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 3 hours ago
** Back in 2016, when world politics and debate began a swallow dive straight into the toilet bowl, Republican Party reptile PJ O'Rourke openly declared himself a Never Trumper -- even with all "her lies and empty promises," a Hillary Clinton presidency he famously declared could only be "the second-worst thing" that could happen to the US: "I mean, she’s wrong about absolutely everything, but she’s wrong within normal parameters.” Twenty-eight months later, The Atlantic demonstrates his case with 50 moments that define an improbable presidency, starting with his clutching a glowin... more »

The Children’s Sermon

Norma at Collecting My Thoughts - 3 hours ago
[image: No photo description available.]

Consumer confidence 'evaporated' over Christmas, Westpac says

Michael Janda at Just In - 3 hours ago
Australians start the year in a dour mood, with Westpac's widely watched consumer sentiment index posting its biggest monthly fall in more than three years to drop into negative territory.

How Theresa May's fight for her political future will play out

Just In - 3 hours ago
Theresa May is fighting to remain UK Prime Minister after a resounding defeat of her proposed Brexit deal prompted a no-confidence vote in her Government. Here is how the process, which could ultimately trigger a general election, will work.

Police allege airline cabin crew smuggled drugs into Australia for years

Karen Percy at Just In - 3 hours ago
Authorities allegedly bust an international drug syndicate that used airline crews on a commercial airline to bring heroin, methamphetamine and cocaine into the country.

Blackout prone region in SA gets big battery

Camron Slessor at Just In - 3 hours ago
The Yorke Peninsula gets South Australia's newest big battery in an attempt to improve power security for the region.

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 15, 2019

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago
*Tim Sculthorpe, Daily Mail*: *So what happens now? Here are SIX ways the next stage of the Brexit drama might play out after May's humiliating defeat tonight* * Theresa May has suffered an historic defeat in the Brexit vote in the Commons tonight losing by a landslide * The Prime Minister must now outline a plan B for Brexit within days and is expected to fly to Brussels * But the Brexit drama could play out in an almost unlimited number of ways as MPs try and seize control * May could try to renegotiate with Brussels and hold the showdown vote on the deal for a second time * Bu... more »

Public Sentiment Against Trump's Government Shutdown Grows-- But So Does Anxiety From Freshmen In The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago
*First Dem (New Dem) who wants to give in to Trump's blackmail & hostage-taking* Over the weekend, the *Wall Street Journal* published a piece by Natalie Andrews and Kristina Peterson, Wall Impasse Frustrates Many Newly Elected House Democrats, about how the conservaDem freshmen recruited and backed by the DCCC are more concerned that "the tone of negotiations hasn’t conveyed their willingness to compromise on tighter border security." Andrews and Peterson wrote that "many new Democratic lawmakers who beat Republicans in the 2018 midterm want their leadership to be more aggressive i... more »

sharing Our love with all systems of worlds and binding them together in a great divine unity

Bob Dinn at balance10 - 4 hours ago
* Blessed* ones, never in thousands and thousands of years upon this planet, as past history will so well disclose, have the mankind of Earth through their mortal consciousness and their physical brain been able to produce perfection. Although by the power of God they have brought forth through the ages many great examples of architecture, of music, and of culture because of the inspiration conveyed to them from God, they have yet been unable to produce perfection in their own worlds unless that perfection was to descend from their own Presence. It is impossible that in their out... more »

Coconut Oil Found to Work Better Than These Widely Prescribed Anti-Anxiety Drugs (Without the Side Effects)

Yelena Sukhoterina at AltHealthWorks.com - 4 hours ago
What can’t coconut oil do? It is a great antiviral and anti-inflammatory; it is beneficial for the heart, skin, and healthy weight; and now a study has found that it may be able to treat stress and anxiety — with more success than drugs. A study published in the Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine journal showed that pure virgin coconut oil had a much greater success rate in treating stress-related symptoms than a widely-prescribed anxiety medication called Diazepam when tested on groups of mice. And while Diazepam can cause side effects such as memory problems, drowsiness, nause... more »

Indian Mother and Attorney wins Award for Fight Against Child Protection Services and Children Civil Rights Abuse

AdminM at Medical Kidnap - 4 hours ago
We have previously reported here at Health Impact News how authorities in India are now providing information to families planning to visit or work in the United States in helping them to avoid having their children kidnapped by Child Protection Services. The Sunday Guardian reported: "Young Indian couples travelling to the United States on short to mid-term job assignments are increasingly facing the menace of child confiscation by the country’s child protection agencies, who wrongly accuse them of abuse. The 'child abuse' is determined using the controversial Shaken Baby Syndrome... more »

Tuesday Night Cat Blogging

Greg Fingas at Accidental Deliberations - 4 hours ago
Cats hunkered down.

Indian Mother and Attorney wins Award for Fight Against Child Protection Services and Children Civil Rights Abuse

AdminM at Health Impact News - 4 hours ago
We have previously reported here at Health Impact News how authorities in India are now providing information to families planning to visit or work in the United States in helping them to avoid having their children kidnapped by Child Protection Services. The Sunday Guardian reported: "Young Indian couples travelling to the United States on short to mid-term job assignments are increasingly facing the menace of child confiscation by the country’s child protection agencies, who wrongly accuse them of abuse. The 'child abuse' is determined using the controversial Shaken Baby Syndrome... more »

World News Briefs -- January 15, 2019 (Evening Edition)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
*Reuters:* *Brexit bedlam: May's EU divorce deal crushed by 230 votes in parliament* LONDON (Reuters) - British lawmakers defeated Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit divorce deal by a crushing margin on Tuesday, triggering political chaos that could lead to a disorderly exit from the EU or even to a reversal of the 2016 decision to leave. After parliament voted 432-202 against her deal, the worst defeat in modern British history, opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn promptly called a vote of no confidence in May’s government, to be held at 1900 GMT on Wednesday. With t... more »

Chris Christie's New Memoir is Just What You'd Expect

Hunter DeRensis at Test Feed Using Fields - 4 hours ago
*Hunter DeRensis* *Domestic Politics, United States* In his new memoir, Christie exposes his own inadequacies, not Jared Kushner's. Chris Christie, the former governor of New Jersey, has fallen on hard times. After leaving office with historically low approval ratings, Christie’s reputation is small coin these days. Less than a week ago, *The New Yorker* warned that Christie’s fall from grace was a “cautionary tale” for future presidential contenders. Now Christie is seeking the spotlight with a new memoir, *Let Me Finish*, that is scheduled to be published on January 29. An adv... more »

AG nominee Barr voices hands-off approach to state-legal cannabis businesses

Jeff Smith at Marijuana Business Daily - 4 hours ago
Attorney General nominee William Barr said during his Senate confirmation hearing that he would “not go after” state-legal marijuana programs if he is confirmed as President Trump’s next AG, a position that drew praise from MJ industry advocates. Barr was known for his tough approach to drug offenders while serving as the AG in the early 1990s, […] AG nominee Barr voices hands-off approach to state-legal cannabis businesses is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

California jury awards $4.3M in L.A. marijuana business dispute

John Schroyer at Marijuana Business Daily - 4 hours ago
A Los Angeles jury recently awarded what could be a record amount of damages to date in a legal business dispute over a marijuana grow and retail business. The case, which was first filed in November 2016 in California Superior Court in L.A. County, came to a close on Dec. 17 when a jury found for […] California jury awards $4.3M in L.A. marijuana business dispute is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

Grocery Robots Detect Spills with Some Far-Off Human Help

Associated Press at Snopes.com - 4 hours ago
The googly eyes are fake, but each robot has eight cameras — some directed down at the floor and others that can see shelves.

Former Major Leaguer Wetteland Charged with Child Sex Abuse

Associated Press at Snopes.com - 4 hours ago
According to a consolidated complaint and probable cause affidavit, Wetteland is accused of having a child perform a sex act on him, beginning in 2004 when the child was 4.

Were U.S. Democratic Lawmakers ‘Partying’ in Puerto Rico During the Government Shutdown?

Arturo Garcia at Snopes.com - 4 hours ago
The outing was reportedly planned in order to highlight the territory's recovery efforts following Hurricane Maria.

Did Retired Soccer Star Mia Hamm Die in January 2019?

Dan Evon at Snopes.com - 4 hours ago
You know the old quip--reports of death can be greatly exaggerated.

Hello, Dolly! star Carol Channing dies

Just In - 4 hours ago
The Broadway star who captivated audiences as the scheming Dolly Levi in Hello, Dolly! is remembered as a "complete original" and a trailblazing entertainer who paved the way for many women.

Volunteer rescued during search for missing boy off SA coast

Just In - 4 hours ago
A State Emergency Service volunteer is rescued during the search for a missing teenager who went missing in dangerous waters off South Australia's Fleurieu Peninsula.

Virat Kohli matching 'peerless' Tendulkar, Justin Langer says

Just In - 4 hours ago
The coach of the Australian team beaten by India last night says the "peerless" Sachin Tendulkar should be joined on his pedestal by current captain Virat Kohli.

Trump's pick for attorney-general 'won't be bullied' into stopping Russia probe

Just In - 4 hours ago
William Barr, who is expected to be approved as the US's top law enforcement officer, says he would not bow to political pressure to undercut Robert Mueller's investigation into possible links between the President's election campaign and Moscow.

WA mayor vows to defy PM's Australia Day dress code

Laura Meachim And Georgia Loney at Just In - 4 hours ago
The City of Greater Geraldton council will not enforce Scott Morrison's citizenship ceremony dress code, with the mayor saying "old mate new citizen" should be free to wear "pluggers" to the event.

'He is not a paedophile': Qld's worst sex offender released into the community

Talissa Siganto at Just In - 4 hours ago
One of Queensland's worst sex offenders is released into the community after the State Government loses a final bid to keep him under strict monitoring.

Police officers faked roadside breath tests in bid to meet 'unachievable' targets

Joseph Dunstan at Just In - 4 hours ago
An investigation into the widespread faking of roadside breath tests by Victoria Police officers finds the practice was driven by "meaningless" management targets that were at odds with the force's own road safety strategy.

Toxic ozone gas warning for Sydney as heatwave grips NSW

Kevin Nguyen And Michelle Brown at Just In - 4 hours ago
As the mercury climbs through the second day of a severe heatwave across NSW, health authorities warn of rising ozone levels triggering health problems in western Sydney.

'Hard to swallow': Barramundi ban sparks battle between fishers and Minister

Matt Bamford at Just In - 4 hours ago
After the recent rock lobster controversy, a new battle looms for the WA Government as a permanent ban at a popular fishing ground takes angry fishers by surprise.

Lake users urged to leave as emergency bushfire warning issued for central Tasmania

Lucy MacDonald at Just In - 4 hours ago
An emergency warning is issued for a large "highly active and unpredictable" bushfire burning near the Great Pine Tier on Tasmania's Central Plateau, with more than 60 other blazes, many ignited by lighting strikes, active across the state.

This is what the artist sketched, but here's what was erected

Gemma Sapwell at Just In - 4 hours ago
A Byron Shire councillor has described a new $55,000 sculpture as a "disaster" and wants it removed, saying "from most angles you can't tell what it's supposed to be."

Theresa May Brexit Deal Resoundingly Rejected by U.K. Parliament….

sundance at The Last Refuge - 4 hours ago
The British Parliament resoundingly rejected the proposed Brexit deal put forth by Prime Minister Theresa May earlier today. Government officials on both sides of the contentious economic argument, globalists and nationalists, found little to support in May’s insufferable attempt to … Continue reading →

Theresa May’s Brexit Plan Goes Down in Flames; Brexit Future Unclear

James Murphy at rss - 5 hours ago
[image: theresa-mays-brexit-plan-goes-down-in-flames-brexit-future-unclear] With Prime Minister Theresa May’s “soft” Brexit deal going down to disastrous defeat today, the future of the Prime Minister, and Brexit itself, have become incredibly murky.


jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Gotham City - 5 hours ago
As tomorrow's my birthday, it would sure do my heart some good if some of you could pick up a Kindle copy. It's just $4.99, £3.33 in the UK. Both links are provided below. ------------------------------ Scott Carson has spent much of his first 21 years in his parents’ basement in midtown Manhattan. Then the young engineer takes a call from Buffalo Bill himself and from that moment, Scott’s life is never the same. Colonel Cody has an offer for his official cinematographer: Go to London to hunt down the Whitechapel Murderer soon to be christened Jack the Ripper. But the gra... more »

15 Minutes Of Walking On A Daily Basis Can Change Your Body Drastically.

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 5 hours ago
https://www.healthyfoodhouse.com/15-minutes-of-walking-on-a-daily-basis-can-change-your-body-drastically/ Advertisements

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 15, 2019

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago
The Sea Hunter, developed by DARPA, has launched the Navy down a path of developing a fleet of unmanned ships that could upend the way the Navy has fought since the Cold War. (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) *Defense News: **US Navy moves toward unleashing killer robot ships on the world’s oceans* WASHINGTON — The world’s largest navy has spent the last few years feeling like it was being put in check. China and Russia have heavily invested in anti-access technologies aimed at holding its main force-projection assets — aircraft carriers — at risk. Now the U.S. Navy and ... more »

After the Biggest Defeat Ever

Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 5 hours ago
"The risk of a disorderly Brexit has increased" mused Jean-Claude Juncker. A fair assessment after Theresa May suffered the biggest Commons defeat by a government in, well, ever. Certainly something to keep the constitution nerds and Trivial Pursuit fans happy for centuries, and useful fodder for Labour's next general election campaign. Of course, there is zero sympathy for the Prime Minister round these parts. She has consistently misread the politics, has subordinated the needs of what bourgeois politicians call the 'national interest' to those of managing the Conservative Party, ... more »

Nova Scotia needs a JAIL hotline

Martha Paynter at Halifax Examiner - 5 hours ago
Martha Paynter is a nurse, nursing PhD student, and director of Women’s Wellness Within. For one month, prisoners at the Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre (OCDC) have had access to a phone hotline a few hours a day to report concerns and receive support from volunteers. This is the jail where Julie Bilotta was forced to […]

Germany is endangering democracy: More surveillance of the democratic AfD political party by the BfV

Lee Jay at Modern Tokyo Times - 5 hours ago
Germany is endangering democracy: More surveillance of the democratic AfD political party by the BfV Chika Mori and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times If irony wasn’t ironic, then the German government and the intelligence agency will increase its surveillance of a major opposition party. Of course, the leadership of Chancellor Merkel is responsible for […]

Former Top U.S. Attorney Advocates Using DOJ to Remove a President Based on Policy Differences…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 5 hours ago
If you wait long enough, the Lawfare actors brazenly expose their intents. Cue the example today as former SDNY U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara showcases the ideology behind the DOJ and FBI weaponizing their offices based on political policy differences. It … Continue reading →

Play by the rules and get punished

Norma at Collecting My Thoughts - 6 hours ago
When you receive your paycheck and look at the withholding for federal, state and sometimes city taxes, along with Social Security and Medicare, you probably don't think you're underpaying governments and want them to take more. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio believes that if you have played by what used to be called "the rules" and are making a decent living, taking care of yourself and your family and not relying on government, your taxes should be increased. https://www.thetowntalk.com/story/opinion/columnists/2019/01/15/cal-thomas-column-cough-up-america/2573991002/

What exactly are the Democrats’ policies?

Norma at Collecting My Thoughts - 6 hours ago
The Democrat policies you say you care about are: “Most are in the area of social issues: common-sense gun control, affordable health care for all (can't wrap my head around the fact that gun ownership is a right, but healthcare is a privilege), increase in federal minimum wage so it at least matches the poverty level minimum, pro-choice.” They all sound rather vague, but that’s not what the Democrat party means with those words. 1. We all know the issue isn’t “gun control,” because some of the worst disasters have happened in cities that have that. The goal is confiscation ... more »

UNC-Chapel Hill Chancellor to Resign Before Months End

Monica Levitan at Diverse - 6 hours ago
In a recent closed session meeting, the University of North Carolina (UNC) Board of Governors has accepted UNC-Chapel Hill chancellor Dr. Carol Folt’s two weeks resignation, several months earlier than expected. The board of governors gave Folt until Jan. 31 to leave her position. Originally, Folt had planned to stay at UNC-Chapel Hill through its […]

Hampshire College May Merge in June

Monica Levitan at Diverse - 6 hours ago
Citing financial concerns, Hampshire College president Dr. Miriam Nelson announced in an email that the school would like to merge with another higher education institution by June.

Associate’s Degree in Cowboy Arts now Available at Mesalands Community College

Monica Levitan at Diverse - 6 hours ago
Students at Mesalands Community College, located in Tucumcari, New Mexico, will now be able to pursue an associate’s degree program in Cowboy Arts. The program started around eight years ago as one class, a spur making class, and recently evolved into an associates of applied science degree, Cowboy Arts lead instructor Eddy Mardis told ABC7 […]

UC Irvine Fraternity Placed on Suspension After Student Found Dead Near Campus

Monica Levitan at Diverse - 6 hours ago
The Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity chapter at University of California (UC), Irvine has been suspended after Irvine police found student and fraternity member Noah Domingo dead in a home near campus. Irvine police received a call around that Domingo, 18, was unresponsive and found him dead at the scene, Kim Moher, a police spokeswoman told […]

Actor Jason Momoa to lend voice for the fight to protect wolves

White Wolf at White Wolf - 6 hours ago
Jason Momoa is a legend and not just because he played Khal Drogo, one of the most famous Dothraki leaders of all time on Game of Thrones, Nor is it because he stars as Aquaman – the breakout character of DC’s Justice League. He and his renowned wife, Lisa Bonet, are positive forces who inspire fans across the world to make the world a better place. There’s no doubt that Momoa and Bonet clearly want to do their part to #stopextinction. The pair posted a video on Instagram yesterday asking fans to urge Congress to keep attacks on wolves and the Endangered Species Act out of the must... more »

Make yourselves instruments of the Word

Bob Dinn at balance10 - 6 hours ago
* Hail*, O Zadkiel! Hail, beloved Amethyst and legions of the Most High God serving the violet flame! Hail, legions of the seventh age and the seventh dispensation! Hail, Elohim of God! I, Saint Germain, stand between worlds. And I elect to be the Elect One of God to mediate the turning of worlds and of all life and of the souls who gather with me to keep the flame of Life and to be the watchmen of the night. Hail, O sons of God! Hail, O sons of God! And by this I address the Christ Self of all and those who are one with it. Hail, daughters of the Most High! Greetings, l... more »

"How It Really Is"

noreply@blogger.com (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago

How China Avoids War in the South China Sea

Nicolai Fogth Gjøde Nielsen at Test Feed Using Fields - 6 hours ago
*Nicolai Fogth Gjøde Nielsen* *Security, Asia* [image: Members of the People's Liberation Army navy are seen on board China's aircraft carrier Liaoning as it sails into Hong Kong, China July 7, 2017. REUTERS/Bobby Yip] Beijing uses force, but not enough to cause an armed conflict. Seven East Asian nation-states are currently laying territorial claim on often overlapping areas in the South China Sea. The claims are over different portions of the sea and various small, mostly uninhabited islands. Possessing the territories is just a matter of national prestige, as the South China ... more »

"Safe Zone" In Syria A Ruse to Recreate Iraq's "Safe Zone"?

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 6 hours ago
*wikipedia- not perfect but you'll get the idea:* *Iraqi no fly zones * *"The policy was enforced by U.S., British, and French aircraft patrols until France withdrew in 1998. While the enforcing powers had cited United Nations Security Council Resolution 688 as authorizing the operations, the resolution contains no explicit authorization. The Secretary-General of the UN at the time the resolution was passed, Boutros Boutros-Ghali called the no-fly zones "illegal" in a later interview with John Pilger.[1][2]"* *History repeating? The offer to Turkey is not genuine. The US does not ... more »

The North Devon Coast & The Impact Of Climate Change

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 6 hours ago
By Paul Homewood This came to my attention the other day, and it shows just how deeply climate change hysteria has infected the business of government. https://www.northdevon-aonb.org.uk/about/management-plan-2019-2024 For those not familiar with North Devon, it is in my view one of the most beautiful parts of the country, with some of […]

Extremists Attack Hotel in Nairobi; Al-Shabab Claims Role

Associated Press at Snopes.com - 6 hours ago
Gunmen stormed a luxury hotel in Kenya's capital, setting off thunderous explosions and gunning down people at cafe tables and offices.

Silicon Valley Landlord Rents $1,500 Studio to 2 Cats

Associated Press at Snopes.com - 6 hours ago
An average studio apartment in San Jose rents for $1,951 a month, according to RentCafe.

BREXIT – 432 Vote Against May – Now What?

E.M.Smith at Musings from the Chiefio - 6 hours ago
May plan bombs in rejection vote, 432 against to 202 in favor. Quelle Surprise... Can the UK please just get this over with and exit expeditiously? Continue reading →

Wow – El Chapo Trial Witness Testifies to $100 Million Bribe to Mexican President Pena Nieto…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 7 hours ago
Wow, this has some potential massive ramifications. The trial of notorious drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman has been ongoing in federal court since November. During the trial today a witness and confidante of El Chapo outlined how he participated … Continue reading →

It's no surprise Theresa May was beaten on Brexit — it was the size of the defeat that shocked

Samantha Hawley at Just In - 7 hours ago
The defeat of Theresa May's Brexit deal will go down as the biggest in the House of Commons in modern history — and with just over 70 days until the United Kingdom's scheduled departure, there is still no clear path forward.

Crazy ants killed millions of Christmas Island's red crabs, but a tiny wasp is fighting back

Tom Joyner at Just In - 7 hours ago
A tiny wasp enlisted to save Christmas Island's famous red crabs from extinction is showing promising results in the battle against the crustaceans' crazy ant foes.

Stone fruit burning from the inside out, severely damaging SA crops

Jessica Schremmer at Just In - 7 hours ago
Extreme temperatures in South Australia are causing peaches and nectarines "jammy" where they hang. With the mercury tipped to push 47C, growers are scrambling to harvest what they can.

Major search underway for missing fisherman off Sunshine Coast

Owen Jacques at Just In - 7 hours ago
Water police are coordinating a major search and rescue operation for a missing fisherman who fell off a commercial boat near Double Island Point early this morning.

Former Ivory Coast leader acquitted of war crimes, set to be released

Just In - 7 hours ago
Laurent Gbagbo faced four counts of crimes against humanity, including murder, rape, persecution and other inhumane acts during post-electoral violence in Ivory Coast.

Cotton seeds sprout on the far side of the Moon

Just In - 7 hours ago
Cotton seeds planted on the far side of the Moon sprout for the first time, in what researchers hope will help determine its potential to support future space travellers.

Netflix's record US price hike boosts stocks

David Chau at Just In - 7 hours ago
Wall St was driven higher by a surge in Netflix's share price, after the company said it would raise subscription prices by 13-18 per cent in the United States.

What's next for the Socceroos in the Asian Cup?

Liam Butterworth at Just In - 7 hours ago
Australia's Asian Cup title defence chances remain alive, but heavyweights Japan and Uzbekistan loom in the Round of 16.

Mexican drug war bites researchers' use of vampire bats' venom

Shelley Lloyd at Just In - 7 hours ago
Vampire bats could hold the key to treating a range of serious medical problems, but Queensland researchers cannot access the blood-eating bats because of drug wars in Mexico.

'Some of them have to actually attempt suicide before anything can be done'

Melinda Hayter at Just In - 7 hours ago
A mental health advocate in regional NSW says some residents cannot access help until they have hit rock bottom, and is calling for an overhaul of services.

Melbourne freeway sign may have fallen due to sustained wind pressure, experts say

Joseph Dunstan at Just In - 7 hours ago
Engineering experts say it is possible that wind pressure over time weakened the connections on the Tullamarine Freeway sign in the months before it fell and crushed a car last week.

This is what the artist sketched, but here's what was erected

Gemma Sapwell at Just In - 7 hours ago
A Byron Shire councillor has described a new $55,000 sculpture as a "disaster" and wants it removed, saying "from most angles you can't tell what it's supposed to be."

What happens now that Theresa May has lost the Brexit vote?

Just In - 7 hours ago
Her Brexit deal has been defeated in Parliament, a decision that triggers huge uncertainty about the future of Britain's exit from the European Union. There are several possible outcomes.

You must return by freewill.

Bob Dinn at balance10 - 7 hours ago
* Wherever* there is the love of liberty that is true there I AM. Wherever there is a heart that beats for freedom and for life--*there I AM. *I AM the Spirit of immortal freedom to an age, and I AM Saint Germain, your compatriot of light. I stand with you to open this conference dedicated to that immortal freedom and its fire burning on the heart’s altar of every child of God, worlds without end! Keepers of the Flame, sons and daughters of God, I welcome you to my flaming heart. And I open the spiral of violet flame from the blazing Sun-Presence of Omri-Tas, whose presence he... more »

Anti-King Resolution Quotes White Supremacist Lincoln

R. Cort Kirkwood at rss - 7 hours ago
[image: anti-king-resolution-quotes-white-supremacist-lincoln] Before the House votes on the resolution to condemn white supremacism and nationalism, its members might want to reconsider one of its clauses.

Nebraska, New Hampshire Rescission Resolutions Show Understanding of Con-Con Dangers

Steve Byas at rss - 7 hours ago
[image: nebraska-new-hampshire-rescission-resolutions-show-understanding-of-con-con-dangers] The New Hampshire House of Representatives and the Nebraska Senate introduced earlier this month resolutions to rescind any calls for a constitutional convention under Article V of the U.S. Constitution.

Two Words From Steve King, and the Two Minutes Hate Begins. GOP Caves.

R. Cort Kirkwood at rss - 7 hours ago
[image: two-words-from-steve-king-and-the-two-minutes-hate-begins-gop-caves] Representative Steve King sat down for an interview with the* New York Times*. Then, House Republicans kicked him off committees, leftist Democrats are preparing to censure him, and the House will vote to condemn “white nationalism.”

The Reformer’s Plight in The Great Idea

Bryan Caplan at Econlib - 7 hours ago
I’m a fan of dystopian fiction, but I overlooked Henry Hazlitt’s The Great Idea (subsequently republished as Time Will Run Back) until last December. I feared a long-winded, clunky version of Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson, but I gave it a chance, and my gamble paid off. I read the whole thing (almost 400 pages) on a red-eye […] The post The Reformer’s Plight in The Great Idea appeared first on Econlib.

Alternative Media Companies Unite In Inspiring Rally Against Corporate, Gov’t Censorship

Activist Post at Activist Post - 7 hours ago
By Matt Agorist Over the weekend, members and owners of multiple alternative media outlets gathered in Houston, Texas to discuss the heavy hand of corporate... more »

Syria’s slams newly proposed safe zone as ‘Turkish occupation’

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 7 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:20 P.M.) – The Syrian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Tuesday that slammed the newly proposed safe zone in northern Syria that would be under the control of the Turkish forces. According to the Syrian Foreign Minister, the recent statements by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reveal that his regime only deals in […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

WATCH: Houthi aircraft bomb Saudi military base

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 7 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:00 P.M.) – A Houthi attack drone recently carried out an air strike on a Saudi Coalition base that is located inside the Najran province of southern Saudi Arabia. As shown in the short video below, the Houthi drone can be seen bombing the Saudi Coalition base, while their artillery units also pound […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Erdogan to discuss cooperation with Putin in light of US pullout from Syria

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 7 hours ago
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan plans to discuss with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin cooperation in light of the withdrawal of US troops from Syria during his visit to Russia, Presidential Spokesman Ibrahim Kalin told reporters at a news conference in Ankara on Tuesday. “During his one-day visit on January 23, President Erdogan will discuss, […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Whoops! Runaway Israeli tank rolls across highway with troops asleep inside

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 7 hours ago
In what the Israel Defense Force is calling a “severe safety violation,” a 65-ton Merkava battle tank rolled across a major Israeli highway Sunday. Where was its crew? Fast asleep inside the armored vehicle. The IDF has launched an investigation into how a tank crew from Shizafon base fell asleep inside their Merkava-4 tank and put it into reverse, […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Al-Shabaab claims responsibility for attack on upscale hotel in Nairobi

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 7 hours ago
The five-star DusitD2 hotel complex in Nairobi, was attacked by gunmen with explosions and gunfire being heard from the building, on Tuesday. Somali militant organisation Al-Shabaab has since claimed responsibility for the attack. Plumes of smoke were seen rising above the Westlands suburb with gunshots being heard in the background. The standoff between the militants […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Private military contractors to possibly replace US troops in Syria: ex-Blackwater chief

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 7 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:30 P.M.) – Private military contractors may replace the U.S. troops that are withdrawing from Syria, ex-Blackwater chief Erik Prince said this week. According to Prince, the military contractors could not only protect the U.S.’ allies on the ground but also help counter Iran’s influence inside Syria. “The United States doesn’t have a […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Turkey will control northern Syria safe zone: report

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 7 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:30 P.M.) – Turkey will be in full control of the newly proposed safe zone in northern Syria, the spokesperson for the Turkish President, Ibrahim Kalin, said on Tuesday. “It will be a safe zone not just for Turkey but also for migrants,” Kalın said, asserting that Turkey will have control over the […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

US wants to keep presence in Syrian airspace after troop pullout: Ankara

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 7 hours ago
The United States intends to maintain its presence in the Syrian airspace after the withdrawal of its troops from the country, Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said Tuesday, citing an unofficial US action plan proposal. “Last week, the US delegation led by [National Security Advisor John] Bolton conveyed to us an unofficial five-point document in […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Large US military convoy enters Syria from northwest Iraq: monitor

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 7 hours ago
The U.S. military continued reinforcing its military bases in eastern Syria this week, despite President Donald Trump’s announcement declaring a withdrawal of all armed forces in the country last month. The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) quoted informed sources on Tuesday as saying that a U.S. military convoy comprised of 100 military vehicles […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

BREAKING: Jeremy Corbyn Tables Vote of ‘No confidence’ in May & Tory Brexit Shambles

21wire at 21st Century Wire - 7 hours ago
*21WIRE* | The stage is now set for a much anticipated Tory vs Labour battle royale.

Time of Monsters: Faltering Regimes in London, Washington & Paris are Portents of Uncertainty

21wire at 21st Century Wire - 7 hours ago
*George Galloway* | The old order is dying; the new one cannot be born. But we've been here before.

Goldman Sachs Is Split In 2 – Corrupt Culture

Aaron at Activist Post - 7 hours ago
By Aaron Kesel Goldman Sachs new CEO, David Solomon, has inherited very serious problems, including the Malaysia Multi-Billion-Dollar 1MDB scandal, where there’s already been a...more »

Female-focused cannabis business accelerator launches first training program

Jeff Smith at Marijuana Business Daily - 7 hours ago
An Oregon-based business accelerator that’s designed to bolster the skills of female cannabis entrepreneurs, boost their opportunities and make their young marijuana firms “investment-ready” has kicked off. The Initiative launched its first intensive three-month program last week, focused on providing advanced business skills and expert advice to nine early-stage cannabis companies founded or co-founded by […] Female-focused cannabis business accelerator launches first training program is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis ent... more »

Beginning of the end for Brexit says Vince Cable, or the end of democracy?

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 7 hours ago
'Beginning of the end for Brexit' - Cable The Liberal Democrat leader has been speaking to BBC News and says it's the "beginning of the end for Brexit". Sir Vince Cable says Theresa May's "options are narrowing" and that while she "may perform a miracle in Brussels" there's "no evidence that is in prospect". "One of the biggest steps is to take no deal off the table," he says. "She needs to take action to remove it. "That can only be by stopping or postponing Article 50."? More here https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/46874049 at the institutionally pro-eu BBC. That will be the same B... more »

U.K. Prime Minister May's Brexit Deal Overwhelmingly Defeated In Parliament - 432 Votes To 202

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 7 hours ago
*Daily Mail:* *'What DO you want then?' May's scathing reply to MPs after they reject her Brexit deal by a crushing 230 votes - the biggest government defeat in history - as Britain's future hangs on crunch no-confidence motion TOMORROW* * Theresa May suffered massive House of Commons defeat on her Brexit deal in the long-awaited vote tonight * Defeat by 230 votes was comfortably the biggest for a government in history, outstripping Labour in 1924 * DUP and Tory Eurosceptics joined Labour, the SNP, the Liberal Democrats and other parties against package * Mrs May made a statemen... more »

LaRouchePAC Challenges Congress: Put Principle Above Party and Move the Nation Forward With the President

Alicia at LaRouchePAC Feed - 7 hours ago
PDF: [image: PDF icon] 20190119-the-way-forward.pdf *This week, LaRouche PAC is beginning to organize a nationwide drive to change the terms of the present national political debate based on the statement: The Way Forward. If the anarchy and preening for position by Democrats and ideologically blinded Republicans in the Congress continues, in its present form, we will have proven ourselves incapable of government across the partisan divides which feed the political parties money machines. This is not the fault of President Trump. But he has no one supporting him on the Hill who th... more »

It's Not Like If Trump Disappeared Everything Would Be Hunky-Dory With The GOP

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours ago
Early Monday morning, the *Wall Street Journal* warned that Trump's government shutdown "is curtailing infrastructure projects, food-processing inspections and economic data used by Wall Street. But on a more micro level, it is showing signs of disrupting commerce as hundreds of thousands of federal workers missed out on their first payday of the closure late last week... While the economic gashes aren’t enough to derail the recovery, now in its 10th year, they appear to be at least temporarily diminishing the vigor of an expansion that was already projected to slow in 2019. Outp... more »

Renasant Bank donates Native American artifacts to Chickasaw people

White Wolf at White Wolf - 7 hours ago
Renasant Bank has generously donated a significant Native American chipped stone tool collection back to the Chickasaw people through the Chickasaw Inkana Foundation. The Foundation is in the planning process to create a Chickasaw Heritage Center in Tupelo, MS. This framed collection of more than 300 complete chipped stone projectile points was gathered locally in the mid-twentieth century in the Chickasaw Old Town Creek valley and surrounding areas. The collection represents local types of throwing spear points, knives, scrapers and a few actual arrow points, which together reflec... more »

In Humiliating Defeat For May, Brexit Deal Rejected By Overwhelming 230-Vote Margin

Zerohedge at The Duran - 8 hours ago
The post In Humiliating Defeat For May, Brexit Deal Rejected By Overwhelming 230-Vote Margin appeared first on The Duran.

Kaspersky Lab snags former NSA contractor stealing hacking tools

Seraphim Hanisch at The Duran - 8 hours ago
Semi-buried article did see publication on Politico and Fox News, but Kaspersky Lab was not vindicated for its help in solving this case. The post Kaspersky Lab snags former NSA contractor stealing hacking tools appeared first on The Duran.

"Sit, Be Still, And Listen..."

noreply@blogger.com (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
"Sit, be still, and listen, because you're drunk, and we're at the edge of the roof." - Rumi

Michael Flynn, Sean Spicer Become Neighbors in Rhode Island

Associated Press at Snopes.com - 8 hours ago
The house is across the street and three doors down from Flynn's home, in a neighborhood that's a short walk to the beach.

UK Parliament Overwhelmingly Rejects May’s Brexit Deal

Associated Press at Snopes.com - 8 hours ago
The vote means further turmoil for British politics only 10 weeks before the country is due to leave the European Union.

Education in Spite of It All: A Black Woman’s Journey

cmaadmin at Diverse - 8 hours ago
My mother, Dr. Mildred Pratt, died in 2012. I think about her often. She was one of the first-generation of Black women to become a full professor at a predominantly White institution. When she became a full professor in the 1970s, Black women represented 1 percent of all full professors. As of 2016, Black women, like me, represent 2 percent of all full professors. In fact, out of all the full-time faculty in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, Black women only represent 3 percent of all faculty. We need more.

‘Mascu’sectionality: Theorizing an Alternative Framework for Black Males

Fred A. Bonner II at Diverse - 8 hours ago
The theorizing and theoretical frameworks speaking to the male experience, particularly the Black male experience has tended to emanate from a place of deficit thinking and pathology. Hence, for Black males and those who study this population, engaging in critical discourse about their epistemological and ontological being is at best lopsided.

China Warns India (and Other Countries) To Not Sell Submarine Tech To Taiwan

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
Khanderi, the second of Indian Navy Scorpene-class stealth submarines. (Photo by Kunal Patil/Hindustan Times) *Hindustan Times*:* China cautions India, US against helping Taiwan to produce submarines* *There were reports that six foreign companies, including one from India, have already submitted design proposals for the submarines.* China on Monday firmly opposed transferring technology to Taiwan to make submarines, saying countries which have relations with Beijing should earnestly abide by the one China principle and stop any form of military links with Taipei. Taiwan media la... more »

Cuban Sanctions Have Done Such a Good and Speedy Job at Removing the Castros We Are Going To Try The Same Thing in Venezuela

admin at Coyote Blog - 8 hours ago
Another of the issues I have moved a lot on in life has been trade sanctions. Back in the day, I was all for sanctioning the cr*p out of any country run by bad people, which is a pretty long list. Now, I am convinced this approach is totally counter-productive. First, the story via WSJ: […]

"These New Numbers Prove The Global Economic Slowdown Is Far More Advanced Than We Thought"

noreply@blogger.com (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
*"These New Numbers Prove The Global Economic * *Slowdown Is Far More Advanced Than We Thought"* by Michael Snyder "We continue to get more confirmation that the global economy is slowing down substantially. On Monday, it was China’s turn to surprise analysts, and the numbers that they just released are absolutely stunning. When Chinese imports and exports are both expanding, that is a clear sign that the global economy is running on all cylinders, but when both of them are contracting that is an indication that huge trouble is ahead. And the experts were certainly anticipating sub... more »

Israel’s Nuclear Weapons: The Worst-Kept Military Secret on the Planet

Robert Farley at Test Feed Using Fields - 8 hours ago
*Robert Farley* *Security, * If a hostile power (let’s say Iran, for sake of discussion) appeared to be on the verge of mating nuclear devices with the systems needed to deliver them, Israel might well consider a preventive nuclear attack *Key point: There is no question that Israel could consider using its most powerful weapons if the conventional balance tipped decisively out of its favor.* Israel’s nuclear arsenal is the worst-kept secret in international relations. Since the 1970s, Israel has maintained a nuclear deterrent in order to maintain a favorable balance of power wi... more »

This Picture Is the Chinese Navy's Worst Nightmare

Kyle Mizokami at Test Feed Using Fields - 8 hours ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Secuirty, Asia* More than twenty years ago, a military confrontation in East Asia pushed the United States and China uncomfortably close to conflict. Largely unknown in America, the event made a lasting impression on China, especially Chinese military planners. *The People’s Liberation Army, unable to do anything about the American aircraft carriers, was utterly humiliated.* More than twenty years ago, a military confrontation in East Asia pushed the United States and China uncomfortably close to conflict. Largely unknown in America, the event made a lasting imp... more »


Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog - 8 hours ago
There's an awkward Donald Trump food anecdote in Chris Christie's forthcoming book, as reported by *The Guardian*: At [Christie's] first meeting with Trump in 2002, at a dinner in the Trump International Hotel and Tower, in New York, Trump ordered his food for him. He chose scallops, to which Christie is allergic, and lamb which he has always detested. Christie recalls wondering whether Trump took him to be “one of his chicks”. That's certainly how Trump's father treated women. Here's a story *The New York Times* ran in 2016: The elder Mr. Trump exerted control no matter how big or... more »

China Will Not Tolerate U.S. Involvement In Taiwan Affairs

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
General Li Zuocheng warned that China would defend its sovereignty at all costs. Photo: Handout *SCMP: **China won’t tolerate interference in Taiwan, military chief warns US* * General Li Zuocheng also called for efforts to strengthen trust and communication and manage risks during meeting with US Navy commander Admiral John Richardson in Beijing * Two military leaders have ‘deep exchange’ of views over the self-ruled island and the South China Sea, according to Chinese defence ministry A top Chinese military official on Tuesday called for efforts to strengthen trust between China... more »

"Mr. Market Will Have the Last Laugh"

noreply@blogger.com (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
*"Mr. Market Will Have the Last Laugh"* By Bill Bonner "Credo quia absurdum." ("I believe because it is absurd.)" – Tertullian "You can’t make this stuff up." – Unknown BALTIMORE, MARYLAND – "Stocks went nowhere yesterday. Congress and the White House didn’t get anywhere, either, in their attempts to resolve the shutdown impasse. With 10 inches of snow on the ground, nowhere seemed like the right place to go. And nowhere is where most people end up anyway. But our aim is to go somewhere – into the future. We want to see what happens there. And we begin by wondering how we get there... more »

The Achmea case between international law and European Union law

bilaterals.org - 8 hours ago
15-Jan-2019 If the European Court of Justice applied in Opinion 1/17 the same test it used in Achmea, it would probably conclude that the CETA tribunal is not compatible with EU law.

La reforma multilateral de ISDS es deseable: Qué sucedió en la reunión de la CNUDMI en Viena y cómo prepararse para abril de 2019 en Nueva York

bilaterals.org - 8 hours ago
15-Jan-2019 El Grupo de Trabajo III de la CNUDMI se reunió en Viena desde el 29 de octubre hasta el 2 de noviembre de 2018, y decidió que es conveniente realizar una reforma multilateral para abordar varias inquietudes en torno a la ISDS.

Multilateral ISDS reform is desirable: What happened at the UNCITRAL meeting in Vienna and how to prepare for April 2019 in New York

bilaterals.org - 8 hours ago
15-Jan-2019 UNCITRAL Working Group III met in Vienna from October 29 to November 2, 2018 and decided that multilateral reform is desirable to address various concerns regarding ISDS.

Une réforme multilatérale du RDIE est souhaitable : compte rendu de la réunion de la CNUDCI à Vienne, et comment se préparer à la réunion d'avril 2019 à New York

bilaterals.org - 8 hours ago
15-Jan-2019 Le Groupe de travail III de la CNUDCI s'est réuni à Vienne du 29 octobre au 2 novembre 2018, et a décidé qu'une réforme multilatérale était souhaitable en vue de répondre à diverses préoccupations portant sur le RDIE.

Discovering the royal history behind Hobart's space-age yellow arch

Georgie Burgess at Just In - 8 hours ago
The 16-metre Googie-style arch that now sits next to a motel in Hobart's north is a familiar landmark to most Tasmanians, but many aren't aware of its royal connection.

Britain's Parliament rejects Brexit deal, plunging UK into uncertainty

Just In - 8 hours ago
Theresa May's proposal is defeated by 230 votes, just weeks before the UK is due to exit the European Union.

Locals furious over tap water smelling of 'sewage' and 'rotting fish'

Simon Galletta And Aimee Volkofsky at Just In - 8 hours ago
Residents in Menindee, the far-west NSW town where a million fish were recently found dead, say their drinking water is rancid and is making them sick.

Adelaide councils reveal how many dog poo fines they've issued

Isadora Bogle at Just In - 8 hours ago
Everyone knows they need to clean up after their dogs while on a walk, but just how many fines have been issued in metropolitan Adelaide?

Gunmen kill at least 15 in extremist attack on Kenya hotel

Just In - 8 hours ago
A terror attack on a hotel and office complex in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi that killed at least 15 people has been brought under control, authorities say, as the Somali-based extremist group Al Shabaab claims responsibility.

Port Pirie lead smelter narrowly avoids breaching operating licence

Gabriella Marchant at Just In - 8 hours ago
A partial shutdown of the Port Pirie smelter helped keep lead levels in the city's air just under the maximum allowed without breaking the law, new figures show.

'Safety lower than required': What the Opal Tower report actually says

Nick Sas at Just In - 8 hours ago
The Opal Tower interim report, written by some of the state's most senior independent engineers after a more than two weeks of investigation, went some way in giving residents answers as to what went wrong.

Australia has a porn problem – and we appear powerless to stop it

Just In - 8 hours ago
For Steve, it was around the time he tried to pressure his third girlfriend into making porn that he realised something wasn't right. There are wildly diverse views about online porn in this country, but one thing is clear: Australia has a problem.

Beijing approves plan for Greater Bay Area to rival Silicon Valley in the United States

Bang Xiao And Christina Zhou at Just In - 8 hours ago
Beijing gives the greenlight to a blueprint for a technology-driven economic powerhouse in southern China to rival San Francisco's Silicon Valley amid doubts about the plan's feasibility.

Banks increasing exposure to fossil fuels despite promises to fight climate change: report

Nassim Khadem at Just In - 8 hours ago
Australia's major banks have been getting back into fossil fuels over the past year, casting doubt on their seriousness in tackling climate change through their investments, according to environmental campaign group Market Forces.

'You wouldn't tie your dog up' like this: Dementia patient restrained 14 hours in one day

Anne Connolly at Just In - 8 hours ago
Video and photos obtained by the ABC show dementia patients strapped to their chairs in a Sydney nursing home — a practice the Australian Law Reform Commission says could constitute elder abuse.

Get ready to say goodbye to the Big Four era in tennis

Andrew McGarry at Just In - 8 hours ago
Brace yourself, tennis fans — Andy Murray may not be the only member of tennis's Big Four to bow out in 2019, writes Andrew McGarry.

Independents won't matter as much as you think next election

Antony Green at Just In - 8 hours ago
Predictions abound that independents could have a sizable say in the 2019 federal election, but recent trends and history suggest that may not be true, writes Antony Green.

Why tanning pills could make you turn Oompa Loompa, or worse

Belinda Smith at Just In - 8 hours ago
Going a bit orange isn't the only side effect you risk if you take tanning pills. Long-term use is linked with all sorts of health problems.

The art of going downhill fast

David Mark at Just In - 8 hours ago
How do pro cyclists manage the physical and mental challenge of hurtling down a mountain at speeds over 100kph, when the slightest of errors can lead to serious injury or worse?

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