Saturday, December 04, 2021

4 December - iG Tab - 11


The American Dream


Dandelion Salad

The Economic Collapse

Eurasia Review

Geoengineering Watch

  • Dane Wigington The climate engineers are busy whipping up engineered winter weather events wherever they can, all the while newer versions of CV-19 keep popping up. Everything just in time for the holidays. Meanwhile...

    4 hours ago
  • Dane Wigington The societal disruptions of the last two years and the ever increasing criminal behavior of governments, has begun to awaken many to key aspects of the wider horizon. But even at this late...

    7 days ago
  • Dane Wigington A majority percentage of populations continue to conform to all official dictates in the desperate attempt to get their lives back to the former "normal". How's that going so far? Though a now constant...

    14 days ago


  •          For Thanksgiving this year St. Bob and I went to restaurant with our eldest son, Richie. This is a recipe for comedy as I was flanked by a comedian on either side.           At least there was a ninja nearby clearing tables...

    4 days ago
  •            I’ve been dying to post this. I had to wait until my 3rdItaly story ran, so as not to interrupt the travel report. BUT… meanwhile, Lizzie Acker, whom you see here:            recently left the Great British Bake Off, to...

    11 days ago
  •          I’m pretty sure there’s no law in Italy that says you have to stop at every gelato shop, but I didn’t want to take any chances.           And gelato was not the only enticement—check out this sign:               ...

    18 days ago


  • US Intelligence Has Found … Easy To Disprove Claims Of A Russian Attack On Ukraine Moon of Alabama, Dec 4 2021 A few years back: In his State of the Union message in January, President Bush approvingly cited the report. “The British government...

    4 hours ago
  • Microchip your cat or face fines, UK govt says, Dec 4 2021 The UK government has unveiled a compulsory microchipping plan for domestic cats, designed to make it easier to reunite lost pets with their owners. Those refusing to inject their...

    4 hours ago
  • SAGE calls for WFH and vaccine passports in face of Omicron wave and warns variant is capable of triggering ‘similar or even larger’ surge Joe Davies, Mail Online, Dec 3 2021 No10’s scientists have called for the introduction of vaccine...

    4 hours ago

Inter Press ServiceInter Press Service

The Moderate Voice

  • Published by New York Daily News NEW YORK — CNN fired Chris Cuomo on Saturday, four days after suspending him for aiding his brother Andrew’s sexual-harassment defense. Chris worked on his brother’s crisis-management team after multiple...

    2 hours ago
  • Let out a challah: There’s a cream cheese shortage in NYC. Are we close to the day when there are bagels without cream cheese???? If this happens, fewer New Yorkers will masticate. Here are the shocking details on how New York City’s cream...

    8 hours ago
  • The post Pussy in the Hat (Cartoon) appeared first on The Moderate Voice.

    9 hours ago

Mother Jones

The Watchers - Editor's Picks

WebMD Health


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