Thursday, December 02, 2021

2 December - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 5

 10 pm MST

The Army Has a New Doctrine for the Twenty-First Century and It's High Tech
*Kris Osborn* *Military Doctrine, * As technologies emerge and evolve, new tactics emerge. New strategies take shape and the Army finds itself in the position of working to author a new generation of warfare doctrine. The Army’s recent technological breakthrough, demonstrated at its Project Convergence 2021 technology test in the Arizona desert, is leading to the rapid adoption of a new generation of warfare technologies. But more than that, it's inspiring the conceptual process needed to write a new Army doctrine. Traditional concepts of Combined Arms Maneuver are changing th... read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
Biden DOJ defends keeping wrong decision
* Tim Carney:* *Roe and Casey were egregiously wrong, and the Biden administration says that doesn’t matter* Perhaps the oddest part of the liberals’ argument against Mississippi’s abortion law, which protects second-trimester babies from abortion, was the insistence the Supreme Court is bound by previous Supreme Courts, regardless of how wrong those previous Supreme Courts were. “Is it your argument that a case can never be overruled simply because it was egregiously wrong?” Justice Sam Alito asked. ... The weak argument of the DOJ attorney is telling because The Justices ha... read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
The fake hate crime of Smollett
National Review: Abimbola Osundairo, one of two brothers accused of conspiring with former Empire star Jussie Smollett to stage a racist and homophobic attack against him in 2019, took the stand in the actor’s criminal trial Wednesday, laying out Smollett’s alleged plan for jurors. Abimbola Osundairo and his older brother Olabinjo Osundairo are key witnesses in the case against Smollett, because they were the ones that carried out the attack on him, and then exposed the alleged conspiracy after detectives identified them as suspects. ... The number of fake crimes in this country... read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
Biden made promises he could not keep
Washington Examiner: “I will end this,” then-candidate Joe Biden promised during his second presidential debate with President Donald Trump. “220,000 Americans dead — anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America.” Biden's presidency has now run as long as Trump had to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. And Biden has not ended it. Far from it — more than 365,000 people have died from the coronavirus under Biden, and it is only a matter of time before Biden’s death count surpasses Trump. ... It is true that Biden l... read more
The New Dark Age17 hours ago
Camila Saab Speaks Out: Wife of Venezuelan Diplomat “Kidnapped” by US Gov’t Talks to MintPress
On Wednesday, November 24, MintPress News Editor in Chief Mnar Adley sat down to speak with Camila Saab, the wife of imprisoned Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab. Saab was on a diplomatic mission to Iran in June 2020, where he was tasked with securing deals for food, medicine and personal protective equipment. His plane stopped off in Cabo Verde -- a group of islands off the west coast of Africa -- for a routine refuelling. He would never finish his journey, as, on orders from the United States government, local authorities stormed the vehicle, forcing him off the plane -- an event that ... read more
God is not an American
I wrote the following piece about ten years ago. It is even more pertinent today with a few voices in the halls of Congress saying and acting out toxic things and behavior. We need our elected officials to represent our better angels, not our worse demons. “And we pray to our Lord Who, we know, […] read more
Could China’s New Hypersonic Weapon Block the US From Saving Taiwan?
*Kris Osborn* *Hypersonic Missiles, * In most if not all circumstances, there would be virtually no real defense against an incoming salvo of enemy ballistic, nuclear and hypersonic weapons. China’s recent testing of its Fractional Orbital Bombardment (FOB) nuclear-capable hypersonic glide vehicle introduces tactical and strategic threats to the United States and its Pacific allies of great consequence, according to a former Pentagon weapons developer. Dr. Michael Griffin, former Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering says that if China establishes any kind of ... read more
Israel, UK Commit to Stopping Iran’s Nuclear Program Together
*Trevor Filseth* *Iran, Middle East* The precise details of such an agreement have been an issue of contention between Washington and Tehran; they are expected to be negotiated in Vienna along with the input of the other P5+1 nations. British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss and Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid announced that the two countries would form a close partnership in attempting to ensure that Iran would not achieve a nuclear weapon. The two leaders announced in a joint article for the *Daily Telegraph* that they would work “night and day” to prevent such an outcome. Tow... read more
From the Cold War to Syria, the B-1 Bomber Served the Air Force with Distinction
*Robert Farley* *B-1B Bomber, United States* The B-1B was intended to deliver nuclear weapons to the Soviet Union. Fortunately, it never undertook that mission. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *When the last B-1B retires, the United States will no longer have a dedicated bomber capable of supersonic flight—but stealth replaced speed as the key metric of a bomber’s effectiveness some time ago. Earlier this year, the U.S. Air Force announced plans to retire the B-1B Lancer (also known as the “Bone”) in favor of the new B-21 Raider stealth bomber. The B-1B will remain in service... read more
Why the Su-27 May Be Russia's Best Fourth-Generation Fighter
*Robert Farley* *Su-27, Russia* The Su-27’s capabilities are formidable. The Flanker can reach Mach 2.35 with a thrust-to-weight ratio above one. It can carry up to eight air-to-air missiles or an array of bombs and missiles. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The Su-27 entered service more slowly than its fourth-generation counterparts in the United States, but it became a formidable fourth-generation fighter. To the West, most of the legendary Soviet aircraft of the Cold War came from the design bureau Mikoyan Gurevitch, which spawned such aircraft as the MiG-15 “Fagot,” MiG-... read more
At least 18 dead or missing after severe floods hit Vietnam
At least 18 people have died or are missing after heavy rains affecting Vietnam since November 26, 2021, caused severe floods and damage. The death toll was confirmed by Vietnam Disaster Management Agency (VDMA) on December 1. The worst affected was Phu Yen with 10...... Read more » read more
The Ghost of Special Education Future
East Anglian Daily Times: Year 7 pupils outside the new 'Mulberry' SEND unit at Stowupland High School - Credit: John Milton Academy Trust By Anne Dachel Comparing the state of special education in Britain and in the U.S. leaves me... read more
Halifax Examiner16 hours ago
Study finds milk bags are far better for the environment than jugs and cartons
If you regularly consume milk, chances are you don’t give much thought to the environmental impact of the container as you place it in your grocery cart. But Mary Anne White has thought about it, and her research into the issue has forever changed the way she buys milk. It has also made the Dalhousie […] read more
Viable Opposition16 hours ago
Negating the Rights of the Naturally Immune
With governments completely negating the protective properties of natural immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, strongly favouring their universal vaccination programs, a recent development involving the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CVC) should cause us to ponder the real agenda. Thanks to information released by Aaron Siri, in early September, 2021, a New York-based law firm, Siri & Gimstad submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on behalf of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention requesting the fol... read more
Halifax Examiner16 hours ago
The court ruled that the province discriminates against people with disabilities; what is the government going to do about it?
“Nova Scotia has a human rights emergency on its hands,” according to Dulcie McCallum, a lawyer and a former member of Canada’s delegation to the United Nations for the Convention on the Rights of Persons of Disabilities. According to McCallum, who may be best known as a former provincial Freedom of Information and Protection of […] read more
The Aviationist17 hours ago
Royal Netherlands Air Force F-16s Successfully Complete Ex. ‘Gioia Falcon’ With The Italian Air Force
[image: Gioia Falcon] 11 Dutch F-16s deployed to Gioia del Colle Air Base to practice operations in non-familiar areas and fly COMAO missions. The Royal Netherlands Air Force deployed 11 of its F-16 Fighting Falcons to Gioia del [...] The post Royal Netherlands Air Force F-16s Successfully Complete Ex. ‘Gioia Falcon’ With The Italian Air Force appeared first on The Aviationist. read more
Small Dead Animals18 hours ago
Justin’s Favourite Country Spreading Misinformation
A story you won’t find in the Canadian media. Facebook finally takes action against Chinese misinformation. It seems one has to look beyond the borders of Turtle Island, to find challenges in the media against China virus restrictions. read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
US Putting Choke Chain on UK Over Threat to Invoke Article 16, Retrade Brexit Irish Protocol
The UK may have been too clever by half with its scheme to retrade the Brexit deal. read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Brazil hits record in gas purchases from U.S. after water crisis
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The water crisis has caused Brazil to buy record volumes of gas from the United States, with the country moving from seventh place in the ranking of the largest importers of American liquefied natural gas (LNG) in 2020 to fourth this year. Analysts say that LNG imports, which account for […] The post Brazil hits record in gas purchases from U.S. after water crisis appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
bilaterals.org17 hours ago
« Prospérité pour une élite, pauvreté pour le plus grand nombre », l'OMC et les accords de libre-échange mondiaux ont trahi les peuples
02-Dec-2021 Nous avons besoin d'un système commercial multilatéral où les mouvements sociaux se voient accorder une position d'autorité égale à celle des gouvernements dans la définition des règles commerciales entre les pays. read more
bilaterals.org17 hours ago
“Prosperity for a few, poverty for the lot”, WTO and free trade agreements have failed the people!
02-Dec-2021 We need a multilateral trade system where people and their social movements are at equal footing with governments in defining the trade rules between countries. read more
bilaterals.org17 hours ago
ARSO, AfCFTA Secretariat sign MoU to drive ambitious free trade agreement
02-Dec-2021 The African Organisation for Standardisation and the African Continental Free Trade Area Secretariat have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the implementation of the AfCFTA agreement. read more
MJBizDaily17 hours ago
Oklahoma medical marijuana businesses demand steps to combat illicit grows
Concerns over expanding illicit cannabis operations in Oklahoma are putting pressure on regulators and law enforcement to take action to stamp out the alleged criminal activity some argue is hiding behind the state's booming legal medical marijuana industry. Oklahoma medical marijuana businesses demand steps to combat illicit grows is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Retraction Watch17 hours ago
Authors retract, resubmit “very poorly conducted” meta-analysis of COVID-19 treatment
A journal has retracted a meta-analysis on Covid-19 after concerned readers complained about the quality — or lack thereof — of the study. The article, “A meta-analysis of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) antibody treatment for COVID-19 patients,” appeared in Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease, a SAGE title. According to the retraction notice: At the request … Continue reading Authors retract, resubmit “very poorly conducted” meta-analysis of COVID-19 treatment read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Chile Insurtech Betterfly begins expansion in Latin America from Brazil
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Chilean insurtech Betterfly took a massive step towards expanding in Latin America by sealing an alliance with the insurance giant Chubb to provide new benefits through its platform to its future members in Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, and Argentina, following its landing a few months ago in Brazil. In this […] The post Chile Insurtech Betterfly begins expansion in Latin America from Brazil appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Major explosive event at Sangay volcano, ash to possibly 15.2 km (50 000 feet) a.s.l., Ecuador
A major explosive event was registered at Sangay volcano, Ecuador at 09:03 on December 2, 2021. The Washington VAAC is reporting volcanic ash rising up to possibly 15.2 km (50 000 feet) above sea level. Consequently, there is a possibility of ashfall in the areas...... Read more » read more
As China Ups the Ante on Taiwan, Taipei officials Warn of a ‘Grave’ Military Threat
*Mark Episkopos* *China, Asia* The recent spike in Chinese military maneuvers vis-à-vis Taiwan, which Beijing considers to be a breakaway province of the People’s Republic of China, was accompanied by increasingly belligerent government rhetoric. The Taiwanese Air Force scrambled fighters again on Sunday after more than two dozen Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) aircraft—including five nuclear-capable H-6 bombers, eight J-16 strike fighters, and six J-10 multirole fighters—entered its air defense identification zone (ADIZ). For the first time, the Chinese forces... read more
How Israel's Air Force Destroyed Syria's Nascent Nuclear Program
*Robert Farley* *Nuclear Proliferation, Syria* The strike helped to confirm the regional sense of Israeli military power after the failures of the war against Hezbollah. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Unlike Iraq and Iran, Damascus made little effort to disperse and harden nuclear facilities. Indeed, given Syria’s proximity to Israel, it’s difficult to imagine how anyone in the country believed that the project could go undetected. On September 6, 2007, Israeli fighter-bombers destroyed a mysterious installation near the Euphrates River in the Deir-ez-Zor region. The strike ... read more
History's Last Battleship Duel: The Battle of Surigao Strait
*Robert Farley* *Battleships, Philippines* American radar gave the battleships an advantage over the Japanese troops sailing to meet them. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Several of the same American battleships were prepared to fight off HIJMS Yamato as the latter approached Okinawa in 1945, but carrier aircraft sent that giant to the bottom before she could encounter the American ships. While the aircraft carriers of Admiral William “Bull” Halsey wreaked terror on the Center Force of Takeo Kurita, two other Japanese task forces approached the invasion beaches of Leyte. The... read more
Complete and utter bullshit, courtesy of Washington State University
I'm gritting my teeth to hold back a few (well, more than a few) choice expressions of my opinion at this report. The Agriculture Program Coordinator for WSU’s San Juan County Extension Ag Program promoted a webinar event titled, “Examining Whiteness in Food Systems.” During the hour-long presentation, attendees learned that “white supremacy culture” creates food insecurity by “center[ing] whiteness across the food system.” *. . .* Jennifer Zuckerman of the Duke World Food Policy Center led the discussion. She framed the webinar around her identity as a white woman who has “... read more
1922 : The World’s Greatest Problem – Not Enough CO2
One hundred years ago, scientists understood that a lack of CO2 in the atmosphere was limiting crop yields and called it the “world’s greatest problem.” 17 Mar 1922 – WORLD’S GREATEST PROBLEM. – Trove Empirical evidence over the past century … Continue reading → read more
COP-26 Success
The November 1-12 COP-26 meeting in Glasgow produced immediate results, bringing record cold and snow to Scotland. Apparently it was more successful than the 2013 meeting. Today’s question: is this the worst COP ever? – – December 7, 2013 read more
Beaches Granted 80 Year Reprieve
Climate experts predicted most beaches would be gone by 2020. That didn’t happen, so in 2020 the beaches were granted an 80 year reprieve. Scientists Say Earth’s Warming Could Set Off Wide Disruptions – The New York Times NBC News … Continue reading → read more
Living Robots That Can Reproduce Successfully Built in a Lab–10 Things We Know — Curiosmos
Living Robots That Can Reproduce Successfully Built in a Lab–10 Things We Know — Curiosmos read more
GREENIE WATCH18 hours ago
* Quit Worrying About Uncertainty in Sea Level Projections* * Don't ask questions. Have faith. That seems to be the message of this article. Even the IPCC acknowledges sea level projections are associated with deep uncertainty.* As ice sheets lose mass at increasing rates, scientists are growing increasingly concerned that portions of these massive reservoirs of frozen water are poised to begin irreversibly retreating [Cornford et al., 2015; DeConto et al., 2021]. To adapt to the ensuing changes along shorelines, authorities responsible for coastal planning and climate mitigation e... read more
naked capitalism18 hours ago
How Would the Left Treat an Illegitimate Election?
The lack of any interest in improving election systems in the US leaves what purports to be the left exposed to chicanery. read more
* Loudoun County Moms Set Out to Protect Their Children, Now They’re Trying to Save America* In December 2020, Shawntel Cooper, a mother of two in northern Virginia, noticed something new in her fourth-grade daughter’s morning class routine. Cooper had just switched roles in her company and was able to work from home, and her daughter, like most of America’s schoolchildren, was remote learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. That morning, Cooper saw that the teacher had introduced a new learning segment: playing clips of topical news items of the day. What was shown was a mainstrea... read more
CFACT18 hours ago
Climate activists say Sen. Manchin will change Earth’s geologic record – Watch new Morano Minute
The Jurassic, Holocene, and now....Manchin-cene?? The post Climate activists say Sen. Manchin will change Earth’s geologic record – Watch new Morano Minute appeared first on CFACT. read more
Komando.com19 hours ago
5 warning signs you’re being targeted by an identity thief
Here are five warning signs you're being targeted for identity theft. read more
The New Dark Age19 hours ago
Iversen: Omicron Hype ‘Makes No Sense’
Is the panic surrounding the Omicron variant overblown? That’s the question journalist and political commentator Kim Iversen asked on the latest episode of The Hill’s “Rising.” read more
Hinkley Point C: Chinese nuclear plant fault may delay UK power plan
By Paul Homewood Key safety components in the UK’s first new nuclear power station for 30 years may need to be redesigned and the project could be delayed after defects were detected at a similar reactor in China. The £22 billion Hinkley Point C plant in Somerset is already well over budget and […] read more
Before the Abrams, America Tried Out these Three Tanks
*Charlie Gao* *Tanks, * Not all tank designs can be winners. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Some of them used groundbreaking features that could have given them significant edges compared to their Soviet counterparts, others had features that were ahead of their time in some ways. The United States fielded a pretty standard lineup of tanks during the Cold War. First came the Patton line, which evolved in a pretty straightforward fashion from the M47 to the M60 with a few deviations such as the M60A2 Starship. Then came the Abrams, which serves on to this day. But American ... read more
The USS Constellation was ‘America’s Flagship’
*Peter Suciu* *History, Americas* President Ronald W. Reagan proclaimed the carrier “America’s Flagship” while presenting the crew a presidential flag in 1981. In 2026, the USS *Constellation *(FFG-62), the lead vessel of a new class of guided-missile frigate, is expected to enter service. Named in honor of the first USS Constellation, one of the original six frigates of the United States Navy, which itself was named for the constellation of stars on the flag of the United States of America—she will carry on the proud tradition of ships to bear the name. The previous USS *Const... read more
More Than Half Dozen Petitions Continue to Demand Stimulus Checks
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Stimulus, * There are currently a total of seven petitions calling for government-issued monthly direct payments until the nearly two-year-long pandemic ends and they have altogether amassed more than five million signatures. There appears to be no shortage of active petitions circulating across the country that are demanding another round or two of stimulus checks. In fact, there are currently a total of seven petitions calling for government-issued monthly direct payments until the nearly two-year-long pandemic ends—and as of this writing, they have altoget... read more
Komando.com20 hours ago
15 gifts for people who call a kitchen their happy place
Are you looking for the perfect gift for the chef in your family? You've come to the right place. read more

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