Wednesday, December 01, 2021

1 December - Blogs I'm Following - 3 of 5

 10 pm MST

Small Dead Animals11 hours ago
Will 2022 Mark the End of the EU?
EU President, Ursula von der Leyen, aka as the lady with the nice hair, has launched a test bubble to see if the governments of the 27 member states are down for mandatory Covid jabs across the continent: Speaking to reporters in Brussels, Von der Leyen, who practised as a doctor before her political career,… Continue reading → read more
COVID Vaccine Intended To Reduce World’s Population Without Anyone Suspecting Says Leading Doctor
Great Game India The leading doctor credited with improving early treatment of COVID-19 said in a conference that the goal of vaccine transmission campaigns is to... The post COVID Vaccine Intended To Reduce World’s Population Without Anyone Suspecting Says Leading Doctor appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
And this mindset is why they’re living in Government bondage now.
And this mindset is why they're living in Govt bondage now. — LoneStarPosse (@LoneStarPosse) November 30, 2021 The post And this mindset is why they’re living in Government bondage now. appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Russia Orders More US Diplomats To Leave In Retaliatory Measure
Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden Russia has booted more US diplomats from the country, days after the foreign ministry confirmed the United States had... The post Russia Orders More US Diplomats To Leave In Retaliatory Measure appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Small Dead Animals11 hours ago
Diversity Is Our Strength Moment In Britain
I suppose this will soon happen in Justin’s Canada. In other news from Britain, the TRUMP/FARAGE INTERVIEW. And a historic pub renamed so as not to offend punters. Meanwhile back here on Turtle Island, Rex makes fun of the CBC. read more
Supervised Injection Sites for Drug Users to Open in New York City
New York Times In an attempt to curb a surge in overdose deaths caused by increasingly potent street drugs, New York City will authorize two supervised... The post Supervised Injection Sites for Drug Users to Open in New York City appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Small Dead Animals11 hours ago
Climate Barbie Wants Children To Vote
The bought and paid for media, along with a former cabinet minister are demanding that children get the vote. This is because of climate change or something. read more
Small Dead Animals11 hours ago
“France is no longer France, and everyone sees it.”
Saying the unsayable; For years, the same feeling has swept you along, oppressed you, shamed you: a strange and penetrating feeling of dispossession. You walk down the streets in your towns, and you don’t recognize them. You look at your screens and they speak to you in a language that is strange, and in the… Continue reading → read more
bilaterals.org10 hours ago
Non recourse funding secured for claim against the Republic of Slovenia
01-Dec-2021 the Company is now pleased to announce that it has signed a binding damages-based agreement with Enyo Law LLP which will be advancing the disbursements which are expected to be incurred in the pursuit of the claim. read more
"Noticing Synchronicity: Interconnected Experiences"
*"Noticing Synchronicity: Interconnected Experiences"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "Things happen in our lives for a reason, even if that reason is not clear to you right away. When events appear to fit together perfectly in our lives it may seem at first that they are random occurrences, things that are the result of coincidence. These synchronous happenings, though, are much more than that, for, if we look at them more closely they can show us that the universe is listening to us and gently communicating with us. Learning to pay attention to and link the things that occur on a ... read more
The Poet: Galway Kinnell, "Another Night in the Ruins"
*"Another Night in the Ruins"* "How many nights must it take one such as me to learn that we aren't, after all, made from that bird that flies out of its ashes, that for us as we go up in flames, our one work is to open ourselves, to *be* the flames?" ~ Galway Kinnell read more
"Curiosity is the essence of human existence. 'Who are we? Where are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going?' I don't know. I don't have any answers to those questions. I don't know what's over there around the corner. But I want to find out." - Eugene Cernan read more
The Last Refuge10 hours ago
Frustrated That Omicron Fear Is Not Permeating American Psyche, White House Planning More COVID Mandates
There has been a lot of chatter behind a Washington Post report about the White House planning to introduce new COVID travel and quarantine restrictions tomorrow (Thursday). However, tuning out the noise – remember which agency of the Fourth Branch uses the Washington Post and things make sense. The problem for the White House is […] The post Frustrated That Omicron Fear Is Not Permeating American Psyche, White House Planning More COVID Mandates appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
FDA Panel Recommends Merck COVID Pill, Despite ‘More Questions Than Answers’
A U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisory panel on Tuesday voted narrowly to recommend Emergency Use Authorization of Merck’s five-day pill to treat COVID, despite the panel expressing a host of concerns about the drug’s safety and efficacy. The post FDA Panel Recommends Merck COVID Pill, Despite ‘More Questions Than Answers’ appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Osman Kavala to Stay in Jail, Turkish Court Rules
*Trevor Filseth* *Turkey, Middle East* Human-rights groups have criticized the charges against Kavala as politically motivated and urged the Turkish government to end his detention. A court in Istanbul has ruled that imprisoned Turkish dissident Osman Kavala should remain in jail, sparking protests and leading to a further deterioration of relations between Turkey and the European Union. Kavala’s case has attracted attention throughout the West; it received a profile boost when, in October, ten North American and European ambassadors issued a joint statement calling for Kavala’s... read more
Omicron Variant: Really More Contagious and Deadly?
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Pandemic, Americas* Experts say that more data is needed before they can make any concrete conclusions. Late last week, medical experts from around the world began warning about the omicron coronavirus variant that was first detected in southern Africa. And as more information was revealed about the variant, three questions took center stage: Is it more transmissible? Does it make people sicker? And how much protection does vaccination or a prior infection provide against it? It appears that most experts have settled on one answer: We need more data. *‘... read more
Why Submarines are the Best Asset for Defending Taiwan
*Kris Osborn* *Submarine Warfare, Taiwan* Surface ships and land forces may be exposed in an attack on Taiwan. But submarines will be poised to strike back. Surface ships are visible to an enemy from miles away. Most drones and aircraft are easily detectable. Ground-based weapons such as missile launchers and interceptors can largely be seen by satellite. This means any prepositioned assets deployed to deter or stop a Chinese amphibious assault on Taiwan are likely to be seen or known by attacking People's Liberation Army forces. But what about submarines? It seems reasonable to... read more
Will Russian Subs Try to Recover Crashed F-35B Stealth Jet?
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Submarines, Eurasia* Moscow poses a threat. It was just a couple of weeks ago when a British F-35B Lightning II stealth fighter jet crashed into the Mediterranean while taking off from the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS* Queen Elizabeth*. In light of this news, Western allies are now hoping that the wreckage of the aircraft will be recovered before Russian submarines get to it and potentially lose critical cutting-edge technological know-how regarding the fifth-generation fighter. Per the EurAsian Times, U.S. Brigadier-General Simon Doran was quoted as sa... read more
"Your Money is Worth Nothing and the Music is About to Stop"
*Full screen recommended.* Dan, iAllegedly, AM 12/1/21: *"Your Money is Worth Nothing and the Music is About to Stop"* "There are so many international warnings that we cannot ignore. Inflation is not transitory and the dollar is losing value every day. Your money is worth nothing and the music is about to stop playing. Will you be ready?" read more
Science 2.0 blogs10 hours ago
A Hunter Shot A Buck, Which Turned Out To Be A Doe With Antlers. Here's How
In 2021, there remains some confusion about the distinction between biological sex and gender. The fossil record only shows males and females, it does not show how those people, or even precursors of modern humans, felt about themselves. And fossil records only show what can actually be fossilized. Which is often just skeletal. Nature can be more complex than that. I almost always hunt in Pennsylvania and the rules say I can only shoot a buck early in the season. No does. The number of tines may vary each year in a maddening way - good luck seeing three on one side in Pennsylvania ... read more
Snopes.com10 hours ago
Did a NY Clinician Express Hope That Omicron Variant ‘F*cks People Up’?
The post originated on the r/offmychest forum on Reddit. read more
‘This Week’ With Mary + Polly: Officials Sound Alarm Over ‘Super-Mutant’ COVID Variant Omicron + More
In “This Week” with Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense president, and Polly Tommey, co-producer of “Vaxxed,” Mary and Polly discuss the latest COVID vaccine news. The post ‘This Week’ With Mary + Polly: Officials Sound Alarm Over ‘Super-Mutant’ COVID Variant Omicron + More appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Not your average service dog!
I'm still chuckling over this video from Double H Canine Training Academy. They titled it "Epic Service Dog Training Failure". (A tip o' the hat to IOTWReport for finding it first.) Fail or not, he's certainly enjoying himself! Peter read more
Biden COVID Vaccine Mandates Suffer Two More Legal Setbacks
A federal judge in Louisiana on Tuesday issued a preliminary injunction halting President Biden’s national vaccine mandate for healthcare workers nationwide, and separately, a U.S. district judge in Kentucky issued a preliminary injunction blocking Biden’s mandate for federal contractors in three states. The post Biden COVID Vaccine Mandates Suffer Two More Legal Setbacks appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
IER11 hours ago
Interior Releases Its Findings in Its Review of the Federal Oil and Gas Program
On Friday, November 26, the day after Thanksgiving, Biden’s Department of Interior released its much delayed report on its review… The post Interior Releases Its Findings in Its Review of the Federal Oil and Gas Program appeared first on IER. read more
Science 2.0 blogs12 hours ago
Dr. Oz Is Running For The Senate, Which Will At Least Get Him Out Of Health Media
Dr. Mehmet Oz became famous thanks to a celebrity worship culture that progressives embraced in their desire to believe in alternatives to medicine. Just a few years after President Clinton trashed nuclear science in America, removed supplements from any real FDA oversight, and showed his love for alternatives to vaccines by throwing money that could have gone to science to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine so they could continue to find out placebos can't replace medicine, Oprah Winfrey turned Dr. Oz into a national sensation. read more read more
21st Century Wire12 hours ago
White House Using ‘Omicron’ as Excuse for Stricter Covid Testing of Travelers
*21WIRE + Free Thought Project* | Once again, government officials are claiming that more rules will somehow 'stop the spread' of an as yet unproven 'deadly new variant.' read more
AltHealthWorks.com12 hours ago
The Proven Method on How to Treat ADHD and Concentration Problems With This One Natural Remedy (popular in Europe)
There is no doubt that Adderall helps concentration for those with or without ADHD – but that benefit comes at the expense of every organ in the body, including the brain. While Aderrall has become commonplace to help people focus and be more productive, there is a laundry list of side effects that are also quite commonplace with this popular drug. The common side effects of the drug include nervousness, dry mouth, poor circulation, numbness in fingers, difficulty breathing, stomach pains, loss of appetite, and heart problems. Rare side effects include fever, seizure, stroke and hea... read more
War News Updates9 hours ago
MI6 Chief Says The Tech Revolution Could Pose A Major Threat To The World Over The Next Ten Years
*Daily Mail:* *MI6 must partner with tech giants to keep foreign adversaries at bay – even if it means stepping out of the shadows to do it, secret service boss says in first public speech* * The MI6 chief Richard Moore is due to make rare public address in London today * He says tech advances mean agency can no longer devise own solution to threat * In a 'cultural sea change', Mr Moore says MI6 must 'be more open to stay secret' Britain's intelligence agencies must be prepared to work with tech giants to develop world-class technologies that will keep foreign adversaries... read more
War News Updates10 hours ago
CIA Book Says The US Intelligence Community 'Struggled' To Brief President Trump In 2016
Clapper, who served under Barack Obama and resigned in 2016, made the claims in a new CIA-sanctioned book, Getting to Know the President, which chronicles the relationships between US presidents and the intelligence community (IC) since 1952 *Daily Mail:** Trump was 'fact free' during intelligence briefings and prone to flying off the handle, says former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper* * Clapper said Trump was prone to 'fly off on tangents' during briefings * Ex-Director of Intelligence worked with Trump during the transition period * He said hour-long meeti... read more
"Trust Me, I Know What I’m Doing"
*"Trust Me, I Know What I’m Doing"* by Bill Bonner "Trust me, I know what I’m doing." – ­Inspector Sledge Hammer, 1980’s TV show BALTIMORE, MARYLAND – "Oh My Cron? OH-mee-cron? Or something like that. President Biden sees it as such a big thing, he scheduled an address to the nation. Of course, POTUS knows nothing more about the omicron COVID variant than the rest of us. Still, he urged all Americans to get a booster shot. Is he practicing medicine without a license? Who knows? Here at the Diary, the hardest decision we make each morning is choosing what to laugh at first. *Quick ... read more
Is the BBC biased?10 hours ago
Will the BBC's John Simpson be watching Nigel and Donald on GB News tonight?
I've a free evening tonight, so I might watch GB News at 7pm when Nigel Farage interviews Donald Trump for a whole two hours. As you'd expect, certain BBC types aren't feeling particularly unemotional or impartial about it. Within the last hour, the BBC's impartial World Affairs Editor John Simpson - someone who will never in a millennium of Mondays wish GB News well, or ever think a single pleasant thought about either Nigel Farage or Donald Trump - has taken to Twitter to sneer: Before the hype that will no doubt follow Nigel Farage's interview with Donald Trump on GB News in ... read more
MJBizDaily11 hours ago
Marijuana industry lender Chicago Atlantic plans to become REIT with IPO
Chicago-based marijuana industry lender Chicago Atlantic Real Estate Finance is planning an initial public offering on the Nasdaq stock exchange. Marijuana industry lender Chicago Atlantic plans to become REIT with IPO is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Snopes.com11 hours ago
Councilman Andre Dickens Wins Atlanta Mayor Race over Moore
Dickens won a campaign dominated by concern over rising violent crime in the city. read more
Call It Old, Contemporary, Modern or Whatever: It Is Slavery
MADRID, Dec 01 (IPS) - No matter what it is called -- it is the abhorrent daily life of a billion enslaved humans. The real number of “modern” slaves is understandably unknown. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) estimates that more than 40 million people worldwide are victims of modern slavery. Read the full story, “Call It Old, Contemporary, Modern or Whatever: It Is Slavery”, on → read more
Women and girls at high risk of being pushed into modern slavery 
Women and children are at high risk of being pushed into contemporary forms of slavery, UN-appointed independent rights experts said on Wednesday.   Read the full story, “Women and girls at high risk of being pushed into modern slavery ”, on → read more
Despite COVID-19 connectivity boost, world’s poorest left far behind 
Some 2.9 billion people still have never used the internet, and 96 per cent live in developing countries, a new UN report has found. According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the estimated number of people who have gone online this year actually went up, to 4.9 billion, partially because of a “COVID connectivity boost”.   Read the full story, “Despite COVID-19 connectivity boost, world’s poorest left far behind ”, on → read more
The Rio Times11 hours ago
Argentina and Brazil relaunch relations: announcements, meeting of presidents and joint projects
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - There will be announcements of joint works, the presence of officials from the federal cabinet and the neighboring administration, proposals to increase trade, and an imminent meeting between thoroughbred left-winger Alberto Fernández and thoroughbred right-winger Jair Bolsonaro. But above all, Argentina and Brazil will celebrate today the day of friendship […] The post Argentina and Brazil relaunch relations: announcements, meeting of presidents and joint projects appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Latin American Left Is Ready For 2022
Latin America, the 21st century’s leading region for progressive victories, is in the midst of a leftist resurgence. A new “pink tide” is commencing, with the left holding office in a number of countries and challenging for power in upcoming presidential elections. Kicking off a collection of articles on Latin America’s left, we present an overview of the continent’s war between progressive and conservative forces as flashpoints loom from Chile to Brazil. The post The Latin American Left Is Ready For 2022 appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
Sudan Security Forces Fire Tear Gas At Khartoum Protesters
Sudanese security forces fired tear gas to disperse pro-democracy protesters near the presidential palace in the capital, Khartoum, as tens of thousands marched against military rule following last month’s coup. The rally on Tuesday was the latest show of opposition to military rule since last month’s coup that ended a partnership between civilian political groups and the military. Heavily armed police forces took to central Khartoum, fired tear gas, and began chasing protesters as they gathered about a kilometre from the palace, blocking a main road and chanting “Soldiers, go bac... read more
The Rio Times11 hours ago
OECD upgraded Argentina’s growth outlook for 2021
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) improves Argentina's economic outlook in an uncertain scenario marked by the emergence of a new variant of coronavirus called Omicron. After the World Health Organization (WHO) warned about the rapid spread from Africa to other European countries, Argentina seems to be one […] The post OECD upgraded Argentina’s growth outlook for 2021 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Amid Overdose Crisis, Public Health Groups Urge Congress To Pass Life-Saving Bills
Two weeks after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released sobering statistics showing a record-breaking number of drug overdoses in the U.S. in the first year of the coronavirus pandemic, more than 260 advocacy groups called on lawmakers Tuesday to urgently pass public health proposals to mitigate the crisis. Led by the Drug Policy Alliance, People's Action, the National Harm Reduction Coalition, and VOCAL-NY, the organizations said the unprecedented number of overdoses in the 12-month period ending in April 2021 was "grim, but not unexpected" considering the crimina... read more
War News Updates11 hours ago
Harsh Words On China From MI6 Boss 'C'
*Daily Mail: **MI6 boss 'C' warns China is setting 'debt traps and data traps' for the world and conducting 'large scale espionage' operations against the UK* * Richard Moore said Beijing used 'debt traps and data traps' against its targets China has been accused of giving countries loans with onerous conditions * Been able to acquire 'significant ports' thanks to these arrangements, he said * Beijing recently accused of trying to take over Uganda's international airport The head of MI6 today warned that China is setting 'debt and data traps' so it can exert influence ab... read more
The Rio Times11 hours ago
Analysis: Bolivia’s incipient startup bloom
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - "I am an agronomist and I know what a farmer goes through. Monitoring the fields is daily work and takes much time," says SOS Agro founder Víctor López as he prepares his stand at an entrepreneurship trade show. His proposal is a software that allows real-time monitoring of different factors, […] The post Analysis: Bolivia’s incipient startup bloom appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
MJBizDaily11 hours ago
Vermont doctors push to lower cannabis potency cap
A coalition of Vermont doctors is urging state lawmakers to cap the amount of THC allowed in all cannabis products at 15%, a move that, if implemented could have major ramifications for marijuana companies in the state. Vermont doctors push to lower cannabis potency cap is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
MintPress News12 hours ago
What’s Left? How Greenwald, Covid and Rittenhouse Exposed a Plague Among Progressives
Much like Julian Assange, Glenn Greenwald began to be condemned by liberals only post-Trump. The liberal visceral hatred of Donald Trump has trumped rational discourse. The post What’s Left? How Greenwald, Covid and Rittenhouse Exposed a Plague Among Progressives appeared first on MintPress News. read more
Snopes.com12 hours ago
Did a Child Yell an Obscenity at Jill Biden?
The visuals of the first lady reading a story are real, but the audio ...? read more
CFACT13 hours ago
COP 26: India’s net zero pledge — Does it really mean anything?
BY TILAK K DOSHI: To hard-bitten observers of realpolitik in international negotiations, the response might well be that “if you can believe that China will be net zero by 2060, then you can believe India will be so by 2070.” The post COP 26: India’s net zero pledge — Does it really mean anything? appeared first on CFACT. read more
Organizing Notes10 hours ago
Russian perspective on space arms race
Dr. Vladimir Kozin, PhD, Member, Russian Academy of Military Sciences, and Special Advisor to the Russian Presidential Administration discusses Anti-Satellite technology and dangers; space junk is a big global problem; the arms race in space. Kozin has spoken at two Global Network annual space conferences over the years - one in Kiruna, Sweden and the other in Moscow. read more
War News Updates11 hours ago
MI6 Spy Chief Says China, Russia, Iran Top UK Threat List
*The Hill:* *UK spy chief lists China, Russia, Iran as top threats* The United Kingdom’s spy chief on Tuesday said China, Russia and Iran are three of the biggest threats to Britain. Richard Moore, the chief of the U.K. Secret Intelligence Service, also known as MI6, said China, Russia, Iran and international terrorism represent the “big four” security issues British spies are currently facing, according to The Associated Press. He said China, an “authoritarian state with different values than ours,” dispatches “large-scale espionage operations” against the U.K. and its all... read more
Wednesday Morning Links
Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. - Eric Topol writes that we have the public health tools at our disposal to overcome the Omicron COVID variant if our leaders are responsible enough to use them, though Susan Delacourt notes that repeated messages about the pandemic being over have created avoidable fatigue about the need for more. John Michael McGrath writes that our health care system can't bear another mismanaged COVID wave. And Tara Deschamps reports on a new survey showing a massive supermajority of Canadian workers facing burnout over the past two years. - ... read more
The Legacy of the Iraq War: Decreased American Interventionism
*Robert Farley* *Iraq War, United States* In the fifteen years after the end of the Cold War, the U.S. public became more tolerant towards the use of force than it had been in the post-Vietnam era. The Iraq War changed that. *Here's What You Need to Remember*: The enduring cost of the Iraq invasion comes in the form of the thousands of dead Americans, and hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis. Technology shortfalls driven by the war will smooth out over time; the war didn’t cause the U.S. to “miss out” on any critical technological opportunities, instead simply delaying them. Eve... read more
Why the Saab Gripen is One of the World's Bestselling Fighters
*Robert Farley* *Gripen Fighter, Sweden* Saab has been relatively open with technology transfer, and has facilitated the inclusion of local firms in the manufacturing of some components. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Jane’s has reported that the Gripen has the lowest operational cost of any modern fighter. Of all the aerospace giants, Sweden’s Saab AB has followed perhaps the least likely path. In an era when modern fighters are typically designed by a consortia of firms from a variety of states, small Sweden has managed to produce a fighter capable of competing with any on... read more
Small Dead Animals12 hours ago
Social Disease
No more inconvenient videos: Abandoning the decentralized Blogosphere for the walled gardens of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube was a huge mistake, particularly for conservatives. read more
The Duran12 hours ago
Ukraine’s Army Withers on Donbass Front Line as NATO Rules Out Involvement in Ukraine-Russia War
Ukraine’s Army Withers on Donbass Front Line as NATO Rules Out Involvement in Ukraine-Russia War News Topic 354 Zelensky says he needs direct talks with Russia to stop Donbass conflict Zelensky says he needs direct talks with Russia to stop Donbass conflict KIEV, December 1. /TASS/. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky on Wednesday said he won’t […] read more
War News Updates12 hours ago
MI6 Says Al Qaeda Is Seeking To Rebuild Bases In Afghanistan To Launch International Strikes
A Taliban patrol in Kandahar, Afghanistan in August 2021. The UK's MI6 is actively recruiting agents in the world's most dangerous places to combat the threat of terrorist attacks. *The National: **MI6 recruiting from world's most dangerous groups to combat Al Qaeda* *Intelligence chief states agents will work to stop reemergence of group and ISIS in Afghanistan* MI6 is recruiting agents in the “most dangerous organisations in the world” to combat Al Qaeda’s ambition for mass-casualty terrorism, the service’s chief has said. Richard Moore said the terrorist group responsibl... read more
the daily howler12 hours ago
STORYLINE CONQUERS KENOSHA: The information which gets withheld!
*WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2021* *For example, those several reports:* We were planning to focus today on what Nellie Bowles saw. Until recently, Bowles was a reporter for the New York Times. On November 16, 2020, the Times published this lengthy report by Bowles—a lengthy report from Kenosha. In her lengthy and detailed news report, Bowles focused on some of the people whose livelihoods were destroyed in the looting—but especially, in the arson—which took place in Kenosha in late August 2020. Her report was lengthy and detailed. After some spiky early observations, she offered thi... read more
The Rio Times12 hours ago
Paraguay and World Bank seek green strategy
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The objective was confirmed by Minister of Finance Óscar Llamosas, during his participation in the first day of the "Green Economy Week. Development opportunities for Paraguay." The online event organized by the Treasury, the World Bank (WB) and the Central Bank of Paraguay (BCP), will run through December 3 and […] The post Paraguay and World Bank seek green strategy appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Aviationist13 hours ago
F-35B Drops First GBU-53/B StormBreaker Small Diameter Bomb II
During the test, a nearby F/A-18F demonstrated the network connectivity capability by monitoring the weapon until the impact. Few days after publishing a news feature about the GBU-53/B StormBreaker in which it was announced the [...] The post F-35B Drops First GBU-53/B StormBreaker Small Diameter Bomb II appeared first on The Aviationist. read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Chile rejects proposed law decriminalizing abortion up to 14 weeks
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Chamber of Deputies of Chile voted this Tuesday against the Law for the Decriminalization of Abortion up to 14 weeks of gestation. The project presented in 2018 by opposition deputies will be archived. After two days of debate, the initiative did not reach its first constitutional procedure, the simple […] The post Chile rejects proposed law decriminalizing abortion up to 14 weeks appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Small Dead Animals13 hours ago
Morning Steyn
The free worlds response to the plague has been worse than the plague. read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
New fungicide for soybeans produced in Argentina and exported to Paraguay
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Onsuva™ is based on the exclusive molecule Fluindapyr, FMC's first carboxamide, a global leader in the production and sale of agricultural pesticides, and part of the company's fungicide portfolio of technological solutions. "Producing Onsuva™ in Argentina is an indication that FMC is changing its strategy, bringing only the active ingredients […] The post New fungicide for soybeans produced in Argentina and exported to Paraguay appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
21st Century Wire13 hours ago
OMICRON INVASION: Are You a Survivor?
*21WIRE* | It was only a matter of time before this super-mutant would make landfall. read more
More Arctic Sea Ice Than Fifteen Years Ago
Sea Ice Spatial Comparison Tool | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis read more
The Duran14 hours ago
Associated Press fact checks skipping Nu and Xi for the big O
Associated Press fact checks skipping Nu and Xi for the big O ***News Topic 647*** WHO skipped two Greek alphabet letters in naming coronavirus variant WHO skipped two Greek alphabet letters in naming coronavirus variant | AP News CLAIM: The World Health Organization skipped two letters of the Greek alphabet, nu and xi, when naming […] read more
The New Dark Age14 hours ago
Russia, China poised to forge alliance
The Chinese Communist Party newspaper Global Times has disclosed, citing [a] high-level “source”, that Beijing had no intentions to invite US and Western politicians to the 2022 Winter Olympics on February 4-20. This followed the US President Joe Biden’s innuendo that he’s considering a diplomatic boycott of the Games. read more
Turcopolier14 hours ago
“FDA panel endorses first COVID-19 pill.”
“A panel of U.S. health advisers on Tuesday narrowly backed a closely watched COVID-19 pill from Merck, setting the stage for a likely authorization of the first drug that Americans could take at home to treat the coronavirus. The Food and Drug Administration panel voted … Continue reading → read more
Halifax Examiner14 hours ago
Discovering an exciting, strange city in an old part of town
News 1. Three years after the Lahey Report, nothing has changed In 2018, University of King’s College President Bill Lahey released a report commissioned by the provincial government, reviewing the province’s forestry practices and making recommendations for a sustainable future. Officially known as “Forest Practices Report for Nova Scotia (2018)” but called “The Lahey Report” […] read more
Is the BBC biased?11 hours ago
Antisemitism on Oxford Street
The growing problem of aggressive Muslim antisemitism on our streets appears to have manifested itself again in a shocking incident on Oxford Street: Video has emerged of a group of men spitting at a bus full of Jewish teenagers in Oxford Street where the group were celebrating the first night of Chanukah. — The Jewish Chronicle (@JewishChron) December 1, 2021 It was a good deal more than just spitting. It was abuse and abusive gestures [including Nazi salutes] and what appear to be attempts to smash the bus's window. It's only to be hoped that the medi... read more
War News Updates13 hours ago
Taliban And 9/11 Families Fight For Billions In Frozen Afghan Funds At The US Federal Reserve
The memorial plaza for Sept. 11 victims in Lower Manhattan. For technical reasons, thousands of spouses and children of those killed in the attacks have not received payments from a compensation fund set up by Congress.Credit...Dave Sanders for The New York Times *New York Times:* *Taliban and 9/11 Families Fight for Billions in Frozen Afghan Funds* *The White House must figure out what to do with the Afghan central bank’s account at the Federal Reserve, now blocked under U.S. law.* WASHINGTON — Nearly 20 years ago, about 150 family members of Sept. 11 victims sought a measu... read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ13 hours ago
Revised Election Results Do Not Change Standing of Iraq’s Lists
(Reuters) Iraq’s Election Commission completed its manual recount which did not find any differences with the original results. The appeals however led to five parliamentary seats changing hands which made no difference with the winners and losers. Baghdad, Ninewa, Irbil, Basra and Kirkuk were where the courts agreed to appeals. The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) took two seats from the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in Irbil and Ninewa. Fatah also gained two seats from an independent in Basra and the Turkmen Front in Kirkuk. In Baghdad, the Azm list of businessman Khamis... read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ13 hours ago
This Day In Iraqi History - Dec 1
1915 Retreating British force attacked pursuing Ottomans at Um at Tubul after loss at Battle of Ctesiphon/Salman Pak 1918 UK PM George asked Fr PM Clemenceau to renegotiate Sykes-Picot giving Mosul to British UK got France to agree In return France got stake in Iraqi oil and Syria (Musings On Iraq How The Ottoman Province Of Mosul Became Part Of Iraq) (Musings On Iraq interview with Princeton’s Sara Pursley on Sykes-Picot and creation of Iraq) (Musings On Iraq review *The Creation of Iraq 1914-1921*) (Musings On Iraq review *Supremacy And Oil, Iraq, Turkey, and the An... read more
From Jenna Orkin Chris Cuomo sought ‘intel’ on media coverage about accusations against his brother, text messages show Netherlands says omicron variant was within its borders a week before South Africa revealed it existed World's first living robots can now reproduce, scientists say California ship pileup still piling up — but out of sight, over horizon Disney’s Missing ‘Simpsons’ Episode in Hong Kong Raises Censorship Fears Moscow says 27 more Russian diplomats due to leave U.S. in January Chinese jets enter Taiwan zone as Xi holds talks to strengthen military The Next Word Where wil... read more
Remittance-Dependent Countries Show Migration Is No Panacea
*Jennifer Wistrand* *Migration, Eurasia* Although remittances provide much-needed income, for remittance-dependent countries, migration can be extremely burdensome. *Editor’*s* note: In November, *The National Interest* organized a symposium on the confluence of demographics, migration, and climate change. We asked a variety of scholars the following question: “Can migration be a solution to the various demographic challenges facing many nations, or is it a challenge in its own right? How should states adapt to and/or mitigate the effects of changing demographics and influxes of... read more
Saudi Arabia Is Changing Its Face, One Textbook at a Time
*Marcus Sheff* *Saudi Arabia, Middle East* School education is the key to fostering the development of peaceful, tolerant societies. The reformist agenda heralded by the Saudi government has been a feature of discussion about the country over the last few years. The Vision 2030 program, launched in 2016, has been the cornerstone of the modernizing and reformist policies that Saudi leaders have been eager to implement in the kingdom. The desired changes are primarily economic: a reduction of oil dependency, a diversification of the economy, and the increasing of Saudi workforce p... read more
Any Attack on an American Aircraft Carrier is Likely to Start a War
*Robert Farley* *Aircraft Carriers, United States* Even an unsuccessful attempt at attacking a supercarrier would carry escalatory risks, although it would also indicate seriousness of purpose to U.S. policymakers. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Circumstances obviously matter for an attack on a U.S. aircraft carrier. An out-of-the-blue attack from a conventionally armed state actor would enjoy the highest levels of success, but would also have an impact on elite and public opinion in the United States that might drive calls for dire retribution. Since the 1950s, the superca... read more
Does the U.S. Navy Need New Cruisers to Counter China's Type 055?
*Robert Farley* *Type 055 Destroyer, China* The United States has been slow to develop a replacement to the Ticonderoga class cruisers, which are somewhat smaller than the Type 055. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The Ticonderogas will soon reach the end of their useful service lives, as will the oldest of the DDG-51 class of ships. The Navy has yet to make a decision about its replacement. Does the United States have an answer to China’s new Type 055 destroyers? Does it need one? On July 3, 2018, Dalian shipyard launched two of the big new ships, with some reports suggesting th... read more
War News Updates13 hours ago
Does The Taliban Really Care That Afghanistan Is On The Brink Of Famine?
Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund will serve as prime minister. AFP *The National:* *Taliban prime minister shocks Afghans by brushing aside famine fears* *UN says 22 million Afghans are facing severe food insecurity* Taliban Prime Minister Mohammed Hassan Akhund has been criticised by Afghans and the international community over comments he made on the country's worsening famine crisis. In his first speech since the extremist group took control of Afghanistan in August, Mr Akhund addressed the nation on Saturday in a radio broadcast. During the 30-minute broadcast, the elusive... read more
CO2 Below 300 PPM
During the 19th century, people didn’t have to deal with climate change fears, fear of viruses with 99.98% survivability rates, or weak cell phone signals. TimesMachine: May 30, 1993 – read more
1924 – Fifty Thousand Drown In Flood – Ten Million Face Famine
This was page six news in 1924. “THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1924 50,000 LIVES LOST IN CHINESE FLOODS Millions Reported Homeless in Disasters Submerging Tens of Thousands of Villages. 10,000,000 FACE FAMINE” TimesMachine: August 14, 1924 – read more
1888 – 10,000 Dead In Chinese Earthquake
TimesMachine: March 11, 1888 – read more
1889 – Huge Numbers Dead In Chinese Fire
TimesMachine: June 14, 1889 – read more
1891 – Disastrous Floods In Spain – Thousands Of Lives Lost
Science Matters15 hours ago
Covid/Climate Prigs Are Out to Spoil Your Days
Christopher Gage writes at Oxford Sour Bay of Prigs. Excerpts in italics with my bolds. Enamoured by lockdown, the puritans wish for a perma-pandemic in which no-one, nowhere, will be happy. Not content with dying their hair green and punching steel through their nostrils, progressives here in Great Britain have proposed something rather more exquisitely […] read more
Science Matters16 hours ago
Tokyo Stops Covid With Ivermectin
Dr, Pierre Kory tweets: Tokyo in particular is kicking COVID’s ass with IVM – fewest hospitalized since before pandemic. Come on world, wake up wake up wake up Background from Previous Post In February 2021, Dr. Ozaki Chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association declared that Japan’s physicians should get a greenlight to prescribe IVM (Ivermectin) […] read more
TN: Moms For Liberty Lose--On A Technicality
Tennessee has one of the more punitive gag laws of the recent spate. It comes with the prospect of financial penalties for the school district and punishment for teachers all the way up to firing and loss of license. The state's law lists fourteen forbidden concepts. It was arguably an easy win for education conservatives who need to distract the public from all manner of education shenanigans, from a persistent failure to fund schools (even though the money is just sitting there) to a tendency to give away the store to privatizers and sweetheart deals with chums. But once the law... read more
War News Updates13 hours ago
'The Worst That Can Happen Has Happened': What President Biden Said After Kabul Airport ISIS-K Suicide Bomb Blast That Killed 13 Service Members
On Aug. 31, Biden defiantly dubbed the withdrawal an 'extraordinary success' *Daily Mail:* *'The worst that can happen has happened': What Biden said after Kabul ISIS-K suicide bomb blast that killed 13 service members and just days before he said Afghan evacuation was an 'extraordinary success', report claims* * Upon learning during an Afghanistan briefing of the bombing, there were gasps throughout the room and Biden winced before going silent for a long pause * 'The worst that can happen has happened,' the president said once he broke the silence, meeting participants tol... read more
Independent commissions can ditch partisanship and make redistricting fairer to voters
As states devise new electoral district maps, some have adopted independent commissions to ensure fairness in that process. Do they deliver? read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Argentina-Uruguay border: Incredible price differences for 10 products explained
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The study identified a price difference of 58.8% in food and non-alcoholic beverages, 67.09% in alcoholic beverages and tobacco and 26.97% in everything related to clothing. But while a difference of this kind can be found in border towns - where it is cheaper to buy in Argentina than in […] The post Argentina-Uruguay border: Incredible price differences for 10 products explained appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Some Beverly Hills Residents Awake To Propaganda Style Flyers With Hate Speech Directed At Jews
CBS Los Angeles Nov 28, 2021 Brittney Hopper reports from Beverly Hills where police say they are investigating after flyers containing propaganda-style hate speech blaming... The post Some Beverly Hills Residents Awake To Propaganda Style Flyers With Hate Speech Directed At Jews appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
World Economic Forum’s Predictions for 2030 Include No Property Ownership, Diminished USA, and Syrian CEO’s
Gateway Pundit – by Joe Hoft The World Economic Forum (WEF) released its 8 predictions for the world in the year 2030. They are insane.... The post World Economic Forum’s Predictions for 2030 Include No Property Ownership, Diminished USA, and Syrian CEO’s appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
CNBC Host Jim Cramer Goes on Insane Rant, Demands Joe Biden Impose Universal Vaccine Mandate Enforced by the Military
Gateway Pundit – by Cristina Laila CNBC host and self-described germaphobe Jim Cramer on Monday evening went on an insane rant and called on Joe... The post CNBC Host Jim Cramer Goes on Insane Rant, Demands Joe Biden Impose Universal Vaccine Mandate Enforced by the Military appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Biden administration considers forcing all travelers returning to the US to quarantine for SEVEN DAYS
Daily Mail The Biden administration is considering whether to force all travelers returning to the U.S. to quarantine for seven days to curb the spread... The post Biden administration considers forcing all travelers returning to the US to quarantine for SEVEN DAYS appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Fully Vaccinated Patients Show Mild Symptoms after Omicron Infection in Botswana — Non-Vaccinated Show No Symptoms at All
Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the South African Medical Association debunked the hysteria over the Omicron COVID variant. According to... The post Fully Vaccinated Patients Show Mild Symptoms after Omicron Infection in Botswana — Non-Vaccinated Show No Symptoms at All appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
General who warned about ‘accidental’ war with Russia gets replaced
RT The UK has a new Chief of the Defence Staff, as Admiral Sir Tony Radakin took over the job from the retiring General Sir... The post General who warned about ‘accidental’ war with Russia gets replaced appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Federal Judge Blocks Biden Vaccine Mandate Nationwide, Protects Health Care Workers Across America
LifeSiteNews – by Steven Erthelt A federal court has issued a nationwide injunction protecting health care workers across the country from Joe Biden’s COVID vaccine... The post Federal Judge Blocks Biden Vaccine Mandate Nationwide, Protects Health Care Workers Across America appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
PrairiePundit13 hours ago
Biden's open border hypocrisy
*Dailywire:* *Texas Gov. Abbott Says South African Travel Ban Is ‘Hypocritical’ As Illegal Immigrants Continue to Cross Open Southern Border* As long as the border is open the travel bans are essentially meaningless. See, also: *Biden Admin Considering Stricter COVID-19 Testing For All Travelers to U.S., Including Returning Americans: Report* The open border makes this look like a futile gesture. read more
PrairiePundit13 hours ago
Russian missile threat
*Legal Insurrection:* *Russia Announces ‘Successful’ Test of Hypersonic Zircon Missile, Launched from Warship* *Russia also starts full-scale production Zircon hypersonic missiles systems.* While America’s military leadership has focused on diversity, inclusion, and equity, Russia took advantage of a special opportunity to include some diversity in its weapons options. Its military officials have announced a ‘successful’ test of the 6,670mph hypersonic Zircon missile. ... Russian technology has been lagging in recent years. Their stealth fighters were not successful. Whet... read more
It Begins: Biden to Announce Mandatory Quarantines for Americans, Even Fully Vaxxed, Punishable by “Fines and Penalties”
[image: quarantine]WaPo reports that president Biden is about to announce the strictest covid measures to date, including fines and penalties for people who flout quarantine requirements. read more
21st Century Wire13 hours ago
Another Defeat for Biden’s Federal Vaccine Mandate
*21WIRE* | The White House is declining to comment on this latest defeat to the President's vaccine regime. read more
A brutal truth remains politically incorrect - but nevertheless true
Let me say, right at the outset, that I have sympathy for drug addicts. I've been addicted myself (to cigarettes) and it was a very long, difficult path to wean myself off them. (I owe that to my wife, who gave me an ultimatum - cigarettes, or her. I made the right choice!) Even now, more than a decade after I stopped smoking, I can still feel craving for a cigarette from time to time. Nevertheless, addiction is in the end an option we choose for ourselves. It's all very well to say that our environment, or peer pressure, or poverty, or "the system", or whatever, makes us ... read more
PrairiePundit13 hours ago
Space X needs new engine production to survive?
NY Post: Elon Musk warned SpaceX employees that the firm could face a possible bankruptcy if it doesn’t make progress on developing the Raptor engines designed to power its Starship rocket. Starship is the spacecraft that SpaceX intends to use to send humans and cargo to the Moon as well as Mars. Musk fired off an urgent companywide e-mail on Friday in which he described the “Raptor production crisis” as a “disaster” which was “much worse than it seemed a few weeks ago.” The firm has so far conducted several short test flights of its prototype from its Texas facility. But in or... read more
Gregory Mannarino, "Total Control: The Secret You Are Not Allowed To Know; The US Economic Freefall Worsens"
Gregory Mannarino, AM 12/1/21: *"Total Control: The Secret You Are Not Allowed To Know; * *The US Economic Freefall Worsens"* - read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
Biden's immigration and energy debacles
*Conrad Black:* *The Twin Pillars of Biden’s Failure* *Biden and his followers and minders will go down because of these two issues.* And deservedly so. Biden's immigration policy approval is polling in the teens and his energy policy is so bad that it is a constant reminder to vote against every Democrat on the ballot when people fill up their tanks. read more
BEIS Respond To Net Zero Petition
By Paul Homewood There has been demand building for a referendum on Net Zero. A petition was organised a few weeks ago, but because of virtually no publicity, it has only collected 19000 signatures. (You can sign up here) As it got above 10000 signatures, the government had to issue a response: National […] read more
naked capitalism14 hours ago
Profiting from the Carbon Offset Distraction
Carbon offset markets allow the rich to emit as financial intermediaries profit and undermine efforts to cut greenhouse gasses. read more
Snopes.com14 hours ago
Explosion of WWII Bomb in Munich Injures 4, Disrupts Trains
A World War II bomb exploded at a construction site next to a busy railway line in Munich, injuring four people, one of them seriously. read more
The Absolute Most Overlooked Fact About business idea Next Revealed
[image: manufacturing Next]After this, the logs that have been labored up with are taken to the paper mill manufacturing facility where they’re further segregated and put right into a situation from which it can be fashioned. The mill is influential in this paper formulation and all the manufacturers in town comply with the identical process. As soon as it formed, it is nonetheless in a very raw state. The paper that’s out there in the uncooked state if additional taken and put through machines, the place its state is labored and made into a extra cleansed state. This cleansed sta... read more
21st Century Wire14 hours ago
More Professional Athletes’ Careers Ended by Heart Damage From COVID Vaccine
*Dr Joseph Mercola* | The casualties continue to mount. At what point will the penny finally drop? read more
The Duran14 hours ago
Greek alphabet and system collapse
Greek alphabet and system collapse The Duran: Episode 1154 Moderna CEO says jabs likely less effective against Omicron – FT Moderna CEO says vaccines likely less effective against Omicron – FT The head of drugmaker Moderna said COVID-19 vaccines are unlikely to be as effective against the Omicron variant of the coronavirus as they have […] read more
The Rio Times14 hours ago
Uruguay wedding: Covid protocol dance ban led to bribe attempts, theft and threats
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The bride and groom, some relatives and guests were not vaccinated. In total, 22 people attended the celebration. As a result, the venue in the city of Montevideo advised them that the dance could not be held to comply with the protocol in force due to the health emergency. But, […] The post Uruguay wedding: Covid protocol dance ban led to bribe attempts, theft and threats appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
21st Century Wire14 hours ago
Craig Murray Released From Scottish Prison
*21WIRE* | Supporters relieved about release of former British Ambassador and ardent WikiLeaks supporter - who they maintain was a political prisoner. read more
WATCH: Cop Executes Elderly Man in a Wheelchair, Shooting Him 9 Times as He Rolled By
[image: wheelchair]An elderly man in a wheelchair was executed by a police officer as he rolled into a Lowe's store, accused of shoplifting. read more
The Duran14 hours ago
The Fascist Use of Democracy: From Pericles to Biden
In this week’s episode of the Great Game, V and I break down the absurd moral failure that is Biden’s upcoming World Democracy Summit by leaping back over 2300 years into the past and evaluating the rotten origins of the cult of democracy as it arose under the corrupt leadership of Pericles of Athens. By […] read more
21st Century Wire15 hours ago
‘1984’ – LUKAS LION
*LUKAS LION* | Hands aren’t the only thing that they want washing... read more
Snopes.com2 days ago
Did Morgan Vague Lose to Greta Thunberg For ‘Person of the Year’?
Can you lose something you were never nominated for? read more
PrairiePundit13 hours ago
Huge protests in Iran over water shortage
Washington Free Beacon: Amid a wave of protests in Iran over mass water shortages that has shaken the Iranian regime, an Iranian-American group is petitioning the Biden State Department for an immediate sit-down about ways to hold the regime accountable for its violent crackdown on peaceful demonstrators. The National Union for Democracy in Iran (NUFDI), a nonpartisan organization of Iranian Americans that promotes human rights in Iran, says the latest mass protests—and the Iranian regime's violent crackdown—represent a watershed moment in the Iranian people's efforts to depose ... read more
The Coming Pre-K Religion Battle
State-funded pre-schools are a spotty lot, ranging from well-funded to non-existent. The gaps are filled in by a variety of providers. My own small town is a good example; here you have a choice of a state-subsidized program, a small program run by the YMCA, and a program run by a local church. That's not at all unusual. People look for someone they can trust with the care of their littles, and for many that means churches. For churches, a pre-school or daycare makes a perfect "outreach" ministry, and they usually have physical facilities readily available, as well as a pool of p... read more
Could Taiwan's Small Ships Help It Stop a Chinese Invasion?
*David Axe* *Taiwanese Navy, Asia* Fast patrol boats might be the key to Taiwan's security. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *But transforming the Taiwanese navy first requires a cultural change within the fleet’s ranks. The Taiwanese navy needs to start building small, cheap, missile-armed attack boats, and fast. It’s the only way Taipei can hope to hold off a Chinese invasion force long enough for the United States to intervene on the island country’s behalf. That’s the urgent advice from U.S. Naval War College professor James Holmes. “Fast patrol craft could range around Ta... read more
Russia's Tsirkon Hypersonic Missile Just Got One Step Closer to War-Ready
*Mark Episkopos* *Tsirkon Hypersonic Missile, Eurasia* The Northern Fleet’s Admiral Gorshkov, the lead ship of the Project 22350 Admiral Gorshkov-class frigates, has served as a frequent testbed for Tsirkon, launching the missile at least seven times from January 2020 onward. Russia’s Tsirkon hypersonic missile was successfully test-launched in the White Sea, according to a statement issued by Russia’s Defense Ministry earlier this week. “The test-fire was conducted from the White Sea against a target position located at a distance of over 400 km,” the statement read. “The data ... read more
Why the F-22 Raptor Isn't Facing Retirement
*Charlie Gao* *F-22, Americas* Thanks to some useful upgrades! *Here's What You Need to Remember: *While the F-22 may have been allowed to fall behind the F-35 in a few aspects during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, the military’s refocus on a peer or near-peer engagement has thrust the F-22 back into the spotlight again, with upgrades to match. While much attention has been focused recently on the F-35 and F-15X, not much has been given to the U.S. Air Force’s premier air superiority fighter, the F-22 Raptor. While the Raptor was one of the most advanced aircraft in the world wh... read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
DOJ corruption
Andrea Widburg: The surest sign that you're living in a corrupt country is that people are not treated equally under the law. Those who are politically disfavored are denied justice, while those whom the government favors walk away from their crimes. America is now a corrupt country if the legal treatment accorded January 6 protesters is compared to those on the left. This was made perfectly clear when comparing the sentence given to Jacob Chansley (the "QAnon Shaman"), who dared to walk through Congress, and Thomas Alexander Starks, who attacked a senator's office with an axe... read more
bilaterals.org14 hours ago
Talks begin with Canadian firm to settle Reko Diq dispute
01-Dec-2021 Pakistan and Barrick Gold PLC Canada are said to have started negotiations to settle the dispute on Reko Diq as Antofagasta of Chile is seeking financial settlement of their share in the award of $6 billion. read more
bilaterals.org14 hours ago
Bahrain loses case against Iran banks
01-Dec-2021 Bahrain has been ordered by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague to pay over €200 million in damages plus costs to two Iranian banks for the unlawful moves against their operations. read more
bilaterals.org14 hours ago
Satisfaction des banques après la condamnation de Bahreïn, Manama conteste
01-Dec-2021 Téhéran s'est félicité dimanche de la récente condamnation de Bahreïn à verser plus de 200 millions d'euros de compensation à deux banques iraniennes expropriées par ce pays arabe du Golfe. read more
bilaterals.org14 hours ago
Greenpeace urges Canada to drop trade deal to save the Amazon
01-Dec-2021 An environmental group is pleading with the Canadian government to reject a controversial trade deal it says would further fuel deforestation in the Amazon in a new letter addressed to Canada's minister of foreign affairs. read more
bilaterals.org14 hours ago
L'Inde veut relancer les négociations avec le Canada
01-Dec-2021 Le Canada et l'Inde préparent tranquillement le terrain pour relancer les pourparlers officiels de libre-échange alors que le gouvernement Trudeau cherche des partenaires économiques autres que la Chine. read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
Biden's spending spree legislation unpopular
Jazz Shaw: The latest numbers are out from Scott Rasmussen this week and they contain some slightly better news for President Joe Biden in one area and a landslide of bad news in the rest. First, let’s start with the “good news.” The President’s approval rating crept back up to 43%. He’s still significantly underwater, with a majority (52%) disapproving, but that’s still a minor improvement from the 40% approval rate he rang up earlier this month. One thing that hasn’t changed is that the 21% who “strongly approve” are dwarfed by the 39% who “strongly disapprove.” The Build Back... read more
Large mine waste failure in Ananea, Peru
A large mine waste failure took place near the town of Ananea, Peru on November 26, 2021, damaging homes and leaving its streets flooded with mud and impassable. The event took place at around 08:30 LT from one of the sedimentation ponds of the San Antonio mining...... Read more » read more
The Rio Times14 hours ago
Analysis: Ecosystems in Peru and Ecuador still fail to turn startups into unicorns
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - According to research by venture capital firm ALLVP, these countries, unlike other Latin American nations, only have no more than two candidate companies that aspire to a valuation of more than US$1 billion. The reasons? The gap in access to financing, little or no government support, and more innovation-heavy ventures. […] The post Analysis: Ecosystems in Peru and Ecuador still fail to turn startups into unicorns appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Germany's sharp left turn
By Ivo Strejček The move to the left is a long-standing trend in German politics. Chancellor Merkel is leaving and her sixteen years as chancellor are sad examples of this movement. The leader of the still nominally conservative CDU – but realistically a more moderate version of Germany's green social democracy – has helped drag Germany into serious long-term problems. By abandoning nuclear power, Merkel has played with the prosperity of more than just German industry. By opening her arms to mass migration, she has accelerated a dramatic change in the structure of the German populat... read more
Turcopolier15 hours ago
“AOC invited by Virginia GOP House hopeful to campaign for Dem incumbent Spanberger”
“A Virginia Republican has invited U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., to campaign for the Democratic incumbent who the GOP candidate hopes to unseat next year. Republican Tina Ramirez – who’s running against second-term Democratic U.S. Rep. Abigail Spanberger – extended the offer after … Continue reading → read more
The New Dark Age15 hours ago
Swiss Voters Fire a Crossbow into the Heart of the Great Reset
On November 28, 2021 over 1.3 million Swiss citizens voted to reject a new Swiss law that allows the Swiss government to impose a vaccine certificate on the population. Beginning in March, 2021, only hours after the enactment of the law, efforts started to demand a national referendum. Two hundred thousand signatures later, the world’s first direct national referendum on vaccine passports was scheduled for a vote. read more
The New Dark Age16 hours ago
Go private for the treatment you need, NHS tells patients
One in five patients has been told by a doctor or another NHS professional that they would have to go private to get the treatment or test they need. That’s just one of the shocking results from a survey of nearly 7,000 openDemocracy readers – backed up by separate polling commissioned by openDemocracy. read more
Halifax Examiner16 hours ago
Endangered wild salmon at risk from sea lice outbreak at two fish farms in Annapolis Basin
Elevated sea lice levels at two fish farms in the Annapolis Basin could impact the endangered wild Atlantic salmon population in Nova Scotia, ecologists say. In a recent hearing before the Aquaculture Review Board, Kelly Cove Salmon Ltd. (a division of Cooke Aquaculture) acknowledged it’s been dealing with elevated levels of sea lice in two […] read more
Halifax Examiner16 hours ago
HRP files official motion to quash subpoenas for Kinsella, Boyd
Halifax Regional Police has filed an official motion to quash subpoenas for Halifax Police Chief Dan Kinsella, and Insp. Derrick Boyd to testify at the Nova Scotia Police Review Board appeal for Kayla Borden against members of the Halifax Regional Police. Halifax Regional Police lawyer Andrew Gough and Borden’s lawyer, Devin Maxwell, had until last […] read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
States to withdraw funds from banks discriminating against energy companies
*Federalist:* *15 States Threaten To Pull $600 Billion From Banks That Won’t Give Equal Service To Energy Industry* These banks are contributing to the high price of gas at the pump by helpong Biden limit the supply of oil. read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
The funding of the Russian collusion fraud
Washington Examiner: A nonprofit group run by a former top aide for Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein who has pushed debunked claims about a secret back channel between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank spent the post-2016 era funneling millions to Christopher Steele’s company and the opposition research firm Fusion GPS. Daniel Jones, lead author of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on the CIA’s interrogation program, founded the Democracy Integrity Project in January 2017. Tax records show he funded Steele, Fusion, and others, keeping a web of groups working and dono... read more
MJBizDaily15 hours ago
Colorado Harvest scuttles marijuana acquisition attempt by Stem Holdings
Denver-headquartered marijuana business Colorado Harvest Co. terminated a deal in which it was to be acquired by Florida-based Stem Holdings, known as Driven by Stem. Colorado Harvest scuttles marijuana acquisition attempt by Stem Holdings is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Blue state Covid blues
*Fox News:* *Top 5 states with most daily COVID cases are now blue states, bottom 5 are mostly red* *Omicron variant yet to be confirmed on American soil* The mask mandates do not appear to be effective. There is more evidence that the spread of the virus happens indoors. There should probably be a better focus on air filters used for heating and cooling systems. read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Biden mandates continue to be rejected by the courts
*Reuters:* *Courts block two Biden administration COVID vaccine mandates* The mandates were for millions of healthcare workers and a requirement that government contractors mandate vaccines for employees. read more
More Gloom
COVID 19 has taken its toll -- not just in terms of sickness and death, but in terms of public optimism. Susan Delacourt writes: New polling by Abacus research shows that COVID-19 anxiety has skyrocketed in the past few days, fuelled merely by the emergence of Omicron. “Four in 10 adults say they are becoming more worried about the pandemic over the past few days, almost doubling (20-point increase) the response to the same question a month ago,” Abacus reported on Tuesday. The anxiety has landed with accompanying gloom about the future. A full 28 per cent of Canadians now believe... read more
On Niall Ferguson’s Conception of the West’s Challenger
“What we are living through now is the end of 500 years of Western predominance. This time the Eastern challenger is for real, both economically and geopolitically. It is too early for the Chinese to proclaim “We are the masters now.” But they are clearly no longer the apprentices.” ~ Niall Ferguson in his book *Civilization: The West and the Rest* (2011) The field of history is dominated by leftist scholars but Ferguson is an arch-conservative. He believes in the notion that “the West is the best.” I agree with his view that Western predominance is now at the end. But I don’t thi... read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Bolivia: Prosecution demands 10 years imprisonment for ex-president Jeanine Áñez
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Bolivian Prosecutor's Office has announced that, in the trial, it will request a ten-year prison sentence against the country's former President Jeanine Áñez for having "self-proclaimed" and assumed the Presidency in 2019. Prosecutor Lupe Zabala has informed that Áñez is accused of the crimes of breach of duties and […] The post Bolivia: Prosecution demands 10 years imprisonment for ex-president Jeanine Áñez appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
The Cuomo family 'PR problems'
The Hill: CNN has suspended anchor Chris Cuomo indefinitely following new revelations about his involvement in the harassment case against his brother, former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D). "The New York Attorney General’s office released transcripts and exhibits Monday that shed new light on Chris Cuomo’s involvement in his brother’s defense," CNN said in a statement to The Hill on Tuesday evening. "The documents, which we were not privy to before their public release, raise serious questions. When Chris admitted to us that he had offered advice to his brother’s staff, he brok... read more
Cairns News15 hours ago
Omicron variant created to instill more fear and shameful media hysteria
by Jim O’Toole, Townsville bureau Here we go again, this time an Omicron variant superceding Delta, that epidemiologists say can only be man-made similar to the original, so-called Covid-Sars 2, which has never been isolated in a laboratory anywhere in the world. Already lying health authorities and almost every party politician in Australia will seize […] read more
musingsofanoldfart15 hours ago
Wednesday wanderings and walkabouts
With the no specific topic in mind, let’s put on our hiking shoes on this cool fall day and wander outside. Our Australian friends have a more earnest term of “walkabout,” so let’s walkabout and ponder as we stroll through … Continue reading → read more
Snopes.com15 hours ago
Abortion Rights at Stake in Historic Supreme Court Arguments
The justices will weigh whether to uphold a Mississippi law that bans abortion after 15 weeks and overrule the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. read more
OrientalReview.org15 hours ago
The European Union Begins Its Dissolution
The Quirinal Treaty, concluded by France and Italy, as well as the government project of the next German chancellor, Olaf Schotz, are incompatible with the history of the European Union. Paris and Berlin have just taken concrete steps that can only lead to the inevitable dissolution of the European Union. read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Alleged mass murderer was on the lam for bomb threat
*Daily Mail:* *EXCLUSIVE: Waukesha massacre suspect Darrell Brooks was convicted for threatening to bomb Nugget Casino in Nevada and is STILL wanted after failing to appear in court* They should take custody of him before anyone bails him out again. read more
Cairns News15 hours ago
Contact you local council now and tell them no mandate
Reignite Democracy Australia This is a callout from The Peoples Revolution If you’re in QLD, click the link below to see how to participate. To all Queenslanders. Make this your priority!! We have been informed by our local council that the QLD GOV. is currently taking a survey from EVERY QLD council to see how […] read more

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