Friday, December 10, 2021

10 December - iG Tab - 9

 Victor Richard Hansen blog removed - No Content

Utopia – you are standing in it!

  • Divided Hill Republicans fail to shut down federal government at midnight Friday; GOP had sought to block money for shots and masks; funding lasts through February 18; Unemployment keeps falling to 4.2%, a remarkable achievement despite...

    6 days ago
  • In recent years, predators of international high finance have run wild without accountability as spotlight was shifted to race, gender, climate, and anti-vaccine; But while campaign against Wall Street could aspire to 99% support, these...

    13 days ago
  • House passes Build Back Better bill, 220 to 213; together with bipartisan infrastructure bill, these two measures add up to a second Franklin D. Roosevelt New Deal; So contact your senator and demand immediate action with no more cuts! House...

    20 days ago

Sustainable Pulse

sunshine hours

Stagecraft and Statecraft

  • China has long mixed sports and politics. From its boycott of the 1956 Olympics to its more recent bullying tactics against the N.B.A., England’s Premier League and others, Beijing has treated sports as politics by other means. Now its Winter...

    4 days ago
  • David and Goliath struggle exposes Beijing’s expansionist intent Brahma Chellaney, Nikkei Asia China has failed to settle the frontier with its tiny neighbor Bhutan, despite holding talks with Bhutan since 1984. Now, after nearly four...

    16 days ago
  • By allowing the Taliban to enrich and sustain itself with drug profits during the 20-year war in Afghanistan, the US contributed to its own humiliating defeat at the hands of a narco-terrorist organization. But it is not too late for … Continue...

    18 days ago

Ramani's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog

  • Leonie Haimson, executive director of Class Size Matters, is one of the nation’s most persistent advocates of class size reduction. She is the voice of many parents in New York City, who regularly tell pollsters that their number 1 wish for...

    11 hours ago
  • The following article by Diane Ravitch and Carol Burris of the Netwotk for Public Education appeared this morning at Valerie Strauss’s “The Answer Sheet” blog at the Washington Post: Mike Bloomberg recently announced his plan to revive...

    12 hours ago
  • Nancy Bailey has assembled a devastating review of a three-decades long effort to destroy the teaching profession and replace it with models derived from the corporate sector. She begins: The pandemic has been rough on teachers, but there...

    13 hours ago


  • By Paul Homewood   Electroverse have uncovered some blatant data tampering by DMI:     It would appear that the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) may have taken a leaf out of NASA’s ‘data-fudging 101‘. Sometime between late-Nov...

    17 hours ago
  • By Paul Homewood   Reposted from Climate Realism:   The New York Times published an article Friday titled, “A Slow-Motion Climate Disaster: The Spread of Barren Land.” The article claims global warming is causing drought in northeastern...

    2 days ago
  • By Paul Homewood   The BBC – where “news from Japan” means talking to a 70 year old eco-activist!   It’s a glorious autumn afternoon and I’m standing on a hillside looking out over Tokyo Bay. Beside me is Takao Saiki, a usually mild-mannered...

    3 days ago


NEPC Blog Post of the Day

The Moderate Voice

  • So it looks like Roe v. Wade is perched at the precipice. Gee, I wonder how that happened. Let me count the ways. Conservative Republicans started prioritizing a high court takeover, with the explicit aim of ending legal abortion, more than...

    11 hours ago
  • Published by Reuters By Lawrence Hurley and Andrew Chung WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday allowed abortion providers to pursue a legal challenge to a ban on most abortions in Texas, with the fate of the Republican-backed...

    11 hours ago
  • Published by Reuters By Sarah N. Lynch WASHINGTON (Reuters) -A U.S. appeals court on Thursday rejected a request by former President Donald Trump to withhold records from the House of Representatives probe of the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the...

    11 hours ago


  • With both the Beatles and chess peaking this year in terms of media coverage, at times I have felt like I am thirteen years old again.  But now the WCC match is over, and Magnus Carlsen has solidified his claim to GOAT.  Carlsen has now won five...

    8 hours ago
  • I have not had the chance to read this through, but here goes: Documenting environmental pollution damage affects the magnitude of aggregate output, net of pollution damage, and the contribution to national product across economic sectors...

    9 hours ago
  • 1. Stubborn Attachments and the veil of ignorance. 2. “Interestingly, our results are completely moderated in U.S. counties that forbid alcohol sales, which suggests that alcohol is a necessary channel through which exposure to violent...

    11 hours ago

Lloyd Lofthouse

MintPress News

Made from Truth and Lies

  • Heading out to see Newcastle. Some of us moving fast enough to go all blurry! Original is here on instagram. Original post on Dreamwidth - there are comments there.

    12 hours ago
  • This New Tech Cuts Through Rock Without Grinding Into It(tags:construction tunnels technology )2 bed flat for sale in London - with ridiculously massive bunker(tags:property London wtf viaSwampers )Scots told to defer Christmas parties...

    15 hours ago
  • The current situation in the USA is looking less and less like democracy(tags:democracy USA Doom racism )The Thick of It: Christmas Pandemic Party edition(tags:politics satire TV Pandemic funny )UK to phase out 2G and 3G by 2033 - and some...

    2 days ago

  • I truly am one of those people who tends to have an opinion on almost everything, which is why I write a blog, but there are sometimes subjects on which I hold several contradictory positions simultaneously. This can be convenient … Continue...

    16 hours ago
  • The Ghislaine Maxwell trial is not being televised, and I’m not seeing a lot of mainstream news reporting on it (which could be because of my own bias bubble, but I doubt it – my bias bubble should be all … Continue reading →...

    3 days ago
  • As most people who have ever seen a movie would agree, killer robots are not a good thing. It’s right there in the name, KILLER robots, mindless automatons that are capable of killing, inflicting death, ending a human being’s existence.And...

    4 days ago

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