Thursday, May 26, 2016

26 May - Netvibes IV

English: Sabine Pass, TX, September 22, 2008 -...English: Sabine Pass, TX, September 22, 2008 -- These people are living in a tent on their property because their home in uninhabitable in the wake of hurricane Ike. Photo by: Liz Roll/FEMA (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Geodesic domes of the Emergency Communities &q...Geodesic domes of the Emergency Communities "tent city" in devastated St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: an incon to indicate that there is a ...English: an incon to indicate that there is a widget. see opera browser/widget (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This page title has been changed to distinguish it from the Netvibes  News feed blogged as Netvibes II  ( and I note now the irony of that choice )
Like I through V, it is available to the public in real time

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