10 pm MST
ZERO Deaths from Vitamins: 36th Annual Report from American Association of Poison Control Centers

The 36th annual report from the American Association of Poison Control
Centers shows zero deaths from any vitamin. Supporting data is in Table
22B, p 1412-1413, at the very end of the report published in Clinical
Toxicology. It is interesting that it is so quietly placed way back there
where nary a news reporter is likely to see it. Throughout the entire year,
coast to coast across the entire USA, there was not one single death from a
vitamin, mineral or any other nutritional supplement. If supplements are
allegedly so "dangerous," as the FDA, the news media, and even some
physicia... more »
Arizona Foster Father Who Adopted 18 Kids with His Husband Will not Face Charges in Death of 4-Month-Old Baby Left in Hot Car

This past August we covered the tragic story of 4-month-old Samora Lesley
Cousin who died when one of her foster dads allegedly left her in a hot car
for hours. Roger Ham, the foster parent who left the 4-month-old baby in
his car, was not arrested at the time. ABC 12 News in Phoenix is reporting
that the Maricopa County District Attorney's Office will not move forward
with criminal charges against Mr. Ham. The current, newly appointed
Maricopa County DA is Allister Adel, the former general counsel for the
Arizona Department of Child Safety (CPS), the agency responsible for
putting... more »
Study Shows Higher Ed for Single Mothers Pays Dividends

Single mothers who earn an associate’s or bachelor’s degree earn more, pay
more in taxes and require little if any public assistance according to a
new study.
The Price of Engagement

One aspect of being a graduate student that I will truly miss are the
discounted membership and registration rates for professional and academic
associations. I have benefited tremendously from the affordable rates and
have been able to present research and network with colleagues throughout
the nation. While I understand the need for a higher membership and
conference registration rate for non-graduate students for the financial
health of the organization, the unspoken truth of needing to engage in
several of these organizations can quickly become costly.
Russia's Amazing APS Spetsnaz Rifle Shoots Underwater
*Kyle Mizokami*
*Technology, Europe*
[image: Reuters] Here's how.
*Key point:* Moscow's special forces have to be armed for all kinds of
The widespread use of combat divers, more commonly known as frogmen, led to
the inevitable question: how do frogmen from opposing sides kill each other
when they meet underwater? In response, during the 1970s the Soviet Union
developed an underwater assault rifle, the APS, that is still used by
Russia today. The unusual-looking weapon is so uniquely suited to fighting
under the surface of the waves it rapidly degrades if used on lan... more »
Meet Russia's Deadly ShAK-12 Rifle (That Outclasses the AK-47)
*Mark Episkopos*
*Security, Europe*
[image: Reuters] Could it me?
*Key point:* Moscow is always building better weapons.
Russian Special Forces are getting the latest variant of the ASh-12,7x55 mm
heavy assault rifle.
The weapon, ShAK-12, was commissioned by Russia’s Federal Security Service
(FSB) and is being manufactured by a branch of the KBP Instrument Design
Bureau. On this year’s “Gunsmith Day,” a Russian holiday honoring arms
manufacturers, KBP won an award for the “design, manufacture, testing, and
serial production of the 12,7 mm heavy assault automatic system ShAK-12.”... more »
Winter Solstice: The Astronomy of Christmas
From the Neolithic to present times, the amount of sunlight we see in a day
has had a profound impact on human culture.
Google's $500m Aussie tax bill hardly dents Alphabet shares; Wall St flat
Google agrees to pay the Australian Government $481.5 million to settle a
tax dispute with the ATO, but US investors hardly notice the impost during
a quiet session on Wall Street.
Dozens of people in bus brawl in Melbourne's south-east
Just In - 6 hours ago
Police use capsicum spray to break up a fight between two groups of youths
on a bus in the beachside suburb of Chelsea.
Live: Bushfire destroys homes on Sydney's outskirts as temperatures soar past 41C
Just In - 6 hours ago
At least three homes at Balmoral, south-west of Sydney, have been destroyed
by an out-of-control blaze as temperatures in the Harbour City soar on a
hot, windy day.
Tekashi 6ix9ine dodges potential decades in prison thanks to 'extraordinary cooperation' with prosecutors
Just In - 6 hours ago
Tekashi 6ix9ine is sentenced to two years in prison by a judge who says his
extraordinary cooperation with prosecutors let him dodge potential decades
in prison but did not absolve him entirely for using a violent gang as his
"personal hit squad".
It's the deal of the century WA doesn't want, but may not be able to avoid
China says its Belt and Road Initiative opens the door to a new and
prosperous relationship with the world's emerging economic superpower. So
why is WA so reluctant to sign up?
Saved from smuggling, orangutan Bon Bon was left terrified, but a keeper won back his trust
An orangutan was left so traumatised after being snatched and stuffed in a
suitcase in an attempted smuggling that he lashed out at any man who came
near. But patience, care and a familiar-looking doll has him on the road to
Jeff Horn recaptured his greatness by banishing ninth-round demons
Jeff Horn cemented his claim Australia's top prize fighter by avenging his
defeat against Michael Zerafa, on a night anybody watching won't soon
Rainbow lorikeet is not one, but actually six different species
It is one of Australia's best known birds, but experts now agree that what
was known as the rainbow lorikeet is actually six different species.
More than 20 sculptures submerged off north Queensland coast for underwater dive attraction
Year 6 student Takoda Johnson is pretty chuffed to be the inspiration for a
sculpture at the Townsville Strand, which is part of the Southern
Hemisphere's first Museum of Underwater Art.
'I should have gone out there': Widow tells court of anguish over husband's death following dispute with neighbours
They had been neighbours for 17 years and at one point their wives were
best friends. So how did Michael "Willy" Wilson end up dead from a stab
wound after an altercation outside his home on the Mornington Peninsula
earlier this year?
Live: US Congress prepares to vote on impeachment of Donald Trump
The US House of Representatives is preparing a historic vote on the
impeachment of President Donald Trump. Follow developments throughout the
day live.
Oliver's family bypassed the speech therapy waitlist, and discovered their son's autism
Oliver was on a two-year public waitlist for speech therapy in Tasmania so
his family paid for private therapy, which led to his autism diagnosis.
How hot does it have to be to make you sick?
Just In - 6 hours ago
Australia is set to swelter again today, with health warnings being issued
about prolonged exposure to high temperatures. So why is it heat can cause
so much damage to our bodies? And what are the signs we're in trouble?
If you don't like your children's friends, there's always something you can do
Just In - 6 hours ago
Friendship is critical to a young person's development but what should you
do if your child's friends are a bad influence?
'It just doesn't add up': When school holidays cost you much more than time
It is meant to be the most wonderful time of the year, but the weeks over
the Christmas school break often prove to be a logistical nightmare for
those among us who are working parents, faced with arranging care for six
weeks' worth of holidays.
Remote families turn to buying medication online as local prices soar
Outback Australians are paying more for some common medications than people
living in metropolitan areas, and that's driving families to boycott local
chemists and buy online.
One Australian city is forecast to break heat records today, tomorrow and again on Saturday
Locations in three states record maximum temperatures of more than 47
degrees Celsius, amid a massive heatwave the weather bureau says may peak
NATO’s Real Purpose
[image: nato-s-real-purpose]
There can be no doubt that from its creation 70 years ago, NATO was a step
leading to world government.
FISA Court Gives FBI Deadline to Reform Surveillance Warrant Process
The presiding judge of the FISA court criticized the FBI’s warrant
application procedures and ordered the bureau to provide solutions.
This Is How Hugo Chavez Broke The Venezuelan Military

Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro takes part in a video conference with
members of the military in Caracas [Reuters/Miraflores]
*Fabiana Sofia Perera, Americas Quarterly*:* How Chávez Broke Venezuela's
The transformation of the armed forces has direct implications for the
country's crisis— and a possible transition.
Chavismo imposed deep changes to many areas of the Venezuelan government,
but the transformation in the armed forces — and more broadly in
civil-military relations — stands out as a particularly extreme case. The
basis of this shift was the blurring of l... more »
Fake Social Accounts Bring Down Police Chief — And Successor
Hours after the police chief in Vermont’s largest city resigned over using
a fake social media account to heckle a critic, the mayor announced that
the officer acting as chief revealed she too has used a fake account.
Man Stuffs Shrimp Down Pants in California Grocery Thefts
A thief stuffed a total of 30 bags of frozen shrimp down his pants in
back-to-back burglaries of a Southern California grocery store.
Salem Mayor on Trump’s Witch Trials Remarks: ‘Learn Some History’
The mayor of Salem, Massachusetts, said President Donald Trump needs to
“learn some history” after he claimed those accused in the city’s infamous
17th century witch trials received more due process than he has as he faces
Does a Photo Show a Trump Impeachment Rally in Toronto?
Rallies in support of U.S. President Donald Trump's impeachment (and some
against) were held across the country on the eve of the House vote.
CNN Goes Full Baghdad Bob On Impeachment

*RS* - CNN is really hitting its stride this morning. Jake Tapper opened
the hearing by asserting that his audience was about to hear the GOP lie
over and over. Because real journalism is pre-judging something and then
proclaiming that everything one side of the aisle says is a lie before they
even say it.
The other thing CNN is doing is playing up the idea that today is a heart
wrenching, solemn occasion for Democrats, who’d otherwise prefer to be
supporting the President and not impeaching him. This is what living in a
bubble looks like. No one outside of the beltway, except the... more »
Could Democrats make this worse? Yes.
A friend of mine who lives in the DC area says, “I just returned from
driving Gil to work. In case you see the demonstrations on TV, here’s what
I saw. In the corner area of the Capitol lawn by the Senate side, there are
around 100 demonstrator/protestors. They look like the typical protest
crowd in DC — hired homeless and unemployed youths making quick money as
paid protestors. They are waving flags and signs for impeaching and
removing. These are not volunteers or a spontaneous group. They are clearly
part of an organized-for-media demonstration (right on a corner where they
can... more »
Are you smarter than a 7th grader?
This was a comment on a post about impeachment on Facebook.
“Jack is in 7 th grade and the other day he was the only one in his history
class that knew that The House and Senate make up Congress. So what does
that tell you. I really don’t put that in the schools though. What’s wrong
with parents? Because they probably don’t know either. Look how many people
think The President is going to be removed from office.”
I’m looking back to 7th grade (1952), and I’m not so sure I knew who or
what made up Congress. Did you? Harry Truman was president. That was
about as far as class dis... more »
"Economic Market Snapshot PM 12/18/19"

*Updated frequently as available.*
PM 12/18/19: Gregory Mannerino,
"Must Watch! You Living A Psyop - Time To WAKE UP!"
- https://www.traderschoice.net/
*MarketWatch Market Summary, Live Updates*
- https://www.marketwatch.com/tools/marketsummary
*CNN Market Data:*
- http://money.cnn.com/data/markets/
*CNN Fear And Greed Index:*
- http://money.cnn.com/data/fear-and-greed/
— § —
*Buffett Indicator: Where Are We with Market Valuations?*
"As of 12/18/19 (updates daily): The Stock Market is Significantly
Overvalued. Based on historical ratio of total market cap over GDP
(currently a... more »
#39: Paige Lambermont on hydropower regulations
Paige Lambermont joins the show to discuss hurdles preventing greater
development of America’s hydro-electric capabilities. The team also takes a…
The post #39: Paige Lambermont on hydropower regulations appeared first on
Musical Interlude: 2002, “Timeless”
2002, “Timeless”
"A Look to the Heavens"

“Clouds of stardust drift through this deep skyscape. The cosmic scene
spans nearly 2 degrees across the Perseus molecular cloud some 850
light-years away. A triangle of dusty nebulae reflecting light from
embedded stars is captured in the telescopic field of view. With a
characteristic bluish color reflection nebula NGC 1333 is at left, vdB13 at
bottom right, and rare yellowish reflection nebula vdB12 lies at the top.
*Click image for larger size.*
Stars are forming in the Perseus molecular cloud, though most are obscured
at visible wavelengths by the pervasive dust. Still, hints of... more »
Jeff Asher explains a statistical problem!
*WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2019Drum seems to mishandle Naep:* We were stunned
by something we saw in this morning's New York Times.
Online, the report appears beneath the headlines shown below. Incredibly,
the writer turned out to be statistically competent. Could he possibly work
for the Times?
*South Bend and St. Louis, Where Crime Statistics Can Mislead*
City limits can affect perceptions, and a criticism of Mayor Pete Buttigieg
doesn’t hold up.
Say what? The New York Times was presenting an analysis of a potentially
misleading type of crime statistic? It was even reporting that... more »
CA Rep. Maxine Waters is Palestine’s newest hero!
Israel, the playground bully, incarcerates hundreds of Palestinian children
every year, and Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA-43) is saying, "not with American
tax dollars you don't!"
The post CA Rep. Maxine Waters is Palestine’s newest hero! appeared first
on If Americans Knew Blog.
Reports: Turkey Allowing Hamas To Plot Terror Attacks On Israelis From Its Soil
Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan (R) met with Ismail Haniyeh, the
*The Telegraph*:* Exclusive: Hamas plots attacks on Israel from Turkey as
Erdogan turns blind eye*
Turkey is allowing senior Hamas operatives to plot attacks against Israel
from Istanbul, The Telegraph can disclose, as President Recep Tayyip
Erdogan plays host to the terrorist group’s leaders.
Transcripts of Israeli police interrogations with suspects show that senior
Hamas operatives are using Turkey’s largest city to direct operations in
Jeru... more »
Peru: Gold mine operating without license destroys primary forest in protected area

*Morgan Erickson-Davis* - A recent inspection found a large area of forest
has been cleared by gold mining in Puerto Inca Province in Peru.
Ron Paul: The Afghanistan War is the Crime of the Century
*Ron Paul* - "Both parties are in on it. There is no justice."
Major League Baseball Officially Removes Cannabis From List of Banned Substances
*John Vibes* - The MLB will begin to treat cannabis use by players in the
same way that alcohol use is handled.
Toxic Chemicals Found in Rainwater and Drinking Water Throughout the U.S.
*Jordan Davidson* - Researchers found that rainwater in some parts of the
U.S. have high levels of toxic chemicals.
Research Shows Burning Sage Kills 94% of Airborne Bacteria
The burning of sage, also known as smudging, has long been a spiritual
ritual. New research shows it can have more benefits than you might think.
In fact, burning sage in a room for an hour reduced airborne bacteria by 94
percent. The research also showed that the room stayed almost entirely
bacteria-free for 24 […]
The post Research Shows Burning Sage Kills 94% of Airborne Bacteria
appeared first on Health Nut News.
Accountability For Republicans Who Voted Against Impeaching Trump

On Tuesday, we took a look at how Trump's electoral toxicity and his
impeachment is making it worse for 3 specific Republicans in swing
districts-- John Katko (NY-24), Fred Upton (MI-06) and Rodney Davis
(IL-13)-- to run for reelection. For example, when likely general election
voters were asked if they are more or less likely to support a Member of
Congress who opposes impeachment these were the results in each district:
*•* *MI-06 (Upton) *
• much more likely to support- 31%
• somewhat more likely to support- 7%
• no difference- 9%
• somewhat less likely to support- 6%
• much le... more »
Should Pensions Invest in Cryptocurrencies?

Jack Tatar, Managing Partner at Doyle Capital Management and Editor for Forbes
CryptoAsset & Blockchain Advisor, sent me a guest comment a month ago which
I've been sitting on but have been meaning to publish:
I’ve been writing about bitcoin as a new asset class and viable investment
option since 2013 when I began a series of articles documenting my journey
to find a bitcoin based investment for my retirement account (you can
access the series of articles here). As a former financial advisor and
corporate executive with a major U.S. wirehouse, I recognize the value of
asset alloca... more »
Hell, No! They Won’t Go!

From MSNBC: Sen. Pat Roberts (KS) is now the eighth Republican senator to
announce that they will not attend the GOP Convention in St. Paul, Minn.,
next month. Roberts spokeswoman told the Topeka Capital Journal today that
Roberts will be campaigning that week, finishing up his 105 county
statewide tour during the convention week. Original […]
House of Representatives Debate and Vote on Impeachment – 3:00pm Livestream…
Today the House of Representatives is holding structured and highly
controlled statements ahead of a predetermined vote to impeach U.S.
President Donald Trump. The democrats established six hours of debate on
the articles will be divided equally between Democrats and … Continue
reading →
Inspector General Horowitz Testifies to Senate Homeland Security Committee…
Earlier today Inspector General Michael Horowitz appeared before the Senate
Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee to answer questions
about his investigation into FISA abuse and the conduct of DOJ and FBI
The Tragedy of Donald Trump: His Presidency Is Marred with Failure
*Doug Bandow*
*Politics, Americas*
[image: Reuters] Trump's performance record as president is comprised of an
unbroken string of broken promises, opportunities squandered, principles
violated, and intentions abandoned.
North Korea may have been the one issue on which President Donald Trump
apparently listened to his predecessor, Barack Obama, when he warned about
the serious challenge facing the incoming occupant of the Oval Office.
Nevertheless, Trump initially drove tensions between the two countries to a
fever pitch, raising fears of war in the midst of proclamations of “fire... more »
Trade, Not Aid, Is the Way to Persuade Pakistan to Buck China's Influence
*Arif Rafiq*
*Security, Asia*
[image: Reuters] This would provide a foundation for a long-term U.S.
relationship with constituencies in Pakistan’s urban centers who have been
negatively impacted by China’s unfair trade practices but may be courted by
Beijing through the next stage of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.
Last month, Alice Wells, the top U.S. diplomat for South Asia, delivered a
scathing critique of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)—the
connectivity program valued at upwards of $62 billion linked to China’s
Belt and Road Initiative or BRI.
What Wells offere... more »
Misguided Wars: Lying Isn’t the Main Problem
*Paul R. Pillar*
*Security, Americas*
[image: Reuters] The attributing of bad wars to a lack of government
transparency is a shirking of responsibility.
The *Washington Post* has given huge play—multiple A-Section pages over
several days, despite the competition for space from impeachment news—to a
series about the war in Afghanistan, based on official interview records
that the *Washington Post *obtained through a Freedom of Information Act
request. Journalists and the newspapers that employ them like to portray
such featured products as revelations—as bringing to light facts th... more »
Why Are Chinese Weapons Used so Frequently in the Middle East?
*Charlie Gao*
*Security, Asia*
[image: Reuters] Cheap and plentiful.
*Key point:* Knock-off Chinese weapons are used in many battlefields.
The Syrian Civil War is being fought with firearms from around the globe.
While American and Russian weapons are currently the most common, Chinese
guns are rapidly increasing their “market share” of the battlefield.
While China has taken a notionally neutral position on the war, Chinese
arms ending up in the hands of rebels, IS, and regime forces. How are they
getting there? Do they hold any advantages over their Russian and American
counter... more »
A 2008 Battle Showed How the M4 Rifle Can Fail Miserably
*Robert Beckhusen*
*Technology, Europe*
[image: Reuters] What happened?
*Key point:* The M4 isn't the best weapon out there.
The U.S. Army’s standard infantry weapon repeatedly overheated and jammed
during a bloody 2008 battle in Afghanistan. *The Washington Times* reported
last week on the reported failure of the M-4 carbine during the fierce
firefight in Wanat, during which the Taliban nearly overran an Army outpost.
A direct descendant of the Vietnam War-era M-16, the more compact M-4 is
the Army’s standard-issue weapon. The ground combat branch has half a
million of the semi... more »
Wiley College Receives Warning From Accreditor

Wiley College – a historically Black college in Marshall, Texas – received
a warning from its accreditation agency, the Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. The school has a year to
address sanctions regarding the qualifications of its administrative and
academic officers, its policies for offering credit, student outcomes, its
financial resources […]
Texas College of the Mainland Builds New Facility

The College of the Mainland in Texas City, a public, two-year community
college, is opening a new facility for general education and dual-credit
courses in League City, Texas. The 27,570 square foot building will replace
the school’s existing campus in League City, which offers programs in
nursing; security; massage therapy; and trades such as mechanical […]
American University Launches Full Scholarship Program for D.C. Resident Students

American University (AU) set aside $3 million to create full scholarships
for Washington D.C. based high school students. For the 2020-2021 academic
year, 10 students were recipients of the AU District Scholars Award. The
scholarship covers full tuition as well as room and board at AU for those
students who need financial aid and have […]
Harriet B. Nembhard Named Dean of College of Engineering at University of Iowa

Dr. Harriet B. Nembhard has been appointed dean of the University of Iowa’s
College of Engineering. Currently head of the School of Mechanical,
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at Oregon State University,
Nembhard will oversee six different departments, $50 million in annual
research expenditure, 2,400 students and 250 faculty while at UI. Nembhard
holds a bachelor’s […]
Arizona Foster Father Who Adopted 18 Kids with His Husband Will not Face Charges in Death of 4-Month-Old Baby Left in Hot Car

This past August we covered the tragic story of 4-month-old Samora Lesley
Cousin who died when one of her foster dads allegedly left her in a hot car
for hours. Roger Ham, the foster parent who left the 4-month-old baby in
his car, was not arrested at the time. ABC 12 News in Phoenix is reporting
that the Maricopa County District Attorney's Office will not move forward
with criminal charges against Mr. Ham. The current, newly appointed
Maricopa County DA is Allister Adel, the former general counsel for the
Arizona Department of Child Safety (CPS), the agency responsible for
putting... more »
Canadian Opposition Parties Fill Anti-China Void Left by Freeland’s Ouster

The major political parties of Canada don’t agree on much, but they have
found common ground on one policy: China is evil and any collaboration with
this tyranny is an assault on Canadian values. Previously, this anti-China
agenda was reserved for Canada’s prize regime change fanatic Chrystia
Freeland, who as Foreign Minister successfully alienated nearly […] More
The post Canadian Opposition Parties Fill Anti-China Void Left by
Freeland’s Ouster appeared first on The Duran.
US, South Korea Fail To Reach Cost-Sharing Deal On The U.S. Military Presence
*VOA*: *US, South Korea Fail to Reach Cost-sharing Deal as Deadline
SEOUL - The United States and South Korea failed to reach a deal on how to
split the cost of the U.S. military presence, South Korean officials said
Wednesday, just days before the current agreement is set to expire.
South Korean and U.S. negotiators "broadened their understanding" of each
other’s positions during two days of talks that ended Wednesday, but must
be prepared for another round of negotiations in January, South Korea’s
foreign ministry said.
The United States had reportedly demanded th... more »
Impeachment Vote Today: Constitutional Duty Or Political Farce?
The Democrat-controlled US House of Representatives is expected to vote for
two articles of impeachment against President Trump today and the articles
are expected to die in the Republican-controlled Senate. Is Congress doing
its Constitutional duty to remove a president abusing his power and
obstructing Congress, or is this a prosecution in search of a crime? Watch
today's Liberty Report:
Gallop Poll: Most Migrants Worldwide Do Not Want To Return To Their Birth Country

*Gallop: **Few Migrants Worldwide Want to Come Home*
7% of first-generation migrants would like to return to their birth country
77% of migrants do not want to leave their adopted country
16% if migrants would like to move to another country
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In his inaugural speech in 2019, Ukrainian President
Volodymyr Zelensky implored Ukrainians abroad to come home -- and to bring
their knowledge, experience and values with them. But Gallup data show how
tough of a sell this is, not just for the Ukrainian diaspora, but for most
At least 80% of migrants from a host o... more »
"The Question..."

"Cowardice asks the question: "Is it safe?"
Expediency asks the question: "Is it politic?"
Vanity asks the question: "Is it popular?"
But conscience asks the question: "Is it right?"
And there comes a time when one must take a position
that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one
must take it because one's conscience tells one what is right."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Top U.S. And Russian Generals Meet In Switzerland To Discuss Syria

Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and
Russian Army Gen. Valery Gerasimov, chief of the Russian General Staff. US
Dept. of Defense
*Al-Monitor:* *Intel: Top US and Russian generals link up to talk Syria*
Gen. Mark Milley, the top US military official, met his Russian counterpart
Gen. Valery Gerasimov in Bern, Switzerland, today as part of an ongoing
high-level military dialogue between the United States and Russia. Moscow
has reportedly used the channel to seek American help to rebuild areas held
by forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and repatri... more »
Boris Johnson Pushes Legislation That Could Lead to “No-deal” Brexit
U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to introduce a clause to the
Withdrawal Agreement that sets a deadline of December 2020 to end all
negotiations with the European Union regarding Brexit.
House Democrats Intend to Continue Impeachment Perpetually
[image: house-democrats-intend-to-continue-impeachment-perpetually]
House Democrats are planning to continue their impeachment efforts even
*after* the Senate trial. “A president can be impeached more than once,”
said one Democrat.
"In reality, the market is just space where buyers and sellers come together to trade; just as railroads brought large swathes of the country together in the 19th century, the internet is bringing consumers of content and producers of content together in the digital marketplace." #QotD
*"Markets are sometimes treated as magical, nebulous concepts by people who
adore them, as well as those who abhor them. But in reality, the market is
just space where buyers and sellers come together to trade... "Just as
railroads brought large swathes of the country together in the 19th
century, the internet is bringing consumers of content and producers of
content together in the digital marketplace."*
~ Zilvinas Silenas from his article 'What Streaming Services Teach Us about
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted,
with lin... more »
Beleave loses CEO VanderMarel; faces lawsuit from Auxly Cannabis
Jeanette VanderMarel announced her departure as CEO of Canadian cannabis
producer Beleave after fewer than two months on the job. VanderMarel
disclosed her resignation on social media, saying she “happily resigned as
CEO of Beleave Kannabis” and that she was “moving on to things I believe
in.” The experienced cannabis executive verified the message to […]
Beleave loses CEO VanderMarel; faces lawsuit from Auxly Cannabis is a post
from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for
cannabis entrepreneurs
California agency suggests state marijuana tax system shift to potentially lower rates, address illicit-market threat
An independent California state agency issued a long-awaited report about
the state’s cannabis tax system, and its recommendations include a major
overhaul that would simplify and possibly reduce marijuana tax rates. The
goals of the report were to assess how California’s marijuana taxes can
best undercut the illegal market, discourage cannabis use by youth and […]
California agency suggests state marijuana tax system shift to potentially
lower rates, address illicit-market threat is a post from: Marijuana
Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis
entrepre... more »
History: "The Cathars: 'Kill Them All, God Will Know His Own.'"

*"The Cathars:*
*'Kill Them All, God Will Know His Own.'"*
by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
“'Kill them all, God will know His own.' A chronicler reported that Arnold
Amaury, the monk who led the Albigensian Crusade, uttered this catchphrase
outside the city of Beziers on July 22, 1209. His crusaders had asked him
how to tell the Catholic believers from the Cathar Heretics. Arnold's
instructions were followed, and the entire population of Beziers - some
20,000 men, women and children - were indiscriminately murdered.
No one really knows if Arnold really said what was reported, but what is
k... more »
COP 25: Pelosi, Casten, and Dems wasted taxpayer money at the Madrid climate conference
How much carbon did it take to get Pelosi and company to Madrid and back?
The post COP 25: Pelosi, Casten, and Dems wasted taxpayer money at the
Madrid climate conference appeared first on CFACT.
“Older People Sleep Less. Now We Know Why”

*“Older People Sleep Less. Now We Know Why.”*
by Anna Almendrala
“It's long been known that the older you get, the less you sleep. There are
many proposed reasons for why this happens, and they include new
medications, psychological distress, retirement or simply the theory that the
elderly need less sleep. But a new study from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center and University of Toronto researchers offers, for the first time, a
neurological reason for the phenomenon: namely, that a specific cluster of
neurons associated with regulating sleep patterns, called the ventrolateral
pr... more »
The Poet: May Sarton, "Now I Become Myself"

*"Now I Become Myself" *
“Now I become myself. It's taken
Time, many years and places,
I have been dissolved and shaken,
Worn other people's faces,
Run madly, as if Time were there,
Terribly old, crying a warning,
"Hurry, you will be dead before -----"
(What? Before you reach the morning?
or the end of the poem, is clear?
Or love safe in the walled city?)
Now to stand still, to be here,
Feel my own weight and density!
Now there is time and Time is young.
O, in this single hour I live
All of myself and do not move,
I, the pursued, who madly ran,
Stand still, stand still, and stop the Sun!... more »
"Each Day..."

"I am a person who is unhappy with things as they stand.
We cannot accept the world as it is. Each day we should wake
up foaming at the mouth because of the injustice of things."
– Hugo Claus
The Daily "Near You?"

Burnham-on-sea, Somerset, United Kingdom.
Thanks for stopping by.
"The Only Thing We Can Do..."

“There is no man, and no place, without a war. The only thing we can do is
choose a side, and fight. That is the only choice we get - who we fight
for, who we fight against. That is life.”
- Gregory David Roberts, “Shantaram”
"There's something going on in time and space,
and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty."
- Winston Churchill
A Socialist idea by any name is still a national threat no matter how innocent sounding
As usual the House of Representatives for the 116th Congress brought to the
table the first day after their oaths of office over a thousand bills many
of which were pure leftist in nature. Over and over they were asked to work
with the Republicans for three years to produce a reasonable, responsible,
and inclusive bill that would help seasonal workers from other countries
who were willing to earn money to help the agricultural communities. DID
THEY DO THAT — obviously NO. So what is the latest bill the Democrats
sneaked through the House to pass? Well, one might be … Continue reading →
Did Trump Propose SSI Changes That Could End Disability Benefits for Thousands?
Activists and Congressional Democrats encouraged the public to voice their
opposition to the proposals, which were published in November 2019.
The Biggest Social Media Operation You’ve Never Heard Of Is Run Out of Cyprus by Russians
A still from a YouTube video by TheSoul Publishing, showing Russia expanded
to include Europe and much of Asia.
What the heck is TheSoul Publishing? I’m still honestly not sure.
Here’s what I do know: Measured in terms of views and subscribers, it had
the third-largest reach of any group of entertainment channels on YouTube
in November—outranked only by Disney and WarnerMedia. It is run by Russian
nationals and based in and managed from Cyprus, with U.S. operations housed
in a shared work space in New York. It funds itself with ad revenues from
YouTube and Google worth tens of mil... more »
Trump prioritizes Mexican partnership, even though the nation’s top cop was on a cartel’s payroll
President Donald Trump picked a horrible time to postpone designating
Mexican drug cartels as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO), a misguided
decision made at the request of the divisive leader of a country with
record-high crime and a failing economy. Days
Gallop: Majority Opposed to Impeaching and Removing Trump: Poll

*National Interest*:* Majority Opposed to Impeaching and Removing Trump:
*His approval ratings have shot up.*
President Donald Trump’s job approval rating inched up six percentage
points since House Democrats opened an impeachment inquiry against him,
according to a Gallop poll published Wednesday.
The president’s job approval rating is now at 45% while Americans remain
divided over whether Trump should be impeached, Gallup’s poll found.
Currently, 46% support impeachment and removal, down six points from when
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the inquiry.
More than 50%... more »
Drone law changes would save graziers thousands
New drone technology could save graziers thousands of dollars a year but
they want CASA to ease regulations first.
Live: NSW Now: Union says state's new InterCity trains a danger for passengers
Just In - 9 hours ago
*MORNING BRIEFING: *The Rail, Tram and Bus Union's state secretary says new
InterCity trains will cause a safety issue for late passengers running
towards the train doors.
'Even if the cost is death': Anger builds among Indonesians over pro-Papuan activism in Australia
Earlier this month activists around the world stood in solidarity with
those in West Papua who want independence. But many Indonesians are
speaking out against the "separatist" movements.
Maps reveal 'illegal' plans to chop down untouched Australian trees
Last year the ABC caught state-owned loggers illegally chopping down trees
on public land, but instead of being punished they were compensated. Now it
seems they plan to do it again.
Defence insists it is looking after veterans forced to testify to secret war crimes inquiry
A week after the suicide of a former commando, a lawyer for several
Australian soldiers forced to give evidence to a secretive inquiry into
alleged war crimes in Afghanistan says his clients haven't received any
Impeachment Day In The U.S. -- News Updates
*Daily Mail: **Donald Trump launches furious all-capitals tweet calling
impeachment 'AN ASSAULT ON AMERICA' after Nancy Pelosi opened full House
debate before vote tonight saying president had given Democrats 'no choice'
but to put him on trial*
* Nancy Pelosi said Donald Trump gave them no choice but to impeach him
* 'It is tragic that the president's reckless actions make impeachment
necessary. He gave us no choice,' she said
* Trump launched a furious all-caps assault in response
* Trump's impeachment inquiry bega... more »

It's Impeachment Day, but I'm encountering some gloom among Trump critics.
There's concern about poll numbers like this:
President Trump’s job approval rating has ticked up 6 percentage points
since the Democrats' impeachment inquiry began, according to a new survey.
The Gallup poll released early Wednesday found Trump’s approval rating at
45 percent, up from 39 percent when the inquiry was launched in the fall.
The new findings mark the third-consecutive increase in Trump's approval
rating, Gallup noted.
Yes, but another way of putting that is that Trump's approval rating is up a
... more »
Neuroscience group retracts Science paper
A group of neuroscientists in Switzerland have retracted a 2019 paper in
Science whose first author they say falsified data in the study. The
article, “Insular cortex processes aversive somatosensory information and
is crucial for threat learning,” came from the lab of Ralf Schneggenburger,
of the Ecole Polytechniqe Federale De Lausanne (EPFL). The first author … Continue
reading Neuroscience group retracts Science paper
The Future of Wheat Farming is Glyphosate Residue Free – Exclusive Interview with Axis Farms
Sustainable Pulse interview with Axis Farms’ Partner, Mark Sanders,
discussing the future of wheat farming in Canada and why they decided it is
important to certify their harvest as Glyphosate Residue Free. Glyphosate
Residue Free certification is now being embraced by farmers, ingredient
suppliers and brands around the world. You can find the latest certified […]
The post The Future of Wheat Farming is Glyphosate Residue Free – Exclusive
Interview with Axis Farms appeared first on Sustainable Pulse.
Damning Admissions From Weathermen And A Geoengineer (Geoengineering Watch)
Dane Wigington 102K subscribers http://GeoengineeringWatch.org Our hope and
goal is for this video to be shared far and wide, DO NOT re-upload this
video without prior written permission and conditions from
GeoengineeringWatch.org When weathermen admit the military is spraying
materials into our skies, and climate engineers state their operations
could kill tens of thousands, will … Continue reading Damning Admissions
From Weathermen And A Geoengineer (Geoengineering Watch) →
Goldman Sachs asks in biotech research report: ‘Is curing patients a sustainable business model?’ – straight from the corporate horse’s mouth
Here you have it from the horse’s own mouth so to speak. This explains why
the cure for cancer is so elusive & why the natural remedies folk have
tried that really work are suppressed, whilst chemo for instance has a
minuscule 4% success rate. EWR From cnbc.com “While this proposition
carries tremendous value for … Continue reading Goldman Sachs asks in
biotech research report: ‘Is curing patients a sustainable business model?’
– straight from the corporate horse’s mouth →
Walmart, Target, and Amazon all sell books that teach children as young as five how to summon demons
From uncensored.co.nz Dubbed a “paranormal parody,” A Children’s Book of
Demons aims to teach small children how to summon demons by telling them
the names and sigils of demonic entities – sigils being the symbols used in
magic, or the pictorial signatures of actual demons. Published by Koyama
Press, based out of Canada, A Children’s … Continue reading Walmart,
Target, and Amazon all sell books that teach children as young as five how
to summon demons →
2:00PM Water Cooler 12/18/2019
By Lambert Strether of Corrente Trade “Robert Lighthizer says Trump
‘focused’ on EU trade” [FInancial Times]. “Robert Lighthizer, the US trade
representative, suggested the Trump administration was ready to escalate
its trade confrontation with the EU, potentially through new tariffs, after
sealing a truce with China and enacting the USMCA agreement with Canada and
Mexico […]
U.S. Justice Department Inspector General Horowitz Testifies Before Senate Committee On FISA Report. Now Admits There Was Political Bias In The FBI
*Daily Caller: **IG Michael Horowitz Confirms: ‘We Found, Through The Text
Messages, Evidence Of People’s Political Bias’ At FBI*
Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz testified Wednesday
that his investigation found evidence of “political bias” among F.B.I.
officials who abused the FISA process while carrying out Operation
Crossfire Hurricane.
Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson opened his round of questioning by
noting that Horowitz found that Bill Priestap, the former FBI assistant
director of counterintelligence, did not exhibit political bias when
opening t... more »
'I don't want to leave': The residents in the path of North East Link construction
The Borlase Reserve in Melbourne's north is part of Mariella Di Fabio's
perfect retirement dream. But the reserve is to become a staging ground for
the North East Link, leaving her and other residents angry about what might
happen to their "wonderful little community".
State of emergency declared as blazes flare in extreme heatwave
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian declares a state of emergency as a thick
plume of smoke settles over Sydney and bushfires flare amid an extreme
Opal Tower builder speaks out as residents return home in time for Christmas
It was last Christmas Eve that the "nightmare" began for Opal Tower
residents. The building was evacuated and they were forced them into
temporary accommodation. This Christmas they are back home, but they say
their "backs are being scraped" as their battle for compensation looms.
Ever heard of "khinkali"? Suddenly, I'm hungry . . .

I've had dumplings in many and varied forms, from the American standby of chicken
and dumplings (the latter not being "dumplings" at all in the classic
sense, but simply dough cooked in the chicken sauce), to Chinese dumplings
(and their closely related cousin, potstickers), to variations of the theme
in many countries. I've enjoyed most of them.
However, until I came across this article, I'd never heard of "khinkali", a
dumpling claimed as a native dish by Georgia.
At the height of summer, Tbilisi is a heat trap. Ringed on three sides by
an amphitheatre of mountains, the Georgian... more »
World News Briefs -- December 18, 2019
*Politico:* *Trump on the brink of impeachment*
*But battle lines between Democrats and Republicans will remain unmoved. *
The House is set to vote on Wednesday to impeach Donald Trump for abusing
his power and obstructing congressional investigations, labeling the
president a threat to national security and recommending his removal from
With the votes, which are expected to fall largely along party lines, Trump
will become just the third president to be impeached — after Andrew Johnson
in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998. He likely will also become the first to
campaign for... more »
Subsidized Wind, Noncompetitive Wind

The PTC was intended to be a temporary subsidy for a fledgling industry but
has morphed into a massive handout…
The post Subsidized Wind, Noncompetitive Wind appeared first on IER.
No season of goodwill for Christians in the blockaded Gaza Strip
Israel announces it will not allow Gaza's Christians to visit Bethlehem and
Jerusalem to celebrate Christmas this year
The post No season of goodwill for Christians in the blockaded Gaza Strip
appeared first on If Americans Knew Blog.
Trump Administration Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking To Import Prescription Drugs From Canada
The Trump administration has issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM)
that would allow for the importation of certain prescription drugs from
Canada. In addition, the Administration is announcing the availability of a
new draft guidance for industry that describes procedures drug
manufacturers can follow to facilitate importation of prescription drugs,
including biological products, that are FDA-approved, manufactured abroad,
authorized for sale in any foreign country, and originally intended for
sale in that foreign country.
read more
W.O.O.D. – 18 December 2019 – The Impeachment Party WOOD
Weekly Occasional Open Discussion - W.O.O.D. for 18 December 2019 Continue
reading →
"The Knowledge And Fact Of Your Basic Default..."

"It is not any crime you have committed that infects your soul with
permanent guilt, it is none of your failures, errors or flaws, but the
blank-out by which you attempt to evade them - it is not any sort of
Original Sin or unknown prenatal deficiency, but the knowledge and fact of
your basic default, of suspending your mind, of refusing to think. Fear and
guilt are your chronic emotions, they are real and you do deserve them, but
they don't come from the superficial reasons you invent to disguise their
cause, not from your "selfishness," weakness or ignorance, but from a real
and ... more »
Why Both Russia And America Failed In Afghanistan
*Lyle J. Goldstein*
*Security, Middle East*
It’s well past time to let Afghans decide Afghanistan’s future without
foreign “assistance.”
*Key Point:* Learn from history, or repeat it.
During the early days after the 9/11 attacks and the initiation of the U.S.
intervention in Afghanistan, it was relatively common to *reference* the
woeful Soviet experience in that country. Here was a clear paradigm of what
not to do in order to avoid getting stuck in a quagmire. Surely, American
leaders would be more adroit. By employing advanced U.S. technology along
with a more sensitive effor... more »
"10 Self-Evident Truths That 'We, The People' Have Spontaneously Come To Realize"

*"10 Self-Evident Truths That 'We, The People' *
*Have Spontaneously Come To Realize"*
by Mike Adams
"We have a lot to thank Trump for, but among the most important is the idea
that Trump has caused the corrupt, fraudulent, lying specter of “Big
Government” to fully reveal itself for what it truly is.
Does anyone trust the FBI after reading the shocking findings of the
Horowitz (IG) report?* Not on your life.
Does anyone believe the Democrats are pursuing legitimate “impeachment”
based on legitimate “high crimes?” Not a chance.
Does any rational person think that high-level lawmake... more »
New Zealand finalizes groundwork to launch medical cannabis industry in April
New Zealand completed the regulatory foundation for its medical cannabis
sector this week, making a key concession by not requiring specialist
approval for prescriptions. When the new rules take effect April 1,
2020, all general practitioners will be able to prescribe medical cannabis
products without oversight from a specialist. Proposed medical cannabis
regulations in July considered […]
New Zealand finalizes groundwork to launch medical cannabis industry in
April is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal &
Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 18, 2019
*Reuters:* *Senate sends massive defense bill for Trump to sign, creating
Space Force*
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to
pass a $738 billion defense policy bill that creates President Donald
Trump’s “Space Force” and gives federal employees 12 weeks of paid parental
leave, sending it to the White House, where Trump has promised to quickly
sign it into law.
The Republican-controlled Senate voted 86 to 8 in favor of the National
Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA. The Democratic-led House approved the
bill by 377-48 last week.
Trump said on... more »
Whistleblower Chelsea Manning Spends Her Birthday Imprisoned

Manning has been in prison since May after a district judge ordered her
incarceration for refusing to testify against Wikileaks co-founder Julian
The post Whistleblower Chelsea Manning Spends Her Birthday Imprisoned
appeared first on MintPress News.
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