Wednesday, May 31, 2017

31 May - Blogs I'm Following 2 of 2

11:30pm MDT

Can Germany Defend Europe?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
© AFP 2016/ CHRISTOF STACHE *Salvatore Babones, National Interest*: *Can Germany Defend Europe On Its Own?* *Most of NATO’s frontline members in eastern and southern Europe are doing their part. Germany is not.* German chancellor Angela Merkel has reaffirmed her position as the unlikely superhero of Europe’s liberal elites. Twelve years in power and facing a difficult election in September, she struck out at the least popular man in Europe: Donald Trump. Fresh from last week’s G-7 summit, Merkel took a dig at Trump that won her liberal friends around the world. At a Sunday electi... more »

The 8 Stages of Conscious Evolution

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 12 hours ago
*Stephen Parato* - Have you ever wondered… About what level of consciousness you’re truly at? The post The 8 Stages of Conscious Evolution appeared first on Waking Times.

Donald Trump’s 11 year old son horrified at CNN image of a beheaded POTUS

Adam Garrie at The Duran - 12 hours ago
Kathy Griffin is a deplorable individual. The post Donald Trump’s 11 year old son horrified at CNN image of a beheaded POTUS appeared first on The Duran.

Russia expels 5 Moldovan diplomats after Moldova expelled 5 Russians

Adam Garrie at The Duran - 12 hours ago
Russia will not stand for countries playing politics with diplomacy. The post Russia expels 5 Moldovan diplomats after Moldova expelled 5 Russians appeared first on The Duran.

Former US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul cries to NBC, “NATO and G7 – those are our clubs”

Alex Christoforou at The Duran - 12 hours ago
Ex-Russia ambassador: ‘The Russians are laughing’ at US. The post Former US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul cries to NBC, “NATO and G7 – those are our clubs” appeared first on The Duran.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 12 hours ago
ANTHONY COX TDS is the name given to the actions and state of mind to those who opposed Trump during the Presidential election campaign, who scorned him, made false accusations of sexual assault, corruption, predicted he would not win, promised to leave the US if he did win and who have been apoplectic since he did win. These sufferers of TDS have rioted in the streets, assaulted people, refused to accept the result of the election, accused the Russians of manipulating the election and generally behaved like the spoilt children they closely resemble. TDS sufferers are more dangero... more »

Newt Gingrich: “Look, this is a frenzied, almost a death behavior by the left...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 12 hours ago
* because they’re in such trouble and Trump potentially represents the end of their world."* But first, since everyone else has something to say about Kathy Griffen, I guess I'll throw in my opinion. Many years ago I watched a video of an actual beheading carried out by muslim scum. I thought long and hard before deciding that by refusing to watch it I was deliberately avoiding the truth of a situation. How many times have you heard the internet meme, "What is seen, cannot be unseen?" After watching the beheading video, I had a whole new understanding of that phrase. It has ... more »

WATCH: Cop Attacks Elderly Woman for Asking for a Warrant, Breaking Her Hip Causing Her Death

Jack Burns at The Free Thought Project - 12 hours ago
[image: elderly]An elderly Modesto woman was pushed down by a Modesto cop. The subsequent fall caused her to break her hip. She died two years later days after winning a $750,000 settlement against the City of Modesto.

Media’s Obsession Over Trump’s ‘covfefe’ Typo, Shows How Easily Americans Can Be Controlled

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 12 hours ago
[image: covfefe]Trump's covfefe typo has revealed a systematic practice of corporate media's ability to blind Americans to reality. Welcome to 'distract and conquer.'

Terror in Britain: What did the Prime Minister Know?

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 12 hours ago
*US and the UK launched their version of ''shock and awe' on Libya in 2011. They turned a once prosperous and stable African nation into another failed state adding to Washington and London's long list of regime changes. Since that time refugees have flooded from the region to Europe and a civil war still rages in Libya.* By John Pilger The unsayable in Britain’s general election campaign is this: The causes of the Manchester atrocity, in which 22 mostly young people were murdered by a jihadist, are being suppressed to protect the secrets of British foreign policy. Critical ques... more »

Even More Hated Than Trump?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago
Have you heard "Tin Foil Hat" by Todd Rundgren and Donald Fagen yet? That's it above-- a beautifully-produced homage to Señor Trumpanzee's manifest unfitness for office, on Rundgren's new collaboration album, *White Knight*. Rundgren, who a couple of weeks ago warned Trump fans to avoid his shows because they will find them offensive, said that "Tim Foil Hat" was driven by his and Fagen's "common frustration with what happened in the recent election." *He's coming down the escalatorWith a girl from east of hereHe wants to make the country gr... more »

Is Russia's Hypersonic Weapons Program 5 Years Ahead Of The U.S. Hypersonic Program?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
The Zircon is capable of travelling twice as fast as the Royal Navy's Sea Ceptor missile (pictured) which would be responsible for shooting it down *Daily Mail:* *Russia successfully tests 'unstoppable' 4,600mph hypersonic weapon that is faster than ANY global anti-missile system* * Russia has launched five successful flights of the hypersonic jet, say reports * The weapon cannot be stopped by the Navy's current defences, experts say * Zircon could render Navy's new £6.2billion ($7.9billion) aircraft carriers useless * Missile is being tested and could be fitted to Russian cruisers b... more »


Allen L Roland, Ph.D at Allen L Roland's Weblog - 12 hours ago
*T**he American system of representative government has been overthrown by a profit-driven, militaristic corporate deep state bent on total control and global domination through the imposition of a looming police state here at home and fermenting wars abroad but in the process ~ however, many have also become gradually aware of a far deeper choice and a soul based reality of a **Unified Fieldthat demands that we surrender to a state of Radical Love and soul consciousness that exists not only beyond time and space but also beneath our deepest fears and whose principle prop... more »

BWorld 133, Dissecting Dutertenomics' overspending plan

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 12 hours ago
* This is my article in BusinessWorld last Tuesday. During the BusinessWorld Economic Forum held last May 19, Budget Secretary Benjamin E. Diokno showed two interesting charts: (1) sustained overspending and borrowings, budget deficit/GDP ratio from -0.9% in 2015 to -2.7% in 2016 then -3.0% from 2017-2022. And yet (2) debt/GDP ratio was expected to decline from 44.8% in 2015 to 40.2% in 2017 and further down to 36.7% in 2022. Is this possible? That one overspends and over-borrows and yet the debt/GDP ratio will keep falling? DBM, NEDA, and Malacañang say yes because the projected ... more »

Fukushima Logging, Lumber, and Radiation Safety

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 12 hours ago
The Japanese Forestry Agency is allowing logging to be resumed in Fukushima Prefecture. Before logging begins, the radiation level of the lumber will be evaluated: Forestry Agency to log and ship Fukushima trees in trial starting this fall. JIJI, Kyodo May 16, 2017 The Forestry Agency said Monday that it will resume felling and shipping trees in Fukushima Prefecture this fall on a trial basis... ...Logged trees will be shipped after radiation checks. In the curr... more »

CRISPR controversy raises questions about gene-editing technique

Ian Haydon, Doctoral Student in Biochemistry, University of Washington at Science + Technology – The Conversation - 12 hours ago
Laboratory mice are among the first animals to have their diseases treated by CRISPR tiburi via A new research paper is stirring up controversy among scientists interested in using DNA editing to treat disease. In a two-page article published in the journal Nature Methods on May 30, a group of six scientists report an alarming number of so-called “off-target mutations” in mice that underwent an experimental gene repair therapy. CRISPR, the hot new gene-editing technique that’s taken biology by storm, is no stranger to headlines. What is unusual, however, is a scientific ... more »

ICBM Launch: Is North Korea Preparing to Test the Ultimate Weapon?

Ryan Pickrell at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Ryan Pickrell* *Security, Asia* North Korea has launched 12 missiles this year and successfully tested three new missile systems, two of which may be the technological predecessors to an eventual North Korean ICBM. North Korea responded Wednesday to the Pentagon’s intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) intercept test by threatening to reduce the U.S. to ashes. “We’re prepared to test-fire ICBMs anywhere and anytime on orders from the supreme commander,” the Rodong Sinmun paper wrote in an article headlined: “No one can stop the nuclear power state, rocketry master in the Ea... more »

Almost half of Donald Trump's Twitter followers are fake, and he can't find anybody to be his new communications director.

Gryphen at The Immoral Minority - 12 hours ago
Courtesy of Newsweek: *This isn't the first time someone has pointed out that a good portion of Trump's Twitter following is fake, but what's interesting is that its fakeness seems to be increasing. In January, journalist Yashar Ali ran an audit on Trump's Twitter account and found that 68 percent of his then-20 million followers were real. Now he's at 30 million followers, but only 51 percent are real, which means of 10 million followers Trump has gained since January, about 8.3 million are fake. * *In April 2016, when Trump was beginning to gain traction as a serious candidate ... more »

“Covfefe” (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 12 hours ago
*“Covfefe”* by Scott Adams "By now, most of you know President Trump tweeted an unfinished message including a funny typo with the nonsense word “covfefe” late last night. He kept the tweet posted for hours while the Internet had its fun. My hypothesis is President Trump was composing a tweet and got interrupted. Maybe he stuck his phone in his pocket and “pocket-tweeted” the typo. In any event, it was clearly accidental, as well as delightfully human. The magic of the tweet is that covfefe is an astonishingly funny word. You couldn’t invent a funnier word if you assembled a panel of... more »

"The Hobbesian Net" (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 12 hours ago
*"The Hobbesian Net"* by The Zman "I clicked on a link from Drudge and I was taken to a website called CBS Money Watch, which is obviously a CBS property. The first thing I see is a video trying to load. I see the pause button and stop it before it starts. It then starts itself in a few seconds and I stop it again. I hate baked-in video. If I want to watch videos, I’ll go to a video site or turn on the television. The trend of jamming video into sites borders on the sadistic. No one likes this. No one can possible think it is a good idea. Yet, they keep doing it. Like everyone, I ... more »

The Science Of Mantras: How Sacred Sounds Heal Body, Mind And Spirit

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 12 hours ago
*Paul Harrison* - For more than 3000 years mantras have been chanted for the purpose of spiritual healing. The post The Science Of Mantras: How Sacred Sounds Heal Body, Mind And Spirit appeared first on Waking Times.

Example of low-life mind Du30 supporters of Martial Law

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 12 hours ago
The other day, a lawyer-friend reposted a PH diplomat's post about the PDu30 government, portion of which says, "Philippine democracy remains alive and vibrant." So I posted at my friend's wall this GMA news report. See again Du30 words, "*Until the police and the armed forces say the Philippines is safe, this martial law will continue. I will not listen to others. The Supreme Court, congress, they are not here,"* I asked my friend and some commenters in his fb wall why there seems to be no issue here, No legal or constitutional issue? I added, *"wow. One-man-rule na nga."* Then t... more »

The Battle For The Southern Philippine City Of Marawi -- News Updates May 31, 2017

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
*ABC News Online:* *Marawi City: Philippine military urges Islamist rebels to surrender as battle enters eighth day* The Philippine military is urging Islamist militants occupying a southern city to turn themselves in as the brutal conflict that has left over 100 people dead enters its eighth day. The Government says it is close to retaking Marawi City from the Islamic State-linked Maute group, which seized parts of the city after a failed attempt by security forces to capture Isnilon Hapilon, the militants' so-called leader of South-East Asia. "We call on the remaining terrori... more »

Yikes: Peer reviewer stole (and published) author’s data

Victoria Stern at Retraction Watch - 13 hours ago
A gastroenterology and hepatology journal has retracted a 2017 review after discovering it included data “accessible only during peer review for another journal.” Although we don’t know the details of this particular case—for instance, how the editors and publisher of Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics learned about the transgression and which author was responsible—the journal acted quickly […] The post Yikes: Peer reviewer stole (and published) author’s data appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Inflating the Hate

Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 13 hours ago
Although reported hate crimes have indeed been creeping up in the era of Donald Trump, they have yet to reach the levels in the years immediately following the 9/11 attacks of 2001. There has, however, been a sharp increase in anti-Muslim attacks since Trump's election. These are the findings of California State University-San Bernardino's Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism. Director Brian Levin has compiled statistics showing that reported hate crimes - defined as attacks based upon race or ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation, religion or disability - increased last ... more »

Official Says President Trump Expected to Pull U.S. From Paris Climate Deal

Associated Press at - 13 hours ago
The unpredictable U.S. president has not yet made an official announcement about the deal, but has said on Twitter that he will do so in the next few days.

May 31: Angels in bombers

Graeme Decarie at The Decarie Report - 13 hours ago I found story above just recently, though I've known of the murder it describes for some time, some 34 years. Canadian and American big business have a brutal and murderous record all over the world. Canadian mining companies, for example, are notoriously destructive of lives and environments. They and others have a long history of juvenile labour, extremely low pay, environmental damage, beatings, assassinations and, when useful, mass murder. Canada is THE major player in mining all over the world. And here's... more »

President Trump Justified in Reversing Obama’s Cuba Policy

Steve Byas at rss - 13 hours ago
[image: president-trump-justified-in-reversing-obama-s-cuba-policy] On his way out the door in January, President Obama proposed to begin a detente with Communist Cuba. President Trump is reportedly considering overturning that policy.


cmaadmin at Diverse - 13 hours ago
*JAMES L. MOORE III* has been appointed interim vice provost for diversity and inclusion and interim chief diversity officer at Ohio State University (OSU). He is currently the EHE Distinguished Professor of Urban Education and the Executive Director of the Todd Anthony Bell Center National Resource Center on the African American Male at OSU. He earned a bachelor’s degree in English education from Delaware State University and a master’s degree and doctorate in counselor education from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.


cmaadmin at Diverse - 13 hours ago
*VANESSA MOREST* will serve as the Westchester Community College provost and vice president for academic affairs, effective this summer. She is currently dean of institutional effectiveness at Norwalk Community College in Connecticut. She has taught both undergraduate and graduate courses at Teachers College, Columbia University. She earned her B.A. in English from the College of William and Mary and her M.A. and Ph.D. in sociology of education from Teachers College, Columbia University.


cmaadmin at Diverse - 13 hours ago
*WENDELL PRITCHETT* will be the 30th provost of the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author of Brownsville, Brooklyn: Blacks, Jews and the Changing Face of the Ghetto (University of Chicago Press). He is a graduate of Brown University, where he majored in political science. He earned his law degree at Yale University and holds a Ph.D. in history from the University of Pennsylvania.

HEALTH CARE $$$$: Charlie Rose turned to Ezra Klein first!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 14 hours ago
*WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 2017Part 2—No one could do it worse:* "Nobody does it better?" That's what Carly Simon once sang. It was part of a gigantic hit devoted to 007. Last Thursday night, on the Charlie Rose Show, Ezra Klein authored a bit of a spin-off. It came when Klein was asked to comment on the American health care system. Rose was midway through a 21-minute segment about American health care. He spoke with Vox's Klein and with Peter Orszag, former head of both the CBO (under President Bush) *and* the OMB (under President Obama). Toto, we weren't on CNN any more! Rose wasn't ... more »

The One Thing the 'Intelligence' Community Leak About Kushner Does Tell Us About Team Trump

Robert Wenzel at Ron Paul Institute for Peace And Prosperity - 14 hours ago
[image: undefined] As I have previously reported, the Washington Post has published a story that, in early December, Jared Kushner and Russia’s ambassador to Washington discussed the possibility of setting up a secret and secure communications channel between Trump’s presidential transition team and the Kremlin. No doubt the WaPo story is coming from US intelligence sources. In the story, WaPo told us as much: Ambassador Sergey Kislyak reported to his superiors in Moscow that Kushner, son-in-law and confidant to then-President-elect Trump, made the proposal during a meeting on De... more »

The One Thing the 'Intelligence' Community Leak About Kushner Does Tell Us About Team Trump

Robert Wenzel at Ron Paul Institute for Peace And Prosperity - 14 hours ago
[image: undefined] As I have previously reported, the Washington Post has published a story that, in early December, Jared Kushner and Russia’s ambassador to Washington discussed the possibility of setting up a secret and secure communications channel between Trump’s presidential transition team and the Kremlin. No doubt the WaPo story is coming from US intelligence sources. In the story, WaPo told us as much: Ambassador Sergey Kislyak reported to his superiors in Moscow that Kushner, son-in-law and confidant to then-President-elect Trump, made the proposal during a meeting on De... more »

The One Thing the 'Intelligence' Community Leak About Kushner Does Tell Us About Team Trump

Robert Wenzel at Ron Paul Institute for Peace And Prosperity - 14 hours ago
[image: undefined] As I have previously reported, the Washington Post has published a story that, in early December, Jared Kushner and Russia’s ambassador to Washington discussed the possibility of setting up a secret and secure communications channel between Trump’s presidential transition team and the Kremlin. No doubt the WaPo story is coming from US intelligence sources. In the story, WaPo told us as much: Ambassador Sergey Kislyak reported to his superiors in Moscow that Kushner, son-in-law and confidant to then-President-elect Trump, made the proposal during a meeting on De... more »

The One Thing the 'Intelligence' Community Leak About Kushner Does Tell Us About Team Trump

Robert Wenzel at Ron Paul Institute for Peace And Prosperity - 14 hours ago
[image: undefined] As I have previously reported, the Washington Post has published a story that, in early December, Jared Kushner and Russia’s ambassador to Washington discussed the possibility of setting up a secret and secure communications channel between Trump’s presidential transition team and the Kremlin. No doubt the WaPo story is coming from US intelligence sources. In the story, WaPo told us as much: Ambassador Sergey Kislyak reported to his superiors in Moscow that Kushner, son-in-law and confidant to then-President-elect Trump, made the proposal during a meeting on De... more »

Libya's Post-Gaddafi Chaos: Is There Any Way Out?

Richard Galustian at 14 hours ago
[image: undefined] The Manchester tragedy effected much more the future of Libya in so many ways than people realise. Western governments are forced to ask their intelligence agencies to refocus on Libya, a subject that had dropped in priority in both UK & US. Now due to the linkage particularly between Libyan former Al Qaeda fighters LIFG (Libyan Islamic Fighting Group) and the Manchester suicide bomber who it has now been established was part of a cell(s), Libya has gone to the top of the priority list. To put it into context, the power vacuum left by Gaddafi's regime’s fall subj... more »

Video captures massive pipe explosion in Kiev

Adam Garrie at The Duran - 14 hours ago
Ukraine is about to burst in more ways than one. The post Video captures massive pipe explosion in Kiev appeared first on The Duran.

EXCLUSIVE: Vladimir Putin’s FULL interview in English with France’s Le Figaro (VIDEO)

Vladimir Rodzianko at The Duran - 14 hours ago
RussiaFeed has exclusively translated into English Vladimir Putin’s interview, which was obtained directly from the Kremlin’s official website. The post EXCLUSIVE: Vladimir Putin’s FULL interview in English with France’s Le Figaro (VIDEO) appeared first on The Duran.

CNN anchor is destroyed on air, over coverage of Trump-Russia investigation

Alex Christoforou at The Duran - 14 hours ago
John Sununu destroys CNN's coverage of Trump and Russia fake news. The post CNN anchor is destroyed on air, over coverage of Trump-Russia investigation appeared first on The Duran.

EXTREMISM isn’t the problem–PERVERSION is the problem

Adam Garrie at The Duran - 14 hours ago
Western elites are afraid to admit the real cause of social malaise and terrorism. The post EXTREMISM isn’t the problem–PERVERSION is the problem appeared first on The Duran.

Trump lawyer turns down request to testify and provide documentation for Russian probe.

Gryphen at The Immoral Minority - 14 hours ago
Courtesy of Politico: *President Donald Trump’s longtime personal attorney has turned down a request to be interviewed and provide documents in the congressional probe into Russian interference into the 2016 election. * *Michael Cohen, who worked at the Trump Organization until January and remains the president’s private counsel, confirmed Tuesday he would not cooperate with Capitol Hill investigators as they examine contacts between Trump’s circle of aides and Russian officials. * *"I declined the invitation to participate as the request was poorly phrased, overly broad and not... more »

Snowden Smashes the Police State in Most Epic Rant Ever, ‘Terrorists Don’t Take Our Rights, Govt Does’

Claire Bernish at The Free Thought Project - 14 hours ago
[image: snowden]Edward Snowden, in his most impassioned appearance to date, eviscerated the Surveillance State, saying it isn't terrorists who steal our rights — it's government.

5 Cops Removed from Dept After Killing Parents Asleep in a Car While on a Date

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 14 hours ago
[image: parents]After initiating a 45 minutes standoff with a sleeping couple, five police officers shot 20 rounds into the car — killing the parents.

World News Briefs -- May 31, 2017

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
*New York Times:** Kabul Bombing Kills at Least 80, Shaking City Center* KABUL, Afghanistan — A truck bombing near the Afghan presidential palace early Wednesday killed at least 80 people and wounded hundreds, officials said. The death toll seemed certain to rise, and the attack appeared to be one of the bloodiest of the long Afghan war. The huge blast during the morning rush hour caused panic in much of central Kabul, shattering windows as far as a mile away. Nearly two hours after the explosion near Zanbaq Square, a crowded area in the capital that leads to the presidential pala... more »

Trump will liberate America from the Paris climate pact

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 14 hours ago
Thankfully, lots of things have changed from the previous blog post when it comes to the climate hysteria. A White House official has sort of officially announced – so that the AP and CNN described it in these words – that Donald Trump has made the decision and the U.S. will leave the Paris climate pact. I agree with a Fox News pundit that Trump pulls out of Paris climate deal and does something right (and brave) Left-wing demagogues say that the only other countries that don't support the pact are Syria and Nicaragua. That's ludicrous. You must really count the countries that ha... more »

Photos from Two Days of Protest in Washington DC

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 14 hours ago
*Standing with Mike Tork from Cape Cod, Ma. who got arrested with us at Bath Iron Works in Maine last April 1 during 'christening' of another Aegis destroyer.* *I spent a night in DeWitt town jail with Chuck a couple of years ago after we were arrested at the Hancock Air Field drone base just outside of Syracuse, NY. Chuck came to our recent Global Network space conference in Huntsville, Alabama. * *Vietnam veteran Bill Perry showed us the names of six of his unit mates on the Vietnam Wall who were killed when their chopper was shot down. Bill was supposed to be on that chopper ... more »

Mosul Campaign Day 226 May 30 2017

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 14 hours ago
There has been very slow progress since the last phase of the Mosul Battle began four days ago. Zinjali has been the only neighborhood where constant advances have been reported. A military school run by the Islamic State was captured. Army officers told Agence France Presse that things were moving very slowly in Shifa where there are several hospitals the Iraqi forces (ISF) were not trying to destroy. As usual, the insurgents are relying upon small units to carry out hit and run tactics. They fire upon the ISF and then move onto another position. During the day they launched two ... more »

Fact: Russia's Capital Has a Nuclear Missile 'Shield'

Kyle Mizokami at The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, Europe* Would it ever have to be used? *The thirty-two Gorgon missiles reached the end of their serviceable lives in 2002–03, and had been removed from active duty service by 2006. Meanwhile, the 53T6 missiles have allegedly been replaced with new missiles, also named 53T6, with a range of eighty kilometers and an altitude of thirty thousand meters.* *Despite the new missiles, the future for Moscow’s ABM system is unclear. Much of the existing system is old and will eventually need replacing. That will be expensive, and Russia’s defense spending has b... more »

These Are the 5 Wars That Changed History (And Killed Millions) Forever

Kyle Mizokami at The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, * All wars are awful. Some wars are much, much more awful than others. *Unlike World War I, World War II was a truly global war with much of the fighting taking place in Asia and the Pacific. The Soviet Union lost an estimated 27 million military personnel and civilians, making it by far the country with the highest death toll. China is thought to have suffered 20 million deaths, Germany 6-7 million, and Japan roughly 2.5 to 3.2 million. The United States was fortunate, losing approximately 420,000, all but 10,000 military deaths.* *Further exacerbatin... more »

Are Russia Sanctions Here to Stay?

TNI Staff at The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*TNI Staff* *Politics, Eurasia* [image: Russian two-ruble coin and hundred-ruble note. Pixabay/Public domain] Or are they just a convenient extension of politics? On May 25, the Center for the National Interest hosted a panel discussion of U.S. sanctions on Russia. The event was broadcast live on the *National Interest*’s Facebook page and can be viewed here. Three leading experts concurred that while the U.S. sanctions regime on Russia lacks clear objectives, it will likely remain in place for the foreseeable future. While there seems to be growing interest in the U.S. Congress... more »

This Is How Russia's Dangerous Carrier-Killer Submarine 'Killed' Itself

Kyle Mizokami at The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, Europe* A Russian inquiry into the accident concluded that one of the Kursk’s Type 65-76A torpedoes had exploded. *Conspiracy theories regarding the sinking of the Kursk are rife on the Russian Internet. Many allege that nearby American attack submarines sank the Kursk with Mark 48 torpedoes. While technically possible (in absence of the evidence of an internal torpedo explosion) there is no remotely plausible motive for such an attack during a period of good U.S.-Russian relations. Why attack the Kursk? Why was only the Kursk sunk, and not the Kuznets... more »

CRISPR Gene Editing May Cause Unintended Mutations

News Staff at Science 2.0 blogs - 14 hours ago
A new paper found that the gene-editing technology CRISPR-Cas9 can introduce hundreds of unintended mutations into the genome, important as it starts to move into clinical trials. CRISPR-Cas9 editing technology—by virtue of its speed and unprecedented precision—has been a boon for scientists trying to understand the role of genes in disease. The technique also has raised hope for more powerful gene therapies that can delete or repair flawed genes, not just add new genes. read more

FBI Warned MI5 About Bomber Months Before Manchester Attack

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 15 hours ago
Published on May 30, 2017 Although the FBI was one of many groups that warned the UK about the Manchester attacker, MI5 “closed” its file on him, meaning the security organization deemed that he did not pose a significant threat. British authorities are scrambling to arrest anyone who was a part of last week’s bombing. […]

US ‘Created the Monster’ of Taliban, ISIS – Former Pentagon Official

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 15 hours ago
Published on May 30, 2017 Top military advisors in the Trump administration are calling for a surge of 3,000-5,000 troops in Afghanistan, upon which US-coalition forces unleashed 460 airstrikes last month, the highest number in nearly five years. In Iraq, their security forces still seem incapable of bringing peace to the troubled region, even after […]

Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg Says “Global Superstructure” Needed to Advance Humanity Under Totalitarian Control

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 15 hours ago
My understanding is that Zuckerberg is a Rockefeller. Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg Says “Global Superstructure” Needed to Advance Humanity Under Totalitarian Control by JD Heyes, (Natural News) How do you go from a nerd who developed a popular social media website to master decider of the universe and the future of Humankind? Easy: You turn that social […]

Geopolitical Divorce: EU to Choose Between US Blackmail and Chinese Investments

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 15 hours ago
America will take drastic actions (hint: war) to prevent the EU from being aligned with China-Russia. A divorce between EU and America means the end of the global hegemony of the western Illuminati. – Geopolitical Divorce: EU to Choose Between US Blackmail and Chinese Investments by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s recent call for Europeans to take […]

Painful Silence: State Dept Stumped Over Why US Criticizes Iran on Democracy But Not Saudis

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 15 hours ago
Published on May 31, 2017 During a press conference about US President Donald Trump’s recent trip to the Middle East, AFP journalist Dave Clark asked a department official why the US criticizes the Iranian elections and its record on democracy, but not Saudi Arabia. READ MORE: end

White House Slams “False & Unverifiable” CNN Claims Of Intercepted Russian Trump Threats

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 15 hours ago
White House Slams “False & Unverifiable” CNN Claims Of Intercepted Russian Trump Threats by Tyler Durden, Seemingly dredging up old ‘fake’ news as new bombshells, CNN reports that Russian government officials reportedly talked about having possibly “derogatory” information about President Trump and some of his top aides during the 2016 presidential race. – As […]


Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog - 15 hours ago
Least surprising news of the year: President Trump has made his decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord, according to two sources with direct knowledge of the decision. Details on how the withdrawal will be executed are being worked out by a small team including EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. They're deciding on whether to initiate a full, formal withdrawal — which could take 3 years — or exit the underlying United Nations climate change treaty, which would be faster but more extreme. But ... but ... Ivanka! She's so green! What about her vast influence on her dad? Why ... more »


Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 15 hours ago
From Jenna Orkin Google DeepMind shifting its focus from board games to scientific breakthroughs Norway's 'CIA' Pushes Plan To Unleash "Facebook Police" Three Leakers Of Classified White House Information Said To Be Identified, Expected To Be Fired Economists Puzzled By Unexpected Plunge In Saudi Foreign Reserves Insert head-scratching emoji. Leaked Documents Reveal Counterterrorism Tactics Used at Standing Rock to “Defeat Pipeline Insurgencies” Oregon GOP Official Wants Private Militias To Protect Republicans Animated map shows what the US would look like if all the Earth's ice... more »

BBC's Own Brand National Treasure gets stuffed

sue at Is the BBC biased? - 15 hours ago
Own Brand National Treasure You’ll have already read the abundant criticism of Jeremy Paxman’s disappointing performance on Channel 4’s much anticipated Great Political Event. I haven’t got much to add, but I felt that Paxo deserved a mention purely because of his status as the BBC’s Own Brand National Treasure. After all, Channel 4 and Sky had gathered together a politically balanced audience and bagged The Great Paxo to eviscerate the leaders of the two main parties. What’s not to like. Personally I’m not a fan of Paxo’s stock-in-trade repetitive-questioning technique, which ... more »

Dear Mr. President: Please exit Paris

Paul Driessen at CFACT - 15 hours ago
CFACT Senior Policy Advisor Paul K. Driessen -- with colleague Mark J. Carr -- explain in an open letter to President Trump five major reasons to exit the Paris climate agreement -- which was designed to cripple the U.S. economy and enrich elitists while devastating the ability of the world's poor to escape poverty.

Syrian Army advances in Eastern Ghouta as rebel infighting rages

Zen Adra at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (5: 10) – Fierce clashes broke out deep the rebel-held Eastern Ghouta region as the Syrian government forces stormed the farms located between Hawsh Zarqaiyah and Hawsh Dawahra. According to a military source, the Army troops managed to advance in the area despite the strong resistance from the Saudi-backed Jaish al-Islam. The recent […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

VIDEO: Huge blast kills 80 near diplomatic district in Afghanistan

Zen Adra at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
A massive explosion ripped through Wazir Akbar Khan area of Kabul, killing and injuring scores. The deadly attack, which took place at the morning rush hour near a number of embassies, was carried out when a suicide bomber blew up his booby-trapped car; inflicting enormous havoc upon the secure quarter. The deadly suicide car bomb […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

In pictures: ISIS attacks Philippine Army convoy in Marawi, many armored vehicles captured

Chris Tomson at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (3:30 P.M.) – Heavy clashes erupted once again in Marawi on Wednesday afternoon local time after ISIS insurgents ambushed a Philippine Army convoy which was heading towards the city centre through its western suburbs. Using anti-tank weaponry and various types of armaments, the ISIS-linked Maute and Abu Sayyaf militants forced the Philippine troops […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Brigadas kurdas alcanzan las puertas de Raqa; 4000 mercenarios de ISIS se prepara para una batalla apocalíptica

Alvaro A. at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
Tras la liberación de seis pueblos en dos flancos distintos ayer, las Fuerzas Democráticas Sirias (FDS), lideradas por los kurdos, procedieron a capturar una serie de sitios rurales el miércoles por la mañana. Durante los enfrentamientos al suroeste de Raqa, las unidades kurdas pudieron controlar el pueblo de Hunaydi y establecieron el control de fuego […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Syrian Army, Russian forces launch fresh offensive against ISIS in Eastern Hama

Zen Adra at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (3: 00) – The Syrian government forces began, today, a new military operation to expel the Islamic State from the east countryside of Hama in bid to secure Salamiyah city. The Army troops, backed by local fighters, launched the offensive from two axes aiming at reaching the ISIS stronghold of Aqirbat; which serves […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

EEUU da inicio a nuevas entregas de armas a las brigadas kurdas

Alvaro A. at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
Estados Unidos comenzó a equipar a los grupos kurdos dentro de las Fuerzas Democráticas Sirias (FDS) para aumentar su fuerza de combate para la eventual batalla por Raqa contra ISIS. Mientras que Al-Masdar News ya obtuvo y publicó materiales e información mostrando los esfuerzos de entrega de armas de Estados Unidos el 2 de febrero […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Suriye ordusundan yüzlerce subay, Rusya öncülüğündeki eğitimlerini tamamladı (Video)

Eren Dalkesen at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
Önceki gün, Suriye-Rusya Ortak Askeri Konseyi tarafından yapılan açıklamada; yüzlerce Suriyeli askerin, Rusya sponsorluğundaki subay eğitim programından mezun olduğu duyuruldu. Eğitime alınan yeni subayların, Rus uzman askerleri tarafından birçok farklı alanda eğitildiği ve Moskova tarafından sağlanan gelişmiş Rus silahlarına sahip olacakları belirtildi. Önümüzdeki haftalarda bu subayların, ülke genelinde farklı görevler üstlenmeye başlaması bekleniyor. Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

VIDEO: Russian Navy fires cruise missiles on ISIS near Palmyra

Zen Adra at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (2: 05 P.M.) – Four cruise missiles fired from Russian warships targeted positions of the Islamic State near the ancient city of Palmyra in the Syrian Desert. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the missiles were launched from Admiral Essen frigate and Krasnodar submarine in the eastern Mediterranean, and hit heavy equipment and […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

ABD destekli Kürt güçleri Rakka’ya ulaştı: IŞİD büyük bir güçle şehir savaşına hazırlanıyor

Eren Dalkesen at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
Rakka’nın iki kanadında bulunan 6 köyün IŞİD’den alınmasıyla birlikte; Kürt birliklerin öncülük ettiği Suriye Demokratik Güçleri, Rakka’nın güneyinde bulunan kırsal alanda da ilerlemeye başladı. Hunaydi köyünü ele geçiren ABD destekli güçler; terör örgütü IŞİD’in Rakka’dan diğer bölgelere açılan M-6 ikmal yolu üzerinde de ateş kontrolü sağlamış oldu. Öte yandan, IŞİD’in başkentine doğu ekseninde de ilerleyen […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Iraqi Army bans the burka in Mosul after ISIS sleeper cells use it to conduct attacks

Chris Tomson at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (1:30 P.M.) – With slow, grinding territorial progress underway in Iraq’s second largest city, government forces are reporting coming under many attacks from ISIS sleeper cells on both sides of the Tigris River. Effectively, a temporal banned was imposed on the Niqab and Burka in the city of Mosul on Tuesday. A military […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

IPR and Innovation 36, Plain packaging from tobacco and soon to soft drinks, alcohol, ice cream products

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 15 hours ago
I am reposting this good interview of my friend, PRA Exec. Director, Lorenzo Montanari, published in The Financial last May 29, 2017. State nannyism is wrong, there will be too much state intervention to "protect people from 'harming' themselves", the state semi-own people's body and mind. [image: lorenzo] “We are really worried about the new regulations,” Montanari commented. “Plain packaging - removing all signs of the brand from the packaging of cigarettes - is a direct attack on the trademark system. The first plain packaging was implemented in Australia in 2012. We were against... more »

Plutonium Concerns Prompt Federal Lawsuit over Rocky Flats Refuge Near Denver Colorado; Preliminary Injunction To Be Filed Today

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 15 hours ago
US DOE photo “Groups opposed to public access to Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge, where for decades workers made components … Continue reading →

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- May 31, 2017

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
PHOTO: ISTOCK.COM/ZIGGY-MARS *Will Edwards, Cipher Brief*:* Asian Nations Arming for Underwater War* When U.S. President Donald Trump told Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte that the U.S. had two submarines in the waters near Korea, it began a controversy over whether sharing the subs’ location was a leak of classified information and a security risk. A submarine’s ability to remain hidden is its greatest asset, and Asian countries are increasingly willing to pay for that capability. Avascent Analytics estimates that Asian countries will spend nearly $40 billion on submarines ove... more »

How upset should we get when articles are paywalled by mistake?

Alison McCook at Retraction Watch - 16 hours ago
Mistakes happen. Including, sometimes, putting articles that should be freely available behind a paywall. This occasionally happens — though likely not with alarming frequency, according to publishing expert Charles Oppenheim, who recently wrote about the issue in Scholarly Kitchen. Still, the costs can literally be high, both for the authors who paid to make their articles free […] The post How upset should we get when articles are paywalled by mistake? appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s brother suspected of burying Seth Rich DC murder case

Alex Christoforou at The Duran - 16 hours ago
Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s brother Steven Wasserman accused of burying Seth Rich case. The post Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s brother suspected of burying Seth Rich DC murder case appeared first on The Duran.

Kathy Griffin should be arrested

Adam Garrie at The Duran - 16 hours ago
Kathy Griffin has produced an extremely obscene image that promotes political violence and glorifies ISIS. The post Kathy Griffin should be arrested appeared first on The Duran.

What Is Today's Democratic Party Offering The Working Class?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago
The GA-06 special election is June 20th-- three weeks from yesterday. And yesterday was the first day of early voting there. The ad up top was just put up on local TV to the tune of $500,000 by Pelosi's SuperPAC. Or more important, who is it speaking to? Who is it not saying a word to? Patrick Ruffini had an interesting post up yesterday at FiveThirtyEight: Black Voters Aren’t Turning Out For The Post-Obama Democratic Party. Before we get into his post, which has a lot to offer, let me over a simplistic short version: concerted, unconstitutional Republican efforts at voter suppre... more »

‘Game Changer’: Study Finds 100-year-old Drug Reverses Autism Symptoms in Kids

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 16 hours ago
[image: autism]With just a single dose of this 100-year-old drug, autistic children experienced remarkable positive cognitive and emotional improvements. Some of the children spoke their first sentences in more than a decade. This is truly a 'game changer.'

Bombing in Diplomatic Area of Kabul Kills 80, Wounds Scores

Associated Press at - 16 hours ago
An explosion rocked a highly secure diplomatic area of Kabul on 31 May 2017, causing casualties and sending a huge plume of smoke over the Afghan capital.

Pennsylvania Man Arrested After Calling 911 for Conversation

Associated Press at - 16 hours ago
An Allentown man was arrested after police said he repeatedly called 911 'seeking conversation.'

Russian Navy Fires Cruise Missiles At The Islamic State From The Mediterranean

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
*RT:* *Russian frigate & submarine fire 4 cruise missiles at ISIS targets near Palmyra – MoD* The missiles destroyed heavy equipment and killed fighters that Islamic State had transferred from its stronghold, Raqqa, to Palmyra, the Russian Defense Ministry has said. The Russian warships, a frigate named Admiral Essen and submarine named Krasnodar, fired Kalibr cruise missiles on combat vehicles and militants outside the Syrian city of Palmyra, the Defense Ministry said. The four cruise missiles were fired from the eastern Mediterranean, it noted in a statement. The submarine f... more »


jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 16 hours ago
*Trump Budget Reduces Government's Role in Higher Ed, Will Curtail Runaway Tuition Prices* President Donald Trump released his budget proposal on Tuesday, which includes some dramatic changes to higher education funding. While there is still room for improvement, the president's proposals would be a significant first step in reducing the federal government's role in higher education and giving much-needed relief to the U.S. taxpayer. Elimination of Public Service Loan Forgiveness The president's budget proposal eliminates the costly Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, which... more »

Tourism: A tale of Two Aprils

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 16 hours ago
*Stormy weather expected for the weekend. So have a pic from a nice day...* Here are the numbers from Apr of 2017 and Apr of 2016 downloaded from the Tourism Bureau (visitors by residence). We had a total of 818,705 visitors from Asia in April -- last April the total was 819,478. However, respective totals were 926,813 and 910,323. Apr-17 Apr-16 HongKong. Macao 190,785 110,716 China 214,196 375,567 Japan 126,712 129,469 Korea,Republic of 84,249 62,668 India 3,083 2,794 Middle East 1,963 1,940 S.E.Asia 196,749 135,633 Others 968 691 We often talk about "visitors from China" bu... more »


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 16 hours ago
*Amid higher CO2 levels, Africa has become greener in the last 20 years* *The plant fertiliztion effect of CO2 is cancelling out the rate at which trees are being cut down by people* In Africa, a fight is happening. On one side natural forces are making the continent greener, and on the other, people are removing trees and bushes from the continent. In densely populated regions, people are cutting down trees and forests, but elsewhere, where human populations are more thinly spread, bushes and scrub vegetation are thriving. Now, scientists have quantified for the first time how v... more »

The Beat Goes On

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 16 hours ago
The same issues that plague our politics are on display in the British election. The central issue is what should be public and what should be private. George Monbiot writes: Imagine designing one of our great cities from scratch. You would quickly discover that there is enough physical space for magnificent parks, playing fields, public swimming pools, urban nature reserves and allotments sufficient to meet the needs of everyone. Alternatively, you could designate the same space to a small proportion of its people – the richest citizens – who can afford large gardens, perhaps wit... more »

Robo-Advisors - The Future of the Investment Industry

A Political Junkie at Viable Opposition - 16 hours ago
A recent study by the CFA Institute (Chartered Financial Analysts) looks at the future of the investment profession. The CFA Institute is a global, not-for-profit organization and is the world's largest association of investment professionals. Currently, there are approximately 2 million workers in the investment industry, managing around $100 trillion in assets for clients. The report looked at the findings from a survey of 1145 investment industry leaders , looking at the trends that will impact the investment business in the future. Here are some of the more interesting findi... more »

Writing Women Back In

Josh Busby at Duck of Minerva - 16 hours ago
This is a guest post from Anjali K. Dayal (Assistant Professor, Fordham University), Madison V. Schramm (PhD Candidate, Georgetown University), Alexandra M. Stark (PhD Candidate, Georgetown University) The gender citation gap in international relations is an important part of today’s disciplinary conversations about diversity: research indicates that scholarship by women is less cited in academic […]

What Would Russia Look Like Today if World War II Never Happened?

Michael Peck at The National Interest - 17 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, * What if Hitler had remained a failed painter in Vienna, or had been blown up by an assassin’s bomb in a Munich beer hall? T*rue, Operation Barbarossa devastated the industry and natural resources of Russia and Ukraine, a shortfall only part made up by Lend-Lease and postwar Soviet looting of Germany. Stalin’s ruthless push for industrialization in the 1930s had grown the Soviet economy at a remarkable rate, and transformed the Soviet Union from a Tsarist peasant state into a major industrial power capable of producing enough weapons to defeat Hitler’s... more »

The Army's New Joint Light Tactical Vehicle Is Preparing for 'Great Power War'

Kris Osborn at The National Interest - 17 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *Security, * The JLTV is a new fast-moving armored vehicle engineered to take bullets, drive over roadside bombs and withstand major enemy attacks. The Army is now vigorously testing its new Joint Light Tactical Vehicle for possible combat missions in 2020 to include sling-loading the vehicle beneath a Chinook helicopter to increase battlefield maneuverability, service officials said. Current JLTV "test sites" are immersed in preparations of the vehicle for combat as key steps toward fielding the First Unit Equipped by 2019, Army officials told Scout Warrior. Part... more »

Massive Truck Bomb In Kabul Kills 80+ And Wounds Hundreds

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 17 hours ago
*Daily Mail:* *At least 80 are dead and 350 injured in massive suicide car bomb attack near British, US, French and German embassies in Kabul* * WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT * Massive suicide truck bomb blast has rocked the diplomatic quarter of Kabul that houses foreign embassies * At least 80 are dead and 350 more were injured in explosion, according to Afghan health ministry officials * The explosion happened in rush hour close to the British, German, French and US embassies in Afghan capital * BBC Afghan driver Mohammed Nazir has been killed and four BBC journalists were injured ... more »


Jane Burgermeister at Eugenics and pandemics - 17 hours ago
Jared Kushner and Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak talked about arranging a meeting between a representative of Trump and a “Russian contact” in a third country during their secret meeting. The name of the Trump representative was not identified, but it could be Erik Prince, a high profile supporter of Trump, who met a Russian […]

Michael Flynn will provide Senate with Russia documents

Jane Burgermeister at Eugenics and pandemics - 17 hours ago
From First Post Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn will provide documents to the Senate intelligence committee as part of its probe into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election, the Associated Press reported. Flynn will turn over documents related to two of his businesses as well as some personal documents the committee requested earlier this […]

Trump’s personal lawyer becomes focus of Russia investigation

Jane Burgermeister at Eugenics and pandemics - 17 hours ago
From The Australian President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, has received and rejected a request for documents as part of Congress’s ongoing investigation into Russia’s election meddling and contacts with the Trump campaign. Cohen, a longtime attorney for the Trump Organization, remains a personal lawyer for Trump. He served as a cable television surrogate […]

Reports Reince Priebus to be next US ambassador to Greece

Jane Burgermeister at Eugenics and pandemics - 17 hours ago
Numerous reports are pointing towards a shuffle of senior staff at the White House, among the reported changes is current Chief of Staff Reince Priebus to be possibly named as ambassador to Greece. The whirlwind of reports come as a diversion after news of ties between Donald Trump’s campaign associates and Russia.

Trump Says Comic Should Be Ashamed for Severed Head Video

Associated Press at - 17 hours ago
President Trump voiced his distaste on Twitter for a photograph of comedian Kathy Griffin, Griffin says she 'went too far.'

Social Media Rushes to Define Trump’s ‘Covfefe’ Tweet

Associated Press at - 17 hours ago
Trump tweeted just after midnight Eastern time on 31 May 2017: 'Despite the constant negative press covfefe.'

"We Never Know..." (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
"We never know when our last day on earth will be. So, love with full sincerity, believe with true faith, and hope with all of your might. Better to have lived in truth and discovered life, than to have lived half heartedly and died long before you ever ceased breathing." - Cristina Marrero

During his visit the Saudis bribed Donald Trump with 1.2 billion in gifts.

Gryphen at The Immoral Minority - 17 hours ago
Courtesy of The Nation: *During his first visit to kingdom, US President Donald Trump received gifts from Saudi King Shah Salman worth of $ 1.2 billion, reported Nawa-e-Waqt. * *According to details, the gifts given by Saudi King included a precious diamond, armband made of pure gold with King Salman’s photo imprinted on it and 25 kilogram heavy sword made of pure gold with different diamonds and stones on it. * *The sword is worth of $ 200 million. * *Furthermore, gold and diamond made watches, worth of $ 200 million, were also gifted to Trump and his family.* * A small replic... more »

Poll: 54 Percent Of Military Veterans Approve Of President Trump

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 17 hours ago
President Donald Trump tours the pre-commissioned U.S. Navy aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford at Huntington Ingalls Newport News Shipbuilding facilities in Newport News, Virginia, March 2, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst *Washington Times: **98 percent of Republican military veterans approve of Trump: Poll* President Trump has some unwavering support from a very unique demographic: Republican military veterans. An extensive new Pew Research Center reveals that 98 percent of these GOP vets approve of the job Mr. Trump is doing. He has some fans across the greater population of vets as we... more »

Russia Launches Kalibr Missiles Hitting ISIS Targets Near Palmyra

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 17 hours ago
*Janes* The Russian frigate *Admiral Essen* and submarine *Krasnador* together launched four Kalibr cruise missiles against Islamic State targets near the ruined city of Palmyra in Syria, the Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced on 31 May. The MoD released video footage showing two missiles being launched from Admiral Essen's eight-cell vertical launch system. At least one sub-surface launch was also seen in the footage, as well as aerial footage showing two multistorey buildings being hit. The buildings appeared to be part of the T3 pumping station complex 44 km west of Pa... more »

US Senator McCain: Russia, Putin “Greatest Challenge We Have” – Even More Than Islamic State Group

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 18 hours ago
US Senator McCain is most definitely a Republican, as are some other members of Congress who are alarmed by Russiagate. … Continue reading →

ISIS atrocities are made possible by drugs. This is why Duterte is a pioneer and a hero

Adam Garrie at The Duran - 18 hours ago
The west provides the money, ISIS reaps the profits, the drugs are feed to terrorists, the terrorists slaughter innocent people. Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte gets this. Why doesn't the west? The post ISIS atrocities are made possible by drugs. This is why Duterte is a pioneer and a hero appeared first on The Duran.

Vladimir Putin BLASTS the US deep state

Adam Garrie at The Duran - 18 hours ago
Putin expressed sympathy for Donald Trump while also speaking pessimistically about the US political system. When it comes to Russiagate, he said that, "Everything passes and this will pass as well". The post Vladimir Putin BLASTS the US deep state appeared first on The Duran .

CNN doesn’t seem to understand how reality works

Adam Garrie at The Duran - 18 hours ago
CNN's method and style of criticising Donald Trump is misleading, pathetic and downright anal. The post CNN doesn’t seem to understand how reality works appeared first on The Duran.

Huma Abedin invites disgraced pervert Anthony Weiner back home

Alex Christoforou at The Duran - 18 hours ago
The NY Post is reporting that Huma Abedin and admitted pervert Anthony Weiner are back together. The post Huma Abedin invites disgraced pervert Anthony Weiner back home appeared first on The Duran.

Leaked video shows Starbucks founder tell his employees that Trump is creating “chaos”

Alex Christoforou at The Duran - 18 hours ago
Donald Trump is creating "chaos" that is impacting the American economy, according to Starbucks' longtime CEO and current chairman Howard Schultz. The post Leaked video shows Starbucks founder tell his employees that Trump is creating “chaos” appeared first on The Duran.

Saudi Arabia and Russia: neither allies nor enemies but wary friends

Alexander Mercouris at The Duran - 18 hours ago
The visit of Saudi Arabia's Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to Russia shows Saudi Arabia's need for Russia's help to stabilise the oil market. The post Saudi Arabia and Russia: neither allies nor enemies but wary friends appeared first on The Duran.

Needed to be said.

Gryphen at The Immoral Minority - 19 hours ago

Attorney and Former Autism Respite Worker On Hindsight

Age of Autism at AGE OF AUTISM - 19 hours ago
By Heather Coy I have a story that I think of often during these days of increasingly limited medical freedom, and while constantly fighting for the right to retain personal control over procedures such as vaccination. So I want to...

What’s new in science & tech?

Ethical Technology - 19 hours ago
Okay, let’s turn to the side of civilization that is doing best. Doing spectacularly well in fact, despite a relentless campaign to undermine science. Just today—as I type this, in fact—I am in a conference call as a member of the advisory council of The Planetary Society, hearing reports about how TPS - under Bill Nye’s charismatic leadership - has seen a turnaround, with increasing membership and a social media following that has crested above a million! Why? Because people are noticing how many wondrous accomplishments are pouring forth from the universe.

Kurds reach the gates of Raqqa as 4,000 ISIS fighters gear up for apocalyptic battle

Chris Tomson at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 19 hours ago
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (0:40 P.M.) – Following the liberation of six villages on two flanks yesterday, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) proceeded to capture a number of rural sites on Wednesday morning. During clashes southwest of Raqqa, Kurdish forward units were able to wrestle control over the village of Hunaydi and established fire control over […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

France: 'Absolute Silence' Surrounding Elderly Jewish Woman's Murder by Islamist Migrant 'Intolerable'

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 19 hours ago
The BBC I don't believe have reported this murder either, but then reporting the death of a Jew at the hands of an Islamist is tricky for the BBC. At least Breitbart have reported this story. '"A 65-yr old Jewish lady MD, during her sleep, is attacked and atrociously tortured for more than one hour," begins the letter, addressed to interior minister Gerard Collomb. "She lives in a modest apartment in the 11th arrondissement of Paris, rue Vaucouleurs. The... more »

CNN 'Evaluating' Kathy Griffin's Role in Annual New Year's Eve Coverage after Trump 'Beheading' Photo

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 20 hours ago
Imagine that a 'right-wing' US figure had posed with what looked like the bloodied decapitated head of President Barack Hussein Obama, what degree of coverage would the BBC have afforded this shocking story? How much airtime would have been given to this story? However as this is a story about a CNN guest figure posing for a photo shoot with the bloodied, decapitated head resembling that of President Donald Trump, I predict zero BBC coverage. Breitbart has the appalling story more »

The British Conservatives On The Verge Of Losing Their Majority?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 20 hours ago
Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May attends an election campaign event in Wolverhampton, May 30, 2017. REUTERS/Leon Neal/Pool *Express: **Theresa May election meltdown? Pollsters predict Tories to LOSE House of Commons majority* THE Conservatives will lose their outright majority clinched by David Cameron in 2015 in the upcoming June 8 election, a YouGov projection has claimed. The calamitous news for Theresa May comes from the first seat by seat projection for the campaign, and suggests the Conservatives will fall 16 seats short of an overall majority. The YouGov prediction wou... more »

Dachel Wake Up: Israeli Researchers Share Autism Insights

Age of Autism at AGE OF AUTISM - 20 hours ago
May 29, 2017, Jewish News of Northern Cal: Israeli researchers share insights into possible causes of autism For Ilan Dinstein, describing the search for causes of autism as a needle in a haystack doesn’t do it justice. More on point,...

Billionaire Space Exec ADMITS “Aliens Here” In Bombshell Interview, But It’s Covered Up

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 20 hours ago
“Aliens” = fallen angels and the Nephilim. Billionaire helping develop NASA spacecraft says aliens are HERE – but it’s covered up by JON AUSTIN, A US billionaire entrepreneur, who is working with NASA to create a new expandable spacecraft, has said he believes that intelligent aliens are secretly living on Earth. – Robert Bigelow, 73, CEO […]

Charles Nenner: Next World War Starts in Asia. Suicidal to Stay in this Market

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 20 hours ago
Charles Nenner: Next World War Starts in Asia. Suicidal to Stay in this Market by Greg Hunter’s Renowned financial and geopolitical analyst Charles Nenner is doubling down on his prediction last year that the financial markets will crash in the fall of 2017. Nenner says, “People not positioned correctly may lose everything.” Nenner points out, “We […]

Jezza's Spectacular Ethnic Minority Gaffe per Guido Fawkes

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 20 hours ago
"only Labour can be trusted to unlock the talent of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people" A bold claim by Jeremy Corbyn and one that isn't going down to well. Guido Fawkes has the details The BBC will not be reporting this gaffe as it might reduce the Labour Party vote.

DNA Results for Paracas Skulls Confirm Alien Genetics

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 20 hours ago
Let me make this simple. mtNA mutations are almost impossible. In our human primate family there is about one or so. The heavy changes take place outside the mitochondria. Thus major variations establishes that we are dealing with a truly alien DNA. Of course that is all obvious from the physical evidence alone but we always will face moronic deniers who will waltz in tenuous lines of logic to attempt to throw doubt in order to impress the ignorant. Why this is incredibly important is that these skulls and the Starchild skull provides us with plausibly two separate alien g... more »

The Fellowship of the River: A Medical Doctor’s Exploration into Traditional Amazonian Plant Medicine

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 20 hours ago
In this item we are quickly led to a deeper understanding of the nature of emotional disease. In the west it is often recognized but not treated. Athabasca is now changing all that. In fairness, the answers are out there for all our brain problems, but we lack the established practice yet. Worse we have a medical infrastructure gamed to oppose those answers not formally commercialized. Think. Where i to heal all who came to me with a laying on of hands, i would be tossed in prison for practicing medicine.. *The Fellowship of the River: A Medical Doctor’s Explorat... more »

The Cheese of the Vikings

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 20 hours ago
I add this description of how to eat it first. Black rye bread should also work as well as the crackers. Otherwise just eating it is a challenge. I happen to enjoy the more commonly available Norwegian goats milk cheese which also needs to be cut very thin and eaten on a cracker is best. So this practice is something that i can relate to. However using it to flavor butter is a great idea. still it may well be an acquired taste. *Actually, this cheese is quite tasty when eaten right. On a visit to Lofthus, Norway to revisit the church and hotel where my wife and I were mar... more »

Kolbrin - Book of Scrolls - Chpt 3 - Sacred Registers Part 3

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 20 hours ago
This is the ongoing service honoring the deceased and now recognizing his inheritor. Quite dramatic and seriously consistent and providing real comfort as the reality of the afterlife is understood by all. This whole tradition has been completely lost, but clearly has real validity and could well be adopted again with good conscience. Of course it was lost and even suppressed with the destruction of the Alexandrian library which explains why so much is intact here. The Kolbrin material was actively maintained there until around the fifth century AD. Thus migration to Glastonb... more »

3 times, Nancy Pelosi says George W. Bush is US President (Video)

Alex Christoforou at The Duran - 20 hours ago
For a third time, Pelosi forgets who the POTUS is. The post 3 times, Nancy Pelosi says George W. Bush is US President (Video) appeared first on The Duran.

CNN Host, Kathy Griffin, mimics ISIS beheading, holding Trump’s severed head (Video)

Alex Christoforou at The Duran - 20 hours ago
Griffin joked that she would have to leave the country after the shoot. The post CNN Host, Kathy Griffin, mimics ISIS beheading, holding Trump’s severed head (Video) appeared first on The Duran.

How Vladimir Putin squashed arrogant Macron

Alexander Mercouris at The Duran - 20 hours ago
Russian President Putin dismissed French President Macron's claims during Putin's visit to France that the only hope for Russia is to align with Europe. The post How Vladimir Putin squashed arrogant Macron appeared first on The Duran.

The U.S. Military Is Unprepared For Enemy Drones

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 21 hours ago
Image: U.S. Army photo by Master Sgt. Michel Sauret *Jonathan Gillismay, War On The Rocks*: *In Over Their Heads: U.S. Ground Forces Are Dangerously Unprepared For Enemy Drones* America’s ground forces are not accustomed to looking at the sky. That’s because the last time the United States sustained a reported casualty from an enemy aircraft was April 15, 1953 — 64 years ago. For decades, American air dominance has gone almost uncontested, and ground forces have all but forgotten they can be touched from above. But thanks to the proliferation of small, low-cost drones and desktop m... more »

Can A Nuclear Disaster Occur Because Of A Mistake In Today's World?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 21 hours ago
*Faye Flam, Bloomberg:* *A Nuclear Disaster Could Unfold Like That Oscars Fiasco* *Remember that epic screw-up at the Academy Awards in February? Nuclear commanders might easily make the same mistakes. Uh-oh.* Talk with experts on North Korea’s nuclear arsenal, and it soon becomes clear that the biggest threat Americans face isn’t an intentional act of evil, but a confluence of stupidity and error. After all, the most frightening close calls during the Cold War started with trivial mistakes -- a dropped socket from a socket wrench, for example, or a training tape put in the wrong ... more »


Anon at Aangirfan - 22 hours ago
.. *Indonesian Moslems. Indonesia's hijab-wearing Muslim metal band * Trump has business interests in Indonesia. The Kosher Nostra wants Indonesia to be like *Turkey *or* Dubai*. Dubai is said to have more prostitutes than mosques. *REAL Indonesians. Admire their instruments.* The Kosher Nostra would like Indonesia to be like *Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Jordan*, all of whom support the US policy of toppling moderate, secular leaders such as Assad. 5 Arab nations support U.S. in strikes inside Syria - LA Times The CIA and its friends took control of the ... more »

Kathy Griffin Apologizes for Trump Photo: ‘I Went Too Far’

Associated Press at - 22 hours ago
The comedian appeared in a video posted online holding what looks like President Donald Trump’s bloody, severed head.

Men Probing Ivanka Trump Brand in China Arrested, Missing

Associated Press at - 22 hours ago
Three men investigating a company in China that produces Ivanka Trump brand shoes are missing, according to Li Qiang who runs China Labor Watch, a New York-based labor rights group.

Sterling dips after poll suggests hung parliament per BBC News

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 23 hours ago
Once again the BBC report that Sterling has fallen because of the chances of there not being a Conservative majority government after next week's general election. 'The value of the pound dropped after a projection suggested the Conservatives could fail to win an outright majority in the election on 8 June. Previous opinion polls suggested Prime Minister Theresa May's party would increase its majority, which is currently 17 seats. But the projection, published in the Times and based on YouGov research, suggests a possible hung parliame... more »

Ukraine’s Language Wars Are Starting. Real Wars To Follow

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
*Thomas De Waal, Carnegie Europe:** New Fighting in Ukraine’s Language War* If Kyiv draws new battle lines in the country’s language war, Moscow is ready to restart its side of this conflict. "I have no desire to become a soldier in this war of words,” Ukraine’s best-known novelist Andrei Kurkov wrote in 2012. He was reacting to the furor over a law instituted by former president Viktor Yanukovych that elevated Russian to the status of a regional language in Ukraine. Kurkov writes mainly in Russian but was a supporter of the Maidan protests of 2013 that overthrow Yanukovych and tur... more »

Does national service help heal America’s divisions?

Cecilia Hyunjung Mo, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Vanderbilt University at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 23 hours ago
Teach For America teacher Sergio Santiago looks over an assignment with a student. pennstatenews/flickr, CC BY-NC President Donald Trump’s budget proposes getting the government out of the business of national service. This comes at a time when the election has divided Americans like few in history. And individuals from different walks of life in our fractured nation have fewer opportunities to have genuine encounters with one another. Civilian national service typically requires participants to work on a social ills and immerse themselves in vulnerable communities. New research de... more »

What rural, coastal Puerto Ricans can teach us about thriving in times of crisis

Hilda Lloréns, Faculty in Anthropology, University of Rhode Island at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 23 hours ago
A man fishing from a dock in Fajardo, Puerto Rico. AP Photo/Ricardo Arduengo Puerto Ricans are searching for solutions to the island’s worst economic and social crisis in a long time. An unprecedented debt level is creating widespread uncertainty about employment and the state’s ability to provide basic services. This crisis is not going away anytime soon, but solutions may be closer than we think. As cultural anthropologists, we have spent more than a decade studying how people’s everyday lives relate to larger social and economic processes and have documented the negative effects... more »

How families with 2 dads raise their kids

Andrew Leland, Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate School of Education, Rutgers University at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 23 hours ago
The number of men married to each other who have children is rising following legal rulings about marriage equality. Shutterstock Kentucky family court judge W. Mitchell Nance says he refuses to hold hearings on same-sex couples’ adoptions “as a matter of conscience.” He’s not the only authority defying the 2015 Supreme Court ruling that made marriage equality the law of the land. So-called “religious freedom” bills in Texas, South Dakota and Alabama could let private adoption agencies discriminate against same-sex couples. When pressed on the question, Education Secretary Betsy DeV... more »

Jan Raven - Theresa May

Anon at Aangirfan - 23 hours ago

Tweet For Today

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
VIDEO: US successfully tests anti-ICBM interceptor missile. - @abc — Conflict News (@Conflicts) May 30, 2017

Musical Interlude: Neil H, “The Remembering” (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 23 hours ago
Neil H, “The Remembering” -

"A Look to the Heavens" (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 23 hours ago
"What would it look like to approach the Bubble Nebula? Blown by the wind and radiation from a massive star, this bubble now spans seven light-years in diameter. The hot star inside is thousands of times more luminous than our Sun, and is now offset from the nebula's center. The visualization starts with a direct approach toward the Bubble Nebula (NGC 7635) and then moves around the nebula while continuing the approach. The featured time-lapse visualization is extrapolated from images with the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope and the WIYN telescope on Kitt Peak in Arizona, USA. The 3... more »

Chet Raymo, “Into the Night” (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 23 hours ago
*“Into the Night”* by Chet Raymo "I first became intimate with the night sky on the sleeping porch of my grandmother's house on Ninth Street in Chattanooga, Tennessee, during the early 1940s. A screened sleeping porch might be found attached to any southern home of a certain vintage and substance, usually on the second story at the back. On sultry summer nights you could move a cot or daybed onto the porch and take advantage of whatever breezes stirred the air. I slept there when I visited because it was the only place to find a spare bed. I was usually alone in that big spooky spa... more »

"The Peculiar Impression..." (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 23 hours ago
"Why do human beings have the peculiar impression that belief is the same as truth?" "Because sometimes the truth hurts. Sometimes we need to believe in a better truth." "What better truth can there be than truth?" - Gene Brewer

Russian President Putin: U.S. Election Meddling Charge A ‘Fiction’ By Defeated Democrats

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Russian President Putin. TASS *Washington Times:* *Putin calls election meddling charge a ‘fiction’ by defeated Democrats* Russian President Vladimir Putin called allegations of interference in the U.S. presidential election a “fiction” created by Democrats as an excuse for their defeat at the ballot box. “They simply lost, and they must acknowledge it,” Mr. Putin said in an interview published Tuesday in the French newspaper Le Figaro. “They want to explain to themselves and prove to others that they had nothing to do with it, their policy was right, they have done everything we... more »

Picture Of The Day

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* FILE PHOTO: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un watches the test of a new-type anti-aircraft guided weapon system organised by the Academy of National Defence Science in this undated photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) May 28, 2017. KCNA/via REUTERS *WNU Editor: *The above picture is from this photo gallery .... *North Korea warns of 'bigger gift package' for U.S. after latest test* (Reuters)

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper: Russians Are ‘Genetically’ Motivated To Interfere in Election

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Sputnik*: *Clapper: Russians ‘Genetically Driven’ to Interfere in Elections* WASHINGTON — Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Sunday said that his "dashboard warning light was clearly on" when asked about whether he knew about communications between Russians and White House senior adviser and President Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner. "I have to say that, without specifically affirming or confirming these conversations — since, even though they're in the public realm, they're still classified — just from a theoretical standpoint, I will tell you that my da... more »

Are esports the next major league sport?

Galen Clavio, Associate Professor of Sports Media; Director of the National Sports Journalism Center, Indiana University at Science + Technology – The Conversation - 1 day ago
Two basketball teams go head-to-head in an esports competition, with spectators cheering them on. Dan Steinberg/Invision for NBA 2K/AP Images In late 2016, a sports championship event was held in Chicago, drawing 43 million viewers during the series finals. That was 12 million more people than watched the 2016 NBA Finals. It wasn’t soccer, or football, or even the World Series of Poker. Instead, it was the “League of Legends” World Finals, an esports competition. Video games have been popular for more than 30 years, but competitive gaming, or esports, has recently emerged as a spec... more »

An End To Gerrymandering?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
Antonin Scalia once wrote that "Political gerrymanders are not new to the American scene" and noted there were allegations that Patrick Henry attempted, unsuccessfully, to gerrymander James Madison out of the First Congress. With today's technologies, though, Patrick Henry would have absoluetely been successful and Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Norman Coleman, Carole King, Andrew Dice Clay, Chris Rock and I might have gone to a high school named for Calvin Coolidge (who was president when the school opened). In recent times, conservatives on the Supreme Cour... more »

“‘A Tragic, Dumbass Comedy’: Robert De Niro’s Verdict On Life In The US” (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“‘A Tragic, Dumbass Comedy’: Robert De Niro’s Verdict On Life In The US”* by RT It may sound like the description of his latest movie, but “tragic, dumbass comedy” is actually how Hollywood actor Robert De Niro described life in the US at the moment. The 'Taxi Driver' star made the remarks during a graduation speech at Brown University in Rhode Island where he was awarded an honorary fine arts degree. Addressing scores of jubilant students, the 73-year-old asked the crowd: “Are you sure you want to do this? Do you have any idea what has happened to our world in the four years you’v... more »

Turkey Tells Germany That Incirlik Air Base Is Closed To German Lawmakers Unless They Improve Their 'Altitude'

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
German Tornado jets are pictured on the ground at the air base in Incirlik, Turkey, January 21, 2016. REUTERS/Tobias Schwarz/Pool *Reuters:* *Still not possible to open Incirlik base to Germany: Turkey minister* Turkey's foreign minister said on Tuesday it is not possible to allow German lawmakers to visit troops stationed at Turkey's Incirlik air base now, although Ankara might reconsider if it saw "positive steps" from Berlin. Mevlut Cavusoglu also said the issue would be discussed with German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, who is due to visit Turkey on Monday. Ties between t... more »

Emancipation through Song: What Can We Learn from Rock Music?

Josh Busby at Duck of Minerva - 1 day ago
This is a guest post from Sean Kay, Robson Professor of Politics and Government, and Director of International Studies, at Ohio Wesleyan University. The interview quotes appear in his new book Rockin’ the Free World! How the Rock & Roll Revolution Changed America and the World (2017). There is power in rock and roll – an art […]

This Was America's Secret Cold War Strategy to Nuke Russia Back to the Stone Age

Michael Peck at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, Europe* Millions would have died *The SAC plan specified "the 'systematic destruction' of Soviet bloc urban-industrial targets that specifically and explicitly targeted 'population' in all cities, including Beijing, Moscow, Leningrad, East Berlin, and Warsaw," noted National Security Archive researchers. "Purposefully targeting civilian populations as such directly conflicted with the international norms of the day, which prohibited attacks on people per se (as opposed to military installations with civilians nearby)."* *Most of the 800 pages of docume... more »

5 Weapons That Made the Soviet Union a Military Colossus (And Scared America)

Kyle Mizokami at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, Europe* The Soviet Union was one of the most powerful collections of states that ever existed. Born in the Russian Civil War, the Soviet Union boasted one of the strongest armies on Earth. *The AK-47 took design cues from a number of guns, particularly the German Sturmgewehr StG-44, the world’s first true assault rifle, and the American M-1 Garand rifle. The advantages of the AK-47 were that it combined a newer, lighter 7.26-millimeter bullet with full automatic operation in a durable, dependable package. The weapon was lightweight, easy to disassemble... more »

The U.S. Navy's Most Powerful Aircraft Carrier Ever Is Close to Joining the Fleet

Dave Majumdar at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Dave Majumdar* *Security, * The Gerald Ford is almost ready. The aircraft carrier *Gerald R. Ford* successfully completed U.S. Navy acceptance trials last week, clearing the way for the massive new vessel to be delivered to the service for commissioning later this year. Inspectors from U.S. Navy's Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) gave *Ford* a thumbs up during a short sea trial, which took place in the Atlantic Ocean during May 24 to May 26. "Congratulations to our Navy and industry team for all the great work that has led us to this exciting milestone," Rear Adm. Brian... more »

Phantom Express: The Super Spaceplane Boeing and DARPA Hope to Make a Reality

Dave Majumdar at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Dave Majumdar* *Security, * The idea behind Phantom Express is that as a reusable spaceplane, it could be turned around and launched back into space quickly. Earlier this month, Boeing and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced that they hope to build a new space plane to quickly carry satellites and other payloads into orbit. Called the Experimental Spaceplane (XS-1) program, the new robotic spacecraft would be an autonomous, reusable spaceplane. The spaceplane would be used to lift a small expendable upper stage aloft to where it could launch a small ... more »

Can Germany Defend Europe On Its Own?

Salvatore Babones at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Salvatore Babones* *Security, Europe* [image: Bundeswehr M109. Wikimedia Commons/Creative Commons] Most of NATO’s frontline members in eastern and southern Europe are doing their part. Germany is not. German chancellor Angela Merkel has reaffirmed her position as the unlikely superhero of Europe’s liberal elites. Twelve years in power and facing a difficult election in September, she struck out at the least popular man in Europe: Donald Trump. Fresh from last week’s G-7 summit, Merkel took a dig at Trump that won her liberal friends around the world. At a Sunday election rally ... more »

The New Normal: Sending Troops to Afghanistan and Forgetting They Exist

Daniel R. DePetris at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Daniel R. DePetris* *Security, Asia* The lack of public debate about whether it’s appropriate to send more U.S. and NATO troops to Afghanistan is almost un-American. The handwriting is on the wall: Whether it’s a strategically sound policy or not, it’s likely the Trump administration will authorize the Pentagon to deploy an additional three thousand to five thousand U.S. troops to Afghanistan to ostensibly prevent the Taliban from capturing more territory. While the details are not yet out, administration officials are saying the exact things one would expect before a sizable tr... more »

Ukraine's Government Is Failing to Unite Ukrainians

Nicolai N. Petro, Josh Cohen at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Nicolai N. Petro, Josh Cohen* *Politics, Eurasia* [image: President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Wikimedia Commons/Creative Commons/Senate of Poland] The current course of denigrating those deemed insufficiently Ukrainian will only lead to a fracturing of the country. Last month Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko dramatically expanded his country’s sanctions against Russia by imposing multiyear sanctions on a number of IT companies. Once they are fully implemented these sanctions will impact some twenty-five million Ukrainians, or nearly every Ukrainian internet user. These w... more »

Merkel Believes Europeans Are Voting on Donald Trump

Matt Purple at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Matt Purple* *Politics, Europe* [image: Angela Merkel at the European People’s Party Congress 2017. Flickr/Creative Commons/European People’s Party] Even amidst recent populism, revulsion to Trump is a potent political force at the heart of Europe. The joke is that nothing good ever follows an aggressive German military buildup. But what about when Germany aggressively *doesn’t* build up its military? That’s the quandary facing President Donald Trump and Chancellor Angela Merkel following last week’s NATO summit, where Trump demanded that European nations fatten their military... more »

A War with North Korea Could Kill Millions—and Devastate the Global Economy

Anthony Fensom at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Anthony Fensom* *Economics, Asia* [image: South Korean thousand-won bill. Wikimedia Commons/Creative Commons/Brandon Oh] Any further escalation of the Korean Peninsula crisis could inflict economic pain across the globe. North Korea has ignored international sanctions to test-fire eight ballistic missiles this year, as the “Hermit Kingdom” builds up its nuclear capabilities. Amid threats of nuclear war against the United States and its allies, the region is already suffering economic damage and even worse could lie ahead should the crisis escalate. The latest ballistic-missile ... more »

Did Rep. Darrell Issa ‘Hide’ on a Rooftop to Avoid Protesters?

Bethania Palma at - 1 day ago
The Republican from California says he was simply taking pictures, but his political opponent says he was avoiding constituents.

Do ‘Angel Flights’ Release Flare Salutes for Fallen Soldiers?

Dan Evon at - 1 day ago
A photograph purportedly showing a plane releasing a flare salute to soldiers killed in battle is often shared with misleading information.

The Meaning of Assange’s Persecution

Marjorie Cohn at Marjorie Cohn - 1 day ago
Nearly five years ago, Ecuador granted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange political asylum at its London embassy. The original purpose of the asylum was to avoid extradition to the United States. Two years earlier, Swedish authorities had launched an investigation of Assange for sexual assault. Sweden has now dropped that investigation. Assange called the Swedish decision... Read more »

Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike as Trump Visits Israel

Marjorie Cohn at Marjorie Cohn - 1 day ago
As Donald Trump arrives in Israel, hundreds of Palestinian prisoners are participating in a hunger strike to protest their mistreatment. On April 17, Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, approximately 1,500 prisoners began refusing food, ingesting only salt water. That amounts to about a quarter of all Palestinian prisoners being held by Israel. Their demands include increased... Read more »

Did Trump Commit High Crimes and Misdemeanors?

Marjorie Cohn at Marjorie Cohn - 1 day ago
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has responded to the crescendo of outrage by appointing former FBI director Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump” and “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation” as well as... Read more »

Jeff Sessions’ Department of Injustice

Marjorie Cohn at Marjorie Cohn - 1 day ago
Motivated by his deep-seated biases and those of President Donald Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is pursuing a draconian agenda on voting rights, immigration, crime, policing, the drug war, federal sentencing and the privatization of prisons. Sessions, now head of the Department of Justice, which is charged with enforcing the Voting Rights Act, once called... Read more »

Gorsuch Is Already Channeling Scalia on Life-or-Death Decisions

Marjorie Cohn at Marjorie Cohn - 1 day ago
Just days after stealing Merrick Garland’s Supreme Court seat, Neil Gorsuch is channeling Antonin Scalia. On April 20, the newly minted associate justice cast his first ballot. Gorsuch provided the fifth vote that allowed Arkansas to execute a likely innocent man. Casting the Deciding Vote for Death For 24 years, Ledell Lee maintained his innocence,... Read more »

Trump Adds Insult to Injury in Syria

Marjorie Cohn at Marjorie Cohn - 1 day ago
With 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles, each armed with over 1,000 pounds of explosives, Donald Trump went from scoundrel-in-chief to national hero, virtually overnight. The corporate media, the neoconservatives and most of Congress hailed Trump as strong and presidential for lobbing bombs into Syria, reportedly killing seven civilians and wounding nine. “The instant elevation of Trump... Read more »

Donald Trump’s War Crimes

Marjorie Cohn at Marjorie Cohn - 1 day ago
Just two and a half months into his presidency, Donald Trump has already distinguished himself as a war criminal. His administration is killing unusually large numbers of civilians, in violation of US and international law. Killing Civilians in Record Numbers The Trump administration began to kill civilians over inaugural weekend, with two drone strikes in... Read more »

Israel Hits Back Against Boycott

Marjorie Cohn at Marjorie Cohn - 1 day ago
On March 19, Israeli tax officials arrested Omar Barghouti, a prominent Palestinian human rights defender and co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. Omar and his wife Safa, an Israeli citizen, were detained for 16 hours and have been subjected to daily interrogation sessions. Barghouti’s arrest is indirect evidence of the growing strength... Read more »

Neil Gorsuch and the Deconstruction of the Administrative State

Marjorie Cohn at Marjorie Cohn - 1 day ago
When Donald Trump’s chief of staff Reince Priebus addressed the Conservative Political Action Committee in February, he identified two priorities of the administration: the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, and deregulation. It turns out that elevating Gorsuch to the Supreme Court and achieving deregulation are inextricably linked. During Gorsuch’s confirmation hearing, Democratic... Read more »

Gorsuch Would Use “Originalism” to Affirm Right-Wing Agenda

Marjorie Cohn at Marjorie Cohn - 1 day ago
Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch says he’s an “originalist.” The late Justice Antonin Scalia, whom Gorsuch called “a lion of the law,” also championed originalism. Justice Clarence Thomas now stands alone on the high court as a self-proclaimed originalist. Largely discredited by courts and legal scholars, originalism is ultimately a way to reach a right-wing... Read more »

Russian President Putin Meets Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Russian President Vladimir Putin shakes hands with Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defence Minister Mohammed bin Salman during a meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, May 30, 2017. REUTERS/Pavel Golovkin/Pool *Reuters:* *Russia's Putin, Saudi prince praise dialogue on oil, Syria* Russia and Saudi Arabia hailed their growing partnership in oil markets and dialogue on Syria on Tuesday, in a departure from past hostilities between the top global producers and major players in the Middle East. Russian President Vladimir Putin heaped praise on Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, ... more »

Google’s New Tool Says 80% of Rooftops Are Sunny Enough to be Outfitted with Solar Panels

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 1 day ago
*Terence Newton* - Solar power is more viable than ever as an alternative to fossil fuels. The post Google’s New Tool Says 80% of Rooftops Are Sunny Enough to be Outfitted with Solar Panels appeared first on Waking Times.

Poll: 2 in 3 Tennessee Voters Favor Immigrant Tuition Break

cmaadmin at Diverse - 1 day ago
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — About two out of three registered voters in the state think Tennessee students whose parents brought or kept them in the country illegally should be eligible for in-state tuition rates at public colleges and universities, according to a poll released by Vanderbilt University on Tuesday. The wide support for extending the tuition […]

Connecticut Teachers, Students Protest DeVos’ Comments

cmaadmin at Diverse - 1 day ago
EAST HARTFORD, Conn. — Teachers, students and parents at a Connecticut high school on Tuesday protested remarks made by U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who quoted a former student in calling the school “nothing more than adult day care … a dangerous day care.” Connecticut Democratic U.S. Rep. John Larson and Democratic Gov. Dannel P. […]

Baylor Adds Officers, Counselors Amid Sex Assault Lawsuits

cmaadmin at Diverse - 1 day ago
WACO, Texas — Baylor University’s outgoing president says additional police officers have been hired and the number of campus counselors doubled as the school works to improve its response to sexual assault complaints. Interim President David Garland also says in the Waco Tribune-Herald column that additional staff members have been added to the Title IX […]

Hungary Seeks Talks with New York State on Soros School

cmaadmin at Diverse - 1 day ago
BUDAPEST, Hungary — The Hungarian government said Tuesday it was seeking to engage with New York state about the status of Budapest-based Central European University, founded by billionaire George Soros. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo sent letters to Prime Minister Viktor Orban and President Janos Ader advocating for CEU, saying recent changes to Hungary’s higher […]

Kansas Law Requires Schools Give Free Tuition to Foster Kids

cmaadmin at Diverse - 1 day ago
LAWRENCE, Kan. — A Kansas law waives tuition at state universities and colleges for foster kids, but requires the schools to cover the entire cost without state aid. The Kansas Foster Child Education Assistance Act passed in 2006 waives tuition and fees at state universities, tech schools, community colleges and Washburn University for students who […]

Boston Announces Tuition-free College Pilot Program

cmaadmin at Diverse - 1 day ago
BOSTON — Gov. Charlie Baker and Mayor Marty Walsh have unveiled a tuition-free college program for low-income students in Boston. The Republican governor and the Democratic mayor launched the new college affordability program for high school graduates in the city on Tuesday. The aim is to allow eligible students to complete four-year degrees without paying […]

Too Many Men are Socially Isolated

Elwood Watson at Diverse - 1 day ago
So many men have difficulty establishing and maintaining valuable, close, relationships with other men.

Diverse Docket: Bias Suit Against Va. Union May Proceed

cmaadmin at Diverse - 1 day ago
A White former assistant professor can seek damages from Virginia Union University for alleged discrimination in its decision not to renew her contract but not for a reprimand she received, a federal judge ruled.

Texas OKs Bill Increasing Community Colleges Offering 4-year Degrees

cmaadmin at Diverse - 1 day ago
The Texas Legislature approved a bill on Monday that would allow more community colleges in the state to offer four-year degree programs.

LGBTQ College Presidents: Work Not Over for Those Who are ‘Out’

cmaadmin at Diverse - 1 day ago
When Dr. Raymond E. Crossman, president of Adler University, first helped to launch LGBTQ Presidents in Higher Education back in 2010, it began with only a dozen or so members.