Thursday, December 09, 2021

9 December - Blogs I'm Following - 1 of 5

 10:30 pm MST

The National Interest21 minutes ago
NATO Take Note: The Russian Navy is Practicing Missile Strikes in the Baltic Sea
*Mark Episkopos* *Russian Navy, * In the years following the 2014 Euromaidan crisis, the Baltic region has seen a sharp spike in military tensions between Russian and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces. One of Russia’s latest warships is holding large-scale live-fire drills in the Baltic Sea amid mounting regional tensions with NATO. “As part of the planned deployment to the sea, the crew of the corvette *Stoiky *successfully accomplished the task of delivering a missile strike against a naval target that simulated a mock enemy’s combat ship,” read a statement issu... read more
Skowronek Season
xkcd Ah, it's Skowronek Season already! Coming unusually early this term, when pundits gather to ask themselves what kind of relationship the current presidency is going to have with the longer-term current "regime", or complex of ideologies and interests out of which politics of a whole period are made, according to the framework put together by political scientist Stephen Skowronek in the 1990s: will it be a presidency of *reconstruction*, effectively opening a new regime, like those of Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan? Or of *articulation*,... read more
War News Updates47 minutes ago
Pentagon Says Boosting Taiwan's Defenses An 'Urgent Task'
FILE PHOTO: A soldier lies with a rifle by a beach during an annual anti-invasion drill in Tainan, Taiwan, September 14, 2021. © Reuters / Ann Wan *Reuters: **U.S. Defense Official Says Boosting Taiwan's Defenses an 'Urgent Task'* WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bolstering Taiwan's defenses is an urgent task and essential to deterring the threat of invasion by China, the Pentagon's top official for Asia said on Wednesday, adding that U.S. partners were stepping up their military presence in the region. Tensions between Taiwan and China have escalated in recent months as Beijing raise... read more
The National Interest51 minutes ago
China is Dropping Bombs and Laying Mines in the Taiwan Strait
*Kris Osborn* *Chinese Air Force, Asia Pacific* These exercises are a clear effort to show force and attempt to deter the United States and its Western allies from intervening to protect Taiwan. Chinese bombers are dropping bombs, conducting live-fire exercises, and laying mines over areas of the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait in a clear effort to show force and attempt to deter the United States and its Western allies from intervening to protect Taiwan. The latest Chinese bomber, the H-6J, practiced bomb-dropping and sea mine-laying operations in a series of coordinated liv... read more
The National Interest51 minutes ago
Iran Could Be Next: How Israel Took Out Saddam's Nuclear Program
*Robert Farley* *Israeli Air Force, Middle East* Israel has already shown that it's willing to take matters into its own hands. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Iraq responded to the attack not by abandoning its efforts, but rather by redoubling them. What if Israel had not struck Iraq’s Osirak reactor in 1981? Or what if the attack, which was technically quite difficult, had failed? The attack, which was deeply controversial at the time, shifted the course of Iraq’s nuclear-weapons program. It also set a lasting precedent for how Israel, and potentially other nuclear states,... read more
The National Interest51 minutes ago
Are China’s Naval Drones Any Match for the U.S. Navy’s “Ghost Fleet?”
*Kris Osborn* *Drones, * China says it's had a breakthrough. But it seems unlikely that China is well-positioned to match the advanced stages of collaborative autonomous functions now operational with the U.S. Navy. Given the scope of the U.S. Navy's progress with autonomous surface warfare and its fast-expanding fleet of drone warships, it comes as no surprise to learn that the large and closely followed Chinese Navy is reporting success with the same thing. The Chinese Communist Party-backed *Global Times* newspaper has reported that a new Chinese unmanned high-speed vessel... read more
The National Interest51 minutes ago
Great Power Competition Has the U.S. Navy Getting Back to Basics
*David Axe* *U.S. Navy, * The U.S. Navy is getting ready to transport soldiers and cargo around the world. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment has warned that the U.S. sealift force is too small. A convoy of five American cargo ships made a simulated run through hostile waters in September 2019 during a sprawling, short-notice test of the U.S. fleet’s ability to ship people and cargo during a major war. The simulated, World War II-style convoy underscored the importance of sealift to U.S. war plans, as well as the shortage of nav... read more
The Poet: J.R.R. Tolkien, "I Sit And Think"
*"I Sit And Think"* “I sit beside the fire and think Of all that I have seen, Of meadow flowers and butterflies In summers that have been. Of yellow leaves and gossamer In autumns that there were, With morning mist and silver sun And wind upon my hair. I sit beside the fire and think Of how the world will be When winter comes without a spring That I shall never see. For still there are so many things That I have never seen, In every wood, in every spring, There is a different green. I sit beside the fire and think Of people long ago, And people that will see a world That I shall never k... read more
The Last Refuge1 hour ago
Elon Musk Two Word Response to Congress About Biden’s Build Back Better Spending Bill: “Delete It”
Tesla CEO Elon Musk was seemingly channeling his inner Galt during a video interview with Joanna Stern of the Wall Street Journal at the CEO Council Summit. Apparently Mr. Musk can see what’s on the other side of this spending horizon and doesn’t want to experience it. WATCH: . The Full Interview is below: . […] The post Elon Musk Two Word Response to Congress About Biden’s Build Back Better Spending Bill: “Delete It” appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Last Refuge1 hour ago
Foreboding – U.S. Productivity Declined 5.2 Percent in Third Quarter, Largest Quarterly Drop in 51 Years
U.S. nonfarm productivity is a measure of economic activity within the engine of the U.S. economy. The U.S. productivity rate is a measure of how much value is produced by the economy through demand for the products, and the labor associated with the production of those products. I have often used the example of making […] The post Foreboding – U.S. Productivity Declined 5.2 Percent in Third Quarter, Largest Quarterly Drop in 51 Years appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Cairns News3 hours ago
Desperate Melbourne woman sets herself on fire to protest “Vaccine Mandates” but media stays silent
Incidents like this show that the New World Order Covid-Tyranny by the Australian government has driven its citizens to a state where they feel they have nothing left to lose. This poor Melbourne woman doused herself from petrol cans in her car before setting herself on fire. She was holding a sign which read: “No […] read more
Cairns News3 hours ago
Source of Ivermectin for humans . For Ziverdo Kit (Zinc, IVM, DOXy) read more
Why Modern Movies Suck
Don’t get me started on the new James Bond movie. More read more
NASA’s newest X-ray telescope rockets into orbit
NASA’s newest X-ray telescope rockets into orbit read more
Over 36 Intelligent Alien Civilizations Likely Exist in Our Galaxy Alone.
Over 36 Intelligent Alien Civilizations Likely Exist in Our Galaxy Alone — Curiosmos read more
Ten trends to watch in the coming year.
Ten trends to watch in the coming year | The Economist read more
General Atomic Reveals Its New Combat Drone
*Warzone/The Drive:* *General Atomics' Rough Field-Capable Mojave Drone Breaks Cover* The new Mojave drone is like an intriguing mix of OV-10 Bronco and MQ-9 Reaper. General Atomics has offered the first official details about a new unmanned aircraft it has been developing internally called the Mojave. Derived from the MQ-1C Gray Eagle that the company developed for the U.S. Army, it is optimized for short takeoffs and landings from semi-improved surfaces with an emphasis on supporting various kinds of expeditionary and distributed operations. Its new wing gives it a look th... read more
War News Updates2 hours ago
U.S. House Passes $768bn National Defense Bill
*Daily Mail:* *House passes $768bn National Defense bill to tackle Russia and China: Authorizes new fighter jets, warships and submarines* * The House voted on Tuesday night to approve a nearly $700 billion spending bill - the annual National Defense Authorization Act * The bill, which has always received wide bipartisan support, was easily passed and will now move to the Senate * This year's plan sees an increase in spending on measures aimed to counter threats posed by Russia, in Ukraine, and China, in Taiwan * The bill also allocates significant sums for the purchase of new... read more
Musical Interlude: "O Holy Night, Looped Album Instrumental Christmas Music"
*Full screen recommended.* *"O Holy Night, Looped Album Instrumental Christmas Music"* by Nhạc Thư Giãn *A comment:* I stumbled upon this video by accident, and want to share it with you. Yes, it's a little early, but this is so incredibly beautiful it made me cry, thinking what could have been, should have been... - CP read more
Global Warming Theory and the Tests It Fails 2021
Originally posted on Science Matters: The updating of this previous post is timely following on Dr. William Happer’s additional test of Global Warming Theory, the notion that rising CO2 causes dangerous warming of earth’s climate. A synopsis of that presentation is at Climate Change and CO2 Not a Problem. For the purpose of this discussion… read more
India Wants Defense Ties with Russia and the United States. Can it Have Both?
*Kris Osborn* *India, * Could India have divided loyalties? The Russian and Indian militaries are somewhat quietly strengthening a partnership that includes joint military drills, technological collaboration, and the Indian acquisition of thousands of AK-203 assault rifles. The Indian military may even acquire Russian-built S-400 air defenses, according to Russia’s TASS news agency. Russian and Indian foreign and defense ministers met recently to discuss extending partnerships in the military sphere, the paper said. This growing partnership between India and Russia raises int... read more
Leftist Energy Ignorance Abounds
Originally posted on Science Matters: Leftists are recognized by having three personality traits: Know-it-alls, Drama Queens and Control Freaks. The latest example is Liz Warren blaming rising fuel prices on energy producers rather than on her favored restrictive energy policies. An article schooling the senator and her constituents is published at the Delaware Valley Journal… read more
Are Parents' Rights The Only Ones We Need To Worry About?
Being a parent is a scary business. Suddenly you've got these tiny humans to take care of and you don't know what you're doing and you try to make the best choices you can even though you're worried that you may be scarring them for life but you invest your heart and soul into trying to keep them safe and smart and growing up to be good people. And then just as they're starting to turn into real people and you're even starting to feel like you're getting a handle on things, you reach a point where you have to start handing their care and safety over to other people--people you don'... read more
The usual suspects star in annual Tax Office data-dump paying donut on their billions
The latest Tax Office transparency report shows the oil and gas juggernauts are, again, Australia’s biggest tax grifters. Callum Foote and Michael West report on the good and the bad in multinational tax-dodging land. read more
No Better Rifle: Why Nothing Could Stop the M1 Garand
*Paul Richard Huard* *M1 Garand, Americas* Soldiers who carried the Garand quickly learned they could deliver considerable amounts of firepower very, very quickly. *Here's What You Need to Know*: There's no better asset than reliability. Gen. George Patton, the renowned World War II commander who possessed a sizable ego, called the M-1 Garand rifle “the greatest battle implement ever devised.” Some might be surprised that the self-promoting Patton did not consider *himself* the greatest battle implement ever devised. But Patton knew a thing or two about killing – and he knew tha... read more
Russian Federation warns Ukraine not to threaten Donbas: NATO military weapons
Russian Federation warns Ukraine not to threaten Donbas: NATO military weapons Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The Russian Federation is increasingly alarmed by the actions of Ukraine in the volatile eastern part of this country. Russians are heavily concentrated in eastern regions compared with other parts of Ukraine. Hence […] The post Russian Federation warns Ukraine not to threaten Donbas: NATO military weapons first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
TV Show Mysteriously Deletes Poll After Vast Majority Oppose Mandatory Vaccination
Hi @GMB – why did you delete this poll? — Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) December 7, 2021 TV Show Mysteriously Deletes Poll After Vast Majority Oppose Mandatory Vaccination by Paul Joseph Watson, Gee, I wonder why? A major morning television show in the UK deleted a Twitter poll asking if vaccines should be … read more
Largest Open Air Prison / Concentration Camp in the World: Israel Completes Gaza Border Fence Which Includes Underground Barrier with Sensors | World News
WION In a bid to counter threats from their mass militancy, Israel has completed a barrier along the Gaza border, Israel describes it as an iron wall. end read more
Disturbing Prediction: Christians to be Banned from Jobs, Bank Accounts, Money, Plane Travel
Disturbing Prediction: Christians to be Banned from Jobs, Bank Accounts, Money, Plane Travel by Joe Kovacs, ‘We need to stop sitting around moping and being stepped on by the Enemy’ The head of a free-speech social-media site is making a dire prediction for Christians, saying in coming days believers in Jesus won’t be able … read more
The United Nations Unveils ‘The Guardian of International Peace And Security’ Statue That Looks Just Like Something From Revelation
The United Nations Unveils ‘The Guardian of International Peace And Security’ Statue That Looks Just Like Something From Revelation by Geoffrey Grider, The United Nations was founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries ‘committed to maintaining international peace and security’, in October 6 months after the end of WWII. The nation … read more
New Zealand Prime Minister: “There’s Not Going to be an End Point to this Vaccination Program”
NEW – "There’s not going to be an endpoint to this vaccination program…," says New Zealand PM Jacinda — (@disclosetv) December 7, 2021 New Zealand Prime Minister: “There’s Not Going to be an End Point to this Vaccination Program” by Paul Joseph Watson, Says she won’t “ever be satisfied” until everyone gets … read more
Another Defeat for Biden as Judge Blocks Vaccine Mandate for Federal Contractors
*21WIRE* | The latest in a string of defeats against the President's problematic pandemic policies. read more
Agent 22 revealed the Hells Angels plan for Surrey
I have a long weekend ahead of me and I’m feeling like a bat outta Hell so I'm going to take another walk down memory lane and recount the facts sitting on the table in plain view for the world to see. It brings us back to Agent 22’s visit to Surrey around 2009. Agent 22 was a member of the Zig Zag Crew in Winnipeg who became a police agent. He caught Famous Amos, another Zig Zag Crew member, cooking crack cocaine on video for the Hells Angels. The Zig Zag crew was a puppet club for the Hells Angels that sold their drugs and paid the Hells Angels for protection from rival drug dea... read more
Pension Pulse1 hour ago
A Discussion With Ivanhoé Cambridge's CEO Nathalie Palladitcheff
Nathalie Palladitcheff, President and Chief Executive Officer of Ivanhoé Cambridge attended COP26 in Glasgow last month and shared her thoughts on accelerating the real estate transition: Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to partake in two panel discussions at COP26 in Glasgow. The discussion was rich as it pertains to our industry and the consensus around the necessity to go faster, was clear. * Decarbonizing our economy and mitigating the imminent threats of climate change and its negative impacts on the planet, and the obsolescence of our assets, is a priority for our i... read more
The Rio Times3 hours ago
In-depth: Why the left has never governed in Colombia and why that may change with Gustavo Petro
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - It is not the first time the former mayor of Bogotá and ex-guerrilla Gustavo Petro have emerged as a strong contender in Colombia's presidential elections. However, this time, there is a growing concern, perhaps unprecedented, in establishment circles due to his consistency in the polls. The most recent one, published […] The post In-depth: Why the left has never governed in Colombia and why that may change with Gustavo Petro appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times4 hours ago
Mining companies union says “erratic” actions of Peruvian government exacerbate conflicts in the country
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The union that brings together Peru's largest mining companies said Thursday that the "erratic" actions of President Pedro Castillo's government are exacerbating conflicts in the sector. Since leftist President Castillo took office at the end of July with the promise of providing more significant benefits to marginalized communities, the sector […] The post Mining companies union says “erratic” actions of Peruvian government exacerbate conflicts in the country appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times4 hours ago
Ecuador expects to stabilize its debt in 2022 and start reducing it
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Ecuador expects to stabilize its debt in 2022 after a decade of constant increase, make it around US$63 billion, and then start reducing it thanks to the measures introduced by the Government of Guillermo Lasso to lower the public deficit and reach fiscal balance in 2025. "Next year we should […] The post Ecuador expects to stabilize its debt in 2022 and start reducing it appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Balkinization4 hours ago
Non-Citizen Voting
New York City adopted a measure today that would permit legal permanent residents to vote in municipal elections, including for the mayoralty. Non-citizen voting was a fairly common practice in some states during the nineteenth century, though currently only a handful of cities allow this. In any litigation challenging this New York City measure, the strongest authority against non-citizen voting will come from John Bingham. Bingham was adamant that the Constitution prohibited states from extending the franchise to non-citizens. He made this claim in opposition to the admission of... read more
Appeals court says Trump has given 'no legal reason' to defy Congress' demand for Jan. 6 documents, but Supreme Court may have final say
Diaries, visitor logs, handwritten notes and speech drafts are among the records Donald Trump has tried to keep from a Congressional committee investigating the Capitol riot of Jan. 6. read more
Ancient Assyrian Armor Found In China
The world has never been more connected. The things we buy, use, eat, and are were often made miles away -- let's face it, statistically speaking, there's a pretty good chance you're wearing something right now that was made in China. read more
WHO Let the Omicron Out: New Variant Could Alter Path of Pandemic
*Stephen Silver* *Omicron, Americas* These companies are developing an Omicron-specific COVID-19 vaccine and expect it to be ready for delivery within one hundred days. Late last month, shortly after it emerged from South Africa, the Omicron variant of the coronavirus was classified as a “variant of concern” by the World Health Organization. On Wednesday, WHO held a press briefing at its headquarters about the new variant, stating that the new variant has the potential to change the course of the pandemic, according to CNBC. While WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Gh... read more
Ulyanovsk: Russia's Failed Attempt at a Super Aircraft Carrier
*WarIsBoring* *Aircraft Carriers, Eurasia* For Moscow’s navy, the failure of the Ulyanovsk project is one of the biggest, baddest memories of them all. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Moscow never finished the project, because it ran out of money. As the Cold War ended, Russia plunged into years of economic hardship that made building new ships impossible. Had she ever sailed, the Soviet supercarrier *Ulyanovsk* would have been a naval behemoth more than 1,000 feet long, with an 85,000-ton displacement and enough storage to carry an air group of up to 70 fixed and rotary wing ai... read more
WHO: Omicron May Change Course of Pandemic
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Omicron, Americas* The new variant has been found in nearly sixty countries across the world. The World Health Organization has sounded the alarm that the highly mutated Omicron coronavirus variant that was first detected in southern Africa two weeks ago could change the course of the nearly two-year-long pandemic. Although the exact impact is “still difficult to know,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus noted during a press briefing Wednesday in Geneva that “certain features of omicron, including its global spread and large number of mutations,... read more
Pfizer CEO: Fourth Vaccine Dose Might Be Needed
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Omicron, Americas* It should be a top priority to quickly roll out the third dose of the vaccine for winter, during which a spike in infections is feared due to people gathering more indoors. Even though the administering of coronavirus booster shots is just getting underway in many parts of the United States, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla is now contending that Americans might need a fourth shot sooner than expected due to the highly mutated omicron coronavirus variant that was first detected in southern Africa two weeks ago. Bourla noted that preliminary rese... read more
UK Warns of Big Omicron Risk
*Stephen Silver* *Omicron, Europe* The UK Health Security Agency predicts that Omicron was likely to overtake Delta and become the dominant variant in that country. Ever since the Omicron variant first appeared around Thanksgiving, the U.S. government has been cautious but largely optimistic. While often caveating that we must remain vigilant and that much remains to be seen when it comes to data, most of the news so far has been good, on the U.S. side. For instance, the head of the CDC said Thursday that most of the forty Omicron cases reported so far in the United States have ... read more
War News Updates4 hours ago
China Says It Will Fire On US Troops That Come To Taiwan’s Aid
*Washington Free Beacon:* *China Vows To Open Fire on US Troops That Come to Taiwan’s Aid* China's military "will heavily attack U.S. troops who come to Taiwan's rescue" if a war between China and Taiwan breaks out, a possibility that is increasingly likely as the Communist regime readies its war machine on Taiwan's borders. The latest threat to attack the United States during any standoff between China and Taiwan was issued Thursday in the Global Times, an official Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece that prints the regime's propaganda. "It is credible that the [People's Libera... read more
Friends Of Australia Friday 10 December 2021
Australia Friday - 25-26 November 2021 Continue reading → read more
Snopes.com4 hours ago
Court Rejects Trump’s Efforts to Keep Records from 1/6 Panel
In a 68-page ruling, the three-judge panel tossed aside Trump’s various arguments for blocking through executive privilege records that the committee regards as vital to its investigation into the run-up to the deadly riot aimed at overturning the results of the 2020 presidential election. read more
Fun in the Sun
Getaways can be so relaxing. NP- Cancun beaches get 1,500-strong military guard to protect tourists from drug gangs read more
Plan “BBB”: Bye, Bye Boris!
Boris Johnson and his ministers are as much conservatives as a bicycle is a fish. What a massive disappointment they have been to everyone who voted for them in the UK. With the infectious, but super mild omicron virus now spreading around this island nation, Johnson & Co. have gone back on their word by… Continue reading → read more
WestJet flight diverted back to Calgary after pilot medical emergency
This will keep happening, more & more frequently. People are prone to clotting at altitude when they have pre-existing medical conditions. The shot is like... The post WestJet flight diverted back to Calgary after pilot medical emergency appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Illinois Bill Proposes To Strip Unvaxxed Of Their Health Insurance
Illinois Bill Proposes To Strip Unvaxxed Of Their Health Insurance by Kit Knightly via, Illinois Representative Jonathan Carroll wants to push through a change to the state’s insurance law that would mean health insurers no longer have to cover unvaccinated people who get Covid, forcing people to pay their medical bills out of … read more
Pfizer/FDA Cover Up: Within First 90 day Window, Over 1,200 Deaths Were Reported, With a Significant Number Appearing to Happen Within The First 24hrs After Vaccination
Peak Prosperity Access to all of Chris’s content, live webinars twice a month, and much much more is available to our paying members. Click this link for a special introductory offer:… – This episode reviews a previously hidden report by Pfizer to the FDA covering the first 90 days of ‘post authorization’ vaccine safety … read more
The Last Refuge4 hours ago
White House Economic Policy Chairman, in Charge of Economic Predictions, Says He Will Not Give Any Economic Predictions
In the aftermath of the White House demanding that media pundits put a positive spin on economic news, the National Economic Council Chairman, Brian Deese, appears at the Brady Room podium today [Full Video Here] to put the finishing touches on their Potemkin village of economics. The statistics cited by Deese were jaw dropping in […] The post White House Economic Policy Chairman, in Charge of Economic Predictions, Says He Will Not Give Any Economic Predictions appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
War News Updates4 hours ago
Ukraine Military Commanders Admit A Russian Invasion Would Overwhelm Them
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Photo from President of Ukraine official website *New York Times:* *Ukraine Commanders Say a Russian Invasion Would Overwhelm Them* KYIV, Ukraine — On the 30th anniversary of the founding of Ukraine’s armed forces this week, the country’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, donned a helmet and flak jacket to tour the trenches and announced with great fanfare the delivery of new tanks, armored vehicles and ships to frontline units engaged in fighting Russian forces and Kremlin-backed separatists. While the weapons systems may help to maintai... read more
Explosion in New Heart Conditions Explained as “Post Pandemic Stress Disorder”
Explosion in New Heart Conditions Explained as “Post Pandemic Stress Disorder” by Paul Joseph Watson, Case closed. Experts in the UK say that an explosion in new heart illnesses in younger patients can be explained by a new condition called “post-pandemic stress disorder.” – Yes, really. A London Evening Standard report quotes senior vascular … read more
"A Look to the Heavens"
"A star cluster around 2 million years young surrounded by natal clouds of dust and glowing gas, M16 is also known as The Eagle Nebula. This beautifully detailed image of the region adopts the colorful Hubble palette and includes cosmic sculptures made famous in Hubble Space Telescope close-ups of the starforming complex. Described as elephant trunks or Pillars of Creation, dense, dusty columns rising near the center are light-years in length but are gravitationally contracting to form stars. Energetic radiation from the cluster stars erodes material near the tips, eventually exposi... read more
Keith Neumeyer: The Pricing System for Gold and Silver is Broken
Palisades Gold Radio Tom welcomes back Keith Neumeyer, President & CEO of First Majestic Silver Corp. Keith explains why the world needs enormous amounts of metals for electrification and carbon objectives. He says, “We will never be fully off oil and gas but we can reduce it given time.” He is a fan of hydrogen … read more
Gerald Celente, "Omicron Virus Up, Bitcoin, Oil, Equities Down. What's Next?"
*Strong language alert!* Gerald Celente, 12/9/21: *"Omicron Virus Up, Bitcoin, Oil, Equities Down. What's Next?"* "The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times." - read more
Immune Escape By Omicron? A Talk With Prof. Dr. Terrence Kommal About Pfizer Vaccine Study
Drbeen Medical Lectures Immune Escape By Omicron? A Talk With Prof. Dr. Terrence Kommal About Pfizer Vaccine Study News is circulating of the preprint in-vitro study demonstrating immune escape. Let’s review this study, and also get the latest stats on South Africa with Dr. Kommal. Prof. Dr. Kommal is a star on South Africa’s development … read more
Biden To Eliminate Carbon Soon
FACT SHEET: President Biden Signs Executive Order Catalyzing America’s Clean Energy Economy Through Federal Sustainability | The White House This comes two weeks after he drained the US petroleum reserve in order to increase the supply of oil. President Biden … Continue reading → read more
Snopes.com5 hours ago
‘Stop Cuddling With Your Cat,’ Misleading Ad Claims
We clicked through 60 pages of nonsense to spare you the horror. read more
ACTION ALERT: Protect Americans’ Rights to Medical Freedom
H.R. 550, a federal bill recently passed by all Democrats and 80 Republicans – 294 reps in total, by the House of Representatives and now under consideration in the Senate, would expand state and local health department vaccine-tracking systems to monitor the vaccination status of American citizens. The information collected would then be provided to […] The post ACTION ALERT: Protect Americans’ Rights to Medical Freedom appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
CNN Announces The End Of Golf
Golf courses are destroying the planet. They are going to turn into bone-dry muddy swaps due to climate change. Climate crisis: Golf courses on borrowed time as Earth’s weather patterns become more wild – CNN read more
PrairiePundit4 hours ago
More evidence of Vitamin D in fight against Covid
Epoch Times: Since the start of the pandemic, natural supplements have been a bone of contention with researchers, pharmaceutical companies, doctors and health experts. Newly published data again support past research that vitamin D has a significant impact on COVID-19. Vitamin D was discovered in the early 1900s. Work by Sir Edward Mellanby from Great Britain and Elmer McCollum from the University of Wisconsin demonstrated that vitamin D could cure rickets. In the early 1970s, 25-OH-D3 was identified as scientists focused on the endocrine system, and the function that vitamin D... read more
"Insiders Are Struggling To Hide The Incoming Economic Collapse"
*Full screen recommended.* *"Insiders Are Struggling To Hide The Incoming Economic Collapse"* by Epic Economist "For several decades, so-called "experts" and economists who worked closely with the mainstream media have helped to push forward narratives controlled by the elites, which disregarded our true problems and redirected people's attention to other issues that served as a smokescreen. They have effectively helped to keep millions of Americans in the dark when it comes to our our true economic conditions. But thanks to some dissonant voices who have been brave enough to speak ... read more
Gregory Mannarino, "Moronic Hits Crude, The IMF Warns On Inflation, More Calls For A Stock Market Drop"
Gregory Mannarino, PM 12/9/21: *"Moronic Hits Crude, The IMF Warns On Inflation, * *More Calls For A Stock Market Drop"* - read more
Human Rights Day: Rebuild trust, expand freedoms, restore equality
Despite significant progress since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) 73 years ago, the COVID pandemic has “fed a frightening rise in inequalities”, and laid bare “many of our failures to consolidate the advances made”, said UN rights chief Michelle Bachelet, in a message marking Human Rights Day. Read the full story, “Human Rights Day: Rebuild trust, expand freedoms, restore equality”, on → read more
Afghanistan: Political affairs chief has ‘frank and useful exchanges’ with the Taliban
The UN’s Political and Peacebuilding Affairs chief, Rosemary DiCarlo, concluded a three-day visit to Afghanistan on Thursday in which she met with senior Taliban representatives, urging them not to “erase” gains made by women and girls across the country in recent years. Read the full story, “Afghanistan: Political affairs chief has ‘frank and useful exchanges’ with the Taliban”, on → read more
Climate change ‘aggravating factor for terrorism’: UN chief
Environmental degradation enables armed groups to extend their influence and manipulate resources to their advantage, the UN chief told the Security Council on Thursday, highlighting that conflict-prevention initiatives need to factor in climate risks. Read the full story, “Climate change ‘aggravating factor for terrorism’: UN chief”, on → read more
‘Genocide remains a very real threat’, Guterres warns
Genocide “remains a very real threat” around the world, said the UN chief on Thursday, marking the UN International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide, and of the Prevention of this Crime. Read the full story, “‘Genocide remains a very real threat’, Guterres warns”, on → read more
Persecution of parliamentarians reaches ‘all-time high’
Political instability is a key factor behind new data revealed on Thursday which shows that persecution of Members of Parliament (MPs) worldwide, has reached a record high. The annual figures were released by UN partner the Inter-Parliamentary Union, on the eve of Human Rights Day, marked on 10 December. Read the full story, “Persecution of parliamentarians reaches ‘all-time high’”, on → read more
PrairiePundit5 hours ago
Root cause of border crisis is in White House, not Guatemala
Red States: ... Further, her early June “Northern Triangle” trip was an utter disaster, especially after Guatemala’s President Alejandro Giammattei did an interview during Harris’s trip to his country and point-blank blamed the Biden-Harris administration for the border surge. Unfortunately for the Biden administration – Kamala Harris specifically – Giammattei is speaking out again on diplomatic relations between the two countries. And what he said just blew the White House’s “root causes” narrative right out of the water: Reporter: “Other than your meeting with Kamala Harris i... read more
"The Swamp Wins Again"
*"The Swamp Wins Again"* by Brian Maher “For the second time this fall, the Senate’s proud king of obstruction is caving to the Democrats.” This we learn from The Atlantic magazine. Who precisely is the Senate’s “proud king of obstruction”... who has twice caved to Democrats this fall? He is none other than Senate Minority “Leader” Mitchell McConnell - senior senator from the Bluegrass State of Kentucky. The Atlantic: "Two months ago [yesterday], Mitch McConnell sent President Joe Biden a letter containing a warning so important that he repeated it three times in five paragraphs. ... read more
Komando.com5 hours ago
9 popular routers are at risk – See if yours is on the list
If you have one of these popular routers, you're at risk. Here's how to protect against the more than 200 security flaws discovered. read more
PrairiePundit5 hours ago
Giant planet 10 times larger than Jupiter found
Epoch Times: A group of astronomers has discovered one of the biggest planets ever found orbiting a massive and extremely hot two-star system, despite previously believing that such an environment was too inhospitable for a planet to form in. The planet was discovered by Markus Janson, a professor of astronomy at Stockholm University, and colleagues, according to research published Wednesday in the science journal Nature. Janson and his colleagues found the planet using the very sophisticated Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch instrument (SPHERE) on the Europ... read more
PrairiePundit5 hours ago
Smollett found guilty of staging fake hate crime
National Review: Former Empire star Jussie Smollett is guilty of staging a hoax hate crime against himself and then falsely reporting it to police, a jury ruled Thursday, nearly three years after the phony racist and anti-gay attack was carried out early on a frigid January morning. Smollett was found guilty on five counts of felony disorderly conduct and not guilty on one count. The Empire actor stood motionless with a hand on his attorney’s shoulder as the verdict was read. Additional pre-sentencing and sentencing hearings will scheduled at a later date.... ... His testimony ... read more
Man injured in Surrey shooting
CTV is reporting that "A man in his 20s was taken to hospital early Thursday morning following a shooting in Surrey. The 26-year-old was injured in an incident on 60 Avenue, west of 176 Street, reported to police shortly after 1 a.m. The Surrey RCMP detachment said in a statement that officers found the man inside a home, and that his injuries are not life-threatening. He'd been released from hospital by 10 a.m. the same day." "The victim, they said, is known to local police and is not co-operating with their investigation. The motive in the shooting is unclear. Police said infor... read more
Snopes.com5 hours ago
Travis Scott Says He Was Unaware of Deaths Until After Show
In a lengthy interview with TV and radio personality Charlamagne Tha God posted on YouTube, Scott described from his perspective what happened at the Nov. 5 festival that left 10 people dead. read more
Snopes.com5 hours ago
Jussie Smollett Convicted of Staging Attack, Lying to Police
Former “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett was convicted on five of six charges he staged an anti-gay, racist attack on himself in 2019 and then lied to Chicago police about it. read more
Snopes.com5 hours ago
Has Anyone Died from Omicron COVID-19 Variant?
Early studies indicate the strain may cause less severe COVID-19 symptoms compared to its precursor, the delta variant. read more

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