3:43pm MDST
[image: RAN MH-60R]Lockheed Martin Australia has confirmed delivery of its
MH-60R electronic warfare support system (EWSS) to the Royal Australian
Built in its Adelaide facility, the EWSS will provide the Navy with the
ability to generate and test unique Australian mission data loads for the
24 aircraft MH-60R Romeo naval combat helicopter fleet.
Lockheed Martin Australia has worked with in-country companies to procure
the component parts, fabricate cabling and assemble the EWSS.
Read more
"How Many Times?"
“How many times do you have to get hit over
the head before you figure out who's hitting you?”
- Harry S. Truman
“What the 1% Don’t Want You to Know: America’s Mad Dash Toward Oligarchy”
*“What the 1% Don’t Want You to Know: *
*America’s Mad Dash Toward Oligarchy”*
by Moyers & Company
"A new report shows that top CEOs were paid 331 times more than the average
US worker in 2013. At the same time, the poorest fifth of Americans paid an
average tax rate of 11 percent while the richest one percent contributed
half that rate at state and local levels. In this essay, Bill reflects on
the forces that are causing inequality to skyrocket, why it matters and
where we’re headed in the future.
- http://www.commondreams.org/video/2014/04/19
*"Krugman: Worried About Oligarchy? Y... more »
“Have you enlisted Katty too?”

Oh, for David Preiser's take on this at *Biased BBC *(David is presently
missing, presumed kidnapped. I suspect a police search of Mark Mardell's
basement might restore him to us)...
*The Times* is reporting that Jay Carney, Barack Obama's official
spokesman, has 'become the story' - something official spokesmen are
famously *not* supposed to become.
Republican critics are aghast that he and his wife, writer Claire Shipman,
photographed in their kitchen in *Washingtonian Mom* magazine, have been
found to have decorated their walls with two 'two framed Soviet-era
propaganda poster... more »
Bulgaria news updates - April 19 , 2014 .....Will Bulgaria be the next testing ground in the escalating confrontation between Putin’s Russia and the West—and why should you care ? Russia’s Energy Minister Aleksander Novak revealed that the South Stream gas pipeline project is moving forward , The statement comes a day after the European Parliament adopted a resolution for halting the South Stream construction and revising agreements on the project with Russia.
Is Bulgaria the Next US-Russia Flashpoint?
By Victor Kotsev on Apr 18, 2014
[image: 1]
*Will Bulgaria be the next testing ground in the escalating confrontation
between Putin’s Russia and the West—and why should you care ?*
*The answer may have something to do with gas.*
*Follow the Pipelines*
“If the Russians get their way in Ukraine, we will be the next country they
will turn their attention to,” said Evgeniy Dainov, a political science and
sociology professor at New Bulgarian University in Sofia, Bulgaria’s
He is a staunch critic of the Kremlin who nevertheless refuse... more »
Republican Godfather Viguerie Joins anti-Libertarian Crusade

You have to give one thing to Richard Viguerie, besides being really old in
that he represents the fossilized relic of an idealized and selectively
recalled bygone past era that will never again mesh with the modern world.
He also just like the rotten, neocon saturated Republican establishment
that he represents does not ever quit. Viguerie joined the neocon war on
libertarians with potential 2016 presidential candidate Rand Paul in their
cross-hairs with one hell of a manifesto that was published at the
chronicle of the inside the beltway circle jerk that is Politico Magazine.
I... more »
Lawrence Krauss brings some lively insights and delusions to Czechia
*A visit that the narcissist had to like*
Tonight, people called me to remind me about a program on the ČT24 channel
of the Czech Public TV:
Hyde Park Civilization (1-hour interview with Lawrence Krauss, Czech video)
...click at "English version" at the bottom of the page above to watch dze
Czenglish version of the program (around 5:30, English starts again, after
a few minutes in Czech only)...
A one-hour interview on the public TV isn't a negligible thing. Note that
the Hyde Park Civilization program was previously mentioned on this blog in
2013 when... more »
PA-13-- How Much More Mud Will The Mezvinsky Clan Drag The Clintons Through?
I hate the money game that American electoral politics has devolved into,
drowning out ideas and, in too many cases, all agendas and even visions
other than those of the donor class. But it's how the Beltway pundits and
the mass media view momentum and electability. And, normally, the candidate
with the most money wins-- not always, but most frequently. In the PA-13
(northeast Philly and Montgomery County in the clsoe-in Philadelphia
'burbs) race to replace Allyson Schwartz, the candidate long dubbed the
"front-runner," a corrupt, conservative wretch and former failed
congresswoma... more »
New Studies Show Health Risks From Wireless Technology

Saturday, April 19, 2014
*Warnings from the BioInitiative Working Group / University at Albany,
Rensselaer, New York*
*Activist Post*
The BioInitiative Working Group says evidence for health risk from wireless
tech is growing stronger and warrants immediate action. The Group released
a mid-year update covering new science studies from 2012 to 2014.
New studies intensify medical concerns about malignant brain tumors from
cell phone use. “There is a consistent pattern of increased risk for glioma
(a malignant brain tumor) and acoustic neuroma with use of mobile and
cordless phones” ... more »
where is it? - where's the truth in this world? - I just can't find it

*where is it?*
I looked for truth in God, and found priests and churches and money.
I looked for truth in Science, and found blinkers and dogmas and
I looked for truth in People, and found zombies and robots and lies.
Where's the truth in this strange, sick, wicked, wistful, pointless world?

I hate being a perennial sourpuss when it comes to blogging, so I'm going
to recommend that you make an effort to catch the third and final part of
Radio 4's most recent Classic Serial, Dante's *Divine Comedy*, *Paradiso*,
while you can.
Failure to do so will see you damned for all eternity. After all, the sign
at the entrance to Hell reads, "Abandon hope all ye who failed to catch *Paradiso
*on Radio 4."
You can listen at 9 o'clock tonight [now] or on the i-Player for the next
nine hours.
The whole thing, as adapted by Stephen Wyatt and narrated by John Hurt, was
staggeringly ... more »
Ukraine and Gardening – Yet Again
April 19, 2014 [My condolences to the family, loved ones and friends of
Michael Ruppert. I didn’t know Mike personally, but his writings on peak
oil and his blog, From the Wilderness, were among the handful of sources
available when … Continue reading →
Vladimir Putin basically told Stephen Harper to go and take a hike

Stephen Harper thinks he is a world leader. He has been prominent in
criticizing Russia over Ukraine and promised Ukraine some military help.
Putin primarily told him to go and 'screw yourself'.
A toast to Stevie
*"The Conservative government's tough rhetoric over Russia’s actions in
Ukraine may play well to some voters domestically, but analysts doubt it
will have any impact on curtailing Moscow's policies in the region.*
*"I think the only people Putin’s going to pay any attention to, if he pays
any attention at all, are going to be the United States and the European
Union, above... more »
April 19: Sh! Baby's sleeping...
What could be the biggest crisis in world history has taken a turn for the
worse in the last couple of days. But not in the Irving press. In the fact,
even the word "Ukraine" did not appear in the paper yesterday, and did not
appear again today.
But there are big, front page stories that drivers are still talking on
cell phones, and Easter is a big time for retail sales but Christmas is
bigger. Way to set priorities, guys.
Of course, they don't carry the big story that has hit the European papers
- but not the North American ones. When the elected government of Ukraine
was still i... more »
CA-33-- One Way To Know What To Expect From Political Leaders Is To Examine What They've Already Done

Wendy Greuel has a shocking campaign payroll. She has an army of lame,
high-priced consultants from outside the area who can't seem to lessen the
intensity of the negative perception their employer has working against her
in the CA-33 House race. Instead, they're running around whispering their
poisonous messages about the other candidates to anyone who will listen.
The latest is a nasty attack on Marianne Williamson as the "Paris Hilton
candidate," although it doesn't seem to be based on anything concrete other
than that *other* Hollywood celebrities-- though not Hilton-- have end... more »
Is Factory Farming Making Us Sick?
From:* prepography.com*
I believe the answer to this question, which is a resounding YES, is
self-evident in our society.
Amongst our species.
Endorsement of Court of Appeal of limited precedential value
*R. v. Singh,* 2014 ONCA 293:
[12] While all decisions of this court are binding, care must be
taken to avoid reading unwarranted jurisprudential principles into a
decision of the court rendered in an endorsement as brief as in *Bugler*.
Such endorsements are intended primarily to simply pronounce a decision for
parties who, having been present in court during the argument of the
appeal, will understand the thrust of the court’s reasoning. When the court
intends to articulate jurisprudential principles for the first time, it
does so in a written judgment. *Vanderbruggen* ... more »
Christ Lived In The Now - A Discourse by M.N.Hopkins

*From the Now, past and future co-exist together with no division or
*The Now is the great revealer and equalizer. *
*The Now is both the seeds of possibility as well as the fruits of your
labors here on Earth.*
*The Now is the quickest, safest and shortest route to ones' Glory. *
*Being in the Now opens countless doors of opportunity as well as countless
possibilities of being and doing.*
*Christ lived in the Now and brought forth great possibility as well as
opportunity for Mankind to develop and evolve into something greater than
*Christ lived in t... more »
Iran nuclear talks updates April 19 , 2014 .....Iran says reactor dispute 'virtually solved' Vice-president says world powers have accepted proposal to redesign heavy water plant at Arak. ........ Tehran vetoes discussion of its missiles in nuclear talks ......... Iran adhering to nuclear freeze, watchdog says Iran is complying with an interim agreement freezing parts of its nuclear activities, the UN's chemical watchdog says. Last year's temporary deal came in return for mild sanctions relief.
Al Jazeera.....
Iran says reactor dispute 'virtually solved'
Vice-president says world powers have accepted proposal to redesign heavy
water plant at Arak.
Last updated: 19 Apr 2014 16:23
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Iran has maintained the plant is for peaceful medical research only [EPA]
Iran's vice-president has said that a dispute between world powers and the
country over its heavy water reactor at Arak has been "virtually resolved",
state television has reported.
A re... more »

*With the emergence of a popular pope this Easter within a morally
disintegrating Catholic Church, which is torn by sexual abuse and
corruption, it's time for a new look at the very human* *and **lonely**
Jesus, the ultimate populist rebel with a timeless cause ~ love one another
**~ but who also deeply knew something that most people chose not to be
conscious of: Allen L Roland *
*"All great truths begin as blasphemies" *George Bernard Shaw
As I wrote the last few Easters, I personally do not think of Jesus as meek
and mild but instead as a determined and compassionate rev... more »

Today was a long hard work day - first class at 7:30 AM, a long day of
grading, an evening meeting about the upcoming trip to Spain, and then our
monthly outing to the bowling alley!
Paul is the event organizer.
Got a strike, whoo hoo!
I got one too! That makes three of us!
,br />Princess alert!
Southern Man's geocaching buddy.
With one of the girls.
Adam has a big...ball!
Really, guys?
All three of you?
And afterwards we went to Chili's for food and drink and more fun times.
It's good to end a long hard day playing with friends!
The master of the homosexual inuendo - Julian Clary
Julian Clary the master of audience participation and sexual innuendo...
You have to look at the little church
Anything that has been behind any solid had been backed up by some kind of
belief not totally going to float. I wish for a day when we would all say,
something like we are now drowning in a a ocacan our grandfather put as a
profit play. Life on this planet does not move with Adams Smiths invisible
hand, no the wisdom of the planet predates his original play by
circumstance, and the body of evidence.
We are animals you can put us in cages but sooner or later
it will be your death
and a sad mourning of circumstance.
Obama to America: God Is Totally Awesome
(graphic by Kat Garcia)
Separation of church and state? Like the Bill of Rights, that is becoming
quite the quaint concept. What the one indispensable nation on the bright
shining hill hath joined together, let no politician worth his salt put
asunder.... especially when the economy sucks for the vast majority. Thus
spake Obama:
*These holy days have their roots in miracles that took place long ago.
And yet, they still inspire us, guide us, and strengthen us today. They
remind us of our responsibilities to God and, as God’s children, our
responsibilities to one another. *
*For... more »
Harvard Re-Kindles Its Eugenics Past with Embrace of KIPP's Richard Barth
In the 1920s Harvard was a beehive of activity aimed at segregation and
sterilization of those deemed mentally and socially defective, based
principally on classist and racist assumptions about the poor and the those
of different ethnic backgrounds. One of the Eugenics Movement rock stars,
Charles Davenport, was a graduate of Harvard and instrumental in assuring
the forced castration of a number of Massachusetts boys during that era.
Today the castrations of boys and involuntary sterilization for girls is a
thing of the past. Instead, we have a new method now energetically
embrac... more »

*New Orleans Earth Day Festival & Green Business Expo!*
[image: http://nolaearthdayfest.wordpress.com/]
*Developer sentenced for filling in Bay St. Louis wetlands ~WVUE*
Musings On Iraq In The News
I was cited in this new report by the Institute for the Study of War “Overt
Shi’ia Militia Mobilization in Mixed Areas.”
The Railing Class

(By *American Zen*'s Mike Flannigan, on, loan from Ari.)
"This is 1888, isn’t it? I knew I was Jack. Hats off. I said Jack. I’m
Jack, cunning Jack, quiet Jack. Jack’s my name. Jack whose sword never
sleeps. Hats off I’m Jack, not the Good Shepherd, not the Prince of Peace.
I’m Red Jack, Springheeled Jack, Saucy Jack, Jack from Hell, trade-name
Jack the Ripper!" - Peter Barnes, *The Ruling Class*
We are all Jack Gurney, whether we like it or not.
When Peter Barnes' *The... more »
Islamofascists take over the "secular" school system in Birmingham

Yesterday, the Telegraph published quite a shocking story
State schools isolate non-Muslims
about a leaked official report uncovering the Islamist Blitzkrieg takeover
of schools in Birmingham. Not surprisingly, it is the most widely read
article in the Telegraph now and it has received almost 3,000 comments.
The latest, 2011 U.K. census says that only 3 million (5%) Britons are
Muslims; they are mostly immigrants from Pakistan and their descendants, as
the well-known semi-joking map above shows.
The largest Muslim population, over 200,000, lives in London but Birmingham
has almo... more »
I have to admit that cry from the crowd raised my eyebrows more than I
would have been in similar circumstances proud. That cry erupted in a Tampa
vs Montreal Canadiens playoff game. Did the locals think they were playing
a game against Canada, for sure in that context the chant would be in sync,
So what happened there and is this a precursor to the notion that when it
comes to thinking the USA takes first place in not there.
Showing the flag is one thing, but not knowing how to host it in general is
I worry about the USA because they are living a myth, that now days is
bei... more »
Can Research Inform Climate Policy? A Columbia University Workshop
For me, yesterday’s main activity was a home game workshop on the policy
implications of research on climate policy. I co-organized the workshop
with Alex Ovodenko and Scott Barrett, both of whom are active in the
climate policy research community. We had a group of about 30 people, both
academics and practitioners. The six presentations
Continue reading

I took the bus early this morning from Portland to Boston in order to get
to the Asia-Pacific peace conference being held in Cambridge at the Friends
Meeting House. I will speak on a panel after lunch.
I got here about 30 minutes after the event began and caught the end of
speech by Hideki Yoshikawa from Okinawa who was sharing stories about their
struggle against expanding US military bases. Other activists from Korea
and China will also be talking.
Hyun Lee, the Korean activist from New York City, who came to Maine last
week to our rally at Bath Iron Works is here. She, alon... more »
Let It Go for the test refusers
Originally posted on An Antique Teacher:
I was making my way around the internet and found this, which was billed as
a “parody”. I guess in the simplest terms, it is a parody, but sadly as I
watched it, I realized that it was a video encouraging students to do their
very best on the…
Smelling A Skunk

Eric Grenier writes that, the more Canadians learn about the Fair
Act, the less they like it:
Opposition to the Conservative government's proposed Fair Elections
Act(Bill C-23) is widespread and growing, according to a new
poll by Angus Reid Global.
The survey, conducted online from April 14-15 and surveying 1,505
Canadians, found that 59 per cent of Canadians who said they were very
fairly familiar with the proposed legislation were opposed to it, an
increase of three points since Angus Reid last polled Canadians on the
topic in February.
Unfortunately, there is s... more »
Two Americas: George W. Bush and Neil deGrasse Tyson
Two Americas: George W. Bush and Neil deGrasse Tyson. via Two Americas:
George W. Bush and Neil deGrasse Tyson.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming
Police State Updates - From Clive Bundy alleged by Harry Reid to be a domestic terrorist , to the Control Grid - recent items to consider on the ever-growing US Police State ....
Cliven Bundy: Domestic Patriot
- [image: The Alex Jones Channel][image: Alex Jones Show podcast][image:
Prison Planet TV][image: Infowars.com Twitter][image: Alex Jones'
Facebook][image: Infowars store]
April 19, 2014
Alex and David Knight break down the latest lunacy from politicians and
bureaucrats. Earlier this week, White House Counterterror Chief Lisa Monaco
suggested that your confrontational children could be terrorists.
Similarly, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and rancher Cliven Bundy have a response
to Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who declared all Bundy supp... more »
DC 's Conservative Consensus Has Us On The Road To Patrimonial Capitalism

Paul Krugman to Bill Moyers: "We’re seeing inequalities that will be
transferred across generations. We are becoming very much the kind of
society we imagined we’re nothing like." Wednesday was my sister's
birthday. In her honor, we ran a post, Oligarchy, It's Never Too Late For
Americans To Recapture Democracy. But maybe it is.
Yesterday, Marianne Williamson, one of the leading candidates running for
Henry Waxman's old congressional seat (CA-33) tweeted that this was the
reason she is running. What she was pointing to was part of the BBC's
"Today's Must-Read," a study of the rep... more »
Musical Interlude: Bruce Springsteen, “Streets Of Philadelphia”
Bruce Springsteen, “Streets Of Philadelphia”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z2DtNW79sQ
*Kids being used as guinea pigs for tests*
It’s easy to experiment on schoolchildren, because they are a captive and
vulnerable audience. States require all children to attend school, and once
there the kids can be forced to do all sorts of things, aided by the fact
that parents are rarely in class to monitor what’s going on.
The latest scheme is the field testing of Common Core assessments. This
spring, more than four million kids will be required to spend hours on
tests that have little connection to what they learned in class this year
and will provide their teachers and schools... more »
*Pregnant women who take SSRI antidepressants are three times more likely
to have a child with autism*
*This is just correlational stuff. The effects could be due to the
underlying illnesses only*
Mothers-to-be who take antidepressants have an increased risk of having a
child with autism, a study has found.
U.S. researchers say women who took commonly prescribed selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors - SSRIs - were three times more likely to have a baby
boy with autism or developmental delays.
The effect of the drugs, prescribed for depression, anxiety and other
disorders, is... more »
War watch Iraq April 19 , 2014 -- Militants Launch Takeover of Iraq Town , Militants attempted to take over a village in Diyala province but, so far, have failed to do so. This would be the second location in Diyala to suffer a prolonged siege against it at the hands of DAASH/ISIS militants. Baghdad is bookended by Diyala and Anbar provinces, so the fall of Diyala province would be a great coup for militants working their way toward the capital. At least 35 people were killed, almost all of them militants, and 53 more were wounded today ...... Two maps for consideration , one showing various Regions of Iraq , the second showing the various Oil Company Regions of Iraq .....

Militants Launch Takeover of Iraq Town; 35
Killed, 53 Wounded
by Margaret Griffis, April 18, 2014
Print This | Share This
Militants attempted to take over a village in Diyala province but, so far,
have failed to do so. This would be the second location in Diyala to suffer
a prolonged siege against it at the hands of DAASH/ISIS militants. Baghdad
is bookended by Diyala and Anbar provinces, so the fall of Diyala province
would be a great coup for militants working their way toward the capital.
At least *35 people were killed*, almost all of them militants,* and 53
more ... more »
Newsnight, David Axelrod, Operation Trojan Horse, Marine le Pen and Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The final *Newsnight *this week dropped Ukraine from its prime position.
The deal in Geneva was obviously not as exciting as the 'bang bang' earlier
in the week [as Jeremy Paxman might put it], so into third place in the
programme's running order it duly went.
Into prime position instead went the boring Westminster bubble story exciting
*Newsnight *scoop that the Labour Party has hired *West Wing *star American
strategist *David Axelrod* to help make Ed Miliband electable. If it worked
for Obama, it's bound to work for Ed.
Even though *Newsnight *and Kirsty Wark were clearly exc... more »
Ukraine news of note - April 19 , 2014 -- US, Russia Trade Warnings, Criticisms Over Ukraine Deal .......Demand to Ukraine to settle payment for gas isn't connected with political process - Putin ......... Ukraine concerned over Transdniestria’s address for independence — Foreign Ministry .....
Anti war .....
US, Russia Trade Warnings, Criticisms Over Ukraine DealForeign Ministry: US
Being Unreasonable
by Jason Ditz, April 18, 2014
Print This | Share This
Yesterday was deal-making day in Geneva, as US and Russian officials
reached a joint statement on the growing eastern Ukraine crisis. Today,
that’s all but forgotten, as the two sides are back to issuing stern
warnings to one another.
When the East Ukraine protesters, who weren’t invited to the talks, said
they didn’t feel obligated to the deal, Secretary of State John Kerry
issued a statement warning Russia about it, a... more »
Ukraine evening overview April 17 , 2014 - where things stand now -- Russian Foreign Minister Announces Four Party Agreement On Steps To De-escalate Ukraine Crisis ...... Ukraine immediately nixes -- So Much For The De-escalation? Kiev Says Military Operation In East Ukraine To Continue and Nato promptly ups the ante by sending 5 more ships toward Ukraine...... Obama and Putin trade tough talk as Rusia reserves right to use military force in Eastern Ukraine , while US prepares additional sanctions... Ukraine politics in focus - Donetsk Separatists begin organizing May 11 , 2014 Referendum....
Catharsis Ours - 9 hours ago
More "De-escalation" - NATO Sends Five Warships To Baltic Sea
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/17/2014 14:54 -0400
- Belgium
- Estonia
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Ukraine
in<span id="li_ui_li_gen_1397779693990_0-title" style="background-color:
rgb(236, 236, 236) !important; background-image:
-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgb(254, 254, 254) 0%, rgb(236, 236, 236)
100%) !important; border-bottom-color: rgb(185, 185, 185) !important;
border-bottom-left-radius: 0px 0px !important; border-bottom-right-radius:
2px 2px !important; borde... more »
INEXPLICATA: Chronicles of the Paranormal at Scribd.com

We would like to take this opportunity to thank *INEXPLICATA* readers for
sending *"INEXPLICATA: Chronicles of the Paranormal"* over the 1000+ reads
mark on Scribd.com! Your support is greatly appreciated, and for those of
you who haven't had the chance to check it out yet, please visit:
-- Scott Corrales
Inexplicata Podcasts covering items from UFO / paranormal history in Spain,
Latin America and the Caribbean
For 100 years, the federal government has usurped powers not delegated to it in our Constitution. What should we do about it?
*(**this is a very well done and simple explanation of the predicament we
are in, and really the ultimate answer to it . . many people, including
me, realizes that so much/all of the laws, actions and beaurocracies being
used against the people are unconstitutional . . but do not really know
"why" or "how" they are unconstitutional. . . . as well as the snakes
everywhere who put themselves out there as "patriotic" and "conservative"
on the radio, tv, etc, and get a following (Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity,
Glen Beck, Mark Levine, etc, etc) that ultimately are working for the
glo... more »
The Jews, always the other...
' Posters and leaflets have appeared in Donetsk, Eastern Ukrainian,
demanding Jews register, pay a new tax or leave, because of 'their support
for the Kiev government'.'
More here http://m.bbc.com/news/world-europe-27086345
Newsnight, Keith Blakelock, self employment, Central African Republic and Irish dancing

Wednesday's edition continued the pattern so far in beginning with Ukraine.
It then dealt briefly with the South Korean ferry disaster before moving on
to a report about the* murder of P.C. Keith Blakelock*.
P.C. Blakelock was stabbed 43 times by a Tottenham mob during the 1985
riots. Some of whom were evidently trying to decapitate him. His family
have never found justice.
*Newsnight *was evidently very pleased with itself for having obtained the
first T.V. interview with Nicky Jacobs, the man recently found not guilty
of Keith Blakelock's murder. No doubt (being good left-libe... more »
Newsnight, the cost of living, sexism, Facebook jihadis, Lord Tebbit and the Kop

Like Monday's edition, Tuesday's edition of *Newsnight *began with Ukraine
before moving on to Labour's *Cost of Living Crisis* campaign in the light
of the latest stats seemingly undermining Labour's case. As Jeremy Paxman's
introduction put it:
Now, inflation in this country is now running at its lowest rate for four
years, 1.6%. Figures out tomorrow are expected to show that wages are
rising by more than inflation. A year ahead of the election this is good
news for the Conservatives. The shadow chancellor Ed Balls was steadfastly
maintaining today that the improvement didn't me... more »
Baku’s Military Spending Surged 493% in 9 Years

[image: Mi-35 Hind]According to a report a report released by a leading
arms observation group on Monday, Azerbaijan is second in the ranking of
nations with sharpest increase in military spending, registering a 493
percent increase from 2004 to 2014.
The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said in its report
that while countries like the United States are cutting military spending,
a staggering number of countries around the world were doubling their
military capabilities.
The report attributed Azerbaijan’s spike in military expenditures to the
ongoing Nagorno-Karabak... more »
Selex ES successfully demonstrates BriteCloud Expendable Active Decoy technology

[image: BriteCloud]Selex ES, a Finmeccanica company, has successfully
carried out multiple end-to-end tests of its BriteCloud Expendable Active
Decoy (EAD) technology.
The tests proved the new technology’s capability under live conditions and
will clear the way for Selex ES to begin production of the decoys.
BriteCloud is a self-contained Digital RF Memory (DRFM) jammer for fast jet
aircraft, providing an off-board capability to decoy RF-guided missiles and
fire control radars.
Read more
Boeing-Built Fighter Jets Could Launch US Military Satellites Into Space

[image: Artist's concept of the DARPA Airborne Satellite Launch Vehicle
under an F-15E aircraft]And you thought space launches couldn't get any
cooler: The next generation of small satellites may blast into orbit from
the belly of a fighter jet.
The United States military's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA) gave Boeing a $30.6 million contract last month to develop a
24-foot (7.3-meter) launch vehicle that would attach to the bottom of an
F-15E Strike Eagle.
The concept calls for the jet to drop this vehicle when it reaches an
altitude of 40,000 feet (12,192 meters... more »
Female Soldiers Shine on China's First Aircraft Carrier

[image: Female soldiers]Female soldiers have presented a bright and brave
public image on China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, since the
female crew team was set up in June 2010.
These soldiers have witnessed historic events on the Liaoning, including
its handover ceremony to the People's Liberation Army (PLA) and the first
taking-off and landing exercises of its fighter-jets.
In conjunction with International Women's Day this year, the 90 member
female crew team was honored with the National March 8th Red-banner Unit
award, an honor granted by the All-China Women's Federat... more »
Aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov ends Mediterranean mission, leaves for Atlantic Ocean Read

[image: Admiral Kuznetsov]Russia's heavy aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov
has accomplished its mission within the Russian naval force in the
Mediterranean and has headed for northeastern areas of the Atlantic Ocean,
North Fleet spokesman Capt. 1st Rank Vadim Serga said.
"The cruiser has accomplished its mission within the Navy task force in the
Mediterranean and headed for Severomorsk. The aircraft carrier Admiral
Kuznetsov is expected to return to base by late May," Serga said, Interfax
He said that the cruiser entered the Mediterranean Sea on January 15.
Read more
Iranian Navy Starts Manufacturing Training Destroyer

[image: Jamaran corvette]The Iranian Navy started to manufacture an
indigenous destroyer for training purposes, dubbed ‘the Persian Gulf’, a
top Navy commander announced.
Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari announced on Friday
that his forces have embarked on implementing “one of the biggest projects”
of the Navy to manufacture the Persian Gulf destroyer for training purposes.
He made the comments on the sidelines of massive military parades to mark
Iran’s National Army Day.
Read more
Iran marks Army Day
Marking the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Army; Different
units from the armed forces of the Iranian army have held nationwide
military parades to mark the national Army Day.
The annual event provides an opportunity to showcase the latest weaponry
and military hardware developed domestically.
During the parades, the Iranian armed forces displayed different weapons
and military tools and equipment, including different kinds of fighters,
helicopters, drones, different types of missiles, tactical and armed
vehicles, surface and underwater vessels, electronic and te... more »
The Massive Russian Radar Site in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
When you are in the middle of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, and your tour
guide asks, with just a hint of guile, if you would like to see the Russian
Woodpecker, you might think that you will finally be afforded a glimpse of
one of the area’s fabled mutants, an irradiated avian with a beak the size
of Finland.
You assent. Yes, let’s go see the Russian Woodpecker! How much more strange
can things get, really? You then start driving into the woods, on a narrow
lane that was once a road: everything in Chernobyl was once something, and
something else. A deer skipped along our path.
T... more »
Delays And Cost Challenges Beset Airborne ASW

[image: P-8A Poseidon]The U.S. Navy's Boeing P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol
and antisubmarine warfare (ASW) aircraft made the headlines in March when
aircraft of patrol squadron VP-16, deployed to Kadena AB in Okinawa,
supported the search for the vanished Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.
But although the P-8A is the largest and most costly aircraft ever built
for ASW, its ability to detect submarines at long range is inferior to that
of the P-3C Orion, which it is intended to replace.
Meanwhile, France has had to accept a second reduction in its future ASW
aircraft fleet. It had hoped... more »
Newsnight, Nigel Evans, death row, and Morpurgo v Gove

Looking back over this week's editions of *Newsnight, *Monday's
editionspent its first quarter of an hour discussing Ukraine before
moving on to
discuss the fall-out from *Nigel Evans*'s acquittal.
Rod Liddle wrote an interesting piece about this in the *Spectator*:
The lowbrow public may not know how to spell Barack Obama, or be
au fait with the name of the country of which he is leader. But...they
worried about the hyperbole from our political elite over the Ukraine,
on an entirely different issue they are not prepared to simply swallow
bundled charges of histori... more »
David Brooks, Common Core Circus Performer
Why newspapers hire individuals to regularly offer the public
unsubstantiated opinions baffles me. I am a researcher. Unless my posts are
grounded in my personal experience, I offer my readers links to document my
position on matters about which I write. David Brooks is an opinion writer.
He publishes his opinions regularly in the New York […]
How the West Gassed Thousands to Death in Damascus

*April 19, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - The bombshell report by Pulitzer
Prize-winning veteran journalist Seymour Hersh titled, “The Red Line and
the Rat Line,” contains many shocking revelations for those following the
West’s version of reality regarding the Syrian conflict. It particularly
sheds new light on the August 2013 chemical attack that left over a
thousand dead (US estimates) and thousands more affected.
It reveals that not only was the Syrian government not behind the attack,
but that it was a false flag operation designed specifically to serve as an
impetus for We... more »
Urban Gadabout: Coming up -- Wolfe Walkers spring walks, World of the #7 Train, Jane's Walk Weekend

*The No. 7 train to Flushing here has its most dramatic view of the
Manhattan skyline. Jack Eichenbaum is doing this year's version of his
"signature tour," the all-day "World of the #7 Train," on May 31 (see
*by Ken*
I mentioned recently that I did a pre-Passover tour with Justin Ferate to
the heart of Chassidic Brooklyn -- to the worldwide nerve center of Chabad
Lubavitch, on and around Kingston Avenue below Eastern Parkway in Crown
Heights South. It was the first tour on Justin's Wolfe Walkers Spring 2014
Calendar. (You can download the Spring 2014 brochure here.) Whe... more »
“The Strangelove Effect”
*“The Strangelove Effect”*
by John Pilger
“I watched “Dr. Strangelove” the other day. I have seen it perhaps a dozen
times; it makes sense of senseless news. When Major T.J. “King” Kong goes
“toe to toe with the Rooskies” and flies his rogue B52 nuclear bomber to a
target in Russia, it’s left to General “Buck” Turgidson to reassure the
President. Strike first, says the general, and “you got no more than 10 to
20 million killed, tops.”
President Merkin Muffley: “I will not go down in history as the greatest
mass-murderer since Adolf Hitler.”
General Turgidson: “Perhaps it might be ... more »
Rittrati Carichi Persiano: The ‘Loaded Portraits’ of Mohammad Ali Ziaei
wretched pencil to debase
Heaven’s favourite work, the human face,
To magnify and hold to shame
Each little blemish of our frame.
- The Marquess Townshend, 1773
Not since Tom Hachtman’s “DoubleTakes,” published in 1984, has there
been a motley collection of caricatures of notable public figures –
world leaders, celebrity personalities, all-star athletes, renowned
artists – so
*Do as you're told ~Michael Gorman*
~*Oil and gas companies are used to getting their way in our great state.
And if you know what’s good for you, you’ll sit down and take it. Lord
knows if you make much of a fuss, you will find yourself the target of
smears by the industry and its fawning lapdogs in state government. The
governor and his sympathetic legislators are on the verge of changing one
state law after another just to put a stop to this lawsuit. *
Citizen Jack's analysis of Michelle Rhee's recent mendaciousness

*"In an even more disturbing revelation heard on the tape Rhee laughs about
when the tape was removed hurting the children and some even started to
bleed." — John Kugler*
[image: Michelle Rhee has been caught in another series of lies.]"Jack," a
frequent commenter on Professor Ravitch's site, sent me the following
analysis in which he compares various sources on Michelle Rhee recent
deceitfulness. Jack's commentary takes the original guest post on *NYC
Educator*, combines it with other information from *The Frustrated Teacher*,
and makes several salient points. What struck me the ... more »
“Steepness” of Energetic pathways now increases

*“Steepness” of Energetic pathways now increases*
by ÉirePort
Suspended energetics are illuminated with full clarity and transparency for
all to view.
Standard correction protocols will no longer be useful to those desiring
Effective correction strategies are available via consultation with Higher
Cosmic Source.
Cosmic signalings are in progress via newly opened and reconfigured
Answers to ancient inquiries are surfacing and are apparent to all with
Higher Eyes.
"Steepness" of Energetic pathways now increases.
ÉirePort | April 19, 2014 at 12:36 am | Categor... more »
It's a tough moment for right-wing fake-news media -- time to change the subject?

*"We think just a look at a few of this week’s health-care related
headlines provides the best summary: the ACA is working." This is the
"bottom line" in this evening's ThinkProgress report, "The Thing Is
Working." (For working linnks, you'll have to visit the site.)*
*by Ken*
In a "Progress Report" post this evening, "This Thing Is Working," the crew
in the CAP War Room reports: "A Slew Of Good Health Care News Has
Conservatives On Their Heels," with news like "19 Million Americans
Covered," "Exchanges Working And Costs Down," and "Conservatives On
On the latter front,... more »
Extremes of experience accompany Higher Cosmic Aligned Nova Gaia energetic grids

*Extremes of experience accompany Higher Cosmic Aligned Nova Gaia energetic
by ÉirePort
Extremes of experience accompany Higher Cosmic Aligned Nova Gaia energetic
Nothing escapes Illumination at this time.
Most strongly illumined, and most strongly affected, are dormant revert
energetic structures within human individuals, communities, and so-called
governmental bodies.
After initial flarings, conscious individuals, communities, and so-called
governmental bodies, learn to accept such, and release the revert
Predominance of heart connections becomes a... more »
Democrat-Republican Warmongers Unite to Crush Antiwar Rand Paul

Perhaps the greatest hoax in the toxic sewage lagoon that is the political
system of The Homeland circa 2014 is that there is no such thing as
bipartisanship. Bullshit! While the ongoing con job that is staged for
public consumption of the irreconcilable differences between Team Red
Elephant and Team Blue Jackass is what passes for conventional wisdom in
the state-corporate media and as such is eaten up by the rubes and
low-information types that comprise the vast majority of the American
electorate the truth is pretty clear to any who want to see. Both American
political parties (... more »
Guest post from teacher Mark Butler: Kicking the Common Core Football @parccinfo
On the surface it might seem confusing as to why Gov. Bobby Jindal (LA)
would suddenly come out in opposition to the PARCC assessment- and in doing
so, undermine the authority of State Superintendent, John White, Jr. Jindal
hand-picked White for Superintendent in January 2012, and has until this
recent turnabout, remained lockstep with him on […]
Rick Weiland-- Channelling Johnny Cash, George McGovern And Elizabeth Warren

Tuesday, Blue America-endorsed Rick Weiland, the prairie populist and
progressive candidate for the open U.S. Senate seat in South Dakota,
visited tiny Hudson (pop. 296). That made him the first candidate to have
ever visited every one of the state's 311 incorporated towns and cities.
And this morning he released a song about doing it.
Joined by his daughters, Taylor and Alex, and brother Ted, Rick re-worked
the Johnny Cash classic "I’ve Been Everywhere" (written by Geoff Mack in
1959). Weiland and his family like getting together and playing music-- his
son Nick shot the video--... more »
Shock news! 'Today' editor says BBC gets its about right on climate change

...still, there is one thing I can do tonight, blog-wise, that puts the
question 'Is the BBC biased?' back at the forefront of our attention, and
that's to transcribe part of Roger Bolton's *Feedback *interview with *Today
*editor Jamie Angus, namely the bit about the BBC's coverage of global
Please see what you make of it (though I can probably guess!):
*Roger Bolton*: I want to raise this question of balance, specifically in
relation to climate change. The programme has come in for some criticism,
particularly over a story in which *Today *interviewed Nigel Lawson, who'... more »
Timothy Egan gets it right!
*FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2014*
*Names Sean Hannity’s name:* In this morning’s New York Times, Timothy Egan
penned a column about Cliven Bundy, our excessively thrifty rancher.
In many ways, Bundy’s slice of Nevada is our own eastern Ukraine. It’s hard
to maintain a sense of unity within the population of a vast continental
There will always be some people and groups who don’t feel like they’re
part of the game. Bundy’s comrades in the west “don’t recognize” the United
States government. There are those in eastern Ukraine who don’t recognize
We wouldn’t affirm every word i... more »
A good Good Friday

It was a lovely, sunny Friday today here in Morecambe, which is good -
especially as I was off work.
I took the family out for a walk towards Torrisholme Barrow, a Bronze Age
burial site with spectacular panoramic views, as they might say in tourist
brochures - if such brochures ever bothered to mention such things [which
in Morecambe they don't.]
As this Friday was Good Friday, the locals performed their annual
procession of the cross through the village of Torrisholme [a village that
pre-dates the Norman Conquest] up onto the barrow.
As they were coming back down we went up,... more »
Mike's Story
*Jenna Orkin*
Mike left us an abundance of gifts, not least of which was his story. As
an investigative journalist, he loved a good story even more keenly than
the next man. And perhaps the one he loved most (as we all do, or would
like to) was his own.
It was indeed a fascinating story, which goes some way to account for his
thousands of friends and followers around the world, both "Facebook" and
otherwise. Whether uncovering dirty dealings between politics and Wall
Street that even Matt Taibbi wouldn't touch or enduring the flip side, "I'm
done in; I'm about to jump off the r... more »
Sanction Threats, Imposition, and Protest
Editor’s note: a more detailed version of this post previously appeared on
my personal blog. If sanctions are to succeed as a tool of coercive
diplomacy, they must impose real costs on the target. Yet, in most cases,
they fail to do this—at least, directly. The economic costs tend to fall
disproportionately on the average
Continue reading
Mohawk Nation News 'Canada threatens ancient Mohawk allies'
Posted on April 18, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post & distribute.
MNN. Apr. 18, 2014. Corporation of Canada CEO Harper is sending 6 CF18s
and other weapons of mass destruction for NATO provocations against our
ancient allies, Russia. Russia is legally a longtime ally of the
Rotino’shonni:onwe/Iroquois Confederacy and its friends and allies
My concise definition of institutional education
Institutionally imposed "study" is unpaid forced labour done by adults
and minors. It is as dehumanizing as any regime of forced labour, and it
is not only unpaid but it imposes life-long personal debt and health
deterioration. Its ancillary benefits (socializing) are only
tolerated as a necessary management allowance.
Links to Denis Rancourt's essays about the student condition and
Friday Nerd Blogging: Exceptional That Proves the Rule
I stopped collecting Spider-man long ago when it got all clone-tastic. I
tend to hate TV/movies/comic books that use clones in their plots.
However, there is one exception Orphan Black is back tomorrow night. Only
ten episodes last season so plenty of time to binge to catch up. Just
heaps of fun and some amazing
Continue reading
April 18: Journalism and ethics
Yesterday, I gently disagreed with Norbert on the quality of BBC news; (he
regarded it as a world leader.) Last night, by chance, I came across the
BBC report on the Geneva talks on Ukraine.
It set the beginning of the crisis with the Russian annexation of Crimea.
In fact, almost all the western press begins with that annexation. And that
is propaganda and lying. The Russians annexed Ukraine for a reason. It was
because highly organized street mobs had overthrown the elected government
of Ukraine, replaced the government with, among others, neo-Naziis, and
were planning to join Ukra... more »
Ratings Changes-- From A "Leans Dem" Down To A "Tilts Dem"

Rich, conservative New Dem in trouble with the Democratic base back home…I
wonder why!
The Rothenberg Political Report (*Roll Call*) changed some of it's November
ratings today. Stuart Rothenberg's and Nathan Gonzales' Beltway-oriented
ratings changes are worthless. The silliest one day was moving Julia
Brownley's reelection contest (CA-26) from "safe" down a tick to "Democrat
favored." Either one is accurate in the real world but in their own world
it is a demotion. And what was it based on? It seems to be based entirely
on what the NRCC told them. Their analysis didn't include a wo... more »

Everyone is talking about it
those running the show here
are heavily psychopathic
(Miriam Webster dictionary: "one who has not lost contact
with reality
but who engages in abnormally aggressive and seriously
irresponsible behavior
with little or no
feelings of guilt")
Sounds familiar
their bloodlines
like Forbes
ran drugs during
Opium Wars
pirates did slave trade
sold and still sell weapons
bought up our media
and government
they are MR. BIG
the pirates dug up
Geronimo's skull
grandpa-Bush did the deed
and now the Indian remains
inside the Tomb at Yale
The message from Skull & Bones... more »

what is the purest form of love ?
...selfless love.
what is love ?
...giving what is needed without expecting anything in return.
when we expect,
we allow others to determine the hour of our happiness.
the only power we have,
is in our word,
say what you mean...mean what you say.
Paternalism, Old or New, Blinds
Paternalism, Old or New, Blinds. via Paternalism, Old or New, Blinds.Filed
under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Classroom Activity: Gambling Over War

This activity comes after students are to have listened to
a lecture (slides) on information problems as an explanation for war—which
I’d say is the most useful explanation we’ve got. The broad contours of the
argument are pretty straightforward, but the full implications are not.
(That’s something of an understatement. As I’ve discussed a few
times before, a lot of very smart
Continue reading
Rank-and-File Educators Seek Solidarity with Parents, Public
Parents are rising. Students are stepping up. Some lawmakers are even
slowly walking away from corporate influences. And now, rank-and-file
teachers are organizing to transform their local and state unions in order
to move them back into the democratic organizations they were born to be.
For teachers, there is power in numbers–there has to be–but in […]
Jews, SPLC hysterically demonize "racist", "White supremacist" websites

*The Jewish Daily Forward* published an article yesterday highlighting a *recently
released report* written by the anti-White Southern Poverty Law Center
alleging that individuals who view "racist" and "White supremacist"
websites, blogs, and forums have been responsible for roughly 100 murders
over the course of the past 5 years.
A white supremacist charged with killing three people near two Jewish
community facilities in suburban Kansas City this week posted more than
12,000 messages on a racist website which carries the slogan “No Jews, Just
Right,” according to a leading organiz... more »
The Media and Jim Flaherty's Death
It doesn't really surprise me that Jim Flaherty would be remembered as a
competent financial manager by the mainstream media. You see, I belong to
the team that is never surprised when the corporate-capitalist system falls
flat on its face. We instinctively understand that when corrupt greed-heads
compel their politician cat's-paws to impoverish and exploit the majority,
then the overall economy is not going to prosper. Wealthy media elites and
the journalists that they tend to hire are incapable of such insights.
Therefore, the fact that Jim Flaherty was a dangerously deluded simple... more »
Opt Out Wave Growing

The articles below are captured in one day of Google Alert for "opt out."
The movement to end a century of miseducative, classist, and racist tests
will not be denied.
Town Hall
NY Schools Struggle Where to Put Students Who *Opt Out* of Standardized
Town Hall
A battle between parents and educators has erupted over standardized
*testing* in the state of New York. These exams have been the norm under
the ...
[image: Google Plus][image: Facebook][image: Twitter]Flag as irrelevant
Growing group of parents pulling kids from FCAT *testing*
WFTV Orlando
Florida Department of Educa... more »
War watch April 18 , 2014 ...... Iraq -- Army Base Attacked; 106 Iraqis Killed, 79 Wounded ........ Reports: Saudi Spy Chief Ousted at US Behest Bandar Had Repeatedly, Openly Criticized US ......... Iran ahead of schedule on implementing Nuclear Deal as per IAEA......... Syria news of note .....
Army Base Attacked; 106 Iraqis Killed, 79
by Margaret Griffis, April 17, 2014
Print This | Share This
At least 106 were killed today in Iraq, and another 73 people were wounded.
Over half the fatalities were militants, but security forces and civilians
were also harmed.
In *Anbar*:
The Iraqi government announced the deaths of 54 militants following clashes
In *Ramadi*, a militant leader was killed. Four gunmen were killed and four
more were wounded in an air strike.
Five people were killed and 11 more were wounded during continued shelling
... more »
No Reason Allowed

By Capt. Fogg
Here Comes Easter again. Easter and the media puff pieces about how it's
really all true enough in one sense or another and how it's wrong to say
that it's a borrowed holiday, re-badged from pre-Christian European
fertility cults, egg laying rabbits and all. The Easter holiday (is it OK
to call this one a holiday?) carries a large basket of baggage without my
needing to illustrate its long history and I'm quite as content to let
people celebrate it as they will as I am to let anyone celebrate anything
at any time including life itself. It's a wonderful life after al... more »
Nigel Wright & Linda Frum in the Republican wayback machine
In a week that has featured ...
1) Nigel Wright let off the hook by the RCMP for bribing sitting legislator
Senator Mike Duffy in spite of weeks of PMO discussions involving over a
dozen senior party officials re buying Duffy's silence, and
2) Senator Linda Frum making the most idiotic and widely-mocked attack on
Elections Canada over the Fair Elections Act to date, ie that it is a
conflict of interest for Elections Canada to both administer the vote
during elections and encourage people to vote between elections,
... it is fitting that Jay Watts III should dig up a piece of C... more »
Links to Denis Rancourt's essays about the student condition and student liberation
Plato as the post-60s student: Rancourt’s only chance?
Need for and Practice of Student Liberation
University Student for Sale
Concrete Accomplishments of Student Activism of the 1960s
Students: Plan your escape from academia before you enter it
CLASSE analysis of Quebec student movement tactics
And on transforming education:
ACADEMIC SQUATTING - A democratic method of
*FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2014*
*Interlude—Joan Walsh toys with the masses:* With a 7-year-old relative
suddenly in town, our hours are limited today and tomorrow.
For that reason, we’ll postpone our review of Maddow and Hartmann’s
seminars concerning the gender wage gap. Instead, we’ll consider the new
piece by Joan Walsh at Salon.
Our basic question:
Do you think Walsh is sincere in the things she says in her piece? Or do
you think this tribal leader is simply conning us the rubes, as plutocrats
and commissars have done down through the ages?
We find it hard to believe that Walsh is b... more »

Grace: Bill eliminates levee boards' independence ~New Orleans
*Children's Hospital holds news conference to address public concerns
fatal "mistakes made" ~John Simmerman*
*Chain stores, rising rents may make Magazine Street the victim of its
success ~The Lens*
*Gulf Oil Disaster’s Impacts to Wildlife and Habitat Still Unaddressed
Years Later*
years after the Gulf oil disaster began, killing 11 men ... more »
China: The hypocrisy of the U.S. in Ukraine, Old government 'inhumane' against Demonstrators. Now U.S. considers, Demonstrators as Terrorists.
China has said it perfectly regarding the U.S. position in Ukraine. In
February, the U.S. took a stand against the elected President and his
reactions to (CIA led) demonstrators. They yelled and screamed that any
action against the demonstrators for 'Freedom' was inhumane and would not
be tolerated. The U.S. said the elected President, Yanukovych was
'suppressing Democracy' with his
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Updates Day 40 April 16 , 2014 -- - PERTH: The hunt for a missing Malaysian plane suffered another setback today when a second seabed search by a mini-submarine was cut short due to “technical” troubles after the first also aborted in very deep water .......... Is China's involvement in the MH370 search a HINDRANCE? Comments made by officials and experts observing the hunt for the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 have suggested that a number of false leads coming from China have notably hampered search efforts for the missing jet.
Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago

16 April 2014| last updated at 03:56PM
MH370 Tragedy: Mini-sub aborts again
0 7 Google +0 0 0 comments
PERTH: The hunt for a missing Malaysian plane suffered another setback
today when a second seabed search by a mini-submarine was cut short due to
“technical” troubles after the first also aborted in very deep water.
Australia’s Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC) issued a brief
statement which spoke of an unspecified “technical issue” with the unmanned
Bluefin-21 sonar device.
The first mission which began Monday night aborted automatically after
breaching the machine’s maxi... more »
Why Is Pelosi Allowing Steve Israel To Gratuitously Screw Over Working Families In Southwest Michigan?

The ruin of Franklin Roosevelt's great political party
In a recent report from the *Kalamzoo Gazette*, Upton challenger Paul
Clements sets new record for Democratic fundraising in 6th district, the
photograph caption was "WMU Professor Paul Clements, who is looking to
unseat U.S. Rep. Fred Upton in 2014, speaks to a packed crowd at the
Kalamazoo County Democratic headquarters." Packed crowd? Maybe someone
should tell DCCC chairman Steve Israel. Or perhaps mention the title to
Israel, the part about setting new fundraising records, supposedly the only
thing Israel really cares about a... more »
Christians Like Us

The Harper Party insists that its values are the values of the vast
majority of Canadians. But, Linda McQuaig writes, Senator Linda Frum's
recent musings reveal just how narrow and inverted Conservative values
really are:
Frum’s adamant insistence — at a Senate hearing and later in a series of
well-publicized Twitter exchanges — that Elections Canada should not
encourage people to vote sounded so out of sync with widely-held democratic
principles that it appeared mystifying.
Indeed, it only made sense when you realized she was inadvertently
revealing how deeply she and other Harp... more »
Pregnancy Covered By Florida Civil Rights Act, Supremes Rule
This being Florida, I expect bizarre court cases from time to time.
However, the Florida Supreme Court has restored my faith (for now) that
sanity will eventually reign. Two years ago, the Third District Court of
Appeal, which covers Miami, ruled that pregnancy discrimination was not
discrimination based on sex. Fortunately, the Fourth District, covering my
home county, ruled the other way. This let the Florida Supremes decide
which was right.
They just ruled, and they found that the Florida Civil Rights Act, which
covers sex discrimination, but doesn't mention pregnancy, makes preg... more »
Easter Rice Krispie Nests with Kendra from The Things I Love Most

*I am so happy to welcome Kendra from The Things I Love the Most to share
her Easter Rice Krispie Nests with you today. Check out her blog for some
awesome posts on food, and homeschooling! I especially love this post where
she breaks down what a day of homeschooling looks like for them.*
My name is Kendra and I blog over at The Things I Love Most. I am a stay
at home mom that loves to blog about the things that I love. You will see
all sorts of posts on this blog from exercising and fitness to food and
budgeting to homeschooling and religion. I have a wonderful husband & five
beau... more »
Propaganda and Social Control - by John Judge

"The battle, I believe, in the current period, since the time I was born,
l947, or even a little earlier, is for the last frontier that's being
explored; it's the one where we have to do battle in order to survive; it's
for what George Orwell called* "the space between our ears." *It's that
little space, and what's in it, that the government finds the most
valuable. Believe me, the Defense Department does not sit around in fear of
the Soviet Union, who are technologically and militarily well behind us on
every critical point. If they plan anything in relation to the Soviet
Union, ... more »
USA Today: Eliminate Personal Belief Vaccine Exemptions.
*Barbara Loe Fisher: Parents Should Be Free to Choose.*
On Apr. 13, 2014, *USA Today* became the first U.S. national newspaper to
call for an end to the personal belief exemption to vaccination in the U.S.
and for narrowing of “strictly defined” religious and medical exemptions.
In an opposing OpEd, NVIC President Barbara Loe Fisher disagreed and said:
“Non-medical vaccine exemptions immunize individuals and the community
against unsafe, ineffective vaccines and tyranny.”
The OpEds generated a heated online debate among *USA Today* readers.
Within 72 hours, there w... more »
Democracy, How..? : A. Goodman Goes to War
Democracy, How..? : A. Goodman Goes to War
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*"Among Pacifica’s debts are more than $2 million in broadcast fees owed to
Amy Goodman’s “Democracy Now!,” the network’s most popular show. To cover
Pacifica’s operating costs, the network has drained most of its accounts,
hobbling the organization and raising the doomsday scenario in which it
would have to sell WBAI’s broadcast license.*
“For the last 10 years working at WBAI has been a nightmare,” said Jose
Santiago, the news director for two decades. “I compare it to the nation
facing Democrats and Republicans... more »
Michael C Ruppert r.i.p. - Abby Martin's tearful tribute - fire your weapon
RT's Abby Martin gives a (surprisingly) tearful tribute to independent
investigator and government whistleblower Michael C Ruppert (April 13th
*suicide*) on a recent Breaking The Set show.
"I regret not telling you just how much you were loved and needed by us,"
summarises Martin.
*Fire your weapon*, was Mike's personal mantra, this means 'do what you
can' to have THE TRUTH revealed to Humanity. End the silence of complicity,
speak up for reality; end games.
For any 9/11 troofers out there
From CA News:
'NEW YORK, N.Y. - Osama bin Laden's hours in a dark Afghanistan cave the
evening of the Sept. 11 attacks were brought to light when his son-in-law
testified in his own defence at his terrorism trial, portraying the
al-Qaida leader as worried and apprehensive as he contemplated how America
would respond.
The son-in-law, Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, said the al-Qaida leader asked him
hours after the attacks what he thought would happen next.
"Politically, I said, America, if it was proven that you were the one who
did this, will not settle until it accomplishes two things: to kil... more »
Lockheed Martin delivers MH-60R EWSS to RAN

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