12:02 am MDT Nov 5
Musical Interlude: Yanni, "The Storm"
Yanni, "The Storm" -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ez-E8sPbU4
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Look through the cosmic cloud cataloged as NGC 281 and you might miss the stars of open cluster IC 1590. Still, formed within the nebula that cluster's young, massive stars ultimately power the pervasive nebular glow. The eye-catching shapes looming in this portrait of NGC 281 are sculpted columns and dense dust globules seen in silhouette, eroded by intense, energetic winds and radiation from the hot cluster stars. If they survive long enough, the dusty structures could also be sites of future star formation. *Click image for larger size.* Playfully called the Pacman Nebula becaus... more »
"Vulcan Guiding Principles"
*"Vulcan Guiding Principles"* By Moon "◆ Ideally, do no harm. Harm speeds up the heat-death of the Universe, and indirectly, your own. More practically, do as little harm as possible. We are creations of a Universe in which entropy exists, and therefore see no way of escape, but we do not need to help it. ◆ Harm no one’s internal, invisible integrities. Leave others the privacies of their minds and lives. Intimacy remains precious only insofar as it is inviolate: invading it turns it to torment. Reach out to others courteously: accept their reaching in the same way, with careful hand... more »
The Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke"Ninth Duino Elegy"
*"Ninth Duino Elegy"* "Praise the world to the angel: leave the unsayable aside. Your exalted feelings do not move him. In the universe, where he feels feelings, you are a beginner. Therefore show him what is ordinary, what has been shaped from generation to generation, shaped by hand and eye. Tell him of things. He will stand still in astonishment, the way you stood by the ropemaker in Rome or beside the potter on the Nile. Show him how happy a thing can be, how innocent and ours, how even a lament takes pure form, serves as a thing, dies as a thing, while the violin, blessing it, fades... more »
Thomas Zigal : ‘Celebrating The Rag’ is a marvelous compendium that captures the paper’s unique spirit
This book is a luving homage to quite possibly the best underground newspaper of its era. By Thomas Zigal | The Rag Blog | November 5, 2016 I came to UT-Austin in the fall of 1969 as a transfer student … finish reading Thomas Zigal : ‘Celebrating The Rag’ is a marvelous compendium that captures the paper’s unique spirit
Leaked Emails: UFOs, Crushing Bernie...
*No, not just worse choice, WORST CHOICE EVER* I've been trying to avoid the wikileaks e-mails, primarily evacuees I don't think there's any to know what's real, what's fake, what's doctored... The whole batch was released as a Russian propaganda effort to help elect Putin's candidate, Donald Trump. But I couldn't resist taking about the Mike Honda-Ro Khanna congressional race in terms of a leaked letter from Khanna's sleaze-bag campaign chairman, Steve Spinner, nor, earlier, about Blink 182 and John Podesta wanting to go for an interterrestial magic carpet ride. So the door's down.... more »
Captagon – The Drug of Choice for Western-Backed Islamic Rebels
*Makia Freeman* - Is some of the barbarism of ISIS due to drug-induced states? The post Captagon – The Drug of Choice for Western-Backed Islamic Rebels appeared first on Waking Times.
The Ridiculous US Presidential "Race": Answering The Big Question - WHY Haven't Bill And Hillary Clinton Been Imprisoned?
I have been pouring over so much data and articles these last few days concerning the new evidence that has surfaced showing definitive proof of Hillary "Killary' Clinton's massive treasonous actions against the American republic, and how that evidence has now become apparent thanks to her "callous" usage of laptop computers and unsecured email accounts.... I for one am truly astounded as to how in the hell this career criminal has NOT been already in jail already for her horrendous crimes against humanity and her murdering of thousands of innocent people through her actions as forme... more »
Spencer, Watts, Gosselin and Bastardi on Clinton vs. Trump, Elections 2016
I am non-partisan in the US elections, past and present. This election is the most divisive perhaps, so I check what some Americans that I highly respect say about the polls. Here are four American scientists and engineer who write on climate and energy issues, comments/ideas were all posted November 04, 2016. *(1) Dr. Roy Spencer*, world-famous climatologist, http://drroyspencer.com/. *Even some of my favorite conservative commentators don't yet understand that this election is not about Democrats versus Republicans...* *It’s about We The People versus the government that has sworn... more »
"All AND Nothing..."
"Pursuing happiness, and I did, and I still do, is not at all the same as being happy- which I think is fleeting, dependent on circumstances... If the sun is shining, stand in it- yes, yes, yes. Happy times are great, but happy times pass- they have to because time passes. The pursuit of happiness is more elusive; it is life-long, and it is not goal-centered. What you are pursuing is meaning- a meaningful life. There's the hap- the fate, the draw that is yours, and it isn't fixed, but changing the course of the stream, or dealing new cards, whatever metaphor you want to use, that's... more »
John Perkins, "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"
"Stop being so greedy, and so selfish. Realize that there is more to the world than your big houses and fancy stores. People are starving and you worry about oil for your cars. Babies are dying of thirst and you search the fashion pages for the latest styles. Nations like ours are drowing in poverty, but your people don't even hear our cries for help. You shut your ears to the voices of those who try to tell you these things. You label them radicals or Communists. You must open your hearts to the poor and downtrodden, instead of driving them further into poverty and servitude. There... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Manchester, New Hampshire, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"A Deep Attentiveness..."
"When the pain of leaving behind what we know outweighs the pain of embracing it, or when the power we face is overwhelming and neither flight nor fight will save us, there may be salvation in sitting still. And if salvation is impossible, then at least before perishing we may gain a clearer vision of where we are. By sitting still I do not mean the paralysis of dread, like that of a rabbit frozen beneath the dive of a hawk. I mean something like reverence, a respectful waiting, a deep attentiveness to forces much greater than our own." - Scott Russell Sanders
"The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act: Martial Law by Executive Order"; A Comment
*"The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act:* *Martial Law by Executive Order"* by Jim Garrison "President Obama's National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order of March 16, 2013 does to the country as a whole what the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act did to the Constitution in particular- completely eviscerates any due process or judicial oversight for any action by the Government deemed in the interest of "national security." Like the NDAA, the new Executive Order puts the government completely above the law, which, in a democracy, is never supposed to happen. *...more »
“'This Quickly Escalates Into Open Warfare'– Why The Government Is Preparing For Post-Election Chaos"
*“'This Quickly Escalates Into Open Warfare'– * *Why The Government Is Preparing For Post-Election Chaos"* by Mac Slavo "There have been a wide array of reports suggesting that the U.S. government is preparing military and Homeland Security assets for widespread election fall out. Given the mainstream media’s inclination towards Hillary Clinton and recently presented evidence that Democrat operatives have been attempting to illegally influence the ballot box through falsifying votes and electronic tampering, it appears that concerns surrounding a rigged election are not necessarily ... more »
Interview: Mel Gibson, Vince Vaughn Talk New Battle of Okinawa Movie ‘Hacksaw Ridge’
*USNI News:* *USNI News Interview: Mel Gibson, Vince Vaughn Talk New Battle of Okinawa Movie ‘Hacksaw Ridge’* The Battle of Okinawa has been referred to as a “meat grinder” because of the carnage that took place during the three months of savage fighting between Japanese and U.S. led allied forces in 1945. As ground forces slugged it out in brutal combat on the tortuous terrain of the island, the supporting U.S. Navy suffered heavy losses as the Japanese launched wave after wave of kamikaze attacks that succeeding in sinking a dozen destroyers. Combined casualties for both sides s... more »
People Steeped In Primitive Superstition, Ignorance, Fear And Bigotry Back Trump... By A Lot
*No, they're not invited to Trump's "victory" party at the Hilton in NYC next week* In *The Atlantic* this week, best-selling urban studies author Richard Florida is best known for his concept of the creative class and its implications for urban regeneration, compared states where science and technology are leading economic development to states where science and technology are distrusted by a backward, brain-washed (conservative) population. Top of the food-chain: Massachusetts, Colorado, Maryland, California and Washington. Bottom of the barrel: Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky, ... more »
Tonight's Movie Is Retreat, Hell! (War Drama) 1952
From *Wikipedia*: Retreat, Hell! is a 1952 American war film about the 1st Marine Division in the Korean War, directed by Joseph H. Lewis. It stars Frank Lovejoy as a career Marine battalion commander who is recalled from work at an American embassy, Richard Carlson as a veteran captain and communications specialist of World War II called up from the Marine Corps Reserves, Russ Tamblyn as a seventeen-year-old private who hides his true age to serve with the unit overseas and outdo his older brother, also a Marine, and Nedrick Young (credited as Ned Young). Also appearing in the fi... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 4, 2016
A man purported to be the reclusive leader of the militant Islamic State Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has made what would be his first public appearance at a mosque in the centre of Iraq's second city, Mosul, according to a video recording posted on the Internet on July 5, 2014. REUTERS/Social Media Website via Reuters TV *Mohamad Bazzi, Reuters:* *Beyond the bluster, Baghdadi signals Islamic State’s next move* In the early hours of November 3, Islamic State’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, released his first statement in nearly a year – a defiant message that the group will not fade away ... more »
Economic News , Data & Views..... November 4 , 2016....... Quick hits For Friday - ! ) Markets & Market Moving News : US Stock Markets Slump For 9th Straight Day ; " Fang Stocks " Bite Investors For 1 BN Last Week ; Global Stocks Troubled By High Anxiety Including US Election ; Fed Hike For December Jawboning , Almost Like OPEC Production Freeze Jibber Jabber ; OIL News De Jour ; NFP Report & Employment Data ; Additional Market Moving News To Consider. 2) Around The Horn - Europe : Greece Reshuffle ; Commerzbank Results Released ; Turkish Purge Of HDP Roils Europe Especially Germany ; Italy News De Jour.; UK Items To Consider. 3) Us Election News De Jour - Polls And Information To Consider. 4) Odds & Ends - Libya , Morocco , Turkey , Jordan Iraq , Japan In Focus.
Markets...... *ForexLive* @ForexLive 2h 2 hours ago US stocks close lower once again. First nine day losing streak since 1980. *fred walton* @fredwalton216 3h 3 hours ago fred walton Retweeted zerohedge "FANG" stocks bite investors to the tune of 10bn this week... fred walton added, *zerohedge* @zerohedge FANG Stocks Lose Over $100 Billion In A Week http://www. zerohedge.com/news/2016-11-04/fang-stocks-lose-over-100-billion-week … *ForexLive* @ForexLive 6h 6 hours ago Not a great week down on the farm for European stocks *fred walton* @fredwalton216 9... more »
Gerald Celente, “The Rush To World War 3”
Gerald Celente, “The Rush To World War 3” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-hxqj9318k
Canadian Military Investigate Mysterious Sounds Coming From Arctic
Mysterious ‘pinging sounds’ drew Canadian forces to a remote region of the Arctic to investigate disappearing wildlife and strange sightings. The Canadian military has sent a surveillance aircraft to a remote region of the Arctic to investigate a pinging sound coming from the ocean floor that locals claim is driving away the wildlife. There have been various reports of sightings of mysterious objects in Canada’s Arctic waters over the years. National Post reports: The government of Nunavut asked Ottawa to investigate the sounds, prompting the decision to send a CP-140 Aurora aircr... more »
US Intel Warns Of Possible Terrorist Attacks Before Election
American intelligence officials have warned that al- Qaeda could be planning terror attacks on the eve of the US presidential election. According to an FBI official who spoke with CBS news, counter-terrorism investigators are reviewing the information that the terror group is planning to strike in New York, Texas and Virginia, although there have been no specific locations mentioned. “The counter-terrorism and homeland security communities remain vigilant and well-postured to defend against attacks here in the United States,” the official told the news outlet. “The FBI, working wi... more »
Vladimir Putin Pays Homage To Vladimir The Great
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin unveiled a monument of Prince Vladimir the Great in Moscow on Friday’s National Unity Day. The huge statue of St Vladimir outside the Kremlin is bound to cause controversy and increase tensions between Russia and Ukraine. The 10th century holy prince was one of the rulers of the first eastern Slav proto-state, based in Kiev. The BBC reports: He is credited with the introduction of Orthodox Christianity. But the figure is claimed by both Russia and Ukraine as a founding father, and critics have accused Moscow of a provocative gesture. The 16m (52ft)... more »
World News Briefs -- November 4, 2016 (Evening edition)
*Reuters*: *Rebel-held zone of Syria's Aleppo braces for renewed bombardment* Syrian rebels and civilians showed no sign of leaving the besieged opposition-held sector of Aleppo on Friday, despite a Russian deadline to resume bombing Syria's largest city at nightfall after a 17-day pause. The rebels' own shelling of residential parts of government-held western Aleppo has meanwhile killed dozens in the past week as insurgent groups staged a counter-attack from outside the city aimed at breaking the siege on areas they control. The government sent ambulances and buses to bring peop... more »
I've been attacked by Russian hackers...
*okay - I exaggerate.* We've been offline and without a phone connection for about 8 hours. I'm still playing catch up. There is no doubt that more work gets done without an internet connection. I spent some time cleaning up the computer junk drawer. 653 files? Gone. Errands to run. See you all in a bit. *3 DAYS*
T99 - Anasthasia 2016
Can't be arsed tonight, so here's a rework of a classic rave tune from 1991.
What Is A 'Fair Price' For The F-35?
YouTube *Wall Street Journal:* *Lockheed, Pentagon Battle Over Price of F-35* *Situation could depress profits at defense contractor.* Lockheed Martin Corp. is embroiled in an unusual battle with the Pentagon over what the government is willing to pay for F-35 jet fighters, a situation that could depress profits at the world’s largest defense contractor. The Pentagon this week ended more than year of talks with Lockheed and said it was imposing a new $6.1 billion deal for the next batch of 57 planes that start delivering next year. It is by far the largest deal the Pentagon has s... more »
Nothing dumber than a smart election machine
Sure lets trust liberty to electronics and wizards who code and make dreams Guns for hire in charge of the counting machines like a Philip K Dick in the real life Momma don't let your voting machines grow up to be networked cause the result is never automatic Voting in the USA is like the cable bill deliberately complex remember the butterfly ballot in Florida shaping that battlefield took decades to plan Pat Buchanan says Mazoltov An election were the electrodes are proprietary and can not be verified with more than a spoken word is like an invitation to those with native cunning... more »
Oh no, does the KrispyKronies' Kwik Konviktion-on-All-Kounts mean NJ's Big Rat Bastard Gummer won't be President Trump's AG?
*Read all about the Kwik Konviktion on All Kounts of KrispyKrony Konspirators Bridget Anne Kelly and Bill Baroni on WNYC's website.* *by Ken* Though the Big Rat Bastard Gummer of NJ has done his best to treat the Bridgegate scandal as an unwelcome inconvenience -- a made-up conspiracy of which he is the principal victim -- I think we can take it as demonstrated that it cost him his shot at the 2016 GOP presidential nomination. Of course We the People have notoriously short memories, and the BRBGNJ was so forceful and shameless in his thumping leap onto the Billion-Dollar Loser's... more »
Video: Bill Clinton On Paedophile Island
Journalist Benn Swann exposes paedophilia in government circles. In the following video, billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, his relationship with Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew and other famous names and their connection to a high-level sex scandal is exposed by Conchita and Cristina Sarnoff. The video also looks at slavery and human sex trafficking in the modern world, and more. Lawyers for convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein touted his close relationship with Bill Clinton and also claimed in a 2007 letter to the Florida State Attorney’s office, that he helpe... more »
The U.S. Marine Corp Is Testing Their F-35B To Land On The Amphibious Assault Ship USS America
*Popular Mechanics*:* F-35s Practice Vertical Landings on a Marine Corps Assault Ship* Marine jets test and develop new techniques ahead of the jet's first overseas deployment. The U.S. Marine Corps has been landing F-35B Joint Strike Fighters on the amphibious assault ship USS America. The jets are undertaking a series of tests to prove their ability to operate in real-world deployment conditions, just months before their first real deployment abroad. According to the Navy, seven F-35Bs from the VMX-1, the Marine Corps' testing and evaluation squadron, have been sent to the Amer... more »
Egypt Devalues Its Currency By 48% To Obtain An IMF Loan
*BBC*: *Egypt allows its currency to float freely* Egypt has floated its currency in a move that has reduced its value by almost 50% against the dollar. One US dollar is buying around 14 Egyptian pounds, up from the nine Egyptian pounds the central bank was trying to keep it at. The country's central bank said the move was one of a list of reforms designed to strengthen confidence in the economy. Egypt's main stock index jumped by more than 8% on Thursday. The central bank has also increased interest rates by 3 percentage points to 14.75%. *Read more* .... *More News On Egypt D... more »
NYPD: CHILD-SEX RING in Hillary Clinton Campaign & DNC Involves Members of Congress, Fed. Judges; Evidence of Bribery, Money-Laundering, Depraved-Indifference, Murder"
"*NYPD: * *CHILD-SEX RING in Hillary Clinton Campaign & DNC Involves Members of Congress, * *Fed. Judges; Evidence of Bribery, Money-Laundering, Depraved-Indifference, Murder"* by Newsroom "New York Police Department detectives working an alleged underage sexting case against former Congressman Anthony Weiner turned over a laptop he shared with wife Huma Abedin to the FBI with enough evidence “to put Hillary (Clinton) and her crew away for life,” NYPD sources tells SuperStation95. Congressman Weiner's laptop contained 662,871 emails of which 11,112 belonged to his wife, Huma Abedin... more »
Tens of Thousands of Hardline Muslims Protest in Indonesia Protest Against The Capital's Christian Governor
*New York Times*: *Islamists March in Indonesian Capital, Demanding Christian Governor Be Jailed* JAKARTA, Indonesia — Tens of thousands of Indonesians marched in Jakarta on Friday, demanding that the city’s first Christian governor in decades be jailed for blasphemy. The rally was a show of strength by conservative Islamic groups, who were offended by his earlier remarks about the Quran and want to weaken him as he runs for re-election. The governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, known as Ahok, is an ethnic Chinese Indonesian and the first Christian in nearly 50 years to govern Jakarta...more »
Don’t blame Donald Trump! He’s a symptom, not a cause
OUR RELATED STORIES: Recovery? What recovery?! Bank of England director explains why broke Britain is still broken Brexit was about inequality in Britain, not immigration. Have our politicians realised this? See the Stats: Osborne's 2016 budget protected the wealthiest while the most vulnerable suffer Inequality: the UK has 9 of the 10 poorest regions in Northern Europe. But Inner
Bill Clinton & Barack Obama Pushed Austerity Deal In Greece
Bill Clinton and President Barack Obama sought to influence Greece to accept the EU’s harsh austerity terms in 2015, according to leaked emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta. Podesta emailed Clinton requesting that he put pressure on Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras into accepting the EU’s austerity-debt deal. RT reports: WikiLeaks released the correspondence dated 10 July 2015, in which Podesta wrote to Bill Clinton’s chief of staff Tina Flournoy, asking if the former president could talk to Greece PM Alexis Tsipras. “White House asked me whether WJC had en... more »
Al Baghdadi Says Target Turkey and Saudi Arabia.. "I Can See For Miles & Miles"
*Seriously**? Can it get any more obvious that Al Baghdadi is the spokesperson for the remake of the middle east?* *If you can’t grasp that by now.... you have to be either intentionally or willfully dumb. Or a misdirector*? *Can’t say which it is? * Al Baghdadi? Psychological Operation 101 replacement for OBL. Perhaps he'll come out on the side of the AGW *(banker/green money grabber crowd) *too? OBL was all concerned about human caused global warming too! Rolls eyes... *Let's get back to Al Baghdadi Imploring Followers to Target Turkey and Saudi Arabia* *G & M* In his speech*...more »
Nov. 4: The Last Empire
In Wednesday's editorial for the irving press, the writer praised the Canada Europe Trade Deal on the argument that free trade creates prosperity for all. That is pure rubbish. The very existence of Canada was made possible by a protective tariff. And Canada ran on a protective tariff for generations. Free trade always creates a loser. Often if makes losers of everyone but the very wealthy as it moves jobs to the cheapest possible countries as the wealthy bleed those countries financially and socially. That's what made a ghost town out of Detroit; and it creates poverty and misery ... more »
Where There's Disgust, There's Hope
With a new poll revealing that more than eight in ten voters are disgusted with politics, the big unanswered question is this: what in holy hell is up with that other 20 percent? Are they on drugs? More likely, they're in the same smug crowd as the top 20 percent of earners who escaped the lasting depredations of the 2008 financial crisis. But that variable wasn't part of the polling agenda. You see, in corporate Thought Leader World, there's no such thing as the class war. The 1,300 people contacted by the New York Times/CBS pollsters were asked only to divulge their party and... more »
Russian-Declared Cease-Fire In Aleppo Has Fallen Apart
*The Guardian*: *Aleppo braces for Russian assault as rebels vow to defy ultimatum* Moscow says evacuation corridors are in place ahead of expected bombardment of east of Syrian city but rebels plan to stay Syrian rebel groups in east Aleppo are planning to defy an ultimatum from Vladimir Putin to abandon the city by Friday night, insisting that promised safe passages out of besieged areas do not exist and that an imminent Russian blitz will not change the course of the war. As the Russian carrier group expected to take part in the attack moved into their final positions in the e... more »
That crazy book from Breitbart.com!
*FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2016 The compliance of the lambs:* Last night, Rachel Maddow dropped the clowning and weird grinning long enough to roll her eyes at the FBI—and of course at Fox. Why did some FBI agents want to execute the Clintons for their vile deeds at the Clinton Foundation? It's being reported that they took their evidence from Peter Schweizer's widely-derided Breitbart-funded partisan tome, Clinton Cash. Rachel ran though some basic info, then offered this: MADDOW (11/4/16): This week, the New York Times and Wall Street Journal reported there's been I guess you'd call ... more »
Woodfibre LNG Plays Politics and Footsy With BC Liberal Government, Creates Fake Narrative and Leaves Exit Doors Ajar
*Written by Grant G* (updated November 4th/2016 at 6:57 pm) Desperate days for Christy Clark....Today's announcement(November 4th/2016..Friday trash dump) by Christy Clark at Woodfibre LNG's proposed site was a *made up political ploy, it's mere gobbily goop politics at its worst...* Before I break down this Woodfibre LNG stage-play....For Christy Clark and Rich Coleman to go to this length to suck in a gullible public...It means one thing.. *Petronas is out, Pacific Northwest LNG in Prince Rupert is 100% dead..caput, never going to be built, same thing goes for the Shell Cana... more »
A 62 Year Old US Special Forces Veteran On The Front Lines In the War Against The Islamic State
*FOX News*: *At 62, US special forces veteran battles against ISIS on lonely desert front* NORTHERN IRAQ – On the Western side of Mosul, far from the media’s attention, lies a forgotten front crucial to choking off ISIS' lifeline to Syria. Fox News recently made the eight hour trip west from Mosul to the front outside the devastated city of Sinjar and found a small outpost where a handful of men hold off near-daily attacks from ISIS fighters. One soldier manning the post was David Shumock, a 62-year-old Floridian and former U.S. Air Foreces pararescueman. The American fights side... more »
£11 bn Smart Meter rollout delayed again.
By Paul Homewood h/t Dave Ward http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/11/01/smart_meter_rollout_delayed_iagaini_and_none_of_that_11bn_is_refunded/ Report from the Register: The IT system that was to underpin Blighty’s smart meter rollout remains unfinished as another yet another deadline whooshes by. The last time it missed a smart meter deadline, the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) promised […]
Clinton & ISIS Funded By Saudi & Qatari Money: Assange
In an exclusive interview with journalist John Pilger, Julian Assange accuses Hillary Clinton of misleading Americans about the true scope of Islamic State’s support from Washington’s Middle East allies. Julian Assange says Hillary promoted the creation of ISIS and used the Clinton Foundation and her position as U.S. Secretary of State to advance questionable agendas on behalf of the establishment and their Gulf allies. “I think this is the most significant email in the whole collection.” The second excerpt from John Pilger’s interview with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will be... more »
Who gets to run the FBI?
*FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2016 Something else you may not have known:* Let's review. Benedict Comey *and* Vladimir Putin are trying to stage a small coup. Yesterday, we posted some surprising notes on Comey's professional history. Unless you count that letter from that Rutgers professor, the material has gone unreported and unexplored within the mainstream pundit corps and press. We didn't know that stuff about Comey's professional history. We think it's amazing that it wasn't reported and discussed after he (improperly) scolded Hillary Clinton back in early July. Today, you might be...more »
A Visual And Map Guide On The Battle For Mosul
*The Guardian*: *Battle for Mosul: how Isis is losing ground* More than two weeks after the start of the operation to take back Iraq’s second city from Islamic State, we map the progress of the coalition forces In June 2014, when Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared a global caliphate, he did it from Mosul, Iraq’s second city. Isis rapidly expanded its territory in Iraq and Syria throughout that year, but has since been gradually pushed back, partly due to US-led airstrikes. Losing Mosul now could spell the end of the jihadist group’s ability to control large swaths of Iraq. ... more »
The Battle For The Iraqi City Of Mosul -- News Updates November 4, 2016
*Reuters:* *Blood, dirt and bombs: Battle for Mosul is fierce urban war* As Iraqi troops battled to gain ground a few streets away, soldiers in the Mosul district of Intisar wrapped a wounded and bloodied colleague in a blanket, lifted him off his Humvee, and sped him away from the frontlines for treatment. Heavy shooting and mortar fire shook the neighborhood, which the soldiers were trying to recapture from Islamic State militants who have held Mosul for more than two years. Fighting their way into the city this week, soldiers have gained a foothold in the eastern districts. A ... more »
The HDL correlations in CANHEART probably don't mean what the druglords will want them to mean
The CANHEART study findings on HDL have made a big splash, supposedly debunking the idea that raising HDL is a good idea. Of course, raising HDL with drugs by sticking a spanner in the works at some point has never been an effective strategy, and there are genetic polymorphisms that give elevated HDL of little worth, but healthy diet and lifestyle changes that are reasonably expected to extend life always raise HDL a bit. Is this meaningless? In CANHEART very high HDL cholesterol was actually associated with higher non-cardiovascular mortality.[1] Especially levels over 90 mg/dl (2... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'BOOM'
BOOM Posted on November 4, 2016 Mohawk Nation News Please post and distribute. MNN. Nov. 4, 2016. Toxic pipelines are not needed. The bankers and oil barons want to show us they’re the bosses. We have every right to decide how and who shall pass on our land. The deadly Bakken crude and other poisons cannot traverse kaia’nere:kowa territory! Our friends and allies must now stand with
World News Briefs -- November 4, 2016
*BBC:* *Mosul battle: Iraqi army fights its way into new suburb* Iraqi government forces have battled their way into another suburb of Mosul, the northern city held for more two years by the Islamic State (IS) group. Troops broke through IS defences and reached the eastern district of al-Zahra, which they say is now 90% under their control. Special forces have been fighting the jihadists in the streets and alleys. Meanwhile, the UN says there is growing evidence of IS atrocities in and around Mosul. *Read more* .... *MIDDLE EAST* Iraqi forces push deeper* into eastern Mosul. * ... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 4, 2016
Fighters of the Syria Democratic Forces held a watchful position near Raqqa, Syria, May 27, 2016. *VOA:* *Spokesman: US-backed Syrian Forces Capable of Taking Raqqa* PENTAGON — The United States is doubling-down on its Syrian allies, insisting they are capable of planning and launching an assault to dislodge the Islamic State terror group from its self-styled capital of Raqqa. For more than a week, officials have spoken of the urgent need to begin the assault on the IS stronghold despite concerns about the readiness of the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the objectio... more »
Will There Be U.S. Election Day Cyber Mayhem On Tuesday?
*NBC News*: *Exclusive: White House Readies to Fight Election Day Cyber Mayhem* The U.S. government believes hackers from Russia or elsewhere may try to undermine next week's presidential election and is mounting an unprecedented effort to counter their cyber meddling, American officials told NBC News. The effort is being coordinated by the White House and the Department of Homeland Security, but reaches across the government to include the CIA, the National Security Agency and other elements of the Defense Department, current and former officials say. Russia has been warned tha... more »
RED OWL LEGAL: Standing Rock Cars Ransacked, Sacred Items Destroyed by Police
Photo by Rob Wilson Standing Rock Water Protectors Report Escalating Surveillance, Civil Rights and Privacy Violations Impounded cars ransacked, sacred items destroyed; one water protector arrested and held for conspiracy while transporting donated supplies to camp Contact: Angela Bibens Ground Coordinator, Red Owl Legal Collective Censored News CANNON BALL, North Dakota – Members of
Lisa Simpson follows Donald Trump as US President
https://youtu.be/ZtparSnQhFc The Simpson episode 'Bart to the Future' is often cited as a predictor of a Donald Trump Presidency or a warning against such an event. However it's another line that caught my ear, what did the writers mean by the line that Lisa Simpson was the 'first straight female President'?
U.S and U.K. Sending Planes, Troops to Romania and Poland
*Reversing our initial promise to Gorbachev not to advance NATO to the east, we now have Russia almost completely surrounded. What do they think we're planning to do? (Source)* *by Gaius Publius* Before you read this piece, ask yourself, how likely is it that Russia would invade, with tanks and troops, the Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Would that not be the start of World War III? Yet that's the fear that's being passed around as an excuse for what you're about to read. Reuters (emphasis mine throughout): *Britain, U.S. sending planes, troops to deter Russia in t... more »
Nicaragua: Less Interesting Than Netflix
An American first lady is about to make history. No, not that one. Nicaragua’s November 6 election has drawn few headlines internationally, but this week the New York Times ran a profile on Rosario Murillo, the first lady who appears on this year’s ballot alongside her husband Daniel Ortega. With the outcome relatively certain, this […]
U.S. Army To Deploy 1,700 Troops To Iraq
U.S army soldiers © Alaa Al-Marjani / Reuters *Military.com*: *Army to Deploy 1,700 Paratroopers to Iraq* The U.S. Army announced Thursday it will deploy 1,700 soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division this winter to advise and assist Iraqi Security Forces currently trying to retake Mosul from Islamic State fighters. The 82nd Airborne's 2nd Brigade Combat Team, stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, will deploy to the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility to take part in Operation Inherent Resolve, according to an Army press release. The unit will replace the 2nd Brigade Com... more »
3 U.S. Military Trainers Killed By Security Forces At Jordan Base (Updated)
*CBS*: *3 Americans dead in shooting at Jordan military base* Three U.S. service members were killed Friday in a shooting incident at a military base south of Jordan’s capital city Amman, a U.S. official said. The service members were in vehicles approaching the gate of a Jordanian military training facility, where they came under small arms fire, the official said. The U.S. was working with Jordanian officials to investigate further. Jordanian state news agency Petra first said the shooting occurred at the entrance to the King Faisal Air Base, in the al-Jafr area south of Amman, ... more »
Two journals, same name: Did one editor retract the other’s paper?
Two journals sharing the same title — allegedly due to an “academic divorce” between the founders — are giving two different accounts to why a paper may (or may not) have been retracted. Confused yet? We are. Here’s what we can piece together. The journal Amphibian and Reptile Conservation once had two editors, Craig Hassapakis and Robert Browne; […] The post Two journals, same name: Did one editor retract the other’s paper? appeared first on Retraction Watch.
German Fossil Fuel Consumption Trends
By Paul Homewood The Garzweiler coal mine in Germany I looked at German coal production statistics earlier, but what about consumption? There was obviously a sharp fall in the early 1990s, following German reunification and the subsequent closure of much East German heavy industry. However, for the last twenty […]
BOMBSHELLS INC.: Williams explains what a "narrative" is!
*FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2016 Part 5— How Clinton has been "defined:"* We approve of the way David Brooks starts this morning's column. Back in 1936, Carl Sandburg said, "The People, Yes." This morning, so does Brooks: BROOKS (11/4/16): *A few weeks ago I met a guy in Idaho who was absolutely certain that Donald Trump would win this election.* He was wearing tattered, soiled overalls, missing a bunch of teeth and was unnaturally skinny. *He was probably about 50, but his haggard face looked 70. He was getting by aimlessly as a handyman.* I pointed to the polls and tried to persuade ...more »
Hillary, the pro-séance president
Hillary has done lots of illegal things with her e-devices and lied about most of those things – about the existence and number of her private servers and devices, the existence of classified e-mails on them, and many other things. The FBI – whose members said that an indictment was likely – also seems to claim a 99% certainty that the e-mails were hacked at least by five foreign powers. *Hillary and Eleanor are shaking their hands* Well, Barack Obama has lied about the servers as well. That may be a simple reason why he's been trying to bully the investigators in recent days. In ... more »
Watch "Security clearance attorney reacts to Clinton investigation" on YouTube
https://youtu.be/Lrsc6j--O0c One rule for the little people, quite another for Hillary Clinton.
Mosul Campaign Day Eighteen, Nov 3, 2016
The progress of the Golden Division on the eastern side of Mosul is getting convoluted. On November 3 it was reported that it had entered the Intisar neighborhood of Mosul along with a Rapid Intervention Force brigade. Two days before there was news that area had been freed. Likewise the unit reachedKarama and Samah when both of those areas were supposedly entered before and Samah liberated. Likewise, there was still fighting going on in the outskirts of Gogjali, another town said to be liberated. The Iraqi forces have a bad habit of declaring places cleared prematurely. They shou... more »
Relay School of Teacher Ed Fakery Now in Nashville
Thanks to former Metro Schools chief, Jesse Register, and former mayor, Karl Dean, a state-approved "partnership" now exists between Metro Schools and the private teacher education sweatshop, Relay Graduate School of Education. Relay was created a few years back to train an ongoing supply of indoctrination agents and penal pedagogues in the intellectual and cultural sterilization methods that have made "no excuses" charter schools the social control solution preferred most among white billionaires and their hedge fund managers. Relay is a program designed to turn would-be teacher... more »
Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 3rd Nov)
Pensions Regulator begins legal proceedings against Sir Philip Green The Pensions Regulator has begun formal legal proceedings against Sir Philip Green and Dominic Chappell that could force them to fill the £571m deficit in the BHS pension scheme, marking a dramatic escalation of the scandal surrounding the demise of the high street chain. The regulator said that after a “complex
Play, Sing, Dance And Be Truly Alive - A Quotation From John Nicholas Stoodley
*To learn more about John, click on the link provided below:* *The Book Of Incredble Changes*
US-NATO Gun Slingers Buildup on Russian Border
RT reports: The US Army will deploy nearly 6,000 troops, along with tanks, infantry vehicles, heavy howitzers, and combat helicopters to step up its “armored presence” in Eastern Europe, where a massive NATO buildup to counter an “assertive” Russia is underway. This is the latest in a series of recent US and NATO-led deployments in the Baltic states and Eastern Europe. Earlier, the bloc sent up to 4,000 troops to the region as part of a multinational unit that includes US, German, British, and Canadian battalions. Norway, a Nordic country bordering Russia in the north, will se... more »
Former Duke researcher at center of lawsuit lodges 16th retraction
Two former researchers at Duke University at the center of a lawsuit by a whistleblower to recoup millions in federal funding have lost yet another paper. This is hardly the first retraction for Erin Potts-Kant, who used to work in the pulmonary lab of now-retired William Michael Foster. Earlier this year, a lawsuit filed by a […] The post Former Duke researcher at center of lawsuit lodges 16th retraction appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Pilger Interviews Assange: Saudi Arabia Funding ISIS & Clinton Foundation
John Pilger, who is preparing to release his new film The Coming War on China, interviews Julian Assange from Wikileaks about the sources of funding for both ISIS and the Clinton Foundation. They are largely one and the same. The fact that as Secretary of State Clinton approved massive weapons sales to Saudi Arabia after receiving foundation donations from Riyadh clearly indicates major moral and ethical conflicts that should rule out her fitness to be president.
Blocking Brexit: Victory For Vested Interests & Enemies Of Democracy
The decision by three unelected judges to side with the sore losers who want to block Britain’s departure from the EU is a constitutional outrage and a victory for vested interests and the enemies of democracy, according to Richard Littlejohn He says that what we are witnessing now is an attempted coup designed to overthrow the will of the British people. In an article for the Daily Mail, he writes: The fix has been in since June 23, when 17.4 million voters handed the Government the biggest single mandate in history. There was no ambiguity about the question on the ballot paper. ... more »
Spanish Parents Go On Strike, Say Homework Is Bad For Kids
There is nothing like homework to make kids appreciate freedom. School children in Spain do more homework than most others from around the world. Too much homework can be detrimental to a child’s development. It restricts their holistic development by putting too much emphasis on memorizing things. Extra-curricular activity is more important to a child’s development than adults previously thought. Something that children themselves have been saying since the invention of the blackboard. Modern Spanish parents want their kids to be left alone on weekends. RT.com reports: The Spanis... more »
U.S. Intelligence Warns Of Terror Threats Before The U.S. Election
*CBS*: *Sources: U.S. intel warning of possible al Qaeda attacks in U.S. Monday* NEW YORK -- CBS News has learned about a potential terror threat for the day before the election. Sources told CBS News senior investigative producer Pat Milton that U.S. intelligence has alerted joint terrorism task forces that al Qaeda could be planning attacks in three states for Monday. It is believed New York, Texas and Virginia are all possible targets, though no specific locations are mentioned. U.S. authorities are taking the threat seriously, though the sources stress the intelligence is st... more »
The Bureau identifies 15 civilians killed in a single US airstrike
The deaths amount to the biggest confirmed loss of civilian life in a single American strike in Afghanistan since the attack on the Medecins Sans Frontieres hospital in Kunduz last October. The post The Bureau identifies 15 civilians killed in a single US airstrike appeared first on The Bureau of Investigative Journalism.
Trump Is Just About Trump-- His Supporters On The Other Hand, Are Looking For A White Valhalla
Yesterday, Nick Kristof offered 5 reasons why certain types among our countrymen and women might want to vote for Trump: *•* voters who worship at the alter of ignorance *•* voters who feel it's time to embrace a paragon of fraud *•* voters who want to be entertained by the country's leader *•* voters who feel extremists have a role to play just like everyone else (diversity) *•* voters who want a new approach to psychological norms Deep in our heads, resting on the spinal cord, is what scientists sometimes call our “reptilian brain.” In evolutionary terms, this is the oldest part ... more »
The CIA Prepares For Cyber War
*David Rhode, The Atlantic*: *Is the CIA Ready for the Age of Cyberwar?* *Behind the most sweeping reforms in the agency’s history—and their limits.* When America goes to the polls on November 8, according to current and former U.S. intelligence officials, it will likely experience the culmination of a new form of information war. A months-long campaign backed by the Russian government to undermine the credibility of the U.S. presidential election—through hacking, cyberattacks, and disinformation campaigns—is likely to peak on voting day, the officials said. Russian officials deny... more »
West Antarctic Glacial Melting From Deep Earth Geological Heat Flow Not Global Warming
By Paul Homewood http://climatechangedispatch.com/west-antarctic-glacial-melting-from-deep-earth-geological-heat-flow-not-global-warming/ Geologist James Edward Kamis writes for Climate Change Dispatch: A few of West Antarctica’s glaciers that lie directly above the 5,000-mile long, world class, heat-emitting West Antarctic Fault / Rift System are bottom melting from deep earth geologically induced high geothermal heat flow and heated fluid flow, not […]
A Rare Breed Indeed
Michael Gerson used to write speeches for George W. Bush. For sixteen years, he has carried the Republican flag for George W. Bush and against Barack Obama. But he writes in the *Washington Post* that Americans of both parties should not vote for Donald Trump, a man who represents everything that is antithetical to American ideals: His political theory, such as it is, is “us” vs. “them.” The “them” may be Republican elites, or liberal elites, or migrants or Mexicans or Muslims. Trump would be elected on the promise of fighting, rounding up, jailing or humbling any number of pers... more »
*From Jenna Orkin*Libertarian Candidate Endorses Hillary London High Court ruling gives Parliament power to block Brexit It may be time for the US to address Venezuela's refugee crisis The whistleblower who exposed Bernie Madoff thinks the insurance industry is riddled with fraud The FBI's Clinton Foundation investigation was reportedly based on news stories and the book 'Clinton Cash' The Dakota Access Pipeline Map Everyone Should See Poll Worker Injured By Trump Sign Booby-Trapped With Razor Blades Hillary Camp In "Full Panic Mode" As Early Black Voter Turnout Plunges In Key Swing ... more »
New Kind of Fake Clinics
My, my. It seems that there is a "Wild West" of unlicensed, unregulated fake clinics offering bogus advice and treatment. Ha. You thought I was talking Fake Abortion Clinics. Nope. Fake Concussion Clinics. It seems anyone can start a hotline, or set up a clinic offering to treat concussions, a brain injury. There is no active federal or provincial oversight. It's an essentially unregulated field, where massage therapists, chiropractors and nurses can hang out a shingle pitching their expertise in concussion management. Health services in Canada are governed through a system of s... more »
The Chairman of the US House Homeland Security Committee accused Hillary Clinton of "treason" - how is this not headline news?
https://youtu.be/tPG8brtpPxc It does seem to be true that House Homeland Security Chairman Mike McCaul has accused Hillary Clinton of committing treason. You can read more if you go to sites such as talkingpointsmemo, rickwells.us and indeed the Washington Times. Good luck finding anything about this on MSNBC, CNN or the BBC - at these news organisations is VOTE HILLARY all the way.
This Julian Assange interview with John Pilger makes the substantiated claim that the same people are funding both ISIS and the Clinton Foundation
https://youtu.be/JQ7lYRnF1F8 This Julian Assange interview with John Pilger makes the substantiated claim that the same people are funding both ISIS and the Clinton Foundation. This should be headline news but the mainstream media is so obsessed with getting Hillary Clinton elected President of the United States of America that inconvenient facts are ignored.
Big Congrats To The Chicago Cubs - World Series Champions 2016
*A Big congrats to the Chicago Cubbies World Series Championship. It's been 108 years in the making.*
Rudy Giuliani on Hillary Clinton's "corruption"
https://youtu.be/VYD2MwovVv0 More views that you won't hear on the VOTE HILLARY mainstream media.
Mishandling information - there's different rules for ordinary people like Kristian Saucier as opposed to Hillary Clinton
https://youtu.be/i2Y2eKu-8Os Now do you see why so many people believe that Hillary Clinton and her ilk truly think that they are above the law?
"New poll shows Americans think media wants Clinton victory"
https://youtu.be/Uk1XCpqm5SQ That's just the view of the people polled, it doesn't necessarily mean that the majority of the media actually do want a Hillary Clinton victory. It doesn't mean that but rest assured the majority do want just that.
WikiLeaks: John Podesta Attended Satanic ‘Spirit Cooking’ Party
Has Satanism infiltrated the Washington elite? New WikiLeaks emails suggest John Podesta attended a “Spirit Cooking” dinner party at Marina Abramovich’s house. Given what we know about the performance artist’s occult fascination, it’s safe to assume they weren’t saying the Lord’s Prayer. Spirit Cooking, according to article about Marina Abramovich, “is about the conversion of matter into energy, of the material into the spiritual. Abramovic derives her inspiration from the popular belief that the spirits still need food even though it is no longer solid, but in the form of light, ... more »
What's going on with the US Justice Department and the Huma Abedin case?
https://youtu.be/ob06kHky118 This news is incredible but the BBC and others deliberately hide what's going on from the British public. That's disgusting.
US Navy Littoral Combat Ship USS Montgomery Sustains A Second Hull Crack In A Month
*IBTimes*: *New US Navy Warship, USS Montgomery, Damaged In Panama Canal* A brand-new U.S. Navy warship suffered an 18-inch crack to its hull while passing through the Panama Canal en route to San Diego. The USS Montgomery has been in service less than two months. The Independence-class littoral combat ship hit a cement structure as it headed west through the locks Saturday, the Navy said in a statement to CNN. At the time, a Panama Canal pilot was in control. "The crack is located 8-10 feet above the waterline and poses no water intrusion or stability risk," the Navy said. The sh...more »
The O'Reilly Factor 11/03/16 on Clinton emails etc.
https://youtu.be/FlaAIUWivZM Staggering news included in that video. The Peter Kadzic / John Podesta link was just ridiculous. Not that the BBC or CNN will report on that. If you watch most of the US and UK mainstream media it's simply VOTE HILLARY
‘Biggest Scandal in U.S. History About to Break’
An interesting thesis here. It may well be. However there are plenty of clear small fish to fry as well. The mere fact that her aide transferred a single document to her home computer is an offense under secrecy laws. It also appears that she did it with the collusion of Hilary as well although that would be harder to prove. My point is that data is flowing from a supposedly secure environment to a clearly unsecured environment. How can this end well? These people are actually stupid or furthering a criminal enterprise. Add in that Hilary's 'daughter' is actually a rabid true... more »
A Major Victory for Nashville Owners and Visitors
Slowly but surely we are developing a body of law and precedent that will make AirBnb and Uber part of our urban landscape. Better yet this is just the beginning of commercial sharing. Special interests will ultimately fail simply because the political bribes will become too onerous. It is one thing to lock up a license for decades. Quite another to pay often as politicians change and an increasing population of participants press for change. Better yet, they only have to get it right in one major center and it looks like Nashville is going to be it... *A Major Vict... more »
Americans Are Embracing Bad Government Because They Don't Know History
Why is it even possible that our children do not know history which is a compendium of stories about men and women.who lived and died and had much to teach? The only thing more boring in live than knowledge is ignorance. We must demand educated adults. I do believe that a high standard must be sustained and failure to match up be accepted. Fai8lure also is an opportunity to intervene. It is nonsense that a person is able to be promoted through the system without achieving basic literacy. history has been always seen as a tool to shape the citizen's core beliefs and opinions.... more »
A Look At the U.S. Navy's Expeditionary Mobile Base
*The Drive:* *America’s Huge Afloat Forward Staging Base In Action* *The Navy’s sea basing capabilities are being massively upgraded with these oil tankers turned one-third aircraft carrier, one-third marina and one-third command and control center.* We have followed the progression of both the Expeditionary Mobile Base and the Expeditionary Transfer Dock, both variants of the Navy’s modified Alaska class oil tanker designs. A small fleet of these two types of ships will allow the Pentagon to have a persistent and capable maritime presence nearly anywhere on the high seas, and rap... more »
Humanoid Encounters
The first one is a person who is out of time but conscious of thoughts as well. None of this report is unusual anymore either. The second report appears to be a variation on the Giant Sloth and has been observed before. I expect that the horns are seasonal. The lair is worth noting as this creature is territorial. The hunters did come to their senses and looked no further. The creature had been attracted by the meat in the traps and confirms how these creatures can be observed or even captured if young and stupid. The third report is a standard abduction re... more »
Revealed: Clinton’s Link To Convicted Child Stealer And Sex Trafficker
Internet sleuths, cross-referencing WikiLeaks emails and archived news reports, have linked Hillary Clinton and her foundation with convicted child stealer Laura Silsby and a convicted sex trafficker. The news was made more explosive considering rumors and whisperings have emerged from the FBI’s reopened investigation into Hillary’s emails found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop that serious additional crimes are under investigation, unrelated to the email server case, involving among other things, child trafficking. Wikileaks tweeted about the investigation on Thursday, claiming emails ... more »
Is Gandhi Still Relevant?
Global Research, Countercurrents, CounterPunch, RINF Mention Gandhi in certain circles and the response might be one of cynicism: his ideas are outdated and irrelevant in today’s world. Such a response could not be further from the truth. Gandhi could see the future impact of large-scale industrialization in terms of the devastation of the environment, the destruction of ecology and the unsustainable plunder of natural resources. Ideas pertaining to environmentalism, agroecology, sustainable living, fair trade, local self-sufficiency, food sovereignty and so on were all present in G... more »
China Unveils A Powerful Combat Drone
*Daily Mail:* *China unveils its most powerful drone bomber, which can fly for two days without refuelling within a range of 15,000 miles* * The new CH-5 unmanned aerial vehicle is China's largest combat drone * It can fly for two days without refuelling within a range of 15,000 miles * Capable of carrying smart bombs, missiles and high-tech radar jammers * Shown to the public for the first time at an air show in the city of Zhuha China has unveiled its most powerful drone bomber which can fly for two days without refuelling within a range of 15,000 miles. The CH-5 unmanned aerial v... more »
Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 11/4/2016"
*"Weekly News Wrap-Up 11/4/2016"* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com "There are numerous reports on the alternative media of documents being given to WikiLeaks to counter the corruption and lawlessness of the Obamas and Clintons. AG Loretta Lynch has been reportedly blocking an FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation that many say is a “global charity fraud” and a “huge criminal conspiracy.” The leaked emails and documents show corruption between the Justice Department and Hillary Clinton. These documents and emails also show a grand cover-up of the true treason that has taken ... more »
Video: Journalist Shot By Police At Standing Rock
Journalist Erin Schroeder was shot by riot police while interviewing a protestor at Standing Rock, as violence continues to escalate in North Dakota. I was shot by militarized police WHILE interviewing a man on camera at #StandingRock…and here's the footage. #NoDAPL https://t.co/FfWiSCbiKf pic.twitter.com/4DRwNPkfZ9 — Erin Schrode (@ErinSchrode) November 3, 2016 True Activist reports: Tensions continue to escalate in Cannon Ball, North Dakota, where protestors attempt to peacefully face off against riot police and the National Guard. In addition to being maced and beaten with baton... more »
Congress: Hillary Will Be Impeached If She Becomes President
Members of Congress have said that if Hillary Clinton is elected President next week they will start proceedings to have her impeached. As Hillary Clinton’s campaign implodes amid the FBI actively pursuing five separate probes, including one into claims that the Clinton Foundation is connected to a Washington pedophile ring, there is still a possibility that Democrats will stubbornly vote her in on Tuesday. According to Townhall: Yesterday during an interview on Fox News, Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul explained the process. “If the investigation goes forward and it look... more »
WikiLeaks: Pedophile ‘Code Words’ Found In Podesta Emails
As news emerges that FBI agents have uncovered a child sex ring connected to the Clinton Foundation, internet sleuths have discovered evidence of pedophile “code words” being used in emails from John Podesta released by WikiLeaks. Numerous emails from the Chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign incongruously refer to food items such as pasta, cheese pizza, ice cream – which 4chan users say is a code language used by child sex ring participants: For anyone who hasn’t been paying attention, the elite are heavily into pedophilia and satanism because these are ways for th... more »
Tweet For Today
#NEWSGRAPHIC 4,220 migrants have drowned trying to reach Europe so far this year, 449 more than in the whole of 2015:UNHCR @AFP pic.twitter.com/q69ct7Tog4 — AFP news agency (@AFP) November 4, 2016
Gratitude in Adversity
Thankful, Grateful, Blessed Shirt- Cents of Style When it rains, it pours. Sometimes it seems like life is too hard, that there isn't anything to be grateful for. When times get like that, I make a list of all things that are good, that I am grateful for, even if some things aren't going well. I am grateful that these people are my people. I am grateful that my people will dress up as Star Wars characters with me...... ...... more than once. I am grateful for good memories of friends that are gone. I am grateful for the confidence and happiness soccer gives this kid. I a... more »
"That Tiny Light..."
"Hope is that tiny light that the gods have given us so that we can find our way through our darkest hours. And while we might stub our toes and bruise our knees, if we keep moving forward, even when our progress is slow and painful, we will overcome and be made better by our journey. No misery or bad situation is ever infinite or final until we make a conscious decision for it to be so." - Sherrilyn Kenyon
6 Months
It's hard to believe that six months have now passed since the day I was forced to leave work, my house and then my community due to a raging wildfire that has since been dubbed The Beast. Almost exactly six months ago to the minute I was sitting in my tenant's truck outside the recreation centre in Anzac still trying to wrap my brain around what was happening before slowly drifting off to sleep. I had no idea if my house was still standing and no idea that it would be thirty-three days before I would be able to make my way home. I also had no idea that within 24 hours I would be... more »
The Pentagon Wants $500 Million More To Finish F-35 Development
Courtesy of Lockheed Martin *Bloomberg*: *The Lockheed F-35 Needs Another Half Billion Dollars* * Pentagon officials says funds to be requested in next budget * Testing director ‘very strongly’ urges restructuring program The Pentagon will need as much as $530 million extra to finish the development phase for Lockheed Martin Corp.’s F-35, the most expensive U.S. weapons system ever, defense officials said. The F-35 program office made the request for more money to complete development, which is supposed to be in its last stretch after 15 years, during a closed-door review last mont... more »
Picture Of The Day
Tribal fighters walk as fire and smoke rises from oil wells, set ablaze by Islamic State militants in the oil-producing region of Qayyara, Iraq. REUTERS/Alaa Al-Marjani
Iran Threatens To Shelve The Nuclear Deal (Again)
Brigadier General Hossein Salami, the second-in-command of the Islamic Revolution Guards. Press TV *Foreign Desk*:* Iran threatens to shelve nuclear deal at “museum” if U.S. is non-compliant: Government official* A lieutenant commander within Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps is celebrating the 37th anniversary of the U.S. Embassy takeover in Tehran by threatening that if the United States does not keep its end of the nuclear deal, Iran will render the deal void, or “send the deal to (the) Museum,” according to Iranian media sources. "The Iranian nation is bound to its nuclear com... more »
Canadian Military Investigate Mysterious Humming Noise In Arctic
Canada are to deploy their military to the arctic to investigate a mysterious sound that appears to be coming from the sea floor. According to locals, a strange humming noise has been heard throughout the summer, scaring nearly all the animals away in Fury and Hecla Strait. Cbc.ca reports: “That’s one of the major hunting areas in the summer and winter because it’s a polynya,” an area of open water surrounded by ice that’s abundant with sea mammals, he said. “And this time around, this summer, there were hardly any. And this became a suspicious thing.” The noise is “emanating fro... more »
There's Even Good News For Hillary And The Democrats In A Red Hellhole Like Idaho
Idaho is one of the reddest-- and whitest-- states in the country. In 2008, Obama won just 36.09% of the votes there. Only Utah, Oklahoma and Wyoming gave him less support. In 2012 Obama's vote in Idaho fell to 32.62%, lower than Oklahoma's and beaten out in the race for the bottom just by Wyoming and Utah. The state's whole congressional delegation is Republican, as are all the statewide elected officials. Only 7 out of 35 state senators are Democrats and of the 70 members of the state House, only 14 are Democrats. In some of the more neo-Nazi counties, Obama had his lowest suppor... more »
"Coming Soon!"
*"Coming Soon!"* by Newsroom "The exposure of a PEDOPHILE RING operating inside the Democratic National Committee, The Hillary Clinton Campaign and, sadly, being utilized by hundreds of elected officials and their staff in the federal government. The image above lists the "code words" utilized and the actual meaning of such code words. More details will be made available at this same story link late on Friday, November 4. Check Back." - https://www.superstation95.com/index.php/world/2379
The Economy: "The Fed’s ‘Hothouse’ Is in Danger"
*"The Fed’s ‘Hothouse’ Is in Danger"* by Bill Bonner "It is a beautiful autumnal day here in upstate New York. The trees are red, brown, and yellow. Squirrels hop across the lawn, collecting their nuts. Unseasonably warm the last few days, rain showers are moving in from across the Hudson, driven by a chilly wind. But today, we talk about money. After all, that’s our beat here at the Diary. Money. Money. Money. *$8 trillion transfer: *We’ve seen how the feds created fake money after ditching the Bretton Woods gold-backed money system in 1971. And we’ve seen how this fake money perv... more »
Is This The Beginning Of A Peace Process Between The Philippine Government And Muslim Rebels?
Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) leader Nur Misuari (l.) shook hands with Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process Jesus Dureza, after a court suspended a warrant for Misuari's arrest, at Jolo, in the southern Philippines, Thursday. Reuters *Reuters*: *Philippine president meets rebel leader after arrest warrant lifted* Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte held talks with a wanted Muslim rebel leader at the presidential palace on Thursday, immediately after a court suspended a warrant for his arrest, in an effort to bolster his nationwide peace process. Nur Misuari had been... more »
Shelby Knowles : METRO | Pulling the rug on the Rundberg promise
Funding has dried up for an ambitious community policing program that has been a huge success. By Shelby Knowles | The Rag Blog | November 4, 2016 AUSTIN — Austin cop Taber White enters a gas station on the corner … finish reading Shelby Knowles : *METRO* | Pulling the rug on the Rundberg promise
Iran Marks The 1979 Anniversary Of The US Embassy Takeover In Tehran
*L.A. Times*:* Iranians bask in anti-American feeling on anniversary of 1979 U.S. embassy takeover* In an annual rite of anti-Americanism in Iran, thousands gathered Thursday at the site of the former U.S. Embassy in Tehran to mark the anniversary of its takeover by student activists in 1979. The demonstrators brought by buses to the former embassy complex included young and old, university students, military staff and employees of state-run companies who voiced opposition to the nuclear deal Iran signed with the United States and world powers. *Read more* .... *Update #1*: Iran...more »
Musical Interlude: Deuter, “Black Velvet Flirt”
Deuter, “Black Velvet Flirt” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qWFCocIfXI
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Shiny NGC 253 is one of the brightest spiral galaxies visible, and also one of the dustiest. Some call it the Silver Dollar Galaxy for its appearance in small telescopes, or just the Sculptor Galaxy for its location within the boundaries of the southern constellation Sculptor. First swept up in 1783 by mathematician and astronomer Caroline Herschel, the dusty island universe lies a mere 10 million light-years away. *Click image for larger size.* About 70 thousand light-years across, NGC 253 is the largest member of the Sculptor Group of Galaxies, the nearest to our own Local Group o... more »
"Two Roads..."
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I– I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost
RPG Review: Golden Age Champions (1994)
The version of *Golden Age Champions *that I have dates back to 1994 and was published by Iron Crown Enterprises for the 4th edition of the *Champions *RPG. The first 30 pages deal with the campaign premise. It discusses possible campaign lenses such as a more *Dark Champions *campaign (with characters more like the Spider, the Phantom, etc.), super-patriotic games, and something in-between. It gives a brief history of the Golden Age of comic books, different types of package deals for characters of the period, a discussion of draft deferments for those characters who will not be ... more »
"What Is In Lak'ech Ala K'in?"
*"What Is In Lak'ech Ala K'in?"* by Aluna Joy Yaxkin "In Mayan tradition, there is a greeting that many people working with Mayan wisdom know of. It is the law of In Lak'ech Ala K'in, which means I am another yourself (A modern day interpretation). It also means I am you, and you are me (A traditional Mayan interpretation). We have come to understand that this Mayan greeting is an honoring for each other. It is a statement of unity and oneness. In Lak'ech Ala K'in mirrors the same sentiment of other beautiful greetings such as Namaste for East India, Wiracocha for the Inca, and Mit... more »
"The Fate of Psychopathic Eskimos"
*"The Fate of Psychopathic Eskimos"* by Duckman "An issue of the New Yorker Magazine featured a very interesting article about psychopathology. A psychopath (sometimes also called a sociopath) is a person without a conscience- one who lies, cheats, steals and in some cases rapes and murders without compunction. It is estimated that about 6% of the people are psychopaths, though degree of psychopathology is thought to vary among individuals. Being a psychopath is not a form of mental illness, since such people are in fact not delusional or cognitively impaired in the usual sense. Wh...more »
“Why Brainy Tail-wagging Dogs Can Teach Aloof Cats A Thing Or Two”
“*Why Brainy Tail-wagging Dogs Can Teach * *Aloof Cats A Thing Or Two”* by The Daily Mail “Looking down on the world- and especially those tail-wagging dimwits known as dogs- may seem like the natural order of things for cats. No longer. Scientists now say pet dogs are smarter than their feline counterparts. The reason, they claim, is that dogs evolved bigger brains because friendly, social mammals need more grey matter than solitary, aloof ones. The findings, which are bound to divide pet owners around the world, come from a study into the brain size of more than 500 species of liv... more »
Prayers Unanswered
Yes we prayed Down on our knees but god was far too busy with those petitioning for the Chicago Cubs to finally win a World Series. The good lord has priorities to keep. Ever see how many ballplayers point to the heavens before stepping into the batters box these days? So our deep concerns about the condition of democracy in Amerika, now drowned in corporate cash and Clintonian corruption, must wait for another day. God is just too busy. The lord sent down a message from on high saying, "You all deal with it. I thought you were the exceptional nation?" So we are left to the 'will of t... more »
Wikileaks Continues To Claim That The Russians Are Not The Source Of Their DNC/Podesta Email Leaks
*RT:** Assange: WikiLeaks did not receive Clinton emails from Russian govt * In a John Pilger Special, to be exclusively broadcast by RT on Saturday courtesy of Dartmouth Films, whistleblower Julian Assange categorically denied that the troves of US Democratic Party and Clinton work and staff emails released this year have come from the Russian government. “The Clinton camp has been able to project a neo-McCarthyist hysteria that Russia is responsible for everything. Hillary Clinton has stated multiple times, falsely, that 17 US intelligence agencies had assessed that Russia was t... more »
Toppling A Powerful GOP Chairman-- Not Part Of The DCCC Game Plan... But Thanks To Trump, It Could Happen
The DCCC never goes after powerful GOP chairmen and the DCCC never looks outside the box towards districts to expand the electoral map, unless, that is, its to promote a shill from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party (a New Dem or Blue Dog). But early in the cycle Blue America saw a shot for dedicated Berniecrat, Tom Wakely running against Lamar Smith in TX-21. Smith is a typical bozo science-denier but his position as the chairman of the House Science Committee makes that position dangerous for the whole country-- like when he told people in the Rio Grande Valley to keep ... more »
Terrorizing Charges Dropped Against NODAPL Water Protectors
Photo copyright by photographer By Camp of the Sacred Stone Censored News CANNON BALL, North Dakota -- Last month, spirit rider Mason Redwing was charged with felony reckless endangerment of law enforcement and a felony count of terrorizing law enforcement after he allegedly rode his horse towards a police line. On Tuesday, Judge Romanick found no probable cause and dismissed all
Sorry, have we met? Adventures in face blindness
Have we met? You look familiar The New Yorker ran a fascinating story about “super-recognizers,” focusing on a small Scotland Yard team whose skills let them identify suspects among hundreds of faces in the murkiest surveillance videos. And it included a link to the Cambridge Face Memory Test, one of the tools used to assess officers’ ability to recognize faces. The test is about 20 minutes. At the end, you get your result, and this message. “The average score on this test is around 80 per cent correct responses for adult participants. A score of 60 per cent or below may indicate f... more »
US Fighter Jet ‘Accidentally’ Drops Bombs On Michigan
A US military aircraft “accidentally” dropped a number of training bombs and a missile over the state of Michigan. According to 0fficials, a mechanical failure is believed to have caused the release of six training bombs and a training missile from a military plane over Michigan’s northern Lower Peninsula. The website Military.com reported that the incident happened on October 25, when aircraft belonging to the Air National Guard, took off from Selfridge Base near Detroit and lost the bombs on its way to the Camp Grayling training center. Press TV reports: The munitions, including... more »
Max Ehrmann, "A Prayer"
"A Prayer" "Let me do my work each day; and if the darkened hours of despair overcome me, may I not forget the strength that comforted me in the desolation of other times. May I still remember the bright hours that found me walking over the silent hills of my childhood, or dreaming on the margin of a quiet river, when a light glowed within me, and I promised my early God to have courage amid the tempests of the changing years. Spare me from bitterness and from the sharp passions of unguarded moments. May I not forget that poverty and riches are of the spirit. Though the world knows me n...more »
FBI Believes That There Is A 99 Percent Chance That Up To Five Foreign Intel Agencies Breached Clinton`s Server
*FOX News:* *Sources: 99 percent chance foreign intel agencies breached Clinton server* Authorities now believe there is about a 99 percent chance that up to five foreign intelligence agencies may have accessed and taken emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server, two separate sources with intimate knowledge of the FBI investigations told Fox News. The revelation led House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul to describe Clinton’s handling of her email system during her tenure as secretary of state as “treason.” “She exposed [information] to our enemies,” McCaul ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Camberley, Surrey, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by!
The Universe
“Next time you feel fear, either right after a major decision or just before one, it usually means you're exactly where you need to be.” "Nice," The Universe “Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!” - www.tut.com
"Conscious Decisions: Going Against What Is Popular"
*"Conscious Decisions: Going Against What Is Popular"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOm "Because an idea or way of doing things is popular doesn’t mean it’s right for everyone. Just because an idea or way of doing things is popular doesn’t mean it’s right for everyone. However, part of the way that something becomes popular is that many of us don’t take the time to determine what’s right for us; we simply do what most of the people we know are doing. In this way, our decisions about life are made by default, which means they aren’t what we call conscious decisions. There may be many o... more »
"We Deny..."
"We deny that we're tired, we deny that we're scared, we deny how badly we want to succeed. And most importantly, we deny that we're in denial. We only see what we want to see and believe what we want to believe, and it works. We lie to ourselves so much that after a while the lies start to seem like the truth. We deny so much that we can't recognize the truth right in front of our faces." - "Dr. Meredith Grey," "Grey's Anatomy"
Friday Morning Ramble, 4 Nov
[image: FreeMarket] “Auckland ratepayers will be the losers here.” *Good and bad news on the Parker fight* – Paul Walker, ANTI DISMAL Oh, FFS! *Gareth Morgan has announced he is starting a new political party* – RNZ “There are a lot of lessons there that New Zealand might have found useful in 2010 and in the aftermath of 2011.” *Disaster recovery is local* – Eric Crampton, OFFSETTING BEHAVIOUR For America, also read New Zealand. “Zoning laws are making homeownership unaffordable. The biggest barriers to reforming land-use regulation are the vested interests preventing such re... more »
Some questions for Efeso Collins
New councillor Efeso Collins has managed to hog the news for two days now with his story that an usher refusing his family admission to VIP seating at his swearing in must be, has to be, “racial discrimination.” He has “no doubt as to what happened to his Samoan relatives,” he says. *The fact that we don't look 'normal', and that's the problem - too many people offering the suggestion, which is essentially racially discriminatory, that brown people don't belong there … disgusted when he learned later of the episode … break down racial preconceptions … cultural competency pro... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 3, 2016
Islamist Syrian rebel group Jabhat al-Nusra members pose on a tank in northern Idlib province(Reuters) *Colin Clarke, Cipher Brief:* *Al-Nusra: Stronger than Ever* Three months after its “split” from al Qaeda, which in reality is simply a feint, Jabhat Fateh al Sham (JFS), formerly known as Jabhat al Nusra, may pose a more significant long-term threat to the West than the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). While the West targets ISIS, JFS is quietly laying the groundwork for al Qaeda’s resurgence by “hunkering down,” rebuilding, and repositioning itself along several fronts. ... more »
The Clinton FBI Investigation Just Got Real
The FBI is now “actively and aggressively” probing into Clinton Foundation corruption. The Clinton campaign is going down. The FBI seems to be sick of the DoJ’s favoritism. Two separate sources have told Fox News about serious new breaks in the investigation. The fact that this is being reported on an MSM site is huge. Bigger than huge. E-freaking-normous. Watch this video and try to keep from jumping up and down with excitement. Did you catch that? The laptops that everyone THOUGHT the FBI destroyed were NOT, in fact, destroyed. Anyone who is caught lying has voided their immunity... more »
FBI: We’re Ready To Indict Hillary Clinton
The FBI have said there is a 90% chance that Hillary Clinton will be indicted within days, as evidence of a Washington pedophile ring involving the Clinton Foundation emerges. Multiple reports of FBI agents speaking to major media outlets over the last 24 hours since the child sex scandal broke say that the department is “actively and aggressively” pursuing the Clintons in five separate probes. A deep hatred of Hillary Clinton exists within the FBI, multiple bureau agents told the Guardian. Agents explained that Clinton is considered “the antichrist” within the department, and a ... more »
Lawsuits In 4 States Accuse Trump & GOP Of Voter Intimidation
According to four newly filed lawsuits in Arizona, Nevada, Ohio and Pennsylvania, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump and the Republican Party are conspiring to intimidate and suppress minority voters. The Daily Sheeple reports: Documents filed cite the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, which prohibit the intimidation and suppression of minority voters. The GOP, Trump and Roger Stone are accused of “conspiring to threaten, intimidate, and thereby prevent minority voters in urban neighborhoods from voting in the 2016 election.” Democrats are asking co... more »
Economic News , Data & Views........ Thursday November 3 , 2016 ....... Quick Hits 1) Markets & Market Moving News : Economic Data For Asia - Friday Morning ; US Stocks Losing Streak Continues For 8th Day ; Europe Indexes Off Once Again ; October Non Farm Payroll Report Preview. 2) Us President Contest Updates : National Polling ; News De Jour. 3) Around The horn For Europe - Greece , Italy Germany , Uk News & Data. 4) Odds & Ends
Markets....... *ForexLive* @ForexLive 33m 33 minutes ago Japan Nikkei PMI for October: Services 50.5 (prior 48.2), Composite 51.3 (48.9) *ForexLive* @ForexLive 40m 40 minutes ago Australia - Retail sales for September, +0.6% m/m (expected +0.4%) *ForexLive* @ForexLive 2h 2 hours ago Economic data due from Asia today - also BoE and BoC speakers *ForexLive* @ForexLive 2h 2 hours ago US major indices down for the 8th consecutive day **Walter Bloomberg* @DeItaOne 2h 2 hours ago DOW JONES UNOFFICIALLY CLOSES DOWN 26.98 POINTS, OR 0.15 PERCENT... more »
British High Court Puts The Brakes On Brexit
British Prime Minister Theresa May’s plans for triggering Brexit were plunged into chaos on Thursday by a sensational High Court judgment that says she cannot bypass Parliament. The UK government lost its case for making the sole call on triggering Article 50, which is the formal process to begin negotiations to leave the European Union. Three senior judges ruled that Theresa May does not have the power to use the royal prerogative and trigger Article 50 without prior authority of Parliament. A Government spokesman said the PM and her ministers were “disappointed” with the judgeme... more »
World News Briefs -- November 3, 2016 (Evening Edition)
FBI Director James Comey answers a question from a reporter during a recent press conference. Reuters/Brian Snyder *Reuters:** FBI fear of leaks drove decision on emails linked to Clinton: sources* FBI Director James Comey was driven in part by a fear of leaks from within his agency when he decided to tell Congress the FBI was investigating newly discovered emails related to Hillary Clinton, law enforcement sources said on Thursday. The examination of the email traffic is now being carried out under the tightest secrecy by a team at Federal Bureau of Investigations headquarters ... more »
Breaking Child Sex Scandal via Weiner’s Laptop the Smoking Gun That Will Bring down the Clintons
More details are surfacing by the hour implicating the Clinton’s connection to an international child sex ring based on what’s stored on Anthony Weiner’s now infamous laptop computer. It will be certain to bring down the Clinton crime syndicate crashing to the ground as the biggest political corruption and debauchery scandal in United States history, throwing the 2016 presidential election into a tailspin with Election Day just a few days away. If it fails to remove Hillary from next Tuesday’s ballot, it will be certain to cause her to lose the election by a popular vote landsli... more »
X-Zone Broadcast Network - Former Blue Book Officer, Carmon Marano
Carmon Marano This week I had the opportunity of interview former Air Force officer Carmon Marano who had been on the staff of Project Blue Book. How do I know? First, Ben Moss sent me a picture that showed the Blue Book Staff and he is the lieutenant standing, more or less, behind Hector Quintanilla. Second, in reviewing the UFO sightings from Minot Air Force Base in 1968 I found a number of memos for the record that he had written. Finally, of course, he said exactly that and unlike so many others who have said they were part of Blue Book, we can actually prove it with him. You ca... more »
“Civil War II- Fourth Turning Intensifying, Part I”
*“Civil War II- Fourth Turning Intensifying, Part I”* by James Quinn “History offers even more sobering warnings: Armed confrontation usually occurs around the climax of Crisis. If there is confrontation, it is likely to lead to war. This could be any kind of war– class war, sectional war, war against global anarchists or terrorists, or superpower war. If there is war, it is likely to culminate in total war, fought until the losing side has been rendered nil– its will broken, territory taken, and leaders captured.” – "The Fourth Turning" – Strauss & Howe, 1997 As we enter the final... more »
Former Top Israeli Intelligence Chief: Iran Commands A Force Of Around 25,000 Shi'ite Muslim Fighters In Syria
Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, seen in blue suit, is the commander of Iran’s elite Quds force ( the foreign division of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps ). Soleimani’s presence in Syria is an indicator of how serious Iran’s involvement in the civil war is. Ya Liban *Reuters:* *Iran commands 25,000 Shi'ite fighters in Syria: Israeli official* Iran now commands a force of around 25,000 Shi'ite Muslim militants in Syria, mostly made up of recruits from Afghanistan and Pakistan, the former head of Israel's domestic intelligence agency has told a visiting Swiss delegation. Avi D... more »
Richard Burr Strengthens The Case For Defeating Every Republican Up And Down The Ticket
Yesterday, speaking to a fringe right-wing radio show, John Cornyn, McConnell's #2 in the Senate said Republicans in Congress will continue "investigating" Clinton if she's elected. GOP dunce Ron Johnson is already talking about impeaching Hillary Clinton. In the last couple of days, North Carolina dim bulb Richard Burr joined Ted Cruz and John McCain saying they would block *any* Supreme Court nominees from a Democratic president. Yesterday *Politico* started the day with a report from Rachel Bade about how congressional Republicans are planning to tie government up in endless in... more »
Madeleine Albright Compares Russian Media To ISIS Propaganda
Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright seems to be clear that Russia is behind the sensitive leaks from the Democratic National Committee email accounts published by WikiLeaks and for that reason wants to censor the internet. In an article published Thursday, Albright proposed taking on what she said was “anti-democratic trolling” by Russian media such as TV broadcaster Russia Today and Sputnik news agency, the same way that Washington dealt with Islamist propaganda. News outlets like RT and Sputnik are spreading misinformation and lies, she said, and the United States mus... more »
Former UK Govt Science Chief Warned Of MMR Vaccine-Autism Link
The former chief scientific officer for Britain’s Department of Health says his former employer is guilty of “utterly inexplicable complacency” regarding the mumps, measles and rubella (MMR) vaccination. Dr. Peter Fletcher was the UK’s chief scientific officer in the late 1970s and medical assessor to the Committee on Safety of Medicines, meaning he was responsible for deciding if medicines and vaccines were safe for use among the general public According to the Daily Mail, Dr. Fletcher said if it has been ultimately proven that the MMR vaccine was linked to autism, “the refusal b... more »
The Path to Total Dictatorship: America’s Shadow Government and its Silent Coup
*John W. Whitehead* - No matter which candidate wins, the shadow government is here to stay. The post The Path to Total Dictatorship: America’s Shadow Government and its Silent Coup appeared first on Waking Times.
Pentagon's Announcement To Attack The ISIS Capuital Of Raqqa Was Premature
*Nancy Youssef and Kimberly Dozier, Daily Beast:* *Pentagon Walks Back Promise to Attack ISIS Capital ASAP* When the defense secretary promised an assault on ISIS’s capital in ‘weeks,’ the Pentagon reacted with a collective WTF. Defense officials say an attack is more like six months off. Defense Secretary Ash Carter’s claim last week that the assault on Raqqa, the capital of the so-called Islamic State, was “within weeks” was a surprise to the commanders planning the war, who believe local troops will not enter the city for months, three defense officials told The Daily Beast. O... more »
Harry Targ : SPORT | The Cubs, struggle, and social change
The Cub’s victory teaches us that if people try hard enough and long enough, they can win. By Harry Targ | The Rag Blog | November 3, 2016 Chicago’s iconic journalist, columnist, pundit, and Cubs fan, Mike Royko, once ruminated … finish reading Harry Targ : *SPORT* | The Cubs, struggle, and social change
Dave Zirin : SPORT | The sweetest escape: The Chicago Cubs win the World Series
After more than a century, the Cubs gave so many of us cathartic joy, just when we needed it the most. By Dave Zirin | The Rag Blog | November 3, 2016 There are no words. If the greatest predictor … finish reading Dave Zirin : *SPORT* | The sweetest escape: The Chicago Cubs win the World Series
US, Turkey In Discussions On How To Retake Raqqa From The Islamic State
*Al Arabiya:* *US talks to Turkey about role to recapture Raqqa* US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter said on Wednesday the plan to envelope Raqqa, ISIS’s main stronghold in Syria, would take place soon with the forces available and that talks continued with Turkey on the role it could play “further down the road.” “We intend to go there soon with the force that is capable of doing that and enveloping the city of Raqqa ... the final seizure of Raqqa, we continue to talk to Turkey about that and a possible role for Turkey in that further down the road,” Carter said at a press confere... more »
Free Trade 64, PH experience in manufacturing growth
Yesterday, I attended a pre-summit consultation meeting by the DTI on free trade agreements (FTAs). It was part of the preparation for the "Manufacturing Summit 2016" this coming November 28-29, 2016 at Shangrila Makati. Small group with representatives from selected sectors in the PH economy like the garments and textiles, pharma (represented by Unilab), other manufacturers and government agencies. I was lucky to be among the invitees. Thanks to DTI Asec Fita Aldaba for the invite. Former NEDA Secretary Ciel Habito gave the preliminary inputs based on their research at the USAID-fu... more »
Former Ambassador: Clinton Leaks ‘Comes From Within Washington’
A former British ambassador claims that the source behind the Wikileaks leak of hacked Podesta and DNC emails is not Russia but Washington. According to whistle-blower and former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, the Podesta and Democratic National Committee emails were not leaked by Russian hackers but by a Washington insider. Sputnik reports: In an exclusive interview with Sputnik, Mr. Murray said: “The source of these emails and leaks has nothing to do with Russia at all. I discovered what the source was when I attended the Sam Adam’s whistleblower award in Washin... more »
NBC ‘Accidentally’ Post Election Results Showing A Win For Clinton
NBC affiliate WRCB TV in Chattanooga, Tennessee has already decided that the Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has won the election. A graphic posted during their live broadcast this week shows Hillary Clinton the winner with 41.7 million votes or 42% of the total withTrump receiving 40.1 million votes or 40%. The posted premature results were not exclusive to NBC nor to its Tennessee affiliate. The page was pulled directly from the content management platform, WorldNow.com, which is used by major networks including NBC, CBS, ABC, and Fox. The image below is a screen... more »
Bernie Sanders Says ‘Damn Right’ To Stopping Dakota Access Pipeline
Former Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders had ‘something’ to say about the escalating efforts by U.S. Native American tribes to stop a pipeline in North Dakota. Last Thursday the Hillary Clinton campaign finally put out a statement on DAPL managing to say a whole lot of ‘nothing’. During a Clinton campaign rally on Tuesday Sanders offered a distinctly more urgent response saying “Damn right” the DAPL project should be stopped immediately. His remarks follow those of President Barack Obama who waffled on the subject and played for time, saying his administration... more »
Sacred Stone Camp -- 'Riot Police Injure over 100 People Defending Standing Rock Burial Grounds' Nov. 2, 2016
By Camp of the Sacred Stones Censored News CANNON BALL, North Dakota -- On Wednesday, November 2, law enforcement desecrated the burial grounds of Alma Parkin and Matilda Galpin, the indigenous women who once owned the Cannonball Ranch. As water protectors held a water ceremony, snipers shot at them from armored vehicles parked around the tree marking the graves.
A Look At The Air War Against The Islamic State
Reuters *AFP*: *Fighting from above: the air war on IS* The Iraqi security forces' seemingly inexorable push toward Mosul saw fighting begin in the city itself this week, but it is work taking place in the skies above that has enabled such dramatic advances. A relentless air operation using planes and drones from a dozen or so members of a US-led coalition against the Islamic State group has over more than two years conducted some 16,000 air strikes against the jihadists in Iraq and Syria -- two-thirds of them in Iraq. Mostly, coalition planes conducted "deliberate" strikes, where... more »
Islamic State Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Rallies His Fighters In Mosul
*ABC News Online*: *Mosul: IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi audio orders militants to 'wreak havoc' against US-backed assault* With Iraqi troops battling inside the Islamic State (IS) stronghold of Mosul, the militants' leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has told his followers that there could be no retreat in the "total war" against the forces arrayed against them. Expressing confidence that his IS fighters would prevail against Western "crusaders" and the Shiite-Sunni "apostates", Baghdadi called on the jihadists to "wreak havoc". "This raging battle and total war [only increases our fi... more »
Ruckus Raising Time. Again.
Up here in smug Canada -- and getting smugger by the minute as the US election approaches -- it's not often that the US has us beaten on any aspect of abortion care. Well, they've got us all beat to hell on medical abortion. Although many limitations remain, innovative dispensing efforts in some states, restricted access to surgical abortions in others and greater awareness boosted medication abortions to 43 percent of pregnancy terminations at Planned Parenthood clinics, the nation's single largest provider, in 2014, up from 35 percent in 2010, according to previously unreported f... more »
Midday Musical Interlude: Walter Murphy, “A Fifth of Beethoven”
Walter Murphy, “A Fifth of Beethoven” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ouMaLRth-s
“Abedin and Weiner Flipped, Cooperating With FBI”
*“Abedin and Weiner Flipped, Cooperating With FBI”* NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails by Steve Beckow "New York Police Department detectives and prosecutors working an alleged underage sexting case against former Congressman Anthony Weiner have turned over a newly-found laptop he shared with wife Huma Abedin to the FBI with enough evidence “to put Hillary (Clinton) and her crew away for life,” NYPD sources told True Pundit. NYPD sources said Clinton’s “crew” also included several unnamed yet implicated members of Congress in addition to her aides and insiders. The NYPD seize... more »
The Battle For The Iraqi City Of Mosul -- News Updates November 3, 2016
*VOA*:* Iraqi Troops Begin Risky Urban Operations in Mosul* GOGJALI, IRAQ — Iraqi troops were moving cautiously Thursday in a neighborhood just inside the city limits of Mosul, going from house-to-house to ensure the safety of civilians. The soldiers had to be wary of booby-trap bombs as well as ambushes and sniper fire from Islamic State militants, who are being urged by their leader to remain and resist losing the last major city they hold in Iraq. The breach into the city of Mosul, which IS seized more than two years ago, triggered the exodus of hundreds of families. They start... more »
When All is Said and Done...
The #PodestaEmails: All scum, no pond. #PodestaEmails27 — BasementDweller Zero (@jurassicpork59) November 3, 2016 That goes for the entire Clinton campaign, the DNC and the entire Democratic Party. Go to my main Twitter feed or just click on the link in the tweet below. I don't think there's a water heater in the world big enough to accommodate the shower I feel like taking every time I go into the latest Wikileaks release. The tsunami of scum now crests the mountains. The #PodestaEmails27 are out! Go wild, kiddies! #PodestaEmails https://t.co/o6oBKoSftB pic.twitter.com/aQNBY... more »
Brian Williams coins a term!
*THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2016A "weaponized" FBI boss:* Brian Williams has been hosting a show at 11 o'clock each night on The One True Liberal Channel. Last night, he coined a term while speaking to Jennifer Granholm: WILLIAMS (11/2/16): Governor, in plain English, is the game now Beat the Clock? You've got this added element of *a potentially weaponized FBI director.* And when we wake up tomorrow, it's five days to go. Remarkable. We may have a "weaponized FBI director." Or so Williams said. Williams and Granholm went on to have a short discussion of the essence of this campaign.... more »
Brrrrr!! It’s Wwwarm Up Hhhhere.
From Josh http://cartoonsbyjosh.co.uk/
NASA’s Fake Video
By Paul Homewood From the Telegraph: One significant change in the Arctic region in recent years has been the rapid decline in perennial sea ice. Perennial sea ice, also known as multi-year ice, is the portion of the sea ice that survives the summer melt season. Perennial ice may have a […]
U.S. Launches New Helicopter Strikes In Libya
Hundreds of airstrikes have been unleashed by the US on Islamic State jihadists in Libya but the only previously confirmed deployment of the Cobra gunships came at the end of August (AFP Photo/Odd Andersen) *AFP:* *US Marines in new helicopter strikes in Libya* Rome (AFP) - US Marines are using Super Cobra attack helicopters to mount close-range airstrikes against Islamic State militants in the Libyan city of Sirte, the US navy said Thursday. The gunship attacks, the first of their kind to be confirmed in over two months, were launched overnight from the USS San Antonio, an amphibi... more »
Hundreds Drown As Two Over Crowded Refugee Boats Sink Off Libya
*The Guardian:* *Hundreds dead as boats sink off Libya, survivors tell UN* At least 240 people killed as two boats sink in Mediterranean, survivors tell UN refugee agency on Italian island of Lampedusa At least 240 people are feared to have drowned in the southern Mediterranean, bringing the annual total to 4,220 – the highest in the Mediterranean on record. About 100 people drowned when an inflatable dinghy capsized shortly after leaving the Libyan coast on Wednesday, some of the 29 survivors told the UN refugee agency. A further 140 are thought to have drowned in a second incid... more »
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