US Conducts Successful Field Test Of New ‘Nuclear Gravity Bomb’
[rt] As the world’s attention was on the first combat use of the conventional “Mother Of All Bombs,” the US17 hr ago -
Russian and Chinese Military Assets Moving Toward North Korean Border
By: already-happened Russia has reportedly moved military vehicles, including air defense systems (9K33 Osa22 hr ago -
BBC Reporting China Fears US-North Korea Conflict Any Moment
By: elysiumfire via The BBC is reporting China stating concerns that a conflict betweenApril 14, 2017
Blogging for a Healthy Gulf
$9.5 Million Dollar NOAA Fisheries Grant is Good for Science
In March, Senator Richard Shelby (AL) announced that the funding has been secured for a $9.5 millionApril 14, 2017 -
What We Need from the New Master Plan
Louisiana has a new draft of the 2017 Coastal Master Plan. The 2017 plan is focused on improving theMarch 15, 2017 -
Lies, Lies About Dams, and Permit Applications
Last year, GRN and Atchafalaya Basinkeeper commented on an application for coastal restoration thatMarch 13, 2017
The Event Chronicle
Benjamin Fulford: Warning from Japanese military police of possible April
Editor Note: Benjamin Fulford has issued a warning on his personal blog about a possible terror attack onApril 12, 2017 -
“The Truth About Vaccines” 7-Day Documentary Series Begins April 12th (Free
New “Tell-All” Docu-Series Investigates The “Pro VS Anti Vaccine” Debate So That You Can Make An InformedApril 12, 2017 -
Prospectus for the New Age
By Alcuin Bramerton All the important news is good. The universe is a friendly place which is designedApril 12, 2017
Bring The HEAT
World of Warships- Kitwar's Kuma Kraken
Kitwar has a fast and furious and very successful outing in the Japanese Tier IVApril 11, 2017 -
No Budget, No Training
Normally it behooves the services to stay detached from the political sphereApril 10, 2017
Blogs of War
Intelligence Analysis: Feedback, Bias, and Other Challenges
Dean Baratta, Chief of the Analysis Bureau at New Jersey’s Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness,March 10, 2017 -
Warren Ellis at Google
I'm a huge fan of Warren Ellis , his no-nonsense views on technology, and the way he weaves it allMarch 4, 2017 -
Counterintelligence in the Trump Era
William J. Tucker, regular contributor on counterintelligence topics for Blogs of War and Covert ContactFebruary 24, 2017
Couple get 27 toasters as wedding gifts
A recently married couple received 27 toasters as wedding presents.March 3, 2014 -
Injured tortoise 'back to his sprightly self' after wheels fitted
A tortoise has had his front legs replaced with wheels.March 3, 2014 -
Woman spent £150,000 on Diet Coke
A Diet Coke addict has spent nearly £150,000 on the fizzy drink.February 21, 2014
Watch this elephant escape from the clutches of a crocodile - with some
That is one brave crocodile. -
Salt Bae went to vote in Turkey's referendum and you need to see the
Salt Bae is not only an incredible chef – he is also a responsible citizen.3 hr ago -
We have important updates about April the giraffe's calf
We know whether it’s a boy or girl … and we know you’re curious. Just admit it.3 hr ago
N Korea missile launch fails, says South Korea (BBC)
BBC : N Korea missile launch fails, says South Korea — North Korea has attempted to12 hr ago -
Privacy group sues IRS for not disclosing Trump's taxes (Mallory
Mallory Shelbourne / The Hill : Privacy group sues IRS for not disclosing Trump's taxes12 hr ago -
WATCH LIVE: Violent pro, anti-Trump protest happening in Berkeley (KRON4 : WATCH LIVE: Violent pro, anti-Trump protest happening in Berkeley —12 hr ago
The Hayride
VIDEO: Cameron Henry On The State’s Budget Process In The Legislative
We’re showing you this for a couple of reasons. First, it’s an example of how the LouisianaApril 14, 2017 -
VIDEO: Greg Deichmann Did Somethin’ To Ole Miss Yesterday Kinda Like What
Specifically, he dropped da bomb on ’em. Not much comment needed on this bad boy. If you didn’April 14, 2017 -
Finally, JBE Is Getting Involved In The COA Mess In Baton Rouge
WBRZ-TV in Baton Rouge had an interesting scoop this afternoon about the burgeoning mess surrounding TashaApril 13, 2017
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - research • analysis • solutions
The "sharing economy": more than just a gig
CCPA-Ontario Director Trish Hennessy and senior economist Sheila Block unpack the first comprehensiveApril 13, 2017 -
A closer look at inequality and poverty among seniors
Poverty and economic insecurity among BC seniors is growing. Contrary to stories that pit generationsApril 5, 2017 -
Join us on April 4 for our annual telephone town hall
What is it? Join us (from the comfort of your own home!) for our fourth annual Telephone Town HallMarch 28, 2017
Times of India
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI
We should make efforts to provide justice to Muslim women: PM Modi on
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said that Muslim women are facing difficulties on the issue of11 min ago -
Nepalese president to start five-day India visit from tomorrow
"A high-level delegation comprising ministers, MPs and senior officials will be accompanying her. Her44 min ago
Recycling-mad Germans turn to sharing to battle waste
COLOGNE: In a warehouse in the western Germany city of Cologne, bottles of deodorant and shower gel -
Whale cams reveal secret Antarctic feeding habits
SYDNEY: Whale cams have revealed the secret feeding habits of the giant mammals in frozen Antarctica -
Mosul zoo lion and bear flown out of Iraq
ARBIL, IRAQ: Simba the lion and Lula the bear, the ailing last two residents of Mosul zoo, were flown out
A need to reach out to the orang asli
WHEN an orang asli villager in Sungai Kejar of Perak’s Royal Belum State Park was asked how many people in -
Asean more than a club of 10
SOME of us think of Asean as simply a club comprising the 10 countries in this corner of the world, and -
Game-changing moves for a better future
A KEY objective of the 11th Malaysia Plan is to ensure the country’s poorest families can seize the
News24 Top Stories
- | Ntlemeza vs Mbalula: Standoff
Hawks boss insists he is going nowhere, despite a second high court order and a letter of instruction to8 hr ago - | Zuma's Cabinet reshuffle was a long time coming - Sihle
President Jacob Zuma should have changed his Cabinet a long time ago, ANC chairperson in KwaZulu-Natal2 hr ago - | Dlamini-Zuma – ordinary citizen, VIP protection
Opposition parties have slammed the decision by the SA Police Service (SAPS) to offer presidential8 hr ago
News24 Opinions
- | Don’t forget who Trump is
It is a truism that to get the American public onside, all a US president has to do is engage in a military8 hr ago - | SA unites against its president
The protests against Zuma have brought together people of all races and social classes. This is our8 hr ago - | Faith communities and our moral crisis
Who can doubt that South Africa is in the midst of a worsening moral crisis through the abuse of power8 hr ago
News24 Africa
- | Security tight as Egypt Copts hold Easter mass
Egyptian Coptic Christians observed Easter Mass under tight security on Saturday with the ancient minority51 min ago - | 3 000 migrants rescued off Libya coast Saturday: NGO
The Italian coastguard and other boats rescued some 3 000 migrants from unseaworthy boats off the Libyan51 min ago - | As famine looms, US senators seek more efficient food aid
As President Donald Trump seeks to cut foreign aid under the slogan of "America First," two US2 hr ago
Jon Rappoport's Blog
Your life outside the Matrix
Your life outside the Matrix by Jon Rappoport April 15, 2017 This is a set of notes I made while23 hr ago -
My personal consulting services: creative solutions
My personal consulting services: creative solutions by Jon Rappoport April 14, 2017 I’ve worked withApril 14, 2017 -
The Monolith: How I put together The Matrix Revealed
The Monolith: How I put together The Matrix Revealed by Jon Rappoport April 14, 2017 In 1987, when IApril 14, 2017
Mass evacuation in Syria to get under way after deadly blast
More than 3,000 Syrians are expected to be evacuated from four areas as part of a population transfer that35 min ago -
Who was Emma Morano, the world's oldest woman who died aged 117?
The Italian died on Saturday.49 min ago -
Pope Francis prays for peace and those victimised by old and new forms of
Tens of thousands endured heavy security checks to hear Pope Francis celebrate Easter Sunday Mass at St1 hr ago
Humans Are Free
How the Rothschild-Rockefeller Empire Conquered the World
“The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.” – Felix7 hr ago -
Best of NASA's UFOs in Space - Compilation
This compilation includes many of my favorite NASA UFO encounters/sightings that I have archived over the8 hr ago -
We ‘Liberated’ Libya from an ‘Evil’ Dictator — Now It's Openly Trading
( ANTIMEDIA ) It is widely known that the U.S.-led NATO intervention to topple Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi in9 hr ago
John McGuinness: 'The real issue about water was not tackled at all'
The row about water charges still hasn't gone away. -
1916 commemorations taking place across the country
Events are currently taking place across the country to mark the 101st Anniversary of the 1916 Rising.5 min ago -
World Irish dancing competitors swap their pumps for their wellies in
The 2017 World Irish Dancing Championships come to a close in Dublin today but not before a group of the37 min ago
The Irish Savant
Frightening times indeed
For the first time since the mid-sixties I believe nuclear war to be terrifyingly close. The Trump regime16 hr ago -
Fergal Keane: SJW extraordinaire
What a difference 22 years make. When I first interviewed Aung San Suu Kyi she was a humble Nobel PeaceApril 11, 2017 -
Hope dies...
Whatever lingering hopes I had for Trump are dying fast. One retreat/betrayal after another. Using theApril 7, 2017
Bowflex's Crazy-Popular Adjustable Dumbbells Have Never Been Cheaper
$229 might seem like a lot to spend on a set of dumbbells , but these Bowflex adjustable models take up way16 min ago -
Puppies Love Your Baby Talk, but Dogs Don't
When you’re meeting a dog for the first time, it’s hard not to slip into that high-pitched, “goochy-goo14 hr ago -
Tomates Time Management Is a Super Customizable Pomodoro Timer for Mac
Mac: We’ve seen plenty of Pomodoro timers over the years, but Tomates might be the most full featured15 hr ago
U.S. NRC Blog
Taking a Long-Term View on New Reactor Licenses
Scott Burnell Public Affairs Officer Since 2012, the NRC has licensed 11 new reactors in the UnitedMarch 22, 2017 -
Five Questions With Michael Weber
Michael Weber is the head of the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research How would you brieflyMarch 7, 2017 -
OIG Audit Looks at Security for Decommissioning Reactors
Brett M. Baker Assistant Inspector General for Audits An Office of the Inspector General audit of theMarch 1, 2017
Times of India
Science News - Times of India
Laziness can be contagious
Do you have lazy friends or co-workers? Their attitudes toward laziness and impatience can rub off on you,April 2, 2017 -
NASA observatory discovers mysterious cosmic explosion
This source likely comes from some sort of destructive event, but may be of a variety that scientists haveApril 1, 2017 -
Farming on Mars? Potato shows way
March 30, 2017
Trend – News from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Iran and Turkey.
Azerbaijani banks change mortgage requirements
The banks, which are authorized organizations of the Azerbaijan Mortgage Fund (AMF), increased the amount1 hr ago -
3,000 refugees rescued off Libya coast: Italian coastguard
Some 3,000 refugees and asylum seekers have reportedly been rescued from unseaworthy boats off the Libyan1 hr ago -
Wellness –
Haemoglobin variants and thalassaemia
Haemoglobin (Hb) is a protein in the red blood cells that transports oxygen from the lungs to the rest of14 hr ago -
Here are 7 tips to keep your heart healthy
Heart disease and stroke are responsible for a quarter of deaths in Malaysia, and more young people are now14 hr ago -
New hope with haplo-identical bone marrow transplant
Having worked at University Malaya Medical Centre’s (UMMC) Paediatrics Department for 20 years, senior14 hr ago
The Star Online News Highlights
Father laments tragic streak of misfortune
KUALA LUMPUR: The father of four-year-old Mohd Aqil Azizan Mohd Azmil who fell to his death from the family -
74-year-old Datuk Seri in alleged land scandal admitted to hospital
GEORGE TOWN: A Datuk Seri businessman who was arrested by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC -
On Easter, Pope denounces 'oppressive regimes' but urges restraint
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis denounced "oppressive regimes" in his Easter message on
Exoplanet Discovery by an Amateur Astronomer Shows the Power of Citizen
You don't need to be a professional astronomer to find new worlds orbiting distant stars. Darwin30 min ago -
The Possibility of Silicon-Based Life Grows
Science fiction has long imagined silicon-based life on alien worlds, such as the rock-eating Horta from48 min ago -
'Star Wars' Turntable and Other Cool Toys Revealed for 40th
A ton of new "Star Wars" toys and collectibles are being revealed as we near the 40th anniversaryApril 15, 2017
This Week In Techdirt History: April 9th - 15th
Five Years Ago This week in 2012, Congress (apparently having learned nothing from SOPA) was pushing17 hr ago -
Copyright Society's 'World IP Day' Lesson: Give Us Your
Every year around April 26th, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) hosts a weird dog andApril 14, 2017 -
Oregon Cop's Inability To Keep His Hands Off A Resident's Phone
Oregon residents will be opening up their wallets and handing out $85,000 to a citizen and her ACLUApril 14, 2017
The Register - Business
'Tech troll' sues EFF to silence 'Stupid Patent of the Month
GEMSA, meet Streisand The Electronic Frontier Foundation is countersuing a patent troll that wants its name -
Infosys says it'll hand shareholders $2bn
Its stock price then dipped Infosys, Asia's second biggest software exporter, has promised shareholders -
Deeming Facebook a 'publisher' of users' posts won't tackle
Tackle the message, not the message-bearer Comment The Times is campaigning to brand Facebook a "
The Register - Science: SPB
Lester Haines: RIP
Register Special Projects Bureau chief dies aged 55 It is with incredible sadness that El Reg must report -
US 5th graders have a pop at paper plane record
Close to claiming highest launch Guinness World Record A bunch of US 5th graders* yesterday came close to -
NASA's stadium-sized sandwich bag overflies Oz
So far so good for Super Pressure Balloon mission The NASA Super Pressure Balloon (SPB) which lifted off
The Register
Apple nabs permit to experiment with self-driving iCars in Cali
Race to robo ride glory continues to heat up Apple is the latest player to enter the race to test out self- -
Leaked NSA point-and-pwn hack tools menace Win2k to Windows 8
Now anyone can hijack creaky old vulnerable machines at will. No big deal! Updated The Shadow Brokers -
'Tech troll' sues EFF to silence 'Stupid Patent of the Month
GEMSA, meet Streisand The Electronic Frontier Foundation is countersuing a patent troll that wants its name
RSS Feed
This feed from couldn't be loaded right now. You can try again, but if it still does not work you may wish to remove this feed.
Putin greets Orthodox believers on Easter Sunday
The great holiday of Easter has a special moral meaning, carries in itself the unquenchable light of faith,1 hr ago -
Matviyenko, Saudi Arabia's king confirm necessary joint fighting
The Saudi Arabian king spoke for further development of the bilateral relations in all directions1 hr ago -
Russia against use of chemical weapons - Federation Council speaker
However, Washington concluded that Damascus had used chemical weapons. As a result, the US military fired2 hr ago
Unexplained Mysteries
Ancient Americans set up 'feather factories'
Ancient Native Americans valued macaw feathers so highly that they went to great lengths to farm them. From23 hr ago -
Russian robot can shoot guns with both arms
Russia's deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin has insisted that the new robot is 'not a Terminator&April 15, 2017 -
Ireland alien abduction case still intrigues
Numerous sightings of strange objects in the skies above County Derry have been reported over the yearsApril 14, 2017
WebMD Health
Could a Daily Vitamin Curb Smog's Health Effects?
Small study suggests vitamin B might help, but reducing pollution levels remains the priorityApril 14, 2017 -
More Asian-American Women Getting Breast Cancer
Out of 7 nationality groups studied, only Japanese women didn't have an overall increase in the diseaseApril 14, 2017 -
Another Type of Mosquito May Carry Zika
Genetic fragments, but not live virus, were found; researchers call for more testing of mosquito typesApril 14, 2017
White Press Office Feed
President Donald J. Trump Proclaims April 15 through April 23, 2017, as
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Personnel to Key
President Donald J. Trump today announced his intent to nominate the following key additions to hisApril 14, 2017 -
President Donald J. Trump’s Weekly Address
The President’s Weekly Address is now available to watch on YouTube .April 14, 2017
Drug Testing Welfare: Giving Those in Need the Finger, Not a Helping Hand
It’s tough to get congressional Republicans on the same page these days. They just can’t seem to agree on1 hr ago -
Boston Marathon Bombing Cover-Up: A Conversation with Michele McPhee
For nearly four years, WhoWhatWhy has written repeatedly about the Boston Marathon bombing. In dozens of20 hr ago -
Will Turkey Vote to Become a Dictatorship?
Turkey is on edge ahead of a key vote Sunday that will determine whether President Recep Tayyip ErdoğanApril 15, 2017
Health + Medicine – The Conversation
Why addressing loneliness in children can prevent a lifetime of loneliness
Loneliness in adults is often a result of loneliness in childhood. From TheApril 13, 2017 -
Don't believe everything you hear about pesticides on fruits and
Three-quarters of Americans don't eat enough fruits and vegetables. Cropped from jwajennalex/flickrApril 12, 2017 -
Maximizers vs. minimizers: The personality trait that may guide your
A suitable disposition helps the medicine go down. Cropped from charlesonflickr/flickr , CC BY Do certainApril 9, 2017
Politics + Society – The Conversation
Six questions about the French elections
As France goes to the polls to elect a new president, observers are wondering if the vote will follow aApril 13, 2017 -
Venezuela has lost its democratic facade
Although the Venezuelan government has become increasingly authoritarian since the early 2000s, last weekApril 12, 2017 -
Do Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have too much power?
Donald and Ivanka Trump walk to board Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House, Feb. 1, 2017. APApril 11, 2017
Science + Technology – The Conversation
Is the Supreme Court acting less like a court?
Have the Supreme Court's rulings changed over time? UpstateNYer , CC BY-SA As the pinnacle of theApril 12, 2017 -
Fishing for DNA: Free-floating eDNA identifies presence and abundance of
Fish leave bits of DNA behind that researchers can collect. Mark Stoeckle/Diane Rome Peebles images , CC BYApril 12, 2017 -
Is there room for broadband in the Trump infrastructure agenda?
There's still a lot of the U.S. waiting to be wired up. asharkyu/ A promise to restoreApril 11, 2017
Environment + Energy – The Conversation
Make our soil great again
Healthy soil from an Oregon farm. Aaron Roth, NRCS/Flickr , CC BY-ND Most of us don’t think much aboutApril 14, 2017 -
In planned EPA cuts, US to lose vital connection to at-risk communities
Activists, federal workers and union representatives rallied for environmental protection policies at theApril 12, 2017 -
Fracking comes to the Arctic in a new Alaska oil boom
Trans-Alaska Pipeline, northern Brooks Range, Alaska. U.S.Geological Survey/Flickr Arctic lands and watersApril 12, 2017
Zelo Street
Theresa May’s Brexit Delusion
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Arial} span.s1 {letter-spacing: 0.0px} As has become1 hr ago -
Press Nuclear War Claim WRONG
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: center; font: 12.0px Arial} span.s1 {letter-spacing2 hr ago -
Top Six - April 16
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Arial} span.s1 {letter-spacing: 0.0px} So what’s hot,3 hr ago
Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
Trump and North Korea: Climbing the escalation ladder
The speed with which Donald Trump and his administration have climbed the escalation ladder towards aApril 14, 2017 -
Trump Easter Egg Roll to kick off with a golden flair
President Trump’s White House will host its first Easter Egg Roll on Monday, continuing a tradition datingApril 14, 2017 -
‘Fox & Friends’ uses Toby Keith soundtrack for ‘mother of all bombs
The “Fox & Friends” crew was criticized on Friday after playing Toby Keith’s “Courtesy of the Red, WhiteApril 14, 2017
Politics : NPR
Protesters Call For Release Of Trump's Taxes
Protesters around the country demanded President Trump release his taxes. In Florida, protesters were near34 min ago -
A Conservative Roundtable On Trump's Foreign Policy Reversals
NPR's Lulu Garcia Navarro talks with David Adesnik of the Foreign Policy Initiative and Scott McConnell34 min ago -
Trump Spending Easter Weekend At Mar-A-Lago
Lulu Garcia-Navarro talks to reporter Julie Hirschfeld Davis of The New York Times from Mar-a-Lago, where34 min ago
Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
L.L. Bean rebuffs boycott over granddaughter’s big Trump donation
A man wipes off the headlights of the L.L. Bean Bootmobile in the parking lot at the facility where theJanuary 10, 2017 -
Union leader who says Trump lied about Carrier deal refuses to back down
Trump tours a Carrier factory in Indianapolis, Dec. 1, 2016. Chuck Jones, the union leader who claimsDecember 8, 2016 -
Working, eating and sleeping at the office
The sight of workers sleeping on the job is common in China, where a surplus of cheap labor can lead toMay 11, 2016
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