Health + Medicine – The Conversation
Why are we dragging our feet when more automation in health care will save
From closed-loop ventilators to smarter vital sign monitors, automation has untapped potential to improveApril 20, 2017 -
Why your child still needs vaccines, even if you may not know someone with
Sleeping Beauty's castle at Disneyland, where a measles outbreak in 2015 led to children being sickenedApril 19, 2017 -
What Netflix can teach us about treating cancer
A tumor under the microscope. Cropped from cnicholsonpath/flickr , CC BY Two years ago, former PresidentApril 18, 2017
Politics + Society – The Conversation
Why environmental groups need more volunteers of color
Most U.S. environmental organizations are less diverse than this group of Californian environmental justiceApril 21, 2017 -
Theresa May's snap election gamble, explained
Theresa May, the prime minister of the United Kingdom, decided on April 18 to dissolve Parliament and holdApril 20, 2017 -
Trump and the history of the 'first 100 days'
Will history give Trump a thumbs-up for his first 100 days? AP Photo/Luis M. Alvarez The federal governmentApril 19, 2017
Science + Technology – The Conversation
Water, weather, new worlds: Cassini mission revealed Saturn's secrets
Saturn and its rings backlit by the sun, which is blocked by the planet in this view. Encircling the planet16 hr ago -
Defending science: How the art of rhetoric can help
Rhetoric can teach scientists how to effectively communicate what's going on in the lab to the rest ofApril 20, 2017 -
Calculating where America should invest in its transportation and
Which links are most important in road and information networks? Sahacha Nilkumhang/ TheApril 19, 2017
Environment + Energy – The Conversation
Why environmental groups need more volunteers of color
Most U.S. environmental organizations are less diverse than this group of Californian environmental justiceApril 21, 2017 -
There's a new generation of water pollutants in your medicine cabinet
Shutterstock Every day we each use a variety of personal care products. WeApril 20, 2017 -
The extraordinary return of sea otters to Glacier Bay
A sea otter floats in Kachemak Bay, Alaska. AP Photo/Laura Rauch Human beings have a long history ofApril 19, 2017
Zelo Street
Don’t Menshn You’ve Been Rumbled
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Arial} span.s1 {letter-spacing: 0.0px} Seth Abramson1 hr ago -
Ross Barkley - Sun Still Lying
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Arial} span.s1 {letter-spacing: 0.0px} span.s2 {text3 hr ago -
Theresa May Disobeys Paul Dacre
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Arial} span.s1 {letter-spacing: 0.0px} It was a21 hr ago
Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
Trump stuns Twitter with patriotic, yet curious, video celebrating American
President Donald Trump shared a video on his Twitter page that had production values that didn’t quite line15 hr ago -
Bill Nye: Trump would win reelection if he embraced climate change action
Bill Nye the Science Guy said President Trump would likely be reelected if he were to take up arms against16 hr ago -
Ronald Reagan’s son defends O’Reilly, asks if men should ‘sue for sexual
Michael Reagan speaks at a rally for Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle in 2010. Michael Reagan17 hr ago
Politics : NPR
Democrats Hope For A Win In Special Election In Montana
After tight races in Kansas and Georgia, Democrats are sensing an opportunity in next month's special54 min ago -
The Possibility Of Russia Meddling In France's Election
Ahead of Sunday's presidential vote in France, NPR's Mary Louise Kelly asks French political54 min ago -
Rep. Dan Donovan On The New GOP Health Care Overhaul Effort
House Republicans failed to coalesce around a health care overhaul in March. NPR's Mary Louise Kelly54 min ago
Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
L.L. Bean rebuffs boycott over granddaughter’s big Trump donation
A man wipes off the headlights of the L.L. Bean Bootmobile in the parking lot at the facility where theJanuary 10, 2017 -
Union leader who says Trump lied about Carrier deal refuses to back down
Trump tours a Carrier factory in Indianapolis, Dec. 1, 2016. Chuck Jones, the union leader who claimsDecember 8, 2016 -
Working, eating and sleeping at the office
The sight of workers sleeping on the job is common in China, where a surplus of cheap labor can lead toMay 11, 2016
Russia Sends Troops to North Korea Border
By: Nick Reilly Yahoo News UK Russian president Vladimir Putin has reportedly ordered troops and weapons to14 hr ago -
20 Of The Most Powerful Photos Ever Taken
By: anon67 Some of these photos are of truly historic moments, while others, are quite heartbreaking. World16 hr ago -
Russia Sending Troops, Tanks to Border with North Korea
(ANTIMEDIA) North Korea — Following China’s reported deployment of 150,000 troops to its border with NorthApril 21, 2017
Blogging for a Healthy Gulf
Mississippi Water Resources Conference 2017
This annual Water Resources Conference is hosted by Mississippi State University’s Water Resources ResearchApril 18, 2017 -
“Who’s gonna be adversely impacted?” - Comments from the Coast
Name : Donald Bogen, Jr. Organization : Bayou Interfaith Shared Community Organizing (BISCO) HometownApril 17, 2017 -
Introducing: Comments from the Coast
Here in the Gulf, every day our seas are rising, our lands are sinking, and our communities face bigger andApril 17, 2017
The Event Chronicle
Dr. Robert Schoch — Forgotten Civilization & Origins of the Sphinx
Robert Schoch has a Ph.D. in Geology and Geophysics from Yale and has been working in Egypt focusing on the12 hr ago -
UFOs Over Ancient Egypt? Revealing the Mysterious Story of the Tulli
By Theodoros Karasavvas The so called “Tulli Papyrus” is an enigmatic text that some describe as the13 hr ago -
The Mysterious Sealed Door of the Ancient Padmanabhaswamy Temple
By Ivan The mysterious door of the ancient Padmanabhaswamy temple is protected by two massive cobras14 hr ago
Bring The HEAT
Happy Birthday to the Grumman A-6 Intruder
On this day in 1960, the first flight of the then A2F-1 Intruder marked theApril 19, 2017
Blogs of War
Intelligence Analysis: Feedback, Bias, and Other Challenges
Dean Baratta, Chief of the Analysis Bureau at New Jersey’s Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness,March 10, 2017 -
Warren Ellis at Google
I'm a huge fan of Warren Ellis , his no-nonsense views on technology, and the way he weaves it allMarch 4, 2017 -
Counterintelligence in the Trump Era
William J. Tucker, regular contributor on counterintelligence topics for Blogs of War and Covert ContactFebruary 24, 2017
Couple get 27 toasters as wedding gifts
A recently married couple received 27 toasters as wedding presents.March 3, 2014 -
Injured tortoise 'back to his sprightly self' after wheels fitted
A tortoise has had his front legs replaced with wheels.March 3, 2014 -
Woman spent £150,000 on Diet Coke
A Diet Coke addict has spent nearly £150,000 on the fizzy drink.February 21, 2014
The residents of this apartment complex had an epic sign war
And it was about Donald Trump, of course.6 hr ago -
This is the story we imagine Jeremy Corbyn was telling schoolkids today...
A fairytale or a nightmare?6 hr ago -
John Cleese calls Donald Trump supporters 'the stupidest people'
His appearance on the programme went down well.6 hr ago
Jeff Sessions's attack on a Hawaii judge is an attack on judicial
Dara Lind / Vox : Jeff Sessions's attack on a Hawaii judge is an attack on judicial review itself &20 hr ago -
Sugar- and Artificially Sweetened Beverages and the Risks of Incident
Stroke : Sugar- and Artificially Sweetened Beverages and the Risks of Incident Stroke and Dementia20 hr ago -
Analyst Who Predicted Trump's Ascendancy Bets on Le Pen Win (Sid Verma/
Sid Verma / Bloomberg : Analyst Who Predicted Trump's Ascendancy Bets on Le Pen Win —&20 hr ago
The Hayride
New Poll Shows John Bel Edwards’ Agenda Is A Complete Political Disaster
Here’s a press release put out yesterday evening by Truth In Politics, the new political organization18 hr ago -
VIDEO: Watch This Shooting In Ruston That’s Caught On Tape
Thankfully, no one was hurt. The dirtbags that did it were later identified by police. From KNOE :18 hr ago -
Quote Of The Day, April 21, 2017
“I am still hopeful that once legislators really delve into the issue that they’ll see the19 hr ago
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - research • analysis • solutions
Listen to CCPA’s fourth annual telephone town hall
On April 4th, the CCPA held its fourth annual telephone town hall, which enabled us to engage in a liveApril 20, 2017 -
2017 Atlantic Student Essay Contest
The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives' Nova Scotia Office (CCPA-NS) is pleased to announce theApril 19, 2017 -
The "sharing economy": more than just a gig
CCPA-Ontario Director Trish Hennessy and senior economist Sheila Block unpack the first comprehensiveApril 13, 2017
Times of India
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI
Student-develops drone to sprinkle pesticides in farms
Playing a significant role in the overall development of the country, a student of Raichur AgricultureApril 21, 2017
Japan volcanic island may hold key to coral survival
ABOARD THE SCHOONER TARA, JAPAN: The key to the survival of the world’s threatened coral reefs may lie in -
Recycling-mad Germans turn to sharing to battle waste
COLOGNE: In a warehouse in the western Germany city of Cologne, bottles of deodorant and shower gel -
Whale cams reveal secret Antarctic feeding habits
SYDNEY: Whale cams have revealed the secret feeding habits of the giant mammals in frozen Antarctica
A need to reach out to the orang asli
WHEN an orang asli villager in Sungai Kejar of Perak’s Royal Belum State Park was asked how many people in -
Asean more than a club of 10
SOME of us think of Asean as simply a club comprising the 10 countries in this corner of the world, and -
Game-changing moves for a better future
A KEY objective of the 11th Malaysia Plan is to ensure the country’s poorest families can seize the
News24 Top Stories
- | EXCLUSIVE: 'It's not safe to be here, go'
Stationed at the entrance to a Cape Town club, clutching what appears to be a leg-length firearm, a man2 hr ago - | Anti-Mugabe election coalition takes shape in Zimbabwe
President Robert Mugabe's grip on power has faced little recent threat from Zimbabwe's splintered17 min ago - | Start of Angus Buchan’s prayer meeting delayed
As people kept on streaming to Wilde Als farm near Bloemfontein the It's Time prayer meeting1 hr ago
News24 Opinions
- | South Africa must look beyond individuals
The framing of the prevailing political protests in South Africa shows too much focus on the role ofApril 21, 2017 - | Jacob Zuma and the 7th phase of state-building
For the first time, South Africans of all backgrounds are united in a joint national project: defending the23 hr ago - | The ANC should be ashamed for giving us Hlaudi
I am a former employee of the SABC and my career started in the public broadcaster. The definition of newsApril 20, 2017
News24 Africa
- | Anti-Mugabe election coalition takes shape in Zimbabwe
President Robert Mugabe's grip on power has faced little recent threat from Zimbabwe's splintered17 min ago - | Kenyan army says it kills 52 al-Shabaab fighters in Somalia
Kenya's military has said it killed 52 fighters with the extremist group al-Shabaab during an early2 hr ago - | South Sudan's hunger crisis drives students from classes
In South Sudan, where hundreds of thousands are on the brink of starvation and famine has been declared in2 hr ago
Jon Rappoport's Blog
Analyzing Information in the Age of Disinformation
Analyzing Information in the Age of Disinformation by Jon Rappoport April 22, 2017 My “ordeal by fire8 hr ago -
My interviews on space-time manipulation
My interviews on space-time manipulation by Jon Rappoport April 21, 2017 In my collection, The Matrix23 hr ago -
The occult archetype called vaccination
The occult archetype called vaccination by Jon Rappoport April 20, 2017 In many past articles, I’veApril 20, 2017
Britain has had its first coal-free day since the Industrial Revolution
The government has pledged to phase out coal by 2025.2 hr ago -
100 dead and wounded after attackers in uniform storm Afghan army base
More than 100 army personnel have been killed or wounded after gunmen wearing army uniforms stormed a3 hr ago -
Meet Jack Fischer: Your new favourite astronaut who called this spacecraft
Excuse us while we go Google how to become an astronaut immediately.5 hr ago
Humans Are Free
List of REAL Assets That Hold Their Value Through Nuclear War, Social Chaos
How much of your money will only exist as a computer record on the day the global banking system fails8 hr ago -
10,000-Year-Old Mysterious Tunnels Discovered in Brazil — There's
Hundreds of tunnels — which date back at least 10,000 years — have been discovered in Brazil. Some of the9 hr ago -
Ex-DEA Spokeswoman: 'Marijuana Is Safe' — Kept Illegal Because It’s
Before the heroin epidemic became a nationwide problem, claiming thousands of lives, Plano, Texas, was10 hr ago
Truck and 3 cars involved in 'serious' crash on Cork's N40
A "serious" crash on the N40 link road near Mahon Point is causing traffic jams in the area. -
Gardaí seek assistance in locating missing man in Dublin
Gardaí are asking for public assistance in locating 44-year-old Christopher Doyle.46 min ago -
Labour calls for health minister to publish NMH deal with Sisters of
Health Minister Simon Harris has been urged to "publish all the deals and all the side deals"1 hr ago
The Irish Savant
' No other south American country has succeeded so successfully to integrate [sic] so many differentApril 19, 2017 -
Frightening times indeed
For the first time since the mid-sixties I believe nuclear war to be terrifyingly close. The Trump regimeApril 15, 2017 -
Fergal Keane: SJW extraordinaire
What a difference 22 years make. When I first interviewed Aung San Suu Kyi she was a humble Nobel PeaceApril 11, 2017
Amazon Sells Succulents, Apparently. Get 20 Unique Plants For $32, Today
If you like having green things in your home, but struggle to keep them alive, succulents are made just for31 min ago -
Seven Linguist-Backed Tips for Making Powerful Protest Signs
Today is the March for Science , and people all over the country are hitting the streets to protest all4 hr ago -
Why You Can't Always Trust Google's Top Featured Answers
When you type a question into Google Search , you’ll often get a complete answer right at the top of the13 hr ago
U.S. NRC Blog
Taking a Long-Term View on New Reactor Licenses
Scott Burnell Public Affairs Officer Since 2012, the NRC has licensed 11 new reactors in the UnitedMarch 22, 2017 -
Five Questions With Michael Weber
Michael Weber is the head of the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research How would you brieflyMarch 7, 2017 -
OIG Audit Looks at Security for Decommissioning Reactors
Brett M. Baker Assistant Inspector General for Audits An Office of the Inspector General audit of theMarch 1, 2017
Times of India
Science News - Times of India
Sunflower seeds source of potent liver carcinogen: Study
Sunflower seeds are frequently contaminated with a potent toxin produced by molds, and pose an increased1 hr ago -
Russian, American two-man crew blasts off to ISS
A Russian and an American blasted off from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan today, the first twoApril 20, 2017 -
Laziness can be contagious
Do you have lazy friends or co-workers? Their attitudes toward laziness and impatience can rub off on you,April 2, 2017
Trend – News from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Iran and Turkey.
Azerbaijani business delegation to visit Arab countries in July
A mission of Azerbaijani businessmen will visit Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE in July to establish56 sec ago -
Weekly review of Azerbaijani currency market
The official exchange rate of Azerbaijani manat against the US dollar set by Azerbaijan’s Central Bank (CBA40 min ago -
Wellness –
Do spicy foods cause stomach ulcers? Here’s the truth
Do spicy foods cause stomach ulcers? The short answer: no. If you’ve ever had a stomach ulcer, you’llApril 20, 2017 -
Young women with this disease may also develop an eating disorder
Young women suffering from coeliac disease, a chronic infection of the intestine triggered by eating glutenApril 19, 2017 -
Tell me about… Nerves that causes pain
I have been having pain in my foot and leg for some time now. The pain is intermittent. It is sometimesApril 19, 2017
The Star Online News Highlights
Police, MCMC urged to probe Zairil-Dyana 'fake photos'
KUALA LUMPUR: Police and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) have been asked to -
Death toll in Afghan base attack rises to 140, officials say
MAZAR-I-SHARIF/KABUL, Afghanistan (Reuters) - At least 140 Afghan soldiers were killed by Taliban attackers -
Teen, five others nabbed in attempted murder of priest in Air Itam
GEORGE TOWN: Six people, including a teenager, were detained as part of investigations into Friday night
Cygnus Cargo Ship S.S. John Glenn Arrives at Space Station
The S.S. John Glenn, Orbital ATK's seventh Cygnus cargo ship to deliver supplies and science for the1 hr ago -
You Can Still Catch an Earth Day Meteor Shower
Top off your Earth Day celebrations by getting outside tonight (April 22) and watching a parade of falling2 hr ago -
Voyager Documentary 'The Farthest' Premieres at Tribeca Film
A new documentary follows the making and epic journey of NASA's two Voyager probes, which set out in2 hr ago
After Bill Gates Backs Open Access, Steve Ballmer Discovers The Joys Of
A few months ago, we noted that the Gates Foundation has emerged as one of the leaders in requiring the10 hr ago -
British Columbia Winery Has Trademark Opposed By Pre-Packaged Foods Company
I have personally made something of a crusade as of late out of my position that the world's trademark13 hr ago -
Tech Companies Continue To Tell Courts To Reject Trump Travel Exec Order
Earlier this week we noted that 162 tech companies (including us) had signed an amicus brief for the15 hr ago
The Register - Business
Canada says yes to net neutrality – and no to Trump advisor, eh?
Important legal ruling divides North America Canada's comms watchdog has come out strongly in favor of -
Shooting org demands answers from Met Police over gun owner blab
What data did marketing agency subcontractor have access to? Following The Register 's report on the -
US surveillance court declined less than 2 per cent of applications
2016 figures show only 35 of 1,752 applications were turned down in part or full The US Foreign
The Register - Science: SPB
Lester Haines: RIP
Register Special Projects Bureau chief dies aged 55 It is with incredible sadness that El Reg must report -
US 5th graders have a pop at paper plane record
Close to claiming highest launch Guinness World Record A bunch of US 5th graders* yesterday came close to -
NASA's stadium-sized sandwich bag overflies Oz
So far so good for Super Pressure Balloon mission The NASA Super Pressure Balloon (SPB) which lifted off
The Register
Would you believe it? The Museum of Failure contains quite a few pieces of
Time to look back on those halcyon days of bad ideas, mindlessly hyped If you work in Silicon Valley, you -
systemd -free Devuan Linux hits version 1.0.0
Unix greybeards issue release candidate and proclaim init freedom Devuan, the effort to build a systemd -
China 'hacked' South Korea to wreck Star Wars missile shield
FireEye fingers Middle Kingdom infiltration teams Well-connected security biz FireEye is claiming Chinese
RSS Feed
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Two bandits from IS gang killed in Stavropol territory
One of them was trained at IS camps and came to Russia for organizing terrorist attacks52 min ago -
Cygnus spacecraft approaches ISS
An Atlas-5 rocket carrying Cygnus spacecraft blasted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, towards the ISS on2 hr ago -
Russian aircraft carrier The Admiral Kuznetsov to be equipped with Kalibr
During the modernization, all the electric-mechanical part will be repaired2 hr ago
Unexplained Mysteries
Ancient carvings confirm deadly comet strike
Symbols found at Gobekli Tepe seem to confirm that a comet struck the Earth in the year 10,950 B.C. ForApril 21, 2017 -
Mystery Leonardo da Vinci 'relics' discovered
Researchers in Italy have located two undisclosed 'relics' that once belonged to da Vinci himself.April 20, 2017 -
'Mega-constellations' could cause crashes
Concerns have been raised over the number of new satellites being launched over the next few years. RecentApril 20, 2017
WebMD Health
Home Birth Safe for Some, But Not All, Women
Certain factors make home delivery too chancy, pregnancy experts say20 hr ago -
Henrietta Lacks Film Highlights Research Issues
The story of Henrietta Lacks, an African-American cervical cancer patient whose tumor cancer cells changed21 hr ago -
Do Diet Sodas Pose Health Risks?
Study suggests -- but does not prove -- a possible link to stroke, dementiaApril 20, 2017
White Press Office Feed
Presidential Memorandum for the Secretary of the Treasury
Presidential Executive Order on Identifying and Reducing Tax Regulatory
President Trump Approves Utah Disaster Declaration
Today, President Donald J. Trump declared a major disaster exists in the State of Utah and ordered17 hr ago
Imagine Congress Filled with Scientists Instead of Lawyers
The March for Science , scheduled to take place this Saturday, could be the beginning of a whole new class1 hr ago -
Documentary: The Assassination & Mrs. Paine
A filmmaker is working on a documentary about one of the more intriguing and major figures in 20th century16 hr ago -
FBI + CIA Search for Wikileaks Whistleblower
PICKS are stories from many sources, selected by our editors or recommended by our readers because they areApril 21, 2017
Why Memphis Has Two Marches for Science
The March for Science happening on Saturday has some big ideological problems. The post Why Memphis Has Two14 hr ago -
What Has F8 in Store for Me?
Facebook showed off some nutty new tech this week at its annual developer conference. We unpack it with15 hr ago -
An Enormous Hunk of Ice Gets Stuck in Iceberg Alley
Tourists gawk at the glorious iceberg that appeared in Ferryland, Canada. The mayor remains unimpressed16 hr ago
A Costa Rican Volcano Sees Its Biggest Blast in Years
Poás in Costa Rica had its biggest explosion in years, while Etna keeps having a busy year and Nishinoshima19 hr ago -
The Wacky Physics of Firing a Ball Out of a Moving Cart
A classic physics experiment features a moving cart firing a ball into the air. What happens if you place23 hr ago -
So, That Asteroid Didn’t Kill Earth. Bonus: It Delivered Tons of Data
The odds of 2014 JO25 actually hitting Earth were around one in a million. But the odds of getting greatApril 21, 2017
A Costa Rican Volcano Sees Its Biggest Blast in Years
Poás in Costa Rica had its biggest explosion in years, while Etna keeps having a busy year and Nishinoshima19 hr ago -
The Wacky Physics of Firing a Ball Out of a Moving Cart
A classic physics experiment features a moving cart firing a ball into the air. What happens if you place23 hr ago -
Let’s Model Radioactive Decay to Show How Carbon Dating Works
You can use Legos, pennies, beans---whatever, really---and a six-sided die to model radioactivity. WhyApril 17, 2017
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