Wednesday, December 01, 2021

1 December - Blogs I'm Following - 1 of 5

 10 pm MST

How the F-5E Tiger Went Global
*Charlie Gao* *F-5E, World* The “Tiger” is one of U.S. aerospace industry’s largest export successes. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Modernization of the Mirage III was explored but deemed to be cost ineffective. The F-5E showed much more promise. The F-5E “Tiger” is one of U.S. aerospace industry’s largest export successes. Designed as a budget lightweight fighter, the F-5E is still operated by many nations around the world despite the availability of more modern fighters. Its continued service is enabled by miniaturization of electronics, which allows for more powerful r... read more
The Last Refuge24 minutes ago
Inside the Actors Studio Presents Alec Baldwin’s Theatrical Debut: “I Didn’t Pull The Trigger”
The dramatic and cinematic promotional effort is so over the top as George Stephanopoulos plays the role of James Lipton interviewing Alec Baldwin in the grand performance of “I didn’t pull the trigger, no, no, no… never” the revolver just went off all by itself. WATCH: The cinematic effort by ABC here is, excuse the […] The post Inside the Actors Studio Presents Alec Baldwin’s Theatrical Debut: “I Didn’t Pull The Trigger” appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The National Interest25 minutes ago
In a New Video, the Air Force is Teasing the SR-72 Again
*Trevor Filseth* *SR-72 Darkstar, * . The plane’s capabilities have also been kept quiet, but it is known that it was designed to travel at Mach 6, nearly double the speed of the original SR-71—a plane that officially remains the fastest manned aircraft to date. “Heritage Today - ISR and Innovation,” a YouTube video put out by the U.S. Air Force’s Profession of Arms Center of Excellence (PACE), has provided glimpses into several of the most interesting—and carefully guarded—planes currently under development. The clip, slightly under three minutes in length, alludes to past atte... read more
CENSORED NEWS38 minutes ago
O'odham Voice Against the Wall: Donate to Holiday Efforts
Donate to Holiday EffortsBy Ophelia RivasCensored NewsOver 17 years of grassroots efforts by O'odham VOICE Against the WALL and supporters and long time allies to bring Holiday Cheer to communities in isolated areas of the traditional O'odham homelands. Deep appreciation to all that donate and support our efforts.Ophelia Rivas4oodhamrights@gmail.comP.O. Box 1835 Sells, Arizona 85634O'odham Rights read more
Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper Sues Over Memoir Redactions
*Trevor Filseth* *Mark Esper, Americas* The Defense Department issued a series of restrictions and specifically asked Esper not to describe conversations he had had with Donald Trump or quote the former president. Former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper has alleged in a lawsuit that material in his upcoming autobiography was being inappropriately blocked from public release by the Defense Department, impeding his ability to publish an “unvarnished and candid” recollection of events at the end of the Trump administration. The book, titled *A Sacred Oath*, is Esper’s commentary on... read more
China Doesn't Have the Manpower To Operate Its Growing Drone Arsenal
*David Axe* *Chinese Drones, Asia* Unmanned Aerial Vehicles aren't exactly unmanned. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *After nearly two decades of war, the Pentagon employs tens of thousands of experienced robot-handlers. It could take many years for China to build up similar human capital. China reportedly activated one of its Soar Dragon large spy drones to keep tabs on a U.S. Navy cruiser that sailed through the Taiwan Strait in late July 2019. The *Ticonderoga*-class cruiser USS *Antietam *transited the Taiwan Strait on July 24, 2019 as a show of force. In addition to the... read more
Does the Pentagon Have a Global Posture Problem?
*Mark Episkopos* *military, Americas* The review has come under fire from critics who maintain that the Defense Department has failed to make the tough strategic choices necessary to put the military on the path to a sustainable global footing. The Department of Defense has announced the completion of its Global Posture Review. The full review will not be made available to the public, said Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Mara Karlin, citing security concerns relating to classified materials. The study did not call for any major shifts in U.S. military strategy. In... read more
More Alaskan Ice Than 100 Years Ago
Historical Sea Ice Atlas CT.jpg (1056×1632) read more
PA’s ‘Constitutional Carry’: Lawyers, Law Enforcement Weigh In
Patch – by Jon Campisi HARRISBURG — It could be any day now that Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf makes good on his promise to veto... The post PA’s ‘Constitutional Carry’: Lawyers, Law Enforcement Weigh In appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Waukesha Christmas parade: No record of Darrell Brooks’ bail hearing from prior incident
Fox News WAUKESHA, Wis. — Waukesha suspect Darrell Brooks was released on $1,000 bail for allegedly running over an ex-girlfriend with his car just two weeks before the deadly... The post Waukesha Christmas parade: No record of Darrell Brooks’ bail hearing from prior incident appeared first on From the Trenches World Report . read more
Your Tax Dollars At Work
Ten years ago, the Biden administration gave almost one million dollars to academics to study the effects of global warming on Boulder prairie dogs. CU to study impact of climate change on Boulder prairie dogs – Boulder Daily Camera read more
Canadian gun owners may have firearms confiscated under Trudeau’s ‘mandatory buyback’ plan
LifeSiteNews – by Jack Bingham OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) – Canada’s Governor General reaffirmed the Liberal Party’s aim of confiscating “assault-style” weapons from citizens, as well as... The post Canadian gun owners may have firearms confiscated under Trudeau’s ‘mandatory buyback’ plan appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Waukesha parade suspect Darrell Brooks says he feels ‘dehumanized,’ ‘demonized’ in first jailhouse interview
Fox News WAUKESHA, Wis. – Darrell Brooks Jr. has spent the last 10 days locked up in a Wisconsin jail cell after allegedly mowing through the barricades and into... The post Waukesha parade suspect Darrell Brooks says he feels ‘dehumanized,’ ‘demonized’ in first jailhouse interview appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Latest Hydrogen Costings
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? The EU publishes a quarterly report on European gas markets, which includes a section on hydrogen: ? ? ? I have added the plots for natural gas (very roughly!!), but the actual figures for August are: ?????????????????????????????????? ?????? Eu/MWh Natural Gas????????????????????????… read more
Arctic Ice Aplenty Nov. 30, 2021
Originally posted on Science Matters: The animation shows Arctic ice extents from day 304 (end of October) to day 334, Nov.30, 2021. On the right side are the Euro-Russian seas already frozen over end of October. At the bottom right Kara Sea fills in to >90%, while Barents (left of Kara) adds nearly 400k km2… read more
Recent European droughts are not unprecedented, new study finds – Net Zero Watch
Originally posted on Tallbloke's Talkshop: Drought in Europe Climate attribution i.e. supposed detection of human-caused factors, is in the eye of the beholder. This article concludes: ‘At the recent GWPF annual lecture Professor Steven Koonin of New York University said climate attribution studies were the scientific equivalent of being told you had won the… read more
2012 : 50 Months To Save The Planet
We only have until the year 2016 to save the planet from global warming. 50 months to save the world – interactive | Environment | read more
Higher than average Svalbard sea ice extent in November 2021 has implications for birth of cubs
Originally posted on polarbearscience: Early last November, sea ice around Svalbard was the lowest it had been since 1967 and pregnant females were simply unable to den on the eastern islands of the archipelago and instead had to make their dens and give birth in the pack ice or the Franz Josef Land archipelago further… read more
Rapid Climate Change In New Mexico
In 2013, the LA Times announced the New Mexico permanent drought. New Mexico is the driest of the dry – Los Angeles Times Five weeks later the state was flooded from record rain. Record-breaking rain swamps NM, forces evacuations | … Continue reading → read more
Michael Gunner becomes emotional as backlash heats up in NT
NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner appears to be close to tears at a press conference late yesterday afternoon, after revealing death threats against him and his family. It comes as backlash heats up in the NT. read more
The Last Refuge1 hour ago
Nigel Farage Extensive Interview With President Donald Trump
GBNews is using the opportunity of an interview with President Donald Trump to market their relatively new media franchise. Perhaps that is to be expected, but the amount of self-promotion from the network around this interview is a little weird. That said, Nigel Farage and GBNews were given an extended interview with President Donald Trump […] The post Nigel Farage Extensive Interview With President Donald Trump appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Five Best Attack Submarines of the Cold War
*Robert Farley* *Submarines, Russia* Many of the boats designed and built during the Cold War remain in service today, and concepts developed will continue to guide submarine construction for the foreseeable future. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* The United States enjoyed technology and design advantages for most of the Cold War that allowed its submarines to operate much more quietly than their Soviet counterparts. History’s three great submarine campaigns include the First Battle of the Atlantic, the Second Battle of the Atlantic, and the US Navy’s (USN) war against Japan... read more
The Marines are Getting Serious About Sinking Enemy Ships
*David Axe* *Marine Corps, * The Marines are prioritizing anti-ship missiles. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Observers long have expected the Marines to cut back on heavy combat forces in order to free up money and manpower for new anti-ship units. The U.S. Marine Corps a few years ago started saying it needed to get serious about sinking enemy warships. Now the amphibious branch is putting its money where its mouth is. The Corps is asking Congress for money to start buying two powerful new anti-ship missile types. One is a new version of the venerable Tomahawk cruise mis... read more
Why Was There No Successor to the SR-71 Blackbird?
*Trevor Filseth* *SR-71 Blackbird, * The lack of a successor, and the SR-71’s extreme capabilities, provided grist for the rumor mills that sprung up in the 1990s about a potential successor aircraft to the Blackbird. The SR-71 Blackbird, one of America’s fastest and most storied aircraft, was first retired by the U.S. Air Force in 1988. Although it was briefly brought back into service during the 1990s, it had been firmly grounded by the Air Force in 1998, and by NASA the following year. Strangely, although the normal cycle of military aircraft calls for each generation to be r... read more
Why Can’t the Japanese and Koreans Get Along?
*Doug Bandow* *Japan, Asia* Perhaps the Biden administration should moderate relations between its two squabbling allies. Another year is about to pass as a critical diplomatic stalemate continues. Some people had hoped that the recent political changes would jumpstart diplomatic talks, but so far there has been little movement. What can be done in the coming year to move diplomacy forward between Japan and South Korea? Tokyo recently swapped one Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) prime minister for another. Newly installed Fumio Kishida is a “dove” within the LDP system, who, rep... read more
What Will it Take to Turn Farmers Toward Climate-Resilient Superfood Millet?
Read the full story, “What Will it Take to Turn Farmers Toward Climate-Resilient Superfood Millet?”, on → read more
WFP appeals for greater support for Afghanistan as hunger increases
With millions in Afghanistan facing starvation as winter arrives, the World Food Programme (WFP) on Thursday urged countries to put politics aside and step up support to avert a potential catastrophe. Read the full story, “WFP appeals for greater support for Afghanistan as hunger increases”, on → read more
Burkina Faso facing ‘multitude of challenges’ – human rights chief Bachelet
Concluding a four-day to visit Burkina Faso, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said on Wednesday that the country faces “a multitude of challenges with severe impacts on a wide range of human rights of its people”. Read the full story, “Burkina Faso facing ‘multitude of challenges’ – human rights chief Bachelet”, on → read more
Trolls join UN campaign for healthier eating, sustainable living
The colourful characters from the Trolls movie franchise, are encouraging their fans to become food heroes through eating healthier, and reducing food waste. Read the full story, “Trolls join UN campaign for healthier eating, sustainable living”, on → read more
Global displacement rising despite lockdowns that kept billions grounded
There was a dramatic increase in internal displacement due to disasters, conflict and violence in 2020, but global mobility overall, ground to a halt due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. Read the full story, “Global displacement rising despite lockdowns that kept billions grounded”, on → read more
‘Unity’ of purpose and action needed: Guterres tells AU-UN Conference
For two decades, the African Union (AU) has been “a gold standard of regional co-operation”, Secretary-General António Guterres told the fifth UN-AU Annual Conference on Wednesday in New York. Read the full story, “‘Unity’ of purpose and action needed: Guterres tells AU-UN Conference”, on → read more
Landmark decision to negotiate new accord on pandemics ‘cause for hope’
Agreement by countries to launch a process to develop a new global accord on pandemic prevention and response is cause for hope, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday in Geneva. Read the full story, “Landmark decision to negotiate new accord on pandemics ‘cause for hope’”, on → read more
Town Fights Solar Industry; “It seems illogical to me to destroy the environment to protect the environment”
Activist Post – by BN Frank Maybe someday solar energy infrastructure will be safer and “greener” than it is today (see 1, 2, 3, 4). In the meantime, a... The post Town Fights Solar Industry; “It seems illogical to me to destroy the environment to protect the environment” appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Snopes.com3 hours ago
No Evidence Newsom Spent $29K Per Night for Cabo Vacation
The story was first reported by the California Globe. read more
Turcopolier3 hours ago
Alec Baldwin’s Unbelievable Claim About His Negligent Homicide
In a new interview with George Stephanopoulos, Alec Baldwin insists he did not pull the trigger. NONSENSE!! That is a lie. Here’s the ABC teaser: The gun that Baldwin fired is a period revolver (you can read my original post … Continue reading → read more
Snopes.com4 hours ago
Jacqueline Avant, Wife of Music Legend, Killed in Shooting
Jacqueline Avant, a Los Angeles philanthropist and the wife of legendary music executive Clarence Avant, was fatally shot at their home in Beverly Hills, California, early Wednesday, police said. read more
The US Manufactures Weapons And Consent: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
Listen to a reading of this article: ❖ The only manufacturing jobs left in the US are military weapons and consent. ❖ Gotta keep dropping bombs because they gotta keep making bombs. Gotta keep making bombs because they made the entire economy dependent on bomb-making. […] read more
Medical Kidnap4 hours ago
Why I am Proud to Wear the “Anti-Vaxx” Label – History and Science Show Vaccines Have NEVER Been Safe nor Effective
If you have been following the Alternative Media for any period of time now, seeking for the truth to combat the deception and lies that are coming from the pharma-funded corporate news media, you have undoubtedly heard testimonies from victims of the COVID-19 shots begin their testimony with the assertion: "I am not an anti-vaxxer." The presupposition that most of these people have, whether doctors or members of the public who were fooled into taking one of the COVID-19 gene-alerting shots, is that vaccines are generally safe and effective, but the COVID-19 shots are not, and sho... read more
Komando.com5 hours ago
150 HP printers vulnerable to hackers – Patch these flaws now
Two serious vulnerabilities would allow hackers to take control of devices and infiltrate networks. read more
Lawfare5 hours ago
Understanding the Pro-China Propaganda and Disinformation Tool Set in Xinjiang
A cell phone. (By: Tati Tata,; CC BY 2.0, In early October, the Twitter account of a vice president at an international private bank based in Monaco tweeted several times about life in Xinjiang, China. She shared videos of the white birch forests that beautify the region and spoke of her love of Xinjiang-style fried pork noodles. The account also posted a video of the Xinjiang cotton harvest, saying, “Mechanization helps the cotton industry improve quality and efficiency, and increase farmers’ income #Xin... read more
New Assyrian Patriarch Found a Home At Chicago Seminary
Patriarch Awa Royel.Chicago -- The University of St. Mary of the Lake counts plenty of Catholic prelates among the men who studied there. Now, it can count the leader of the Assyrian Church of the East. read more
David Morgan: We are in Need of a Great Financial Reset
Palisades Gold Radio Tom welcomes back experienced silver investor David Morgan to the show. David discusses the excessive risk created by the use of margin in markets. Excessive leverage led to the 1929 crash and the great depression. Investors can be wiped out if they are not careful. To subscribe to our newsletter and get … read more
Greece Mandates Vaccines for Adults Over 60 with Calls for Compulsory Vaccinations Echoing Across Europe
Greece Mandates Vaccines for Adults Over 60 with Calls for Compulsory Vaccinations Echoing Across Europe by BLUEAPPLES, Though it should be unsurprising, clown world has managed to find a way to continue to outdo itself. Despite initial analysis showing that the latest variant of SARS-COV-2 represents a significantly lower risk than its predecessors, governments … read more
US Officials Say Israel Was Behind Recent Cyberattack in Iran
US Officials Say Israel Was Behind Recent Cyberattack in Iran by Dave DeCamp, The attribution came ahead of renewed nuclear deal negotiations Citing unnamed US military officials, The New York Times reported Saturday that Israel was responsible for a recent cyberattack against civilian infrastructure in Iran that targeted gas stations. – The report said Israel was … read more
Jim Cramer Demands Biden Impose Military-Enforced Vaccine Mandate For All Americans
Jim Cramer Demands Biden Impose Military-Enforced Vaccine Mandate For All Americans by Tyler Durden, CNBC’s Jim Cramer has drawn quite a bit of attention to himself by demanding in a rant on his show “Mad Money” that President Biden impose a vaccine mandate, something that leaders in Europe are already discussing. Cramer’s plea comes … read more
DAVID SINCLAIR “One Therapy To Reverse All Hallmarks Of Aging” | Dr David Sinclair Interview Clips
Reverse Aging Revolution An increasing number of studies suggest the presence of a “metabolic clock” that controls aging. This clock involves the accumulation of metabolic alterations and a decline in metabolic homeostasis and biological fitness. There are nine cellular hallmarks of aging: telomere attrition, genomic instability, mitochondrial dysfunction, cellular senescence, stem cell exhaustion, loss of … read more
Why I am Proud to Wear the “Anti-Vaxx” Label – History and Science Show Vaccines Have NEVER Been Safe nor Effective
If you have been following the Alternative Media for any period of time now, seeking for the truth to combat the deception and lies that are coming from the pharma-funded corporate news media, you have undoubtedly heard testimonies from victims of the COVID-19 shots begin their testimony with the assertion: "I am not an anti-vaxxer." The presupposition that most of these people have, whether doctors or members of the public who were fooled into taking one of the COVID-19 gene-alerting shots, is that vaccines are generally safe and effective, but the COVID-19 shots are not, and sho... read more
Econlib3 hours ago
A boringly conventional contrarian
In my new book entitled “The Money Illusion”, I argue that a tight money policy by the Fed in 2008-09 largely caused the Great Recession. I’d guess that 99% of economists don’t agree with me on that point. That makes me a contrarian. But if I am a contrarian, it’s of a type that is […] The post A boringly conventional contrarian appeared first on Econlib. read more
War News Updates4 hours ago
EU Chief Wants To Start A Debate On Making Vaccines Mandatory
*BBC:* *Covid Omicron: Time to consider mandatory jabs, EU chief says* European Union countries should consider mandatory vaccination to combat Covid and the Omicron variant, the head of its Commission has said. Ursula von der Leyen said vaccines would be crucial in the fight against the "highly contagious" new variant. Some two dozen countries have reported cases of Omicron, and the EU has tightened travel restrictions since it was first reported earlier this month. European countries have also been facing a wider spike in cases. The World Health Organization (WHO), mean... read more
Resisting the jab, the mandate, the government
Why half of Americans may be rejecting the Biden mandates--and it's not necessarily just the virus jab. 1. Distrust of government agencies. The FBI and other agencies spied on Trump in 2016. They knew Clinton campaign had created the false documents. 2. Congress colluded. Especially Adam Schiff who kept insisting he had the evidence. 3. The Democrats paid for all that mess. 4. James Comey, a so-called Republican, knew about the scam. 5. Media colluded to flood every news report with Trump's guilt and the lies the Democrats and FBI created. Gaslighting around the clock. 6. Key Republica... read more
"Stock Market In Big Trouble; Economy On Life Support; Insiders Dumping Stocks"
Jeremiah Babe, PM 12/1/21: *"Stock Market In Big Trouble; * *Economy On Life Support; Insiders Dumping Stocks"* read more
balance104 hours ago
what is this difference between truth and error? Go if you please to 3:05 of this link until 4:55. Here Elizabeth Prophet reads a viewpoint on the identity of Shakespeare, thereby offering a possible solution to a mystery. The mystery is on one hand *what is this difference between truth and error? *and on the other hand *Who was Shakespeare?* But each person either weighs the challenge of truth vs. error and Who was Shakespeare? or does not weigh the challenge in the scales of honesty, faithfulness, decisiveness and common sense or does not do so at all. It does not mat... read more
"Container Shortage Triggers Freight Rate Spike Of 300 Percent As Port Congestion Worsens Worldwide"
*Full screen recommended.* *"Container Shortage Triggers Freight Rate Spike Of * *300 Percent As Port Congestion Worsens Worldwide"* by Epic Economist "Freight rates have fallen slightly in October, making some believe that the worst of the shipping crisis was over. Unfortunately, that hopeful perception didn't last more than a couple of weeks because last week freight rates rapidly spiked to a new record high. In less than 7 days, the benchmark Baltic Dry Index, which measures the movement of the global dry bulk commodities and also shipping prices, shot up by over 16 percent due t... read more
At *National Review,* Alexandra DeSanctis argues that sweet Amy Coney Barrett has been viciously libeled: *The Daily Beast Smears Justice Barrett* Reporting on today’s Supreme Court oral arguments in *Dobbs*, the *Daily Beast* asserts that Justice Amy Coney Barrett had “indicated she might not be inclined to protect a woman’s right to an abortion, suggesting it wasn’t necessary thanks to the option to give a child up for adoption.” (The headline of the piece is, incidentally, “Amy Coney Barrett Suggests Forced Pregnancy Is Fine Because of Adoption.”) No such thing happened. So th... read more
The Last Refuge4 hours ago
Joe Biden Compares The Shortage of Pet Food, Chemical and Raw Material Commodities to the Scarcity of Cabbage Patch Dolls
At some point you have to wonder if the Obama team behind the scenes is intentionally putting words in Biden’s teleprompter because they want him to be mocked in public. Earlier today Joe Biden compared the shortage of essential products, pet foods, raw materials, petroleum products and chemicals in the U.S. (due to his self-inflicted […] The post Joe Biden Compares The Shortage of Pet Food, Chemical and Raw Material Commodities to the Scarcity of Cabbage Patch Dolls appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Fast-Spreading Omicron Now Detected in 23 Countries
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Omicron, Americas* Dr. Anthony Fauci and other leading experts have sounded the alarm that the variant will likely enter U.S. borders relatively soon or could already be spreading in some states. The World Health Organization confirmed on Wednesday that twenty-three countries now have reported cases of the highly mutated omicron coronavirus variant that was first detected in southern Africa last week. “At least twenty-three countries from five of six WHO regions have now reported cases of omicron and we expect that number to grow,” WHO Director-General Ted... read more
ISIS Kill 5 Peshmerga in Ambush
*Trevor Filseth* *Peshmerga, Middle East* KRG President calls for greater integration and cooperation between the Peshmerga and the Iraqi Army, which has often attempted to constrain their role in post-ISIS Iraq. Five Kurdish “Peshmerga” fighters were killed, and four wounded, in an Islamic State (ISIS) attack on Friday, according to Iraq’s northeastern Kurdistan Regional Government. The attack, which took place in the northern Diyala province, consisted of a combined roadside bomb and sniper ambush. After the bomb detonated underneath a passing Peshmerga convoy, ISIS snipers ... read more
The Rio Times4 hours ago
These are the tourist destinations you must visit in 2022 in Colombia
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Although the economic reactivation is on the right track, there may still be many restrictions in different places or international destinations, that is why outdoor tourism is now a great ally of travelers. We have compiled some of the favorite destinations of travelers this vacation season, their attractions, and […] The post These are the tourist destinations you must visit in 2022 in Colombia appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Using Xinjiang to Destabilize China Has Long Been Planned by U.S. Govt
CGTN For more:… “America’s ‘Xinjiang game’ is part of a larger, long-term goal of encircling, containing and undermining China in a bid to maintain American hegemony across Asia,” Brian Berletic wrote on his blog Land Destroyer under his pen name Tony Cartalucci back in 2015, long before Xinjiang became the focus of the anti-China … read more
Ice-Free Arctic By The Year 2000
16 May 1972, 21 – The York Dispatch at read more
Action Alert: Contact your elected officials about The Real Anthony Fauci and demand a full investigation of “America’s Doctor”
In his bestselling book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense (CHD) board chair and lead counsel, exposes decades of federal health agency corruption, including collusion with the pharmaceutical industry, at the hands of Dr. Anthony Fauci during […] The post Action Alert: Contact your elected officials about The Real Anthony Fauci and demand a full investigation of “America’s Doctor” appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Cairns News5 hours ago
Kiwi church leaders defy Ardern’s threats to vaccinate or face a $15k fine
By TONY MOBILIFONITISA FEISTY Kiwi pastor has told Jacinda Ardern and her Labor Party vaccination cabal to shove their shots and get their noses out of church business. Ardern is threatening to fine church leaders $15,000 if they are not vaccinated by December 3. Pastor Carl Bromley of the Life Connection Missionary Baptist Fellowship in […] read more
The New Dark Age5 hours ago
Mass vaccination fails to halt Covid transmission rates – study
Successful vaccine rollouts have failed to stop Covid transmission, with new data showing the prevalence of the virus increasing in fully jabbed individuals, according to a medical study in The Lancet. read more
”we are unleashing hell on Australia”
Experts say global warming will kill almost 95% of the world’s population in the next thirty years. “‘For humanity, it’s a matter of life or death … we will not make all human beings extinct, as a few people with … Continue reading → read more
2010 : “scientists call for rationing in developed world”
“Professor Kevin Anderson, Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, said the only way to reduce global emissions enough, while allowing the poor nations to continue to grow, is to halt economic growth in the rich world over … Continue reading → read more
Pension Pulse3 hours ago
OTPP Acquires Big Stake in NextEra Energy's Renewable Assets
David Milstead of the Globe and Mail reports that Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan is investing US$1-billion in US alternative energy assets: Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan will put more than US$1-billion into a U.S. renewable-energy company to acquire part ownership of a collection of wind and solar assets. *Teachers said Tuesday it will pay US$849-million for a 50-per-cent share of 13 generation plants and storage facilities in nine U.S. states currently owned by NextEra Energy Resources LLC. The assets generate or store a total of 2,520 megawatts of energy, with about one-third of... read more
Unprecedented Water Restrictions Point to Urgency of Ending Corporate Water Abuse
Environmental advocates demand end to corporate water guzzling. The post Unprecedented Water Restrictions Point to Urgency of Ending Corporate Water Abuse appeared first on Food & Water Watch. read more
Pottersville Digest
------------------------------ Expect Trump to crow about this like a cockerel on a dunghill in 3... 2... 1... ------------------------------ A Democratic lawmaker was given a video of a deputy in her husband's department rioting at the Capitol. She passed the video on to Ken Stolle, the Republican sheriff. He responded by firing her husband. ------------------------------ Cops are just serial killers with coffee makers and pensions. ------------------------------ Saying this brain-dead gym rat is on a power trip would be the understatement of the decade. --------... read more
War News Updates5 hours ago
U.S. Survey: Confidence In Military Continues To Fall After Afghanistan Withdrawal
UK coalition forces, Turkish coalition forces, and U.S. Marines assist a child during an evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport, Kabul, Afghanistan, in August. (Staff Sgt. Victor Mancilla/Marine Corps) *Military Times*: *Confidence in military continues to fall after Afghanistan withdrawal: survey* The American people are continuing to lose confidence in the military, according to a new survey published Wednesday, but more research will be necessary to dig into why. For the third year in a row, since it launched in 2018, the Reagan Institute’s national defense survey... read more
Yvette Cooper's Peculiar Fandom
Having just sacked the previous shadow home secretary for resembling a shadow more than a home secretary, whom from the firmament of dazzling stars on Labour's backbenches might you select for the position? Someone who flipped their home three times during the MPs' expenses crisis? Might be a bit risky what with parliamentary corruption in the news. How about someone who designed and implemented the hated Work Capability Assessment, which forced hundreds of thousands of physically disabled and mentally unwell people through a set of Mickey Mouse tests on pain of destitution? Or an... read more
The Rio Times5 hours ago
Pre-Inca mummy found in Peru tied with ropes
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Peruvian archaeologists found a pre-Inca mummy between 1,200 and 800 years old tied with ropes while excavating in an ancient urban mud complex on the outskirts of Lima. The remains belong to a male person who would have been between 18 and 22 years old at the time of his […] The post Pre-Inca mummy found in Peru tied with ropes appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times5 hours ago
Ecuador decided to keep its land border with Peru closed to prevent the entry of the Omicron variant
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador has informed that the land border it shares with Peru will remain closed as part of the prevention and control of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and its new variants. This is even though the Peruvian government has announced the reopening of […] The post Ecuador decided to keep its land border with Peru closed to prevent the entry of the Omicron variant appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times5 hours ago
Chile’s Codelco foresees copper price around US$3.80 – US$3.90 per pound next year
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Looking ahead to 2022, the executive president of Codelco, the world's largest copper mine, Octavio Araneda, said on Wednesday that they foresee a copper price of around US$3.80 - US$3.90 per pound next year, being a little lower than the one reached in the current year. In the framework of […] The post Chile’s Codelco foresees copper price around US$3.80 – US$3.90 per pound next year appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
War News Updates5 hours ago
What The Leaked Video Tells Us About The F-35 Crash From The British Flag Ship Carrier The HMS Queen Elizabeth
*SandBoxx:* *What leaked footage tells us about the British F-35 crash* On November 17, a British-flagged F-35 Joint Strike Fighter crashed shortly after takeoff during routine flight operations from the British flag ship carrier, the HMS Queen Elizabeth. Now, leaked footage of the incident shows that the aircraft never even left the deck of the vessel before plummeting off the edge into the water below. As you can see in the footage, the F-35 is approaching the ramp at end of the carrier’s flight deck when it seems to decelerate at the worst possible time. As it reaches the ... read more
The F-35C Will Define the Power Projection of the U.S. Carrier Strike Group
*Mark Episkopos* *F-35C, * As a fifth-generation stealth fighter, the F-35C is more survivable than the Super Hornet. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *The Navy aims to accept as many as 273 F-35C fighter jets into service, a procurement that will transform U.S. naval aviation and define the power projection capabilities of the American carrier strike group for decades to come. Unmatched in its performance and versatility, the F-35C fighter jet is set to revolutionize the Navy’s carrier air wing. *The Variants * Although commonly referred to in the singular, Lockheed Marti... read more
America's B-1 Bombers are in Terrible Shape
*David Axe* *B-1 Bombers, * The B-21 can't come soon enough. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *And the B-1’s readiness woes could force the Air Force to buy the B-21s more quickly, as the older swing-wing bombers might not last into the 2030s. Just seven of the U.S. Air Force’s 61 B-1 bombers are fully mission-capable, South Dakota senator Mike Rounds revealed on July 30, 2019. The B-1 shortfall could weigh on the Air Force’s plans for a new bomber. Fifteen of the swing-wing B-1s are in depots for maintenance. Thirty-nine aircraft are down for inspections, Rounds said during a... read more
Millennium Challenge: Iran Destroyed America In a War Game
*David Axe* *Iranian Military, Persian Gulf* Something to keep in mind. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *If Iran actually were to deploy Van Riper’s brutally effective tactics, it just might inflict even more damage than Van Riper’s own hamstrung forces did in their simulated, and rigged, war. As tensions escalate in the Persian Gulf region, it’s worth recalling a 2002 Pentagon war game in which a U.S. Marine Corps played the part of an enemy commander waging a bloody defensive campaign against a much more powerful U.S. force. Lt. Gen. Paul Van Riper’s own hodgepodge of troo... read more
bilaterals.org5 hours ago
La Vía Campesina: “Prosperidad para pocxs, pobreza para muchxs” la OMC y los Acuerdos de Libre Comercio le han fallado a la humanidad
01-Dec-2021 A continuación, presentamos un breve resumen de las últimas tres décadas, una época en la que la OMC posicionaba a la vanguardia en la elaboración de normas comerciales multilaterales para mejorar la “cooperación mundial”. read more
Food Safety News5 hours ago
Bread packaging error leads to recall in four states
Calise & Sons Bakery Inc. produced Italian Scala Bread but packaged it in another product’s bags, prompting the company to initiate a recall. Italian Scala bread with sesame seeds was packaged as golden flax seed Scala bread, according to the company’s recall notice posted by the Food and Drug Administration. The bread was distributed to... Continue Reading read more
The New Dark Age6 hours ago
New update: Let’s stop Covid passes across the UK
Last week, Scotland dropped plans to expand their vaccine passport scheme and in fact added testing as an option. We've reviewed their new 70 page Covid passport report, and it's damning - it found no evidence at all, in two months of their vaccine passport scheme, that it had any benefit to public health. We're telling them to scrap the entire scheme. read more
IER7 hours ago
Carbon Tax Recap, November 2021
In June, Reuters reported that Indonesia’s finance minister had proposed a tax of $5.20 per tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent… The post Carbon Tax Recap, November 2021 appeared first on IER. read more
Report: Student Debt and the Class of 2020
The Institute for College Access and Success recently released a report on student debt loads among borrowers who graduated in... read more
Stakeholders Assess the State of the Free Community College Movement
Although many community colleges have faced gradual enrollment losses, the pandemic further exacerbated the crisis... read more
"A Look to the Heavens"
"A gorgeous spiral galaxy some 100 million light-years distant, NGC 1309 lies on the banks of the constellation of the River (Eridanus). NGC 1309 spans about 30,000 light-years, making it about one third the size of our larger Milky Way galaxy. Bluish clusters of young stars and dust lanes are seen to trace out NGC 1309's spiral arms as they wind around an older yellowish star population at its core. Not just another pretty face-on spiral galaxy, observations of NGC 1309's recent supernova and Cepheid variable stars contribute to the calibration of the expansion of the Universe. St... read more

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