Friday, October 01, 2021

1 October - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 5

 10:30 pm MDT

Turcopolier16 hours ago
Counterinsurgency – a much failed strategy? (Originally published on SST in 2013. Re-published on the occasion of our 2021 defeat)
Some time ago (2009) I was asked to encapsulate my views on the afghan policy situation. The resulting summary is quoted below. Since policy has clearly gone in a different direction I feel free to state my view for the … Continue reading → read more
Mining Awareness +18 hours ago
Where was Biden Sec. of State Blinken During the Afghanistan Withdrawal Drill (May 8, 2021)?
Where was Blinken on May 8, 2021? An April 2021 “l’Express” magazine article called Blinken Biden’s “Frenchie”. Where was Biden’s … Continue reading → read more
Mining Awareness +19 hours ago
US State Treasurers & Auditors Express Concerns About Biden Admin Snooping in Bank Accounts of Average Citizens
“Murante Joins with 22 Financial Officers to Express Concerns Over Proposed Invasive IRS Proposal September 21, 2021 Lincoln, NE Treasurer … Continue reading → read more
Can We Get Along? What U.S.-China Military Talks Reveal About Beijing
*Kris Osborn* *China, * It seems unlikely that China would consider relinquishing any of its provocative territorial claims in the South China Sea or agree to any kind of nuclear arms limitation. On the contrary, the Chinese media repeatedly criticizes the U.S. presence and training in the Pacific region. Can the U.S. and Chinese military cooperate? Conduct joint exercises or arrange friendly port visits? It seems unlikely in the current atmosphere between the two countries, caught amid ongoing tensions over the South China Sea, Taiwan, and the concerning pace of Chinese militar... read more
Snopes.com16 hours ago
Merck Says Experimental Pill Cuts Worst Effects of COVID-19
If cleared, the drug would be the first pill shown to treat COVID-19, a potentially major advance in efforts to fight the pandemic. read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
How recent vaccine mandate laws in Lithuania and throughout Europe have upended my family’s life
By Arne Zukas* RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – We live in the small European country of Lithuania. In the last few months, strict Covid Pass restrictions have been introduced, representing a fundamental transformation in society. My country of Lithuania has imposed very severe measures against people who do not have a Covid Pass. How severe? […] The post How recent vaccine mandate laws in Lithuania and throughout Europe have upended my family’s life appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Getting to Mussolini's Rome was a Nightmare
*Warfare History Network* *World War II, Europe* The desperation among the ranks was also being felt on a strategic scale as the agonizing Allied advance toward Rome proceeded at a snail’s pace. *Key Point: *The price had been high. Allied casualties totaled nearly 44,000, while the Germans had suffered more than 38,000 plus 15,600 taken prisoner. As the last days of 1943 slipped away, World War II in Italy ground to a miserable stalemate. Below the eminence of Monte Sammucro, the town of San Pietro lay in ruins, its destruction so thorough that surviving civilians rebuilt their... read more
Following Democratic Infighting, Biden’s Infrastructure Plan Stalls
*Trevor Filseth* *Infrastructure Bill, * [image: U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders speaks during a news conference in Burlington, Vermont, U.S. March 11, 2020. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson] If progressives blocked the smaller bill, moderate Democrats could block the larger one. Progressive legislators in the House of Representatives have doubled down on their efforts to block the passage of President Joe Biden’s $1 trillion compromise infrastructure bill, defying Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) requests for it to be passed on Thursday without delay... read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
São Gabriel da Cachoeira: Meet Brazil’s most indigenous city
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In the extreme Northwest of the Amazon - far, far away from Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, or Salvador - lies São Gabriel da Cachoeira. Surrounded by the abundant biodiversity of the Amazon Forest, the city is an incomparable multi-ethnical cauldron: many people might not have heard of it, but […] The post São Gabriel da Cachoeira: Meet Brazil’s most indigenous city appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Southern Angola facing the worst drought since 1981, leading to severe hunger
People living in drought-stricken provinces of southern Angola are facing the worst drought since 1981 and an extended hunger season. According to ECHO, the poor harvests have severely affected the population access to food in this region, which is highly dependent...... Read more » read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
LATAM airlines secures up to US$750 million in funding during receivership
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Latam Airlines group on Wednesday, September 29, announced that it has secured a credit line of up to US$750 million in a new round of DIP (debtor in place) financing. This is a type of financing for companies undergoing judicial receivership. The company filed for bankruptcy in the United […] The post LATAM airlines secures up to US$750 million in funding during receivership appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Duran17 hours ago
Australia, jail time for entering a cafe & NSW Premier resigns
Australia, jail time for entering a cafe & NSW Premier resigns ****News Topic 575***** Authorities Threaten Jail Time For UnJabbed Aussies Who Try to Enter Businesses Authorities Threaten Jail Time For Unvaccinated Aussies Who Try to Enter Businesses The Washington Department of Health is advertising job opportunities for employees to work in quarantine and isolation […] read more
MJBizDaily18 hours ago
Canadian cannabis producers speed entry into US via high-stakes wagers
Canadian cannabis companies have picked up the pace to position themselves in the fast-growing markets south of the border – with a number of the deals essentially a wager that the United States will soon legalize marijuana. The recent deals add up to hundreds of millions of dollars and include: Options to acquire equity in […] Canadian cannabis producers speed entry into US via high-stakes wagers is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Science 2.0 blogs18 hours ago
Statistics Lectures, And On Ancillarity And The Neyman Construction
The Corfu Summer Institute is a well-established institution for higher education, run since the paleolithic by the inexhaustible George Zoupanos, the soul of the whole thing. Generations of physicists have been trained in doctoral schools and conferences there over the past few decades. Of course the beauty of the island, set in the Ionian sea and green from the top of its mountains to the blue sea below, has helped to keep the events there well-attended, and even during the pandemic the events have been run in person. read more read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Brazil inflation distorts prices of basic consumer goods, which vary up to 500% between stores – CNC
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Soaring inflation, which hit 10% in the 12 months through September, according to the IPCA-15, has brought an additional problem for Brazilians when it is time to shop: a large price variation for the same product in different stores. A survey of the price of 15 basic consumer items, including […] The post Brazil inflation distorts prices of basic consumer goods, which vary up to 500% between stores – CNC appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Supply chain disruptions: the ripple effect, and what we can do about it
We've spoken several times about the current supply chain disruptions being experienced across the world's economies. They're now so widespread that they're creating ripple effects, where shortages in one area are directly and immediately impacting seemingly unrelated areas. A couple of examples: - Some time ago, China's power generators cut back on ordering coal to fuel older-technology power stations, due to government edicts concerning air pollution. However, this means less power has been generated; so industries such as aluminum production, heavily reliant ... read more
Small Dead Animals18 hours ago
Looks Good On Toronto
The only reason the Trudeau cult dumped him is because he got caught. In a few months all will be forgiven and he will be welcomed back into the Liberal Party. read more
Electroverse18 hours ago
World’s Lowest-Ever October Temperature Under Threat, Punishing Polar Fronts to Sweep Australia, South America, and South Africa, + Monthly Cold Records Fall in Alaska and Russia
Far from warming, planet earth appears on the cusp of its next great cooling epoch--one driven by historically low solar activity: prepare. The post World’s Lowest-Ever October Temperature Under Threat, Punishing Polar Fronts to Sweep Australia, South America, and South Africa, + Monthly Cold Records Fall in Alaska and Russia appeared first on Electroverse. read more
Small Dead Animals18 hours ago
Only Cat Videos Will Be Allowed
While Dear Leader is surfing at taxpayer expense in B.C., plans are moving ahead to censor anything the Trudeau cult doesn’t like. SDA will become the Young Liberals website. read more
Preserving the Visual History of HBCUs
The Black community holds an unquantifiable reverence for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, HBCUs. Over the last 150... read more
The Truth about Your Brain. By Deepak Chopra™ MD
The Truth about Your Brain. By Deepak Chopra™ MD | by Deepak Chopra | Sep, 2021 | Medium read more
Emotions: On Using Your Emotions to Your Advantage.
Emotions: On Using Your Emotions to Your Advantage – Purpose Fairy read more
You May View The Body of Work
We first ran this video from The Canary Party seven years and one hundred lifetimes ago on September 7, 2013.. It sat on our sidebar when we were still read mostly on a lap or desktop. Mobile viewing has made... Related Stories - The Power of the Headline - An Open Letter to CDC on Reinfection rates in Vaccinated & Unvaccinated - Pregnancy Risk Summary in Pfizer Covid Vaccine read more
Meet the S-3 Viking: The U.S. Navy's Do-It-All Cold War Workhorse
*Sebastien Roblin* *S-3 Viking, United States* The S-3 Viking served in a variety of roles into the 21st century, but was eventually replaced by a combination of land- and carrier-based aircraft. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The Viking’s internal weapons bay and external wing pylons could carry a diverse array of weapons including homing torpedoes, CAPTOR antiship mines, Harpoon antiship missiles, unguided bombs, rocket pods and even nuclear gravity bombs. In 2006 the U.S. Navy retired: A) Its only dedicated carrier-based tanker; B) its last dedicated carrier-based antisubmar... read more
Putin and Erdogan Just Doubled Down on Defense Ties
*Mark Episkopos* *Russia-Turkey, * Erdogan revealed that Moscow and Ankara are exploring additional defense cooperation opportunities beyond the S-400 missile defense system. Fresh off a bilateral meeting, Russia and Turkey announce sweeping plans to deepen their defense ties. Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan traveled to the Russian resort town of Sochi on Wednesday to meet with his counterpart Vladimir Putin. Syria was the main item on the agenda, with Erdogan trying to dissuade the Russian president from backing a Bashar al-Assad government offensive against the northwes... read more
How Iran Would Fight and Win a Persian Gulf Naval War
*Sebastien Roblin* *Iranian Navy, Iran* Iran isn't a major naval power, but the confined waters of the Persian Gulf would give its submarines some advantages. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* New Iranian submarines may remain far from the cutting edge, but they could still prove dangerous adversaries in the confined and shallow waters of the Persian Gulf. The Iranian military has long planned for a defensive naval war in the Persian Gulf, in which it would leverage its large fleet of fast attack boats toting antiship missiles to launch swarming hit-and-run attacks on adversar... read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
Banks Around World Are Suffering Big Outages, Leaving Millions of Customers in Lurch At Worst Possible Time
Sixteen banks, six countries (one in lockdown), five continents, tens of millions of unhappy customers. read more
GREENIE WATCH18 hours ago
* Special Interests are Again Pushing for Biofuel Subsidies* New legislation to benefit biofuel production may soon be forthcoming, according to recent reporting by Reuters. One proposal would use federal dollars to build new high-blend ethanol fuel pumps while another would provide tax credits for more biofuel-friendly vehicles. These policies would be harmful to consumers and prop up an uneconomic industry. Farm-belt Senators including Sen. Amy Klobuchar D-MN, Rep. Cheri Bustos R-IL, and Rep. Cindy Axne D-IA are leading the biofuels push, according to Reuters sources. This sho... read more
Wildfires In Wales Due To Arson, Not Climate Change
By Paul Homewood Please save us from these cretins! Firefighter Craig Hope deals with "hundreds and hundreds" of wildfires across the south Wales valleys every year. But he has noticed recently they are changing – burning later into the year, getting larger and causing more damage. All signs of climate change, he says […] read more
Komando.com18 hours ago
Kim’s printer pick for creating pro-quality photos at home
Ink costs an arm and a leg. If you print photos, you know how quickly you run through cartridges. Here are four options that print a ton for low prices. read more
Retraction Watch18 hours ago
Criticism engulfs paper claiming an asteroid destroyed Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah
Scientific Reports is taking heat on social media and from data sleuths for publishing a paper implying that the Biblical story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah might have been the retelling of the devastation wrought by an exploding asteroid in or around the year 1,650 BCE. To the lay reader — and to … Continue reading Criticism engulfs paper claiming an asteroid destroyed Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah read more
Eight-story building collapses after heavy rain hits Shimla, India
An eight-story building in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India collapsed on Thursday, September 30, 2021, after heavy rain and landslides hit the region. According to the Himachal Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority Director Sudesh Kumar Mokhta, the building at...... Read more » read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Brazil’s Sergipe state bank Banese leaks data of 395,000 Pix account holders
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil's Central Bank on Thursday (30) reported a data leak incident of Pix keys under the custody and responsibility of the Bank of the State of Sergipe (Banese). The leak occurred due to an isolated glitch in the financial institution's systems and involved registration data, which does not allow the […] The post Brazil’s Sergipe state bank Banese leaks data of 395,000 Pix account holders appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
September 2021 fires in Brazilian Amazon around half of those in September 2020
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Fires in the Brazilian Amazon fell by almost half in September compared to a year ago, government data showed Thursday (30), with more rainfall and enforcement initiatives helping to curb the destruction of the forest. A source in Rondônia witnessed only two fires while flying over a region for 40 […] The post September 2021 fires in Brazilian Amazon around half of those in September 2020 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Komando.com20 hours ago
Amazon’s $60 smart thermostat costs just a fraction of the Nest
Cut down on your electric bills with Amazon's new affordable smart thermostat. read more
Other Headlines
Mark Crispin Miller Pastor Artur Pawlowski arrested on his return to Canada, for “illegal gatherings” at his church Health Impact News Awaken India Exposes Billionaire Cartel Controlling India’s COVID-19 Task Force 26,041 Deaths 2,448,362 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Union’s Database as Slovenia Suspends J&J Shot After TWNZ Gagged Australian Nurses Form Whistleblower Group … Continue reading Other Headlines → read more
Building a Potato Tower with Aly’s Self Sufficient
Watch at THE LINK Grow your own veg. I’ve just discovered this NZ channel by Aly Cook… read below & sub for good ideas to be self sufficient. Aly is also a musician, she released a song recently called ‘Hello Hello, Welcome to the New Revolution’ … featured at EWR, you can listen to it … Continue reading Building a Potato Tower with Aly’s Self Sufficient → read more
“An unprecedented assault on our ability to care for our patients” – Over 5,200 doctors & scientists, united & loyal to the Hippocratic Oath, have signed the Rome Declaration
Read the Declaration HERE Over 5,200 physicians and medical scientists worldwide have signed the “Rome Declaration” to alert citizens about the deadly consequences of Covid-19 policy makers’ and medical authorities’ unprecedented behavior; behavior such as denying patient access to lifesaving early treatments, disrupting the sacred, physician-patient relationship and suppressing open scientific discussion for profits and … Continue reading “An unprecedented assault on our ability to care for our patients” – Over 5,200 doctors & scientists, united & loyal to the Hippocratic Oath, hav... read more
Pfizer Says COVID Vaccine ‘Safe’ for Kids — But Pfizer Has Lied About Kids and Drugs Before
Originally posted on Flurry of Thoughts: In 1996, Pfizer’s drug, Trovan, was still in the clinical stage of development when the drugmaker tested it, without parents’ consent, on about 200 children. Pfizer claimed Trovan was “safe,” but 181 kids were gravely injured, and 11 died. Source: Pfizer Says COVID Vaccine ‘Safe’ for Kids — But… read more
‘You Sir, Are The One Ignoring Science’: Rand Paul Battles Becerra Over COVID-19 Rules… Man this is good! Bravo Rand…
Originally posted on Nwo Report: Source: Nworeport Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) grilled HHS Sec. Xavier Becerra during a Senate Health Committee hearing on Thursday. read more
BOMBSHELL from attorney Thomas Renz: Nearly 50k Medicare patients died soon after getting COVID shot
Originally posted on Flurry of Thoughts: Critical information exposing vaccine genocide is now emerging. Attorney Thomas Renz presented this bombshell information at the Clay Clark ReAwaken America Tour event in Colorado Springs this […] Source: BOMBSHELL from attorney Thomas Renz: Nearly 50k Medicare patients died soon after getting COVID shot read more
Why America Almost Lost the Race to Fly the First Mach 3 Jet
*Michael Peck* *Supersonic Jets, * In another world, the first Mach 3 spy plane of the Cold War might not have been the legendary SR-71 Blackbird. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *There will always be two questions associated with the Avro 730. First, how would it have compared with the SR-71? Since the 730 never flew, we can never be sure. But in terms of official specifications, the SR-71 would seem to have been a superior aircraft. Had history turned out differently, the first Mach 3 spy plane of the Cold War might have been British rather than American. The U.S. Air Forc... read more
Hypersonic Missile are Great, But are They Really Essential?
*Michael Peck* *U.S. Army, * Not every military expert is on board with the hypersonic revolution. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Instead of building hypersonic missiles, the Army should be developing defenses against hypersonic weapons. Indeed, the Pentagon is already pursuing defensive solutions, such as interceptor rockets and even lasers. Does the U.S. Army really need to develop hypersonic missiles? One expert has – *gasp* – dared to suggest that the Army shouldn’t jump on the hypersonic bandwagon. “It is difficult to discern what operational problem the Army has tha... read more
Why Japan Decided it Needed its Own Marines to Fight China
*Sebastien Roblin* *Japanese Military, Japan* The Japanese marines' purpose remains specific: to rapidly recapture Japan’s southwestern islands should they be occupied by Chinese forces. This remains in the United States and Australia’s interests, as the Japanese island belt effectively constrains PLA Navy operations. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Scars from World War II explain why post-war Japan has not had a dedicated amphibious force until 2018. Seventy-five years ago, the sight of 300 Japanese marines storming rolling onto a Queensland beach in hulking tracked amphibious v... read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Brazil’s Bolsonaro criticizes industry pressure for vaccine booster doses, says they should be free
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - President Jair Bolsonaro on Thursday (30) raised questions on whether the pressure for people to be vaccinated against Covid-19 could be driven by economic interests and used the opportunity to advocate that the third dose, recommended for certain groups, be provided free of charge. To support his argument, the President […] The post Brazil’s Bolsonaro criticizes industry pressure for vaccine booster doses, says they should be free appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
* Riches and Rankings: Washington U’s Soaring Endowment* I read media accounts of a truly astonishing 65% rate of return on investments in the endowment of Washington University in St. Louis in the 2020-2021 academic year. Markets were booming in that period; the Dow-Jones Industrial Average rose by about one-third. News reports suggest high return at many other schools, for example an extremely robust 49% at the University of Virginia. I have been blessed with teaching or studying at five of the top 50 schools in the new rankings of the Wall Street Journal (including one school l... read more
Revamping Higher Ed's Mental Health Policies
Recent events punctuate need for higher ed institutions to reexamine mental health policies... read more
Mining Awareness +19 hours ago
US Senator Boozman Continues Push Against Biden Admin’s IRS Power Grab; Calls on Dems to Abandon Proposal that Jeopardizes Security of Americans’ Financial Info
This, of course, will allow them to monitor how much Americans spend on rent, food, etc., and make certain they … Continue reading → read more
Virtual Mirage19 hours ago
October Begins
So much happens in October! The streets are empty and there have been whispers about a gathering in the woods. Oktoberfest It all started with a horse race which the national guard staged for the people on 17th August 1810 to mark the wedding of the Ludwig Crown Prince of Bavaria (later King […] The post October Begins appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Brazil Ibovespa down 6% in September, worst monthly result since March 2020
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In Brazil, the Ibovespa fell 0.11%, closing the month of September at 110,979 points. This is the third consecutive month the index has closed in red. In the year-to-date, the index has slumped 6.75%. The negative trend started in the very first sessions of September, with the index dropping 3.78% […] The post Brazil Ibovespa down 6% in September, worst monthly result since March 2020 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Five Most Popular Posts in September
Another month has trundled by, but what broke the box office as far as this blog is concerned? 1. A Man Without Qualities 2. Neil Kinnock's Timely Warning 3. Cock Up and Conspiracy 4. The Right Wing Attack on Young Labour 5. The Tories' Regressive Social Care Plan As long as Labour and, specifically, Keir Starmer is crap there will be a ready audience for posts examining, analysing, and explaining what he does. And September was a bumper month as far as inept shenanigans were concerned. The Labour right have a theory of tough leadership and being seen to publicly whip one's party re... read more
naked capitalism20 hours ago
Avoiding Water Bankruptcy in the Drought-Troubled Southwest: What the US and Iran Can Learn from Each Other
Water woes are becoming part of the new normal. What can be done to alleviate them? read more
The New Dark Age20 hours ago
Guidance for responding (in 2 minutes!) to the Government’s new consultation on Covid passports
This week, the Government released another consultation into Covid passports – this time, on how a mandatory Covid passport scheme should work. This comes despite the Government’s claims that they are not going to impose Covid IDs and they are merely a ‘Plan B’ reserve policy. read more

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