
- To the Governor’s Desk: Connecticut Right to Try Act Rejects Some FDA Restrictions on Terminal Patients 17:18
- To the Governor’s Desk: Alaska Bill Would Allow Parents to Opt Kids Out of Common Core Testing 16:44
- Oregon Hemp Market Already Showing Signs of Growth with Relaxed Rules in Place 11:00
- What the Constitution Says About Federal Land Holdings 10:44
- To the Governor’s Desk: Sweeping Vermont Privacy Bill Passes; Would Hinder Several Federal Surveillance Programs 09:00
- Massachusetts Anti-Common Core Activists Fight to Put the Issue on the Ballot in November 08:30
- The Militia, the People and the Right to Bear Arms 9 May
- Tribute for Zion 9 May
- Judge Rules CIA Can Go on Trial for Barbaric Interrogation Methods 9 May
- States Push Back 9 May
- Florida Professor Stands for Free Speech 9 May
- Trilats Maintain Press Stranglehold; TC Meetings Confirmed 8 May
- Do Jews Want the Destruction of the White Race? 8 May
- Too Much Aid for Israel, Says Public 2 May
"Act of God" - OR - "...was caused or contributed by the negligence of others not presently known" - Whale Watching Boat company 11:28
Democracy is dead in the EU 9 May
Alberta Wildfires: But...but...but....could it be?! "Clearing the land" for uranium mining fracking? 9 May
Despite Palmyra Exorcism....Usrael destruction of Syria Continues 8 May
The Assassination of JFK Jr. 6 May
Russian Orchestra has concert at recently liberated Palmyra ruins 5 May
Trump Invictus? - Indiana Primary Postmortem 5 May
- The Man WHo Leaked Israel's Nuclear Secrets, Mordechai Vanunu, Is Back in Court for Violating His Parole 11:44
- Commander of Secretive AFTAC Nuclear Test Monitoring Unit Suspended From Command 05:12
- Iran Has Conducted Another Long-Range Missile Test 05:04
- Russia Planning to Deploy World's Largest ICBM by 2018 05:00
- Russian Army Has Set Up Forward Operating Base in Syrian City of Palmyra 04:58
- Pentagon Busy Hardening Key Military and Intelligence Satellites 04:53
- Faster Pace of North Korean Missile and Nuclear Weapons Testing a Major Cause of Concern 04:47
- Naval Tejas has completed ski-jump tests 22:01
- Iran says its S-300 air defense system is now deployed 21:51
- Thales Scorpion selected for Spain’s Hornets 20:46
- Super Hornet, Growler gain new tricks with latest software package 20:24
- All set for Sea Harrier’s sunset today 20:13
- Romania to become the newest operator of AIM-120 19:07
- B-21 will get a name this fall 19:03
- Jacky Tong’s imminent retirement a cause for concern with a lack of competitive opportunities for lower-tier riders 9 May
- Goal rush: CSL scoring bonanza puts its average up alongside top European competitions, but off the insane pace of the Indian Super League 9 May
- Crops, clashes and cornerstones: the key points to take out of Hong Kong’s spring features 5 May
- An important guide: how to get through the tough end-of-season period in Hong Kong racing 2 May
- Slice of Viennese coffee culture a good excuse for afternoon tea at the Mandarin 2 May
- Baptism of fire for Joshua Wong and his nascent political party 29 Apr
- An open letter to Singapore: Hong Kong thanks you for one of the best races on the planet in 2016, the Chairman's Sprint Prize 28 Apr
- Newsbud: New Kickstarter Campaign 8 May
- BFP Exclusive- What is Cooking in the Bosnian Pot? CIA Director’s Visit to the Balkans 7 May
- Media Blackout Facilitates Federal Court Setting Dangerous Authoritarian Precedent 7 May
Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: Hastert Coverup Cemented in Place 4 May
- BFP Exclusive Report- A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities for April 2016 3 May
Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: US Role in Unfolding Coup in Brazil? 23 Apr
Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: The Israeli Propaganda Machine 18 Apr
- China slams US for sending warship near disputed reef 08:36
- Resurgent Russia marks Victory Day 9 May
- Tsipras defies protesters, austerity measures pass 9 May
- China’s exports rise, imports drop in April 7 May
- Japan, Russia to discuss peace treaty in June 7 May
- Senate committee recommends Rousseff trial 7 May
- US jobs report disappoints 6 May
- Trump wins Nebraska Republican primary 19:19
- Judge orders release of Bridgegate co-conspirator names 18:26
- Pilot broke all the rules to fly trapped animals out of Fort McMurray as wildfire advanced 17:56
- Trump wins West Virginia as he marches to nomination 17:39
- Bernie Sanders Wins West Virginia Democratic Primary 17:30
- Sadiq Khan Elected London Mayor, First Muslim to Lead UK Capital 17:01
- Cruz opens door to kick-starting suspended campaign 15:05
- Hillary Clinton's Support for GMOs Confirmed by Gates Foundation - NationofChange | Progressive Change Through Positive Action 19:53
- This Should Concern ALL Citizens! 02:23
- Personal Update - 5/9/2016 00:18
- To The DNC: We Demand Proportional Democratic Convention Committees 9 May
- Bernie Sanders’ Real ‘Political Revolution’ Could Happen This Fall: Sanders, Green Party’s Presidential Candidate? 9 May
- Last week's Vilest Republican Moments 9 May
- Open Thread - 5/8/2016 9 May
- One in five of world's plant species at risk of extinction 17:49
- Pesticide-free cities are possible! But there's more to it than vinegar 17:08
- Russia to test unstoppable 'Satan 2' stealth nuke capable of wiping out an ENTIRE NATION 17:04
- Ben Rhodes and the Fiction behind the Iran Nuclear Deal 16:40
- Nakba Week of Action: All Events 16:40
- This stings: Winter death rate for America's bees jumps 16:39
- Stop Developers from Removing Southwestern Willow Flycatchers from the Endangered Species List PETITION 16:19
- The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 120 7 May
- Redefining Money: The Praxis of Local Currencies 6 May
- Mountaineers For the Long Haul 6 May
- Airbnb isn’t Housin’ in Berlin 4 May
- Celebrating scott crow’s Little “a” Anarchism 3 May
- Two Heroes Off to Prison 3 May
- Questions and Answers on Workplace Democracy 3 May
- White Paper on Judicial Reform 22 Apr
- China-related jobs with PILnet (Global Network for Public Interest Law) 25 Mar
- Again on China's acquittal rate 22 Mar
- Position available at Amnesty International, Hong Kong (deadline: March 13th) 7 Mar
- Interesting study of patent litigation in China: is the conventional wisdom about protectionism wrong? 2 Mar
- New web address for Chinese court judgments site 1 Mar
- China's criminal conviction rate stays high 28 Feb
Twitter, Facebook and Google are anti-Putin resources 19:59
Brazil: The Brain and the Brawn of the Coup is abroad 19:53
Ugly London: The Mayoral Race 19:50
The Anti-Semite’s Best Friend 19:45
Clinton Campaign Lurches to the Right. “Overtures to Republican Leaders and Donors” 19:41
Victory Day over Nazi Germany: Western Narrative of World War II ‘Falsifies History’ 19:39
Panama Papers Goes Live with Searchable Database of Tax Evaders 19:35
- The White House Plan to Make the Suburbs Less Wealthy and White 17:27
- MIT Lecture Asks “Is Islamophobia Accelerating Global Warming?” 14:28
- Vaccines: The New Government Attack on Pregnant Women 14:15
- WTF: Man Throws Live Alligator Into Fast Food Drive Thru Window 13:15
- Cops Charge Scottish Man with Hate Crime for Training His Girlfriend’s Pug to Do a Nazi Salute as a Joke 11:56
- Seriously? Now ISIS Has a Choir That Sings Terrorist Threats… 10:44
- This Is What Happened to the Woman Who Painted Donald Trump With a Micro-Penis 09:25
- Whistleblowers Confirm Facebook Censors Certain Types of News Stories 07:00
- 13 Things the Government Is Trying to Keep Secret From You 05:09
- Pregnancy: cooperative paradise or conflict-driven battle between mother and child? 9 May
- Can one product really contain everything the body needs? 9 May
- Reading Trump’s Tea Leaves (Gonzo and Conjure ’16) 9 May
- Good Morning 9 May
- The War on Vaping 6 May
- Kids Are on the Frontline of Pesticide Exposure 14:03
- Does Monsanto’s Glyphosate Cause Cancer? 07:17
- Will New Toxics Law Keep Chemical Industry’s Dirty Secrets? 9 May
- No More Tanning Beds for Teens 9 May
- Off the Books II: More Secret Chemicals 9 May
- What are the biggest food policy debates? 6 May
- Busting Cosmetic Safety Myths 6 May
- Barrick denounced for Latin American operations inside and outside of their Annual General Meeting 26 Apr
- As Wente Gets Caught Again for Plagiarism, Don't Forget Her Racism and Rape Apologism 25 Apr
- Toronto: Direct Action Star of the Season 19 Apr
- Lack of Government Response Imperils Life of Site C Dam Hunger Striker 4 Apr
- Lack of Government Response Imperils Life of Site C Dam Hunger Striker 2 Apr
- The Petronas Project and the LNG Pipe Dream 29 Mar
- The Jamaican Maroons: Freedom fighters or agents of slavery? 24 Mar
- Treaty 8 Elders Visit Site-C Hunger Striker 5 Apr
- Submission regarding BC Climate Leadership Plan and transportation GHG pollution: 5 Apr
- Lack of Government Response Imperils Life of Site C Dam Hunger Striker 4 Apr
- Lack of Government Response Imperils Life of Site C Dam Hunger Striker 2 Apr
- The Petronas Project and the LNG Pipe Dream 29 Mar
- In memory of Land Defenders 28 Mar
Save Shawnigan Lake_Water Day Rally 2016 25 Mar
- The Massive Decline In Crude Oil Reserves 16:00
- What Environmentalists Are Getting Wrong: Articles of Interest and Commentary 14:25
- Reports Of A Unicorn Sighting: Is Commercial Cellulosic Ethanol A Reality? 29 Apr
- Terrorists, Nuclear Powerplants, and Snakes 20 Apr
- Natural Gas Bankrupted The U.S. Coal Industry 13 Apr
- Magical Thinking On Climate Change 25 Mar
- Update on the Progress of the Electrification of Transportation 15 Mar
- Brain cell watch: Cable star is dumber than lice! 12:16
- Fact watch: Fact Checker states valid complaint about Trump! 11:17
- ONCE AGAIN, THAT'S RICH: Factual errors and puzzling puzzlement! 08:48
- Invented fact watch: From New York Times lips to Mark Shields' ears! 9 May
- Trumpism watch: Parker says it started with Palin! 9 May
- ONCE AGAIN, THAT'S RICH: The latest new study on low-income schools! 9 May
- Pseudojournalism watch: Pacino weighs in on Trump's latest flip! 7 May
They’re Parking the Trains. And the Ships and Planes and Trucks… 10:36
The Days After Tomorrow 2: The Thunderbird Lesson 3 May
The Worst Reporting on Climate Change. Ever. (So Far.) 28 Apr
The Days After Tomorrow: Introduction 25 Apr
The Fall, and Further Fall, of Broadcast Journalism 22 Apr
Feeling the Burnout 20 Apr
O Blogger, Where Art Thou? 18 Apr
- Leonardo DiCaprio Stands With Great Sioux Nation to Stop Dakota Access Pipeline 10:24
- Does Glyphosate Cause Cancer? 09:51
- Marion Nestle: 8 Books on Farming and Food That Deserve More Attention 09:30
- One in Five of World’s Plant Species at Risk of Extinction 08:15
- Carbon Emissions Fall as U.S. Economy Grows 07:49
- 5 Incredible Species That Glow in the Dark 07:35
- Huge Win for the Oregon Spotted Frog 07:28
More proof the Clean Food movement is winning: Del Monte joins fast growing list of corporations eliminating GMOs from their products 11:17
Federal Judge: Obama White House showed “Bad Faith” in Global Warming Case 11:15
Federal Judge: Obama White House showed “Bad Faith” in Global Warming Case 11:15
Cornell University abandons science, goes all in for GMO propaganda and biotech corporate interests 11:12
Pentagon Whitewashes Mass Murder 11:11
Illegals Dwarf American Households in Welfare: “Obama Seeking $17K For Every Illegal Minor” 11:11
Unsettling Mass Die Offs: “Millions Upon Millions of Dead Sea Creatures Suddenly Washing Up” 11:09
Panama Leaks: When a rose ≠ a rose ≠ a rose 22:02
Headline of the day III: Gotcha comin’ and goin’ 20:07
Map of the day II: Most perilous places for plants 19:44
Quote of the day: World’s greatest sportscaster 19:00
Here’s what happens when editors are laid off 15:48
Poll facts of the day: Trumpsters want to believe 15:11
Headline of the day II: Indian catastrophe looms 14:58
- Trump “Master Plan” To Rebuild America Sends Shockwave Through A Collapsing Europe 07:11
- John Kerry Says to Prepare for "Borderless World" During Trump Jab 06:58
- Cruz and Bush Donors Dump Millions Into Hillary Clinton's Campaign 06:51
- Man kills 1, injures 3 at Munich train station, shouts "Allahu Akbar Infidels" 06:32
- Ryan & Priebus Planning to "Extort" Trump at RNC 06:16
- Facebook Workers Routinely Suppressed Conservative News 05:53
- John McCain Gives Up Fighting and Finally Endorses Trump 9 May
$185,000 in Federal, State Grants Doled Out to Grow ‘Kosher Lettuce’ in New Mexico 17:22
World Council of Churches Reps Detained, Interrogated by Israel 16:33
A Palestinian Christian Speaks Her Mind 9 May
Israel Above the Law: Collective Punishment 9 May
In the Name of the Profit: ISIS Oil Trade Revealed 9 May
Daniel Patrick Moynihan Proven Wrong By History (Or why you shouldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton) 9 May
The Blood of the Saints, Pure Evil, and Zionist Preferences 8 May
- Union in Decline: Almost HALF of Europeans Now Want their Own Vote on Leaving the EU 14:26
- “You’re a Sh*thead” — Video Catches Cop Verbally Abuse Innocent Man Before Snatching His Phone 13:37
- After FBI Announces Criminal Investigation into Clinton, Emails Mysteriously Vanish 11:30
- Islamic Cleric Kidnapped by CIA, Defends Convicted Agents — Calls them ‘Scapegoats’ for the US Elite 10:19
- BOMBSHELL: AAA Safety Foundation Finds No Scientific Basis that THC in Blood Impairs Driving 08:31
- Judge Exposed as Serial Molester After Thousands of Nude Photos, Some of Children, Found on PC 08:08
- Sheriff Says Cannabis Makes People Murderers Because “Rational Thought” Leads to Violence 05:44
- Good news for the only place on Earth where tigers, rhinos, orangutans and elephants live together 9 May
- Food Flows and the Integrated Landscape Approach 8 May
- UN-REDD Programme study highlights significant economic contribution of forests to Ethiopia’s Gross Domestic Product 5 May
- Paying for rainforests: current PLoS research on the economic valuation of ecosystem services 2 May
- Why more cities need to add up the economic value of trees 2 May
- Logging causes more forest loss than oil palm in Indonesia 1 May
- After Paris – Nature’s role in mission 1.5 degree 25 Apr
- Pop-up Hong Kong mall near border with mainland China could open in August 21:51
- HMV closes iconic Hong Kong flagship store in Central 20:52
- Get accredited! Hong Kong to unveil voluntary scheme for health professionals after police crackdown on beauty salon 09:30
- Chinese dominate list of people and firms hiding money in tax havens, Panama Papers reveal 08:48
- Hong Kong agrees to let Sichuan spend rest of earthquake donations on panda reserve 07:54
- Largest Hong Kong chamber of commerce bullish on mainland China despite grim predictions 07:45
- HK$115m up for grabs: Hong Kong punters queue into the night for tickets in record lottery jackpot 07:05
Aaaaand the white supremacists officially join the party 17:30
Maybe he can win without women #hemayhaveto 16:00
QOTD: A loyal blackshirt 14:30
They really hate Paul Ryan 13:00
Trump's brain trust 11:30
The Religious Right schism is growing 10:00
Two metaphors for the Sanders campaign, and a song, by @Gaius_Publius 08:30
- Reform the economy or risk financial crisis – that’s the message from the highest level 08:31
- Children with behavioural or emotional problems need to be supported not ostracised 08:29
- Apart from Werther probably winning Horse Of The Year, it’s hard to choose other worthy winners 05:50
- Enough is enough: Hong Kong’s radical lawmakers must end filibustering on budget 04:40
- How Hong Kong universities can give students the best start in life and help fix the education system 02:52
- Brace yourselves for a Donald Trump presidency 9 May
- Where is the proof of Hong Kong leader Leung Chun-ying’s abuse of power over left luggage? 9 May
- Gary Johnson wins Nebraska Libertarian Primary 21:45
- Donald Trump campaign approves chairman of the American Freedom Party as a GOP convention delegate, then retracts 20:15
- Libertarian Party Recognizes Two More Presidential Candidates; They Respond to IPR’s Candidates Questionnaire 13:34
- The Coalition Talk Radio: Darryl W. Perry Libertarian Candidate President Of The United States Voluntarist / Anarchist? 12:28
- LP News May 2016: Token Tips 11:15
- American Party Nominates Tom Hoefling for President 10:13
- Liberty Singer Jordan Page’s Infant Son Needs Surgery-Can You Help? 00:50
Last Week on Jadaliyya (May 2-8) 9 May
Egypt Media Roundup (May 9) 9 May
Black-Palestinian Solidarity - from STATUS/الوضع Panels 9 May
ممارسات الهُويّة القوميّة في التعريف القسريّ 7 May
رؤية السعودية 2030 7 May
CUNY Faculty Letter in Support of the Doctoral Students’ Council 7 May
Repairing America’s Broken Foreign Policy 6 May
- Dr Burzynski on trial. Cured patient protest 4 May
- Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics 4 May
- Famous Food Companies Caught Using Aborted Babies For Flavor Additives 29 Apr
- Breaking: Holistic Doctor Kills Family, Then Turns Gun on Himself (No Witnesses) 29 Apr
- Watch What Happens When Cannabis Is Injected Into Cancer Cells. This Is Mind Blowing 20 Apr
- All Monsanto GMO Cornfields Burned Down in Hungary 19 Apr
- US launched 4 airstrikes against AQAP at end of April 13:21
- US, Afghan forces rescue son of former Pakistani prime minister from ‘al Qaeda cell’ 10:10
- US kills Islamic State’s military emir for Anbar province 9 May
- Taliban claims to have ‘thousands of fully armed martyrdom seekers’ 9 May
- Osama bin Laden’s son says jihad in Syria key to ‘liberate Palestine’ 9 May
- Ayman al Zawahiri discusses al Qaeda’s goal of building an Islamic emirate in Syria 8 May
- 2 Romanian soldiers killed in insider attack in Afghanistan 7 May
- Turkistan Islamic Party advertises role in jihadist-led offensive in Aleppo province 7 May
- Report: Head of the Islamic State’s Sahara branch threatens Morocco 6 May
- Islamic State claims control of Shaer gas field, advertises spoils 5 May
- Islamic State concedes its fighters ‘retreated’ from Derna, Libya 22 Apr
- Uzbek al Qaeda battalion trains ‘commandos’ in Aleppo 20 Apr
- AQAP identifies two Australian fighters killed in drone strike 16 Apr
- Uzbek group showcases fighting Kurds in Aleppo 13 Apr
- Mumps Being Spread by and Among Vaccinated People 9 May
- Firefighters Are Still Fighting Deadly Flame Retardants 9 May
- Soil Is the Solution 9 May
- Why the Cancer Moonshot Should Be Heading Toward the Sun 8 May
- Superfood Trio: Ginger, Turmeric, and Carrots? 8 May
- Ugli Fruit Packs in Nutrients 8 May
- Grass-Fed Beef Pot Roast Recipe (Gluten Free!) 7 May
- Baby Gives Back: The Fetus Is Capable of Saving Mom’s Life 14:20
- Subvisual Subway: The Art of New York City’s Bacterial World 12:20
- The Antibiotic Apocalypse Explained 9 May
- How to make the Pharaoh’s Serpent 9 May
- Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer? 6 May
- Braille LEGO-Style Bricks Help Blind Children Learn To Read While Playing 6 May
- First Look at Key Stage of Human Development 6 May
- Your Navy Operating Forward – Italy, Portugal, Arabian Gulf 11:55
- @USNPeople Weekly Wire Rundown: May 9, 2016 9 May
- Navy Gold Star Program Remembers 9 May
- Our Shipmate SO1 Charles Keating Returns Home 6 May
- Navy’s Evolution of Power: Improved Combat Capability and Operational Flexibility 6 May
- Five Things to Know About Navy EOD 6 May
- Faces of the Fleet 6 May
- E-cigarettes helped me quit smoking, saved my life 06:53
- Cartoon: The real conservative 06:44
- Manning: How Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz fast tracked Donald Trump to the GOP nomination 9 May
- Stopping Obamazone is a natural fit for GOP 9 May
- Nanny state run amok in NYC 9 May
- Dear #NeverTrump, Hillary Clinton will increase Democrat composition of federal judiciary to 67 percent by end of first term 6 May
- Manning: Entering the new Dark Ages? 6 May
Family violence: 'If you leave me I will cut your head off' 18:35
House prices dip as Aucklanders flee 18:20
Naz gets intimate with the Bachelor 18:17
Viewers slam 'disgusting' Naz interview 18:16
- Mt Ruapehu alert lifted after 20C rise 18:15
Mt Ruapehu on alert after lake's 20C rise 18:15
NZH Focus: NZME, Fairfax merger talks: What does this mean? 18:15
WhatsApp now has an official desktop app for Windows and Mac 18:26
Hyperloop Technologies drops a new name ahead of its first public track test 18:20
Samsung’s new 256GB microSD card can hold 12 hours of 4K video 18:00
Google’s informative Now on Tap ad arrives 8 months too late 16:20
Jet.com begins pilot testing grocery deliveries for orders above $35 14:58
Mozilla is bringing back ‘Test Pilot’ for Firefox 14:13
Github Pages now have a dedicated SEO plugin to help you get noticed 13:39
- Hope fading for the reconstruction of the Iraqi state 21:54
- Who is Israel’s Biggest Enemy? 05:00
- Erdogan Continues to Squeeze Power Into His Hands 02:34
- The Battle of Aleppo and Western Humanitarianism – Playing at a Corporate Media Near You 9 May
- The Battle of Aleppo and Western Humanitarianism – Playing at a Corporate Media Near You 9 May
- The Future of South Korean Domestic Policy: If You Look a Little Closer 9 May
- ISIS-Israeli Relations: A Marriage of Convenience? 9 May
Niagara, Ontario Grocery Store In Thorold Plaza Accepting Donations To Assist Fort McMurray Fire Vicitims 21:06
Oak Hall Par-3 Golf Course In Niagara, Ontario Opening For Season This May 13th 18:37
Tell U.S. Congress To Protect Great Lakes Against Invasive Species 17:02
Stark Warnings From Ontario’s Environment Minister On Climate Change 15:22
Ontario Tory Leader Patrick Brown To The Premier: Autism Doesn’t End At Five 12:48
NDP MPPs To Hold Town Hall Meeting In Niagara On Changes To Autism Services 11:02
Ontario’s NDP Leader Calls For Moratorium On Wynne Government’s Cuts To Nurses 9 May
- Be My Guest: Photos Of Airbnb Hosts, Not Apartments, Affect Renters’ Decisions 00:20
- Motorola Solutions Opens Innovation Center In Israel, Scouts For Startups 9 May
- Ride-Sharing Startup Via Raises $100M; Revs Up Competition Against Uber, Lyft 8 May
- Public Transit App Moovit Launches Official Rio Olympics App, Integrates With Uber Taxis 5 May
- Study: Overweight Teens Are At Increased Risk For Life-Threatening Heart Disease In Adulthood 4 May
- Beepi Is Transforming The Used-Car Market With Online, Mobile Shopping 3 May
- Israeli Experts Help California Grow More Rice With Less Water 2 May
- 13,533,000 Reasons Trump and Sanders Are Doing Well 9 May
- What Are Those Conservative Principles? 8 May
- Hey Romney, Suck on These Numbers 6 May
- Paul Ryan is a Lying Flip Flopper 5 May
- Trump Will Beat Hillary 4 May
- Ted Cruz, Dead Man Walking–Indiana Open Thread 3 May
- Poking the Bear? Have We Lost Our Damn Minds? 3 May
- Lawsuit targets Obama administration for deliberate Freedom of Information obstruction 14:42
- America: No country for young men 14:39
- Presidential Elections: The Business Of Illusion 14:37
- Offshore Tax Haven Leak Implicates Seven-Figure Pro-Clinton Donor 14:18
- Clinton is largest beneficiary of Facebook donations 14:01
- Delusional Zombie Cruz Considers Reviving Campaign If He Wins Nebraska Primary 12:39
- Economic Collapse Logistics For The Government 12:36
- Fire in Fort McMurray: 90% of City Saved. Never let a good crisis go to waste 14:57
- And Moses said...Followers of Judaism to Iraq? 14:21
- Why are Canadian troops in Iraq wearing Kurdish flag? 09:54
- Kurds Call for Religious Partition of Iraq- Mosul & Ninevah Province after Capture 06:17
- Pentagon Admits US Soldiers in Yemen 8 May
- Will Free Speech Loving Canada allow Dieudonne to Perform at His Sold Out Shows? 7 May
- Breaking News: Heavily Armed Marines Arrive at US Embassy in Baghdad 6 May
- Court Rules EPIC Must Wait to Challenge Missing Drone Privacy Rules 18:45
- Dangerous driver loses appeal over gardaí accessing medical file 17:18
- Split Decision on NYPD’s X-ray Vans 17:10
- Sweeping Vermont Privacy Bill Passes; Would Hinder Several Federal Surveillance Programs 16:47
- FBI Seeks to Keep Its Biometrics Database Above the Law 10:41
- The Feds Call It “Research.” We Call It Violating Child Privacy. 10:39
- The three most, and least, trusted Australian industries for privacy 10:38
- Horrific video shows Taliban publicly killing woman over adultery (PHOTOS) 7 May
- Open the world of education to girls 7 May
- Almost 400 Teachers in Badakhshan Are Drug Addicts: Officials 2 May
- “Narco-State Afghanistan” Leads to Heroin Addiction in the USA 1 May
- Afghan mineral wealth being looted by strongmen, experts say 27 Apr
- Kabul Attack Kills Dozens, Including Women and Children 19 Apr
- Rape and brutal murder of 6-year-old Afghan girl in Iran sparks anger 17 Apr
Toto Has Moved! 3 May
Cooling Nuuk 2 May
Escape The Heat At Your Local Movie Theater 2 May
Charles Butler Interview – May 2, 2016 2 May
Massive Greenland Fraud Is Rapidly Growing 1 May
More Detail On The NSIDC Disappearing Ice 1 May
1995 IPCC Report Showed No Troposphere Warming From 1958 To 1995 1 May
- The Obama Administration Provokes a Legal Crisis — the War against North Carolina By David French 04:24
- The EU’s Kiss of Death by Judith Bergman 04:09
- Ben Rhodes’s Fiction Behind the “Iran Deal” by A.J. Caschetta 04:06
- Israel’s Anti-Israel Elites and Their Hatred of Israelis The truly sick society is that of the left. Daniel Greenfield 04:03
- Trump and the Republican Drama Obscures the Real Crisis The most important issue the new president will face continues to be sidelined. ... 03:58
- To Spite Israel, France Hosting Mideast ‘Peace’ Talks Without Inviting Pro-Israel Voice By P. David Hornik 03:53
- Obama’s Toilet Revolution By Mark S. Hanna 03:48
- Falana Condemns Army, Police For Human And Civil Rights Abuses 9 May
- Femi Fani-Kayode Submits Himself To EFCC Office 9 May
- CSNAC Urges EFCC To Investigate Alleged Abuse Of Contracts In Aviation Ministry 9 May
- Five Policemen Killed During Ambush In Rivers State Community 9 May
- Nigerian Troops Claim Big Success In War Against Boko Haram 8 May
- Niger Delta Avengers Force Shell To Evacuate Staff From Major Facility Near Bonga 8 May
- VIDEO: Emir Muhammadu Sanusi II On How $20bn Vanished From State Coffers Under Goodluck Jonathan 7 May
- Rashidi Yekini Lawyer Lied: The Truth Behind Rashidi Yekini’s Mother Condition 16:31
- Nigerians Attack Dino Melaye On Twitter Over UK PM David Cameron's 'Fantastically Corrupt' Comments 16:23
- N1.4bn Subsidy Fraud: How Accused Defrauded Govt Of N1bn-Witness 14:00
- Diezani Largesse: First Bank Executive Director Arrested 11:07
- Arms Scam: Yes, Badeh Bought N240m Property For His Son, Witness Insists 10:54
- EFCC Obtains Court Order To Detain Femi Fani-Kayode, Says Another Fraud Case Exists In Lagos 10:34
- Protesting Judiciary Workers Shut Down Courts In Ondo State 10:17
- Archivist Won’t Call “Torture Report” a Permanent Record 6 May
- HASC Favors Classified National Military Strategy 5 May
- Questions for the Record: Arctic Camouflage 5 May
- Judge Garland’s Opinions, and More from CRS 5 May
- Punishing Leaks Through Administrative Channels 3 May
- Judge Garland’s Jurisprudence, and More from CRS 3 May
- ODNI Revises Costly Declassification Rule 25 Apr
PM John Key thrown out of parliament 22:11
The US Primaries - 05/10/2016 20:26
The FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton 20:09
Stephen Cohen on Cold War 19:12
Testimony to the end of democracy in Europe 18:42
Focus on Chiang Mai, Northern ThailandIt always means so much more if you know a place reasonably well. I was last in Chiang Mai, Thailand... 18:09
- Whale Oil blogger Cameron Slater in court for trying to hire hacker to attack rival site 02:52
- Harvey Organ: The Decision Was Unanimous: ANOTHER RAID 21:11
- A Jagged Edged Rhino Horn: AGXIIK’s Forecast for Silver 18:00
- Wall Street Bankers Meet in Secret To Transform “U.S. Dollars Into Pure Digital Assets” 14:00
- Silver Manipulation Is On the Verge of Failing! – Fund Manager 13:00
- The Deutsche Bank Settlement is Meaningless – Jeff Nielson 12:00
- Precious Metals Every Bit as Explosive as Secretariat at the Belmont Stakes 11:00
- SOTT FOCUS: SOTT Earth Changes Summary - April 2016: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs 9 May
- SOTT FOCUS: The Truth Perspective: Interview with David M. Jacobs: "Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity" 8 May
- SOTT FOCUS: Bin Laden alive and well in the heads of US warmongers and gullible people everywhere 8 May
- SOTT FOCUS: Syria SITREP - 'Rebel' infighting, refugee camp bombed, ceasefire largely holding 6 May
- SOTT FOCUS: The Health & Wellness Show: Connecting the Dots - 6 May 2016 6 May
- SOTT FOCUS: Silencing Libya: NATO returns to the scene of the crime 5 May
- SOTT FOCUS: Behind the Headlines: Interview with Tim Anderson: The truth about the Dirty War on Syria 1 May
- BEST OF THE WEB: Insider report forecasts multi-billion-dollar profits from global riot 'contagion': Elites poised for global chaos? 14:48
- BEST OF THE WEB: Worldwide 'Immortal Regiment' marches pay tribute to Second World War heroes 9 May
- BEST OF THE WEB: Victory Day: American narrative of World War II 'falsifies history' 9 May
- BEST OF THE WEB: Pentagon plan: Convert Daesh caliphate into US-backed Syrian rebel redoubt 6 May
- BEST OF THE WEB: The storm of lies surrounding Syria's humanitarian crisis: Aleppo Is Burning campaign calls for Syria no-fly zone 4 May
- BEST OF THE WEB: The catastrophic events that have a high probability of leading to an American 'apocalypse' 4 May
- BEST OF THE WEB: NATO-linked think tanks control Europe's reaction to refugee crisis 1 May
- Quickies: The myth of the “perfect” body, how media portrays science, and praying potholes away 08:44
- Quickies: Tits, Worshipping Atheism, and How To Be Cool (as an 80’s Gamer) 9 May
- Skepchick Sundaylies! First Aid Tampons, Art Restoration with Nanotech, Teaching Sex Ed, and much more! 8 May
- Ken Ham’s Ark Park to “Debunk” the Happy Story of Noah 7 May
- Global Quickies: Ritual Killings, Honor Killings, and Restraining Orders Against God 7 May
- Bad Science: Circumcision Doesn’t Reduce Sensitivity? 6 May
- Quickies: OxyContin, the best PAC, and a “wellness” advocate facing legal action 6 May
- From the Bottom, Up: A Strategy for U.S. Military Support to Syria’s Armed Opposition 12:21
- ‘Bandas Criminales’ and a Post-accord Colombia 11:10
- Some Thoughts on the Possible Imminent Extradition of Chapo Guzman 10:51
- Of Pride, Falls - and Obama’s Foreign Policy 04:01
- Time to Bring Strategy to Molenbeek: No Need for Counterinsurgency 9 May
- U.S. Role in Afghanistan Turns to Combat Again, With a Tragic Error 8 May
- War Against ISIS Hits Hurdles Just as the U.S. Military Gears Up 8 May
- Prison Labor Strike in Alabama: “We Will No Longer Contribute to Our Own Oppression" 5 May
- Seven Days in Solitary [4/30/2016] 30 Apr
- Opening the Door 29 Apr
- The Human Rights of the Inhumane 26 Apr
- Seven Days in Solitary [4/24/2016] 24 Apr
- Seven Days in Solitary [4/17/2016] 17 Apr
- In California's Death Row's "Adjustment Center," Condemned Men Wait in Solitary Confinement 13 Apr
- It is the EU that is truly ‘Europhobic’ 03:00
- Brexit is no ‘leap in the dark’ 02:00
- The Human Rights Act is no friend of freedom 01:00
- The University of Bristol is now censoring student fiction 9 May
- UK Elections: no winners, no safe spaces, ‘no Corbyn effect’ 9 May
- Sadiq’s victory: so where are all the Islamophobes? 9 May
- The humbling of the SNP 9 May
- ISRAEL: Subterranean Success 9 May
- LEADERSHIP: Anticipating Avoidable Problems 9 May
- MURPHY'S LAW: NATO Has An Incurable Disease 9 May
- SURFACE FORCES : China Trains To Win In The End 9 May
- MALI: Same Violence, Different Labels 8 May
- MURPHY'S LAW: Vampire Politics 8 May
- INFORMATION WARFARE: Weaponizing Facebook And Twitter 8 May
Islamist rebels in France, Terrorists in Mali, Moderate Opposition in Syria 10:50
In Afghanistan, the US Is Accused of Backing Both Sides 07:25
Former Pak PM Gilani’s Son Allegedly Rescued In Afghanistan From AQIS, al-Qaeda Indian Subcontinent 06:41
Rasoul/Mansour Peace Deal Kaput, As Taliban Civil War Resumes In Helmand 9 May
Terrorists Murder Pakistan’s Most Honest Journalist—LUBP 9 May
Trump just exposed America’s dirty little secret–We Have More Debt Than We Can Pay Back 9 May
Obama Uses Pakistan, To Manipulate Taliban, To Create Demand, For Return of US Forces 9 May
300: Making America Great Again (Trump Parody) 20:09
Palestinians told to raise Israeli flags on ‘independence day’ 12:46
CIA director visits Bosnia – new state of U.S. war on Russia in Southern Europe? 12:36
India’s pro-US realignment a threat to Russia, China, BRICS, SE Asia 12:31
UK – Man Arrested After Training Dog To Perform Nazi Salute 11:59
UK – London “Muslim” Mayor Sadiq Khan Invited To Israel By Tel Aviv Mayor 11:59
UK – London “Muslim” Mayor Pledges ‘Zero Tolerance To Antisemitism’ As He Attends Holocaust Museum 11:53
MIT Lecture: Is Islamophobia Accelerating Global Warming? 20:18
Busted claim: data shows that climate induced sea level rise didn’t wipe out five Solomon Islands 13:49
Huff Post thinks Nuclear War might do More Damage than Global Warming 13:00
Actual press release headline: Sexy ideas won’t slow climate change if people don’t buy in and buy them 10:47
“Hillary Clinton’s climate and energy policies, explained” 08:19
If elected, Hillary plans to install ‘climate situation room’ in the White House 07:43
Federal Judge: Obama White House showed “Bad Faith” in Global Warming Case 05:31
- Bernie Sanders Wins West Virginia, Prolonging Race With Hillary Clinton 20:09
- 44% of DEMOCRATS/Vote for Trump if Hillary is Nominee 19:44
- Illinois man arrested for secretly recording cops while in his own home 19:41
- Central Bank Credibility Takes Another Hit 18:33
- Nader: The U.S. Political & Media System Is Designed To Obstruct, Silence Third-Party Candidates 18:01
- Ron Paul uncensored on $9 trillion Fed bailout - Wake Up Call to Americans 18:00
- Chilcot Inquiry Publication Delayed To “Avoid Embarrassing Tony Blair” 17:57
- Who I Am 09:10
- IPCC Busted as Google Reports Giant Leap in Search for “Chemtrails” 03:56
- All Possibility 03:54
- Eyelight 03:54
- How to Embrace the Unknown – The Power of the Unpredictable 03:53
- Prince: American Celebrities Are Never Allowed To Leave The Reservation 03:52
- Climate Engineering Fuels Fires Of Global Incineration 03:50
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