Saturday, October 09, 2021

9 October - iG Tab - 11

 The American Dream


Dandelion Salad

The Economic Collapse

  • Something really strange is going on, and none of the “experts” can explain why it is happening.  Right now, there are more jobs available than ever before.  In fact, according to one recent measure there were nearly 11 million job openings...

    11 hours ago
  • This is going to be one tough winter.  On top of everything else we are facing, a very alarming energy crisis is rapidly growing all over the world.  Supplies of natural gas and coal are getting tighter by the day, and this is dramatically affecting...

    a day ago
  • If you feel like global events are about to hit a dramatic turning point, you are definitely not alone.  Lately, I have been hearing from so many people that are feeling such a sense of dread about the days that are ahead of us.  It kinds of reminds...

    3 days ago

Eurasia Review

Geoengineering Watch

  • Dane Wigington Supply chains are rapidly breaking down along with the remaining life support systems of the planet. In the skies above the ongoing climate intervention operations continue to wreak havoc on...

    7 days ago
  • Dane Wigington Wildfire roulette continues to take a terrible toll in Northern California. The climate engineering cabal has relentlessly cut of the flow of moisture into much of the US West. Ionosphere heater...

    13 days ago
  • Dane Wigington Covert climate engineering operations are further fueling fire / flood scenarios. The US West continues to bake and burn while other parts of the country have received constant rain and frequent...

    13 days ago


  •          If you’re a frequent reader, you know that all our kids are hilarious. And quick. We’re planning a trip with them and I can’t wait.          Meanwhile, here’s a sampling of what I can look forward to:          ...

    4 days ago
  •         What would you do if two policemen knocked on your door, said they were investigating a murder, and asked where you were on the night of September 15th? In order, I would wet my pants, scream, and then ask if I could please check my calendar. ...

    11 days ago
  •          Here’s what you expect when you host an evening for the teenagers in your church: You expect them to gather in your twinkle-lit backyard and hear spiritual messages.           Here is what you do not expect: A gathering...

    18 days ago


  • Israel lobby takes back the Labour Party Asa Winstanley, Electronic Intifada, Oct 9 2021 Lisa Nandy (LFI/Twitter) Last week at the UK Labour Party’s annual conference, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign celebrated a victory for the boycott...

    11 minutes ago
  • Former Australian PM Kevin Rudd Attacks Tucker Carlson, Defends Brutal Sadism of the Science Andrew Anglin, Daily Stormer, Oct 9 2021 Kevin Rudd is a champion of the science and its plan to crush the Australian people Australian pundit and...

    5 hours ago
  • Shame on colleges preparing American kids for the ‘real world’ by teaching them to become master snitches Helen Buyniski,, Oct 7 2021 University of Michigan student protests returning to in-person classes. Photo: Emily Elconin/Reuters...

    6 hours ago

Inter Press ServiceInter Press Service

The Moderate Voice

Mother Jones

The Watchers - Editor's Picks

WebMD Health


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