Wednesday, December 08, 2021

8 December - Blogs I'm Following - 5 of 5

 10 pm MST

Komando.com21 hours ago
5 best Windows 11 utilities to get more out of your PC
Have you upgraded to Windows 11? Here are five utilities you should try. read more
FDA criminal cover-up of VACCINE DEATHS
Now we are getting documentary proof of criminality and nothing is supposed to happen? Yet this is all a directed military operation by the CCP. They are no longer sweating casulties. We are at WAR. How in end will they stop retribution? They are inflicting a 2,000,000,000 genocide on mankind. And we KNOW. Will the North Korean Army be used to occupy Northern China? After the PLA is extinguished? Will a million man Indian army occupy Southern China with the assistence of a million man Vietnamese army. That is what can be applied without lifting a finger elsewhere. The pu... read more
Trench Woo
It is interesting that the CCP has reached the same conclusion that I also have reached. It is that the USA military has UFO Tech that is decades ahead of everything else. This is not just the Rods from God either. It includes power lasers able to target and kill individual soldiers swiftly and this was demoed during hte first Gulf War. that was thirty years ago. Rather obviously, a War would see the entire PLA cut down on the parade square or anywhere else they chose to congregate.. And all missle silos would be struck with a Rod from God on preprogrammed orbits. The take... read more
Revisioning JUNG's Idea of Synchronicity
Jung addressed the problem of TIME with the tools at hand and ultimately told us that the idea of mathematical continuity and time were in conflict. We do much better with my CLOUD COSMOLOGY which rigorously eliminates such continuity while preserving it spatually. Again we progress through TIME one page at a time and this can be modeled using my higher order Pythagorean metrics. Knowing this, it is no longer much of a surprise if decision making is able to act back and forth in terms of objective time. It becomes naturally fuzzy and certainly permits quantum style decission m... read more
Nuclear War Analysis
What this item makes clear is that hte devastation of Nuclear War is overstated. To start with, any form of fire storm is unlikely. Yet it is typically a point blast at best and we are looking at Earthquake type damage. Yet modern buildings will largely survive that. The vulnerable target is dense populatioon. We do have a few of that. Yet again a percentage will die in this worst case scenario. A few miles away,you can survive as happened in Japan. We are not dropping big ones much either. We need military targets and those are best handled by smaller bombs. Nucleur win... read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Residents may choose Covid-19 vaccine brand in Brazil’s Federal District
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - From Wednesday, December 8, anyone who has not yet begun the vaccination cycle against Covid-19 will be allowed to choose their preferred brand, depending on availability. The decision was announced last Tuesday, December 7, on the Health Secretariat's website. According to the portfolio, "the decision comes at a time when […] The post Residents may choose Covid-19 vaccine brand in Brazil’s Federal District appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Cairns News21 hours ago
Form letter to schools attended by your kids to stop any mRNA death sentences
School Principal School Dear ______, I am greatly concerned that plans may be underway to inject our children with COVID-19 “vaccinations” at our schools. This letter is to advise you that as their legal guardian, I do not give consent for my children to receive any form of Experimental or Otherwise Covid Injection/Treatment or Vaccination. I would […] read more
Dances With Bears21 hours ago
By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with Behind the penetration-proof walls and the top-secret record of what was said, if the small print of their communiqués is the truth, President Joseph Biden has agreed to reduce the risk of US attack on Russia, and President Vladimir Putin to reduce the risk of Russian attack on Ukraine. “A lot […] read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Brazil’s Bolsonaro enacts Provisional Measure to pay US$71 Brazil Aid in December
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) on Tuesday, December 7, enacted a Provisional Measure (MP) to enable the payment of "Auxílio Brasil" (Brazil Aid) at R$400 (US$71) per month in December. The Provisional Measure was published in an extra edition of the Federal Gazette. The text establishes an "extraordinary benefit" aimed at […] The post Brazil’s Bolsonaro enacts Provisional Measure to pay US$71 Brazil Aid in December appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Brazil’s public sector may close year with first primary surplus since 2013
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Minister of Economy Paulo Guedes said on Tuesday that the public sector - which includes federal, state, municipal and state accounts - should post a primary surplus at the end of this year, recording its first positive data since 2013. In a presentation in English at an event sponsored by […] The post Brazil’s public sector may close year with first primary surplus since 2013 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Bolsonaro says Brazil should close the year with balance of 3 million new formal jobs
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - President Jair Bolsonaro on Tuesday said the country should close this year with a positive balance of 3 million formal jobs despite the economic hardship and the lingering effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. "Despite everything, we should end our third year of government with a positive balance of approximately 3 […] The post Bolsonaro says Brazil should close the year with balance of 3 million new formal jobs appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
A Nuclear-Weapons-Free-Zone in the Middle East — & the Elephant in the Room
UNITED NATIONS, Dec 08 (IPS) - Israel’s nuclear presence in the Middle East is best characterized as “the elephant in the room” -– an obvious fact intentionally ignored with deafening silence. Read the full story, “A Nuclear-Weapons-Free-Zone in the Middle East — & the Elephant in the Room”, on → read more
News – TOTT News21 hours ago
EVENT: #ReclaimTheLine declares it’s time to ‘Face The Music’
The next wave of #ReclaimTheLine rallies this weekend will highlight the impact of vaccine mandates on creative arts, among other industries, and declare it's time for Australia to 'Face the Music' read more
The Decarie Report21 hours ago
The End of Time
This is a late post because I have run into a crisis of time. On Dec. 13, I shall be moving from my home in Ottawa down to Kingston, some 2 or 3 hours south of here. And there is no hell like moving when you getting really old and very confused. I presume I'll be able resume this blog some time soon after my arrival in Kingston. In recent days, homeless people in Los Angeles have been dying at a tremendous rate. This, particularly, means children. They are dying in the high hundreds in just a few days. Did you read about this in your daily news media? Of course not. They never tell ... read more
naked capitalism21 hours ago
Climate Change: Adapt for the Future, Not the Past
Climate adaptation in the global South needs to be addressed through development. Moving from de-risking to diversification requires a developmental state committed to ‘green’ industrial policy – involving investment and technology. read more
Need To Know21 hours ago
Federal Judge Blocks Biden Vaccine Mandate for Federal Contractors
Judge Baker said Congress did not clearly authorize the president to use procurement to impose a vaccine requirement on contractors that will have vast economic and political significance. Judges have upheld mandates by private employers, universities and state and local governments. read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Bolsonaro selected personality of the year by Time magazine’s popular vote
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - President Jair Bolsonaro has been chosen as the personality of the year by a vote of Time magazine readers, the publication reported Tuesday. According to the magazine, 24% of the over 9 million votes considered that the Brazilian President had great influence - whether positive or negative - during the […] The post Bolsonaro selected personality of the year by Time magazine’s popular vote appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Taiwan's M60 Tanks Are Receiving a Serious Facelift
*Peter Suciu* *M60 Tank, Taiwan* The M60 is old, but not down for the count just yet. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The Taiwanese Army recently announced that it will upgrade the equipment and systems on many of those M60A3s. The plan's partial upgrades are scheduled to begin next year to strengthen the second-generation main battle tanks’ (MBTs) combat and defense capabilities. If the People's Liberation Army were to mount an invasion of the self-governed island of Taiwan, it would face many aging tanks, including hundreds of M60A3s. The Taiwanese Army recently announced ... read more
Need To Know21 hours ago
Attorney Says Undercover Law Enforcement Agent Entrapped J6 Capitol Protesters with Weapons
The attorney said that the man in red is clearly an undercover law enforcement officer because he was interacting with uniformed personnel and other agents in the crowd. Carlson pointed out that the man in red has never even been identified, much less arrested for his actions. read more
Dollar has Stage 4 Cancer – Rob Kirby
Dollar has Stage 4 Cancer – Rob Kirby by Greg Hunter’s Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby has long predicted Fed money printing would have to go “on a vertical curve where money has to be added to the system . . . to keep the system from crapping out and imploding.” Kirby said this more than … read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Woman and two children missing after heavy rain in São Paulo
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A woman and two children went missing in the early afternoon of Tuesday, December 7, while crossing a flooded area on the Curucutu road in Paralheiros, southern São Paulo. According to information from the fire department, the woman and the two children were washed away. There is still no information […] The post Woman and two children missing after heavy rain in São Paulo appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Need To Know22 hours ago
New York City: Lame Duck Mayor Bill de Blasio Gives Private Businesses Just 3 Weeks to Get Vaxxed!
Business leaders questioned whether the policy was legal, who would enforce the mandate and whether de Blasio had the authority to enact a medical intervention on people in the private sector. De Blasio updated vaccine passport rules and now requires that two doses of Covid-19 vaccines to enter many indoor businesses. read more
Covert Geopolitics22 hours ago
U.S.-Ukraine Plan Emerges… Make Another Afghan Quagmire for Russia
U.S. President Joe Biden and his top aides continue to assert that Russia is building up forces to attack its western neighbor. A senior U.S. Democratic Senator revealed more than he intended when he gleefully expressed a desire to see Russia invade Ukraine and for it to become another “Afghan quagmire”. Senator Chris Murphy who … Continue reading U.S.-Ukraine Plan Emerges… Make Another Afghan Quagmire for Russia → read more
Need To Know22 hours ago
314 Police Officers Were Shot this Year, More than Any Other Year. 58 Were Killed in the Gunfire.
The Fraternal Order of the Police reported that 314 officers have been shot in the US this year, more than any other year, with 58 of them being killed by gunfire, and there is still another month left in the year. Ambush attacks on cops are up 126% since 2020. read more
Vietnam Province Suspends Pfizer Vaccine Batch After 120 Children Hospitalized
Vietnam Province Suspends Pfizer Vaccine Batch After 120 Children Hospitalized by Tyler Durden, The Vietnamese province of Thanh Hoa has suspended the use of a Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine batch after over 120 students were hospitalized following their inoculation. – As VN Express reports, since November 30, the central province has been vaccinating children aged … read more
Ivermectin Deserves More … Commentary on Dr John Campbell’s Ivermectin Video | What Else We Can Learn
Dr. Hong’s Pharmacy Classroom Hi everyone! Welcome back to this week’s regular video. I am going to give a commentary on Dr. John Campbell’s most recent ivermectin video. Let’s look at the drug from the perspective of pharmacokinetics, off-target effects, and generic formulation.  end read more
3,200 Fully Vaccinated Cruise Passengers Suffer Massive Outbreak, 17 Confirmed Cases | Facts Matter
Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov Yesterday, Youtube decided to delete this video. Maybe it was a mistake, maybe not. Regardless, here it is AGAIN. end read more
Small Dead Animals23 hours ago
Wag the Dog
Is Bumbling Joe Biden, along with his apparatchiks, about to start World War 3? These people are fools. Dangerous, ignorant fools. read more
December 8, 2021: Reader Tips
This evening we present you a special treat, a double feature, if you will! First, there’s this 1930’s promo film from Inco Sudbury. And then, there’s this 1980 movie on mining in Sudbury. Your underground or surface oriented tips are much appreciated. read more
An open letter on the U.S. math education
Nirman reminded me that I wanted to mention this open letter on K-12 mathematics. It is a petition signed by 911 STEM (math-loaded fields) professors in the U.S. so far; Ferdinand Porsche couldn't sign because he is not in the U.S. and he is not a STEM professor. See an article in the Wall Street Journal, Fox News (press alt/d enter on the target page to rewrite the strange firewall), Wash. Examiner, RT, The Epoch Times, one at Datanami, and on Aaronson's blog. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Of course, the signatories have been my "ecosystem" for decades so I kno... read more
The Duran22 hours ago
Republicans Pounce!
Vlogger and pundit Dan Bongino has a saying. Actually he has many sayings, but arguably the most humorous is “Republicans pounce!” This alludes to the way the overwhelmingly liberal and left leaning media report stories that are detrimental to their pet causes and ideology. When someone on the left does something bad and the story […] read more
The Duran22 hours ago
Another attempt to oust Erdogan from Turkey has failed
Another attempt to oust Erdogan from Turkey has failed Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator An attempt on the life of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was uncovered by Turkish intelligence. The improvised explosive device was discovered under the personal vehicle of a police officer due to be on duty at a rally in Siirt […] read more
The Duran22 hours ago
Lithuania: pensioners get ready for death
Main attention of the Lithuanian media has been focused on migrant crises and security issues for several weeks. This problem has become also a good reason to once again draw the attention of the population to the need of increasing defense capabilities. This problem has become a good excuse for further increasing of the armed […] read more
Is the BBC biased?22 hours ago
"Courtesy of ITV News"
On that video ''obtained'' by ITV News showing Downing Street staff joking about a Christmas party last year: *Patrick O'Flynn*: Great old-fashioned scoop by Paul Brand, no doubt about it. BBC News just had to lead with footage "courtesy of ITV News". That's how good a story it is. The BBC hasn't even bothered trying its usual ''the BBC has learned...'' game. read more
* California's proposed woke math curriculum alarms mathematicians, scientists* Hundreds of highly distinguished science and math professors have signed an open letter expressing "urgent concern" over California’s efforts to reform mathematics education in the name of social justice. The letter, signed by 597 science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professionals, said the California Department of Education’s (CDE) proposed new mathematics framework will aim to reduce achievement gaps by limiting the availability of advanced mathematical courses to middle schoolers... read more
Is the BBC biased?22 hours ago
''The secret of Alan Yentob's chat for the 'British Backscratching Corporation'''
More on the story from yesterday about Alan Yentob appearing on the *News at Ten* to plug his big New Year's Eve interview with Mel Brooks - the godfather of his son... Richard Eden of the* Daily Mail* has been talking to ''a source'' [BBC? Not BBC?] who says: This is the British Backscratching Corporation at its worst. Viewers should have been told of Yentob's close connection to his subject. This mysterious source questions why, if BBC bosses deemed the publication of Mel's memoir to be newsworthy, he wasn't interviewed by one of the BBC's many U.S. correspondents. And, goin... read more
GREENIE WATCH22 hours ago
* Why the Climate Panic About Africa Is Wrong* * Africa is bigger than you think:* [image: image from] As climate pledges pile up, a worrying theme is emerging that bold efforts by rich nations to decarbonize the global economy will be ruined by hordes of new consumers in the developing world buying cars, installing air conditioning, and taking planes. China’s and India’s rapid development and steep emissions trajectories have been central to these fears, but Western governments and climate activists have found little traction ... read more
Browning Buck Mark UDX: The Best .22 for Target Shooting?
*Richard Douglas* *Guns, * The UDX and Buck Mark series pistols are definitely designed with accuracy in mind. The Browning Buck Mark UDX is a .22LR pistol that’s going to punch you in the wallet, but treat you really, really right. It’s consistently been a favorite of anyone that likes .22s or anybody that gets their hands on it and I’m no exception. The Buck Mark UDX quickly shot to my current favorite .22 pistol in a matter of days. Off the bat, this pistol looks sweet. To break with my usual buying habits, I opted out of the “tacticool” looking variations and picked up some... read more
Did Iran Really Scare American Drones Away from the Persian Gulf?
*Peter Suciu* *Iran, Middle East* Iran says it did, but can the Islamic Republic's state media really be believed? *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Iran has been accused of orchestrating various recent attacks on shipping in the sea lanes serving the Gulf, which is where a large portion of the world’s oil is produced. Iranian state media claimed on Tuesday that the Iran military had “warned off” U.S. drones that were operating near an annual exercise at the mouth of the Persian Gulf. The annual Zulfiqar 1400 exercises began on Sunday, east of the Strait of Hormuz, and extend... read more
Encouraging Signs of the Omicron Variant
*Stephen Silver* *Omicron, Americas* But some variants of the past have not shown severe illness and death at first before things got worse later. The appearance of the Omicron variant, around Thanksgiving, set off panic around the world, as both individuals and governments suddenly had to worry about the possibility of a major new coronavirus surge. This uncertainty was enough to spook markets around the world in the subsequent days and weeks. Now, almost two weeks later, while there remains uncertainty, there appears to be optimism about the trajectory of the Omicron variant.... read more
OrientalReview.org23 hours ago
Macron’s revenge for AUKUS betrayal
What distinguishes great powers like France is their sense of history and their profound understanding of the temporality of historical experience — or, how their past, present, and future are thought to be connected in their international diplomacy. That is why the AUKUS pact between the US, UK and Australia […] read more
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Tuesday 07 December 2021
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […] read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
December 8th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 323
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post December 8th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 323 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
Wednesday December 8th – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Wednesday December 8th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
More litigation goes ahead of California’s feared bacon crisis
Whether key provisions of California’s Proposition 12 will be in place by next month is the subject of yet another lawsuit about the measure. That’s when the ballot measure approved by California voters in 2018 is suppose to take effect. This time, however, its not opponents of Prop 12 that have brought the lawsuit, but the original... Continue Reading read more
NY Times Op-Ed Writer Rants Against ‘Whiteness’ Ruining A Little Lawn Library
By Tim Graham ~ White Americans can confess that when it comes to race, they’re often puzzled by how the most innocent actions can be transformed by angry black writers into imagined racial hostility. On Sunday, The New York Times published a nutty little piece by Erin Aubry Kaplan asking “Is My Little Library Contributing […] read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
Federal officials continue investigation into E. coli outbreak as more people fall ill
An E. coli O157:H7 outbreak traced to fresh spinach from Josie’s Organics continues to grow with new patients and hospitalizations reported. Two more states are now involved. Federal officials are reporting that four new patients bring the confirmed case count to 14 people, with two new states involved, bringing that total to nine. Of 12... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
Burden of disease and cost drops in Netherlands because of COVID-19 measures
A large decline in the disease burden of 14 pathogens in the Netherlands in 2020 has been attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic. The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) analyzed how many years are lost on average because of ill health or death as a result of gastrointestinal illness and the cost... Continue Reading read more
Wind Makes No Meaningful Contribution To The Grid: The Ciccone/Lehr Rule Of Thumb
By Dr. Jay Lehr ~ This is part three of a tutorial on why wind power is tantamount to a fraud perpetrated daily. According to the American Wind Association, as we near the end of 2021 there are about 60,000 wind turbines operating in 41 states and two territories. It is not hard to convince […] read more
New Mandala23 hours ago
Addressing food security in Indonesia
Food estates are costly and fail to value the application of ecological principles, especially local agroecological practices rooted in local communities. The post Addressing food security in Indonesia appeared first on New Mandala . read more
War News Updates23 hours ago
Picture Of The Day
Burning objects are seen on the street during a protest against the Belgian government's restrictions imposed to contain the spread of the coronavirus, in Brussels, Belgium, December 5. REUTERS/Johanna Geron *WNU Editor:* The above picture is from this photo-gallery .... *Belgians protest against COVID restrictions *(Reuters). read more
You’ve Been Warned: Russia’s T-80 Tank Is No Joke
*Charlie Gao* *T-80, Eurasia* Some might have written this old weapon of war off. But Moscow hasn't. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Reports of the T-80’s obsoleteness are greatly exaggerated. While many Russian tank types are nominally meant to be replaced by the T-14 Armata, the modernization of old tank types is still occurring. Perhaps one of the more overlooked tanks that continues to be modernized are variants of the T-80. While some in the West thought the design was a dead end after what was seen as a lackluster performance in Chechnya, many firms continued work on some... read more
To Counter Iran, Biden Should Support Iraq’s Election Outcome
*Maya Carlin* *Iraqi Elections, Middle East* Iraq's recent election results provide an opportunity to counter Iran and strengthen the U.S.-Iraqi relationship. Iranian-backed groups in Iraq have a history of using violence as a political tool to get what they want, particularly when they feel vulnerable. As Iraq's parliamentary election results have exposed the lack of popular support for the Iranian-backed bloc, there will likely be a surge of violence in Iraq, some of which will target U.S. assets on the ground. In addition to responding with strength to any attacks carried out... read more
Is This the Strongest F-15 Variant Ever Made?
*Stephen Silver* *Military Affairs, Middle East* The F-15QA includes improvements such as fly-by-wire flight controls, an all-glass digital cockpit, and contemporary sensors, radar, and electronic warfare capabilities. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Following pilot training, the first planes will arrive in Qatar later this year. Boeing is also set to “establish and operate an aircrew and maintenance training center for the QEAF at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar.” Boeing earlier this week announced the naming and rollout plans for a new plane that it is providing to Qatar’s air... read more
How to Improve the Army's Armed Robotic Vehicles? Ask the Soldiers.
*Kris Osborn* *U.S. Army, * The concept behind soldier touchpoints is clear: experienced soldiers themselves are best positioned to know how best to use them and discern what works and does not work with the platform. The Army is fast-tracking Robotic Combat Vehicles (RCVs) to face enemy fire. When directed by soldiers, the vehicles will also conduct forward surveillance, carry ammunition, and even destroy tanks as part of the Army's fast-moving modernization strategy. The U.S. Army plans to “field” military robots in 2022 with units and put them in the hands of soldiers to as... read more
Why Did the National Guard Practice Firing a Howitzer from an Amphibious Landing Vehicle?
*Peter Suciu* *Artillery, Eurasia* The operation was to highlight how mobile fire support could be provided during amphibious operations and during missions in littoral environments. *Here's What You Need to Rememeber:* It reportedly takes about twenty minutes to prepare for amphibious operations, so unlike the American DUKW, which was developed during the Second World War, it isn’t as simple as driving into the water. Moreover, given the weight of the vehicle the Gvozdika can only carry thirty rounds while in the water. In 2019, the Virginia Army National Guard conducted what wa... read more
Certain fish products, adulterated honey among a dozen new import modifications
The Food and Drug Administration uses import alerts to enforce U.S. food safety regulations for food from foreign countries. The agency updates and modifies the alerts as needed. Recent modifications to FDA’s import alerts, as posted by the agency, are listed below. Click here to go to the FDA page with links for specific details... Continue Reading read more
Operation finds violations in Spanish food transport sector
Spanish authorities have uncovered the transport of non-food products in food-grade containers without the proper cleaning. The Guardia Civil reported it was investigating 10 people as part of Operation Duel relating to the illegal transport of food. Checks were carried out on roads and at vehicle washing centers. Trucks equipped with food-grade tanks were used... Continue Reading read more
Syria Says Israeli Warplanes Hit Latakia Port
#Syria's state media has said #Israeli warplanes have attacked its #Latakia port, with several missiles striking the area of the containers at 1:23 local time on Tuesday (23:23 GMT Monday), starting a fire. There has been no comment from the Israeli military thus far. — Ruptly (@Ruptly) December 7, 2021 *Middle East Eye:* *Syria: Latakia port hit by 'Israeli air strikes' for first time since 2011* *UK-based activist group reports 'huge material losses' but says there were no immediate reports of casualties * An Israeli air strike hit a shipment of Ira... read more
President Biden Pledges to Provide Billions in Economic Benefit to Russia Through the Build Back Better Climate Change Program
Many Americans have no idea that Russia is an OPEC member. Even fewer recognize that Russia’s primary economic export is energy via oil and gas. Oil and gas exports drive the Russian economy. Any U.S. policy that drives up the value of oil and gas directly enhances the economy and influence of Russia. Thanks to […] The post President Biden Pledges to Provide Billions in Economic Benefit to Russia Through the Build Back Better Climate Change Program appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Canadian Province Imposes New Measures To Ban Unvaccinated From Grocery Stores
*True North:* *Unvaccinated Canadians can be banned from grocery stores in New Brunswick* Beginning Saturday, people in New Brunswick who do not show proof of full vaccination can be barred from entering grocery stores to buy food. The measure was announced as part of the province’s “winter action plan,” which allows any business, including grocery stores, the option of barring unvaccinated individuals. According to Health Minister Dorothy Shephard, it comes as the province sees a “very concerning” rise in COVID infections over the last two weeks, particularly among unvaccinat... read more
"Orientalism" and Minority Groups in West Asia and North Africa
Since 1978, "Orientalism," by late Palestinian-American academic Edward Said, has served as the basis for many academic courses focused on West Asia and North Africa. read more
"Get Your Money Out Of The Bank, Outages Coming; Buybacks Prop Up Markets; Maxing Out Credit Cards"
Jeremiah Babe, PM 12/7/21: *"Get Your Money Out Of The Bank, Outages Coming; * *Buybacks Prop Up Markets; **Maxing Out Credit Cards"* read more
Twitter News December 7, 2021
Is it strong enough to survive a one part per ten thousand increase in CO2 over the past century? 11:18 AM · Dec 7, 2021 read more
Super spreaders
The standard narrative of the pandemic of the unvaccinated is starting to look more like the Titanic after it hit the iceberg these days. The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit will on Friday reinstate capacity limits for bars and restaurants, and cap social gatherings, to curb soaring COVID infections in the region. Sunday’s announcement follows a… Continue reading → read more
Tony Abbott: ‘We need nuclear subs now’
As ADVANCE has said for years now, Tony Abbott is the Prime Minister we lost too soon and his recent speech to the Royal United Services Institute in London explains why: read more
Be Like a Pelican and Join our Flock!
Dear Bird Lover: Pelicans are beautiful birds, often seen skimming over the waves in a line, or soaring overhead in formation. Working as a group, this formation helps pelicans in important ways. Each individual wingbeat helps lift others in their flock. Relying on each other they: Can go further than possible when traveling alone, to ... Read more The post Be Like a Pelican and Join our Flock! appeared first on International Bird Rescue. read more
Peak Prosperity, Dr. Chris Martenson, "1200 Dead in First 90 Days"
Peak Prosperity, Dr. Chris Martenson 12/7/21: *"1200 Dead in First 90 Days"* - ○ *Related:* This is shocking and extremely disturbing. Consider the implications and draw your own informed conclusions. *"Doctor Tells The Truth About Graphene 'Razor Blades'* * In COVID Shots – Murdered Days Later"* "Harrison Smith breaks down a shocking report of a German scientist named Dr. Andreas Noack who was reportedly murdered after revealing that a stable carbon compound called graphene hydroxide was found in the Covid injection that acts as thousands of tiny razor ... read more
Poll Shocker: Just 22% Of Americans Want Biden To Run For U.S. President Again
*TIPP Insights*: *I&I/TIPP Poll Stunner: Just 22% Of Americans Want Joe Biden To Run For President Again* *Who do you want to see run for president on the Democratic ticket in 2024? * Just when it seemed President Joe Biden could get no lower in the public's political esteem, a new I&I/TIPP Poll of Americans' preference for the 2024 Democratic presidential ballot is a shocker: Just over one out of five want Joe Biden back at the top of the Democrats' ticket in three years. A number of recent I&I/TIPP Polls (here and here) have documented Biden's sharp decline in favorability wi... read more
Los Angeles School District Vaccinates Students Without Parents Knowledge or Consent
Many people on these pages said this was likely to happen; unfortunately, they were correct. Alarming reports now coming from California about school districts vaccinating students without the consent of their parents. In the video example below the students in this Los Angeles school were enticed with the promise of pizza for their compliance, and […] The post Los Angeles School District Vaccinates Students Without Parents Knowledge or Consent appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Saudi Arabia Pleads With Washington For Patriot Missile Defence Resupply
A member of the US airforce near a Patriot missile battery at the Prince Sultan air base in Al-Kharj, Saudi Arabia, on 20 February 2020 (AFP) *Middle East Eye: **Saudi Arabia 'pleads' for US Patriot missiles amid Houthi aerial barrage* *Weekly ballistic missile and drone strikes against the kingdom said to have left it with worryingly low arsenal * Saudi Arabia has urgently requested hundreds more Patriot interceptors from the US, as well as from Gulf and European allies, as it battles against weekly ballistic missile and drone strikes launched by Yemen's Houthi rebels, accord... read more
Attorney Leigh Dundas Gives Updates on Current Legal Actions Regarding Vaccine Mandates
California Civil Rights attorney Leigh Dundas recently spoke at a symposium in Texas. We have published the work of Attorney Dundas in the past. She is a mother and a passionate advocate for children. She is also fearless, and not afraid to call out the tyrants. In this update she explains the full ramifications of the nationwide walkout and strike that happened in November. You didn't hear about that? Not surprising. Learn it now from Leigh. If you have never heard Leigh speak before, you are in for a treat. The post Attorney Leigh Dundas Gives Updates on Current Legal Actions... read more
Uncanny ‘Mystery Hut’ Discovered on Dark Side of Moon by Chinese Moon Rover
RT America China’s Yutu 2 rover has discovered a bizarre and as-yet inexplicable structure on the far side of the Moon. It is now moving toward the object, dubbed “the Mystery Hut,” in hopes of learning more. China’s breakneck pace of space exploration and development continues to stun its adversaries. RT America writer Paul Shepard … read more
FULL SHOW: Ukraine: Media War to Real War; Can It Happen?
RT America Presidents Biden and Putin met on a virtual call Tuesday to discuss increased tensions surrounding NATO activity in the Black Sea and allegations of Russian military activity on the border with Ukraine. RT’s Nikki Aaron joins us from Moscow to give the latest. (:53) Then, Former Pentagon official Michael Maloof and Former UK … read more
Israeli Missile Strike Hits Syria’s Latakia Port – State Media
RT Syrian media reported that an Israeli air raid caused fire and destruction in the port of Latakia, with the country’s military saying FIVE explosions were heard. Israel is yet to comment on the incident. end read more
Gareth Soloway – Gold & Silver Each Have Bullish Consolidation
Wall Street Silver Gareth Soloway – Gold & Silver Each Have Bullish Consolidation. We review the charts with Gareth and discuss what he is thinking right now about the markets and how he is trading the commodities. end read more
What is the Big Picture in Gold?
Palisades Gold Radio In this video, we explain the big picture in Gold, the catalysts for 2022 and what is needed to happen for Gold to begin a real bull market that lifts it to $3,000/oz and much higher. end read more
Canada Ditches Moderna Booster For Pfizer Over Myocarditis Risk In Young Men
Canada Ditches Moderna Booster For Pfizer Over Myocarditis Risk In Young Men by Tyler Durden, Canada has become the latest country to recommend that young people – in this case boys and men aged 12 through 29 – should opt for the Pfizer Covid-19 booster shot over Moderna’s Spikevax due to a higher risk … read more
MP Who Claims She Feels “Unsafe” Around Maskless is Pictured Partying Maskless
Zarah Sultana: "I feel incredibly unsafe in the chamber" when Tories don't wear masks Also Zarah Sultana: "Wahey! Here's me at a packed MOBO awards, without a mask in sight" #MaskHypocrisy — Martin Daubney ✌🏻🇬🇧 (@MartinDaubney) December 6, 2021 MP Who Claims She Feels “Unsafe” Around Maskless is Pictured Partying Maskless by Paul Joseph … read more
Spike Protein Produced by mRNA Vaccines Found in The Nucleus of Living Cells And Can Weaken The Human Immune Response And Impair Immunity
Spike Protein Produced by mRNA Vaccines Found in The Nucleus of Living Cells And Can Weaken The Human Immune Response And Impair Immunity by Bill Sardi, The Worst That Could Happen * Call To Suspend Covid-19 Vaccination Upon Discovery Of Spike Protein In The Nucleus Of Living Cells * Resveratrol Pills Could Rescue The … read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Establishment meltdown as rebel Libs, Nats talk to Alex Jones, Steve Bannon
By TONY MOBILIFONITISTHE Australian corporate state has revealed it’s ugly underbelly with the detention for quarantine of rebel South Australian Liberal Senator Alex Antic, apparently because he believes his vaccination status is a private matter and has been pushing for answers about the source of South Australia’s Covid medical advice. Antic, one of the 10 […] read more
China Claims ‘Democracy that Works’ As Biden Prepares Summit
*Trevor Filseth* *Democracy, Asia* America’s primary great-power rivals, Russia and China, were not invited to the summit—although Taiwan, the self-governing island that China has long considered part of its territory, received an invitation. President Joe Biden is preparing for the Summit for Democracy, a two-day virtual meeting between the leaders of democratic countries. At the same time, China has launched a public relations blitz intended to showcase the superiority of its proclaimed democratic system. On Saturday, China’s State Council released a white paper detailing the ... read more
Farewell, Javelin Anti-Tank Missile: Meet the Spike Missile
*Charlie Gao* *Missiles, Middle East* Is it better than America's best? *Here's What You Need to Know*: Israel is known to make many powerful weapons and the Spike missile is one of their best. On October 6, 1973, over eight hundred tanks from three mechanized infantry divisions poured over the Israeli border into the Golan Heights. The sheer mass of armor inflicted heavy casualties on the defending Israeli forces; the defending Barak Brigade saw every company commander killed in action during the attack. While Israeli forces eventually did triumph, this experience lead some in ... read more
Experts: Omicron Appears More Contagious But Less Dangerous
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Omicron, Americas* It is too early to tell whether the Omicron variant poses a greater risk of death, given the relatively small amount of data and how recently it was detected. Early reports of the highly mutated omicron coronavirus variant that was first detected in southern Africa two weeks ago were indeed largely frightening and signaled that the nearly two-year-long pandemic fight could be pushed back to square one. However, the variant, which now has been confirmed in nearly twenty U.S. states and thirty countries on six continents, has been found to... read more
The Garland We Don't Need at Christmas
(By *American Zen*'s Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari.) "*Who or what will safeguard our constitutional order is not apparent today. It is not even apparent who will try. Democrats, big and small D, are not behaving as if they believe the threat is real. Some of them, including President Joe Biden, have taken passing rhetorical notice, but their attention wanders. They are making a grievous mistake*." -Barton Gellman. *B*y all appearances, Attorney General Merrick Garland looks and sounds like a nice, inoffensive, anodyne law professor you'd see collecting dust at Georgetown Law... read more
European Union States Continue To Fail To Collaborate On Their Military Capabilities
*Reuters: **Record EU defence spending masks failure to collaborate, report says* BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union states spent nearly 200 billion euros ($225 billion) on defence in 2020, the most since records began in 2006, but joint investment by governments fell, the European Defence Agency (EDA) said in a report on Monday. The EDA, an EU agency that helps the bloc's governments to develop their military capabilities, said the total spending of EU countries except for Denmark - which opts out of EU military projects - reached $198 billion, a 5% increase on 2019. The de... read more
Republic or Totalitarianism—What is True Freedom?
The enemy wants to control you and your behavior. They may even control the concept of what you call freedom. From using paper straws, wearing masks, and taking jabs, to flipping houses, betting the markets, and buying bitcoin, the object is one of control. These mandates now threaten totalitarian control of basic rights and economic activity, including energy consumption, medical treatment, and family sovereignty. read more
Governor Ron DeSantis Discusses the Free State of Florida
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis spoke on the inland side of Tampa Bay today as he announced a $276 million state program to support flood and sea level rise mitigation. The funds are one part of a comprehensive state level infrastructure program to support the incredible growth within Florida. Even without a state income tax Florida […] The post Governor Ron DeSantis Discusses the Free State of Florida appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Nursing Home Gulags
Jayanta Bhattacharaya- What Does Focused Protection Mean for Nursing Homes? Week by week, I watched Glenn shrink and fade. It was, in part, the cancer but, even more, it was the enforced isolation that took its toll on him. He did, however, remain safe from COVID-19; the disease did not spread in his nursing home… Continue reading → read more
We Met Our Million Dollar Match, Thanks to You!
 Your generosity has funded more boots on the ground fighting for truth, for your freedom, and for your children’s future. We will not comply with medical tyranny. CHD has heard your cries for help and we are amplifying your voices and taking action everyday with everything we’ve got. “If I have to die for […] The post We Met Our Million Dollar Match, Thanks to You! appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
No Christmas For You
Oh Noooo! Its the new Xi virus. Just in time for Christmas. Or as we say on Turtle Island, the “Holiday” before Ramadan. All the politicians and the bought and paid for media are ranting for more lockdowns. read more
Melbourne Woman Sets Herself On Fire Inside Car With Sign: “NO ONE CARES, MANDATES ARE KILLING US”
Milne News A woman in Cherry Street, Werribee – a suburb in Victoria Australia – has set herself on fire due to the draconian mandates... The post Melbourne Woman Sets Herself On Fire Inside Car With Sign: “NO ONE CARES, MANDATES ARE KILLING US” appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
U.S. judge blocks last remaining Biden admin COVID-19 vaccine rule
Yahoo News Dec 7 (Reuters) – A federal judge on Tuesday blocked the last of the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates for businesses, saying the... The post U.S. judge blocks last remaining Biden admin COVID-19 vaccine rule appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Portland police tells woke city’s crime victims they’re on their own
Daily Mail Portland‘s police department has warned residents of the woke but crime-ravaged Oregon city to expect delays in cops answering all but the most serious 911... The post Portland police tells woke city’s crime victims they’re on their own appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Kosovo, Albania Ready to Help any Potential US-led Ukraine Mission
Balkan Insight – by Perparim Isufi With Europe and the United States increasingly concerned over a buildup of Russian troops near the border with Ukraine,... The post Kosovo, Albania Ready to Help any Potential US-led Ukraine Mission appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Biden administration eying evacuation options for US citizens in Ukraine if Russia invades: report
The Hill The Biden administration is considering how to potentially evacuate U.S. citizens from Ukraine should an invasion from Russia prompt security concerns in the... The post Biden administration eying evacuation options for US citizens in Ukraine if Russia invades: report appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Tom MacDonald – Brainwashed
The post Tom MacDonald – Brainwashed appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Good News!
Malaria surge! According to WHO’s latest World malaria report, there were an estimated 241 million malaria cases and 627 000 malaria deaths worldwide in 2020. This represents about 14 million more cases in 2020 compared to 2019, and 69 000 more deaths.. — Collateral Global Charity (@collateralglbl) December 6, 2021 read more
101 Uses For An Old Fridge
A coffin-like capsule that allows people to end their life could be used in Switzerland from next year, its creators say. The Sarco suicide pod allows a user to lie down and activate the process themselves within a matter of minutes. Individuals are asked a series of questions before they can press a button, which… Continue reading → read more
The Zombie Fires Of Siberia Burn At 75 Degrees Below Zero
Oymyakon, Russia is the coldest town on earth - but that doesn't stop fires. According to Accuweather, the temperature in Delyankir, Russia, about 300 miles (483 km) to the north of the Sea of Oshkosh, fell to 75 degrees below zero Fahrenheit (59.2 degrees below zero Celsius), the lowest temperature there since January 2014. The entire region is known for its extreme cold but Oymyakon, located about 90 miles (145 km) to the southwest of Delyankir, is the coldest permanently inhabited place on Earth. In 1933, it claimed a record low of 90 below zero F - 67.8 below zero C. read more read more
Diversity Is Our Strength
In fact, it makes us so strong one pauses to wonder why our geopolitical enemies aren’t racing out ahead to grab it before we do. Unbelievable. Toronto school board report recommends Jewish trustee be censured for tweet below in which she complained about education materials report agrees contained anti-Semitism and could promote terrorism. —… Continue reading → read more

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