Saturday, March 31, 2018

31 March - Blogs I'm Following 2 of 2

11:09 pm MDT

“In Denial, On the Road to Extinction?” (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 12 hours ago
"When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?" - Sydney Harris *“In Denial, On the Road to Extinction?”* by Robert Jensen "Put simply: We're in trouble, on all fronts, and the trouble is wider and deeper than most of us have been willing to acknowledge. We should struggle to build a road on which we can walk through those troubles - if such a road is possible - but I doubt it's going to look like any path we had previously envisioned, nor is it likely to lead anywhere close to where most of us thought we were going. I have been talking... more »

"Do What You Can..." (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 12 hours ago

Easter Holiday Wishes and Notice to Readers

greencrow at Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 12 hours ago
*Easter Holiday Wishes and Notice to Readers* Due to family commitments [participation in an "Easter egg hunt"] I will be away from my computer for a few days. Easter is traditionally the season of hope and rebirth. Humanity is blessed with the conscious awareness that things CAN and DO get better, no matter how dark the present may be. Let this awareness guide all my readers in the next few days. Let's count our blessings along with Easter Eggs. May our families, not false identities foisted upon us by "identity politics", be the core of our true identities. And may our child... more »

How to deactivate or delete your Facebook account

Norma at Collecting My Thoughts - 12 hours ago

Cambridge Analytica, Catalist and Soros

Norma at Collecting My Thoughts - 12 hours ago
The media are trying to make a scandal where there is none. The same media that swooned over Obama’s use of technology for data mining in 2012 and 2008. Scott Walter of CRC reports: “Obama’s 2008 social media juggernaut was powered by a little-known entity that my organization, the Capital Research Center, has reported on extensively: a for-profit (therefore non-disclosing) data firm named Catalist. Catalist is arguably the professional Left’s best-kept secret. The company was started in 2006 by two Clinton operatives with $1 million in seed money from George Soros. Because Sor... more »

Donald Trump announces that April is "Sexual Assault Awareness" month. Let's not all laugh at once.

Gryphen at The Immoral Minority - 12 hours ago
Courtesy of Yahoo: *US President Donald Trump -- who has himself been repeatedly accused of sexual misconduct -- on Friday designated April 2018 "National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month" amid a national debate over the issue. * *"Sexual assault crimes remain tragically common in our society, and offenders too often evade accountability," said a proclamation from Trump released by the White House. "These heinous crimes are committed indiscriminately: in intimate relationships, in public spaces, and in the workplace." * *"Too often, however, the victims of assault re... more »

“Can a Trade War Really Cause a Shooting War?” (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 12 hours ago
*“Can a Trade War Really Cause a Shooting War?”* by Dennis Miller Will we repeat the mistakes of the past that led up to WWII? Jim Rickards thinks so. His recent article “Now, a Trade War – Is a Shooting War Next?” offers the history leading up to WWII and warns: “Get ready for an all-out financial war between the U.S. and China. Germany is also in the crosshairs. Trump has already torn up the TPP trade agreement and has put Canada, Mexico, and South Korea on notice that their trade deals need to be renegotiated. *A full-scale trade war is now upon us.* (emphasis mine) It will shak... more »

Peter Oborne on Jeremy Corbyn

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 12 hours ago
'We also learnt that Corbyn himself has been a member of five online groups which have propagated anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, such as that the number of deaths at Auschwitz has been exaggerated and that Israelis have harvested the organs of Arab children. Also, they have posted links to the loathsome views of white supremacists, including the leader of the Ku Klux Klan. Despite being a contributor to such sites, Corbyn claimed — preposterously in my view — not to have noticed such postings and continued until this week to be a member of two of these groups. But the most egregi... more »

FILLED FULL OF LEAD: Fundamental learnings emerge!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 12 hours ago
*SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 2018Credibility, cash money and threats:* Was Stephanie Clifford—TV's "Stormy Daniels"—physically threatened in 2011? Was she physically threatened, by a thug, on a parking lot out in Vegas? So she alleged, last Sunday night, during a special guest appearance inside Anderson's Playpen. So Stephanie Clifford alleged—unless you work as an upper-end journalist, in which case she *revealed* that she'd been so threatened. Was Stephanie Clifford physically threatened? All across the upper-end corporate press corps, "journalists" stampeded off to say or suggest that ... more »

Privacy Denied: Students May Bring Only Clear Backpacks to School

Adam Dick at - 12 hours ago
[image: undefined] KERA radio in Dallas, Texas aired a news report this week relating that the Ennis school district in North Texas, starting in the fall semester, will allow students at district schools from prekindergarten through high school to bring only “clear, PVC backpacks to school.” The school district also is implementing right away mandatory backpack searches on middle and high school students. Plus, police dogs will be on campuses more often. Making a typical excuse for the new anti-privacy school district policies, Ennis Police Chief John Erisman said in a report on the... more »

Facebook busted for handing out data of millions of users to Hillary Clinton campaign

Alex Christoforou at The Duran - 13 hours ago
Did Facebook break campaign finance laws? More The post Facebook busted for handing out data of millions of users to Hillary Clinton campaign appeared first on The Duran.

Russian Ambassador to US: “Atmosphere in Washington is poisoned. It’s a toxic atmosphere” (Video)

Alex Christoforou at The Duran - 13 hours ago
Russian Ambassador to the US speaks out after Russia expels 60 americans. More The post Russian Ambassador to US: “Atmosphere in Washington is poisoned. It’s a toxic atmosphere” (Video) appeared first on The Duran.

Why State And County Democratic Party Organizations Hate The DCCC So Much

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 13 hours ago
*That means recruiting more Blue Dogs and New Dems for the Republican wing of the Democratic Party-- and blocking progressives* There was a time when I felt I was the only one who hated the DCCC and thought the organization should be abolished. That was a long time ago and I'm not alone any longer. From coast to coast, almost every state Democratic Party organization despises them. Let me share this letter to lunkhead Ben Ray Lujan, Pelosi's unfortunately DCCC chair, from the Executive Committee of the Staten Island Democratic Association, which could virtually come from anywhere in... more »

Elon Musk at SXSW: A.I. is more dangerous than nuclear weapons

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 13 hours ago
Elon Musk at SXSW: A.I. is more dangerous than nuclear weapons Advertisements

Prosthetic memory system successful in humans.

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 13 hours ago
Prosthetic memory system successful in humans — ScienceDaily

Artificial intelligence is going to completely change your life.

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 13 hours ago
Artificial intelligence is going to completely change your life | World Economic Forum

Breakthrough Therapies Bring Hope to Bleeding Disorders Community.

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 13 hours ago
Breakthrough Therapies Bring Hope to Bleeding Disorders Community – Future of Personal Health

Vegetarians are ‘less healthy and have a lower quality of life than meat-eaters’, scientists say

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 13 hours ago
Vegetarians are ‘less healthy and have a lower quality of life than meat-eaters’, scientists say

Over a million children under the age of six are currently on psychiatric drugs in America.

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 13 hours ago
Over a million children under the age of six are currently on psychiatric drugs in America –

California Coffee Shops Will Warn Customers About This Possibly Cancer-Causing Chemical. Here’s What to Know About It

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 13 hours ago
California Coffee Shops Will Warn Customers About This Possibly Cancer-Causing Chemical. Here’s What to Know About It

Breaking News: Syrian Forces Liberate All Cities of Syria's East Ghouta

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 13 hours ago
*Sputnik * *The Syrian army's command has said that its forces have liberated all the territory of Eastern Ghouta, including cities and settlements.* *"After a series of carefully planned battles and military operations conducted by our armed forces with the help of friendly and allied forces, control over all the cities and settlements of the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta has been restored," the statement said.* *The army command stressed that the operation had secured the Syrian capital and the main routes leading into the city.* *A source in the military told Sputnik ear... more »

Cop Arrested for Soliciting Sex from 5yo Girl, Possessing Pornographic Images of Babies & Toddlers

Rachel Blevins at The Free Thought Project - 13 hours ago
[image: online] A veteran police officer was caught soliciting sex from girls as young as 5 years old in an online chat room, and he was found with pornographic images of babies and toddlers. The post Cop Arrested for Soliciting Sex from 5yo Girl, Possessing Pornographic Images of Babies & Toddlers appeared first on The Free Thought Project.

The Personal Data Google Has on You Is Shocking and Dwarfs that of Facebook, Here’s How to Stop It

Activist Post at Activist Post - 13 hours ago
By Matt Agorist As TFTP reported last week, it was revealed that both the Obama campaign and the Trump campaign used third-party integrations to collect... more »

How The CIA Hid Their MKULTRA Mind-Control Program

Activist Post at Activist Post - 13 hours ago
By Jon Rappoport Back in the early 1990s, I interviewed John Marks, author of Search for the Manchurian Candidate. This was the book (1979) that... more »

Why Are Food, Water And Air—Life’s Essentials—Deliberately Poisoned? Part 3: Air

Activist Post at Activist Post - 13 hours ago
By Catherine J. Frompovich What is AIR and how do we define it? Air can be defined as the gaseous substance that inflates balloons and... more »

April Fools: Science Centers and Smart Meters and 5G “Small Cells” and Smokescreens Oh My!

Activist Post at Activist Post - 13 hours ago
By Patricia Burke In the 1950s, during the Cold War, the United States established a “science center” at Camp Century, on the Greenland Ice Sheet.... more »

Review Record, Jeffrey, Wanting War: Why the Bush Administration Invaded Iraq

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 13 hours ago
*Review Record, Jeffrey, **Wanting War: Why the Bush Administration Invaded Iraq**, Dulles: Potomac Books, 2010* It’s odd that 15 years after the Iraq war there is still discussion about what caused it. Was it the weapons of mass destruction, the oil, neoconservatives, or other factors? Much of that is due to the Bush administration whose stated goals WMD and Iraq’s connection to Al Qaeda both proved to be based upon a house of cards. Jeffrey Record’s *Wanting War: Why the Bush Administration Invaded Iraq* is one of the best attempts to answer the question of why the U.S. invaded I... more »

This Day In Iraqi History - Mar 31

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 13 hours ago
1934 Iraqi Communist Party founded (Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party) 1941 Pan-Arab Golden Square officers decided to remove PM Hashemi in coup 1981 Egypt began selling military equipment to Iraq in Iran-Iraq War 1985 UN Sec Gen arrived in Iran Told Iraqi air raids killed 1450 civilians and wounded 4000 1989 Iraq exported oil for 1st time from Basra after Iran-Iraq War closed down ports 1989 Israel said Iraq embarked on crash course to build a nuclear bomb and a missile to deliver it 1991 Govt op to... more »

Weekend reads: “Weaponized transparency;” fighting academic spam with humor; NIH cracks down

Ivan Oransky at Retraction Watch - 13 hours ago
Before we present this week’s Weekend Reads, a question: Do you enjoy our weekly roundup? If so, would you consider a tax-deductible donation of $25, or a recurring donation of an amount of your choosing, to support it? Thanks in advance. The week at Retraction Watch featured a major case of misconduct at The Ohio State University, … Continue reading Weekend reads: “Weaponized transparency;” fighting academic spam with humor; NIH cracks down

Cheesed off

Peter at Bayou Renaissance Man - 13 hours ago
I'm still not sure whether this report is real, or an April Fool joke released a couple of days early by mistake. There is one other reference that would seem to confirm it, and (as you'll see from the links I've provided), I've been able to confirm some of the details as genuine. Nevertheless, true or false, it's funny. Researchers at the French National Institute for Agricultural Research, INRA, say they have cracked a way of massively accelerating the ripening process normally so essential to creating a cheese with the required texture and smelliness. “What nature takes thre... more »

David Rothbard, 1964 – 2018

CFACT Ed at CFACT - 14 hours ago
David Rothbard, CFACT president and co-founder, died Friday, March 30th, 2018 after a long illness. We will have more to say about David. He was great and we will miss him terribly.

Woman Sentenced to Five Years in Prison for Voting While on Probation

The Free Thought Project at The Free Thought Project - 14 hours ago
[image: voting] Because a Texas woman didn't wait until the end of her probation period before voting in the 2016 election, she was arrested, charged, and convicted of illegally voting and sentenced to five years in prison. The post Woman Sentenced to Five Years in Prison for Voting While on Probation appeared first on The Free Thought Project.

After 2 Years And No Charges, Video Released of Cop Threatening, Then Killing Alton Sterling

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 14 hours ago
[image: sterling] Two years after police killed Alton Sterling, the graphic body camera footage was released which was so disturbing that it led to the officer being fired. The post After 2 Years And No Charges, Video Released of Cop Threatening, Then Killing Alton Sterling appeared first on The Free Thought Project.

U.S. Army Is Set To Test Its First Augmented Reality System Sometime In 2019

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
*Popular Mechanics:* *U.S. Troops to Test Augmented Reality By 2019* *The device, called, HUD 3.0, will project critical data onto a soldier’s field of view.* The U.S. Army is set to test its first augmented reality system sometime in 2019. The system, called HUD 3.0, will allow soldiers to quickly figure out where they are, where the rest of their unit is, and where the enemy is. The heads-up display (HUD) is designed to allow soldiers in combat to orient themselves in the fight and rapidly come up with a plan to defeat their enemies. According to Breaking Defense, the U.S. Arm... more »

Join WECAN for 'Women for Forests' online April 4, 2018

Brenda Norrell at CENSORED NEWS - 14 hours ago
. Dear Friends and Allies, Please be invited to join the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network for 'Women For Forests', a free, online WECAN Education and Advocacy Training, to be presented this Wednesday April 4th, 2018 at 11:00 am PT/2:00 pm ET (call-in details below). During the training, outstanding presenters from the Philippines, Ecuador, the Democratic Republic

Easter Once Again

Harry Dale Huffman at The Earth and Man: Setting the Stage - 14 hours ago
I have posted the following Easter comment on American Thinker: *Roman Catholicism, the original "universal" Christianity, appropriated many popular beliefs of earlier, so-called "pagan" religions, which were clasped tightly and unquestioningly by their followers in happy obedience to long, long tradition -- the colored eggs and new, green grass filled baskets of Easter, for example.* *This was done to enable the swift acceptance of Christianity by the "pagans" who preceded it. They didn't call themselves that (hence the quotation marks around the name); the common-folk followers of ... more »


Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog - 14 hours ago
*Variety* reports: *Laura Ingraham Says She’ll Take Planned Vacation Amidst Controversy* Laura Ingraham is taking avacation next week. Now the question is whether a controversy swirling around the host will go on hiatus as well. The popular Fox News Channel host ... told viewers Friday night she would not appear on air next week as she took what she described as a pre-planned break around the Easter holiday with her children. Substitute hosts are expected to fill in for her on the program. Ingraham, as I'm sure you know, took a cheap shot at Parkland gun control activist David Hogg... more »

Should We Believe What U.S. Gen. Joseph Dunford Is Claiming In Afghanistan?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
Marine Corps Gen. Joe Dunford, right, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, meets with Army Gen. John W. Nicholson Jr., commander of the Resolute Support mission and U.S. Forces Afghanistan, in Kabul, Afghanistan, July 15, 2016. DoD photo by Lisa Ferdinando *Paul Szoldra, Task & Purpose:* *Does Gen. Dunford Actually Believe His Own Bullsh-t? * I often wonder whether four-star generals actually believe their own bullshit. That thought has crossed my mind more than once after reading quotes from Gen. Joseph Dunford, the current chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. You see, old “... more »


Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 14 hours ago
From Jenna Orkin Bank of America discriminated against blacks, must pay $2.2 million Mining company given approval to clear critical koala habitat for CSG wells HIGHWAY GREENING IN MEXICO video. The widow of the Pulse nightclub shooter has been acquitted of all charges in the 2016 attack 189 people are dead and hundreds more are seriously ill in the largest listeria outbreak in history James Comey Cashing-In With Upcoming Book, McCabe Nears $400,000 On GoFundMe U.S. Tourists Will Be Required To Turn Over Their Social Media History US Admits "Doing The Planning" For Saudi Strikes In ... more »

Devin Nunes' Democratic challenger has raised more than one million dollars in the first quarter.

Gryphen at The Immoral Minority - 14 hours ago
Courtesy of CNN: *A Democratic candidate challenging House Intelligence Committee chair Devin Nunes took in more than $1 million in the first quarter of 2018, a sign of Democrats' enthusiasm to oust the California congressman who has allied himself closely with President Donald Trump. * *Andrew Janz, the Deputy District Attorney in Fresno County, is still considered a long shot in his bid to unseat Nunes. CNN currently rates the 22nd District as a "safe Republican" seat. But Nunes' role in running interference for Trump on the investigations into Russia's role in the 2016 electio... more »

Odds and Ends

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 15 hours ago
[image: ZebLanyu_DSC02833] *Miss this place.* J Michael Cole sent this around: *Dear readers and friends of Taiwan Sentinel: Please note that as of April 1, 2018, Taiwan Sentinel ( will no longer receive financial backing from the New Taiwan Peace Foundation. *Since its launch in January 2017, Taiwan Sentinel has positioned itself as an indispensable platform for timely and in-depth analysis about Taiwan and the Taiwan Strait. More than 215 original articles were published on the site during that period, and many of those were cited in domestic and international media. W... more »

March of Return

sue at Is the BBC biased? - 15 hours ago
Peter "Israel Lobby" Oborne. “I’m now convinced that there is something detestable about Corbyn’s politics which make it impossible to defend him any more. changed my mindUnbef***inglievable. Moving on, I certainly don’t think the socialist Portuguese political pundit with a secret message in her actual name “Eu-nice-Goes” ….should be no-platformed. No, certainly not. I don’t think silencing people you disagree with is the way to go. If I did I might not have to be blogging about BBC bias, know what I mean? Eunice was given quite a platform on Dateline London, and she used it to u... more »

Betsy & Thomas (Douglas Gabriel) - American Intelligence Media at Charles Frith - 15 hours ago
Thomas from American Intelligence Media (Real Name Douglas Gabriel) does a truly obnoxious interview with Jason Goodman. AIM may do some good work from time to time but I think this interview unveils... Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced

Some Much Needed Perspective

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 15 hours ago
Recently, the government announced that its "market debt" has exceeded one trillion dollars. The news was treated as a bombshell. Former Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page warned, “the $1 trillion threshold is extraordinarily important." But Scott Clark and Peter DeVries write that this is not the first time a Canadian government has hit that threshold: Under current borrowing procedures “market debt” in its broadest sense exceeded 1 trillion in 2012-13. The government is not facing a structural imbalance between revenues and expenditures or a fiscal crisis; and deficit elimi... more »

The Isolation of Julian Assange Must Stop

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 15 hours ago
*We call on the government of Ecuador to allow Julian Assange his right of freedom of speech.* If it was ever clear that the case of Julian Assange was never just a legal case, but a struggle for the protection of basic human rights, it is now. Citing his critical tweets about the recent detention of Catalan president Carles Puidgemont in Germany, and following pressure from the US, Spanish and UK governments, the Ecuadorian government has installed an electronic jammer to stop Assange communicating with the outside world via the internet and phone. As if ensuring his total isolat... more »

Thanks to Marijuana Being Illegal, People in Illinois are Now Bleeding from Their Eyes

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 15 hours ago
[image: bleeding] Thanks to the prohibition of marijuana a synthetic chemical compound is being sold in its place and it is causing horror movie-like side effects like bleeding from the eyes. The post Thanks to Marijuana Being Illegal, People in Illinois are Now Bleeding from Their Eyes appeared first on The Free Thought Project.

Russia ‘Novichok’ Hysteria Proves Politicians and Media Haven’t Learned The Lessons of Iraq

21wire at 21st Century Wire - 15 hours ago
*Patrick Henningsen* | Iraq should have taught us all to be skeptical about official claims of chemical weapons evidence. Why hasn't it?

Washington has now banned conversion therapy.

Gryphen at The Immoral Minority - 15 hours ago
Courtesy of the Seattle Times: *A measure banning licensed therapists from trying to change a minor’s sexual orientation or gender identity was signed into law Wednesday by Washington Gov. Jay Inslee. * *Inslee signed the bill joined by lawmakers and other LGTB supporters, including Democratic Sen. Marko Liias, the bill’s sponsor, and Chad Griffin, the president of the D.C.-based Human Rights Campaign.* *Inslee called conversion therapy abuse, and said that “we are today prohibiting the abuse of our children.” * *“We have always believed in civil rights in our state,” he said. “... more »

A Zen Master Explains the Art of ‘Letting Go’, And It Isn’t What You Think

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 15 hours ago
*Christina Sarich* - What comes to mind when you think of 'letting go?'

DARPA's Mad Scientists Have a Sneaky Plan to Win the next Big War

Michael Peck at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, North America* A computerized staff officer. The art of generalship is to get inside the enemy's head. From Caesar to Napoleon to Rommel, the best commanders have a knack for deducing the enemy's plans and then moving to exploit that insight. At the same time, a staple of science fiction is the omniscient computer. DARPA wants to merge these two phenomenon into software that will determine an opponent's strategy and then recommend strategies to a commander. Collection and Monitoring via Planning for Active Situational Scenarios (COMPASS) will focus on "... more »

These Are the 5 Best Hunting Rifles on the Planet (Ruger and Winchester Made the Cut)

Kyle Mizokami at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, North America* What would you choose? Hunting, more than other countries in the Western world, lingers in America’s DNA. While the number of hunters in Europe and the rest of the industrialized world has declined with the rise of cities, hunting is still a major sport in the United States. Hunting is particularly popular in rural and suburban areas and large, stable populations of game, including deer, moose, and wild pigs are liberally distributed across North America. For many in rural areas hunting rifles are tools not only for sport but for procur... more »

The U.S. Military Has 3,822 Nuclear Weapons. (Enough Firepower to Kill Billions)

Michael Peck at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, North America* A scary thought. In a more peaceful universe, the fact that the United States possesses almost 4,000 weapons that can destroy entire cities would be horrifying. But in our universe, it is actually an encouraging sign of how much America's nuclear arsenal has declined since the Cold War. As of 2017, the U.S. had 3,822 nuclear weapons, according to data just declassified by the Department of Energy. That's down from 4,018 in 2016. That number does not include weapons that have been retired but have yet to be dismantled by the Department of... more »

This Was Hitler's Crazy Plan to Win World War II (and It Was a Total Disaster)

Warfare History Network at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* The war was completely lost—but the Nazis kept fighting. On October 18, 1944—the 131st anniversary of the Battle of the Nations’ victory over Napoleon in 1813—Reichsführer-SS (National Leader) Heinrich Himmler stepped up to a microphone to make a national radio address announcing the formation of the Nazi Party-controlled Volkssturm, or People’s Militia. Standing with him was the new Chief of the General Staff, General Heinz Guderian; Dr. Hans Heinrich Lammers, head of the Reich Chancellery in Berlin; and Gauleiter (Regional Leader) Er... more »

No One Saw It Coming: How Russia Went to War against China in 2020

Task and Purpose, John T. Kuehn at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Task and Purpose, John T. Kuehn* *Security, Asia* Some fiction that could end up being a reality? You make the call. August 30, 2020 From: U.S. Ambassador, Tokyo To: Secretary of State Pompeo Mr. Secretary, I am writing this to you, after the fact obviously, to review the last several months of operations in the war none of us foresaw just two years ago. *Background and Discussion*: As you recall, we were in some disarray after the departure of your predecessor, Mr. Tillerson, and you asked all of us for our own take on the situation in Korea, especially with the appoint... more »

5 Worst Aircraft Carriers Ever Put to Sea

Robert Farley at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Robert Farley* *History, Asia* A list of total shame. Building an aircraft carrier is difficult business. Many of the world’s great navies started by converting other ships into carriers, a practice that resulted in a few successes, and more than a few failures. Other navies worked their way up by experimentation. With China recently launching its first domestically built carrier, and Japan considering the conversion of its Izumos into fleet carriers, it’s worth considering some of the more egregious failures in world aircraft carrier construction. *HMS Eagle* HMS *Eagle*, or... more »

In Afghanistan The U.S. Military Want To Prove That They Can Reverse Gains Made By The Taliban

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
A U.S. Army crew chief aboard a Chinook helicopter observes a successful test of flares during a training flight in Afghanistan on March 14. (Tech. Sgt. Gregory Brook/Air Force/Reuters) *Washington Post:* *In Afghanistan, U.S. military sprints to prove it can reverse insurgent tide* BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan — The U.S. military is racing to demonstrate it is making progress in Afghanistan during a critical period that will test President Trump’s strategy and, potentially, political support for the war. Military leaders say the arrival of new troops and aircraft, along with a r... more »

East Ghouta militants release 8 soldiers from their prisons (video)

Leith Aboufadel at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 16 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:40 P.M.) – The Islamist rebels in the East Ghouta region have released eight Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldiers as part of the deal they made with the government last week. According to a military report, the eight Syrian Army soldiers had previously been captured by the militants during the government offensives in […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Peshmerga says PKK has not left Sinjar, raising tensions with Iraqi forces

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 16 hours ago
A representative of the Peshmerga, the Kurdish military forces in Iraqi Kurdistan, told Sputnik that claims by the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) about having retreated from Sinjar were actually a ruse. In Iraq, the issue of the PKK leaving Sinjar is still on the agenda. A number of key political and military figures, including an […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Russian Air Force destroys HTS Shariah Court near Turkish border

Leith Aboufadel at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 16 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:00 P.M.) – The Russian Aerospace Forces unleashed a flurry of airstrikes over the western part of the Idlib Governorate, today, targeting several areas near the Turkish border. According to a military report from Damascus, the Russian Aerospace Forces launched a heavy barrage of airstrikes over Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham’s positions near the key […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Trump freezes over $200 million in aid for Syria: report

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 16 hours ago
US President Donald Trump on Friday suspended over $200 million in funds for recovery efforts in Syria after suggesting that US exit was a matter of time, local media reported. Trump put the aid to Syria on hold after reading a news story about then State Secretary Rex Tillerson’s February commitment to an extra $200 […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Video footage shows Israeli drone’s wreckage in southern Lebanon

Leith Aboufadel at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 16 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:30 P.M.) – An Israeli drone crashed inside the Nabatiyeh Governorate of Lebanon this morning after it was seen circling several towns near the border. The drone reportedly crashed in the Bint Jbeil countryside after experiencing technical failures. Once the drone crashed, another Israeli drone was used to destroy the reconnaissance aircraft, thus […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Over 6,000 militants with families evacuated from East Ghouta – Russian MoD

Leith Aboufadel at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 16 hours ago
More than 6,200 militants and their families left Syria’s Eastern Ghouta via a humanitarian corridor on Friday and were transported to the Idlib province by buses, the Russian Defense Ministry said Saturday. “Via a humanitarian corridor, 6,276 militants and members of their families were transported by 141 buses to the province of Idlib on March […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Russia launches retaliatory airstrikes after militants attack Syrian Christian town

Leith Aboufadel at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 16 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:20 P.M.) – The Russian Aerospace Forces conducted several airstrikes over the northern countryside of Hama, yesterday, following an attack by the jihadist rebels on a Syrian Christian town. Russian jets flying out of the Hmaymim Military Airport reportedly launched over 15 airstrikes over the northern Hama towns of Kafr Zia, Zakat, Lataminah, […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Mass graves uncovered in west Raqqa, bodies believed to be 200+ Syrian soldiers executed by ISIS

Leith Aboufadel at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 16 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:00 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and local civil defense units have reportedly discovered three mass graves in the western countryside of the Al-Raqqa Governorate today. According to local reports, the mass graves were discovered just west of the Tabaqa Military Airport. Over 45 bodies have already been retrieved from these […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Syrian Army discovers large militant tunnel in East Ghouta (video)

Leith Aboufadel at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 16 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:55 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) discovered a large tunnel inside the East Ghouta region, Friday, while conducting a sweeping operation in the ‘Ayn Tarma suburb. According to a military report, this tunnel was used by the militants to store weapons, food, and medicine, while also providing them with an outlet […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Breaking: Houthi forces fire ballistic missile at Saudi National Guard base

Leith Aboufadel at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 16 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:30 P.M.) – The Houthi forces fired short-range ballistic missile at a Saudi military installation inside the Kingdom’s Najran Region this morning, the Saba News Agency of Yemen reported. According to the report, the Houthi rocket battalion fired a Badr-1 ballistic missile at the Saudi National Guard base that is located inside the […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Thousands attend funeral of Palestinian killed in northern Gaza (video)

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 16 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:20 P.M.) – Thousands of people attended the funeral of Sari Walid Abu Odeh in Beit Hanoun on Friday in the northern part of the Gaza strip who was killed during a protest at the March of Return demonstration earlier in the day. The funeral started in the deceased’s home and ended in […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Syrian military amassing troops along eastern Euphrates to retake oil fields: report

Leith Aboufadel at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 16 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:10 P.M.) – The Syrian military has been amassing troops along the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, Syrian journalist Eyad Al-Hosain reported this morning. According to Al-Hosain, the Syrian military is preparing to launch an operation to retake the oil fields currently occupied by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Jihadist civil war proves costly as both groups slaughter each other for west Aleppo

Leith Aboufadel at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 16 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:00 P.M.) – For the fourth day in a row, the jihadist rebels have engaged in a series of intense clashes inside the northern provinces of Aleppo and Idlib. According to pro-opposition activists, Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham launched a big assault in west Aleppo this morning, targeting several towns near Daret ‘Izza. Hay’at Tahrir […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Israeli spy drone downed over southern Lebanon

Leith Aboufadel at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 16 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:45 A.M.) – An Israeli spy drone was downed over the southern countryside of Lebanon, today, after it was seen circling two villages in the Bint Jbeil District. According to the National News Agency of Lebanon, the Israeli spy drone was downed while it was flying between the Bint Jbeil villages of Bra’chit […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Saudi-backed forces suffer heavy losses as Houthis advances in northern Yemen

Leith Aboufadel at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 16 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:40 A.M.) – The Saudi-backed troops suffered heavy casualties in northern Yemen on Friday, as the Houthi forces continued their powerful offensive in eastern Sana’a. According to the official media wing of the Houthi forces, their fighters managed to capture the Al-Bayad mountain chain and nearby Tabbet Ayash Hill after launching a surprise […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

New Hampshire, Ohio, and West Virginia experiencing the highest drug overdose death rates

Norma at Collecting My Thoughts - 16 hours ago
“Death rates for overdoses involving highly potent synthetic opioids other than methadone -- including illicitly manufactured fentanyl as well as the prescription kind -- more than doubled from 2015 to 2016, propelling an overall increase in opioid deaths of 27.9% in that one-year period, according to the CDC. Synthetic opioids were present in 19,413 overdose deaths in 2016, up from 9,580 deaths in 2015, reported Puja Seth, PhD, of the CDC in Atlanta and colleagues in *Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report*. They accounted for 30.5% of all drug overdose deaths and 45.9% of all opi... more »

From “Bandwagoning” Against Eurasia To “Circling The Wagons” In The Center Of It

Andrew KORYBKO at - 17 hours ago
The US will only succeed in its quest to indefinitely prolong the unipolar moment if it destabilizes the Central Asian core of Eurasia, which would consequently disrupt the independent rise of the five Great Powers that form the Golden Circle of the Heartland. The post From “Bandwagoning” Against Eurasia To “Circling The Wagons” In The Center Of It appeared first on

Who's Sad Trump Is Sparking A Devastating Civil War Among GOP Candidates?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 17 hours ago
How loyal a Republican candidate is to Señor Trumpanzee is now being treated as a determining factor by many. Awesome-- for Democrats. At a time when Republicans who embrace Trump top strongly risk losing independent voters or risk losing Trumpists by shunning him, the party is further splintering. As the *Washington Post* reported a few days ago, Michigan's far right gubernatorial candidate, Attorney General Bill Schuette, is running the TV ad above that starts and ends with Trump's endorsement. (In between is nonsense about the policies of the last Democratic governor, Jennifer... more »

Turkish Media Have Published A Map Of French Military Positions In Syria

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 17 hours ago
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* *France 24:* *Turkey's Anadolu news agency publishes map of French military positions in Syria * A map reportedly detailing the location of French military bases in northern Syria was published Friday by Turkish press agency Anadolu, a day after French President Emmanuel Macron assured the Syrian Democratic Forces of France’s support. The visit by Syrian Kurdish representatives to the French presidential palace on Thursday was watched closely by the Turkish government who were anything but happy. A map purportedly showing French military positions in... more »

A Look Behind The Scenes Of The U.S. Military’s Cyber Defense

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 17 hours ago
*PBS News Hour*: *An exclusive look behind the scenes of the U.S. military’s cyber defense* At U.S. Cyber Command, cyber protection teams defend the Pentagon's networks from adversaries like Russia, China, North Korea and Iran, and fight thousands of non-state actors like terrorist groups and professional hackers. Special correspondent Mike Cerre got exclusive access to a new generation of cyber warriors. *Read more* .... *WNU Editor:* You know this command is now very important when you have admirals and top generals running the show.

Musical Interlude: Adiemus, “Adiemus” (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
Adiemus, “Adiemus” -

Argentina: Operación Patagonia Sets Its Sights on Trelew

Inexplicata (IHU) at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - 17 hours ago
*Source: 03.30.2018* *Argentina: Operación Patagonia Sets Its Sights on Trelew* *By Luis Burgos (FAO-ICOU)* Since the dawn of the UFO phenomenon in our country, this lovely Patagonian city has been the locale for notable incursions by unidentified objects. Its proximity to Rawson and the mysterious Atlantic littoral area, known for repeated reports on USOs in the gulfs of the Valdes Peninsula, have turned it into a special area. The first major news item was recorded on the evening of 21 October 1954 (the year of the Argentinean saucer flap) wh... more »

“Just Sit Down And Think?” (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
*“Just Sit Down And Think?”* by Oliver Burkeman “Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.” - Thomas Edison “’All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone,’ wrote the French philosopher Blaise Pascal. It's a line repeated so frequently, in the era of smartphones and social media, that it's easy to forget how striking it is that he wrote it in the 1600s. Back then, a sentence such as "Yo is a messaging app that enables iPhone and Android users ... more »

"You're In A Lion Fight..." (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
"It's good to be scared. It means you still have something to lose. So chin up. Put your shoulders back, walk proud, strut a little. Don't lick your wounds: celebrate them. The scars you bear are the signs of a competitor. You're in a lion fight. Just because you didn't win doesn't mean you don't know how to roar." - "Dr. Meredith Grey", "Grey's Anatomy"

Free Download: Orison Swett Marden, “The Joys of Living” (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
*“The Joys of Living”* by Orison Swett Marden “Resolve every morning that you will get the most out of that day, not of some day in the future, when you are better off, when you have a family, when your children are grown up, when you have overcome your difficulties. You never will overcome them all. You will never be able to eliminate all the things which annoy, trouble, and cause friction in your life. You will never get rid of all the little enemies of your happiness, the hundred and one little annoyances, but you can make the most of things as they are. The reason why our liv... more »

Israel Denies Easter Travel Permits To Gaza Christians; UN Calls For Investigation Into Deaths At The Gaza Fence On Good Friday

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 17 hours ago
“Thousands of Palestinians marched to Gaza’s border with Israel earlier Friday to protest the long-standing blockade of the enclave. A … Continue reading →

UK: Appeal For Info-Footage In New Malden Murder Of Russian Exile

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 17 hours ago
Eight days after the Skripals were poisoned, another Russian was found dead at home of “compression to the neck“. The … Continue reading →

Walking the medieval way

Peter at Bayou Renaissance Man - 17 hours ago
YouTube user Roland Warzecha has produced an interesting video on this subject. He's disabled embedding, but you can view it at this link. Recommended. He's listed the video as "outdated", saying: I have learned a lot about this topic ever since this video was recorded, and consider the presentation incomplete now, which is why it is not listed any more. However, his updated video is restricted to his Patreon subscribers, and isn't available for public viewing; therefore, I've chosen to link the earlier version. Even if he regards it as "incomplete", it's an interesting conc... more »

"Never Deceived..." (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago
"We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves." - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

"Weekly Fukushima Update, March 31, 2018: 16,589.4 Hiroshima Bombs Today, More Tomorrow" (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago
*"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”* - Shiva *Updated March 31, 2018: Fukushima Equals 16,589.4 Hiroshima Bombs Today, More Tomorrow; There is No Place On Earth to Escape the Rad: *The 3 melted-through cores of the destroyed reactors, now melted together into a single "corium" totaling over *600 tons*, at Fukushima *daily* release the radioactive equivalent of 6.45 Hiroshima bombs directly into the atmosphere and the Pacific Ocean. As of March 24, 2018 - 2,572 days since the disaster began - this equals the detonation of *16,589.4* Hiroshima atomic bombs and it is st... more »

"What If All the Cheap Stuff Goes Away?" (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago
*"What If All the Cheap Stuff Goes Away?"* by Charles Hugh-Smith "Nothing stays the same in dynamic systems, and it’s inevitable that the current glut of low costs/cheap stuff will give way to scarcities that cannot be filled at current low prices. One of the books I just finished reading is “The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease, and the End of an Empire.” The thesis of the book is fascinating to those of us interested in the rise and fall of empires: Rome expanded for many reasons, but one that is overlooked was the good fortune of an era of moderate weather from around 200 BC to 15... more »

Tune In to The Jenny McCarthy Show 4/3 as Age of Autism's Kim Rossi Co-Hosts

Age of Autism at AGE OF AUTISM - 19 hours ago
Hi, friends. I'm so pleased to announce that I have the honor of co-hosting Jenny McCarthy's radio program on Sirius Stars 109 this Tuesday, April 3rd from 10 - noon EDT. Here is a link for a FREE 30 day...

Early April Fools Flawed Whooping Cough Vaccine Not Responsible for Resurgence of Disease

Age of Autism at AGE OF AUTISM - 19 hours ago
Direct from the Tobacco Science playbook.... never miss a chance to blame the unvaccinated for disease rather than, " an imperfect vaccine that confers slowly waning immunity." From MedPage Today: The surprising resurgence of whooping cough in the United States...

John Locke on the Pursuit of Happiness

Anoop Verma at The Verma Report - 19 hours ago
Portrait of John Locke John Locke, in his *An Essay Concerning Human Understanding*, says that the greatest good for man is to realize himself as an intelligent being. He relates happiness with the “highest perfection of the intellectual nature” and “our greatest good.” He says that by being good and happy we establish the “necessary foundation of our liberty.” His idea is clearly reminiscent of the Epicurean philosophers. Here’s an excerpt from Locke’s *An Essay Concerning Human Understanding* (Chapter 21: “Of Power”): "The necessity of pursuing true happiness [is] the foundation ... more »

John Locke on Pursuit of Happiness

Anoop Verma at The Verma Report - 19 hours ago
Portrait of John Locke John Locke, in his *An Essay Concerning Human Understanding*, says that the greatest good for man is to realize himself as an intelligent being. He relates happiness with the “highest perfection of the intellectual nature” and “our greatest good.” He says that by being good and happy we establish the “foundation of our liberty.” His idea is clearly reminiscent of the Epicurean philosophers. Here’s an excerpt from Locke’s *An Essay Concerning Human Understanding* (Chapter 21: “Of Power”): "The necessity of pursuing true happiness [is] the foundation of liberty... more »

The end of nation states? Germans seeks EU federalization

Frank Sellers at The Duran - 19 hours ago
This proposal would provide Brussels the power to impose policy and implement strategies that might otherwise face serious objection from some other EU member nations More The post The end of nation states? Germans seeks EU federalization appeared first on The Duran.

Tools to Spot the Spots

Hifast at Climate Collections - 20 hours ago
Originally posted on Watts Up With That?: Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach People have asked about the tools that I use to look for any signature of sunspot-related solar variations in climate datasets. They’ve wondered whether these tools are up to the task. What I use are periodograms and Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (CEEMD).…

People of Raqqa start uprising against US-backed groups – Russian MoD

Leith Aboufadel at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 21 hours ago
Col. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy, Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff, commented on the situation in Raqqa, Syria and Eastern Ghouta. The Situation in Raqqa The native Arab population began an uprising against US-controlled units in the suburbs of the Syrian city of Raqqa, the Chief of the General Staff Sergei […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Residents in Idlib call on Turkey to take over their towns (photos)

Leith Aboufadel at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 21 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:20 A.M.) – Residents northeastern Idlib took to the streets on Friday to call on Turkey to take over their towns in order to prevent the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) from advancing towards them. According to pro-opposition activists, residents in the Idlib Governorate town of Saraqib demonstrated in support of the Turkish military […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Palestine’s UN envoy calls on Security Council to act after deadly violence in Gaza (video)

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 21 hours ago
Palestine’s permanent observer to the UN, Riyad H. Mansour, called on the Security Council to “shoulder its responsibility and take opposition” in the wake of the deadly violence during the ‘March of Return’ protests along the Israel-Palestine border on Friday. Mansour made the comments in New York City, following an emergency UN Security Council meeting […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Syrian rebels attack Christian city in Idlib

Zen Adra at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 21 hours ago
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (9:25 A.M.) – Up to 5 missiles fired from rebel-held areas in northern Hama province hit the Christian city of Mahardah and its power plant. The absurd attack left no casualties with only minor material damage reported. The rocket assault might – most probably – have spurred by vengeance for Ghouta offensive. In […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Saudi Crown Prince says Assad will remain in power

Leith Aboufadel at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 21 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:55 A.M.) – During his three week long visit in the United States (U.S.), the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman sat down for an interview with Time Magazine in order to discuss several topics around the globe. In particular, Time Magazine questioned the Saudi Crown Prince about Syria and the country’s future. […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Syrian Army gives Jaysh Al-Islam ultimatum: “Accept deal or prepare for battle”

Leith Aboufadel at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 21 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:00 A.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has issued a final ultimatum to Jaysh Al-Islam in Douma that requires the Islamist group to accept the deal offered by the Russian Reconciliation Center. According to a military source in Damascus, the Syrian Arab Army demanded Jaysh Al-Islam either accept the Russian deal or […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Kevin LaGrandeur Interviewed on WGN RADIO in Chicago

Ethical Technology - 21 hours ago
“Is Artificial Intelligence Something We Should Worry About?” When it comes to Artificial-Intelligence (A.I) we always hear about doom and gloom, from job losses to a robocalypse; but could these things be just an over-reaction? Find out more by listening to this interview Kevin gave regarding this topic on The Mason Vera Paine Show of WGN RADIO in Chicago, on March 28, 2018. They covered the ways A.I will effect daily life & what we can do to prepare ourselves:

Latest YouTube Interview

Joachim Hagopian at American Empire Exposed - 21 hours ago
Below is a link to the latest interview I did with Sherry Beall's A Right to Know internet talk show. For just over an hour we focus on and dissect the global child sex trafficking network, providing an overview of the pedophilia epidemic covering all the interlocking Luciferian players. I'm currently wrapping up the *Pedophilia & Empire* chapter exposing the anatomy of the grooming pedophile Penn State Coach Jerry Sandusky. Bio Joachim Hagopia... more »

Ghana Is Getting Nothing For Being The Pentagon’s Puppet In West Africa

Andrew KORYBKO at - 21 hours ago
The US’ interest in Ghana stems from the country’s relative stability as an island of peace in a region largely beset by terrorist attacks and rebel insurgencies, with it being all the more attractive of a partner due to its dual mainland-maritime position in being a backdoor to the Sahel region. The post Ghana Is Getting Nothing For Being The Pentagon’s Puppet In West Africa appeared first on


Anon at Aangirfan - 21 hours ago
The 'terrorist-gangster' state of Israel was created by' terrorist-gangsters'. These 'terrorist gangsters' continue to carry out criminal and terrorist activity throughout the world. *HITLER'S JEWISH NAZIS - PART 2* /*HITLER'S JEWISH NAZIS - PART 1*

What’s the "Social Cost of Carbon?"

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
Nonsense is wonderful. It can mean anything. Let me give you our future reality. The whole carbon as fuel industry is soon to disappear in its entirety. This is no trick at all as we have long had the engineering to do it. And Tesla was not joking either. However i do want to observe that we likely want to burn a lot more carbon and keep burning it for centuries in order to build up the atmospheric carbon to encourage a strong greening effect. Then there is the little matter of our global deserts. They all can be progressively greened. We have discussed this extensively a... more »

Water-saving clay pipe irrigation system

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
This technology provide an excellent water delivery system for irrigated row crop agriculture. The string of pipe and water devices as shown are placed in the opened row along with plenty of sand. When the system is charged the surface will be damp but not necessarily leaking. The seed bed is laid on top of the sand base allowing the plant root system to drive down to the sand water interface and extract ample water. In this water is continuously available on demand only. Rather obviously this saves a massive amount of water. It is a natural addition to atmospheric water syst... more »

Researchers discover experimental obesity drug prevents development of kidney stones

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
So far we have slowed develoment of stones. Yet in a field largely ignored, that is progress. The field calls for extending this effort to a widerange of products to winkle out effective protocols.As least herewe have a protocol outlined. Diet improvement needs investigation as well. . *Researchers discover experimental obesity drug prevents development of kidney stonesMarch 17, 2018, European Association of Urology Scientists have found that a drug connected with fat... more »

Chemicals in lavender and tea tree oil appear to be hormone disruptors

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
The take home is that all essential oils need caution. That means occaional use is mostly safe while chronc use has the potential for unhappy side effects. Nothing eminently catastrophic here, but it does underline the fact that these are meant to be therapeutic and should not be taken lightly. Oil based delivery systems are quite effective as they bypasses the gastrointestinal system which will destroy most organics. . *Chemicals in lavender and tea tree oil appear to be hormone disruptors * *March 17, 2018, The Endocrine Society* * more »

Mr Trump sells veterans at auction to private entities

Brother Jonah at Not My Tribe - 21 hours ago
Ahem… I’m older. 57. I get discounts for being a Senior AND a Vet. And I believe His Royal Stupidness is not morally fit to be a janitor. If you shake his hand, count your fingers immediately after, and since so many Drump Disciples are too stupid to understand that, it’s because he would steal […]

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 22 hours ago
*by Noah* Since both Passover and Easter are being observed this weekend, I offer this meme which illustrates the difference between Republican God and the other guy, or is it gal? Oh hell, I don't know. As far as I'm concerned, God must just be the Royal Galactic Emperor of Practical Jokes, very sick jokes at that. In my personal religion, that explains just about everything.

Russia Businessman-Informant Perepilichny’s Death Might Have Been Murder, France Says Resuming Probe Amid Skripal Scandal

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 22 hours ago
Source: site «Crime Russia» ( “Russian businessman-cum-informant Perepilichny’s death might have been murder, France says resuming probe amid Skripal … Continue reading →

Report on Mammogram Risks and the Lack of Effectiveness

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 22 hours ago Advertisements

Taking Notes By Hand May Be Better Than Digitally, Researchers Say.

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 22 hours ago
Taking Notes By Hand May Be Better Than Digitally, Researchers Say : NPR

Tweets For Today

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
16 Palestinians dead, hundreds more wounded in conflict's worst single day of violence since 2014 Gaza war — AFP news agency (@AFP) March 30, 2018 Turkey started preparations for further operations in northern Syria: Erdogan — Reuters Top News (@Reuters) March 31, 2018 Vatican: Pope did not say there is no hell — BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) March 30, 2018 Russia's new little missile packing patrol ship is a pretty genius design: — ... more »

Jim Willie: There’s 30,000 Tons Of Gold Under The Kremlin (And The Russian Silver Rouble Is Real)

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Jim Willie: There’s 30,000 Tons Of Gold Under The Kremlin (And The Russian Silver Rouble Is Real) by Jim says the 30,000 tons of gold are spread out in 18 rooms, and the Silver Rouble will launch with some unanticipated surprises. Here’s more… – Jim Willie interviewed by Craig Hemke on TF Metals Report For your holiday weekend listening […]

Happy Good Friday And Resurrection Sunday!

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
May God bless you and your family! Have a happy Good Friday and weekend, Resurrection Sunday! – Isaiah 53:5 New King James Version (NKJV) 5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. – John […]

Why Petro-Yuan May Become Biggest Game-Changer of All Time in Capital Markets

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Why Petro-Yuan May Become Biggest Game-Changer of All Time in Capital Markets by The historic launch of the long-awaited trading of Chinese crude futures this week has stirred up a heated debate among analysts as to whether the new commodity product will prosper or flop. – Some market analysts expressed doubts over the success of […]

French President Emmanuel Macron Offers to Mediate in Turkey-Kurdish SDF Talks

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
French President Emmanuel Macron Offers to Mediate in Turkey-Kurdish SDF Talks by French President Macron has said France wants to mediate between Turkey and Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces in northern Syria. But Turkey has rejected the idea, calling the Kurdish militia a “terrorist” group. – French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday promised he would send French troops […]

Juncker’s EU Army REALITY: ‘Military Mobility Plan’ for 2025 Put Forward TODAY

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Juncker’s EU Army REALITY: ‘Military Mobility Plan’ for 2025 Put Forward TODAY by NICOLE STINSON,, 28 March 2018 BRUSSELS will power ahead with Jean-Claude Juncker’s dream of creating a “fully fledged European Defence Union” by 2025 with the unveiling of military mobility plans today. – Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc is expected to urge EU Member States to increase […]

Will China’s Petro-Yuan Dethrone the Petro-Dollar as King of the Hill?

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
TruNews Published on Mar 27, 2018 Today we discuss the significance of China’s newly unveiled petro-yuan and how it will be used to create an alternate global financial system, not controlled by the western elite. Later, we share a report about an inspirational speech given by Evangelist Nick Vujicic, regarding how Christians can grow God’s Kingdom […]

Lynette Zang: “Survive the Reset & Antichrist Sophisticated Socialist Bartering System”

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
TradCatKnight Published on Mar 27, 2018 TradCatKight Radio, Lynette Zang “Survive the Reset & Antichrist Sophisticated Socialist Bartering System” Talk given 3-27-18 (aprx. 1hour) – Special guest Lynette Zang joins me to discuss: latest push for cashless society, is the economic reset a certainty for 2018? looming signs of war, Fatima, false flags, being prudent in […]

Unproven Allegations Against Trump and Putin are Risking Nuclear War – Stephen Cohen

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Unproven Allegations Against Trump and Putin are Risking Nuclear War – Stephen Cohen by “Russiagate” and the Skirpal affair have escalated dangers inherent in the new Cold War beyond those of the preceding one. Stephen F. Cohen, professor emeritus of Russian Studies and Politics at NYU and Princeton, continue their weekly discussion of the new […]

‘No Go’ Zone: 100 Israeli Snipers Deployed on Gaza Border

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
“In 2001, Dr. Ariella Oppenheim, of Hebrew University, a biologist, published the first extensive study of DNA and the origin of the Jews. Her research found that virtually all the Jews came from Khazar blood. Not only that but Oppenheim discovered that the Palestinians—the very people whom the Jews had been persecuting and ejecting from […]

U.S. Army Leaders Are Calling For A Tougher And Longer Basic Training Program To Prepare Troops For Combat

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*FOX News:** Army mulls tougher basic training for out-of-shape, undisciplined recruits* Citing a disturbing trend of new soldiers lacking both proper discipline and physical fitness, senior U.S. Army leaders are calling for a tougher and longer basic training program to prepare troops for combat over the next decade. “We have every reason to get this right, and far fewer reasons not to,” Secretary of the Army Mark Esper said at the Association of the United States Army's Global Force Symposium in Alabama on Monday. “That’s why we are considering several initiatives — from a new ... more »

Picture Of The Day

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
A Sukhoi Su-30SM Flanker-C fighter during the Aviadarts 2018 international competition in Krasnodar Territory. © Sputnik/ Vitaliy Timkiv *WNU Editor:* The above picture is from this photo-gallery .... *This Week in Pictures: March 24-30* (Sputnik)

US National Security Advisor John Bolton Backs Terrorists

Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 1 day ago
*March 31, 2018* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Talk surrounding US President Donald Trump's move to appoint John Bolton as his new National Security Advisor has focused on Bolton's role in promoting the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq and the profound contrast his appointment signifies in light of President Trump's 2016 campaign promises to "drain the swamp." However, Bolton's appointment carries with it greater implications both to those apparently criticizing him as well as those attempting to promote him. Bolton has - for years - lobbied for a terrorist organization guilty of kidnappin... more »

The Right Enemy

LL at Virtual Mirage - 1 day ago
We all have enemies. It's a condition of life. Even in the semi-utopian socialist wet dream that was the book (and world) *1984*, the society was constantly at war. The prog enemy is "the rich", which is problematic because all of the prog leaders are "rich" by anyone's standards. They wear their pink hats and parade around holding signs displaying their reproductive organs and decry men, and "the rich", and whatever. h/t Woodsterman Then there are the Hogs who want to disarm all honest people in America. The Hog movement focuses misplaced rage and feeds the argument in the hopes ... more »

Israel turned Good Friday into Bloody Friday for Palestinians

Brenda Norrell at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago
Israel Turned Good Friday into Bloody Friday At least 17 Palestinians were killed and more than 1,400 injured by Israeli security forces during protests in Gaza on Friday, according to Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian representative to the United Nations.

A Synonym For American Conservatism: Hypocrisy

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
*AKA- Reverend Bukaki* The Southern Baptist Convention is made up of between 45,000 and 50,000 Baptist churches in the U.S.-- something like 15 million people. Heading it since 2010 has been stark-raving mad bigot, Frank Page, someone completing obsessed with homosexuality. He resigned Monday, trying to slither away unnoticed, and re-resigned Tuesday with this statement: It is with deep regret that I tender my resignation from the SBC Executive Committee and announce my retirement from active ministry, effective immediately. As a result of a personal failing, I have embarrassed my ...more »

Musical Interlude: Deuter, “Along the High Ridges” (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Deuter, “Along the High Ridges” -

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

Diogenes Sarcastica™ at Diogenes' Middle Finger - 1 day ago
** No Tuxedos Required ** *Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director*

President Trump Tells Advisers He Wants The U.S. Out Of Syria. Freezes Funds for Syrian Recovery

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Wall Street Journal:* *Trump Freezes Funds for Syrian Recovery, Signaling Pullback* *Order to State Department to hold off on spending jibes with president’s call for an early exit * WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump froze more than $200 million in funds for recovery efforts in Syria as his administration reassesses Washington’s broader role in the protracted conflict there. The White House ordered the State Department to put the spending on hold, U.S. officials said, a decision in line with Mr. Trump’s declaration on Thursday that America would exit Syria and “let the other peo... more »

Sheriffs Militarized Attack on Standing Rock Water Protectors with TigerSwan Funds, for Oil Benefits

Brenda Norrell at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago
Photo by Rob Wilson, Standing Rock 2016. Sheriffs Militarized Attack on Standing Rock Water Protectors with TigerSwan Funds, for Oil Benefits Police attack on Water Protectors reveals how law enforcement works for oil companies, and highly-paid mercenaries manufacture war By Brenda Norrell Censored News The National Sheriffs' Association lobbied Congress for more military gear,

Sherriffs Militarized Attack on Standing Rock Water Protectors with TigerSwan Funds, for Oil Benefits

Brenda Norrell at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago
. Photo by Rob Wilson, Standing Rock 2016. Police attack on Water Protectors reveals how law enforcement works for oil companies, and highly-paid mercenaries manufacture war By Brenda Norrell Censored News The National Sheriffs' Association lobbied Congress for more military gear, and brought in law enforcement from around the country to attack water protectors at Standing Rock in

"A Look to the Heavens" (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"These are galaxies of the Hercules Cluster, an archipelago of island universes a mere 500 million light-years away. Also known as Abell 2151, this cluster is loaded with gas and dust rich, star-forming spiral galaxies but has relatively few elliptical galaxies, which lack gas and dust and the associated newborn stars. The colors in this remarkably deep composite image clearly show the star forming galaxies with a blue tint and galaxies with older stellar populations with a yellowish cast. *Click image for larger size.* The sharp picture spans about 3/4 degree across the cluster cent... more »

"The True Measure..." (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"Place yourself among those who carry on their lives with passion, and true learning will take place, no matter how humble or exalted the setting. But no matter what path you follow, do not be ashamed of your learning. In some corner of your life, you know more about something than anyone else on earth. The true measure of your education is not what you know, but how you share what you know with others." - Kent Nerburn

Chet Raymo, “The Mystery of Life? I Don't Know” (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“The Mystery of Life? I Don't Know”* by Chet Raymo “Albert Einstein said, "Theories should be as simple as possible, but no simpler." At first glance, this may sound like a Zen koan, or a paradox. In fact, it is a profound statement that says more than volumes of philosophy. But first, a bit of background. From the dawn of time, people have resisted saying "I don't know." They looked instead for explanations in tribal tradition, sacred books, or the supposed wisdom of shamans, priests and prophets. The most common cover-up for ignorance is to invoke divinity. A storm that devastat... more »

This New Map of The World Shows How TOXIC Each Country Ranks. These Results Will Surprise You.

Yelena Sukhoterina at - 1 day ago
Just about everyone has heard by now how bad the pollution problem in China has gotten, but not many realize that may not be the most toxic country in the world after all. In fact, it doesn’t even make the list of the top ten most toxic countries according to new rankings released earlier this year. Pollution is becoming a more pressing problem each year as air pollution levels rose by 8 percent in less than a decade, and it is the reason for 7 million deaths every year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). To find out which countries in the world are the most and least ... more »

Musical interlude

Greg Fingas at Accidental Deliberations - 1 day ago
Arty & Mat Zo - Rebound

The Daily "Near You?" (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Greenfield, Massachusetts, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"How's Your Inner Beggar?" (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"How's Your Inner Beggar?" by Henry Makow Ph.D. "This being the weekend I am reflecting on the timeless question of human happiness. What do people want? Simple creatures, we want to feel good. If you can make other people feel good, they'll love you. But how many of us bother? We are too busy trying to make them make us feel good. We are feel good addicts, hoping to wring our happiness from the world. Food, drink, drugs, sex, money, power, love. In "The Power of Now," Eckhard Tolle has a story about a beggar who asks a stranger for money. The stranger tells the beggar to look unde... more »

"Just Where You Begin Again..." (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"When we're headed toward an outcome that's too horrible to face, that's when we go looking for a second opinion. And sometimes, the answer we get just confirms our worst fears. But sometimes, it can shed new light on the problem, make you see it in a whole new way. After all the opinions have been heard and every point of view has been considered, you finally find what you're after - the truth. But the truth isn't where it ends, that's just where you begin again with a whole new set of questions." - "Meredith", "Grey's Anatomy"

While Trump distracts, Pruitt pees in our swimming pool

Keith at musingsofanoldfart - 1 day ago
One of my greatest fears of this President going in has been a retrenchment on dealing with climate change and environmental protections. While other concerns have surfaced on his watch, my initial fears are warranted. Selecting Scott Pruitt, a state … Continue reading →

Why Climate Alarmism Will Probably Have to Really Hurt People before They Are Likely to Abandon This Nonsense

Alan Carlin at Carlin Economics and Science - 1 day ago
Climate alarmists claim to have all the answers even to highly technical questions concerning the electrical grid despite the fact that their predictions of catastrophic global warming have never happened and there is every reason to believe they never will. Their “answers” to avert this scare disaster are monumentally expensive and useless. One of the […]

“A Brief And Crucial History of the United States” (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“A Brief And Crucial History of the United States”* by Information Clearing House "Nightmare and insanity are akin: mysterious and involuntary states that skew and distort objective reality. One wakens from nightmare; from insanity there is no awakening. Whether Americans live in the one state or the other is the paramount question of this era. For two hundred years Americans have been indoctrinated with a mythology created, imposed and sustained by a manipulating cabal: the financial elite that built its absolute control on the muscle and blood, good will, ignorance and credulity... more »

What Does ‘Denuclearization’ Mean To North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un greets Chung Eui-yong, head of the presidential National Security Office, in Pyongyang, North Korea, March 6, 2018. (The Presidential Blue House/Yonhap via REUTERS ) *Uri Friedman, Defense One/The Atlantic*: *What Does ‘Denuclearization’ Mean to Kim Jong Un?* *A close reading of what the Korean leader reportedly told Xi Jinping in Beijing.* One of the oddest things about the current flurry of diplomacy with North Korea is that it has played out like a game of telephone: South Korean officials dined with Kim Jong Un in Pyongyang and then flew to Was... more »

Communist Dictatorship Urges U.S. to Join TPP “Trade” Regime

Alex Newman at rss - 1 day ago
[image: communist-dictatorship-urges-u-s-to-join-tpp-trade-regime] The mass-murdering communist dictatorship enslaving Vietnam is urging the U.S. government to join the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a pseudo-free trade regime that was set to ensnare a dozen nations around the Pacific rim under a single regional governance structure beyond the reach of voters. Blocked by President Donald Trump early in his presidency to fulfill one of his key campaign pledges, the TPP morphed into the nearly identical “free-trade” scheme known as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agr... more »

How America Succeeded in Securing the Palestinian Authority

Seth J. Frantzman at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Seth J. Frantzman* *Security, Middle East* [image: A member of the joint Palestinian security force stands in front of a bullet-riddled wall inside the Ain el-Hilweh refugee camp near Sidon, southern Lebanon] The Palestinian security forces were the first major success of the post-9/11 era at moving from civil society and institution building to security first. In early January 2006, a U.S. diplomatic cable warned that the Palestinian Authority was having “difficulty asserting its authority in Gaza and the West Bank.” It was being challenged by a plethora of groups, including i... more »

Russia and China Are Now Building Weapons Together

Dave Majumdar at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Dave Majumdar* *Security, * Should America be worried? Russia and China are drawing closer together as Moscow faces further isolation from the West. Indeed, the two great powers are starting to co-develop new weapons systems. One such example is a new drone that would be launched from a multiple launch rocket system. "Joint experimental design work with the Chinese side is underway," Tecmash Research and Production Group deputy CEO Alexander Kochkin said at the ArmHiTec-2018 exhibition on Friday according to the TASS news agency. While cooperation between Russia and China is b... more »

Why the M27 Rifle Is One Amazing Firearm (and Why the Marines Love It)

Task and Purpose, Christian Wade at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Task and Purpose, Christian Wade* *Security, North America* Don't let the critics tell you otherwise. After reading the article, “The Marine Corps’ Rifle is Super Expensive – And No One Knows Why,” I spent a few days pondering my response. I have spent almost ten years working to improve the USMC infantry rifle, and I think this article gets it largely wrong about the M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle. The Commandant of the Marine Corps was so impressed by the performance of the M27 in testing and the Marines’ confidence in it that he ordered Marine Corps Systems Command to purchas... more »

Could China Help Pakistan Make Its Nuclear Arsenal Even Deadlier?

Eugene K. Chow at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Eugene K. Chow* *Security, Asia* Pakistan’s nuclear missile program just got a major boost from China. Last week, Chinese officials confirmed the sale of a sophisticated optical tracking system to Pakistan. The nation has been developing multiwarhead nuclear missiles, and the infusion of advanced Chinese tech brings it one step closer. Optical systems are critical in missile testing, providing engineers valuable high-resolution images of a missile’s multiple stages that can be used to improve designs. The sale marks the first time China has sold such sensitive technology to a ... more »

Operation Teardrop: The Hunt for Nazi Germany's Top Secret Ballistic Missile Submarine

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *History, Europe* Thought to be carrying V-2 ballistic missiles, the U.S. Navy hunted for Attack Group Seewolf, a U-boat wolfpack destined for the U.S. East Coast. In the closing weeks of World War II in Europe, American intelligence determined that a detachment of German submarines had been dispatched to launch a cruise missile attack on the East Coast of the United States. The U.S. Navy deployed forty-six ships and dozens of aircraft to annihilate the incoming submarine wolf pack. The battle that followed saw hundreds of lives lost at sea, and showed American... more »

These Are the 5 Most Deadly (and Portable) Guns on the Planet

Kyle Mizokami at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, North America* They pack a punch when you consider their size. Firearms have a well-deserved reputation for appearing large and bulky. Long, thick barrels, heavy-duty receivers and banana-shaped external magazines often make firearms look burdensome to carry on a long trip, particularly by foot. Some firearms are designed for portability, or to combine two different functions within the same compact platform. The result are firearms that offer security and the ability to hunt or do a little plinking in the backcountry. *Ruger 10/22 Takedown Rifle* Fi... more »

How the MQ-25 Could Save the Aircraft Carrier from Becoming the next Battleship (or Not)

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, North America* Could this be the future of carrier warfare? The U.S. Navy’s fleet carrier force has no equivalent around the globe—but naval strategists are increasingly concerned that they have a range problem. Quite simply, deadly ship-killing weapons with ranges of five hundred miles or greater are proliferating across the globe, including the Russian Kalibr and Brahmos cruise missiles and the Chinese DF-21D ballistic missile. By contrast, the Super Hornet and Lightning fighters onboard the carrier have combat radius of only five hundred and seve... more »

China Sends A Message With A Massive Display Of Naval Power

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
© Planet Labs via Reuters *Kris Osborn, National Interest*: *China Just Challenged America in the Pacific With a Massive Naval "Live Fire" Show of Force* A U.S. Navy Carrier Strike Group has arrived in the Pacific in a show of force as U.S.-China tensions rise, China conducts a massive military exercise and U.S. warships sail within 12 miles of territory claimed by China. The arrival of the USS Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group in the region comes shortly after the USS Mustin, a U.S. Navy destroyer, sailed within 12 miles of a Chinese-claimed artificial island chain as part ... more »

Robert Mueller turns his attention to Russian contacts during the Republican convention.

Gryphen at The Immoral Minority - 1 day ago
Courtesy of Reuters: *Investigators probing whether Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with Russia have been questioning witnesses about events at the 2016 Republican National Convention, according to two sources familiar with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s inquiries. * *Mueller’s team has been asking about a convention-related event attended by both Russia’s U.S. ambassador and Jeff Sessions, the first U.S. senator to support Trump and now his attorney general, said one source, who requested anonymity due to the ongoing investigation. * *Another issue Mueller’s tea... more »

Class #5: Harmony of Confucian and Western Philosophy

David at LaRouchePAC Feed - 1 day ago
Classical Renaissance World Land-Bridge New International Economic Order Video of y--5wI5pi6Y *Broadcast LIVE at 2pm EDT on March 31.* Taught by Mike Billington, EIR Asia Desk. The role of Confucianism in Chinese history is key to understanding China’s current leadership in the creation of the New Paradigm. Within the depths of Chinese history, this goes back to the conflict of Confucius and Mencius against Daoism and legalism in ancient China, the role of Zhu Xi and the Song Dynasty Confucian Renaissance in the 11th and 12th centuries, and the Confucian views of Sun Yat-sen in the ... more »