Sunday, December 05, 2021

5 December - AM - Blogs I'm Following - 5 of 10

 Midnight MST

The Rio Times21 hours ago
From cabinet ministers to Luciano Hang to “son 06”: Who does Brazil’s Bolsonaro want in the Senate?
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Faced with the defeats and obstacles President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) has piled up in the Federal Senate since the beginning of his term, the head of the federal government has invested in names that could be elected in 2022 and turn the tide in the House during a potential second […] The post From cabinet ministers to Luciano Hang to “son 06”: Who does Brazil’s Bolsonaro want in the Senate? appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
New Mexico Proves The CDC Correct
The CDC says masks don’t work to prevent flu transmission. Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures – Volume 26, Number 5—May 2020 – Emerging Infectious Diseases journal – CDC New Mexico has been almost … Continue reading → read more
Loss Of Ancient Grazers Triggered A Global Rise In Fires
Grazing populations and fire frequency are likely related but we also lack clarity as much of this is far more subtle than we initially think. In our own world, cattle can nicely suppress gras and if pfroperly managed this can double the natural stocking rate.. Integrating sheep or goats allows shrub cover to be managed along with weed plants for cattle. So just for a proper sustainable range operatilon we need at least two separate grazers. Under the Mastodon, Mammoth culture, we find that trees and shrub are harvested likely in preference to grass and odds are the pine forest... read more
The Superfoods That Fueled Ancient Andeans Through 2,500 Years Of Turmoil
They had an excellent group of storable crops. Corn was made up the same way as in Mexico and even supported beverage making. They really had plenty of food produced in hostile conditions at best. They were better supplied than those dependent on the Three Sisters and they likely had that as well. Corn and Quinoia served as tribute grains as well. *The Superfoods That Fueled Ancient Andeans Through 2,500 Years Of Turmoil* *11/29/2021 07:00:00 PM* *t* *What if Indigenous diets could s... read more
The propaganda assault continues. Nothing scientific supports you getting the jab. Yet here we are. Now imagine you want to infect 2,000,000,000 people with AIDS. It will not show up too soon and it is famously slow acting. Your Immune system collapses and you succumb to a minor infection. Feeling better now? The drive now is to infect as many as possible before it all becomes way too obvious.. The other problems are real enough, but are likely smoke to obscure the main agency which will be a form of weaponized AIDs *PSYCHO-BIO-WARFARE: OMICRON hysteria is a virus of the ... read more
Elixer of Youth.
This is a wonderful insight. Obviously old cells are blocking their replacement. Eliminating them should allow restoration of general good health. We are also properly describing the nature of the mythical Elixer of Youth It even promises to be a cocktail of sorts. Sudddenly we have an important biological pathway that can clean out the majority of inactive cells. I had thought that such cells were eliminated naturally, but not so easily it appears. This also obviously sets the stage for excess fat tissue elimination. I can accept that as well. *Experimental drugs clear zo... read more
Gangsters Out Blog15 hours ago
59 illegal firearms seized at Canadian border
Narcity is reporting that "Two people crossed a river by boat into Ontario with 59 illegal guns and were arrested, according to police. In a press release posted on December 2, Cornwall RCMP said members with their integrated border integrity team conducted a firearms smuggling investigation on November 26 after two people crossed the St. Lawrence River into Cornwall." "Three big bags were taken off the boat and put into a vehicle that left the area, police said. RCMP then carried out a roadside stop of the vehicle and found illegal firearms and high-capacity magazines. Officers s... read more
Is the BBC biased?18 hours ago
Taking the Micheál
It's not going well for Amol Rajan. Another day, another apology. On this morning's *Today *at 7:12am he said, “Here's Michael Martin, the Taoiseach, speaking last night”. I'm guessing someone had a quick word in his ear because a minute later came a correction and apology, “Micheál Martin not Michael Martin. Forgive me.” 'Micheál' is pronounced 'Mee-hal'. And on that trivial bombshell... read more
Is the BBC biased?21 hours ago
Update on a wayward BBC tweeter
We noted on Wednesday that the BBC's Executive Complaints Unit ruled against Megha Mohan, the BBC World Service’s first gender and identity correspondent, for a tweet on the transgender issue. They ruled against her for failing to comply with BBC guidance saying “Staff should also not post offensive or derogatory comments or content on social media and avoid abusing their position as a BBC employee in personal interactions”. And now this highly prolific BBC tweeter has deleted her Twitter account. If you click on @meghamohan now you'll get the message *This account doesn’t exist*. ... read more
From the Field: ‘climate-smart’ development in an uncertain world
Today, when the UN plans initiatives to help vulnerable communities become more resilient, the climate crisis has to be part of the equation. The UN Development Programme (UNDP) is connecting the dots between people and the impacts that climate change is having on their lives. Read the full story, “From the Field: ‘climate-smart’ development in an uncertain world”, on → read more
This Soviet Bomb Blew the United States Out of the Water
*Richard Douglas* *Cold War, Eurasia* The Tsar Bomba’s yield was five times that of the B53 at 50 megatons. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *The Soviet Union would no longer pursue massive nuclear devices like the Tsar Bomba after observing the results, even though they had the technology to create a nuke with double the power. The idea of nuclear war is terrifying and as a result, almost every first-world nation on the planet has some sort of nuclear arsenal. In the modern age, a portion of nuclear weapon research has been refocused on small-scale tactical nukes dedicated to ... read more
Virtual Mirage21 hours ago
Weekend Thoughts
Do you remember when we did THIS on the weekend? I can only imagine what take the woke would have on this if children did it today. I know what take they have on us. In Baltimore (by way of reminder) The population is 68% black/negro The police department is 68% […] The post Weekend Thoughts appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Analysis: Pandemic exacerbated Brazil’s inequalities between rich and poor, public and private education
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Covid-19 pandemic had a profound impact on the country's education, exacerbating the already existing inequalities between the public and private systems and between poor and wealthy students, according to data from the Social Indicators Survey (SIS) released by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) on Friday, December […] The post Analysis: Pandemic exacerbated Brazil’s inequalities between rich and poor, public and private education appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Is the BBC biased?22 hours ago
A new BBC video about antisemitism
The most-watched video on the BBC News website this morning is a thoughtful piece by Jewish BBC reporter Tom Brada headlined *Anti-Semitism: 2021 likely to be 'the worst year on record'*. Oddly, the BBC is promoting it on Twitter under a different headline - one with a question mark, *British, Jewish: Is Anti-Semitism on the Rise?* The report is interesting and timely, though it doesn't tackle the question of *who* is behind the rise in antisemitism and, curiously, tackles the subject of 'Israel and antisemitism in the UK' through a single voice: a Jewish critic of Israel. read more
All the Christmas warm fuzzies on MSM are happy loving brown families with adorable kiddies and adoring sweet seniors. I don't mind sharing the joy, but my people are being disappeared. Currently there is a discussion about how "racist" it is to use the word "looting"! Apparently there is a stigma attached to the term. There were four boys like this in the back seat with me on family drives in the Hudson. It was hell. Venison burger. Caramelized onions. Mmm. Justine visited the Malahat just north of the city. To go anywh... read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Brazil: Mercado Libre, Americanas and Magalu required to prove “fastest delivery” claims
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A Tuesday decision by the Council for the Self-Regulation of Advertising (CONAR) will compel three major online retailers, Magazine Luiza, Mercado Libre and Americanas to adjust their advertising claims that they have the fastest delivery in Brazil. The process began in June, when CONAR analyzed a complaint from Mercado Libre […] The post Brazil: Mercado Libre, Americanas and Magalu required to prove “fastest delivery” claims appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Komando.com22 hours ago
The best tech gifts for 2021 when money is no object
Want to find the top gadgets for gifting ideas? Here are some pricey tech gifts that will impress anyone in your life. read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Brazil’s Economy Minister to change Treasury head and create special secretariat
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Minister of Economy Paulo Guedes will change the Federal Treasury's leadership and create a special secretariat in Economic Studies. The official announcement will be made next week, according to sources. With the change, Federal Treasury Secretary José Tostes, to take up a new position at the Organization for Economic Cooperation […] The post Brazil’s Economy Minister to change Treasury head and create special secretariat appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Analysis: Rising inflation and interest rates mean extremely volatility in 2022 for Latin American currencies
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Expecting high global inflation, accelerated tapering in the United States, uncertainties about the Omicron variant, and local political risk in Brazil, experts forecast that 2022 will be a highly volatile year for Latin American currencies. The issue was the topic of a debate among 3 experts on Friday (3) during […] The post Analysis: Rising inflation and interest rates mean extremely volatility in 2022 for Latin American currencies appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times23 hours ago
Brazil’s Minister Marcos Pontes says country will be major vaccine producer
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Minister of Science, Technology and Innovations Marcos Pontes said yesterday (3) during the opening of the 18th National Week of Science and Technology (SNCT) in Brasilia, that Brazil will undergo a major change before the world in the development of new technologies. According to the Minister, several new advances have […] The post Brazil’s Minister Marcos Pontes says country will be major vaccine producer appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times23 hours ago
Brazil Ibovespa fluctuated but closed up 0.58%; Stock Exchange rose 2.6% in the week
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Ibovespa fluctuated between losses and gains until the last minute of trading and closed Friday up. The Brazilian Stock Exchange, which rose over 2% in the morning and neared 107,000 points, followed the New York indexes and traded in negative territory for two times. In the United States, the […] The post Brazil Ibovespa fluctuated but closed up 0.58%; Stock Exchange rose 2.6% in the week appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
OrientalReview.org23 hours ago
Backing Horses: Australia’s Solomon Islands Intervention
The history of humanitarian or policing missions is a history of taking sides, disruptive partiality and the forfeiture of the very object powers claim when intervening in another country. Things become particularly absurd when the individual or government pleading for such help to an outside force is struggling to survive […] read more
The Rio Times23 hours ago
Brazil: Supreme Court investigates Bolsonaro for statements linking Covid-19 vaccines and AIDS
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The statements, made during a live stream on social media in October, prompted Facebook and YouTube to enforce their fake news policies and temporarily ban Bolsonaro from the platforms. Bolsonaro has frequently cast doubt on the efficacy of vaccines. He is currently under investigation for his handling of the pandemic. […] The post Brazil: Supreme Court investigates Bolsonaro for statements linking Covid-19 vaccines and AIDS appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Kiwi Church Leaders Defy Ardern’s Threats to Vaccinate or Face a $15K Fine
by Tony Mobilifonitis, Cairns NewsDecember 2, 2021 A feisty Kiwi pastor has told Jacinda Ardern and her Labor Party vaccination cabal to shove their shots and get their noses out of church business. Ardern is threatening to fine church leaders $15,000 if they are not vaccinated by December 3. Pastor Carl Bromley of the Life … Continue reading Kiwi Church Leaders Defy Ardern’s Threats to Vaccinate or Face a $15K Fine → read more
U.N. Taking Down Private Websites – Domain Level Censorship
We knew this was coming. If the ‘powers that be’ have their way there will be no return to normal. EWR The U.N. Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) is now responsible for taking entire privately hosted websites offline, as they seek to take total control of the flow of information and establish their “Great Narrative.” … Continue reading U.N. Taking Down Private Websites – Domain Level Censorship → read more
From the Health Forum NZ at MeWe. Examining the strange case of how vaccinations came to be scheduled for children and youth. Yesterday the government announced that they would begin vaccinating 5 to 11 year olds before the end of January 2022. WHY? We examine the strange case of how vaccinations came to be scheduled … Continue reading EVERY PARENT IN NEW ZEALAND NEEDS TO KNOW THIS TO MAKE AN INFORMED CHOICE FOR THEIR 5 TO 11 YEAR OLD → read more
The Glock 23 Is a Go-To Gun for Self-Defense
*Richard Douglas* *Handguns, * The only complaint that I could register against this weapon is that with the shorter grip, the finger grooves of the Gen 3 and Gen 4 models don’t line up with my fingers. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *The Glock 23 is in use by multiple law enforcement agencies across the United States, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). This track record of reliability, cartridge power, and compact package makes it one of my go-to guns when asked for recommendations for a defensive pistol. The Glock... read more
Meet the Precursor to the SR-71 Blackbird: The Lockheed YF-12
*Stephen Silver* *U.S. Military, United States* [image:] During its nine years of existence, the YF-12 had slightly less than 300 flights, of a total of about 450 flight hours. And it was thought to be one of the fastest jets ever to fly. *Here's What You Need to Remember: "*The YF-12 allowed NASA researchers at all four of the agency's aeronautical centers (Langley, Lewis [now Glenn], and Ames as well as the Flight Research Center) to study the thermal, structural, and aerodynamic effects of sustained, high... read more
The V-22 Osprey Is the Aircraft that Keeps on Giving
*Kris Osborn* *V-22 Osprey, Americas* The Osprey is one of the most versatile aircraft in the U.S. military - and it continues to improve with each successive upgrade package. *Here's What You Need To Remember: A*dding weapons to the Osprey would naturally allow the aircraft to better defend itself should it come under attack from small arms fire, missiles or surface rockets while conducting transport missions; in addition, precision fire will enable the Osprey to support amphibious operations with suppressive or offensive fire as Marines approach enemy territory. The 400th Bel... read more
How the US Army Can Kill You more than 30 Kilometers away
*Kris Osborn* *U.S. Army Artillery, Americas* The PIM program is necessary to address capability gaps for self-propelled artillery, Army developers explained. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *With this kind of scenario in mind, the U.S. Army and Raytheon are working on a newly configured tank-killing “Shaped Charge” 155m precision-guided artillery round as part of a large-scale strategic attempt to outrange enemies and destroy approaching enemy armored columns at safer standoff ranges. For decades, mobile and Self-Propelled Army 155mm artillery cannons maxed out ranges at abo... read more
Why Don’t Concordes Fly Anymore?
*Trevor Filseth* *Airplanes, Americas* The sonic boom the jetliner created was loud enough to shatter glass, making it unsuitable for traveling overpopulated areas and effectively restricting it to routes across the Atlantic Ocean. By the 1960s, as jet technology matured, the notion of a supersonic jetliner for civilian use gripped the imagination of the public in North America in Europe. The United States, Britain, France, and the Soviet Union each pursued the creation of a plane that would be able to maintain a supersonic cruising speed. They did this because they saw the comme... read more
The Duran23 hours ago
Russian FM Lavrov Steamrolls Over Blinken in Stockholm on Ukraine and NATO, Western Allies and MSM Look on Shocked
Russian FM Lavrov Steamrolls Over Blinken in Stockholm on Ukraine and NATO, Western Allies and MSM Look on Shocked News Topic 356 US and Russia trade threats over Ukraine in heated meeting The US and Russia traded threats of “serious consequences” should either side escalate tensions on the Ukrainian border following weeks of rising concerns […] read more
The Duran23 hours ago
Alexandria’s Credibility Problem
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may have bundles of charisma and good looks to match, but like so many women who look too good to be true, she is. She has a political problem, but far worse than that, she has a credibility problem. It would be tiresome to itemise all her lies and distortions, but there is […] read more
The Duran23 hours ago
Stomping South Vietnam
General William Westmoreland’s strategy during the Vietnam war was to kill enemy soldiers faster than they could be replaced. American Generals attempted to win with massive aerial bombings, starving the rural population, and shooting anyone who seemed hostile. Large areas of South Vietnam were designated as “free fire zones” where everyone was presumed the enemy. […] read more
naked capitalism23 hours ago
Why Amazon Is Terrified of Its U.S. Workers Unionizing
Amazon continues to abuse its warehouse workers, both in its day-to-day treatment of them and in its thuggish, law-breaking campaign to prevent unionization in the US. By Sonali Kolhatkar, the founder, host and executive producer of “Rising Up With Sonali,” a television and radio show that airs on Free Speech TV and Pacifica stations and […] read more
Michael Crick vs Emily Maitlis
I'm guessing that former *Newsnight* colleagues Michael Crick and Emily Maitlis won't be sending each other Christmas cards this year. On watching Emily delivering one of her usual introductions on Wednesday's *Newsnight*, this time introducing a story about abortion rights in the United States, former *Newsnight* political editor Michael tweeted: “Tonight the world’s eyes are on Washington,” says Emily Maitlis in her *Newsnight* intro. What total rubbish. The four most 'liked' replies say: - Well said. Mine aren't. - Seemed to more about Jackson, Mississippi. By the end t... read more
Amol Rajan - ''Rude and immature''
I've written so many quizzes over the years for friends and family, but I've never asked this bog-standard quiz question before: ''Rita Coolidge's *All Time High* was the theme to which Bond film?'' The title of the song rather than the song itself was in my head because I was thinking of the phrase 'all time low' in connection to the Royal Family's present relations with the BBC - or at least that part of the Royal Family not associated by title with the county of Sussex. What surprises me about all this is [a] is how quickly the BBC has been allowed to move on from the Martin Ba... read more
The U.S. Air Force Is Already Training for World War III
*Kris Osborn* *World War III, Americas* These kinds of efforts include the need to incorporate new kinds of systems called Positioning, Navigation, and Timing technologies. *Here's What You Need to Remember:* An Air Force report says the war “tactics” introduced during Red Flag were designed to “mimic” great power enemies with advanced “problem sets” intended to prepare the service and allies for a new generation of multi-domain war. The Air Force has been replicating major, great-power airwar in a precise fashion by presenting attacking forces with a complex, interwoven set of ... read more
Can China's J-20 Fighter Match Up with America's F-35 Lightning II?
*Kris Osborn* *J-20 Fighter, China* The J-20 Mighty Dragon looks similar to an F-35, but how does China's advanced fighter jet actually compare to the F-35? There are plenty of unknowns. China’s military modernization includes the rapid addition new J-20 fifth-generation aircraft. The increasing numbers of J-20s makes it important to discern if the Chinese fighter jet is comparable to the American F-35 Lightning II. Department of Defense reports have noted that elements of the J-20 appear to mirror or mimic attributes of the F-35 and F-22 Raptor. However, at least in the short ... read more
Balkinization1 day ago
Do We Make Progress in Legal Knowledge?
Another in my occasional posts on legal scholarship, a bit less grumpy than the immediately prior one. So far my main project during retirement, aside from Marie-Kondoizing our house, is trying to read the hundreds of unread books I’ve accumulated over the years. (Why accumulate them, you ask? Don’t.) My strategy has been to alternate reading a law-related book and a non-law book. Last week that produced a package consisting of a collection of essays on “Child, Family, and State” published around 2003 and a collection of articles taken from the *Scientific American* by winners of ... read more
December 4th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 319
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post December 4th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 319 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Saturday December 4th – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Saturday December 4th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Report shows Pfizer knew in January its mRNA jab was killing thousands, damaging three times more women than men Smoking gun confidential Pfizer document exposes FDA criminal cover-up of VACCINE DEATHS… they knew the jab was killing people in early 2021… three times more WOMEN than MEN Bypass censorship by sharing this link: Natural News) Thanks to the efforts of a group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, we now have smoking […] read more

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