Thursday, April 24, 2014

24 April - Blogs I'm Following

English: Europa on the Bull, a fountain sculpt...English: Europa on the Bull, a fountain sculpture by Carl Milles, is the central attraction of the campus of The University of Tennessee (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
PorterPorter (Photo credit: nubui)
My Porter Nepal!My Porter Nepal! (Photo credit: TaylorMiles)
2:12pm MDST

Audio of My Friend asking Supreme Justice Scalia about Taxes at University of Tennessee. Scalia said "Perhaps you should Revolt" if it reaches a certain point.

Sherrie Questioning All at Sherrie Questioning All - 31 minutes ago
Supreme Justice Scalia was here in Knoxville on April 15th 2014 to speak at the University of Tennessee for the annual Rose Lecture. At the end of his speech he took questions. One question has been covered by Fox news and other MSM outlets. It was about high taxes, his answer is what has made the rounds, where even Rand Paul was asked about Scalia's answer on Fox news. It just so happens it

The U.S. presstitute media uncritally publishs lies promulgated by the government, even knowing that spreading such propaganda could lead to an unjustified hot war against Russia (World War III) pleasing no one but the neocons!

David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 37 minutes ago
------------------------------ Original Here *Evidence for Russian Involvement in East Ukraine Based on Shoddy Journalism * Robert Parry: The Obama administration and Kiev government claimed that Russian soldiers were present at the building occupations, yet it turns out that this assertion was based on photos the U.S. government provided to NYTimes and that the newspaper since has had to retract - *April 24, 14* More at The Real News *Bio .* Robert Parry is an American investigative j... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 38 minutes ago
I bought a used scooter last summer so I can more easily get to Brunswick which is about 10 miles from Bath. It's been sitting in the shed for the last five months but now that winter is mostly over I can get back on it. I took it to the shop to get serviced early in the week and picked it up today. It's a Piaggio Fly and has a maximum speed of 50 mph if I am going downhill with the wind at my back. It does about 30 mph going up hill and there are alot of hills around here. The scooter gets an average gas mileage of 117 Mpg. Today the wind was really howling. I was flying al... more »

In search of Eduardo Porter!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 1 hour ago
*THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 2014* *Also in search of the very high cost of our American health care:* Eduardo Porter is one of the nation’s most interesting journalists. His “Economic Scene” analysis column appears in the New York Times every Wednesday. The column appears on the front page of the Business Day section. Porter’s columns are rather lengthy and they’re always intelligent or intelligent-seeming. Perhaps for those reasons, we don’t think we’ve ever seen his name mentioned in the national discourse. Consider yesterday’s piece, which ran 1255 words. As he started, Porter cited a ... more »

Canada Health Act: Then and Now, Nfld and NB (fern hill) at DAMMIT JANET! - 1 hour ago
I have a question. In this piece about what soon may be the only abortion clinic east of Montreal, the Athena Health Centre in St John's, there's this bit of history (emphasis mine). According to a 1998 article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, from the time the St. John’s Morgentaler clinic opened until 1993 the out-of-pocket cost for a woman having an abortion ranged from $400-$750, despite the fact abortion was covered by the Canada Health Act as a medically necessary procedure. In ’93, however, the province began paying the salaries of physicians at the Morgentaler c... more »

Demotivational Thought of the Day

jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 1 hour ago
...because Lord knows multiculturalism is fast making these fine, white men a vanishing breed.

More Obama Non-Lying? (Or 16th-Dimensional Chess Move As Net Neutrality Vanishes) POOF!

Those rich guys! They never quit, do they? Always one more way to screw up common citizens' lives in order to bring to themselves a few more (unneeded) pennies. I've often thought that Pottersville2 won't outlast the bad economic times. Today it was announced that no private blogs will outlast the "no net neutrality" times. Because if only well-capitalized sites get access to the web, then


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 hour ago
In the eastern Ukraine, which is an industrial hub and key sector of the country's economy, people are on edge, staging rallies and going on strikes. The Donetsk and Lugansk regions are also currently hotspots for anti-Kiev unrest. RT's Paula Slier went there to find out what's driving people to the edge.


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 hour ago
Vandenberg from Regis Tremblay on Vimeo. This just in from Regis Tremblay.....a short video from the Global Network protest at Vandenberg AFB, California on the first day of our 22nd annual meeting. During the video Global Network board member Dennis Apel is arrested. Apel, a Catholic Worker activist, lives near the base and has been banned from the location because of many arrests there for non-violent civil disobedience. Not pictured was the arrest of MacGregor Eddy (WILPF) who has also been banned from the base. Apel took the base ban case to the US Supreme Court which voted... more »

Sort of a Selfie

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 2 hours ago

Doing a Documentary about Dental Costs in Mexico compared to the U.S. U.S. Dentist Overcharging with Dental work becoming unaffordable

Sherrie Questioning All at Sherrie Questioning All - 2 hours ago
If there is one thing that is super expensive for everyone is dental work. Dental costs are outrageous here in the United States besides medical costs. I have gone outside of the U.S. for my medical previously. Here is a story my local paper did on my trip to Thailand. In that article you will read how I have gone down to Merida Mexico for dental work. Merida is considered the safest

Balance & Equilibrium: The "Feminine" & "Masculine" Division of ONE

D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 2 hours ago
Balance and Equilibrium. bal·ance [bal-uhns] Show IPA noun 1. a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc. 2. something used to produce equilibrium; counterpoise. 3. mental steadiness or emotional stability; habit of calm behavior, judgment, etc. 4. a state of bodily equilibrium: He lost his balance and fell down the stairs. 5. an instrument for determining weight, typically by the equilibrium of a bar with a fulcrum at the center, from each end of which is suspended a scale or pan, one holding an object of known weight, and the other hol... more »

That didn't take long: NYTimes declares Cliven Bundy a racist...w/Update: Bundy responds (video)

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 3 hours ago
*because he allegedly said this:* “I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do. “And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abo... more »

Poland: The largest & most important state on the NATO frontline

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 3 hours ago
*Continuing on from earlier today, US Paratroopers go to Poland/Polish Defence Minister goes to Washington, it appears that yes, I have Poland on my mind.* * We are going long in this post. So settle in for a spell. * I can't quite recall who left the link to a Votaire article regarding Poland training the thugs from Maidan either karin or kamnan- whichever one of you it was, thanks! It certainly got the brain fired up. Let's look at that article briefly if you have not seen it already? *Ukraine: Poland trained putchists two months in advance* *In his capacity as EU negotiator, Rado... more »

FCC Forces Blue America To Endorse New Jersey Progressive Dave Cole-- Here's Why

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago
Hopefully you've been following Dave's inspiring campaign for the south Jersey seat currently occupied by conservative Congressman Frank LoBiondo. We were going to endorse him anyway but the move the FCC made against net neutrality, one of Dave's signature issues, pushed out schedule up to… immediately. If you believe in net neutrality, as so few Republicans and corporate Dems do, please help Dave win this seat by contributing what you can on the Blue America ActBlue page. And let's let Dave explain why the FCC is totally off-base… and why their decision is much more of a danger t... more »

Collapse is not victory

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 3 hours ago
How important it is to have players history does not doubt this at all but must they all be so physical when the truth is a loob ball? We are not among the ignorant we can not say we did not know why the castle fell and how picked up the bricks and threw them at our door.

WAYS TO DIVIDE: Greatest method of all!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 3 hours ago
*THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 2014* *Part 4—Division through race:* We liberals have a great many ways to divide the 99 percent. When the 99 percent divide, the one percent tend to conquer. For that reason, it isn’t wise to split into tribes unless we really need to. Alas! In emerging pseudo-liberal culture, we *love* to divide ourselves into tribes! Consider some recent reactions to something David Brooks said. Last Sunday, Brooks appeared on Meet the Press. At one point, he engaged in this exchange with Chuck Todd concerning the challenge facing Obama due to Russian conduct in Ukraine: T... more »

White Suprmacy: Alive and Well

Michael Paul Goldenberg at @ THE CHALK FACE - 3 hours ago
Originally posted on Bill Ayers: The Supreme Court continued its long backward march yesterday, ruling 6-2 that Michigan could ban race as a factor in college admissions. Affirmative action is alive and well for white people, for the children of wealthy donors and alumni, but dead for people who suffered centuries of slavery, Jim Crow…


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 3 hours ago
*The Daily Show* Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on Facebook,Daily Show Video Archive *The Daily Show* Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on Facebook,Daily Show Video Archive

Electromagnetic Effects and Car Engines

KRandle at A Different Perspective - 4 hours ago
I was doing some work for my book, *The Government UFO Files*, which is a cheap way to give it a plug and I noticed that I had included a sighting from November 23, 1957 made by an Air Force officer that included electro-magnetic effects. Given the discussions from the past several days, this case becomes relevant. According to the story told by First Lieutenant Joseph F. Long, a pilot with the 321stFighter-Inceptor Squadron, he was near Tonopah, Nevada when his car engine stalled. He reported: … Attempts to restart the engine were unsuccessful, and SOURCE [Long] got out of his ca... more »

liberty leading the people

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 4 hours ago
Eugène Delacroix 1830

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream and Wall Art

Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 4 hours ago
Can you believe this is the tenth link party we’ve hosted? So many great projects and recipes have been linked up and we really can’t wait to see what you’ve got to share today! This party is being hosted by Jesseca from One Sweet Appetite! I’ll turn things over to her so you can see what she’s been up to! [image: You're invited header 2] Who’s ready to get this party started?! Before we get rolling let me share a few things that I’ve been working on. This warm-ish spring weather has me inspired to make lots of cool treats. I couldn’t wait until summer to get some of these ice creams... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 4 hours ago
Obama just had sushi in Japan and is rounding up the allies to get them to fork over some more money to help pay for the surrounding of China. The reward for Asia-Pacific countries that participate in such an expensive and dangerous endeavor? A piece of the action for the top 1% if they go along with corporate militarized, banking and austerity agendas. In a way Obama is like a priest offering 'faith' for a price as the collection plate is passed among the assembled. Prof. Jose Maria Sison, Chairperson, International League of Peoples' Struggle writes: The US “pivot to Asia”... more »

A Corrrupted Party

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 5 hours ago
Linda McQuaig writes that there is no better contrast between what the Conservative Party used to stand for and what it stands for now than the contrast between Douglas Roche and Stephen Harper. Roche represented Edmonton between 1972 and 1984. He was appointed to the Senate in 1998. He retired from the Senate in 2004. Throughout his career, he has been a tireless advocate for nuclear disarmament: Roche has spent decades championing nuclear disarmament, peace and social justice — causes that have fallen by the wayside in our current rush to celebrate greed and cheer on military ... more »

US Paratroopers go to Poland/Polish Defence Minister goes to Washington

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 5 hours ago
*Readers here may have noticed that paratroopers arrived in Poland* The first 150 of 600 being moved into the general area. What will the paratroopers be used for in this situation? Will they be dropping into Russian territory? U.S. Army paratroopers are arriving in Poland on Wednesday as part of a wave of U.S. troops heading to shore up America's Eastern European allies in the face of Russian meddling in Ukraine. Pentagon press secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby said an initial contingent of about 600 troops will head to four countries across Eastern Europe for military exercises over... more »

Destinys CHild

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 5 hours ago
What we are seeing is a success at communication. At the NHL level the physical abilities are closely aligned. Its like playing a RPG or nowadays most FPS game. What attributes are going to give you a winning character? In hockey and even NASCAR speed kills. Of all its faults todays NHL makes it obvious that plyons like the Princess are dead dinosaurs. Those not fleet of foot must have amazing skills in other areas. Increasingly those skills are not going to pass NHL muster. I am not alone in ripping our coach multiple new ones. So our current reality caused me to suffer through s... more »

Should illegal alien invaders be deported? (Duh!)

John Friend at John Friend's Blog - 5 hours ago
An article recently appearing in the local *U-T San Diego* highlighted the latest policy change supposedly being considered by the Obama administration. Here are the basics: A policy change reportedly being considered by the Obama administration strikes at a key element of the debate over immigration: *Should the United States deport people for entering the country illegally?* The Department of Homeland Security *may halt the deportation of people who have re-entered the country after they have been deported previously*, and *those who are fugitives from immigration proceedings*, ac... more »

As the Times Turns

Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 5 hours ago
When is a *New York Times* retraction not a retraction? When the Gray Lady gets caught with her bloomers down, but avoids any admission of wrongdoing, and hides her "correction" in a back page instead of right where it belongs. That, logically, would be on the front page where the original story and photo spread appeared, accompanied by a large type, bold print apology. Those grainy photos of bearded "green men" that were peddled by the Obama administration to the newspaper as proof of Russian presence in East Ukraine, and dutifully and unquestioningly reprinted by the *Times*, have... more »

Infighting Between Iraq Insurgent Groups

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 5 hours ago
The increasing violence in Iraq is a clear sign that the insurgency has made a comeback in the country. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) gets most of the publicity, but there are several other groups active such as the Baathist Jaish Rijal al-Tariqat al-Naqshibandi, Ansar al-Sunna, Hamas Iraq, the 1920 Revolution Brigades, the Islamic Army, and others. While it would appear that these organizations are all working towards the same goal, overthrowing the government, they have different ideologies and rivalries. In the last two years these differences have slowly bee... more »

April 24:Some good reporting

Graeme Decarie at The Moncton Times@Transcript - Good and Bad - 6 hours ago
Though section A is its usual bleak self, it does have one story that looks like an example of good reporting and good writing. "Assess shale health effects: experts" The story is by Adam Huras, and it's an extensive and detailed interview with two, qualified experts on the importance of the Dr. Cleary report. This is the report that considers the social and physical effects of shale gas development on people. This is also the report that the Irving press thoroughly butchered when it appeared. We never did learn what was in it, and the paper promptly buried it before we could find o... more »


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 6 hours ago
*Oil and Gas lobbyist Senator Robert Adley makes changes to levee board bill, expects opposition ~Mark Ballard, The Advocate* *Bill to derail parish 'big oil' lawsuits stalls ~Kevin McGill, AP via SF Gate* *The Sunshine Squad *~Website will expose the deceptions that Governor Jindal and other allies of the oil and gas industry have been spreading in the Capitol and in the news media. It will do so on a real time basis, so that journalists, legislators, stakeholders and the people of Louisiana can spot these deceptions as they occur, then check them against the truth. For the rest o... more »

Gold manipulation news of the day - April 24 , 2014 ! And yes , just as it appears Ukraine situation is coming to a head , in a non rational world , why not sell gold ?

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 6 hours ago
Gold Slammed To Fresh 10-Week Lows Below Key Technical Level [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/24/2014 08:13 -0400 - Precious Metals - SocGen - Ukraine inShare5 What else should you do as Russian and Ukraine forces begin a serious un-de-escalation... sell precious metals with both hands and feet of course. The strength in stocks (whether channel-stuffed or not) is enough to make investors believe that we don't need no stinking Fed and that economy must be doing great all on its own. *Gold is back below $1275, which SocGen warns could ... more »

Argentina: UFO Flies Over the San Lorenzo Stadium

Inexplicata (IHU) at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - 6 hours ago
*Source: 24/7 (Argentina)Date: 04.22.2014* *Argentina: UFO Flies Over the San Lorenzo Stadium* Video shows the moment in which a strange light appears over the stadium during the game against Botafogo. The strange episode took place at el Nuevo Gasometro during the last game against Botafogo for the Libertadores de America Cup, ending in a 3-0 victory by San Lorenzo. The video shows a strange light making unusual maneuvers in the sky of Bajo Flores. The recording with the unidentified flying obejct was published on YouTube. Could it be a UFO? WATCH THE VIDEO A... more »

Elizabeth Warren Plans To Bring Consumer Protection To Higher Education

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours ago
Tuesday night Rachel Maddow had a couple of inspiring segments on her show dedicated to Elizabeth Warren and the release of her new book, A Fighting Chance. She included an inspiring interview, included above complements of YouTube. The next morning, Senator Warren and several of her colleagues from both houses of Congress sent this letter to Education Secretary Arne Duncan in support of changes to Title IV’s cash management rules, as she had indicated she would on Maddow's show the night before. The letter urges the Department of Education to protect students from unfair banking ... more »

Join The Thinking Moms' Revolution | Meet Our Children Video

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 7 hours ago
** *Source: *** *Thinking Moms' Revolution Facebook Group*

New Post

thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 7 hours ago
I won't be able to add anything to the magnum opus begun with yesterday's post. So I'll just announce that I'm reading Chris Hedge's and Joe Sacco's *Days of Destruction: Days of Revolt.* I'm finding it depressing.

BBC News - Labour Party seeks to cut links with Co-op Bank

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 7 hours ago
The BBC article about the Labour Party moving from the Co-op bank to The Unity Trust Bank is a little disingenuous. The BBC report says: ' Sources at the Labour Party have told the BBC's business editor, Kamal Ahmed, that negotiations have begun to move a £1.2m loan Labour has with the Co-op Bank to the Unity Trust Bank, and that once the loan has been moved Labour would move all its current account facilities to the same bank.' Oddly the Unity Trust Bank website informs me that ' Unity fu... more »


jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 7 hours ago
*PC Common Core* You'll notice a rather important principle missing in New York state Common Core standards being drafted for grades K-8 – the concept of Liberty. Under the section “Civic Ideals and Practices,” the draft reads, “Students will explore democratic principles such as dignity for all, equality, fairness, and respect for authority and rules, and how those principles are applied to their community.” However, as Education Action Group's Kyle Olson observes, “What happened to 'liberty'? You know, a word that actually appears in the Declaration of Independence? It's a word... more »

Conditional Pro-Choice (fern hill) at DAMMIT JANET! - 7 hours ago
I realize that not everyone lurks in the dark recesses of the toobz that I do, but it would be hard to miss the brouhaha going on in the UK over Josie Cunningham. Ms Cunningham wears many hats, as do we all, but it is her ambition to be a celebrity that has knickers in knots. The telly show Big Brother was interested in her as a contestant (right word?) until it was revealed that she's preggers. Interest cooled. No problemo, she responded, I'll have an abortion. (And she said so publicly, of which more anon.) SHRIEEEEK! How dare the hussy put her career and ambition ahead of procr... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 8 hours ago
Author Michael Pollan discusses McDonald's French fries and home cooking versus unhealthy corporate food.

War Watch April 21 - 22 , 2014 -- France backs claims that Syrian forces have used chemical weapons recently François Hollande says France has 'information' that toxic gases have been used against opposition in recent attacks .........At Least 46 Killed in Two Days of US Drone Strikes in Yemen Most 'Suspects' But Some Confirmed Civilian Deaths ......Foreign Suicide Bombers Kill Thousands and Bring Iraq to the Brink of Civil War Isis using Twitter to publicise nationalities of jihadists it has brought across Syrian border ..... Afghanistan Election appears set for a Run off between Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf ghani , the question of with whom the other candidates align will probably determine the outcome .....

Catharsis Ours - 8 hours ago
Afghanistan..... Report: US Considers Option for Less Than 10,000 Troops in AfghanistanPentagon Presented 10,000 Option as 'Bare Minimum' by Jason Ditz, April 21, 2014 Print This | Share This The latest reports from administration officials suggest that they are looking to the Pentagon to put together another option for them to consider for Afghan troop levels,one that is an “under 10,000″ option. The Pentagon won’t like that – they presented 10,000 troops as the “bare minimum” for Afghanistan repeatedly, and have been push for even bigger options for the residual force occupying Af... more »

Despite More Lies Being Exposed the Obama Provocations Continue

Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 8 hours ago
The aluminum tubes that were a vital piece of the tapestry of lies making the case that Saddam Hussein was pursuing nuclear weapons of mass destruction was a critical component in selling the American sheeple on the Shock and Awe attack on Iraq. The story was given added heft in that it was published in the exalted New York Times and was used by the Bush-Cheney regime despite the later revealed fact that the story was a lie. It was a neocon plant in the nation’s newspaper of record although too late to stop the attack and invasion of a country that did not even remotely threaten A... more »

A quantum proof of a Bousso bound

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 9 hours ago
*An aspect of holography is demystified. Perhaps too much.* In the early 1970s, Jacob Bekenstein realized that the black hole event horizons have to carry some entropy. And in fact, it's the highest entropy among all localized or bound objects of a given size or mass. This "hegemony" of the black holes is understandable for a simple reason: in classical physics, black holes are the ultimate phase of a stellar collapse and the entropy has to increase by the second law which means that it is maximized at the end – for black holes. The entropy \[ S = k \frac{A}{4G\hbar} \] (where we ... more »


James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 9 hours ago

Automatism and Mental Disorder

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 9 hours ago
R. v. S.H., 2014 ONCA 303: (1) The Nature of Automatism [62] Automatism is a state of impaired consciousness in which a person, though capable of action, has no voluntary control over that action: *Stone*, at para.156. The term "automatism" has been held to refer to involuntary conduct that is the product of a mental state in which the conscious mind is disassociated from the part of the mind that controls action: *Luedecke*, at para. 54. [63] Automatism relates to the *actus reus* or external circumstances of an offence. To be more specific, automatism has to do wit... more »

Vietnam to arm new Gepard-class frigates with Palma CIWS

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 9 hours ago
[image: Palma CIWS]The People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) Navy will equip its third and fourth Russian-built Gepard 3.9 (Project 11661) light frigates with the Palma close-in weapon system (CIWS), Nudelman Precision Engineering Design Bureau confirmed in a statement issued 22 April. The PAVN is scheduled to take delivery of the vessels, reported to be anti-submarine warfare (ASW) variants, in 2017. The first two ships in class, Dinh Tien Hoang and Ly Thai Ho , were commissioned in March and August 2011 respectively and loaded with a similar CIWS. Read more

Recovery From Autism Is Real - A Video Presentation

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 10 hours ago
Recovery From Autism Is Real The Thinking Moms' Revolution, 23 April 2014 Over the last few years, some of our kids have acheived that all-too-elusive word. *Recovery*. In the upcoming TEAM TMR ebook (visit the TEAM TMR website to learn more), some of the authors have children who have recovered. We have heard from you, our Thinkers, and listened to the stories of your childrens’ recoveries. For those of you starting out, start strong. There is so much hope. For those of you who have been on this well-worn road for many years, pause here and get your fill of support. I am re... more »

Raytheon Recovering From Missile Delivery Delays, Air Force Says

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 10 hours ago
[image: AIM-120D AMRAAM]Raytheon Co. has recovered almost 30 percent of about $621 million withheld by the U.S. Air Force since 2012 because it missed deadlines for delivering missiles. Raytheon, the world’s largest missile maker, received $179 million of the performance payments that had been held back as of March 5, Ed Gulick, a spokesman for the Air Force, said in an e-mailed statement. The funds were released under a revised delivery schedule agreed on in December 2012. Read more

Sometimes I know exactly how Anderson feels - the 'expert' whose answers, whilst correct, just aren't helpful

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 10 hours ago
The life of a technical expert is not always easy, the problem is explaining to corporate or arty types what is and what is not possible. In reality it is usually much easier than in this video but sometimes... *Thanks to Yvonne in the Biased BBC comments for the link.*

Akash Missile Fails to Destroy PTA Target

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 10 hours ago
[image: Akash missile]Misfortune struck the Akash missile project once again during a user associate trial from the Integrated Test Range (ITR) off the Odisha coast on Wednesday. The missile, test-fired by the Indian Air Force (IAF) personnel, reportedly failed to destroy the target. After twin successes in February, this sophisticated surface-to-air nuclear capable missile this time missed the ‘missed-distance’ proximity. It was the missile’s first trial of the three-trial series. Defence sources said the missile was launched from the launching complex-III of the ITR at Chandipur-o... more »

Trifecta: Unmasking Margaret Sanger...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 11 hours ago
*that happy clappy eugenicist. * This is part one of what will be a three part series.


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 12 hours ago
*"We do not recycle. We teach our daughter not to recycle" * *This letter was sent by Steven Landsburg, professor of economics at the University of Rochester and the author of several popular books on the subject, to his daughter's teacher. It concerns the school's attempts to indoctrinate the girl in environmentalism. The letter forms part of an article by Landsburg in which he discusses the need for pluralism and respect for those with different views, noting how these environmentalists seem to fail on both counts.* Dear Rebecca: When we lived in Colorado, Cayley was the only J... more »

Army to get new missile for upgraded Pantsir-S system by end of 2014

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 12 hours ago
[image: Pantsir-S]The Russian army will get an upgraded version of the Pantsir-S air defense system and a new missile for it by the end of the year, Colonel Yuri Muravkin, deputy commander of the air defense troops, said on Wednesday, April 23. “The modernization of the serial Pantsir-S systems with new missiles is underway now, and we expect to get them by the end of the year. It will be a new upgraded version of the serial system,” he said. The new missile will increase the system’s range of fire from 20 to 30 kilometers. “The dimensions of the missile will be altered slightly but... more »

US Navy deploys Standard Missile-3 Block IB for first time

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 12 hours ago
[image: SM-3 launch]In partnership with the Missile Defense Agency, the U.S. Navy deployed the second-generation Standard Missile-3 Block IB made by Raytheon Company for the first time, initiating the second phase of the Phased Adaptive Approach. "The SM-3 Block IB's completion of initial operational testing last year set the stage for a rapid deployment to theater," said Dr. Taylor W. Lawrence, president of Raytheon Missile Systems. "The SM-3's highly successful test performance gives combatant commanders around the world the confidence they need to counter the growing ballistic ... more »

International customer signs agreement with USG valued at $750 million for Raytheon's TOW missiles

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 12 hours ago
[image: BGM-71 Tow]An international customer signed an agreement with the U.S. Government for a foreign military sale (FMS) of tube-launched, optically tracked, wireless-guided (TOW) missiles to be supplied by Raytheon Company in a deal valued at approximately $750 million. Raytheon plans to deliver nearly 14,000 TOW missiles to the customer over a three-year period beginning in 2015. A resulting order is expected to be executed by the U.S. government with Raytheon in the coming weeks. Read more

Oto Melara DART/STRALES 76mm guided ammunition successfully tested

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 12 hours ago
The first lot of DART/STRALES 76mm guided ammunition, produced by OTO Melara, was successfully tested at the end of March. The firing trials were conducted on board one of the Italian Navy’s ships equipped with Strales 76mm SR and Selex NA25 fire control system. The firing trials were conducted with quick bursts of fire against fast, manoeuvring and non-manoeuvring, radio controlled targets at low and very low altitude and at a range of more than 5000 metres. Read more

NATO Eyes Antimissile Gains in Surveillance-Plane Upgrades

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 12 hours ago
[image: E-3A Sentry]NATO has begun initial deliberations for upgrading the alliance's surveillance-aircraft fleet, with an eye toward improving its missile-defense capabilities. At issue is the way forward in replacing the alliance-owned Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft—Boeing E-3 Sentry planes commonly known by the acronym AWACS—sometime in the 2030s. Given the expectation of a long acquisition process for the project, some officials believe that the time is now to begin planning. Read more

Thursday Linkage: Earth Day edition

Josh Busby at Duck of Minerva - 12 hours ago
Johannes gave a spirited and optimistic take on Earth Day, which was Tuesday April 22nd. I think as an advocacy strategy that an optimistic call to arms strikes the right tone. One of the core findings from some framing studies carried out in the early 2000s suggested that overwhelmingly negative messages on issues like climate Continue reading

Increasing P-8A Capability

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 12 hours ago
[image: P-8A Poseidon]Boeing is testing the first P-8A maritime patrol aircraft to be produced for the U.S. Navy under the third Low Rate Production (LRIP-3) batch, marking the start of a new expansion phase which will see the operational fleet increase to 21 by the end of 2014. The aircraft, which is due for delivery in June, will join the force around the time that the second operational P-8A patrol squadron, VP-5, is scheduled to deploy. The first squadron, VP-16, based at Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Fla., has achieved initial operational capability and the third squadron, V... more »

New Growler construction may depend on upcoming Navy exercise

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 12 hours ago
[image: EA-18G Growler]The Navy will conduct a battle exercise off the West Coast next month that could help determine whether another 22 more EA-18G Growler aircraft will be built at a Boeing factory in St. Louis. The Navy’s Carl Vinson Carrier Strike Group will conduct three days of exercises to see whether seven or eight Growlers on an aircraft carrier — rather than the five currently assigned — would provide better support for attacks from fighter jets and ground forces. A Navy vice admiral said that paper analysis indicated the higher number was more effective and that exercis... more »

RAF sees off Russian ‘Bears’ as fears rise over Ukraine

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 12 hours ago
[image: Eurofighter Typhoon & Tu-95 Bear]The Typhoons were sent up to investigate after radar detected two large aircraft. The Tupolev Tu-95 “Bears” were nearing UK airspace off the north-east coast but were picked up well out by the fighters. Ministry of Defence officials said the incident was routine. There were eight similar contacts last year. Read more

China's aircraft carrier Liaoning will undergo its first interim maintenance

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 13 hours ago
[image: Liaoning]China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, returned to Dalian Shipyard dock to undergo its first interim service on April, 17, 2014. Experts predicted that the service will last for six months; comprehensive overhaul and maintenance will be conducted on the power, weapons, and other systems. Complex weapon systems require regular maintenance, and aircraft personnel also need to be trained and rest to maintain combat effectiveness. Read more

Punching above military weight

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 13 hours ago
[image: Prime Minister Tony Abbott]One of the least reported developments of Prime Minister Tony Abbott's visit to China this month may also be one of the most significant: Australia's ambitions to work in military harmony with the region's biggest and fastest-growing power. Abbott took this even a step further, raising the possibility of acting as a broker between China and the United States to develop joint exercises involving the three countries in Australia's north, where a rotating US Marine task force already operates. Australia wants to build on its existing high-level and ex... more »

Flying Car’s Maiden Flight

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 13 hours ago
[image: Black Knight Transformer]Advanced Tactics Inc. announced that it has successfully completed the first flight test of the Black Knight Transformer, a modular and roadable vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft. According to sUAS the AT Transformer technology combines the capabilities of a helicopter, such as the ability to take off and land anywhere, with the capabilities of an off-road automobile. The AT Black Knight Transformer completed driving tests in December 2013 and completed its first flight tests in March 2014. The aircraft has a maximum takeoff weight of 4,... more »

Navy cruisers go into 'laid up' status at Pearl Harbor

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 13 hours ago
[image: USS Port Royal]A 20-year-old guided-missile cruiser will join two other ships in “laid up” status at Pearl Harbor. The USS Port Royal, along with the USS Lake Erie and the USS Chosin, is among 11 Navy cruisers that will be placed on reduced operating status while they are modernized, the Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported Monday. The Navy has attempted to retire the Port Royal, the newest guided-missile cruiser in the Ticonderoga class, since it grounded in 2009 off Honolulu Airport’s Reef Runway, but Congress has resisted the move. Read more

[Videos] Marked for Destruction: The Plight of Syria's Christians with Christian Community Leaders + Armenia's Ambassador to the UN, H.E. Garen Nazarian at the UNSC

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 13 hours ago
*"Forgotten Fire" by Adam Bagdasarian, a novel about the Armenian Genocide. It was a finalist for the National Book Award in 2002. * Today, April 24, 2014, marks the 99th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. A hundred years later, Armenians and other minorities in northern Syria continue to face threats to their lives from the Turkish government, its NATO partners, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and global Jihadist terrorists who are under their influence. An excerpt from, *"Turkey’s Armenian syndrome"* by Fehim Taştekin, Al Monitor, April 22, 2014: The three simultaneous events above ill... more »

(Dems Lead Repubs for 2014) FBI/CIA/Military Even More Out of Control Than We Thought - BP Coup D'état, How WWIII Starts (Nobody Indicted Nobody Goes To Jail . . . Except You) And Certainly Not Flash Boys

The stories of our time? Republicans Freak Out After Polls Show Democrats Leading 3 Out of 4 Senate RacesRepublicans are freaking out after new polls showed Democrats leading or tied in four key Southern Senate races. The latest New York Times Upshot/Kaiser Family Foundation Senate polls contained some bad news for Republicans. In three out of four Senate races they polled, Democrats led. In


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 14 hours ago
*New Orleans Saints 2014 Schedule *

Hundreds of media cover Cowboy Indian Alliance in DC resisting Keystone XL pipeline at CENSORED NEWS - 14 hours ago
From Russia and China, to Nebraska and Kansas, to the New York Times and CBC, the media is covering the Cowboy Indian Alliance in DC! By Brenda Norrell Censored News Hundreds of newspapers and TV stations -- from China and Russia to Nebraska and Kansas, to the New York Times, NBC, CBC and more -- are covering the Cowboy and Indian Alliance in DC, the Reject and Protect campaign


Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 15 hours ago
/> METRO | Exclusive Bruce Melton report on critical sea level rise at Padre Island leading to significant beach loss.


Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 15 hours ago


Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 15 hours ago
METRO EVENT | Rag Blog Highbrow Happy Hour with writers Gregg Barrios and Tom Zigal, Friday, April 25, 5-8 p.m., at El Mercado South in Austin.

Republicans-- Plus Blue Dogs Steve Israel And Collin Peterson-- Gave Us Death Panels... And Only Idiots Think Otherwise

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago
Has Wasserman Schultz ever asked her pal Steve Israel why he voted for death panels? Debbie Wasserman Schultz doesn't write to me too often. Ever since I helped expose her endorsements of 3 Miami-Dade Republicans-- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and the Diaz-Balart brothers-- in 2008, when she was chair of the DCCC's Red to Blue Program no less, she's been a little stand-offish. (Or maybe she just doesn't like me calling attention to her financial relationship to the sugar cartel or the private prison industry. Who knows? Who cares?) Yesterday, though, I did get some spam from her. "Whatever ha... more »

Why are whole foods healthy?

Small Footprints at Reduce Footprints - 16 hours ago
This month's survey asked "How do you maintain health?" Here are the results: [image: Eat a variety of Whole Foods to Maintain Health.] Other: - yoga - Eat lots of fermented foods. The #1 Answer [image: Why are whole foods healthy?] *The body can distinguish betweenwhole foods and supplements*Eating a variety of whole foods was the number one answer. We all know that whole foods are better for us, but have you ever wondered why? After all, processed foods are often "fortified" and supplements can fill in the gaps. So what's the deal with whole foods? Read on ... - Ph... more »

Bobby Bridger : My relationship with Rod Kennedy in four acts

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 16 hours ago
Kerrville was a great vision that all of us involved in Texas music shared, but — ironically — one that only someone of Rod’s unique talents as an impresario could actualize. By Bobby Bridger | The Rag Blog | April … finish reading Bobby Bridger : My relationship with Rod Kennedy in four acts

help me buy a tablet, part 2

laura k at wmtc - 16 hours ago
Three months have passed since I asked you to help me buy a tablet. Money is tight - thanks to past and upcoming travel! - and I squeezed a few more months out of my dying netbook. But now I am serious about replacing it. After that last post, I was sure I wanted the ASUS Transformer, the tablet that docks into a keyboard, so it's both a tablet and a netbook. I love the idea of that, but the price with the keyboard is quite a bit more than I should spend for something that's a want, not a need. I also realized that I want something smaller. Looking at other people's tablets, I want ... more »

Taxes and our fading economy

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 18 hours ago
*From the link below...* The Taipei Times wrote up a short piece on potential changes to the property tax laws to "curb property speculation"... Taipei Deputy Mayor Chang Chin-oh (張金鶚) yesterday met with Minister of Finance Chang Sheng-ford (張盛和) to discuss the high housing prices, after Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺) vowed to reduce the home price to income ratio in the Greater Taipei area from 15.01:1 to 10:1 in two years. “Under the cooperation established between the central and local governments, we are confident that the average cost of a housing unit [in the region] could be r... more »

the collapse

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 18 hours ago
paradise or oblivion

Those 24 Common Core 2009 Work Group Members

deutsch29 at @ THE CHALK FACE - 18 hours ago
In May 2009, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and former State Education Superintendent Paul Pastorek signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). This CCSS MOU would become “Appendix B” for the US Department of Education’s (USDOE’s) Race to the Top (RTTT) program. In June 2009, the National Governors Association (NGA), […]


KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 19 hours ago
*by Ken* Last night Howie passed on the news that the Sidney Hillman Foundation has chosen Digby as the recipient of this year's Hillman Prize for Opinion and Analysis Journalism, "for incisive commentary on the struggle for economic justice in the U.S." Does it get any better? If you haven't already read the citation, which Howie included in his post, I can only encourage you to read it -- the whole thing. I couldn't have said it better -- or, probably, nearly as well. Here again is just the first paragraph: Digby writes constantly, engages readers, quotes generously, and exis... more »

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Day 43 April 21 , 2014 -- Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Hamzah Zainuddin met with the passengers’ relatives in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday to talk about where to go next. Financial assistance was discussed and family members were urged to submit a plan for consideration. He declined to elaborate further, but said a fund could possibly be set up by the government or Malaysia Airlines. The relatives, however, expressed dissatisfaction with the meeting, saying in a statement that until they have “at least a tiny bit of concrete evidence” that the plane crashed, authorities should not try to settle the case with final payoffs........

Catharsis Ours - 19 hours ago
21 April 2014| last updated at 09:31AM MH370 Tragedy: Passengers' relatives talk financial help 0 0 Google +0 0 0 comments PERTH (Australia): As the search continued off the coast of Australia for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet, the airline announced another plane bound for India was forced to make an emergency landing early Monday after one of its tires burst on takeoff. All 159 passengers and seven crew members arrived safely back in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, about 2 am, about four hours after the plane took off for Bangalore, India. The incident was more drama for an airline ... more »

"How It Really Is" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 20 hours ago

Satire: “Georgia Unveils New Slogan: ‘We Make Florida Look Safe’” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 20 hours ago
*“Georgia Unveils New Slogan: ‘We Make Florida Look Safe’”* by Andy Borowitz ATLANTA (The Borowitz Report)— "Flanked by members of his state’s legislature on Wednesday afternoon, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal proudly unveiled Georgia’s new official state slogan, “We Make Florida Look Safe.” Gov. Deal told reporters that the slogan was “more than just words,” reflecting Georgia’s determination to best its rival Florida for the nation’s most reckless gun law. “When Florida passed Stand Your Ground, we knew we were playing catch-up,” Gov. Deal said. “Thanks to the fine men and women in... more »

April Tax-Cast Now Available

Kenneth Thomas at Middle Class Political Economist - 20 hours ago
The Tax Justice Network's Tax-Cast has just been released, with stories on US states fighting against tax havens, an interview with TJN's John Christensen, and a discussion of a new paper by Paris School of Economics professor Gabriel Zucman's (yes, he's a student of Piketty's) estimating the amount of financial wealth held in tax havens ($5.9 trillion in 2008, on the low end of most estimates, but still quite substantial). You can hear it at the link above or just click here to go directly to YouTube.

METRO REPORT | Bruce Melton : Critical sea level rise on Padre Island

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 20 hours ago
Sea level rise is accelerating. At some point, our barrier islands will cross a disintegration threshold and begin to disappear. Because every mile of every beach is created differently, we will see some beaches begin to suffer sooner than others. … finish reading *METRO REPORT* | Bruce Melton : Critical sea level rise on Padre Island

The Top 8 Reasons You Need a Possum Mentality to Survive What’s Coming...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 21 hours ago
*from Survival Sherpa.* By Todd Walker When times are good, abundance flows like sweet treats from Willie Wonka’s Chocolate factory. Thinking that this river of abundance will never dry up is, as Willie Wonka sang, Pure Imagination. Entire nations have experienced hyperinflation, severe shortages, and even collapse. In every crisis (personal, local, or national), we all need to adopt a Possum Mentality when things go south. I know the animal’s official name is opossum, but possum just rolls off my southern tongue with ease. It doesn’t matter if you’re so broke that you can’t ... more »

Road Rash for the Sony PlayStation

Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 21 hours ago
While we're on a nostalgic tip, let's do a proper post about an ancient video game. And this time it's the turn of the classic racer-cum-beat-'em-up *Road Rash*, which hit the original PlayStation in 1995. Identical versions were also available for the 3DO and Sega Saturn. And, if truth be told, it's a game I've been wanting to write about since, well, forever. *Road Rash* began life on Sega's MegaDrive in 1991 and spawned a series of conversions and sequels, of which this was the last decent iteration. Of what came later - *Road Rash 3D*, *Road Rash Jailbreak*, and *Road Rash 64*-... more »

Ed Felien : Rap Brown said it: ‘Violence is as American as cherry pie’

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 22 hours ago
The right to armed self-defense of civil rights workers in the 1960s has been parodied by white right-wing racists defending themselves against the ‘tyranny’ of a federal government run by a black man. By Ed Felien | The Rag Blog … finish reading Ed Felien : Rap Brown said it: ‘Violence is as American as cherry pie’

See, I'm far from alone

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 22 hours ago
"Fifty-five percent of the people in my neighbourhood have no religion, while [only] thirty-nine percent identify as Christian." Read Surprising Irreligiiosity at Ofsetting Behaviour. [image: Posted with Blogsy]Posted with Blogsy Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at

Yolande and the Dragon

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 22 hours ago
Actually, my one encounter with St George's Day on BBC Radio 4 was a feature on *The World at One *(both *Today *and* PM *bypassed the event) and it *wasn't* about how we celebrate St George's Day, here in England. Oh no. It was a report instead about how St George is celebrated in 'Palestine', courtesy of Yolande Knell. That same report, in televisual form, has been gracing the BBC's visual-based media outlets today [aka TV], and it followed another TV report, also featured on the BBC News website, called A Palestinian prayer song for St George. Plus there's a full-length websi... more »

UFO encounter 1954

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 22 hours ago
Jessie Rosenberg

Michael James : To love we must fight: Serving the people mind, body, and soul

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 22 hours ago
Through Rising Up Angry, our message, influence, and notoriety ricocheted from kid to kid in neighborhoods across the city and beyond. By Michael James | The Rag Blog | April 23, 2014 [In this series, Michael James is sharing images … finish reading Michael James : To love we must fight: Serving the people mind, body, and soul

April 23: actually, I'm starting this on the night of April 23...

Graeme Decarie at The Moncton Times@Transcript - Good and Bad - 22 hours ago
You see, I thought retirement was a time of taking it easy. That's a dirty lie. I've never been busier in life. And April 23 is going to be a very busy day what with a doctor's appointment, and exercise class and the blog. With that sort of pressure, I find it hard to maintain my schedule of cleaning the apartment once every two months (or so). Anyway, it's getting really tough to say much about the TandT in recent weeks. There's just nothing in it. And it's hard to write about nothing every day. So I'll start with answering some comments. It can be a usefully humbling experience. ... more »

An excuse to sneer at Laurie Taylor's 'Thinking Allowed'...

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 23 hours ago
Today, as you may have noticed, was St George's Day. True story. A chap at work turned up in blue trousers, a white shirt and a red tie to mark the day. I admired his patriotic spirit, and I didn't have the heart to tell him that he ought to have been wearing merely the white shirt and red tie. (That said, I don't think the ladies at work would have been too happy to see him turn up trouserless. He's not their type.) I myself am, of course, entirely *au fait* with the story of St George, England's patron saint. I've known the legend of St George rescuing the damsel from the dragon... more »

Should The Toxic Koch Brothers Control A Maine Senate Seat? We Don't Think So

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 23 hours ago
The Koch brothers prefer a veneer of respectability. Their skins crawl when they are publicly called out by name as fascists and Birchers intent on destroying American democracy. It drives them mad when the media mentions how difficult they have made it to follow the trail of cash they use to bribe right-wing legislators. The biggest financial players in American politics want people to know them as patrons of the arts and medicine, like a $100 million grant to the State Theater of New York at Lincoln Center, now known as the David H. Koch Theater, home to the New York City Ballet ... more »

Wild Bill: Boots on the Ground...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 23 hours ago
*against John Boehner.* As an aside: When you type Boehner it's underlined as being spelled incorrectly. By right clicking you will see that the "correct" spelling is "boner." Hmmmmmmmmm


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 23 hours ago
*Honoré Rallying Troops, Planning Press Conference ~Jeremy Alford, LaPolitics*

US not ready to admit it can’t run the show around globe — Sergei Lavrov

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 23 hours ago
I have updated the post to include the video of the entire interview- with thanks to Saker for bringing it to my attention. It's well worth taking the 30 minutes needed to watch it entirely Sergei Lavrov has way more class then John Kerry! Video below *Sergei Lavrov in his own words- straight shootin'* *The United States can’t admit that it is unable to manage processes around the world from Washington single-handedly, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview with RT television channel.* *“As I said, the point is not Ukraine. Ukraine is only one case that shows ... more »

Voodoo Economics

Paul Coker at News Spike - 23 hours ago
Oh - hold on, wait.... "The primary aim of modern warfare is to use up the products of the machine without raising the general standard of living. Ever since the end of the nineteenth century, the problem of what to do with the surplus of consumption goods has been latent in industrial society. From the moment when the machine first made its appearance it was clear to all thinking people that the need for human drudgery, and therefore to a great extent for human inequality, had disappeared. If the machine were used deliberately for that end, hunger, overwork, dirt, illitera... more »

Watching Us become more like Them!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 23 hours ago
*WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014* *The new Salon, misquoting Sean:* In the last two nights, Sean Hannity responded to criticism of his coverage of the Cliven Bundy matter. Last night, he repeatedly stated his position. He repeatedly said that the BLM showed a “lack of proportionality” in the way they approached the situation two weeks back. We can’t necessarily say that’s untrue. On Monday night, at the end of his show, Hannity did a shorter segment in which he pushed back against criticism from Big Ed Schultz and Al Sharpton. Below, you see part of what he said. For the record, we’ve... more »

Classroom Activity: When Silence Says a Lot

Phil Arena at Duck of Minerva - 1 day ago
This activity comes after students are to have listened to a lecture (slides) on international institutions, specifically the impact they have on patterns of armed conflict. The first half focused on peacekeeping, which works better (under some conditions) than many appreciate, while the latter focused on how international institutions can deter bad behavior even if they lack enforcement power. Continue reading

Roundtable Discussion on the Problem of Evil + Roundtable Discussion on Analytic Theology

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
Video Title: Roundtable Discussion on the Problem of Evil. Source: Center for Philosophy of Religion. Date Published: October 20, 2012. Description: Meghan Sullivan, Trent Dougherty, and Sam Newlands discuss the Problem of Evil. Video Title: Roundtable Discussion on Analytic Theology. Source: Center for Philosophy of Religion. Date Published: February 4, 2013. Description: Michael Rea (University of Notre Dame), Trent Dougherty (Baylor University) and Oliver Crisp (Fuller Theological Seminary) discuss Analytic Theology.

AUT's Submission on Proposed "Changes" to New Zealand's Dietary Guidelines

George Henderson at The High-fat Hep C Diet - 1 day ago
For the last wee while I've been helping Prof Grant Schofield and his team write a response to the New Zealand dietary guidelines (low fat, high grain, no SFA). The paper is the PDF linked to in this post. The first time I've had my name on a scientific submission, and a fine one it is too, with the collected wisdom of a bunch of scientists from various disciplines, all working together, to a deadline (we had only a few days warning about the new guidelines, and received no background material on the scientific evidence used ... more »

Drunken 18 yr old female taken from PM Harper's residence

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 1 day ago
*Keep in mind that the legal drinking age is 19 in Ontario* Conservative values? [image:]PM residence Notice the media sat on this story? Why? Medical authorities intervened at 24 Sussex Dr. over the weekend after* a young party-goer suffered from severe intoxication.* The Ottawa Paramedic Service confirmed* that an 18-year-old girl was brought to hospital after suffering from “possible alcohol intoxication”*at an event at the Prime Minister’s offici... more »

the money monster

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 1 day ago

The US Is Unprepared For War With Russia: Russian Aircraft Buzzes American Aegis Equipped Destroyer And Turns OFF Ship's Defenses!

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 1 day ago
I was alerted just the other day from a comment and an email about a very interesting incident that supposedly just happened last week which was not reported by the liars in the mainstream media because it made light of the fact that the US is entirely unprepared for war with Russia (no surprise here). I want to share some very interesting details about this incident in this article... According to the following report from the Russian Radio website, at, it appears that an American Aegis guided missile cruiser, the USS Donald Cook, was in the Black Sea last week... more »

Mike's Story Part 5: Jobs

Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 1 day ago
By Jenna Orkin When Mike first arrived in Brooklyn from Canada, he was still shell-shocked by the death of Fromthewilderness and by his failure to obtain asylum in Venezuela. He was physically unhealthy and, as he had been for several months, obsessed with thoughts of suicide. Sensing that he needed a break from this endless cycle of horror but that he'd be unwilling to venture too far from familiar territory, one day I asked him about his childhood; specifically, what he'd wanted to be when he grew up. "'Til I was twelve and found out how bad my eyes were," he said, "I ... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago
Ranchers, farmers and tribal communities gathered in Washington to protest against the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline.

2014-- Can You Imagine A Serious Candidate Standing Up At A Debate Opposing ENDA?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
Tuesday night the College of the Canyons in Valencia hosted a debate for the CA-25 primary congressional candidates running to replace Buck McKeon, not just frontrunner Lee Rogers (D) and his two main GOP opponents, right-wing extremists Steve Knight from Palmdale and Tony Strickland, a carpetbagger from Sacramento, Thousand Oaks and Moorpark, but for all 8 candidates including independents and vanity candidates. Not long after Strickland made himself a laughing stock again by messing up in trying to remember which district he's running in this year, an audience member asked all 8 ... more »

Taking Back Cinco

Roberto Rodriguez at Dr Cintli - 1 day ago
Taking Back Cinco... one city at a time... Sobriety run and a Healthy Cinco de Mayo Food Festival in Tucson, Arizona... Let's make this idea go natoinal

Another misapprehension of evidence case

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 1 day ago
R. v. M.C., 2014 ONCA 307: [31] A misapprehension of evidence may refer to a failure to consider evidence relevant to a material issue, a mistake as to the substance of the evidence, or a failure to give proper effect to evidence: *R. v. Morrissey* (1995), 22 O.R. (3d) 514, at pp. 538-540. Here, the appellant argues that the trial judge made a mistake as to the substance of the evidence, and the mistake resulted in a miscarriage of justice. [32] Not every misapprehension of evidence renders a trial unfair and results in a miscarriage of justice. An appellate court must deter... more »

“The Death Of Capital” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“The Death Of Capital”* by Andrew McKillop *“Elite Psychosis Again:* Rather predictably, the elite-serving glove puppet media has decided it is right and good at this time to wheel on its handpicked, most obedient and servile journalists to opine about Piketty's new book “Capital”. This coincides with David Stockman's almost triumphant declaration of Greenspan-and-Bernanke's come-uppance Truth Moment (“America's Housing Fiasco Is On You, Alan Greenspan”). Another 2008 crisis is not only possible, but probably overdue. Piketty contrasts the Victorian era of extreme and massive inco... more »

Song, War Pigs by Black Sabbath. Applies to Today. Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, about Bohemian Grove Sacrifices

Sherrie Questioning All at Sherrie Questioning All - 1 day ago
Someone told me about this Black Sabbath song today. It applies today to those who are war mongers and it is said to relate to Bohemian Grove. This came up because I mentioned, that the Queen song, Bohemian Rhapsody is actually about Bohemian Grove and the sacrifices there. I am inserting that video below the War Pigs lyrics. Lyrics: Generals gathered in their masses Just like witches at


Roberto Rodriguez at Dr Cintli - 1 day ago
"Salazar: Assassinated or accident?" April 23 Earlier posts: Salazar, Justice, and “The Price of a Mexican” April 14 "Salazar and Me" April 1 go to: (April 29 screening and program of Salazar documentary at the U of A ILC #130 7pm)
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