Tuesday, December 07, 2021

7 December - AM - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 5

 2:15 am MST

The Rio Times19 hours ago
Uruguay to export first certified carbon-neutral meat shipment in South America
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Agustín Russi, Business Development Manager of LSQA, the company involved in the certification process, said that this shipment will be a "historic milestone" for Uruguay. The meat was produced by Mosaica, LSQA-certified and slaughtered by Solís Meat Uruguay, according to Blasina y Asociados. A meat producer that exports to major […] The post Uruguay to export first certified carbon-neutral meat shipment in South America appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Halifax Examiner19 hours ago
Proposed Wentworth Valley wind farm gets blowback
Let’s start with a quick Nova Scotia quiz. Question #1: What do the following three things have something in common? (1) A large new wind farm proposed for Wentworth Valley, (2) an open pit gold mine at Moose River in Halifax Regional Municipality that is owned by Australia’s St Barbara Ltd and operated by its […] read more
Lawfare20 hours ago
How the President Can Shape the Role and Oversight of the National Cyber Director
Former defense secretary Ash Carter shakes hands with then-Vice President Joe Biden after meeting with the National Security Council. (Photo by U.S. Secretary of Defense) The White House has its first Senate-confirmed national cyber director, but the position’s role in the executive branch hasn’t been spelled out yet. President Biden’s May executive order on cybersecurity deferred defining the national cyber director’s role until after his office was up and running. How could the president shape the position? Specifically, how do the national cyber director’s legal authorities aff... read more
Is the BBC biased?18 hours ago
Just a thought
The BBC News Channel's been conducting lots of interviews today about the government's new drugs policy. Even Mark Easton has been deployed. Oddly Kit Malthouse, the minister responsible for it, appeared on *BBC Breakfast* this morning and Sally Nugent didn't ask him a single question about that. When he finally managed to steer the conversation onto the topic all she could ask him about was drug use in the Houses of Parliament. Important as *that* might be, if you've got the policing minister and you're lining up lots of people to comment on and criticise his government's drugs s... read more
"A Brief History of Epic Mass Madness"
*"A Brief History of Epic Mass Madness"* by Jim Kunstler "The thesis called mass formation psychosis put forward lately by the Belgian psychologist Mattias Desmet - a good digest here in text - goes a long way to explaining the disgraceful mindf**kery that Western Civ has fallen for in our time, promulgated by a thinking class that descended into abject madness. It’s well worth reviewing. The descent was provoked by the existential anxiety over the collapse of techno-industrial economies and the end of progress as-we’ve-known-it. (Have you noticed: it was the self-styled “progressi... read more
Time to review for this next crisis
Let's review. It was a mistake to close churches, libraries and outdoor parks and recreational areas, three institutions that strengthen mind, body and soul. Thousands of non-covid deaths could have been prevented if governors (and the managers of these institutions--like pastors and librarians) would have paid attention to the decades of research that show their positive social, economic and health benefits. I remind you, because at the rate Biden is going, it will happen again. In 2020, he said he had a plan. Now we know the plan, so be prepared. read more
PrairiePundit18 hours ago
Biden's empathy deficit
*Fox News:* *Biden, who campaigned on empathy, doesn't visit scenes of national tragedies* *Biden has not visited families and communities grieving amid recent tragedies* Biden is a guy that will say things he does not mean in order to get elected. He appears to say talking points given to him by campaign operatives and then forget them. read more
Gregory Mannarino, "TWO Wall Street Mega-Banks WARN On The Economy And Crypto. This Is What You Should Be Doing Now!"
Gregory Mannarino, AM 12/6/21: *"TWO Wall Street Mega-Banks WARN On The **Economy* * And Crypto. This Is What You Should Be Doing Now!"* - https://traderschoice.net/ read more
21st Century Wire18 hours ago
‘We are Human Guinea Pigs’ – Alarming Casualty Rates for mRNA Vaccines Warrant Urgent Action
*F. William Engdahl* | Little wonder some critics believe it is a disguised vehicle for human eugenics. read more
Organizing Notes18 hours ago
Ukrainian refugee in Russia comments on possible war
I was on a Zoom call yesterday with some activists from around the globe led by GN advisory board member Leonid Ilderkin from Russia. We discussed the current Ukraine-Russia situation. Leonid (a refugee in Russia from Ukraine since the 2014 US orchestrated coup d'etat in Kiev) said that last spring when these same tensions were happening that he did not believe war would start. He proved to be correct. Now, Leonid says, he is not so sure. The principle reason Leonid said was that the Nordstream 2 pipeline from Russia to Germany, that will deliver natural gas, is a key factor. T... read more
PrairiePundit18 hours ago
The disastrous selection of Kamala Harris as VP
Stephen Kruiser: ... It has been difficult to not notice that the frequency of the “Wow, Kamala Harris is kind of a train wreck…” articles has been picking up quite a bit lately. We’ve led the Briefing with that once in October and November, the most recent being around three weeks ago. In reality, there is enough material to do a daily diary about this political nightmare, but we probably do need to keep focusing on her even bigger train wreck of a boss. ... On Saturday, A.J. wrote a post that covered a none-too-flattering article about Harris in, off all publications, *The W... read more
No There
Republicans have been obstructionist for a long time. Paul Krugman writes that last week's attempt to shut down the government is merely another in a long line of manufactured crises: Republicans led by Newt Gingrich partly shut down the government in 1995-96 in an attempt to extract concessions from President Bill Clinton. G.O.P. legislators created a series of funding crises under President Barack Obama, again in a (partly successful) attempt to extract policy concessions. Creating budget crises whenever a Democrat sits in the White House has become standard Republican operating... read more
World Bank Admits Pfizer Will Only Give Vaccines to Countries in Which Citizens Can’t Sue Them for Injuries
[image: PFIZER]"Pfizer has been hesitant to go into some of the countries because of the liability problems, they don’t have a liability shield." read more
War News Updates19 hours ago
Tweets Of The Day
A growing number of countries across the world are detecting cases of the new Omicron variant of the coronavirus. Get the latest developments here. https://t.co/WP0SO0gh58 — CNN (@CNN) December 6, 2021 Indian state of Nagaland tense after killing of 14 civilians https://t.co/aO1giigaF2 — BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) December 6, 2021 Germany’s environmentalist Greens say their members have approved a deal to form a new coalition government with two other parties, clearing the way for parliament to elect Olaf Scholz as chancellor. https://t.co/7PfOR8c4kb — AP Europe (@AP_Europe) Dece... read more
21st Century Wire19 hours ago
Is There a Link Between Cancer and COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’?
* Dr. Nicole Delépine* | Caution is required with all experimental treatments, and even more so when they a technology never used before in supposedly 'fight' a viral pandemic. read more
Russia's Su-35 Has a Key Advantage Over American F-22 Raptors
*War Is Boring* *Su-35, Russia* The reason the F-22 lacks side-looking radars and infrared search-and-track sensors dates back to the Raptor’s origin. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The reason why the F-22 doesn’t have an IRST dates from the avionics cost cap imposed in 1989. The U.S. Air Force didn’t prescribe which systems were to be dropped in order to meet the cap. America’s F-22 Raptor is one of the world’s most advanced warplanes. But it has several weaknesses. For one, it’s blind in the infrared though several of its potential rivals have infrared-search-and-track sensors... read more
Modern-day culture wars are playing out on historic tours of slaveholding plantations
The romanticized notions of Southern gentility are increasingly at odds with historical reality as the lives, culture and contributions of the enslaved are becoming integral on tours of plantations. read more
An expert draws 7 lessons about US gun laws from the murder of Ahmaud Arbery and the Rittenhouse verdict
Spoiler alert: Stolen guns arm criminals, and limiting gun carrying outside the home reduces violent crime. read more
PrairiePundit19 hours ago
Greenland tosses out the Chicoms
TFI Global News: ... Greenland bids adieu to Chinese mining company: Reuters reported on Tuesday that Greenland has stripped a Chinese mining company of its license to an iron ore deposit near the capital Nuuk, dealing a huge blow to attempts by Chinese companies to gain a foothold on the resource-rich Arctic island. Climate change has tamed the deadly winters in and around the Arctic, making the resource-rich territory more accessible and mining operations in the region, more lucrative. In 2015, China’s coal and iron ore importer, General Nice, had become the first Chinese comp... read more
OrientalReview.org19 hours ago
Biden-Putin Meeting Is A Cliffhanger
What has unfolded in the past 24 hours in the US-Russia diplomatic tango can be seen as a foreplay of the meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Biden, which is slated for Tuesday evening. Russia has got what it has been keenly seeking — a meeting […] read more
Econlib20 hours ago
Does compulsory vaccination work?
A specter is haunting Europe—the specter of compulsory vaccination. In the face of the Omicron variant, European governments are escalating in their anti-Covid measures. Compulsory vaccination is on the table, but so is the idea of going back to at least partial lockdowns. It is interesting that by now shutting down at least part of […] The post Does compulsory vaccination work? appeared first on Econlib. read more
Western Warfare and Western Trade
“Trade cannot be maintained without war, nor war without trade.” ~ Jan Pieterszoon Coen, the most ruthless and successful conqueror of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in the seventeenth century. In a single line, Coen has described the two pillars of Western success in the last 500 years: warfare and trade. Since the fifteenth century, Western trade and Western warfare have marched hand in hand. Without the genocides, enslavements, rapes, mass murders, mass evictions, drug smuggling, and destruction of whole civilizations—visited on the world by the European powers—the West woul... read more
Just How Strong Are China’s Air Defenses?
*Kris Osborn* *China, Asia-Pacific* Its air defenses consist of Russian-built S-300 and S-400 surface-to-air missiles. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *Even if the U.S. Air Force was able to overwhelm or destroy the People’s Liberation Army Air Force, its aircraft would be at risk of being destroyed by China’s highly dangerous and precise air defenses. Arecent Defense Department report shows that Chinese air defense systems present a substantial and growing threat to the U.S. and allies in the region. China operates Russian-built and indigenously produced systems capable of... read more
War News Updates19 hours ago
Picture Of The Day
Security Stance Soldiers pull security and unload a Eurocopter AS532 Cougar during Southern Vanguard 22 in Lorena, Brazil, Dec. 3, 2021. Photo By: Army Pfc. Joshua Taeckens read more
PrairiePundit19 hours ago
The polls tell the story of Democrat failures
Paul Bedard: This week’s White House Report Card finds President Joe Biden suffering through a cold passed on by his grandson, a mixed jobs report, a new coronavirus variant sweeping the nation, and his vice president stumbling through her latest string of staff implosions. Nothing really went right for Biden, though pollster John Zogby, in grading a C, suggested that the president’s approval rating might have reached its bottom. The week was notable for the spread of the new omicron coronavirus variant and a jobs report that saw one-third of the expected 600,000 created, but a ... read more
PrairiePundit19 hours ago
Biden not up to meeting local media?
*Washington Examiner:* *Biden skips local news interviews as infrastructure sales pitch falls flat* He seems to be dodging media in general. I suspect it is because talking directly to the media exposes his dementia problem. The legislation is also not as popular as Democrats hoped for. read more
PrairiePundit19 hours ago
Overturning Roe unlikely to change trajectory of 2022 election
Red States: Last week’s Supreme Court oral arguments sparked a glimmer of hope on left, with the hope being to use a possible overturning of Roe v. Wade as a wedge issue in 2022 to drive turnout. But while signs are certainly pointing toward the “right” to abortion being gutted, would such an event really represent a reset for the coming election? Color me extremely skeptical that the electorate is that malleable at this point, and I’m apparently not the only one throwing cold water on the idea. Politico spoke to several Democrat strategists who not only think the abortion issue... read more
Snopes.com19 hours ago
Myanmar’s Suu Kyi Gets 4 Years in Trial Seen As Political
Aung San Suu Kyi, the civilian leader of Myanmar who was ousted in a de facto coup this year, was convicted of incitement and another charge and sentenced to four years in prison. read more
Deep freeze - St. Petersburg breaks daily temperature record set in 1893, Russia
With the temperature dropping to -20.9 C (-5.8 F) on Sunday, December 5, 2021, the Russian city of St. Petersburg has broken its daily record set 128 years ago - in 1893. "Today, St. Petersburg set a new daily cold weather record. Temperatures in the Northern...... Read more » read more
musingsofanoldfart19 hours ago
Monday morning you sure look “fine” – December 6, 2021
Since I believe I have used this title before, I will date this post. Fleetwood Mac fans will recognize the title as a lyric sung by Lindsey Buckingham in “Monday Morning.” The word “fine” has different meanings that fall in … Continue reading → read more
PrairiePundit20 hours ago
Alumni rebel against college speech police
Washington Examiner: Groups of alumni from various colleges and universities around the country are organizing efforts to withhold donations from their alma maters in a bid to push the institutions to recommit themselves to free speech principles. *The Jefferson Council *is among those groups and was founded last year following continued attempts at the University of Virginia to cancel its founder, Thomas Jefferson, as well as a shift in the institution toward ideological uniformity. James Bacon, a 1975 graduate of the University of Virginia and a founding member of the council... read more
PrairiePundit20 hours ago
Only 22% want Biden to run again
I&I: Just when it seemed President Joe Biden could get no lower in the public’s political esteem, a new I&I/TIPP Poll of Americans’ preference for the 2024 Democratic presidential ballot is a shocker: Just over one out of five want Joe Biden back at the top of the Democrats’ ticket in three years. A number of recent I&I/TIPP Polls (here and here) have documented Biden’s sharp decline in favorability with the public due to a number of issues, ranging from his leadership of the military, the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, the recent inflation surge and supply-chain crisis, the bor... read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Uruguay: Dockworkers in indefinite strike due to the possibility of unemployment
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The union of the company Montecon has been on indefinite strike since Wednesday, December 1, 2021 -in the Port of Montevideo- in rejection of the measures that the company is taking because of the reduction in the activity they are going through, this before the docking priority that has the […] The post Uruguay: Dockworkers in indefinite strike due to the possibility of unemployment appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Never Forget the Terrible Cost of the Korean War
*War Is Boring, Darien Cavanaugh* *Korean War, Korea* A modern conflict on the Korean peninsula would be likely to see massive casualties and untold destruction not unlike that witnessed in the 1950s war. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *On a per-capita basis, the Korean War was one of the deadliest wars in modern history, especially for the civilian population of North Korea. The scale of the devastation shocked and disgusted the American military personnel who witnessed it, including some who had fought in the most horrific battles of World War II. It’s difficult to try to ... read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Portela samba school is declared intangible cultural heritage of Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Portela has been officially declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Rio de Janeiro. Governor Claudio Castro sanctioned the law that gives the title to the week school, which came into effect on December 3, according to the publication in the Diário Oficial of this Monday (6/12). The bill is authored by […] The post Portela samba school is declared intangible cultural heritage of Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Very bright fireball streaks through the night sky over Idaho, U.S.
A very bright fireball was seen streaking through the night sky over Idaho, U.S. at around 08:40 UTC on December 5, 2021. The American Meteor Society (AMS) has so far received 5 reports, 2 videos, and 2 photos.1 Image credit: AMS Image credit: Jordan R., AMS...... Read more » read more
Viable Opposition20 hours ago
The Early Danger Signs of Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine
After having been sued by the group Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, we now have a complete picture of the adverse events connected to the early days of the rollout of Pfizer's BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine now known as Comirnaty. This document was released under a Freedom of Information request against the Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. government body responsible for approving Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine. Let's open with this screen capture showing the first three pages of the civil action taken by Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transp... read more
MJBizDaily21 hours ago
How marijuana retailers are prepping – or not – for the omicron coronavirus variant
Now that the omicron variant of COVID-19 has found its way into the United States, marijuana businesses - particularly retailers - are contemplating how the shifting pandemic situation might affect their daily operations. How marijuana retailers are prepping – or not – for the omicron coronavirus variant is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
CFACT22 hours ago
Divesting in crude oil guarantees shortages and inflation
The movement to “net zero” shutters the crude oil supply that is responsible for thousands of products, assures a threat to civilization. The post Divesting in crude oil guarantees shortages and inflation appeared first on CFACT. read more
China’s Hypersonic Weapons Reinforce Concerns for the U.S. Navy
*Kris Osborn* *Hypersonic Missiles, Asia-Pacific* An attack weapon traveling at hypersonic speeds within the Pacific region seems nearly impossible to defend. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *All of these weapons reinforce the concerns listed in the report, which is that China aims to overcome and destroy the U.S. Navy ballistic missile defenses. A hypersonic glide vehicle or long-range anti-ship missile would introduce the possibility that ship-based Aegis radar systems could be attacked, jammed or overwhelmed by Chinese attacks. Anew Defense Department report on China say... read more
Why U.S. Special Forces Loved to Use Captured AK-47s in Vietnam
*War Is Boring* *AK-47, United States* The AK-47's dependability and the ability to surprise enemies were both factors in why American soldiers sometimes used the Soviet assault rifle. *Key point: *The practice of taking enemy weapons from the battlefield as trophies was hardly new in the 1960s. But captured weapons—especially AK variants—quickly became important parts of U.S. Army Special Forces and U.S. Navy SEAL Teams’ combat arsenals. While the Soviet *Avtomat Kalashnikova* has become the iconic weapon of bad guys in Hollywood blockbusters and big-budget video games, U.S. com... read more
Cairns News20 hours ago
Annual Mengele awards
Letter to the Editor Have a brilliant idea for the annual Mengele awards. First prize gets something commensurate with the moral and intellectual values that doctors, church leaders and politicians have exhibited during the plandemic. Probably a plastic swastika on a stick (made in china). They could parade up and down their Masonic halls with it, […] read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Market reduces projection for Brazil 2022 GDP expansion from 0.58% to 0.51% – Focus report
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The median of the market's projections for the growth of the Brazilian economy in 2021 fell once again, now for the eighth consecutive week, from 4.78% to 4.71%, in the Focus Report, of the Central Bank (BC), released this Monday (06) with estimates collected through the end of last week. […] The post Market reduces projection for Brazil 2022 GDP expansion from 0.58% to 0.51% – Focus report appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Electroverse21 hours ago
Greenland Gained 9 Gigatons Of Snow and Ice On Sunday, Australia Suffered Coldest Nov Since 1999, + Monthly Lows (And Rare Snows) Fall in Hawaii
Dr. Murray Salby: "I have an involuntary gag reflex whenever someone says the science is settled. Anyone who thinks the science is settled on this topic is in fantasia." The post Greenland Gained 9 Gigatons Of Snow and Ice On Sunday, Australia Suffered Coldest Nov Since 1999, + Monthly Lows (And Rare Snows) Fall in Hawaii appeared first on Electroverse. read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Booming luxury apartment sales in Brazil’s São Paulo set record in 2021
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Those who have money to spend can afford the luxury of choice: at least 200 square meters of area, high ceilings, acoustic finishing, a bathroom in each bedroom, and four garage spaces. The list of requirements, which is long and goes on and on, reflects the profile of the fastest-growing […] The post Booming luxury apartment sales in Brazil’s São Paulo set record in 2021 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Aviationist21 hours ago
UAE Signs Historic Deal With France For 80 Rafale Fighter Jets
[image: Rafale UAE] The deal, which also includes Rafale’s weapons and 12 Caracal helicopters, is considered the largest contract ever signed for the export of French weapons. France and the United Arab Emirates signed a historic deal for [...] The post UAE Signs Historic Deal With France For 80 Rafale Fighter Jets appeared first on The Aviationist. read more
naked capitalism21 hours ago
Facebook: Latest Court Case Shows How Europe is Clamping Down on Big Tech
The European Court of Justice has just dealt a major blow to Facebook’s approach to users’ data. read more
12 Years A Counting
12 years ago, I lamented that 9 healthcare workers had been fired for not been flu shot compliant. Thank you Facebook for the reminder of why Age of Autism is still so needed. How many nurses are scratching their heads... Related Stories - Provax Advice Allowed - Lina Hjalmarsson Lyons Launches PoeticJustice.press for Non-Speakers - Final Sprint for our Matching Gift Campaign! read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Brazil breaks record for wind power capacity increase with 3,051MW
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The expansion of installed electricity capacity from wind power in Brazil reached 3,051.29 megawatts (MW) in 2021, considering November data. This is the most significant increase in this source since 2014 when the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) connected 2,786 MW for commercial operation. Currently, wind power plants make up […] The post Brazil breaks record for wind power capacity increase with 3,051MW appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
NATO Designed Magnetic Noisemakers to Track Soviet Submarines. The Plan Failed.
*War Is Boring* *Anti-Submarine Warfare, soviet union* NATO needed a new tool to track the hundreds of Soviet diesel-electric submarines during the Cold War. But these magnets proved too difficult to train with. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The floppy-magnets worked exactly as intended, but they were simply too messy to train with to be practical on a large scale. It seems NATO deployed them only a few times. At the height of the Cold War, the Soviet Union had so many hundreds of deadly submarines at sea that Western war planners willing to try almost any possible countermeas... read more
Tanker Aircraft are China’s Newest Threat
*Kris Osborn* *Tanker Aircraft, Asia-Pacific* China may be accelerating the pace of construction of these Y-20 tanker aircraft to align with its evolving plan to achieve global domination by 2049. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *China is quickly expanding its amphibious assault capacity with new ships and drones. The addition of sustained fifth-generation airpower in support of amphibious assaults could bring an entirely new dimension to Chinese threats to Taiwan and other areas. The Chinese Air Force is quickly moving to expand its fleet of air-to-air refueling aircraft t... read more
China’s New Type-055 Destroyer Looks Uncannily Familiar
*Kris Osborn* *China Type-55 Destroyer, Asia-Pacific* These Type-055 destroyers will greatly erode any kind of U.S. military superiority at sea if they have Aegis-type BMD. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *China’s new Type-055 destroyer looks like a hybrid blend between the Navy’s stealthy *Zumwalt*-class destroyers and DDG 51 *Arleigh Burke*-class destroyers. It has concentrated Vertical Launch Systems, a smoother, straighter hull configuration with a reduced amount of radar signature-increasing protruding structures such as guns on the side, deck masts or antennas. The Chi... read more
Is the Ruger LCP II the Best .22 Pistol Out Now?
*Richard Douglas* *Pistols, United States* The Ruger .22 LCP is an affordable, reliable, accurate pistol for range days and plinking. You might recognize this gun, but maybe don’t know the name of it. It’s the Ruger LCP II .22 LR. The LCP comes in .380 as well, but I wanted another plinker to add to my collection. A friend recommended this and I promised to take a look. My question was, “Does the Ruger LCP II .22 make for a good gun?” I don’t find anything about the LCP II’s design to be particularly appealing. It looks pretty basic with the exception of the aggressive grip text... read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
New National Logistics Plan foresees handling of up to 104% more cargo in Brazil ports
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Brazilian government launched the National Logistics Plan 2035, which states that "investment in intermodality is the way to transform the country's transportation matrix, increasing efficiency, safety, and sustainability, with the reduction of logistics costs in the movement of cargo and passengers, and the volume of gases emitted into the […] The post New National Logistics Plan foresees handling of up to 104% more cargo in Brazil ports appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Brazil may lose US$1.5 billion of GDP in 2021 due to higher electricity prices – CNI study
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil may lose up to R$8.2 (US$1.5) billion of its GDP in 2021 due to the increase in the price of electricity. This is what the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) estimates in the study "Economic impact of the increase in the price of electricity". For 2022, the drop may […] The post Brazil may lose US$1.5 billion of GDP in 2021 due to higher electricity prices – CNI study appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Retraction Watch22 hours ago
Pentagon-funded Duke research on soldier brain damage under investigation
Duke University is investigating potential misconduct in a trio of studies of ways to identify brain damage in soldiers. The studies were conducted by Mohamed B Abou-Donia and Brahmajothi Mulugu, and appeared in the February 2020 issue of Military Medicine, which has issued an expression of concern about the articles. The research was performed using … Continue reading Pentagon-funded Duke research on soldier brain damage under investigation read more
Small Dead Animals23 hours ago
Racism Running Rampant In Ontario
I’m old enough to remember when unions were concerned about wages and working conditions. read more
Komando.com23 hours ago
What makes a good VPN? 3 features to look for before you spend a dime
Now more than ever savvy consumers are looking for ways to protect their privacy online and get the best internet experience possible. If you're on shopping around, here's what to look for. read more
naked capitalism22 hours ago
Too Big to Strand? Bond Versus Bank Financing in the Transition to a Low Carbon Economy
By Winta Beyene, PhD student in Finance, University of Zurich and Swiss Finance Institute, Manthos Delis Professor of Financial Economics, Montpellier Business School, Kathrin de Greiff, PhD candidate in Banking and Finance, University of Zurich and Swiss Finance Institute, Steven Ongena, Professor in Banking, University of Zurich, the Swiss Finance Institute, KU Leuven and NTNU; […] read more
Amazing Earth-grazing fireball over the Mediterranean Sea
A stunning, slow-moving fireball crossed the night sky over the Mediterranean Sea at 04:08 UTC on December 4, 2021. The bolide was generated by a rock (a meteoroid) from a comet that hit the atmosphere at about 83 000 km/h (51 600 mph), according to the principal...... Read more » read more
Is the BBC biased?22 hours ago
Tyson's fury
Morecambe's very own Tyson Fury is giving the BBC a good hammering again over *Sports Personality of the Year*. For the second year running, the mighty boxer is threatening the BBC with legal action if they put him on their SPOTY shortlist. The comments below the *Telegraph* report are very much in his corner. One commenter recalled something I didn't remember at all, BBC presenter Clive Myrie in 2015 calling him a ''d🦆🦆🦆head''. [''You can't be a d🦆🦆🦆head and win Sports Personality of the Year''.] That might not have helped. read more
Cairns News23 hours ago
WA slimeocracy push mRNA jabs on school children, insult parents
By TONY MOBILIFONITISWEST Australian people are trying to stop corrupt and criminally negligent politicians and bureaucrats from pushing the dangerous mRNA vaccines on school children across the state. These so-called government representatives and the WA branch of the Australian Medical Association are slandering the protesters (many of them parents) while ignoring the 83,000 thousand adverse […] read more
Memes that made me laugh 87
Gathered from around the Internet over the past week. Click any image for a larger view. *(The scientific facts)* More next week. Peter read more
The New Dark Age23 hours ago
UK Crony Capitalism: They want to derail us
This year, Good Law Project has exposed cronyism right at the heart of Government. It’s perhaps not surprising that those who benefit from these cozy arrangements are trying to derail us. read more
The Rio Times23 hours ago
Covid-19: Tribunal belga declara ilegal o uso do passaporte de vacinação e aplica uma multa de €5.000 por dia enquanto estiver em vigor
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRASIL – Um tribunal decidiu que o uso do chamado Covid Safe Ticket (CST) na Valônia (Bélgica) é ilegal e ordenou que o governo local pague multa de €5.000 (US$5.660) por dia contanto que não pare de obrigar seu uso. A sentença foi proferida pelo Tribunal de Primeira Instância de Namur, a […] The post Covid-19: Tribunal belga declara ilegal o uso do passaporte de vacinação e aplica uma multa de €5.000 por dia enquanto estiver em vigor appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Pentagon's 2021 China Military Power Report Shows Where Beijing Is Headed
*Zack Cooper* *Chinese Military, China* The 2021 China Military Power Report included update on nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles, and Chinese plans and strategy for Taiwan. *Here's What You Need to Remember:* The 2021 report explicitly describes China’s goals as seeking to “match or surpass U.S. global influence and power, displace U.S. alliances and security partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region, and revise the international order to be more advantageous to Beijing’s authoritarian system and national interests.” Last week, the Pentagon released its 2021 China Military Power... read more
Ignore The Evidence Of Your Eyes And Ears
“Except over a small area, it is generally understood, the glaciers of the world are retreating to the mountains. The glacier on Mount Sermiento in South America, which descended to the sea when Darwin found it in 1836, is now … Continue reading → read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Brazil’s monetary policy committee to raise SELIC to 9.25% this week
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - With rising inflation, the financial market expects that basic interest rates will rise by 1.5 percentage points to 9.25% per year. The current cycle of the SELIC rate hike began in March this year, when the rate rose from 2% to 2.75% per year. The benchmark interest rate is used […] The post Brazil’s monetary policy committee to raise SELIC to 9.25% this week appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Aspidochelone, etc.
Aspidochelone This sea monster is a lesser-known species compared to some other representatives of its kind. According to legend, this is a cunning turtle/whale/fish (history varies between cultures on this point) so large that sailors mistake it for an island. After so much time on the water, the sailors are excited to see land […] The post Aspidochelone, etc. appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
The Duran1 day ago
Putin Will Demand No More NATO Expansion in Summit with Biden as Western Sanctions Backfire
Putin Will Demand No More NATO Expansion in Summit with Biden as Western Sanctions Backfire News Topic 356 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions at a news conference following the 28th OSCE Ministerial Council, Stockholm, December 2, 2021 https://www.mid.ru/en/foreign_policy/news/-/asset_publisher/cKNonkJE02Bw/content/id/4982221 Russia’s ‘plan to invade Ukraine’ exists only in the US and NATO […] read more
Need To Know1 day ago
Australian Woman Forced into ‘Quarantine Camp’ for 14 Days
Minors are also being detained in the camps, as three youths aged 15, 16 and 17 were recently hunted down and arrested for fleeing the camp (they all tested negative for Covid but came in contact with someone who tested positive). read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Brazil to face downward corrections of economic projections
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Brazilian economy is facing a growing risk of downward corrections for 2022 after posting lower-than-expected GDP growth in the third quarter and plunging into uncertainty over the potential economic impact of the new variant of the coronavirus. "The main driver underpinning Brazilian GDP is the services sector. The performance […] The post Brazil to face downward corrections of economic projections appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Duran1 day ago
RELAX! GOVERNMENTS & CORPS WILL TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING! (FULL) | ALTCOINS | CRYPTOCURRENCIES | RELAX! GOVERNMENTS & CORPS WILL TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING! (FULL) | ALTCOINS | CRYPTOCURRENCIES | I recorded this video to coincide with the end of COP 26 where governments, corporations and large NGO… I recorded this video to coincide with […] read more
Need To Know1 day ago
Dr. Noack Reported Dead after Publishing Video about Covid Vaccines Containing Graphene Hydroxide
Reports indicate that Dr. Noack, a chemist, died from a heart attack several days after publishing a video claiming that graphene hydroxide is an ingredient in Covid-19 vaccines that can cut the epithelial lining in blood vessels and cause death. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Female judges who fled from the Taliban and reached Brazil due to a translation mistake
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Muska, a female judge, was hiding with her family from the Taliban after they forcibly regained power in Afghanistan. But an apparent translation mistake over 11,000 km away helped her to dramatically change her life. Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro opened his country's doors to potential refugees from the Asian nation […] The post Female judges who fled from the Taliban and reached Brazil due to a translation mistake appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Ranking Australia’s worst treasurers
The Story: https://www.michaelwest.com.au/treasurer-measurer-exploding-the-liberal-election-myth-of-superior-economic-managers/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheWestReport Merch: https://lonelykidsclub.com/new/michael+west Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michaelwest.journo Insta: https://www.instagram.com/michaelwestjourno/ read more
Storm Barra to impact Ireland and UK with strong winds, heavy rain and snow
A deep low-pressure area moving in from the Atlantic Ocean this week has been named Storm Barra by Met Éireann on Sunday, December 5, 2021, due to the level of impacts expected for the Republic of Ireland. After impacting Ireland, Barra will bring strong...... Read more » read more
Serbia Liked Russia's Pantsir S1 Air Defense System So Much It Came Back for More
*Mark Episkopos* *Serbia, Europe* The Russian-Serbian defense relationship is growing increasingly cozy. Serbia has announced plans to buy another shipment of Russian air defense systems, highlighting deepening defense ties between the two countries. “We have received the Kornets [anti-tank missile systems]. We have received tanks, armored personnel carriers and are purchasing new Pantsyrs,” Serbian interior minister Aleksandar Vulin said on Thursday during talks with Russian defense minister Sergey Shoigu. “All that we have agreed upon with you is being implemented,” added Vuli... read more
Global Arms Industry Thrives Amid Worldwide Pandemic Devastation
UNITED NATIONS, Dec 06 (IPS) - The 21-month long pandemic, which began with the outbreak of the deadly corona virus back in March 2020, ravaged hundreds and thousands of businesses and industries resulting either in widespread losses, closures or bankruptcies. Read the full story, “Global Arms Industry Thrives Amid Worldwide Pandemic Devastation”, on globalissues.org → read more
Intruders, Beware: The 10 Best Handguns for Home Defense
*Gun News Daily* *Guns, World* The reality is that any handgun has the potential to stop someone, provided you hit the right area. If you’re looking for an effective home-defense weapon, handguns are one of the most popular choices. *Why do so many people go with the handgun, especially when there are far more powerful guns available?* Their compact size makes it easy to store a handgun right next to your bed in a handgun safe specifically designed for getting your gun quickly in life or death situations. That size also helps if you’re in tight quarters, such as a hallway or s... read more
These Chinese Missiles Can Hit America from Anywhere in the Pacific
*Kris Osborn* *Chinese Nuclear Missiles, Asia-Pacific* This range extension of the JL-3 is significant. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *This range extension of the JL-3 is significant because it enables the newer Chinese submarine-launched nuclear missiles to outrange the U.S. Navy’s Trident II D5 missiles, which reportedly operate at ranges up to four thousand miles. The math shows the JL-3 missiles will likely allow China’s nuclear-armed submarines to attack California or other parts of the United States from almost anywhere in the Pacific Ocean. China is developing subm... read more

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