Thursday, December 02, 2021

2 December - Blogs I'm Following - 1 of 5

 10 pm MST

War News Updates25 seconds ago
U.S. And Iran Pessimistic On Reaching A Nuclear Deal
*Reuters*: *U.S. and Iran pessimistic about reviving nuclear deal* VIENNA/STOCKHOLM (Reuters) -The United States and Iran both sounded pessimistic on Thursday about the chances of reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, with Washington saying it had little cause for optimism and Tehran questioning the determination of U.S. and European negotiators. "I have to tell you, recent moves, recent rhetoric, don't give us a lot of cause for ... optimism," U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken told reporters in Stockholm, saying he could judge in a day or so if Iran would engage in good ... read more
The National Interest24 minutes ago
China Is Developing Not One, but Two Stealth Bombers
*Mark Episkopos* *JH-XX Bomber, Asia-Pacific* Chinese defense sources remain tight-lipped concerning the PLAAF’s second project. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *It bears noting that China’s two next-generation fighters appear to be separated by years of R&D work. The H-20 is on the verge of being formally announced and is planned to enter service in the PLAAF by the mid-2020s. Meanwhile, the JH-XX may not even be in active development; the fighter shown in “Aerospace Knowledge” may turn out to be nothing more than an early concept. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Fo... read more
The National Interest24 minutes ago
China’s J-20 Jet Fighter Has a New, Nationally-Sourced Engine
*Stephen Silver* *China, East Asia* The J-20 itself has been in development since 2017. The development began, ahead of schedule, because “then-President Donald Trump had stoked fears of a sudden conflict with Washington.” *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The *South China Morning Post* had reported back in January that Chinese engineers had been “directed to modify the engine on the J-20 until it matches America's F-22 Raptor.” At the Zhuhai airshow in China this week, China showed off its J-20 jet, known as the “Mighty Dragon.” According to a report by Eurasian Times, the fi... read more
War News Updates30 minutes ago
President Biden Comes To The Stage More Than 2 Minutes After Being Introduced By LL Cool J At The National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
For months, the CIA and scientists have been working to find a cause of the chronic ailments reported by intelligence officers and diplomats — but the health incidents, known as the Havana syndrome, remain as mysterious now as they were a year ago. — The New York Times (@nytimes) December 3, 2021 *WNU Editor*: That was ackward. read more
The National Interest38 minutes ago
How the U.S. Air Force Would Wage War Against North Korea
*Kyle Mizokami* *U.S. Air Force, Asia* America would need to sweep the skies of enemy fighters—not a difficult prospect considering the decrepit state of the North Korean air force. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *A second Korean conflict with require a multirole fighter capable of close air support and interdiction tasks. The nature of the North Korean air defense threat, largely comprised of outdated fighters and air defenses, means a fifth-generation fighter is useful but not essential to prosecuting the war in the air. In any conflict in the skies over North Korea, the U.... read more
The National Interest38 minutes ago
How the Los Angeles Class Submarines Help Keep America Safe During the Cold War
*Kyle Mizokami* *Los Angeles-Class Submarine, United States* In addition to the traditional roles of undersea, surface and strike warfare, the Los Angeles class was capable of conducting special operations. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Sixty-two Los Angeles–class submarines were built between 1976 and 1996. Not all of them served at once—some of the earliest subs were retired starting in 1995 with just seventeen years of service to avoid costly nuclear refueling costs while the production line was still running! The Los Angeles–class nuclear attack submarines were the most... read more
The Last Refuge54 minutes ago
DC Democrats Claim Victory Over Inflation With Temporary Two Cent Drop in Gasoline Prices – Their Emphasis Explains Why They Need Omicron
If you were still on the fence about Omicron being created/used specifically because the people behind Biden were worried about gas prices {Go Deep}, you can quit the straddle. Energy inflation overall, and gasoline inflation specifically, is the Build Back Better communists’ Achilles heel. The Biden administration is ideologically committed to climate change policy and […] The post DC Democrats Claim Victory Over Inflation With Temporary Two Cent Drop in Gasoline Prices – Their Emphasis Explains Why They Need Omicron appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
President Biden's Claims To Have Served As A 'Liaison' Between Israel And Egypt During The Six-Day War Are Not True
Biden says he went to Israel during the Six Day War to act as a liaison. He’s lying. That never happened. Totally normal. — Arthur Schwartz (@ArthurSchwartz) December 2, 2021 *FOX News:* *Biden claims to have served as a 'liaison' during Six-Day War despite still being in law school at the time* *Biden did meet with Meir six years after the war in 1973 * President Biden said he met with former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir and served as a liaison between Israel and Egypt during the Six-Day War despite still being in law school at the time. The pres... read more
"Mattias Desmet on Our Grave Situation"
*Full screen recommended.* *"Mattias Desmet on Our Grave Situation"* by Peak Prosperity "Professor Mattias Desmet talks about his work that connects past historical episodes of what is called “Mass Formation” (aka Mass Psychosis) and current events. The risks are as grave as they come. Unless a few brave and courageous people are willing to stand up and say “I don’t agree!” history suggests that we will end up with a fully totalitarian outcome. That is a dark path. It inevitably leads to mass casualties and atrocities. Eventually all totalitarian systems end in their own destruction... read more
New Mandala1 hour ago
Cambodia’s 1991 Paris Peace Agreements: Thirty years of contested commemoration
Stakeholders commemorate the same historic event, but they have different interpretations of its meaning and legacy. The post Cambodia’s 1991 Paris Peace Agreements: Thirty years of contested commemoration appeared first on New Mandala. read more
The Rag Blog1 hour ago
JONAH RASKIN : DOCUMENTARY FILM | The Widowmaker: Betty and Kenneth Rodgers’ doc, ‘I Married the War’
That’s what war does: demonizes the Other. By Jonah Raskin | The Rag Blog | December 2, 2021 Almost all women whose husbands go to war inevitably become widows. Even those with husbands who come home from war alive. They … Continue reading → read more
Dying COVID-19 Patient Recovers After Court Orders Hospital To Administer Ivermectin
Dying COVID-19 Patient Recovers After Court Orders Hospital To Administer Ivermectin by Matthew Vadum via The Epoch Times, An elderly COVID-19 patient has recovered after a court order allowed him to be treated with ivermectin, despite objections from the hospital in which he was staying, according to the family’s attorney – After an Illinois … read more
Dr Been: Will Vaccinated Individuals Die in 3 Years? Short Answer: No!
Drbeen Medical Lectures Will Vaccinated Individuals Die in 3 Years? The short answer is no. Vaccines will not set us up to die in 3 years. Let’s discuss. end read more
Science Matters4 hours ago
Runny Nose Coronaviruses–Omicron Update
OMG OMICRON! Blessing in disguise: Omicron variant may be ‘very positive’ news for the world if new Covid mutation kills off more lethal Delta coronavirus. Excerpts in italics with my bolds. Hospitals and GPs across Southern Africa are increasingly reporting that the symptoms of the aggressive new Covid strain Omicron are “unusual but very mild,” […] read more
Do we live in a simulation? One little known theory proves Elon Musk wrong.
Do we live in a simulation? One little known theory proves Elon Musk wrong | The Independent read more
The Remarkable Alignment of the Great Sphinx and How The Equinox Reveals its Ancient Secrets.
The Remarkable Alignment of the Great Sphinx and How The Equinox Reveals its Ancient Secrets — Curiosmos read more
balance101 hour ago
Why do mankind require mercy?
The Word is all and everything. The Word is the eternal Logos. It is the voice of the Ancient of Days thundering the Ten Commandments from Horeb’s height, etching out of the living flame the markings of the Law on tablets of stone. The Word is the will of the AUM and the ray of your divinity. The Word is life and love and truth. The Word is law and principle. The Word is in­dividuality through and through. We send forth Messengers of the Word whose souls, anointed by God Himself, have knelt before the altar at the Court of Sacred Fire and received the commission of the Four ... read more
balance101 hour ago
the light of your hearts may be the guardian presence of evolving life,
6) Answering the Call for Truth Beloved children of God, you are walking the way of Earth that the light of your hearts may be the guardian presence of evolving life. And I greet you and bow before the majestic power of the God-beat in your hearts and bow before the sacrifice entailed by which every one of you voluntarily chose incarnation upon this shadowy planet offering to guard, guide and protect the evolution endeavoring to rise to their God-estate. Long has been your journey, faithful has been your service and great shall be your reward! It was a magnificent activit... read more
balance101 hour ago
because of lack of purity, lack of devotion to my hear
1) The best warfare against evil thoughts is to challenge them with the sacred word of truth and to replace them with truth's wise dominion over every thought and feeling. Then pay them no mind and mightily raise your consciousness to the Creator whose crystal-pure thoughts we find frozen as flowers and snowflakes and captured in the splendor of rainbows and wings of birds. Join me now in the most important work of our Ashram! This is the call and the calling to that work... Beware of the snares of fallen ones who have crept unnoticed into the outer orders that in the pa... read more
The Last Refuge2 hours ago
Press We Can – Lee Smith’s Seminal Outline of the Media Role in Creating the Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
Author and journalist Lee Smith pens a seminal outline showcasing the media’s role in creating the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory: “A comparison of the media’s role in the two biggest political scandals of the past half-century is worth the time of anyone who cares about what the next decade or so of American public life […] The post Press We Can – Lee Smith’s Seminal Outline of the Media Role in Creating the Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
This Man Ate Nothing But Potatoes for a Whole Year…What Happened Next Will SHOCK You
Millions of people struggle with weight problems and addiction to eating. To solve this problem, people have tried all kinds of diets, both real and fad ones. But Andrew Taylor decided to do something some may consider pretty extreme. In the year 2016, he ate nothing but potatoes. He came to this decision after concluding that all the different diets he tried treated the symptoms of weight problems, rather that the cause of it — addiction to food. If it was possible, he said he would quit eating completely, like many quit drugs cold-turkey. But since quitting eating is impossible,... read more
European Union Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen Calls For Implementation Of Forced COVID Vaccination For All EU Citizens
European Union Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen Calls For Implementation Of Forced COVID Vaccination For All EU Citizens by Geoffrey Grider, The EU Commission president’s comments come after a number of European countries have discussed implementing the measure in the hopes of combating rising COVID cases, with Austria announcing that they will be implementing … read more
A Microchip Containing Your Vaccine Passport Information Can Now Be Embedded In Your Hand
Sweden: Get your vaccine passports in a chip in your hand or elsewhere under the skin. It is increasingly popular to insert an #IoB chip into the body with different types of data and now you can insert your covid certificates in the chip. — 'Sikh For Truth'. (@SikhForTruth) November 29, 2021 A Microchip … read more
FULL SHOW: China’s Hypersonic Missile A Game Changer
RT America The commander of the US Navy’s 7th fleet has called for more aircraft carriers in the Pacific to dissuade China and Russia from conflict while the Pentagon plans to improve airfields in Guam and Australia—further fueling tensions between China and the US. RT America’s Trinity Chavez has the story. (1:45) Then, Former UK … read more
Twitter Slaps ‘Unsafe’ Label On American Heart Association mRNA Vaccine Warning
🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 New study and warning from American Heart Association: mRNA vaccines dramatically increase risk of developing heart diseases from 11% to 25% 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 — Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) December 2, 2021 Sheeple: naive, gullible, easily deceived, useful idiots complicit in their own destruction and the destruction of others. People with an amazing ability to accept … read more
Walking In The Footsteps Of Emmanuel Macron, Austria And The European Union Begin The Process Of Universal Mandatory COVID Vaccinations
Walking In The Footsteps Of Emmanuel Macron, Austria And The European Union Begin The Process Of Universal Mandatory COVID Vaccinations by Geoffrey Grider, Austria’s extraordinary move came just days after it introduced a lockdown for the unvaccinated — a restriction that went farther than other European nations in singling out the people who have been … read more
Unvaccinated Austrians Face Prison Time, Huge Fines For Non-Compliance
Unvaccinated Austrians Face Prison Time, Huge Fines For Non-Compliance by Paul Joseph Watson, Booster jabs would also be mandatory. Austrians who refuse to take a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine before a government imposed deadline face prison sentences and huge compounding fines for non-compliance. – After initially placing the unvaccinated under lockdown, a policy that completely … read more
“Iran Could Already Have Nuclear Weapons If It Wanted” – Iranian Professor
RT America Iran is back at the negotiating table in Vienna, after months of stalled talks between JCPOA party members but primarily with the US delegation. The US, for weeks, warning publicly that their patience is wearing thin. Meanwhile, Iran saying that there’s no return to the deal without the lifting of all sanctions against … read more
Over 42,000 Adverse Reaction Reports Revealed In First Batch Of Pfizer Vax Docs
Sheeple: naive, gullible, easily deceived, useful idiots complicit in their own destruction and the destruction of others. People with an amazing ability to accept any amount of BULLSHIT. Last to know/understand what is going on. First to fall. Over 42,000 Adverse Reaction Reports Revealed In First Batch Of Pfizer Vax Docs by Tyler Durden, … read more
Richard Duncan: The Fed has Become a Hostage of the S&P
Palisades Gold Radio Tom welcomes a new guest Richard Duncan to the show. Richard is a macroeconomist and the author of three books on the global economic crisis. To subscribe to our newsletter and get notified of new shows, please visit – Richard discusses how (total credit debt) credit growth now drives the economy. … read more
CDC, FDA NIH And Fauci Doing More Harm Than Good
Peak Prosperity The highest goals of public and /or national level health agencies should always be doing the greatest good when the totality of their efforts are summed up. This means that after all is said and done, fewer people die in a given year and more people are living healthier lives. That is, less … read more
US Deploying Aircraft Carriers, Bombers & Fighters to China’s Front Door
RT America the Pentagon has ordered more Aircraft Carriers to the Pacific to preempt conflict with China. Meanwhile, Washington plans to deploy fighter and bomber planes to Guam and Australia to counter Beijing. The two world powers are engaged in a new arms race. China and Russia, have developed and successfully tested hypersonic weapons systems … read more
Gangsters Out Blog29 minutes ago
The Tiger Dam in Abbotsford went across the 401 freeway
We all heard that they built a dam in Abbotsford to prevent flood water from going onto the 401 freeway and we were like good on them. At first, I thought damming the Sumas river is a bit problematic because that would create another lake but at least then you could control the flow of water. However, that's not what they did. Today Global showed video footage of them dismantling the temporary dam. The dam they built went right across the freeway it was supposed to protect. The dam was blocking traffic. This level of stupidity is one for the history books. The problem was the dike... read more
Gangsters Out Blog56 minutes ago
Alec Baldwin lies about the fatal shooting
The BBC gave a prelude to Good Morning America's offensive and ridiculous interview with Alec Baldwin after his accidental murder of Halyna Hutchins on set. The headline reads "Rust: Alec Baldwin says he didn't fire gun on film set." AYFKM? The BBC article states that "Alec Baldwin says he didn't pull the trigger of the gun that fatally wounded cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of his film, Rust. The star made the claim in his first sit-down interview since the incident in October. 'I would never point a gun at anyone and pull a trigger at them. Never,' he told George Ste... read more
"The Omicron Variant"
*"The Omicron Variant"* by Brian Maher “It [Omicron] will of course be used as an argument for more stimulus ahead…” We hazard Rabobank’s Michael Every is correct. Perhaps the potential for additional stimulus is why the stock market trampolined so high today. All three major indexes took mighty leaps after yesterday’s Omicron-induced frights. The Dow Jones gained 617 stimulus-expecting points. The S&P 500 added 64; the Nasdaq, 127. Safe haven gold was unsafe for haven seekers — down $15 and change today. But we suspect the Omicron variant - so-called - will prove a phantom menace... read more
“We're all going to die. We don't get much say over how or when, but we do get to decide how we're gonna live. So, do it. Decide. Is this the life you want to live? Is this the person you want to love? Is this the best you can be? Can you be stronger? Kinder? More compassionate? Decide. Breathe in. Breathe out and decide.” - “Richard”, “Grey’s Anatomy” read more
War News Updates2 hours ago
Head Of Mossad Vows No Iran Nukes 'Ever'
President Isaac Herzog, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, and Mossad chief David Barnea presented certificates of excellence to twelve Mossad employees. (photo credit: CHAIM TZACH/GPO) *Times Of Israel: **Mossad head vows no Iran nukes ‘ever,’ as credibility of military option scrutinized* *David Barnea says agency will ‘do everything needed to alleviate threat,’ but air force head won’t say if Israel can destroy Iran’s program and report claims IDF has no strike plan * The head of the Mossad spy agency said Thursday that a bad nuclear deal between world powers and Iran would be... read more
Meet the F-52: A Fighter Jet That... Doesn’t Even Exist
*Stephen Silver* *U.S. Military Affairs, United States* In early 2018, Donald Trump said that the United States had sold F-52 fighter jets to Norway. But there is no such thing as an "F-52." *Here's What You Need To Remember:* There really was a sale of jets to Norway and presumably, the president had confused the number of jets, fifty-two, with the name of the jet. During his presidency, Donald Trump said a lot of wild, outrageous, and untrue things. But a Trump misstatement unlike any other was the time he made up a nonexistent fighter jet. As reported by the BBC, Trump mad... read more
The Great Power Competition Jigsaw in Africa
*Kris Osborn* *Africa U.S. Military, Africa* China is also pursuing many construction projects in fifty-one African countries, a think tank report says. *Here's What You Need to Remember:* For many years, Africa has been a key place for ongoing U.S. counterinsurgency efforts and counterterrorism operations, yet in recent years it has become increasingly clear that the African continent is a crucial area of focus needed for great power competition. It might be where lions roam, elephants stampede and giraffes loiter in the meadows, yet Africa is fast growing as an area of substa... read more
Imports No More: The Chinese Military Is Starting to Rely on Homegrown Weapons
*Kyle Mizokami* *Chinese Military, Asia* A new generation of locally designed and manufactured light weaponry is arming China’s armed forces, from handguns to light machine guns. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *For the first time in decades, China’s borders are quiet, guarded by Chinese soldiers equipped with Chinese guns. Like the rest of China’s military revolution over the past quarter century, China’s small-arms revolution is a remarkable achievement. China’s People’s Liberation Army has traditionally relied on foreign and Communist bloc weapons manufactured in China unde... read more
Why Nuclear War Must Be Avoided at All Costs
*Kyle Mizokami* *Nuclear Weapons, * If war is hell, nuclear war is something even worse. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *While the threat of nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union has ended, the United States now faces the prospect of a similar war with Russia or China. The effects of a nuclear war in the twenty-first century would be no less severe. The steps to avoiding nuclear war, however, are the same as they were during the Cold War: arms control, confidence-building measures undertaken by both sides, and a de-escalation of tensions. It is no exagg... read more
The LMXT Tanker Could Render China's Missiles Totally Irelevent
*Kris Osborn* *LMXT Tanker, * LMXTs based in Guam or at allied airfields throughout various parts of Southeast Asia could hold Chinese forces at risk from twice the distance. The Air Force KC-Y tanker program is focused on deploying a combat-ready tanker aircraft that can be produced quickly and perform high-value refueling operations. It is envisioned as a “bridge” tanker to offer something operational as an interim solution until the now-in-development KC-46 Pegasus tanker arrives in sufficient numbers. The Air Force KC-135 Stratotankers are nearing the end of their service l... read more
Airborne Powerhouse: The LMXT is Way More Than Just a Tanker
*Kris Osborn* *LMXT, * A properly based, sheltered, and shielded LMXT, perhaps even escorted by armed fighter jets, could operate air assets at massively expanded ranges. The outcome of any kind of major power confrontation with China in the Pacific would likely rely heavily upon air supremacy and the country able to operate with greater combat success in the sky. Amphibious assaults or surface attacks, along with any prospect of ground operation, would require substantial air superiority, a circumstance that highlights the need for tanker aircraft. The ability to refuel an aircr... read more
Impressive Failure: Why the MiG-23 Crashed and Burned
*Mark Episkopos* *MiG-23 Fighter, Eurasia* There is no ambiguity here: the MiG-23 boasts a long, well-documented, and deeply embarrassing service record. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *So impressively thorough and consistent is the MiG-23’s record of failure that it bears the dubious distinction of facing retirement earlier than the MiG-21 jet fighter it was meant to replace. The Soviet Air Force quickly moved on to the much more successful MiG-27. Developing and mass-producing a piece of hardware as complex as a jet fighter is a notoriously difficult and winding endeavor. ... read more
"Stock Market Miracle Today; Mortgage Bailouts Are Over; FED is Buying It All; Foreclosure Flood"
Jeremiah Babe, PM 12/2/21: *"Stock Market Miracle Today; Mortgage Bailouts Are Over;* * FED is Buying It All; Foreclosure Flood"* read more
Cairns News2 hours ago
Michael Gunner’s son allegedly threatened by NT freedom group. 400 NT public servants lose jobs over mandated jab
by NT Aboriginal Elder, Alison Timber Yesterday’s front page in the Northern Territory Newspaper claimed Chief Minister Michael Gunner’s son was threatened by NT Free group. comes after 3 indigenous boy’s from Binjarri ran away from quarantine in Howard’s Spring. The 3 boys’ results were negative and are now remaining in the facility for […] read more
Cairns News3 hours ago
Gold Coast Covid ward empty for months while vax casualties stream in
By TONY MOBILIFONITIS A QUEENSLAND nursing whistleblower broke down in front of a meeting on the Gold Coast on Thursday night, telling of the horrors of vaccine adverse events including stillbirths, deformed babies, blood clots and cancer remissions reversed. The 30-year nursing veteran Debbie Jane Harris, who has resigned from her profession, said there had […] read more
The Last Refuge3 hours ago
Cleveland Clinic Healthcare System Suspends Vaccine Mandate
Another big win. Citing the recent federal court injunctions, the Cleveland Clinic has now suspended the vaccine mandate for its employees {Citation}. PRESS RELEASE – A federal court recently issued a preliminary injunction, temporarily blocking enforcement of the COVID-19 vaccine federal mandate by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). That rule is now […] The post Cleveland Clinic Healthcare System Suspends Vaccine Mandate appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Cairns News3 hours ago
Dictator Dan carrying on with Albert Pike’s legacy in Victoria
Victoria is in real trouble and has been for quite a while. Maybe a look at some history of the state will show why. Victoria was built more on free settlers, miners, manufacturers and small farmers, rather than convict labour and huge land holdings such as was held by personage of the NSW rum corps […] read more
Test for New Omicron Variant? We don’t need no Stinkin’ Test
In a nutshell, there is no Omicron because there is no SARS-CoV-2. The “pandemic virus” doesn’t exist. A variation of nothing equals nothing. However, I often make forays into the bubble-world where most people, including “the experts,” believe the virus is real. I do this to show that, within their world, the experts are constantly lying in their own terms and contradicting themselves. Within their world, you would think the pros have an easily accessible test to identify the new Omicron variant in thousands or millions of people. Otherwise, how can they claim it’s here and sprea... read more
Violated Community Guidelines
“Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever.” – Noam Chomsky Posting old Independent stories on The Independent is “violating community guidelines.” … Continue reading → read more
Pension Pulse2 hours ago
Canada's Most Responsible Asset Allocators in 2021
Neil Hrab of OMERS sent me The 2021 Leaders List: The 30 Most Responsible Asset Allocators: The Responsible Asset Allocator Initiative (RAAI) is focused on mobilizing capital from the world’s largest institutions toward responsible investing and the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). By developing our biannual RAAI Index, which provides the first comprehensive analysis of how the world’s largest long-term investors are developing sophisticated strategies to manage environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, we construct a window into th... read more
War News Updates3 hours ago
Mossad Recruited 10 Iranian Nuclear Scientists To Sabotage Iran's Natanz Facility
VIEW OF a damaged building after a fire broke out at Iran’s Natanz Nuclear Facility, in Isfahan on July 2. (photo credit: ATOMIC ENERGY ORGANIZATION OF IRAN/WANA VIA REUTERS) *Daily Mail:* *Mossad spies recruited top Iranian scientists to blow up their own nuclear plant by 'posing as dissidents' and 'smuggling explosives disguised as boxes of food'* * Israeli agents reportedly drafted up to 10 scientists to destroy nuclear facility * Explosives were apparently smuggled inside on lorries and dropped by drones * Revelation is one of three alleged Mossad-linked act of sabotage... read more
Alexandria’s latest wave : Just big tidal wave or Climate change is here to stay !?
On Wednesday, Egypt’s Alexandria witnessed a huge tidal wave that reached over five metres-high reaching into streets and destroying seafront buildings. Alexandrians are used to big tidal waves... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]] read more
In Space No One Can Hear You Drill
Daily Mail- Russia threatens criminal charges against married NASA astronaut, 45, over baseless claims she drilled HOLE in their spacecraft while it was docked in ISS ‘because she’d broken up with crew member and wanted to go home’ read more
War News Updates4 hours ago
EU, UK, US, Canada Impose New Sanctions On Belarus
*DW: **EU, UK, US, Canada issue coordinated sanctions against Belarus regime* The European Union, United States, United Kingdom and Canada have issued further sanctions on the regime of Belarusian strongman Alexander Lukashenko. Western nations unveiled a new series of sanctions against Alexander Lukashenko's regime in Belarus on Thursday. The United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom and Canada all imposed sanctions on people and entities close to the Belarusian strongman. In a joint statement, they said the sanctions were in response to "continuing attacks o... read more
Medical Kidnap4 hours ago
Test for New Omicron Variant? We don’t need no Stinkin’ Test
In a nutshell, there is no Omicron because there is no SARS-CoV-2. The “pandemic virus” doesn’t exist. A variation of nothing equals nothing. However, I often make forays into the bubble-world where most people, including “the experts,” believe the virus is real. I do this to show that, within their world, the experts are constantly lying in their own terms and contradicting themselves. Within their world, you would think the pros have an easily accessible test to identify the new Omicron variant in thousands or millions of people. Otherwise, how can they claim it’s here and sprea... read more
Disabled and displaced: helping Haiti’s most vulnerable people
Disabled people in Haiti who have been driven from one temporary shelter to another as result of an earthquake, fire, and mounting gang violence have been finally able to find a safe home, just ahead of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, marked annually on 3 December. Read the full story, “Disabled and displaced: helping Haiti’s most vulnerable people”, on → read more
Croatia: Decades after Balkan wars, UN expert urges new push for justice
Following armed conflict from1991 to 1994 in Croatia and the rest of former Yugoslavia, that triggered increased radicalization and hate speech, an independent UN human rights expert urged the authorities on Thursday to redouble efforts towards full justice for victims and survivors. Read the full story, “Croatia: Decades after Balkan wars, UN expert urges new push for justice”, on → read more
Violence in Cameroon, impacting over 700,000 children shut out of school
Over 700,000 children have been impacted by school closures due to often brutal violence in Cameroon, according to an analysis released by the UN humanitarian arm, OCHA, on Thursday. Read the full story, “Violence in Cameroon, impacting over 700,000 children shut out of school”, on → read more
‘Turning point’ reached for survivors of ISIL crimes in Iraq, Security Council hears
The international community has reached a “turning point” in pursuing justice for atrocities committed by the ISIL terrorist group in Iraq, the new head of a special UN investigative team told the Security Council in New York on Thursday. Read the full story, “‘Turning point’ reached for survivors of ISIL crimes in Iraq, Security Council hears”, on → read more
Snopes.com4 hours ago
No, the Owner of WTC Building 7 Didn’t ‘Admit’ It Was Demolished After 9/11
More than two decades later, conspiracy theories about the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack persist. read more
Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore to strip Sydney’s small businesses of their vote
City of Sydney Mayor Clover Moore, Labor and the Greens are working together to take the vote off 47,000 struggling small businesses, and the Liberals are nowhere to be seen. read more
Komando.com5 hours ago
A new rule lets debt collectors message you on social media – Here’s what they can and can’t do
Debt collectors can now contact you on social media. Here's what they can and can't do. read more
Potential Legislation On China Amounts To A New Cold War
Congress is itching to pass a sweeping bipartisan package that threatens to enshrine a new Cold War, this time against China, and they’re counting on the American public’s inattention to get it through by the end of the year. After months of stalling in the House, and a failed attempt to attach the legislation to the annual defense bill, majority leader Chuck Schumer and Speaker Nancy Pelosi struck a deal this week for a bicameral conference on the anti-China legislation. The US Innovation and Competition Act is a massive piece of legislation purporting to make the United States m... read more
CBC Celebrates Indians Shutting Down Pipelines
Sitting in their taxpayer funded offices in downtown Toronto, CBC staff love to trash the fossil fuel industry. Oh Noooo! Break out the feathers and drums. Global warming is aging the sacred tree frog. We obviously need more carbon taxes. read more
Snopes.com5 hours ago
Did Pro-Abortion Protesters Take Abortion Pills Outside Supreme Court Building?
Visual evidence surfaced supposedly showing four protesters outside the federal courthouse taking pills to end early pregnancies. read more
Econlib6 hours ago
What Are You Afraid Of?
For most of my teaching career, I was an economics professor at the Naval Postgraduate School. My students were generally motivated, reasonably hard-working military officers from the Navy, other US services, and other countries. I loved teaching them. But one day in the mid-1990s I told them a true anecdote whose shock value required them […] The post What Are You Afraid Of? appeared first on Econlib. read more
Turcopolier6 hours ago
Starlink launch 76 total views, 24 views today read more
Medical Kidnap6 hours ago
“Sudden Deaths” of Children Under the Age of 12 Start Surfacing After COVID-19 Shots Approved for This Age Group
The surge in "sudden deaths" now being reported on a daily basis has apparently begun in children under the age of 12, as children between the ages of 5 and 11 were recently approved for injections by the Pfizer COVID-19 shots. Unless a grieving parent works up enough courage to admit they made a mistake in letting their child get one of these bioweapon shots, and is willing to face the backlash that will certainly come from those in the Vaccine Cult, which will probably include their own family members, do not expect the media to even mention the COVID-19 "vaccination status" of ... read more
Gerald Celente, "DOW Spikes; New Virus Restrictions Imposed; Danger Ahead"
*Full screen recommended.* Gerald Celente, PM 12/2/21: *"DOW Spikes; New Virus Restrictions Imposed; Danger Ahead"* "The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times." read more
"What Do They Know? Insiders Are Dumping Stocks At A Pace Never Seen Before In All Of U.S. History"
*Full screen recommended.* *"What Do They Know? Insiders Are Dumping Stocks * *At A Pace Never Seen Before In All Of U.S. History"* by Epic Economist "Something really strange is happening in U.S. financial markets over the past few weeks. CEOs and corporate insiders have been dumping stocks at a far faster rate than we have ever seen before. Do they know something the rest of us don't? If the stock market is booming as the media keeps insisting, and this rally will go on forever, like many investors want to believe, then why these insiders are selling their stocks as fast as they c... read more
Why South Korea’s Awesome F-15K Fighter Jet Commands Respect
*Sebastien Roblin* *F-15, Asia* It's one heck of a plane. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The Strike Eagle is a fighter-bomber variant of the F-15 Eagle. On September 13, 2017 the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) test-fired a Taurus cruise missile in response to a North Korean ballistic missile test. In this video, you can see as an F-15K launch the boxy weapon, which plunges straight through the roof of a practice target, penetrating into the ground below before its main warhead detonates. For decades, the South Korean military has had to prepare for a conflict in which its... read more
War News Updates4 hours ago
Germany Bids Angela Merkel Farewell At Military Ceremony
*Daily Mail: **Angela Merkel ceremonially bows out of office after 16 years at lavish military parade to the soundtrack of her choice of music including 1970s hit by anti-Communist punk rocker* * Großer Zapfenstreich ceremony scaled back to due to coronavirus restrictions * It featured three songs chosen by departing chancellor Angela Merkel * These included an 18th century hymn , a 1960s song and a 1970s punk rock hit * The third choice was released by Communist-era punk singer Nina Hagen in 1974 * Merkel said the song was a 'highlight of my youth' spent in East Germany... read more
Henry Olsen has a near-perfect right-wing C.V.: Claremont McKenna College, Manhattan Institute, American Enterprise Institute, and now the culture-war-driven Ethics and Public Policy Center. He writes for *The Washington Post*'s opinion section, and yesterday he wrote this about the seemingly inevitable Supreme Court ruling overturning *Roe v. Wade*: In light of the Supreme Court’s oral arguments Wednesday on Mississippi’s abortion law, pro-life advocates may have what they’ve been seeking for decades: A chance to overturn *Roe v. Wade*. If successful, however, they are likely to f... read more
The Last Refuge5 hours ago
One Day After Biden Says No Shortages Except Cabbage Patch Dolls, NBC Reports on a National Shortage of Chicken
Yesterday the White House occupant equivocated any current supply chain shortages to the 1980’s Christmas shortage of Cabbage Patch dolls {link}. According to the White House narrative there are no shortages of essential products other than a few hard to find non-essential toys. Obviously, that level of executive office propaganda is intended to gaslight a […] The post One Day After Biden Says No Shortages Except Cabbage Patch Dolls, NBC Reports on a National Shortage of Chicken appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
War News Updates5 hours ago
Germany Orders Lock Downs For Unvaccinated People. Plan To Make Shots Compulsory
*Daily Mail*: *Germany locks down the unvaccinated: Angela Merkel says parliament will debate making shots MANDATORY as she bars the un-jabbed from non-essential shops and leisure facilities* * Germany will ban un-jabbed citizens from most public places, Merkel said today * Non-essential retail, along with all leisure and cultural facilities, will be open only to those who have had their shots or have recovered from Covid * Merkel also said parliament will begin debating whether to make jabs mandatory * She then backed the move, saying: 'If I was in the Bundestag, I would... read more
Here are Five of the Russian Navy’s Deadliest Vessels
*Mark Episkopos* *Russian Navy, Eurasia* They’re an eclectic mix. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *In the past several decades, the Kremlin embarked on an ambitious naval modernization program involving deep refits as well as entirely new designs. The Russian Federation inherited a vast, if not bloated, navy from its Soviet predecessor. Plagued by neglect and chronic budgetary shortfalls, large swathes of that Soviet inheritance fell into disrepair throughout the 1990s. In the past several decades, the Kremlin embarked on an ambitious naval modernization program involving de... read more
This Is What North Korea’s Most Powerful ICBMs are Capable of
*Mark Episkopos* *Hwasong Missiles, Asia-Pacific* “The United States and its Asian allies regard North Korea as a grave security threat.” *Here’s What You Need to Remember:* “The United States and its Asian allies regard North Korea as a grave security threat,” opened a recent Council on Foreign Relations report on the DPRK’s military capabilities. These concerns are not entirely misplaced; North Korea is believed to own a stockpile of around sixty nuclear weapons, including a powerful and steadily growing arsenal of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM’s). This is what thr... read more
Cairns News5 hours ago
What is the real meaning of Christmas?
Christmas is a time for family, a time for relaxing, a time to have fun with santa, presents, decorations, green trees, reindeer songs etc. Or so our increasingly pagan, materialistic culture would have us believe. What is the real cause for celebration? The Apostle John said it all. “For God so loved the world, that […] read more
Waking Times5 hours ago
Over 42,000 Adverse Reaction Reports – Including 1223 Deaths – Revealed In First Batch Of Pfizer Vax Docs
*Tyler Durden* - There are 1223 deaths reported as well, in the first 3 months of the rollout of this vaccine. read more
Primary Cause Of Global Warming
After ruling the earth for hundreds of millions of years, animals started causing global warming sometime around 1989. 22 Jul 1995 – Animals to blame for warming: car expert – Trove read more
Activists Make Last-Minute Bid To Stop Blasting In Whale Breeding Grounds
Activists have made a last-minute bid to stop Royal Dutch Shell from exploring for oil and gas in whale breeding grounds off the coast of South Africa. The fossil-fuel giant had planned to search for oil and gas reserves by setting off underwater explosions along a stretch of South Africa known as the Wild Coast, according to MSN. The explorations were slated to begin December 1. However, four environmental and human rights organizations filed a legal challenge Monday night to stop the blasting, Greenpeace Africa said. “Shell’s activities threaten to destroy the Wild Coast and th... read more
Global Warming Will Destroy The Planet Soon
Global Warming and Government’s Inaction Will Soon Destroy World – Guardian Liberty Voice read more
Harvard To Save Us From The Global Warming Apocalypse
Harvard can save us from global warming apocalypse | read more
MJBizDaily7 hours ago
San Francisco delays marijuana tax a second time to combat illicit market
San Francisco authorities approved a second one-year suspension of the city's marijuana business tax, a decision intended to help licensed cannabis businesses become more competitive with illegal dealers. San Francisco delays marijuana tax a second time to combat illicit market is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
How To Build an Inclusive Donor Base
Higher education philanthropy has long chased after the deep pockets of white men while overlooking other donors... read more
One Million Degrees and One Ten Push Black Students into Social Mobility
As OMD works to improve enrollment, persistence, and graduation rates, One Ten helps companies hire those students, completing... read more
Boris Johnson's Xmas Party Hangover
Who doesn't like to party? Unfortunately, like a great many, yours truly hasn't "partied" for going on two years thanks to the Covid situation. More importantly, the introduction of tier four restrictions just shy of a year ago was a sensible, if belated precaution to stymie the spread of the British-made Kent Variant before the vaccine programme properly ramped up. But it didn't come without cost. Millions of people were stuck on their own. Others missed out on that rare chance to down tools and spend quality time with loved ones. A lot had a miserable time, and for hundreds of t... read more
A note from Christmas 2000--on abortion
Came across a note I'd written to a friend in December 2000. We had been in a small group together through our church and had attended her wedding. She and her husband had moved on later and we'd lost touch for awhile. (Now it's been 20 years and I have no idea where she is.) Sounds like today's case before the Supreme Court. This is the only part I'll share: "This week I wrote the year-end checks to cover our tithe--we figured we were about $2500 short because we never know until the end of the year what our income is. So I made contributions to a Library in honor of Mom and Da... read more
PrairiePundit5 hours ago
The collapse of the California middle class in big cities
Victor Davis Hanson: In a recent online exchange, the YouTuber Casey Neistat posted his fury after his car was broken into and the contents stolen. Los Angeles, he railed, was turning into a “3rd-world s-hole of a city.” The multimillionaire actor Seth Rogen chastised Neistat for his anger. Rogen claimed that a car’s contents were minor things to lose. He added that while living in West Hollywood he had his own car broken into 15 times, but thought little of it. Online bloggers ridiculed Rogen. No wonder — the actor lives in multimillion-dollar homes in the Los Angeles area, gua... read more
The Rio Times5 hours ago
Piñera calls on investors to trust in Chile: It is fertile ground for good ideas and opportunities
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, highlighted on Thursday the country's strong economic growth and the opportunities that it offers. The head of state projected an 11% growth of the economy in 2021 and 25% growth in investment. Read also: Check out our coverage on Chile "Our country is a […] The post Piñera calls on investors to trust in Chile: It is fertile ground for good ideas and opportunities appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
War News Updates5 hours ago
Public Trust On President Biden's Handling Of The Covid-19 Pandemic Continues To Plummet
President Biden speaks about the COVID-19 variant named omicron, in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, Monday, Nov. 29, 2021, in Washington. as Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases listens. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) *FOX News*: *Biden public trust on COVID-19 plummets as omicron variant feared to hit US* *The most recent Fox News polling shows Biden underwater by one point when it comes to handling the pandemic * The omicron variant's seemingly inevitable spread in the United States could prove disastrous for President Biden, ... read more
The Rio Times5 hours ago
The millenary Inca treasure still hidden in the mountains of Ecuador
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Spanish conquest of Tahuantinsuyo began in 1532 with a memorable milestone. On November 15 of that year, Francisco Pizarro arrived in Cajamarca in present-day Peru to meet the Inca king Atahualpa. After a bloody civil war of succession, the second of two brothers had seized power from the late […] The post The millenary Inca treasure still hidden in the mountains of Ecuador appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times5 hours ago
Covid-19: Peru demands health passport at the workplace
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In response to diffuse fears about the emergence of the new Omicron variant of the coronavirus, which is said to be more dangerous than the Delta strain, leftist Peru is taking restrictive measures to reduce the risk of infection and prevent the introduction of the South African variant. It does […] The post Covid-19: Peru demands health passport at the workplace appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times5 hours ago
Ex-cop implicated in trafficking of 185 tortoises in Galapagos is released because his “future is uncertain” in Ecuador’s prisons
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Specialized Criminal Court of the Provincial Court of Justice of Guayas ordered the release of Nixon Alejandro P. D., former police officer sentenced to three years in prison and the payment of US$639,100 for the crime of trafficking 185 tortoises on March 28, 2021 in Galapagos. The baby chelonians […] The post Ex-cop implicated in trafficking of 185 tortoises in Galapagos is released because his “future is uncertain” in Ecuador’s prisons appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times5 hours ago
Dismantling of “Los de la Quinta” gang, dedicated to contract killings on the border between Colombia, Brazil and Peru
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Amid a 9-month investigation, the National Police, in collaboration with its Directorate of Criminal Investigation and INTERPOL (DIJIN), in coordination with the Attorney General's Office, achieved in the city of Bogotá and in the municipality of Leticia, four arrests and seven indictments of members of the organized criminal group "Los […] The post Dismantling of “Los de la Quinta” gang, dedicated to contract killings on the border between Colombia, Brazil and Peru appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Hondurans Break The US-Imposed Narco Siege Of Their Government
Brian Nichols, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, visited Honduras the week before the presidential elections. His stated purpose was to “encourage the peaceful, transparent conduct of free and fair national elections.” He did not meet with the de facto President, Juan Orlando Hernández. The gesture was clear and illuminating on two levels. First, it showed that the U.S. government had already accepted the irrefutable truth that the center-left coalition led by Xiomara Castro would earn the votes of the Honduran people (as we go to publication, she was i... read more

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