Thursday, May 26, 2016

26 May - Netvibes III

Improvised explosive devices found in a house ...Improvised explosive devices found in a house under construction in Iraq, utilising video cassette recorders as timers. ***CRITICAL INTEL UPDATE UC\\FOUO: Intel provided previous to this image is inaccurate - these are Long Range Cordless Telephone (LRCT) Base Stations - NOT VCR's they have a range of 48-150 Km and are used to activate Radio Controlled IED's RCIED and are the most common threat in Iraq 2nd to car alarm controllers.... BOMBJAMMER - V.I.P.E.R 0-1... (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Türk Yıldızları (Turkish Stars) at the Kecskem...Türk Yıldızları (Turkish Stars) at the Kecskemet Air Show. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: time delay improvised explosive devic...English: time delay improvised explosive device mounted in Phone transmiter (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Marines conducting a controlled detonation of ...Marines conducting a controlled detonation of improvised explosive devices in Afghanistan. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Original caption:Iraqi Police discovered this ...Original caption:Iraqi Police discovered this improvised explosive device Nov. 7 (2005) in eastern Baghdad and disarmed it before it could be detonated in a terrorist attack. Army photo. The IED comprises 4 large artillery shells plus an anti-tank mine, all connected together via detonating cord. This would cause the 5 devices to detonate simultaneously. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Improvised Explosive Device in Iraq. The conca...Improvised Explosive Device in Iraq. The concave copper shape on top is an Explosively Formed Penetrator. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) (  Public Page )

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