Wednesday, October 06, 2021

6 October - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 5

 10 pm MDT

  Diogenes' Middle Finger

Illustrated History of the Diocese of Columbus--today's new book purchase
Dear UAPL: This is not a purchase suggestion; I'd like to donate it for circulation. There are 9 copies in the system, none in UAPL and 5 are non-circ. I purchased it today at VOA for 90 cents. Published in Italy in 2001, it is in prime condition with good quality paper and color photos. I'm not a Catholic, but enjoyed reading it due to the local history and excellent photos of local churches including St. Andrew, St. Timothy, St. Agatha, plus local schools like Ready and Watterson, Ohio Dominican and the Josephinum. It also has photos of local works of art. It's not really ... read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Colombia senator Gustavo Bolivar leaves the country due to “threats” and lack of protection
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Colombia Humana Senator Gustavo Bolivar has advised this Wednesday (6) that he has left his country in the face of "multiple threats" against him, while denouncing the lack of "protection" by the National Protection Unit (UNP). Colombia Humana, formerly known as the Progressive Movement, is a Colombian political movement and […] The post Colombia senator Gustavo Bolivar leaves the country due to “threats” and lack of protection appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Death of Accounting Consultant Next
If you happen to promote a licence for the use of a product you own, slightly than sell it outright to a customer, then this may improve your annual recurring revenue. For example, a company which produces a software program may sell an annual licence to a consumer to make use of that software and that will must be renewed every year by the consumer for an additional charge. This technique can sometimes guarantee a long-time period earnings stream from a buyer, but it needs to be supported by an excellent quality service, otherwise they might not bother renewing the … read more
Small Dead Animals17 hours ago
Stories You Won’t Find At The CBC
Some day we will get the full story on the origins of the China virus. Just don’t expect the Canadian media to get involved. In other China news. read more
China Invents Carbon-Neutral Oil!
By Paul Homewood You could not make it up (but the Chinese can!) SINGAPORE: China‘s refining giant Sinopec Corp said on Wednesday it has jointly certified the country’s first carbon-neutral crude oil cargo with shipping giant Cosco Shipping and China Eastern Airlines . The 30,000-tonne cargo was produced by Sinopec in Angola and […] read more
Mining Awareness +17 hours ago
Final Report on Sexual Abuse in the French Catholic Church Estimates 330,000 Victims from 1950-2020
According to the official English Summary of the Final Report: “the Commission arrived at an estimate of the number of … Continue reading → read more
Mining Awareness +17 hours ago
China and the Great Reset: What You Need to Know
Short, and to the point video: “CHINA AND THE GREAT RESET: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW “ Link: Among … Continue reading → read more
Mining Awareness +18 hours ago
Some Swiss Guards Quit; Others Suspended for Refusing Covid Vaccine
Some Swiss Guards quit; others were suspended for refusing the Covid-19 vaccine. “3 Swiss Guards Resign, Commander Reportedly Threatened as … Continue reading → read more
Imperial Russia’s First Dreadnaughts Arrived Just in Time for the Great War
*Peter Suciu* *History, Eurasia* Parizhskaya Kommuna was in the Black Sea when the war broke out. The origins of the Russian Navy actually date back to the fourth century, when the first Slavic flotillas were used to navigate the rivers of Russia, while it has existed as an official force in some form since 1696. The first true iteration of the Russian Navy was established by Peter the Great (Peter I) who was quoted as saying, “A ruler that has but an army has one hand, but he who has a navy has both.” Yet, despite Peter the Great’s ambitions, as well as those of Catherine the ... read more
America Should Learn from China and Keep the Government Out of the Economy
*James Pethokoukis* *Economics, Asia* We don't need to follow China's path. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Pursuing “modern socialism” presents many risks for China. It could quash or at least erode the country’s entrepreneurial energy, which has helped make China an economic superpower. Market capitalism has passed the market test. It’s a socioeconomic system that has propelled humanity to a standard of living unimaginable 200 years ago. Calling that transformation in human welfare a secular “miracle” is hardly an overstatement. Amazing things have happened in any place th... read more
Spelling2Communicate Y-E-S or N-O?
By Dara Berger I couldn’t decide whether or not to be silent about what happened to my son. And then it dawned on me how unfair it would be if I didn’t share my story. As most of us know... Related Stories - AMA 12 Page Playbook on How to Promote Flu and Covid Vaccines - WayBack: Nowhere left for Covid to go to mutate into a deadly variant, says Oxford vaccine creator - How We Outsmarted Mark Zuckerberg read more
Blanket electricity subsidies are yet another communist insanity
I simply have to return to the topic of inflation which I last discussed four weeks ago. Things have clearly gotten more exreme. Inflation has jumped in most countries; and the deniers of the inflation have become even crazier. Only a few central banks led by the Czech National Bank do the right thing – which is to truly aggressively hike the interest rates (which really shouldn't have been lowered in 2020 at all because the crazy Covid lockdowns mainly brought a reduction of the supply which is really the "opposite" than a reduction of the demand). Five months ago, I correctly pred... read more
More than 8 000 earthquakes near Keilir, Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland
The earthquake swarm that began just SSW of Keilir in the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland on September 27, 2021, has produced more than 8 200 earthquakes by October 6, 2021. The quakes are occurring not far from the ongoing Fagradalsfjall eruption at depths between 5...... Read more » read more
Science 2.0 blogs17 hours ago
War On Vaccines: Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine Claims A Vegetarian Diet Makes COVID-19 Mortality Drop
The animal right group Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has an op-ed in American Journal of Medicine claiming that if you want the COVID-19 vaccine to work 'better', whatever that is supposed to mean, adopt a vegetarian diet. It's easy to dunk on people taking ivermectin, they are dumb Republicans according to science-y Twitter, but this kind of nonsense is just as reckless if we want the public to trust science. I certainly would not want to visit Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, where the lead author of the opinion piece teaches. read more read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
The Energy Transition Will Take Decades Not Years
Clean energy and green growth proponents greatly underestimate the amount of change needed to migrate off fossil fuel sources. read more
These Ruger Guns and Rifles are on Top of Their Game
*Gun News Daily* *Ruger Rifle, * Here are the top 5 Ruger Guns and Rifles. *Key Point*: Ruger Firearms offers a broad and varied line of firearms. One of the major benefits to the American public to come from the Modular Handgun System was the requirement for enhanced ergonomics. The pistol comes with three different backstraps to fit a wide variety of hand sizes, and the pistol is fully ambidextrous. Going forward, these features will likely become standard on handguns sold in the United States. Sturm Ruger & Company, also known as Ruger Firearms, is one of the most well known ... read more
Three Tanks that Helped Define America's Cold War Defense Capabilities
*Charlie Gao* *Tanks, Americas* The MBT-70 project was cancelled, but its innovations live on. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Some of them used groundbreaking features that could have given them significant edges compared to their Soviet counterparts, others had features that were ahead of their time in some ways. The United States fielded a pretty standard lineup of tanks during the Cold War. First came the Patton line, which evolved in a pretty straightforward fashion from the M47 to the M60 with a few deviations such as the M60A2 Starship. Then came the Abrams, which s... read more
MJBizDaily17 hours ago
California ‘burner’ distributor lawsuit underlines why licensed cannabis firms cheat to stay afloat, insiders say
When the CEO of a California marijuana retail chain sued the state in September over so-called “burner distribution licenses,” he focused a spotlight on an issue that many in the state’s cannabis industry are loathe to acknowledge: Many of the state’s licensed marijuana businesses are bending or breaking the rules – and have been since […] California ‘burner’ distributor lawsuit underlines why licensed cannabis firms cheat to stay afloat, insiders say is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Komando.com17 hours ago
How to easily transfer your photos and videos off of Facebook
Thinking about breaking up with Facebook? Use these step-by-step instructions to easily transfer your photos and videos from Facebook. read more
Electroverse18 hours ago
Solar Cycle 25 Progressing Similarly to 24, + Fairbanks sees Record-Breaking Snowfall
A weak SC25 is further bad news for the AGW Party as temperatures are set to continue their well-established correlation with solar activity (meaning global cooling). The post Solar Cycle 25 Progressing Similarly to 24, + Fairbanks sees Record-Breaking Snowfall appeared first on Electroverse. read more
The New Dark Age18 hours ago
The WEF and the Pandemic
The Davos World Economic Forum (WEF) is a premier forum for governments, global corporations and international entrepreneurs. Founded in 1971 by engineer and economist Klaus Schwab, the WEF describes its mission as “shaping global, regional and industry agendas” and “improving the state of the world”. According to its website, “moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does.” read more
The New Dark Age18 hours ago
Golden age or collapse? Snowden teases future without Big Tech after trolling Facebook throughout disastrous six-hour-long outage
While millions were wailing and gnashing their teeth over the outage affecting Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden was having a bit of fun – daring to suggest the world would be better without them. read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Brazil Senate passes creation of memorial to Covid-19 victims
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Senate on Tuesday, October 5, approved the creation of a memorial to honor the victims of Covid-19 in Brazil. According to the passed bill, the memorial should be erected outside the Senate, in remembrance of all Brazilians who lost their lives to the disease, which has killed millions of […] The post Brazil Senate passes creation of memorial to Covid-19 victims appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
How to open a dollar account in Brazil through a cell phone
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - This is possible because institutions such as C6 Bank, BS2 and Nomad offer a global or international account, enabling transactions in foreign currencies (among them the dollar). Interested? Well, you should know that nowadays this procedure is less complex than it seems. If you live in Brazil and still want […] The post How to open a dollar account in Brazil through a cell phone appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Komando.com19 hours ago
Yeah, holiday shopping season has already started – 15 killer deals on Amazon to buy now
15 killer Black Friday deals from Amazon that are already available. read more
Komando.com20 hours ago
How to buy unclaimed Amazon and USPS packages (Yes, it’s legal!)
Did you know you can buy unclaimed packages from Amazon and USPS? Here's how. read more
null21 hours ago
Mark Out From the Market: Looking for Matthew to Answer the Call and Make a Put for Justice
This message is not meant for everyone for these words will fall upon thorns and rocks for many but will find fertile soil for the The post Mark Out From the Market: Looking for Matthew to Answer the Call and Make a Put for Justice appeared first on . read more
So they'll condemn you to a slow, lingering death for not being vaxxed?
I was outraged to read a tweet yesterday, providing a copy of a letter from a Colorado transplant unit to a patient. Here's the letter (clickit to biggit). In so many words, at this facility at least, unless you're vaccinated against COVID-19, you won't be eligible for an organ transplant - *even if you've previously been through all the tests and procedures, and been approved for one as soon as a donor organ is available.* What's more, because you've chosen not to be vaccinated against a disease with a better-than-99% survival rate on average, you're being condemned to a s... read more
The Duran18 hours ago
What If Trump Had Won In 2020?
In other words, what if eight million dead people hadn’t voted for Joe Biden and a couple of million others hadn’t voted for him three or four times? Where would the US and the world be? The first thing is something that wouldn’t have happened, namely a certain American pipeline wouldn’t have been cancelled, and […] read more
naked capitalism18 hours ago
Smear Campaigns Work: Pro-Transparency Board Member Margaret Brown, Candidate Tiffany Emon-Moran, Both Lose CalPERS Board Election
The California public employees unions that have bizarrely made clear that they are firmly on the side of having CalPERS continue to be poorly run have gotten their way. Pro accountability, pro-transparency board member Margaret Brown, and Tiffany Emon-Moran, who was challenging incumbent and staunch staff David Miller, were both defeated in this year’s board […] read more
Virtual Mirage19 hours ago
“What If”
Communist China As this infographic using Global Energy Monitor data shows, Red China has been especially active in Indonesia where $15,671 million worth of coal power projects have been financed, equating to total plant capacity of 9,724 megawatts. What If Could the USS Texas have participated in the Battle of Jutland? […] The post “What If” appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Brazil Lottenberg new OAS commissioner against anti-Semitism
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The commissioner's role will be to coordinate efforts in the Western Hemisphere against discrimination and hate, the OAS said in a press release. Lottenberg is an attorney who has been president of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Brazil and currently serves on the board of the Institute of Latin […] The post Brazil Lottenberg new OAS commissioner against anti-Semitism appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
It's a Shootout: Glock 21 vs Sig Sauer's P320, Who Wins?
*Gun News Daily* *Glock 21, * Both of these guns have their merits. *Key Question: *I have to declare this match a draw. Nothing’s worse than having to open a can of worms. We’ve all done it at least once in our lives and we never liked the outcome. Sometimes it’s just better to keep mum about certain touchy topics concerning politics, religion and sex, among others. But here at Gun News Daily, we pride ourselves in tackling touchy gun-related issues the average Joe wouldn’t even dare try. That’s just who we are and what we do. Over the past several months https://gunnewsdail... read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Rains in Brazil, Colombia’s production and price adjustments slump coffee on Tuesday
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - December/21 fell by 845 points, trading at 191.90 cents/lbp, March/22 fell by 840 points to 194.85 cents/lbp, May/22 fell by 840 points to 196 cents/lbp and July/22 dropped 835 points to 196.55 cents/lbp. "The long sell-off in coffee futures contracts weighed on prices after weekend rains in Minas Gerais eased […] The post Rains in Brazil, Colombia’s production and price adjustments slump coffee on Tuesday appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The New Dark Age19 hours ago
Podcast: Asa Winstanley on the Purging of Socialists from the U.K. Labour Party
29 Septemberr 2021 — MintPress News MintCast Aside from Corbyn, among those purged have been filmmaker Ken Loach and activist Jackie Walker, in what appears to be an attempt to eradicate all traces of socialism and anti-imperialism from Labour. by Mnar Adley Shocking almost everybody in positions of power, life-long socialist and anti-war activist Jeremy … Continue reading Podcast: Asa Winstanley on the Purging of Socialists from the U.K. Labour Party read more
The New Dark Age20 hours ago
Reflections on Events in Afghanistan-24
While India’s External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar is doing a masterly job to canvass support for the Biden Administration’s project to delay any constructive engagement with the Taliban Government in Kabul by the international community until Washington gets its act together, on a parallel track, the Anglo-American axis has been working systematically to re-engage the Taliban. read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Brazil slips to 20th place on list of world’s most powerful passports
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Japanese document has topped the global ranking since 2019, while Singapore's slipped to second place in 2020. Now, both allow visiting 192 countries visa-free. The Brazilian passport, which allows entry to 170 countries without prior visa, fell to 20th place - it was 18th in 2020. According to the […] The post Brazil slips to 20th place on list of world’s most powerful passports appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The U.S. Military Crushed the Iraqi Army in Desert Storm—but Still Lost
*Daniel L. Davis* *Gulf War, Middle East* Because we learned the wrong lesson. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *Douglas Macgregor, who was the operations officer of Second Squadron 2ACR during the Battle of 73 Easting, wrote in his newest book *Margin of Victory* that despite the tactical victory we achieved, “It is another reminder that without effective strategic direction, battles such as 73 Easting can be won” on the tactical level and lost at the strategic level. Unless more members of the military go back and learn the right lessons from Desert Storm, we may find oursel... read more
Fire Away! These Are NATO's Five Best Artillery Rocket Systems
*Charlie Gao* *Security, Europe* Russia should be weary. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Although designed for Warsaw Pact countries during the Cold War, RM-70 launchers continue to serve in NATO arsenals in Central Europe. Rocket artillery is one of the most destructive weapons on the modern battlefield. Designed to pump out a high volume of fire within a short period, rocket artillery systems are particularly dangerous in their ability to obliterate a position before units have a chance to take cover. This capability, while less relevant in Western counterinsurgency doctr... read more
Critically Thinking with Dr Carrie Madej and Dr Christine Northrup – Tentacled Organism Identified?
Why are scientists turning up a witches brew in these so called Vaccines that are not Vaccines at all? Are they merely using the name in order to use hte free ride allowed Vaccine research? That certianly explains the witches brew approach. By the way any and all inclusions are readily explained by the appropriate papers in any and all scientific research papers. Why is this research not been trotted out? The public lack powerfully suppoorts the lack and that is scientific malfeisence. * Critically Thinking with D... read more
The Vaccinated Suffer from Increased Risk of Mortality compared to the Non-vaccinated
In other words, the fake cure is twice as bad as the fake disease. Can someone tell me why this can not be stopped? The evidence signaled all this from the very beginning. Even the scientific illiterate can see this. The remaining question now is just what is the continuing kill rate of the Jab? We hope it does attenuate. We do not know. *High Recorded Mortality in Countries Categorized as “Covid-19 Vaccine Champions”. The Vaccinated Suffer from Increased Risk of Mortality compared to the Non-vaccinated* *Data on Mortality in the Most Vaccinated Countries. Increased Hospi... read more
Bible archaeologists ‘find Mount Sinai where God handed Moses the Ten Commandments’ as they reveal four bombshell clues
The first problem facing readers is that it is spelled out plainly that it was the Red Sea that was crossed. That is infornation able to pass down through the ages. A parting of the Red Sea argues for a shallows crossing the sea and open to tidal drainage. why is exists is another matter, but here it is argued to really exist. It is unconvincing that an escaping caravan of refugees coukld ever cross the guarded Sinai at any time. It is a completely different matter to head across the Egyptian desert to a known shallows and head out onto it as the tide began to fall. The rise... read more
Record Antarctic winter this year
This is a strong reminder that the south pole remains cold and colder while the arctic has been warmer. Of course one data point is not really a trend but it ceretainly conforms to the over all observed trend of colder for the antarctic. This continues to be ignored let alone explained. my own best guess is that the circum polar current has a long cycle that rebalances the Atlantic and the Pacific and that this kicks in every thousand years or so. now prove it. . *Record Antarctic winter this year (April to September) at the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station with average ... read more
Need To Know21 hours ago
Banks in Six Countries are Suffering IT Outages, Leaving Customers without Access to their Funds
The IT systems of banks in six countries, New Zealand, UK, Japan, South Africa, Venezuela and Mexico, have experienced outages causing problems for tens of millions of people who rely on digital banking. read more
Need To Know21 hours ago
Medicare Data Shows that 60% of Senior-Citizen Covid Hospitalizations Were Fully-Vaxxed
The methods of how the government determines who is vaccinated is skewed, as they are not including those that received 1 dose, but only those that received 2 doses and after a 14 day window has passed. Biden is now saying boosters plus 2 shots will put you on the 'fully vaccinated' list." read more
Gladys is gone but her secrets remain
Whither the WestConnex cash? Berejiklian buries tracks on Transurban’s $11bn toll road windfall read more
Gangsters Out Blog15 hours ago
Covid 19 vaccine adverse reactions on WHO database
VigiAccess was launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2015 to provide public access to information in VigiBase, the WHO global database of reported potential side effects of medicinal products. Side effects. When you search their database for Covid 19 vaccine, this is what comes up. For a vaccine that doesn't work as the antibodies disappear after seven months, one has to wonder if the side effects are really worth it. Not. The money could be better spent. Keep in mind these are jus tthe reported side effects. Many have gone unreported. Blood and lymphatic system dis... read more
naked capitalism20 hours ago
Will Krysten Sinema Change Parties?
Sinema could and might very well screw the Dems. read more
Will Taliban Honour UN Treaties Signed by Afghanistan Over the Last 20 Years?
UNITED NATIONS, Oct 06 (IPS) - When the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan receives the political blessings of the 193-member General Assembly-- and eventually inherits its seat at the United Nations-- it will have to ultimately prove its credentials as a member of good standing by adhering to the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) – as all member states do. Read the full story, “Will Taliban Honour UN Treaties Signed by Afghanistan Over the Last 20 Years?”, on → read more
BTS and UNICEF celebrate 4 years of the 'Love Myself' campaign to promote child self-esteem
Since 2017, a campaign by South Korean superstars BTS, and the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has reached almost every country in the world with a positive message of self-love and self-care, gathering more than 50 million interactions from Twitter users. Read the full story, “BTS and UNICEF celebrate 4 years of the 'Love Myself' campaign to promote child self-esteem”, on → read more
The Poisoning of Our Children – Why You Should Buy Organic or Grow Your Own
Originally posted on Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch: “Children are especially vulnerable to the effects of many chemicals, but industrial chemicals are rarely tested for health and safety before sale ” ? ? “Each day in the United States more than a million children age 5 and under who eat a normal diet ingest doses… read more
Scientists Test Three Solutions for Cleaning Pesticides Off Produce: The Winner is Clear, Chemical-Free and Surprisingly Cheap
Originally posted on Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch: Each year, the release of the Environmental Working Group’s ‘Clean Fifteen’ and ‘Dirty Dozen’ lists inspire countless health conscious shoppers looking for the best deals on produce as free from toxic pesticides as possible. This year’s list followed a similar pattern, with the exception of two well known crops… read more
Research shows burning sage kills 94% of airborne bacteria
Originally posted on Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch: Believe it or not when I posted this article on Facebook the fact checkers showed up with one of their little warnings (Soros, Gates & their buddies). Fake information burning sage so they say. Mainstream (that has only been mainstream since the 1920s when the Rockefellers heisted the… read more

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