Wednesday, October 06, 2021

6 October - Blogs I'm Following - 5 of 5

 10 pm MDT

How glutathione recycling helps support a strong immune system
Originally posted on Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch: (NaturalHealth365) Threats to health – including exposure to environmental toxins, heavy metals, EMF radiation, bacteria and viruses – seem to be everywhere these days, highlighting the need for a strong, efficient immune system. And, with 80 percent of the immune system located in the gut, it’s easy to… read more
Dances With Bears21 hours ago
By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with When it came to ingratiating American presidents, no Russian leader tried harder than Mikhail Gorbachev followed by Boris Yeltsin. Vladimir Putin did his best to match their examples with Bill Clinton. Putin was slow to learn, slower to anger. That began in 2008 when Hillary Clinton, then Secretary of State, broke a […] read more
The Aviationist21 hours ago
U.S. Navy F/A-18F Super Hornet Crashes in Death Valley: Pilot Ejects Safely.
VX-9 “Vampires” Super Hornet Goes Down in Remote Area, Pilot Released from Las Vegas Hospital. The U.S. Navy and local news media reported on Tuesday that a Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornet from Air Test and [...] The post U.S. Navy F/A-18F Super Hornet Crashes in Death Valley: Pilot Ejects Safely. appeared first on The Aviationist. read more
Iraqi Kurdish PM Grants Assyrian Neighbourhood Administrative Control
The Prime Minister of the Kurdish region of Iraq, Masrour Barzani, has announced that the Ainkawa district of Erbil has been placed under the administrative control of its Christian residents. read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
BofA still optimistic about Brazil and recommends stocks linked to economic reopening
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Bank of America (BofA) strategists David Beker, Paula Andrea Soto and Carlos Peyrelongue wrote in a report that they are still optimistic about Brazil and Mexico, recommending the markets of both countries as overweight (recommended positioning above the market average) within the Latin America portfolio. In Brazil, the American bank […] The post BofA still optimistic about Brazil and recommends stocks linked to economic reopening appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
The most competitive states in Brazil, according to CLP
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - São Paulo, Santa Catarina and the Federal District are the three best placed in the study. According to CLP analyst Lucas Cepeda, the best-placed states share the fact that they are able to grow by prioritizing specific agendas. But they also benefit from historical issues, such as better infrastructure. The […] The post The most competitive states in Brazil, according to CLP appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Brazil Credit Default Swap at its highest level in 6 months
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Yesterday morning the indicator stood at 208 points, stable compared to Monday's closing, according to IHS Markit data. The Brazilian five-year CDS has been operating above the 200-point level since September 24. The last time the CDS was this high was on April 15, when the country risk measured by […] The post Brazil Credit Default Swap at its highest level in 6 months appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Need To Know21 hours ago
Pfizer Scientists in Undercover Video Say Natural Immunity is Better than Their Vaccine
Scientist Chris Croce said that Pfizer is running tests to determine whether their Covid shot is causing heart attacks, and if there is a link, it could be pulled off the market. read more
OrientalReview.org22 hours ago
Reflections On Events In Afghanistan (XXIV)
24. UK fires the first shot in the New Great Game While India’s External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar is doing a masterly job to canvass support for the Biden Administration’s project to delay any constructive engagement with the Taliban Government in Kabul by the international community until Washington gets its […] read more
Charles Frith23 hours ago
Oliver Stone's Illuminati Family-Documentary - Best Kept Secret
Best Kept Secret from Sean Stone on Vimeo.For one reason or another I'm not very good around famous people. It feels like I'm entering a cartoon world when I recognise a well known star and say hello... Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced read more
Marjorie Cohn1 day ago
Human Rights Attorney Sentenced to Prison After Winning Case Against Chevron
In a move calculated to shield Chevron and deter other lawyers from suing giant corporate polluters, U.S. human rights attorney Steven Donziger was sentenced on October 1 to the maximum of six months in prison for criminal contempt. Donziger, who had won a $9.5 billion judgement for his Indigenous clients against the oil giant for... Read more » read more
Dissecting the Unusual Biology of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant.
Dissecting the Unusual Biology of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant | The Scientist Magazine® read more
New Genetic Discovery Could Finally Explain Balding
New Genetic Discovery Could Finally Explain Balding read more
Logistics, California Diesel, Truckers, & You
Rules on sleep cycles, duty cycles, and California attempting to suffocate the Diesel engine: Think they might be contributing to truck and trucker shortages? Continue reading → read more
Time for a Duel: Smith & Wesson's M2.0 vs. Glock 26
*Gun News Daily* *Glock 26, * These are two fine weapons. Here's what makes them different. *Key Point:* Glock 26 Gen4 is the better handgun. A couple days ago my father-in-law and I met with one of his old friends at his personal shooting range. He showed us his collection — among which is a Chinese-made">AK-47 clone (the brand is called Norinco), a Rock Island Armory 1911-style pistol chambered in">.22 TCM, a Glock 26 Gen4 and an obscure semi-auto pistol that loo... read more
China’s Intrusions on Taiwan's Airspace Show No Signs of Stopping
*Trevor Filseth* *China Taiwan, * Since the beginning of October, nearly 150 aircraft have intruded into the Taiwanese air defense identification zone. Taiwan’s Defense Ministry claimed on Monday that more than fifty Chinese aircraft had entered its air defense identification zone (ADIZ), the largest number since it began tracking the incidents in 2020. Earlier in the day, the defense ministry had reported detecting fifty-two aircraft; four more were spotted in the evening, bringing the total to fifty-six. According to the ministry, the flights included thirty-eight Shenyang J-1... read more
Israel’s Military Chief Vows More Covert Operations Against Iran
Israel’s Military Chief Vows More Covert Operations Against Iran by ASSOCIATED PRESS, via Israel’s military chief on Tuesday vowed to step up actions, including covert operations, against Iran and its nuclear program. Speaking at a ceremony, Lt. Gen. Aviv Kohavi said Israel and its intelligence community “is working against Iranian regional entrenchment throughout the … read more
Azerbaijan And Israel’s Encirclement of Iran
Azerbaijan And Israel’s Encirclement of Iran by Alex Vatanka, Tensions between Iran and Azerbaijan are high right now but both sides will very likely soon step down. Neither Tehran nor Baku can afford to let recent events lead to a full-fledged crisis or a military showdown between the two Shi’a Muslim-majority countries. On the … read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
Food safety is broken at FDA and insider’s new book purports to have the fix
.Another addition to the food safety library is arriving later this month. “Fixing Food: An FDA Insider Unravels the Myths and the Solutions” is scheduled to be available for purchase at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books A Million, IndieBound and beginning Oct. 26, 2021. The author is Richard Williams, Ph.D., who worked for... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
WHO reveals feedback on food safety strategy: one goal is integration
Almost 100 comments have been submitted on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) draft food safety strategy. A total of 99 responses were submitted, mainly from government or ministries officers, followed by the private sector, NGOs and academic institutions, United Nations agencies and other IGOs and individuals. The draft strategy for 2022 to 2030 is as... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
EU-funded project targets produce safety
A sensor is being developed by an EU-funded consortium to check for pesticides or bacteria in fruits and vegetables. The project, called GRACED, is coordinated by the Cyprus Research and Innovation Centre and includes experts from across Europe. The detector uses light particles to spot traces of pesticide or bacteria. From preparing a sample to... Continue Reading read more
Gerald Celente, "Trends Journal: Life Was Hard, They Made It Even Harder"
*Full screen recommended.* Gerald Celente, Trends Journal, *Very Strong Language Alert!* *"Trends Journal: Life Was Hard, They Made It Even Harder"* - read more
The Global Supply Chain Crisis Just Keeps Getting Worse
Heresy Financial Unless you are extremely fortunate, you’ve likely been frustrated lately at persistent shortages that continue to emerge. Many are wondering why these problems haven’t just fixed themselves yet. Unfortunately, the nature of these complex systems and how problems can compound on each other means that there is no simple solution and likely no … read more
EVERGRANDE CONTAGION: Another Real Estate Company Defaults!
The Money GPS 7 CRITICAL TIPS FOR FINANCIAL EDUCATION. SIGN UP FREE: Millions of people have lost their unemployment benefits. The U.S. consumer is maxed out. They need more stimulus in order to continue this economy. And of course, stocks need their artificial boost as well. The U.S. consumer is maxed out. Consumer sentiment … read more
The Truth About The Debt Ceiling and TRILLION Dollar Coin
GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney) Trillion dollar coins. The ‘debt ceiling’. What does it all mean, and what is it that they aren’t telling you? Join Mike Maloney for today’s video update. Link to the Debt Ceiling video that Mike mentions is here: end read more
Large New York Health Care System Fires 1,400 Unvaccinated Workers
Large New York Health Care System Fires 1,400 Unvaccinated Workers by Zachary Stieber The Epoch Times, via A large New York health care system on Monday said it fired 1,400 workers because they declined to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Northwell Health terminated approximately 2 percent of its workforce, which spans across New York City, Westchester, … read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
October 6th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 260
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post October 6th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 260 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
October 6th – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post October 6th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Tuesday 05 October 2021
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […] read more
Hydraulic Fracturing Strengthened America. Banning It Would Weaken Us
By Dr. Jay Lehr ~ Will the new Governor of New York uphold former Governor Cuomo’s moratorium on hydraulic fracturing? There are all kinds of motivations regarding these kinds of moratoriums, and they are all illegal because they violate private property rights. How can you take the property right of the minerals in the ground […] read more
A Warning From Australia About Power Of Government
By Jarrett Stepman ~ Is Australia turning authoritarian? As COVID-19 cases in Australia increased over the past few months due to the delta variant, we’ve seen images of mass protests alongside police and military crackdowns. The Australian military has been unleashed in Sydney to enforce draconian lockdowns and extreme restrictions on travel. Officials often have […] read more
Study finds drug-resistant Campylobacter jejuni connection to pet store puppies
According to a study, strains of drug-resistant Campylobacter jejuni have been circulating since at least 2011 and are associated with illness among pet store customers, employees, and others who come into contact with pet store puppies. The study was published in JAMA Network Open and led by Louise K. Francois Watkins, MD, MPH, a researcher with... Continue Reading read more
October 6, 2021: Reader Tips
In this day in 1960, Spartacus was released. Your equally inspiring tips are much encouraged! read more
Need To Know1 day ago
Arizona: State Senator Followed into Bathroom Stall and Harassed by Immigration Activists
Radical immigrant youths chased down Kyrsten Sinema at Arizona State University from her classroom and followed her into the restroom, boxing her in the stall, as they pressured her to vote in favor of the massive $2.3 trillion infrastructure bill that provides a path to citizenship for migrants living in the US. read more
Is There Any "Science" Behind Covid Mask Mandates?
* I spend a lot of time at this site ridiculing the unfalsifiable hyperbole and altered data that pass for “science” in the field of climate change. But climate change is just one of many areas where people who have little idea what real science consists of nevertheless claim the mantle of science to order others around. * Right now the response to Covid-19, the Chinese Virus, competes with the response to climate change for the most egregious misuse of the imprimatur of “science” to justify political goals. * As background for this post, I refer to the Manhattan Contrarian definitio... read more
The Crafty Language Of Climate Alarmism
Originally posted on PA Pundits - International: By David Wojick, Ph.D. ~ I am constantly entertained by the artful ways alarmists bend language to their will. This often happens as science stories percolate through the media. Each step is a bit of a stretch, maybe not an obvious lie. But the sequence of stretches takes… read more
Where is the Biden Executive Order Mandating the Vaccine? Does it Exist?
I’m talking about the Executive Order (EO) commanding all US companies with more than 100 employees to mandate the COVID vaccine for those employees. I can’t find the EO. I don’t see it in the Federal Register, where it’s supposed to be published. If it hasn’t been published, then there is no mandate. The post Where is the Biden Executive Order Mandating the Vaccine? Does it Exist? first appeared on Medical Kidnap. read more
About that “Whistleblower”
Glenn Greenwald And that is Facebook’s only real political problem: not that they are too powerful but that they are not using that power to censor enough content from the internet that offends the sensibilities and beliefs of Democratic Party leaders and their liberal followers, who now control the White House, the entire executive branch… Continue reading → read more
Where is the Biden Executive Order Mandating the Vaccine? Does it Exist?
I’m talking about the Executive Order (EO) commanding all US companies with more than 100 employees to mandate the COVID vaccine for those employees. I can’t find the EO. I don’t see it in the Federal Register, where it’s supposed to be published. If it hasn’t been published, then there is no mandate. The post Where is the Biden Executive Order Mandating the Vaccine? Does it Exist? first appeared on Health Impact News. read more
Waking Times1 day ago
Dylan Charles Guest Appearance on This One Time on Psychedelics
*Dylan Charles* - What keeps me inspired is telling my story and using myself as an example for how this system encourages us to destroy ourselves. read more
The economic damage from the current insane “shelter-in-place” regulations designed to thwart the coronavirus is going to be huge—lost jobs, shuttered businesses, economic downturn, stock market losses. This doesn’t count the personal cost in things like increased suicides and domestic and other violence. Think pissed off young men out of a job and drinking on […] read more
CENSORED NEWS23 hours ago
'It's Time for a Just and Equitable Transition' Dine' tell Arizona Corporation Commission: Photo Essay by Tó Nizhóní Ání
'It's Time for a Just and Equitable Transition' Dine' tell Arizona Corporation CommissionPhoto Essay by Tó Nizhóní Ání(Top photo) At the Arizona Corporation Commission in Phoenix on Monday, Lorraine Herder and Edith Simonson, Black Mesa sheepherders and weavers, carry a sign that reads, "50 YEARS OF INJUSTICE. ACC: TIME TO GIVE BACK!" Lorraine and Edith, like many elders on Black Mesa, have seen read more
A Cryptocurrency Site Accidentally Gave Away $90 Million—And Can’t Get it Back
*Trevor Filseth* *Cryptocurrency, * While cryptocurrency markets have experienced high-profile errors, regular banks are not immune from them, either. Compound, an online cryptocurrency marketplace, experienced a technical glitch on Wednesday that led to millions of dollars of the company’s holdings being sent out to random users. The glitch, a bug in a routine update patch, delivered $89 million to the users’ accounts before it was detected and shut off. Oops. Robert Leshner, Compound’s founder, quickly urged users via Twitter to return the money. However, after it was not fo... read more
Lt Colonel Stuart Scheller Who Critized Pentagon Leaders Over Afghan Withdrawal Has Been Released From The Brig
U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Col. Stu Scheller. (U.S. Marine Corps) *Daily Mail:* *Lt Colonel Stuart Scheller is released from the brig TODAY: Marine who was jailed for criticizing Afghanistan withdrawal goes free after landslide of public support* * Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller Jr. is being released from the brig at Camp Lejeune today * The military said his lawyers reached an agreement with the Marines * He was put in confinement last Monday after posting videos criticizing the withdrawal from Afghanistan * Scheller condemned the chaotic effort that killed 13 servicemembers * C... read more
New Mandala1 day ago
Central-local relations in Thailand since 2014
The 2014 coup interrupted mechanisms of local democracy that emerged from innovations in the 1997 constitution The post Central-local relations in Thailand since 2014 appeared first on New Mandala. read more
Mighty Midway-Class Carriers Propelled America to Superpower Status
*Peter Suciu* *Midway-Class Aircraft Carriers, Americas* “You could say America was getting the keys to controlling world events.” *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *On April 11, 1992, after 47 years, the first of the class and the last to remain in service was finally decommissioned. *Midway *didn't arrive in time for World War II, but along with her two sister ships played a crucial role in the Cold War – remaining in service through the 1991 Gulf War. Today she is preserved as a museum ship in San Diego. Conceived as a beefier "battle carrier," the *Midway­-*class aircraft c... read more
#Oct73 war anniversary : Watch in Arabic “The Glorious October” short documentary
Happy October war anniversary to all Egyptians and Arabs. For this year, I stumbled upon this rare short documentary produced by Egyptian TV in December 1973. ‘Thanks to journalist and author Omar... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]] read more
AG Merrick Garland’s Daughter Married to Co-Founder of Education Company Selling Critical Race Theory Resource Material to School Districts
Well, well, well… This is interesting. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland recently instructed the FBI to begin investigating parents who confront school board administrators over Critical Race Theory indoctrination material. The U.S. Department of Justice issued a memorandum to the FBI instructing them to initiate investigations of any parent attending a local school board meeting […] The post AG Merrick Garland’s Daughter Married to Co-Founder of Education Company Selling Critical Race Theory Resource Material to School Districts appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Fossil Fuels have Failed the Navajo Economy -- Hydrogen Projects are False Green Solution
Hoodoos in Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah Wilderness, San Juan County, New MexicoNew Mexico groups to lawmakers: Fossil-fueled hydrogen is a climate threat, not a solutionBy New Mexico CoalitionCensored News"The Navajo Nation is a testament to how the fossil fuel industries have failed the economy, the environment and the people. If hydrogen further exacerbates the climate crisis we are experiencing on the read more
Grave Concerns: Catholic bid for cemeteries finds champion in new premier Perrottet
[image: cemetaries,] The ascension of Dominic Perrottet to Premier of NSW comes at a critical hour in the campaign by the Catholic Church to control NSW cemeteries for the next 200 years. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Brazil records 20,528 new cases and 677 Covid deaths (October 5)
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil on Tuesday reported 677 new deaths from Covid-19, bringing the total number of fatalities from the disease in the country to 598,829, the Health Ministry said. There were also 20,528 new coronavirus cases, with the total of confirmed infections in the country advancing to 21,499,074, the folder added. The […] The post Brazil records 20,528 new cases and 677 Covid deaths (October 5) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Is Social Security on the Brink of Insolvency?
*Stephen Silver* *Social Security, * One analyst cautioned against the belief that “the cavalry,” in the form of Congress, will step in to save the program. The question of Social Security, and how long into the future it can remain solvent, is very much in the news these days, following the release last month of the latest Social Security Trustees’ Report. That report found that the main Social Security trust feed will “dissipate” by 2034, or a year earlier than previously projected. “The pandemic and its economic impact have had an effect on Social Security’s Trust Funds, and ... read more
BOMBSHELL: Video Emerges Where Fauci and Others Planned for a “Universal mRNA Flu Vaccine” Which Became the “COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine” Because People were not Afraid Enough of the Flu Virus
Last night Alex Jones of did a special broadcast regarding an October, 2019 video that they had just become aware of that was a panel discussion hosted by the Milken Institute discussing the need for a Universal Flu Vaccine. The video clip that they played of this event was a 1 minute and 51 second dialogue between the moderator, Michael Specter, a journalist who is a New Yorker staff writer and also an adjunct professor of bioengineering at Stanford University, Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Rick Bright, ... read more
BOMBSHELL: Video Emerges Where Fauci and Others Planned for a “Universal mRNA Flu Vaccine” Which Became the “COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine” Because People were not Afraid Enough of the Flu Virus
Last night Alex Jones of did a special broadcast regarding an October, 2019 video that they had just become aware of that was a panel discussion hosted by the Milken Institute discussing the need for a Universal Flu Vaccine. The video clip that they played of this event was a 1 minute and 51 second dialogue between the moderator, Michael Specter, a journalist who is a New Yorker staff writer and also an adjunct professor of bioengineering at Stanford University, Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Rick Bright, ... read more
Cairns News1 day ago
NSW Titanic Trifecta defecta
NSW disillusioned watchdog and government toothless tiger, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), have offered outgoing premier Gladys Berejiklian an escape door to her diminishing COVID credibility accompanying by her flawed Pinocchio propaganda performances. ICAC may only recommend from their findings not prosecute. Historical indications suggest a smack on the wrist, pension left intact, leaves […] read more
Komando.com1 day ago
Got a warning you need to update your phone? It might be malware
Fake OS update is designed to install malware on your phone. Here's what to avoid. read more
Q&A: Biden’s Bank Reporting Proposal With U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley
“10.01.2021 Q&A: Biden’s Bank Reporting Proposal With U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley Q: What’s up with the proposal that would … Continue reading → read more
Lawfare1 day ago
Come Work With Lawfare, As Our Digital Media Specialist!
The Lawfare Institute—publisher of information and insight at the intersection of national security, law, and policy—seeks a highly experienced, energetic, creative, and motivated full-time digital media specialist. The digital media specialist, who will report to and support the executive editor, will direct Lawfare’s social media strategy and support its multimedia portfolio. Specific responsibilities of the role include: - Leading Lawfare’s digital strategy, in coordination with the management team - Maintaining and managing Lawfare’s Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn ... read more
Half of Unvaccinated Workers Say They'd Rather Quit Than Get a Shot
*Jack J. Barry, Ann Christiano, Annie Neimand* *COVID-19 Vaccine, * But how many will actually follow through? Are workplace vaccine mandates prompting some employees to quit rather than get a shot? A hospital in Lowville, New York, for example, had to shut down its maternity ward when dozens of staffers left their jobs rather than get vaccinated. At least 125 employees at Indiana University Health resigned after refusing to take the vaccine. And several surveys have shown that as many as half of unvaccinated workers insist they would leave their jobs if forced to get the shot, ... read more
Texas Hunters Are Beginning to Really Feel the Ammo Shortage
*Stephen Silver* *Ammo Shortage, * While hunters haven’t yet been “slowed” by the shortage, they’re going to eventually have to adapt. The ammunition shortage, which has been reported around the country since early 2020, has grown worse, especially as hunting season has begun in many parts of the country. In some areas, it’s harder to find ammunition, and in others, ammo has become more expensive than usual. The latest report about such trouble, or rather the potential for it, is in Texas. According to KIII TV in Corpus Christi, Texas Game Warden Lerrin Johnson has said that wh... read more
The U.S. Military’s Cold War Plan to Annihilate Russia was Truly Terrifying
*WarIsBoring* *Nuclear Weapons, Eurasia* A report from 1956 presents a catalog of nuclear death. *Here's What You Need to Know*: No such scenario thankfully ever came to pass. In one scene from Stanley Kubrick’s iconic Cold War film *Dr. Strangelove*, an irate president Merkin Muffley refuses to get on board with a massive nuclear attack already in progress. Played by Peter Sellers, Muffley is trying to decide what to do after a rogue U.S. Air Force general sends his planes to bomb the Soviet Union. “You’re talking about mass murder, general, not war!” Muffley angrily tells Geo... read more
The United States Should Take a Page from the German Election Playbook
*Ivan Eland* *Elections, * The American two-party system has evolved into a vitriolic zero-sum game, often with the primary objective being to hate the other party and to defeat it at any cost—even at great cost to the country. Is a hybrid system like the Germans’ the answer? The recent German election allegedly brought an end to the sixteen-year Angela Merkel era. Yet it seems that even though the ruling coalition of parties in the government may change, Germany will remain the stable, prosperous pillar of Europe. This is largely because of Germany’s hybrid electoral system. U... read more
Grant Williams: “We Are In The Post-Consequence World” (Hedgeye Investing Summit)
Hedgeye Want access to the full interview (and our 8 other webcast in this series)? Click HERE to get free access:… – In this clip from the second day of Hedgeye’s Investing Summit, Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough engages in a lively discussion with Grant Williams, (Co-Founder Real Vision & Founder of Things That Make … read more
Pope Francis Holds Special Gaia One World Religion Meeting With Chrislam Co-Founder Grand Muslim Imam Ahmed Al-Tayeb At Vatican Today
Pope Francis Holds Special Gaia One World Religion Meeting With Chrislam Co-Founder Grand Muslim Imam Ahmed Al-Tayeb At Vatican Today by Geoffrey Grider, The Grand Imam and His Holiness Pope Francis praised the efforts and initiatives of the Chrislam Higher Committee for Human Fraternity in activating and consolidating the values​​of the Human Fraternity Document … read more
Fed Prepares To Launch “Review” Of Central Bank Digital Currency That Could Render Cash, Privacy Obsolete
Fed Prepares To Launch “Review” Of Central Bank Digital Currency That Could Render Cash, Privacy Obsolete by Tyler Durden, For years now, and in response to similar projects at central banks in Europe and – more importantly – China with the PBOC, the Fed has been hemming and hawing about whether to take the … read more
China Placed Massive Order For PCR Tests Months Before First Official COVID Case
China Placed Massive Order For PCR Tests Months Before First Official COVID Case by Tyler Durden, Months before the first official reports of a novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China, officials in Hubei Province placed a massive order for PCR tests, according to Nikkei, citing a report from researchers – including former intelligence officers – in the … read more
War on Christianity Deepening: UK Uni Apologises for Hosting Christian Conference
Sky News Australia If you think the “war on Christianity” is bad in Australia, then “look at Britain,” says Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “There, police have been arresting even street preachers,” he said. “And now a college at Oxford University, of all places … has now apologised for hosting a Christian conference.” Mr Bolt … read more
Gary Wagner: Divergence Observed Between Gold & Silver Price Action
Silver Bullion TV We are joined on Metal Money by Gary Wagner, CEO of Gary highlights how the conventional positive correlation in gold and silver prices has turned somewhat more negative in recent weeks and what this means for precious metals ahead. end read more
Soaring Gold and Silver Premiums, Where Will Prices Land? | Mark Yaxley
Stansberry Research There tends to be a pullback among precious metals after an event like the Evergrande crisis, says Managing Director at Strategic Wealth Preservation, Mark Yaxley. Yaxley takes a deep dive into this theme seen throughout financial history with our Daniela Cambone, surveying a bull market to come following the historical trends. He urges … read more

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