Thursday, December 09, 2021

9 December - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 5

 10:30 pm MST

Robert E. Lee Monument to be Melted Down
*Peter Suciu* *American History, * In February 2017, as part of the movement for the removal of Confederate monuments and memorials, the Charlottesville City Council voted three to two for its removal. The removal of Confederate monuments and memorials around the United States has continued. Many supporters of their removal argue that the vast majority were built during the era of Jim Crow laws, from 1877 to 1965, and claim that the statues serve to memorialize an unrecognized, treasonous government. The statue's opponents also lay claim that they were a symbol meant to intimida... read more
musingsofanoldfart16 hours ago
Mean girls need to go to detention according to Kathleen Parker
An important opinion was written by right leaning Washington Post columnist, Kathleen Parker, about adolescent acting elected female officials in Congress called “Opinion: The mean girls in Congress just can’t quit each other.” When we should be writing about policy solutions … Continue reading → read more
Snopes.com16 hours ago
Instagram Head Faces Senators Amid Anger over Possible Harms
Senators are demanding the company commit to making changes and increase its transparency. read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Bolivia achieves record trade surplus of $1.584 billion through October
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Bolivia recorded an accumulated trade surplus of US$1.584 billion as of October, the largest in seven years, President Luis Arce reported today. "As of October 2021, our exports totaled US$9.008 billion and imports US$7.424 billion, leaving a trade surplus of US$1.584 billion, the highest in seven years," the leftist leader […] The post Bolivia achieves record trade surplus of $1.584 billion through October appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Covid-19: Bolivia to vaccinate children aged five to eleven
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Bolivia will begin this Thursday (9) to vaccinate against Covid-19 children from five to eleven years of age, thus increasing the target population to more than 10 million people, President Luis Arce announced Wednesday. "We have decided that starting tomorrow, Thursday, December 9, vaccination against covid-19 will also reach children […] The post Covid-19: Bolivia to vaccinate children aged five to eleven appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Caitlin Johnstone16 hours ago
World Screams In Anguish At News That Olympics Won’t Be Attended By Some Western Diplomats
Today’s Caitlin Johnstone essay has been replaced by a breaking report from the National News Conglomerate. NNC: Obey. People around the world are reacting with anguish, heartbreak and rage at the news that the US, UK, Australia and Canada will not be sending diplomatic representation […] read more
21st Century Wire16 hours ago
Petty Tyrants & Vaccine Mandates: A Brief History Lesson
*21WIRE + Real Clear Politics* | A brief look at history shows just how thin the legal ice is underneath Biden's executive overreach. read more
Retraction Watch17 hours ago
Scholar with a history of making up author names has a 1985 paper corrected
A scholar who famously fabricated a meeting between Charles Dickens and Fyodor Dostoevsky used a bogus name to publish a 1985 paper in the journal History – and it was far from the first time. Aronld Harvey, also known as AD Harvey, apparently created a small (precisely how small is unclear) community of scholars, including … Continue reading Scholar with a history of making up author names has a 1985 paper corrected read more
Cairns News17 hours ago
Gotta hand it to the French they know how to deal with genocidal, corrupt governments
‘She’ll be right Australians’ have been dumbed down by TV, cell phones, MSM, the ABC and computer games. When vaxx victims start dropping from the mRNA inoculations in 12 to 18 months time they won’t be able to open their front doors let alone take real action as done by French farmers and their city […] read more
Thatcher’s False Slogan: “There is No Alternative”
In the 1980s, Margaret Thatcher popularized the slogan: “There is no alternative” (TINA). She was not the first Western politician to promulgate her own worldview as the only possible way for all of mankind. For 500 years, the West has been veritably obsessed with brainwashing people in all parts of the world to make them believe that there is no alternative to the Western way. When Columbus, Cortés, Pizarro, and other European conquistadors and imperialists were rampaging in the Americas, they were telling the natives something similar to what Thatcher was telling the world in the... read more
CFACT16 hours ago
A Biden nominee wants to bankrupt energy companies. Watch the new Morano Minute
Omarova let the truth slip out about the entire Build Back Better agenda. It's not about the climate. It's about bankrupting the reliable energy we all rely on. Build Back Better? More like "Build Back Bankrupt!" The post A Biden nominee wants to bankrupt energy companies. Watch the new Morano Minute appeared first on CFACT. read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Chamber of Deputies approves bill that regulates cryptocurrencies in Brazil
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil is closer to having laws regulating the cryptocurrency sector in the country. Bill (PL) 2303/15, which deals with the subject, was approved on Wednesday (7) in a vote at the Chamber of Deputies. The text will now be sent to the Senate for a vote. The bill has been […] The post Chamber of Deputies approves bill that regulates cryptocurrencies in Brazil appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Omicron Variant Now Seen in More Than 50 Countries
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Omicron, * White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci acknowledged that scientists should have more data by the middle of next week that will show how well the currently available vaccines stand up to the new variant, which is known to boast more than thirty mutations to the spike protein. New data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)are indicating that the highly mutated omicron coronavirus variant that was first detected in southern Africa two weeks ago now has been found in more than fifty countries and nineteen states acr... read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Colombia’s Duque urges U.S. to reduce demand for drugs as consumption rises
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Colombian President Iván Duque on Wednesday urged the United States to reduce the demand for drugs in its territory after consumption soared last year in this country and the rest of the world. "In the co-responsibility procedures that we have to adopt, I think we have much more to do […] The post Colombia’s Duque urges U.S. to reduce demand for drugs as consumption rises appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Ground deformation at Okmok volcano suggests shallow magma intrusion, U.S.
The Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) has observed a change from the long-term deformation pattern at Okmok volcano as measured by two continuous Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) stations within the caldera between September and November 2021. The...... Read more » read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Brazil’s Congress passes law authorizing dollar- and euro-denominated bank accounts in Brazil
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Brazilian Senate approved on Wednesday a bill that authorizes any person to open foreign currency accounts in the country, including dollar and euro accounts. As the bill had already been approved by the Chamber of Deputies in 2020, it now only depends on the presidential sanction to become law. […] The post Brazil’s Congress passes law authorizing dollar- and euro-denominated bank accounts in Brazil appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Pelé was hospitalized again in Brazil to be treated for a tumor
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Pelé, considered by the soccer world as one of the best soccer players in history, was hospitalized again in São Paulo to continue his treatment for a colon tumor. This was announced in a statement by the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, the same medical center where 'O Rei' (The king) […] The post Pelé was hospitalized again in Brazil to be treated for a tumor appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Japan is Becoming a Military Powerhouse Again
*Peter Suciu* *Japan, Asia* The "military" may be named "Japan Self-Defense Forces," but those forces rival the size and capabilities of Great Britain and France. Eighty years ago, the Empire of Japan had one of the world's most powerful navies, and its armies began a massive campaign against much of Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific. Its territory stretched across much of China, and its military seemed to be unstoppable – yet less than four years later, its cities were destroyed, and its army and navy vanquished. Today, Japan is a major ally of the United States and could b... read more
A Plan to Save Social Security Gets Its Day in Congress
*Stephen Silver* *Social Security, Americas* The president has not endorsed the bill and its sponsors are clearly hoping to earn his favor. There has been a lot in the news in recent months about Social Security being in trouble. At the end of August, the Social Security Administration announced that its main trust fund will run out in 2033, a year earlier than previously thought. The toll of the coronavirus was blamed for the expected early dissipation, which can likely only be avoided if Congress does something about it. This week, Congress finally took the first step towards... read more
Study: Omicron Variant Reduces COVID Antibody Protection
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Omicron, Americas* But a booster shot raises antibody protection twenty-five-fold compared to the initial two-dose series. South African scientists have confirmed that the highly mutated Omicron coronavirus variant that was first detected on the same continent two weeks ago significantly reduces antibody protection generated by Pfizer and BioNTech vaccines. However, those individuals who have recovered from the contagion and received their booster shots will likely possess more protection from severe disease, according to a small study of twelve participants ... read more
Roku and YouTube Make Peace at Last
*Stephen Silver* *Technology, Americas* Roku has been making big moves in original content. Roku has reached an agreement with Google to keep YouTube and YouTube TV on the platform following a long dispute. The two sides have reached a multiyear agreement, which comes ahead of a contract expiration on December 9, at which point Roku was threatening to no longer allow new downloads of YouTube, although existing subscribers would have been allowed to continue them, according to CNBC. YouTube TV had been removed from the Roku Channel Store last spring, although existing subscriber... read more
Surgeon General: State of Youth Mental Health Deteriorating
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Pandemic, Americas* The nearly two-year-long coronavirus pandemic has only made mental-health issues worse. U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has given a stark warning regarding the deteriorating mental health of the nation’s teenagers and young people. Murthy told National Public Radio on Tuesday that one in three high school students reported persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness—a 40 percent increase from 2009 to 2019. In addition, suicide rates surged during that same time period by 57 percent among youths aged between ten and twenty-four. Mo... read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Tensions with Argentina: Brazil announces Mercosur summit will be held online, not in person
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Brazilian government announced on Wednesday, without giving details, that the Mercosur summit to be held on December 16 and 17 will be moved to an online format in an atmosphere of political and economic tension among the members and with the omicron variant of the coronavirus threatening the stability […] The post Tensions with Argentina: Brazil announces Mercosur summit will be held online, not in person appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Brazil will control inflation earlier than rich countries -Economy Minister Guedes
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Central Bank acted fast, and Brazil will control inflation earlier than advanced countries, said yesterday the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, in the Invest in Brazil event, held by Apex Brasil. He stated that the country is prepared to do the fight from the institutional point of view. On […] The post Brazil will control inflation earlier than rich countries -Economy Minister Guedes appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Massachusetts Hockey Stick Update
COVID-19 Raw Data – December 8, 2021 read more
Small Dead Animals18 hours ago
Basic Dictatorship
Opposition MPs have the nerve to question Dear Leader’s spending. Its interesting that Biden and Trudeau have the same policies. read more
The DMI “Improved Model”
DMI’s explanation for why the altered the data. They claim the new model doesn’t change the relative positioning between years and primarily affects melt season volume. “We have improved the DMI operational ocean and sea-ice model HYCOM-CICE with higher horizontal … Continue reading → read more
Small Dead Animals19 hours ago
I Feel Much Safer. Thank You Dear Leader
I can’t remember the title as it was long ago, but I had to attend a lecture on how not to be violent in the field or something. I and the other young officers in the room slept through it. In somewhat related news, more fun at the Toronto School Board. And China doesn’t need… Continue reading → read more
The Overlord Issues Long Overdue DoW Award
*"It is a scathing indictment of Modern America when one must consider the distinct possibility that our Vice President's finest oratory was most likely delivered in a seedy motel along a stretch of deserted interstate..." -- The Overlord* I have not distributed a 'Douchebags of the Week award' in six months. Primarily, this is because there are typically so many worthy candidates in a particular week that deciding upon a single individual who has achieved excellence in douchedom is a difficult task. In order to relieve myself, somewhat, of this burden, I will begin handing out t... read more
If the unvaxxed are going to be "shut out", we'll have to build new networks
There appears to be a growing movement around the world to "shut out" those who will not accept the COVID-19 vaccination. They're being denied basic rights like access to stores, ordered to quarantine themselves, threatened with imprisonment if they refuse to comply, and more of the same. A few examples from overseas: - New Zealand Covid restrictions: Expert says ‘two-tier’ rules are needed even if they seem to ‘violate rights’ - Italy tightens restrictions on the unvaccinated with new COVID pass - Unvaccinated in Australia now banned from just about everything ... read more
UK Special Ed Jolts and Joy
By Anne Dachel Loss of Brain Trust Update Dec 6, 2021 Once again most of the stories were from the U.K. where special education costs are putting more and more schools into deficit spending and where they can’t build special... Related Stories - Robert Kennedy Jr Explains the Old American Fauci in The New American Interview - The Really Big Lie Grows Bigger - “Neurodiversity is the new normal” read more
Halifax Examiner17 hours ago
Halifax Lancers “gravely concerned” with Halifax Common master plan
A decision by HRM’s Community Planning and Economic Development Standing Committee to defer a motion to send the Halifax Common Master Plan before Regional Council was applauded by the Halifax Junior Bengal Lancers on Wednesday. Canada’s only urban not-for-profit equestrian school was established in downtown Halifax in 1936. It offers junior and adult lesson programs, […] read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
Omicron Happy Talk in the US v. Toughening Restrictions in UK, Israel
An attempt to pull some signal out of a lot of Omicron noise. read more
MJBizDaily18 hours ago
Cannabis growers need to know the nuances of tissue culture
Bum seeds. Females that turn into males. Hemp plants that go into THC overdrive and must be destroyed. Cannabis producers have seen firsthand the devastation that inconsistent genetics and pests can have on a crop. Cannabis growers need to know the nuances of tissue culture is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Halifax Examiner18 hours ago
Report: Families expected to pay $966 more for groceries next year
Feel like you’re spending more but leaving with less at the grocery store? A new report released today suggests things are going to get worse. Canada’s Food Price Report for 2022 suggests overall food prices will increase 5% to 7%, with the average family expected to pay $14,767 annually on food. That’s $966 (7%) more […] read more
I'll be out of touch for a few days, but the relief crew will be here to respond to all the idiocy, so stop by. See you on Sunday. read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Brazil’s São Paulo defies central government and may require vaccine passports at airports after all
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The state of São Paulo may require the vaccine passport against Covid-19 as of December 16 in its airports (Guarulhos, Viracopos, and Congonhas). The measure would also be valid for the Port of Santos. According to Governor João Doria, an avowed enemy of Jair Bolsonaro and presidential candidate for 2022, […] The post Brazil’s São Paulo defies central government and may require vaccine passports at airports after all appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
AEB projects for Brazil a drop in exports and in the balance of trade surplus in 2022
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazilian exports should reach US$262.379 billion next year, which represents a drop of 4.7% in relation to the US$275.316 billion estimated for 2021. Imports, however, may grow 4.5% from the US$218.094 billion projected for this year, reaching US$227.855 billion. The forecast, released today (8) by the Foreign Trade Association of […] The post AEB projects for Brazil a drop in exports and in the balance of trade surplus in 2022 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Brazil is one of the most transparent countries on environmental issues -NGO study
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) - an international non-profit organization that measures the environmental impact on the planet - brought in its most recent bulletin, released this Wednesday (8), Brazil as one of the six countries that stood out in 2021 when it comes to environmental transparency. This means that […] The post Brazil is one of the most transparent countries on environmental issues -NGO study appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
null19 hours ago
Lila Talks Ethiopia: Discussing the Conflict in the Horn of Africa #NoMore with a Special Note #AdwaSpring from Teodrose III
Learn the myths and facts of the conflict in Ethiopia. This is not just a fight for unity, it is a fight for democracy and The post Lila Talks Ethiopia: Discussing the Conflict in the Horn of Africa #NoMore with a Special Note #AdwaSpring from Teodrose III appeared first on . read more
NY Times Claims Brazil Is Turning Into Desert, As Foliage Growth Surges
By Paul Homewood Reposted from Climate Realism: The New York Times published an article Friday titled, “A Slow-Motion Climate Disaster: The Spread of Barren Land.” The article claims global warming is causing drought in northeastern Brazil, turning the region into a desert. Objective satellite measurements of vegetation, however, show increasing vegetation in northeast […] read more
Virtual Mirage20 hours ago
From Lunch to Prizes (fighting sail day)
First, let’s get festive! Man does not live by quesadillas alone – but it’s a great place to start. In the Days of Fighting Sail: Prize Money – the Process This money was a great additional income, especially for officers, but also for sailors, if they were lucky. From the beginning of […] The post From Lunch to Prizes (fighting sail day) appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
#Omicron blunts immune response more, say reports
Omicron blunts immune response more, say reports: read more

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