Saturday, October 09, 2021

9 October - iG Tab - 9

  • Biden calls for patience to pass bipartisan infrastructure bill; Reconciliation bill likely to shrink below $3.5tr target; Neocons scare liberals with defeatist putsch scenarios, but forget Trump lacks magical powers; Government shutdown...

    7 days ago
  • Arizona election fraudit by cyber-nimrods ends in humiliating fiasco for MAGAts, confirming Biden win; On orders from Trump, Texas launches own fraudit; Pennsylvania GOP wants to intimidate all voters; Trump sponsors puppet secretaries...

    14 days ago
  • Newsom’s landslide win in California recall marks failure for GOP‘s anti-social ”health freedom” demagogy: Silent Majority of Vaccinated emerges despite media focus on loudmouth rejection front; Time for Dems to take gloves...

    21 days ago

Sustainable Pulse

  • The Swiss National Council (lower house of the Swiss Federal Assembly, the parliament of Switzerland) has extended the moratorium on the cultivation of genetically modified plants in agriculture by another four years until the end of...

    3 days ago
  • Guilty! Many of us in the regenerative agriculture movement describe the world’s soils as a “sink” into which excess atmospheric carbon can be stored, and we’ve been wrong. That mistake has diminished the appeal of our concepts and...

    9 days ago
  • Street and online people’s protests against the ‘global corporate food empire’ greeted the opening of the UN Food Systems Summit (UN FSS), as the Global People’s Summit (GPS) on Food Systems launched a Global Day of Action on the third...

    16 days ago

sunshine hours

Stagecraft and Statecraft

  • Naypyitaw’s generals treated as bigger threat than the terrorists controlling Kabul Brahma Chellaney, Nikkei Asia No sooner had the Taliban completed their lightning-quick conquest of Afghanistan than U.S. Secretary of State Antony...

    8 days ago
  • BRAHMA CHELLANEY, The Globe and Mail There is an old Chinese idiom: “Kill the chicken to scare the monkey.” And in the political crossfire between Washington and Beijing over the 2018 Canadian arrest of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou on...

    9 days ago
  • The Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, the greatest jihadist victory in modern times, will give rise to a terrorist super-state that serves as a magnet for violent Islamists from around the world. The US-led global war on terror, which...

    18 days ago
  • Anybody remember the putative justification for U.S. forces in Vietnam ? 'Global war of terror'

  • seems to have generated its own 'Domino Theory'

Ramani's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog



NEPC Blog Post of the Day

Victor Davis Hanson Private Papers

  • Conceived in Liberty: Season 2, Episode 1 – Victor Davis Hanson from Ben Hannemann on Vimeo.

    2 months ago
  • Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Americans are growing angrier by the day in a way different from prior sagebrush revolts such as the 1960s Silent Majority or Tea Party furor of over a decade ago. The rage at the current status quo this...

    2 months ago
  • By any empirical measure, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has proven utterly disingenuous, and far more so than average politicians. Unlike other political mediocrities, his inanities have led to roughly 13,000 unnecessary deaths or more...

    2 months ago

The Moderate Voice


  • Board appointments represent highly lucrative career trajectories for former politicians. We investigate which types of legislators are more likely to gain board service. Leveraging comprehensive data on the board service of former...

    5 hours ago
  • That is the main topic of my latest Bloomberg column.  Here is one bit: Even if the attendees are wearing masks at the beginning, the masks come off once they start wining and dining — and they usually don’t go back on. Isn’t this a sign that...

    7 hours ago
  • ChessCoach is a neural network-based chess engine capable of natural-language commentary. Via Zach Valenta. The post ChessCoach appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.

    18 hours ago

Lloyd Lofthouse

  • Originally posted on Diane Ravitch's blog: Denis Smith worked for many years in the Ohio State Department of Education, finishing his career in the Office of Charter Schools. He writes in the Ohio Capital Journal about the existential threat…...

    6 days ago
  • I’m a former U.S. Marine and was sent to Vietnam in late 1965. I returned home to the states in December 1966. At the end of the Vietnam War, according to, about 7,000 people were evacuated by helicopter from various … Continue...

    a month ago
  • Originally posted on Diane Ravitch's blog: To all those patriots out there who are “resisting” mandates for vaccines and masks, please read this. George Washington was not only “First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts…...

    a month ago

MintPress News

Made from Truth and Lies

  • Lateral flow tests: Health chiefs probe 'high number' of positive rapid Covid tests followed by negative PCRs(tags:pandemic weird )Edinburgh's former Royal High school: Lease granted for music school trust(tags:edinburgh school history...

    an hour ago
  • World's largest floating wind farm planned off Dounreay in Scotland(tags:windpower scotland sea )When art is drawn from life, who owns it, and who can write about it?(tags:art organdonor viaSwampers writing intellectual_property )Worst...

    a day ago
  • JCVI facing calls from within for greater transparency over decision-making(tags:vaccination children UK )Boris Johnson's social care plan will require big council tax rises(tags:tax care uk )PM's 'high wage' vision blasted as economically...

    2 days ago

  • I watched “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix the other day. It was a very compelling show, semi-documentary style, that is, it was mostly documentary but they did have sort of a story woven through it, a sort of a dramatic … Continue reading...

    4 hours ago
  • We got to the Daniela Šafránková’s vernissage right on time, which is a very un-Prague thing to do, for most scheduled events it is standard to arrive about a half hour late and you’re still the first one there. Well, … Continue reading...

    2 days ago
  • I didn’t write a blog last night, because I was binge watching Voyager, including the unimatrix zero episodes, which I definitely consider a highlight, perhaps the highlight of the series, and then I sat down at the computer and got … Continue...

    2 days ago

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