Really? Who knew?
Christopher Kanas It's easy when you have a witchhunt really by both sides of the aisle to frame a negative opinion of Trump because both the Right/Left establishment were coming after him with both barrels blazing. Everything he did was under a microscope and magnified to reflect the worst possible way to take it. And well, Trump himself gave them fodder to work with.
But I'm going to make an argument here. Maybe one you don't agree with but hear me out on this.
I think Trump has a chance to be one of the best presidents America has had. And it's because of an interview I heard him give on Dr. Oz. Which when Dr. Oz asked him "do you ever take a vacation?" To which Trump replied, "I can't, I tried it one day and I had to come back, I don't know what to do on vacation." (Paraphrased)
Here's the crux of my argument. How often have we seen Obama in 8 years vacationing, playing golf, relaxing? Now I'm not going to throw him under the bus for that, heck, I'm that type of guy. I love to relax.
But, I'd also be a horrible president. I'd enjoy he perks and the position and take full advantage of it. Which Obama has done and well, has gotten rightful criticism for.
I actually do not see Trump doing this. Yes, he owns golf courses as a business, but I don't think we see him playing much if at all as a president. It's not in him to relax. Think about that person you know that is only happy when they are working, doing something, fixing something, building something, that someone you know that is always busy and yet thrives on it. They don't want to slow down. You think they're crazy, you can't figure it out, but they love it and seem to be successful in everything they do.
That's Trump. He's that guy. He doesn't know how to slow down. He's freaking 70 and a racehorse. He's moving, busting here and there, never tired, never down. He only know the word Go! And now he's president. He's not there to just sit in the Oval Office and rest on his accolades, simply because if he was that type of guy, he already would be, and heck, he's earned the right to. But that doesn't satisfy him. He has to keep doing something. That's all he knows.
Seriously, I just hope to make it to 70. Much less have the energy he has. So again, I say Trump is going to be a lot more successful as president than his critics give him credit for.
In fact, he may forever change the way we pick our presidents. Those that are proven street accomplishers and not just waxing romantic speakers.
Over a year ago, Bernie Sanders warned the Democrats they needed to do something different, to run a different campaign, with a different kind of candidate. Read his words now. They are prescient. Wondering today if Democratic leaders are thinking they should have listened more closely to Sanders and taken his advice. Donald Trump has changed politics and his party forever. And he won.
Bernie Sanders Brigadee
On August 28th, 2015 - Bernie warned them - "Let me be very clear. In my view, Democrats will not retain the White House, will not regain the Senate, will not gain the House and will not be successful in dozens of governor’s races unless we run a campaign which generates excitement and momentum and which produces a huge voter turnout.
With all due respect, and I do not mean to insult anyone here, that will not happen with politics as usual. The same old, same old will not be successful.
The people of our country understand that — given the collapse of the American middle class and the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality we are experiencing — we do not need more establishment politics or establishment economics.
We need a political movement which is prepared to take on the billionaire class and create a government which represents all Americans, and not just corporate America and wealthy campaign donors.
In other words, we need a movement which takes on the economic and political establishment, not one which is part of it.
With all due respect, and I do not mean to insult anyone here, that will not happen with politics as usual. The same old, same old will not be successful.
The people of our country understand that — given the collapse of the American middle class and the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality we are experiencing — we do not need more establishment politics or establishment economics.
We need a political movement which is prepared to take on the billionaire class and create a government which represents all Americans, and not just corporate America and wealthy campaign donors.
In other words, we need a movement which takes on the economic and political establishment, not one which is part of it.
Thus far, I seem to be one of the few commentators who argues that Trump won because between him and Hillary, Trump was actually the most left-wing of the two. But it's an argument that I think holds up under scrutiny. My strong suspicion is that if the Democrats had played it smart and nominated Sanders, Bernie would now be President-Elect. So when Bernie was no longer available, voters opted for the next most left candidate instead.
Sanders, who is the ranking member on the Senate Budget Committee, pledged to block any and all legislation Trump proposes that seeks to ensconce what he referred to as “racist, sexist, xenophobic and anti-environment policies.”
“We will vigorously oppose him,” Sanders said at the end of the post.
From a friend's wall. Sums it up perfectly.
I am utterly baffled by the comments on my feed. As per usual the blame is put on racists white Americans... Men for the most part..... Your telling me America has 59 million racists rapists and misogynists?????? Bullshit!!! How bout the blame be put on the person who stole the primaries from the one person who could have actually beaten trump... Possibly. The person who single handly caused the unrest and mass killings in Syria n Libya, who takes money through her corrupt foundation from countries who truly do suppress woman and there own lgbtq communities, not to mention outright execute them. The person who criminally deleted 30,000 plus emails after being subpoenaed about them. Who also hired thugs to cause violence an civil unrest at trump rallies. Who's husband is accused of raping 4 woman, who he settle with out of court, and she degraded, intimidated , and belittled!!! The list goes on and on from Benghazi to stealing plates from the White House after bill clintons term ended. Let's put the blame on Hilary rodham Clinton, and her crime syndicate.... And that's just for starters. Claiming racist won the election for trump because they hate obama is truly pathetic and false aswell look at the 2012 elections and the states that Obama won by huge number. I'll use Iowa for an example Obama won by around 20 points, pretty decisively! Trump won the state also but by a smaller margin than Obama tell me how all those people are racist when Obama received more votes then trump?????? There's was no ethnic candidate on the ballot people,obamas term was up and his replacement was a joke.63 percent of Americans were dissatisfied, angry at, or did not trust the federal govt. Blame Hilary your champion. And if you were for Hilary purely cuz she was a woman..
I am utterly baffled by the comments on my feed. As per usual the blame is put on racists white Americans... Men for the most part..... Your telling me America has 59 million racists rapists and misogynists?????? Bullshit!!! How bout the blame be put on the person who stole the primaries from the one person who could have actually beaten trump... Possibly. The person who single handly caused the unrest and mass killings in Syria n Libya, who takes money through her corrupt foundation from countries who truly do suppress woman and there own lgbtq communities, not to mention outright execute them. The person who criminally deleted 30,000 plus emails after being subpoenaed about them. Who also hired thugs to cause violence an civil unrest at trump rallies. Who's husband is accused of raping 4 woman, who he settle with out of court, and she degraded, intimidated , and belittled!!! The list goes on and on from Benghazi to stealing plates from the White House after bill clintons term ended. Let's put the blame on Hilary rodham Clinton, and her crime syndicate.... And that's just for starters. Claiming racist won the election for trump because they hate obama is truly pathetic and false aswell look at the 2012 elections and the states that Obama won by huge number. I'll use Iowa for an example Obama won by around 20 points, pretty decisively! Trump won the state also but by a smaller margin than Obama tell me how all those people are racist when Obama received more votes then trump?????? There's was no ethnic candidate on the ballot people,obamas term was up and his replacement was a joke.63 percent of Americans were dissatisfied, angry at, or did not trust the federal govt. Blame Hilary your champion. And if you were for Hilary purely cuz she was a woman..
My Spectator piece on why Trump won:
"If you want to know why Trump won, just look at the response to his winning. The lofty contempt for ‘low information’ Americans. The barely concealed disgust for the rednecks and cretins of ‘flyover’ America who are apparently racist and misogynistic and homophobic. The haughty sneering at the vulgar, moneyed American political system and how it has allowed a wealthy candidate to poison the little people’s mushy, malleable minds. The suggestion that American women, more than 40 per cent of whom are thought to have voted for Trump, suffer from internalised misogyny: that is, they don’t know their own minds, the poor dears. This response to Trump’s victory reveals why Trump was victorious: because people have had enough of all the top-down, anti-democratic hatred."
#QandA guest panelist Georgina Downer from right wing think tank the IPA was so out of her depth I almost felt embarresed for her. Her responses to questions across a range of topics were pitiable. Whereas straight talking Naomi Klein was spot on when she said "Among wealthy industrialised countries, Australia now stands alone raising the middle finger to the world and saying that we're not going to act, and we will build massive new coal mines ... opening up vast fracking fields"
On the subject of immigration and asylum seekers Naomi Klein was justifiably scathing in her assessment she said, "I think that Donald Trump talking about building the wall with Mexico is insane and racist, but I think what Australia is doing on Manus and Nauru is as well" Indeed Naomi quite rightly pointed out, we are doing it, whereas Trump is "just talking about it."
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