Thursday, March 31, 2016

31 March - Blogs I'm Following

10:30pm MDST

HUGE win for pro-choice in PEI (fern hill) at DAMMIT JANET! - 8 minutes ago
Well, that didn't take much. Just three-plus decades. A horrifying story of a woman needing medical care turned away from a Prince Edward Island hospital. A clever guerrilla poster campaign featuring a likeness (maybe) of the Island's most famous fictional character. Bunch of rallies and demonstrations. A scathing video on abortion access in the Maritimes. Oh, yeah, and a constitutional challenge. Today, the government of PEI threw in the towel on abortion. The Prince Edward Island government announced today that it will not oppose a constitutional challenge to provincial polic... more »

We Must Not Destroy the Constitution to Save It

David Limbaugh at The Stream - 29 minutes ago
[image: FILE - In this Dec. 2, 2015, file photo, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the Prince William County fair grounds in Manassas, Va. A U.S. judge is urging the Obama administration to protect from public disclosure federal court records involving the once-secret criminal history of a former Trump business partner. The case involves Felix Sater, a Trump business associate who had pleaded guilty in a major Mafia-linked stock fraud scheme and cooperated with the government. The AP reported in December 2015 that, even after learning a... more »

Trump’s Destruction of the Republican Party and the RNC Pledge

Rich Lowry at The Stream - 29 minutes ago
[image: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to supporters at his primary election night event at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla., Tuesday, March 15, 2016. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)] Donald Trump never ceases to amaze, but his answer at a CNN town hall about the pledge he had taken to support the Republican Party’s nominee was still jaw-dropping. Not only did Trump say that the pledge is null and... more »

Patrick Murphy Had A Bad 33rd Birthday

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 30 minutes ago
Yesterday was Wall Street errand boy Patrick Murphy (New Dem-FL) celebrated his 33rd birthday on daddy's yacht. The sometimes business-partner of Donald Trump had something to celebrate too: he just surpassed the one million dollar mark in direct-- not county his sleazy SuperPACs-- cash from the Finnace Sector. He is the *only* non-incumbent from wither party running for the Senate, who the banksters have already gone over $1,000,000 for. Florida voters who are unaware of Murphy's shameful record in Congress should ask themselves why he is Wall Street's #1 priority this cycle. Bel... more »

'Newsnight' "run by kids"

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 31 minutes ago
Well, I've seen it all now. First *Newsnight *had Emily Maitlis interviewing the Cookie Monster. Then it had Kirsty Wark made up as a zombie and dancing to Michael Jackson's *Thriller *for Halloween. Then it had George Monbiot cooking a dead squirrel for James O'Brien to eat live on air. And now, on last night's show, we were 'treated' to the spectacle of Evan Davis interviewing the farmer from CBeebies' *Shaun the Sheep *over the issue of 'what Brexit might mean for British farmers'. Unbelievable! When Jeremy Paxman said that *Newsnight *had been taken over by "kids" under Ia... more »

Full Metal Retard: CIA, Pentagon & Turkey...oh my

D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 46 minutes ago
When the US's associations with all these armed and trained "militias" in Syria becomes clearly seen by the public, they need to start the spin doctoring..... "Oh poor us, we just can't control these guys!! No No! it's not our fault!.... they're just soooo difficult to control!!" .... and then there is Turkey's role in all of this Terrorist" stuff, which is being now outed daily. There really is no hiding the fact that Turkey's government, led by the completely egomaniacle psychopath Erdogan, has been blatantly funding "ISIS" by buying their stolen oil and antiquities AND u... more »

Ancient Pyramids Were High Frequency Power Stations

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 50 minutes ago
We pick up a few bits here. I find it unlikely that Napoleon had much to steal after three thousand years of looting. More problematic however, a static energy supply and the apparent battery distribution system simply would never have been allowed to shut down. Further, there is no evidence any such thing existed during the Bronze Age when this pyramid was built. That pushes us back to Pre Pleistocene Nonconformity times or before 12900 BP. What it does do is establish a plausible reason for building the original Pyramid itself. Then why did it not work or did it work but remai... more »

Police in the United States Escape Prosecution on Civil Rights 96 Percent of the Time.

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 50 minutes ago
Police must operate to a higher standard. Failure been ignored creates a permissive mindset and this leads to our present situation where it appears that police are now running amok. That should never be seen to be true. Permissiveness regarding one standard leads to creeping permissiveness regarding other standards as well and discipline ultimately slips. It is the inevitable slippery slope that ultimately needs to be corrected by draconian methods including retraining. *Police in the United States managed to escape prosecution when facing allegations they violated civil r... more »

'Winning' is Trump's Electoral Strategy

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 50 minutes ago
When Trump announced his candidacy, I understood immediately that he had one massive advantage. He already had decades of brand building behind him. While every other candidate had to spend hundreds of millions just to be remembered on election day, he already had that recognition. That meant that his real risk was in establishing credentials as a potential president. If he could do that then he had to win as no one has enough money or time to overcome the name recognition advantage. Then he went to work and he deployed what even in hindsight looks to be an absurd strategy. H... more »

As Muslim Population Grows, what can happen to a Society?

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 50 minutes ago
For the paranoid, this is what it all looks like if nothing is done to counter all this. On the other hand once society does get the will to correct the worst tendencies all this stops been an issue. I really do not think that we need be rough about it with those in our society as they all become acculturated. What needs to be addressed is the abuse of hate laws under the guise of religion. That protects even their own adherents Otherwise this is the Islamic dream of hate run amok. The rest of the world is learning about all this and discovering that there remains no compr... more »

Israeli Company CELLEBRITE Is From Bergen, NJ: Same Place As The 911 Five Dancing Israeli's And Urban Moving

Big Dan at Big Dan's Big Blog - 1 hour ago
Remember the 5 Dancing Israeli's arrested on 911 celebrating the Twin Towers falling? Remember they worked for Urban Moving, and Israeli Company? Remember they were arrested in Bergen NJ? Recall the recent stories that the FBI hacked the San Bernardino (false flag) cellphones with the help of a company named CELLEBRITE. CELLEBRITE happens to be from - guess where? - Bergen NJ CNBS talking head just did a story naming Celebrite of Israel as the company that cracked the iPhone at the center of Apple's dispute with the FBI. Of course this is likely just a company with access to all o... more »

Role of reviewing judge on a certiorari from a preliminary inquiry

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 1 hour ago
R. v. Wilson, 2016 ONCA 235: [25] The scope of *certiorari* review is "very limited*": R. v. Russell*, 2001 SCC 53, [2001] 2 S.C.R. 804, at para. 19. In *R. v. Manasseri,* 2010 ONCA 396, 276 C.C.C. (3d) 406, at para. 28, Doherty J.A. explained: [T]he reviewing court does not simply redo the limited weighing function assigned to the preliminary inquiry judge. The reviewing court can interfere only if jurisdictional error is established. The jurisdictional error inquiry looks not at the correctness of the ultimate decision, but at whether the preliminary inquiry judge exceede... more »

Nunavut MLA missing for a week found alive on Baffin Island Searchers on Twin Otter spotted snowmobile tracks Thursday evening

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 1 hour ago

Musical Interlude: Deuter, “Loving Touch” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago
Deuter, “Loving Touch” -

Hopscotch Cop: Officer Jumps to Help Homeless Girl

AP at The Stream - 1 hour ago
[image: In this Wednesday, March 30, 2016 still frame from video provided by the Huntington Beach, Calif., Police Department, Officer Zach Pricer shows an 11-year-old homeless girl how to hopscotch on a street in Huntington Beach, Calif. Officers found the girl and her mother living in a car in a parking lot Wednesday. While other officers reached out to the department's homeless task force, Pricer turned to hopscotch to make the girl feel more comfortable, knowing a police officer can seem scary to a child.] HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. (AP) -- A police officer in Southern California h... more »

Correct me on strikebreaking and scabbing

SPJ at @ THE CHALKFACE - 2 hours ago
I’ve read what I can about the CTU Strike on April 1st, despite being on Spring Break and trying to forget some things for a while. This was an informative piece from Jacobin. I have many friends and acquaintances from Chicago who are participating in the day of action tomorrow. My entire family is from […]

Bombshell: Government Medical Chief Says MMR Vaccine Causes Autism

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 2 hours ago
A former UK Government medical officer has accused authorities of orchestrating one of the greatest scandals in medical history in deliberately covering up the fact that the MMR vaccine causes autism. Dr Peter Fletcher, former Chief Scientific Officer at the Department of Health, says the UK government have behaved with “utterly inexplicable complacency” in ignoring thousands of documents that prove the dangers of the MMR vaccine on children. “The refusal by governments to evaluate the risks properly will make this one of the greatest scandals in medical history,” Fletcher says. Da... more »

2016 Election Scandal: ‘Game Changing’ Info To Be Leaked In 72 Hours

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 2 hours ago
The attorney who represented the infamous “D.C. madam” – former Washington D.C. escort Deborah Palfrey – has warned politicians that potentially explosive information relevant to the 2016 presidential election will be released in the next 72-hours. Sibley says he has been sitting on numerous documents, including 815 client names (which names somebody currently in the Presidential race), for over a decade, in cooperation with a 2007 restraining order. However, Sibley says release call logs of his former client will become public record if he fails to reset a digital 72-hour countdow... more »

Tibor Machan: Sports and Doping/ Ethnicity and Related Nonsense

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 2 hours ago
[image: tibor_machan2-print] In tribute to our recently departed friend, I thought I’d begin posting a few of the many columns Tibor Machan wrote for our* Free Radical *magazine. He had a knack for writing very simply, but leaving you seeing the world differently thereafter… *Sports and Doping* WHEN MY GOOD FRIEND EXPRESSED to me his views on the doping at the Tour de France, I wrote back to him: "I don't care." He was a bit upset but didn't protest too much. Why, indeed, should one care about everything that's going on in the world? Economists' claim that there is no disputing... more »

UN Announces 108 New Alleged Sexual Abuse Victims in Central African Republic

EDITH M. LEDERER at The Stream - 2 hours ago
[image: In this Thursday, Dec. 17, 2015 file photo, Judge Marie Deschamps, left, of Canada, chair of the Independent Review Panel on U.N. Response to Allegations of Sexual Abuse by Foreign Military Forces in the Central African Republic, is joined by panel member Hassan Jallow at a news conference at the United Nations. On Wednesday, March 30, 2016, a U.S.-based advocacy group said 98 girls in Central African Republic have reported that they were sexually abused by international peacekeepers and that three girls told U.N. staff they were tied up, undressed and forced to have sex wit... more »

California Lawmakers OK Highest Statewide Minimum Wage

ALISON NOON & DON THOMPSON at The Stream - 2 hours ago
[image: Assemblyman Sebastian Ridley-Thomas, D-Los Angeles, center, is greeted by supporters of a measure to raise the state's minimum wage as he walks to the Assembly Thursday, March 31, 2016, in Sacramento, Calif. California state lawmakers approved the nation's highest statewide minimum wage of $15 an hour to take effect by 2022.] SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) -- California lawmakers on Thursday approved the nation’s highest statewide minimum wage of $15 an hour to take effect by 2022 after it was hailed by Democrats as an example to the nation as it struggles with... more »

Non-Fiction Review: One Minute To Midnight

Daniel Stack at 19th Level - 2 hours ago
I first read Michael Dobbs' *One Minute To Midnight* when it was first published, back in 2008. Both due to my general enjoyment of history and that I have an RPG campaign in the late 1950s (a few years before this) I recently listened to the unabridged audiobook version of this book. The impression I'm left with is amazement that humanity as a species survived the Cold War in general and the Cuban Missile Crisis specifically. Throughout the thirteen days of the crisis there were multiple points where war between the USA and USSR could have broken out - from the USA discovering... more »

As a teacher who busts his ass, why do these articles rub me the wrong way?

SPJ at @ THE CHALKFACE - 3 hours ago
Been getting a lot of these popping up on my feed lately. Treat me like I’m quite sophisticated in terms of critical race theory, various social theories on gender, race, class, and the intersectionalities therein. But also, understand that, as a regular old classroom teacher, I bust my ass every single day. I get in […]

"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
“Why isn't this ant a big sphere? Planetary nebula Mz3 is being cast off by a star similar to our Sun that is, surely, round. Why then would the gas that is streaming away create an ant-shaped nebula that is distinctly not round? *Click image for larger size.* Clues might include the high 1000-kilometer per second speed of the expelled gas, the light-year long length of the structure, and the magnetism of the star visible above at the nebula's center. One possible answer is that Mz3 is hiding a second, dimmer star that orbits close in to the bright star. A competing hypothesis holds... more »

"Why?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
"Is there an answer to the question of why bad things happen to good people? The response would be… to forgive the world for not being perfect, to forgive God for not making a better world, to reach out to the people around us, and to go on living despite it all, no longer asking why something happened, but asking how we will respond, what we intend to do now that it has happened." - Harold S. Kushner

Kim Jong-un Threatens China With Nuclear War, Declares Country ‘An Enemy’

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 3 hours ago
Kim Jong-un has warned that North Korea is on the verge of sending China a “nuclear storm” for its “betrayal of socialism”, according to a leaked document from the Workers’ Party of North Korea. The document reads, “we must no longer go easy on the Chinese and instead deal with them equally in order to change their attitude of taking us lightly,” and repeatedly refers to China as an “enemy state.” North Korea now consider China to be on the same ranks as South Korea, the U.S., and Japan. The document, dated March 10, officially outlines a new doctrine on policies toward China and ex... more »

The Case For Donna Edwards (D-MD)

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago
The next congressional primaries we're looking at are in Maryland. Barbara Milkulski's retirement triggered 3 big races: a Senate race between two House members, progressive champion Donna Edwards and establishment shill Chris Van Hollen to replace her, and then a bevy of candidates to replace each of them. Blue America has endorsed Donna in the Senate race, Joseline Peña-Melnyk to replace her in the House and Jamie Raskin to replace Van Hollen. (You can contribute to all 3 on the same special Blue America page). The Maryland primary is on April 26... coming right up. Yesterday, St... more »

China to Deploy Nuclear Ballistic Missiles Capable of Striking America

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 3 hours ago
Military experts have warned that China is about to deploy intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of delivering a nuclear warhead to mainland America. As Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with officials in Washington DC for the Nuclear Security Summit, military experts have raised serious concerns over China’s DF-41 nuclear missiles: “Given the number of real reported tests, it is reasonable to speculate the DF-41 will be deployed to PLA Strategic Rocket Force bases in 2016,” said Richard Fisher, senior fellow at the International Assessment and Strategy Center. Sputniknews.c... more »

Child Sacrifice Monument Temple Of Baal To Be Erected In Times Square

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 3 hours ago
An exact replica of The Temple of Baal – an ancient child sacrifice monument – is scheduled to be erected in Times Square, New York in April 2016. The original monument had been destroyed by ISIS in Palmya, Syria in August 2015. In an attempt to preserve history, London and New York have agreed to resurrect the monument which is dedicated to the ancient Mesopotamian god Bel. reports: When I first came across this story, I could hardly believe it. But this is not just some Internet rumor. This was reported by the New York Times: NEXT month, the Temple of... more »

After Rothschild Speech, Jean-Claude van Damme Summoned To Israel

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 3 hours ago
After Jean-Claude Van Damme went wildly off-script earlier this month and exposed the Rockefeller’s and Rothschild’s during a live TV interview, the actor was summoned to a Kabbalah center in Israel for “re-training” and “spiritual guidance”. The action hero was pictured at the International Center for Tzfat Kabbalah recently, supposedly seeking “spiritual advice” following the Brussels attacks. Users on social media have accused the actor of being “brainwashed” and “re-programmed” after Van Damme suddenly heaped praise on Israel, whilst seemingly ignoring the plight of the Palestin... more »

UK To Dump 700 Kilos Of Nuclear Waste In United States

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 3 hours ago
The UK will ship 700 kilograms of nuclear waste in the United States under a new deal signed by Prime Minister David Cameron on Thursday. An anonymous government source confirmed that the Prime Minister agreed the deal at a nuclear security summit in Washington and will mark the largest ever shipment of highly enriched uranium in history. In return the U.S. will send Europe another type of nuclear waste that can be used to produce medical isotopes for cancer treatments. reports: “The prime minister will be announcing a landmark deal that we have agreed with the US and w...more »

Congressman Seeks Headstones for WWII Alaska Native Militia

RACHEL D'ORO at The Stream - 3 hours ago
[image: This Thursday, April 26, 2012, file photo in Anchorage, Alaska, a plaque at the base of a bronze statue commemorates the Alaska Territorial Guard, a pre-statehood militia formed to protect the vast territory from the threat of Japanese aggression during World War II. U.S. Rep. Don Young is urging federal officials to replace rotting wooden markers with permanent headstones at the graves of the Territorial Guard members.] ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- Alaska wasn’t even a state yet when thousands of Alaska Natives volunteered for a citizens militia to protect the vast U.S. territo... more »

Economic News , Data & Views ( March 31, 2016 ) Overview ( 1. First Quarter for 2016 Ends - Quite a Whipsaw Affair. 2 Year Yields For Bonds - All Time Lows Abound. 3. Commodities Index Rebounds After 8 Consecutive Monthly Declines. 4. Global Equities - % Below All Time High. 5. Currency Round Up - Real Is World's Best Performing Currency , Despite All Of Political Troubles. 6. China Items Of The Day - Tariffs Imposed On All Foreign Goods , Dr Copper Hurting As Copper Inventory Building Continues In China. 7. Erdogan Displays "Respect For Press In The US Today. 8 Brazil Wonders About Rousseff , World Wonders About 2016 Olympics Being Viable. . ) Europe In Focus ( 1. Refugee Crisis Items De Jour. 2. Spanish Budgetary Miscue - Definitely Will Feed Into Political Intrigues. 3. UK Steel Industry - Port Talbot In Focus. 4. Massive Protest In France Against Labor Reforms - Chaotic Clashes , Hollande Popularity Falling Faster Than a Busted Fancy Souffle ! )

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 3 hours ago
Overview...... Asia Update...... ** ‏@SoberLook 4m 4 minutes agoNew York, USA BOOM: Australian manufacturing hits a 12-year high - http://www. n-manufacturing-hits-a-12-year-high-2016-4 … *zerohedge* ‏@zerohedge 2m2 minutes ago AsiaPac Data Deluge: China Good, South Korea Bad, Japan Ugly http://www. 1/asiapac-data-deluge-china-good-south-korea-bad-japan-ugly … *Haidi Lun 伦海迪* ‏@HaidiLun 13m 13 minutes ago Happy Panda China PMI Friday ! Mfg 50.2 (est 49.4 Feb 49) Services 53.8 (Feb... more »

Turkey Continues Aggressive Military Expansion Into Middle East

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 4 hours ago
The Turkish Minister of Defence İsmet Yılmaz has announced plans to continue Turkey’s aggressive military expansion in the Middle East, saying that a new multipurpose military base in Qatar will be opened within the next two years. “This base will allow Turkey to participate in combat operations in the Red Sea, the North of Africa, and the Persian Gulf,” Yılmaz said. reports: “We want to achieve a better cooperation with Qatar in the military sphere, we will carry out joint drills and operations, as well as maintain stability in the region with joint efforts,” Yıl... more »

The Four Foreign Policies

Charles Krauthammer at The Stream - 4 hours ago
[image: Sanders Clinton Trump Cruz] WASHINGTON -- After dozens of contests featuring cliffhangers, buzzer- beaters and a ton of flagrant fouls, we’re down to the Final Four: Sanders, Clinton, Cruz and Trump. (If Kasich pulls a miracle, he’ll get his own column.) The world wants... more »

Told She Would Die, Canadian Mom Credits Cannabis Oil for Surviving Cancer

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 4 hours ago
*Phillip Schneider* -With the will to live, an abundance of hope, and cannabis oil, she is still alive today.

There Are 21 U.S. Generals Leading The War Against The Islamic State

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
Mohammed Ameen/Reuters *Nancy A. Youssef, Daily Beast*:* Exclusive: 21 Generals Lead ISIS War the U.S. Denies Fighting* *There are only 5,000 U.S. troops in Iraq—about what a colonel usually commands. But for this ISIS war, as many as 21 generals have been deployed. Why?* In the war against the self-proclaimed Islamic State, the U.S. military is notably short on soldiers, but apparently not on generals. There are at least 12 U.S. generals in Iraq, a stunningly high number for a war that, if you believe the White House talking points, doesn’t involve American troops in combat. And... more »

Chet Raymo, “Knowledge and Power” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago
*“Knowledge and Power”* by Chet Raymo “Two paintings by the French neo-classicist Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825). The first is of Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, the chemist, sometimes called "the Father of Modern Chemistry", who I blogged about on Friday, and his wife Marie-Anne. It was painted in 1788, on the eve of the French Revolution. The second, of course, is Napoleon, pictured crossing the Alps with his army, painted in 1800, not long after Napoleon took power in France. The paintings bracket a dozen of the most tumultuous years in French history. Click to enlarge. They also r... more »

China Warns The U.S. Navy To Be Careful In The South China Sea

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago
*AFP:* *China to US: 'Be careful' in South China Sea* Beijing (AFP) - Beijing's defence ministry on Thursday warned the US navy to "be careful" in the South China Sea and slammed a newly signed agreement between Washington and the Philippines. Earlier this month, Manila agreed to give US forces access to five military bases, including some close to the disputed South China Sea, where tensions have risen over Beijing's assertion of its territorial claims. China claims virtually all the South China Sea despite conflicting claims by Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan and the Philippin... more »

Staged Provocation of Turkey's Security Detail- Aided by Amnesty International & Brookings

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 5 hours ago
*'Cause this doesn't happen unless it was intentional. By design. **To demonize an intended target. For the creation of bad press. Trial by media... * Amnesty International's* Protestors, threatened *by Turkish Security in Washington *Amnesty International, just another, scummy No Good Organization* *Amnesty International giving legitimacy to the illegitimate.* Amnesty Press Release: And no surprise they have an individual who will spin for the media *(WASHINGTON, DC) *- Today a delegation of Amnesty International USA staff and volunteers protested human rights abuses in Turkey in f... more »

Police kill Unarmed Man After He Pleads ‘Please Don’t Shoot Me’

Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 5 hours ago
An unarmed man was shot dead outside his hotel room by an Arizona cop moments after he pleaded for his life while crawling on his knees. Unarmed 26-year-old father of two Daniel Shaver pleaded “please don’t shoot me” while made to crawl on the floor toward police officers, only to be shot dead moments later. Azcentral reports: A witness and a transcription of officer video footage describe Daniel Shaver saying “Please don’t shoot me” and “Please don’t shoot,” just before an officer later identified as Philip “Mitch” Brailsford fired his service weapon. Brailsford has been charged wi... more »

Report: ISIS Using Christians as Human Shields as Troops Encircle Capital

Russ Read at The Stream - 5 hours ago
[image: A woman stands near a street in the center of Raqqa, Syria in November 2012.] The Islamic State has barred Christians from leaving its de facto capital of Raqqa in an apparent move to use them as human shields as the terrorist group's enemies in Syria begin to surround the city. Activist-journalist group Raqqa Is... more »

Costly Green Energy Could Cause Mass Blackouts in Britain This Winter

Andrew Follett at The Stream - 5 hours ago
[image: The Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm in England, one of the largest offshore wind farms at 315 MW.] Experts say Britain’s dependence on wind and solar power could lead to massive blackouts this winter. The U.K. will be more vulnerable to blackouts than it has ever been for at least the next four years, Paul Massara, the former CEO of one... more »

Army of Volunteers Helps Restore Historic Civil War Cemetery

JANET McCONNAUGHEY at The Stream - 5 hours ago
[image: cemetery restoration - 900] CHALMETTE, La. (AP) -- College students on spring break joined hundreds of other volunteers at a cemetery dating to the Civil War, realigning hundreds of tilted headstones and scrubbing grime from thousands more. Some mark the graves of Union soldiers, others... more »

Mohawk Nation News: LONDON SMEARS KANION'KE:HAKA at CENSORED NEWS - 5 hours ago

First Liver/Kidney Transplant Between HIV+ Patients Successful

Royce Christyn at Your News Wire - 6 hours ago
Surgeons at Johns Hopkins Medical Center have successfully transplanted a liver and kidney from one deceased HIV+ donor and transplanted them into two HIV+ recipients. The LA Times reports: The transplant surgeries, which used organs donated by the family of an HIV-positive woman, ended a 25-year stretch in which the organs of HIV-infected people willing to donate them were rejected for use in transplants. The experimental procedure follows the 2013 enactment of the HIV Organ Policy Equity Act, or HOPE, which repealed the ban on using such organs for transplantation. “This is an un... more »

Disclosure Soon? Media Says Planet X May Cause “Mass Extinctions”

Royce Christyn at Your News Wire - 6 hours ago
Even the most casual reader of alternative news and theories has come across information about a so-called “Planet X“, or as it is more popularly known in New Age circles, “Planet Nibiru”. The things written about this mysterious tenth planet (or ninth, if you do not count Pluto) vary slightly but have some core characteristics: “Planet X” orbits far outside of any known path in our solar system The planet harbors some sort of message or means of change (be in exclusively natural like an Earthquake or it is home to a race of ET’s who seek to enlighten the human race) It’s not a good ... more »

The Japanese ‘Haunted’ Doll Whose Hair Never Stops Growing

Royce Christyn at Your News Wire - 6 hours ago
Creepy, haunted dolls are the stuff of legends and stories told around campfires in order to spook little children. But then there is this strange tale about a bizarre little porcelain doll that is believed to house the spirit of a restless young girl and it has hair that keeps growing. The Occult Museum reports: The story begins in 1918, when Eikichi Suzuki bought a doll for his baby sister, Okiku. Clothed in a kimono with a traditional black bob, Okiku loved her doll so much she named it after herself and the two became inseparable until tragedy struck the following year when Okiku... more »

Alaskan Elementary Students Suspended Over Plot To Kill Classmate

Royce Christyn at Your News Wire - 6 hours ago
Three first grade elementary students from Anchorage, Alaska have been suspended for allegedly planning a scheme to poison and kill a classmate. ABC News reports: School officials said they found out about the alleged plan only after other students overheard them talking about it. “We’re grateful that we had students come forward and share their concern,” said Ed Graff, Superintendent with the Anchorage School District. According to police, the young girls planned to take silica gel preservation packets from their lunchtime food bags and put them into another student’s lunch. The st... more »

New Nazi Concentration Camp Docs: ‘Rampant’ Prisoner Cannibalism

Royce Christyn at Your News Wire - 6 hours ago
Newly released documents in the UK show a horrifying reality about life among the prisoners at Nazi concentration camps. According to the reports, drowning, crucifixion, and “rampant” cannibalism were among some of the everyday horrors prisoners had to face at the camps. VICE News reports: The long-sealed testimonies — contained in applications that UK nationals made to a Anglo-German Nazi Persecution Compensation scheme between 1964 and 1965 — also reveal the struggle of many of those who suffered to meet the strict criteria necessary to get remuneration. Out of 4,206 people who ap... more »

Fight for $15 Plans ‘Biggest-Ever’ Protest for April 14

Connor D. Wolf at The Stream - 6 hours ago
[image: Fight for $15 - 900] The union-backed Fight for $15 movement promised Wednesday to launch its biggest nationwide minimum wage protest in just two weeks. Lawmakers and supporters from across the country have worked to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Many cities... more »

Porn, Prostitution and Bribes: 8 Times the DOJ Let Bad Bureaucrats Off the Hook

Kathryn Watson at The Stream - 6 hours ago
[image: DOJ - Eric Holder - 900] Federal watchdogs refer scores of criminal misconduct cases to the Department of Justice (DOJ) for prosecution each year, but many of the alleged perpetrators never see the inside of a courtroom. Prosecution of public corruption reached a historic low under... more »

Drilling for American Oil is Cheaper Than Ever Before

Andrew Follett at The Stream - 6 hours ago
[image: oil drilling - 900] Drilling for oil in America is cheaper than ever before and the cost is still dropping, according to a report published Wednesday by the Energy Information Administration (EIA). "Costs per well generally increased from 2006 to 2012, demonstrating the effect... more »

Supreme Court Hands Down Big Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel Win

Jason Snead & John G. Malcolm at The Stream - 6 hours ago
[image: 7 Supreme Court Cases to Watch for This June] On Wednesday, the Supreme Court delivered a win for the Sixth Amendment right to counsel in Luis v. United States. Five justices -- Justice Stephen Breyer, who wrote a plurality opinion that was joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and... more »

Roger Harrabin's latest fantasy

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 6 hours ago
Whether Roger Harrabin appears on the *Today* programme my hackles rise. On his appearance on this morning's edition left me fully hackled up to my eye-brows - and beyond. I couldn't quite believe what I was hearing. Roger's latest dispatch revived the old story of methane from flatulent cows causing global warming, but added the inevitable BBC spin to it. A new project in Fife, backed by the SNP government in Scotland, is seeking to harness the farts of various breeds of cattle (including Highland cattle and Aberdeen Angus) to boost electricity supplies in a wholly renewable, e... more »

The Wicked Witch's Fingerprints On ISIS's Ascendance In Libya

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 6 hours ago
*An excerpt from, "Hillary Clinton Turned a Stable, Developed Nation Into an ISIS Safe Haven. That’s the Real Benghazi Scandal" By Riley Waggaman, The Huffington Post, March 30, 2016:* As a brave crusader for all women - especially for women living in countries that she desperately wants to bomb - then-Secretary Clinton argued that the United States had a moral duty to intervene in Libya, stating that she was “deeply concerned” that Muammar Gaddafi’s troops were using rape as a weapon. (She was parroting a rumor started by *Al-Jazeera* which claimed that Gaddafi was handing out fr... more »

Is the US fighting a Civil War on foreign soil?

greencrow at Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 6 hours ago
*US Civil War?* Looking at what's going on in the Middle East lately, it seems almost like the US is fighting a civil war...but this time they're doing it (conveniently for them) on foreign soil. There have been smolderings and rumours for years now about conflicts between the "Black Hats" (warmongering neocons) and "White Hats" (everyone else) in the Pentagon. And about the CIA....with its drug money-funded black ops fighting the Pentagon for control of the US foreign policy--assassinating opponents when needs be. Yes, rumours and innuendos but this *time it seems to have surface... more »

Corpse of Baby Dolphin Wrapped In Wire Found 200 Miles Inland

Royce Christyn at Your News Wire - 6 hours ago
The corpse of a baby dolphin found 200 miles inland has baffled Spanish authorities. The remains were found in a Madrid park on Tuesday, wrapped in fencing wire. GeoBeats News reports: Authorities contacted the nearby Madrid Zoo, which said it was not missing any such animals. The corpse is undergoing testing in hopes of determining its point of origination and confirming that it is, indeed, a dolphin. Meanwhile, social media users are lending a hand to the investigation by offering theories about the strange appearance of the deceased creature. Many proposed the zoo angle, and othe... more »

Ancient Temple Destroyed By ISIS May Be Salvageable

Royce Christyn at Your News Wire - 6 hours ago
After the recent horrific destruction by ISIS militants, Palmyra’s Temple of Bel may not be lost forever. Though the full extent of the damage to the ancient temple is unknown, many believe that it can be rebuilt. Reuters says: Satellite pictures taken after the 2,000-year-old temple was dynamited by the jihadi group, and other images broadcast since Syrian government forces retook the city on Sunday, show almost the entire structure collapsed in a heap of rubble. It was one of several important monuments blown up in the city last year including the temple of Baal Shamin, a victory ... more »

Japan To Build Fukushima Ice Wall

Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 6 hours ago
Japan plans to build a 1.5-km-long underground refrigeration system around the Fukushima nuclear power plant in the hope of containing groundwater contamination around the crippled facility. Radioactive water has been seeping into the groundwater and the ocean following the tsunami and earthquake of March 2011. Science alert reports: The move comes after swimming robots specially designed to remove Fukushima’s melted fuel rods ‘died’ within days of starting their mission this month, due to high levels of radioactive material destroying their wiring. The new plan is to instead freeze...more »

Quote of the Day: On being ‘privileged’

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 6 hours ago
*“It is common nowadays to refer to anyone with wealth or opportunities as ‘privileged.’ Loving parents don’t pass on opportunities to their children, they bestow privileges. A self-made businessman who rose from rags to riches isn’t a model of achievement— he’s privileged. Using ‘privilege’ in this way means that we don’t distinguish between children who work to make the most of the opportunities their parents give them and entitled brats who expect everything to be handed to them— and it means we don’t distinguish between those who achieve something through productive merit ... more »

The Returnees

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 6 hours ago
Gordon As is my way, I was reading my way through the comments at *Biased BBC *the other day and saw a comment from one of the newer regulars asserting "unbelievable pro Jihadi bias by the BBC". Duly alerted - though sceptical about such an outlandish-sounding claim of bias - I then listened to the programme in question: *The Returnees, *on Radio 4, presented by the BBC's Gordon Corera... ...and I've been mulling it over in my mind (on and off) ever since. ****** Why I've been mulling it over rather than bursting straight in with a post about it is because I found it quite hard t... more »

The Entrance of Fake Snakes, Not True Conquerors Worthy of Respect

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 7 hours ago
*The real rulers of Libya fly in private jets. The designated puppets who speak in front of the cameras are forced to enter the country by boats like refugees. * *Related: "The United Nations Is Crossing A Red Line In Libya, Seeks To Conquer The Divided Nation In The Name of Eliminating ISIS." * *An excerpt from, "Libya now has three governments, none of which can actually govern" By Richard Hall, PRI, March 31, 2016: * Libya’s new "unity government" arrived in the country this week aiming to bring together warring factions. The product of United Nations-brokered peace talks that c... more »

March 31: The truth we have not learned.

Graeme Decarie at The Decarie Report - 7 hours ago
The Fertile Crescent is a great arc of land that stretches from Yemen through the Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and Egypt. Twelve thousand years ago, it was the birthplace of all civilizations in this world. And the birthplace of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Not surprisingly, there are great similarities between these religions. Not surprisingly, the various religious groups prefer not to see their similarities but to poke away at their differences. This region is the one referred to in The Bible as the Garden of Eden. However, the expulsion may have been the result of ch... more »

Homeopathy To Be Recognised As Legitimate Medicine In Switzerland

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 7 hours ago
Switzerland’s interior ministry has announced plans to give homeopathy and four other complementary therapies the same status as conventional medicine. By May 2017, homeopathy, holistic medicine, herbal medicine, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine will acquire the same status as conventional medicine when it comes to health insurance. Swiss Info reports: After being rejected in 2005 by the authorities for lack of scientific proof of their efficacy, complementary and alternative medicines made a comeback in 2009 when two-thirds of Swiss backed their inclusion on the consti... more »

The Daily "Near You?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago
Santa Rosa, New Mexico, USA. Thanks for stopping by.

No Bernie at all costs for this educator

SPJ at @ THE CHALKFACE - 7 hours ago
Charles Blow in a recent column for the NYT criticized the “Bernie or Bust” ethos as smacking of “petulance and privilege.” I was once feeling some kind of “Bern,” but now, not so much. After repeated debates, I’ve felt a sense of supreme hollowness to Mr. Sanders’ words. Or, once you scratch the surface, there’s […]

Deranged U.S. Political Establishment Throw Out Idea of Killing Trump Into Public Consciousness

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 7 hours ago
*First they killed the nation, now the deranged U.S. political establishment wants to kill anyone who seeks to revive it. Donald Trump's only crime is that he speaks for America, not the banks, corporations, and foreign lobbies that have sucked it dry and left it to rot.* *Title: Ted Cruz Jokes About Killing Donald Trump by Running Him Over with His Car. Source: Mark Dice. Date Published: March 31, 2016. Description: * Ted Cruz joked about his fantasy of running over Donald Trump in his car when he was on the Jimmy Kimmel Live show Wednesday night! The mainstream media in conjuncti... more »

Are There More Foreign Spies In The U.S. Than Ever Before?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 7 hours ago
*Image *from *CommonSenseCanadian* *The Hill:* *Former Intelligence chairman: More foreign spies in US than ever* There are currently more foreign intelligence operatives in the United States than at any point in the country’s history, the former head of the House Intelligence Committee claimed on Wednesday. “There are more spies in the United States today from foreign nation states that at any time in our history — including the Cold War,” former Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) said in an address at the Heritage Foundation. “And they’re stealing everything. If it’s not bolted down, it... more »

House Radicals Have Come Up With A Way To Derail The TPP

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours ago
*"It’s remarkable to me that anyone, Republican or Democrat, when given the breathtaking power to choose the rules by which we all live, would be so impoverished in spirit that he or she would be unable to come up with anything useful to do-- whether before, during or after an election."* Matt Fuller did a very smart column for *HuffPo* Tuesday about how anti-Establishment Republicans want to abolish the lame duck session-- between the November congressional elections and the seating on the new Congress in January. There's a minimum of accountability because there will be members in... more »

“Our Evolving Language- Healing Past Hurt” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago
*“Our Evolving Language- Healing Past Hurt”* by Madisyn Taylor, TheDailyOM “We can create positive change by choosing not to use these words and phrases as we come across them in our vocabulary. There are many troubling phrases in our language that we use without considering their full meaning simply because they have been accepted into common knowledge. Even as our ideals progress, our language maintains some phrases from our past that no longer serve us, for example: Boys don’t cry; good child; boys will be boys; problem child; illegitimate child; and many more. While these phrase... more »

Midday Musical Interlude: Traveling Wilburys, “End Of The Line” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago
Traveling Wilburys, “End Of The Line” -

Psychopathy: “My Biochemistry Made Me Do It: Confessions of a Genetic Subroutine” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago
*"My Biochemistry Made Me Do It:* * Confessions of a Genetic Subroutine”* by Fred Reed "Ages ago I read Hare and Cleckley on psychopaths, they then being canonical on the matter. Psychopathy tended to be somewhat vaguely defined but usually included lack of empathy, remorse, conscience, and the like. Today, it seems to be detectable. For example, say researchers, if you put a normal person on a polygraph and read him words like bread, tree, mountain, torture, dogs, and sidewalk, there will be a sharp response to “torture” but not to the neutral words. Psychopaths don’t have that re... more »

"How It Really Is: Arizonastan" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago
Arizonastan. I live here. Any questions? *;-)*

Russian Media Reviews The World's Famous Stealth Aircraft

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 7 hours ago
*TASS: **World’s most famous stealth aircraft* TASS is reviewing world's most famous stealth aircraft while Japan is about to become the fourth country in the world possessing one MOSCOW, March 31. /TASS/. Japan had plans for March 2016 to complete trials of its new-generation aircraft, the Advanced Technology Demonstrator X, developed with the use of the stealth technology. The Land of the Rising Sun will become the fourth country in the world to develop stealth aircraft. Before that, only Russia, China and the United States could boast combat aviation systems based on low radar ... more »

Conservative Steel Hypocrisy

Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 7 hours ago
It's a perfect storm for the Tories. The latest episode in the ongoing crisis in the steel industry caught the government entirely on the hop, with practically the entire cabinet basking in sunnier climes or doing whatever MPs normally do during their Easter break. Scurrying back to London overnight to show the cameras that they're taking the awful news about Port Talbot entirely 110% genuinely seriously, they catch themselves in another bind by straight away ruling out the most sensible policy: the immediate nationalisation of Tata Steel holdings in the UK. Politically, it's like ... more »

ISIS Commands Muslims to Attack Angela Merkel, German Airport

Jonah Bennett at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: German Chancellor Angela Merkel speaks at the European People's Party Summit in Brussels on March 17, 2016.] The Islamic State is calling for Muslims in Germany to launch suicide attacks on Chancellor Angela Merkel, as well as the Cologne-Bonn airport. Europe is already tense over the Brussels suicide attacks, which have killed at least 32 people and...more »

Experts Warn City Metro Services Would Be an Easy Win for Terrorists

Steve Ambrose at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: An R160A E train boards and alights customers at 42 Street-Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York City.] Defense experts warn public transit systems, particularly metro and subway services in major U.S. cities, are target for Islamic terrorists and are at high risk due to poor funding and security. Terrorists have been using highly populated commuter trains as... more »

US Women’s Soccer Team Files Complaint Demanding Equal Pay With Men

Blake Neff at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: National Women's Soccer Team - 900] Five members of the U.S. women's national soccer team have filed an official complaint against the U.S. Soccer Federation (USSF), complaining they are victims of wage discrimination because they are paid far less than members of the male team. Currently,... more »

Labor Policy Expert: $15 Minimum Wage Could Cost 700K California Jobs

Connor D. Wolf at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: In this Tuesday, July 21, 2015 file photo, workers hold a rally in Los Angeles in support of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors' proposed minimum wage ordinance. On Saturday, March 26, California legislators and labor unions reached an agreement that will take the state's minimum wage from $10 to $15 an hour.] California lawmakers could reduce employment by 700,000 jobs statewide over a plan to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, according to a labor policy expert published Tuesday. California Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown arrived at a deal with lawmakers... more »

Wounded Warrior Project Paralyzed by Absent CEO and Power Struggles

Jonah Bennett at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: WWP - 900] America's largest veterans' charity, the Wounded Warrior Project, has been wracked by power struggles since its CEO was deposed over allegations of serious mismanagement and opulence. After an initial investigation from CBS News found that the WWP only spent just... more »

Blue Cross: Obamacare Enrollees Are Less Healthy, More Expensive Than Anticipated

Juliegrace Brufke at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: obamacare medicaid] Obamacare enrollees have a high rate of certain serious illnesses, use more medical services and have higher medical costs according to a report released by health-insurance giant Blue Cross Blue Shield Association late Tuesday night. In 2014 and 2015, the insurer... more »

Israel Continues To Treat Injured Terrorists At Its Hospitals

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 8 hours ago
Israel continues to transport injured terrorists for treatment in the occupied territories before sending them back to continue committing atrocities against the Syrian people, according to Syria’s official news agency According to the report, Israel’s Channel 2 quoted Israeli officer Ilan Glazberg as saying that the Israeli forces transferred a wounded terrorists into Nahariya hospital in the occupied territories two days ago. Press TV reports: The officer added that the injured militant met his wounded brother who had been transferred to Israel’s Ziv hospital three weeks before. I... more »

More snapshots

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 8 hours ago
Frankly, given its size and range, every post about the BBC is a 'snapshot'. But 'snapshots' caught over time can (I think) be highly revealing. Regular readers will know that *ITBB *has been monitoring both *Newsnight *and *The World Tonight* in respect of possible bias over their EU referendum coverage - and I think we're showing some concrete evidence for a pro-Remain bias on both programmes (especially *The World Tonight*). (David Keighley, incidentally, takes both stories further at *The Conservative Woman - *a site whose focus on BBC bias is growing ever stronger). I've ... more »

Silymarin for type 2 diabetes - significant effects on glucose and lipids from a safe OTC herbal.

George Henderson at The High-fat Hep C Diet - 8 hours ago
This study has an interesting backstory. Hepatitis C (mainly genotype 4) infects nearly a quarter of the Egyptian population. This is the highest rate of HCV infection I've heard of in any country; however the Nile Valley is probably the ancestral home of HCV's transmission to humans. Egypt is not a rich country and drug treatments for Hep C are expensive, not to mention dangerous and unreliably effective till recently. Consequently a lot of Egyptians use alternative remedies, usually sourced from EU pharmacopoeias. Silymarin (a standardised mik thistle extract) and a German spiruli... more »

Police: Trooper, Suspect Die in Bus Station Shooting; 2 Hurt

Larry O'Dell at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: Police and rescue officials mingle with bus patrons outside the Greyhound Bus Station Thursday, March 31, 2016, in Richmond, Va. Virginia State Police say two troopers responding to a shooting at the Richmond bus station and a civilian have been taken to a hospital. A police spokeswoman says the shooting suspect was in custody. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)] RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- A gunman fatally shot a Virginia state trooper Thursday at a busy bus terminal in the capital city of Richmond before he was shot dead by two other troopers, police said. Two civilians were also shot... more »

Honor Dr. Lehman Brightman on his 86th Birthday at CENSORED NEWS - 8 hours ago
Honor Dr. Lehman Brightman on his 86th Birthday By Quanah Parker Brightman Censored News We are Proud to Announce that we will be Celebrating Dr. Lehman Brightman's 86th Birthday this Coming April 28, 2016 from 3pm - 5pm.We ask for Anyone Interested in Sending Him a Warm Birthday Gift and or Birthday Card Celebrating Dr. Brightman's 86 Years here on Mother Earth to Please Do so By Sending

Watch Space Rock Crash Into Jupiter From Half Billion Miles Away

Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 8 hours ago
Two amateur astronomers spotted space rock smashing into the surface of Jupiter while filming the largest planet in the solar system. Video shows the flash of a large object, thought to be an asteroid or a comet smashing into the gas giant’s atmosphere on 17 March. Newsweek reports: On March 17, Irish astronomy enthusiast John McKeon was making a time-lapse film of the transit of Jupiter’s moons Io and Ganymede on his 11-inch telescope when he saw a flash of light at the edge of the planet. “The original purpose of the imaging session was to get this time-lapse, with a happy coincide... more »

Turkish Security Kick Out Media, Confront DC Police At Erdogan Event

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 8 hours ago
For the second day in a row, the security team working for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, clashed with opposing protesters in Washington, DC Security staff removed journalists and even confronted city police when the officers refused to remove protesters from the area. RT reports: With Erdogan set to give a speech at the Brookings Institute on Thursday, a group of protesters opposing his crackdown on free speech in Turkey, his government’s treatment of the country’s Kurdish population, and what they say is his tolerance of Islamic State, gathered near the DC-based think tan... more »


Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 8 hours ago
By Paul Homewood This is a guest post by Erl Happ. It is the second in a series on the role of ozone in the Earth’s climate. WHY IS THE STRATOSPHERE WARM? Energy arrives from the sun in the full gamut of wave lengths documented above. It is emitted […]

STILL NOT BREAKING: Just so you'll know!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 8 hours ago
*THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016Concerning the recent craziness:* A certain well-known cable "news channel" still hasn't published the transcript from a certain Tuesday night show hosted by this cable channel's top cable news TV star. Given the craziness of that night's show, we can't say we blame them. As we always advise the nation's multimillionaire stars: Try to keep your long blue noses out of the wives' nursing homes.

Here’s How the Media Misrepresented a Study to Attack Fracking

Andrew Follett at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: USGS map displaying potential to experience damage from a natural or human-induced earthquake in 2016. Chances range from less than one percent to 12 percent.] Environmental groups and media outlets misrepresented a recently-published government study published on man-made tremors. Activists say the study shows hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is putting seven million lives at risk from induced earthquakes, but that's not what the government study... more »

Destruction of the Roswell Museum Saucer

KRandle at A Different Perspective - 8 hours ago
Not all that long ago we were told that the iconic flying saucer that looked as if it had crashed into the side of the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico, had been stolen. It seems that the saucer had been taken down for cleaning or repair and it was stored behind the museum until it could be Roswell saucer in happier days. Photo copyright by Kevin Randleplaced back in its position. Three apparent teenagers (I say apparent because one has been caught who was a teen but I’m not sure the other two were) loaded the saucer into their pick-up truck and dr... more »

Campaign watch: The nation's most glorious guild fights back!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 9 hours ago
*THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016Their hatred for class traitor Kristof:* On Monday, President Obama offensively dared to criticize the press. Obama spoke at a journalism prize ceremony, one of several million the press corps stages to honor itself each year. According to the New York Times, Obama "delivered a forceful critique on Monday of politicians and the journalists who cover them, lamenting the circuslike atmosphere of the presidential campaign." The Times quoted this remark by Obama: "A job well done is about more than just handing someone a microphone." Everyone knew what that me... more »

Half A Million US Food Stamp Recipients To Lose Benefits

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 9 hours ago
Starting on April 1, at least half a million Americans will find they are no longer eligible for the food assistance benefits that have, for decades, provided a crucial lifeline for many of the poor. This comes about as a result of government requirements linking the assistance to an individual’s ability to find work. People who want to keep their SNAP benefits will have to work at least 20 hours a week or get into a work training program. It is expected that by the end of 2016, up to a million people around the nation could lose their benefits RT reports: In order to keep their acce... more »

Bashar Assad: Erdogan’s Private Army Fighting In Syria

Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 9 hours ago
Syrian President Bashar Assad has claimed that the Turkish army currently fighting on Syrian soil is “Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s own private army,” in an explosive new interview. Assad said that his country has no beef with Turkey but his army will respond to foreign aggressors. Russia Today reports: Turkey, as well as Saudi Arabia, have “crossed all possible red lines, possibly from the first weeks of the Syrian war,” Assad said. “Today, the war against Erdogan and against Saudi Arabia is a war against terrorists. The Turkish army, which is not even Turkish, is Erdoga...more »

Captured Indian Spy's Taped Confession Vindicates Pakistan's Narrative That India Is Funding Terrorism In Pakistan

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 9 hours ago
*An excerpt from, "Pakistan launches international offensive over arrest of Indian ‘spy’" The Times of India, March 31, 2016: * Pakistan on Thursday said it has informed the European Union and major world capitals about the arrest of an Indian "spy" from restive Balochistan province and asked Iran to provide details of his "spy network". *Kulbhushan Yadav, the alleged chief operative of Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) was arrested by Pakistani security agencies last week from Chaman near Quetta.* *Speaking at his weekly news briefing, foreign office spokesperson Nafees Zakaria s... more »

Tras la pista de los licántropos

Inexplicata (IHU) at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - 9 hours ago
*Tras la pista de los licántropos* *Por Scott Corrales (c) 2016* El interés por seres parahumanos no es tan considerable fuera de los Estados Unidos por motivos varios. La flora y fauna de muchos países más antiguos, con culturas ininterrumpidas que se extienden por siglos, está bastante bien conocida por los sabios y los habitantes en general. A pesar de ser una superpotencia, EE.UU. es un país joven que adquirió su forma actual en los primeros cincuenta años de su existencia, salvo por las anexiones posteriores de Alaska y Hawái. Cientos de miles dieron el salto desde la poblada... more »

EXCLUSIVE: Iain Duncan Smith’s conscience hands in its resignation to Iain Duncan Smith

Hari at Ripped-off Britons - 9 hours ago
SOURCE TELEGRAPH: Iain Duncan Smith resigns as Work and Pensions Secretary in protest at cuts to disability benefits Iain Duncan Smith has dramatically resigned from the Government in protest at George Osborne's proposed cuts to benefits for the disabled. The former Conservative leader said that plans to cut the benefits paid to the disabled by more than £1 billion were a "compromise too

Politics: “The Battle To Keep The Establishment In Power” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
*“The Battle To Keep The Establishment In Power”* by Marin Armsrong “The last time a Republican Presidential Convention opened without a decided nominee in the primaries was 1976, during the fight between Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford. There were past efforts by the establishment to stop two people they regarded as outsiders — Barry Goldwater in 1964 and Ronald Reagan in 1976. It looks as if it will be much more difficult for Trump to nail down enough delegates to beat the Republicans at their own corrupt rules. We are likely heading toward a rigged convention and this is playing i... more »

The Economy: “Global Economic Collapse: 5 Places Not to Be In 2016” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
*“You can ignore reality, * *but you cannot ignore the consequences of reality.”* - Ayn Rand *Highly recommended:* Israeli News, “Why US Dollar= Global Toilet Paper“ - ◆ Dayly News, “Global Economic Collapse: 5 Places Not to Be In 2016” - ◆ *Related:* • Paul Craig Roberts, "Massive Social Instability, Warnings Of Economic Collapse" • Gerald Celente, “Economic Crisis 2016 - 2017 - Stocks Crash” • Rob Kirby, "War Is Coming To Cover Up The Economic Collapse" • Gregory Mannarino, “Understanding Why A Globa... more »

The Economy: "Tribute to the Jackass Money System" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
*"Tribute to the Jackass Money System"* by Bill Bonner BALTIMORE – "Finance or politics? We don’t know which is jollier. The Republican presidential primary and Fed monetary policies seem to compete for headlines. Which can be most absurd? Which can be most outrageous? Which can get more page views? Politics, led by Donald J. Trump, was clearly in the lead… until yesterday. Then, the money world, with Janet L. Yellen wearing the yellow jersey, spurted ahead in the Hilarity Run. The Dow gained 83 points. *A Witless Tool of the Deep State? *“Cautious Yellen drives global stocks nea...more »

My Emails Are None Of Your Business, Says Hillary Clinton

Baxter Dmitry at Your News Wire - 9 hours ago
Hillary Clinton has refused to discuss the contents of the emails sent on her private email server because they are her ‘private business.’ Appearing before reporters after a campaign speech on her home turf of New York, the Democrat frontrunner responded to questions about the FBI investigation into the email scandal by saying the emails were ‘very personal.’ ‘They are like poems that I write about my deepest thoughts and feelings. I don’t want to show anybody right now. How would you like it if I demanded to see your most personal things? You would feel violated. Keep out.’ Democra...more »

Don't believe 99.9% of what you read or hear...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 10 hours ago
*because you're being manipulated, propagandized, and lied to, and that includes anything I link to.* Just because I link to an article does not mean I endorse it as true. It simply means it was something I found interesting and possibly worthy of vetting. When you also realize *how dumbed down the average American is,* you can see the problem. Check out the Facebook page of any libtard who posts meme's that declare what a wonderful job Odumbo has done the past seven years citing completely bogus statistics. *From: Zero Hedge:* *Top German Journalist Admits Mainstream Media ... more »

Words to die by

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 10 hours ago

What if we tried to replicate papers before they’re published?

Alison McCook at Retraction Watch - 10 hours ago
We all know replicability is a problem – consistently, many papers in various fields fail to replicate when put to the test. But instead of testing findings after they’ve gone through the rigorous and laborious process of publication, why not verify them beforehand, so that only replicable findings make their way into the literature? That […] The post What if we tried to replicate papers before they’re published? appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Football Legend Pele Sues Samsung For $30M Over Lookalike In Ad

Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 10 hours ago
One of football’s greatest legends, the Brazilian forward number 10, Pele, is suing the South Korean electronics giant Samsung for using a lookalike in an advertisement without his permission. The BBC reports: He is claiming at least $30m (£21m), according to legal papers lodged at the US District Court in Chicago. The advertisement for ultra high-definition televisions ran in the New York Times without Pele’s permission. Pele, 75, whose full name is Edson Arantes do Nascimento, is considered by many to be the best player of all time. He played for Brazil’s victorious World Cup winni...more »

Steve Melendez 'Liberty and Justice for All except Indians' at CENSORED NEWS - 10 hours ago
Photo: Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes hands the first constitution issued under the Indian Reorganization Act to delegates of the Confederated Tribes of the Flathead Indian Reservation (Montana) 1935 Courtesy of the Library of Congress Prints and Photographic Division. Liberty and Justice for All except Indians By Steve Melendez, Pyramid Lake Paiute President,

Will This New Labor Department Rule Give Unions an ‘Edge’?

Leah Jessen at The Stream - 10 hours ago
[image: DOL Perez - 900] The Labor Department is imposing regulations requiring more information to be disclosed about agreements between employers and labor relations consultants. The new "persuader" rule, which takes effect April 25, interprets a section of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of... more »

UK Energy Stats For 2015

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 10 hours ago
By Paul Homewood DECC have just published provisional energy stats for last year. Main highlights: 1) Electricity generation from coal has fallen sharply, from 101 to 76 TWh, with the nuclear, wind, solar and bio all helping to fill the gap. Nuclear generation is basically back to where it was […]

Man Beheads Wife After She Had Sex With Other Men

Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 10 hours ago
An elderly man cut off his partner’s head and flushed it down the toilet after he found explicit pictures on her computer and she admitted having sex with other men. The man’s son gave evidence to the Old Bailey saying his father was “really, really, really, really shocked” when he found out his mum had sex with other men. The Hackney Gazette reports: The elder Nibbs, 69, is alleged to have beheaded Judith, 60, at their home in the Charles Estate, Hoxton, on April 10, 2014. He then smashed up her head and flushed it down the toilet, prosecutors claim. Concluding his opening statemen... more »

Is the US having a civil war in a foreign country?

greencrow at Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 10 hours ago
*US Civil War?* Sorry, folks, I'm having trouble formatting this morning so will leave this for now and return. Hopefully, later I can fix the first paragraph : / Looking at what's going on in the Middle East lately, it almost seems like the US is fighting a civil war...but this time they're doing it (conveniently for them) on foreign soil. There have been smolderings and rumours for years now about conflicts between the "Black Hats" (warmongering neocons) and "White Hats" (everyone else) in the Pentagon. And about the CIA....with its drug money-funded black ops fighting the Penta... more »

"We Have a Lot. We Can Get More. We Want It All."

Gaius Publius at DownWithTyranny! - 11 hours ago
*One of the other species, besides man, which preys on itself (source; click to enlarge)* *by Gaius Publius* I want to elevate this from the comments to this piece because it's so appropriate. Thanks to John Puma for pointing out the great observation below, by Michael Parenti, from a 1995 talk entitled "Fascism: The False Revolution" (available by CD here.) Much of this quote is printed here, though not all. In addition, at the link is the lead-up to the quote, which explains this idea: Fascism is a false revolution. It makes a revolutionary appeal without making an actual revol... more »

"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 11 hours ago
“Fantastic shapes lurk in clouds of glowing gas in the giant star forming region NGC 6188. The emission nebula is found about 4,000 light years away near the edge of a large molecular cloud unseen at visible wavelengths, in the southern constellation Ara. Massive, young stars of the embedded Ara OB1 association were formed in that region only a few million years ago, sculpting the dark shapes and powering the nebular glow with stellar winds and intense ultraviolet radiation. *Click image for larger size.* The recent star formation itself was likely triggered by winds and supernova e... more »

“Learning from the Big Picture: Cycle of Life” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 11 hours ago
*“Learning from the Big Picture: Cycle of Life”* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM “While we are on earth we are all human beings in different phases of our lives and soul development. As we walk through the world, the people we encounter appear so different from one another. We see babies, old men, pregnant women, and teenaged boys. We know couples on the verge of marriage and lonely widows. We interact with toddlers and the terminally ill. As different as each person seems, they are all living the human experience. They are just at different places in the cycle that begins with birth... more »

Chet Raymo, “In A Dark Time...” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 11 hours ago
*“In A Dark Time...”* by Chet Raymo “I've quoted a few of these lines before, from a poem by Charles Simic: "It's like fishing in the dark. Our thoughts are the hooks, Our heart the raw bait. We cast the line past all believing Into the night sky Until it's lost to sight." In a sense, that's the story of my life: a long love affair with the night sky. My first book of popular science was “365 Starry Nights”. My first book of personal prose was “The Soul of the Night: An Astronomical Pilgrimage”. “An Intimate Look at the Night Sky” followed much later, but every book in between, fict... more »

VA School Walks Back ‘Segregation Plan’ After Parents Revolt

Steve Birr at The Stream - 11 hours ago
[image: Back of School Bus - 900] At a Tuesday night hearing the Loudoun County School Board revised rezoning plans for the wealthy Virginia community after parents revolted over a plan critics said segregated the school district. Overcrowding at Evergreen Mill Elementary promoted the initial plan to... more »

Security In Iraq, Mar 22-28, 2016

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 11 hours ago
During the third week of March 2016, the Iraqi forces were still concentrating upon clearing out Anbar province after their victory in Ramadi, and began a new operation in Ninewa that started off slowly. This put added pressure upon the Islamic State and increased its move towards terrorism and insurgent attacks. There were 135 attacks in Iraq reported in the press from March 22-28. That was roughly the same as the previous week when there were 130, and lower than the first two weeks. Baghdad had the most incidents with 71, and there were 20 each in Anbar and Ninewa, 10 in Babil,... more »

ISIS supporters working as baggage handlers, cleaners and catering staff at Brussels airport per Daily Mail Online

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 11 hours ago
This news is not a huge surprise: 'Police at Brussels airport have claimed at least 50 Islamic State supporters are working there as baggage handlers, cleaners and catering staff. In an astonishing open letter, the officers said they have warned about the terrorist sympathisers whose security badges give them access to planes, but they remain employed. The airport police, who are threatening to go on strike because of securit... more »

Steve Russell : Antonin Scalia was a Federalist, sort of,

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 12 hours ago
and therefore would not approve of President Obama making a lame duck appointment to replace him, right? Wrong. By Steve Russell | The Rag Blog | March 31, 2016 Once upon a time, in the late 20th and early 21st … finish reading Steve Russell : Antonin Scalia was a Federalist, sort of,

Navy Tries to Kill Gangjeong Village on Jeju

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 12 hours ago
*Press conference by Gangjeong villagers held in front of the Jeju Island provincial government building (South Korea). The banner said "Navy killed all the Gangjeong villagers and then just take away the property! You have already taken away our land, destroyed our community and now even try to take all our property away!" * *Navy files suit for losses against locals that opposed naval base in Jeju* *the hankyoreh * *Activists, civic and religious groups accused of causing loss of taxpayer money for delaying construction in Gangjeong Village * The South Korean Navy is demanding... more »

THE LATEST ATTEMPT TO EXPLAIN: Nugget statement fails to compute!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 12 hours ago
*THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016Part 3—Einstein just isn't that easy:* Was Nova's program, Inside Einstein's Mind, able to make Einstein easy? Let's restate that question. Did last November's hour-long broadcast make the work of this intellectual giant understandable at all? We're going to say that the answer is no. Let's return to the non-explanation explanation which occurs near the start of the program. At roughly its nine-minute mark, the Nova program begins to discuss the "thought experiment" which led to "special relativity," the famous theory Einstein unveiled in 1905. As describ... more »

The Struggle for the Future

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 12 hours ago
Indigenous groups pay homage to Berta CaceresEven after Berta Cáceres was murdered, the threat remains for the indigenous communities in Honduras affected by the dams. But Berta's fight is not dead, it continues with her daughters. "She is here, she lives in every one of us," said her daughter Laura in an emotional speech.Copinh Intibucá Posted by teleSUR English on Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Neuroscientist pleads guilty in court to fraud, gets two-year suspended sentence

Shannon Palus at Retraction Watch - 12 hours ago
A Parkinson’s researcher pleaded guilty to fraud in court this morning in Brisbane, Australia, and received a two-year suspended sentence. Court sentences for fraud are rare, to say the least. This one follows an investigation by Bruce Murdoch‘s former employer, the University of Queensland, into 92 papers — resulting in the retraction of three papers co-authored by Caroline Barwood, […] The post Neuroscientist pleads guilty in court to fraud, gets two-year suspended sentence appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Europe Wake Up

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 12 hours ago
Europe get off your knees end your 'special relationship' with the war mongering USA Stop following Washington's corporate oligarchy over the cliff into the gates of hell Europe do you really want to end the refugee crisis? Then stop listening to Pentagon and Wall Street's eternal lies Stop repeating Washington's lies Stop accepting that NATO expansion and encirclement of Russia will bring security Europe wake up from your long sleep The U.S. brings chaos poverty environmental degredation endless bloodletting and corporate domination The USA does not believe in democracy Wake up E... more »

3 Examples of Voter Fraud Across US

Jason Snead at The Stream - 13 hours ago
[image: voting - 900] With the 2016 election season well underway, millions of voters across the country have already cast their ballots in primaries and caucuses. Republican and Democratic candidates are locked in close races for the highest office in the land, and every... more »

Lisa Gawlas: God – Self – Gaia – The Three Become One Thru YOU!

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 13 hours ago
*God – Self – Gaia – The Three Become One Thru YOU*! by Lisa Gawlas I have decided that spirit uses my voice as a shut off valve. And I am talking both my voice that comes thru my fingers as well as the one that comes out of my mouth. I woke up after 7am yesterday, incredibly late for me, hence no blog, it sometimes takes me a good half hour to form the first sentence, then the rest just rolls out, that first sentence is pesky tho. Maybe it's really the caffeine and nicotine hadn't fully distributed yet (big smile.) When my first appointment at 8am rolled around, I was shocke... more »

Poland’s Top Political Leaders Support Total Ban on Abortion

AP at The Stream - 13 hours ago
[image: Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło speaks before the European Parliament on January 19, 2016.] WARSAW, Poland (AP) -- Both Poland’s prime minister and the powerful leader of the conservative ruling party, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, say they support a total ban on abortion. Abortion is currently only allowed in rare cases in mostly Catholic Poland, such...more »

Argentina: The Day UFOs Invaded Uribelarrea

Inexplicata (IHU) at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - 13 hours ago
Source: and Planeta UFO Date: 03.25.2016 *Argentina: The Day UFOs Invaded Uribelarrea* **** Strange circles were found 30 years ago on a field belonging to the Parodi family. Residents saw incandescent lights traveling at high speed **** “We have seen something that fills us with intrigue and astonishment. It is hard to explain it in words,” wrote a reporter for the La Manana de 25 de Mayo newspaper three decades ago. The reason for his bewilderment was the discovery of eight circles, measuring b... more »

Excited about Abortion

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 13 hours ago
Its a meaningless thing in the big scheme of things. Something used to keep people up and down.

The US, Thai Human Rights, and Saudi Head Choppers

Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 13 hours ago
West's selective concern over human rights plagues Thailand *March 31, 2016* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - The Southeast Asian nation of Thailand has found itself repeatedly in the spotlight regarding labor practices, and in particular those among its shrimp and fishing production industry where Western media sources continue to focus on the use of migrant workers and the appalling conditions they toil under. However, the West's sudden fascination with Thai shrimp and fishing industries should strike the world as somewhat suspicious, or at least hypocritical. After all, the West, and... more »

Gaia Portal: Heralds of amplifications present

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 13 hours ago
*Heralds of amplifications present* by ÉirePort Heralds of amplifications present. Storm fields relinquish, as dregs are removed. Waters of emerging Higher Energies wash the planet, and hu-being consciousness. Nothingness appreciates. ÉirePort | March 31, 2016 at 11:11 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Editor's Note

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
Blogging will be light for the next few days. I have a lot of relatives in my home right now visiting. They will be gone by Saturday .... unfortunately .... I am limited by time on what I can post. I am playing host, tour guide, uncle to my niece and nephew, cousin, brother, brother-in-law, etc. .... sighhh .... the price of having a large family.

Mexico: UFOs Cause Accidents on Yucatán Roads

Inexplicata (IHU) at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - 13 hours ago
*Source: PLANETA UFO / Jorge Moreno, SIPSEDate: March 24, 2016* *Mexico: UFOs Cause Accidents on Yucatán Roads* There are UFOs whose powerful lights have caused highway accidents in the Yucatan. One of them ocurred five years ago on the Tizimín-Calotmul highway. MERIDA, Yucatan - Strange though it may seem, a driver from the Yucatan claims having been driven off the Tizimin-Calotmul highway after seeing a UFO with a powerful beam of light in front of him. He was blinded and forced to skid off the road. This incident occurred five years ago and it was only a few days ago that he ... more »

5 Sure Signs that America Has Gone Mad

Michael Brown at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: religious liberty - 900] If you needed proof that America has lost its corporate mind, here are 5 compelling examples. 1. In New York City, Cooper Union College has decided to remove all "gender markings" from its bathrooms. As reported by The Guardian, "Last...more »

The Monstrous Pakistan Easter Bombing Represents a True Branch of Islam

Michael Brown at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: Pakistan Easter bombing mourners__1459427005_173.57.93.201] On Easter Sunday, in a crowded children's park in Pakistan, a radical Islamic suicide bomber blew himself, specifically targeting Christian women and children, killing scores of innocent victims and wounding and maiming hundreds of others who were simply enjoying a... more »

After 7 Hurt in Oklahoma Twister, Stormy Weather Slams South

Bill Fuller at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: A tornado touches down in Tulsa, Okla., on Wednesday, March 30, 2016. The National Weather Service is confirming multiple tornado touchdowns in the Tulsa area. The City of Tulsa said in a statement that several roads were closed and police and fire crews were canvassing the city. The Streets and Water Departments are assisting with road barricades and debris removal. At least nine injuries were reported. (AP Photo/Larry Papke)] NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- Thunderstorms rumbled across parts of the South on Thursday, bringing the threat of possible tornadoes, a day after at least seve... more »

Updated: Sphere Alliance Message #140 CHUPACABRA!

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 14 hours ago
*I saw this barbeque seasoning in a mini-market in Texas, which brought back to mind a creature that's been running around Mexico and the American Southwest for over a decade...I never thought to ask the SA about it before.... -AK* [3/30/16, 12:36:00 PM] AK/Terran: *TERRAN: What are chupacabra and where did they come from?* *DEAR ONE/AK/TERRAN. THE CHUPACABRA IS A GENETIC EXPERIMENT GONE AWRY. RELEASED INTO THE WILD AND THOUGHT TO BE STERILE. IT IS NOW KNOWN THAT THIS IS NOT THE CASE. **[it reproduces] **STAN. X. END.* *Terran: Who created it?* *DEAR ONE/AK/TERRAN. THE CHUPAC... more »

How much do oil spills cost? Controversy over paper oozes into larger debate

Shelley DuBois at Retraction Watch - 14 hours ago
A controversy surrounding a 2014 Journal of Environmental Management paper has tapped into a larger scientific and economic issue — how to tally up the damage after an oil spill. The original paper, called “A revealed preference approach to valuing non-market recreational fishing losses from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill,” estimates the 2010 explosion of […] The post How much do oil spills cost? Controversy over paper oozes into larger debate appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Hackers Are Now Locking Computers for Ransom. Why This Is a Growing Threat.

Evan McDermott at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: ransomware] At this moment, someone's computer and personal data are being held hostage. Many have recently become victims of the cyber-tactic known as ransomware, including hospitals, schools, police departments, government agencies, and private citizens. Ransomware is a type of malware that infects... more »

Why Trump Loves Lewandowski, and Why Their Excuses for Bruising a Female Reporter Don’t Wash

Mona Charen at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: Corey Lewandowski campaign manager for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks with the media before former presidential candidate Ben Carson endorsed Mr. Trump at the Mar-A-Lago Club on March 11, 2016 in Palm Beach, Florida.] In a year of floors falling away under one’s feet (such as the assumption that nearly all Americans demand a minimal level of civility in public life), the Corey Lewandowski story represents one more gob smack. That Donald Trump stands... more »

21 Killed, Many Trapped in Overpass Collapse in India

MANIK BANERJEE at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: Vehicles are seen trapped under a partially collapsed overpass in Kolkata, India, Thursday, March 31, 2016. Rescuers dug through large chunks of debris from the overpass that collapsed while under construction Thursday, killing many people and injuring scores of others, officials said. (Swapan Mahapatra/Press Trust of India via AP)] KOLKATA, India (AP) -- A long section of a road overpass under construction collapsed Thursday in a crowded Kolkata neighborhood, with tons of concrete and steel slamming into midday traffic, leaving at least 21 people dead and scores of others... more »

Backpak on history

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 15 hours ago
We travelled and we and we, and we and now we do not

More US Troops And Equipment For Eastern Europe

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
*VOA*: *US Plans to Boost Military Presence in Eastern Europe* The United States plans to increase its military presence in Eastern Europe to deter Russian aggression, officials said Wednesday. The Pentagon intends to deploy an armored brigade combat team on a rotational basis next February along with a full set of equipment to NATO’s eastern borders, as part of the ongoing effort to reassure allies in the region that feel threatened by Russia. The nine-month rotations will bring the U.S. military presence in Europe to three fully manned combat brigades, and they will conduct mili... more »

The Pentagon Wants To Pair-Up Unmanned Fighter Jets With F-35s When They Go Into Combat

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
An unmanned U.S. Air Force QF-16 aerial target drone. U.S. Air Force *Fortune*:* The Pentagon Wants Autonomous Fighter Jets to Join the F-35 in Combat* The pilotless aircraft could take to the skies before driverless vehicles hit the road. The U.S. Air Force Research Lab is moving ahead with an initiative to turn aging F-16 fighter jets into unmanned, autonomous combat aircraft. The pilotless planes will fly alongside the newer aircraft like the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Speaking at a forum in Washington, Wednesday, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work said he expects to... more »

Gates Teacher Eval System Comes Crashing Down

Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 15 hours ago
Chalk this one up to another bad idea from the Gates Foundation. The bad news: the former Gates stooge, Elia, is now running New York schools into the ground. From the Tampa Bay Times: The news came in an email this week from superintendent Jeff Eakins to more than 260 "peer evaluators" and mentors who form the core of the system. It also arrived as the once-cordial relationship between the district and its teachers union imploded Thursday. The two sides walked away from each other in anger as talks over a salary agreement for the current school year broke down. Eakins announce... more »

Ukrainian girl proves that \(E_8\), Leech rule in sphere packing

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 15 hours ago
*Berlin postdoc Maryna Viazovska proves the lore in dimensions 8 and (with pals) 24* Erica Klarreich brought the readers of the Quanta Magazine some wonderful summary of three mathematical preprints on the arXiv: Sphere Packing Solved in Higher Dimensions The question is sort of obvious even to little kids. You have equally large \(n\)-dimensional spheres (the sphere is a set of points with a fixed Pythagorean distance \(R\) from the center). How do you arrange these non-overlapping objects in a big box so that the number of balls in the box is maximized? You may fill the 1-dimen... more »


jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 15 hours ago
*Chicago Teachers Throw Students Under the Bus* Friday is April Fools' Day, but the theatrics being staged by unionized teachers in Chicago is no joke. A dispute over new contract provisions has prompted city educators to schedule a walkout at week’s end. For purely selfish reasons, parents will need to make alternative arrangements for nearly 400,000 students while union leaders works to assuage their demands. According to The Daily Signal’s Leah Jessen, “In a contract offered in January, the district sought to phase out a 7-percent pension payment that the school district pays t... more »

Georgia Governor Nathan Deal Caves on Defense of Religious Freedom

John Stonestreet at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: Breakpoint Commentary 03_30_16] Georgia Governor Nathan Deal can teach us an important lesson or two about religious liberty. I remember when I first heard Chuck Colson, on a BreakPoint commentary years ago, make a distinction between religious liberty and freedom of worship. “Freedom... more »

German Hippy Commune Fighting for Open Borders Puts Up Fence, Refuses to Share Property With Refugees

Jacob Bojesson at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: Refugee children and their parents from Afghanistan look at books and games during a first event of the three-year program 'reading start for refugee children' in the refugee camp 'Bayernkaserne' in Munich, southern Germany, on March 21, 2016.] A hippy commune in Berlin created to promote inclusion and openness toward minorities is now protesting the city's plans to put 500 refugees on the property they lease. When the city proposed the 80,000 sq. ft. industrial property should be used to house... more »

Climate Surprise: Why More CO2 is Good for the Earth

William M Briggs at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: Carbon dioxide leaf_compressed] I had the good fortune to attend a talk by conservative author Mark Steyn at the Princeton Club in midtown Manhattan on Tuesday, sponsored by Roger Kimball’s The New Criterion and co-sponsored by the newly formed CO2 Coalition, founded by Princeton physicist Will Happer.... more »

Obama's Endorsement Of Boss-Backed Shill, Katie McGinty, Likely To Backfire

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago
*Grubby NY ward heeler Chuck Schümer thinks he gets to decide who Pennsylvanians get as a senator* When Obama, straight off his misguided endorsement of Debbie Wasserman Schultz this week, announced he was backing Pennsylvania puppet Katie McGinty (*despite*-- or maybe *because*-- Pennsylvania Democratic voters have utterly rejected her dull, waste-of-a-Senate-seat centrism), I tweeted something about how Schumer has promised Obama Wall Street funding for his presidential library if he backs the Schumercrats Wall Streets considers essential for them to continue their jihad against t... more »

House Republicans Float Proposal to Fix Puerto Rico’s Budget Mess

Philip Wegmann at The Stream - 16 hours ago
[image: A woman walks by a rundown building on Saturday July 04, 2015 in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico. The historic area brings in many tourists. (Photo by Matt McClain/ The Washington Post via Getty Images)] House Republicans released draft legislation Tuesday designed to help Puerto Rico weather a fiscal storm through comprehensive audits of the protectorate's finances and restructuring of its debts. Released as a "discussion draft" by Natural Resources Chairman Rob Bishop, R-Utah, the... more »

Now Apple Wants the FBI’s Help to Hack iPhones

Jonah Bennett at The Stream - 16 hours ago
[image: Apple iPhone 5c] The FBI recently announced it had figured out how to crack into the security of the San Bernardino terrorist's iPhone, and now Apple desperately wants to find out how the feds did it. The Department of Justice officially withdrew its case against... more »


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 16 hours ago
*Warmists now predicting the future 500 years from now* *Ludicrous. They've yet to get a prophecy right. It's just fantasy* Predictions about rising sea levels were already pretty dire, but the situation may have just got worse thanks to a climatological calculation oversight. Previous estimates of global sea level rises may have underestimated the problem by half because they failed to incorporate the full effects of factors including the break-up of ice sheets. Scientists claim that earlier predictions about the next 100 years, made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Ch... more »

The U.S. Does Not Have Plans To Deploy 'Killer Robots'

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
No plans for killer US military robots... yet — AFP news agency (@AFP) March 31, 2016 *AFP*: *No plans for killer US military robots... yet* Washington (AFP) - Robotic systems and unmanned vehicles are playing an ever-growing role in the US military -- but don't expect to see Terminator-style droids striding across the battlefield just yet. A top Pentagon official on Wednesday gave a tantalizing peek into several projects that not long ago were the stuff of science fiction, including missile-dodging satellites, self-flying F-16 f... more »

Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 31st March)

Hari at Ripped-off Britons - 16 hours ago
'True' UK unemployment is 6.3m, double the official figure Britain bases its jobless data on a widely used formula that defines an adult as unemployed if they are out of work and have actively sought a new post over the past month. However, the TUC (the umbrella body for UK trade unions) said incorporating six measures of joblessness that are common in the US would paint the UK job market in

North Carolina Bathroom Law Could Be Decided in Virginia

LARRY O'DELL at The Stream - 16 hours ago
[image: In this Aug. 25, 2015, file photo, Gavin Grimm poses on his front porch during an interview at his home in Gloucester, Va. The fate of North Carolina's new bathroom law could be determined by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, which is expected to rule soon on Grimm's challenge. The high school student was born female but identifies as male, and says it's discriminatory to make him use the girls’ room or a single-stall unisex restroom. (AP Photo/Steve Helber, File)] RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- The fate of North Carolina’s new law aimed at restricting restroom use by... more »

US Joins with South Korea, Japan in Bid to Deter North Korea

JOSH LEDERMAN at The Stream - 16 hours ago
[image: South Korean President Park Geun-hye, left, shakes hands with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as President Barack Obama watches after their meeting at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, on Thursday, March 31, 2016. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The United States pledged Thursday to deepen cooperation with allies South Korea and Japan on deterring the North Korean nuclear threat, working to ramp up pressure following worrying provocations. Leaders of the three countries urged the world...more »

Ayatollah: Let’s Use Missiles to Negotiate With the West

Jonah Bennett at The Stream - 16 hours ago
[image: In this photo obtained from the Iranian Fars News Agency, a Qadr H long-range ballistic surface-to-surface missile is fired by Iran's Revolutionary Guard, during a maneuver, in an undisclosed location in Iran, Wednesday, March 9, 2016. Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard test-fired two ballistic missiles in early March with the phrase "Israel must be wiped out" written on them, a show of deterrence power by the Islamic Republic as U.S. Vice President Joe Biden visited Israel, the semi-official Fars news agency reported.] Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Wedn... more »

Da Jews

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 16 hours ago
Da Jews make history that can not be denied in a story of great men and history Da Jews are always on the sell and taking bonus for inspired positions Unless there is a Arab genocide Israel will seize to exist pick a year a hundred years into the future and you have to ask why struggle in the present with a future that is so dark I have suggested we make a new Palestinian north of Winnipeg. Today I say give Canadian passports to everyone in Israel, let them come at their own time. Every culture has a watermark I have seen the whole world and know what works Jews work, its not perfect ... more »

White House Now Blaming War General’s 2014 Islamic State Assessment For Why No One Took The Group Seriously

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
U.S. President Barack Obama sits next to Commander of Central Command Gen. Lloyd Austin III during in a briefing from top military leaders while at U.S. Central Command at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida, September 17, 2014. REUTERS/LARRY DOWNING *Washington Times:* *Shifting blame, White House faults war general’s 2014 ISIS assessment as he departs* Army Gen. Lloyd Austin relinquished command in Tampa, Fla., on Wednesday of the U.S. forces fighting the Islamic State –– as a bit of a sour note hung in the air back in Washington. President Obama has been consistently criti... more »

Contents Of US Secretary of State John Kerry’s Mysterious Briefcase Finally Unveiled

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry gets off a plane upon his arrival at Moscow's Vnukovo airport, Russia, March 23, 2016. MAXIM ZMEYEV / Reuters *Sputnik*:* The Truth is Out: Contents of Kerry’s Mysterious Briefcase Finally Unveiled* Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov has finally revealed what kind of a ‘pleasant surprise’ US Secretary of State John Kerry brought to Moscow. When John Kerry arrived at Moscow during his official visit on March 23, many onlookers noticed that the Secretary of State was carrying his briefcase personally as he emerged from the aircraft, as ... more »

Love of sport very old school

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 16 hours ago
I love my sport cause I played it not very well I love my sport because it sublimibal tribal and no one who does not know cant see me as I am a sportsman with more asperation than goals I love my sprort becasue I can rationalize its p*ure* *pure like underlining* *which we can not be rid of* *even if mirrosoft gives us that control* Gone in one seconcd is the truth but I refuse to listne because of my love of the feeling being part of something great deep down knowing it was completely commersialses and I was the sucker who payed to play thats why I refuse to be a plaayher

Top 20 Doublespeak Terms to Listen for in Modern Propaganda

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 17 hours ago
*Makia Freeman* - Doublespeak is a language that is alive and well in our world today.

Officials: U.S. Mulls New Rules on Dollars to Help Iran

BRADLEY KLAPPER & MATTHEW LEE at The Stream - 17 hours ago
[image: In this March 1, 2016, file photo, U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew speaks with journalists in Hong Kong. The Obama administration may soon tell governments and banks worldwide they can start using the dollar in some instances to facilitate business with Iran, officials told The Associated Press. In a speech Wednesday, March 30, Lew lauded Iran for accepting the nuclear deal to achieve its goal of ending Western sanctions. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung, File)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Obama administration may soon tell foreign governments and banks they can start using the dollar in so... more »

Cruz Celebrates Women as Trump Fights to Court Them

STEVE PEOPLES & SCOTT BAUER at The Stream - 17 hours ago
[image: Heidi Cruz, left, wife Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Carly Fiorina, center, listens a Cruz speaks at a campaign stop, Wednesday, March 30, 2016, in Madison, Wis. (AP Photo/Andy Manis)] MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- Donald Trump is fighting to convince a skeptical Republican Party he can improve his standing among women, even as he takes back an explosive comment about abortion and attacks the credibility of a female reporter police... more »

You Won’t Hear The Truth From Mark Serreze

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 17 hours ago
By Paul Homewood According to Climate Home: Arctic sea ice fell to its lowest winter extent in recorded history for a second straight year, according to scientists at the National Snow and Ice Data Center and NASA. Ice cover in the polar region averaged 14.52 million square kilometres (5.607 m sq […]

Interview: Gov. Rick Perry Talks Ted Cruz, the Constitution, the Bible and the Race for Freedom

James Robison at The Stream - 17 hours ago
[image: Former Texas governor Rick Perry speaks to the media with US Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Ted Cruz and current governor Greg Abbott following a campaign rally in Dallas, Texas February 29, 2016, one day before the 'Super Tuesday' primaries. Americans in a dozen states head to the polls for a slew of primaries and caucuses March 1 on what is considered the most important day of the presidential nominations calendar. / AFP / Laura Buckman] James Robison: We've been friends for many years, and we've prayed together on numerous occasions for our country. How important do ... more »

Trump is Mean, but Is He at Least Bright? His Heidi/Melania Tweet Makes You Wonder

Dennis Prager at The Stream - 17 hours ago
[image: FILE - In this Dec. 2, 2015, file photo, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the Prince William County fair grounds in Manassas, Va. A U.S. judge is urging the Obama administration to protect from public disclosure federal court records involving the once-secret criminal history of a former Trump business partner. The case involves Felix Sater, a Trump business associate who had pleaded guilty in a major Mafia-linked stock fraud scheme and cooperated with the government. The AP reported in December 2015 that, even after learning a... more »

Drone Footage Shows Liberated Palmyra After ISIS

Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 18 hours ago
The ancient city of Palmyra was recently liberated from the Islamic State jihadists in central Syria. Russia Today correspondent Lizzie Phelan visited the ‘pearl of the desert’ and checked what remained of the UNESCO World Heritage Site after ISIS took hold of the city and its ancient archaeological treasures last year and subjected it to wanton destruction, as with all cultural sites and artifacts that fall under their hands. Russia Today reports: Just getting to Palmyra is a challenge. Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) mined the entrances to the world-famous site, which have ... more »

Loving Our Enemies By the Power of the Holy Spirit

James Robison at The Stream - 18 hours ago
[image: Praying for Loving our Enemies - 900] Before Easter I spoke about loving our enemies. There is much more to be said about that in this season of so much conflict, so I want to continue the conversation. I'm speaking today especially about those who stand against religious... more »

Could Germany ban mosques?

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 18 hours ago
The Alternative for Germany (AfD) led by chemist Frauke Petry (you have to be a female chemist if you want to be an influential German leader these days; Frauke only failed to invent the Petri dishes because her mother waited for the birth up to 1975) succeeded in recent regional elections in 3 German bundeslands. It scored between 12 and 25 percent and about 17% in average, the same percentage I mentioned as an estimate of their power in January before I was challenged by a German PC critic named Skepsis: Dear Lubos, although I respect your comptence in the field of physics I, as a... more »

abstract expressionism - Vincent Priblo - layering the layers

Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 19 hours ago
Free Planet realises that Paul Jackson Pollock died in 1956, but what sets Vincent Priblo's work head and shoulders above the rest of the also-rans is his layering of his layers, and his tones, his splatters seem to have purpose, hidden meaning, post-machine romanticism. To me, but who really knows? Well, that's the point of Abstract Expressionism, "We can't know, we can only feel."

Chimeraworld #7 - Vegan Contact - Creativity, Passion, Kinship.

Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 20 hours ago
*all six editions of the Chimeraworld series, in paperback* To date I have themed and edited for Chimericana Books six editions of the Chimeraworld anthology. Six paperback editions (each containing twenty-three sub-3,000 words stories from a mountain of worldwide author submissions) dealing with horrific, surrealistic, poignant genreclectic fiction issues that might affect our lives in the near-future. Chimeraworld #7 was the post-Corporate War World homage that never made it. There was no appetite for it, back then, in 2010, shortly after the publication of Chimeraworld #6 (New W... more »

Why Don’t The Amish Get Cancer?

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 21 hours ago
A recent study published in the journal Cancer Causes and Control has revealed that Amish people have virtually no cancer within their population, and are considered the most healthy people in America. Researchers from Ohio State University originally launched a study on the Amish population to see whether rates of cancer would be higher due to their lack of conventional medical care. What they found, however, shocked them. The Amish were found to have much lower rates of cancer than the rest of the population, so researchers decided to look more closely at their lifestyle choices ... more »

University of Alaska Launches 9/11 Controlled Demolition Investigation

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 21 hours ago
The University of Alaska are sponsoring a full investigation into claims that World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC7) was brought down by a controlled demolition during the 9/11 attacks. Dr. J. Leroy Husley, Chair of the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ (UAF) Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, is partnering with Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth to evaluate the causes for its collapse. reports: Although questions still remain about how the two planes that hit the Twin Towers could cause the total collapse of the high-rise buildings, many 9/11 research... more »

Military Photo of the Day: March 31, 2016

Tom Sileo at The Stream - 21 hours ago
[image: Marine in Mud-900] A U.S. Marine officer candidate breaks the surface of murky water at Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia on March 15, 2016. Wow! Thanks to Cpl. Patrick H. Owens for capturing this incredible image.

Jade Helm 16: Military Prepare For Civil War, Withhold Food From Public

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 21 hours ago
The U.S. military have launched Jade Helm 16 – otherwise known as UWEX 16 – a military exercise to prepare troops for an American civil war. These latest exercises follow last year’s Jade Helm 15 exercises which some feared were being used as a means to introduce martial law in America. According to an anonymous tip off, Jade Helm 16 appears to be about controlling the nation’s food supply. reports: I have learned from reliable sources that Jade Helm 16 is also about controlling the shipment of all food. If one thinks this sounds outrageous, stay tuned, becau...more »

(Hillary Dead Wrong)  You Better Sit Down, Liberals  (Obama's 10,000% TPP Tariffs) Liberalism of the Rich? Hillary Textposed  (Who's in the Bag for Whom?)  Is It the Neolib $$$ or the Required Malleability?  (Don't Panic - It's Your Government)  Caspersen Makes Off - Dodd-Frank Cuckolded  (Who Thought Madoff Not So Influential?)

Hillary Dead Wrong ? As the Democratic primary race tightens, Hillary Clinton has been trying to cast opponent Bernie Sanders as unrealistic and "pie in the sky," but a leading University of Massachusetts economist says such criticisms are "dead wrong" and, in fact, the Vermont senator's proposals are precisely what will "make the economy great again."In a column published at "The Nation"

French President Says Dissidents Can Stay In France … For Now

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 21 hours ago
French President François Hollande has reluctantly agreed to allow dissidents to remain French citizens for the time being, amid protests from parliament and the public. Hollande had originally proposed a bill that would have revoked the citizenship for anybody he deems to be a ‘terrorist’ under the country’s strict new state of emergency laws which some have labelled as Orwellian. reports: In a rare address to reporters following the weekly cabinet meeting, Hollande said Wednesday he had no choice. France’s two houses of parliament disagree on the bill and a compromise “see... more »

Bag Stuffed With Voter Forms Found Dumped in California

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 21 hours ago
A man from Contra Costa County, California says he has found a bag stuffed with voter forms containing personal information of numerous residents whilst he was out walking his dog this week. Bob Ericson of Concord was walking his dog when he spotted a bag full of papers. “It was already open and the forms were pulled out. I read the top line and it said “voter registration form,” Ericson said. He immediately posted a photo of the bag on Facebook, amid a growing fear amongst the public that widespread election fraud is taking place in this years primary elections. repor...more »

Canadian Leader Murdered Prior To Meeting With Trump And Sanders

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 21 hours ago
Canadian television broadcaster and federal politician Jean Lapierre has been killed in a plane crash just hours before a scheduled meeting with representatives from the Sanders and Trump campaign. Russia have called Lapierre’s death as a “deliberate terrorist act” – saying his anti-establishment views posed a threat to Western leaders. reports: According to this report, SVR “assets” this past weekend were monitoring the “movement/actions” of a small contingent of Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) terror fighters that were secreted from the Levant War Zone territor... more »

Saudi Arabia Seek Death Penalty For Homosexuals Who ‘Come Out’

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 21 hours ago
Saudi Arabia have announced plans to execute homosexuals who ‘come out’ publicly on social media. According to Oraz, a Saudi newspaper, prosecutors in the city of Jiddah are introducing the death penalty in response to an increase in prosecutions of people practising homosexuality in Saudi Arabia over the last 6 months. reports: Okaz reported that Jiddah authorities have prosecuted 50 cases in which men allegedly dressed as women. A doctor who lives in the port city on the Red Sea has been released on bail after officials arrested him for allegedly raising an LG... more »

Who Could Blame These Republicans For Saying They Can't Support Each Other?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 21 hours ago
The Republican candidates have been out on the road with each other for months-- seems like years-- and have gotten to know each other better than any of us will ever know them. They're all rivals, that's for sure. Cruz, in fact, just started running a series of pretty nasty attack ads in Wisconsin against Kasich. Watch: But that's politics. You won't find Cruz ever saying he wouldn't vote for Kasich if Kasich is the party nominee and you won't even find Kasich saying he wouldn't vote for Cruz if Cruz is the nominee. The only candidates who would ever back Trump, on the other ha... more »

Associated Press Helped Nazi Propaganda Machine, New Report Reveals

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 22 hours ago
A new report has revealed that the Associated Press news agency (AP) worked alongside the Third Reich during Hitler’s reign to produce numerous photographs for use in Nazi propaganda. AP provided the Nazi’s with images from their photo archive to be used in anti-Semitic and anti-Western propaganda campaigns, according German historian Harriet Scharnberg. reports: When Adolf Hitler’s National Socialists rose to power in 1933, all international news agencies but the US-based AP were forced to leave Germany. The AP continued to operate in the Third Reich until 1941, ... more »

Tweet For Today

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 22 hours ago
Migrant-smuggling prices in Athens start at around €1,000 — Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) March 31, 2016

Report: Hillary Clinton To Be Interviewed By FBI Director Comey On Email Scandal

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 22 hours ago
Daily Mail *Mediaite*: *AJAM’s David Shuster Exclusive: Hillary Clinton to be Interviewed by FBI Director Comey in Coming Days* Al Jazeera America may be shutting off the lights permanently soon, but that doesn’t mean reporters like David Shuster aren’t continuing to go about their business until the final gun sounds. Wednesday night, Shuster just reported on the 7:00 PM EST AJAM nightly newscast that the FBI has completed its examination of Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton‘s private email server after an investigation lasting nearly one year. The former Fox News and MSNBC r... more »

Thorne Dreyer : RAG RADIO PODCASTS | Julia Mickenberg, Rich Reddick & Kate Catterall; Leng Wong & Anu Naimpally; scott crow; Jim Hightower; and The Melancholy Ramblers!

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 23 hours ago
We dive into higher ed, live on the Asian-American hyphen, get anarchic, go populist, and dig us some honky-tonk. Interviews by Thorne Dreyer | The Rag Blog | March 31, 2016 The following podcasts are from recent Rag Radio shows … finish reading Thorne Dreyer : *RAG RADIO PODCASTS* | Julia Mickenberg, Rich Reddick & Kate Catterall; Leng Wong & Anu Naimpally; scott crow; Jim Hightower; and The Melancholy Ramblers!

AGW Scam exposed yet again.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 23 hours ago
A year ago, this blog reported United Nation’s top climate change official Christiana Figueres' press release where she admitted that the UNFCCC's aim was not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism. Another IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer in November 2010 issued very similar thoughts. From 2008 to 2015 Edenhofer served as Co-Chair of Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AN interview published by Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) (google translated from German -bold added) But one must say clearly that we redistribute de fac... more »

Picture Of The Day

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Navy Petty Officers 2nd Class Joseph Comparato, top, and Jocelyn Caro clean and maintain a close-in weapon system aboard the USS Porter in the Mediterranean Sea, March 26, 2016. The Porter is on a routine patrol to support U.S. national security interests in Europe. Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Robert S. Price

Israeli Firm Has Helped The FBI Hack The San Bernardino Terrorist's iPhone

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*The Hill*: *Israeli firm helped FBI hack iPhone* The Israeli mobile forensics firm Cellebrite helped the FBI hack into the iPhone of San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook, NBC reports, citing industry sources. The firm has been rumored to be behind the FBI’s newfound ability to access the device, thanks to a previous and unconfirmed report from an Israeli newspaper. Neither Cellebrite nor the Department of Justice has confirmed the reports. The FBI has routinely contracted Cellebrite over the last five years. The company, which publicly boasts of its ability to hack into Appl... more »

Are U.S. - China Watchers Wrong When it Comes To Analysing Chinese War Doctrine?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Soldiers march in a military parade in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, to mark the 70th anniversary of victory over Japan and the end of World War II. (AFP Photo) *Wendell Minnick, Defense News*: *Analysis – A Chinese Way of War* *CRS Warning for America’s China Watchers* TAIPEI, Taiwan — A new paper by the US Congressional Research Service (CRS) warns of misreading Chinese tea leaves, such as the tendency of US-based China-watchers to use mirror imaging, ignore China’s lack of transparency and use of subterfuge, and the fact that the Chinese military advocates no differentiation bet... more »

Russia And The US May Coordinate Their Miltiary Forces In The Liberation Of The Islamic State Stronghold Of Raqqa

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*The Guardian*: *Russia and US 'planning military coordination against Isis in Syria'* The two powers are working to liberate the Islamic State stronghold of Raqqa, says Russian deputy foreign minister Signs of wider military cooperation in Syria have emerged as Russia revealed that discussions have taken place about coordinating the liberation of the Islamic State stronghold of Raqqa in conjunction with the US. Russia and the US have slowly been working more closely in the wake of the partial Russian withdrawal of its aircraft from Syria, including an agreement last week to pre... more »

Can't Take a Joke....

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago
RT reports: European Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker has criticized Ankara's reaction to a satirical clip about President Recep Tayyip Erdogan broadcast on German TV. Summoning the ambassador over the matter alienates Turkey from the EU, Juncker said. The EU chief "does not approve of [Ankara's] decision to summon Germany's envoy just over a satirical song. He believes this moves Turkey away from the EU rather than brings it closer to us," Commission spokeswoman Mina Andreeva told a news briefing on Wednesday. She proceeded with quoting the Commission chief as saying that ... more »

Republican Party Deserves Trump

Manifesto Joe at Manifesto Joe's Texas Blues - 1 day ago
By Manifesto Joe It's hard for me to spell his name with the "T." "Rump" is more descriptive. For nearly 50 years, the Republican Party has leaned on a "Southern strategy," as it was called during Richard Nixon's successful run for the presidency in 1968. That year the choice for rednecks was between Tricky Dick and George Wallace, and a good many chose the latter. But the strategy was articulated, and it had been there already. Recall that Barry Goldwater had his main electoral success in the Deep South, where he won five states in an otherwise disastrous try for the presidency in ... more »

The U.S. Army's New Version Of The 155mm Howitzer Can Hit Targets 43 Miles Away

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*War Is Boring: **The U.S. Army Is About to Double Its Howitzer Range* New barrel helps the M-777 to shoot much farther On March 19, U.S. Marine Corps staff sergeant Louis Cardin, a field artilleryman assigned to the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, died during an attack on Fire Base Bell outside of Makhmur, Iraq. Coincidentally, the U.S. Army is hard at work developing a farther-firing howitzer that could help keep artillery troops out of range of enemy forces. The Army is cooking up a suite of improvements could double the range of the existing M-777 howitzer. Right now the 155-m... more »

Iraq's Offensive To Retake Mosul Collapses After Mass Desertions

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Washington Free Beacon:* *Mosul Offensive Hindered by ISIS Violence, Desertions* Kurdish forces doubt ability of Iraqi army soldiers. Iraqi army soldiers were forced to withdraw from their mission to capture three villages held by the Islamic State last week, spelling trouble for the force as it gears up capture Mosul, the terror group’s de facto capital in Iraq. USA Today reported: *[Thursday’s mission] proved to be a slog because of heavy rains, tougher-than-expected resistance from the militants and reports of the low morale that has dogged the Iraqi military ever since the ... more »

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- March 30, 2016

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Ibrahim al-Marashi, Al Jazeera:* *Palmyra is a major turning point in Syria's Civil War* The fall of Palmyra marks a big win in the Syrian state's fight against ISIL. Bashar al-Assad had said for years to both Syrians and the international community that only his regime could prevent the spectre of ISIL taking over Syria. For the first time he has acted to deal with this threat. Damascus finally invested in amassing enough military forces to defeat ISIL in a battle for territory. Also, even with the withdrawal of Russian forces from the war, Moscow's residual airpower in Syria ... more »

World News Briefs -- March 30, 2016 (Evening Edition)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Syria's President Bashar al-Assad stands next to his wife Asma, as he addresses injured soldiers and their mothers during a celebration marking Syrian Mother's Day in Damascus, March 21, 2016. REUTERS/SANA/Handout via Reuters *Reuters*: *Assad says he can form new Syria government with opposition* President Bashar al-Assad said it would not be difficult to agree on a new Syrian government including opposition figures, but his opponents responded on Wednesday that no administration would be legitimate while he remained in office. Assad, bolstered by military victory in the desert c... more »

In Loving Memory: Long Walk 2 Northern Route Walkers by Bad Bear at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago
In Honor of Longest Walkers of Long Walk 2 Northern Route in 2008 who passed to Spirit World. By Carl Bad Bear Sampson, Western Shoshone. In Memory  Miguel Gomez, 31, Yaqui  Tomas Reyes, California Danny Wyatt, Washoe Willie Lonewolf, Navajo Ute . Long Walker Mucaw Jefferson, Quechan, was on the Longest Walk 2 southern route and passed to the Spirit World after returning home