Sunday, December 05, 2021

5 December - AM Blogs I'm Following - 3 of 10

 Midnight MST

A Divided World12 hours ago
The Idiocy of Joe Biden’s Climate Plan
As in so many other issues, progressives have been lying to us for decades about the causes of global warming, aka climate change. Now, the Biden Administration is asserting we … Read More The post The Idiocy of Joe Biden’s Climate Plan appeared first on A Divided World. read more
The Last Refuge12 hours ago
UK Physicians Worried About Large Numbers of Cardiac Health Emergencies
A report in the U.K. shows doctors worried about a spike in heart related medical issues. However, the physicians in the national health service attribute the issue to stress caused by the pandemic and not the possibility that adverse vaccine reactions might be the common denominator. (UK Standard) – […] Tahir Hussain, a senior vascular […] The post UK Physicians Worried About Large Numbers of Cardiac Health Emergencies appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Econlib13 hours ago
The politics of “right to die”
The Economist has an interesting story on laws allowing for physician assisted dying for people with certain health conditions. The first such law was passed in Northern Australia back in 1995. More recently, many other jurisdictions have adopted similar laws. This map caught my eye: With the exception of Hawaii, every single state with assisted […] The post The politics of “right to die” appeared first on Econlib. read more
5 Things You Can Do To Love Your Authentic Self More – Purpose Fairy
5 Things You Can Do To Love Your Authentic Self More – Purpose Fairy read more
Think We Are Alone in the Universe? Here Are 25 Images That Will Change Your Mind — Curiosmos
Think We Are Alone in the Universe? Here Are 25 Images That Will Change Your Mind — Curiosmos read more
"The Green Frog Skin"
*"The Green Frog Skin"* by John (Fire) Lame Deer "The Green Frog Skin – that’s what I call the dollar bill. In our attitude towards it lies the biggest difference between the Indians and the whites. My grandparents grew up in an Indian world without money. Just before the Custer battle the white soldiers had received their pay. Their pockets were full of green paper and they had no place to spend it. What were their last thoughts as an Indian bullet or arrow hit them? I guess they were thinking of all that money going to waste, of not having had a chance to enjoy it, of a bunch of ... read more
Saturday Afternoon Links
Assorted content for your weekend reading. - Crawford Kilian writes that even if the Omicron variant of COVID-19 doesn't prove as dangerous as it appears, it should serve as a reminder as to why we should be careful to protect everybody's health and safety. And Andrew Nikiforuk examines the evidence that Omicron is going to lead to the most dangerous wave yet, while Virginia Harrison reports on the exponential spread it's causing in South Africa. - Nick Dearden discusses how big pharma's profiteering paved the way for variants to emerge. And Ketty Nivyabandi, Madhukar Pai and Chr... read more
"Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable." ~ Sydney J. Harris read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ11 hours ago
This Day In Iraqi History Dec 4
1914 UK forced landed at Muzaira, Basra to seize Qurna Didn’t have troops to take town Retreated (Musings On Iraq review *When God Made Hell, The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq, 1914-1921*) 1915 Gen Townshend said he would stay at Kut and fortify it until relief arrived 1920 Churchill wrote PM George that his desire to hold Mosul and Mesopotamia was compromised by his anti-Turk policy that was threatening Mosul (Musings On Iraq How The Ottoman Province Of Mosul Became Part Of Iraq) (Musings On Iraq Churchill In His Own Words On Mesopotamia/Iraq... read more
Megafauna Review
*Megafauna* is an important, fascinating, unforgettable, one-of-a-kind book. It primarily focuses on prehistoric megafauna extinctions around the world, and how they happened. Baz Edmeades (“ed-meedz”) has been working on this book for 20+ years, and it is impressively thorough. His grandfather was a professor who found a unique human-like skull that was about 259,000 years old. Megafauna are mammals weighing more than 100 pounds (46 kg). Hominins are primates that walk on two legs, like you and I. Hominins have been around for several million years. Humans have been around... read more
Small Dead Animals11 hours ago
Making Babies
Armstrong Economics- How Hungary Is Combating Population Decline Birth rates across developed nations are rapidly declining. One country is combating this problem by making it easier for young couples to start families. Since 2010, the Hungarian government has been offering a paid incentive to improve the declining birth rate. read more
Australia used to be a manufacturing superpower, now we just import Chinese crap
Seventy three years ago this week, the first commercially held Holden rolled off the assembly line at Fishermans Bend in Port Melbourne. read more
Assange’s Judge Is Longtime Friend Of Minister Who Oversaw Arrest
Lord Chief Justice Ian Burnett, the judge who will soon decide Julian Assange’s fate, is a close personal friend of Sir Alan Duncan, who as foreign minister arranged Assange’s eviction from the Ecuadorian embassy. The two have known each other since their student days at Oxford in the 1970s, when Duncan called Burnett “the Judge.” Burnett and his wife attended Duncan’s birthday dinner at a members-only London club in 2017, when Burnett was a judge at the court of appeal. Now the most powerful judge in England and Wales, Burnett will soon rule on Assange’s extradition case. The fou... read more
UK Higher Education Workers Strike For Fair Pay, Working Conditions
In today’s episode of the Daily Round-up we look at the 3-day UCU strike by Higher Education workers across 58 universities in the UK to demand fair wages and job security; the re-imposition of the Migrant Protection Protocols by the U.S. and its implications for asylum seekers currently in Mexico and at the border; a report on rising hunger in the Latin America and the Caribbean region during the pandemic; and a Stand Earth report linking major brands like Nike and Adidas to cattle ranching operations fueling large-scale destruction of the Amazon rainforest. The post UK Higher Ed... read more
Backed By AFRICOM, Corporations Plunder DR Congo
Cobalt, A Key Metallic Element Used In Lithium Batteries And Other “Green” Technology, Is Sourced From Slave Labor In The Democratic Republic Of Congo. As The West Points The Finger At China, The US Africa Command Is Indirectly Policing Mining Operations That Profit US Corporations. The post Backed By AFRICOM, Corporations Plunder DR Congo appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
#NoMore Censorship Of Africa’s Roving Digital Army Of Peace
At approximately 5 am PST on November 29th, I awoke to an almost uninterrupted buzz of text messages from my cell phone. I turned to my nightstand, put my glasses on and quickly learned through concerned friends that my Twitter account had been taken down. Naturally, I logged on to Twitter. From one account to the next, including my "burners", I received an error message indicating that each account had been suspended. I was given no explanation. How could Twitter take down all my accounts without any explanation? What did I do to deserve such an honor? It didn't take long for me ... read more
Nick Estes In Conversation With Jorge Arreaza
Jorge Arreaza is the Minister of Industries and National Production in Venezuela. Red Nation Podcast co-host Nick Estes spoke to him in Caracas in late November 2021. The post Nick Estes In Conversation With Jorge Arreaza appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
An Obscure Agency Is Threatening To Hand Medicare Over To Wall Street
In the face of massive support for Medicare for All and the failure of the U.S.’s for-profit health care system, the inevitable fall of the medical-industrial complex can be predicted, if not with precision, with certainty. Everyone is aware of the impending demise, none more so than those in charge of the for-profit health care system and their supporters in Congress, as evidenced by the frenetic activity at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to transfer the traditional Medicare program to the insurance industry as fast as humanly possible. Given this urgency, p... read more
What Can Organizers At Amazon Learn From Walmart?
Amazon is the epoch-defining corporation of the moment in a way that Walmart was two decades ago,” said Howard W, an Amazon warehouse worker and organizer with Amazonians United, a grassroots movement of Amazon workers building shop-floor power. What can organizers at Amazon learn from the Walmart campaigns in the 2000s? And what can these two efforts teach us about organizing at scale? Unions haven’t successfully organized an employer with more than 10,000 workers in decades, so getting to scale is one of the most pressing challenges for the social justice movements. To explore t... read more
How To Picket Stores That Sell Your Employer’s Products
Picketing stores that sell an employer’s products can publicize a strike and hurt earnings. It is also a good way to generate community support. Although the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) usually bars unions from picketing secondary (i.e., “neutral”) employers, a narrow legal exception applies to retail stores and distributors—provided the union does not interfere with operations, only asks the public not to buy struck products, does not ask customers to stop doing all business with the retailer (unless the store only sells struck products), and does not demand that the store... read more
Barbados Becomes A Republic
At midnight on Tuesday, November 30, Barbados, an island nation in the Caribbean, declared itself a republic. Sandra Prunella Mason was promoted from governor general to president after by Parliament. In a formal ceremony, attended by Prince Charles representing Queen Elizabeth II, the country ceased to be a constitutional monarchy, removing the queen from her position as head of state. The country, however, will remain part of the Commonwealth of Nations. The post Barbados Becomes A Republic appeared first on PopularResistance.Org . read more
2021: Political Turning Point In Central America And The Caribbean
With the background noise of migration to the United States and the recent victory of Xiomara Castro de Zelaya, Central America and the Caribbean are at a turning point that will play an important role in the years to come in Latin America and the Caribbean. The region comes from processes of civil wars, historical colonization and systematic impoverishment; however, the facts are woven with this historical thread in which democracy and human rights are used in the interest of the hegemonic narrative to intervene and capture geostrategic resources. Three of the multiple processes t... read more
Should everyone have their own personal carbon quota?
By Paul Homewood The fact that this insane idea is even being considered is something that should horrify everyone who cares about individual liberty: Your home, sometime in the next decade. You click the heating on and receive an app notification telling you how much of your carbon allowance you’ve used today. Outside […] read more
Roger Pielke Slams New Hurricane Study
By Paul Homewood In the old days, if they did not like the data, they adjusted it. Now they simply make it up: read more
Small Dead Animals13 hours ago
Christmas Cancellations?
I’ve been seeing a number of stories coming from caterers and venues complaining about Christmas parties and events getting cancelled. What are SDA readers seeing out there? read more
Christmas Rage has now begun
One of the reasons I hate Christmas is because it drives people insane. It's supposed to be a happy peaceful time but for some reason almost everyone turns into raging lunatics and act like complete as*holes. I don't really hate Christmas. I hate people. Just sayn. It is better to dwell in the wilderness than with an angry and contentious person. Christmas is for kids. There's nothing better than finding the perfect gift and seeing the joy and excitement on that child's face. That is magic. LCUC, the old Letter Carriers Union's favorite charity was the Make a wish foundation. It ... read more
The parents of Ethan Crumbley have been arrested. The parents of the teen accused in this week's deadly Michigan high school shooting pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter charges Saturday morning, hours after police said they arrested them in a Detroit warehouse following an hours-long search.... James and Jennifer Crumbley were charged Friday with four counts of involuntary manslaughter over Tuesday's shooting.... Prosecutors on Friday announced the couple were being charged in connection with the shooting for numerous reasons -- including allegations that they recently... read more
Can North Korea Defeat U.S. Missile Defense?
*Stephen Silver* *North Korea, East Asia* [image: North Korea Missile] The U.S. Intelligence Committee’s recent Annual Threat Assessment had found that the North Korean regime may soon be ready to resume long-range missile or nuclear testing this year. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The U.S. Intelligence Committee’s recent Annual Threat Assessment had found that the North Korean regime may soon be ready to resume long-range missile or nuclear testing this year. As tension continues to ramp up between the United States and North Korea, that country is “working to develop capa... read more
Can America and Japan Take Down the Chinese Military Together?
*Kris Osborn* *Japan Self-Defense Force, Asia* By any estimation, it would be the largest engagement the world has seen in just about 100 years, and like no other in history, it would be entirely multi-domain. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Ultimately, the country with the more advanced AI-enabled sensors, long-range weapons and surface-to-air-to-undersea networking would destroy the other. A recent think tank wargame explores the prospect of a massive war between China and America and Japan in 2030, introducing many war-time questions about submarines, amphibious attack, ... read more
Iran Will Not Fracture on Ethnic Lines Like Ethiopia
*Michael Rubin* *Iran, Middle East* For those who seek to stymie the Islamic Republic’s ambitions, the ethnic card is just bad policy. Ethiopia faces an existential crisis. Just over a year ago, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed provoked a war against the country’s northern Tigray state when, angered at the local government’s refusal to delay elections, he sent in the army. He believed it would be a cakewalk and, indeed, he quickly captured the state capital, Mekelle. Abiy, who like many Ethiopians bore many grudges against the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) for previous abus... read more
Snopes.com12 hours ago
What Was the Flatwoods Monster?
Or maybe we should be asking "who" it was. read more
Biden’s ‘Summit for Democracy’ Will Not Make America Safer
*Sascha Glaeser* *Summit for Democracy, United States* It would be unwise for the United States to constrain itself by only cooperating with countries that share our values and system of governance. President Joe Biden’s “Summit for Democracy” is set to virtually convene on December 9, bringing more than one hundred countries together in an effort to stop democratic backsliding and bolster democracy around the world. Biden describes his vision for America’s foreign policy as a competition between the world’s democracies, led by the United States, and autocracies, led by China and... read more
In U.S. Foreign Policy, Is It Time to Kill All the Lawyers?
*Justin Logan* *Foreign Policy Politics, United States* International relations scholars and historians haven’t gotten everything right, but their voices are underrepresented at the principals level in Washington. U.S. foreign policy is run by lawyers. At the Cato Institute, we examined the terminal degrees of all cabinet-level foreign policy officials since 1945—secretaries of state and war/defense, CIA directors, national security advisors, UN ambassadors, secretaries of Homeland Security, and directors of national intelligence—and found that of these 157 individuals, fifty-fi... read more
Biden’s Betrayal of His Bosnia Legacy Is Bad Policy—and Bad Politics
*Reuf Bajrovic* *Bosnia and Herzegovina, * Biden's current Serb-centric policy does not send a good message to the Bosnian- and Albanian-American communities in key swing congressional districts ahead of the mid-term elections. In the last days of the Iowa campaign in 2007, Democratic candidate Senator Joe Biden took to the airwaves to distinguish himself as a steady leader with broad experience in foreign affairs by claiming he ended the genocide in Bosnia. Biden touted his positions on Bosnia for most of his career, including during his successful run for the presidency in 2020... read more
Why Putin May Go to War In Ukraine
*Mark Episkopos* *Ukraine, Europe* As tensions mount between Moscow and Kiev, the Biden administration scrambles to avert a potential Russian military operation against Ukraine. U.S. and NATO officials have warned in recent weeks about a new spurt of Russian military activity on the easternmost side of the Russian-Ukrainian border. According to the most recent estimates, around 90,000-100,000 Russian troops are arrayed along the border zone. Though this number is down from the roughly 150,000 Russian personnel who took part in Moscow’s springtime buildup, military experts and Wes... read more
Is America Ready for Electronic Warfare With Russia and China?
*Kris Osborn* *Electronic Warfare, * The Pentagon is particularly concerned about drone swarms. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Passive EW sensors, Krull explained, would be of particular relevance in a major-power, high-end conflict where giving away a signal could pose serious risks. When a Stryker gunner released the so-called “dead man’s” switch on the vehicle’s 30mm cannon, a slow-moving ground drone target exploded into a cloud of smoke and fire, marking a demonstration of a new counter-drone sensor-shooter technology now in development for Army consideration. The 4-fo... read more
Climate Change and CO2 Not a Problem
Originally posted on Science Matters: Dr. William Happer delivered the above message in Amsterdam Nov. 16, 2021, at the invitation of CLINTEL. For those who prefer to read, I provide below a transcript and exhibits of similar content. Transcript and images from Feb. 2021 presentation by Dr. Happer William Happer provides a framework for thinking… read more
The Duran13 hours ago
How Israel’s Actions Against Iran Are Rooted in Cecil Rhodes’s 1877 Plan
photo of Cecil Rhodes: Eric Zuesse There has been much speculation about why Israel was allowed in 1967 to bomb intentionally the USS Liberty and slaughtered 34 of our soldiers on that ship and the U.S. Government has covered-it-up. And there also is much speculation about why, as reported to Congress by the Congressional Research […] read more
Science Matters13 hours ago
Climate Change and CO2 Not a Problem
Dr. William Happer delivered the above message in Amsterdam Nov. 16, 2021, at the invitation of CLINTEL. For those who prefer to read, I provide below a transcript and exhibits of similar content. Transcript and images from Feb. 2021 presentation by Dr. Happer William Happer provides a framework for thinking about climate, based on his […] read more
Komando.com13 hours ago
Thousands of free online user manuals
ManualsOnline holds owner's manuals for thousands of products, many dating back several years. read more
Miriam Adelson picks up where late husband and GOP kingmaker left off
If Americans Knew – by Eli Clifton It’s big news when a political party’s biggest funder announces, after a period of mourning for the death... The post Miriam Adelson picks up where late husband and GOP kingmaker left off appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Meta asks users to send nudes
RT Meta, the new name for Facebook Inc., has co-developed a platform that asks people to submit their intimate photos and videos in order to... The post Meta asks users to send nudes appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Revere Massachusetts Town Hall Recap
DiannaPloss Published December 2, 2021 I will recap what happened this evening at the Revere Human Rights Commission meeting… The post Revere Massachusetts Town Hall Recap appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Mining Awareness +15 hours ago
Indigenous Australian David Lurnpa Cole on Covid-19 Vaccine Coercion; Genocidal Resource-Land Grab Plans in the Northern Territory?
About the indigenous people of the Northern Territory of Australia: “STEW PETERS WITH DAVID COLE – FULL SCALE MILITARY ASSAULT … Continue reading → read more
Mining Awareness +15 hours ago
Australian MP Says that Australian State Premiers are “Trying to Out-Tyrant Each Other, Drunk on Power, Setting up their own Biosecurity Police States”
Statement by a Member of Australia’s Parliament about what’s going on: “STATEMENTS BY MEMBERS COVID-19: Vaccination Database House Hansard Wednesday, … Continue reading → read more
"Fear Of Omicron Could Absolutely Crush The Global Economy"
*"Fear Of Omicron Could Absolutely * *Crush The Global Economy"* by Michael Snyder "I never imagined that I would ever write an article containing the words “fear of Omicron”, but here we are. As many have pointed out, “Omicron” sounds like the name of a really bad science fiction villain from the 1980s. Global health authorities conveniently skipped over “Xi” in the Greek alphabet, and so now we have a very scary name for what is apparently a very mild variant. Actually, there was a movie called “Omicron” that was released in 1963 that had an extremely bizarre plot. In the movie, a... read more
Want a High-Quality Custom Revolver? Buy the Magnum Research BFR
*Richard Douglas* *Magnum Research BFR, * When you’re customizing your revolver, you can choose between standard and high-visibility sights. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *Overall, the BFR is powerful and accurate enough for things like home defense, hunting, or range shooting, and the customization possibilities are endless. The Magnum Research BFR is a single-action revolver that’s designed to stand up in any conditions. You can choose the base model BFR, or you can customize nearly every component to get the personalized revolver of your dreams. The BFR comes in both a ... read more
Russia’s Su-25 Fighter Jet Isn’t Retiring Anytime Soon
*Mark Episkopos* *Su-25, Eurasia* The plane saw its baptism by fire during the Soviet-Afghan War era. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *Even as the U.S. Air Force is raring to retire its A-10 fleet (albeit against vigorous and so far successful Congressional opposition), the Frogfoot is slated to keep flying for decades to come. The Russian military has continuously invested in upgraded Su-25 variants in the decades following the Soviet collapse. Over five decades after its introduction, the Su-25 Grach (NATO reporting name Frogfoot) is one of the longest-lived and most battle-... read more
The Navy Wants High-Speed Drones to Surveil the Pacific
*Kris Osborn* *Navy Drones, Pacific* The military is struggling to turn the innovation into fieldable technology however. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *However, the demand or need for more ISR to cover seemingly limitless areas of operation such as the Pacific region is truly insatiable, coupled with a need for extremely fast integration into existing systems. The Defense Department wants high-speed, networked drones streaming video in real-time across vast distances in the Pacific region. It has asked weapons developers to fast-track this technology in order to outpace ... read more
Russia’s T-14 Armata Tank Might Be Too Ambitious
*Mark Episkopos* *T-14 Armata, Eurasia* Moscow struggles to find a sustainable growth model for the tank. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *T-14 output has fallen drastically short of the military’s initial plan to acquire 2,300 models through 2020. Russia’s Ground Forces currently have a small number of pre-production Armata units. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu as well Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov have both recently announced that the tank will enter serial production in 2022, shortly following the end of state trials that same year. The T-14 Armata main battle... read more
Boycotting Israel at the Middle East Studies Association
*Asaf Romirowsky, Alex Joffe* *Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions, Middle East* Individual Middle East scholars are of course free to their own opinions and approaches. But scholarly organizations endorsing discrimination is both a bad look and self-destructive, both morally and practically. The crisis in higher education, faculty, students, and administrations adopting ideological positions radically at odds from those of most Americans and in the process reshaping institutions, is becoming better understood. But none of this is new. Another Israel boycott resolution being considere... read more
Gangsters Out Blog13 hours ago
The Great Smog of 1952 and the Fake Environmentalists
The Weather Network is reporting that "Saturday, December 4th 2021, 1:07 am - Starting Dec. 4, 1952, smog took over London, England, for five days. A high-pressure air mass over the Thames River Valley mixed with the sudden cold air that came in from the west. The city had low temperatures so coal furnaces were blazing across residences. Adding to residential pollution, there was also smoke, soot, and sulphur dioxide from cars, industrial plants, and buses." The smog was the result of coal. There are far more cars and busses in London now then there was back then. I lived in Irela... read more
The Liberty Beacon – by David-William How does one know when a Lawyer is lying? His lips are moving! They don’t need to tell the... The post BRITISH ACCREDITATION REGISTRY – CROWN TEMPLE B.A.R. appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
Beto's Hispanic problem
Monica Showalter: Does anything say "out of touch" better than the Democrats running Beto O'Rourke as its prime candidate for governor of Texas? The hopeless stunt is supposedly all about O'Rourke's appeal to Latino voters. He has a Spanish nickname. He speaks Spanish. What Latino could refuse? It's incredibly cynical and insulting to Latino voters, whom Texas Democrats consider key to winning back the governorship. That cynicism was obvious enough in this statement by a Texas Latino GOP observer: "He uses Beto like he's our Mexican tío, but you're not," he said. "Just beca... read more
War News Updates14 hours ago
An Inside Look At Israel's National Cyber Command Center
*CNN:* *We know who is attacking us and we know how to get even, says Israel's cyber defense chief* Be'er Sheva, Israel (CNN)In a nondescript office park in the desert town of Be'er Sheva, a "war room" filled with screens showing various maps, rolling information, and graphics inform around a dozen or so staffers, manning computers at the central heart of Israel's civilian cyber defense system. So important is their mission that the room where they track cyberattacks 24 hours a day, seven days a week, is itself a bomb shelter -- meaning even if rockets are raining down, their... read more
Turcopolier14 hours ago
“Why More States Should Establish State Defense Forces”
“Twenty-two states currently have volunteer state guard units. These units, formally known as state defense forces (SDFs), are today’s state militias. Authorized by the Constitution and built on a strong U.S. militia tradition, today’s SDFs offer a vital, low-cost force … Continue reading → read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
The DOJ cover-up of Jan. 6 police abuses
Julie Kelly: For months, Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice has tried every trick in the law books to conceal from Americans a massive trove of video evidence that captured all the activity at the Capitol complex on January 6. Federal judges have played along, approving hundreds of protective orders to keep video clips—particularly footage recorded by the Capitol Police’s extensive closed-circuit television system—out of the public eye. Time, however, is running out for the government. Despite numerous discovery delays, Garland’s prosecutors are gradually turning over video... read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Biden responsible for supply chain problems
Rep. Beth van Duyne: ... Small businesses across our region are adjusting business models, changing food menus, finding new suppliers, and doing everything they can to battle against the biggest threat to their operations - the president of the United States. Earlier this year, President Biden said, “Small businesses are the engines of our economic progress; they’re the glue and the heart and soul of our communities. But they’re getting crushed.” That’s correct, sir. And your administration is doing the crushing. Our small businesses in North Texas and across the nation are cou... read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Congress funds cartel smuggling operations?
Breitbart: Congress has voted to spend $1.6 billion to help cartels deliver children and job-seeking youths to cities and towns around the United States. The giveaway is buried within the continuing resolution, which was rushed through Congress late Thursday to keep government agencies operating until February. “This money is available through September 30, 2024, and its intended purpose is disguised in legislative language that says ‘for the account specified and for the activities specified, in section 141 of this Act,'” said a December 2 report by the Center for Immigration S... read more
OrientalReview.org15 hours ago
The Muslim Brotherhood: Program, Strategy, Organization (I)
The Islamic radical moderates in the Middle East All Islamic movements, parties, or groups fighting for the creation of the Islamic states governed by the Muslim authorities can be divided into two categories: 1) Those who are seeking their goals using peaceful means; and 2) Those devoted to the use […] read more
Modern Tokyo Times15 hours ago
Japan art and Yanagisawa Kien: Edo artist influenced by Buddhism, China, and Confucianism
Japan art and Yanagisawa Kien: Edo artist influenced by Buddhism, China, and Confucianism Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The Japanese artist Yanagisawa Kien (1703-1758) had a firm spiritual and philosophical soul. Thus the words of Confucius and the faith of Ōbaku-shū Zen Buddhism molded Kien greatly. Kien was a noted Nanga School (bunjinga) artist. […] The post Japan art and Yanagisawa Kien: Edo artist influenced by Buddhism, China, and Confucianism first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
Econlib16 hours ago
Are taxes the price we pay for civilization?
Autumn is usually the time when countries’ parliaments try to reach an agreement on the amount of taxes to be paid during the twelve months of the coming year. If, as many people seem to believe, “taxes are the price of civilization,” this seems to imply not only that we live under the implicit threat […] The post Are taxes the price we pay for civilization? appeared first on Econlib. read more
Small Dead Animals16 hours ago
“Here Comes The Limited Hangout”
Since Watergate, conventional Washington wisdom holds that the cover-up is worse than the crime. Richard Nixon’s Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP) tasked former intelligence operatives to break into Democratic National Committee headquarters to wiretap the opposition. To cover up his involvement in the Watergate break-in, Nixon lied about what he knew and when he… Continue reading → read more
Some Early Signs
We're beginning to see some early signs of what OMICRON can do. Bruce Arthur writes: Omicron appears to be extraordinarily transmissible. Cases in South Africa are doubling every two to three days. [Dr. Peter] Juni, the scientific director of Ontario’s independent volunteer science table, says if first-wave COVID had a basic reproduction number of 3 — meaning one case created three more, on average — then Alpha was a 4.5, and Delta is a 7, Omicron appears to be in the 10-15 range, meaning one case can cause 10 to 15 cases with no safety measures. A Christmas party in Oslo resulte... read more
the daily howler15 hours ago
CNN descends further and further!
*SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2021* *Pair of trained seals perform:* A tiny bit of comic relief intruded on last evening's Anderson Cooper "news program." It occurred at 8:17 P.M. It followed the latest filibuster by Karen McDonald, the most logorrheic (and inarticulate) prosecutor we've ever seen on TV. McDonald had blustered for the full 17 minutes as Cooper pretended to interview her. Below, we'll show you the question he should have asked. At any rate, McDonald had filibustered for Cooper's opening 17 minutes. Now, comic relief was provided as Cooper said this, just before going to ... read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Biden losing the support of the young people
Dailywire: A recent Harvard poll found that Joe Biden’s approval rating among young people has fallen 13 points since spring, with his overall disapproval rate now at 51%. He saw a double-digit drop among Democrats and Independents. The poll, conducted by Harvard Public Opinion Project, surveyed adults ages 18-29 about a number of key political opinions. Overall, 2,109 people were polled throughout Fall 2021. Biden’s approval among the demographic was nearing 60% back in March, but that has dropped as he has a 51% disapproval rate among the same group now. “The slippage is cons... read more
WATCH: Thieving Cops Steal Innocent Retired Marine’s Life Savings, $86K Because It Smelled Like Drugs
[image: road pirates]An innocent man was pulled over for doing absolutely nothing wrong and cops robbed him of his life savings, leaving him stranded on the side of the road. read more
Amazon, The Algorithm, and the Future of Education
Intriguing piece in the New York Times yesterday, looking at Amazon's bookstore (and business in general) and how it has become an unholy mess. It is framed by a lawsuit being brought by an author, John C. Boland, who has found his own work listed at hundreds of dollars with a false, much earlier, publication date. This, it turns out, is just a tip of the proverbial iceberg. The online seller is overrun with third party sellers, and has not shown much interest in policing resulting way-open marketplace. Reporter David Streitfeld rattles off the list of unhappy people: *There are s... read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
*The Babylon Bee:* *Mirror Brought Into Courtroom So Jussie Smollett Can Face His Attackers* read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Flipping the switch on 'Biden time'
*Karen Townsend:* *Awkward: Bidens late for Christmas tree lighting, audience ordered to repeat welcoming applause* ... ... The host, rapper and actor LL Cool J, teed up the president and Jill with an introduction. His wording was odd but probably written by a White House staffer. LL Cool J asked the audience to welcome “our literal host, our actual host to this very American celebration – President Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden.” The audience applauded and then there was nothing. The walk-on music played. And played. Masked adults moved around in front of the staged outd... read more
Komando.com15 hours ago
Ever wonder how many brands sold on Amazon are owned by Amazon? This tool can help
The browser extension was created following an investigation into Amazon's selling habits. read more

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